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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 239 KB, 1113x526, 1353802103623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11608688 No.11608688[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last penpal thread got bumped off so here's the new one.

How's everyone's Japanese penpals doing? Anything interesting? Let's discuss Japanese penpals!

>japan guide com local ?aCAT=2

>> No.11608692

Look at her lips! You know she can suck a good dick!

>> No.11608730

Sometimes I feel bad that I don't include pictures or more recent events in my correspondence. Maybe I should take some pictures of the autumn leaves before they all fall.

>> No.11608742

Do we really need another one so soon?

>> No.11608755

My penpal correspondence tends to be monthly or greater, so I agree that we don't need a constant general.

>> No.11608760

They're amusing to me so I don't mind. Where else am I going to get the latest info between anon and his NEET girlfriend?

Monthly? Seriously? Mine usually is a few days a day to a once every few days.

>> No.11608761

Where's skype-san? Where's his guide?

>> No.11608773

He travels a lot and apparently has a pretty busy schedule. He actually visits Massachusetts regularly so that's part of it probably. Maybe if I take some pictures and stuff he'll reply more, I'll try that.

>> No.11609009 [DELETED] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1329x1466, 1292394444376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what a whore.

>> No.11609021

I'm worried that having a penpal general thread up all the time will eventually ruin the threads.

Don't ruin a good thing!

>> No.11609075 [DELETED] 

disgusting 糞 thread, stupid crossboarder.

>> No.11609096

i hope she likes fat hairy men

>> No.11609120 [DELETED] 

what's with this weeaboo shit

is the janny making these?

>> No.11609132

Just some weeaboo shit for a weeaboo board.

>> No.11609133 [DELETED] 

go be ronery somewhere else, /soc/ fuckhead

>> No.11609166 [DELETED] 

LMAO he's babysitting his own weeaboo /soc/ thread again

>> No.11609178 [DELETED] 

How can it be a /soc/ thread when it's on /jp/?

>> No.11609179

are you retarded

>> No.11609195

> #3
You guys are still at it? How the hell is this /jp/ related? Just try /soc/ or /r9k/ or something.

>> No.11609202 [DELETED] 

if janny says it's /jp/ related then it stays

>> No.11609212


It is related to Japanese culture. It helps to learn the language and educate people about Japanese culture. How that is not /jp/ related?

>> No.11609213 [DELETED] 

The /jp/ meido must also love the juicy stories that come from these threads.

>> No.11609217

this board is otaku culture you fucking dork
not japanese weeaboo ronery culture

>> No.11609237

talking about otaku culture with penpals counts as otaku culture!

>> No.11609274

I have never seen this thread before. The timing for me couldn't have been better, since it looks like I will be taking Japanese this coming semester in college.

>> No.11609281

Anybody have experience with using a penpal to help improve your Japanese? I'm graduating in a month and I'm trying to think of good ways to keep learning the language after school.

>> No.11609282

>started talking with a doujinshi mangaka who happened to be into my country
>we have same interests and like same things(well, she made douji about some titles I like too)
>after 6th email she stopped responding, 2 weeks passed
>tfw she still writes in twitter but I'm too damn shy to ask what's wrong
Welp, guess I'm never going to even try to talk to japs. Jp, stay cool and never give up to those filthy penpal threads.

>> No.11609287

>>tfw she still writes in twitter but I'm too damn shy to ask what's wrong
The conversation might have just been not all that exciting, or she's busy with stuff. It happens. Did she tell you her twitter or did you find that yourself?

>> No.11609290

Email them again. Entirely possible your email was eaten somewhere along the line.

>> No.11609332

She showed me a website of her circle and there I found her twitter account. No, she did not give me a link to her twitter directly.
I don't want to look pushy, it may all have been a polite way to tell me that I'm not suitable persona for a conversation.

>> No.11609340

In my opinion, don't tweet at her unless she gave you her twitter account directly. I know I would probably find that a little weird. As the other anon said, if you really want to talk to her some more then you could email her again asking her how she's been lately, etc. If the conversation dies again after that then just give up on it.

>> No.11609415

Emailing someone isn't being pushy. Tell them hi and just make it seem like a normal email. For all you know your email ended up in a spam folder that she doesn't check for some stupid reason.

If it doesn't work out then, then give a third time a shot in a few weeks if you really want to talk to them.

>> No.11609438
File: 48 KB, 667x509, he arrvies during the climax with saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that`s my little rude, so don`t ask why
How would her father feel about her drooling over attractive and sporty foreign boys under ~30?

>> No.11609455

This image has always annoyed me.

You're basically arming anybody that busts in to rob the place by putting all your weapons at the fucking door.

>> No.11609461

Maybe those are fake weapons that activate booby traps.

>> No.11609494

do japs really type like this?

seems kind of obvious. probably some fat dude in USA

>> No.11609496


>> No.11612590

If you google her email, she posted some other pics (including her chest). Seems legit enough for me!

>> No.11616603


>> No.11616619

I'll second this. Just shoot out the fucking e-mail, who cares? We've got two choices here, you look pushy or never talk to her again.

Anytime I don't get a response I shoot out a second email after a little time. If I don't get a response then I move on.

>> No.11616667

Beware the fakes. I've run into /jp/sie pretending to be a jap. Go choke on a dick, retard.

>> No.11616678

Why would anyone even think they would be able to pull something like that off?

>> No.11616731

I'm sure they just wanted to be friends.

>> No.11616960


Exactly. You don't have anything to lose because if she is not talking to you at the moment what else she could do after you send an email to her? She could only re-establish your conversation.

Hope it goes well. But as a cynical person, I don't think she'll respond though. Bitches are like that. They forget you so easily.

>> No.11616999 [DELETED] 

Why does jannyboy allow these shitty /soc/ threads? I'm pretty sure that gook mailing is not /jp/ related.

Take this weeaboo shit to /int/, you queers.

>> No.11617007 [DELETED] 

Are you so mad all the time because Japanese girls won't respond to your messages? So sad. ;-;

>> No.11617012 [DELETED] 


Sorry but this thread is already approved. It is related to Japanese culture and learning Japanese as well. If you are bitter, just go away please.

>> No.11617013

get a jgf and stay on skype all the time

>> No.11617015 [DELETED] 

If I was ever to date a real girl, it'd be a white girl.

>> No.11617017 [DELETED] 

why in the world would you ever date a white girl nowadays? they literally can't and are unwilling to do a fucking thing for the relationship

>> No.11617029 [DELETED] 

*le janny seal of approval* huh? Gook culture goes to >>>/int/, while languages go to >>>/lang/. This is "Otaku Culture". Enjoy your weeb thread while you can, fags. I'm reporting this shit straight to moot right now.

>> No.11617032 [DELETED] 

Because asians are ugly and I don't have a yellow fever.

>> No.11617033 [DELETED] 


Ooh what a badass. I'm so scared.

>> No.11617036 [DELETED] 


How much do you weight?

>> No.11617095 [DELETED] 

the fuck are you doing here then

>> No.11617119 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 596x596, 1373796699529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because everyone here digs the yellow chicks, right? If I wanted to fuck someone with a monkey face, I'd fuck a monkey.

>> No.11617120 [DELETED] 

Looking for some anime pussy what else fucking dumbass normie

>> No.11617130

>while languages go to >>>/lang/.
Says the guy using French.

>> No.11617134 [DELETED] 


Not that you have ever probably even seen a real woman naked.

This is a penpal thread and discussion about Japanese penpals, not for bashing or for your insecurities.

>> No.11617135 [DELETED] 

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.11617136 [DELETED] 

It's japanese

>> No.11617137 [DELETED] 

>Not that you have ever probably even seen a real woman naked.

>> No.11617139

I just can't keep japanese friends for some reason, they all stop replying after a couple of emails. I even met a couple cute girls in real life, but despite my perfect japanese(passed JLPT1 5 years ago) they never wanted to hang out again.

>> No.11617142 [DELETED] 

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
I'm not quoting my report btw, it's someone else's ;)

>> No.11617143 [DELETED] 

Japanese = Otaku?

Are you retarded?

>> No.11617144 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1280x1024, Anime-Girl-Closeup-Eyes-1024x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monkey face =/= pretty.

Please don't.

>> No.11617146 [DELETED] 

AW shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit is that a fellow CA brah i see?

>> No.11617146,1 [INTERNAL] 

get in here /b/ros

>> No.11617151 [DELETED] 

Penpal otaku

Are you retarded?

>> No.11617155 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 696x785, 1352616926648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking really? Are you gonna play it like this?

I'm an anime pic otaku btw

>> No.11617156 [DELETED] 


>Penpal otaku

nice to see we can have any subject on /jp/ if we just stick the word otaku on the end

>> No.11617160 [DELETED] 

Who META otaku here?

>> No.11617162 [DELETED] 


You're either ugly and/or don't earn enough money to keep their interest.

>> No.11617165 [DELETED] 

any cute otaku babe wanna penpal with me type 123

>> No.11617168 [DELETED] 

Otaku is a Japanese term that refers to people with obsessive interests not just anime and manga
For example train otaku we have a train thread, tea otaku, mahjong otaku, all kinds of otaku

>> No.11617173 [DELETED] 


>Otaku is a Japanese term that refers to people with obsessive interests not just anime and manga

I read this on wikipedia too, upvoted ;)

>> No.11617174 [DELETED] 

Of course I'm ugly, but they have lots of even uglier friends. Guess I'm just boring as fuck.

>> No.11617176 [DELETED] 

can;t wait till Janny-tan comes and mutes and bans your ass
we'll see who's laughing then

>> No.11617255 [DELETED] 

Anime people are white. I like white people.

>> No.11617299

I wish I wasn't so shy and ugly, I want to have a penfriend too.

>> No.11618203 [DELETED] 

124 ;)))

>> No.11618342 [DELETED] 

A little off-topic here, but it does involve conversing with foreigners. There is a pretty cute Korean girl who I pass everyday at my uni. The thing is, I do not know her, but I want to get to know her. Also, I am fat (5'11 and around ~250lbs) and socially awkward. A little scared that if I do start talking to her and she eventually moves back. Guide me, /jp/.

>> No.11618350

This is fucking horrible.

>> No.11618353 [DELETED] 


Just so you know, only malnourished people can be tru/jp/. You must also be NEET.

>> No.11618357

go and do it, she will be taking any man who will want to, if korean

>> No.11618359

I want to make a penpal who likes otaku stuff such as I do. Do the people who use this penpal thing normally enjoy these stuff or are they mostly just normal folks?

>> No.11618360 [DELETED] 

How do you actually know she's Korean if you don't even know her? All asians look the same.

>> No.11618378 [DELETED] 


>> No.11618378,1 [INTERNAL] 

Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - /pol/ Outside of /pol/.
This block will expire in 12 minutes. [More Info]


>> No.11618378,2 [INTERNAL] 

I love seeing these.
Keep posting every mute you get.

>> No.11618378,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11618378,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11618378,5 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck man? I better not be banned.

>> No.11618446 [DELETED] 


>> No.11618450

Otaku types wouldn't be looking for a penpal.

>> No.11618453

She's beatiful...

>that feel when you will never hold her and kiss her as she says daiski desu yo

why? :(

>> No.11618454 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 400x313, protester_poops_US_Flag_cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellow feeeeeeeeeeeeeevuuuuuuuuuuuur pumkin eaaaaaaaaaaaterrrrrrrrr

>> No.11618455 [DELETED] 

don't.... don't f***ing deface and insult our flag like that

you do that again and your going down...

>> No.11618455,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11618455,2 [INTERNAL] 

I've been talking about Star Trek with my Japanese penpal but I'm afraid to post about it.. I don't think it would turn out well if someone were to start talking about something like that here, just a hunch! (⌒_⌒;)

>> No.11618455,3 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you're trolling /ota/min-san because Star Trek is /jp/ heritage and we have had literally hundreds of great Star Trek threads on /jp/.

>> No.11618455,4 [INTERNAL] 

After the Star Wars incident, I am just nervous that it might ruin a nice thing again.. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

>> No.11618469
File: 78 KB, 768x1024, IMG_2302136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my japanese penpal

>> No.11618472 [DELETED] 

guk hore

>> No.11618473

She's cute and all, but why the fuck are you posting her picture here?

>> No.11618484 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 337x228, why foo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my japanese penpal

>> No.11618484,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good point. I miss the Star Wars threads of old, shame they're now deleted even though SW is huge in Japan.

Maybe we should just leave Star Trek (also huge in Japan) alone otherwise it'll become rule-breaking material like everything the janitor dislikes.

>> No.11618484,2 [INTERNAL] 

y u not del, jan?

>> No.11618504 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, IMG_429911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my japanese penpal is cuter

>> No.11618504,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11618519 [DELETED] 

>posting ugly nips (like 99% of them are) is off-topic
>posting disgusting plastic nips is not

janishit detected

go back to neverland you fairy

>> No.11618522 [DELETED] 

heh heh heh... your not bad janishit, but *unsheathes katana* you can't stand against my true power. *licks blade* its been a long time since my blade feasted on blood of noob... this will be good *assumes yami no tetsuougi stance* your goin down! *dashes towards you and disappears*

"shit where did he go i must block him ?!"

*appears behind you as thousands cuts appear in the air and cut you down* feel the power of my shadow jutsu... your nothing!!

"its... not over!!! *fires janishit beam*"

heh... noob *holds out katana and absorbs beam before using the extra power unleashing yami no UBERSLICE that totally destroys you* hehehahahaha your just to weak!!!

>> No.11618525 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 539x550, das it mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11618536 [DELETED] 

how do i become a penpal

>> No.11618538 [DELETED] 

you piece of shit

>> No.11618538,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can you guys shit up the idol threads too please?

>> No.11618547 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 330x319, laughing asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11618557 [DELETED] 

Heil Hitler!

>> No.11618559 [DELETED] 

Shouldn't this be on /soc/?

>> No.11618567 [DELETED] 

I understand the confusion regarding this, this isn't just because it implies japanese girls to contact any connection to 'otaku culture'
Why do those posts get deleted, while the thread stays up? This should be placed on /soc/ or facebook and does not belong on /jp/ - Otaku culture.
Sadly /jp/ isn't anymore than a shell of its former self & the janitor prefers to care about comments which he personally dislikes.
rip /jp/

>> No.11618574 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 216x345, CkN8qbT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw janny is racial discriminations against japanese-nigerians

feeliosis when janshité make complete embarrASSment out of himself and shud go back to sucking moots dick on /v/ with all the other trans staff haha



>> No.11618569

has anyone successfully used skype channel to find a long term friend?

I've found a few girls on there that keep me on their list and will answer if I message them, but I'm just curious if anyone has found any good friends on there.

>> No.11618588 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 800x571, janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11619153

I sent a message to someone on japan guide but they haven't replied. It's been four days.

Should I try again or should I give up?

>> No.11619224

Give up.

>> No.11619231

He's showing off his property.

>> No.11619246

If she likes sporty guys, then why do her hobbies have nothing to do with sports? Her English also seems almost too good.

>> No.11619389

>If she likes sporty guys, then why do her hobbies have nothing to do with sports?

Because she likes sporty guys, not sports. Sporty guys tend to be in good shape.

She's saying she likes guys in good shape.

She's saying she's a shallow whore.

>> No.11619634 [DELETED] 

why is this turd still here

>> No.11619693

Looks pretty fat to me.

You people are so easily fooled by angle shots.

>> No.11619723

Say that you have rich parents this time.

>> No.11619719

>Looks pretty fat

I fail to see the problem.

>> No.11619725

That's not actually his penpal. She's lay epik internet personality.

>> No.11619881

What's her name then so I can find more pictures to fap to?

>> No.11619884

I don't know but she regularly streams on ニコ生放送

>> No.11622907

I hate it when Japanese people respond to my posts with machine translated English when it clearly states in Japanese that I can speak Japanese.

Also, obviously copy/pasted replies suck too. People suck.

>> No.11625134

I had the intentions of making a "hobby entusiahust" (if possible, normies are ok though) penpal from japan, for the sole purpouse of asking for surroundings photography exchange (for fanart and such) and talking about weeb stuff.
Do i have chances?
Or should i rather stick to use photography-centered blogs images?

>> No.11625354

I can't handle these feels

>> No.11625354,1 [INTERNAL] 

nothing says otaku like adding normal, working japanese people on skype

>> No.11625354,2 [INTERNAL] 

stay mad that my thread didn't get deleted while your garbage threads are gone LOL

>> No.11625354,3 [INTERNAL] 

no joke i only have weirdo japs and hikkis on my skype

>> No.11625354,4 [INTERNAL] 

>he thinks my threads are gone

>> No.11625577

Is this a real girl or what? Its hard to believe this isn't just some /jp/easy out there trying to get us to take naked photos and then furthering to destroy us.

I'm considering emailing her.

>> No.11625591

This image is years old, stop being stupid.

>> No.11625605

Email her and tell us how it goes. Even if it's just for shits and giggles. More pics of her here:

>> No.11625801


>> No.11630481

Seems like a good chick, even including some English in the community description.

>> No.11632145

I've been trying to self-teach Japanese recently, memorized all hiragana/katakana and a huge amount of kanji(Chinese background).
I still have a hard time reading text since I've to stare at the text while thinking of the sound it makes. By the time I'm done, I forget what the sentence was...

>> No.11632204

I use interpals to communicate with nips and all kind of people.

>> No.11632247

the janitor literally made this thread, didn't he

why is moot letting offboarders police this board?

>> No.11632759


You seem to be butthurt of something. Why? I've been on /jp/ since 2003 when this wasn't full of BH yet.

>> No.11632764

stfu retard stop talking to me

>> No.11632793


That's your level of discussion? No wonder why you see a penpal thread as your competitor. It's pretty sad.

>> No.11632795

look at the thread in the archive if you want to know what's wrong with it you dumb crossboarder and/or janitor

>> No.11632798

I like these threads, I just can't understand why it always get deleted when I make it.

>> No.11632803

because it has nothing to do with otaku culture
absolutely nothing
if you want to talk about qt3.14 gfs then go to /r9k/ or /soc/ and if you want to talk to japs then go to /int/

>> No.11632817

of course Japanese language has absolutely nothing with otaku culture

>> No.11632820

it doesn't
there's a daily japanese learning thread on /a/ for you chucklefucks who will never learn it and evidently this thread has nothing to do with learning the language itself. just look at this fucking thread, it's full of ronery weeaboos talking about girls

>> No.11632910


You are fucking pathetic. Just go hug your pissy yellow stained lolita pillow.

Otaku culture is not about your fucking cartoons, it is also about lot of different things. How stupid can you be? How stupid?

I'm getting really pissed off.

>> No.11632931

Penpal, friend, hanging out stuff has absolutely nothing to do with /jp/.

Like>>11632803 said if you want to talk about shit like that just go to /r9k/, /soc/ or /adv/.

>> No.11632954

>I'm getting really pissed off.

>> No.11633012

Because people on /r9k/, /soc/ or /adv/ would absolutely love to talk about how to improve their japanese skill by talking with native japanese penpals that know only three or four words in english.

>> No.11633107

So this isn't you then?"

>> No.11633251

Wow, somehow both of them got deleted. What the hell. But no, those weren't me. You can view the Google cache, minus the pictures.

>> No.11634105

Nobody here is talking about improving English skills, it's all ronery >tfw no gf dogshit that doesn't belong here you g/a/ia retard.

>> No.11634140 [DELETED] 

I see this shitty thread is still alive and is filled with hotgay crossboarders and unwanted local yellowfever degenerates who probably also frequent idol threads. GJ janishit.

This is cultural genocide. /jp/ = Sweden, this thread = shitskin ghetto, Janishit = a jew.

>> No.11634143 [DELETED] 

Why would the janitor delete his own thread?

>> No.11637942 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 126900658873104s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're angry and rude.

>> No.11637977 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ = Sweden

Suddenly all the gay shit makes sense.

>> No.11638008 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the bump, Janny

>> No.11638042

shh, no need to pretend like it wasn't you

>> No.11642905


>> No.11642941

Hey, yeah. I'm who you were talking to. When you linked them to me I was confused and though I'd have to get an account before I could see her account. I'm seriously worried that I will go to Japan and end up still not getting laid. I have tons of friends in Japan too. Lots of girls that are friends and were flirty. My American friends that claim they know about Japanese culture can say "Oh you know Japanese go a long time without dating because high school is so stuff, so they're not really hitting on anyone". As if I didn't fucking know that. I even went into fuller extent as to how boys in Japan have started sleeping with one another and that friend just scuffed it off and continued to lecture me. I know what flirting is and I know the signals. Wasn't even talking about that one girl flirting with me but another Japanese student.

Anyway I digress. It's not like getting laid is an issue here with me in my home country. Just really want a Japanese lover. Maybe something will happen with somebody. Not looking just to fuck. Only a pleb would go to another country specifically to fuck.

>> No.11643664

>I'm seriously worried that I will go to Japan and end up still not getting laid
>Not looking just to fuck. Only a pleb would go to another country specifically to fuck.
Well if you care that much about getting laid then are you not just going to another country specifically to fuck?

>Just really want a Japanese lover.
Why a Japanese lover specifically?

>> No.11648708

What do I talk with penpals?
I tried to talk about eroge but none of them play it.

>> No.11648787

>then are you not just going to another country specifically to fuck?
Please refer back to my last sentence. I will quote it simply in poster /jp/ politeness.
>Not looking just to fuck. Only a pleb would go to another country specifically to fuck.
I'm going to Japan because it's a mass population historic societal norm mirror into my own life like it always has been. There isn't away around this constant gaze I have upon the country of Japan, culture, traditions, history, problems. aesthetics, and scars. I can't stop looking at myself. Can't stop trying to understand self. The pain, the love, the laughter, the contradiction, and the meaning of life I see in them all are within me. I'm not Japanese. I will never be Japanese. I don't want to be Japanese. I understand that. I just want to understand to be understood.

>Why a Japanese lover specifically?
Its mystic like spell over me. I evaluate my self and psychologically analyze my self daily and can only find that I have felt a spiritual or mystic physical distance in knowing the love of my life is far away somewhere. I can feel her. It comes down to faith in love, but a faith that is socially balanced. I don't know who she is, but it might be this as to what draws me to Japanese women. I'm in a weird place in my life. The weirdest place I have ever been in relation to feelings and experiences. Maybe I know the girl I am going to marry already and I'm suppose to be building slow friendships with one of the many who aren't Japanese. I don't know.

The answer is partially to do with beauty or some how ingrained sense of beauty I know not where comes from. Such a beauty not just skin deep. The beauty of soul. Japanese soul.

>> No.11648812

Ohh, I recognise the site in the OP.

I actually met and befriended quite a few people on there back when I first started studying Japanese back in 2006 and I've remained friends with one of them right up to this day. It is unfortunately a guy though, rather than even one of all the kawaii joshikouseis I emailed in my time on there. They all came and went but only the middle-aged Akiba idol wota stayed in touch. orz

>> No.11650041

Are you fucking retarded or something? Holy shit.

>> No.11650050

This is why penpal threads shouldn't exist here. It has nothing to do with /jp/ and it's just plain annoying.

>> No.11650070

Maybe if you stop bumping or replying to them, they'd die.
"Self moderation" and all that.

>> No.11650100

The only thing annoying about them is people like you that come in and try to tell everyone how it's not /jp/ related.

>> No.11650106

It is not /jp/ related. Period.

>> No.11650145 [DELETED] 

tell that >>11648708 / the janny aka the OP
someone will always bump their own threads

>> No.11650151

So basically you're a racist fuck who is orientalizing Japan into the mystic other. You see yourself as an "other" and you're like "Wow! Japan! Weird, am I right? Like me!" and then you rationalize your autistic obsession with Japan by being into not just weeby stuff but everything about the country (because you're so knowledgeable).

So great job. You're idolizing a nation without really understanding it because it's exotic and oriental. Racist fuck.

>> No.11650163

tl;dr he's a fucking weeaboo, what else is new

>> No.11650167 [DELETED] 

literally the janitor

>> No.11650181 [DELETED] 

leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel he's back to babysit his own thread

Error: You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating /jp/ 1 - Off-Topic, Otaku Culture Only.

this thread is NOT otaku culture

stupid weeaboo scum

>> No.11650190 [DELETED] 

>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea)

Penpals and qt3.14 jp gfs are not a ``niche Japanese interest'' you retarded fuck, stop it with these weeaboo threads and take your own advice for a change.

>> No.11650313 [DELETED] 

how about you delete this offtopic thread instead of the replies you fucking weeaboo

>> No.11650635

>Wow! Japan! Weird, am I right? Like me
Wrong. I never said Japan was weird nor do I think that their culture is weird.
>orientalizing Japan
Japan is the most capitalized nation in the far East and was before even Korea. If you think I think its going to be this huge paradise where everything is different and "Mystic" you're wrong. Japan is a terrible place to live. And as far as rationalization goes there is nothing more or nothing less than what I said. There is reason for everything we do and everything we take interest in. I simply have found my reason to why I take an interest in Japan. Studying Japan I see their struggles and I see a smaller version of that in my life. I say that with caution, because I obviously have never been to Japan, but none the less other Japanese I meet vocalize that I have a good grip on what Japan really is compared to "Muh Animu" people.

Deal with it.

>> No.11650641

>you're a racist fuck
>Racist fuck.
Whoa there, tumblr. Nobody on /jp/ gives a damn about whether somebody's racist or not, that's not even the problem here. The problem is that he's fucking retarded and delusional, not that he finds asians more attractive than whatever other race.
