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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11624523 No.11624523 [Reply] [Original]

So what did you guys enjoy most when you where in Japan, and what did you least enjoy?
I'm going there in the summer and need some plans, just gonna be there 4 weeks traveling from Tokyo to the south with train.

>> No.11624539

I enjoy the feeling of safety and the lack of minorities. I don't enjoy the language barrier, or typhoons.

Where are you travelling to down south?

>> No.11624545 [DELETED] 


How's the PTSD going?

Did they ever repeal your ban evasion ban?

>> No.11624546

I'm traveling to where i feel like going at the time, but i guess Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima will be some of the places.

>> No.11624548

I was going to make some snide comment, but that bag is so cute I don't have the heart to do it.

>> No.11624553


Traveling to Japan has nothing to do with "Otaku Culture."

>> No.11624566

Be sure to make solid plans before you go. You'll probably end up doing the same things a lot if you don't force yourself to mix it up.

Kyoto and Osaka are nice cities. Both have good red light districts, if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.11624574

Why is this board called Japan then?


>> No.11624576

/trv/ nigger

>> No.11624577

Why are you trying to force this when they have nothing in common?

And bans aren't permanent anymore

>> No.11624610


What? He's already admitted he's him.

>> No.11624665

Best part about my last trip was visiting Akiba. It really is heaven for vidyaplaying perverted weeabos such as myself. But just walking around randomly in Tokyo and visiting weird shops and places was really fun.

Worst part was the fucking weather, my body never really acclimatized to the extremely high humidity, and I was reduced a sweaty pile of shit simply by walking out the hotel door. Thank god for all the stores having AC.

>> No.11624717


> vidyaplaying perverted weeabos such as myself

Holy fuck, this post is awful.

Do me a favor and don't ever post here again.

>> No.11624722

How is that denial working out?

>> No.11624736
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>> No.11624743

It's not who you are (a perverted weeaboo who plays video games), but how you managed to say it.

>> No.11624815
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Koyasan was pretty cool. Extremely peaceful mountain with monasteries, amazing nature walks and a hauntingly beautiful graveyard.

Pic related is the view from the traditional Japanese room we stayed in (in a monastery)

>> No.11624947 [DELETED] 


Davido-kun is my hero!

>> No.11625021

I spent 9 weeks in Japan this past summer and did a lot of cool stuff. I WWOOF'd on a farm in Kagoshima, I bummed around the beaches of southern Okinawa-honto, I went to a music festival in Tokyo and of course I went I got up at 4am three days in row to stand in line at summer comiket.
But for me the highlight was the week I spent in Nagasaki. Amazing city with great food, history and atmosphere. A must visit if you're a weeaboo of refined taste.

>> No.11625041

that sounds fun. you're making me consider doing a WWOOF exchange this summer after i graduate. what kind of work did you do?

>> No.11625043

I worked at an organic cafe and farm and split my time between weeding/harvest and working in the kitchen preparing vegetables and washing dishes.
Long hours though considering all I got in return was room and board. 8:30am-5pm 6 days a week.

>> No.11625090
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I like going to onsen in Hida-Takayama.

>> No.11625304

I most enjoyed learning about the culture and sushi on conveyor belts. Plus having vending machines and convenience stores every other block was really nice. I didn't hate anything. the only kinda annoying thing was hearing people complain, in Japanese thinking that I couldn't understand them, about white people coming over from America to be English Teachers and leeching off the economy. I wasn't offended at them saying I was a leech. I was a little offended that they lumped me in with English Teachers. It is a dumb complaint but, I mean I worked hard to get an engineering degree. English Teachers... Not so much. When I came back to the US though, not even 5 minutes back some guy yelled at me as I got off my plane to "Go back and make some more japanese cars and cheap chinese shit"(except with more racial slurs). 1 year in a different country and after 5 minutes i already stopped feeling homesick and wanted to go back. Seriously I never realized that Americans were such assholes until I lived in Japan. I can see why the world sees us as a bunch of obnoxious pricks.

>> No.11625327

Be prepared to be shocked if you are expecting to see the "internet's" version of Japan. Yeah the stuff that people in the west find strange, Japanese people also find strange. Anime and manga are suprisingly seen as childs stuff by a large majority or Japanese adults. The only strange things I have seen have only been around Tokyo and other major cities, similar to the US. If you go there expecting perversion, girls dressed in slutty clothes, and anime fans everywhere prepare to be dissapointed. Although Japanese high school girls actually do wear short skirts. Enjoy the culture though. I suggest finding and going to as many festivals as you can. That is where Japanese people cut loose and have fun. During the day they are all about their jobs.

>> No.11625394

Koku is one of my favorite artists.

>> No.11625460

>Go to Japan
>Do Otaku related things

>> No.11625469
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>> No.11625628

>go back and make some more japanese cars and cheap chinese shit
How did he know you were living there and not taking a holiday or something?

>> No.11626187

Japan is white, so they were simply talking about foreigners and Americans in general.

>except with more racial slurs
It's Japan they've had to deal with Chinese non-sense for a while.

>> No.11626241

Scroll up.

>> No.11626407

Best part: Curry rice
Worst part: Miso
Damn you, Matsuya!

>> No.11626597

He didn't. Just a typical American asshole making all Americans look bad.

>> No.11626714
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>So what did you guys enjoy most when you where in Japan
When I went into とらのあな and saw a couple guys casually looking through some loli doujinshi in broad daylight.
It made me think ``What a nice country, for something like this to be possible.'' It might also have made me tear up a little.
The food is also great and the people are nice.
>and what did you least enjoy?
When I had to leave three weeks later.

>> No.11626821

こ し え ん
and thermal baths also!

>> No.11626879

Loved playing Mahjong with locals, going to festivals, and Pachinko. Especially when I exchanged the "special prizes" for cash. It felt like I was doing a drug deal with the teller.

>> No.11626903

Fuck that doujin man, dude finally gets to rip that seal and just.. BAD END. I can't fap to this!

>> No.11626912

My time at Comiket was the happiest I've been in years.

Other than that, I really enjoyed the arcades. Maimai is very addictive. And the fact that the Guilty Gear Xrd location test happened to be going on at the same time was the best coincidence ever.

Also the baths. Taking a bath the Japanese way is so incredibly relaxing.

The worst part was the heat and humidity, but it really wasn't that bad once you get used to it. I was really worried that the heat would kill my Comiket experience, but as long as you go prepared with lots of fluids and a towel to wear around your neck, it's perfectly manageable.

My advice to OP is this: if you're going because of anime/otaku stuff, don't spend so much time outside Tokyo. Sure go around the country to sightsee, but pretty much all the otaku-ish stuff about Japan can be enjoyed best in Tokyo.

>> No.11626921
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I particularly liked, when somewhat jetlagged, walking west a few blocks from Akihabara past a Shinto shrine, I think it was the Kanda Myojin, and hearing traditional Japanese music coming out of one of the buildings.

Not so good was sitting in a local train that had stopped between Aomori and Mutsu, and having the only explanation on the loudspeaker, naturally, in Japanese. (I figure some kind of kaiju.)

>> No.11626952

Then what did you do? I heard only from china that getting a job as foreigner you have to do something they can't, which is 90% teaching english.

>> No.11626962

Is Curry rice something everyone enjoys or only kids?

>> No.11626980

It's like spaghetti or hamburgers, popular among children and adults alike.

>> No.11626994

My company sent me over to both learn new techniques for designing and construction of buildings and bridges. Making things more compact, different ways of designing joints, new materials and building techniques, etc. and teach them about some of the new western techniques, joints, etc. The second time I went over I helped redesign some bridges for the bullet train line. They are planning an overhaul for those lines in the future after they have the new maglev train line up and running. Engineers, especially get to travel to other countries because when designing a building, bridge, etc. it is best to get different opinions from other country's Engineers. It helps promote innovations. From my visit I learned a lot more about making bridges stronger against earthquakes while still making them as quickly, cheaply, and small as possible. I taught them about new building methods from the west that promote structure longevity and reduce maintenance.

>> No.11627001

I see. That's pretty cool.

>> No.11627027

It was fun. Even funny at some points. I almost died laughing when one of them said. "Oh so you build your bridges like your women. Big on top and long legs."

>> No.11627078
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>> No.11627193

During my first week I had to take a taxi into work early and saw a bunch of people sleeping outside the train stations. Later I asked my coworkers why they let homeless people sleep outside the train stations? I didn't know that in Japan when people missed the last train they will sleep outside or in the stations during the summer, rather than pay for a taxi or hotel. For weeks after that they would come up to me and ask me how many homeless people I saw on my way into work.

>> No.11627212

That sounds just really weird.

>> No.11627231

Apparently there it's perfectly normal. A lot of college kids do it because they don't have money. But grown adults do it too. I only ever saw it once since I usually took the train to work and they were always gone, or waiting for the first train home by the time I got there.

>> No.11627482

I've never been in Japan, but I would recommend you to visit Slovakia!

>> No.11627553

This made me sad. I've been an English teacher here for 3 years and I've never heard anyone complain like that. How am I a leech when I'm working hard in school everyday and pay taxes?

>> No.11627677

nice blog
>Japan is white

>> No.11627691

They think that the teachers make tons of money, save it up, and send it back home. Which isn't true. I only ever heard it when I was on the train closest to my house outside of Kitakata.

>> No.11627842

>I heard only from china that getting a job as foreigner you have to do something they can't

Not quite... you just have to speak good Japanese and be better qualified than the other candidates. You don't have to be your field's equivalent of Stephen Hawking.

>> No.11627894


>> No.11627941

question, how should i be learning japanese? it confuses me to no end,

>> No.11627990

lang 8 is a good tool to practice. As far as learning it... Community colleges might have classes, find a Japanese person who can teach you, or the always overpriced rosetta stone. There really isn't an easy way to learn Japanese. Just practice, good luck.

>> No.11633134

>Taking a bath the Japanese way is so incredibly relaxing.

Do they really flip their shit that bad if you have a tattoo?.
