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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 163 KB, 1267x600, 40100276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11678200 No.11678200 [Reply] [Original]

-Winter is Coming-
Previous Thread: >>11669677

English Wiki
Recent Updates

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

Also, please be considerate with those screencaps. At least delete them when they're not relevant anymore.

To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11678207

Please don't post images of the cute and perfect Tenryuu-chan crossing over with awful anime.

>> No.11678215
File: 42 KB, 517x541, 1426322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this somewhere on the interwebz. It's kinda risky to use it as OP image, though.

>> No.11678219
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>> No.11678223


>> No.11678220

If it isn't too much to ask, please remake the thread.
I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.11678224

Threads can't be deleted. You'll just have to suck it up.

>> No.11678228

No it's not, it's SFW

>> No.11678229

OP here. Just a random post from one of my friends in the interwebz who does some decent shops...

inb4 OP has friends.

>> No.11678240
File: 1.60 MB, 2896x2000, 1386176896400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone excited for the next comiket? Think of all the porn.

>> No.11678246

I want my SFW doujins.

>> No.11678250

What about?
Everything that can be done has already been done on pixiv.

>> No.11678253

A ton of the shit that "has been done" on Pixiv is only previews.

>> No.11678254

>Everything that can be done has already been done on pixiv
I don't think so, look at touhou.

>> No.11678258
File: 42 KB, 646x325, 1385629830103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait, Admirals.

>> No.11678271

Please refrain from ever making a thread or even posting again, thanks.

>> No.11678282
File: 58 KB, 1024x801, 1384657114084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This post reeks cancer. I bet you came from the English Wiki.

Please refrain from posting again here normal cis scum.

>> No.11678290

Ninety percent of completely retarded posts are made by people exclusively out to stir up shit.

>> No.11678292

93% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

>> No.11678301

100% of this thread is shit, someone make a new one and let this thing die

>> No.11678303

Do you really expect people not to shit up the next one?

>> No.11678306

I'm so close to Yuudachi kai 2, I am prepared for the poi.

>> No.11678310

It will have a good OP image instead of some shitty crossover and the shitposting will disappear when the janitor shows up and starts deleting everything so I dont see the problem

>> No.11678312

To most people it's just a parody of a show they're not watching. I don't see why you would care.

>> No.11678315

/jp/ hates anime that isn't Milky Holmes.
/jp/ especially hates KlK and asukaspammer.

>> No.11678347
File: 49 KB, 638x817, 1385604044957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is truly saddening, the fact that we are being raided by /a/ crossboarder faggots since there was a thread of Kancolle there and English Wiki/Facebook normal cancers.

Of course the OP of this thread as well.

>> No.11678351

Seriously people, how hard is it to not talk about cancer and just ignore them?

>> No.11678356
File: 962 KB, 981x770, 1385912272185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't even begun. Why didn't you listen.

>> No.11678359

What is KTKM doing to ZKMS?

>> No.11678361

>what's name of this anime?

The rage of a thousand blinding white hot suns.

>> No.11678366

Peter Payne's been doing that for years with Touhou and the threads haven't gotten THAT much shittier.

>> No.11678373
File: 283 KB, 1920x1080, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It hasn't even begun.

But its getting there.

>> No.11678379


>> No.11678377

Wow, fb linking to /jp/

Well, that's it fellow teitoku, it was nice knowing you

>> No.11678380

Look at the date, thats october 10

>> No.11678381

It's because people who follow his posts most likely know what Touhou is. He was just capitalizing on interest.
However, with Kancolle, he's literally bringing people who don't know what it is into the fandom to try and generate sales.

>> No.11678383

It has no comments or likes and the person who posted it doesn't even have a profile picture (maybe because it isn't a real account). I have a hard time believing anybody gave a shit.

>> No.11678395

That's because /jp/ is literally the only American-speaking place to talk about kancolle.
And no one on /jp/ is motivated enough to make a site that might divert all of the newfags.

>> No.11678397

You guys haven't seen worse. They also made a Kancolle group and even linking it up in the wiki.

>> No.11678402

is the wiki not enough?

>> No.11678407

>That's because /jp/ is literally the only American-speaking place to talk about kancolle.
There's also /a/ and Tumblr and now even (apparently) a Facebook group.

>> No.11678410

Who uses a wiki to talk to others?
I'm thinking a more traditional forum like shrinemaiden or something.
Of course the problem there is getting people to start going there instead of /jp/.

And reddit too.

>> No.11678416

Ask wakachan to open a new board or something like that.

>> No.11678438

The question is: who gives a shit? let's talk about the fucking game instead.

>> No.11678441

It's really ironic when people who complains about facebook being shit post pictures of facebook.

>> No.11678445

/jp/ - irony and meta

>> No.11678459
File: 1.11 MB, 800x1131, 40046364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting about characters is infinitely more interesting than posting about the game unless you've actually found something new, which nobody here ever does.

>> No.11678467

Can we rape those faeries? Because the one with witch hat looks nice.

>> No.11678469

I don't think it'll fit.

>> No.11678482

You'll get fucked over by them instead

>> No.11678539
File: 109 KB, 795x478, 2-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is this because of double line? The fucker is the weakest of the bunch, doesn't even have ASW equipment and we had parallel combat.

>> No.11678617


Thanks for your help in shitting up /jp/.
Do that again pls

>> No.11678620

Is this actually fun? Or just addictive?

>> No.11678640

Addictive because the girls are adorable. I have a hard time classifying anything in this game except collecting ship daughters as fun since it's all RNG bullshit.

But my girls are worth it.

>> No.11678646

Gambling is fun and the whole game is pretty much based on gambling. So yes, it's fun.

>> No.11678651

It's kinda like Pokemon online where the shipgirls are the pokemon.
It's fun in one way but tiresome in another.

>> No.11678660

Think of it as Pokemon but every attack is like they're on confusion and when their hp is 0 they don't faint. They sink and they're gone forever and you have to find a new one if you accidentally sink any of them.

>> No.11678668

That whole confusion part bothers me. Whats the point of admirals if they're going to fuck about shooting at whatever they please. At least give us an ability to designate priority targets, so they have a higher chance to be randomly targeted.

>> No.11678670

Shit, the admiral doesnt even decide where the fleets go. The sadistic compass fairies do that job. We're nothing more than glorified military base administrators.

>> No.11678674

But that's the story of a lot of IJN battles.

>> No.11678682

Composition, equipment, fleet movement and formation. Well, it's not like you're on the bridge of every ship at once, but it still is annoying. The worst is when when you have LCs and DDs who would wreck face in night combat... if it weren't for that one submarine.

>> No.11678678

Now it all makes sense, you're absolutely right. Even right down to the DD suicide rushing events.

>> No.11678681

We're here to raise morale and waste resources. Apparently these fairies are our tacticians.

>> No.11678690

The wiki is being slow as shit.

>> No.11678700

That fight is definitely interesting in the setup. It actually shows that there's more to the game than just RNG.

>> No.11678703

it's a DDoS attack to keep all the normals away!

>> No.11678710
File: 19 KB, 166x52, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do furniture boxes exceed 99?
Thinking of opening them for Christmas

>> No.11678719

It's probably just like buckets, shows 99 but you can have countless, although it's a big gamble to take.

>> No.11678754

It's probably just the item page capping at 99 like buckets and development tools and stuff. If it doesn't work though, you still have shittons of furniture boxes so who cares.

>> No.11678771

nah,its just bad luck

>> No.11678776

Is it even possible to have both endless resources and also a good teitoku rank? trying to get to marshall but it's all steadily dropping.

>> No.11678815
File: 74 KB, 247x205, Screenshot 2013-12-04 22.25.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker on 3-2.
I hate him (her?) so much

>> No.11678826


I fucking hate her/him

>> No.11678834

It's depressing, really. This game is an accurate representation of the Imperial high command during WW2 when it comes to decision making by field commanders.

The HQ might as well as to rely on some trolling RNG when it comes to overall tactics.

>> No.11678836

Pretty sure the IJN just rolled dices for every decision during the war.

>> No.11678840

They did. It was one massive gamble after another. They got holo craft out of Pearl Harbor as a good roll for example.

>> No.11678849

If it's bad for you, imagine how bad it must be for the deep sea fleet. When they mass carriers your fleet bristles with AA weapons, when they have surface fleets you bring all cannons, and when you're set upon by wolf packs you mysteriously have all your ASW ready to go.

Almost as if their naval codes had been cracked and their entire order of battle posted for everyone to see.

>> No.11678846
File: 19 KB, 492x360, recon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They failed in the Recon phase during Midway :/

>> No.11678858

Filthy nips just didn't have shit on the world's greatest Navy, its no wonder they got completely destroyed while running back to their shitty country.

>> No.11678862

Why, that sounds like what happened to IJN and the kriegsmarine when the enigma was cracked...

>> No.11678864

It wasn't the world's greatest navy on Dec. 8 1941, but we managed to conjure one out of thin air because we had resource hacks on.

>> No.11678878

Greatest navy status came by Midway. That was a victory for the ages. It's the American Trafalgar in a way.

>> No.11678882

I still think the fact enemy CVLs can't hit your SS definitely makes all the flagship bullshit Ru and Wo being able to shoot planes at night a decent tradeoff

>> No.11678884

differences in ASW doctrine, that is all.

>> No.11678886

considering how great CVL work against subs that doesn't seem to be a disadvantage

>> No.11678890

What I really worry about is how they avoid becoming natural reefs. Regular old ships end up as coral heavens a couple decades after they sink, so these WWII-era war princesses should be encrusted from head to toe with sponges and suffer equipment failures because some damn moray got into their main cannon again.

It was coming for a long while, though. Even if USA lost Midway, it would still have more carriers and more carrier-bound aircraft in Pacific within a single year. You'd need 4-5 Japans to match their production capacity.

>> No.11678891

>Four Japanese aircraft carriers—Akagi, Kaga, Soryu and Hiryu, all part of the six-carrier force that had attacked Pearl Harbor six months earlier—and a heavy cruiser were sunk at a cost of one American aircraft carrier and a destroyer.


>> No.11678889

let's not forget that IJN simply couldn't recover planes at night. It's not exactly cakewalk to land on a carrier in the first place...

>> No.11678894

mind you, US lost 1 more Yorktown class... leaving Big E all by herself.

>> No.11678895

This is jp, get the fuck out, murrikkan patriots.

>> No.11678897

Midway was an intelligence coup above all. If the planes had gone up earlier and the Carrier Strike Force hadn't been sent way ahead in the interests of surprise it could have turned out differently.

A huge factor in Japan's getting crushed all over the ocean was better tacticians and intelligence from the American side.

>> No.11678898

Anon in Japan bash their wartime high command even harder. They do shower praises for field commanders and shit of course.

>> No.11678899

It was more that I didn't realize the nips lost carriers that participated in their gooky attack at pearl harbour.

>> No.11678904

you think they'd throw those ships away after using them once?

>> No.11678909

I don't know, Pearl Harbor was kind of a high point for these carriers. Better quit while you're ahead.

>> No.11678910

I don't know how you interpreted it like that, I meant that they lost them there only six months later.

>> No.11678916

Those carriers kept racking up kills around the Indian ocean. Akagi for one sank 2 British CAs and stuff. You can say that the IJN got complacent.

>> No.11678934
File: 162 KB, 1392x942, Shattered Sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> complacent
Pretty much. According to Shattered Swords, the war games for planning MI found many faults with the plans, but Yamamoto didn't change a single thing.

Not to mention the IJN not even trying to bring Zuikaku to Midway, when she had over 50 aircraft counting Shoukaku's, which might have given them just enough aircraft to not suffer losing all fleet carriers present at Midway. Let's also not forget how the green Gokousen was sent for Port Moresby when they knew that the USN CVs were lurking around.

The list of faults goes on.

>> No.11678947
File: 230 KB, 1161x704, mutsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question. Should I just give up on crafting Nagato if I've gotten Mutsu as a drop? Nagato is the only craftable BB that I am missing now...

>> No.11678951

It's nice to have 2 Nagato-class for clearing maps, but she's not necessary.

>> No.11678972

If you don't have the CAvs, then 400/30/600/30 isn't so bad a recipe. But if you only have Nagato left from the BB recipe, it's best not to bother.

>> No.11679041

If I have an overage of midget sub, is it worth to put them on subs for the additional +2 torp power?

>> No.11679045

Probably yes.

>> No.11679049


I think turbines and cut-ins are better than midget subs.

>> No.11679050

Holy shit, Makigumo's damaged sprite is hot.

>> No.11679051

Imuya doesn't really have much luck in the way of cut-in btw. 2 minisubs is just fine.

>> No.11679096

I just completed 5-1 the first time I entered the map.
Is that an achievement?
If it is so easy, should I come back to farm for Aki/Yuugumo or maybe Shoukaku here?

>> No.11679107

So... is there actually a point to running non-Kongou battleships? I mean yes personal preference, I love me some fusou/yamashiro, but it just seems like the Kongous win out on pretty much everything (Fast speed for minor eva bonus in fast fleets, faster/cheaper repairs, lower supply costs, same weapons) in return for losing... AP ammo (use the slot for something else goddamn). Their max stats are so close to even Nagato/Mutsu class that it seems like a waste to deal with slow BBs when you can just throw a shrine maiden or four at the abyss fleet instead.

I mean, yeah Nagato class has better base stats for the most part, but Kongou class superior evasion and nearly-as-good caps pretty much removes that advantage as soon as you realize there's this thing called modernization.

(will give Yamato/Musashi a bye, despite their insane costs, due to huge firepower being potentially worthwhile for certain difficult maps)

>> No.11679123

You can't hear Yamashiro's MVP line if you don't put her in your fleet.

>> No.11679181

I used to think like you until I got to 5-2.
Having a Nagato class really make a huge difference in making you getting a S rank consistently. With the type91 ammo, Nagato class regularly one shot the ta class BB. Stats dont mean much but equipment does.

>> No.11679193

They are old hags, and they can't even equip Type 91 shells. Hyuuga and Ise have better evasion stat until the cap. Hyuuga and Ise had as many main guns (8) as the Kongou-class even after their aviation reconstruction, in history.

>> No.11679198

type 91 makes a huge difference, my Nagato has one shot Le and Ta class flagships even she is in the orange.

>> No.11679203
File: 150 KB, 709x544, kongou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am wondering if Kongou Kai 2 and Hiei Kai 2 are good enough to phase out the Fusos. Sure, you can't put AP shell on'em, but they have pretty decent stats.

>> No.11679211

Fusos are garbage. Ugly and has terrible stats. If you want aviation BB, stick with Ise.

>> No.11679210

I like running one Kongou and one Nagato class or two and two if I'm going with a 4 BB set up

I feel like Yamato/Musashi firepower stats hardly make a difference. They feel the same as any BB except more tanky

>> No.11679216

>Fast speed for minor eva bonus in fast fleets
There is no evasion boost but there is a negligible decrease in mixed fleets, although this might change in the future.

> faster/cheaper repairs
For the former, buckets. For the latter, this only holds true for 1st remodels. Kai-2 Kongo-class ships are the most expensive bar Yamato-class.

>lower supply
Not universally. They're the most fuel-efficient until Kai-2. For ammo, BBVs are always cheaper.

>max stats are so close to even Nagato/Mutsu class
Looking at the magnitude of the differences between Kongo and Nagato-classes, we could use the same reasoning to say that other low-speed BBs are comparable to Kongo-class. Evasion included.

>shrine maiden
I don't know about Nagato, but the other BBs look like shrine maidens to me.

>> No.11679218



CL class confirmed to be focus on next Christmas event.

>> No.11679223

goddammit, I will never get my 401.
5.5kt means it's not gonna be Sakawa, but I hope I'll have another chance at Yahagi.

>> No.11679244

I don't know which ship would have that kind of tonnage. I-400 class has displacement of 6560 tonnes,

>> No.11679249

Either Sendai-class or Nagara-class. Possibly also Kuma-class.

>> No.11679255

But all of them have been introduced already. I can't imagine any of them getting a kai 2 treatment..

maybe Kiso? She did survive Leyte.

>> No.11679266

> Kiso
Is it finally her time for 40 barrels of torpedoes?
As if... Probably a kai1 sprite update if it's her ;_;

Since it mentions northern "area", it's probably referring to Operation AL, and only Kuma-class CLs participated in that if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.11679328

It's cold today...Don't let the cold and weariness get to you and keep on fighting! Speaking of cold, the new servers are in the Northern area [in the Kuril islands]. From the 5th Fleet which defended the northern front, it seems a certain 5,500t class ship is warming up her northern camouflage. Look forward to it!

5,500t gives me Sendai-, Kuma-, and Nagara-class, while 5th fleet gives me Kuma- and Nagara-class ships. The only ships involved with the 5th fleet which also mention camouflage are Kiso and Tama.

>> No.11679336

I hope it's Kiso she's at least level 25. While Tama is the first ship I sunk.

>> No.11679337

Please be Tama.

>> No.11679338

This is where Kiso grows a beard and Tama becomes a cat-girl.

>> No.11679340

I guess I should really get to leveling my CLs, the only leveled CL I have is Kuma at level 50~

>> No.11679364

>no Isuzu
Come on dude, she's great. Except for those massive unneeded breasts.

>> No.11679367

I like Isuzu but not enough to use her in my main fleet, planning on leveling Abukuma, Noshiro and Kuma to cover all my CL needs

>> No.11679387

How long did it take for you to get through each world?

>> No.11679396

So far 3-2 is the first I'm stuck and mostly due to having to level my DDs for that.

>> No.11679401

No idea.
Started on october, probably around 2weeks to beat 2-4 and then another week to beat 3-2. After that I just stockpile resources to beat the event.
After the even, I cleared everything up to 5-2. Havent attempt 5-3 yet because the drop list doesnt have anything I want.

>> No.11679406

I started in October, and I am now doing 3-4 and 4-4. What did it take to get through 3-4 for you?

>> No.11679408

I used 3BB 3CV

>> No.11679428
File: 239 KB, 1160x708, 3-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cleared it after your post. I keep getting redirected to E and not NE on point H, and I was starting to wonder if subs can't make it to the boss.

>> No.11679481
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 0456891b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official: Japs consider KanColle to be less P2W compared to other games.

>> No.11679486

It was never doubted that Kan Colle was easy on the wallet.

>> No.11679485


I think KanColle isn't P2W, as the game works on pure lack in almost everything

>> No.11679488



>> No.11679491

I'd agree. The only thing you have to pay for is the shop items and even that's optional. Unlike other mobage where you have to pay out the ass for a low chance of getting a gatcha card you want or having to pay ridiculous amounts to try and win limited event ranking cards. Of course there's still a lot of waiting to try and encourage you to buy shop items, but it's not that difficult to save up supplies as well.

>> No.11679493

Why is Cinderella Girls so horrible?

>> No.11679496

Scamco at work

>> No.11679500

Too many shitty idols and pay to win.

>> No.11679512

I'm trying to craft a Yukikaze and I swear to god Ashigara is the new naka-chan.

>> No.11679519

world 1: few days
world 2: about 1.5 weeks, but half of that was just farming 2-2 trying to get Kongou class ships, then I got stuck on 2-4 for 3 days
world 3: depends on when I get tired of 3-2-A

>> No.11679553

KanColle is for queers and trendy hipsters

>> No.11679558

You can't be a hipster when it's already popular.

>> No.11679560

To make thing even worst, English wiki added a blog viewer in the front page.

>> No.11679561


Come home

>> No.11679564

wikia is lost cause.
Just make a new kancollewiki or just stick with wikiwiki.

>> No.11679569

Experienced players will look up first at atwiki or wikiwiki, wikia is only place for newbies.

>> No.11679585
File: 383 KB, 800x550, wuig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there are any oldies around, you probably remember WUIG. A Kancolle version of that should work beautifully. Someone please take a shot at it. I'd do it, but I have no creative writing skills or the drive to write updates.

>> No.11679589

Where is Love Live in this?

>> No.11679599

Does it have a game like this?

>> No.11679605

I wonder where VC and MA stand in this chart.

>> No.11679612

It's a rhythm game, but the games up there don't exactly all follow the same pattern.
Bahamut is easily the most bullshit game up there, but sadly also has the best art.

>> No.11679622


Since it's a rhythm game, less bullshit to rage about but getting good idols is almost as bad as Cinderella girls.

>> No.11679639

So does anyone like Hyuuga?

>> No.11679641


I like Ise more, but I do like Hyuuga.

>> No.11679644

I knew raising Kiso was worth it.

I hope she gets the upgrade, and possibly new lines/time announcement with it. She's already plenty useful without a second remodel, 96 ASW with basic equipment is more than enough to drop the odd submarine in PvP.

>> No.11679647

I only remember world 2-4. It took about a month because I was crafting and being lazy.

Still stuck in 3-2 because of the same reason.

>> No.11679653
File: 701 KB, 1991x1394, 39222660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her and Ise quite a bit.

>> No.11679656

Is it finally the age of the Aviation Battleship?

No. No it's not.

>> No.11679659

I like Ise but I haven't been able to find a Hyuuga yet.
The age of all battleships is more or less over.

>> No.11679662

When will Seiran be craftable? Can't wait for my fleet of BBV and CAV taking out bauxite as much as my CVs.

>> No.11679672

Aren't they for I-400 above?
Maybe we'll get them on the Christmas event due to that collaboration with Ars Nova

>> No.11679675

it's already out as monthly ranking reward, but yeah, I can see it comes when they release I-400 during Kancolle x Arpeggio collab.

>> No.11679679
File: 47 KB, 640x434, 1324989357866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, there is a free dual 14" turret

>> No.11679681

What did they do to you, Rensouhou-chan?

>> No.11679685
File: 86 KB, 640x462, 1324989261781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11679686
File: 108 KB, 990x794, Fuso Full frontal and rear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11679699

That damn pagoda mask makes me giggle like an idiot no matter how many times I look at it. This includes the silly hat version.

>> No.11679725

They should add how much exp a ship have on her info panel, it would be pretty handy.

>> No.11679730
File: 61 KB, 736x495, 1386219601124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pagoda mast are ugly when viewed from the starboard side

>> No.11679731

Is Kancolle popularity due to plain luck or did they sign a contract with the devil?


The timing of these shit isnt just mere coincidence.

>> No.11679736

I thought of kancolle when I heard about that as well.

>> No.11679737

Holy shit thats like a level 3 BETA stab

>> No.11679747 [DELETED] 
File: 679 KB, 1261x1000, 38488030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how this is making news, or if all there are just that many Kancolle players within my internet contacts. She was scuttled, with her position known, and someone just raised her, right? Is there something more to this?

Do they look alright from the port side? This is important.

>> No.11679753
File: 679 KB, 1261x1000, 38488030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how this is making news, or if there are just that many Kancolle players within my internet contacts. She was scuttled, with her position known, and someone just raised her, right? Is there something more to this?

Do they look alright from the port side? This is important.

>> No.11679758

I just remodeled Yahagi.
Where is my Yahagi sakura card? How come the new card isnt registered in Yahagi original gallery?

>> No.11679760

It's the fleet of fog

>> No.11679765


Minor correction to the earlier statement. Who ends their sentences like that?

>> No.11679770


>> No.11679784
File: 40 KB, 444x600, 1282139601445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you called?

>> No.11679787

I've had four error cats since the Tawitawi server update yesterday, two of them in the middle of a sortie. This is some bullshit.

>> No.11679796

3-4 is a gigantic sadistic menace. I thought 2-4 and 4-3 were annoying but this is just tormenting yourself needlessly.

>> No.11679814

I noticed something strange. My Goya, at 30 fatigue, loses EVERYTHING after I sortie her. I won the two nodes with a B but she still loses those 30 points. She only got hit once for 1 damage.

>> No.11679820

The amount of fatigue relieved with S rank is tiny compared with the amount of fatigue relieved with MVP (which is around 30).

>> No.11679826

I feel you.
I believe 3-4 is most difficult map on this game by far.
Some lucky admiral may come and tell that he finished it on his first try tho.
Imagine you have to farm there for Hatsukaze if you didn't get her during the last event.

>> No.11679824

MVP is +10
not +30

>> No.11679827

MVP gives 10 points, S rank gives 1 and flagship 3 points. A loss causes a 3 point drop and night battle 2 points. I don't know how she loses 30 points in two fights.

>> No.11679830

did she actually have 0 points or just a red face? because red face shows at 19 and below.

>> No.11679832

Sanaechan shows 0 points.

>> No.11679836

It is only difficult because of compass trolling.
In term of beating the boss with S rank, I think 4-4 is much harder because of the troll sub.

>> No.11679837

Looking at it now, it seems a B ranking decreases your points by 1.

>> No.11679843

I didn't talk about S rank win.

>> No.11679845

Orange and red fatigued ship gets a penalty -3 fatigues with each battle

>> No.11679846

its -6

>> No.11679860

The level of trolling at 3-4 is comparable to E4 to me. I cleared the map by sub >>11679428

>> No.11679866

did you put damecons on your subs? what about turbines and what kind if you did equip them?

>> No.11679877

No. All torps. I sparkled my subs before making each sortie though.

>> No.11679882

What kancolle crossovers would you like to see after Arpeggio?
I want a Pazudora collaboration.

>> No.11679887

Anything that allows the Russo-Japanese War and WWI ships to get into the game.

Just imagine all the ara ara onee-sans.

>> No.11679889

strike witches and girls & panzer obviously
My carriers would be perfectly happy launching some strike witches during combat.

>> No.11679912

I really would like Misaka featured. Togo's flagship is a legend.

>> No.11679917
File: 79 KB, 561x600, 39328392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be nice.

>> No.11679921
File: 258 KB, 800x800, 38871028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The academy ships would put Yamato to shame in consumption though.

>> No.11679923

Yamato, Musashi and Shinano would act as academy ships

>> No.11679926


So would Yamato turn into an abyss during the last Episode of SW and with Miyafuji's power of friendship she turns back?

>> No.11679928

The size difference would make it unfeasible. I just dont see how they can put them on the same scale size wise.
Can you imagine Kaga launching Yoshika from her bow?

>> No.11679933

>american witches bullying Yamoto

Cant argue with that wallet?

>> No.11679937
File: 361 KB, 750x1061, 39402123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And still afloat, which really is some feat given the age of that thing. She seems wildly popular too, there are even a couple dozen Mikasa designs on Pixiv. I won't be surprised if she ends up as an event boss of sorts.

Come to think about it, I'd be down for a Russian War-themed event. I'm more looking forward to the armored cruisers and protected cruisers, though.

>> No.11679935

sure I can. Kaga just has to turn into a big carrier for a while.

>> No.11679936

They can just all be fairy-sized, no problem.

>> No.11679938


I mean Yamato holy shit

>> No.11679950
File: 572 KB, 800x409, 800px-Yokosuka-mikasa-08-2010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, she's still parked at Yokosuka. Crazy.

Though I don't think she could be a full battleship since she's only the size of a WWII-era cruiser. 古戦, anyone?

>> No.11679955
File: 879 KB, 1600x1047, 39528555_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cant argue with that wallet?
I laughed harder than I should.

Mikasa is not just cousin... she's more like an aunt to Kongou. Kongou and Tiger are cousins though. Older cousins would be Indefatigable class and the Invincible class.

>> No.11679958

I thought gambling was more addictive than fun.

>> No.11679960

前弩級戦艦 (pre-dreadnought) 
Mikasa was launched in 1900. The pace of naval tech evolved very quickly during the turn of the century, as it's only by 1906 that Dreadnought was launched.

>> No.11679962

Why is she a gaijin?
She should give out a yamato nadeshiko vibe considering how old she is.

>> No.11679964

She is a Gaijin. She is launched by Vickers at Barrow-in-Furness. Japan didn't have what it takes to build her.

>> No.11679984

Well, all warships were a great deal smaller back then. The largest armored cruisers (predecessors to battlecruisers) would be lucky to displace half the amount Kongo-class did, while battleships were typically a third the size of WWII monstrosities.

>Indefatigable class and the Invincible class.
I always found these two amusing, since after the farce that was the pursuit of Goeben (a top contender for Wikipedia articles best accompanied with Yakety Sax) I can only see them as Saturday morning cartoon villains.

Goeben later had a rather depressing fate, though, despite all her luck at dodging the Entente all over the Atlantic: Breslau, the light cruiser that escorted Goeben for most of her WWI career and provided distractions whenever needed (once to delay Indefatigable and Indomitable and a couple of times against the Black Sea Fleet, including one time where they chanced upon some 5 battleships, 3 light cruisers and a dozen destroyers and lived to tell the tale), had to sacrifice herself for one last diversion after the pair entered a minefield, covering Goeben's retreat until the damaged battlecruiser could be towed to safety. Goeben was later returned to service, but her lucky little cruiser escort was gone for good.

>> No.11679991
File: 126 KB, 600x600, 1379152432841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She should give out a yamato nadeshiko vibe
she's just an old hag

>> No.11679996
File: 305 KB, 816x539, 6hr_build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300/30/400/401, second attempt this morning, 6th in a row counting dailies yesterday. Which one did I get?

>> No.11679998

The one that you already have

>> No.11680001

So I'll be jelly.

>> No.11680008

Zuikaku? A guy I know got her from that recipe. I tried that once and got a Souryuu. Got my Shoukaku from 330/330/630/630

>> No.11680009

How in the world do you not have both at level 98?

>> No.11680011
File: 263 KB, 701x806, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 98 and I dont have both

>> No.11680013
File: 176 KB, 799x499, Shoukaku_get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have neither, so either one is fine with me.


Started playing in late September, and I haven't been crafting carriers at all until after the last event. I've gotten all of the others via drop so I never had a reason to try for the rare ones until now. I was saving all my resources for the event and managed to get Musashi the weekend before it ended, so now I have a little room to goof around with some crafting.

I still just go for basic 30/30/30/30 sometimes for the dailies if I feel like I wasted too many resources during the day while grinding ships.

I also got a Zuiho with this recipe.

>> No.11680014

Screw it, I'm going to throw a carrier recipe on the burner too. Hope I get a good one. These rare destroyer recipes are just shitting out Ashigaras.

>> No.11680017
File: 189 KB, 800x501, Hiryuu_get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 98 as well and I got my Hiryuu from 2-3 boss yesterday while running subs for the daily quests.

>> No.11680020

which recipe?
i usually got 1-2 shimakaze while aiming for I-58 with 250/130/200/30.

>> No.11680021

I am just doing 2-3, 5-2 and BB craft now.
Just wondering who is going to drop first. As much as I love Kaga, I am kind of sick of getting her from 2-3 and 5-2.

>> No.11680022

I've been using 250/30/200/30
All I want from it is a Yukikaze.

>> No.11680025

Been playing since Oct 1. I still don't have the crane sisters yet. I don't have Nagato either.

Missing Yamato, Akigumo, Maikaze, Naganami, Yuugumo, Agano, Mikuma, Nagato, Zuihou, Zuikaku, Shoukaku.

>> No.11680030

I got my Hiryuu the same way. Only a few days ago.

>> No.11680031

Just entered my 4th month, no Nagato-class, no crane, and just got 2nd CAV (Kumano) a week ago.

>> No.11680032

Same here. got my Shimakaze from a drop, 3 subs from crafting.

>> No.11680033

Took me 48 attempts with that recipe to get Yukikaze.

>> No.11680034


All I want from that recipe is Abukuma and/or Yuubari.

But no, not even that.

>> No.11680035

It was like that for me when it comes to Goya. It took three weeks of 4x dailies to get her.

>> No.11680036

Yuubari is a common failure from aircraft recipe.
Try doing that instead.

>> No.11680037

I've gotten 5 or 6 Maikaze from grinding ships on 3-3-A.

>> No.11680039

I've been logging my craft attempts (and my node drops) so we'll see how many it takes me.
20 so far.

>> No.11680040
File: 353 KB, 681x377, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she drops pretty well there

>> No.11680042

I am also kind of ashamed to admit that I haven't even done 4-4. Event made me forget about doing 3-4 and 4-4... (I did 3-4 today with subs)

>> No.11680043

Finally remodeled Kinugasa-Kai2. Damn, that's the best remodel so far in this game. Other artist, are you even trying?

>> No.11680045


I don't know man, Yuudachi is great and Hiei Kai 2 is pretty handsome.

But Kinugasa Kai 2 is great.

>> No.11680046

I guess I took rare carriers for granted.

Late September and I'm missing Nagato, Mutsu, Hatsukaze, Akigumo, Yuugumo, Mikuma, Agano, and Yahagi. Yamato is a given and my attempt at Musashi was cut short by kidney stones.

>> No.11680049

Shigure Kai2 made me feel sad for her. It's odd.

>> No.11680051

I kept going after the 48th attempt when I got Yukikaze specifically for Goya, however I got her as a drop after I had beaten E-5 and was farming it for Yahagi.

>> No.11680053

It takes way too much time to do E7 tbh. Some teitokus have tried hundreds of time for Yahagi, but only to come back empty handed.

>> No.11680055

were you able to get Yahagi? I am starting to wonder just how many people managed to get her. Maybe 30k?

>> No.11680057

Well, probably because I wasted all my luck to other ships. I got Kongou and Kaga when my T-level wasn't even 10. Also, I'm more focused on grinding and equipment crafting than ship crafting.

>> No.11680062

My most ridiculous luck in this game is getting all the kongou sisters in 1 crafting session of 8 tries by the third week. Don't remember my T-level at the time, but it wasn't in 40s.

>> No.11680065

Question. Is 5-2 easy enough to reliably farm? If it's only about as difficult as E3, than it would make more sense to do 5-2 as opposed to trying to craft rares...

>> No.11680070

it is easy but high bauxite consumption. about 400 each run

>> No.11680073

What should I do with a spare Abukuma?

>> No.11680075

Do you even need to field abukuma? it's so easy to kill subs nowadays...

>> No.11680076

Nope, I got Agano instead along with Suzuya and some others.

>> No.11680079
File: 80 KB, 833x516, kancolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, i got into this loading screen, but that progress bar is not filling up anymore, what should i do? Can I just reload it? Will I be able to connect after that?

>> No.11680082

You wait

>> No.11680083

wtf dude, just reload it, you don't get on anyone's watchlist if you reload only once. Just don't be a retard and spam it 10 times in 5 seconds

>> No.11680087

Is it even possible to still land on the boss node in 2-3 with 2 subs anymore to complete dailies?

I've been through that bloody map like 15 times today and I've never once hit the boss node

>> No.11680089

Ok, its filling up again. :)

>> No.11680092


I've been hitting the boss node consistently until I finally got the quest for it.

Now I just go North.

>> No.11680094

You will get to the boss node. It's just frustrating and dependent on the mood of the RNG.

>> No.11680095

It's just bad luck. Happened to me in different map. It's just unusual to get almost 90% of my sortie in 4-1 get SW-W-S route. Damnit, just give me those subs.

>> No.11680097

Sortie the nishimura or 6th fleet.
I got to the boss 2/2 with both of them.

>> No.11680098

What are you all doing with your 1 page worth of Imuya? I have 3 on expedition, but there's so many that I am out of minisub to put on'em...

>> No.11680101

Great, the one time I finally hit the boss node today, the game gives me 3 CLs to fight. Just to ultimately just bash my subs into orange at the last hit so I get a tactical defeat. Now I'm nowhere nearer to complete the quest.

I've had that happen to me yesterday like 6 times in a row. Today it's the 2-3 so I don't even need to bother killing subs yet.

>> No.11680106

She gives bauxite when you scrap her.

>> No.11680109

use them to sparkle your fleet until they're lvl10, then scrap them

>> No.11680136

Is there a chrome extension or something that can trick the flash game into thinking my timezone is correct? I don't really want to keep changing my time zone for this game.

>> No.11680142

The game doesn't care about your timezone.

>> No.11680141

why aren't you using the API
are there people who actually use the VPN and change timezone every time they want to play?

>> No.11680145

I should of scrolled down further.

But I don't think I've even done the lottery system thing yet. All the servers seem packed.

>> No.11680150

oh ok
you gotta use timezones for that yeah but you should get in after 1-2 tries and then never have to use timezones or vpn again

>> No.11680172
File: 812 KB, 848x515, 6ky4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm doing fine on my 4th doing this, and is it best to drop Akagi but just keep for the quest?

>> No.11680179

Sigh, everyone has a Kaga but me.

>> No.11680178

whats wrong with akagi?
i mean kaga and zuikaku are the best CVs but its not such a large stat gap. you can just use your favorites or use them all if you really want.

>> No.11680182


Don't complain.

Level 81 and I still don't have Kaga.

>> No.11680183

Just seeing that picture about crit magnet made me weary about using it.

>> No.11680185

level 36 and i dont have a kaga
i do have a zuikaku though which is almost as good

>> No.11680186

7 CV crafts later and I'm out of fuel. I didn't even get anything good, god damn.

>> No.11680187

Around the same level too so guess we're on the same boat

>> No.11680190

Dont you guys do world2 daily? She drops almost daily for me.

>> No.11680192

It's just a meme because everyone has an Akagi due to quest. She's the same as other CVs

>> No.11680194

Are you kidding me, I do world 2 daily and I still don't have her. I even go to world 4-2 like 5 times daily just hoping a Kaga will finally come to me

>> No.11680195


I mostly do that daily with my subs and never with my main fleet, so I don't S rank the boss too often.

>> No.11680202

There is no need to cheap out on fuel and ammo. Just do it with 4subs and S rank it. I think I also get Kaga off 4-1 while doing sub daily before.

>> No.11680206

>Just do it with 4subs and S rank it.

But that's how I do do my world 2 daily anon.

>> No.11680211

The rounding errors in this game are pretty funny.

Just went against a single sub (10 hp) in pvp. My first attack does 9 damage. Second attack misses and fight immediately ends. Apparently the miss was some fractional damage that was enough to push it over to dead.

>> No.11680212

Akagi is no worse than the others really, it's just that Akagi is often people's first experience with a superheavy ship (slow battleships and standard carriers have the highest repair costs and a huge repair time modifier), so she's kind of the "poster child" for them eating resources and taking forever to repair. Kaga is actually slightly MORE expensive/slow to repair, and all the standard carriers consume lots of resources/time for that stuff though akagi/kaga are by a small margin the worst of the lot when it comes to that, in return for their fantastic plane capacity/unusually high firepower for carriers.

>> No.11680214

I weep for your RNG luck.
I am also thinking about farming more torp sisters to get more quint torpedo. Imuya always choked and missed completely at the boss node.

>> No.11680215

>Just do it with 4subs
I have 2

>> No.11680218

Oh sweet, I just did 4-2 and got a Kaga from the boss suddenly.

After all this while, I now finally own a Kaga. I suddenly ain't even mad my Kongou got crit to red by the Flagship Ru and my Akagi somehow kept getting hit with scratch damage until she turned orange.

>> No.11680222

I felt that way when I got Mutsu from 3-3 boss.

>> No.11680226

I tried farming 3-3-A for Mutsu for like 100 runs. No Imuya, no Mutsu, but I got another Ooi to scrap. I went to 4-2 and I got 2 Imuya and Mutsu in 5 runs. Finally now after like 50 runs of 4-2 I got a Kaga after being teased with all the gold background from the Kongou sisters, I think 4-2 is my luckiest map by far.

>> No.11680261

Mid-August, missing pretty much everything besides Zuihou and Zuikaku. Get on my level.

>> No.11680309

Is 3-1 first node a good place to grind after 2-4?
At least it seems so.

>> No.11680320

After you clear 2-4 you want to clear 3-1 immidietly and then you can just go for 3-2.

>> No.11680342

Admirals, have you ever considered the total amount of resources you've lost when feeding ships w/o taking off their equipments?

>> No.11680348

A lot.

>> No.11680350

minuscule amounts since I take off the useful equipment. cannons from 20.3cm and up for the most part as everything else barely gives you shit

>> No.11680358

No, I always strip them off. It became my obsession since my resources dried up for the first time.

>> No.11680360

I do that all the time, that's probably why I'm 20k ammo and 30k steel ahead of my fuel.

>> No.11680366

I was crafting for planes with 21/60/20/131 with Akagi-Kai.HQ level 67.

I'm not having the best stroke of luck, do you guys have any other nice recipes for me to try out?


I take off 35.6cm's for scrapping.

>> No.11680391

I was using 30/60/10/130 yesterday with Akagi-Kai, got myself 2 S Holo planes, 2 Holo planes, 4 Rares and 1 Common.

Then again it's probably just my luck, because I got a 46cm first try in my daily crafts today.

>> No.11680392

50/60/30/120 with sub as a flagship.

>> No.11680405

Doesn't matter, I'm swimming in ammo, steel and bauxite anyway.

>> No.11680419
File: 1.04 MB, 831x507, compass dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best drop ever

>> No.11680425

I'd love to scrap those bitches

>> No.11680430

Makes enemies go to another node, avoiding battle completely

>> No.11680431

Better, bring her to red, then leave her forgotten in the depths of your ship storage.

>> No.11680437

Better level up them to 99 and have compass obey you.

>> No.11680441

What is your secret?
Do you not sortie to find more kanmusu? Think about your library and look at all your empty slot.

>> No.11680451

welp, still don't know how large his sea of resources is

>> No.11680454


>> No.11680456
File: 24 KB, 317x368, youbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone purposely do this, damn it.

>> No.11680465

You don't have enough Naka-chan in your life.

>> No.11680469

罰ゲーム, obviously.

>> No.11680471

Probably a lot considering I didn't do so before.

I wanted to get a Kitakami, but no luck yet. I'd be happy about getting Naka-chan if I didn't have one already.

Is Akagi worth the pay early on?

>> No.11680476
File: 115 KB, 1280x854, 1386244024633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter camouflage and a CL, so the one getting an update is Kuso?

>> No.11680489

As long as you're sensible about using her? Immensely so. The first strike capability she brings is fantastic. If you're going into battle against a Wo, though, bring a fighter on her, or you can lose more than a hundred bauxite in a single node if most/all of your torpedo bombers get shot down. 300+ easily with dual carriers. Check enemy fleet compositions on wiki, and if you're sortieing to a map/boss that's likely/guaranteed to have CV/CVLs, toss on a fighter.

>> No.11680510

So, I tried out the 400/200/500/400 recipe.
Got a Hibiki and Shiranui, back to 300/300/601/601 I guess.

>> No.11680550
File: 56 KB, 598x429, 1381498528849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this.

>> No.11680595

What do the notes say?

>> No.11680604
File: 2 KB, 424x22, recipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How legit are the user submitted recipes? I was going to try this one.

>> No.11680607
File: 184 KB, 884x480, naka-chan dayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry she's not alone anymore

>> No.11680613

Depends on luck, I've been using that recipe since forever and I never got a single sub out of it

>> No.11680617

Go away

>> No.11680618

Ammo doesnt do jackshit. However I did get 2goya out of 250/200/200/30. I attribute that to luck more than the recipe.

>> No.11680629

i use it for daily, several imuya but no goya in sight.

>> No.11680637

Some people are luckier than others, like this anon for example. I've been using that recipe for at least 2 weeks now for daily crafts and just regular crafts but no sub appeared from it. I did get 2 Yukikaze though

>> No.11680639

Funny because I got 3 subs but no rare DD's.

>> No.11680640

250/100/200/30 has netted me 3 goya's, 3 shimakaze's and 1 yukikaze. i don't know what you're smoking. No imuya's though.

>> No.11680642

This is great.

>> No.11680657

How do you unlock expedition 34? I thought both should be available right away, like in the event.
(I sent out 33 once but they didn't appear and I didn't make it to the boss.)

>> No.11680658
File: 73 KB, 798x480, yukikaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess having a holo background yukikaze screenshot is pretty cool but come on, drop something that I dont have already. This is like E7 nightmare all over again.

>> No.11680661

Where are you farming?

>> No.11680662

I do sortie regularly to find more kanmusus. I'm Nagato and Houshou away from completing my 001~100 collection though.

When you spam expedition 2 and 6, your ammo and bauxite worries are gone unless you use lots of CVs. I don't know where I'm getting all this steel from that keeps increasing, I don't even need to abuse the 3-2 steel node.

My fuel is like 15k behind my other resources, which sucks when I like to keep all of it balanced, spamming expedition 5 and 2-3 sub runs doesn't even help me replenish the fuel I'm spending on sorties for some reason.

>> No.11680664

How do you guys survive the subs node?
I have to pray hard and hope that they dont send someone to red.

>> No.11680665

Your resource situation is very close to mine. Expedition 2 does give a decent amount of steel.

>> No.11680667

5th formation. Don't use saiun.

>> No.11680668

What the best expedition to spam for furniture coins? I tried doing the first one where it's listed but didn't pick up any.

>> No.11680670


>> No.11680672

I don't know, 60 per hour doesn't justify how it's exceeding even my bauxite resource gain when I spam exped 6 still hoping to get more furniture coins.

If you're doing expedition 4, don't. The item drop rate for expedition 4 is terrible. Expedition 6 usually drops more furniture boxes than expedition 4

>> No.11680675

That explains it. Guess I'll do 6 instead then, thanks.

>> No.11680678

>expedition 4 is terrible
Yeah, unless you sparkle and hope for a perfect expedition but that's too much of an effort.

>> No.11680682

Does sparkles even affect item drop rates?

>> No.11680687

I have a hard time keeping my fleet intact until I reach the boss in 2-4, there's so many combat nodes no matter which path I take. Should I just go for a line abreast formation and wait out each battle until Iget to the boss node?

>> No.11680688

It does. The wiki states it too
>150% resource gain and higher chance to get special item on expedition.
that's if you get the perfect expedition.

>> No.11680691

I am pretty sure it's impossible to get more than one item type at once if you don't sparkle for an expedition.

>> No.11680690

IIRC during my clearing, it was vertical at 1st and last, then horizontal for the rest.

>> No.11680694

Will 2-4 setup get me to the 3-1 boss node ?

>> No.11680698

Stack more carriers and torpedo bombers

>> No.11680699

It should. In fact I just used buckets on all 6 ships after clearing 2-4 and cleared 3-1 on my first try.

>> No.11680700

Oh, so it does. Is it even worth it to sparkle ships for expeditions less than 1 hour though? You have to be really free to constantly do that if you ask me.


Yes, easily.

If you're running 4BB 2CV(equipped with full torp bombers) I'd say just go line ahead since you'd be dealing lots of damage anyway.

>> No.11680701

I went line abreast to ensure all my ships were within 5hp of full when I hit boss node, hit the 4bb setup, and still shit-wrecked it.

Line Ahead is fine if you're cool with gambling, but assuming you did 4bb2cv you have enough firepower to still obliterate any non-boss node in 2-4 with Line Abreast formation, and the extra armor/evade is VERY noticeable.

It's not a requirement by any means, but it's a safe approach.

>> No.11680703

I always sparkle for the 5th one but the shorter ones probably aren't worth it

>> No.11680704

Well, looks like RNG wants to punish me for getting through 2-4 on the first try.
Anyway thanks.

>> No.11680744
File: 388 KB, 732x354, I hate bauxite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma sortie in 4-3, see what happens

>> No.11680750

Why do you have so many low level carriers?

>> No.11680752

Because I've just built them ?

>> No.11680754

How are your carriers so low level or do you never use them ever?

>> No.11680760

reenact midway and sink all of them

>> No.11680763

I am waiting for Yorktown sisters to show up ingame. Would gloat about Midway fleet all day every day.

>> No.11680775

Is world 3 overwiew on wikia down for anyone else ?

>> No.11680780

It works.

>> No.11680783
File: 309 KB, 1102x1080, 20131206_world3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11680786
File: 100 KB, 1216x653, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11680787

clear your browser's cache, see if that fixes it.

If you're using NoScript, turn it off for Wikia.

>> No.11680790

Cache cleared, all scripts allowed, stil nothing.

>> No.11680791

Try another browser?

>> No.11680792
File: 625 KB, 900x3272, 0000asgdsagdsgdsgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this temporarily for now, then.

>> No.11680795


>> No.11680796 [DELETED] 

Isn't this the shitty phone game normals play?

>> No.11680800 [DELETED] 

You™ again ?

>> No.11680802 [DELETED] 



>> No.11680811
File: 37 KB, 480x360, 1380518227669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11680818
File: 594 KB, 1920x1080, wikia_shitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, looks like I'm getting the same thing as you when not logged in. It seems like its definitely not a browser issue; probably Wikia's been screwing around again. They're likely to be doing maintenance, or testing out things. They've been introducing new Web 2.0 bloat within the past few days, apparently.

The page contents are still present on the wiki; the page history shows that no one has touched that page since December 1. Not sure if other people are getting something similar.

>> No.11680821

I'm not logged in and it's working.

>> No.11680824

Edit. Actually, I tried opening it in chrome and it doesn't work there. Fine in firefox.

>> No.11680826

There you have it. It only fails to properly load the page if you use a browser that does not respect your freedoms.

>> No.11680829 [DELETED] 

So, to confirm, this *is* the normie phone game?

My friend who draws shit on pixiv said they contacted him to ask him if he wanted to draw Kancolle images for money, pretty pathetic...

>> No.11680834


>> No.11680837 [DELETED] 


You only answered half of my question, and incorrectly.

>> No.11680841

It's obvious normies wouldn't play such a lewd game filled with cute girls.

>> No.11680845

Different person here, I'll bite.

Normals don't play games with cute girls in them. They play NBA 2K13, Call of Duty, and whatever the latest rehash of Dance Dance Revolution they now have in Nipponian arcades. Normals find games like these uninteresting or creepy, and it's more catered towards the shut-in type of person.

Use of phones is prohibited by staff, therefore it is not a "phone game".

>> No.11680852 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 558x404, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, just like they won't play Fate/Shit or watch anime because of the sexualization in those things. Normals hate sex and girls!

Sorry, no. Sexualized girls (especially young girls) are the #1 marketing tool on the planet..

>> No.11680856 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 596x423, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Normal people can't possibly be Kancolle's main audience, because they don't like sexualized teenage girls"

>> No.11680859

Why does it matter to you then? How does it change anything? Why are you even arguing here?

I don't care about what the number 1 marketing tool is. It has nothing to do with this thread.

>> No.11680861
File: 74 KB, 695x377, abcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe to say that trading will never be implemented right?

>> No.11680862 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 818x301, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck, this normal is PISSED.

Is this how all normies react when you completely annihilate them in an argument? They just go start saying obviously wrong shit like kancolle discussion isn't relevant to kancolle?

>> No.11680864 [DELETED] 

Is trolling the kankore crossboarder the new epic hobby?
That's the problem with extremely active threads. People feel the need to reply to everything.

>> No.11680865

The moment they do is the moment half the reason continuing to play the game dies.

>> No.11680866

It's probably just babby's first troll.

>> No.11680868

Goddamn it, you have everything that I've been trying for a long damn time. And I bet you're using those to feed, since you already have them.

>> No.11680867 [DELETED] 


It's like using birdshot to hunt rabbits. Doesn't feel fair, really.

>> No.11680871 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 500x3330, where da memes live =).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>babby's first <x>

...Is this normal actually using /a/b/v/ memes on my board?...

>> No.11680872

Why else would they plan to add friends?

>> No.11680875

To make the game more social, perhaps. I'm predicting co-operative sorties between fleets of different players taking place simultaneously, something like fleet support. Didn't they also say that there would be coast defense ships in the future used for escort missions? This would fit right into that kind of thing.

>> No.11680878 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 720x540, literally this is kancolle fans. ltierally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's adorable how the thread is barren before I start posting, I literally wreck some normie kids with my logic, then everyone hurriedly starts posting about the game as if to get the ownage behind them that much quicker. "oh GOD please let it end. PLEASE he's owning us so hard"

>> No.11680880

My dad works for kancolle and he said that you're a faggot.

>> No.11680881

So you can send some of your expeditionary fleets to aid friends with support fire in different maps.

Or so you can finally have social interaction within the game itself so you don't have to resort to these threads to blog about how RNG fucks you over or how much you'd like to taste Yubari's melons.

>> No.11680883 [DELETED] 


>To make the game more social, perhaps.

Nice, my dad showed me this game and its rly cool with lots of hot babes nd super hard (took me all of saturday mornin to do 2-4 XD), would b nice if i could talk to him ingame too lolz even tho were in the same house, its like "hellooo can u hear me now, good"

>> No.11680884

That could be interesting.

>> No.11680885

Can someone explain the Yubari melons joke?
It doesn't look like she has big tits. Is it like the sakuya PADs joke?

>> No.11680887

Stop being a faggot and replying to him. You're even worse than he is because you're willing allowing the thread to go to shit.

>> No.11680888
File: 364 KB, 771x1057, Melon-pettanko.rar-Melon-pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yubari's melons is always related.

Her region is famous for it

>> No.11680891



>> No.11680892
File: 81 KB, 794x559, 1386250889057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which DD would you offer sweets to?

>> No.11680893

More like Meloncholy.

>> No.11680894

Yubari, Japan. Look it up and you'll realize it.

>> No.11680897

So we know some sort of christmas/winter event is coming. Does that mean we only have 3 weeks or so to prepare?

>> No.11680898

Akatsuki is a lady so she wouldn't fall for that.

>> No.11680900

I hope they don't make it as outrageous as the previous event. The one we just had was a damn pain. This time, there's even less time to get ready, so they better make it less intensive.

>> No.11680902

I really hope the highest reward will be some outrageous item.

>> No.11680903

3 weeks is more than enough.

>> No.11680904

All I want for KanColle Christmas is a stress-free event.

>> No.11680906

This is DMM we're talking about. "What's that? You want stress-free? Too bad, here fast regenerating boss, fuck you!"

>> No.11680925 [DELETED] 

Is it true that Kancolle's marketing department pays notable Pixiv artists to draw Kancolle images and pretend they weren't paid to do so, and did so out of legitimate interest in the game?

Why have many notable Pixiv artists said they were approached with this offer, if not?

>> No.11680933

Does this really matter?
If they did, then that's probably one of my favourite ways of advertising for something.

>> No.11680935 [DELETED] 


Are you kidding or is this game's fanbase actually this delusional?

Were you the same retard who claimed this game is skill-based and that it isn't engineered to appeal to normies yesterday?

>> No.11680939

But seriously, why do you care?
Paid or not, pretending or not, I'm happy about more art.
Not to mention that my new from following list is filled with Kancolle, and I doubt they can pay so many artists

>> No.11680943

I don't know why he cares, but I know that I am happy about it.
All I know is that those that know about the game for one reason or another is not cut out to be your everyday normal player of games that'd be playing on a PS4 or XBOX one.

>> No.11680944 [DELETED] 


>and I doubt they can pay so many artists

"Guys, all the Kancolle artists I followed are making lots of Kancolle art. This is evidence that no artists were paid to draw Kancolle."

Does it hurt to be this stupid? I am not going to bother with your other 'argument' ("There's nothing wrong with a company blatantly deceiving the public so they can get publicity for their shitty game which is unable to flourish by merit of its quality") because it is self-evidently wrong.

>> No.11680945 [DELETED] 


>All I know is that those that know about the game are not normal people

Yes they are. One glance at this thread tells you this.

>> No.11680946

cool story going on in here right now.

>> No.11680947 [DELETED] 


cool story is my faves meeeme right after 'ironic shitposting is still shitposting' anime girl teacher

>> No.11680948

When spamming 3-2-1 for experience with a full fleet+sub, does it really matter if your other ships are fatigued?

>> No.11680950

How does it feel to be the only one who cares?
Also, my following list is like 3 years old and I hardly ever add new artists. Last addition was 4 months ago.
Surely it's the paid guys I recently followed.

>> No.11680952 [DELETED] 


Do people actually require help/strategy for this game? It's designed for the layman to be able to participate easily, because difficulty frustrates the casual (read: largest) audience.

>> No.11680953

Why are you responding to a shitposter?

>> No.11680956


>> No.11680957 [DELETED] 

I'm waiting for a client call and the office is boring otherwise

>> No.11680958

Jesus do you guys have no other way to revive the thread besides replying to bait?

>> No.11680960

Random compass.

>> No.11680961 [DELETED] 


It's one kancolle retard replying to himself to keep the thread from dying.

>> No.11680962

Please just stop responding to him and keep the thread on topic, thanks.

>> No.11680963 [DELETED] 

You're not supposed to thank someone until after they do it.

>> No.11680965 [DELETED] 


"Posts about Kancolle are only Kancolle-related if they're positive toward the game!"

- damage control marketer, kadokawa inc.

>> No.11680965,1 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck... this is the day dat will be known as the cancollecaust...

8 trillion cancolle nerds with bleeding, gaping assholes...

>> No.11680969

Its obviously the same fucking guy who took a different approach, and these buffoons are still taking the bait. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

You dont have to go to so much effort to justify yourself to a guy trolling out of boredom.

>> No.11680974 [DELETED] 


Nice try, but you won't back out of this argument by claiming you're 'le epic troll'. You claimed kancolle uses pixiv payrolling to market their game and acted like we cared, WE DIDN'T! Therefore you got embarrassed and did this instead. Get a life.

>> No.11680976

It depends, red fatigue will make the ships miss every shot and do scratch damage if they dont. Fatigue can also make ships sink at orange, which is what likely happened to that guy and his imuya a few threads ago.

>> No.11680977

Compass, we meet again. Fuck you and your bullshit.

>> No.11680978 [DELETED] 


Makes you wonder if this thread isn't the right place for you, huh?

>> No.11680983

I guess it's not worth it if they miss that much, the only ship that takes damage is the sub with the way i farm which gets swapped to be repaired every 1-2 runs, so i thought the damage dealing ships could be red since they don't take damage, but if they miss "every time" then it's probably more exp/h to wait.

>> No.11680984

Surprisingly, the opening air bombardment by CV aren't affected by fatigue for some reason...

>> No.11680985

Read through this as well, theres some nuances like that in there.

>> No.11681009
File: 75 KB, 794x483, rip imuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imuya guy here. I am pretty sure fatigue doesnt play a role in it. Either I actually continue at red or she really sank at orange which is highly unlikely. The first is more likely to have happened.

>> No.11681011 [DELETED] 


Why does the game look so shitty?

>> No.11681014

the game is shitty, don't play it

>> No.11681016

Is touhou such a shit game that you have to spend hours on end every day doing this?

>> No.11681017 [DELETED] 


Yeah, it does look pretty garbage...


What? Touhou is pretty great but how is that relevant here?

>> No.11681017,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm gonna piss myself if this thread turns into a giant nerd argument about whether touhou or kancolle is worse (both are shit btw)

>> No.11681022

Are you sure? Because personally I find this game great, and because it's great I don't have hours to waste every day in other generals trying to bait people and to add to that you even samefag, albiet you are either not clever enough to make it subtle or whatever the reason is, that adds to time not spent playing a "great game"

>> No.11681023 [DELETED] 


>and to add to that you even samefag,

No, you'll see it's actually this thread's residents making themselves look like retards when I get banned and all my replies are deleted.

>> No.11681028 [DELETED] 


Also why did you put great game in quotes? Do you honestly think a shitty card game with garbage art has anything on a game with real gameplay and fan-artists who draw simply because they love the games, not because they were paid by some marketing suits?

>> No.11681030 [DELETED] 

Yes he's sure, it's a shitty game and people are stupid for liking such a shitty game for shitty people like yourself. Now stop replying to trolls and let the thread die if there's nothing worthwhile left to discuss.

>> No.11681032

Maybe it's a scam? They have to have some sort of proof that they were approached.

>> No.11681034

Why do you even reply

>> No.11681037 [DELETED] 


Scams don't work that way. When you're scamming someone you don't give them money, you try to get them to give you money.

>> No.11681043
File: 109 KB, 856x540, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because flash is shit. But i've played worse, dwarf fortress is a whole other level.

>> No.11681045 [DELETED] 


You're totally missing the point of Dwarf Fortress. It's not supposed to look pretty. It's supposed to withstand the ages. People abandon once-pretty games when they start to look bad, but if a game always looked bad, this process never happens.

There's also the added benefit that it respects its players' imaginations. Respected and groundbreaking authors, especially Lovecraft, used this concept extensively in their books: if you are just ambiguous enough that people have a clear idea of what's happening but no knowledge of the details, their minds will fill in the blanks with the most ideal and personalized filler.

Kancolle looks like shit because its developers are incompetent, not because of a design choice. And it has nothing to do with flash, by the way.

>> No.11681054

I just did my first run on 3-2 and... I thought I was ready for the pain it will do to me... but... I... fuck.

Is this the only that good place for grinding exp? Getting all my DD's to orange/red on the first node is quite bad.

s1ck blog I know.

>> No.11681057 [DELETED] 


>I thought I was ready for the pain it will do to me... but... I... fuck.

Same, when I did 3-2 I had to sit up 4 hours past my bedtime and my mom brought me pizza rolls cause I was too focused, thanks mom.

This game gives me such feels of accomplishment...

>> No.11681060

Use a sub to tank the damage.

>> No.11681061

Levels arent going to help much, considering the real challenge is getting past that pre boss node without one person hit to red. The boss itself is easy mode. You've still got to remodel them and max out their modernization, though. At the very least their armor.

>> No.11681062

you dont grind 3-2 with all your DDs
take a SS and grind 3-2-A a dozen times while it tanks all the damage for easy xp.

>> No.11681089

I've tried farming it with a fleet of all the best DDs in their 80s and I still only make it to the boss a fifth of the time. I saw my Yukikaze with 97 evasion and maxed armor get taken from full HP to 1 by a shot from a DD during the daytime. That map is a complete hell. You just have to hope for the best because the boss node is piss easy and almost a guaranteed S rank. Just take it easy and try it at your own pace, don't get crazy and try suicide rushing.

>> No.11681093

Whats up with the fleet formation displayer thingy? Its never vertical for me, despite always using line ahead.

>> No.11681100

Because perspective.

>> No.11681113

Still seems kind of weird to me, but it works i guess if they're moving from bottom to top.

>> No.11681121

I've been logging my 3 subs runs on 2-3 and out of 130 sorties, 40 ended in the boss node. The longest streak of dead ends was 7 sorties.

>> No.11681143
File: 11 KB, 387x253, formation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're facing the enemy vertically, if the enemy was displayed at the top of the window and you're below, it would be shown like in the second pic

>> No.11681150

Thanks for the tips fellow admirals.

>> No.11681151

Fatigue does not affect sinking ability. I've tried and tested this many times while sparkling ships for the event, and red fatigue/orange damaged ships never sank. Only advancing to a new node in red does.

>> No.11681163

Oh one more. How often did you guys push with your kanmutsus damaged to orange/red?

>> No.11681165

Day->Night counts as a new node if it's not a forced change, right?

>> No.11681172

I sometimes push on orange when I feel I can win, but never on red unless she has a damage control and I know that I can win without her help.

>> No.11681174

aw hell naw

>> No.11681180

video with a short test on that matter posted some threads ago suggests otherwise

>> No.11681189

I bet this was asked many times.
Orange is still safe from sinking?

>> No.11681198

I once tried to get an S rank on the 4-2 boss node. Pushed to night battle with a Nachi on red because the boss (carrier) was the only one left. It attacked. Aimed at Nachi. Missed.

>> No.11681224 [DELETED] 

I heard this game is in flash? And they expect people to actually spend money on it?

>> No.11681240

pretty much confirmed its impossible to sink in orange.

>> No.11681243 [DELETED] 


Why not? Touhou is made in proprietary coding engines, so it shouldn't be bought either?

Just fuck off, troll.

>> No.11681244

so cool and edgy

>> No.11681246

Let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a few weeks ago, I farmed 3-2-A for levels while using a submarine as a tank for all the damage. I didn't bring a BB with me, and my firepower was lacking when I brought 3 DD so I couldn't kill all the enemy, there was 4 left and they're only at orange. They could attack at night, and I knew that. My Imuya was already red, at 1 hp, but I don't want to go back a loser, not with a B, I wanted an A rank, or S if I could. I decided, that's it, goodbye Imuya, so I pushed onto night battle with my Imuya at 1hp. I felt confident, I believed in my Imuya, yet I accepted the fate that she will sink then and there.

Suddenly, like a stroke of miracle, she dodged every single one of their attacks. I left the node with an A rank but I still felt proud, proud of my Imuya that never sunk or gave up although she took 6 damage easily per hit during day battle.

Since then, I've grown closer with my Imuya and I still send her to night battles when she's at 1hp. I believed, I knew that she will never sink, because she and I shared a special bond.

>> No.11681250 [DELETED] 


Do you know what 'edgy' means?

Please produce your definition of 'edgy'.

>> No.11681253

I do hope they move on from flash though. I really do hope.

>> No.11681256

Why in the hell does anyone still reply to that idiot?

>> No.11681258

No, the game is free. The actual money comes from the Kancolle-themed luxury cruises.

They already have two ships based on Izumo Maru and Kashiwara Maru, and they're planning on a Kasuga Maru replica.

>> No.11681259 [DELETED] 


Why would they spend any money if they're still raking it in by the barrelful?

The normie crowd is okay with mediocrity. As long as their friends are playing with a pile of shit, they'll join right in on the fun.

>> No.11681261

Well there's that vita game coming out right?

>> No.11681319

I find this especially hilarious, as this is a term used exclusively by the aspie community, they love the term considering how they're too autistic to realize it sounds fucking retarded. Just like the term aspie. Now everything makes sense.

>> No.11681331

I'm still mad that it's a Vita game, and not, say, literally any other fucking game system.

But I honestly do hope it succeeds, simply because the more money they make now, the more likely they'll make another game for another system later. Also they're really chill about the pay2win aspects of the game, treating it more respectfully than most f2p/cash shop developers do.

>> No.11681332 [DELETED] 



>> No.11681336


>> No.11681444

Yeah I am mad about that too as it means I'd have to get a vita just to play it.

>> No.11681479

Anyone know where's the most resource efficient map to farm admiral ranks?

>> No.11681501

Probably 2-2 as it's only two fights at most, boss is usually easy (except when you get the diamond formation) and gives about 900 EXP for S win.

>> No.11681503 [DELETED] 


Facebook integration will give you a big XP boost.

>> No.11681514

Going through 4-4 right now. Finding this to be easy comparing to E4 and E5. Comparable to E3 at best.

Here's to hoping that 5-3 is about E5 difficulty...

>> No.11681523 [DELETED] 


The entire game is easy. What are you talking about?

>> No.11681569

Well, it's the time intensive process of redo the boss instance several dozen times that eats at you. The difficult part is sitting for 12+ hours nonstop, picking yourself up and set yourself up for yet another roll of the RNG, while trying not to slip up since that's what nails you.

>> No.11681578
File: 170 KB, 649x427, First try, 3-2 complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting this map to be harder.

>> No.11681581

It would be surprising if it was hard with that over leveled fleet.

>> No.11681586

This map is luck dependent. Did you sparkle your ships?

>> No.11681589

Yeah, I probably trained them too much after hearing those horror stories about 3-2. Also equipped Murakumo with two turbines.

Nope, went raw just to check how it was, guess luck was by my side.

>> No.11681601

What CL's are you leveling for Christmas event?

>> No.11681604

The only thing hard about 3-2 is the preboss node where you have to survive somehow against a full fleet with an enemy BB. With some luck that's entirely achievable with a bunch of lvl20 or 30 DDs remodelled and maxed armor.

Then the second tough part is hoping you get sent to the boss node rather than the furniture box node. You can easily piss all over the boss if you cleared both of the (mostly luck) tests.

>> No.11681605


>> No.11681606

I think Kiso and Tama are the ones that I would go for.

>> No.11681609


Those are the only ones I really like, KTKM/Ooi are obviously ridiculously strong but I'm hoping it's finally time for basic CLs to shine!

>> No.11681610


>> No.11681612

I don't know, I'd probably just take the CLs I've been sending on expeditions since a few weeks ago. My Yuubari actually managed to reach lvl33 in a few weeks of expedition only.

>> No.11681617


Crafting for Yuubari and Abukuma, leveling Kiso, Sendai, Noshiro, Kuma, Yura, Naka, and Kita/Ooi.

>> No.11681615

Sendai, she really deserves it after the last event's performance.

Also have a level 90 Kiso ready.

>> No.11681621

Is it a CL only event? If so, I will level Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Kiso, Isuzu and Kuma.

>> No.11681632 [DELETED] 

I heard this game plagiarizes art and gameplay mechanics from other card games?

>> No.11681633
File: 180 KB, 800x870, 1386262107080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't we already go over this already, where the only time a ship will ever sink is advancing to a new node at red?
at least that's my conclusion after experiencing E-5.

>> No.11681635

I heard that ur mum sucks cocks

>> No.11681638

Speaking of which, should I try 2-3 or 2-4 to get Ooi?

>> No.11681640 [DELETED] 


You can't plagiarize gameplay

>> No.11681642

I wanted to say that, but I got bored so I decided to tell that anon a story

>> No.11681649 [DELETED] 



Why is kancolle general filled with crossboarders?

FYI, just because you only come here for this thread doesn't make it okay to bring your home board's language with you. Fuck off if you're not willing to do as the romans do when you're in rome.

>> No.11681651

I don't know what crossboard you're talking about because I'm not a regular 4channer

>> No.11681679

Agano and Noshiro.

I need more girls beside those two, maya, and choukai to complete my collection of high school sluts.

>> No.11681685 [DELETED] 


What site are you from?

>> No.11681693

what program is that?

>> No.11681694

I just came here because I thought there'd be somewhere talking about Kantai Collection. It's still more welcoming than playing it alone though.

>> No.11681696
File: 5 KB, 137x67, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a general idea of what this means, but does someone know the exact kanji for the last part? **場

>> No.11681698 [DELETED] 


'gaijin go home'

>> No.11681699

Probably the Adobe Flash Player, I wouldn't know anythign else to run Kancolle on.

>> No.11681700

You must have some kind of selective memory since "anon" is used everywhere (including /jp/).

>> No.11681706

doesnt look at all like the flash player i use, hm

>> No.11681709 [DELETED] 


>'anon' is used everywhere.

Uh... yes, retard, that's the point. Do you even know what 'crossboarder' means?

>> No.11681710

It's KanColleViewer

>> No.11681713

I don't get it, so what do you call other people here?

>> No.11681719


>> No.11681721

or retard maybe, because that's what you are

>> No.11681722

What a faggot.

>> No.11681726
File: 296 KB, 640x640, 39486484_big_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Good sir"

>> No.11681731

deluded escapists

>> No.11681732

I googled sanaechan github, and blindly clicked the download link for the website that was in jap. I ended up downloading a doujin of sanae chan. That definitely made me feel like an ass.

>> No.11681738

Game stop, I don't want more Yukikaze, just give me a Goya already

>> No.11681740

is that just a windows 8 version of sanaechan?

>> No.11681741 [DELETED] 

Isn't this game shit?

>> No.11681743


>> No.11681759 [DELETED] 

This game is shit, right?

>> No.11681758

4-2 boss. Do it.

>> No.11681766

I daily crafted 2 Yukikaze back to back. No Goya, what luck is this?

I've been going to 4-2 for her, somehow I just don't have the luck needed to go to the boss node

>> No.11681772

Do Akagi gets any better after remodeling? So far she isnt eating all my bauxite but she manages to eat EVERY fucking shot of the enemy fleet that gets her to red/orange after first salvo.
Literally Naka-chan tier.

>> No.11681778

Where can you get KanColleViewer

>> No.11681779

She does. Also, craft better planes for her, plane recipes are usually pretty cheap and have very good chances at the rarer planes.

>> No.11681781

All ships get better after remodeling. That's kind of the point. You still have modernize them to five stars.

>> No.11681785

Make sure to max her firepower, it makes an even bigger difference for the shelling phase than firepower does for every other ship type.

>> No.11681788

An example, i went from 18 firepower to 49 with akagi and the planes max critted for 190s instead of 80s i had earlier.

>> No.11681789

Is she the only sister that eats this much bauxite with remodel + rare planes or they are fammiliar? Not asking for numbers but opinion is enough.

>> No.11681790

I don't know. Maybe Google does.

>> No.11681797

Wait, you mean like beat them to 5 stars and then remodel?

>> No.11681799

Better yet, is it possible to use itt on osx?

>> No.11681803

No. Windows 8 only

>> No.11681805


No, remodel before you dunk any modernization points into them, since everything is reset after remodel.

>> No.11681807

>windows 8 only
AHAHAHHASDFWEFA, no. I'll stick with sanaechan.

>> No.11681811

You say that as if google is by any means helpful in this case.

>> No.11681814

CV bauxite expenditures are vastly overstated and not problematic in the slightest unless you are not used to fielding them and/or do 30+ sorties per day. Bringing a CV fully armed with torpedo planes to PvP, for example, will cost you some 200 bauxite and give you a completely useless ship, while the average bauxite consumption for a 3CV/CVL fleet in a 3-2 grinding team is around 15-20. You'll learn to manage your CVs very soon, don't worry about it.

No, you should remodel and then get them to five stars.

>> No.11681815

googling kancolleviewer gives you the github as the first result

>> No.11681817 [DELETED] 

Isn't this that flash game played by normal people?

>> No.11681818

it is in this case

>> No.11681823

You stopped using "normies" because you didnt want to come off as autistic anymore? How cute, but anyone can see it regardless.

>> No.11681827

Akagi guy here,
thanks for info to all of you fellow teitokus.

>> No.11681828

yes and you have to compile it yourself

>> No.11681841


Is your body ready?

>> No.11681845

Ready for what?
Some more Asanagi sameface porn?

>> No.11681846

I guess you need visual studio for this. I've never worked with C# before. Oh well, I suppose I'll wait for a retard-proof addon.

>> No.11681857 [DELETED] 


What does 'normies' have to do with autism? Does the word 'normie' hurt your normie feelings so you want to make people not say it?

>> No.11681863

Are you still discussing about "normies" "autists" and whatnot? serously?

>> No.11681868

It's like the opposite of /jp/.
You literally have to beg people to respond to get replies, while everybody here is fighting to respond to this one guy.

>> No.11681873 [DELETED] 

But /jp/, you are the true normies.

>> No.11681884 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread filled with normal people and /a/ extradites?

>> No.11681905 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread so shitty?

>> No.11681907 [DELETED] 


It's filled with kancolle kids.

>> No.11681912

Can't wait for the next event to be as soul crushing as E-4 and all the faggots ragequitting. Hopefully that stabilizes the influx of shit in this thread

>> No.11681929

It would help if everyone wasn't like "GO TO /jp/ FOR DISCUSSION" then shitposting and doing dumb stuff in general.

It should fizz out in time after the new year when the FOTM hype wears off

>> No.11681933

Is it just me that thinks this arbitrary divide is absurd? /jp/ is /jp/ and /a/ is /a/, you dont have to separate the two by shoehorning the game into one and the fanart into the other. It promotes crossboarding more than anything. And considering how much they beat the horse of generals over in /a/, it wont exactly die out after a month.

>> No.11681940

Waaaaaah how do I beat this boss. This is unfair. They should make the event rewards available to everyone, even if you just started. These people are so lucky, I am so unlucky. I never drop ____, but I've gotten 5 {Rare ship from event}, why? Is it safe to push on orange? I lost my orange ship to the event boss. How are your resources guys? Am I ready even though I have level 80+ fleet and 80k+ resources? How do you farm buckets? Look guys, I lost ___ ship, here's a story about me and her and how I fucked up and lost her.

>> No.11681945

and then those faggots ragequit, hopefully.
also, thats still less bad than what we have now

>> No.11681948

I want to hear the story

>> No.11681950
File: 319 KB, 500x650, 40053261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This week's 4koma is pretty amusing. Has event suffering and enemies being moe.

>> No.11681956


The stories about lost shipdauthers are sort of fun tho.

>> No.11681959

4 tries at 3-3-A tonight, result: 2 Imuya, 0 Mutsu.
Maybe tomorrow...

>> No.11681961

what, exactly, do you expect a kancolle discussion board to contain then? Its not like the game is particularly deep

>> No.11681964

just clear the damn map, you might even get Nagato

>> No.11681965

But I already have Nagato.

>> No.11681973

Then shut your luck hole, Mutsu's easier to get.

>> No.11681975

>considering how much they beat the horse of generals over in /a/
That's why /a/ is trying to prevent another beaten dead horse gameplay general from forming, bad experiences with previous ones. The mods have a history of deleting gameplay-only threads, too. The only way around "go to /jp/ for discussion" would be picking another place to tell morons to go to.

>> No.11681986 [DELETED] 

How long before these threads go the way of every other massively popular casual interest, like starcraft 2 and etc.?

By that I mean they get overrun by tripscum.

>> No.11681991
File: 205 KB, 1418x1294, 38597406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The janitor would deal with that promptly

>> No.11681992 [DELETED] 


He deletes any post criticizing tripcode users, so I seriously doubt it.

>> No.11681994

using a trip is not against the rules so janitor can't do shit unless they also shitpost

inb4 horrible strawman argument that all posts by tripfags are shitposts

In fact, >>11681986 is the true shitposter here

>> No.11681996 [DELETED] 


>In fact, >>11681986 is the true shitposter here

Put your tripcode back on, dude.

>> No.11681999

shitposter spotted

>> No.11682010

There should be an expedition called "day off" that takes 24 hours and gives all the ships in it -25 fatigue.

>> No.11682015

12 hours and sparkles ships, i'd use that just for long expeditions since i hate sparkling so much.

>> No.11682026

>Expedition for expedition
Oh wow.

Then again I'd use it too.

>> No.11682030

My gold for today is two high level (level 90) submarines.
How do I go about tackling this?

>> No.11682036 [DELETED] 


Nice blog post.

>> No.11682046 [DELETED] 

Today, I was going to post meta discussion about how thankful I am for posts like these. I was going to express hope about the continuation of this trend and general improvement in quality of these threads thanks to them. My hopes were later dashed in the face of a flood of unrelated anti-elitist sentiments.

Thank you for listening =)

>> No.11682047

Six DD/CL in line abreast will absolutely destroy them, even without depth charges. Still best to put some on just in case.

>> No.11682074

Does expedition 9 really give buckets?
I've never gotten a single bucket from there.

>> No.11682095

Raise morale of your expedition fleet, it helps a lot. Not 100% chance for special item, but the difference is significant.

>> No.11682106

Are programs like Sanaechan and KancolleViewer against the rules?

There was that thing where the staff guys clearly state that abusing F5 is a bannable offense and can get you banned so I was wondering if there was something similar for this.

>> No.11682112

There is no difference in special item drop when your fleet is sparkling. Are you daft?

>> No.11682116

It's not likely that they can detect it. Even if they could, they don't care.
I play on tablet every day and that is even officially against the rules.

>> No.11682125

It's my observation, I dropped ~30% more buckets with sparkling fleet. Sure, it might be just RNG thing, but raising morale won't hurt, additional resources are always welcome.

>> No.11682135

I admit I have no conclusive tests either, but to my own observations in line with the general consensus, it seems to makes no difference. I probably should have just worded it like that without the insult, though, apologies.

>> No.11682149

It drops every time for me. I always sparkle my fleet for it.

>> No.11682150

"Have 2 aviation battleships and 2 aviation cruisers in your main fleet."

Who counts as a BBV? Who counts as CAV? I'm too dumb to figure this out, thanks.

>> No.11682151

Wiki has it.

>> No.11682152

No need to thank me

>> No.11682155

Can you craft Ooi with 30/30/30/30 recipes? I know Kitakami sometimes appears with those.

>> No.11682156

If you didn't need him to thank you, you shouldn't have replied.
Do you think you're being funny?
It's people like you who always feel the need to sarcastically reply to dumb questions that shit up these threads.

>> No.11682161
File: 31 KB, 688x100, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is next on the second revision list?

>> No.11682163

Haruna or one of the Kuma CLs

>> No.11682172
File: 357 KB, 850x1200, 1386289732018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682176

But she got the new kai art, chances of a kai2 after that are low

>> No.11682187

Yura MILF remodel for christmas

>> No.11682189

Yura? Who's that?

>> No.11682190

Just fix her eyes, that's all I ask.

>> No.11682192


I guess it's Samidare's turn to shine.

>> No.11682193


>> No.11682196

No more destroyer remodels, its time for the light cruisers to shine and get the remodels.

Maybe a Kuma remodel, that would be great

>> No.11682208

Fffffuuuck. I hit line ahead out of habit, instead of line abreast for a pvp match against subs. Goodbye S rank.

>> No.11682212

Refresh pls

>> No.11682213

Why do you guys still not know you can hit refresh any time you want to redo your matches?

>> No.11682215

You can do that? I thought you couldnt since battles are calculated from the beginning. I'll remember that from now on.

>> No.11682216
File: 61 KB, 498x373, musashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just crafted 3 14air radar with Musashi with my daily.
Guess she is good for something.

>> No.11682217


Because I take my loss like a man.

>> No.11682225

What recipe?

I want some of your delicious luck.

>> No.11682227

101 10 251 251
Dont blame me if you get penguins

>> No.11682238

I think I must have some weird repeating luck. Right now I've been crafting CVs, and I've gotten a mixture of Hosho's and Hiryuu's in a row. Currently at 5 Hosho's and 3 Hiryuu's.

>> No.11682253

I give up, Yukikaze is impossible to craft. I'd probably use less resources trying to get a Yahagi then I would crafting Yukikaze.

>> No.11682259

Concentrate on subs instead of Yukikaze, I got 3 shimakazes and 3 yukikazes while trying for Goya.

Though I know how that feels, have been trying to craft Kumano for ages with no result, only need her and Zuikaku to complete my dream fleet.

>> No.11682261

It's not like crafting 250/130/200/30 four times a day gets excessively expensive.

>> No.11682263

I've got literally NOTHING good. Not a single sub, not a single Shimakaze, NOTHING. Just fucking Chikuma and shitty Myouko CAs as well as fucking Nagara class cruisers (most of which are disgusting who the hell decided that art was decent)

>> No.11682265

Well you have to start somewhere, just keep trying and playing and you'll see how your fleet grows and evolves.

>> No.11682268

Personally I am missing only 1 craftable ship. That elusive Shokaku. I've gotten 4 of her sister already.

>> No.11682271

What I've got so far
3x Chikuma
4x Ashigara
3x Haguro
2x Nachi
1 Tone (I didn't want one but at least this was a unique craft)
3x Isuzu
3x Choukai
2x Takao
1 Maya
2x Atago
And a few other undesirable duplicates.
Tone was the ONLY unique craft I've got out of 30 or so attempts. I even tried to craft Aircraft Carriers for like 5 crafts, and all I got was 3x Hiyous and 2 Chiyodas.

>> No.11682279
File: 207 KB, 700x950, Kongou and Karen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make Kancolle gaijin friendly?

>> No.11682282

You don't.

Ban all gaijin.

>> No.11682289

IOSYS videos.

>> No.11682284

Im missing more than that, from the ships I want im only missing Yuubari, Kumano and Zuikaku.
Other craftable ships im missing are Kaga, Mikuma and Mutsu but im not in a hurry to get them.

>> No.11682295

It took me 1month of daily crafting to get Yukikaze.
Suck it up. At least you are doing 400/x/600/x recipe for your daily. Destroyer recipe is cheap.

>> No.11682296

I consider Mikuma one of those ships that are a myth, along with the rest of the rare destroyers and Yahagi. Kind of wish they released Yahagi earlier as a craftable ship.

>> No.11682298

I've never heard of Mikuma being craftable whatsoever.

>> No.11682302

Why I consider her a myth.

>> No.11682310

>Yuubari, Kumano

These two have been making me rage craft for them so much, especially Kumano since I keep getting 1:30:00 timers.

Maybe that standard carrier recipe might yield some better results for Yuubari.

>> No.11682311

Who's a good filler DD to put as a 6th slot for my 3-2 fleet? I have Shimakaze, Yukikaze, Yuudachi, Shigure and Hibiki in tow.

>> No.11682316


Shiranui because female Levi

>> No.11682317

I do 3-2 runs with those five fine. Until another rev. 2 comes, at least.

>> No.11682319 [DELETED] 



>> No.11682320

Your starter.

>> No.11682321

What recipe are you using? I have been trying to craft those two for months with no results.

Using 30 all for Yuubari and 400//30/600/30 for Kumano, managed to get Suzuya recently but its not enough.

>> No.11682326

Yuubari isn't common, but I bet you'd get her after a 100 30/30/30/30 crafts.

>> No.11682328

I already have 3 dolphins but no Suzuya. WTF is wrong with the RNG Goddess?

>> No.11682331

Just use a DD you like, I like shiratsuyu so im training her along with Shigure, Shimakaze and Yukikaze. Might train murasame later and Hibiki if I can get the motivation to train her to 70

>> No.11682332

wakabe, because masochism moe.

>> No.11682334


For Yuubari, with my two docks, all 30s for top and rare DD for bottom.

Kumano with the standard BB recipe, which eats away at my resources I use for grinding so I don't do it too often. Usually when Mogami drops on my grinding runs I do a craft for Kumano.

>> No.11682335
File: 484 KB, 717x396, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682336

Already got two from 30x all. Used one for modernization for space.

>> No.11682340

> Used one for modernization for space.
One for your ASW team(4slot), 1 or 2 for expeditions.

>> No.11682343

Honestly, I think only one is enough for my expeditions. For ASW I already have Isuzu and Bep.

>> No.11682344

I do 1 BB craft and 3 30 all recipes for dailies, did 3 BB crafts for a while after the event because I was feeling burned out and really wanted something good, the only notable thing I got after pissing all that steel and fuel away was Suzuya.

>> No.11682347

>only one is enough for my expeditions
So you won't remodel her?
Well every man to his own I guess.

>> No.11682348


Funny, I got Suzuya from the BB craft a while ago. I was both happy and extremely depressed because I already had Suzuya and that was one of those chances for Kumano.

>> No.11682353
File: 575 KB, 550x1123, 39847415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like Suzuya is rarer than Kumano for some reason.

>> No.11682357
File: 1.23 MB, 1125x1035, 3614987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worth traumatizing her?

>> No.11682358

I usually get Tone or mogami from 1:30 crafts which ends in me scrapping them because seeing them appear from a 1:30 timer frustrates me

>> No.11682360

Say that to my face and I will laugh at you. Kumano has never shown up in any recipe I've tried.

>> No.11682361

Nope, its the other way around. Kumano is definitely rarer

>> No.11682366

Bep is happier this way, any ideas to the contrary are capitalist propaganda.

>> No.11682368

Its no trauma, she was just selected as a transfer student and came back to her school and friends after a year.

>> No.11682376

Suzuya is definitely easier. I got her for my first BB recipe craft. It took me 2months later to get Kumano from E7. That said I did get 3Kumano from E7. Maybe Kumano drop rate is higher but Suzuya craft rate is higher?

>> No.11682380

I crafted Mutsu and got Kumano as a drop, so Suzuya is definitely rarer than both of them combined, without a doubt.

>> No.11682384

I crafted Nagato and got Shoukaku as a drop but Kumano is still hiding from me

>> No.11682386 [DELETED] 

Isn't this game really awful? I heard they had to bribe pixiv artists to draw art of it.

>> No.11682388
File: 35 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-003414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tempted to buy this.

>> No.11682395

Oh man
I hadn't even thought about the figures from this game. Almost all of my figs have bladed weapons, can't wait to add some deck guns and torpedos.

>> No.11682412 [DELETED] 


Why would you buy plastic that will sit on some shelf and give you no joy? Do you want that badly for people to come into your house and look at all your epock anime merchandise and see you're ~le otaku~?

Not to mention it's unrelated to the game. Take your figurine advertisement to /a/ where it belongs, this thread is for game discussion.

>> No.11682428

For some reason I really want a scale 25mm AA cannon to put on my desk.

>> No.11682438 [DELETED] 


Why would you buy plastic that will sit on some shelf and give you no joy? Do you want that badly for people to come into your house and look at all your epock anime merchandise and see you're ~le otaku~? Or do you need some hunk of mass-produced garbage to stare at and try to remind yourself of that?

Not to mention it's unrelated to the game. Take your figurine advertisement to /toy/ where it belongs, this thread is for game discussion.

>> No.11682447 [DELETED] 


I don't really give a shit of what people think about my room. It's my room after all. I have plenty of figures on my shelf, I find them cool, so I don't see the problem. Also, talking about the game's merchandise is more related than talking about normals and autists, don't you think?

>> No.11682453
File: 264 KB, 800x924, 38591038_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you responding to the bait?

>> No.11682455


You got a point.
Also, lovely Tenryuu artwork.

>> No.11682475 [DELETED] 


Tywin: Ned Stark.
Jaime: One of our men interfered, speared him through the leg before I could finish him.
Tywin: Why is he still alive?
Jaime: It wouldn't have been clean.

Tywin sneers.

Tywin: Clean? You spend too much time worrying what other people think of you.
Jaime: I could care less what anyone thinks of me.
Tywin: That's what you want people to think of you.

Why do you have the fucking figures displayed publicly, retard? Why do you have them AT ALL? It's obviously not to enjoy for yourself, because you'd have bought something actually fun and interactive instead of something designed solely to be displayed to other people. The shitty veneer you apply to your disgustingly normal, attention-thirsty behaviors is transparent to anyone who views it.

>> No.11682503
File: 111 KB, 260x260, weapon048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12.7cm Single High Angle Cannon
Standard anti-aircraft cannon.
Designed for economy and mass production, in the later war it was equipped to destroyers, coastal defense ships, and transport ships.
Against enemy planes, they were only capable of mounting courageous but doomed resistance.
>火力: +1, 対空: +0
Firepower +1, Anti-Air +0

>> No.11682518

Wow, it's really bad.

>> No.11682551

Why is this joke weapon on yuubari kai again?
To make fun of her?

>> No.11682572

Tenyruu Kawaii ka!

>> No.11682584

How do you equip your CVs, jaypee?

I've been going the balanced route, but I see a whole lot of screenshots on here equipping only torpedo bombers. This seems like just asking for your planes to be shot down. What have you guys had the best experience with?

>> No.11682588

It depends on what you're doing with them.

If you're farming 3-2-A, obviously you only need torpedo bombers. If you're making boss runs in 3-4 for admiral xp, or 2-3 runs for one of the rare boss drops, you might do dive bomber/2x torp/fighter. Basically you just equip them to deal with whatever you'll be dealing with, or torp bombers if there are no super tough enemy ships (dive bombers) or Wo/Nus (fighters).

>> No.11682591

You go for balanced route and high air superiority only if the map is filled with shittons of CV/CVL. Otherwise go for full power.

>> No.11682596

red bomber = dead BB
blue bomber = dead DD
green plane = kill airplanes

In my opinion, blue bomber gives the worst return on high lvl maps. They cant even scratch flagship cruiser.

>> No.11682604

She's an experimental cruiser. Tragically not all experiments are successful.

>> No.11682606 [DELETED] 

Isn't this that shitty flash game normals play? Apparently it's made to be as easy as possible so normals won't get frustrated and quit?

>> No.11682609

torp all the way.

>> No.11682611

Weird, because my Junyou can deal 30 damage on a flagship Ru and all I did was equip her with nothing but Tenzan.

>> No.11682617

They aren't supposed to kill battleships. They're there to wipe out the trash ships so your girls can focus on the shit that's actually dangerous.

The value of that varies by map and even node, but claiming that they aren't useful because they can't instagib every single endgame enemy is disingenuous at best.

>> No.11682620 [DELETED] 


>disingenuous at best.

Do you know what the word 'disingenuous' means? It's not one of those things you just drop whenever you feel the need to look smart. It actually has a meaning.

>> No.11682625

No man, they're there to destroy the enemy flagships. Trash can be dealt with by my other ships.

>> No.11682632

I, too, bring along 4 battleships solely to deal with that consarned basic destroyer that attempts to molest sub-chan!

>> No.11682641

A half damaged (45/90) Mutsu-Kai at level 44 takes 8 hours to repair.
This is getting absolutely brutal, I can only imagine how bad a red Mutsu at level 99 would be.

>> No.11682642

3 seconds

>> No.11682643

Yeah, I know, buckets. But god damn the timer would be long, a couple days or so right?

>> No.11682645

even Musashi at 99 and 1 HP is less than 48 hours.
when they implement Shinano we might hit a new record though

>> No.11682647

About a day and a half at max

>> No.11682648

during shelling phase you mean? initial torpedo phase can't do shit. CV with red planes can 1shot ta class bb

>> No.11682649

Yeah shelling phase, torpedo from CVs does shit on BBs.

>> No.11682653

If you want repair times, carriers are the ones that take the longest

>> No.11682655

CV with blue planes can 1shot ta class bb as well.

>> No.11682667

CV and BB take the same time to repair. The only exception are the Kongou sisters.

>> No.11682678

Incorrect. It is based on a combination of ship type (slow battleships and standard carriers share a multiplier here), hp cost (Nagato class have more hp than even kaga), and level. The actual cost to repair is based on base fuel cost (guess who costs a shitload more than any carrier?) and hp (again, carriers do not win here).

Fast battleships are special in that they only have the same ship class modifier as heavy cruisers/light carriers (1.5x) rather than slow battleships/standard carriers (2x), though their higher hp ensures that a 1hp fast battleship will still take longer to repair than a 1hp CVL/CA.

>> No.11682718
File: 22 KB, 737x63, Mutsu 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the game is trying to taunt me or something.

>> No.11682725

Oh cool, I finally got paired up with a lvl 100

>> No.11682745

Is it just me, or is the enemy in 2-2 more hostile to subs than 2-3? Tried clearing daily while gathering bauxite there, the 1st node knocks me out much more often than 2-3.

>> No.11682750

its called line abreast formation

>> No.11682792

I wonder if the wiki will ever include Mutsu's hourly lines.

>> No.11682824

> wiki
Say what now? Did Mutsu get hourly lines update?

>> No.11682826

No but I really hope it happens at some point in the near future.

>> No.11682840
File: 81 KB, 658x648, takao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab and takao model?
Is it her time to shine at xmas event?

>> No.11682852

I get the feeling that the luck stat increases the chance of being targeted.

My Shigure K2 and Yukikaze has been nothing but magnet for attacks. Stupid retreats right before boss node because one bloody ship gets red.

>> No.11682857

Can you get Ooi from 3-2? Or maybe I should just continue farming 2-4 and 3-1...

>> No.11682860

I just got an Ooi from 2-3 boss, try it if you've got subs.

>> No.11682862

Ooi cannot drop from 3-2-A. I don't know if she drops from other nodes

>> No.11682864

There is no need to retreat.
Both of them wont sink with their high luck and they also seem to perform better when they are in critical health.

>> No.11682865

Thanks for the info.

>> No.11682883

Sounds way too legit to be true.

>> No.11682891

I tried that once and my Yukikaze sank. Thank goodness I have damage control on her.

>> No.11682935

Wasn't that used as one of the Arpeggio endcards?

>> No.11682938

yes it was. There was Iona and I-401, Takao and Takao, Maya and Maya, I forgot about the other ones but I think there was also Kongou and Kongou.

>> No.11682948

Also Haruna and Haruna, but not Kirishima and Kirishima for some reason. Meganekko hugging a teddy bear would have made for a great picture.

>> No.11682950

I don't like kancolle Haruna much so I didn't remember Haruna and Haruna. Arpreggio Haruna is great and wonderfully gay though.

>> No.11682995

Are there any branching rules in 4-3? wtf is with this compass

>> No.11682998


>> No.11683008

My knowledge is limited, so if I want the fastest route I bring 2CA 1DD right?

Because 2DD will bring me to node A then to the fuel node

>> No.11683011

Either FG or JFG
Even the nips are not sure about the last node. You could try going with CV and no CV and tell us the result.

>> No.11683016
File: 119 KB, 600x351, 825805777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga sees all.

>> No.11683019

she only wants to see Akagi.

>> No.11683021

I'd do that after I get another CA besides Maya leveled up I guess.

>> No.11683022

Go test her on map with random compass and see if you get sent to the boss node more often

>> No.11683025

She's stuck in a fleet with Zuikaku, she's probably looking for a way out.

>> No.11683076

Does anyone know if formations other than Line Ahead actually help evasion / defense if you run subs only? Whenever I try echelon or line abreast with all subs I get raped by everything, no matter what formation the enemy has.

>> No.11683076,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm stuck at the "enter admiral name" part of the tutorial.

>> No.11683112

and you can't test?

>> No.11683112,1 [INTERNAL] 

got it working

>> No.11683136

How would you set a show-off fleet for PvP without using trophy ships like Yamato or Yahagi?

>> No.11683137

solo lvl99 Naka

>> No.11683143

my tests always turnout to have the same result as I outlined in my post. Try reading comprehension next time.

I want to hear what others are experiencing.

>> No.11683144

Or that, and fill the rest of the slots with Mutsuki-class, all level 99.

>> No.11683150

So how many Zuikakus does it take to get a Shokaku?

>> No.11683157

Each equipped with Yuudachi's 12.7cm B, Yuubari's 12.7cm terrible AA cannon, and a thirty-barreled rocket launcher.

>> No.11683159

How do you even know when your fleet is up for pvp?

>> No.11683161

lvl 99 unremodeled chitose class.

>> No.11683168

Whenever another admiral wants to PvP you. The fleets update in real time.

Lvl99 Verniy
Lvl99 Hibiki
Lvl99 Chitose (Seaplane)
Lvl99 Chiyoda (Seaplane)
Lvl99 Yamashiro (Battleship)
Lvl99 Fusou (Battleship)

>> No.11683169

I am at 3shoukaku 0zuikaku. can you switch your luck with mine?

>> No.11683173
File: 492 KB, 821x482, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 coding. Great game guys.

>> No.11683176

cool client-side number editing, troll

>> No.11683179

Nah, just flash player crashing for the nth time.
Seriously, fuck flash.

>> No.11683180

reported to dmm. enjoy your ban hammer.

>> No.11683185

2 Zuikaku right now without Shoukaku. She and Kumano are the only buildable ships I haven't got.

>> No.11683191

You really want 3 Zuikakus?

>> No.11683196

I am literally doing 5-2 everyday just for her. what do you think? do you want 3shoukaku?!

>> No.11683200

What's your lineup for 5-2? Wouldn't doing this every day be really heavy on bauxite?

>> No.11683208

Does Kongou K2's extra resource consumption justify the gain in her stats?

>> No.11683209

Yes. survivability goes up, consumption is not very high. It's not as if you are fielding a Yamato.

Only reason to not do this would be aesthetics.

>> No.11683211

maybe a placebo effect, but I notice she has a tendency to deal more critical, while a bit less critical on the receiving end.

I did the "mistake" of remodel her during the last event, and upon remodel, enemies dealt more often normal damage than critical on her.

>> No.11683213

I see, I was wondering whether or not I should since she's now lvl77. I guess I'll wait until she goes orange before I remodel, she's been stuck at yellow since she reached lvl75.

>> No.11683220

80/110 (base)
90/120 (kai)
110/135 (kai2)

20 more fuel and 15 more ammo for a full refill in return for...

7 health
5 armor
3 evade
4 firepower
5 AA
3 luck

Honestly, I don't think it's worthwhile, but to each their own. You're spending more fuel than a fucking Nagato in order to still have significantly worse firepower/tankiness.

I do actually like her kai ni art though, and she does come with two radars (the shittiest of their kind, but still). If you have eleventy billion resources and want the small survivability boost then it's not a big deal, might as well just go ahead and do it. I just don't see it as being super valuable when if I'm paying that kind of resources, I'd rather be using them on Nagato anyways.

>> No.11683224

Just waiting for Kirishima and Haruna to get Kai Ni and then all of them get a boost to their stats to make it more worthwhile.

>> No.11683228

the thing is that, if other events will force you to use a fast battleship, you have no choice but use a Kai ni there.

Even with both at my disposal, I prefered using Kongou Kai ni than having Nagato for the middle path of E5. Having to deal with the compass is less suffering than the crazy middle pre boss nodes, and it was less resource intensive as result.

>> No.11683238

Untrue, I did not remodel any of my Kongou-class because I vastly prefer the original art and still cleared E-7 (with a Gouya, Makigumo, Yuubari and Kumano as bonuses). And I doubt there would be another event featuring Kongou-class as the stars of the show again.

>> No.11683240

I had no problem using Kongo's sisters to get every event drop while she got benched after E-2. Her Kai-2 isn't essential.

>> No.11683262

The actual difference in performance - and, honestly, fuel cost - is small enough that I think it's fair to say that no one is necessarily "right" here in terms of whether or not the upgrade is worthwhile, but kai ni is NOT required for events/maps that make use of fast battleships. Could it help? Yes, definitely. Is it worth having that extra cost all the time forever while getting little-to-not actual benefit from it while grinding (say) 3-2-A or, really, any non-event map that you're gonna be grinding? Maybe. I don't think so. You apparently do. In the end, a lot of kancolle is each admiral deciding how they feel about resources and fleet composition, whether they want to stockpile resources faster or if they're ok with running (relatively) lower on average in order to have better stats when the time comes where they may need 'em.

I fall on the "cheaper is better" side of the equation personally, I fucking love Hiryuu as my standard aircraft carrier whenever I can get away with it, but I suspect that you'll have a slightly easier time with certain very tough events - though I will have very slightly more resources to throw at 'em.

In the end though, long as we both get the goodies, who cares?

>> No.11683280

Actually the problem with kongou isnt the stats.
Not being able to equip type91 ap ammo is a huge blow for them.
Kongou kai ni uses more fuel than nagato and still perform worse.

>> No.11683291

Somehow unlocks 2-4
My ship's highest level are 20
which is the recommended to do, doing sortie at 2-2, 2-3, or 2-4 for level up them?

>> No.11683293


>> No.11683294

Can CVs equipped with guns attack during the night?

>> No.11683295

Don't forget to do the double attack setup.

>> No.11683296

Just try it man.

>> No.11683297

Try doing pvp then go 2-4 till you need to repair them without buckets. Repeat.

>> No.11683298

I actually really want to try it, but I'd rather try it in pvp but I already defeated all the admirals on my list

>> No.11683302

2-4A huh I will try that, and recommended level to try fighting boss node?
are your win lose ratio won't bea problem in PVP?

>> No.11683304

Rather than recommended level, pretty much just your fleet composition and equipment you have and how modernised your ships are.

>> No.11683310

4BB2CV can do it at pretty much any level if you have the resources to spare 20 runs with that huge fleet until you actually get to the boss.

>> No.11683319

currently I have 2BB, 1DD, 1CL, 1CA, 1CV
and standard equipment, never really crafting someting

>> No.11683354

You probably wouldn't want to bother bringing DD or CL and just focus on raw firepower if you want to clear it reliably.

Hope you're lucky and reach the boss node in a few tries so you don't waste resources non-stop.

Video as guide(kinda)

>> No.11683403

no, but seaplane tenders can double-attack which is sorta neat.

>> No.11683417

Well, BBV and CAV do that too so...

>> No.11683426

Do people even use Zuiun? No reason to use them at all until they get a buff.

>> No.11683429
File: 536 KB, 892x1146, 39903543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that these are the two best DD in game.

>> No.11683432

Who are they?

>> No.11683433

Who are those? Never seen them before

>> No.11683435

How? One of them is a starter ship.
Their names are Samidare and Suzukaze, and they are enchanting.

>> No.11683436

Are they from KanColle?

>> No.11683439
File: 707 KB, 1092x300, 1386344003032[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they part of team unpopular like these ships too?

>> No.11683442


I think you uploaded the wrong image, those are not Beaver and Shiranui

>> No.11683443

still new to the game?

>> No.11683444

Hmmm... Never heard of them.
Maybe if you post their Japanese names, I might get something.

>> No.11683449
File: 118 KB, 1023x469, BayKnsnCIAAzvHP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11683451

I love getting a Suzukaze drop.

>> No.11683452

Not going to happen

>> No.11683457
File: 180 KB, 830x830, 38824572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

五月雨 & 涼風

>> No.11683459

Is Arashio really unpopular? I found her to be pretty nice.

>> No.11683460
File: 153 KB, 450x601, 37194177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, friend. I love her voice, filling her and her sister up after expeditions is always a pleasure.

>> No.11683463

Still nothing.
The characters for the right one kind of looks like Yukikaze and Shimakaze though.

>> No.11683466

It's just lies, Arashio is clearly the best Asashio.

>> No.11683467

What's the best fleet comp to S rank 5-2? My CVs never do anything opening phase.

>> No.11683468


時雨&雪風 are the superior rain/wind combo

>> No.11683472

>The goddess of victory is here~ come get her~
Oh yes baby, I'm getting you.

>> No.11683474

Maybe you should start equipping dive bombers

>> No.11683475

New or something? Not only are they the starter ships but they drop like candy.

>> No.11683477

Well no shit, the fuck do you expect if their names in kaze you fruitcake.

>> No.11683482

I use them as a shield for my CVs/CVLs planes.

>> No.11683480

Dear diary,
I got 2 Suigaku 1 Akagi drops today. But where is my Mikuma?

>> No.11683484


>> No.11683487

There's alot of ships in this game, and I honestly admit that my memory isn't the absolute best. If they drop like candy, then I'm assuming I've gotten alot of them, but have just never payed any attention to them. Checking my inventory now, I don't see them.
But if you say they're the best, I guess I'll just take your word for it.

>> No.11683499
File: 48 KB, 436x300, best shiratsuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're the cutest.

>> No.11683506

Best outfit
Best voice
Best pout
Best everything

>> No.11683525


Based Taneda Risa.

>> No.11683549

How do you guys sparkle DDs in 1-1 for expeditions?

>> No.11683561

Put DD on fleet. Sortie it.

>> No.11683564

Come to think of it, I should raise a pair of ChitoChiyo to a decently high level but I'll make them stay as seaplane tenders, second remodel.

I imagine I can put a minisub, quintuple oxygen torpedo (nicked off Kitakami and Ooi) and one Zuiun on each of them so they get a turn in every phase of battle. I actually like that universal aspect.

If only they had four slots as a seaplane tender, then I can put a gun on them too.

>> No.11683565

that sounds like it hurts

>> No.11683568

Their repair time is negligible and sometimes I can get three sorties in a row without getting any major damage. Just be sure to max their armor/firepower.

>> No.11683567

Use throwaway Imuya

>> No.11683573

Too bad Zuiun sucks. Even their firepower and torp max stat are outclassed by any regular remodelled DDs. Except for the Mutsuki class, which has 3 max torp stat lower than them.

>> No.11683574
File: 586 KB, 734x444, fdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make 3-2 out to be some big deal when it really isn't. On the BB node i lined ahead and Perfect S'd it. Only sustained a bit of damage but still S ranked boss.

>> No.11683579

It's called rng. I had trouble with average lvl 70 dds.

>> No.11683580

>Bep lvl70
>yuudachi lvl56
>shigure lvl60

Try this map with only 40ish DD.

>> No.11683581

The only good floatplane is the one given out to folks who are in ranks 500 and above, which sucks because they probably spend their entire days playing the game and I realistically cannot.

>> No.11683583

Them levels. Try beating it with lv20 ships, that's what sane people like us do.

>> No.11683585

That's because not everyone does it with overlevelled DDs or have great luck. Pointless circle at the time because you can just change it at any time and nobody cares what time you're playing.

>> No.11683586

Good to hear you are lucky today.

>> No.11683587

I use Goya, that's the only I have.

>> No.11683592

but I don't have extras

>> No.11683609
File: 372 KB, 800x480, 3-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first 6DD attempt at 3-2 (and clear), but you don't see me being an obnoxious cunt about it.

>> No.11683615

Farm more Imuya and remodel and max your DD so they dont get hit

>> No.11683617

>Farm more Imuya
Like I can decide what will drop for me

>> No.11683621 [DELETED] 

Aren't developers all over the world making card games ever since 2012 when free-to-play blew up, since they're perfect platforms for that payment system?

In the Western market there's Scrolls, Hearthstone, the resurgence of Magic and many others - in Japan there's this and that other one I forget.

>> No.11683622

Why am I not getting furniture boxes from expeditions that are supposed to give furniture boxes? I successfully complete the mission and get the rewards but no furniture box...

>> No.11683624

No matter how you think about it, Akatsuki's the best.

>> No.11683627

Bad luck.

>> No.11683629


>> No.11683631

because it's not 100% durr

>> No.11683632

RNG hates you

>> No.11683635 [DELETED] 




>> No.11683636

chances on drop. You have much higher chances if you sparkle.
For instance, without sparkles, I approximately have 25% chance of getting a furniture box or a bucket.

YMMV, or rather your luck with RNG.

>> No.11683637 [DELETED] 


>> No.11683639 [DELETED] 

>You have much higher chances if you sparkle.

No you don't, fucktard. Read about the game (oh wait, you can't read Japanese) before you spread misinformation.

>> No.11683641

Item drop rate isn't 100%. Run expeditions and pray to RNG God.

>> No.11683642 [DELETED] 

>that kimochi when lose a battleship you've had for a long time

;_; bros

>> No.11683643

Why is the daily boss quest so hard to complete?
compass-chan, have mercy

>> No.11683646 [DELETED] 


But they aren't, whatsoever, unless you're a retard who has no idea how to play. You don't even need good RNG.

>> No.11683648

You don't have to clear it in 5 minutes after you get the quest, you have one whole day.

>> No.11683650 [DELETED] 

Some expeditions give more than one kind of item. You need sparkle to get both at the same time, no?

>> No.11683651 [DELETED] 


Can you patronizing assholes be quiet?


>> No.11683653 [DELETED] 


No, that is wrong. Sparkling never increases your probability to get an item. Please shut the fuck up and yield to someone who actually can read the game's language.

>> No.11683658 [DELETED] 


Because it's a bad thing to be a girl, right? >_>

>> No.11683656

The rate that she drops for you and the rate that you use her up to lvl10 is much higher. Of course this depend on where you do your daily and which map you farm. If you are sortieing at map where Imuya doesnt drop, of course you wont get her.

>> No.11683657 [DELETED] 

You need to chill out, big girl.

>> No.11683664

I'm farming 4-1, is that a bad place? I tried 3-3 I never had any luck there at all.

>> No.11683668 [DELETED] 

Oh, hey the guy from yesterday is back.

>> No.11683669 [DELETED] 

Chill out big girl, I never said that it's bad at all. I just asked you to chill out and I'm asking it again.

>> No.11683671 [DELETED] 


Yes, only an idiot would farm there.

>> No.11683672

I did 4-1 till I got my Imuya. Then she never dropped.

>> No.11683678

Chance of getting the reward on left side is like 50% regardless great success or not.
Reward on the right is guaranteed when great success. When it offers two of same reward on the right, you may get two by 50% of RNG.

>> No.11683681 [DELETED] 


Except you're calling me a girl like it's an insult.

People like you make it impossible to be a girl on the internet. So fucking sick of your kind.

>> No.11683683 [DELETED] 

Okay, so where is it that you recommend to farm her then?

>> No.11683693 [DELETED] 


I'm not gonna hold your hand for you? Learn this by yourself.

>> No.11683713 [DELETED] 

Wow, next time don't even bother replying if you're not bothered to even lend a helping hand.

>> No.11683714

Getting your first one is always hard. After that, she'll just keep on coming

>> No.11683715 [DELETED] 


Change your tampon.

>> No.11683718 [DELETED] 

Maybe you need to, big girl.

>> No.11683723 [DELETED] 


Maybe you need to fuck back off to whatever male supremacy site you crawled out of, redpill retard.

Tell me more about how men have it so easy despite women receiving half the pay for the same work men do.

>> No.11683724

Got my first SS, Imuya, from 2-3 boss today. Still no Ooi. Why is she so goddamn hard to find?

>> No.11683725 [DELETED] 


Another misogynist. Big surprise.

>> No.11683727 [DELETED] 

>Maybe you need to fuck back off to whatever male supremacy site you crawled out of
Okay I know this is the same old moron under a different hat but this is pretty good. Much better than the "is this the normie game?" shit, at least.

Here, I'll give you the attention you crave. You deserved it.

>> No.11683730 [DELETED] 

More like you are way too sensitive for the internet, 4chan nonetheless. Go back to facebook plz.

>> No.11683732 [DELETED] 


Yes, it's all a conspiracy. Tell me more about how the lizard-jews are compromising your water. Christ male supremacists are pathetic.

>> No.11683736 [DELETED] 


Go back to reddit where you can be at home with your teen misogynist buddies and downvote and talk about raping women.

>> No.11683739 [DELETED] 

Why are you replying to yourself?

>> No.11683740 [DELETED] 


Kill yourself.

>> No.11683743 [DELETED] 

>You need to chill out, big girl.
=being misogynist and raping women. k you have problems.

>> No.11683745 [DELETED] 


Except literally you are using 'big' (fat) girl as an insult, like it's WRONG to be fat or a girl. This reveals clear hate for women and size-challenged people. Pretty amazing that white teen kids still haven't caught on that fat isn't = unhealthy and women are the future of the world.

>> No.11683757 [DELETED] 

Not that anon who made the comment, but how do you live through life if you insinuate rape with calling someone a big girl. Fucking internet, report it and move on.

Can we just get back to talkiing about yuubari's navel?

>> No.11683759 [DELETED] 


Can you stop trying to divert attention from obvious hate for an ENTIRE GENDER? If someone said "I hate black people" it would be a way bigger deal than you're making this out to me, but because they only hate women, it's okay for you?

>> No.11683760 [DELETED] 

> Talks about 'big' (fat) girl issues
In a game without big fat girl

>> No.11683762 [DELETED] 



>> No.11683764 [DELETED] 

Dude, obviously having no big fat girls in this game is revealing clear hatred for women and size-challenged people.

>> No.11683765 [DELETED] 


So you only like girls as Kancolle style sex objects? How great. You know if these girls were real and could say something to you other than pre-programmed likes they would fucking hate you, because you only look at them as tits and ass and not as people.

>> No.11683769 [DELETED] 


Could you please get the fuck out? These threads are pretty shit even without people like you.

>> No.11683772 [DELETED] 

Jesus fucking christ stop shitting up the thread already, get the fuck out

>> No.11683781 [DELETED] 


Shut up.

>> No.11683790
File: 429 KB, 816x843, cover_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick post related topics or images

>> No.11683791

That shit is courtesy of a single dude who usually gets banned a few hours after his rampage and returns the next day with a whole new persona. You shouldn't mind him much, at least he makes these threads less monotonous.

PvP reset half an hour ago, maybe you can go do it until his posts are deleted.

>> No.11683794 [DELETED] 

We will never be free of the /a/ visitors who ask dumb questions and then hold conversations with isnt-this-game-shit?-san. This one did make me laugh though >>11683725

>> No.11683802

is bep a mexican?

>> No.11683803 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 600x800, 1384756641175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry, everyone divert attention from the fact that we're misogynist children who only think of kancolle characters as holes to fuck.

>> No.11683813

Alright /jp/, which unimplemented ships do you want to see in the game, and how do you think their personalities will be? Do you want more useful updates like second remodels and new capital ships, or more collectibles like the missing Kagero-, Yugumo- and Akizuki-class DDs? Which purely foreign ship do you think will be the first to be included?

>> No.11683823

I feel that if they keep adding remodels/ships/weapons, the game is going to become too easy (imagine if they come out with more CLTs) and they'll have to resort to even more bullshit RNG stuff to make it "interesting."

There's just not a lot of room for expansion when the game is only difficult because of RNG and levels hardly mean anything. I'm afraid they're going to make a bad decision.

>> No.11683831

Only interested in mikasa as mentioned previously or foreign ships. I'd also like to see some captured ships, chinese and russian, from the previous wars.

I feel this way too. They need to expand the mechanics like making scouting more important, or introducing a second sortie fleet so your DDs can actually act as a screen for your heavier ships.

>> No.11683835

All they have to do to increase the difficulty while keeping things from getting stale is add new classes and mechanics. Patrol ships, mine laying ships, supply ships, there's plenty of directions they could take. I'd rather see them add more than focus on upgrading the existing girls but I'm not looking forward to entire classes of lackluster ships being introduced for the sake of completion. Things like alternate art and lines could help keep the old ones fresh without making them overpowered and pushing the difficulty curve.

>> No.11683841

This is the direction they have to take. New mechanics will also serve to make it more of a strategy game as opposed to a gambling game.
Alternate art would be awesome, but I have a terrible feeling that it will cost money when they implement it.

>> No.11683846

Even if they do, 6 ship fleets feels pretty limiting as it is. I'd like to see bigger fleet sizes.

>> No.11683850

I want I-400 to commemorate its discovery.

>> No.11683852

Same worries as you. But what strikes me is that the cashshop at its current state isn't all that offensively bad. They could have done worse but I can only see this going downhill eventually

>> No.11683857

I want 6 fleets with 6 ships each. Each fleet fighting an enemy fleet would result in a separate 6 on 6 battle.

>> No.11683858

Strategy games take too much effort. I like playing this while I do other shit.

>> No.11683877

Well it's not like you'd have to solve a rubix cube every time you want to send out an expedition. Many strategy games don't take very much effort at all. It's more about making intelligent (not necessarily time-consuming) decisions.

>> No.11683906

It seems to me that they're very careful in trying not to draw the ire of their userbase. I don't think the capital ship crafting system is being delayed because they haven't implemented it yet, they probably are looking into a way where they can gain money off of capital shipbuilding items while making it so that non-paying users can still craft with minimal problems.

Also, a CLT nerf seems to be in order. I can accept the supremacy of BBs and CVs because you have several BB/CV options that you can pick from without severely compromising usefulness, but Ooi and Kitakami completely dominate the pre-emptive torpedo strike niche and that's so useful an ability that it calls for both girls on any serious fleet.

>> No.11683968

Finally, my Iku did a cut-in attack. Freaking rare.

>> No.11683984

it's not really a PvP game who cares about serious fleets

>> No.11684050

PvP is so fked up, you deal like 37 kitty damage to enemies with your 140 firepower BB, and the enemy CAs deal 50~60 damage to your BB casually

>> No.11684074

What. You can win PVP with destroyers and cruisers and stuff. I send level 30-40ish to level off of level 80 or so fleets, even with BB's in them.

PVP is piss easy. Easiest way to level up ships not part of your main fleet.

>> No.11684077

Coincidentally, Mutsu is part of the fleet I don't regularly use and want to level up.

>> No.11684079

pvp is heavily stacked in your favor. You pretty much always do more damage.

>> No.11684082

Apparently not always from the bullshit I just experienced

>> No.11684083

That's what happens when you have T-cross disadvantage. I'm always using a Chiyoda filled with green guns and a Saiun on PVP to avoid that. She also serves as a target dummy for torpedo and BB hits, while also killing planes.

>> No.11684089

The number of stars on your flagship affect how much more it's stacked in your favour. More stars, bigger debuff to opponent fleet stats.

Even if your flagship has only 1 star, you still have the advantage of choosing whether to go for night battle or not.

>> No.11684090


>> No.11684093

No disadvantage, either parallel or head-on usually. Also no point having CV/CVLs in PvP when they level up so easily during regular sorties.

>The number of stars on your flagship affect how much more it's stacked in your favour. More stars, bigger debuff to opponent fleet stats.
Is this really one of the game mechanics? Source please

>> No.11684101

The Chioyda is there to stop Disadvantage. But getting nothing out of parallel/head-on is strange. Maybe it's just bad luck.

>> No.11684221

Stars are a measure of how close a ship is to her stat caps. Fully modernised ships fare better against ships that aren't. In pvp, the enemy fleet always gets one star knocked off even when fully modernised (this is the actual debuff).

>> No.11684287

>I send level 30-40ish to level off of level 80 or so fleets
Really now? And how do they end up doing? D or C rank at best I'm assuming.

>> No.11684299

Not that anon, but I sub in low lvl and unmodernized ships all the time in pvp. A well equipped BB with CLTs can handle almost any fleet. Force a night battle if you have to.

>> No.11684320

Just refresh till S rank

>> No.11684331

just had a guy in pvp with only level 99 zuikaku and akagi filled with nothing but recon planes.

what a bro

>> No.11684338

I wish I could be a bro, but as long as this game isn't giving me any 46 guns, all the PvP people will get is a mean BB and her friends.

>> No.11684349

Quite honestly, I just push them to night battle. With destroyers and cruisers, you almost always sink 4 enemies or nab the flagship, granting you an A or B win respectively.

Low resource consumption as well, being ships of the lighter class.

I claim PVP is easy because trying to get a flagship kill or 4 enemy ship kills with a full green fleet is easy, no matter what level you are. Assuming you are willing to night battle. Which you are, if you're using lighter ships.

>> No.11684357

after just complaining in this thread earlier that i couldn't get her i guess the rng is taking pity on me.

>> No.11684363

Crafting or drop?

>> No.11684367

>gold BG
>can't figure if it is crafting or drop

>> No.11684368

drop on 4-1-A

>> No.11684370

Kaga has a homey dumpiness about her.

>> No.11684375

I've had that RNG pity before too..

If it's a crafting, even rare ones will have blue background.

>> No.11684377

I never crafted a rare so I had no idea

>> No.11684381

damn thats kinda depressing
unless you're just new?

>> No.11684383

Kinda new, with T-level at 50

>> No.11684386

oh you're 10 levels above me, how have you never crafted a rare?

>> No.11684391

RNG hates me.
I couldn't finish E-2 because I started late, and I spent the last 3 days going NE or getting a cut-in crit right before the boss. Or killing everything while doing no damage to the boss.

>> No.11684396

What does the bg have anything to do with whether it was a drop or craft?

>> No.11684398

>T-level at 50
>never crafted a rare
Wow. Did you just no try or is your luck just that depressing?

>> No.11684402

crafts are always blue background regardless of rarity

dont feel bad i couldnt finish E-2 either. then again I started during the middle of the event and only finished E-1 during the last 6 hours.

>> No.11684405

I do 6 crafts every day.
4 for daily and 2 more to try my luck a bit more.

>> No.11684407

Sigh, you should know that all ships obtained from crafting even though silver, gold, or holo will only have a blue background if it's obtained from crafting. Image as example, holo with blue background.

>> No.11684412

Jesus christ man, do you just do 30/30/30/30? Im T40 and i've gotten 3 shimakazes and a yukikaze, among 4 other rares. And all i do is craft dailies.

>> No.11684414

Great, another target dummy for 1-1. But I already have three others, I just wanted at least Imuya or Shimakaze.

>> No.11684419

Where is that excerpt from?

>> No.11684420

I'm T-87 and did 230/30/200/30 for two weeks already on every daily. The only notable drops were 2x Yuubari and a Yukikaze.

>> No.11684424

Googling 'Kaga has a homey dumpiness about her' got me 'Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway' as the first result.

>> No.11684427 [DELETED] 

This thread really blows up right around the time American school lets out, huh.

>> No.11684433

Oops, I'm dumb.
Thank you.

>> No.11684443

wow and i thought i had average luck
this week alone i've gotten goya + imuya + suzuya + ooi x2 + mutsu + shoukaku all from crafts

>> No.11684449

When the only rare I got this entire week so far was 2 Yukikaze when I'm just trying to craft Goya.

>> No.11684456

Goya is arguably cuter than Imuya.

>> No.11684463

This fucking game, I tell you.

>> No.11684473

yes you could argue it but you'd be wrong

>> No.11684487

Is Chanpuru just a side dish?

>> No.11684489

Okazu janai no!

>> No.11684494

This is freakin tedious.

>> No.11684499

What is?

>> No.11684501

A screenshot.

>> No.11684502


leveling up Shigure

>> No.11684507 [DELETED] 

Apparently people play this game even though it's awful and designed for normal people? Can anyone clarify why?

>> No.11684509

If your fleet is already decently levelled, why are you still using 3-2?

>> No.11684511


Grinding? Of course it is.

But it's so satisfying once you accomplish what you wanted, especially remodels.

>> No.11684515

Who knows? Maybe if you play it you'll know.

>> No.11684516 [DELETED] 


This looks really bad. Is this the standard quality of 'art' in this game?

>> No.11684517 [DELETED] 


>> No.11684519 [DELETED] 


Why would I play something that's bad and for normal people? Is it like a cult, where your friends get you in and you become too trapped in the social aspects of it to realize it's shit and you're wasting your life?

>> No.11684520

ever played a korean grinder?
KanColle grinding is easy and fast since the required exp for the next level only grow linearly

>> No.11684521


Because I want Shigure kai 2

and Bepchan

Jesus I will have to grind for the next 4 years

>> No.11684535
File: 117 KB, 799x477, kai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, and it's great when you have a bunch of projects coming to fruition at the same time.

>> No.11684541
File: 72 KB, 683x339, Screenshot_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Kai2?

>> No.11684541,1 [INTERNAL] 

*anime fart*

>> No.11684543

I do feel that way about Kaga. You can take it easy since Kaga will get things done without you having to worry about her.

>> No.11684543,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you hate Kancolle so much, anime spammer?
I thought you were just some harmless nerd who couldn't find /a/.

>> No.11684544

And then you'll realise you lack ships to feed them when they finally get remodelled.

>> No.11684544,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are all the deleted posts in this thread by you?

>> No.11684544,2 [INTERNAL] 


I hate the people who use this thread, I don't give a shit about Kancolle. I do think it's pretty mediocre though. It's just another card game riding the pay-2-win craze.

>> No.11684544,3 [INTERNAL] 

Autists hate change and popular things

>> No.11684544,4 [INTERNAL] 

please respond

>> No.11684544,5 [INTERNAL] 


I don't wanna look through this giant awful thread to see all the deleted posts, but yes probably all are mine

>> No.11684560 [DELETED] 

Why is Kancolle so bad anyway? Does anyone know?

>> No.11684561
File: 232 KB, 1092x660, stockpile all the things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having 170 spaces help with this problem significantly... I am forced to scrap the occasional DDs and CAs, but that's only because I only have 1-2 ships that I am leveling to modernize at any given time.

Totally unrelated note. I find 5-1 to be more expensive than 4-4 and 3-4 to do. I got through it only after spending 20 odd buckets and 2k resources. Those elite BBs are annoying.

>> No.11684561,1 [INTERNAL] 

fucking hell nightshift anon was right

>> No.11684566

I should up set a regex filter for things like sentences that start with "why" and "this". The guy always follows that same formula to try and troll.

>> No.11684569

>Why is Kancolle so bad anyway? Does anyone know?
Why is this guy still posting? Does anyone know?

>> No.11684570

It's better to filter all questions.
That way you won't have to see all the noobs asking for help.

>> No.11684573

Hike up your big girl panties and use the report button.

>> No.11684574

Its the same guy who spams the front page with anime, take a look here.
Warning: the archive is extremely cancerous, avoid browsing the ghost posts for extended periods.

Just report and ignore it whenever it pops up, he even admitted to being the same guy.

>> No.11684575

It's the same guy doing the anime spam, he's not very creative when it comes to trolling.

Yes, we kancollefags check warosu too. Deal with it nerds.

>> No.11684577

Im a nice guy, so maybe theres that one question someone asks that is worth asking.

>> No.11684581

He's been trying to spam everything he doesn't like off /jp/ for months now, Kancolle is just his latest target. Just report and ignore him like the rest of /jp/ does.

>> No.11684582

I wish I could expand my fleet, I'm forced to bid farewell to Asashio-class and Hatsushimo-class to make some space for incoming ships.

Apparently, DMM hates my money more than myself.

>> No.11684584

That's the problem.
No one here can ignore him. The VC thread never had this problem when he showed up.

>> No.11684585

In before which kancolle would you fuq.

Here's a question though. Been looking at AA guns, and it looked as if that they don't really work at 4th slot for some reason. I want to know if this is not a placebo effect, so if anyone has seen any info on this...

>> No.11684587

Thats so autistic i cant even get mad. I only feel pity for the guy.

>> No.11684588

We ignore him all the time. Sometimes we pause to marvel at his sheer autism since he's been at it around the clock for two months now, but that's about it.

I never had a problem getting my gaijin card registered.

>> No.11684590

I did have a problem registering the gaijin card initially, but I solved it by going to the English ver. of the site and promptly registered my card.

>> No.11684592

I have a problem with my CC. Though maybe later I'll check webmoney since I heard it's usable now for DMM, but I'm not in the mood of doing difficult stuff right now

>> No.11684598

there's that familymart promotion running right now, where if you buy webmoney from familymart, you enter into a draw for more webmoney... but us gaijins can't get in on it obviously.

>> No.11684598,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11684603

So if I want to get Ooi and Kaga, I'm best of running 2-3, right?

>> No.11684598,2 [INTERNAL] 

People finally realized that you'll never actually stop, so it doesn't matter if they acknowledge you or not.

>> No.11684598,3 [INTERNAL] 


That wasn't even me. Holy shit you are getting owned today.

>> No.11684605

So it's not webmoney-DMM point conversion? Damn.

>> No.11684603,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was fooled by your perfect retard imitation. Point still stands.

>> No.11684605,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11684608 [DELETED] 

I want to play kancolle when I'm at the club, but the devs won't let me use my phone to play it for some reason.

Can I pay a fee to the devs to play it on my phone? This is really lame...

>> No.11684611

>they don't really work at 4th slot for some reason
This is bullshit.
Try putting yellow 15.5cm gun on your 4th slot.
They still use it for their 2nd attack during the shelling phase.

>> No.11684614

yeah the garbage about mattering which slot equipment is in (besides planes) is all false.

>> No.11684616 [DELETED] 


How? Help

>> No.11684617

wikiwiki's detailed battle article claims that anti-air guns don't trigger in the fourth slot and I'm inclined to trust them.

>> No.11684619

It's the problem of cache.
If your phone can cache the game content fully, and you change your header to PC, then you should be OK. If you do not cache, then you would be consuming bandwidth every time you load the game anew.

Set the cache to maybe 2gb or so.

>> No.11684627

Has anyone ever gotten Shimakaze from 3-2-A? The wiki says it's a maybe, but seeing as I've done it like 300 times I figure it's not true and I should go grind on 2-4-A instead.

>> No.11684628 [DELETED] 


Thanks bro.

Do you think the bartender would make fun of me for liking an otaku game like this?

>> No.11684635 [DELETED] 

You're talking to >>11684574, just leave it alone before it makes you stupid.

>> No.11684633 [DELETED] 

Why are you giving a damn?

>> No.11684636 [DELETED] 


Please don't curse at me... I was just asking, dude...

>> No.11684636,1 [INTERNAL]

>> No.11684648

Where in the wiki says 3-2-A drops Shimakaze?

>> No.11684648,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11684648,2 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11684655

Shimakaze has a "O" for 3-2, meaning drops at non-boss nodes. I know that doesn't necessarily mean all of them, which is why I asked.

>> No.11684665

No, Shimakaze probably does not drop at 3-2-A, check the source of the drop list too probably.

>> No.11684666

FFFFffuuuck. I shouldnt play this game sleep deprived. I modernized a recently remodelled ship with 5 BBs. Or so i thought. I thought it was weird that i capped at so low stats and realized i didnt actual remodel her yet.

>> No.11684669 [DELETED] 

Just use the Japanese wiki for drops. She doesn't drop on 3-2-A.

>> No.11684670

Node C

>> No.11684671

Yeah I should just use that one instead. Thanks.

>> No.11684675 [DELETED] 


Damn bro... *sighs and hugs you*


>> No.11684731

It is possible to convert WebMoney -> DMM money -> DMM points. Nothing difficult to be honest, just a lot of clicking. Unfortunately, it's more expensive than direct purchase with CC.

>> No.11684772

They need to change the world4 boss weekly to world5. I dont have enough resources to do both 4-4 and 5-2

>> No.11684800
File: 149 KB, 547x410, 1382109782377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I pay a fee to the devs to play it on my phone? This is really lame...
wait for AMD and kancolle cloud gaming (if it's going to be implemented), it has been demonstrated at TGS2013.

1GB is probably enough, even 400MB if someone use their browser to play kancolle only.

>> No.11684805

This still doesn't solve the problem of Android officially hating flash. I dunno about iOS though, but I'm assuming that's priority no. 1 since Apple products reign supreme in Japan.

>> No.11684829

Can Murasame teach me how babies are made?

>> No.11684840
File: 150 KB, 542x600, 1386405625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone using KancolleViewer?
does the sound notification works?

>> No.11684853

No, because it only works for Windows fucking 8.

>> No.11684863

Any suggestions on where to farm for Shiratsuyu? I haven't seen her after countless 1-1 sparkle runs, so the drop rate there must be pretty bad.

>> No.11684867

2-4-A has her absolutely 6 gorillion % for sure, I got 5 of her in ~150 runs. I've yet to see her drop from 3-2-A.

>> No.11684873

Good luck.
I got 1 in 2months.

>> No.11684875

She's the rarest of the common ships.

>> No.11684876

Last sister syndrome?

>> No.11684885

I got one, leveled her to 20, got the remodel art, then she sank on the first sortie after.

She will be forever remembered in my album.

>> No.11684890

Not just that, she's the only one I'm missing that isn't either boss drop, craft or event only.

>> No.11684906

I have 22 recorded Shiratsuyu drops out of 1853 1-1 runs

>> No.11684916
File: 130 KB, 596x522, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know what i mean

>> No.11684928

This is news to me.

I'm 2/3 weeks in, I've scrapped or fed at least 5-8 copies of her to other kanmusus. Had no clue she was supposed to be "rare".

>> No.11684938
File: 472 KB, 801x456, IMUYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally have Imuya after 40 tries of 250/30/200/30. I just need Hacchan to complete my sub fleet ;_;

>> No.11684941

Forget the criminal and focus on I-401 from the xmas event

>> No.11684943

What were you doing in 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4?
She is rare because nobody sortie at those maps.

>> No.11684944

you talk like you know 401 will be in the christmas event
the christmas event isn't even the arpreggio event, retard

>> No.11684946

If I-401 is really the reward for collab event, will it be Iona in swimsuit + serafuku combo?

>> No.11684948

Tone down the namecalling, would you?

>> No.11684949


I want Goya, damn it

>> No.11684950

I hope we get Iona by the current sub artist instead of shibafu, I don't want a plain Iona

>> No.11684951

I just hope she doesn't come with Shibafu's art. It's too plain for the family of subs. Too bad I think it will be like that, as they showed on the end card for Arpeggio.

>> No.11684952

401 is the only ship that makes sense as reward if the arpreggio event is an actual ingame event.

No, fuck off retard. Say retarded shit and you will be called out on your retarded comments.

>> No.11684955


>> No.11684956

It took me a little over a month to get goya, just keep trying

>> No.11684957
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1386387047555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.
She is going to be plain, flat and actually ugly.

>> No.11684959

I found 3 in 4-2, scrapped them after they reached lv10.

>> No.11684962

Dear god how horrifying, please no

>> No.11684963


4-2? that's interesting. Boss node?

>> No.11684964

Why didn't you rotate them on 2-3? It's fucking good for resources.

>> No.11684965

They drop like candy at 5-2 at about half the rate of Imuya.
I am at 9Imuya and 5Goya now

>> No.11684968

What do you think?

Maybe it's because I already have 6 subs running 2-3, which includes 2 Goya?

>> No.11684969

I wish Yukikaze dropped like candy.

>> No.11684971

She drops like candy when crafting for subs, same for shimakaze

>> No.11684972 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 1012x602, abrar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im back ahaha

>> No.11684973

She does see >>11680658
Zuikaku common at 5-2 they said... Fuck you guys.

>> No.11684974

I wish, I've been running "sub recipes" in the desperate hopes I get a Yukikaze.

>> No.11684976

What the fuck did you do, sending this kind of expedition?

>> No.11684977

>in the desperate hopes I get a Yukikaze.
Thats your problem, you need to craft for subs.
The RNG knows, I swear that shit is sentient and refuses to give you what you want.

>> No.11684979

Where is the fleet number and mamiya?

>> No.11684980

Well I've been hoping I don't get an Imuya and so far I haven't got one so reverse psychology doesn't work.

>> No.11684985

Ah, to be a young teitoku. I miss those days. Though screw you for getting Yuubari and Yukikaze so early.

>> No.11684988

API link ?

>> No.11684991

So, how is the buddy/friend system going to work for this?

Something where you can use your friends fleet as a support fleet would be pretty cool

>> No.11684993

5-2 eats bauxite... is the bauxite consumption any better when you devote 6 slots to fighters in total?

>> No.11684994

You sink his fleet and take all his ships.

>> No.11684995

400bauxite per run is nothing
It is just like throwing bauxite into the crafting roulette

>> No.11685001

sounds good

>> No.11685004 [DELETED] 


Full Facebook integration.

>> No.11685019

I love how my battleships with their huge, 41CM cannons, decide that they need to focus their fire on a 3HP destroyer which is probably on fire and listing heavily, about to sink, rather than shoot the full health BB who they could crit and sink. And then that enemy BB shoots them and crits them from full health to red. This is why Japan lost the war.

>> No.11685026

It's more likely that a burning destroyer would move into the area between your battleship and and theirs knowing that there's no hope left for it other than to die honorably.

>> No.11685031

That, and the imperial high command was RNG and compass rolled in one.

>> No.11685034 [DELETED] 

/jaypee/ pls help me. My brother has been playing KanColle all the time. He doesn't leave his bed, he doesn't go anywhere. He's turning into a NEET.
Please /jaypee/ what should I do?

>> No.11685036

What happens when the US cockblocks the steel supply and gotta make do with folded metal. The trade embargo was the big fat nail in the coffin.

>> No.11685038

But japanese metal folded over a million times is the strongest

>> No.11685041

Leave /jp/ and play this game. If you have any question, ask your brother.

>> No.11685043 [DELETED] 

But I don't want to become a NEET.

>> No.11685054 [DELETED] 

Cancel your internet and forever leave the internet

>> No.11685063

Kill yourself, I'm not stopping.

>> No.11685080

Why do I keep getting paired up with low level admirals?
Is it because I never do pvp?

>> No.11685084

Probably has to do with rankings or something like that.

>> No.11685089

its because you dont read the wiki well enough

>> No.11685097

Is it wrong to want a Mogami Kai 2?

>> No.11685102

Never gets old.
Never change KanGen.
No... that sounds a bit odd. Any better ideas as to what these threads should be referred to as?

>> No.11685106

Nope. Her stats are weak but I field her whenever I need a CA spot to fill because she's adorable.

>> No.11685118


muh nigger, she's super cute

>> No.11685136

So, it's completely normal for an opponent in PVP to use line abreast when you try to fight him with subs only, right? Fuck.

>> No.11685141

Depends on the type flagship, I think. CV/L yields diamond formation, subs yield echelon and I think BB uses line ahead. Not sure about the rest.

>> No.11685145

He had a single Kitakami. Monkey Kongou was the flagship and all others were CV/BB/CA. Well, though luck.

>> No.11685173

Who's better, Cheetos or Chiyoda?

>> No.11685177

They're both ugly as sin.

>> No.11685183

They have the same stats.

Chiyoda is more attractive.

>> No.11685187

Yeah, but aren't they supposed to be the best Light Aircraft carriers in the game?

>> No.11685188

They're both tittie monsters

>> No.11685195

Chitose for waifu material, Chiyoda for tease (her time report is hilarious).

>> No.11685196 [DELETED] 

What kind of fleets do you use to farm 3-3-A /jp/?

>> No.11685197

You should probably get banned too, is that what you are saying?

>> No.11685203

the best kind of ship
now end yourself, scumbag

>> No.11685205 [DELETED] 

twitch tv/kirizuna

WTF moments~

>> No.11685218

Sure why not? The howaitto piggu Kancolle community is getting to the point of cancer Toohoo fell in years ago.

>> No.11685220
File: 253 KB, 1280x768, Yukikaze get!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, after numerous desperate 250/30/200/30 crafts, I was doing sorties. After clearing 4-1 earlier today, I decided to do a 4-2 run for my last sortie of the day. I cleared 4-2 on my first run with an S rank and got Yukikaze. I think I can go to sleep happy tonight.

>> No.11685225

Worst stream I've ever seen on twitch. Stop streaming, forever.

>> No.11685237
File: 80 KB, 799x472, hiryuu get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it holo drop time?
Finally done with the midway carrier fleet.

>> No.11685253
File: 948 KB, 296x430, 1386343423845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many here didn't use Chikuma because of her art.

>> No.11685254

I didn't use her because she's late to my fleet. Her stats are pretty good compared to the rest.

>> No.11685259

None of the CA actually look good besides Kumano and Suzuya. Most of them are ugly as sins. Tone and Myoukou class are the worst offenders.

>> No.11685260
File: 14 KB, 180x390, 1386398552641[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the big ship construction can go up to 6 digits, but later he corrects and says 4 digits. Which one would you rather believe?

>> No.11685264

>None of the CA actually look good besides Kumano and Suzuya.

Proceed to eat your own shit.

>> No.11685265

4 digits. Because my resources is only up to 5.

>> No.11685267

>6 digits
40000/90000/9000/1000 recipe confirmed

>> No.11685268


4 digits sounds more feasible for everyone without too much effort.

6 digits is a little much.

>> No.11685269

He doesn't need to eat shit since it looks like you're gobbling it all up anyways.

>> No.11685272
File: 53 KB, 601x406, 1386398643483[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More stuff about the future mechanics of the game that no one would translate.

>> No.11685296

Might mean they're going to do 4 now, raise the resource cap to 6, and design the system to allow 6 digit crafting in the distant future.

>> No.11685315
File: 436 KB, 848x1200, kc20_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relive your nightmare

>> No.11685319

I've never implemented the support fleet in E2 and E4 because I know it puts a curse on my compass.

>> No.11685343

It's not very useful on those maps anyway. If you make it to day in E-2 you win and you want to kill the E-4 boss at night.

>> No.11685349

I killed E-4 boss at day.

>> No.11685358

How are Yukikaze's wiki lines still not translated, I thought she was popular.

>> No.11685400

But most of the wiki translated lines aren't very accurate anyway

Why bother

>> No.11685406

Anyone else find it depressing to read about how their favorite kanmusu got sunk?

>> No.11685422

He mentioned about something that 'more crafting try = bigger chance' in large crafting? And he also said about unique seaplane. Probably Seiran will become craftable?

>> No.11685428

Also, from previous picture >>11685260 , there may be multiple recipes that could be used. At least that's what I receive from my poor nihongo ability.

>> No.11685431

Man, equipment crafting is so much nicer to me than ship crafting. I got 2 46CMs, a yellow 15.5 and a sanshiki in 9 crafts.

>> No.11685444

Has it been worth it to admirals that sparkle their expedition fleets for expeditions less than an hour?

>> No.11685457

Seiran will probably be I401 stock equipment

>> No.11685469

I decided to leave 6 CV/CVLs as my afk fleet filled with nothing but green planes. That'll teach people to not bring them into pvp.

Also because it'd be funny if their flash started lagging from the amount of planes launched before the battle begins.

>> No.11685471

6 digit crafting = naka-chan dayo~

>> No.11685474

For 4 maybe if you've got the time and badly need buckets/furniture.

>> No.11685485

I can see it already. You have to prepare for capital ship crafting like you would an event. Each consecutive attempt will raise the chance of crafting Yamato or Musashi by 1%. But that's not sadistic enough. There's also a chance for catastrophic failure that will lower your craft gauge by 3%. The gauge decays at a rate of 1% per hour. You need all four fleets to participate in crafting and it causes fatigue. Tired ships are guaranteed to fail.

>> No.11685486

Well, he said '艦隊運営' (fleet management, level? resource? flagship?' may affect the construction, though the previous '2~3回' part is a bit intriguing.

>> No.11685492

To those using Kancolleviewer, are you using the default login or API?


Fleet level affecting construction does sound interesting, but how high is too high?

>> No.11685497

So to get Shima should I use


Or is it something else entirely?

>> No.11685503

Maybe farming 2-4 beside crafting? I got 2 Shimakaze from 2-4-A already.

>> No.11685507

farming 2-4 is way better than crafting.

>> No.11685530

Tanaka: As many admirals expected, for the construction of large scale ships and new types of ships you will be able to use 6 digits of materials--not, 4 digits of materials.

Higa: 6 digits (lol).

Tanaka: 6 digits is incorrect, sorry.

Tanaka: Conversely, how much material do you have right now Higa-san?

Higa: I sunk a lot of resources into acquiring Musashi and have recovered to about 25,000 now.

Tanaka: I see. Then 2 or 3 large scale ship crafts could have an impact on your fleet operations.

Higa: Speaking of introducing new ships, I wonder if Ooyodo might make the cut.

Tanaka: Ah, Ooyodo. Ooyodo is nice. She had the headquarters facilities, the hyper catapult, unique floatplanes (Note: Shiun), in order to carry those... Well, in typical fashion it was all pointless... For some reason I really like shipborne catapults, like the Sendai sisters' tonfas. Personally, I'm very pleased with them. Like the base of the Tokyo tower, it's beautiful. When they danced in MMD as well, they were quite attractive.

>> No.11685535

Thanks for the translation. Time to scuttle myself for my E-rank translation.

>> No.11685541
File: 78 KB, 500x375, 1386408874751[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11685546
File: 625 KB, 2564x1780, 1386300651451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much interview material.

>> No.11685549
File: 87 KB, 480x854, 1386315166103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about ship girl's clothes getting damage but their skin doesn't.

>> No.11685562

Mogami gets char marks on her skin for her damaged sprite.

>> No.11685569

And Choukai bleeds.

>> No.11685585

Quite a lot of them do.

>> No.11685603

Honestly, I feel so bad for Naka sometimes

I barely ever got her from crafting ship at all and yet everyone berates her

>> No.11685608

Because she has the most obnoxious Intro-line and that really makes good teasing material.

>> No.11685634

I actually level a Naka simply because I think she's adorable. also makes me feel less frustrated when a new one pops out of a battleship recipe, I just assume that it's Naka's way of showing thanks and giving me more of herself.

Which I then feed to her.

It's a never-ending cycle of cannibalism, but I think she'll get the message eventually.

>> No.11685642

Always farm for drop if you have access to the map where it drops.
Crafting is a waste of resources and should only be done for your daily.

>> No.11685646

So at the start, since you can only have 10 ships, should you just keep scrapping the new ones you get unless they are rare?

Also how do you get DMM points are a foreigner? It isn't accepting my debit card.

>> No.11685649

>access to the map where it drops
Nagato is doable in 2-4, 3-4, 4-4 and 3-2. All are subject to major compass trolling and RNG trickery. Sigh.

>> No.11685650

4-4 has no trickery

>> No.11685652

4-4 is the best I think. only 50% chance of compass trolling

>> No.11685654

>So at the start, since you can only have 10 ships, should you just keep scrapping the new ones you get unless they are rare?
Eh? There's such a thing? If there is, just increase your admiral level, your harbour should expand just as well.

>> No.11685659


I think he meant to type 100.

Anyone who farmed world 4 had Yuubari drop?

>> No.11685660

4-4 is OK... I do it to beat the daily sub quest. 3xBB 2xDD 1xCA works pretty well for me.

>> No.11685662

Oh, well if that's the case, have a dedicated expedition team, keep all BB, CV/L, build a dedicated CL, CA and DD team and discard the rest.

>> No.11685663
File: 59 KB, 1024x623, Ba2fl2OCcAERqsD.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11685664

The things I would do to Kaga's kagas.

>> No.11685666

Would you thin your paints?

>> No.11685667

That ass. Those tits.

>> No.11685668
File: 152 KB, 1024x768, 11337879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had the strangest idea...
would someone build a 1:10 Yamato figurine, and then put her on the 1:10 Yamato over Kure?

>> No.11685670
File: 122 KB, 600x1066, 9f656fbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me. A Kancolle event reportedly happened at the Kure Yamato Museum on Nov 14th.

>> No.11685674

Those girls...that poster is dangerously close to IJN propaganda.

Anyway, is it just me, or does Asashio-class appear more often nowadays?

>> No.11685683

just craft her, she comes from all 30s after all

>> No.11685703
File: 72 KB, 901x515, kancolledead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11685756

When, where, how much?

I must have her.

>> No.11685763


I am, but I may as well get my sub daily done and level up my girls while crafting and farming for her.

>> No.11685791

When in doubt, always go to 5-2.

>> No.11685800

I wish I had 5-2 unlocked.

>> No.11685848

I wish we have option to save fleet configuration or several extra fleet (but only 4 fleet can be active at same time) so that we don't have to remove/add kanmusu one by one because IT TAKES TOO GODDAMN LONG TO TRANSITION

>> No.11685860

If you can beat world4, you can beat 3-4. You only need to beat it once.

>> No.11685863

You mean world 4 is harder than world 3?

... Wait, does that mean I have been wasting my time

>> No.11685870

3-4 is E3 tier
You can just stack carrier and let them blast everything.

>> No.11685871

Not him, but really? I've been postponing 3-4 because I've heard many people said that it's one of the hardest map.

I'm currently grinding ASW team to complete world 4, but if 3-4 is E3 tier then I can get to it first.

>> No.11685875

No. 3-4 is not E3 tier. There can be 4x Golden BB waiting for you at preboss node.

I sub cheesed that map to beat it.

>> No.11685883

Not when you get rolled a pair of flagship BBs at some of the preboss nodes.

>> No.11685884

There is only a max of 2flagship BB. Plus carrier damage is not affected by your formation choice.

>> No.11685936

My problem is 3-2, can't even get through that yet until I have 2 kai-2 destroyers

>> No.11685969

Ideally you should have three (Shigure, Yuudachi, Верный), Shimakaze and Yukikaze, and a destroyer of your choice (probably your starter or Shiratsuyu, who just got an art update for her Kai form)

>> No.11685977


Still haven't gotten one and I've played since September. She is same rarity as Nagato for me.

>> No.11685980

You don't need rare destroyers.
What you need are the following:

fully remodeled, fully modernized, lvl 30,
RNG luck.

That's it. No amount of turbine or level can get you through 2x BBs unscathed. I've gone red plenty of times at that preboss node with much higher team than that.

Do not advance if 2 are red.

>> No.11685983

You can do it with fully modernized lvl20+ stock kai destroyers. It is a pure luck map. You win when you get T-disadvantage at the preboss node.
You lose when you get T-advantage.

>> No.11685987
File: 1.68 MB, 499x880, 127_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relatively new Teitoku here, and I just crafted my first sub, Goya.

...Is that supposed to be a torpedo between her legs?

>> No.11685989

I always wondered, how old Kaga is?

>> No.11685995


>> No.11686005 [DELETED] 


This looks really bad. What the fuck is wrong with the art?

Also there's the phallic imagery with the torpedoes. Do kancolle kids really love cock so much that the artists put dick analogs in every image?

>> No.11686013

Did her facial sculpt get adjusted or is it just the angle? I didn't really like her sculpt before, but she seems fine here.

> carrier damage is not affected by your formation choice.

>> No.11686019

There's been heated argument about Goya being a futa before.

>> No.11686027

The sprite has some wonky shading. It's made even worse by the fact that you can't see the dimple where her navel is (which is not where the shiny spot is).

Shibafu's 401 looks way better than the current submusu illustrator's sprites. I'm quite pleased.

>> No.11686037

You must be joking.

>> No.11686035

In real years? About 80-90 years old. As a kanmusu, looks roughly 18?

>> No.11686045

Kaga was about 20 years old when Pearl Harbor happened. She died when she's 22. Sounds about right.

>> No.11686048

I'd say well over 18. On average the destroyers look preteen, cruisers in their teens, battleships are near 20, and carriers entering cake territory. It's not always accurate and it mostly comes down to speculation but Kaga seems like a fully developed adult.

>> No.11686051

That's just Shibafu's art.
Mogami looks like a fucking grandma.

>> No.11686055

You mean Hyuuga

>> No.11686061

What? The current illustrator can't even draw sukumizu right.

>> No.11686063

What you need to know is that Kaga had an appealing, homey dumpiness about her. She was, by all accounts, a happy ship to serve on.

>> No.11686065

How so? Imuya's glistening butt looks pretty damned good to me.

>> No.11686067

He's not perfect, but I'd take his girl's cuteness over Shibafu's any day.

>> No.11686072
File: 91 KB, 557x535, soryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each to his own.

Gotta love his description of the ships.

>> No.11686074
File: 335 KB, 579x915, 40136736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take it real easy with Kaga. She's homey and pleasant to be with.

>> No.11686080

I wouldn't mind being with her also you can see her pantsu

>> No.11686086

Ah so this is the reason why Akagi/Kaga come with stockings while the 2 dragon slut dont and exposed their bare legs.

>> No.11686089 [DELETED] 

Can anyone explain why they play this despite it being bad? Are you unaware that there are other, better card games, and that you can view low-quality? softcore porn by itself instead of needing to play this game to get it?

>> No.11686091 [DELETED] 


Nice memebox

>> No.11686097 [DELETED] 

Can anyone explain why he post this despite him being deleted time and time again? Is he unaware that there are other, better topics, yet all he can post are the same things? copypasta instead of saying something at least refreshing?

>> No.11686098

I know they are talking about the actual physical ships but I can't help it but imagine a pervert old admiral writing down his observation while he leer at Soryu. No wonder we poke at them so much, we are merely documenting their features.

>> No.11686100 [DELETED] 


What? I haven't posted any 'copy pasta'. Search the archives for the phrases in my post.

When are you going to explain your reason for playing this shit game? Or rather, when are you going to admit that it's because you're an idiot?

>> No.11686106

I'd take it easy with Kaga any day. Any girls of Nagumo fleet, for that matter.

>> No.11686107 [DELETED] 

What? I haven't my reason for playing this game. Search the archives for the phrases in my post.

When are you going to explain your reason for spewing the same shit? Or rather, when are you going to admit that it's because you're an idiot?

>> No.11686110 [DELETED] 


Did I break you? Are you doing that thing kindergartners do when they get frustrated (ie: endlessly repeat their opponent over and over)?

>> No.11686114 [DELETED] 

> opponent
What are you, ESL or something?

>> No.11686123 [DELETED] 

I am playing Kancolle because it has strong independent ship girls who emulate the sort of power that all liberated women should have.

But I don't expect a stupid misogynist scum like you to understand the deep and complex themes represented by this game.

>> No.11686126 [DELETED] 


You aren't remotely funny.

>> No.11686128 [DELETED] 

The scary thing is he probably wasn't even trying to be.

>> No.11686130 [DELETED] 


Maybe if you're dumb or trying to backpedal it looks that way.

>> No.11686132

Why it's so difficult to ignore the fucking troll? leave the kid alone, his post will be deleted anyway.

>> No.11686135 [DELETED] 


It will be censored therefore it's wrong? Are you stupid?

People censor things because they're dangerously correct. It's no different here.

>> No.11686137 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 863x615, try again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11686140
File: 164 KB, 472x472, 1386430473865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember midnight JST is time to shitpost. Seems that's still the case.

>> No.11686143

Any bets on when Taihou's gonna join the game? I think the last hint was that she'll be available before the end of the year, but it seems like they've been pretty tight-lipped about her since then.

I can't wait to see what she looks like.

>> No.11686142 [DELETED] 


Hey, press f12 if you're using Chrome. I dunno what the key is on shitty browsers. But anyway this will help you understand why you're an idiot.

>> No.11686146 [DELETED] 


The worst time is when American school lets out. This thread explodes with garbage replies then.

>> No.11686149 [DELETED] 

It's the BRs

>> No.11686150

Its a sense of belonging. Nips know this but remain anonymous, not talk and share about it on facebook.

>> No.11686151 [DELETED] 



>> No.11686154 [DELETED] 

Cross boarding. Its been done to death in comics and is very apparent on social media.

>> No.11686176

So which world 2 map do you personally do for the "5 2-X boss node" daily? I've been doing 2-3 in the vain hope of an eventual Makigumo/I-168 drop, but the compass there hates me. 2-2 seems about the most reliable/easiest for getting to boss but doesn't drop shit worthwhile, 2-1 is even worse on both drops and XP, and 2-4 is... 2-4. Not going back there if I can help it.

Not really so much asking for help as just curious what people do, I'll probably keep on doing 2-3 just for Makigumo.

>> No.11686184

there is also the option of ignoring that quest if it gives you so much trouble.

>> No.11686189

Alright dude you aren't making any sense anymore. Take a break, and then try again.

>> No.11686187

I use 2-3 personally because it's probably more fatigue efficient and could act as a proxy 3-2-A node, except with the risk of getting more damage. Compass doesn't troll me that much. 2-2 is probably the most efficient map but I dislike the fatigue it can cause.

>> No.11686188

I don't do it at all.
I get mad every time I try so I decided to stop.

>> No.11686192

Ignore 2-3 for now.
Just go back there and farm it 24/7 when you get 4subs. I am swimming in Makigumo and Imuya now.

>> No.11686198

It's pissing me off that I can't reach the boss most of the time with my 4 subs.

>> No.11686202

Could be a while before I get 4 subs, started 3 days before event ended so I only got I-19. But that's not a bad idea at all really, and if a new sub comes out for winter event/warcrimes-chan becomes craftable I might be able to do it.

>> No.11686207

You can easily do it with 3subs but dont expect any rare drop with A rank. All mine Makigumo so far came from S.

>> No.11686211

How many boss fights do you do per day?

>> No.11686214 [DELETED] 

This game has really shitty art and stolen character designs, right?

>> No.11686222

I do that daily, and no Makigumo at all. My Imuya count is at two.

>> No.11686219

Minimum 5. Can go up to 10 if lucky at 2-3.
I have 147points now since the ranking reset.

>> No.11686220

I haven't touched that quest in ages. It's annoying even with 4 subs.

>> No.11686223 [DELETED] 

Is there a way for me to play this game in class w/o my teacher knowing? x.x f*kin teachers

>> No.11686227

Mikuma, Mogami's waiting. Please show up soon.

>> No.11686228

>show up soon
Map 5-2 for you, teitoku.

>> No.11686230 [DELETED] 


Sounds pretty dumb.

>> No.11686236
File: 82 KB, 700x991, 40138670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing just that. It's actually putting a dent on my resources and buckets, though.

>> No.11686243 [DELETED] 


Did your mother put a dent in your head when you were a child? Why are you still playing this garbage?

>> No.11686250

I believe that 5-2 dropping Mikuma is a lie.

>> No.11686251

What do people use for 5-2 farming, anyways? I'd like to use 1 BB 1 CLT and 4 CV(L), but having more than 2 CV, 1 CVL sends south as well, so I'm using 2 BBs.

>> No.11686253 [DELETED] 


This game's players aren't known for being very smart, so they do lots of dumb things.

>> No.11686264

The other alternative is 4-3 which is subjected to 1/3 chance. Good luck

1BB is enough, bring more clt for the sub node.

>> No.11686266 [DELETED] 


Aren't you subjected to my dick?

>> No.11686281

Verniy, Isuzu and 1 BB might work I guess.

>> No.11686292
File: 133 KB, 1024x768, 1386412174028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girl has the dumbest pose?

>> No.11686293 [DELETED] 


This art is really shit. What's wrong with her face?

>> No.11686296



>> No.11686299

Your favorite.

>> No.11686301

What if my favorite girl is your favorite girl?

>> No.11686307

Is the sub node dangerous?
I just bruteforced the map today and the most they did was 10 damage to Nagato, can they even hit fast ships?

>> No.11686312

1/3 chance is actually a pretty good rate.

>> No.11686315

Good luck with those odds.

>> No.11686316

You just pray they dont crit any of your ships to red. Occasionally when your luck is at the lowest, it will happened.

>> No.11686330

I got 5 Isuzus unconsciously, should I level them to 12 and get the radar?

What does a radar do anyway?

>> No.11686340

>What does a radar do anyway?
Reduce the effect of whirlpool and accuracy of the ship equipped with it. However, if I remember correctly, you need to stack the radar to see a noticeable effect for the latter.

>> No.11686341

Placebo stats.

But otherwise, they reduce the amount of stuff you lose when you encounter a whirlpool. You only need one per fleet to get that effect.

>> No.11686374

I'm saving resources for almost one week already, so the only sorties I do are 1-1 sparkling DDs for expeditions and the quest related ones. I can say that at worst, you will complete the boss quest after about 15 runs. Sometimes I get lucky and get 4 boss nodes in a row. It's the best place there, anyway.

>> No.11686378

It's stupid to put a radar on the torp queens, right? Should just go with mini x 3 for max torp power.

>> No.11686381

Here's a summary on what's to come:

1. Large ship construction is large ships + new ships
2. Arpeggio collaboration will have Takao, others TBD.
3. Large construction does need 4 digits worth of resources.
4. There's plans to get Taiho ingame, but it may not make it in time for the event (recording's not even done)
5. Taiho is different from the existing CVs. There may be some new special abilities.

6. Change to Bauxite consumption is being planned, ie: low tier planes = less bauxite consumption, high tier plane = more bauxite consumption. No real plan to implement this since the players might complain.
7. Want to autogyro after Taiho.
8. Marriage system is about done. Your Kanmusume needs to be Lvl99. It'll come after Arpeggio and large ships.

>> No.11686383


>> No.11686384

Taiho won't make it for next event? That means the next event is coming up really soon...

What is autogyro?

>> No.11686394

Read this. Japanese actually came close to making the first amphibious assault ship out of Akitsu Maru (escort carrier converted from passenger ship). These autogyros would've operated off of the ship, and they can conduct ASW operations as these autogyros can be armed with 1 single depth charge each.

>> No.11686396

>8. Marriage system is about done. Your Kanmusume needs to be Lvl99. It'll come after Arpeggio and large ships.

Link to twitter post or interview please? Because that sounds like a load of shit.

>> No.11686401


On here. Read it yourself.

>> No.11686402

I won't be using the marriage system.
I can't just pick one kanmusu over others

>> No.11686405

I don't want to marry any ship. I want to marry them off with each other.

>> No.11686406

I'm willing to bet this will only be given out to those top-500 people again... which I have exactly no chance of playing against.

>> No.11686409

I will either marry both Chitose and Chiyoda, or I will marry neither.

>> No.11686411

What does the marriage system even do?

>> No.11686415

I wonder if anyone would marry unpopular girls like Asashio, Kako, etc.

>> No.11686417

permanently displays target ship in wedding dress

>> No.11686420

Something like FE supports would be cute.

>> No.11686422

doubtful. that would require every ship to have a wedding sprite. we're talking like 100 new sprites here.

Cute and actually give meaning to always deploying the same girls together. Imagine Ooi suddenly performing worse in combat because her wife Kitakami isn't there. Or Hiei trying extra hard and scoring a crit where she normally wouldn't because her Kongou Onee-sama is watching. ETC.

>> No.11686429

remind me of VC2 system of affinities between characters - they'd perform differently depending on the situation and team mates.

>> No.11686433 [DELETED] 

Why do this game's devs seem to think it's acceptable to sexualize girls who are obviously not even teenagers?

>> No.11686435 [DELETED] 

You're right! They are century old grannies!

>> No.11686439

would be a great addition to the game.
Deploy Kirishima 100 times with Kongou to change Kirishima's attacking line to BURNING LOVE. I would do so it.

>> No.11686442

Wouldn't something like that be good for destroyer squadron 6? Akatsukis will all perform much better with each other and such.

>> No.11686448

there are so many ways to implement something like that
have a regular unit-with-unit affection table and then have special team setups. All Kongous, All Akatsukis, Nagato and Mutsu, Sendai sisters, Takao CAs, KTKM and Ooi, and so on. Make the bonuses mostly minor or trivial and it wouldnt destroy balance and yet give people incentives to do it

>> No.11686458

Something I'd like to see and that would make sense with sisterships / historical squadron fighting together would be a reduce fatigue penalty / increase fatigue gain. Like, loosing 13 instead of 15, or getting 2 instead of 1 for S rank.

>> No.11686465

1x Yamato
1x Yahagi
1x Yukikaze
1x Fuyutsuki
1x Hatsushimo
1x Suzutsuki

(4 of the DDs that survived the Okinawa suicide run and rescued crews of the Yamato and Yahagi)

>> No.11686469

I would love something like a combo attack with sister-like ships. It could be just aesthetic, each one of the two would do 50% of the damage the attack would've done otherwise.

>> No.11686470

Hand-holding while doing attacks please.
Kitakami and Ooi holding hands and blushing while launching those torpedos.

>> No.11686485

You guys are being delusional at this point, do you really think they'd do all that?

>> No.11686491

Chances are the marriage system is just a way to have a character be your secretary without being in your main fleet, maybe with a few additional lines.

>> No.11686530

Every time they made these kind of interviews, things keep getting pushed back. Last I heard Taiho was supposed to come with Large ship building.
I wished the devs are more competent at deliverying, considering the size of the playerbase.

>> No.11686536 [DELETED] 


Just because somebody puts a "ATTENTION: ALL CHILDREN ARE ACTUALLY ADULTS" sticker on their pedophile game doesn't mean it isn't a pedophile game. You and many losers like you are jerking off to pictures of children and assuaging your guilt with the bullshit excuse that the developers said they're actually hundreds of years old.

>> No.11686548

even it's not necessarily a proper description of the reality, you don't say how's that bad in any way.

>> No.11686559

And then you have one of those Korean or Chinese that will come out in faux rage about how that Japan glorifying their militarist navy through the cute girls sticker.

If playing this game serves to make them angrier, then I will play as much as I can.

>> No.11686567 [DELETED] 


No one cares that you're wasting your finite and precious life playing a garbage game which subsists off the sickness of pedophiles.

>> No.11686571

What's funny is that every nation will trump up their military, including South Korea and especially China.

And if they're using "but the Japs did warcrimes" as one of their arguments, they need to realize both the Allies and the Axis powers did terrible warcrimes.

>> No.11686576


So why are you exactly wasting time telling him that?

>> No.11686575

war is a crime in itself so yeah.

You're not funny anymore, and you weren't much to begin with. please use your finite precious time on something else than us scumbag pedophile nationalistic weaboos normies that are the cancer of humanity - you must have better thing to do.

>> No.11686581 [DELETED] 


I'm enjoying myself. Prodding retards is fun.

>> No.11686586

They can't even come face to face with the fact that they were just as bad to themselves, if not worse. Mao and Chiang really were total dicks, and they certainly didn't help in establishing maritime control in any way whatsoever for China.

Come to think of it, the Chinese lost their claim to the pacific as of Ming dynasty, no thanks to them discrediting the whole treasure fleet thing and give up on colonialism. Frankly, the US has more of a right on the South China sea than China has ever had.

Case in point: if the PLAN couldn't even fight ROCN for Taiwan and Jinmen, then they got no real cred on any of the islands that they are claiming today.

>> No.11686594 [DELETED] 

Is this thread a joke? Are there actually retarded weaboos denying that the rape of nanking is the worst military atrocity ever committed in the history of mankind, because they like Japan's pedophilia sex games?

Like this is seriously blowing my mind. This would be like me denying that the holocaust ever happened becuase I like German bagels.

>> No.11686613

I wasn't denying that the Rape of Nanking didn't happen. However, it would be foolish to say that the Allies did not do any warcrimes themselves.

>> No.11686616

Let me rephrase that. I wasn't saying that the Rape of Nanking did not happen.

>> No.11686621 [DELETED] 


>Betelgeuse is the largest star known to mankind.

>Well, that may be true, but it would be foolish to say that there aren't other stars!


>> No.11686623

The scale is completely different. Stop being ignorant.

>> No.11686627
File: 618 KB, 676x960, 40148430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did we learn about taking bait today?

>> No.11686628

My favorite ship is Kaga.

>> No.11686629

So today I now have 新米中佐 rank when yesterday I was at 中佐 . Could someone please tell me is the new rank worse? It's not on the wiki

>> No.11686630

Melon with melons? Oh yes, please

>> No.11686633


>> No.11686635

新米中佐 means newbie basically.
中佐 is commander. You have a way to go. At least you are not newbie anymore.

>> No.11686639
File: 101 KB, 688x361, kongoupvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get a 4 of a kind when pvp reset. Anyone gotten a full house or straight flush?

>> No.11686641

Leveling Hibiki to 70 is suffering.

>> No.11686647


Ah I see. Thank you for the explanation

>> No.11686650

What are you rushing for? Just take it easy and have her kill subs in pvp and clearing quests. It will only take a few weeks.

>> No.11686659

that one guy who keeps coming back is cute

Challenge time, gentlemen. What's your most resource-efficient fleet for consistently S-ranking 5-2's boss every run? Shouldn't be too hard to put together given the fixed route involves 1CVL+2CV.

>> No.11686665 [DELETED] 



I say, le good sir! Most esteemed admiralle of le ships! :PPP

>> No.11686666

For reference, I'm using the least-efficient right now: Musashi/Kongou K2/Hiei K2/Chiyoda/Kaga/Akagi.

>> No.11686672

You tell me. Holo red/blue still does shit on boss node. CLTs usually get knocked to orange before that as well.

>> No.11686673

hey there cute boy :>

>> No.11686676

I'm doing this with Yuudachi. I really love when I see people leaving subs only on PVP. I just need to bring her, two subs and Chiyoda (with Saiun) to get 3x experience.

>> No.11686680 [DELETED] 

We get delicious melons

>> No.11686686

I've been taking Yahagi, Noshiro and Isuzu for that. I don't even need to bother taking a BB with them nowadays. Filling the rest with DDs or random CLs would be more than enough.

>> No.11686720 [DELETED] 


Why do you openly support the abuse of children?

>> No.11686730 [DELETED] 

Children are pieces of shit
I'd like a gigantic meat grinder that endlessly maims children for my entertainment.

>> No.11686740

Another daily, another Goya crafter. Fuck, give just one more Imuya, please.

>> No.11686762

Finally got Goya. Now at 3 subs.

>> No.11686769

Is there any work towards establishing whether you have a greater chance for duplicates instead of the ships you already have?

Because this is going beyond confirmation bias now.

>> No.11686782

>5. Taiho is different from the existing CVs. There may be some new special abilities.
I hope she'll be able to launch aircraft at chuuha, or even at taiha. She does have an armoured deck, after all.

>> No.11686789

What do I do with excess Ises?

>> No.11686792

feed them to others.

>> No.11686831

That's what I'm hopping for too, this and some solid HP/Armor stat would make her good but not too OP, especially if she's a hungry lady on the side.

>> No.11686833

4 Imuyas, no Goya, in 112 rare DD/sub crafts.

>> No.11686835

My favorite kanmusu got scrapped.

>> No.11686855 [DELETED] 

How do I cope with the fact that this game is shit and caters to pedophiles? Any pointers?

>> No.11686859

Yesterday was better, try harder

>> No.11686860 [DELETED] 


Why are you talking to me...?

>> No.11686872

She has 4000 tons on Shoukaku, so I'm hoping for Kaga-tier HP and armour, with evasion on par with the former.

>> No.11686878

At the cost of increased resource consumption and subpar firepower

>> No.11686883

a carrier's firepower comes from the planes anyway

>> No.11686887

I see a lot of people with Kitakami and Ooi, what's the best way to get them?

>> No.11686889

Wasn't there an observation that the firepower stat affect how much damage your bombers give?

>> No.11686892

30/30/30/30 could net you a KTKM or just grind 3-2-1. 2-3/2-4 have Ooi.

>> No.11686899

i was talking about real carriers, not ingame.

>> No.11686903

> subpar firepower
Well, subpar compared to Ikkousen, but on par with Shoukaku would be good.

>> No.11686912 [DELETED] 



>> No.11686921

I'll never have Kaga...

>> No.11686928

cute boy, you are special and deserve attention! Everything you do is worthwhile!

>> No.11686943 [DELETED] 

This thread is at the size where it's blowing up mobile browsers, so it's time for a new thread: 11686942

>> No.11686945 [DELETED] 


Whoops. >>11686942


>> No.11686947

Should've let it die first.

>> No.11686950 [DELETED] 


Can't it just be deleted by the staff instead of android users being unable to post here until it expires naturally?

>> No.11686954

look at the OP image of the new thread. it's just the shitposter.

>> No.11686953

We haven't even reached the image limit. Also, you forgot the thread title.

>> No.11686958 [DELETED] 


What are you talking about?

Just fuck off, troll. It's a picture of a girl therefore it's misogyny? What's your logic this time?

>> No.11686962


>> No.11686969


>> No.11686971 [DELETED] 


Please direct your replies to the new thread: >>11686942

>> No.11686980 [DELETED] 


New thread, dude: >>11686942

Abandon this ship, it's sunk.

>> No.11686976

It's really embarrassing that you try so hard with your shitposting. Kind of cute though.

>> No.11686996

I bet you're the op of that thread with your oh-so-funneh gif.
Fuck off

>> No.11686998 [DELETED] 


Why are you still using this dead thread?

>> No.11687010

Hmm. Move to shitposter's topic that doesn't even have a fucking title, or wait here and assume someone will eventually start a non-shit topic.

...Yeah I'm going to sleep.

>> No.11687017 [DELETED] 


Why do you need a title? This isn't /v/ or /a/ where threads can get 'buried'.

>> No.11687196

I got 3 Musashi and lost to all of them, what is that?

>> No.11687358

The troll thread is gone, so let's try again

>> No.11687481

I'm getting this error, after playing for a bit, what should I do?

>> No.11687649

How does my fleet for taking 1-2?
