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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 286 KB, 1280x1024, ryouti01l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11619568 No.11619568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which touhou would you mutilate?

>> No.11619570

The one I love the most.

>> No.11619572


>> No.11619577


>> No.11619578

None of them, that's heartless.

>> No.11619579

I'd like to do it but I wouldn't unless she wanted me to.

>> No.11619582
File: 755 KB, 1240x1753, 1334017551584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HELL yeah

>> No.11619585
File: 814 KB, 800x800, 18795714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11619585,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this deleted?

>> No.11619585,2 [INTERNAL] 

You're not allowed to make threads the janitor doesn't like. Now watch the retard come in here and say it was because of guro even though there is no guro in this thread and even if >>11619582 and >>11619585 were guro it wouldn't be reason enough to delete the whole thread.

>> No.11619585,3 [INTERNAL] 

Global Rule 3

No gore outside /b/.

Rules, nigger.

>> No.11619585,4 [INTERNAL] 

The black bar over the tits in OP doesn't make it SFW. Read the rule. Censoring or spoilering porn is still porn.

>> No.11619585,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's just like saying a normal image isn't safe for work because it's just clothes covering their nude body. Completely retarded.

>> No.11619585,6 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt that's what it was deleted for. I do that ten times a week without any problems. The rules say that you won't get away with spoiler porn, which is talking about marking it as a spoiler image, not black bars. The rules also say you can't mosaic porn, good thing black boxes aren't mosaics. Keep trying so desperately to convince others that deletions are good and right as long as they're deletions of things you personally dislike, retard. I hope to god you're not the janitor.

>> No.11619585,7 [INTERNAL] 

I don't give a flying fuck why things are deleted. If I want images, 4chan is the last place I look.

But a painfully obvious guro /r/ thread doesn't belong on /jp/. If you can't see that, then you need to be fired, Janny.

>> No.11619585,8 [INTERNAL] 

"I delete threads because I think they might turn out to be threads I don't like" certainly sounds like something one of our janitors would say. What's painfully obvious is that this thread is for discussion of which Touhou character people would like to mutilate. Following the logic of a delusional fuck like you, pretty much all threads should be deleted since to you they would appear as "obvious /r/ threads". Of course you don't actually believe that, you're just talking out of your ass because you want to justify threads you don't like being unfairly deleted. Complacent idiots like you are just what the staff wants.

>> No.11619585,9 [INTERNAL] 

If this truly was a deletion of a thread I don't like, then I win and you're just a faggot pissing in the wind - powerless to do anything but bawww on /ghost/ without a single response from 4chan staff except screenshots of your posts on /j/ for them to laugh at.

Me - 1
You - 0

>> No.11619585,10 [INTERNAL] 

Looks to me like now that I've driven you into a corner you're starting to be a little more honest about yourself. I'm always happy to see my beliefs confirmed.

>> No.11619585,11 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck the janitor.

>> No.11619585,12 [INTERNAL] 

I knew you'd miss the word "if".


>> No.11619585,13 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like you missed the word "little". You're getting there. A moment ago you completely denied the possibility. You also pretended to be an upstanding follower of the rules and now you're just behaving like an obnoxious low-level shitposter.

>> No.11619585,14 [INTERNAL] 

Nice damage control, Jannie

>> No.11619585,15 [INTERNAL] 

Stay out of this, you incompetent janitor. You're scum beneath my boot, learn your place.

>> No.11619585,16 [INTERNAL] 

It's all an exercise in academics anyway. All we can do is speculate the reason for deletion.

It might have been an unrelated ban that caused all posts from that IP to be removed. We're quick to scream "omg rogue janitor" but the fact is we will never know.

>> No.11619585,17 [INTERNAL] 

>an unrelated ban that caused all posts from that IP to be removed
That doesn't happen anymore. It is the excuse of choice for people who worship the janitor and think it impossible for him to abuse his power though. The chances of there having ever been a janitor who hasn't abused his power is about 0%.

>> No.11619585,18 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you, janny.

>> No.11619585,19 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know it doesn't happen anymore? Are you a janitor?

>> No.11619585,20 [INTERNAL] 

With everything moot has been doing to prevent people from being confused about the purpose for deletions, going so far as to completely remove the delete function for regular users, I can't imagine he would let anyone delete all posts from an IP unless there is an [b]extreme[/b/] amount of spam from that ip, enough to fill up pages of the board. I also think the "haha, I'm gonna call someone who is against the janitors the janitor, that's so unexpected and random, it's sure to confuse people :P" gimmick is pretty lame.

>> No.11619585,21 [INTERNAL] 

See, I didn't call you a janitor. I asked.

The difference between us is I'm saying I don't know and offering potential alternatives while you're absolutely convinced that you're 100% correct.

>I can't imagine he would...
Well, at least you're beginning to show signs of acknowledging that you may be wrong.

>> No.11619585,22 [INTERNAL] 

You're just pulling a bait-and-switch. You start off sucking janitor cock and now you pretend to be neutral. I'm not falling for it. I'll stop replying as soon as you stop replying though, if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.11619585,23 [INTERNAL] 

I find the "you don't call for the death of janitors so you suck janicock" meme to be tiresome.

I started off by speculating that it was deleted on violation of global rule 5. Did I say I agreed with it if that were true? Nope. I just offered the possibility.

I'll be sure to only respond to "why was this deleted" with "look cuz janiturd mad lolz #rekt" from now on so as not to offend your delicate sensibilities.

>> No.11619585,24 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't have a problem with that if it were true, but you were clearly quite proud and happy to justify the deletion just because you dislike the topic, and that pisses me off. As you said, what it comes down to is that something you dislike got deleted and I'm mad about it, so you win. That doesn't mean I should put up with your bullshit reasons though. The reason the thread was deleted is because the janitor disliked it, simple as that. I'm convinced I'm 100% correct because I am in fact 100% correct.

>> No.11619585,25 [INTERNAL] 

Are people really arguing about this?
Its a gore request thread, go bitch about the fucking loli thread being deleted. I'd rather have that around than this garbage.

>> No.11619585,26 [INTERNAL] 

The loli thread was deleted because it was an obvious troll thread, another case closed. And this thread is pretty clearly way more of a survey thread than a request thread. Both types are popular on /jp/ and are usually not deleted. Why threads related to other fetishes stay but this gets deleted is a mystery. Nothing is said about the discussion of the topics in global rule 3 being against the rules, the bans for it are always because of images. All images in this thread are SFW and not guro. All this comes down to is people pulling whatever they want out of their asses to justify a deletion of something they dislike.

>> No.11619585,27 [INTERNAL] 

If you're talking about "which 2hu wuld u x" then those get deleted all the time, nice try though.

>> No.11619585,28 [INTERNAL] 

Threads like this get deleted without the wich 2hu, while all the other threads are allowed to stay if they just change the format of the text a little. But while we're on the topic of that, the janitor seriously needs to stop deleting those wich 2hu threads. They end up being at least ten times more interesting, both in discussion and images, than all of the character image dump threads combined.

>> No.11619585,29 [INTERNAL] 

This. At least it's a real question with room for discussion. "Sanae is a miko!" is just a pointless statement.

>> No.11619585,30 [INTERNAL] 

The janitor also deletes negative opinions

>> No.11619585,31 [INTERNAL] 

A mod said somewhere that censored porn is not allowed. That's a retarded rule that shouldn't exist, but as long as it does, the janitor can legally delete your threads on that technicality.

>> No.11619585,32 [INTERNAL] 

I said if .... IF this was a case of ... IF ...

God, you're tiresome.

You do not know why this thread was deleted. You ASSUME why.

>> No.11619585,33 [INTERNAL] 

A janitor who doesn't enforce the rules, even the stupid ones, gets fired.

Mods see all ban requests.
Mods see all deletions.
Mods see all cleared reports.

Janitors have individual login accounts and have to answer for their actions. Janitors cannot rebel.

Anger at the janitor is misplaced. You don't get mad at the cop for writing you a ticket. You get mad at the idiots who made the law.

>> No.11619585,34 [INTERNAL] 

The "censored porn" ruling is not a rule per se, but an administrative guideline on how a certain rule should be enforced.

>> No.11619585,35 [INTERNAL] 

You mean they have the ability to see all that but they never bother checking it because of the hundreds of ban requests and cleared reports and thousands of deleted posts that are made daily?

I'm sure moot himself has said something on /j/ about how he doesn't give a fuck about /jp/ and you can do whatever you want to it.

>> No.11619585,36 [INTERNAL] 

>You don't get mad at the cop for writing you a ticket.
No, but I do get mad at the cop that decides to taser me because I made eye contact with him.
The rules are open to interpretation and so incredibly vague it gives the janitors leeway to do whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.11619585,37 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit this thread reminded me of the most erotic shit I read on /jp/ be right back to look for it you guys are gonna love it

>> No.11619585,38 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sure the low number of moderators who obviously care a lot about doing their work will go through millions of ban requests, posts and thread deletions and decide, with all the wisdom that granted them such a high position of power, which are rightful or wrong. I am also completely sure they will outright fire a janitor after they make a couple of mistakes so as to keep a high standard of quality in a team that's already quite small. I'm also fairly sure that they care as much about posts as they care about each janitor's individual performance because, between wisely sorting out all the ban requests, helping out at their local homeless shelter, donating 4chan pass money to charity and contributing to the overall quality of the site by posting the same kind of meaningful, constructive quality content that allowed them to raise to their current position in the past, they always keep an hour of their schedule to evaluate each janitor's performance while sipping on a latte and listening the latest anamanaguchi album.

>> No.11619585,39 [INTERNAL] 

FUCKING FOUND IT holy shit >>10553287

>> No.11619585,40 [INTERNAL] 

Fine, but that's the way 4chan works. You don't own 4chan nor do you have the right to use it. All you have is the right to leave.

>> No.11619585,41 [INTERNAL] 

Nice dude

>> No.11619585,42 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks dude I searched it all by myself.
