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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11628398 No.11628398 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11628407

gaijin go home

>> No.11628438 [DELETED] 


>> No.11628438,1 [INTERNAL] 

Nigger did you really just steal my post from the dead flanfly thread?

>> No.11628493 [DELETED] 

LMAO I can't believe this fag is still alive.

>> No.11628625 [DELETED] 

Damn look at all this good old days.

>> No.11628635

What are these games where the text goes over the picture? I have never played one.

>> No.11628635,1 [INTERNAL] 

The gaijin is the one with the purple hair right

>> No.11628635,2 [INTERNAL] 

good work janny

>> No.11628669

They're called Visual Novels. They are novels, which also include visuals. Similar to light novels but electronic. Many of them are pornographic.

>> No.11628671

Who would even think about playing such things?

>> No.11628679

I'm honestly not sure. They're mostly poorly written, and on top of that poorly translated. It really doesn't make sense to waste time reading something by Nasu [the author of the Visual Novel in the original poster's image] when one could spend their time reading fine literature.

Visual Novels provide the author's image, so they are less stimulating than a traditional novel, yet they contain nearly as many words. It's almost as bad as when adults watch cartoons over film. It must be a strange behavioral conditioning, brought on by mental illness or upset childhood.

>> No.11628690

I get that when reading manga and watching anime as well

>> No.11628703

I play them because I like the interactivity, making choices that have an impact on the story.

>> No.11628707

I play them for the porn.

>> No.11628712

>They're mostly poorly written, and on top of that poorly translated. It really doesn't make sense to waste time reading something by Nasu [the author of the Visual Novel in the original poster's image] when one could spend their time reading fine literature.


But sometimes VNs can surprise you. eheheh

What's a good story without a 15 minutes tentacle rape scene? And after that a universe scale mech battle that's actually very well done.

>> No.11628743

you can't play this particular one for the porn.

>> No.11628745

Is that a joke? The porn is the best part. Wormsluts are my fetish.

>> No.11628748

you must be the first person I've spoken to who likes it

>> No.11628753

I won't try to lie. I jerked it to Tohsaka's anus.

>> No.11628751

You made me chuckle.

>> No.11628755
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There's a slightly different appeal to visual novels over normal novels because in visual novels, you play the role as the protagonist. That means the characters interact with you directly and you make decisions that impact the story. In comparison, in most novels you are some third-person omniscient being or occupy the mind of some character without actually self-inserting as happens in visual novels. The self-insertion isn't always the case I suppose, since some characters can be rather unlikeable (I'm thinking of Takumi from Chaos;head), but the ability to make choices still gives the reader a heightened sense of involvement. Although I definitely agree with you that visual novels tend to be both poorly written and translated. Also porn is a huge appeal factor. The art style can be appealing as well, since you'll typically imagine a novel taking place in the real world.

There's two types of VN audiences I think, simialr to the Type A or Type B crap for anime. There's people who read for the plot, and enjoy stuff like Clannad and Umineko. Then there's those who read for the moe or porn.

>> No.11628760

I meant to reply to >>11628679

>> No.11628772

>read for the plot
>like Clannad

that one is straight up moe fantasy,dude

>> No.11628776

I fear that your opinion of Nasu has corrupted your opinion of the genre as a whole. Yes, Nasu writes poorly thought, Otaku-pandering, immature, power-level ridden, joke of visual novels. But he's not the only VN writer out there, nor is his genre the only genre of VN out there.

VNs do great porn. VNs do above average crying games, and some VNs are good horror stories, good action stories, or good overall stories.

>> No.11628790

My favourite VNs do all of those at once.

>> No.11628794

>Otaku-pandering, immature, power-level ridden
I can't imagine wanting to read VNs if I didn't enjoy stuff like this. You guys are weird.

>> No.11628811
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Every time; and then they claim they want to use their time on something useful while posting on 4chan, /jp/. And for some reason, they think if you do A you can't do B.
By this same argument, you can even consider literature a waste of time because "lol fiction".

>> No.11628838

I can't believe there are still posters on 4chan who cannot identify a sarcastic post.

>> No.11628850

>i was just pretending to be etc etc

>> No.11628851


nasu h-scenes are bad but the len one in kt got me very h*rny

>> No.11628856

I am not >>11628679
I wonder what video-game related boards to you frequent

>> No.11628865

And I replied because there are people who post things like this in a not ironic way.

>> No.11628916

You're on /jp/. Natives here make ironic posts all the time, /a/boi.

>> No.11628920

It's not fun if you explain it to them.

>> No.11629026 [DELETED] 

The explanation was in itself ironic, as is this post.

You've gotta learn to look through multiple layers of irony if you want to hang on the Jay, kid.

>> No.11629026,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11629184

Do you really think I was telling you that sincerely?

>> No.11629208

What is it with this mongrel thread? Praise the name of the well-known first year student already.

>> No.11629209

>if you want to hang on the Jay, kid.
I really love this board sometimes.

>> No.11629223

>Look at me I'm proud to be stupid.

/a/ tier stupidity. It's the answer they give when we objectively prove that their tastes is shit. You're better than this anon.

>> No.11629254
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>It's almost as bad as when adults watch cartoons over film. It must be a strange behavioral conditioning, brought on by mental illness or upset childhood.
>upset childhood.

This is true ;_;

>> No.11629285

You're right, but I disagree.

>> No.11629286

>It's almost as bad as when adults watch cartoons over film. It must be a strange behavioral conditioning, brought on by mental illness or upset childhood.

As a child I never liked the aesthetic of live-action. I was actually very scared that one day I would have to outgrow animation and watch recordings of real-life people. When I was 10, everyone in my class would be talking about the latest soap opera like grown-ups do, and it worried me that I'd never be able to get used to it.

Of course, I put up with it and now there are plenty of live-action films and television series I really enjoy. But now that I'm at the age where I don't have to care about looking childish, I definitely prefer watching animation, even children's animation. It's just more visually entertaining. I don't think it has anything to do with my childhood, just personal preference.

I was the same with music featuring lyrics. For the longest time I couldn't listen to music that had words. I only listened to video game music and some classical music.

Someone please relate.

>> No.11629314

I can relate exclusively to the animation part.

>> No.11629345 [DELETED] 

Why does every thread this week smell like /a/?

>> No.11629351

How would you know what /a/ smells like, huh? And don't pretend you're a presplitter, they all committed sudoku when meido died.

This is, "This tastes like shit," all over again...

>> No.11629356

did you washed your butt?

>> No.11629358


I came here from /a/ last year, but even I can tell this thread and many others are disgustingly not-/jp/ in origin.

>> No.11629364 [DELETED] 

>last year
we're bringin the good old days back kid enjoy

>> No.11629367

Because /a/ is getting worse and worse and this is the only board not completely filled with fags

>> No.11629372


well, now that youre here

>> No.11629375

I'm a presplitter, though I only browse 4chan occasionally (and mostly /u/ these days)

>> No.11629378

/a/ hit rock bottom many years ago already

>> No.11629388

>this is the only board not completely filled with fags

No reaction images needed. Only the quote.

>> No.11629390
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>not completely filled with fags

>> No.11629421


>> No.11629493

I agree with this point, more people should stop self-inserting in trashy visual novels with weak writing and join me and my fellow gentlemen in the 'Cirno is cool' thread.

>> No.11629500



>> No.11629519 [DELETED] 


>> No.11629526

Does exist like a degree on ironies?
Like second-degree irony?

>> No.11629531

Cirno is cool, what's your problem?

>> No.11629601

Whoa, you nerds need to settle down...

It's just more Nasu shit brought by the cross-borders as usual.

Take a chill pill and go do something useful like masturbate.

>> No.11629606


hmmm.... ill give you a 9/10 for that one, sir

>> No.11630754

Yeah, Type-Moon stuff has never been talked about on /jp/

>> No.11630801

Maybe it's wishful thinking on his part

>> No.11631910

Yeah keep /jp/ clean for the masterpieces of japanese culture, touhou imagedumps.

>> No.11631924

So you're combating dogshit with horseshit, great.

>> No.11631927

Isn't that what this site is all anout?

>> No.11631931

good point

>> No.11632046

Sarcasm or not people are using the "power level" card too widely nowadays. Stuff like dragonball counts as power level bullshit, type moon is always about situational combat and counters. Even though it's case of "I'll have to use THAT" "then I'll use THAT" until one of them run out of THATs, it's hardly powerlevel bullshit. And really noone is saying that Nasu is a fucking amazing writer, he just made a good setting and when it's mixed with cookiecutter characters and vague stories then it makes for a fun read, and there are girls you can bang.

>> No.11632051

Also don't forget that the majority of people are fucking stupid. Like when I see that a lot of people are confused by king crimson's ability, the mystic eyes of death perception and fifth magic I just scratch my head, it was literaly spelled how these work and people are still mumbling that they don't get it. So TM level writing is still too complex for plebs, not saying that it's the most in-depth thing ever but certainly more in.depth than the vast majority of other battle centric stories.

>> No.11632060


>> No.11632063
File: 280 KB, 1000x600, 64ca3bff489345f8ff27064de4be55963312c1de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best gimmick nasu ever wrote
