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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11616463 No.11616463 [Reply] [Original]

Miku's tears. Who the hell is making her cry?

>> No.11616463,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny is when he deletes all her threads

>> No.11616475

Her programmers

>> No.11616480

She sees her future of being a posterchild for the new erotic virtual reality community.

Imagine how many times she'll be looked at, groped, and raped by Oculus Rift users.

>> No.11616483

Thats not how tears work!

>> No.11616488

I think you know.

>> No.11616490

I can't wait for the technology to advance to the point where you can have full body feedback immersed in gel or something, so other people can be groping a virtual miku but actually be groping you

>> No.11616508

Her own vocaloid voice.

>> No.11616521

I won't Miku is so boring like glasses and cat ears

>> No.11616525 [DELETED] 

Just go to a good bi nightclub.

>> No.11616534 [DELETED] 

>bi nightclub
Do those exist?

>> No.11616536

Wouldn't end up being that good anyway, I wouldn't even try it, it's kind of retarded to get turned on by gel.

>> No.11616561 [DELETED] 

Lot's of them.

>> No.11616567 [DELETED] 

Will you take me to one?

>> No.11616570 [DELETED] 

Sure, what's your grindr?

>> No.11616574 [DELETED] 

I don't have one. There were too many old men on there.

>> No.11616586 [DELETED] 

How can I contact you then? I'm from UK

>> No.11616592 [DELETED] 

I live in America! Oh well.

>> No.11616608 [DELETED] 

Do they have crossdressers in bi clubs
Notably cute feminine ones

>> No.11616611 [DELETED] 

/jp/ isn't for your disgusting homosexual meet ups, please stop forcing this shitposting.

>> No.11616611,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11616634 [DELETED] 

We're bi, not homosexuals! We go both ways ;)

>> No.11616638

Well go make your meet up threads elsewhere, /jp/ isn't the appropriate place.

>> No.11616642 [DELETED] 

What if we will dress up as otaku characters?

>> No.11616659 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x1313, [001094].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janny DEL her posts.

>> No.11616659,1 [INTERNAL] 

y u del?

>> No.11616659,2 [INTERNAL] 

Anybody else temporarily blocked? This motherfucker is on a roll, he had my posts deleted on all threads.

>> No.11616659,3 [INTERNAL] 

i get to post once on /jp/ every 3 days

>> No.11616659,4 [INTERNAL] 

You should really stop shitposting.

>> No.11616659,5 [INTERNAL] 

i don't shitpost
i only update you guys on what anime i'm watching in anime screencap threads that are going to get deleted anyway

>> No.11616659,6 [INTERNAL] 

>"I don't shitpost I only shitpost"


>> No.11616659,7 [INTERNAL] 

Suck dick, janiturd.

>> No.11616659,8 [INTERNAL] 

You should really stop assuming any post that isn't a sterilized block of text in a thread with zero personality is a "shitpost". Literally any post on live /jp/ right now could be considered a "shitpost" and if you just changed your fucking perspective or delved into any of the fifty fucking layers of irony permeating the entire board, you'd notice that more than half of the on-topic threads currently up right now were made by "shitposters".

It seems any post containing less than two hundred words outside of *booru imagedumps or Korean Idol circlejerks is liable to get you banned these days and it's pissing me off having to deal with these arbitrary mutes every fifteen minutes because the jackass janitor (whose job is to clean up spam, not turn the board into his own little playground) simply doesn't like what I have to say about any given subject. You're not allowed to post in "off-topic" threads but you have no way of knowing whether or not the thread is actually "off-topic" until you're already muted and banned because the janitor changes his mind about them on a daily basis and has his own set of internal made-up rules that he refuses to share with the rest of the userbase. And hey, remember that funny post you made in that one silly thread like two weeks ago? No? Well the janitor fucking DOES when he decides prune month old threads he OK'ed in the past and mutes you retroactively because he has run out of people to fuck over on the front page.

Fuck the autismal sperglords at team 4chan and FUCK this self-righteous janitor trying to bludgeon his way into a well established community of five years that he doesn't understand and trying to dictate what we can and can not post. It's like some asshole neighbor that just moved in next-door trying to tell you that your grass is too tall and your fence colour is wrong.

>> No.11616659,9 [INTERNAL] 

Agreed 100%.

>> No.11616659,10 [INTERNAL] 

>It seems any post containing less than two hundred words outside of *booru imagedumps or Korean Idol circlejerks is liable to get you banned these days
You are provably wrong just by going to the front page of /jp/ right now. Get the fuck out of here and get back into the haiku ghost thread where your ass is getting BLASTED.

>> No.11616659,11 [INTERNAL] 

>It seems any post containing less than two hundred words outside of *booru imagedumps or Korean Idol circlejerks is liable to get you banned these days
Yeah, look at all these text walls: http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp?search_int=no&task=search2&search_del=no

I'm just waiting for the janitor to ban every last one of them. Any minute now.

>> No.11616659,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11616659,13 [INTERNAL] 

>the janitor changes his mind about them on a daily basis and has his own set of internal made-up rules that he refuses to share with the rest of the userbase

This sums it up perfectly.

>> No.11616659,14 [INTERNAL] 

it's hard to take you seriously when you cherry pick one specific line out of the entire post and still manage to miss the magic word in there

>> No.11616659,15 [INTERNAL] 

The vast majority of /jp/'s secret rules look like this:

1. Don't be that one retard. (Easy, for most people.)
2. Don't be mistaken that one retard. (This happens a lot.)

>> No.11616659,16 [INTERNAL] 

Was it this one?
>it's pissing me off having to deal with these arbitrary mutes every fifteen minutes because the jackass janitor
Maybe you should stop shitposting with trip and avatar as soon as your mute expires.
Or stop posting at all, i'd prefer this option.

>> No.11616659,17 [INTERNAL] 

Do you want me to point-by-point it? I have the feeling that if I did, you'd just find a way to call me an autismal sperglord for going through the trouble.

>> No.11616659,18 [INTERNAL] 

>he refuses to share with the rest of the userbase
i wish i could talk to janny ;_;

>> No.11616659,19 [INTERNAL] 

He will, or ignore it.
Don't even bother, we've danced this dance before.

>> No.11616659,20 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently if a moderator thinks you have a "real" complaint, he will forward it to a janitor.

>> No.11616659,21 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah but thats not the same, like live 1:1 discussion on some sort of chat medium, or even on a board with a trip or capcode.

>> No.11616659,22 [INTERNAL] 

Unironic meta-threads are the worst part of Warosu.

>> No.11616659,23 [INTERNAL] 

That wasn't me. I've made two posts here:


The only bad part is when the extremely vocal minority (same two or three people, one of which is probably the janitor) comes in and sucks janitor dick and defends the janitor constantly.

I can't tell if they're just playing devil's advocate and looking for an argument, or they seriously like the janitor and think the way he controls /jp/ is correct.

>> No.11616659,24 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is a vocal minority when it comes to /jp/, but the current discussion is two on two. If anything, the discussion here should be grossly biased against the janitor since it's warosubro territory.

>> No.11616659,25 [INTERNAL] 

>I've made two posts here
> >>11616659

Way to fuck up and reveal yourself.

>> No.11616659,26 [INTERNAL] 

Most warosubros don't give a fuck enough to argue with janny-apologist retards. They see a 50+ post shitstorm and just skim through it, if that.

>> No.11616659,27 [INTERNAL] 

And most /jp/ posters don't give enough of a fuck to argue with retarded warosubros, and just helpfully report your idiotic posts to the janitor and move on their with their lives.

The poster who typed the huge rant is not 4Pq7ZkSFpA, but some other guy who's not as retarded.

>> No.11616659,28 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you want me to point-by-point it?
i just want you to actually read and comprehend the line that you're quoting before responding to it
or ideally just respond to the post as a whole instead of copping out with the greentext

>> No.11616659,29 [INTERNAL] 

Yes but he's revealed himself to be the autislord getting blasted in the other thread.

And according to warosu's activity reports, the same faggot.

>> No.11616659,30 [INTERNAL] 

>copping out with the greentext
You are literally retarded.
I can't even find a wikipedia article to throw at you to explain how retarded you are.

>> No.11616659,31 [INTERNAL] 

Before this current tyrannical janitor, the last guy wasn't that bad. I remember drunkenly shitposting and it just got deleted with no ban. Now I can make an honestly good intentioned post and get muted because something in it triggers Janny's PTSD

I'm absolutely dreading Christmas Day. I just know janny is going to be here killing the fun, there's no way a subhuman like him is going to take even one day off.

>> No.11616659,32 [INTERNAL] 

i'm so retarded that you can't explain why i'm retarded? you just keep owning yourself dude

>> No.11616659,33 [INTERNAL] 

The reason something bad is going to happen on Christmas is because your shithole community doing things like this http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11612157#p11612472_34

>> No.11616659,34 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, you're only "liable" to be banned and not guaranteed to be banned, but the fact that /jp/ is mostly made of posts like would suggest that there's far more to banworthy posts than just being short and not part of a Korean idol dump.

>or ideally just respond to the post as a whole instead of copping out with the greentext
There's no real common ground, it would just be a huge flame where I call him a retard. But I'll do my best.

The irony pervading the board serves pretty much only to make all discussions significantly more retarded than they would otherwise be. Bans in off-topic threads for replies are given out sparingly, but more often if it's a thread that's been deleted repeatedly. Just because a silly post in an old thread was deleted a week later doesn't necessarily mean the janitor was going over it with a comb, it could just mean that a user reported it and it appeared in the queue without its date of posting noted. The community today is not the community from five years ago and in fact the community has been largely shaped by people who really did bludgeon their way in without regard for what the original community wanted.

>> No.11616659,35 [INTERNAL] 

Because everybody that disagrees with you on an anonymous archive HAS to be the same person, right?

>> No.11616659,36 [INTERNAL] 

Except it provably is, or have you forgotten warosu keeps track of unique posters?

>> No.11616659,37 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu's activity report suggests that there are two distinct "anti-janitor" people posting in this thread currently.

The one thing the janitor is annoyingly super-aggressive with is that he will mute you if you thinks you are "one of those shitposters," which is honestly not a very good criteria, half because it's a crap criteria to begin with and half because his identification skills suck ass.

>> No.11616659,38 [INTERNAL] 

Those threads were fucking garbage dude. They were kind of cool at first then when /a/ fags started turning up trying to sell their junk figs for extortionate prices, I would say it became shit. For some people having one good thread is never enough, they want to keep it running on and on until it turns to shit.

I had a lot of fun last Christmas and got a free doujin from a kind jaypee living in Japan! I just fear that janny will get steaming drunk and go on a rampage

>> No.11616659,39 [INTERNAL] 

Then whip out the proof already. I'm waiting.

>> No.11616659,40 [INTERNAL] 

>Warosu's activity report suggests that there are two distinct "anti-janitor" people posting in this thread currently.

The janitor is also here. You guys might not want to believe it, but the janitor literally is here posting with us. No one else would come here and start doing what he does.

>> No.11616659,41 [INTERNAL] 

There's two of us, so are we both janitors? Or is just one of us a janitor and the other one some delusional fuck?

>> No.11616659,42 [INTERNAL] 

that would be me

>> No.11616659,43 [INTERNAL] 

you're both janitors and you're both delusional fucks

>> No.11616659,44 [INTERNAL] 

Please dont impersonate me, anon-kun!

>> No.11616659,45 [INTERNAL] 

I always wanted to be a janitor ^_^

>> No.11616659,46 [INTERNAL] 

Your mom is here literally posting too

>> No.11616659,47 [INTERNAL] 

it's been known that the janitor is a fucking loser piece of shit who browses warosu forever. all the janitors come to the ghost boards even on easymodo aoc would frantically defend himself

fucking cunt deleting my haiku

>> No.11616659,48 [INTERNAL] 

people that actually want to be janitors should never get to be janitors
i'd rather kill myself than have some sperglord that volunteers to clean up poo in a monkey pen trying to stifle my creativity

>> No.11616659,49 [INTERNAL] 

>i'd rather kill myself than have some sperglord that volunteers to clean up poo in a monkey pen trying to stifle my creativity
some sperglord who volunteered to clean up poo in a monkey pen is already trying to stifle your creativity, so you'd better hurry up and get around to that whole killing yourself thing

>> No.11616659,50 [INTERNAL] 

Creative people don't complain about others stifling their creativity. The whole point of being creative is to get around the things that are in the way of getting something done.

You are not creative, and the janitor had nothing to do with this. Deal with it.

>> No.11616659,51 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off janitor, get off warosu already.

I sincerely hope you have a fucking stroke.

>> No.11616659,52 [INTERNAL] 

Is this the wishing thread?

I wish for a billion dollars.

>> No.11616659,53 [INTERNAL] 

>everyone who disagrees with me must be teh jannie lmaoooooooo

So you want warosu to become an echo chamber for your stupid opinions? Be careful with what you wish for.

>> No.11616659,54 [INTERNAL] 

>So you want warosu to become an echo chamber for your stupid opinions? Be careful with what you wish for.
pretty sure he already got his wish

>> No.11616659,55 [INTERNAL] 

In a sense, yes. Since warosu is the dumpster where the garbage not tolerated in /jp/ ends up.

But it could be a lot worse, if this became nothing but a hugbox where shitposters came to handjob each other everytime their shitposts were deleted.

>> No.11617636

Some Tenshi lover that's loco or some shit
