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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11616918 No.11616918 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11616920
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blissful munching

>> No.11616922

I want to enjoy obesity together with her.

>> No.11616929 [DELETED] 


>> No.11616932
File: 15 KB, 450x450, 1373433216250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my fatNEETs at

>> No.11616941
File: 1.31 MB, 659x660, 1372798682460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to transform a bishoujo into a fat pig and enjoy her suffering

>> No.11617368

I want to feed her something sticky and sweet.

>> No.11617369

That happens normally during marriage.

>> No.11617374

i feel you girl i just want to scratch their faces with my new ugs like yahh

>> No.11617378

All of my dick.

>> No.11617400

What's so special about it?

>> No.11617412
File: 678 KB, 730x1000, 1375312891101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to spitroast a fatNEET.

Over an open flame.

>> No.11617641

I love girls enjoying food!

>> No.11617655
File: 305 KB, 750x1000, 1376197265576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're letting just about anyone be an idol now? Even fat girls? I remember the good old days when a girl had to look good and take care of her body to be an idol.

>> No.11618722

I love fat chicks

>> No.11618756

looking good has never been a requirement

see: chihaya

>> No.11618939
File: 443 KB, 1062x1500, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


counting calories, who in the actual fuck does this?

>> No.11618946

Alpha as FUCK. Never let anything interfere with your comfy sleep time

>> No.11618953
File: 5 KB, 967x27, 5hTeX[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way I translated that doujin in the OP yesterday, but I still think fat girls are gross.

>> No.11618959

I know right? Who would want to fuck a fat bitch like that?

>> No.11618970

kill the fatneets

>> No.11619065

Are you sure you don't want to feed her something sticky and salty instead?

>> No.11619159


they're working on it

>> No.11619709

I don't think a parfait can have icecream.

>> No.11619718
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>> No.11619726

You've obviously never had a fatNEET parfait

>> No.11619729

"American" Parfaits can apparently.


>> No.11619755

More like MEATUP, amirite?

>> No.11621072
File: 173 KB, 800x600, the blushing one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the burger

>> No.11621196

That doujin is everything I hate all rolled into one. Absolutely abominable is what it is.

>> No.11622104
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 1371651829112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate 2 big hamburgers for breakfast, around 100g beef for each burger with onions, eggs and other stuff.

>> No.11622116

Seriously though who FatNEET here?

I'm 310 pounds and I walk like a stupid penguin.

Please kill me.

>> No.11622120

Go on a fucking diet hitler

>> No.11622128

I can't...

I'm literally choking on 6 freaking donuts right now.

I just want someone to identify with my problem.

>> No.11622140

get a blog

>> No.11622149
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1250, 1358577194115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11622154

I'll be real
I'm the one that coined the whole fatNEET thing and I'm not even a fatNEET
I hate myself
There just isn't enough food around to be a fatNEET. You guys are lucky.

>> No.11622169

I'm not fat, but I absolutely love to eat and I eat a lot. A few days ago I ate six donuts and they were delicious. The donut lady gave me the six of them for four dollars and then I went home and ate all of them. A couple of months ago a guy at a different donut shop gave me all the extra donuts for free. I paid for one donut and got nine.

All I want is a cute loli in my room who I could share sweets with. That'd be perfect.

>> No.11622187

I know that feel.

Living off about 20$ a week for food, sometimes less.
On the bright side, I shot like two rabbits this week and saved some money on buying food.

>> No.11622191
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who burger here

>> No.11622213
File: 56 KB, 600x800, f178c3d36f421586ff65443f526c8b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating sweets with a loli must be heavenly.

>> No.11622214

You know that burger looks good but I don't think she's going to be able to eat it all, maybe she's magical and she can.

>> No.11622219

Whenever I play with my dog outside, alot of the kids that live in our neighbourhood come up and ask to play with her.

There was one from Sweden and the other day I saw a Chinese girl.

>> No.11622223
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go out and find one

>> No.11622227
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that's not what i posted

>> No.11622245

It doesn't look like all that much food
Just intimidating

>> No.11622377

Why is it so cute when a chubby girl happily munches away on calorie-rich food without any concern for how it affects her weight?

>> No.11623077

Food is happiness.

>> No.11626608

onions are fucking gross

>> No.11626620

Onions are what gives food its flavour, asstoad

>> No.11626626

There's nothing better than eating good food! It makes you feel so good inside! I wish I could eat good food with her!

>> No.11626633

Why is it so hot when a non-fat girl indiscriminately eats a lot of high calorie food and enjoys it?

>> No.11626653

your problem is that you're not putting in enough effort to break the cycle.

I just went cold turkey one day. it's extremely hard at first, but it gets easier and easier over time and after a while, you don't understand why you would even want to eat and drink like you used to.

I recommend finding some other reason to not eat much aside from losing weight, though. say, to avoid diabetes. or because you have a yeast infection and these are fed by sugar (try infecting yourself with yeast, very healthy I recommend). or because you need to save money and thus spend little on food. good luck!

>> No.11626721

For the vast majority of people in the vast majority of cases, habit wins over effort. Habits are like shortcuts that your brain will always try to default to, and while you can temporarily ignore them through sheer force of will, it can be nearly impossible to do it over a long time, since your willpower simply gets depleted when it's in constant use. No amount of motivational speaking changes this inherent on willpower.

If you really want to make a change in your life, it's a much better idea to take a good look at your habits, and see how you can replace them with better habits. Then you can take small steps, changing gradually, so you'll stick with each change long enough that it becomes second nature, before your willpower gets depleted.

>> No.11626817

When you're poor like me you don't gain any weight with 1 meal per day. You should try this for like 2~3 months.

Obviously, if you're going to eat 6 donuts whenever you're sad then it won't work.

>> No.11626892
File: 543 KB, 989x1400, 004[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's on the express train to landwhale and can't even stop it.

>> No.11626913

No, it's not hot if she eventually gets fat. It's only fat if she continually eats and doesn't gain weight.

>> No.11626916

What? That's not hot at all.

>> No.11626927

It's really hot. There's that one penpal image of a girl whose hobbies include ice cream, and it shows her happily eating an ice cream bar. She's not fat, but she loves to eat ice cream enough to make it her hobby (showing that she eats a lot of it), so it's hot. Incredibly hot. I want to throw myself at that girl just because she eats a ton of ice cream and is not overweight.

>> No.11626941

In that case I'd like to suggest that you're treating gluttony as a substitute for sexual freedom.

>> No.11626959

3dpd you sicko

>> No.11627216

tako yaki isn't even that good
i love octopus but takoyaki was kinda meh
maybe it just wasn't good takoyaki

>> No.11627220

It probably wasn't good takoyaki. Then thing is very tasteful but I imagine you ate one with some weak sauce to go along with it.

>> No.11627272

What's your favorite burger joint /jp/?

>> No.11627275

Or maybe he got some hot pocket molten lead on the inside takoyaki.

>> No.11627299

What is that?

>> No.11627306

>No, it's not hot if she eventually gets fat. It's only fat if she eventually gets hot.
For some reason this is how I read your sentence at first.

>> No.11628566


>> No.11628578

It's gotta be In N Out.

>> No.11628589
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Takoyaki from takoyaki vendors in Japan is hit or miss, but usually it's pretty damn good (there was a stand that was terrible in Kyushu)

Akita style is big and gloppy, but I love it. I also love the crisp skin around the Osaka-style takoyaki.

I hate hate hate the oversized takoyaki with lots of corn and stuff in it. I want to put the whole thing in my mouth, and I want the octopus chunk to be a decent size.

I've never once had even acceptable takoyaki in Hawaii or anywhere in the USA.

pic unrelated

>> No.11628599
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>> No.11628609 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11628631
File: 258 KB, 1600x1200, Whale_Sashimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly, I go all over the place and try all kinds of burgers, but the best basic burger for me is the baseline burger at Ruby Tuesday's, rare, with no mayo.

I don't much respect RT, but somehow they can consistently get that cheeseburger right.

Now all their more frou-frou burgers? Yeah, they're terrible.

>> No.11628636

To me, In N Out burgers are certainly very good, but probably not the best. However, In N Out burgers are ridiculously cheap with a Double-double only being like $3. I've had many worse burgers that were priced at $10+.

>> No.11628637

You're gross, Anon.

>> No.11628641

I never liked the bread they use. There's no place for whole-wheat bread on a burger, in my opinion.

Is sashimi the right word for raw whale meat? Whales are mammals, so that's almost like eating raw steak...

>> No.11628655

Does anyone occasionally get really disgusted by the act of eating?

>> No.11628658

Wow that looks really good.

>> No.11628670

eating is disgusting

it's disgusting watching people try to act dignified as they satisfy a base need

it's like if they wore tuxedos while taking a public shit

>> No.11628674
File: 1.25 MB, 2848x2136, konpeitou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They used "sashimi" for the "basashi" horsemeat sashimi, so I guess so.

(The whale stuff has a deep dark taste that I guiltily enjoyed immensely. The horse sashimi (also known as 'sakura' because reasons) was 'crunchy' and depended on the sauce.)

There's a place called "The Counter" I sometimes go to, and they let you mix-and-match strange ingredients for their burgers. I enjoy buffalo meat patties fine, and I try all the weird buns they come up with (to include things like English Muffin) but a big fluffy fiber-free bun seems to always work best.

I am disturbed that I can't seem to enjoy burgers or hot dogs without white bread or similar.


There's some irony that we're discussing this in /jp/.

...I never once had a good burger in Japan. Although I did enjoy the things at MossBurger, they didn't feel like they counted.

>> No.11628682

I mentioned this before, but Burger King is quite good here, depending on which one you go to, and how closely the employees follow the recipes. I'm not in a financial position to go out and try new stuff right now, so burger king is about as good as it gets for 850Y. Plus, there's english.

I've had shark a few times. It's unique, but not as fatty as a lot of big fish, so I don't really see any reason to go out of your way to get it, unless you just want to dine on rarities or something.

>> No.11628710

is that a raw egg yolk?

>> No.11628725

Yes. It's quite common in Japan to eat eggs raw. A common dish is to break a raw egg on top of a bowl of rice, and mix it together. I think there's the same concerns about safety, but Japanese probably argue that their eggs are cleaner or something.

>> No.11628729
File: 346 KB, 2816x2112, Sushi-Plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes.

Salmonella almost doesn't exist in Japan; it's safe to eat eggs completely raw.

Actually, I do it in the US too and have never had any trouble.

With foods like sukiyaki, udon, and many other things, the raw egg is used as a sauce and is fucking delicious.

Have you ever swiped toast or bacon through the yolk of your fried egg?

It's like that, but it's delicious with a cool egg also.

Last night I had chopped oysters with sauce and a raw quail's egg poured over it.

>> No.11628844

As long as you don't let the inner part touch the shell, you should be fine. Salmonella allocates on the eggshell since it comes from the bird feces.

>> No.11628847

Eggshells are permeable though

It's more like, Japan just doesn't let the eggs get shit on them because they have a higher standard

>> No.11628868

Yeah that's true. But besides the shell there are like 3 additional protection layers (the easiest one to see is a white one), and to get through these 4 layers it should be a long time. No one sells you a long time stored egg because it tastes really bad.

>> No.11628883
File: 227 KB, 723x1024, 1375972888060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the other cooking otaku preparing for a tasty sunday meal? Since it's getting cold, i'm trying out a soup.

>> No.11628892

Can I come over?

>> No.11628938

That's quite the sweat puddle. I bet hormone levels are off the charts.

>> No.11628974

Not all of it is sweat. All of it is sweet.

>> No.11629010

But sweat is salty.

>> No.11629014

Not when it's loli sweat.

>> No.11631528
File: 82 KB, 399x265, 1367363126967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel after you eat 8x the recommended serving of cheetos
any fatNEET's know this feel?

>> No.11631534

feel when bowls are too small for your portions so you have to go back for 5ths, 6ths, etc...

>> No.11631537


Being fat is unhealthy, why don't you be a fitNEET and be active and maintain a balanced diet, it feels good man, no one wants to be fat.

>> No.11631539

If you're not a fitNEET you can't be in control of any chubby QTs you meet. You need to be strong since they're so heavy. Also not being fat allows you to reach their genitals.

>> No.11631540

How would you meet people in your room??

>> No.11631541

dont know that feel, I've dropped from 70kg to 60kg in the past year, I look like a skeleton.

>> No.11631542

I'm not a normal, I have no reason to pump iron with my /fit/bros and take 30 selfies a day.

>> No.11631545

Still working on that.

It's about being healthy. When you're not fat and unhealthy you feel better just being alive.

>> No.11631547

I've been fat, I've been pretty fit, and I've been scrawny

Honestly I didn't feel that different mentally

>> No.11631548

I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.11631553


I don't work out with any friends. There are benefits to being in good shape besides any visual appeal. You just in general feel better, it's hard to describe if you never exercise but if you do you would understand what I mean. Exercise releases endorphins and naturally improve your mood.

>> No.11631560

I missed my exercise today and now I feel drowsy, headache, and overall terrible. Kept falling asleep and then waking up aching all over.

>> No.11631573

>Exercise releases endorphins

It's kinda like fapping in that aspect.

>> No.11632087

But she isn't a NEET. Just a fatNORMIE.

>> No.11632131
File: 617 KB, 1200x857, 30488690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are images like this so arousing?

>> No.11632904

You fatNEETs should be ashamed! How can you eat that much when you're freeloading? You should eat just the necessary to stay alive. I lost 3kg just by eating less, and I'm not even fat!

>> No.11632914

Girls inserting things in their mouths are pretty arousing.
