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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11669758 No.11669758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11669768

Family is for sexual exploration and casual sex. Naturally it's alright to do lewd things with your sister or cousin or niece.

>> No.11669767

If you're that close, just go for it.

>> No.11669770

Thread about things that /jp/sies would never say?

>> No.11669785

Why is it always his sister when the protag looks old enough to be her father?

>> No.11669804
File: 420 KB, 956x1400, biribiri_Under_Nine_051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't care for this one. The first girl's tits disgusts me. I don't have anything in particular against boobs, but if you can't draw budding breasts, then don't even try.

Oh, and chapter 5 is still missing. It has too much plot to just skip a chapter. Why are the translation groups always so fucking obnoxious?

He's a stupid smelly NEET loser who can't do anything by himself and occupies his time by molesting children or masturbating.

>> No.11669805

Because most people who like loli prefer for them to get fucked by men instead of boys and there are more people interested in brother/sister incest than people interested in father/daughter incest.

>> No.11669806

/jp/ should do more lewd stuff with its imouto, onee-sama or cousin.

>> No.11669816

If you could draw lolies, would you spend all your time doing it, or would you waste time practicing drawing the adults.

>> No.11669851


>> No.11669857
File: 472 KB, 956x1400, biribiri_Under_Nine_122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one was pretty good.

>> No.11669858

The lewdness of little girls is staggering.

>> No.11669867
File: 375 KB, 956x1400, biribiri_Under_Nine_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11669866
File: 303 KB, 956x1400, biribiri_Under_Nine_105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, you probably liked this one, so your opinion doesn't count.

>> No.11669872

RIP in peace cousin anon.

>> No.11669878

Did he stop posting? Or did he get caught?

>> No.11669885

He was killed by vigilantes.

>> No.11669886

I don't think he has anything to blog about anymore. I think I remember him saying on warosu that his cousin moved away or something.

>> No.11669889

I killed him. I regret nothing.

>> No.11669890

What? I'm >>11669806 and made that post on a whim but did we actually really had some anon doing lewd stuff with a cousin?

>> No.11669894

There was once a /jp/er who loved his cousins and posted about the stuff they did together, he would always start posting by asking permission to do it.
The end.

>> No.11669900

Guess it didn't end well.

>> No.11669910

I can't/don't/won't see my cousin anymore due to events unrelated to the relationship my cousin and I shared.

She didn't move away. Basically the story boils down to my aunt suddenly deciding to put me and my parents on the shitlist; me for being NEET and my parents for allowing me to be NEET for so many years. My blood-related cousins in my aunt's house also grew to dislike me because of my aunt's influence on them but thankfully the cousin(s) I've often posted about are adopted and don't dislike me at all. I guess all I can do is wait it out, but I'll probably be missing the best/lewdest time to be around that girl.

>> No.11669931

>shitty family
Do we still have HAPPY families in 2013?

>> No.11669933

It had nothing to do with the fact that you're a pedophile?

Be honest.

>> No.11669953

Absolutely nothing at all. Honestly.

>> No.11669965

Your aunt sounds like a complete bitch.

>> No.11669989

I feel guilty for fapping to those last two. I don't usually like those things.... You guys need to stop being so lewd and posting bad doujin around me.

>> No.11669998

Only faggots don't like mindbreak.

>> No.11670011


Its nomnom for me

>> No.11670012

She's not that nice of a person, to be honest. One thing that makes me worried is how easily and quickly I was offered a chance to "get away" and "relax" by my parents after I went back to my regular routine of disarray. Before I left they kept telling me to not worry about anything, which made me worry. I've been out of the house since the 11th and I'll be returning on the 11th. Despite my room having the same lock as a front doorknob, I'm afraid my room is being searched. I left my piss jugs, onaholes, stolen panties, food stashes, figures, dolls, and anything else in there wherever it last was. I'm the only one with the key to my room, but I've locked myself out before so I know it's not hard to get in. If they opened it and found that stuff they'd probably have told me by now, right?

>> No.11670072
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>> No.11670095

Unless they're planning to have you committed. Those things take time. They'd need power of attorney, which needs a judge, and there has to be police arranged. They like to get you in a room and ambush you like that.

Or maybe they just don't want you to be a fucking embarrassment to them and want to hide you from the rest of the world.

But honestly, which is more likely?

>> No.11670107 [DELETED] 

Honestly, probably the latter. I was once asked to look into checking myself into a behavioral health center and was also given a phone number. I hope they're not planning on having me taken to one of those places.

>> No.11670108

Share your stories /jp/ please. I don't even care if they are blog posts. They are nice to read but at the same time I get so incredibly sad because I'm not as lucky.
No-one cares. Post about lolies or don't post at all.

>> No.11670113


>> No.11670113,1 [INTERNAL] 

sorry meant former

>> No.11670123

Oh, really? I was just trying to scare you with that. Your parents being ashamed is much more likely. I usually get given money and told to make myself scarce if anyone comes over too.

Fuck off back to you-know-where. You've been shitting up threads for months when you could find tons of stories if you'd just look, you helpless faggot.

>> No.11670127

Don't delete your post just because some infantile autist doesn't like you! What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11670129

have you ever thought about killing yourself? I mean you cant enjoy being with your cousin anymore. all that is left is going back into the hole

your family thinks youre a disgusting blight

just end it man its easier

also youre not white so its a plus for the rest of us

>> No.11670130

Meant former, too tired. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.11670136

How does /jp/ prefer their blogs of cousinly interaction? My life isn't as slice of life-y as cousin anon's, but I do have quite a few stories I could tell of my two cute cousins.. I take them swimming in a lake nearby once a week every summer, I sometimes take care of them if my aunt has to stay at work late, sometimes I just visit for no reason.
The older one, now around 13, is really beautiful and independent, and the younger one, six years younger, is mischievous and clingy.

So.. Anything you'd find particularly interesting?

>> No.11670139
File: 29 KB, 330x372, tell me more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11670141

Do you ever question your choices in life? Do you regret the way you feel towards them? Have you ever spent a sleepless night agonizing about it?

>> No.11670148

>You've been shitting up threads for months when
That is impossible.
>you could find tons of stories if you'd just look, you helpless faggot.
I will find stories myself if I want to. I simply gave /jp/ the permission to also share stories (which is normally not appropriate here) if they pertain to little girls.
>Don't delete your post just because some infantile autist doesn't like you!
Well fuck you too.
What do you love about the younger one? Describe the smell of the toilet after she finishes up. In which manner she cries?

>> No.11670156

>I will find stories myself if I want to.
That's what every fool tells himself as he begs someone else to go find his porn for him.

>I simply gave /jp/ the permission to also share stories (which is normally not appropriate here) if they pertain to little girls.
No one has or ever will need your permission to do anything. Fuck off.

>Well fuck you too.
No, fuck you.

>> No.11670160

Keep it up, bro. You know what she wants it too.

>> No.11670161
File: 55 KB, 316x241, 1370482617988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking disgusting thread. Kill yourselves, sick fucks.

>> No.11670164

Ah.. As I said, there are many things I could tell, so I really don't know what to start with..

Mistakes are to be learned from, not to be agonized over.
I have done things I knew I would regret, but all I can do is to try and make up for them.

She is very carefree and energetic, bluntly honest to the point of being rude, innately wise though not very smart. She is somewhat manipulative, and overplays her dumbness in a way she can benefit.
She has a lot of potential, though for what, I cannot tell.
She cries crocodile tears; She can cry on command. I have never seen her cry in earnest, since she was a toddler.
The toilet smells of air freshener, she covers her tracks.

>No one has or ever will need your permission to do anything.
His permission? No. A permission? Definitely. A push is what all bloggers are looking for. If I can point at him and say, "he asked me to", I can blog without remorse.

>> No.11670171 [DELETED] 
File: 647 KB, 604x539, 1333486852327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my pedobros at? Here is a nice guide how to get high very cheaply so you can have amazing smex with your loli :DDDDD

>> No.11670176

Don't bully pedophiles.

>> No.11670207

How does she react if you touch her chest? How she reacts when you smell her and how does she smell?

>> No.11670207,1 [INTERNAL] 

Another example of a lowercase shithead being subhuman for everyone to see. He can't fucking stand someone who actually belongs here being here, he's desperate to force them out. He even pretends everyone is on his side. Probably typed that from his iphone after totally epicly waking up in a random place with a hangover.

>> No.11670207,2 [INTERNAL] 

fucking real girls is not otaku culture

>> No.11670207,3 [INTERNAL] 

