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11653211 No.11653211 [Reply] [Original]

-36 Hours Remain-

Previous Thread: >>11643409

English Wiki

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

Also, please be considerate with those screencaps. At least delete them when they're not relevant anymore.

To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11653216

>-36 Hours Remain-
Time to panic.

>> No.11653219

36 hours of not sleeping, farming DD and spamming suicide fleets at E-4 to chip the boss down to 0
and then PRAY to get a kill

>> No.11653229

6 BB fully equipped with sanshiki and 46cm tripple cannon
line ahead
no retreat

>> No.11653237
File: 113 KB, 480x854, kaga... san.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like grimdark?

>> No.11653238


>> No.11653239


>> No.11653241

Make a strawpoll if you want a definitive answer.

>> No.11653245



>> No.11653248

Ask another time

>> No.11653258
File: 409 KB, 600x882, 39921040_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want TLs of that Murakumo doujin.

>> No.11653275

E-7 is taking more resources than the event itself by this rate.

>> No.11653289
File: 115 KB, 623x878, 37541261_big_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

With E-6 and E-7 combined, I'm past that point. Unfortunately, no Hatsukaze or Yahagi to show for.

>> No.11653294


>> No.11653296

That single submarine on the 5-3 boss keeps on blowing my chance to complete the stage.

I can't destroy it even though I used the last formation + support fleet.

>> No.11653297 [DELETED] 

This node with this enemy composition. I think I've gotten past this fleet without a red less than half of the times.

>> No.11653298
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Yep, that one.

Dying by torpedo is so disgustingly common in doujins even. Well it is certainly a better mechanic for killing someone than a sudden explosion from a shell.

>> No.11653300
File: 118 KB, 800x480, E-5 N-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This node with this enemy composition. I think I've gotten past this fleet without a kanmusu in red, less than half of the times.

>> No.11653311

Do you sparkle? I usually get past it no problem.

>> No.11653312

Anyone from the Brunei server? How are you doing?

>> No.11653314

Sparkle your ships. Their cut ins should only do scratch damage at night if you're lucky enough

>> No.11653316

I can't reach the E5 boss half of the time now and when I do I've been getting mostly A's. my luck has run out.

>> No.11653317

The BB cut ins yes. The 2destroyer cut in at the bottom will rekt you hard. None of my BB has actually ever survived a torpedo cut in. Everytime I see that 22inch torpedo cut in screen, I knew I have to retreat.

>> No.11653322
File: 129 KB, 623x878, (11)37541261_big_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've trans-interpreted it for a friend, but my Japanese is pretty poor.


The conversation with Tenryuu were along the line of:

Page 6
Tenryuu (TR): Ey, lemme hangout. Sitting next to ya.
TR: There's some things you just can't do anything about in battles. (comment: Holyfuck crit hits, plz, hitting at the worst time... lol)
T-san (T): but Murakumo died because of that.
T: In battles, someone ought to eventually die. Why didn't I notice that before?
TR: Didn't you become an admiral fully aware of that?
T: I knew that. Or I thought I knew that. The reality is different! I shouldn't have accepted such a heavy responsibility. Each and every one of your lives depend on me.
T: It's rotten. Arming ordinary girls and sending them off to battlefields. If that isn't fucked up, then what is?
TR: Admiral
TR: Look at my eyes. What do you see?
T: An ordinary girl-
TR: You're mistaken! Look closely. _When I'm in command of her, she is not an "ordinary girl". She is a weapon of war, whose role is to destroy the enemy, an "ordinary weapon".
TR: Open your eyes! Kan-musu (furigana: warships) battling is just normal. As weapons, we fight until our last dying breath. That is the pride of us kan-musu. Do not be so sympathetic towards weapons (furigana: us). Do stain the pride of kan-musu (furigana: us)!
TR: Don't avert your eyes from the reality. Don't deny us of our raison d'être...
T: Forgive me, Tenryuu.
T: Stil... I can't accept you guys.
TR: I see... That's... fine.
TR: 'Ey, T. Can I ask you something?
T: What is it?
TR: Was Murakumo's death in vain?
T's thoughts: 'Death in vain? How am I suppose to know that?'

Bonus: Murakumo's mad at T because he didn't recognize her name.
Bonus 2 - ending scene:
Murakumo: My body feels heavy. Ah, I must have sunk... I wanted to be together for a little longer... I'm never going to forgive that idiot...
MURAKUMO(?): Then... Let's go together"
MURAKUMO's thoughts (?): I have to return... to Admiral...

>> No.11653325

I do sparkle them, but even that's not enough against that damn fleet most of the times. Then there's the matter of going to day battle and wasting more ammo, because either one of the Ru-class or both of them survive.

>> No.11653330

Brunei here.
So far done E-1 only.
Got a Makigumo too from the boss.
Ship lvls not enough for E-2 though

>> No.11653332

Anyone else having issues entering a credit card? It's probably for the best that it won't let me put in a new one honestly.

>> No.11653333

Did E-2, not enough resources for E-3. I guess I'll have to wait for a miracle recipe for the 4th sub.

>> No.11653346

Why is tawitawi so competitive?
I cant even get into top500 when I am spending like 6hours playing the game. I am at 241, 500th has 263.

>> No.11653355

That's not competitive at all. You should be able to break that if you do all dailies/weeklies.

>> No.11653363

How autistic would you have to be to get 1029 score? I'm quite scared of the Japanese now, unless he's botting.

>> No.11653369

Some guy here has 1408, I don't even.

>> No.11653368

Boss nodes give a lot of exp. Just kill hundreds.

>> No.11653373

you dont get 10 points a day from just doing the dailies and weeklies, and you need a minimum of that much just to get to Marshal Admiral rank.

>> No.11653388
File: 78 KB, 465x363, 1385391435530[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japs are fast.

>> No.11653389

I would if the fucking compass didnt send me to NE. 3 in a row now.
I can only hope that 100 of these autists take it easy after the event so I can break top500.

>> No.11653392

Ahaha, I just had the compass send me 3 times in a row into the boss node. I needed those transport ships, though.

>> No.11653398

Even her card is beautiful.
She should be everyone priority, even above Musashi.

>> No.11653400

I really want her but Agano likes me more, 4 of them dropped from E5, I think they're trying to tell me something.

>> No.11653408

what fleet comp should i use for E3 teitoku's?

>> No.11653412

Read the wiki. There's an event page with more than enough to get you going.

>> No.11653420

What the fuck
5NE in a row at E5

>> No.11653421 [DELETED] 

Welp. that sucks, don't have 2 cs ;_;

>> No.11653424

Do you refresh? The game seems to know if you pussied out of fighting and would keep sending you there until you actually finish it.

>> No.11653426

What the actual fuck.
After roughly ~250 crafts of 250/100/250/30 I have Yukikaze, Shimakaze, Imuya and Goya.But I didnt recieve a single duplicate.

>> No.11653432

Wiki says to take 4 DD's and 2 CV's for 2-4, would KTKM and Ooi remodeled into CLT's and 4 DD's fine?

>> No.11653438

Spent almost 8 hours at E-7, 1 S rank, rest all A rank. With only 4k fuel left, I guess my Yahagi hunt is almost ending.

>> No.11653443

I feel you anon, I've put in 50 sorties with only 1 S rank as well. With the time and resource constraints in mind I'll only be able to scrape another 20, maybe 25 sorties.

>> No.11653450

Well, you need to tear through the elite BBs armor.

>> No.11653456

You shouldnt trust the wiki and look at the enemy composition yourself. You should realize that there is no way your 4DD can blast through them.

>> No.11653457

Same sob story here. For some reason clearing E5 was much easier than E7 shenanigans. I only have a kaga and agano to show for all my effort too.

>> No.11653459

I am also playing rather safe as I lost a KTKM a week or so back. I actually hunted and retrained a KTKM to lvl 70 so I am not going make the same mistake again. If I cant get Yahagi, so be it.

>> No.11653469

I've gotten 14 S ranks already and the best I've gotten was Akigumo.

Why the fuck does Chikuma even appear at S ranks?

>> No.11653472

Chikuma, Hiyo and Takao is pretty common for me.

>> No.11653474

Silver background, mang.

>> No.11653475

Wiki actually says BBs which makes more sense. I've seen someone complete it with 6 lv70+ DDs, though.

>> No.11653477

Goddamn, you just had to say it. I got yet another Chikuma from an S-rank. I can get S-ranks pretty often but the rewards are mostly shit. Best was a Makigumo... or Mutsu which I already have three of.

>> No.11653481
File: 142 KB, 1280x1076, 38941758_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my friends have Yahagi...when will I get mine ;_;

>> No.11653484
File: 80 KB, 616x382, 2013-11-26 00-36-00.601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's 12:30 am, my fuel and steel are in double digits, and I'm now staring at the formation selection screen for the E-5 boss node with Mogami at red. Do I risk it?

>> No.11653482

Anyone getting errors while trying to access wikiwiki?

>> No.11653483

Out of the eleven S ranks I've gotten five have been blue backgrounds. This is really starting to feel like it's nowhere near worth it but it's not like I have any plans after the event is up.

>> No.11653486

Mogami will die.

>> No.11653488

I don't really like using Mogami, so I'd say go ahead. Depends on how much you really love her though

>> No.11653487

Never retreat, never surrender. She will die, I guarantee you that though.

>> No.11653493

You're not gonna kill the boss or get S rank. Her death will be in vain.

>> No.11653489

10 bucks says she'll sink.

>> No.11653490

Please don't.

>> No.11653491

It's ok you can replace her with a prettier ship.

>> No.11653492

Mogami is a whore.
Full speed ahead.

>> No.11653494

She will sink, I guarantee it. But what is victory without sacrifice?

>> No.11653498

Oh hey, same timezone. I thought we were pretty rare around these parts.

>> No.11653503

Shimakaze as flagship? Dead mogami for sure.

>> No.11653501

Thanks for you enlightening comment.

>> No.11653502
File: 133 KB, 799x486, bb node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always go vertical. You just have to live with a huge crit once in a while.
Double line misses too much and deal too many single digit damage to be able to make it out of that node at night.

>> No.11653506

It's like you didn't notice how the screenshot has vertical formation.

>> No.11653505

I doubt so, but in any case no one cares

>> No.11653511

Do it.
Mogami remodeled at lvl10. Nothing of value will be lost. I come from the future, you will get a Kumano to replace Mogami.

>> No.11653508

Read too many doujins lately.

>> No.11653512

Watch 81 drops of E7 madness.

In other news, someone got Yahagi on his 381th sortie.
75 S wins, 79 A wins. He spent 87k fuels and 175k ammo.

>> No.11653516

This is pretty much a definition of insanity isn't it? Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different result.

>> No.11653520

Not when it's proven that a different result can and do happen.

>> No.11653517

based kancolle devs

>> No.11653523

>87k fuels
>175k ammo
That is enough for 500 attempts at crafting.
Is it even worth it?

>> No.11653521

Wow he did it with no sanshiki or AA guns at all?

>> No.11653527

Considering that Yahagi is a holo, you could be doing the same amount of crafting for her. I think someone tabulated his data for getting Shokaku/Zuikaku and it was in the thousands?

>> No.11653528


Direct link to his 381 sortie image.

>> No.11653530

Yahagi is supposed to be a 5 - 6% drop, so, well. He could just as well craft 500 times and still not see her if her craft rate is like 1%.

kancolle db shows that most recipes give between 1-2% for the crane sisters.

>> No.11653531

It's just all luck in the end, percentages mean shit when you could be getting a Yahagi on your 10th try

>> No.11653533

Damn, get a life. I aint that much better but still.

>> No.11653538

All those Takao, Atago and gold BBs, it is like I am looking at my own drop count.

>> No.11653554

>only 1 Nagato
Oh wow I fear for my chances.

>> No.11653563
File: 55 KB, 448x258, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 hours, 42 sorties
52 buckets, 7k fuel, 8k ammo, 7k steel used up
and this is my progress on the boss
I think this might be impossible. my main fleet only got to the boss once and felt the need to ignore it completely and just hit the fortresses instead, killing any chance of day battle happening

>> No.11653566

I bet you're retreating on orange

>> No.11653569
File: 925 KB, 1020x724, 37541261_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another crap translation: http://pastebin.com/Riy25yEx

I skipped page zero and a bunch of page eighteen but that should be all.

>> No.11653571

nope. Only retreating on red. and not retreating at all with the suicide fleets I'm using to chip away at the boss HP since evidently my main fleet gets 1-2 girls into red before the third node regularly.

>> No.11653574

Thanks, I'll try to find time to typeset it soon. Hopefully.

>> No.11653573
File: 786 KB, 801x3844, 1385394141067[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you tried taking screenshots of stars covering their eyes?

>> No.11653576

How are your fleet levels/composition? Don't give up until your buckets/resources hit 0. I couldn't get the finishing kill on the boss after about 80 sorties, 120 buckets, 22-26k fuel/ammo/steel with a level 60-80 fleet. Ran out of resources and called it quits. Seeing the bar completely full now hurts.

>> No.11653579

>Don't give up until your buckets/resources hit 0
>Ran out of resources and called it quits. Seeing the bar completely full now hurts.
I gotta say though, your determination is tough as hell. I quit my E-3 run in a few sorties when I noticed compass chan trolling me by making me zigzag round the map and my girls don't want to even attack the boss. Also the lolcrit first nodes

>> No.11653580

I'm >>11650811
I swapped the AA guns on BB with sanshiki and the sub with Maya ( dont have 3 sanshiki ) and still could not even once get past 3rd node. the one time I made it I had the sub with me.

I also went south instead of the boss seven times already.

>> No.11653584

What's the best equipment setup for AA Maya to be both effective in AA and night combat

>> No.11653585

I'll finish page 18 and do the cover eventually, I'll link it from the same post.

If you could find a QC guy for it that'd be great too.

>> No.11653591

I should mention I've been at this for close to 9 hours now.

>> No.11653594

Holy shit Akigumo's as annoying as Nenohi. I wasn't even aware that's possible.

>> No.11653595

Assuming you're doing e3
20.3 / 20.3 / sanshiki / radar or damekon
yellow 15.5 / yellow 15.5 / sanshiki / radar or damekon

>> No.11653596

Man just getting fucked at E-5 sucks so much. I don't even want the BB that much it's just a matter of principle. I wish I had thought to stop running two Kongo earlier, I got fucked up so much at D.

>> No.11653601

Are your sparkling your fleet? I'll admit, after E-4, I think it's pretty much just a placebo, but popular opinion says it helps reduce the chances of your ships getting critted and attacking the wrong enemy.

>> No.11653605

And by e3 I meant e4

>> No.11653607

I went in there 6 times with full sparkle and every time I ate crits and cut-ins on the first 2 nodes. nevere ven saw the third. stopped sparkling and at least sometimes got to the third.

>> No.11653609

>helps reduce the chances of your ships getting critted and attacking the wrong enemy
Hell yeah, if only that were real, but it does help to a certain extent I suppose, just not about eating crits and attacking

>> No.11653612

Try picking different formations maybe. I found that when I got stuck, that seemed to change things around a bit.

>> No.11653618

I found echelon to give me the least crits and cut-ins but its still like playing lottery.
but even with echelon my main fleet gets wrecked 19/20 times before even having the choice to go to the boss

>> No.11653619

e5 middle route is pretty similar to e4.
the same tactic should in fact work.

>> No.11653627

15k furniture coins, so close yet so far to that Nagato model

>> No.11653624

I probably can't keep this up for the entire time until the event ends. sleep deprivation is gonna get the better of me. I really what the fucking gold sub though

>> No.11653629
File: 89 KB, 414x561, ss (2013-11-18 at 07.17.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will you ever take pictures of Nagato posing with Nagato.

>> No.11653631

How is 15k remotely close to 70k?

>> No.11653633

Doing these E4 attempts just makes all the UI delay so much more annoying and apparent.

>> No.11653634

I'll get there before it's removed, I think

>> No.11653637

>I probably can't keep this up for the entire time until the event ends. sleep deprivation is gonna get the better of me
At least get the bar to zero and clean up the next day. One anon suggest clearing a bar of health within 3 hours after you deplete her health.

>> No.11653636

So, does cutting out the BBs in a support fleet make much of a difference. Was thinking of doing so to save up on costs considering how expensive it is to run a support fleet and the fact that I'm mostly interested in killing the meatball.

>> No.11653641

How? It's gone on the 27th.

>> No.11653642

so you are somehow going to get 45k coins in the next 36 hours?

>> No.11653650

there is no "next day"
the event ends in 30 hours. its 3 AM november 26 JST
and you say that like its so easy. look at how little progress I made in 8 hours because of bullshit RNG. if I sleep for 8 hours and she recovers like 16% of her HP I can spend another 8 to get those back down. which I won't have.

>> No.11653646

If you're low on resources, then perhaps. But when you get lucky it pays off in spades.

>> No.11653654

Welp, just did a rough calculation, guess it's impossible even if I got a furniture box every exped 4 and 6 runs with the remaining time. Now I will never get a Nagato model

30 hours*

>> No.11653656

Oh fuck. I thought 27th is on Wednesday. My apologies.

>> No.11653658

There's always next year.

>> No.11653657

27th IS on Wednesday, are you high?

>> No.11653659

Yeah, but it's pretty brutal on the ammo resource. Plus the compass is pretty 50/50 on fucking you over. And the middle route is safe, but you're more likely to just get fucked by the boss herself.

>> No.11653663

>compass is pretty 50/50 on fucking you over
what amazing fortune you have

>> No.11653664

God damn me, I've forgotten it's past midnight here. Brb, scuttling myself.

>> No.11653665

will I-8 be an event reward ever again? probably not. will I ever be able to craft a fucking gold submarine? maybe I'll believe that when I get very high. the game has been shit RNG non-stop for me ever since I started.

>> No.11653669

Just take it easy.

>> No.11653670

Rage all you want, the NE node is about 50/50. 210 E5 runs here.

>> No.11653676

Probably not, but if she ever becomes craftable, the chance is there so...

>> No.11653679

It's okay. I'm still desperately sortieing as the E-5 boss regens with zero buckets and nearly out of fuel. I understand.

>> No.11653681

I can't take it easy when I keep getting fucked in the ass by the RNG with a planet shaped dildo

>> No.11653684

I just hope they add Yahagi as a craftable ship early. I mean seriously, making her drop on E-5 and only the boss node is seriously a sadistic move. It's a slap in the face to everyone who got Musashi early.

>> No.11653686
File: 1.35 MB, 400x880, 1385049285637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that when your prostate and anus are all tensed up it will hurt a lot more than when you've all let loose.
Always let loose, always take it easy.

>> No.11653689

Don't count on it, probably the reason why she's the only Holo CL and with sakura effect when remodelled

>> No.11653691

they already announced she will be earlier available compared to Yamato/Musashi after their events

>> No.11653693

I don't know what to tell you. I just failed E-5 after 10 hours yesterday. I put in 25 dollars to get damage controls and goddesses, spent 150 buckets, 20k of everything but bauxite. I'm still here desperately trying to make it happen and I just can't. It's pretty awful but that's just how the game is.

It's actually how a lot of roguelikes are, sometimes you get fucked. This isn't any worse than dying to wild dogs after getting an Eternium Halberd on my farmer. As long as you tried your best you'll have no regrets.

>> No.11653692

I swear I would have gotten two of her if she was a reward for depleting the gauge again.

>> No.11653694

Oh I get it. You can only get her from the big ship crafting or something. How brutal.

>> No.11653697

Just to let you know, the nips aren't using damcons. It's better to add another radar/gun. Also I'm a firm believer in sparkles. 110 E5 runs for context.

>> No.11653705

Do the people who finished E-5 before the 20th even care about Yahagi? I mean, aside from collectors she seems to be not much better than Noshiro or Agano.

I'm probably biased cause I just don't like her design but whatever.

>> No.11653710

Ah I just didn't have enough instant repairs honestly. I was going the D route and had really really bad luck. I should have switch out my second Kongo earlier and didn't. The damcons were bought in hope that it would let me make it to night phase and get my sink. I just freaked out mid-way, maybe if I bought food supply ships I could have made it happen I have no idea.

I'm sure there was something else I could have done but I didn't do it and now I'm defeated. If you could have seen the amount of near sinks I had! I did get Agano in the end though.

>> No.11653712

Yes. Looking at it, she's probably the best CL that's not one of the torpedo sisters.

>> No.11653713

I had a similar experience with E4. Bought some damcons but ended up not having to use a single one in the end. I brought the boss bar down to 25-ish% and ran out of fuel. I decided to give up on E4 at that point, but a friend convinced me to keep pushing forward and use subs to farm resources. The total process took me 3 days to clear E4. Never lose hope, as long as you believe in your daughters, you will eventually win.

>> No.11653724

Yes. I care a whole, lot but I've run out of buckets and can't really do anything about it anymore. Being admiral is suffering as fuck.

>> No.11653725

how can I believe in them when they always refuse to target the boss?

>> No.11653728

yes, i skipped E-6 because i want her more than the crane sisters.

11 S rank and 17 A rank so far, only ship to drop i didnt already have was Kumano and I am down to my last 4.5k ammo.

>> No.11653734
File: 186 KB, 1372x1039, ss (2013-01-17 at 07.08.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just believe, Admiral. Sparkle more and mouse hover faster and you will make it. The moment you lose hope is the moment everything ends!

>> No.11653739

I lost hope 2 weeks ago. That is - 4 days after I started playing

>> No.11653745

Hope is a crutch for the weak. You must brave the terrible jaws of the RNGoddess and rip the victory from her yet-beating heart to truly understand the value of the shipdaughterus you rescue from her!

>> No.11653746

Sucks to be you guys, I still have more than 55k of each resource left and I don't even want to bother with rare ships and Yahagi.

>> No.11653747

I mean, what else are we going to work for after clearing E5? At this point we are just farming drops.

>> No.11653748

Is Yahagi only droppable at S rank?

>> No.11653755

The game IS called Kantai Collection.

Though I'm using just using Yahagi as an excuse to get back there to farm for ships I actually want.

>> No.11653752

I've unfortunately got work and had to let boss health regen overnight. Thanks for your good wishes though.

>> No.11653753

what's the point of collecting resources if not for the event?

>> No.11653756


>> No.11653759

No, A as well.

>> No.11653760

like yamato

>> No.11653766

Maybe because I don't like the new ships?

>> No.11653767

for winter event

>> No.11653769

Agano drops again for me. RNG is programmed to give us ships we already have. Thanks.

>> No.11653772

Damn I just realized I remodeled Musashi before getting her damaged sprite.
Stupid double entry in the gallery.

>> No.11653777

oooh shit, why didn't you send her on a solo run somewhere the moment you get her or something?

>> No.11653780

You should have AFK'd at the boss introduction screen. That's how I got through E5 when I needed to take breaks for food and sleep.

>> No.11653784

I think they patched that bug, it was reported last week or so.

>> No.11653786

Apparently that doesn't work anymore.

1500 steel is too steep a price to pay for a better look at Musashi's bronze deck armor. But then again, I just remodeled Hiei K2 and left her twiddling her thumbs in the docks while I sortie Haruna and Kongou, so what do I know.

>> No.11653789

That's why you let her get damaged right before you remodel.

>> No.11653791

You don't need to repair her since remodeling her gives you a new one with full health and supplies.

>> No.11653792

Oh, well that sucks then.

>> No.11653793

solo run to some world 3, 4 or 5 worlds and she'll be at 1 HP
then remodel
no need to even repair or resupply

>> No.11653794

I'm so fucking stupid.

>> No.11653802

I realized I did the same thing except with Zuikaku a couple days ago. I'm quite sad about it because I know I won't be getting another one ever.

>> No.11653807

Finally I got my 2nd goya from repeatedly run the first two nodes in E-5. Now I can conclude the event.

>> No.11653810

Congrats, I picked up a Hatsukaze from E-3.

>> No.11653815

No, it still works. I did it to get through E-4 today.

>> No.11653837

welp, I should have tried that in my desperation.

>> No.11653897
File: 183 KB, 990x595, hiryuu get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a question. Anyone gotten any CV from E7?

>> No.11653900

Kaga only.

>> No.11653901

A bunch of Kagas

>> No.11653902

kaga and half a dozen hyahaas.

>> No.11653903

(no. this is from 2-3 btw)

>> No.11653908

Did you buy the autumn furniture?

>> No.11653910

are hyahaas Junyou or something?

>> No.11653916

No, because I couldn't get any silver coins by using the expeditions.

>> No.11653919

I don't even know which furnitures are autumn and which are not

>> No.11653922

Lots of Junyous and one or two Hiyous I think.

>> No.11653923

Most likely window with pumpkins and wallpaper with leaves

>> No.11653946

I bought the wallpaper with leaves a few days ago. I think it was worth 20k coins. I shouldn't have done that. Now I'm 24k away from getting Nagato.

>> No.11653947 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure the japs don't celebrate Halloween that much, Asian countries in general don't celebrate Halloween anyways

>> No.11653950

So I just depleted the E4 boss' health bar. I'm half-way done, right?

>> No.11653951

Why would you even buy it, it looks terrible

>> No.11653954

You've only begun.

>> No.11653955
File: 174 KB, 310x342, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would people do this?

Are they farming for something or just trying to be pvp jerks?

>> No.11653960

It doesn't really look that bad. But I really should have saved up for Nagato.

>> No.11653962

anon with the high res but zero luck here.
crafted 2 more sanshiki now, so I switched may lineup to CLT, CLT, Takao, Maya, Kongou, Hiei, the last four with Sanshiki and radar/AA guns. everyone is setup for double attack.

2 CA 2 BB with sanshiki should be enough to have a good shot at killing the boss, right?

>> No.11653963

Don't say that anon, I just 10 hours depleting that bar.

>> No.11653964
File: 531 KB, 797x479, comfy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.11653966

>I just 10 hours depleting that bar.
Excuse me, my lack of sleep is getting to me. I just spent 10 hours depleting that bar.

>> No.11653968

well I guess it doesn't look as bad with that theme

>> No.11653972
File: 693 KB, 800x480, aas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envious of your Musashi.

>> No.11653984
File: 108 KB, 790x475, ShittyOffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I envious your Agano.

>> No.11653989

Are you three just the same anon or something? dat kotatsu

>> No.11653991

Nope. That kotatsu looks comfy as hell after all and it is winter.

>> No.11653994

Obviously, kotatsu is the best item that requires a furniture fairy.

>> No.11653996
File: 136 KB, 792x474, almostbep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn. Also, I'm already prepared for new year's eve.

>> No.11653999

how much money did you hate?

>> No.11654000

Be ready to spend another 15.

>> No.11654001

Nothing. Got one fairy from a quest and another one from that 500 free points thing.

>> No.11654004

>not mahjong table
Anon, please.

>> No.11654006

But, the mahjong table?

>> No.11654007

Not much of a mahjong person, sorry. Besides, I have no more furniture fairy

>> No.11654008
File: 658 KB, 812x502, bed as fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be in my sweet ass bed with yk2 if you need me.

>> No.11654010

Yuudachi kai 2 is gross
Worst kai 2.

>> No.11654011

you are scum

>> No.11654016

suddenly a cheap office screenshot compared to the few previous posters, nice

>> No.11654015

I like how crazy she looks

>> No.11654020
File: 91 KB, 674x338, ShowHieiHieeeeeiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got lucky, Was able to clear the boss within two runs, based on equivalence exchange of RNG, I guess I wouldn't be getting my Agano.

>> No.11654029
File: 127 KB, 774x465, boxbest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys obviously can't see how awesome the regular cardboard boxes are

>> No.11654071

All this furniture reminds me of something, I do hope they add a gramophone soon. Bonus if they play a new harbour BGM if you bought it.

>> No.11654077

Is this Kancolle ED song preview legit? The animu sounds pretty grimdark and serious if that's the case.


Just sounds weird to have something like this when barely any details are out. I can't find the original radio broadcast to make sure.

>> No.11654079

Are we referring to the anime? If that's the case, Upotte's ED was quite melodramatic as well.

>> No.11654083

I doubt they would already have the ED when most of the show hasn't been produced yet.

>> No.11654086

Why would they have the ED out already when there isn't even a trailer for the anime yet

>> No.11654096

I did the same and just got the damaged picture for the non-remodeled version too, though I'm sure only the kai got damaged.

>> No.11654113

Thank you!
It's as you said, you can get that sprite after the remodel too.
750 steel well spent.

>> No.11654125

Because they do that all the time with radio "previews"

>> No.11654129

Can boss support expedition just... not show up? I just got to the boss in pristine condition and my 2DD 2CV expedition just failed to appear at all. Spend the day phase and CLT torps scraping an A from fortresses.

>> No.11654131

So I was looking into casualties of the Pearl Harbor, then I saw this.

>An I class SS sunk.

Which one is that?

>> No.11654136

Yes, they can go fishing instead of helping you, but it's very rare even without sparkles.

>> No.11654137

That's what you get for not sparkling support fleet flagship. Should've read the available resources.

>> No.11654145


I've ran dozens of non-sparkled support expeditions and this never once happened.

>> No.11654153

Having a sparkling flagship won't guarantee them showing up, either.

>> No.11654162

You're just lucky.

It's much less likely for them to not show up. In fact, in over 50 support expeditions with sparkle fleet, they haven't not shown up once for me.

Wikiwiki mentions something about the rates, IIRC.

>> No.11654170

The sparkle mechanic is so retarded.
They should limit it so it's only achievable on the highest unlocked map level then tune shit accordingly. Farming it before every other run is idiotic, even with moon/korean farming standards

>> No.11654171
File: 62 KB, 640x480, moo2-009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, wanna repair some ships?

>> No.11654177

getting to the e-4 boss without the shitty BB eating a massive crit is downright near impossible

>> No.11654181

Apparently not so impossible for over 100k admirals who've cleared E-4.

>> No.11654184

dirty cheats

>> No.11654193

For those still trying, how's everyone's E7 run today so far?

I think I'm starting to develop a phobia of flagship class DDs.

>> No.11654218

Gotta love it when 2 ships aim at the gold DD, fail to do significant damage, and then it cuts-in one of your BB's from full to red.

>> No.11654221

Every time the first hit on it is a 3 or a 4, I have a panic attack.

>> No.11654224

god fucking damn E2 is trying my patience
I even pissed away a Chikuma and STILL did no damage to the boss while killing both elite DDs. In a shitty formation.

>> No.11654228

Bad enough to make me cry and give up.
But then I went and crafted a bunch of rare holo planes, so it was okay.
It's so much fun to poke Musashi, she might actually turn out to be a ship I can rely on.

>> No.11654229

I wish I had a Musashi ;_;

>> No.11654232

>But then I went and crafted a bunch of rare holo planes, so it was okay.

>> No.11654236

Tell me more. 7 out of ten times I go north rught before boss. The other 3 times I damage and kill everything but the boss, even in line abreast

>> No.11654237

I did 90 of this recipe a few days ago and only got 3, but out of 40 times today I got 5.

>> No.11654238

Musashi actually performs extremely well. I don't think I've seen any other ships in my force 1-hit-kill flagship Ru/Ta/Wo's during daytime.

A Musashi+ 1CVL support fleet is also surprisingly effective.

>> No.11654243


After 10k fuel/ammo I found out that mid route is actually easier to do and won't troll you with compass.

Not that it helps my drops any. I wonder how many tries I'll get in before the event closes. Putting Yahagi as a drop on that boss was a terrible, terrible dick move. I'd rather go and do E5 the normal way all over again.

>> No.11654246
File: 130 KB, 799x481, basednarae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. You'll get a lucky shot, I'm sure of it.

>> No.11654247
File: 50 KB, 500x217, Fuck RNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten more lucky in that I barely ever go North, but my last run was line abreast and all I did was kill the third ship and critically damage the second, while my BB missed her shot on the boss.

>> No.11654251

Another run.
Line abreast. 2 elites killed. 0 damage to boss.

>> No.11654255

DDs and CAs are insanely powerful at night. Use them with double attack.

>> No.11654260

That's what I do and that's why they'd oneshot the fucking boss, were they to target her even ONCE. 180+ crits are not rare at all.

>> No.11654262

It's not that my ships don't do enough damage, I'm running two BBs and 4 CAs. It's just that they don't attack the right targets. I can SMOKE the boss if I get a good run. I don't use DDs because I find they're way too fragile, they get hit once and that's it.

>> No.11654274

S ranking on middle route is alot harder than north route though.

>> No.11654276

Not him but I've actually had more success getting S ranks on the middle route than the north one.

>> No.11654278

It's basically a choice between compass trolling or boss actually hitting people. It's a tough decision.

>> No.11654281

I hope whoever had the idea of making night battle maps gets some really slow and painful form of incurable cancer

>> No.11654284

The only way to trigger middle route for me is to go with one less Kongou (get raped during day on boss node), or with one more Kongou (get raped on the way to boss node). Both are equally terrifying.

>> No.11654286

hopefully only a few more suicide fleets before the gauge is below 500 HP and I can try to move in for a kill.

>> No.11654289

I'm currently running one Kongou, 3CAs, 2CLTs.

>> No.11654293

That sounds terrifying. How do you get past the day phase without heavy casualties?

>> No.11654301

Pray. Support expedition also helps a lot.

>> No.11654335

No, seriously.
Fucking seriously.
5th destroyer in row using 300 30 400 401?

Fuck you, rng whore.

>> No.11654353

Fuck RNG and fuck E2.
This game is fucking rigged, the only way to win is to pay $1000 for a full level 99 fleet with perfect gear and you'll still get raped.

>> No.11654362

Or you can stop being trash.

>> No.11654363

Another one pissed at RNG, yet still plays a game that no one is forcing them to

>> No.11654364

E-2 doesn't regenerate so you can just collect sparkles from practice and attack it with full sparkle once every hour or two.

You can also try day battle strategies if you keep whiffing on the boss.

>> No.11654366

You don't get fucking day battle because the only ships that you can kill are the two destroyers that need to stay alive.

>> No.11654368

E-2 RNG is easy. E-4 on the other hand is a real menace

>> No.11654370

git gud, noob

>> No.11654380

I brought a carrier with me when I was wearing down the boss, even though at the very end I ended up night attacking it like everyone else.

>> No.11654382

I brought a carrier and she got fucking critted during the night battle stage and did absolutely nothing of any fucking value. Also she's 100% worthless for the two battles leading up to the boss.

>> No.11654387

If you put the carrier in the last slot it doesn't matter 90% of the time as your last ship usually blows up something that already attacked.

It needs to be a good level though.

>> No.11654389

bringing carriers into night battles, sounds useful

>> No.11654391

She was in the last slot. Still worthless.

>> No.11654394

Well, if you can't make it to the boss with a fully sparkled fleet even once every third attack, you might just not be high enough level to make it happen.

Night ends eventually.

>> No.11654392


You don't know true hell until you either farm for Yahagi/Hatsukaze or done E-4.

>> No.11654398

I'm definitely high enough fucking level to make it happen, I've got the boss down to the point that like 80-90 damage should completely fucking deplete her bar.

>> No.11654399

I bought a BB and KitaOoi in case I get into day, and it worked for me.

>> No.11654411

then why would you have problem with E2?

>> No.11654413

Can anyone explain why they spam /0.8倍速 in this video? Is it some inside joke that I am unaware of?


>> No.11654414

Because I'm getting fucked in the ass by RNG. Any time that my ships actually target and hit the enemy, shit goes FINE.
Only they never do that.

>> No.11654416

I hope they get a ton of complaints about E-4 being way too hard

>> No.11654423

How does fatigue work. Assume my ships just get out of fatigue and I go out for a sortie. Does fatigue kick in automatically and reduces the stats during the run, or a net fatigue change will be calculated and applied AFTER I return to the base?

>> No.11654424

They warned us before the event that the second half will be hell even for experienced admirals.
It was not that hard actually because of orange ships not being able to sink, most people would have used all their damcons in hours.

>> No.11654429

damecons are pointless. even if I can get to the boss with them, if my ships are at red HP, i wont be able to do shit to the boss

>> No.11654426

I have never felt so trolled since E-3 multiple zigzags in a row. I was using some resources to craft some ships, and in 10 tries, I got 9 1 hour timers and one 1h 20m timer

>> No.11654427

Read the wiki, also download sanaechan.

>> No.11654431

The wiki doesn't mention the part I asked.

>> No.11654432

>This loss is subtracted from each ship after points gained during sortie were added. This makes the maximum possible fatigue 85.

>> No.11654438

8 runs since. 3 to east. Killing everyone but boss in 5.
I'm fucking losing it.

>> No.11654442

This is what got me through the event. "Push through at red" that keeps getting spouted on here is idiotic, you waste 33% more resources for what's going to be a failed boss run. Better to retreat and play then odds than make a stupid game and burn through your resources like a fool.

>> No.11654447

I mean north, fuck.

>> No.11654450

push through at red is for night battle only. they don't use up damecon

>> No.11654454

im using suicide fleets and 10%maxhp damage to empty the gauge eventually
after that, main fleet tries to sink it. inb4 wasting 100 buckets before I sink it

>> No.11654461

I think you should probably make it clearer that you mean pushing through at red is from day to night battle only. Of course, unless you really mean pushing to the next node at night battle maps

>> No.11654465

Did we ever hear what happened to this anon's Mogamin?

>> No.11654470

You should really lurk more.
General consensus is, you only retreat at red. Day phase -> night phase is considered as safe.
Dont feel safe, then put on damecon and gimp your damage output and last equipment slot.

>> No.11654472

It's up to me whether or not to lurk. I'm just saying that your statement could be misinterpreted as pushing forward to the next node in maps that are night battle defaults

>> No.11654485

Sanshiki and AP shell does not stack.
Such a shame.

Also why does every mob at E4 aims for my poor Hiei?

>> No.11654488

Well, that is where Hiei sank after all.

>> No.11654495


I also field Kirishima.
Isn't it sad Haruna,losing two sisters at once?

>> No.11654505

So apparently the best tactic for E-2 is so stack carriers + 1BB + 2 CA, then turtle to boss, then hope that the elites won't be killed then hit the boss during day?
Because every time I bring CA/BB fleet, they shoot everything but the boss.

>> No.11654508

No the best tactic is to double attack and kill everyone during the night phase.
A remodeled lvl20s CA should be able to 1shot the boss. So put them at the bottom.

>> No.11654514

You know what happens? At least one ship won't crit, so will leave one of the non-bosses at half hp. Then the other one, who should be able to kill the boss, will finish that off instead.
Had it like 15 times.

>> No.11654515

Stop bringing carriers and hoping they'd contribute to your day battle.
Keep in mind they don't launch planes during their turn if they have moderate damage or worse, which is probably what's gonna happen by the time you reach the boss

Best to just bring more CAs/CLs/DDs and a BB or 2 for day battle rather than carriers

>> No.11654520
File: 77 KB, 191x323, Screenshot 2013-11-26 01.52.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise I'll stop complaining after this.

When I do that, day battle never happens because I pop the elites like this

>> No.11654526

Here's the best tactic for any night battle: torp cruisers in last two slots.

>> No.11654527

Clearly you need to shelve that under performing ship that won't crit.

>> No.11654529

Bring only 4 ships instead of 6.

>> No.11654543
File: 11 KB, 705x399, final day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23 Hours*

>> No.11654546

Get stronger ships that will one shot all of them including the boss, ez

>> No.11654551
File: 112 KB, 183x325, Screenshot 2013-11-26 02.10.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11654568

What's the best way to get modernization materials? 30/30/30/30? Specifically torpedo and firepower stats.

>> No.11654577

Run 1-1 over and over again. You'll do it when you do sparkle runs anyway.
3-2-1 grinding will drop a good amount of BB and CA.

>> No.11654576

For torpedo just farm 1-1 to no end.

>> No.11654584

ooi please stop dropping your night battle torpedos

>> No.11654587

Drops from 1-1 and 3-2-1

>> No.11654588

Ooi should be set to double attack, not torpedo cut in.

>> No.11654589

Thank you very much!

>> No.11654592

Ok but that's fucking retarded because from my experience, I've never had a cut-in miss.

>> No.11654594

What about AA?

>> No.11654597

the whole point is that you are almost guarantee to have a double attack. Cut in? Unless it is Yukikaze, you might not even trigger it for the full run.

Double Attacks are most reliable. Cut-In are just for heavy lucky burst.

>> No.11654596

BBs give some AA, CV/CVL drops from 3-2-1 are also used as AA modernisation material

>> No.11654601

Your experience is shit. Cut-in attacks are worthless if you don't get the cut-in in the first place. Double attack is guaranteed to happen and Ooi/KTKM can still one shot the bosses with a double crit. If you insist on using cut ins, at least go with KTKM since she has higher luck.

>> No.11654602

Aren't double attacks 100% chance to happen?

>> No.11654605

You just gave away that you don't have alot of experience.
Double attack CTL is how 99% of people beats E5.

>> No.11654606

I'm 100% convinced the game is designed for the sole purpose of fucking you over, at this point I'm just pissing away resources for shit run after shit run.

>> No.11654607

Like the other anon said, you will get 3-2-1 CV and CVL drops on occasion. Farming Isuzus for their +5 AA is another option.

>> No.11654608


>> No.11654610

Welcome to KanColle.
You'll never win, you just sometimes not lose as badly.

>> No.11654615

I'm at 20 runs on 4-1. Reached the boss once.

>> No.11654616

I give up, and feel pretty good about it. I went from wanting to beat my ship daughters back to a good parent.

>> No.11654617

I love how the wiki says I need 2 sub guns and a torpedo to set up double attacks on KTKM/Ooi when she only has two equipment slots
>lol just read the wiki

>> No.11654618


>> No.11654619

she has 3 slots at lvl 50 you cretin

>> No.11654621

I hope you're not that stupid.

>> No.11654622

It's odd, but it feels that middle route A-B-E-I-K is actually the best route for E7. It's more reliable at getting to the boss, and more ships seem to hold onto the sparkle.

Anyone feeling this way as well?

>> No.11654623

> 2 sub guns and a torpedo to set up double attacks
> only has two equipment slots
Pffft ahahaha.

>> No.11654624

Because obviously someone attempting E2 is going to have a level 50 Ooi.

>> No.11654625

Protip: Level them harder.

>> No.11654628

money can't buy you better RNG

>> No.11654632



>> No.11654633

I'm sorry that I'm not a nolifer NEET.
I don't have time to play the game for HOURS a day and I don't script.

>> No.11654638

The problem isn't them being low level, the problem is you being stupid.

>> No.11654642

My pet rock has better reading comprehension than you.

>> No.11654643

>lol you're just stupid if you were smart you could put 3 weapons on a sub-50 KTKM/Ooi!

>> No.11654645

We're talking about the easiest ships to level in the game outside of carriers.

Stop using your responsibilities as excuses for why you're mentally retarded.

>> No.11654648

more like
>I didn't bother to check what her upgraded forms look like, better throw around some logical fallacies

>> No.11654652

I did check. It doesn't matter what her fucking level 50 remodel is if she's only level 27.

>> No.11654661

then wtf are you doing, nigga? You need her at Lvl50 to be truly functional for the event.

>> No.11654663

>You need her to be level 50 for a beginners event
Amazing, thanks Kancolle.

>> No.11654669

friendlier for newer admirals does not mean 'beginners event'
E-1 is around world 2. E-2 can be considered equivalent to 2-4. most people can't beat 2-4 without sub cheese for a month. thats no beginner.

>> No.11654675

It's not that it's hard, it's that RNG just keeps dicking me. I've had FLAWLESS E-2 runs.
It's just that I've had 5 TERRIBLE runs in a row and it's really starting to piss me off. And it's not like I can take a break, because I'm ALMOST there and I'm running out of time.

>> No.11654676

Stop greentexting and using your own interpretation for every statement.

Also you don't need a torpedo to get double attack on KTKM/Ooi means you can use both slots for 15.5cm sub guns or 20.3cm main guns for double attack. The 15.5cm sub guns + torpedo is just a suggestion so you can keep your midget subs on in case you go to day battle.

They never said it was a beginner's event, they just said it was more newb friendly.

>> No.11654679

You have 22 hours, that's more than enough time to clear E-2.

>> No.11654680

I did E-2 in about 30 hours of work.

>> No.11654685

six hours here. or something like that. E-2 is easy since you can cheese down the gauge with suicide fleets

>> No.11654686

Fucking italics support, when? All-upper-case words are eyesores.

>> No.11654689

>suicide fleets
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11654691


>> No.11654692

You're a terrible admiral, sink yourself with the next suicide fleet you use

>> No.11654698

I didn't. Not enough resources since I started two weeks ago.

>> No.11654694

you're either stupidly lucky or you didn't do E-4

>> No.11654699

How do you make a suicide fleet, 6 level 1 DDs and pray for the best?

>> No.11654701

I understand the idea for using it on E-4, but this guy is using suicide fleets on E-2. The one where the gauge doesn't regenerate and it doesn't really take that much to clear it

>> No.11654705

You don't need three weapons for a double attack. Any combination of sub+main, main+main or sub+sub should do it.

>> No.11654708

Ok but the only reason I would even use my Ooi is because apparently torpedos are good

>> No.11654712

Fuck this thread is full of newfags now where did the server 4 people go?

>> No.11654710

Sub+main is a combination cut-in
Sub+sub is a torpedo cut-in

They are not double attacks, anon please.

>> No.11654711

Double attacks uses torpedo and firepower stat.

>> No.11654719

Guys, how annoying would it be if I purposely left an entire fleet of nothing but AA equips before going offline?

>> No.11654714

Don't try and shift the blame for being a murderer by claiming "everyone else does it". Bullshit, I never used suicide fleets for E-4 or E-5. And it wasn't luck, I burned through 50k fuel and ammo and went on over 80 sorties for both combined.

>> No.11654715

Dude. You use Ooi because her torpedo stats is HUGE. And then this >>11654711
My KTKM usually hits for 400 each attack at night.

>> No.11654716

By sub I mean sub cannons, anon.

>> No.11654721

By "sub" he clearly meant a secondary gun, not a torpedo.

>> No.11654723

do I look like I give a shit about duplicates? being shields is their only purpose.

>> No.11654724

They're on the irc channel now.

>> No.11654725

I really dont see how beginners cant beat E-2 considering lvl20s CA can 1shot the boss.
My Musashi is already lvl50 without doing any grinding. The experience coming purely from PVP only in just 2weeks.

>> No.11654727

i wonder if CLTs will stay this overpowered forever
not having Ooi was a pain in the ass, but i got her as a boss drop from E-5 (twice actually) so i'll be ready event if they are

>> No.11654728

The level 20 CAs aren't shooting at the boss.

>> No.11654729

get a fleet of lvl20 CAs then

>> No.11654731

You beat E-5 without two torp cruisers? Wow.

>> No.11654734

I have two level 30 BBs in the rare event I get a day battle and four level 20 CAs.
They don't target the boss, only the elite DDs.

>> No.11654735

less whining more trying

>> No.11654741

Better luck next event

>> No.11654740

I've been trying so hard I'm running out of resources.

>> No.11654742

Nothing. I don't use CV/CVL on PVP. It's a waste of bauxite. But today I had some funny guy switching from sub only fleet to plane-heavy and vice-versa. Every time I put/removed depth charges and sonars he would change his entire fleet.

>> No.11654743

I found your problem. They are badly outclassed by cute destroyers and cruisers. Dont bring more than one.

>> No.11654747

The difference is that my BB can eat a hit and still function. If one of my shitty destroyers takes a hit, she's as good as dead.

>> No.11654748

running out means you haven't finished all of it and are capable of going on. besides, there's still 20 hours left

>> No.11654751

That's one impressive top-class trolling

>> No.11654753

You have an Iku.
Stick her there with fully modernized armor and you are making it to the boss node everytime with everyone healthy half of the time.

>> No.11654754

DDs are actually more survivable at night than BBs. I'm not shitting you.

>> No.11654756

Sparkle your DDs, put damage control on them and use line abreast.

>> No.11654757

My Iku doesn't do half as well as my Goya at dodging, actually.

>> No.11654758

Is it because of the higher evasions?

>> No.11654763

Well then what the fuck are you complaining about
Put 2sub on rotation and just beat E2 with it. E2 is fucking easy. If you are already whining at E2, E4 and E7 will make you smash your monitor.

>> No.11654765

I don't even plan on attempting E3.

>> No.11654766

at least he never has to know the E7 hell.

>> No.11654773

Actaully I'm more frustrated at E-2 than E-3 - 5. Getting to boss to do 0 damage is too common for me there.

>> No.11654781

It's why I put Haruna as my flagship. Helps save on costs.

>> No.11654782

I really dont know how E-2 can be more frustrating than E-4. You need 2 of your sanshiki equipped ship to actually target henderson-chan to win.
In E-2, your whole fleet can 1shot her.

>> No.11654783

No. Supposedly DDs/CAs (i dunno about CLs, and my level 97 CLT is still squishy as fuck) gets an armor boost in addition to damage boost at night.
When an enemy performs a cut-in and it hits a DD/CA there's a roughly 50/50 chance they'll just shrug it off with single digit damage. If it was a BB on the receiving end it's guaranteed instant orange or worst.

>> No.11654795

I turned back to the base because Hiei got critted to red by CA's ,at E4, 9times out of 11 times now.

I can't rotate her because other 2 Kongou sisters of mine below level 10.

Am I getting trolled hard by RNG or did you guys encountered this phenomenon too?

>> No.11654796

Having a perfect run and both you and your support fleets are sparkled?

Time to go northeast.

>> No.11654797

I've had that happen with my CAs where they eat a cut-in that I was worried about for 5-6 damage.

>> No.11654804

I did, usually after a kill. But it's probably just RNG and we were just too conscious of it because we were frustrated.

>> No.11654807

>Ooshio's modernization voice
Jesus, what a slut.

>> No.11654818

It depends on what kind of cut in.
BB cut in is single digit damage most of the time. None of my ship has actually survive a torpedo cut in with scratch damage.

>> No.11654831

I have 11404/14098/8712/3097 Just gonna blitz E-3 and hope for the best. It's like I'm really an IJN teitoku.

>> No.11654842
File: 130 KB, 917x388, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When things go bad at E5, it really goes badly.

>> No.11654851

Night battle my friend. Do it. You need to prove to the naysayers that it's 100% safe.

>> No.11654855

Wait, I can't access the event maps anymore. Am I too late?

>> No.11654858

You need over 80% sortie win rate.

>> No.11654859


>> No.11654861

I thought it was 75%

Say it ain't so. I spent the last weekend gathering res and buckets for this.

>> No.11654862

Scrap your weapons
Scrap your girls
Spam 1-1
Read the wiki

>> No.11654863

>When an enemy performs a cut-in and it hits a DD/CA there's a roughly 50/50 chance they'll just shrug it off with single digit damage.
Weird, I observe the same effect on my BB too. My run through E4 had that happening to me quite a bit.

>> No.11654868

I log my E4 run and when I read through it, I found out that my Kirishima is the reason why I retreat, she's a crit magnet in those parts. That said >>11654804 is correct, there will be always a certain ship in the fleet that gets hit often, my Atago is one of them as well.

>> No.11654874

>None of my ship has actually survive a torpedo cut in with scratch damage.
This. I don't worry much about enemy's CA/BB cut-ins because the damage usually results in orange or less but enemy's CLT cut-n always deal major damage.

>> No.11654881

It's ok, I didn't want to complete E2.
So fucking close too, but no more resources.
Why? Why couldn't I have any luck?

>> No.11654887

You're not considered unlucky unless you've spent the entire day doing E-4 without even getting to the boss node once.

>> No.11654900

crit e-4 boss down to 130 HP
nobody hits her anymore
they kill the BB
no day battle
fucking infinite resources wasted

>> No.11654902

It is time for you to give up and prepare for next month xmas event. It is not like Noshiro is worth it, Yahagi is this event true prize. Those sakura petals is waiting for you at E5.

>> No.11654905
File: 2.74 MB, 2002x2836, kancolloda2_22883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there's always someone someone even more hapless than yourself.

>> No.11654912

Welp, Nagato at 334.
There goes my hope of getting her. Time to fallback to 3-2 run.

>> No.11654914

Nagato's drop rate is about 1% and Yahagi is 6% when you attain S rank. Better lube up your anus.

>> No.11654920

I see.
>usually after a kill
Nah, I can't kill her yet.

Well so I improvised by putting Hiei to the flagship position and changing my formation to double line.

In the run that I just did, she has been targeted thrice and covered by other girls.

Maybe RNG creates unique problems for each teitoku and expects us to react accordingly?

>> No.11654928

I will never forget the despair I felt when I saw a holo background and it turned out to be Mutsu.

>> No.11654929

Wow, Nagato dropped for me but the one I want and still don't have is Yahagi. Damn you, RNG.

>> No.11654931

My girls refuse to finish off the last ship with little hp left by either missing or failing to crit at E-7. Really frustrating as S rank is just within my grasp for so many times now.

>> No.11654932

I am not that mad since I got Yahagi already. I am just doing it to get Agano and to get my rank up. Getting Nagato is just for completion sake. It is an eyesore seeing No1 and No9 empty.

>> No.11654936

How much Teitoku exp you get for each S victory?

>> No.11654942

No idea.
But the base exp should be 240exp if I remembered correctly.

>> No.11654949

So to those who do not care about the events anymore, what's your plan? Take a break from this RNG fiesta or prepare for the upcoming Christmas event? I am trying to create a more diverse fleet but am having trouble picking who to prioritise. How do you prioritise which ship to level first?

>> No.11654950

Maintenance couldn't come any sooner. Sorry guys, but knowing that I have no hope getting I8, Musashi and Yahagi until much later is just eating through my very core.

>> No.11654954

I'm trying to increase my ranking. Only 4 days left.

>> No.11654955

I skipped E-4 and E-5 just to farm E-3 .And of course I didn't get what I wanted.

>> No.11654963

I am just farming E-6 but I feel that its actually consuming more resources, just less stress than E-7. Drops wise, E-7 is way more rewarding for me as kaku sister drop at E6 is very rare.

>> No.11654966

Yess I finally got yahagi after spending nearly x2 the amount it took to clear E5.

Is it better to keep grinding E5 or E3? I'm still in the no goya/nagato club.

>> No.11654968

It is time to level those cute destroyers anon. They are useful in every map. BBs are resource hog so just use them for PVP.

>> No.11654971

You are lucky. Wish I have your luck. I must have spent 2 times more than my E-5 run now.

>> No.11654975

E3 has shit drop besides the kaku sisters.
E5 has the following

>> No.11654980

Level up some CAs and DDs, and hoard resources.

>> No.11654983
File: 377 KB, 1482x834, ss (2013-11-23 at 05.25.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point you lost all hope admirals?

>> No.11654985

Trying to craft Haruna or any decent carrier aside Akagi to complete the Kongou quest and beat the normal maps.

>> No.11654986

I probably should've stopped when I passed double. Now I'm just doing E7 mostly out of spite.

>> No.11654988

When my resources dip below 1000, don't give up anon.

>> No.11654989

Just cheat at 3-2. You have 5hours anyway.

>> No.11654990

Are those only from the boss?

>> No.11654991


Its too late I was also out of buckets and that pic is from 3 days ago.

Watching the life bar slowly go back to 100% while I desperately tried to keep it down for a final push when I recovered was the worst.

>> No.11654993

Educate yourself and use the superior wiki

>> No.11654994

After well over a hundred runs of E-7 got me nothing worth mentioning. I wish this event had never been extended.

I'm nearing quadruple. At this point I need to bottom out of something to force me to stop.

>> No.11654996

What language is that?

>> No.11654997

Doesn't your pic show you sinking her though??

I feel you though. Both my E4/E5 runs came down to sub 1k resources. I never bothered to level the torp sisters so I had one hell of a time praying my dds would sink the boss.

>> No.11654998

There's like a 75% crit to red modifier on my battleships when they go to E7 sparkling.

>> No.11655001

I wish they never introduced Yahagi.

>> No.11655002
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Rate my team /jp/

>> No.11655004

What will be 5-4 map?

>> No.11655005

She had 0.1% left on the life bar else it would have exploded too.

Thats right I didn't beat E-4 because of a few minutes at most.

>> No.11655009

No musashi/yamato/nagato/agano/yahagi. 1/10

>> No.11655011

Using shoukaku over kaga
No Kumano or Suzuya
No Hachi
0/10 come see me after class.

>> No.11655018

But i can't choose teammate in public game.

>> No.11655020

17 hours doing E-4 now. Only need final boss kill. 32k fuel, 50k steel, 40k ammo 186 buckets remaining

19 hours remaining. I can do this.

>> No.11655021

It surely will be introduced in the next event, along with one new ship a new DD Kai 2 to complete the last two spaces in the ship encyclopedia.

>> No.11655027

You should have done it earlier. With that amount of resources, you can fully complete E5 clear many times over.

>> No.11655028

If I'm reading the twitter correctly, event ends at 09:00 JST right?

>> No.11655029

On that note, how are they going to make the events/future maps harder? They have to add new mechanics or equips or something. Unless compass chan truly is the final boss...

>> No.11655030

27th November, 0900 JST.

>> No.11655033

Force night battles against boss submarine with BB only or have dead end. Or something like that.

>> No.11655034

Node before boss will have 4 routes, 1 is the boss, another is whirlpool, then boss, and the last 2 is "Please try again later" sign.

>> No.11655035

Night battle
Flagship submarine
Unique submarine boss

>> No.11655036

I've been thinking of that and the only thing I could think of is to add in a submarines boss in map reliant on BB and CV. A 3-2 like map except Asashio class only. A CV centric map except you would need 3 or more CV to advance and there's tons of dogfights. A map similar to E4 except with Type-91 ammo. etc. What's certain is that night battle will be back, I think.

>> No.11655037
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And when it goes right...

>> No.11655038

The last boss is your own fleet.
Of course with full hp whereas you had to go through 4 nodes to get there.

>> No.11655039

By nerfing hypers.

>> No.11655041

Or you could just divert the fleet to a dead-end whenever one or more CLT is in the fleet. A submarine centric map would be awesome though.

>> No.11655044

The boss node has multiple compositions. The boss herself only shows up in one of them.

>> No.11655045

not with my luck
I'll be happy if I can crack E-4 in the next 19 hours.

>> No.11655047

I got a Nagato from crafting after I gave up on the event. It's a nice consolation prize over Musashi right?

>> No.11655048

Very likely to be a submarine centric map.
Noshiro Agano and Yahagi have very good ASW stats. Most of the new DDs come with sonar and good ASW stats.

>> No.11655050

please no more rng

>> No.11655052

So... more night battle hell and useless carriers?

>> No.11655054

Flagship Transport Ships with midget subs as supply ship.
When its their turn they heal the other ships.

>> No.11655056
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>> No.11655059

If we learn anything from this event, devs try to cater to every ship type so there will be a map that requires CV/L, except it will be easier than the rest.

>> No.11655060

Do you think the devs would allow you to use the most OP and easiest class to level?
They are a bunch sadist. It is time for you to level those CL and DD.

>> No.11655061

To make it even more sadistic, we can have the usual 400HP boss but supported by five of those ships. Every turn they just simply heal the boss. Oh and they launch planes too.

>> No.11655063

DDs already get enough love from 3-2 and second remodel. Time for CL and CA to shine.

>> No.11655066

Arguably CA already shines in stage 4 and stage 5, it's time for Seaplane Tenders to shine.

>> No.11655068

So, seaplane focused? Neat, finally Fusou & Yamashiro get attention they deserve.

>> No.11655070

I know they're good once they reach 2nd upgrades but goddamn are they a pain to level.

>> No.11655071

I like you

How about this kind of map;after every node you pass, you get bombed by the support fleet of the boss which contains only flagship Wo-class.

>> No.11655072

CL is really getting the short end of the stick here.
Just look at Sendai, she is supposed to be the queen of night battle yet badly outclassed by torpedo cruiser and aviation cruiser. It is time for CL to get extra buff for night battle.

>> No.11655075

Fucking brilliant. That concept has not been explored yet. If your fleet has a certain composition, there is a higher chance of triggering certain enemy's support.

>> No.11655080

Even better. Use your support fleet to fight theirs.

>> No.11655081

Good idea. We should introduce friendly fire too to make scout planes even more useful.
Any fleet that doesnt meet the LOS criteria have a higher chance of getting hit by friendly fire.

>> No.11655084

I want to see Kamikazes in the future, though. Imagine those planes of your getting shot down not being useless at all and do some damage when they fall off screen..

>> No.11655093
File: 319 KB, 1360x613, Number 128 - I-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from >>11655045 here

Started playing: November 7
Time needed from start to kill: 18 hours
Buckets used: around 90
Res used: 8k fuel, 13k steel, 13k ammo
Damecon sued: 0
Total sorties: 117 (suicide fleets)
Ships sunk: 22 DD
Support fleet used: NOPE. They suck.
E-4 clear.

Final Fleet for clear:
Kongou 58, 41cm 41cm Sanshiki Radar
Ooi 63, 15.5cm 15.5cm Type A
Takao 46 15.5cm 20.3cm Sanshiki Damecon
Maya 31 15.5cm 15.5cm Sanshiki Damecon
Hiei 33 41cm 35.6cm Sanshiki Damecon
Kitakami 75 15.5cm 15.5cm 21 Radar

Formations used: Echelon all the way to the boss, always. After about 30 rounds double line, 20 rounds line abreast, 20 rounds line ahead and around 100 rounds of Echelon. Echelon provided a lot of safety margin for cut-ins and double attack crits somehow. 2/3 hits only took me to orange when every other formation took me to red.

>> No.11655097

At random times your ships crash into each other and damage each other or randomly shoot each other during night battle. Some of your ships randomly stray away from your fleet to a different node. Random repair malfunctions at docks such as turret explosions that damage random docked ships as well.

>> No.11655101

How does Radar work anyway?

>> No.11655105

improves accuracy marginally and increases the amount of planes your ship can shoot down.

check the wiki for more.

>> No.11655107

But your KTKM wouldn't be able to shoot down it without a green gun, no?

>> No.11655109

How do you actually get so much resources in 19days? Did you let DMM jew you?

>> No.11655111

I only bought 2 extra docks
no resources
no buckets
no damecon

MIGHT buy furniture fairies eventually

>> No.11655117

But that's a lot of resources anyway.

>> No.11655124

I slept on average 4 hours a day the last 19 days. even during those 4 hours I woke up in the middle to restart expeditions

>> No.11655125

I can go on but I shall not.There are things that man must not know.

Tried the echelon, for one sortie it was magical.It sucked a bit at the boss though.I will line ahead next time.

Thank you very much.
How about sparkling?Did you bothered with it?

>> No.11655131

Definitely a truNEET among us.
Go get Yahagi anon. You still have around 20hours, more than enough time.

>> No.11655132

What's your current rank?

>> No.11655133

The MaZe of Kancolle.

>> No.11655134

Let's start this shit again.

Night battle: advance with orange is safe
Day battle: advance with orange isn't safe


>> No.11655138

My CLTs were sparkled because they kept getting MVP during sorties but other than that I did not bother to sparkle anyone.

Echelon can screw you over too, like any formation, but I found it to be very useful for night battles
Boss node = always Line ahead for me

hasn't updated in a while but something 420 last time it updated.

it took me 18 hours. I just... can't go on. I have to go to the hospital too so I can get my hand looked at. I don't deal well with being angry at RNG.

don't know who that is. I only trip on /u/

>> No.11655139

It's ironic I only got rare ships crafting to try to clear this event. No biggie, I'll just wait for them to be craftable at some point.

>> No.11655140

If your ships survive the initial Day/Night phase, even with big damage, advancing to the next phase of that node is safe. Advancing to a new node in orange is safe no matter the conditions, even if at red fatigue.

>> No.11655142

>Day battle: advance with orange isn't safe
Requesting real citation and video proof.
Check and mate.

>> No.11655149 [DELETED] 
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Time to WOWS

>> No.11655152


>> No.11655156
File: 10 KB, 228x77, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I just wish this game would throw me a bone already. I don't even expect Yahagi anymore... but at least give me SOMETHING that I can take home and settle with.

And how is it people always seems to run out of oil before they run out of ammo?

>> No.11655160


At least you have a chance for Yahagi.

I don't even have the resources or manpower for it. My suffering will end when the event ends and I will live a regretful life until Yahagi becomes droppable or craftable.

>> No.11655162

I'm always running expedition 2 nonstop.

>> No.11655164
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My apology Yuudachi-chan...

>> No.11655181
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Finally, my little Russian is done.

>> No.11655184
File: 495 KB, 803x479, 7cd4d10e37524271f5bbe79c82ff797a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after losing 2 ships to the bloody event map, I got my speed demon from a random crafting attempt.

I'm not sure if I'm more crushed by the loss, or happy that I finally have her.

>> No.11655188

how long do people take on average to clear E-5?

>> No.11655192

7~8 hours? It took me around 12 I think.

>> No.11655193

I think somewhere between 6-10 hours sounds like a normal range for clearing it. I took 8.5 hours to clear.

>> No.11655196

Cleared it in 12 hours.

>> No.11655198

i took about 10 hours for E3,4,5 each.

>> No.11655201

so E-5 is as bullshit with the crits and cut-ins as E-4, right? /And/ compass trolling on top of it?

>> No.11655204

E-5 didn't seem quite as faggoty to me, just took longer to wear the boss gauge down. although it definitely still requires some luck to sink her.

>> No.11655206

Really depends on what you lost, I'd say be happy.

>> No.11655207

It's still easier than E4 because you start the boss fight at day.

>> No.11655209

6hours here.

first node only has 2ships that is capable of doing torpedo cut in. 2nd node has a carrier and 2bb which are not really scary. You should get through both node at around 75% of the time. compass trolling to boss node is about 50/50 depending on your own luck. I have been directed to dead end 5times in a row and vice versa.

>> No.11655213

Considering I'm too stingy to use Musashi anyway I'm not gonna bother with E-5
I don't care about Agano or Yahagi either
Event is done for me. my RNG BULLSHIT patience is worn so thin, it makes a piece of paper near the event horizon of a black hole look like a Red Giant Sun.

time to stockpile for the next event
and go to the hospital.

>> No.11655219


>> No.11655226

Like you can clear E5 in the first place.

>> No.11655232

nice sixt grader niveau you got there.

>> No.11655253

why did I think using a submarine in E2 was a remotely good idea

>> No.11655258

Ok, I'm seriously losing hope after my Mutsu ate an 87 damage crit on E2-1
This is probably my last run, what's the best formation for keeping ships alive?

>> No.11655259

Use it as flagship so it doesn't sink.

>> No.11655261

I did. She ate all of the fire and I was forced to retreat just before the boss node with her at 1HP.

>> No.11655262

in E-2 and E-4, Echelon for defensive purposes

>> No.11655264


>> No.11655266

Give her a turbine if you're going to use her.

>> No.11655270

I don't have a turbine and I don't even have the resources left to try crafting one. Maybe after the event.

>> No.11655279

She is great at E2
Sparkle her, put her as flagship and diagonal all the way until boss node.

>> No.11655280

That's exactly what I did and it got me nowhere.

>> No.11655284

Birthday sex?

>> No.11655283


Maybe you should've given her what she wanted on her birthday anon. She would've tried harder if you did.

>> No.11655285

Tough luck buddy.
This is a game which rely heavily on luck. You must be mistaken if you think you can have a 100% success rate with it.

>> No.11655287

Another run where I kill everything and leave the boss untouched.
What have I done to deserve this? Why do my shipdaughters hate me?

>> No.11655291

Because you post on /jp/ about them.
You should know better.

>> No.11655295
File: 191 KB, 801x483, goya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 6k ammo and 5k fuel well spent. Finally.

>> No.11655301


>> No.11655303

so lucky, ive been trying to get a sub forever and spent all the dev material every day, but still no luck.

>> No.11655309

Thanks. All that was from farming 4-1 and 4-2 (decided that the latter was easier to reach the boss and got her on the 2nd kill). I almost had a heart attack, though, seeing their carrier attacking at night aiming at one of my red ships.

>> No.11655310

I didn't have any subs since this event started and now I have all four. Feels pretty nice man.

>> No.11655314

The only notable achievement for me wasn't even from the event. I got the hiryuu from 2-3 today.

I honestly hate sparkling ships. This is the one thing that annoys me till no end. Does that bother anyone here?

>> No.11655317

Whats a good map to grind with 2DD, 1sub, 1BB and one heavy?

>> No.11655319

For every five minute E-7 sortie, fifteen was spent sparkling, resupplying, and getting rid of the new DDs I got from 1-1 runs. I hate it.

>> No.11655321

>1 sub
With the way things are, nothing after 2-1.

>> No.11655322

YES. It's so utterly mindnumbing, even for KanColle, and you get so many worthless DDs from S-ranking 1-1 that your fleet list balloons out of size very quickly. I know that sparkling is incredibly powerful tactically, it's actually the only reason I can do event stuff, but... it's boring as hell.

>> No.11655328

Should i have more?
Cause i am training my I-58 to become a carrier

>> No.11655329

What are the conditions for a full fleet sparkle from pvp?
It seems I get anywhere from a couple sparkles to an entire party sparkle from winning single ship battles.

>> No.11655332

I don't mind the process of sparkling at all. Especially since I'm so low on resources and buckets that I could use the extra time to farm up just a little bit more to try and get me through.

>> No.11655334

reading the wiki entry on fatigue is the condition

>> No.11655336

The thing is that you need a turbine and a lot of luck for it to not get bombed to oblivion. You can try 2xCV (or CVL) + 2x CLT + BB + SS at 3-2-A, though. Or even other places as you will destroy everything before the shelling phase.

>> No.11655339

Every run that I sparkled my ships I'd get crit to red and forced into a retreat or the compass would send me astray. It felt like sparkling was actually a crit magnet. The few times I even made it to the boss the results weren't anything out of the ordinary. The stat difference it brings is so negligible in the face of overwhelming RNG that I never even bother. I S ranked E-7 a decent number of times without sparkling anyone. Maybe the support flagship when I was waiting on fatigue to recover but that's it. And I don't think the difference in sparkling the whole fleet would have made more than a handful of those A ranks bump up to S.

>> No.11655341

Start farming for those imuya anon.
I suggest you to keep like 2-3sub lower than lvl10 and have 2additional sub as slave tank for normal grinding. Keep your high lvl one to farm 2-3 for rare ships.

>> No.11655342

Just solo 2-3 runs from lvl15 onwards, they level up so easily and they never get fatigued, plus you get fuel there

>> No.11655344

>2-3 for rare ships
>it drops Kaga
Fuck, the only one left for me. I guess I'm going to farm it till I get her.

>> No.11655347

30k 270bucket
Yukikaze Ooi KTKM Hiei Maya Kirishima

after 7h
24k 220bucket
Only 1/4 of the gauge is depleted.

Fuck this gay event,I'm going to sleep

>> No.11655353

Lucky you. I still need hiryuu and that twintail craneslut. Everytime I get a Perfect S rank at the boss node, I am always greeted with those common gold background BB and yamashit. I wonder when was the last time I actually saw a holo background.

>> No.11655354

Giving up with that many buckets left? Get a load of this guy.

>> No.11655358

Please you got way too many buckets to just give up like this.

>> No.11655359

I don't even know how I got her. Maybe it was from 2-3 too.

>> No.11655362

Dude, you have so much excess resource and buckets for this event, and you're giving it up?

Go watch some Matsuoka Shuzo vids for motivation

>> No.11655365

How the heck do you guys check how many excess buckets you have? When I go to my inventory it's just capped at 99

>> No.11655367

You must have jinxed me. I just got abukuma fail from the boss...

>> No.11655370

Go and repair a ship, and you'll see the actual count.

>> No.11655371

The enemy gets support fleet bombardment too. Rotation between 4 Ta/2 I, 2 Ru/2 Wo/2 I, 2 Wo/2 Nu/2 Ha.
Minefield nodes, your ships take damage when you hit them.
Mined battlefields, your ships can take damage and fail to shoot whenever they attempt to attack.
Final map only unlocks when you sink a theme-appropriate ship on the previous map.
Abyss gets a compass fairy of its own, has a chance to move your compass and direct you to a wrong node even if your own fairies got it right.
Ambush nodes where an enemy ship gets to attack first instead of your ships, pre-emptive torpedoes and air attacks cannot be performed on your side, always starts at green T-cross.
"It was just my imagination" nodes have a chance to turn into ambush nodes.
Instead of one powerful boss and 5 grunts, there is a single 3000HP boss. She can attack 6 times.
Boss attacks deal splash damage.

>> No.11655375

No need for any of that. Just one thing will make everything that much harder:

Server will randomly disconnect based on RNG roll results. You may just roll a disconnect the moment that you've won, leaving you without any drop and with a fail.

>> No.11655379

That's already happening

>> No.11655381

So how many people here leave a single, high leveled ship in their main fleet before going to bed? I love it when my gold challenge for the day has a level 90+ ship in his fleet and nothing else, makes for an easy sparkle and some good exp.

>> No.11655384


I leave my 67 Yuudachi and 34 Shigure whenever I'm not doing anything or go to sleep.

I've been thinking if I should just leave Yuudachi for an even easier time.

>> No.11655385

I leave 2.
I do forget at times, and I wake up to see people defeated by my Lvl86+ team of 4 subs.

>> No.11655386

I leave a lvl1 DD just for people like you.

Kidding, I leave only both my highest level shipgirls and remove any AA equipment for those CV lovers that have bauxite issues

>> No.11655387

I didn't even know about the gold challenge since everyone on my list is gold. Anyway, I leave a lone lv90+ ship whenever I'm not playing.

>> No.11655388

I leave mine with my 6highest lvl ships.

>> No.11655389

I do that but with 2 ships since someone posted some time ago that the first and second ships decide the exp so I put two just in case.

>> No.11655390

I leave two high levels and four level 1 destroyers.

>> No.11655391

What is the difference between gold and normal flag? Mine is all gold.

>> No.11655393

wtf? there's a normal flag? I've honestly never seen one before

>> No.11655397

I leave my 4 subs 2 lv99 1 lv86 1 lv83 with musashi and yamato

>> No.11655400

Dumbass reporting in, I've always thought the difference was that a gold flag meant the user was online, how the hell I came up with that conclusion I don't remember.

>> No.11655401

I leave 6 subs with damecons.

>> No.11655402

I hope you sink

>> No.11655408

Submarine time

>> No.11655411

Can be easily beaten by Yamato + 2CLT + Isuzu + Yuubar i+ Yahagi.

>> No.11655412

the teitoku's rank title determines the flag.

>> No.11655415

Didn't say it was hard, but it certainly is amusing thinking about how lower levels will fight it.

>> No.11655418

They don't fight it.

>> No.11655420


Pretty sure they won't though.

>> No.11655425

Why not?
C rank from a lvl99 is still good exp.

>> No.11655434

Now, I can get a B win from you, since I got Lvl86 Achtacht, Lvl86 Goya, Lvl97 Iku and Lvl99 Imuya.

That's the most economical way to deal with your setup imo.

>> No.11655436

you should just put level 1 subs in the top two slots and retain the rest, that way people can't use it for xp and they also can't use it to get sparkles because it's hard to s-rank it or they have to waste ammo and fatigue points to go into night battle to kill your team

>> No.11655445

>Returning to base after an exercise (PVP Match) incurs no penalty, making a maximum fatigue value of 100 possible.
also lvl1 subs are easy as hell to destroy

>> No.11655446

How to be a maximum faggot - An illustrated guide by /jp/ by and from scumbags

>> No.11655451

the going into night battle -2 applies though, so even if you s-rank the pvp battle, you lose 1 point if you go into night battle
S rank +1
Night -2

>> No.11655477

I want holo planes, but I seem to be getting no luck.

HQ 53 atm, do I need it higher if I want holo planes?

>> No.11655488 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 809x522, fucking finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put my spare Lv1 kaga and zuikaku with 3x fighters and a ryusei kai on 1 and 2 position for bauxite shredding if they field CV/L
Lv 72 Nagato and Lv60 Musashi with 46cm 15.5yellow type32 radar type91ap on 3 and 4 for shelling
Lv 83 ktkm and 82 Ooi with 2x type3 depth charge and a midget on 5 6 for torpedos and ASW if they pull SS shenanigans

>> No.11655492

Totally disgusting, good thing people like you will never finish E-5 or get Yahagi. Scum like you will never be loved by RNG.

>> No.11655496

Why do you guys just want to bully the weaker admirals when you have absolutely nothing to gain out of it?

You guys are just jerks, scumbags galore over here

>> No.11655500

Are you doing 21/60/20/131?

You're bound to get something holo within 10 crafts.

>> No.11655518

This is a stupid question and it might be answered somewhere on the wiki, but does ship damage affect expeditions?

>> No.11655531

Why don't you just read the wiki?

>> No.11655529


Would you send your damaged, tired, half naked daughter on an expedition?

>> No.11655534

Because it's nowhere to be found on the expedition page.
Yes. She's not tired, I let her fatigue wear off.

>> No.11655538

Just tried that recipe with Akagi-Kai flagship(does flagship even really matter?) 10 times.
One Shiden Kai 2 and mostly stock planes. Not exactly the plane I was hoping for, but hey, it's a 3 star plane so whoo

>> No.11655540

I cleared E4 two weeks ago and was down below 10k on fuel/ammo/steel. I cleared E5 last weekend after getting all three resources back up over 32k in a week. No 3-2 steel abuse, no 2-3 fuel abuse. Just smart expeditions and conserving resources to complete every quest I could.

>> No.11655543

Anyone got any good expedition scripts/bots?

>> No.11655551

How much were the docks? I'm still pondering it, getting real tired of Akagi's shit and Hiei's propensity to be critted for 70% of her hp out of nowhere.

>> No.11655552
File: 148 KB, 510x623, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I learned that sparkling your main fleet is a waste of time because all it does is attach a giant "crit me" sign to all your battleships.

What should be sparkled is support fleets for things like this.

>> No.11655553


Come on anon, it should be easy to figure out how much docks were.

And it's worth it.

>> No.11655554


>> No.11655556


>> No.11655558

Last I saw some anon made a WIP on http://pastebin.com/drcm7T27.. But anyone can make a simple timed autoclicker in a few minutes.

>> No.11655560

But it lets you sortie nonstop since you don't go into orange or red fatigue.

>> No.11655562

cmon anon, did you even look at the shop or did you just give up completely because it's all in moon?

>> No.11655566

Except he still needs to level his ships to a respectable level.

Buy space instead of docks. Once you start to do daily quests, your bucket count will skyrocket.

>> No.11655571

I get that it's 1000 of the gold coins, just not sure how much that is in yen/dollars/whatever. My credit card doesn't work for whatever reason so I'd have to do that sutocorp shit anyways.

Guessing it's something like 1000 points = 1000 yen or something though.

>> No.11655574

If it matters, do you think they will mention it?

>> No.11655579

Really? I just got carriers yesterday and it seems like they eat buckets about as quickly as the jokes suggest, I can only get like ~5 buckets a day from dailies and Akagi alone can go through that in a day easily if she KEEPS EATING FUCKING CRITS HOLY GOD.

Is this something where in a week I'm gonna look back at this and laugh at my past self for being a filthy 5-bucket pleb while future-me takes baths in a 400-bucket swimming pool made of bauxite?

>> No.11655589

Assuming you're able to check the game for 18 hours per day. That means you'll get 36 buckets from expedition 2 per day, though the count will somewhere between 20-25. And there are other expeditions that also produce bucket. It's very easy to get 100-150 in a week, or even 200.

>> No.11655590

does anyone have a script to do exped 2, 5 and 6 consistently?

>> No.11655593

by 2, 5 and 6 I mean 3, 5 and 6. slight typo since I need resources way more than buckets.

>> No.11655596

I bet you also try to type 'whosyourdaddy' while playing Dota 2.

>> No.11655597

I started the event with about 500buckets.
My current count now is 627 while I am doing E-7 which consumed like a minimum of 3bucket per sortie. Once you get sub to tank for your expensive ships and spend most of your time farming certain maps for ships, you will hardly use any buckets outside of clearing boss node maps.
Just spam ex2 24/7 when you are playing for bucket.

>> No.11655598

Post your API link and I'll set it up for you.

>> No.11655604

You two are brilliant fucks. I've just been doing ex3 and 5... hopefully I'll get a fourth fleet soon so I can do all three.

One more question then I'll stop newfagging up the place for now: how critical is it that I sparkle my ex2 fleet before each run? Is the time expenditure actually worth it, or am I better just rushing ex2 on cooldown rather than bothering with that?

>> No.11655606

Think logically, by the time you sparkle all 6ships, you have already used up 30mins.

>> No.11655657

I sparkle all ships while spamming expeditions 2/3/5. I'll typically grind my subs through 2-3 for fuel and a little ammo as well as clearing some daily quests. When they are repairing or resting due to fatigue I run some low level DDs through 1-1 for sparkle so they can replace any of my expedition ships as they come back.

You can typically get a ship through a couple expeditions before they lose their sparkle so you aren't going to have to run them through 1-1 every single time they return. It is especially worth it for the longer/higher return expeditions like 5 and 16. The 10 or so minutes you lose sparkling ships for 16 before you go to sleep/work pays off well.

>> No.11655671

16 has horrible per hour gain and sending out all 6sparkle ships just to do 2 and 3 is really an autistic behavior.
I only sparkle for 5 9 12 13. I actually like 12 a lot, 8hours is just right for my sleeping time and it gives a black box too.

>> No.11655687

the 6DD for 3-2 thing is so retarded, what level do you need to be to beat this bloody map anyway

>> No.11655691

I bet you use subs for 2-4.

>> No.11655693

Average of around 30-35s. Though it really doesn't matter much it's all about luck clearing it.

>> No.11655694

lvl20+ fully modernized DDs

>> No.11655707

How do I get a Beaver?

>> No.11655715


By going to your local dam. I found my own beaver there and she does the cutest little things.

I even upgraded her torpedos for all her hard work.

>> No.11655718

I've got Shimakaze and the other good DDs (Hibiki, Shigure, Yuudachi) but no Yukkikaze yet.

>> No.11655724

In my case I have Yukikaze, Hibiki, Shigure and Yuudachi, but I'm still looking for ZKMS.

>> No.11655727
File: 103 KB, 800x480, beaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me. Fucking beaver, let me complete the first page already.

>> No.11655730

Makigumo really grows on tree in 2-3.
Seems like I am getting 1per day doing daily. Time to rev up those sonar farm teitokus.

>> No.11655739

I bruteforced it with 4BB 2CV, I didn't see how subs would have worked for 2-4

jebus, my DDs all have 4/5 stars and are at levels 30~40, and of all of my DDs the one that always makes me retreat is the lucky beaver

>> No.11655740
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>> No.11655742

Then you should be trained already for RNG fuckup, stop complaining.

>> No.11655744
File: 501 KB, 795x489, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you have a Nagato.

>> No.11655745

Not that guy, but I did beat 2-4 with just a single sub. Only DDs and CL/CLT can hit them. Also, if you level them enough those who could hit her will miss. And no damage taken + 2 sunk enemy ships...

>> No.11655748

I used to be like you guys until Nagato dropped off E-7. Feels good to have page 1 filled.

>> No.11655749
File: 107 KB, 793x484, page1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do everyone get Hiryuu? The place where she drops at is damm hard to farm.

>> No.11655753

I got her from 2-3.

>> No.11655755


I got lucky and got her on my first CV craft.

Good luck.

>> No.11655756

Put damage controls on your ship. Or if you really don't care, push on even at orange/red.

>> No.11655757

3-4 all day everyday for over a month.

>> No.11655760

have you considered crafting? I somehow have a feeling she appears more in crafts

>> No.11655761

I send it out before I go to bed and it runs through the night and while I am at work. I could probably run a shorter one through the night and try to run it again before going to work, but the fact that with sparkle I can get 750/750/300/300 without having to worry about it makes it worth it. There aren't any others that have such a high return on all 4 resources, so the alternatives would supply higher returns on any single resource but not a combination of all 4.

I run 19 at night and again before work if I need fuel and usually 13 since it has a nice return on fuel/ammo with a short enough completion time so that I can run it twice like I do with 19. Remember the hourly rate is absolutely insignificant in this case because I am sleeping/working, so I don't have the opportunity to run the faster/more efficient expeditions over and over during this period. I simply choose the ones that I can either run once at night and once again while at work, or a very long one that I can run through both night/work and be done by the time I get home. Once I get home I do spam 2/3/5 since I am around to continuously run them.

I am in the military so there is no chance that I could even try to run this from work, and the facility I work in prohibits wireless devices so no phones/tablets either.

>> No.11655763

eeeh, yeah I'm kinda used to it, I was just wondering if I was maybe underlevelled or something. Still, my lucky beaver somehow never feels lucky at all

>> No.11655764

Everyone in the armed forces is a weeb

>> No.11655765


It's because your don't love her enough, both emotionally and physically.

Get to it.

>> No.11655846

How the hell do you guys have so many damekon...?

>> No.11655853

Quests and event.
I barely started on october and I got 7 of them and 1 goddess.
You can grab 6 with one time only quests without hating money whatsoever.

>> No.11655877
File: 601 KB, 808x505, OH FUCKING YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to the party, but fucking finally. I wasn't expecting to beat E5 but a series of good RNG rolls kept me going. I completed in about 3 hours, and consumed about 7k fuel, 6k ammo and 3k steel.

>> No.11655885

how do I beat E-3 with not much fuel resource?

>> No.11655895

kancutle a sht

>> No.11655900

Grats, just in time for the Yahagi hunt.

>> No.11655907

You have 2monkeys. It should actually be easy for you.

>> No.11655925

I'd love to hunt Yahagi but it's exam week and I thought I wouldn't beat E5 because I could only spare a couple of hours per day to play. But today RNG has been good to me.; I got to the boss node through the north route every sortie and sank her every time (which is why I could do it in 3 hours)

I doubt I'll be this lucky, hunting for Yahagi. It ends tomorrow, too.

>> No.11655931

Come on, you know you want those delicious gloves.

>> No.11655937

You know the reason why I hate crafting? Blue background and they give you these kind of timer only to crush your hope.
22mins shigure
24mins kagerou
6hours for shoukaku that I already have
Into the incinerator they go.
2400steel and 240bauxite down the drain.

>> No.11655938

do midget subs count as torpedo for torpedo cut-ins?

>> No.11655943

I would've traded that Shoukaku for a Hiryuu, I have like a few extra Hiryuus and I don't even remember how I got them. I only know my first one was from crafting.

>> No.11655952

Why did you bring Tone along? I've seen many teitoku do that but I don't get why? It's some sort of good luck charm or something?

>> No.11655953


>> No.11655955

So... does Yukikaze work as well?

>> No.11655959

Tone is olev. Best wagahai.

I have tone around because she was one of my first heavy cruisers, she's been around my party since forever.

>> No.11655961

She does have some good stats as well, so it's perfectly good ship although no one seems to notice her

>> No.11655963

I'm having an issue trying to register my credit card on the DMM site. I'm following the instructions in the pastebin and the link is telling me that I can't view that part of the site in my location, and then when I go to the account settings to try and enter my information there, the credit card registration screen is the japanese one and so won't let me use my foreign card there. Have they changed it recently so you can't do it now?

>> No.11655969
File: 192 KB, 799x474, grin face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a reason why I shouldnt send this grin face to the incinerator?
And my screen lagged to, got my hope up for Agano or Nagato but no.

>> No.11655979

Because you don't already have her? If you already do have her then I don't actually care, I sent three Agano's to the incinerator today.

>> No.11655985

Still doing E-7 for an Agano goddamn. I already have two Yahagis.

>> No.11655986

Im doing E9 for a fucking Kaga, is this normal?

>> No.11655989

it's not that she's unnoticed, Tone and Chikuma's art is probably the biggest turnoff which is the reason why most people don't use her

>> No.11655991

Go ahead, there's nothing really redeeming about her

>> No.11655992

Well, it seems like DMM hates my money more than I do. No extra docks for me.

>> No.11655993

Please dont say that.
What about people with brown fetish?

>> No.11655996

it's the face, man, the face

>> No.11655998

Yeah both Chikuma and Tone are pretty ugly.

>> No.11656004

chikuma's voice and face are tragic.

>> No.11656010
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>> No.11656020

I just got 3 Chikuma's in a row from the E6 boss, please stop haunting me.

>> No.11656023
File: 13 KB, 170x45, 1383557413619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ends.

>> No.11656028

I just spat my drink all over my monitor, thanks

>> No.11656029

10 more hours and I can finally be free of all this suffering. Worst 27 days of my life.

>> No.11656031

Why don't you like it? There's nothing better to do after 10 more hours

>> No.11656032

Soon I'll be able to relax.

>> No.11656037

How much to stockpile for xmas event?
I am thinking about 50k?

>> No.11656038

Not that guy but I can finally go back to playing games that aren't RNG hell. This game is fun in small doses but my OCD can't help but want to collect all the event exclusives. 24 S ranks and still no Agano on E-7 is driving me insane.

>> No.11656040

I hate how they extended the event and introduced Yahagi as a boss only drop.

I spent a good deal of my resources farming E-6 for 5CarDiv thinking I wouldn't need to touch any other map again

>> No.11656048

Can you give me one of your Yahagi?

>> No.11656049

I don't think E-7 is a good place to farm Agano.

>> No.11656051

Agreed, E3 is better

>> No.11656055

It's okay. She'll be the Naka-chan in large ship building.

>> No.11656059

Those sakura petals definitely wont appear.
Enjoy your kusou sisters.

>> No.11656062
File: 23 KB, 506x74, 2013-11-26 22-32-11.949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kuso sisters.

I don't even know why I bother trying to get Yahagi anymore.

>> No.11656061
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 1385476308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agano is supposedly a 1% chance on E-6 and 6% chance on E-7. I'm committed to blowing everything I have left on this endeavor... and at this point I'm so deep into it that I've completely forgotten how to even do E-6.

I would gladly trade her for an Agano if I could.

>> No.11656068

Is a christmas event announced already? Fuck.

There is no end to this once you get into the game and start loving your girls.

I have actively turned away good pals of mine from this game because I don't want them to be dragged into this.

But for me, it's too late. I'm committed to my shipdaughters. There is no turning back. I will tirelessly prepare for this winter event.

>> No.11656069
File: 75 KB, 794x483, she has 5hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.
Something freaky just happened, I dont know if I messed up or what but I think she has 5hp.
I cant be sure though.
Please tell me my eyes are playing trick on me.

>> No.11656073

If every season has an event it'll be very fun. Imagine Winter, Spring, Christmas, New Year event all coming together to suck your resources.

>> No.11656074

looks like 0 to me bub

>> No.11656075

it was probably a 2

hilarious anyway, sinking on 1-1

good thing it wasn't a rare ship, not even remodelled

>> No.11656076

welp, on the bright side it wasn't I-19 or I-8

>> No.11656077

She's dead, Jim.

>> No.11656080

I won't have any more resources for winter/new years event after I fail to get Yahagi ;_;

>> No.11656081

yeah your eyes are playing tricks on you, she has 0 hp

>> No.11656082

You sank a ship on 1-1? I don't have an appropriate comment for this but just be glad it's a common ship. Clearly you're not paying attention to the game.

>> No.11656083

Yes your eyes are playing tricks on you.
Yukikaze was the one that sunk.

>> No.11656084

I dont know. I cant be too sure but I believe I saw a 5 before she sank. I dont want to believe this, I swear that orange cant sink. Fuck I guess I need to concentrate while sparkling to make sure this doesnt happen again. It is the 2nd imuya that I lost in this map.

>> No.11656085

Almost a month is enough to stockpile resources.

>> No.11656087

>2nd imuya that I lost in this map.
How the hell did you manage to lose two ships at 1-1 anyway

>> No.11656088

>It is the 2nd imuya that I lost in this map.
>Losing two submarines in 1-1
I dunno man, maybe you should retake the Teitoku license exam.

>> No.11656089

I lose throwaway DDs in 1-1 all the time.

>> No.11656090

50k in 10 days is completely doable with subs and 5-9-13 expeditions. You'd also probably get a pretty high admiral ranking if you do it in the start of the month

>> No.11656093

Wait, where's the announcement for this winter event? Been scrolling through the twitter, can't seem to find it. Or is it just speculation? I really wish there isn't a winter event, I'd like to be able to do other things besides kancolle.

>> No.11656095

Resources are fine and easy to farm up but my problem is the bucket count. Expeditions just aren't yielding me as much anymore and I've been <10 buckets this entire past week trying to farm for Yahagi.

It was announced on a nicolive broadcast iirc.

>> No.11656096

If Summer and Fall both had events, it's safe to assume they'll come up with something for Winter. Give them a few months.

>> No.11656097
File: 68 KB, 455x396, aganofest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fuck sake, I got the complete opposite case: 50th run in E7, and the rarest thing I got was Agano, THRICE.

I can't help but rage at that RNG crap. Heck, I still didn't see any holo BG drop thus far with this damn map.

>> No.11656098

The problem is really not resources since I can stockpile a good amount very quickly if need be. I came in unprepared for the event and eventually amassed 60K fuel and ammo over the course of the event before tackling E-5.

The problem is the stress and time required. I luckily had free weekends to spend 10-12 hours completing the later maps which I rarely ever have. Despite the fact that I had enough resources to buffer against misfortune, it is really disheartening to see your sorties fail over and over and then after that S-ranks constantly getting blue ships due to things completely out of your control for an entire 10 hour session.

The funny thing about this event is that despite introducing new content, it somehow burnt me out on the game far faster than if there wasn't any event at all.

>> No.11656099

So, any of you admirals once had RNG truly shit on you during crafting? I once got 4 Yamashirous in a row. It was only at the 5th attempt that I got a Kongou, which not made me happy because it was a Battleship I didnt had, but also because..Its Kongou!

>> No.11656102

Sorry, once you start kancolle, you're married to the game.

>> No.11656103

No need to be mad.
I lost an Imuya and on the subsequent S rank it gave me a hiyou.

>> No.11656104

'sup fellow burnt out buddy.

>> No.11656108
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If you let your daughters sink you're a horrible person

>> No.11656110
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Since the event is practically over for most of us - what's your verdict on it /jp/?
Did you accomplish your goals?
Did you have fun?
Did you get what you wanted?

>> No.11656111

Fun? You mean the 1sec after you get Hachi? The whole process was torturing.
I am still missing Agano.

>> No.11656112

I don't know if my sanity can hold for the winter event. If I could say just one thing to the devs, it would be please not to add anymore event-only S/A rank boss random drops.

>> No.11656116

The most fun is probably grinding E-6. I'd keep going if it actually gives better exp.

>> No.11656114

I got Musashi and Agano, then they introduced Yahagi but I can't be arsed by that point.
Not really, no. Being pressured to roll enough RNG to get it in your favour, while under a time constraint, is surprisingly not-fun.
>Get what I wanted
Why would I join the event if not to get Musashi?

>> No.11656117

god that picture reminds me so much of Nausicaa

>> No.11656118

>Did you accomplish your goals?
Mostly. In the no-Agano crowd.

>Did you have fun?
Hell no.

>Did you get what you wanted?
See 1)

>> No.11656125

>Did you get what you wanted?
>Did you have fun?
>Did you accomplish your goals?
>what's your verdict on it /jp/?

>> No.11656127
File: 257 KB, 500x300, 1385224997772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye it was fun and I did get some shits I won't be able to get normally like Hatsukaze and all. When I started the event my highest level BB was 62 and CLT were in the high 60s. Now they're all monsters at 90+. Maya would be the mvp, she was 29 when event started and now she's 79.

I even rose to the rank of Marshal Admiral. It was a pretty good event.

>> No.11656128

It was until E-4.
Yes and no, I got Agano and a bunch of other rare ships, but I failed to get I8, Yahagi, Musashi and Shoukaku.

>> No.11656129

I only expected to get past E-2 with my fleet starting at level 40ish. Ended up getting Musashi thanks to the extension, so I certainly can't complain. I would have liked to get a rare drop, though. got Zuihou from E-2 I think, and nothing else besides my first Goya from E-7.

>> No.11656131

yes ( hachi )
there is no way to say "no" that strongly in english. FUCK HELL NO seems a good start though.
yes ( hachi )

>> No.11656133

Are we all masochists? Playing a game we don't even find fun.

>> No.11656134

We will do anything for cute girls.

>> No.11656135

1. Got Hatsukaze, so yes. No Mikuma tho.
2. Until they introduced E7.
3. Got all new ships. So yes.

>> No.11656136

>Did you accomplish your goals?
Mostly, got all the event ships but no kaku sisters.

>Did you have fun?
Only up to E3. E4 made me angry and E5 made me feel ill.

>Did you get what you wanted?
Most of them.

>> No.11656137
File: 542 KB, 812x481, What the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accomplished my goals and had fun for the first 20 days. But then the devs decided to be a dick.

Shit like this isn't fun anymore

>> No.11656138

It's the same way fashion works.
It doesn't feel good, but you gotta stay with it if you wanna stay up to date.

>> No.11656140
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I actually did not care too much about the event ships going into this month but Iku was a great addition to my fleet and she is one of the biggest reasons I was able to clear E4. Afterwards, cleared E5 easily enough to obtain Musashi, while finally picking up the Mutsu that I've always wanted. Other notable mentions are Goya/Imuya who I did not have before and Nagato (already had one through crafting). The one ship that I truly want is probably not coming to me, however, I did manage to pick up her sister along the way. Outside of the stress and rage this game invokes, it hasn't been too bad a month.

>> No.11656142

Veterans of kancolle, how is this event compared to the August one? Does night battle significantly increase difficulty?

Personally, I like night battles; it's faster more exciting, though I agree it's not good for the heart when your ship is red and the enemy does a cut-in attack.

>> No.11656143

Before the event began I doubted I could even clear E-4. I managed to make it all the way to the top in just over a week and if the extension hadn't rolled around I would have gotten everything it had to offer. And I guess I'm just a masochist but I actually enjoyed going up against Henderson and IBS. Could have done with a bit less RNG bullshit that eats your whole day but it had been a while since I went up against some seriously tough bosses. I'd like it if there were more specific strategies in the future like how sanshiki worked this time around to force you into diversifying your fleet. But the mindless grind for Yahagi is going to sour my memory of the whole thing. I made nearly a hundred clears of E-7 and have nothing to show for it. Best I got was a Kumano and a few Goyas. Though I guess I'm content as Hachi's going to be one of my favorites for a long time.

>> No.11656145

I was a month-old newbie, had fun bumbling about on the normal maps and didn't know better.

When I saw the hell that the devs had wrought, I had already committed myself and I knew I would just feel bad if I gave up. Exclusivity is a powerful thing.

>> No.11656147

The relatively slower pace of regular non-event periods are alright. Build a few girls and equipment every day, fight some PVP matches, make a few attempts on maps you've yet to clear, and that's it.

When we suddenly have a time-limit and have to fight the RNG that hard, the game on a whole suddenly feels much less rewarding, despite there being actual known and confirmed rewards for doing it.

Me too. Gives the lighter ships a chance to shine. Having 3 out of 6 enemy ships per node have a really high chance to cut-in killed my motivation to continue though.

>> No.11656149


>Did you accomplish your goals?

>Did you have fun?
Yes, but the sheer brutality and torture of the later maps far outweighed what little fun I had.

>Did you get what you wanted?
Most of them. I'm in love with my new Zuihou.

>what's your verdict on it /jp/?
fuck this event and fuck the devs who tought it was a good idea to extend it.

>> No.11656151

>confirmed rewards
1weeks of E7 and still nothing. I dont think Agano actually existe. They probably forgot to include it for my server.

>> No.11656152

This event was worse due to E-7 being a thing. Other than that, it's 5-3 with regenerating gauges.

>> No.11656155

The event music and the night battle lines really got my heart pumping at first. Now that was fun.

Now I can't even be bothered listening to my girls while mindlessly going through the motions of E-7.

>> No.11656158

For what purpose?

>> No.11656160

I was referring to the map clear rewards, actually. S/A-rank-only drops are horrible scheme and I hope we don't ever see this shit again.

>> No.11656163

My favourite part about this event has got to be how Musashi warms up considerably when you remodel her.

>> No.11656165

You can bet your ass we'll be seeing that in every event from now on.

>> No.11656175


In terms of goals, yes, though the sudden 'Yahagi' event caught me by surprise. Regardless, got her and the rest.

No. E-4 and E-5 were just too retardedly OP in the RNG department. Add in the regeneration of the map health and you got yourself a disaster.

>> No.11656178

someone repost that screenshot of the anon killing the boss but the gauge surviving by like 0.1%
and the video of the guy beating E-4 and then getting connection error and it didn't count

>> No.11656179

How can we fix Kancolle?
How can we bump up the difficulty without introducing bullshit RNG fest like compass trolling, no day battle if everyone dead besides boss and such?

>> No.11656180

I finished E5 about a day ago and I'm so burnt out that I don't event want to reset my expeditions anymore.

I just want to read funny manga about the girls now.

>> No.11656182

Don't let Woozy Whiners play the game.

>> No.11656183

>Did you accomplish your goals?
Well, my initial goal was reach and complete E-2, thing that I did. But later, my goal changed into beat E-4 and get Hachi, but I didn't make it.
>Did you have fun?
No. Absolutely no. The whole event since E-2 changed from fun to a ride to the hell and the absolute despair.
>Did you get what you wanted?
Yes, and no. I got Iku, Noshiro and the furniture fairy. I didn't get Hachi, and I wanted her badly, so badly. But there's hope, because she will be craftable later. Yeah, I know it will be probably a pain in the ass to craft her, but there is a chance.

Anything for cute girls. Specially for my girls, who I love. Damn, I came only for Kongou but I stay for many, many girls.

>> No.11656189

Did anyone rip out the music? I want the event night battle ones.

>> No.11656199

A/S only isn't the issue. It is the damn Boss node only drop that screw you very badly, especially if that Boss node require you to crawl through flagship infested nodes and/or heavily afflicted by compass bitch whim.

I really would have been much less mad if non boss node in E7 could drop nice stuff. But guess what? The rarest thing I ever got was Hiei and Kirishima. Hell, not even imuya dropped there, mostly COMMON DD in a damn 10* difficulty map.

>> No.11656201

By giving you more control.

Right now you essentially choose a formation and hope stuff works out.

Also, I believe that evasion and luck are placebo stats. Either make it count, or don't put it in.

>> No.11656205

That's why Yahagi is a sakura holo rarity ship. Not everyone is meant to have her.

>> No.11656206

I wish devs could be less of a cunt and actually explains conditions for sinking and damage formula.

I can't be the only one who think that having ships at night, especially BB, dealing one digit damage per salvo of a double attacks.
This kind of retardness does even happen with full hp Kitaooi, albeit far less often than BB.

>> No.11656210

>I wish devs could be less of a cunt and actually explains conditions for sinking and damage formula.
How else will they sell their damekon?
This is business.

>> No.11656209

I can understand the "rarity" for Musashi because you have to fight through hell to have her, and still dependant on luck.

But Yahagi? Not only she is absolutely more luck dependant than Musashi, but you only had 1 week to grind E5, hoping you might drop her.

I'm pretty sure there are far less Yahagi than Musashi in any server.

>> No.11656214

It's the ultimate trophy ship that also happens to excel in nothing except fuel/ammo consumption. Don't let it get to you.

>> No.11656216


Honestly, I'd rather have done full E5 clear all over again, with the regenerating gauge and all that shit than roll the fucking dice for a 1% A and 5% S drop.

Adding her as an boss node-only drop was a kick in the balls for everyone who cleared the map early. They should've gifted her to folks who had the map done at the time she was introduced.

>> No.11656219

unfortunately, I'm a sucker when it comes to pony, even moreso since it is Konishi art.

I frankly couldn't care less of chocolate cowtits.

Only few hours left, and I pretty much give up for E7. I guess we are going through nakachan roulette when she will be craftable... this game, man.

>> No.11656220

You don't know the half of it. Apparently you can start trying to get Yahagi only AFTER you clear E5.

I know this because I cleared E5 after the event, and as I cleared, the little words flashed (in moon), "there are new ships to get in this map", or something to that extent.

>> No.11656222

Well they needed something to keep everyone playing E-5.

It just so happens a Holo-rarity CL that caters to my every fetish was their solution.

Just my luck, I guess.

>> No.11656223

Anyone who did the suicide strat and wasn't brain dead should have been able to figure out sinking conditions. And even if you didn't use that, there's nothing stopping you and other Admirals from testing it out on 1-1 with lv1 ships that you'll never use outside of scrapping/modernization.

>> No.11656226
File: 85 KB, 687x445, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a joke.
I am done. I am not getting that Agano.

>> No.11656227

exactly. I rushed E5 the first time around 2 weeks ago, just so that if I fuck it up, I have 1 week buffer to get more resources and buckets for a last shot. Then, all of a sudden, 1 week extention, with a retarded drop rate at a retarded node.

Devs are sadist to retard level, period.

>> No.11656232

That's not true. People on Futaba have reported Yahagi drops even before they clear E-5. 2 lucky dudes even got their Yahagi in the same battle they deplete the boss' hp gauge, getting 2 holo rares in one go.

>> No.11656233


I've sunk about 20k fuel/ammo/steel and 120 buckets in the drain - more than I spent on the initial clear! - just because I love her design. Fuck the devs.

>> No.11656234

There is a difference between being a trophy ship and requiring 384 clears of E-5 to get it.
Why not guarantee her after you S-rank E-5 100 times? I'd much rather work towards this than have my awful luck guarantee that I won't ever get her.

>> No.11656237

Are the nips even complaining about this? It seems like they're the patient type seeing people even mustering the effort to do 381 runs for her.

>> No.11656239


S-ranking E-5 100 times is... no. Just no.

>> No.11656244

For some reason, Chikuma start haunting ever since I gone into this thread. This probably mean I wont get Agano.

>> No.11656245
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What could that possibly mean?

>> No.11656248

For them, dedication is something to be praised. Even if they don't get the drop they want, they still have the approval of their internet friends.
But on 4chan, dedication is called out as autism.

>> No.11656249
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Something really flat is haunting me, though.

>> No.11656251

You know what they should do, for big dock crafting, they should let you sacrifice holo ship to improve the chance of getting what you want.

>> No.11656253

the worst kind of haunting possible

>> No.11656255

Oh, I got some RJ too, goddamit.

>> No.11656259

How many hours left until the event end?

>> No.11656260

Is the game alot easier with level 99 ships?

>> No.11656263

That feeling when going through E3 and a gold background appears at the boss node. But it's just Abukuma

>> No.11656264
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>> No.11656261

I'm not really talking about how dedicated they are. I'm asking if they're the same as us bitching about the dev's decision to add Yahagi as a boss-only random drop at E-5.

I'm pretty sure a lot of them finished the event much earlier than us, but I guess they have too much resources in their hands anyway.

>> No.11656262


>> No.11656266


I'll run out of resources earlier.

I think I'll call it quits at 20 buckets or 2k ammo.

>> No.11656285

There's a KanColle complaint thread up on 2chan right now with a thousand posts. So yeah, I don't think they're entirely satisfied with the way the event panned out. But they aren't exactly up in arms about it. It's not like Yahagi is worth much more than a trophy anyway. I'm sure there would be a lot more backlash if it were something I-401 with the 1% drop rate on the hardest boss node.

>> No.11656287

It isnt about the stats. Out of all the event reward, her design and card is the most aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.11656313

Can you get holo from 2-3's boss for an A victory? Or only S? I wanted to do some sub runs there.

>> No.11656312

Burned all the way to less than 1k ammo for E-7. RNG decides to troll me with 2 extra Aganos instead of Yahagi.

>> No.11656317


I don't think so. You can get an S with very lucky 4-sub run though.

>> No.11656318

Sorry for being a noob, but does the drops in E-3 change after you clear it or something which results in people calling it E-6?

I'm trying to clear it and so far I've only been getting nothing but silver and blue ones

>> No.11656319

I didn't manage to clear E4. Burned a ton of shit trying to do it, and even lost a bunch of damage controls and a ship in the process.

It was a nice change of pace from the regular stages. E4 is fucking ulcer-inducing though. E3 farm was quite pleasant.

>Get what I wanted
E3 farm yielded Shoukaku, Zuikaku, and Hatsukaze. I didn't get I-8 or Agano. Yahagi would've been nice too, but I didn't even make it past E4. Guess I did ok.

>> No.11656320
File: 651 KB, 1600x1440, 1385482776824[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Kuma.

>> No.11656323

But Kongou's name isn't Kuma.

>> No.11656326


>> No.11656327

>team kuma
Kumano isnt even in there.
Step it up senpai.

>> No.11656328

E-4 can't be helped. You have to get someone with Type 3 rounds.

>> No.11656333

He obviously meant all the CLs of the Kuma class

>> No.11656338

But he chated in E-4

>> No.11656353

I just got my Yahagi, speaking of E7... this thing feels even more excruciating than E4... maybe not as bad as E5 was (no health bar to worry about I guess,)

The ONE thing that really eats into me is nonstop 1-1. Sparkling does make a difference, but getting rid of excess DDs is a pain in the butt. I even made the mistake of sending the main fleet in to 1-1 (hopefully you guys never did that)

It really feel as if that you can only get her when you're done with E5 generally speaking, doesn't it?

>> No.11656357

Do you guys bucket ships in yellow for E-3? I'm grinding for Agano now- swimming in buckets, but not sure if this is necessary.

>> No.11656361

Just use your bucket. You have no use for bucket anyway once the event end.
Do you want your CV to go into orange and cant launch their ships then proceeding to fail to get a S rank?

>> No.11656362

I generally would bucket a ship in yellow. Hell, I've bucketed for ships in green for E5/E4 before.

>> No.11656364

I have 200 buckets. I figure why the hell not.

>> No.11656365

As long as it's higher than 30 minutes, I bucket them, regardless of health.

>> No.11656366

CVs are damn vulnerable. It's really annoying when they go orange and subsequently become useless ships only good for crit magnet.

>> No.11656371

Yes, considering how many hours left till the event ends.

>> No.11656374

I even use it on green ship to decrease fatigue.

>> No.11656376

just 7 hrs. Anyone that hasn't gotten warcrimes-chan should drop everything else and get her. She's worth sending fodders to death over.

>> No.11656378

I'm still at it. I'm down to 16k ammo and still have no holo to show for it.
I've sent fully sparkling fleet to 1-1 and have all 6 of them return with normal fatigue. I've also sent the ships I was trying to sparkle to E5 by mistake.

And yes, the game desperately needs mass-disassemble function. Or at least the ability lock yourself from acquiring new ships when you'd like to.

>> No.11656380

I managed to beat E-1 four? day after starting the game and got lewd sub-tan.

I knew better than to try to go further.

As long as Hachi and the CL girls become craftable sooner or later I'll be happy, not interested in musashi so much as gorgeous CL ladies.

>> No.11656381

I failed E-5 but Agano did drop in the end. I really didn't think I'd even manage E-4 but I did. I probably could have done E-5 if real life hadn't intervened.
I think this is an interesting question. Since this game is sort of similar to MMOs where it has a lot of 'work' for small 'reward' it becomes kind of complex. I've always loved MMOs and I feel like overall the frustration and high stakes feel of the event did make it very fun. Getting further than you thought, bullshit setbacks, etc all come together nicely.
>What I wanted
Yeah, I mainly wanted the subs. I really didn't want another BB I mainly wanted to not totally fucking fail and I think I achieved that.

>> No.11656382

Guys, I did it, managed to finish E-3 in 2 hours.

Are the drops different now that I've completed it?

>> No.11656383

Yeah, now you can get Hachi

>> No.11656384


>> No.11656385


>> No.11656389

Uhm, besides going to E-4 lol, I don't think I have enough resources when I spent 3k fuel on E-3 and having only 2k fuel left

>> No.11656390

E5 beaten, I haven't gotten any of the crane sisters, Nagato/Mutsu, or Kumano and Agano, but those are secondary objectives.

I do not consider E5 or E4 as tanoshii. E7 is somewhat tanoshii though.

>Get what I wanted
Yes. Not all the secondary objectives, but the subs. That's what I was really in for.

>> No.11656392

I've just had my support fleet miss every single hit after finally getting back into the boss node after 18 runs and Kongo leaving the last princess at 5 hp by dealing scratch damage. This fucking game

>> No.11656396

What, you mean you all actually grinded the E-3 map again and again for rare ships when all I've gotten was blue and silver backgrounds? Are you guys just kidding me or something?

>> No.11656398

I'm actually grinding E-5 for rare ships. And yes, almost all of it consists of blue and silver ships. I wish I could crucify the dev who created the E-6/E-7 hell.

>> No.11656400

Did they fix the 8cm green gun?
Last time I checked it did jackshit during AA phase.

>> No.11656404

Yea. It's pretty much CA country for me as I do E7. It's Nachi this, Atago that... the occasional Kinugasa seems to really mock me for going there.

>> No.11656405

All those resources thrown into E-5 could have been used to craft Yahagi later on. What do you think?

>> No.11656406

I dunno what to tell you. There's no easy way out unless you're stupidly lucky.

>> No.11656407

I'm now filled with white-hot rage whenever I see Chokai or Kago.

>> No.11656408

Considering she has a sakura holo background, the resource costs are probably comparable.

>> No.11656411

No. It's a halo card ship. Those require insane amount of tries to get, or if you're some lucky beginner...

>> No.11656416
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>> No.11656418

When will she be craftable anyway? 3-4 months? I 'm sure I can get the resources back in the meantime.

>> No.11656419

Don't remind me. My best friend got into the game in last night's lottery - their first half-dozen crafts, at 30-all, were KTKM, Yuudachi, and a couple heavy cruisers. Their first run on 1-1 gave another CL I think.

I want to be happy for them but god DAMMIT why can't I have luck like that?

>> No.11656421

Oh and I got a Kumano using the last of my resources for a desperate BB craft. So it's a pretty fair trade for failing E-5 maybe?

>> No.11656422

My goal was to beat E3 because I thought we were only getting 4 maps, but then they introduced E5 and the surprise of hachi being on E4. I tried beating E4 but failed horribly, was going to try again but a series of unfortunate events prevented me from trying again and now its too late.

Beating E1-3 was pretty fun and satisfying but E4 was something straight from hell. E3 farming is pretty frustrating too, trying to get something good from it before the event eds as a consolation prize but failing at it.

>Get what I wanted
Only one thing and that was Iku, failed to get hachi and wanted to try to get Kumano or zuikaku from drops but things are looking grim.

I'll just use the experience I got from this event for the next one and face the winter event with more resources, buckets and a better fleet.

>> No.11656423

What's the difference? I couldn't get Yahagi even after spending 50k resources, my results would've been equally fruitless if I spent those 50k on ship crafting.

>> No.11656434

Did you mean "Yuubari"? Yuudachi is freaking common as hell

>> No.11656426

>or if you're some lucky beginner...
Some people really have all the luck, I wish I had some of that beginner luck too.

I introduced a friend to the game and he got Zuikaku as his first CV and Mutsu as his third BB.
And on my side, im struggling to get them at level 68 because they refuse to drop or be crafted

>> No.11656427
File: 12 KB, 557x39, 2013-11-27 01-06-56.943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought getting Chikuma was bad enough. Fuck this map. Fuck that double drop rate bullshit.

>> No.11656430

>KTKM, Yuudachi and CL
It's not really luck.

>> No.11656431

Anon already did the math 2 days back.

Each time you go on a run, you are spending buckets instead of dev material, and it works out to be cheaper than 4x dailies using rare DD

you have a shot at halo Nagato and other CVs (along with Yahagi), so it's more like a BB craft at the boss node.

>> No.11656435

Kitakami from 30-all isn't unheard of and the rest are commons.

You should be upset if he gets Shimakaze or Nagato on day 1 like some of the faggots around here.

>> No.11656436

E7 S win, Takoa get, Aoba get. Fuck RNG.

>> No.11656441

I perfected both nodes, was shown mercy by the compass, and pretty much finished with the best run ever.

My prize? Atago. Fuck everything.

>> No.11656450

Difficult to say when, since for example, the Shinden "early drop" from the first event hasn't been implemented as of yet.

But as a possible hint... the dev tweet has said that "small to medium" ship crafts for the "new ships in the autumn event" will come sooner than the big ass capital ship (i.e. Yamato class) crafting system.

That said, they've also mentioned that the capital ship construction is due mid- to late-December.

>> No.11656452

I think they did get Shimakaze, not 100% sure and they're not around to ask. Maybe I'm just bitter about still no Ooi/Kitakami, but in general I was just saying tht they got a bunch of generally good-for-their class ships, from good/rare DDs to one of the torpedo cruisers and several of the better heavy cruisers, with their first few crafts.

I can be happy for them and still a bit jealous! Cannot seem to get a KTKM-sama for the life of me.

>> No.11656453
File: 58 KB, 585x584, ss (2013-11-26 at 10.13.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine picked up Nagato and Mutsu one after the other in crafting and then proceeded to get Fusou, Ise, Hiei, and Zuikaku. All before hitting level 10.

>> No.11656456

Now imagine that constantly repeating over a span of 4 days.

I think it's slowly dawning to me now that it's entirely possible that I will keep getting nothing but trash no matter how hard I try. There are people out there who gotten Yahagi within their first half dozen tries, yet the best I will ever get in the next seven hours is probably another Kongou.

>> No.11656461

Imagine what would happen if he was levelled enough for this event

>> No.11656464

Oh well, at least I can still bitch and moan about not getting Yahagi until they make her craftable.

And I think they're just putting off implementing the equipment until there's another event where they have some significance tied to it.

>> No.11656467

I finished E-3, got furniture fairy and repair goddess and I don't want to bother about warcrimes-chan or Musashi dammit. Curse being a newer admiral not having enough resources

>> No.11656470

Anon they are all useless.
This event is time for monkey, DD, CLT and CA to shine.

>> No.11656471

Nothing much, majority of those ships are useless after E-3 and even before that only useful to a limited degree.

>> No.11656477

i think he was referring to how he would have gotten 10 yahagis with that luck

>> No.11656492

I feel all my luck was stolen from me the moment I found a Nagato. I know a lot of you guys wanted to find her, but for me it was a slap in the face because I already had dupes. From there, I proceeded to get dupes of rare ships I already had like Zuihou and Kumano. Damn game had fun slapping me in the face.

>> No.11656500

>I feel all my luck was stolen from me the moment I found a Nagato.
Same here, I tried a BB recipe looking for Kumano after having some good E3 runs with great drops and got Nagato instead.
I feel like my luck completely went to shit after because all I got after that was shitty common drops that I already had, not even rares that I already had, just common drops that everyone has.
And of course, my good E3 runs turned into all dead ends, retreats and common drops, shit sucks.

>> No.11656512

The opposite for me.
I was lucky enough for a Yahagi drop, but I'm still stuck without a Nagato. So every time I open that catalog, I get greeted by a huge gaping hole on the first page.

Sometimes that "greed sensor" myth being installed in the game almost seems real.

>> No.11656516

That was a while back. She cleared the event a week before me and also has a Yahagi. All of my tears.

>> No.11656517

I got my furniture fairy, is there any news of new tables coming out after the maintenance today?

>> No.11656518

Indeed, I'm still farming for Shokaku and probably have spent the most resources trying to get her with no luck. Had no problem getting Agano and Yahagi.

>> No.11656545

You sound like someone complaining about getting prime rib and that you want sirloin instead.

As someone who climbed 1200 places in rankings from doing E5 alone and still has neither, I'm filled with absolute despair.
But I can't just stop here, can't I? If I don't keep believing that the next run would be the one, what would be the point of all this?

>> No.11656555

You still have 6hours
PVP just reset so you can clear your fatigue even faster now. The only thing stopping you now is resources.

>> No.11656568

Is it just me, or does scrapping ships also give you resources based on their equipment now? Or was that always there and I just never noticed?

>> No.11656572

It has always been like that.

>> No.11656573

It's always there, you can't scrap Nakas for 2-4-11 if you take off their 14cm stock guns

>> No.11656574
File: 607 KB, 1920x2160, e-7-clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I said to myself 'this will be the last S-rank, after this, I'll say fuck it and go to sleep', the gold background presented itself and something came out that I could barely believe.

Fucking finally. I'll still say fuck this event though, and good riddance.

>> No.11656579

I pray for both our success. Too bad the next few runs will probably be my last since I'm down to my last thousand ammo.

>> No.11656590

Eat shit, I'm still on E-7 and seeing other people blog isn't helping.

>> No.11656593

Yeah, maybe I'm spoiled, but it's just that I'm missing out on that one flagship dish.

But whatever. Those ships are coming sometime at the mercy of the RNG fairy, whether it be in two minutes or in two weeks.
I'm gonna give up hoping, and play with a sense of Zen-like resignation.

At least until the event starts up again in December.

>> No.11656616

Of course my final run would lead me NE.

The dream is dead.

>> No.11656619
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Commander-William-Adama-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your battle BGM fellow admirals?
E4 gauge is below half, I'm hoping for a miracle.


>> No.11656630

It's so upsetting when Kita/Ooi decide they don't feel like sinking the boss for that S clear despite doing upwards towards 700 damage everywhere else.

>> No.11656636
File: 64 KB, 656x850, 39295484_big_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagahai is the cutest.

>> No.11656655
File: 126 KB, 800x480, are you serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11656658

>bar still not depleted
Call me back when you leave her with 1 HP and bar completely gone.

>> No.11656666

Kirishm 81
Ooi 84
ktkm 85
hiei 77
maya 77
beaver 76>>11656655

>> No.11656667


Also your music is too comfy so your ships are taking it easy.

Disregard this please

>> No.11656668

Works for both narrow victories and dismal failures.

>> No.11656670

Newbie admiral here, how much longer is left in the event? I was one shot away from sinking the boss in E1 and getting that free sub. But im entirely out of steel now and i must wait.

>> No.11656671

Kisaragi because he feels lonely, obviously

>> No.11656676

5 hours and 5 minutes left. Suggest expedition spamming now, or get your magic card handy.

>> No.11656677

5 hours 5 minutes, spam expedition 3 for steel and hope you sink her

>> No.11656678


Because I've been up all night and I really need to.

>> No.11656679

So I wasted the time and effort to full sparkle my fleet and they're STILL killing everyone but the boss.
Why do they do this?

>> No.11656680

Use throwaway ships then.

>> No.11656684

I don't think that would work on a day time map?

>> No.11656685

Because they derive the utmost pleasure from seeing admirals suffer.

>> No.11656689

Thanks, that should be long enough. I only need 300 steel to fully repair and i've S ranked every run so far. Heres hoping the compass doesnt fuck me and send me north in my moment of need.

>> No.11656692

Oh right, you need to kill her.

>> No.11656693

Sparkling is just a placebo most of the time, don't expect the game mechanics to do any different

>> No.11656695

It pisses me off because they've done the boss easily enough, but now the event is almost over and the boss is ALMOST dead, and they refuse to kill it.

>> No.11656698

She's the first ship I crafted, and I like how she is a pure girl no matter how hard she tries to sound lewd. Plus her name begins with a K, so she fits in with the rest of the team.

I later switched her for Kawauchi (it totally counts okay) to sink the boss, though.

>> No.11656699

Best wishes of luck to you Admiral. Hope you give that enemy BB the beating of her life.

>> No.11656703

Desperate to the point I'm trying hate money but... is it me or it is not impossible to get access to DMM english credit card registration page?

While I'm on their half engrish account page, clicking on credit card registration leads me to a full JP page and it doesn't accept my CC.

>> No.11656702

What kind of a ship is Kawauchi? Is she in the game already?

>> No.11656706

you're gonna barely make it to her with 5 minutes to spare and have her down to 1-2 hp then your entire fleet are gonna get RNG screwed and miss every attack rip

>> No.11656707

Well, I wouldn't blame the girls. RNG's the enemy after all. Keep at it, or take a break. Luck does some weird shit some times.

>> No.11656709

There's no time to take a break, I've been at it since last night and it's killing my morale.

>> No.11656712

I'll go out to the store and buy a few virgin goats and extra virgin olive oil to sacrifice to RNGesus then.

>> No.11656714

Hint: Zuikaku's 2000 hourly.
"It's 20:00 and... Kawauch-, I mean, Sendai! Shut up!"

>> No.11656717

Thanks, i definitely need it. Started two days ago and barely got geared up for E1 in time.

>> No.11656723

its too late you dont have enough time to sacrifice the necessary number of goats to appease the lord almighty just pray and do your best Teitoku

>> No.11656724

Words from someone who obviously hasn't cleared E5.

>> No.11656727
File: 139 KB, 1920x1080, Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio Ars Nova - 03 - Large 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice taste

My sides

All I can think of is
>Party Cruisers are here
>Prepare to dance

>> No.11656732

What's wrong with your sides?

>> No.11656733

This event has definitely taught me a couple new tricks: damecon, sparkle prep, perseverance, the courage to push forward into night with a redzone ship, and plastic card offerings.

>> No.11656734

good taste

not /jp/ enough go away /mu/

>> No.11656738
File: 70 KB, 635x583, ss (2013-11-26 at 12.15.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but this is the only board I visit ;_;

>> No.11656743

Newbie admiral here, i just realized that last mission got the Bw1 あ号作戦 quest completed, and it awarded me 300 steel. Here goes.

>> No.11656745

I don't believe you.
Real /jp/ers listen to Linkin Park and Tool.

>> No.11656750

I can't wait to hear either about
1. you getting Iku
2. compass chan

>> No.11656758

I used to listen to Linkin Park in my younger years. I have no idea who Tool is though!

>> No.11656762
File: 807 KB, 1600x1200, 1171cf94f3500bab26f418c2628ddc9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can stay but only for good ayase taste

>> No.11656763

>At least until the event starts up again in December.
>In december

Wait what?
Are they doing a xmas event or something?

>> No.11656766

read the wiki

>> No.11656767

Yes. Brace for Shinano and I401. Possibly Taiho too.

>> No.11656773
File: 473 KB, 1280x767, Noshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, just as I was losing hope.
This was my last run before I gave up, and I S-ranked it.
The first shot of the battle was a 200+ crit on the boss from my Ise-Kai.

>> No.11656774
File: 746 KB, 800x479, get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stubborn old bitch has dropped, went flawlessly this time since she didnt drop my carrier from green to red.

Im going to pay for my luck in spades the next event, i know it.

>> No.11656777

Welcome to the SS club, teitoku!

>> No.11656780

congrats admiral now get her to level 10-20 and solo 2-3 20-50 times

>> No.11656781
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, 1381177635770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we getting the first plain sub?

>> No.11656783

Now fap to her damaged sprite.

>> No.11656787

I hope not. I love the current sub artist.

>> No.11656788
File: 81 KB, 716x429, pvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clovis-san, if you are there, thank you.

>> No.11656789
File: 501 KB, 697x370, fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do, but i havent even completed 2-2 yet. Got to work on that after levelling iku.

>> No.11656791

You shut your whore mouth, Shibafu is amazing.

I hope the coastal defense ships are added in soon, too. I think they hinted at Shinano recently, but I didn't hear anything about them.

>> No.11656792

Congrats, if that's your first sub you're gonna be very happy when you learn about all the nifty things subs can do with their mechanics

>> No.11656798
File: 109 KB, 801x500, saddest end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished E5 2 days ago then spent the time hunting for Agano, Yahagi, and Nagato.

Best I gotten was a Zuihou on S, which was my very first CV craft when I started playing. Damned S rank kako furutaka nacchi and those blue bg crap.

>> No.11656799
File: 555 KB, 715x1000, 39966379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11656801

Kaga's the best

>> No.11656808
File: 165 KB, 731x394, ss (2013-11-26 at 11.38.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that really the fleet you used to complete E-1? I've only been playing 1-2 weeks and this is the fleet I finished it with after like 20 tries, albeit all around level 8-11

yeah this is a stealth brag about my crafting luck for both zuikaku and mutsu...

>> No.11656805

Curvy ships are fine too.

>> No.11656811

Your taste is plain

>> No.11656813

But is she a girl?

>> No.11656814
File: 71 KB, 400x334, 39964934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spoil her rotten.

>> No.11656816
File: 801 KB, 1001x1200, 38833495_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do curves make her more buoyant?

>> No.11656817

No, she's a ship.

Can't you see that?

>> No.11656818
File: 551 KB, 700x1000, 39157421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Kaga is all woman.

>> No.11656819

but if you have 3BB and 2CV, how does E-1 pose a single threat to you at all?

>> No.11656820

all ships are female

>> No.11656824

I wanna buttfuck Kaga

>> No.11656826

Kaga is erotic!

>> No.11656827

Yeah, thats all i could scrounge up after playing for two days. Then it took me 5 S ranked runs to complete it. Wasnt so bad since i figured out early how effective double attacks are.

>> No.11656830
File: 510 KB, 867x800, Yahagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga a SHIT

>> No.11656832

But she'll never get to be a mother that way.

>> No.11656833

This is the worst /a/ meme.

>> No.11656839

and where are her gloves?

>> No.11656842
File: 298 KB, 907x1261, 37613601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no shitty Kagas, only shitty admirals.

>> No.11656836

Maybe he sucks at the game? E1 is pretty easy and can be cleared with pretty much anything, I was able to clear it with the same team of CLs and CAs I was training in 3-2 before the event started without issues or problems.

>> No.11656845

Some anon came inside her gloves and she had to throw them away

>> No.11656847

having only 1CL means that SS node = guaranteed 60 damage crit on at least one if not two of my ships every mission followed by being forced to retreat out of fear for zuikaku or mutsu's safety when they were in the red.

the only reason i completed it is because i said fuck it out of frustration and just sent my fleet into the final boss with only 12 HP on mutsu. I sacrificed the blood of a dozen virgin maidens as offering afterwards.

I do suck at the game, I just stacked 2-3 35mm guns on all my battleships depth charge on luccini and hoped for crits in night missions.

>> No.11656849
File: 764 KB, 1748x2044, 1385068307661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11656852

No they aren't, my dad is a fairy and he told me that half the destroyers are actually boys.

>> No.11656854
File: 167 KB, 961x1280, ef84ebf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think they hinted at Shinano recently

Devs talked about an aircraft carrier being readied with the capital ship crafting system.
And strangely enough, there is a carrier that would be on par with a Yamato-class...

Also, an unknown carrier shipdaughter appeared in an "unofficial" Kancolle staff doujin, with the English text:

Tragic Aircraft Carrier
She was born as a younger sister of BB and set to CV.
And she sank, without fighting.

The Japanese teitokus' seem to have pretty much pinpointed the girl as Shinano from her deck features.

>> No.11656855

whoa, are you shibufa?

>> No.11656858

Extra bauxite rations for the pretty girl.

>> No.11656859

>sending a mutsu with 12 HP to the boss node
You have balls.

>> No.11656861
File: 692 KB, 1099x551, E2 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post fleets, this is what I ended up clearing E2 with.

>> No.11656867
File: 26 KB, 295x262, compassfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot this. They are following me.

>> No.11656869

Here >>11654246

>> No.11656871

Soon they will enter your life and you'll end up finding yourself in Burkina Faso every time you try to go to the convenience store.

>> No.11656887

Looking around i can see them already. Going to have loads of fun with the A-ko sub i'll get from remodeling chitose.

>> No.11656892

Does anyone else run repairs on their subs when mindlessly grinding 2-3 just in case you weren't paying attention and accidentally send them to their deaths?

>> No.11656902

as a new player yeah because I don't trust the game's flagship mechanics to protect my precious Iku

>> No.11656903
File: 132 KB, 671x332, imsobadatthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cleared E3 with this fleet(asides from Chitose not being in k2 form yet)

I feel like I'm just really bad at this game somehow

>> No.11656908

>because I don't trust the game's flagship mechanics to protect my precious Iku
Your flagship can never sink. Really.

>> No.11656909 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 716x1011, 39963480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore me.

>> No.11656911
File: 134 KB, 686x339, abyss a meanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girls after taking on 1-3 boss.

>> No.11656914

Just having them at lv10 would trigger the preemptive torpedo strike without midget subs. But it's still good to have midget subs around for ktkm-sama or Ooi


Pretty sure the reason the flagship mechanic even exists in the first place is to prevent any admiral from ever sinking all their ships and denying themselves the ability to go sorties because they don't have any ships

>> No.11656918

Well, you'd still regenerate resources so you could pop out a DD with a 30/30/30/30

>> No.11656926

It happened to me once, it could happen to anyone, I ran out of development tools at one point(being a newbie admiral I was so excited spamming 30/30/30/30 recipes crafting new ships).

Imagine having no development tools and all your shipgirls are dead. Time to create a new account probably, you can't even do daily quests for more development tools

>> No.11656932

you'd have to be monumentally bad to run out of dev tools crafting. I craft 5-10 ships a day and still made sure I always had at least 10-20 spare dev tools

>> No.11656934

Man when I was a new teitoku I was trying to pump out BB recipes.

>> No.11656936

Keyword, newbie admiral. You're given like 4 of them at the beginning and its easy to spend all of them immediately.

>> No.11656940

i guess so

i did this too it left me starved for resources way before i was starved for dev kits

>> No.11656957

>you'd have to be monumentally bad
Yeah, I was pretty terrible at this game when I first started.

>> No.11656969

What if Tenyruu Kai 2?

>> No.11656973

Not soon.

There's two more slots left in the ship encyclopedia, they're going to fill those first. One is likely a new ship and the other is supposed to be a DD Kai 2.

>> No.11656975

Would probably make me start playing again.

>> No.11656978

Not soon but I really like Tenryuu and the thought of a Kai 2 with new lines and an even sexier sprite makes my mouth water.

>> No.11656979

God knows her stats desperately need it. Although if Kinugasa Kai II is any indication, getting another remodel doesn't mean you'll be getting elite stats.

>> No.11656981

Bring her stats up to the CL standard and she'd become an excellent ship due to her resource efficiency.

>> No.11656986

I'd rather Yuubari Kai 2

>> No.11656991

Regarding this fleet, should I just go back to all destroyers? Cruisers eat up so much ammo and fuel so I gotta wait a few hours just to resupply the fleet.

>> No.11656994

I'd rather Kongou kai 3

>> No.11656998

>Complaining about cruisers
Your anus is not ready for battleships.

>> No.11657000
File: 1.99 MB, 1600x1212, 39935616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you bullying Haruna again?

>> No.11657002

What if...

Tan Yang?

>> No.11657006

She is already so strong, it's not even funny how she rips apart submarines with the right equipment.

>> No.11657013

What about Battleship A150? Are you man enough to capital ship craft a dozen Yamato/Musashi and level them to 99 in order to get their 51cm guns?

>> No.11657014

everything in the game can rip her apart just as easily though

>> No.11657017
File: 117 KB, 379x159, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I couldn't get the last subsister. I'll just have to wait a few months before Hachi becomes craftable... ;-;

>> No.11657019

That's fantasy ship, anon.

>> No.11657026

No, probably not, just use expeditions to gain resource for now. Expedition 2 will give you all the ammo you will ever need, as well as buckets for preparation for the future

>> No.11657030

anyone know how much time left in the event? going for a last attempt at E2

>> No.11657033

3 hours.

>> No.11657034

I know, that's why I jack off to her every night.

>> No.11657041
File: 190 KB, 787x478, yahagi get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I just spent the last of my 60k ammo, but I finally got Yahagi! She looks different from the pictures I saw on the internet, but I'm certain it's her, since her background is holo and all.

I must be really happy right now, because my tears wouldn't stop.

>> No.11657044

>Kids don't do drugs

>> No.11657045

Give it to me straight, how much difference does a 46CM make over a 41?
Also is the 15.2CM any good?

>> No.11657046

So is BBV Fuso-class. I'll see you around when H44 and Sovetsky Soyuz become things.

Habakkuk would be the most radical shipdaughter, just imagine this bitch with a grin more smug than Akigumo's surfing on an iceberg while making the shaka.

The iceberg is also painted with shark teeth (or maybe abyss destroyer teeth?) and has planes coming out everywhere.

>> No.11657051
File: 1.92 MB, 400x312, 1384948940810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Yahagi alright

>> No.11657054

You did well, anon.

>> No.11657056

3 hours, right?

>> No.11657061

I'm free from the event.
Time to level my DDs.

>> No.11657066

I know, my friend, I know.
Out of, say, 10 times you get to the boss.
How many times do you actually hit her? I how many times to you sink everyone else, without even putting a dent on her?

>> No.11657070

Remember to fight your PVP opponents, Teitoku, or you will lose them.

>> No.11657072

This event has been so stressful since I didn't start stockpiling until it started and I realized I actually stood a chance. Hopefully with better preparation the next event will be slightly less horrible.

>> No.11657076

I'm almost level 60 and I've fought pvp maybe a total of 5 times max.

>> No.11657078

post a picture of your player's score pls

>> No.11657079

out of 4 tries so far

first try I got to her and killed all her ships without a single blow hitting her
second try my sub got damaged early and i was forced to retreat

third try without a sub 4 of my ships got crit on and i was forced to retreat and change my team because repair timers are too long

fourth try, again with a sub, i got to the second battle node before my sub got badly damaged and forced me to retreat again

fifth try i got to the boss but again no damage to her

not sure what to do i dont have the time to level grind or spend 10k resources crafting turbines..

>> No.11657080

I don't want to look at PvP for a while. Everyone has the ships I want. Fucking showoffs.

>> No.11657082

It gives so much exp you're missing out.

>> No.11657084

>Gold Background in E3
>Its just Ooi

I just want a ship I don't have before the event ends but it looks like that's going to be impossible, have been doing E3 runs all day with no results, only wasted resources and wasted buckets.

>> No.11657085

What if they added a feature where ships with really bad luck actually had a 1:100 chance to get super critical hits on them that would send them from full health down to 10% because of "ammo racking" no matter if they were at 100% health and sparkling?

>> No.11657086

I'm in the same shoes, if you add a few quests to north before the boss.
Also, forget subs on that map

>> No.11657088

correction i meant out of 5 tries the 5th try was while i was typing that ugh

>> No.11657089

>super critical hits on them that would send them from full health down to 10%

That already happens in the game normally.

>> No.11657090

I had no luck with drops in the event. Everything was silver or worse (mostly worse). Sot it was nice to craft Zuikaku right after clearing E-3 and giving up on the event.

Clearly crafting is my lucky method and I should just consider sending my ships out as grinding exp. I was going for some 3-2-1 grinding with level 60,40,30 sub trio, but apparently it is low level to avoid most damage since I get sent to repair them every battle or two.

>> No.11657094
File: 104 KB, 728x427, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, right?

>> No.11657097

It would be hilarious if that was Taiho's "special ability" when she gets added in.

>> No.11657098

What. Even shits on E-2 can crit my remodeled, upgraded, sparkling BBs into red with 1 crit.

>> No.11657100

But this would be on a more common basis that would occur even on the more heavily armored ships.

>> No.11657107

I thought I had more luck with drops but this event really proved me wrong, really proved me wrong.

I just hope the RNG will have mercy on me after I get stuck in crafting hell when the event ends

>> No.11657109

The game has enough RNG as is. What would be the point, other than making you pull your hair out, when a DD crit your freshly repaired and sparkled BB to red, meaning 20h of repair/bucket and a heap of resources?

>> No.11657110

You want Takao?
Sure have 40 of them!

>> No.11657112

damn E-7, 75 runs with 17 S-ranks and 22 A-ranks and only 1 holo drop, a duplicate Mutsu before running out of ammo.

at least it gave me a duplicate Goya and a Kumano as consolation prizes.

really wish they had put her as a quest reward for S-ranking E-5 10 times or something, would have removed much of the frusteration and hate for E-7.

it already happens on the 'heavily armored' ships, seriously fight more Le class flagships, they regularly crit even BBs from max into the red with 1 hit, its the primary reason 3-4 is such a bastard to complete.

>> No.11657117

The only ship there that I don't have is Nagato and I've got Mutsu who is just as good. I'm not really seeing what's to envy.

>> No.11657119

I need Nagato and that flying slut.

>> No.11657138

After the event, the servers will be offline for 8 hours, right?

>> No.11657150
File: 504 KB, 790x444, Screenshot 2013-11-26 22.39.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this shit happens again, because they have to cut-in one of my mint ships into red so she can't get a shot off.

>> No.11657164

And I'm done. 130+ E6 runs later 2 Zuihou, 1 Zuikaku, 2 Agano, 4 Hatsukaze, 6 Imuya, 1 Kumano, 1 Abukuma, 5 Kinu. I probably shouldn't complain but the girls I wanted the most Shoukaku and Suzuya, I couldn't get.

>> No.11657176

This fucking game... I can't believe it. It was literally my last possible run today and I got Yahagi from it.
It took me 7 days to farm it, ~35k of resources and 240 buckets.

>> No.11657185

Last possible run today was my E2 clear, the game likes to dick you over until you give up all hope and then give you what you want so you keep playing.

>> No.11657192


I've got 20 buckets left. 4 full boss runs, including the one I won't be able to crawl back from and keep fighting.

Let's see if Lady Luck has pity on the desperate.

>> No.11657193
File: 102 KB, 341x227, finally over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add this.

>> No.11657202
File: 270 KB, 468x364, yahagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got my yahagi awhile back, she's already level 21 and everything

>> No.11657212
File: 797 KB, 391x429, 1384502887939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11657221


That's... yes, teitoku. Nice job. Get her to remodel level as soon as possible.

>> No.11657227


>> No.11657229
File: 453 KB, 804x608, Yahagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty nice Yahagi.
I just got mine this morning, not sure what guns I should put on her so I just gave her a spare 20.3

>> No.11657233
File: 333 KB, 1341x936, yahagi again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as if that I've been mocked by RNG, but I have no right to complain. I just got a second Yahagi.

>> No.11657242


>> No.11657246

I hope you contract ebola.

>> No.11657249

That's not Yahagi, is something wrong with your head, anon?

>> No.11657259

After reading a bit on wiki.
If my ships get fatigue, then I wait it out and go to battle as soon as it's gone, will they get fatigued right after the first encounter and carry the negative effects?
Should I wait a bit more before going for a sortie?

>> No.11657266

I think I'm having some sense of deja vu. Oh wait >>11654423

>> No.11657261
File: 152 KB, 731x354, ss (2013-11-26 at 02.12.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never gonna finish E-2
I haven't even damaged the boss yet after 10 attempts, only 2 of them actually got to her

>> No.11657276
File: 407 KB, 696x361, Screenshot 2013-11-26 23.16.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, RNG screws me with this fleet on E-2

>> No.11657280

I can basically just keep swapping out units constantly until the event ends but the fact I'm making 0 progress is what's frustrating me the most. at this point I'd have to get to the boss 2 times in a row and the RNG won't allow that.

>> No.11657285

It's surprising that even until now there's no 'clang! clang! clang!' screencap of Yahagi/Agano/other rare ships scrapping.

>> No.11657287
File: 403 KB, 881x1040, Leave it to the sniper of the sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the team I used to clear E2, Imuya dodged everything and was able to clear it pretty easily.
I wish you two good luck with E2, only a few hours left.

>> No.11657288

I fed them to my other ships.

>> No.11657289

I request that someone posts that E4.jpg.

I just sent my Kirishima to E4 instead of 1-1 for sparkle.

>> No.11657293

And a few means, only one and a half.

>> No.11657298

I just got a second hatsukaze but I would never scrap her, spare or not. Poor girl.

>> No.11657299

Yeah, that team is way too low level to do E2.
Check some of the other teams in the thread, like >>11656861

>> No.11657302

E2 is more about luck/resources and not about levels though

>> No.11657305

i dont exactly have the time to level them up sadly. i ignored levelling my CLs and CAs in exchange for spamming E1 with BBs and CVs for a week

>> No.11657327
File: 46 KB, 271x86, e4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is-is the next run is for the kill?
Please say that it is.

>> No.11657336

Make blood sacrifices and golden offerings to the RNG gods.

>> No.11657341


Yes. You do need to sink her though. Roll out support expeditions and pray.

We've got just over an hour left.

>> No.11657342

Sacrifice your first daughter. Sacrifice 42 Nakas. Let Akagi feed on your bauxite.

>> No.11657347

Nothing for this entire event has been feeling as good as preparing my fleets for the final, last run.
I only have enough resources for one time, too.

>> No.11657353


I hope you'll get to the boss for an epic, final fight, regardless of the reward at the end.

Go down fighting. I'm down to 9 buckets and 2k ammo now. My end is near.

>> No.11657355

Because the suffering is almost over, regardless of the results...

...for now.

>> No.11657366

Which planes do I stack to the support fleet?

>> No.11657369


>> No.11657379

1 Hour left and nothing good from E3 so far, the suffering is not over for me, its only starting.

Have to build up my resources and buckets after this and waste even more resources crafting for the ships im missing, why RNG why.

>> No.11657382

So, Agano is an E3 drop right? Can she drop from any node? I might try my luck at a single E3 run if that's the case.

>> No.11657384

I think the red and blue planes were almost equally effective.

>> No.11657385

This event was so exhausting, the winter one is too soon.

>> No.11657388

Only boss, basically S win.

>> No.11657389

In that case a run will probably be a waste. Ah well, I can always try to craft her later.

>> No.11657390

Guys which one?

>> No.11657396

I'm watching their tweets all the time, and I don't see any 冬の特別イベント words. So I'm gonna assume it'll just be mini event. Maybe only single map for I-401. And 50k of resources.

>> No.11657401

Judging from the two comments, use the Blue planes. If you don't have enough, use the Reds to supplement.

I realize you're desperate, but gotta keep your head between your shoulders.

>> No.11657420

Whatever it is, they better make I-19 available again somehow.

>> No.11657421

50 runs in and I only have a Hatsukaze to show for it. Oh well, I got SOMETHING, at least.

>> No.11657435

you can craft her soon maybe

>> No.11657437

What winter event?

>> No.11657450

In the wiki
>*Arpeggio of blue steel special event at Christmas and new year holidays. It is possible that “another Takao” is enemy.

>> No.11657451

This is it.

Last repair/rearm left me with 1 bucket.

I sacrificed a Mamiya on the altar of RNG, put one of my last sparkling - Abukuma - ships as support expedition leader.

I just hope I won't get hit by a critical at first node and forced out. I want to fight this one out to the end.

>> No.11657454

Kancolle x Arpeggio collab at Christmas

>> No.11657456

Why do Japs always say sorry?

>> No.11657470
File: 279 KB, 400x533, 1a4b4044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this is what E5 really boils down to...

>> No.11657469

It will be something like "Everyone gets an I-401 but must use her and another sub to win against two Battle ships that can attack subs, or else she will be sunk at the end of the event".

>> No.11657474


And... A rank Atago.

I fought to the end. Carry on, those of you who still have the will and means to fight.

Hit one crit for me.

>> No.11657477

easy enough

>> No.11657481

Going for two last run of E7.
Wish me luck /jp/, I'll carry the will of all the fallen teitoku !

>> No.11657482

They'll replicate story and battles in Arpeggio. And that means, Musashi will be the final boss.

>> No.11657483

Good luck teitoku.

>> No.11657487
File: 295 KB, 1018x612, ggg (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11657490

But manga has nothing like that yet.

>> No.11657492


>> No.11657503

This maintenance going to be a 5-hour thing?

>> No.11657500
File: 447 KB, 1000x1412, f508c80d84bd3c997a2ded539ba735ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11657508


>> No.11657513

Eight hours.

>> No.11657519

Sparkled main fleet, sparkled Musashi leading the support fleet to go out with a bang, 86 ammo left and ~1k worth in deficit from ships awaiting resupply.

S-ranked the boss with a CLT to spare and she drops 失望 instead of 矢矧.

>> No.11657523

Where was this event information posted anyways? I highly doubt they're actually gonna throw in an event map, something like furniture or free wall scrolls seem more likely.

>> No.11657526

Well thanks. Gonna do some long sparkled expeditions then.

>> No.11657539
File: 348 KB, 1094x659, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All out of buckets and fuel now. I'm so disappointed about no Yahagi, but at least with this, the event is finally over for me.

>> No.11657543
File: 56 KB, 132x672, RIP resources, hopes and buckets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last E3 farming run for me, Got A rank at the boss and the drop was Mochizuki

Spent a lot of resources and buckets today and got nothing to show for it, I guess I should start saving for this winter event.
I really hope we can get the arpeggio girls as playable ships for this collaboration, that would be great ad totally worth it.

>> No.11657551

On the scale of 1 to post-Surigao Shigure, how bad is your PTSD after the event?

>> No.11657552

How are you going to farm your buckets back?

>> No.11657560

it's at the :
>Ooi saw kitakami kiss teitoku

>> No.11657564

I want to give my girls a vacation, like a month off, no sorties, no bullshit RNG or compass leading you to dead ends, just peace and quiet.

But if this xmas event thing is true, then it menas the suffering is not over yet and I have to go from no resources and no buckets to 30k+ resources and 300+ and that is going to really suck.

>> No.11657572

My level is Yukikaze after Ten'Ichigo.

>> No.11657573
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_24.18_[2013.11.27_01.37.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have most of the Arpeggio girls as playable ships. It's probably just I-401 in a map made to clear with subs.

>> No.11657579
File: 82 KB, 679x684, ss (2013-02-07 at 04.05.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sad at the moment but at the same time feeling kinda zen and shit. I know I gave it my all but it just wasn't enough. This was the my first event and I didn't know what to expect. Now I know what kind of work needs to be put into them and I learned a bunch of things about the game that I had no idea about before. From now on, I'll definitely spend my time better in preparation for upcoming events.

>> No.11657580

I meant having the arpeggio girls as playable ships like having both Kancolle takao and arpeggio takao avaliable as "Other" takao or something like that.

I like a lot of the arpeggio ships more than the kancolle ones so that would be great and definitely worth it

>> No.11657582

Kancolle Kongou > Arpeggio Kongou though.

>> No.11657587

Agreed, I like kancolle kongou more.
But there's cases where the arpeggio one is so much better than the kancolle version like with Kirishima, Takao and Hyuuga

>> No.11657588

>last run
>E-2 boss on like 2% hp
>no scratch before boss
>get send to north

That's fucking it. I'm done with this event

>> No.11657592

I would buy Takao/Haruna/Kirishima's skin in a heartbeat.

>> No.11657593

And sorry for the memearows

>> No.11657595

Send the suicide fleet now. You can do it. Don't lose hope.

>> No.11657597

I'd love to see KanColle's Kongou and Arpeggio's arguing, they are polar opposites.

>> No.11657601

>Arpeggio skins
That would give me a reason to start hating money, they better come with voices too.
I want to have a tsundere heavy cruiser as my flagship, a teddy battleship and battleship that goes Shakiiiin when she puts on her coat.

>> No.11657605
File: 1.11 MB, 1700x1202, 3596284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok... maybe I have time for one last final desperate E7 run.

Going all out with a Musashi & 3 BB support fleet.

Please RNG goddess, grant me one final victory!

>> No.11657613

...and I got sent North East. I love my girls but Jesus I hate this game.

>> No.11657614
File: 533 KB, 773x416, Screenshot 2013-11-27 00.52.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna talk about it?

>> No.11657622

poor RJ.

>> No.11657627
File: 549 KB, 789x416, Screenshot 2013-11-27 00.58.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out.
Good night, teitoku

>> No.11657629

RIP anon, the compass killed him

>> No.11657632

Wow, I ran that one for a while, and I never went there.
I thought it was one of those nodes you needed a specific formation for.

>> No.11657634
File: 601 KB, 808x498, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11657635
File: 26 KB, 472x472, 15b82320211be26089b5ef3c35cc9bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it for the event. No go to bed, admirals.

>> No.11657636

I wasn't able to beat E-4 for a few reasons, and it doesn't sit well with me because my fleet *should* have been able to, even accounting for RNG. I also have to replace the Ooi I lost in the process of beating E-3. At least now we have time to rest and level normally. ;-;

>> No.11657637

I'm about to hit send on the expedition and then the server went down ; ;

>> No.11657641

Welp, I also need a sleep right now.

>> No.11657642

I don't really mind though. I started the game late into the event, have a pretty decent fleet now, and I'll have all the time to prepare for the winter event. And I never lost a daughter. Not willing to change that

Oh shit, dude

>> No.11657644

Perfect last run. And I got sent NE. I will never forget you son of a bitch.

>> No.11657645

>losing your Ooi
After scrapping one copy I learned about her rarity.

>> No.11657646

Did you make it?

>> No.11657649

I've only ever gotten the one Ooi too; I've only gotten multiple KTKM-samas. Hopefully, I'll pick one up trying to craft Nagato in the next few weeks.

>> No.11657650

now I can say I'm pretty happy.

Over the whole event, I got :

I really wanted Yahagi, but my last 3 tries ended in retreat at 1, atago, and kako.

overall proud of my event, and happy of my new shipgirls.

I hope /jp/ is happy too - and for the newer teitokus, remember, there's always a next event. I only did E1 in the august event.

>> No.11657652

At least it didn't play with your feelings and made sure the support fleet wouldn't show up and give you a t disadvantage.

Ending my final run on a C rank leaves a bad taste

>> No.11657653

I used all of my ammo.

ALL of my ammo. All 86k of it.


No Nagato. No Naganami. No Hatsukaze. No Crane. No Zuihou. No Agano. No Kumano. No Suzuya. No Yahagi.

Just dozen upon dozens of Myoukos, Takaos, and Furutakas.

To think of all other things I could've been doing this past week.

>> No.11657655

I never went north or bottom with the fleet I used, always used the middle route and the only times I was forced back was because of a damaged ship.

That was my only lucky moment in this event, but I guess I should thank the compass fairies for it, It would have sucked to suffer in E2 like a lot of anons in the thread

>> No.11657658

if you guys are just going to cry about RNG all day, why don't you play another game?
or just look at the pictures on *booru.

>> No.11657661

I got sent to NE with pretty much every combo.
1BB 3DD 2carrier (I was desperate for a day battle)

Never got sent to the submarines and the south dead end though

>> No.11657662


In the end, despite all the anger and bullshit, I got Mikuma and Zuihou, so I'm really happy for that.


People vent, it's normal.

>> No.11657663
File: 82 KB, 814x535, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11657665

I hope they'll let us rest and regenerate a bit and won't throw in any events before the winter one.

>> No.11657666

I can't exactly say I'm happy not getting Yahagi, but I guess it was fine?

I got:
and the rest of the event stuff

For disappointments however, Nagato was it. I got to see a holo and it's Nagato, something I already had dupes of. 1% chance draining all my luck. I'd have been happier with a Hiryuu or something.

>> No.11657667
File: 46 KB, 798x499, ss (2013-11-27 at 01.03.55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, guess that's it. Got a third Kumano and a second Agano in the last few runs.
Four days worth of runs, about 30k fuel/ammo, 34 S-ranks and those two were the only drops worth mentioning.

>> No.11657668

I didn't even know Mikuma dropped in this event.

>> No.11657669

I've stopped crying about RNG the moment I've finished E5 3 weeks ago. What I'm crying about now is the dev's dick decision of introducing a new ship at the boss node of the same godforsaken map with only one week to actually get her.

>> No.11657670

It's over.
Maya-sama and Haguro MVP with +13 levels (from 63 to 76).
Who was your event MVP?

>> No.11657671
File: 87 KB, 720x960, !Inbox 790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11657672

Can't wait for Kancolle ruins Christmas.

>> No.11657679

And I just got back from work expecting an eventful night of compassing and watching timers count down

>> No.11657674

How long does maintenance usually last?

>> No.11657682

Ooi actually. I had gotten her from E-3, and I basically trained her from level 1-76. Saved my ass and sometimes did better than KTKM-sama.

>> No.11657683
File: 2.31 MB, 1528x926, farming wasn&#039;t fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda happy with how this turned out. Since I didn't even expect to clear E3. Started the event with average ship level 40, not a single CA/CAv, with Haruna being my only leveled Kongou type. This image should sum it up.

>> No.11657688

This will be 8 hours.
Go to bed

>> No.11657689

Maybe Mogami, I started liking her a lot after E-2 and E-4. Nachi and Isuzu are also great.

Worst performer is Kongou. Always being a crit magnet during E-4.

>> No.11657691


All new ships are only dropped on the last boss node of the last event level.

There are 10 levels.

Drop table includes all ships, drop rate for common ships are increased 5x.

>> No.11657692

The team I used is here >>11657287

I went back to E2 after finishing it with a team of 6 DDs and 1 SS, 1 BB and 4 DDs and still got sent straight to the boss.

I wish I could have used that luck for E3 drops or E4 battles

>> No.11657693

Yukikaze went from being expedition fodder to flagship MVP during the whole event. Mogami also went from lv 50 - 81 from E-3 to E-7

>> No.11657695
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 1385405429952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hyper duo of course.

Other than that, probably Kongou. She was originally my 2nd lowest leveled Kongou-class. I started grinding her when rumors started floating around that she's the BB getting 2nd remodel instead of Fusou/Ise.
She was a mainstay in my fleet for the entire event, and I wouldn't have finished E4 if she didn't singlehandedly took the boss down in one attack.
Before I was kind of ehhh about her, now she's easily my favorite Kongou.

>> No.11657696

This event has effectively reminded me to never play RNG games no matter how much I enjoy them or how hard I will work towards them.

Just spent the last few hours with E-4's bar depleted and successfully sinking her BEFORE depleting the bar without support expeditions. And then the mother of bullshit awakens...

Countless runs of boss rushing, using the best of my ships and boss support expeditions. Never landed a double attack on the boss, rarely normal attacked the boss, beyond trollworthy damage before the boss, and never bringing the boss below 50hp. Even wasted my resurrections in desperation, the last of my buckets. Was even willing to sink my Ooi and yamashiro, but all went in vain.


Wasted weeks worth of preparation, time, and effort only to get trolled by E-4.

I'll just do myself a favor and break every last ship before quitting this god damn game. My efforts never go rewarded, regardless of how hard I try. At the end of the day, all i wanted was I-8.

>> No.11657697

Are they adding anything with the maintenance?

>> No.11657698

Well guys, it's over. Whether it's better or worse. Looking back, what were your experiences and achievements during the event?


>> No.11657699

I won't lie, I feel nothing but resentment for those fortunate enough to get a Yahagi.

>> No.11657700

Make it so that every node has a 50% chance of dropping a Naka. And the boss node has a 70% chance of dropping a Myoko.

>> No.11657704

new furniture and "UI improvements".
supposedly mass ship scrapping will finally be added? i heard talks about it here and there since supposedly they brought it up during a recent niconico livecast (i missed it).

>> No.11657705

I won't lie, I feel resentment to those who got Yahagi while actually completing E-5 this week. Yahagi was a real slap in the face.

>> No.11657706

Wanna play some MonHun together then?

>> No.11657707

Ikuuuuuuu ;_;

>> No.11657708

I actually didn't expect to get her despite farming for 7 days straight. She dropped on my last possible run before I completely ran out of ammo and buckets. >>11657176

>> No.11657710

I still dislike you.

>> No.11657711

MonHon wasn't ever this bad. One kill gives you somewhere between half a dozen to a dozen chance at getting a 1% drop. I had so many gems of that... that white dragon thing that the black virus dragon thing turns into, I didn't know what to do with all of them.

Plus the minute-to-minute gameplay was at least somewhat entertaining.

>> No.11657717

I was actually suggesting playing something else so that you could cheer up. I wasn't trying to imply anything.
But if you don't like MonHun, we could play GE.

>> No.11657718

Hey, I only started saving up resources and buckets 15 days left to the event, I was still at 2-4 at the time, yet I cleared the event 8 days in. Not preparing for the event isn't really an excuse.

>> No.11657720

Frankly, I ended up liking my shipdaughters more as we fought tooth and nail past everything the event could throw at us. Kako's submarine tactics, Kiso's amazing survival skills (I'd have lost perhaps 5 damage controls had she not survived everything thrown her way at red), Kirishima's inexplicable hate of the third platform in E5 first node and Sendai's level 33 flagship adventures brought more character to the girls than their dialogue and fan interpretations.

My runs were as desperate as any other E4/E5 clear, but looking back at it I am glad that I didn't have an easy time.

>> No.11657721

Says 9-11 for me.

>> No.11657722
File: 164 KB, 776x381, Spoils of war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the event is over.
Here's what I got from it, Nagato was not a drop but a random craft I did after finishing a E3 run and feeling lucky but I still count her as something I got during this event.

The ships I wanted to get from this event were I-19, I-8 and Kumano but I only managed to get one of those.

I hope I can get them in the future, would like to try to get I-8 and the Agano sisters after they become craftable.

>> No.11657723
File: 483 KB, 696x614, 39919756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But hey, at least we got Musashi right? Only like, what, 200k people out of 120 million managed to get her? We can at least take comfort in that and our 4 sub girls.

>> No.11657724
File: 37 KB, 539x117, Screenshot 2013-11-27 01.26.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11657725

How would Kako have submarine tactics if she can't even target them?

>> No.11657727

>out of 120 million

>> No.11657729

I'm pretty sure the number of people who have Yahagi is even less.

>> No.11657731

how many players does this game have again? sorry, my head's messed up from the overwhelming despair and disappointment.

>> No.11657732

Apparently the entire population of Japan plays.

>> No.11657733

Is there anything about the winter event in the twitter?

>> No.11657734

It's 120 billion you moron.

>> No.11657736

oh right.

then yaaay, musashi owners are the 1%

>> No.11657741

I don't remember seeing anything

>> No.11657742

She sunk and resurfaced so many times that she might well have been a submarine.

At one point, my last-ditch plan to sink the E5 boss was to have a heavily damaged Kako sink, be resurrected by the repair goddess, and deliver the finishing blow. E5 is in fact quite tough when you don't have an Ooi after some three months of playing.

>> No.11657743

Now, time to get some prep in for the next event.

What expeditions are you going to run?

>> No.11657744

No, it wasn't fun.
Almost cleared E4 (2 bar left) but lack of fuel.
Also got Agano, but I still in suffering from the fact that I lost Iku.

>> No.11657748

The same expeditions I'm always running. 2 for buckets, 5 and 9 for fuel.

>> No.11657750

yeah this is what i do, switching 5 to 3 when i have less steel than fuel.

>> No.11657751

>Lost Iku
You have to really suck at the game or be sending a ship to her death to lose someone in this game, its even worse if we're talking about a special event ship that wont be avaliable for months and will be a pain to get when they make her craftable.

>> No.11657754

>get some prep in for the next event

No thanks. I'm swearing off Kancolle for the week. Completely burnt out finishing E-7 by a hair in 3 consecutive days.

>> No.11657757

Anyone who knows how to click a mouse can get Iku.

>> No.11657758

What I got during event:
Hiryuu (2-3)
2x Yahagi
Suzuya (craft)

I really can't complaint about this result at all. Yahagi was obtained in the final 12 hours, and even if I still don't have the crane sisters or the Nagamon...

>> No.11657759

I don't know about you, but I'm going to enjoy farming 3-2-A like never before. Knowing there's no RNG involved will be glorious

>> No.11657768

Im going to try doing 3-4 and 4-4 after the maint, my suffering continues.

Really want to unlock world 5 for farming and training

>> No.11657772


It was my literally last possible run, was it same for you?

>> No.11657773
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, 38843004edb6ab94aa502b864a15c454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is good to know that there is always someone more unfortunate than you even if it was a lie.

I dont know. I guess I was quite pissed off for missing out on one of the more common event drop that everyone has, Agano. I even got multiple Yahagi and Kumano and those fucking gold background BB that made think it was Agano. I guess in the end, it is better to be happy with what you get. Yahagi is superior to Agano anyway. Also got 2 Yuubari because of this event. Love both of her.

Yukikaze. Went from lvl20s to lvl64 by the end of the event. Saved me many times by S ranking E7 because KTKM choked and went red.

>> No.11657776

He got closer than you. If he had 6 BB he would have made it.

>> No.11657777

There is nothing left for you to farm at 3-2-A.
After this event, it is 3-4 and 5-2 or bust.

>> No.11657779

There is always somebody worse off than you, but that doesn't change the fact that you still have it bad.

>> No.11657786

>There is nothing left for you to farm at 3-2-A.
But I have 5 new girls that need leveling. Especially considering that I have no CL's leveled at all, leveling Agano, Noshiro and Yahagi together will be wonderful.

>> No.11657791

Are the artists for different girls listed anywhere? I've tried looking in the wikis but turned out with nothing.

>> No.11657795

>I've tried looking in the wikis
>first page of the english wiki
>Glossary of naval classifications, game vocabulary, and memes, plus voice and art info
>art info
Get your eyes checked, jim.

>> No.11657801

Who is that golden girl

>> No.11657828

I hate everyone who got a Yahagi, ran 80 runs just to get 4 Agano, 3 Kumano and a shitload of CA.

>> No.11657831

Y-you don't love me anymore?

>> No.11657839

Luckiest person in this thread. Congrats.

>> No.11657843

I was saving up for a 15k-all last-ditch E-4 run, but then I fell asleep and by the time I woke up it was too late to start. The only ship I got that I didn't have at the start of the event was Imuya, and I got her in 2-3.

I guess I'll just have fun with my Type 95 torpedo.

>> No.11657845

I've calculated from my autism charts that I've spent a total of ~80k each resource and 652 buckets. I'm pretty sure there are people itt that got Yahagi with spending like half of that only.

>> No.11657852

I'll craft her one day. And it would probably take less materials than if I had thrown all of mine into E7.

I-I'm not bitter...

>> No.11657857
File: 423 KB, 652x1360, 1385514198072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only feel a strong contempt for CL and CA now that I've failed E-7. They should all be damned to hell.

>> No.11657862

Late but I must say my girls did wonderfully. Special mention goes to Hiei and Kirishima for landing kills on the boss and the torpedo monsters for not losing their sparkles at all for the whole duration of E4. It's like they enjoy it.

>> No.11657866

I'm clearing the long expeditions now. The Christmas event, if any, shouldn't be very significant because if it is, the staff would be twitting about it to generate hype.

>> No.11657868

i dont understand this image can some kind soul please explain it to me?
feel free to berate me as well if you're into that

>> No.11657871

>leveling Agano, Noshiro and Yahagi together will be wonderful.
My only regret for this event was leaving Noshirou alone. I can't even get Agano.

>> No.11657872

Where your pet cat likes to be touched, where Tama likes to be touched.

>> No.11657873

Everyone is too burned out to be hyped for anything. It'll pick up again in a week or two.

>> No.11657874

Aside from the truly unlucky, people are still crying over not getting what they want? You guys are an ungrateful lot aren't you? Unless you were bad, everyone who participated walked away with a new kanmusu. The devs also did a good job implementing night battles which gave lower level Ts a chance.

Keep the events coming. It's only during these times we get to hear stories of the tremendous amount of effort to achieve victory or the complete disaster of defeat. And It sure as hell beats the monotony of grinding or crafting. Peacetime is boring.

>> No.11657875

What I find interesting about the event was that it falls in my exam period. So this event is like an examination or sort to me, managing to pass E4 would probably net me a B+ on the bell curve. So burnout? Yeah, definitely but it was quite satisfying.

>> No.11657878

thanks that makes a lot of sense now i know where to touch my cat

>> No.11657879

Christmas event:
Return to Ironbottom Sound - Charge at the Depths
E-4 with a submarine boss with 500 HP instead and the E-3 route. all nodes night battle followed by day battle unless the flagship gold sub is sunk.
Boss has 2 gold BB, 1 gold CV and 1 gold sub, the last one you have to kill before anyone can even target the boss.
And there are maelstroms. maelstroms everywhere.

>> No.11657880

Don't you mean touch your pussy ;)

>> No.11657881 [DELETED] 

That's based on the image maker's cat and not yours. They're not the same.

>> No.11657885

nice one teitoku!

>> No.11657886

That's based on the image maker's cat and not yours. They're not the same.

>> No.11657887

Ship rewards?

>> No.11657889

>However, the American submarine Seawolf caused severe damage to the Japanese cruiser Naka.

>> No.11657892

a cat is a cat anon

>> No.11657893

Did that post really warrant a deletion and correction?
Everyone knows who you were replying to.

>> No.11657895

Gauge does not recover but you need to land a full kill to make the gauge accept the HP you depleted. Each full kill is 10%. 10 S kills.

I must be psychic.

>> No.11657897

What I'm complaining about is the fact they added Yahagi at the last minute. I loved that I had a chance for rare ships, just not at E-5 and at the last second.

>> No.11657902

I think it's different to set an expectation and fail to see it met, and to be upset that you didn't get the specific rare drop you farmed for. Both are certainly frustrating.

>> No.11657903

sendai kai ni confirmed
bonus torp stats to make her princess of night to queen ktkm sama and queen ooi

naka kai ni confirmed
bonus ASW and armor

jintsuu == haruna == murasame

>> No.11657904

Well, I don't have my gross spending figures, but I have the net figures. If I add E5 with E7, then it's taken me around 25k fuels, 20k ammo or so to get Yahagi. In terms of buckets, I think It's close to 150 buckets or so.

>> No.11657906

CL-centric event? Makes sense since they had 3 event CL this time round.

You had 27 days to clear the events but only 7 for Yahagi. Think about it for a moment.

Maybe it's because I wanted to reply to that post?

>> No.11657917
File: 537 KB, 829x471, ed0f83d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who WO here?

>> No.11657924
File: 234 KB, 723x1024, b058222bf60f3157d28d1a09e2f5e6a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Abyss here, not just Wo.

>> No.11657925
File: 170 KB, 1500x1500, 992ce5f2483d9d157e80262794db2ec8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ヲ here.

>> No.11657929

The things I'd do to keep one of those abyss ships as a pet.

>> No.11657937 [DELETED] 

Make a contract.

>> No.11657938
File: 155 KB, 160x590, event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My spending on Autumn event.

>> No.11657940

Phew, time to take it easy and talk about other things besides gameplay mechanics and what did other people get.

I wouldn't even mind a "Which kanmusu wud u fug?" at least to ease the pain of not getting Musashi or Yahagi or I-8...

>> No.11657944

Just no.
I just scrapped all of my sendai for space.

>> No.11657946
File: 787 KB, 1700x1315, 1385199758662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about why the flatter girls are better. RJ need not apply.

>> No.11657947

What if the kanmusu ud fug is Musashi or Yahagi or I-8?

>> No.11657951

Does that mean I can finally frequent these threads? All of this serious talk and whining should have gone somewhere else.

>> No.11657952

I just got Yubari and I must say her voice is melondic to my ears.

>> No.11657957

Don't worry KTKM you have better stats and easier to get than your chest tumour sister ship.

>> No.11657959
File: 232 KB, 550x653, 39114554_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Who needs any other light cruiser anyway? Certainly not me... ;_;

>> No.11657960

but flatter girls aren't better.
best CVL? Big boobs
Best CV? Big boobs
Best BB? Big boobs
Best SS? Big boobs
Best CL? Pretty evenly split between small and big
Best DD? Only these are almost flat.

>> No.11657967

/a/ is for this kind of fluff. That said, it's fine once in a while for this kind of stuff because most of us are burnout by the event.

Nope. Still loving my Atago despite the fact she's a crit magnet.

30/30/30/30 everyday anon. In time, she will come.

>> No.11657977

But /a/ is full of fucktards.

>> No.11657980

That's the point.

>> No.11657981

Objectively speaking, /jp/ as whole isn't any better and there isn't much deviation between their kancolle threads and ours.

>> No.11657983

I've had her and she's part of my main team. I don't have Yahagi or Agano or Yahagi.

>> No.11657986

Then you'll fit right in.

>> No.11657989

Anon you listed Yahagi twice,

>> No.11657990

Objectively speaking, you're completely wrong.

>> No.11657993

>I don't have Yahagi or Agano or Yahagi.
Same here, anon. I feel like I have failed Noshirou for not getting her sisters.

>> No.11657997

Its perfect for you then

>> No.11658000

Noshiro doesn't mind, her sisters are so tsun and shy that it annoys her so she became a sure-get.

>> No.11658001

Even that's not quite true. Yuudachi's got boobs, as does Shigure. Those two are BEST DD in many ways.

>> No.11658002

Great comeback, m8

>> No.11658003

/a/wesome comeb/a/cks

>> No.11658007

I took yukikaze and shimakaze as example. Hibiki Kai 2 is also flat.
but yeah, visually, yuudachi k2 and shigure k2 are also the best and delicious boobs

>> No.11658011

I made as many points as he did.

>> No.11658015

stats wise too! Yuudachi is so good that I replaced a CA for her at E7. I would've used Shigure in torp setup had I not have the torp monsters and beaver.

ZKMS really pales in comparison.

>> No.11658023

You have to baby those two until they reach Kai ni OP and that takes awhile. Shimakaze starts great out of the box and stays that way.

>> No.11658030

Shimakaze is still decent with her 99 torpedo and 60 or 70 firepower and absurd dodge. that and she is cheaper than CA with almost the same firepower and just a slot less.
Beaver, ZKMS, Shi K2, Yuu K2, Hibiki K2 together make one hell of a 3-2 team.
I just wish we had a sixth strong DD already. Murasame Kai 2 when? I need more big breasted DD

>> No.11658035

The main protagonist will be the six DD kai2, I think.

>> No.11658041

I know this way too late but
>The use of ice had actually been falling out of favour before that, with other ideas for "floating islands" being considered, such as welding Liberty Ships or landing craft together (Project TENTACLE). It took three hot summers to completely melt the prototype constructed in Canada.
This would make delicious future event boss fights.

>> No.11658043

No murasame kai 2, we need Shiratsuyu kai 2 first. A visual upgrade is not enough

>> No.11658044

I want a Hatsuharu kai2.
Prettiest DD
Best voice.

>> No.11658045
File: 236 KB, 850x1476, Fubuki Kai Ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, my time to shine!

>> No.11658046

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11658047

Give it to Shirainui. Her stats doesn't match her personality at all.

>> No.11658056

You're deluded if you think the event changed the general flow of discussion in these threads.

It was always people complaining about the game, asking to be spoonfed, complaining about the wiki, complaining about the elitism, complaining about the shittiness of the threads, and screenshots of someone getting their first non-fuso type BB. The only times someone dumps cute images are when the arguments get so out of hand, or that one time when some autist wanted to use up the entire image limit during the start because he hates how people discussed the game in these threads

>> No.11658062

I sank a Yuudachi in E7. I guess it would only be fair to not level up another one since she belongs to Ironbottom Sound.

>> No.11658063

I don't care that much for Shiratsuyu. and I'd rather have Samidare or Suzukaze Kai 2 than Murasame. Samidare voice is just complete love.

Hatsuharu is the only non-shit Hatsuharu-class DD
and yeah, pretty as fuck

fuck Shiranui. I don't even keep a copy of her.

>> No.11658066
File: 98 KB, 480x390, 387f6fd5-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My protagonist can't be this imba.

>> No.11658068

Sinking a ship in E7? I can understand that for E4, but E7? owow.

>> No.11658070

I've pretty much gave up on these threads once crossboarders like you started flooding in. I'm only here now to see if things might have changed but I now realize that I thought too highly of you guys.

>> No.11658072
File: 38 KB, 218x300, 147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was renamed a second time, as the Dekabrist (Ru: Декабрист) before finally being scrapped

Third upgrade coming eventually yes or yes?

>> No.11658073

>I don't care that much for Shiratsuyu
I do, she's one of my favorite destroyers.
She's part of my DD fleet, would love for her to get a second remodel with better stats and Kai Ni OP like shigure and Yuudachi

>> No.11658076

best CVL?
Best CV?
Best BB?
Best SS?
Best CL?
Best DD?
Too many to name but I gotta give it to Yukikaze

>> No.11658078

unprecedented Kai 3? I doubt it anytime soon

>> No.11658080
File: 250 KB, 535x837, Wo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

を here.

>> No.11658085

Are you going by looks or stats, because if you're going by looks, you have awful taste.

>> No.11658087

But the best CVs are the crane sisters and the best sub is Imuya.

>> No.11658090

Not Junyou
Not Yamato / Musashi
Iku has higher torpedo stat
Yuubari doesn't have the stats to be best CL despite 4 slots. I count CLT as CL.
Beaver is probably the most OP unless you level 99 them all

>> No.11658093

E7 was a snooze fest, it can't be helped, I did it while being semi afk most of the time. Didn't check the HP before continuing to the boss node and bam.

>> No.11658097
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>> No.11658098

Best CVL is NOT Zuihou. Hosho is best.
I won't argue about Kaga.
Hachi is best? Noes. Iku is true sniper and Goya will cut in all the time.

>> No.11658102

It could make her excel just a bit over the rest of DDs, as she is she isn't that strong compared to Yuudachi, Shigure, Shimakaze or Yukikaze.

>> No.11658105

>Iku is true sniper
The only thing she can snipe is dicks, she always gets crit and cant dodge for shit.

Imuya is the only sniper of the sea, Goya does great work too so I wont argue about her.

>> No.11658108

They are not the best BB. Kongous are most useful, and are made of love.

>> No.11658111

>Best CVL is NOT Zuihou. Hosho is best.
Sure, if you like grannies.

>> No.11658118

Kitakami's been telling me not to use kaiten for the past three hours and I don't feel like refreshing for the cat.

>> No.11658121

They can't use AP ammo, so they can't be the most useful.

>> No.11658122

What do people have against cardiv 5? Is it all just a big joke or trolling like fuso haters?

>> No.11658124

Some guy trying to roleplay.

>> No.11658128
File: 174 KB, 1023x1432, 1385485869041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope these little fucks get another remodel, hell I'd loved it if any starters get a kai 2.

>> No.11658130

>starters get a kai 2

>> No.11658136

Combination of both.

Yamato is ok I guess but Musashi looks like a tramp. If we are talking about sub, Goya performed the best. Yuubari is the most versatile and most useful CL and looks the best outside of Yahagi. I have 1stock Yuubari running expedition and one wrecking subs at PVP, shit is so cash. And when I am not killing subs at PVP, I put 4guns on her making her firepower comparable to CA.

>> No.11658140

Fubuki is boring.
Murakumo is way better.

>> No.11658143

Murakumo has no dere, the one that deserves it is Inazuma.
I want to see a kai 2 that merges both Inazuma and Ikazuchi together

>> No.11658145

Fubuki is rustic simplicity while Murakumo looks like she stole a Mobile Suit backpack.

>> No.11658152

I can't tell her apart at all from all of her siblings. I'm afraid I'll spend hours leveling up only to find out I've been training the wrong one.

>> No.11658154
File: 37 KB, 218x300, raiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wouldn't be a DD, you'd go straight up to a CA.

>> No.11658156
File: 175 KB, 850x1133, tumblr_msbb3fJBN91qz7x7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11658157

Best CA

>> No.11658159

They double attack at every turn and during night battle do double "double attack" or cut-in. The strongest CA.

>> No.11658170

How long is this maintenance going to last

>> No.11658172

Pretty sure Dekabrist was only a name change

>> No.11658175

Forever, you'll never see your ship girls again

>> No.11658181

A little stat boost would be nice though.

>> No.11658365

Is LOS really that useless? I'm sure it has to have some kind of hidden use, like better accuracy separate from the scouting bonus, or critical resist, or perhaps less compass trolling.

>> No.11658382

Through countless hours of testing, I can confirm that it does indeed give better drops

>> No.11658394
File: 111 KB, 432x401, 16995628662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11658410

Higher LOS higher chance of going to boss node.
A team with tone and chikuma always make it to the boss node in E7.

>> No.11658453

how much longer until I get my precious shipgirls back.

>> No.11658495

2 hours 47 minutes if everything goes fine, and a lottery 30 minutes after

>> No.11658503

they just announced that its taking longer than expected

>> No.11658505

It's already confirmed that higher LOS helps you with reaching the boss node? I thought it was kind of only a theory

>> No.11658514

stop believing in bullshit rumors

>> No.11658531

Looks like at least an extra hour extension, possibly more.

>> No.11658562

Does anyone else get incredibly depressed when kancolle goes down because you realize you are doing nothing with your life and your shipdaughters are the only ones that are really keeping you going but you are being kept from them

>> No.11658565

Maybe up to three hours extra. Great.

>> No.11658569

Fucking hell
I should send my subs to the expedition

>> No.11658579
File: 430 KB, 800x617, 38189294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kaga, please.

>> No.11658593

Please don't remind me of my life. Checking on my ship daughters, no matter how trivial, is one of my joys.

>> No.11658600
File: 242 KB, 620x876, 39939933_big_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just that hardcore.

>> No.11658609

No Kaga, no! If you do that you look like Fubuki!

>> No.11658610

I only started playing in the last week and I came to the realisation today that my life had already started to revolve around it. I literally don't know what to do with myself today.

>> No.11658616


I'm surprised I haven't killed myself yet.

>> No.11658618

Oh Kaga
Is there anything that she wont do?
What do we call these fake cool character again? Fake kuudere?

>> No.11658622

If we're going by the 4koma, there's a theory around that Kaga only acts cool around the admiral...

>> No.11658625

Kaga does what she wants around the people she likes.

>> No.11658664

She's so cute I wouldn't be able to do anything sexual to her.

>> No.11658772

I started last friday and same symptoms. Was sitting there at my physiotherapist today and all I could think was "I could be loving my ship daughters RIGHT NOW."

Maintenance can't end soon enough, but at least I fnially got my Hearthstone key so I can amuse myself for the last few hours of maintenance.

>> No.11658781

Any ideas what to prepare for the Christmas event? I guess I should level up the CL's I got in case subs.

>> No.11658825

Read the wiki. There's walkthrough on what you ought to do with yourself there.

>> No.11658835

There is?

>> No.11658841

メンテナンス状況:途中報告です。 現在、全サーバ群ともメンテナンス&アップデート作業に入っています。バックエンドのDBシステムのバックアップと更新を含む、比較的大規模なメンテナンス作業を行っていますが、予定より時間が掛っています。なるべく早い作業完了に努めます。

メンテナンス状況:予定完了のお知らせです。 【17:00】のメンテナンス明けを目標に作業していますが、現在の進捗ですと最低1時間~最大3時間程度の【遅れ】が出る可能性があります。ご迷惑おかけして大変申し訳ありません。作業進捗、現状のところ、取り急ぎご報告です。

メンテナンス状況:予定完了のお知らせです。 現在実施中の全サーバ群のメンテナンス作業ですが、進捗が大きく遅れています。現在のところ、作業完了が【20:00】前後に達する見込みです。ご迷惑とご心配をおかけして、大変申し訳ありません。

Postpone to 2000 JST

>> No.11658844


>> No.11658849

Aww man, time to take it easy

>> No.11658851

How can I take it easy without my ships

>> No.11658854

Go browse pixiv until 2000 JST.

>> No.11658857

I hope they wreck the DB and the only backup they have is on November 1st.
can't wait for another suffering.

>> No.11658913

They should compensate the delay with a free Yahagi for everyone.

>> No.11658918

Emergency announcement: second extension to the event, adding cruiser Oyodo to E5 drop, 1 more week to get it.

>> No.11658945

She'd be an interesting CL to field.

No torp tube, uses the triple mount 15.5cm, able to field up to 6 floatplanes (should come with a new floatplane)
High AA stats, larger than the Agano class.

Notably, she was the last flagship of the combined fleet.

>> No.11658955

So after this event how many ships do you still lack?
Excluding Yamato I need 7 (4 of them dropped on E7 but no luck).

>> No.11658970

Yamato, Yahagi, Mikuma, all four -gumos.

>> No.11658971

I lack a lot. None of the event DDs, don't have Agano, no Mutsu and Nagato, no crane sisters, no Zuiho, and I don't have Yamato.

>> No.11658972

Nagato, Yukikaze, Houshou, Shoukaku, Yuubari, Mikuma, Suzuya, Makigumo and Yamato. I added quite a few to my card collection thanks to this event.

>> No.11658975


Damm, that is still a lot. I am a worthless teitoku isnt it?

>> No.11658977


Samidare Kai 2.

>> No.11658982

Yamato, Yahagi, Hatsukaze, Goya and Mikuma.

I probably should've tried to get Hatsukaze first before failing in E-7.

>> No.11658988


It only took that one guy 300 runs to get her. You had a chance.

>> No.11658995

I don't have any of the rare destroyers implemented ever since August, crane sisters, beaver, Agano, Yahagi, Yamato and Musashi. So don't despair, anon.

>> No.11659000

I got 3 Hatsukaze's yesterday running E6 all day, she especially started dropping near the end of my runs.

>> No.11659009

Good taste.

>> No.11659010

I am an early october babby though. At least you have the excuse of starting later.

>> No.11659035


Got nagato and Kumano yesterday as RNG goddess took pity on me. but that was with 40/10/60/3

Got a Zuihou on the first go of E6 and just quit there.

So just Mutsu,Musashi,Hachi,Suzuya and Mogami and the gumo DD's (And also Imuya. Trading 4 Goya's for 1 Imuya please)

Could've gotten Musashi and Hachi if E4 didnt gimp me. The one time i fully killed E4 boss it took its main HP bar to about 0.5% so you couldnt see red anymore. With 20k of all resources i pushed on til 0. No luck.

>> No.11659048

Any Nagato-class, any crane, any -gumo except Makigumo, any CAV except Mogami, and reward from E-4 onward plus Agano.

To think I'm playing this game for almost 4 months already...I need to eat a Type 93...

>> No.11659068

Wow this maintenance, I should definitely have went for longer expeditions

>> No.11659078 [DELETED] 

Damn, image limit

>> No.11659083

I miscalculated my time conversion by 1 hour, so my expeditions ended an hour into the maintenance. 9 hours of wasted without an expedition now.

As a serial min-maxer, I am disgusted with myself.

Also with how long this maintenance is taking.

Not even Blizzard took this long for a new WoW patch.

>> No.11659090

Takao class kai 2 when?

>> No.11659095

Sooner Takao and Atago get kai 2s, the happier I'll be. I love both those girls.

>> No.11659103


>> No.11659114

>Takao class kai 2 when?
I'll be laughing if their tits got a bit smaller.

>> No.11659119

It's online now? Neat.
Transition between Kancolle's Takao to Arpeggio's.

>> No.11659118

So are the servers back up already?

>> No.11659120

Please no.
I dont need more CA, just no.

>> No.11659123

>メンテナンス状況:アップデート内容のお知らせ 現在実施中のメンテナンスが長引いてしまって申し訳ありません。本日の全サーバ共通メンテナンスに伴うアップデート内容をこの後お知らせしていきます。見た目上は比較的地味なアップデートですが、一部UI関係と処理の改善を試みています。
Latest tweet. Google translate does not seem to suggest that.

>> No.11659131

But then who was screenshot?

>> No.11659132

Dead server
Dead game
Database lost

>> No.11659137

Back offline now.
Just enough time to send new expedition.

>> No.11659139

Seen the new UI?

>> No.11659141

List of updates are coming right now.
1. Event ends
2. Something about sound effect addition for the log?

>> No.11659144

Holy shit you're horrible at this. Just stop.

>> No.11659146

Google translate is giving me gibberish as usual:
>Updates are easy to identify the prior art, the SE at the time of the release SE update ship daughter Kanmusume lock lock of (protection) when releasing (protective) function.
What's SE?

>> No.11659147

Nothing noticeable. I visited the expedition, shop and supply page only. No enough time to view factory section.

>> No.11659149

Sorry it's lock, as in that heart-shaped chain, not log. Forgot my nihongo.

>> No.11659151

Sound effects

>> No.11659157

03▼「近代化改修」選択時の【カンスト艦娘】UI強化 「近代化改修」対象艦娘の選択画面において、4つの各能力値が全て上限に達(カンスト)している艦娘は【改修max】アイコンが表示され、事前の識別が容易になります。また、艦娘ステータス表示画面でも、同識別が可能となります。

Modernization UI improvement.

>> No.11659158

>03▼「近代化改修」選択時の【カンスト艦娘】UI強化 「近代化改修」対象艦娘の選択画面において、4つの各能力値が全て上限に達(カンスト)している艦娘は【改修max】アイコンが表示され、事前の識別が容易になります。また、艦娘ステータス表示画面でも、同識別が可能となります。


This was easily one of the most obnoxious aspects of the interface.

>> No.11659161

But how is it improved?

>> No.11659164

Come on now

>> No.11659168

It now tells you when your stats are maxed out, so you don't have to go into the individual modernization screen, leave, and then be redirected back to the beginning of the ship list over and over again if you forget.

>> No.11659172

Call me when they improve scrapping.

>> No.11659173

Ah, much appreciated. That's really great, saved us a lot of trouble clicking about.

>> No.11659176

>04▼【改装→装備変更】処理の高速化 処理に時間のかかることの多かった【改装→装備変更】を高速化します。装備リストを開く&同ページ送りも高速化します。これに伴い、リスト表示並び順がID順から装備種類順に変更されます。※表示順変更についてご留意/ご理解頂けますと幸いです。
Change in equipment UI as well.

>> No.11659177

So the equipment page won't lag terribly anymore?

>> No.11659179

> Max limit of image replies has been reached.

Time for a new thread? What happened to the policy for deleting our pictures after we're done?

>> No.11659180


Display of equipments changed?

>> No.11659184

I tried to delete mine but the password is apparently wrong.

>> No.11659182

This, so much, scrapping takes up so much time

>> No.11659183

What's changed? Transition between remodel and equipment management, then also equipment listing?

>> No.11659188

Google translate does not help much again. Apparently, the equipment is now sorted by its type instead of ID? That does not make sense though because equipment has mostly been sorted by its type.

>> No.11659190

No it wasn't, every piece of new equipment introduced to the game was placed to the end of the item list.

>> No.11659191

What they need to do is to not make you go to the bloody main screen and wait for the wheel to load every time when you change quests or go to the sortie screen.

>> No.11659192

Equipment was sorted by ID, but it really only stood out from equipment numbers 51-100, the event and reward items.

>> No.11659195


Took it long enough for them to realize taking out formation from PvP is bad.

>> No.11659196


>> No.11659197

Say good night, submarine

>> No.11659198

That only happens to baka gaijins that play with API tho.

>> No.11659200

Looks I'm retarded all this while. I thought those item are special that's why they belong to different category. My items are mostly sorted.

Finally, S-ranking for subs.

>> No.11659201

Might even be intentional that way. Makes you hear the secretary more. I just wish it didn't have horrible delay for the menu to show up.

>> No.11659223

Did the maintenance got extended even further? oh man

>> No.11659229

Can we set defensive formation?
Isn't this kind of unfair?

>> No.11659231

What? Type 62??

>> No.11659233

You don't lose anything when someone else fights your fleet and wins. Don't be a dick.

>> No.11659235

Opponents' formation is automatically chosen apparently. Whether is it random or fixed for all, is unclear.

I think so. The JuC aircraft wasn't depicted in the air raids.

>> No.11659237


Bug fixing?
Geez, google translator didn't helpful at all.

>> No.11659238

>Geez, google translator didn't helpful at all.
Geez, English classes in highschool didn't helpful at all.

>> No.11659239

Minor graphical and sound updates. Nothing game breaking.

>●艦娘による冬の窓 (※家具職人不要)
>●重巡模型と桐箪笥 (同上)
>●鎮守府のツリー (同上&全提督への贈りもの家具)
>●駆逐艦娘のツリー (※要家具職人)
>●やかんストーブ (同上) ●冬のステンドグラス (同上)
All dem furniture. Time to grind for furniture coins.

>> No.11659242

6 new items in furniture shop, 3 need fairy. Nagato ship model is replaced by Takao-class model >>11659103

>> No.11659246

Goodbye destroyer xmas tree. Guess I am not getting it

>> No.11659252

What about the database?

>> No.11659253

>And worked to transition to the new DB system is allowed to recover the data as much as possible (continued) this time, but the user attempting to modification of data in an arbitrary manner by using specialized programs obviously, get to correspond in accordance with the Terms and Conditions there is the case. I am happy when you can approve it beforehand.

Lemme guess, we're fucked now?

>> No.11659255

Time to panic.

>> No.11659256

Lets go

>> No.11659260

That reads to me like "hackers GET FUCKED" more than "filthy gaijin GET FUCKED," but maybe that's just wishful thinking on my end.

I want to see my girls again.

>> No.11659264

Server up for anyone yet?

>> No.11659267

Welp, my api link stopped working.
Or is it still offline?

>> No.11659272

>Welp, my api link stopped working.

>> No.11659273

They didnt give a fix time. Might be now or 1hour later.

>> No.11659277

I don't use api link, server is still in maintenance for me

>> No.11659278


Dont spam reload guys

>> No.11659281

Time to take it easy.
I wonder if there will be a girl that's distinctively lazy and hates sorties.

>> No.11659288


>> No.11659308

Sorry, what does that say?

>> No.11659310

How long is this maintenance, 12 hours?

>> No.11659316

Use api link.

>> No.11659317

It's over 12 hours now. And still offline for me

>> No.11659319

I don't know about you, but using the api link, I get error chan after the loading screen finishes

>> No.11659320

api link doesn't work for me, what now?

>> No.11659324

Still offline for me.
Last tweet was also 28m ago.
I wonder if they messed up the new database system somehow?

>> No.11659326


Read: >>11659278

Server is still down for a portion of people, please wait warmly.

>> No.11659335

They didn't ban gaijins, they just implemented counter measures to people using third party apps to inject data into the flash player and get free stuff, also server load is over capacity so wait and don't spam F5 to get in.

>> No.11659337

Are they up but overloaded or still down?

>> No.11659343

>Maintenance situation: I have entered the final confirmation of the re-open the server group for the re-opening of the maintenance is complete and the server, but the synchronization of several deficiencies discovered it is the ongoing process again from the sequence of the previous current. We regret any inconvenience. After this, I will inform you of the server group to re-open sequentially.

>> No.11659344

>メンテナンス状況:メンテ完了&サーバの再開放について 再開放サーバ群の最終確認に入っておりましたが、いくつかの同期不備が発見それ、現在ひとつ前のシークエンスから再度工程を実施中です。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。この後、順次再開放するサーバ群をお知らせ致します。

WELP, they are doing final verification now. So another 1hour?

>> No.11659346

My server isn't in the 21:40 opening.

>> No.11659348


>> No.11659351

Same here, bracing for an another hour or two.

>> No.11659355

Last time my server was the last one to open, im guessing its going to be the same thing again.
Time to wait for like two or three more hours of maint

>> No.11659356

Thank god, 21:50 here.
Hope API still works.

>> No.11659358

They better do all my dailies for me because this is bullshit.

>> No.11659359

sweet, mine's opening at 2150

>> No.11659365


>> No.11659367

I don't remember my server...

>> No.11659368

The name is under the game start button when you load it.

>> No.11659370

The free christmas tree is pretty good. But I kinda wish the one replacing the chairs was the free one

>> No.11659372

press the player score

>> No.11659381

So the modernization upgrade is just greying out girls that are already max out.
Equipment screen is definitely much faster now.

>> No.11659382

API links still work. Had a bit of a panic attack here

>> No.11659383

The equipment page loads much faster now.
Thank you dev.

>> No.11659385

Is it me or is the equipment screen not lagging anymore?

>> No.11659387

This along with formation choosing has now screwed people leaving subs for PVP.

I love it.

>> No.11659394

Oh yes fuck you PVP sub spamming subhumans.

>> No.11659395

Ha! I'm going to kick the asses of those fags who leave 4 submarines + 1 high level battleship out for PVP

>> No.11659398

You can still get screwed if the opening salvo hits Yubari and Izusu to red.

>> No.11659397

But they're the best kind of enemies to grind your DD and CL.

>> No.11659400

A few guys on my list are leaving musashi + subs

>> No.11659401

Grind? More like, every damage is 1 damage or miss, and you lose the battle strategically because you deal less damage than they deal to you.

>> No.11659403

I hate seeing subs. PvP is fantastic for levelling those horribly inefficient BBs and subs force me to waste a slot or two with CLs and DDs which could be better trained on normal sorties.

>> No.11659404

Anyone else experiencing a lack of BGM and white backgrounds on the sortie page?

>> No.11659405

So you didn't have anti equip? With proper stuff my DD/CL can take out half of a lv90+ sub's hp. They gain a level every few battles.

>> No.11659407

Originally, I was thinking of DD daughter tree but the devs was kind enough to give us a free tree

>> No.11659408

Rev up those craftings for sonars and depth charges, and bring Noshiro and bep and your most hard-skinned BB.For experienced fags Agano and Yahagi too.

Subs can go deep but this will bring them even deeper.

>> No.11659414

I like how the Musashi wiki page doesn't even have her sunk dialogue. Nobody even dared doing this for the common good uh...

>> No.11659416

Fuck, Brunei server still in maintenance.

>> No.11659417

It's actually impossibly to sink her.
Try it out.

>> No.11659419

It is just one damage control, why are higher ranking officers are such a dick?

Apparently Palau too.

>> No.11659421

Yeah they extended it to 【22:30】 but I'm still getting the error musume.

>> No.11659425

Guys guys, I think the pvp defender formation is chosen by the AI for max efficiency.
I just faced a dude with carrier heavy composition that went ring formation.

>> No.11659427

What's the best way to level up a new ship?

>> No.11659429

Rabul server up for anyone?

>> No.11659430

Farm 3-2

>> No.11659431

You don't have to even sink her, just use the Kancolle viewer to listen to her line when she sinks.

>> No.11659433

Try in 11 minutes.

>> No.11659436

check jp wiki

>> No.11659437

Same. They said that the server's running but I'm getting helmet girl.

>> No.11659440

Much appreciated. I had never anticipated so much for a fucking browser game before.

>> No.11659446

That new window look out of place no matter what wallpaper I use.

>> No.11659449

I am thinking of saving buckets ever since I ran out of it on the last event.

However, 5-3 really forces me to use some. Should I just grind my other ships and ignore 5-3 for a while? I see no point finishing it soon anyway.

>> No.11659452

>I see no point finishing it soon anyway.
You just answered your own question. Take it easy and spam expedition 2.

>> No.11659453

that one poor server.

>> No.11659456

If you get the maintenance girl wearing the hardhat just set your system time forward 1 day and reload the page. I don't know why this works but it does.

>> No.11659458

I just had to reload and now I'm updating the game.

>> No.11659464

Palau extended to 23:10.
Okay then, I should probably just go do other things before they extend it again.

>> No.11659466

I know. I just try it once per day + support fleet, and if it fails I got nothing to lose but resources anyway.

Although,the formation for the boss node still bugs me. The last formation can't even kill the subs, and won't deal enough damage to the boss.

Note that i haven't reduce the health bar so the boss hasn't changed.

>> No.11659467


I suppose I should brace for the next delay after this one.

>> No.11659469

You're not alone on this one, anon.

>> No.11659471

You do realise most of them are just farming 2-3 and not intentionally trying to fuck you up?

>> No.11659472

Top: New background
Bottom: Old

>> No.11659475

4 submarines farming 2-3 at a net loss for 12 hours? No, I don't believe that.

>> No.11659479

I'm not going to be doing anything else starting two weeks before the next event, so I wouldn't be surprised it they do it too.

>> No.11659480

There is no net loss.
The only loss would be ammo which is covered by ex2.

>> No.11659481

Net loss? I don't think you understand why people use subs to farm 2-3.

>> No.11659487

Come on now, let's not forget I usually see them tag on one well-levelled battleship at the end of the team. There is really no reason to do that besides to troll people trying to line up 5 CL/DD + 1 BB to get a win for their daily quests.

>> No.11659490

I mean I guess I'll ask the 'stupid' question here, why would you use 4 subs to farm when you could use 1?

>> No.11659493

Why would you want to complete the dailies in 3 hours when you can do it in 1?

>> No.11659494

Because I like S ranks.

>> No.11659497

You spend less time watching torpedos fly towards you and miss.

>> No.11659498

When you use 1 submarine you can kill one enemy ship at the start of the map, if you use 4 submarines you can kill 4 enemy ships at the start of the battle, therefore reducing possible repair time.

>> No.11659500

Great, kept getting error musume and now it shows maintenance again.

>> No.11659501

>All this submarine suffering
At least it all ends today, I'm free to kick sub ass as much as I want now.

>> No.11659502

The game just crapped itself.
Come on, guys

>> No.11659503

being a veteran admiral is suffering.


>> No.11659506

Missles are just torpedoes that fly through the air.

>> No.11659507

Yokosuka, which if my memory serves me right is one of the oldest servers.

>> No.11659508

I don't like seeing C or D ranks on my battles.

>> No.11659509


They are depth charges... canister of explosive that are tossed into the water.

>> No.11659510

my server is about to collapse it feels like
or every single player on it is actually online

>> No.11659511

Those are neither torpedoes nor are they missiles.

>> No.11659512

Depth charges aren't missiles.

But that reminds me, I hope the new ship type would use other ASW equipment aside from them

>> No.11659513

Well, they look like missles.

>> No.11659514

Well that makes sense. I've only been doing the runs for fuel and xp. Whether my dailies(are you sure you don't mean weeklies?) get completed in 1 or 3 hours is trivial when I'm doing it for over 3 hours anyway.

>> No.11659516

you are confusing depth charges with ASROC.
those subs would be shitting bricks if a single ASROC was aimed at them.

>> No.11659517

Not everyone gets lucky and hits the boss node in any world 2 maps all the time. 3 hours should be a good enough estimate for those who prefer wait for their subs to finish their repairs.

>> No.11659518

>Fly through the air

Son, do you even know what a submarine is?

>> No.11659519

Brunei again, anyone able to play?

>> No.11659520

I was in for like 30 minutes on the Brunei server, and then I got error'd off. Now I can't get back in. Joy.

>> No.11659521

Do you guys not have a life outside kancolle?

>> No.11659522

They're underwater right?
It doesn't sound wrong to think that people might shoot missiles at them so that the missiles would have the downward momentum to go deep.

>> No.11659523

>メンテナンス状況:【パラオ泊地サーバ】メンテ完了! 【パラオ泊地サーバ】のメンテナンス&アップデートが【23:10】に完了、現在再開放をスタートしています。現在アクセスが集中していますが、順次接続可能となっていきます。お待たせして、大変申し訳ありませんでした。
Make it stop, make it stop!

Welcome to /jp/.

>> No.11659524

Same here. Just when I was about to blast through 3 sub sluts.
No life, only RNG.

>> No.11659525

You are on /jp/

>> No.11659526

Yes, but there are other /jp/ things to do. Go listen to some doujin music.

>> No.11659531

so is nagato unobtainable from now on after this update? that sucks because i just got mutsu yesterday when i wanted nagato instead

>> No.11659527

Not particularly. At any rate, it's 1:30am here and I just want to get some of my dailies done before I go to sleep. I got almost there before I was booted off.

>> No.11659532

Yeah, Nagato is unobtainable, anon. You missed her. The furniture model, that is.

>> No.11659533

But I'm already doing it.

>> No.11659534

Nagato is no longer obtainable.

>> No.11659535

Yup, you're fucked m8

>> No.11659537

damn i almost had enough coins too

>> No.11659538

Depth charges in action.

>> No.11659539

At least I managed to send my expeditions.

>> No.11659540

I think I did before. I'm not so sure now.

>> No.11659542

Why is there a black seaman?
All the seaman I've seen were white.

>> No.11659543

remodeled ssv hits the boss node more often I believe.
my sauce wikiwiki

>> No.11659553

Servers should be up now according to twitter, but I still am getting the maintenance screen. ;_;

>> No.11659556

Fuck me this is getting ridiculous. 400-100-600-30 recipe for the recipe says battleship is 30% chance. I've done the damn thing 8 times and i've gotten one heavy cruiser after another. My days of playtime number in the single digits, i cant afford spending all this steel. But goddammit, im owed that battleship and im too stubborn to stop.

>> No.11659562

Which battleship are you after?

>> No.11659564

all BBs except Mutsu and Nagato are easy to get

>> No.11659566

It took me more than two weeks to get my first BB from a craft. Be patient.

>> No.11659570

Uhhh, is maintenance over for Brunei according to Twitter? At least I tried going into the game and it says its still under maintenance

>> No.11659571

Any goddamn battleship, i just need one for the utility.

>> No.11659572

Rabaul here, still getting Error-ko.

>> No.11659590

You should waste your resources on CV recipe
BBs are common as fuck.

>> No.11659593

Still getting helmet girl on Brunei. I guess I'll leave at that and come back later. At least it means people won't increase their ranking.

>> No.11659603

Got a CV on my first try. Its BBs that RNG seems intent on screwing me over. Not that its much a loss considering how much resources they hog, but its the principle of the matter.

>> No.11659608

Let me guess, Zuikaku right?

>> No.11659609


what does it says?

>> No.11659610

You've been banned

>> No.11659611

The pleasure of being maintained inside.

>> No.11659612

Helmet girl is not pleased by you.

>> No.11659613

Close, her sister.

>> No.11659615

You're API link has been confirmed to be tampered.

>> No.11659616

It can't be bad, she says arigatougozaimasu. She probably wants the D.

>> No.11659617

confirmed for illiterate scum

>> No.11659618

They warn you about reloading. RIP anon.

Trust me, you are better off with her than the kuso sisters or monkey sisters. They drop like candies on 2-2 and 3-2.

>> No.11659619

Holy fuck I'm still a bit asspained about that whole Yahagi boss-node-holo-drop bullshit. Mostly because I like her design and lines the best out of Agano class.

They should have introduced her as a quest reward for defeating E-5 boss 25 times or some shit like that.

>> No.11659621

what does that mean?

>> No.11659623

Dude, just chillax.

>> No.11659625

I feel the same way, but I can't be assed to complain right now since I need to stock up resources for the next event.

It means they found out some possibly illegal things have been happening with your API. I suggest you get a new one before they ban you.

>> No.11659627


>> No.11659629

Set your system clock ahead 1 day and reload the page. It works.

>> No.11659630

Well, that's why. Your luck burned out on getting one of the rarest carriers on your first craft. Don't bother with BB crafts, they drop on 2-2 and 2-3 boss nodes fairly often.

>> No.11659635

Not him but I got Zuikaku on my last E-3 run but the problem is I already have her
Was hunting for Zuihou, Shoukaku, and Suzuya

>> No.11659633

Is there a reason why scrapping ships UI isnt the same as scrapping equipments?
Are they trying to inconvenience us to buy more storage space?

>> No.11659638

She's much more of a trophy ship than the Yamato class. Being pretty is the only thing she's got going for her.

>> No.11659639

Recovering those resources isn't going to be fun.

>> No.11659642

But that's the most important thing.

>> No.11659643

>trophy ship
She is probably going to be tied best sub killer in the game with Izusu and Yuubari.

>> No.11659649


So cute. And she's one of the very few ships who appreciate that I poke around only because I care about my secretary.

>> No.11659661

She only trumps everyone else in HP and Evasion. Which is nice, but not worth putting on a pedestal over.

And you don't need more than 2 sub killers anyway. Especially now that you can choose formations in PVP.

>> No.11659675

First Holo I get in a while and it's an Akagi.

>> No.11659679

>First Holo I get in a while and it's an Akagi.
Well, she is rare. I have not gotten an Akagi dropped before.

>> No.11659684


oh great . . .

>> No.11659686

Told you so.

>> No.11659688

Still no luck with entering Rabaul

>> No.11659689

What did you do now, anon.

>> No.11659693

We warn you about spamming reload.

>> No.11659694


Are you >>11659609?

>> No.11659696

I . . .just . . . poked my loli shipdaughters. . . . alot

>> No.11659697


>> No.11659698

Same here. Got error-chan using API link and now now I'm looking at the maintenance page. Wait for a while more.

>> No.11659700


>> No.11659705

what is the best way to level a sub to at least 10? i do not have the midget sub yet

>> No.11659707

Look what your autism did to you.

You could have just gone to do something else, but nooo you wanted to sit there and spam refresh.

I feel no sympathy.

>> No.11659708

1sub+many CV+1bb

>> No.11659709

By playing normally enough until you get a midget sub.

>> No.11659711

actually ive been expecting that since i violate my shipdaughters everyday

its been a month, i dont know if they found me or just hit that f5 limit, but oh well ~

>> No.11659713

How much F5ing did you do to get banned?

>> No.11659717

i cant remember it but for sure it isn't over 15 times

(the vpn is slow as hell)

>> No.11659719

You're taking this a lot better than expected. I can only say that you haven't invested too much on your ships.

>> No.11659720

don't you mean you pressed the reload button a lot?

>> No.11659722

Is there really no appealing?
No warning?
Just straight out ban and you are gone?

>> No.11659725

anyone from shortlands or rabaul and still not being able to log in?

i hope you are not playing kancolle from VPN.

>> No.11659729

You don't even get to say goodbye.

>> No.11659733

>anyone from shortlands or rabaul and still not being able to log in?
>>11659698 here. Still waiting a bit more.

>> No.11659734

F5ing and using VPN. You're trying hard to get everyone ban on the same VPN

>> No.11659735



>> No.11659738

Most useless carrier.
Monkey sisters
Nothing of value was lost. Just restart on a noob server.

>> No.11659740

Shortland here, nope the error girl is still there. I guess I just log in some other day.

Sorry Kongou your admiral not coming in today.

>> No.11659742

They have 1.2 million users and growing. It's hard for them to feel sympathy for people who can't follow the rules.

Aside from Goya, literally every ship there drops like crazy as early as world 2.

>> No.11659748


>> No.11659750


>> No.11659755

accident exped

>> No.11659758

Did you just sit there constantly spamming F5 or did you play the game and F5 when you didn't like the nodes you ended up with and/or 3-2-1 steel node?

>> No.11659759

rejoices teitoku of 横須賀鎮守府サーバ server

>> No.11659762


was trying to get into the server(that was the first thing i got
no error musume)

>> No.11659767

Which map is the best to farm for high score?
I am like 15points behind the 500th dude with 2days left.
Should I try to unlock 5-2 and farm there?

>> No.11659772

Anyone else still not able to get into Palau?

>> No.11659773

2 days? The rewards were given out like 10 days ago.

>> No.11659775

Admiral xp values are listed on the wiki.


Stuff like 2-3 sub farming is very sustainable and offers decent xp if you can get to the boss node.

Monthly rankings are monthly, anon.

>> No.11659776

How did you even get near top 500 without unlocking 5-2? Did you farm E-5 for the past 20 days or something?

>> No.11659780

It's so much faster now. Headpats for the staff.

>> No.11659782

So what were the rewards given out for?

>> No.11659784

helmet girl on shortland too.

>> No.11659786

I finished E5 like 10days into the event.
After that it was just E6 and E7 over and over again. I got 3-4 unlocked, do I need to beat both 3-4 and 4-4 or just one of them would do to get world 5 unlocked?

>> No.11659787

Those were the October rewards.

>> No.11659788

Those were last month's rewards. The devs are just slow at giving them out.

>> No.11659790

If I remember correctly, you need both unlock to enter stage 5

>> No.11659793

Looks like it's barely stabalising. If you're in asia, you could wait unitl 1-2am or just sleep already.

>> No.11659800

Thank god I am in tawitawi.
Just 1more boss kill in world2 and I am off to bed.

>> No.11659806

I haven't noticed anything being faster at all, what part of it is faster for you?

>> No.11659807

The modernization screen is vastly improved.

>> No.11659808

report from 2ch.
still no one in shortland and rabaul can login.

>> No.11659810

That's kind of relieving. At least I'm not alone in missing my ship daughters.

>> No.11659812

Are they crying for compensation?

>> No.11659844

It takes me 10 minutes to load the game through api to the 40mb loadscreen and then another 37mb to get into menu.
I need to ressuply every shipdaughter individually (which is kind of cute) or otherwise I'll get error-chan. But whenever I want to start a sortie/pvp game freeze itself for 3 minutes just to get error-chan again or frozen screen for the rest of the time.
Is there any way to boost up shitty signal in my notebook, I dont want to restart game all the time and get banned.

>> No.11659851

Cache your flash?
You are going to get banned.

>> No.11659853

finally got into shortlands. loading times are slow for some reason.

>> No.11659855

This is killing me. Rabaul for me is still a no-go.

>> No.11659867

I'm doing it all the time, just to get problem I posted above everytime I run it fresh.
Looks like it was fun playing with you guys.

>> No.11659868

The equipment menu is lightning fast now, holy shit. Definitely worth the 17 hour(?) wait.

>> No.11659874

Man, this update is a godsend. the UI are much smoother and consuming 50-75% less cpu performance. it's like the original was a rushed code and performing some unnecessary task.

If it makes you feel better, shortlands still being plagued by connection dropping and error musume.

have you try to ping your router and check whether the culprit is your wireless?
there are settings to boost the power of your wireless in the driver properties, but not every notebook have them.

>> No.11659876

Are people actually still having problems? My server is up and seems to be running fine.

>> No.11659880

Seems unstable for me, got a connection error musume earlier and now I'm stuck on the blue screen after a battle.

>> No.11659892

Is this on a new server? Doesn't seem like that to me, it's as slow as it used to be.

>> No.11659894

for me it's way faster now, too. You maybe won't notice it if you have a decent CPU, though.

>> No.11659896

thank god for this update, screw sub afking admirals

>> No.11659899

There are worse scrubs out there

puu sh/5uQE7

>> No.11659901

I'm too big of a newfriend to understand why anyone would do that.

>> No.11659902

Finally got into Palau. They did a really good job improving the UI speed, especially for the equipment and ship list. Much faster loading all around, too. GJ devs!

>> No.11659904


>> No.11659910

Well I can't p?ug my router because I'm living in hidden third-world country in shitty standards, stealing internet from a stupid neighboor who cant secure it propertly. I feel like a shit that I am already....
Otherwise I will try to look into settings. Many thanks anon.

>> No.11659913

Well I dunno, maybe it's because I'm not from Japan or SEA the delays in those pages seem the same to me, ~1.5 sec, I'm pretty sure that's latency related since it runs the same on both my netbook and my desktop.

>> No.11659917

Just to be an asshole. First two ships' levels determine how much experience you get in PvP.

>> No.11659923

Can't ping your router?
ping [those numbers with dots after "default gateway"]

>> No.11659926

so what do I do with that pseudo link thing?

>> No.11659927

I do it because I'm spiteful as fuck. I'm not just about to give people who want to hurt my shipdaughters free exp/sparkle.

>> No.11659934 [DELETED] 

It's called exercise.
I bet you want your girls to end up fat and obese like you.

>> No.11659935

I wanted to type plug, I'm retarded. Going to try this as soon as I get to home thanks.

>> No.11659945

Whatever. If you wanted charity go look for it somewhere else. I'm sure there are other admirals willing to leave a lone high level ship for you to bully anyway.

>> No.11659947 [DELETED] 

I feel sorry for your ships, having a lazy fatass of an admiral.

>> No.11659950

Ever consider maybe your ship girl is masochistic?

>> No.11659954

Not him but I'm not seeing the connection between being a complete asshole and leaving lvl1 ships to being a lazy fatass.

>> No.11659955

Putting two low level ships up in front is a pretty awful thing to do to them. It's like you just want to watch the little girls explode into tiny pieces.

>> No.11659957

what if your shipdaughters just want to have fun with other ships, but they can't because no one wants to play with them because you're a jerk

>> No.11659958

Stop projecting, bro.

I use the ones I get from crafting anyway.

>> No.11659959 [DELETED] 

You're a fatass too.
Don't talk to me fatass.

>> No.11659962 [DELETED] 

What are you going to do about it?
Throw cheetos at me?

>> No.11659984

Just add a . between puu and sh
4chan doesn't like the site

>> No.11659996

So, I know that subs are not fine with quests/exploration even if they were remodeled but... is it worth to remodel them, knowing their repair time is twice as long?

I mean, does the stats gain justify that? I can do that without a second thought since goya and imuya are drop/craft, but Iku and Hachi are a different story...

>> No.11660013

I remodeled them after about lv70. I mean, there's too little they can do with just one equipment slot, and if I needed a punching bag to bring to 3-2 I could always use multiple copies of Imuya.

>> No.11660026

So how many people have completed the event? did they give any stats.

>> No.11660036

100k admirals cleared E4 and 50k E5.

So less than 10%

>> No.11660043

That is horrible.I pity your Imuyas.

So wiki does not make a remark so Imuya's repair time and resource cost does not double?

Well I think you should not.
There are expeditions where you can change a DD for an SS, and profit significantly in the long run.Of course, given that your composition already includes Imuya and Goya.

But if you are not going to do them, remodel them instantly.

>> No.11660045

Wasn't this posted like a week or two before the end of the event though?

>> No.11660051

>So wiki does not make a remark so Imuya's repair time and resource cost does not double?
that's because unlike other submarines, she doesn't turn into a carrier when she's remodelled

>> No.11660056

repair time only doubles for the other subs because of the class change, Imuya stays as a SS

well spotted, didn't check the date

>> No.11660061

Kai 2 of the three SSV at lvl 90 please and change them back into SS

>> No.11660063

>repair time only doubles for the other subs because of the class change, Imuya stays as a SS
That's not how repair time works.

>> No.11660069

repair time is dependent on ship-class, is it not?

>> No.11660073

yes it is you retard.

>> No.11660078

anon, you just went full retard

>> No.11660080

You're right. I didn't remember the class-based coefficient being there when I read about repair time.

>> No.11660082

Nice admirals still exist out there, I'm so touched


>> No.11660097

What I'm more curious about right now is how many admirals out there that are able to farm E-7 and get Yahagi...

>> No.11660107

Should be way less than Musashi, right

>> No.11660149

I hate how going into the quest screen still frequently crashes the game for me.

>> No.11660156

Damn my subs are getting fucked in PvP. I generally could flee any low level but now even 20ish kitakami fuck my 80+ goya almost everytime.

>> No.11660163

Ranked 60ish on Palau. Hopefully I won't have to grind my ass off over the next few days to stay in the top 100.

>> No.11660173

Can you select formation already ?
I can't do it, or so it seems.

I thought it would be unnecessary to reset cache or something, but I should right ?

>> No.11660178

Once you click the battle button against other person, it should take you to the formation screen.

>> No.11660180

Oh great, I just got another Akagi through crafting.

>> No.11660203

Does radar affect the whole fleet or just the ship that it's equipped to? If it affects the whole fleet it'd be so awesome

>> No.11660210

One ship only

>> No.11660214


>> No.11660222

I just thought of a retarded question.

Say I have stripped a BB of her weapons.Will she still fire?

>> No.11660226


>> No.11660229

will fire but deal shit damage

>> No.11660231

Why didn't you just test it?
And why did you answer him.

>> No.11660238

Why not answer him? Not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.11660245

You could be getting buckets and resources for the next event.

>> No.11660251

because everything in the game is instant, right?

>> No.11660252

dafuq? You want him to be constantly watching his screen watching the expedition clock ticking down or something?

>> No.11660271

Time to do those long ass expeditions, damn they'll take away my fourth fleet for like 10 days.

>> No.11660276

I wish I knew what happened to my Myouko, I've got all four of them in my ship library but my Myouko is mysteriously gone and I need her for the 4th fleet.

>> No.11660279

longest one is 80 hours and thats just over 3 days

>> No.11660280

you accidentally scrapped her or used her as modernisation material obviously

>> No.11660282

Probably modernization, I'd never scrap a heavy cruiser. Damn, I wish I would have paid attention and locked her when I got her, she's the rarest of the four.

>> No.11660289

Yeah but there's also the sub expeditions.

>> No.11660294

Well, she's still fairly common and drops at almost all maps so it shouldn't be that hard finding her

>> No.11660297

I did those during the event.
Why do I have brain problems of this severe?

>> No.11660300

I'm not too concerned about finding her, just wish I didn't dick myself over.

>> No.11660301

Go craft some BB's, easy Myoukous.

>> No.11660314

>Go craft some BB's
Not only do I have every BB except Nagato (and Yamato and Musashi but they can't be crafted) the event has completely drained me of resources. It'd probably be a better idea to run rare DD/SS, I actually got Nachi last night from that.

>> No.11660315

Why is ammo such a pain in the ass to farm?


>> No.11660318

You run expedition 2 all day, every day.

>> No.11660321

I have been doing that. But just doing dailies drains all of the ammo I've gotten while my fuel just keeps skyrocketing.

>> No.11660324

stop running so many CA/BB/CV

>> No.11660329

How does doing dailies drain you from all of your ammo?

In my case I have severe fuel problems, probably from all the hopeful crafting I've been doing for a Nagato

>> No.11660333

All ships use more ammo than fuel, what're you talking about?

It's not that he has a general resource problem, he's just wondering why his fuel:ammo ratio is roughly 2:1

>> No.11660338

Yeah, run sub runs only like all the good players!

>> No.11660339

The boss node kills and sub kill dailies. It took me about 15 runs today to get to the boss node on 2-2 5 times. That took around 1500 ammo.

This was after 2-3 chewed through all 4 of my 80+ subs.

Just shitty luck I guess.

>> No.11660361

Use more throwaway ships for dailies

>> No.11660376

1500 ammo on 15 2-2 runs, wth are you running for only 2-2 runs?

>> No.11660386

Why on earth would you spend that much on the daily boss kills? Doing it with subs makes sense because the reward outweighs the cost. Using anything else basically results in a loss.

>> No.11660392

Ship I'm leveling as flagship (Shigure)
BB (Haruna)
CV (Akagi)
CVL (Zuihou)
CLT (Ktkm)
Second ship I'm leveling (Yahagi)

~60-70 ammo a run if I go straight to the boss node. 120 if I go NE first. I was lazy today and didn't F5 if I got sent to a side node, so that took 60-120 ammo a run there too.

Swap out with same class on fatigue, etc.

Well, I'm basically leveling my ships at the same time. Also like I said, this was after 50+ failed sub runs in 2-3 that landed all of my subs in the docks. Pretty sure they ninja-nerfed sub dodge rate.

>> No.11660398

I want an Imuya so I can have 3/4 subs.
What's your personal favorite sub recipe, /jp/?

>> No.11660400


>> No.11660401

The one on wiki.

>> No.11660402

should have just bucketed the SSVs and continued, and sub dodging is fine, you probably just got green T-crossed on a nasty node.

>> No.11660403

The one on the wiki because I don't know any better. Keep getting shitty DDs and CLs though.

>> No.11660405

I dunno, I've always felt that the world 2 boss quest is really inefficient.

If you're just leveling your ships, you're better off doing something like the first two nodes of 4-1 (better xp and shigure can get mvp if you get 5 subs).

And subs still dodge ok. You just got rng'd.

>> No.11660409


Yeah, I find the quest to be pretty stupid, but my original complaint was that ammo is a pain to farm.

If I want fuel, I can do 2-3 with subs. If I want steel, I can do 3-2 with subs. If I want ammo I'm stuck micromanaging expeditions all day and in the end still come out with barely any profit if I sortie a few times.

>> No.11660414

You can get ~400 ammo per hour with expedition.

>> No.11660418

Not him, but doing that 30 minute expedition over and over again is a pain in the ass.

>> No.11660429

I can also use that 400 ammo in 10 minutes. My point is that I can obtain fuel and steel while being productive (hence, farming), which just isn't possible with ammo.

>> No.11660444

At least it's much better than that 20-minute one. Besides, you can watch over expedition while grinding in 4-1 or 3-2.

>> No.11660445

Just don't play every single minute of your worthless life. Take a break and let your expeditions run for a while.

>> No.11660450

ever since i started playing ammo has been the resource i've had the most of
like its always been 10-20k ammo when i had 2-5k of everything else. even now i'm almost 30k ammo idk how you manage to run out when you get so much from expeditions unless you just play constantly.

>> No.11660456

I want Yubari, but which recipe would you recommend?

I'm split between these two.
30 30 30 30
250 30 200 30

Or should I just grind for her?

>> No.11660462

30 all is the way to go.

>> No.11660463

You will get her eventually with daily 30/30/30/30.

>> No.11660467


>> No.11660468

do 30 30 30 30 for dialies, keep your fingers crossed

>> No.11660475

I think so too.
I want spare Goyas too,so I can send them on bath-I mean expeditions.But for that I can spam rare destroyer recipe.

>> No.11660485

Best Mogami?

>> No.11660498

Suzuya for life. I love her lines.

>> No.11660550

I have o holo planes and I intend to craft some.
Should I wait for Kaga-san to show up or is it not necessary?

>> No.11660552

sorry for the late reply, but you could try boost the wifi signal with aluminum foil/can.

the aluminum-based object would act as an antenna and increase the directional gain of the wifi signal. there are many tutorial on internet so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.11660574

Use your head as a parabolic reflector.

>> No.11660578

Don't think it really matters

>> No.11660622

Is Yukikaze drop rate on 3-1 boss node any good or i'm better off saving the steel i'd use for repairs while grinding for crafting instead?

>> No.11660651

The wiki specifies certain carriers for certain planes, but it doesn't really matter. All you need to craft good planes is a high level carrier and a high admiral level.

Check the wikiwiki. They have all the stats.

>> No.11660652

the droprate matters little when you rarely reach the boss node in the first place. Go unlock 2-4 and grind there instead, you'll feel much less frustrated

>> No.11660654

It's easy to get to the boss on 3-1 though.

>> No.11660657

If he's considering farming 3-1, he's already got 2-4 unlocked.

>> No.11660668

When trying 3-2, should I follow the same tactic as on E-2, and going for night battles turtling the day, or just try to go all out?

>> No.11660679

Why would you even want to do night battle on 3-2? There's no point.

The goal of 3-2 is to survive the pre-boss nodes. The boss itself is super easy.

>> No.11660680


>> No.11660696

what stats does the wikiwiki have that the english wiki doesnt?

>> No.11660717


>> No.11660735


>> No.11660743


>> No.11660752

Just got patter 3 on 2-4.
Holy shit, I got raped hard with BBx4 CVx2 with an avg level of 40

>> No.11660753

I don't speak nip at all, but in the video I hear "Teitoku Daisuki"
Does she actually say she loves the admiral?

>> No.11660756

Not the same anon.
But what loadout do you guys run to S rank the node consistently? Torpedo cut-in for shigure/yukikaze? Double attack for the rest?

>> No.11660757

Poi Poi
II ja nai desuka

>> No.11660772

>S rank the node consistently
Why would you want to do 3-2 boss route more than once ever?

Anyways, for my clear, half my fleet was equipped with double shot and the other half torp cut-in. Luckily, I didn't have to enter night battle so my setup didn't even matter.

>> No.11660775

Nagato drop.

>> No.11660776

6DD is cheap to repair for a chance at Nagato.

>> No.11660792

Just what the hell do i use to craft the 10cm Twin High-Angle Cannon? The wiki gives me all the recipes, but it doesnt tell me which is more likely or whether they're all equally likely. I just need one of the damn things to set up hibiki.

>> No.11660793

Since it's so easy, might as well S-rank it. It's not like you need a particular config to mop up at night either.

>> No.11660806

remodeled all your DDs

>> No.11660819

I was hoping it didnt have to come to that. But i guess i have to anyway for 3-2.

>> No.11660823

You can use them for expedition since it doesnt increase their resource consumption. No reason to keep stock DD.

>> No.11660827

remodeling may increase their resource consumption.

>> No.11660834

not for destroyers

>> No.11660862

How long should it take me to go from a level 20 Yuudachi Kai to a level 55 Yuudachi Kai 2?

>> No.11660866

Were submarines heavily nerfed today ? They perform awfully in both drills and maps.

>> No.11660871

They evade a fuckton more here, don't know about you.

>> No.11660879

Figure out how much exp you can grind per hour and look at exp chart. It's pretty easy, at least make some effort.

Seems same as always to me. Sub performance is always pretty random.

>> No.11660884

I levelled one from 20 something to 70 something since the beginning of the even.

>> No.11660887

as flagship in 3-2 without ever getting MVP thats roughly, ROUGHLY, 2200 exp / hour
20-55 is 130500 EXP
divided by 2200 thats roughly 59 hours of 3-2 aka 237 visits.

>> No.11660890

That's a lot. Now I'm scared to level my Shigure and Hibiki.

>> No.11660894

59 hours is barely 5 days if you play 12 hours a day

>> No.11660893

Just level them at the same time.
1bb+1sub+1cvl+3dd 4-1 everyday 24/7

>> No.11660895

4-1 is better exp if you want to level DDs, since you can usually do 2 nodes before turning back.

>> No.11660896

I don't think I play 12 hours a day, anon.

>> No.11660905

Put ship you want to level up as flag, add 5 lv1 bb/heavies. Go to 2-3, 2-4, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3. I level at least one ship from 15 to 50s at least once a day when im farming ktkm kai2 torpedos

>> No.11660901

There's no real need to calculate the time taken. Just do something else while you're levelling.

>> No.11660906

assuming you never take any damage

also is fatigue time calculated into this?

>> No.11660921

Pray and tell how you take damage with sub at 3-2
In 4-1 you might take chip damage but in 3-2?

>> No.11660922

fatigue is calculated in, yes
thats why 4 runs a hour
run, wait 15 mins to recover 15 points, repeat

can you actually do that without getting damaged a lot by the opening torpedos?

>> No.11660928

oh i didnt see any mention of a sub yeah you're right

>> No.11660934

Once you get the DDs you want to level to 20+ they should be able to run 4-1 without taking any real damage. Some occasional repairs are easily made up by the decreased fatigue anyway.

>> No.11660935

>can you actually do that without getting damaged a lot by the opening torpedos?
I have not tried dealing with DD yet but when I was powerleveling my torpedo monster, I group them with good cannon fodders for 4-1 runs and pray the torpedo get to them, running horizontal formation works as well. That said, PvP would probably guarantee a level or two and that saves quite a bit of work. Just bring your Poi anywhere you sortie and pace yourself.

>> No.11660936

Why is Ooi rarer than KTKM and yet KTKM is better?

>> No.11660941

Kitakami-sama is flatter.

>> No.11660943

I use them for a while in the events and my impression is that they are equally good. Both of them never lose their sparkles at all (except once for KTKM).

>> No.11660944

they make everything better and thus rarer.

I have a maxed ZKMS, beaver, Hibiki Kai, Poi Kai and Shigure Kai. can probably go with Kongou, Imuya or unremodeled Goya/Iku/Hachi and a CV/L

>> No.11660955

Bring a CVL and armed them fully with torpedo bombers. They could soften your target and even participate in killing subs.

>> No.11660958

Then why is Shimakaze a rare destroyer?

>> No.11660965

There's only one zkms-class destroyer.

>> No.11660970

Rarity depends on looks.
Goya has the best stats yet she is only a silver rarity because she looks like a futa. Hachi is inferior but she is a gold because she is cute.

>> No.11660971

Just crafted KTKM! Now Ooi finally has her sister.

>> No.11660972

Ooicchi is superior, anyways.

>> No.11660975

Futa is a plus in my book, make her holo rarity.

>> No.11660979

Finally, a promisingly short time from my submarine rec- oh, it's just Shimakaze.

>> No.11660982

Check the Wiki, with 30 minutes Shimakaze is the ONLY result.

>> No.11660985

Yeah, it was a 30 minute recipe. I know it's Shimakaze.

>> No.11660986

Stop that.

>> No.11660989

Then, how should I proceed to remark a specific word when there's no bold feature?

>> No.11660996


>> No.11660999

This is the _only_ way.

>> No.11661010


>> No.11661053

Don't forget to buy the free Christmas tree from the furniture shop.

>> No.11661087

I dont need no welfare tier plastic tree.

>> No.11661111

Don't you want to make your destroyer daughters happy?

>> No.11661117

Then buy the expensive 3000 coin + furniture fairy tree.

>> No.11661118

I like using

>> No.11661157

Anyone here can't choose their formation in PvP?

>> No.11661165

Oh never mind, it was a cache problem.

>> No.11661166

Really? People are complaining about caps for emphasis when there are homos forcing things like ZKMS and KTKM? I hate you all.

>> No.11661171

Should we use 島風 or 北上 instead turbonerd?

>> No.11661176

If you can't type ぜかまし you have no right to call her by a nickname, OK?

>> No.11661180


the MORE you ELITIST faggot SCUM rage ABOUT this THE more I WILL do IT.

>> No.11661187

I think KTKM is fine but I don't really like ZKMS

>> No.11661202



>> No.11661205

I'm alright with it, it tells me which ones are trying too hard to fit in and/or are filthy English wiki users. Besides, the only one the Moonlanders use with much frequency is RJ.

>> No.11661207

Why is my background for everything else except my room just plain white with the ship loading scren?

>> No.11661212


This slut is not worth to stay in my dock.

>> No.11661218

Murasame strikes again, now for 5-3.

>> No.11661222

I can't see which ship you scrapped.

>> No.11661225

also probably a screenshot from a jap or just from before he F5'd to save the yahagi.

>> No.11661228

He probably just had a spare Yahagi.

>> No.11661230

Translate it weeb.

>> No.11661239

It was sorted by new and it was not technically not possible to have another one before Hachi so he did scrapped his only Yahagi.
I got a spare Yahagi though, should I sink her for more tears?

>> No.11661242

That friend function can't come soon enough. They're most likely going to implement a trading function, but won't do it yet because they nourish from salt and tears.

>> No.11661305

New Thread

>> No.11661782

So /jp/, anyone had any good luck recently? After RNG fucked me in E4, i mustve gained a billion points with whatever deity that exists. 2 days ago, first run of E6 was a zuihou. Yesterday crafted nagato and kumano back to back and i got Mutsu 3 minutes ago.
