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11681450 No.11681450 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Rin such a pleb?

>> No.11681469
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Why is Tsugumi so cute?

>> No.11681465

Goddammit, Shirou.

>> No.11681467

You mean Shirou? Wanting to remove them is unheard of.

>> No.11681498

Are you serious? That ero game is badly written in japanese already and you use a fan translation?

Please stop.

>> No.11681507

Your mistake could have cost the thread, but luckily >>11681498 is here to make it great again.

>> No.11681513

Show me proof!

>> No.11681524

>not banging Rin while she has her mini skirts and stockings on.
Shirou maximum pleb.

>> No.11681561

What proof do you want? The redheaded boy's internal monologues are proof enough,truly cringe worthy writing.

>> No.11681802

Is it just me or only sluts wear stockings?

>> No.11681837


Some girls wear stockings like Rin here because they know that guys like it. That's kinda slutty I guess.

That would be a fetishy fuck,uncharacteristic of him. Shirou is supposed to be pure for the fujoshi audience.

>> No.11681984

I would sex the shit out of Rin!

>> No.11681989 [DELETED] 

So sad that ilya's H-scenes got removed from the release to cater to normals.

>> No.11682065

So they removed the best H-scene? Normals sure are disgusting.

>> No.11682378

But they're not technically related, wouldn't it have been okay?

>> No.11682441
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>> No.11684929

So I'm reading through F/SN now
Why the fuck didn't Shirou kill Ilya when he had the chance after berserker died. The fuck is wrong with him?

>> No.11684934


>> No.11684945

>Rin such a pleb
>literal EOP

>> No.11684984

top sides my spaghetti bro!

>> No.11685009

Why would you kill Illya? She's the best heroine in fate/stay night.

>> No.11685027

>Why is Sakura such a pleb?
Because she's a sucking wormcock slut

>> No.11685060

The best.

>> No.11685073
File: 960 KB, 2400x3600, 1349486919858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin. My first vn love.

>> No.11685140

Shirou is so clueless, life is just a constant stream of unfathomable mysteries.

>> No.11685182


My exact reaction. Shirou has no reason to let her live after all the shit she did, but he does anyway because he's a true hero.

And by "true hero" I mean "hugest beta pussy".

>> No.11685192

He has the hots for her.

>> No.11685217

>any MC ever
>making over 17.3% sense
pick one

>> No.11685226

>17.3% sense
Made me chuckled.

>> No.11685248

Well obviously.

>> No.11685249

Why would he kill her? What's the point?

>> No.11685295
File: 47 KB, 600x583, Aozaki_Aoko_600_1071810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read Mahou Tsukai no Yoru? Is the pacing fixed in this one or is it Unlimited Breakfast Works again?

>> No.11685312
File: 434 KB, 640x434, 2013-09-26-walt2.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you just say?!

>> No.11685317

I haven't read it yet.

>> No.11685812

Because she tried to kill him at least 3 times now and finishing her off would remove a mortal threat to him.

>> No.11685877

>mortal threat to him.

Are you serious? She's just a little girl without her servant.

Are you afraid of a little girl,Anonymous?

That one is different from Tsukihime/Fate.

It's written in third person,the tone is somewhat formal.The writting overall is better than anything before.

>> No.11685891

Those times were with Berzerker who was now deader than dead. She alone wasn't much of any threat. And she even could have killed him several times, but she didn't want to because she wanted him to join her. After Berzerker died she then vows to help Shirou. And while she might not exactly be an angel, she's also not really much of a liar.

And let's not forget the whole reason Shirou was even fighting in the war in the first place was because he wanted to stop people who would kill unnecessarily. She couldn't fight back anymore and (looked like she) was a little girl. Killing her would go against his entire reason for fighting in the first place.

And if after all that you say that that's nonsensical, and he should kill anyone in his way, blah blah blah, I'd like to remind you that the game itself takes a lot of time to point out that, yes, Shirou is, in fact, very fucked up in the head. His thoughts are neither normal nor healthy. So it shouldn't surprise you that he couldn't bring himself to do something even Rin and Saber couldn't bring themselves to do.

>> No.11686363 [DELETED] 

>Are you serious? She's just a little girl without her servant.
She could still poison him or some shit, and isn't she also a magus? With all those magic circuits within her.

>Killing her would go against his entire reason for fighting in the first place.
She's explicitly evil. Shirou himself even noted when he met her in the city buying food that she'd have no problems summoning Berserker to slaughter everyone there had he not went along with her idea to talk in the park.

>> No.11686368

>Are you serious? She's just a little girl without her servant.
She could still poison him or some shit, and isn't she also a magus? With all those magic circuits within her.

>Killing her would go against his entire reason for fighting in the first place.
She's explicitly evil. Shirou himself even noted when he met her in the city buying food that she'd have no problems summoning Berserker to slaughter everyone there had he not went along with her idea to talk in the park.

> So it shouldn't surprise you that he couldn't bring himself to do something even Rin and Saber couldn't bring themselves to do.
Saber was about to skewer Ilya before Shirou told her to stop.

>> No.11686375

>She's explicitly evil.
I don't disagree, but Shirou's not some Knight Templar who believes such people need to be murdered on the spot. Anytime he tries to kill someone (at least Fate/UBW Shirou) it's to stop someone who is in the process of trying to kill other people, like Kotomine or Gilgamesh at the grail. Even if someone is a murderous bastard, as soon as they're effectively disarmed, he stops.

And as was pointed out, Illya's only real source of power was Berserker.

>Saber was about to skewer Ilya before Shirou told her to stop.
True, but pretty much as soon as Illya starts talking to them, Saber loses the will to do so, though not very happily. It was a moment of "How a servant is supposed to act (I.E. Kill all masters)" versus "How Arturia wishes to act."

>> No.11686425

Stockings on is superior fetish.
OP. You pleb.

>> No.11686428

>She could still poison him or some shit, and isn't she also a magus? With all those magic circuits within her.

Shirou doesn't see her as a threat. Isn't this clear in the VN? Pay attention to him as a character.

>> No.11686438

>Shirou doesn't see her as a threat. Isn't this clear in the VN?
It is, and he's an absolute retard for not seeing someone who tried to kill him numerous times as a threat, even after she lost her servant.

>> No.11686453

You mustn't disregard her reason for trying to kill any Master(she wants to win the war as anyone else). Once she loses her Servant, she is out of the war and doesn't have that objective anymore.

>> No.11686454

I think he still saw that as a possibility.

But from his character up to that point, it should be pretty obvious he wouldn't kill someone over a possibility like that. Especially given her actions afterwards.

In fact, him killing her would be so insanely out of character it'd break the story.

>> No.11686462

Since masters can just bind to another servant, they aren't out of the war until they die or go hide at the church. This is why Ilya killed Shirou for leaving the church after he lost all his command spells.

>> No.11686468

You see Ilya as pure evil.

Shirou sees a scared little girl who doesn't even understand the concept of good and evil.

>> No.11686477 [DELETED] 


I see a crossboarder.

>> No.11686496

You need to check your eyes.

And stop using that word as an insult. People who have been around for some time lurk multiple boards.

>> No.11686516 [DELETED] 


Holy shit. Am I reading this correctly?

>> No.11686518

No, you're not.

>> No.11686526 [DELETED] 

You're either saying you are new or you browse multiple boards.

>> No.11686531
File: 279 KB, 796x450, 43a95536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「全裸には萌えがない!!! 服は脱がしても靴下は脱がすな!! たとえお天道様が西から昇ることがあろうとも!! 絶対絶対これは萌え業界の鉄則だあああぁあああ!!! いいかよく聞けモンキーども。ホモサピエンスと動物の違いは何か。そう、衣服の着用だ。つまりヒトは衣服があって初めてヒトなのだ!!! それを全部脱がすことでしか欲情できない貴様らはヒト以下!! 動物と同じだあああぁ!! 貴様全員を矯正するッ!! 歯を食いしばれええぇええぇえ!!!」

>> No.11686546 [DELETED] 

>broswing multiple boards
Absolutely disgusting crossie.

>> No.11686553

I'm saying you should stop posting shit just for the sake of posting.At least be polite enough to use sage.

Yes,I'm new and I browse multiple boards.Hope this ends this shitty discussion.

>> No.11686585 [DELETED] 


This is honestly astonishing.

What is the expected outcome of your little whinefest you've just put on? Do you think people are going to stop despising crossboarders because it hurts your feelings or whatever?

>> No.11686597

He's a new crossbordie asking people to be polite by using sage. What did you expect?

>> No.11686622

