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File: 190 KB, 379x1194, CreepySuwako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1166294 No.1166294 [Reply] [Original]

Autosage, again.

Take is easy some more, Anon.

>> No.1166304



>> No.1166324

Is that the banhammer?

>> No.1166343

You guys are fucking sick. Stop hurting them.

>> No.1166338

We seriously need some more Moon-speaking Anons to bring us more delicious stories. I want to know what other kinds of Yukkuri there are.

>> No.1166357

Take it easy.

>> No.1166363
File: 163 KB, 550x2380, 1219284880249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, their dignity is so easily crushed...

>> No.1166385

I am going to fucking translate this. Give me like 3 days.

>> No.1166395

Akyu, you fucking whore!

>> No.1166391

The water-thing idea is awesome.

>> No.1166392

I love Akyu's "I'm gona fuck your shit up" face.

>> No.1166401

I love Akyu's "I'm gonna fuck your shit up" face

>> No.1166430
File: 123 KB, 770x456, 1219285349264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did everyone forget the brilliant ascii site? I can't tell exactly what's being said here, but here's some dead koremiryas.

>> No.1166503

This guy draws a superb Akyu.

>> No.1166507

They don't look very dead to me...

>> No.1166563

They're impaled on a spike, I think. In another scene, a Remirya (head only) gives birth while flying along. It's happy, not realizing its child can't fly yet. The koremirya drops through the air, perfectly happy until it lands bottom-first on a metal spike. The mother cries.

>> No.1166579

That little thing in the corner is the sun. They're melting in the light, unable to move as they've been impaled (staked).

>> No.1166582

What the hell, Anonymous.

Use a proper font like Mona or MS PGothic.

>> No.1166584

I stand corrected and join the request for a translator

>> No.1166588
File: 54 KB, 500x411, 1219286971753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my face when I see Yukkuri abuse.

>> No.1166606

I'm wading though some of it with Raikaichan and a good kanji dictionary, but I'm not confident enough yet to make sense of most of it. If any more competent translators take an interest, here's the site again.


>> No.1166615

Little Reimu had always desired a younger sister

Her poor frail mother could only endure growing a single koyukkuri stalk.

Little Reimu has always been alone. She oh so desired a little sister to share her love and company with.

Days often passed where little Reimu glanced enviously at other yukkuri families and their many cute little yukkuris.

It is not surprising that when Little Reimu saw another stalk growing out of her mother, her heart was filled with joy.

With this, I finally have my own sister, Little Reimu thought to herself.
I will enjoy many cute moments with her.
We will take it easy together.

>> No.1166614

[x ] Use a command spell to summon Shirou.

No idea how this works, since he'd have to be my servant for any command spell I might have to affect him. If you mean just summon him as a servant, then fuck yeah. Sword fountain with Avalon hax, none of the other servants stand a chance.

>> No.1166617

lil' sis Reimu crashed into the soil. Her skin was loose, and her movements without any real merit. lil' sis Reimu could not walk. She could only shake around, endlessly wobbling around in one place.

Furthermore, what met the eyes of Little Reimu wasn't a curious googly eyed glance from her newborn little sister. What met her was an empty and hollow stare, glancing endlessly towards the sky.

Furthermore, what came out of lil' sis' mouth wasn't a spoiled tone of a yukkuri demanding to take it easy. What Little Reimu heard was something that couldn't have been anything other than a broken cry of an animal.

What Little Reimu expected in her dreams violently crashed with this terrifying image.
Little Reimu slowly came to a painful understanding.

This child sister of hers.. can never take it easy.
Little Reimu also came into a realization that things would change for her too.

Day after day, Little Reimu fed her sister mouth to mouth
Day after day, Little Reimu had to bear the constantly broken record wailing of her little sister

>> No.1166620


>> No.1166623

Nipple Sign "Border Between Worksafe and Ban"

>> No.1166663

I want to unread it easy. ;_;

>> No.1166673


>> No.1166689
File: 119 KB, 624x471, 1219288790201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you people even in this thread?

>> No.1166697

Yes, as I will Hulk smash through the wall and save her.

>> No.1166717

That was actually kind of heartwarming. Little Reimu is such a good sister ;_;

>> No.1166725


Normally I think of d'awww and despair as the opposite ends of the yukkuri spectrum, but this pretty much hits both full force. Well played, sir. I d'b'awwwwww'd.

>> No.1166726


Might I recommend you people check out the general Yukkuri thread at pooshlmer? Most of the images posted there will be more to your liking.

>> No.1166729


8/10 I rage'd

>> No.1166737


Not everyone reads stories of bad things happening to yukkuris because they think that bad things happening to yukkuris is a good thing. Sometimes a tragic story is it's own kind of entertainment because it's tragic, whether it be an eloquently crafted Shakespearean play or a silly little yukkuri summary, what with the catharsis and all that.

Note: This should probably be the last time Shakespeare is mentioned in a yukkuri thread.

>> No.1166812

And then you'll surprise the Yukkuri, who will drop the candle and both of you will burn to death. Congratulations, you are the first person to have been murdered by a Yukkuri.

>> No.1166827

I translated a couple of comics last thread, are there any editors that are going to do them?


>> No.1166931

I'll do it. I saved all of the translations done in the last thread, and I'm starting on the creepy (but cool) Aya one.

>> No.1166941
File: 102 KB, 500x328, 1219293945659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Marisa's dad get KILL BY YUKKURIS!

>> No.1166982

For christ's sake. You cry foul when we torture them, and then you cry foul when we point you towards a site where they don't torture them--

What the fuck do you want, huh? Are we going to have to start two different threads, marked "torture" and "non-torture"? Jesus christ.

>> No.1167270

Quick question: how would a father yukkurisa and a mother yukkureimu be abreviated?

Also, requesting if anyone has that yukkuri size chart.

>> No.1167291
File: 108 KB, 1000x417, 1219300376314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably as "A Remiu/Marisa couple" if it you alluded to it being a story centered around Yukkuri.

Also, dicks.

>> No.1167321

What's funny is all the yukkuri has to do is wait until the candle burns itself out. The only thing is that after that happens it'll be pitch black, so they'll probably die of starvation before they get the key in the door.

>> No.1167339
File: 129 KB, 1000x596, 1219300896431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same poster, here.

Just thought I'd also put this one up.

>> No.1167357

Is it customary to compare things to a pack of cigarettes?

>> No.1167372


>> No.1167374

You ever check out some anime posters on ebay from Japan, or Dalong's Gundam model reviews? Even if you don't smoke, everyone know how big a pack of cigarettes is, so it gives a good idea of how big something is.

>> No.1167398

What did Marika do to get Suwako mad?

>> No.1167409

I'm writing a little vignette in which a Koyukkuri gets baked in a pie. First it's skinned, then sliced up and squeezed out to fill the pie, and then the skin is used to seal the pie up. All of this is then shoved in an oven. It is an incredibly painful and traumatic experience...of course.

I fully expect anon to rage and sage.

>> No.1167423

Have the koyukkuri's parent watch the whole ordeal and then serve a slice of pie to the parent. At the same time, take a slice yourself and eat it in front of the parent.

>> No.1167425

But they are not big enough, unless it's meant to be one of those tiny pies.

>> No.1167450


Precisely what I meant. I should have said a pasty, actually. My bad.


That sounds like a good idea. It might make the vignette longer than I really want it to, since it's mostly a little joke on my part, but I'll consider it. I may file this away and depending on the reaction I get from the first vignette, I'll write another where the mother and the children are kidnapped next, then that happens.

>> No.1167468


it's funny how people never seem to understand how fatal hydrocarbon vapors can be. The yukkuri would have bloated up and died due to oil long before the candle goes out.

>> No.1167480

God Almighty do I hate these fucking things. One night I'll see them in my dreams, I swear.

>> No.1167489

take it easy

>> No.1167497

The more they say "yu" and beg in their broken speech...the more bloodlust I seem to build up

>> No.1167501


I refuse to take it easy, sir. I REFUSE.

>> No.1167504


you should try it.

feels good man

>> No.1167515

Take it easy!


>> No.1167540


That's a pretty funny joke...

>> No.1167542

It's like we're all really twelve!

>> No.1167547


we're not?

>> No.1167581


guess he got lost in the river

>> No.1167615

Fuck that, I'm 14.
Bow before my superior maturity, kids!

>> No.1167617

oh u

>> No.1167639

Anon, although a bit eccentric, is widely known in his
hometown as an excellent craftsman and model ship builder.

One evening, he is nearing the completion of his latest endeavor, an elaborate, $250 balsa wood replica. In his excitement, Anon puts in a great effort at his workshop, so they allow him to leave an hour early. Anon heads home, running all the way.

His sense of well-being is disturbed, however, when he arrives at his house and discovers that his front window has been smashed in. Anon doesn't think there's been a burglary, since it's a safe neighborhood, but he nontheless flattens himself against the house and slowly opens the front door with one hand.

With the door fully open, Anon listens intently. At first
there's nothing, but then he can pick up a faint sound of conversation coming from within. Straightening himself up, he pauses to retrieve a 2x4 from a nearby lumber pile before slipping inside.

>> No.1167642

It's a fairly small house (with only Anon living there),
so it takes him little time to make his way into the
interior of the building, whereupon a horrendous sight
greets his vision.

His living room is in shambles. His TV, once delicately perched on the entertainment center, lies facing up on the floor with a large crack running across the screen. One of the lamps he had purchased with last week's salary lies broken on the carpet, trailing a fine porcelain dust from where it originally stood. The drapes are tattered and torn. His eyes wide open in shock, Anon slowly stumbles
towards the kitchen/dining room area, wondering just how far the destruction has spread.

The kitchen is in a similar predicament. Thankfully, the refrigerator/freezer and its contents have been spared, but the rest of the room is a mess. What originally was stored in the cabinets sits in a jumbled mess on the counters, and several jars have been smashed and their contents smeared on the linoleum. Bracing himself for the worst, Anon passes the threshold into the dining room.

>> No.1167643

Anon finally happens upon the culprits of the break-in. Scattered throughout the dining room are perhaps two dozen yukkuri. The group seems to be made up of a Reimu/Marisa couple, and the rest are Koyukkureimu and Koyukkumarisa. Anon is about to announce his presence when he realizes what has happened to his treasured wooden ship model. It lies, completely broken in two, on the floor near the table. The Yukkureimu and Yukkurisa now occupy the space where it once sat. Just now, the parent yukkuri notice the intruder. "This is Reimu's house! Leave here easy!" says the Reimu, followed by a "Get out easy, ze!" from the Marisa. This is accompanied by several "Yu!"s and "Dwop dead eajy!"s from the koyukkuri throughout the room. Anon controls his anger, his knuckles white where he grips the 2x4, and says in the most placating voice he can, "Please allow me to take it easy here." This is met by several
approving "Yu!"s as the assembled yukkuri generally return to bouncing around the room, playing with each other.

>> No.1167646

Anon's enraged blow takes the Yukkurisa completely by surprise, crushing it completely in one swing. He
wrenches out the wood and drops it, dripping bean paste. The Reimu gives a shocked "NOOOOOOOO", hops off the table, and cowers underneath, accompanied by many "MWOMMIEE"s from the koyukkuri throughout the room. Anon takes the
opportunity to gather up half a dozen of the slower ones, opens up his sliding patio door, and proceeds to punt them, one by one, out against the neighbor's fence across the yard.

Shutting the door, Anon turns and picks up the 2x4 again. The Yukkureimu cowers further underneath the table, along with a few of its children. "Why are you doing this, mister? Reimu's kids are dying!" Largely ignoring it, Anon continues his advance. "Run away easy!" pleads the Reimu to its children, who, with the exception of those near her, begin to try and hop out of the room, seeking escape. Anon places himself at the doorway and swings about with his improvised weapon, hitting the would-be escapees into a corner of the room. The Yukkureimu sobs a "Stob id, mister!" with several wavering "Yu~"s coming from it's remaining children, but again to no effect.

>> No.1167651

Anon, ever resourceful, grabs a small square cardboard box and places the struggling Yukkureimu inside it. "Stob id! Reimu's babies can't tage it easy like this!" says the Reimu. "Don't worry," says Anon, "I'll make it so you can all take it easy together." He then picks up the Koyukkuri and gently places them in the box, one by one. He also goes over to the corner where the rest of them lie injured, picks out the ones that are still alive (some are leaking bean paste) and puts them in the box, as well. He then closes it up, and places several books on top of it to prevent escape. Faintly, "Id's dark in here!" and "Let us out easy!" can be heard. Anon places the box on his dining room table, looks sadly at the remains of his ship replica, and proceeds to clean up the mess in his house as best he can.

The night passes.


>> No.1167683

Can yukkuri get drunk? What about drugging them?

>> No.1167686


I fully sympathize with Anon and endorse his actions fully

>> No.1167695

lol, let them suffer for a prolonged amount of time, nice.

>> No.1167693


if you shake them enough they completely lose their reason and become horny

is that the same?

>> No.1167698

I want to put a yukkuri in a hamster ball and roll it around.

>> No.1167706

That made me rage, these stupid fucks ruining poor Anons day.

>> No.1167708
File: 15 KB, 293x196, 1219307517567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you hate me, uguu?

>> No.1167715

awesome. almost as good as reading yukkuri comics

>> No.1167718

Yes, I fucking do.

>> No.1167727
File: 246 KB, 1024x1205, 1219308368460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The koyukkuri Reimu peered out of its hiding spot curiously, hearing the soft rustle of grass crushed underfoot. The slight tremor that ran through the ground spoke of something bigger than even one of the hideously bloated yukkuris that could be found deep in the forest, large enough to swallow several adult yukkuri at one blow.

All yukkuri are curious to a fault, and koyukkuri even more so. Throwing caution to the winds, the koyukkuri bounced out of the pile of leaves happily.

“Yu~! Yu~! Dage id eajy!“

The slow footfalls stopped. Crimson eyes, inhuman eyes, turned to gaze upon the tiny creature.

“Ah, so this is a yukkuri….”


The koyukkuri recoiled away from those slender white fingers reaching towards it, almost tumbling over itself in fright. Having lived in the comfort and safety of Gensokyo’s woodlands for all its short little life, it knew not what this blonde-haired giant was. Humans were but a byword some older Yukkuris used to scare the younger ones with.

>> No.1167729

Silvery laughter. “You really were hungry, weren’t you? For such a small thing you’ve certainly a healthy appetite.”

Koyukkureimu managed to swallow its mouthful at length, looking up at the pale woman with a sticky smile. “Yu~!” it squeaked happily, scooping another mouthful of berries into its mouth. It ate voraciously. Soon there was nothing left. When Koyukkureimu began licking the berry juice off the woman’s fingers, she withdrew her hand and laughed that silvery, warm laughter again.

“You’re tickling me!”

Koyukkureimu bounced forward. “Gimme more, lady! Weimu wan’ more eajy!”

“Do you want more berries?”

“Yu~! Yu~!”

The pale woman reached in her basket, drawing another handful of dripping berries from within. Koyukkureimu held its mouth open expectantly.


>> No.1167730


It was still and dark. The pervasive scent of berries made it difficult to breathe.

“’oo’s there!? Lemme oud eajy!”

Whack. Whack. Whack. The sound that had woken the koyukkuri continued without stopping.

“Id’s dark! Lemme oud! Weimu wan’ oud!” The koyukkuri began to cry, wailing in the darkness as loudly as it could.

Clang. The percussive, insistent noise stopped sharply. Light flooded the basket as the covering was pulled away, forcing the koyukkureimu to blink and squint.

“Oh, you’re awake at last. I was going to let you sleep…” The hand that lifted koyukkureimu out was covered in flour. Her fingers opened, letting koyukkureimu plop out onto the wooden cutting board.

“There, now. You’re out.”

>> No.1167734

It tried to bounce off the cutting board, but the woman neatly scooped it up in her flour-dusted hand. All the flour made the koyukkuri cough and sneeze pitifully, shaking its little body to try and free itself from those fingers.

“Led me GO eajy! Weimu can’t tage id eajy like dis!”

But those fingers were unyielding, like warm, smooth stone. A knife was in the woman’s other hand, its edge gleaming in the sunlight streaming through the kitchen window.

“But if you go home now, you won’t get to eat the pasty that I made for you.” Those silvery tones were now dangerously honeyed, full of venom. “Look, I’ve stayed up all morning just to make a pasty for you and me to eat.” She gestured at her surrounding with the knife. Eggs, flour, shortening, chopped arrowroot and the berry basket sat on the countertop, and a little pie-dish filled with dough for the crust. A silver kettle was boiling away merrily on the stove. Indeed, it looked as though she’d been busily preparing a simple pasty – but where was the filling?

”And now you’re saying that you already want to leave. That’s hardly fair, little one. I was going to give you some of the pasty to take home to your mommy, too. She would have been so happy, and so proud of her little Reimu…” The cold steel of the knife brushed against the tender, doughy Koyukkuri’s flesh. “Stop trembling, or I might really hurt you. This knife is so very sharp…”

>> No.1167737

Quickly, she moved it over the pie-dish and let the bean paste drip out into it. More and more of its skin came away, until she had pulled the entire covering off the koyukkuri. A paper-thin red coating was all that held it together, shifting and squirming in a way that reminded her of bared muscle. It had stopped moving now, a limp little doughball in her hand, save for the slight twitch now and then.

Finally she drew the knife across its midsection and let the bean paste spill from its halves. The rest of the family would have to wait after tea. For now, this little bean bun would make an exceptional pasty indeed.

Already imagining how the tender flesh would bake nicely in the oven, the blonde began folding its skin over the dish. Really, why had no one suggested that she pay this quaint town a visit before?


>> No.1167735

The koyukkuri could not stop shaking, terrified by that deadly whisper. “Y-y-y-yu~!”

The knife slipped just a little bit, sinking into the koyukkuri’s eye. It popped like an oversized boil, but instead of squirting pus, sticky red fluid surged out into the woman’s hand.


Even as it screamed in pure agony, the knife was already circling around to the other eye. With a cruel twist, the eye was torn out rather than popped, to fall on the cutting board. It screamed and screamed again, even as bean paste and tears ran down its face, streaming from the useless socket.

“Shush, shush, shush….shall I sing a song for you, little one?”


Bean paste flooded the poor Koyukkuri’s mouth as the knife slid in, permanently widening it as the blade cut through its tender skin. The tip pierced its tongue, and then the woman gave a sharp backwards tug. With a sound like wet cloth tearing, the koyukkuri’s tongue came free.

>> No.1167736

Now only a horrible bubbling red cry of pain came from the koyukkuri. In its blindness and agony it squirmed and wriggled desperately in that pale hand, soon turning the woman’s fingers crimson with sticky red bean paste as it leaked from a useless eye, a gaping socket, and the horrid red ruin of its mouth.

“I suppose you don’t want to hear me sing. Oh, well…”

Just when it thought the agony could grow no worse, the knife’s edge came up to kiss the koyukkuri’s skin, slicing through it and peeling away a flap. By now the koyukkuri’s tiny life force was fading, its mind sinking away into the dark.

Then pain exploded through its entire body as the woman –pulled-. She tugged at the flap of skin as though she were peeling an orange, the wet raw sound of flesh giving way under pure strength accompanying each strip of flesh as it was torn off. By now the koyukkuri was convulsing in the woman’s hand, making it hard for her to hold onto it. Bean past was starting to leak from the fleshy under-skin that she was revealing, tender and moist like muscle.

>> No.1167738

fucking flood detected asdf

anyway, that's the whole sorry-ass story. enjoy it easy.

>> No.1167740

I can't take it easy like this!

>> No.1167742


worse than your route

>> No.1167752

Not summary anon here, but I'll try and have the next part written by tomorrow

I was able to take it easy after reading this story.

>> No.1167753

That's not hard, considering how amazing Arc's route is.

>> No.1167755

well played

Are there any stories where yukkuri aren't tortured or harmed at all?

>> No.1167756



>> No.1167757

I pretend she's squeezing it to dock with Marisa.

>> No.1167762


One day, a yukkuri took it easy.

The end.

>> No.1167763


One day, a family of yukkureimus were taking it easy.

The end.

Was that so fucking hard?

>> No.1167761

This was quite clever, and I'm sorry no one said so earlier.

>> No.1167760


Why would you want to read those?

>> No.1167766


Unless there's a place it won't be purged, I ask you write it now less some of us miss it.

>> No.1167767


Taking it easy, guys?

>> No.1167768



>> No.1167770


That's some high praise, given Nasu's talent for writing.

>> No.1167772



>> No.1167778

writefag ideas

1. A ronery/hikkikomori Anon is befriended by a yukkuri who teaches him how to take it easy
2. A spelunking Anon breaks his leg while exploring a cave, and he survives when the yukkuri family that lives there share their food with him
3. An Anon witnesses a Yukkureimu + Yukkurisa's death by a Remirya, and decides to raise the family of koyukkuri left behind until they can survive on their own

honestly it can't be too hard

>> No.1167776

This thread is getting me off easy.

>> No.1167781

What about Yukkuyuka's? They're actually entertaining.

>> No.1167783


These aren't really concepts Anon would want to read about, though. It would take some stellar yarn-spinning to pull them off.

>> No.1167785
File: 416 B, 177x16, 1219309567428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167786


>1. A ronery/hikkikomori Anon is befriended by a yukkuri who teaches him how to take it easy

>2. A spelunking Anon breaks his leg while exploring a cave, and he survives when the yukkuri family that lives there share their food with him

3. An Anon witnesses a Yukkureimu + Yukkurisa's death by a Remirya, and decides to raise the family of koyukkuri left behind until they can survive on their own
>survive on their own


>> No.1167787

>2. A spelunking Anon breaks his leg while exploring a cave, and he survives when the yukkuri family that lives there share their food with him

By eating them, right?

>> No.1167795


I'm not sure I'd want to eat any "natural" yukkuri food. Those things seem retarded enough to happily eat shit. I think I even saw such a comic.

>> No.1167798

>2. A spelunking Anon breaks his leg while exploring a cave, and he survives when the yukkuri family that lives there share their food with him

I once read one like that, in which Anon had to stay in their cave due to the scarlet mist incident. The result wasn't that good; the mist wouldn't let up for several days, and he ended up eating the yukkuris that had taken care of him. In the end, they somehow managed to curse him, and since then, he flies into a murderous rage whenever he sees a human with no hat/head accessory. (Of course, this is rare in Gensokyo.)

Fatherisa and Mothereimu, or Motherisa and Fathereimu.

>> No.1167797

>>Mokou-types are called "Mokotan" and they are extremely rare. They can recover from almost any injury and it is said that eating one will expand the eater's lifespan for three years.
Only if they were Mokou types. She's the only Yukkuri I would ever intentionally kill.

>> No.1167802
File: 17 KB, 419x350, 1219309986173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Aya-types, called Kimeemaru (a cross between Shameimaru and "kimee", a form of "kimoi" (disgusting)), have the body of a life-sized horse and run very fast. They detest taking it easy, since it means they have to go slowly (just like a certain Cougar). For this reason, they enjoy preventing other yukkuris from taking it easy. They have a good relationship with the real Aya (they respect her for being fast), and act as her subordinates. They have the ability to shake their heads sideways at such frequencies, they create the illusion of having three heads. Most yukkuris, upon witnessing such a blatant display of not taking it easy, tend to foam at the mouth, go ballistic or faint. They also have fans at the factory, and are not targeted by the employees. They are also handy with a camera. "

Man, I can't see why these are not the most popular of the yukkuri.

>> No.1167803 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 400x480, 1219310006617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What, have you got something against eating shit?

>> No.1167805


Guess you could say Alice is a real brown-noser

>> No.1167804

They mostly eat fruit, flowers and bugs, although they can eat almost anything. They usually have fruit in their nest.

I think they're supposed to be intelligent, and take care of flowers. And on the same power level as a Flandre, although without a body.

>> No.1167808

>2. Anon is a spelunker. One day he finds a cave he thinks is empty, but a few minutes later a loud noise right behind him causes him to start and trip over a rock, breaking his leg. He looks towards the cave entrance and sees a yukkuri family that probably came back from the forest. He curses his luck and


>> No.1167818

>3. A bored Anon witnesses a Remirya murdering a Reimu/Marisa parent combo, so he catches the Remirya and lets the koyukkuris have their revenge by


>> No.1167826

So wait, I've seen that Alice-types are pack rapist/hunters, and Remilia-types are flying vampires - who would win between them?

Also, I thought Reimu and Marissa were supposed to be some of the stronger tohous, so is there an inverse correlation between normal and yukkuri strength?

I must, know, I can't take it easy not knowing!!

>> No.1167854

Flying and having a body are an enormous advantage, but if enough Alices get the drop on a Remirya, they can beat it.

>is there an inverse correlation between normal and yukkuri strength?

There's no rule about that, it's just how it is. Cirno is weaker than them, but her yukkuri has Ice Breath. Remirya and Flandre are stronger than them, and their yukkuris are on a different level. I guess it's because they're the most widespread.

>> No.1167852

just write a story with Tenko/ yukkuri Tenshi

you can have abuse and she will still be very happy

>> No.1167859


Remirya is stronger than all except yukkuri Flandre and maybe yukkuri Yuyuko

>> No.1167869

Are there yukkuri versions of the new Touhoes yet?

>> No.1167888

I want to see a yukkuri Ran and Chen - I think those are the ones I'd never be able to bully :3

>> No.1167883


do you have this pic without the shitty text

>> No.1167900
File: 61 KB, 512x474, 1219311865197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1167924

universally canon (LOL) yukkuri:

Reimu: no special characteristics. Can only take it easy, just like the lazy shrine maiden she is based on. 100 percent victim material

Marisa: one of the more annoying yukkuri. Is also the most flexible in roles. It can be anything from a loyal mate and mother to a slut that cheat on her mate with other yukkuri and eat her own children. Victim rate: usually the victim, but she can be the abuser if she wants to.

Remirya: Retarded predator. Likes to fart and invent new ways to be as annoying as possible. Abuses other yukkuri for the lulz. Victim rate: Is more predominantly a predator than a victim.

Alice: Rapist. There's no other alternative. There is no such thing as a good consensual Alice. A nice Alice is simply someone that has yet to awaken to its real nature or a mentally ill Alice in denial. Victim rate: almost always the sexual predator

everything else is obscure and not fully accepted yet

>> No.1167937


>Abuses other yukkuri for the lulz

>for the lulz

I'm going to kill you until you are dead.

>> No.1167938

yukkuri Satoris should yell out embarrassing things about those around it - for comedic purposes, mostly humans and youkai

yukkuri Koishis should subconsciously make humans and youkai want to take it easy with it (yukkuri already want to take it easy so they're unaffected). Anons would need extreme mindh4x to eat Koishis, which contain some fucking delicious filling or other

yukkuri Utsuhos should FUCKING EXPLODE if they stop taking it easy for even one second unless you manage to kill it instantly. Their filling should also taste fucking delicious

>> No.1167950

Yukkuri Utsuho should be suicide bombers yelling death to those who take it easy!

>> No.1168018


Yay! Even marble-eyes guy can't abuse Chenkuri :3

>> No.1168104

It's been months and I still can't look at this crap without feeling bad. I keep associating yukkuris with children, and then I see the abuse and the childish distorted speech and....FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!

I will take my leave now...

>> No.1168124


Actually, you're right. I don't want a story where nothing bad happens to them, because then it's not really a story.

However, pretty much all the stories go from happiness and taking it easy and descend into despair. What I think the other half of the audience really wants is a story where we go from everyday mundanity into the depths of drama and despair and then back out into happiness again. You know, like the way most stories work.

Or, you know, there could always be a story that doesn't take thing so seriously.

>> No.1168142

>Or, you know, there could always be a story that doesn't take things so easy.

>> No.1168182

>They are also handy with a camera.

How can you be handy with a camera when you don't have hands?

>> No.1168185

I don't know.
How do YOU type with boxing gloves on?

>> No.1168247

Their body type is not defined. They can have three forms: a) head only, b) horse body and c) Remirya-like miniature body. The third is the most widespread, and the most convenient for abusing other yukkuris.

>> No.1168280

I don't mind any type of gore snuff guro or whatever. but for some reason I feel pangs of unhappieness inside me when I see Yukkuri guro. I dont know what it is maybe I have a weak spot.

>> No.1168314
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1219322617761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep while editing this. How awkward.

Anyways, I'll edit the other one too now since I woke up.

How does the new font look? I got tired of using just shit like Wild Words.

>> No.1168340
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1219323781341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small font is small.

>> No.1168344

Use augie.

>> No.1168363

Text box or Text bubbles for augie? I found that augie only looks good in certain situations like with the Marble dude's stuff.

>> No.1168370

Those are pretty good.

Yamame-types should be pack hunters that can create underground traps for catching prey like actual spiders.

Parsee-types are vindictive loners that try to steal other yukkuri's accessories as they are the only types that do not have them. (Aside from Kaguya-types)

Yuugi-types should be physically stronger than normal yukkuris and appear to be in a permanent state of inebriation. They like to get refreshed a lot, but usually only through consensual yukkuri sex.

>> No.1168381
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1219324822495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expanded the text bubble and tried out augie. Let's see how it looks.

>> No.1168383

Also, aside from their "horn", Yuugi-types should have a platter with sake on their head as their main accessory, as their primary goal is for the sake to NOT EVEN DROP.

>> No.1168389


>> No.1168404

That's good. If they manage to spill their sake they should become temporarily immobile due to shock. I guess it would be even harder to balance the platter if they're drunk.

>> No.1168585
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 1219328876031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on the stuff that's translated, here's a quick one.

>> No.1168593
File: 32 KB, 400x500, 1219329032611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off the waterducts.
