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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1160227 No.1160227 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, when was the last time you cried?

I can't even cry anymore.

I mean, do you find that being alone tends to kill off emotions like that? It has for me.

>> No.1160228
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picture related

>> No.1160235


>> No.1160238

Every time someone sages my posts and/or says hurtful swear words at me, I cry a little... ;_;

>> No.1160243

I-I'm sorry.

>> No.1160244

If anything, being alone makes me more in touch with my emotions.

>> No.1160240

Whenever I yawn, my eyes get wet.
That's the closest I've been to crying as far as I can remember, something around ten years ago when my dog died.

>> No.1160248

This morning, since I have to goto work again.

>> No.1160249


>> No.1160250

I cried when my computer broke 4 weeks ago.

>> No.1160252

i cried today when i finished tsugumi good end in ever17
i know, "faggot", etc

>> No.1160256

I cry all the time.

>> No.1160259


I think I have more time for self-reflection as a result. But I just don't cry anymore, full stop.

>> No.1160254

You're a monster.

>> No.1160262

I haven't cried out of sadness for a while, although I think I could - I just haven't had anything to make me.

Tears of anger or frustration, though, are a different matter.

>> No.1160274

sage for fake tears and a fake life full of fake friends in a fake world

>> No.1160277
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Why would do that to that poor Anon?!

>> No.1160283

ITT nihilists

>> No.1160291

i always cry when i rage extremely hard. i think its a self defense mechanism so that i don't kill people and end up in jail. thank you wonderful tears of nature

>> No.1160293

>I mean, do you find that being alone tends to kill off emotions like that? It has for me.

Yes, absolutly. Being alone, drowning myself in 2D fiction washes away every feeling of roneryness. Of course here and then bad thoughts will return though they won't last a remarkable amount of time if I don't want to. A vicious circle.

>> No.1160289

This topic brings up a good point.

Have any of you had those almost epiphany like moments where you realise you could have changed yourselves, could have had the cute nerdy girlfriend, the social life and so on, and you just went down a fork on the road that led you the exact opposite of that? Where it dawns on you just how crushingly upsetting your situation is?

I had one of those moments a year ago, I was going through a bad patch, even by /jp/ standards. And I can't remember exactly what it was, but there was something on TV where one character replied to another along the lines of 'yeh, but he's 20 years old, not a kid anymore, it's to be expected that he's out and about with a few girls here and there.'

And the casual way in which the character in whatever TV show this was just said that, like it was completely normal for some people, just made me realise how it could have been so different. And I cried...

>> No.1160305

I've had tears out of anger/frustration, but nothing else for awhile now.

I'm too far gone with depression to really cry about those kinds of things anymore.

>> No.1160315

This happens to me like daily, I spend all my time at work reviewing my life. You'd think spending so much time thinking about it would help me make better choices, but here I am on /jp/. Shit sucks ;_;

>> No.1160321

It does for most people, except when you hit the realization of how what you are doing may be normality in your fantasy land, but not for society at large. Part of that is the reason I stopped seeing 99% of my friends from school/university, because when we went out all they'd talk about is girls they'd fucked and so on.

>> No.1160330

finally a decent ronery thread on /jp/

god it feels like old times.

>> No.1160346

I always cry watching Amelie. Every single time.

More now than before, since she trying to find happiness in delusions and simple pleasures. And in the end meeting Nino. And reminding me that I have no special girl out there waiting to bump into me.
So I keep drowning myself in the simple things. Reality is not good enough

>> No.1160352


The same thing happened to me about two months ago. Nowadays I only cry out of extreme anger and frustration.

>> No.1160347

You guys nailed it on the head.
When I realized it was when I read someone's quote about when they were asked (at a 20 year reunion or some shit) who they missed most from the past.
One girl said: "The person who I dreamed I'd become"

Shit...hearing that...it just set off a chain reaction in my head about how somewhere down the line, I just really fucked up. I am no longer "normal" by societal standards.

>> No.1160357

I have to watch that again.
I found it in a DVD book/binder thing of movies that I used to love.
I haven't seen it in years.

>> No.1160358
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Pic related to the last time I cried.

>> No.1160365

I cry whenever I finish a particularly long anime/VN. Whenever I'm done, it just feels like there's nothing left in life, and I get very depressed, until I start another. Its a vicious cycle. ;_;

>> No.1160366

Every time someone sages my posts and/or says hurtful swear words at me, I get turned on.

>> No.1160363
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I cry a lot. But it's never something related to me or people around me. It's always something like a movie or a VN. I have a soft spot for sad stories.

>> No.1160369
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Picture related to my tears.

>> No.1160375

God, now I'm just thinking about everything that's happened over the past few years, and my gradual transformation into what I am now. Hindsight is a bitch

>> No.1160376

Well, I realize how different my life is compared to other people when I talk with people, especially those my age.
They think it's incredible not to go to parties on weekends, not to get drunk etc.
It really weirds me out when I hear what all these people do, that I don't even understand how one could enjoy.
However, I believe I haven't done anything wrong, not the wrong road, just another one.
I've been that way since I was a kid, because I think I noticed much sooner than the others how important whatever I did in school was and how dropping out or having shitty grades would stop me from going to college.

>> No.1160380

4 years ago, not saying why

>> No.1160382

I feel horrible sometimes when I'm up after 1am posting on /jp/. Part of me wants to cry but the other doesn't. That's when I troll someone or watch some pathetic weeaboo on youtube to make myself feel better.

The sad thing about it is that they might have more of a life than I do.

I really hate being ronery but I can't help being by myself

>> No.1160387

I wish I could accept it as "another road" but in my case, I know that it is just a bad road that i'm on

>> No.1160392

Just reload from a past save, Anon.

Unforunately, I forgot to make a save at that decision that changed me..

>> No.1160397


Why not? You're anonymous. Even if you were using a tripcode. No one is gonna track you down just to laugh in your face and tease you.

You don't have to say so. If you don't want to though.

>> No.1160401

This is another interesting point, however many of you finish a particularly long JRPG/VN/Anime Series or even book and are overwhelmed by the sadness of it all, not just by the plot necessarily, but by the fact you've spent so long playing/watching/reading it and will never get to experience it again.

I've felt like that with multiple things: Finishing Bebop, A few JRPGs too: FF7 (in b4 trolling), Xenogears, Vagrant Story, FF9 - Finishing reading Lord of the Rings as well.

>> No.1160402

Near the end of Tomoyo After. Cried in the middle of the night like a little girl.

>> No.1160407


I cried at that too.

>> No.1160408

I've never cried out of sadness. I've only cried out of frustration from dealing with other people.

And for fucks sake, stop going emo over your past and thinking how you could have been a good little normalfag. If you truly want a fucking girlfriend, then go to a club or starbucks or something. I don't know. But if you're content with being alone, then stay on /jp/ and don't cry about it.

>> No.1160409

I cried when I got a text from a friend. He was inviting me to a party and I just decided to stay home because SA was coming out. I ran into the sudden realization that my loneliness is self inflicted.

>> No.1160415

you know, /jp/, I've never told anyone else this, but I feel sorry for people's clothes.

Bear with me, please. You're perhaps the only people who could understand. Whenever I see someone wearing old t-shirts with old logos on them or shitty clothes in general, I feel sorry for them and the clothes. I don't know why, but it just kicks off something in my mind, about how pitiful they are for wearing such shitty clothes and how pitiful I am for the same reasons mostly. But not so much clothes, just appearance in general... well I suppose clothes factor into it too.

>> No.1160422


You know why I think so?

I think it's because you had a boyfriend/girlfriend and broke up with them.

>> No.1160423

I refused to go to the cinema with a girl because I was browsing /jp/, funny 'cause I have no regrets.

>> No.1160420

Happened to me with Welcome to the NHK, Aria, Bebop, a few VNs, and the Dune book series. I hate that feeling, but I can't stop my lifestyle.

>> No.1160428

Also, can I add. I desperately tried to save as many of my old clothes as I could. Because of the horribly nostalgic feeling they give me, and the feelings of pity they evoke, it's like they are MORE than clothes, they are a part of me, my pitiful self.

>> No.1160426


>> No.1160431


This thread is going pretty well. Don't go and fuck it up.

>> No.1160432
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There is no "when did my life turn to shit?" moment. If you are where you are it's because it was meant to be.

If you want to measure success by the standarts imposed on you, then you don't belong to the life you're living. I'm happy being the way I am, obsessed with japanese shit, avoid real people, all that. And it's not because I think it's cool to say I'm a hikki.

Do you know why you're lonely? It's not because you're fat or ugly. It's because no woman could live up to the image set up by the fictional world we grew so much used to.

>> No.1160434

>The sad thing about it is that they might have more of a life than I do.

If they are girls they do, I can guarantee you of that.

In a way, loneliness is such a powerful emotion I kind of feel sorry for girls because they'll never get to experience it though.

>> No.1160429


>> No.1160443

>It's because no woman could live up to the image set up by the fictional world we grew so much used to.

My standards are low though.

>> No.1160435

It's hard for me to bring myself to finish a VN/GAME/ANIME etc. in which I've immersed myself. Of course the feeling is that if I don't finish it, then the story and characters will remain alive with me, thereby giving me an actual relationship which makes me feel a little less "ronery".

But I end up forcing myself to finish them...and I try to imagine that the story is still going on in another world/reality. That would be nice...

>> No.1160436

Should I read the Dune Series? I've heard great things.

>> No.1160447

i cry... fairly often
i only cry to anime and songs like rainbow girl though

i've got a shitty part-time job, and in general kind of fail at life
but damn it, i'm pretty happy

>> No.1160448

I have a friend who is EXACTLY like that.

Grim-fan-fucking-dango... Godamnit.

It's times when finishing games of such immense quality that just for a moment, you think to yourself, 'dammit, i kind of understand fanboys and their love of things....'

>> No.1160449

This is why it's dangerous to get emotionally attached to things, especially in real life. At least you can repeat things virtually (although its true you won't get the same emotional reaction as you did the first time)

>> No.1160451

I got out to bars and stuff all the time, but yet I always come home alone. I do my best, but its not enough I guess. Some people were just meant to be alone.

>> No.1160446

So if you're saying you are ronery, then it means you aren't meant to be a ronery person, and instead we should be social....?

>> No.1160459

to add on
when i cry to anime, it's good
that means that it's really affected me, you know?

>> No.1160466

Ronery threads were never about actually being ronery.

Anyone here who is whining about their past, how sad it is to be alone etc. doesn't understand it at all.

>> No.1160468

>Let's stop trolling each other for this thread.

Fuck off

>> No.1160471

Read the original one and maybe the first few sequels. Avoid the prequels as much as you would avoid a Naruto cosplayer.

>> No.1160463

Let's stop trolling each other for this thread.


Don't let it turn out like other ronery threads... Good for 100 replies or so then and then spiralling into shittiness with trolling and rage.

>> No.1160477

bam. thats it.
in visual novels, I will always be 17, having my first innocent kiss with that confused high school girl. characters are funny, and lively, and bright, emotions are pure. the real world sucks. sorry, but it does. so many people in this world date/marry/have kids with people that they really dont even like, much less love. thats the honest truth. ronery by choice is the way to go...2D really is that much better. you virgins out there, stop pining, you're really not missing out on as much as you think you are.

>> No.1160472


If you don't want to be ronery, then you should work it out to be more sociable. That much is obvious, but we all grew used to the idea of 2D love that will never happen. Like waiting for someone who will find being a recluse cute, and who will see that beyond that unsociable shell lies a good person.
