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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 512x512, bakainacup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11669309 No.11669309 [Reply] [Original]

baka in a cup

>> No.11669317 [DELETED] 

One time when I was little my friend and I were playing at my house and found an unlabeled disposable camera and decided to play super model. It started off with just silly poses in front of a fan with wind in our hair and probably our eyes half closed but then we got kind of carried away posing all over the room... and eventually got bored and forgot about it.

years later i found a couple of old undeveloped disposable cameras in a drawer in my moms house and dropped them off at walgreens, two were kodak and one was just blank, without a label

As soon as I left I realized why I rememberd the blank camera. I never went back, I couldn't handle the shame. I realized I dropped off a disposable camera FULL of photos of two little girls in their underwear posing seductively on a couch in a basement. Photo after photo of awkward 10 year old training bra boobies in a dank unfinished basement on a couch in what appears to be the most obvious pedophile situation in the world

>> No.11669320 [DELETED] 

y-you're a girl!?

>> No.11669323
File: 113 KB, 800x880, 37921x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup over a baka.

>> No.11669321 [DELETED] 

I worked at a photo lab for a few years. I had to call the police once because of unsettling poses a woman was doing with her daughters.

>> No.11669326 [DELETED] 

Did a bit of photo while on holiday breaks. Lady brought in a roll of a naked young girl (5-6) with burises everywhere on her, stopped and called the manager when clothing was being removed. Called the cops, etc. Turned out the father assaulted the girl and the mom took pictures to use later. Happy ending, dads in jail.

>> No.11669329
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 4356467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl in a bottle

>> No.11669330 [DELETED] 

Why isn't mom in jail?

And why does she even bring the photos in?

>> No.11669332 [DELETED] 

I need to get a job as a photo technician.

>> No.11669341 [DELETED] 

Why do you think? When the cops came she cried and sobbed about how the evil man MADE her do it, and how scared she was, and how glad she was that they were saving her from that horrid MAN who did all these bad things without her willing participation at all.

It's a defence that works all the time in cases like this, even when there's clear evidence that the women was the mastermind. Had a high-profile case in Canada a couple of years ago where this 14 year old girl and her 20-something boyfriend kileld the girl's family. During the trial the girl cried and sobbed about how insane the boy was. Then it came out that they had videotaped the murders, including the part where the girl giggled as she slit his brothers throat, after arguing with the big bad boy that yes, her little brother DID have to die too. Turned out the boyfriend was an abused kid with fetal alcohol syndrome and was absolutely fixated on the girl, who was clearly sociopathic. In the end, though, he went to jail for life and she got a pat on the head. Jury couldn't believe the little middle-class angel could be a bad person.

No, all women aren't like this. The ones who would participate in the abuse of their daughter? Those totally are.

>> No.11669341,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why didn't he just delete the whole thread?

>> No.11669345
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 1263388590669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11669345,1 [INTERNAL] 

Because we'll send hundreds of angry emails because he deleted a touhou thread and get him in trouble again.

>> No.11669345,2 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK the janitor is ragin

>> No.11669357


>> No.11669357,1 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.11669376


>> No.11669376,1 [INTERNAL] 

They made a show about eating jaypees?!

>> No.11669376,2 [INTERNAL] 

Had a friend who worked in a 1 hour photo lab a few years back. She said that a guy once brought in a roll of pictures with his <10 year old daughter in seductive poses. When he came back for the pictures, she of course had nothing to give him. She could only tell him that she had to contact the authorities because of the nature of the pictures. Astoundingly, the man seemed truly confused, she said. He thought it was perfectly legal since it was his own daughter.

>> No.11669376,3 [INTERNAL] 

Eventually one of my boss's private customers came in to drop off about a dozen rolls of 35mm. When I told him that Boss was in the hospital he became visibly agitated. He demanded to speak with him but I'd been told not to even tell anyone which hospital he was at. This really angered Customer but he left, taking the rolls of film with him.

A few days after that Customer returned. This time he was all smiles. Chatting me up, asking me about my plans for college, that sort of thing. Finally he got around to asking me if I could be trusted to develop his film for him. I said sure, I'd working there for six months, 35mm was especially easy since all he wanted was 5x7", etc. He then offered me a $100 bonus if I made sure to be extra careful with his photos. He also mentioned that I be discreet.

I know the last part sounds ominous but back then I barely blinked at the request. Like I mentioned we did a lot of commercial artwork and often we had photographers competing for the same job, be it a wedding or an advertisement, bring us their work. They were always very adamant that we not show anyone their work because the field was very competitive and they didn't want their competition to see what they would be submitting to potential clients. So yeah, no big deal.

As soon as Customer left I got to work. $100 was a lot of money back then and I was determined not to screw anything up. If it took me hundreds of pages to get the colors perfect then damn it, that's what I would do.

So. Turns out I was developing child pornography. Discovered that during the first roll of film. Hard core child porn, yep. I'm talking grown men with little girls, preteen girls.

You would have thought the police would have confiscated all the film and develop it themselves, right? Wrong. The detective who came asked me to develop all of it. Twelve rolls of 35mm. Something like 300 pictures total. For anyone who ever worked in a photo lab back then you know that it was impossible to get the pictures right without looking at them. So yes, I saw them all. Had to. Had to hang them to dry myself, adjust the temps and colors on the blurrier ones, all of that.

When I was finished several hours later the detective had me call the customer and tell him the pictures were done. And Customer came in, smile on his face, not fifteen minutes later. He was promptly arrested.

The next day I showed up at work only to discover his brother, the owner, there. He looked like hell. Apparently he'd spent most of the night with the police. He told me what happened.

Apparently Customer had spilled the beans and ratted out Owner's brother. Turns out Boss had been working with Customer for years. The victims in those photos had been girls who Customer taught piano lessons to. He had some kind of arrangement with Boss where he would create and sell the pictures in exchange for discounted photo rates and discretion. I eventually heard from another ex-employee that it turned out the arrangement had been going on for years.

Funny thing is it never made the news and I never found out what happened to either Boss or Customer. Owner closed the lab and sold the building not long after all this came to light. As for my flirtations with becoming a professional photographer? Not after that. Seriously, no exaggeration, for years after that even the smell of a photolab or the sight of freshly developed film or negatives made me sick. Thank god things went digital eventually or I may not have ever been able to take a photograph, much less have them developed, ever again.

>> No.11669439

oh no!

>> No.11669439,1 [INTERNAL] 

> The victims in those photos had been girls who Customer taught piano lessons to.

Giving lessons and able to get the lolis to have sex with them? I wonder what those guys did.

So, guys, will I be able to at least hug a loli if I give some sort of lesson? I don't know what I could do.

>> No.11669453

Post that one picture. You know what I am talking about.

>girl drowning in bottle.jpg

>> No.11669458

It's the one with the cat girl or whatever.

>> No.11669459
File: 468 KB, 600x800, 1351817783101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11669478

Yeah, I was thinking of this one. Thanks.

>> No.11669482
File: 16 KB, 193x187, 346367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka in a frog

>> No.11669491
File: 84 KB, 1024x851, cirno &amp; knight_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baka on a knight

>> No.11669498

She's not really drowning, though. She could come up for air at any time.
Now, she might suffocate when she uses up all that air, but that still technically isn't drowning.

>> No.11669520



>> No.11669610
File: 184 KB, 1470x1540, d8bdf58786d93a0b83626780f9b6d190fa8606c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddling with Cirno on a hot summer day must be one of the best feelings ever.

>> No.11669656
File: 569 KB, 1000x750, 094c739d484e76152a88c7d04d4966f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hus drunk on whiskey!

>> No.11669702

looks like a boy in this one

>> No.11669720
File: 245 KB, 600x697, 1383121986112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Sakuya chugs cough syrup. Alcohol would get in the way of her duties

>> No.11669724

I understand she's cold enough for you to get a frostbite. That seems very unsafe to me. Would not do.

>> No.11669732

sakuya isn't 13 though

>> No.11669733

those thighs must be REALLY soft...

>> No.11669740

What's wrong with your anonymous tags?

>> No.11669735
File: 138 KB, 600x800, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottled baka

>> No.11669761


>implying robotripping isn't 10x worse

>> No.11669790

Who are you quoting, and what does that even mean? I can't understand your crossie language

>> No.11669830


>not knowing robotrip

Jeze, what a lameo square *hops in mustang and drives away*

>> No.11669871


best bottle in a girl

>> No.11669906

She better keep my Scotch cold or i'll flush her

>> No.11669912

>adding ice to whiskey

>> No.11669920

Cirno would be the best whiskey cooler because she doesn't melt.

>> No.11669927

You don't get whisky, do you?
Instead of ice, add a dash of water.

>> No.11669935

Why would you do that

>> No.11669939

To add volume so the customer thinks they got more.

>> No.11669940 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 400x200, wink18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka in a hole

>> No.11669945

That's some uncanny valley shit right there.

>> No.11669948

Or Dr Pepper!

Wow, animated too!

>> No.11669985
File: 656 KB, 900x1250, 76578931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's standard practise to add a few drops of water to a glass of stronger than normal, usually cask strength, whisky to bring out the flavour. Alcohol is not the primary taste you should want to taste when you buy fancy whisky!

Or maybe they just bought shitty whisky and/or just want to down it to get drunk. It's not a crime to like things differently than is considered proper or posh.

>> No.11670488
File: 135 KB, 400x400, 1196193584554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka seems to like cups a lot
