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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 268 KB, 850x817, LOLi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11591569 No.11591569 [Reply] [Original]

This an kancore thread. All kancorebros welcome. Which kancore would you make sweet love to?

>> No.11591578

You have a big thread for this game. Why not ask there?

>> No.11591593

I think 4chan is a place where separating content into different threads needs to promoted. The existence of ``generals'' only plague this site and will ultimately lead to its demise. Now, please, post on-topic.

>> No.11591595

He's doing a joke, because Touhou is allowed many threads and Kancolle is slowly overtaking Touhou in popularity.

>> No.11591600 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 900x1200, lookafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, janny, you nerd.

>> No.11591602

I agree but ``condense your threads'' is fine if the threads are the same.

I think this thread should have omitted the first two sentences to avoid confusion. The ``Kantai Collection -KanColle-'' thread is for discussion of the game proper, this thread should exclusively be about which character you would make sweet love to.

Just my two cents.

>> No.11591605
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Kancore sounds like an underground music genre

>> No.11591614
File: 117 KB, 600x620, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just my two cents.
No one cares, noob, those two cents cannot buy me jack shit. Let alone wisdom.

That's one very cute kancore, I approve.

>> No.11591634

I think he's trying to get a waifu version of the thread started so Atagofag will stop spamming the discussion thread.

>> No.11591660

I am not too sure if Kongou's kai2 is the best idea per se. Consumption goes to Nagato level, but Kongou still can't use the AP shell...

>> No.11591705
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>> No.11591766

They're giving it away? That's neat

>> No.11594427
File: 494 KB, 800x600, bd500d0a5f03988ed048f3b1d062c6cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the Kongou class designed so much better than anyone else?
It takes out the fun if everyone has the same favorite character.

>> No.11594444
File: 431 KB, 818x960, 38193090_big_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All night long.

>> No.11594481

>Kancolle is slowly overtaking Touhou in popularity
More like quickly; it's fucking stealth marketing and Pixiv illustrators are getting paid to draw Kancolle characters. I'm not touching this shit.

>> No.11596060

I don't really like any of kongo class that much. Hiei is the best one though, even if she is a lez

>> No.11596063

Well, it's about time someone got around for paying them for their work.

Although I really doubt that most of them are getting paid anything.

>> No.11596067

It's an ongoing shit that 2ch has been complaining about for months now, I don't see why we can't talk about it.

>> No.11596066

Please don't start this shit again.

>> No.11596072

I've known about Kankore for longer than all you fags and I like Shimakaze. I want to put my dick in her sock.

>> No.11596073

how do i get in on the kanokore thing does it even have a game or is it like kings of chaos

>> No.11596075


>> No.11596078


>> No.11596077

is there a translate patch

>> No.11596079

Wow, 2ch attributing something's popularity to viral marketing? Unheard of.

>> No.11596084

someone should make one why dont these theads ever have screenshots of the game

>> No.11596086

It did go viral, seeing as how my Twitter and Pixiv feeds are continuously invaded with it. Stealth marketing implies that they're actively deceiving people.

I'm working on one, it'll be out by next Monday.

>> No.11596088

It's pretty obvious this time.

>> No.11596094

>Pixiv illustrators are getting paid to draw Kancolle characters.
Any big names, or just random tards?

>> No.11596119

For most part it is the latter (one of them did work for a couple of VNs though).

What's great about this is that most of the artists aren't known for mecha musume art.

>> No.11596127

Well if they're just commissioning bad artists they might as well be burning the money outright, since there's enough good art that's being freely produced I can't see it mattering.

They're one part mecha to nine parts musume anyway. It's like calling Chen a furry. I was actually more surprised when Gia drew Kancolle than when I saw random mostly-Touhou artists join up, and he has mecha musume in spades.

>> No.11596147

Hate to sound crude but if it's not in English then I dont really care. I'm getting fed up with the japanese making such awesome games but not wanting to appeal to other people outside their own country. Sure it's their choice but there are many more who want to play that can't.

>> No.11596148

Never mind, I misunderstood. I didn't realize you were talking about the official art.

>> No.11596160

I don't understand why you would consider that a bad thing.

>> No.11596168
File: 226 KB, 968x664, 1 (134).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, it's not really a problem. Then again, Fumikane is going to join the KC party since there were news that he's going to design Taihou and he had some stuff made in KC style (including a fanart of Nagara).

I'm actually concerned about that since he'll essentially take the spotlight away from the other designers, who as we know are more or less Pixiv artists (or VN/doujin artists) trying to break into the big league.

>> No.11596184

I did go out of my way to check up on the voice actresses but I never really stopped to think about who was doing the art anyway, because none of the art ever stood out as particularly exceptional to me even though most of it is nice enough. Except for maybe Chikuma.

Some of the designs are also nice but aside for the Kongou class it's just a dozen variants of hakama and sailor suit.

>> No.11596189

So if it's popular in Japan it's /jp/ related, regardless of whether it has an appropriate board for it? Why doesn't this rule apply to other things like anime or other popular video games?

If it's out of fear of the wrong people feeling at home on /jp/, well good job, Kancore invited all sorts of monkeys from /v/, /vg/, /a/, tumblr and facebook.

>> No.11596196

If it's untranslated it usually gets a pass until people throw enough of a shitfit.

>> No.11596208
File: 81 KB, 400x336, 1354732447826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my which mahjong wud u fuq threads get deleted but this stays

Mahjong is more /jp/ related than this shit.

>> No.11596212

Mahjong is Chinese. Nice Japanese boats are Japanese.

>> No.11596218
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>> No.11596225

What about untranslated manga?

>> No.11596237
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, tesgure4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if it's popular in Japan it's /jp/ related, regardless of whether it has an appropriate board for it?
You have to think of the reason why moot created /jp/: a trash can for obscure (at the time) off-topic hobbies that were constantly spammed by a minority in /a/; mainly Touhou.

So it's /jp/ related if it's otaku culture related.
Japanese stuff that was born in the otaku aesthetic and that's nerdish and/or obscure enough to be followed by a niche and obsessive group, and doesn't have an appropriate board for it; or if it has, it isn't well received.
This is something all VNs, kigurumi, doujinsoft, denpa, dolls and idols for example, have in common.
Touhou might be an exception since it's board heritage, but it's still niche enough I think.

/jp/ is hard to explain, it's something you have to feel.
So basically you leave it to the community. They will decide if something matches the flow of the board or not.

But I agree with you to an extent, yes.

>> No.11596240

woah shit
miss retard looking like imuya there
Just need a bit of gradient to her hair.

>> No.11596244

>dozen variants of hakama
That's what I love

>> No.11596248
File: 1.34 MB, 1600x900, retardmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imuya is retard master in a swimsuit and without the gutsy attitude

>> No.11597454 [DELETED] 
File: 985 KB, 1264x885, yande.re 262681 breasts kantai_collection nipples pussy_juice shimakaze_(kancolle) standalone thighhighs thong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11597467

Too sexual for the board too dude. You know you're breaking the rules right?

btw: why does *boorus have rating:questionable tag but put all stuff where nipples and other lewd things are clearly showing in it? that isn't questionable man. there's nothing questionable about that lewdness... does "questionable" mean softcore porn? please respond. (it doesn't mean softcore porn because but then they have stuff without even any nipples or anything but when the lady is looking all lewd as hell at you with her sweaty body in the questionable tag)

>> No.11597488

fug i posted the wrong image
i cant delete the post, what did you do jannie

>> No.11597552

What a shit, i dropped the E-3 boss bar to 0 and went to sleep, i woke up today and it has like 1/4 of back. Why this.

>> No.11597557

Yeah, sure. You posted the "wrong" image.

Don't be such a pussy. Nobody on /jp/ has a job.

>> No.11597558

not true, I'm on /jp/ and I had a job once. there are lots of jups, so probably another one has a job right now. maybe he has my old job (I hope not because it was bad)

>> No.11598521
File: 264 KB, 850x600, 38389991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11598575

>Nobody on /jp/ has a job
The NSFW rule isn't to protect your job.

NSFW means "not safe for work". That's it. It doesn't mean "not safe for you". There are still child safety caps on your medicines even if you don't have children.

>> No.11598868

I don't doubt that there are some very important people that hide their real identities to relax here on /jp/. Even Aso Taro likes Rozen Maiden, after all, for example.

>> No.11598879

>important people relaxing on /jp/
I don't know why but I don't like it.

>> No.11607563

All of them

>> No.11607600

This thread is a prime example of why secondary threads for this game are pointless. It might've worked if even half of the posters in the Kancore threads actually browsed /jp/.

>> No.11607607

Most of the secondaries are in /a/, I think.

Around here it's just me and this one other guy.

>> No.11607934
File: 1.01 MB, 993x1200, 39627403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would fug Atago

>> No.11608149


>> No.11608152

Excuse me?

>> No.11608173

Because nobody plays the game. It's shit.

>> No.11608180

Touhou is /jp/ heritage. Kancolle is not.

Everyone shits themselves whenever someone posts VNs outside of the VN thread too, and everything else that's not Touhou. It's been like this for years.

Also 4chan has an image upload feature.

>> No.11608184

Sometimes I kill time with it, but this is one of those situations where the spinoffs exceed the primary source in every way.

They eventually plan to release another game that will be slightly less mindless.

>> No.11608185

>Kancolle is not.
Kancolle's greatest claim to /jp/ fame is probably the fact that it's currently borrowing a quarter of Touhou doujinka.

>Everyone shits themselves whenever someone posts VNs outside of the VN thread too.
This doesn't really happen unless the OP is particularly retarded.

>> No.11608806

>Kancolle's greatest claim to /jp/ fame is probably the fact that it's currently borrowing a quarter of Touhou doujinka.
I was actually expecting Kancolle to be way more popular in /jp/ than it actually is for this reason. It seriously seems like the general thread is made entirely of imports.

If I had to guess I'd say it's because most people just read what Voile puts out and don't actually follow favorite circles? Or maybe they're just not easily tempted.

>> No.11608811

Kancolle is inaccessible as fuck, 2hu isn't

anime fucking where?

>> No.11608818

anime and vita game early next year I think

>> No.11608826

Both games aren't very hard to access if you actually want to play them.
