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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11573776 No.11573776 [Reply] [Original]

Last penpal thread died (picture unrelated)

Have you had a penpal? I'm currently thinking about getting one. Let's start a discussion.

One anon was making a guide, let's hope he will show up in this thread as well.

>japan guide com local/?aCAT=2

>> No.11573843


No penpals then, nice.

>> No.11573860 [DELETED] 

>tfw when no qt japanese penpal

>> No.11573918

Yep. I'm considering dropping them, though.
I'm not good with people and the fact that they're so charming makes talking to them all the more difficult.

>> No.11573924

I'd be your penpal, anon.

>> No.11573933


Why? But it is easier to talk with a cute Japanese girl as she speaks usually bad English. You can teach her and make her happy.

>> No.11573936

What does penpal mean today? Really just sending emails or normal chat?

>> No.11573940
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>> No.11573941

I talked with some people and something is bothering me.
Why every japanese girl has the same voice and talk about the same subjects?
Was I talking with the same people since the beginning?

>> No.11573942

They're not actually Japanese, they're a fellow /jp/sie.

>But it is easier to talk with a cute Japanese girl as she speaks usually bad English. You can teach her and make her happy.
You make it sound easier than it actually is.

Sending emails or snailmail.

>> No.11573952


It depends of course, but usually very often people reply couple of times or until they get bored. The thing with Japanese girls is that the conversation will be quite limited and eventually you'll run out of ammo. Then she'll get bored and doesn't reply anymore.

It would be better to start off with nice letter or two and then start chatting with her in LINE. Because that way you can always chat and risk of her getting bored decreases.

I would love to receive and send some real hand written mail, though. All that anticipation when waiting and finally receiving a real letter from Japan, from the other side of the globe. Written by a cute Japanese girl.

>> No.11573956

I'm too paranoid for it, I always imagine the other people is a korean of chinese pretending to be a cute girl.

>> No.11573965

Okay, thanks. That sounds cool. I know some Chinese girls over language exchange, like this you at least always have something to talk about, because she needs you in a way.
Being a teacher for a girl is nice.

>> No.11574011


Have you met the girls in real life or are they just penpals? How is it to go to language exchange? How can I do it?

>> No.11574030

I'm fairly new to this, only online. I think the site was called italki, you can join it free. I think it's easy to make contacts, they mostly want to learn english. Learning from a native speaker is always better than just learning from books.

>> No.11574155


If I weren't ugly I would do the language exchange in real life by answering an ad or something. But real Japanese girls are rare though. Very rare.

That's why pen pal is something what I'm looking forward to.

>> No.11574222

I wonder if we ever get to see the guide for Japanese penpals.

>> No.11574225






>> No.11574230

It's really difficult to find good conversation topics with people unless you get to know them and they open up more. It's usually the same conversations at the beginning.

>> No.11574486

It's a shame that the kind of girl interested in talking foreigners is typically the kind of person with no interest in otaku culture. Their only worth is a target for Japanese practice.

>> No.11575564

I have Japanese girls on my friend list right now who are big into games and anime and manga. One plays some visual novels (entry level stuff) and another knows about touhous and draws stuff. They're not hard to find.

>> No.11575634

I thought the main problem was that girls into otaku culture are numerous, but they're all fujoshi who play/watch/read completely different games/anime/manga than male otaku. I guess it's possible to relate to fujoshi as the people on the other side of our hobby, but in terms of specific stuff to discuss I don't think there's much overlap.

>> No.11575652

I don't know where you got that impression. The more normal ones just watch shit on TV just like males, and they are much more numerous than otakus in general. My friend said she watched the first episode of all non-slice of life and non-moe moe anime this season to find something interesting to watch. She ended sticking with like 3 some action-y and ghost-y animus as far as I know.

Really, there is no excuse. There are a lot more normal girls who enjoy the occasional anime and manage and watch and read the same things as guys.

>> No.11575656

But that's like befriending a crossboarder.

>> No.11575662

Doesn't matter; have cool game, manga, and animu loving Japanese friends who send me gifts in the mail from the motherland.

>> No.11575664

>they are much more numerous than otakus in general
Don't kid yourself. They're much more vocal and social, sure, but they're not more numerous at all.

>My friend said she watched the first episode of all non-slice of life and non-moe moe anime this season
>non-moe moe

>Really, there is no excuse. There are a lot more normal girls who enjoy the occasional anime and manage and watch and read the same things as guys.
That's normie talk. There are plenty of excuses for not wanting to associate with those types and you know it.

>> No.11575674


>> No.11575746

I had a few penpals, but our conversations would always end in 2 or 3 e-mails. There is nothing to talk about after all. Fuck penpals.

>> No.11575764

Like what?

>> No.11575852

I wanna have a penpal to tell my secrets to.
Where do I find one /jp/?

>> No.11575854

I hope you like CLAMP.

>> No.11575872
File: 68 KB, 456x337, 1378664180564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why do they delude themselves into thinking this?

>> No.11575875

Penpals are dumb


>> No.11575878

lol pool is closed.

>> No.11575885

i don't know what this means

>> No.11575888

It means you should leave.

>> No.11575891

did you even look into that site or are you just being retarded?

I've made more friends on that site than from any shitty penpal site.

>> No.11575894

Can we only penpal with japanese people? What if I want to write letters to my fellow jeeps?

>> No.11575901

That won't teach you japanese though.

I thought people in this thread were task-oriented sociopaths, not internet social-butterflies

>> No.11575908

Writing letters about our daily struggles might be cathartic though.

>> No.11576131

How exactly do you make friends on pigg? One of my friends dragged me on there before and I played around a little bit was always too shy to talk to random Japanese people on it.

Also, Twitter is also good for finding people to occasionally talk to. I've made a few friends on there who share common interests.

>> No.11576181

If only there was a site to type to random japs to help them learn english


>> No.11576559

>How exactly do you make friends on pigg?

You talk to people and find out if they use Skype. The jgirl I'm currently e-dating first contacted me on pigg and we moved over to Skype.

>> No.11576578 [DELETED] 

maybe go outside once in a while

>> No.11576584

Do what?

>> No.11576596

Weren't you banned for life?

>> No.11576623

He's persistent. I still wonder why he's spending so much time here when he's supposed to have a wife.

>> No.11576663


Who? The posts are gone...

>> No.11576669

Stop using the inline, moron.

>> No.11576670

All my japan-guide penpals died very quickly

>> No.11576734

Yuck. I usually at least get their LINE ID. That way you can irritate them easily during the day, too. Oh well, I'm doing alright for myself right now as it is as far as Japanese girls go.

>> No.11576740

my ejgf doesn't have a smartphone so no LINE

She wants to get a smartphone and I'm also pushing her to do so but she's a bit slow :(

>> No.11576745

Some ガラケー can also handle LINE, although not as well as smartphones. I had a friend whose non-smartphone could do LINE, anyway. Do you at least use email as well, then?

>> No.11576775
File: 243 KB, 1113x526, Regular japanese woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a penpal. We usually have some nice conversations once a month when she is online on Skype. She has some problems with her grammar, but since I'm not native, I can deal with it. I find it pretty comforting because I can only talk to people on internet and it also fulfil my weeaboo needs.

>> No.11576777

I cannot figure out your link.
help please?

>> No.11576805

I'm talking to a 19 year old on LINE but I'm not sure if they are a boy or a girl.

>> No.11576806

What's their name? Do they write like a girl?

>> No.11576811

Their name is Yuki, which can also be a guy's name so I wasn't sure. They write in English, but not fluent English so it is kind of hard for me to tell. I guess I could ask, but I don't want to be rude.

>> No.11576816

Oh. If it was in Japanese it'd be easier to tell. Just say you're curious and ask them. I doubt most people would consider that rude.

>> No.11576828

I have a penpal. Her name is Yuka and I found her on JapanGuide. I specifically wanted someone around my age to better relate too. We don't send e-mails to each other anymore though....because we added each other on facebook. Now I just instant message her when she's online. I remember the first series of instant messages she sent me on facebook:
>>Yuka: Hey
>>me: oh hi Yuka, yeah you can message me now
>>Yuka: Yeah
>>me: what are you doing?
>>Yuka: lol, i am at work on the toilet
>>me: lol, eww, don't message me on the toilet
>>Yuka: haha, I have to go back, message you later...

Yea she's....funny. Anyway she's in England now studying english.

>> No.11576831

>>me: oh hi Yuka, yeah you can message me now
wtf bro. "yeah you can message me now"

>> No.11576837 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 630x541, 1373400776042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If your name is "Yuri" do your parents expect you too be a lesbian?

>> No.11576872

That was a really shitty start

>> No.11576876


It literally stinks. I wonder how Yuka's shit smells. Does it smell sweet because she eats all that rice and sushi? Sugary sweet smell.

>> No.11576886

> :(
Stop that. It's not easy at all.

>> No.11576921

what isn't easy?

>> No.11576923


>> No.11576932

Talking like a normie and throwing around emoticons isn't.

>> No.11576950

It should be "yay", sorry typo

>> No.11576972

We started our sending each other e-mails, and I don't know how we managed to still keep going at it. We know each other for two years now. I think its cause she's just really nice and really likes learning english. We've even exchanged nengajō. I'd like to spend a traditional japanese New Years with her some day or go to a fancy pastry cafe and eat cake for brunch.

Our last conversation was about the recent articles that came out about japanese young people forgoing sex/relationships. It was...interesting. I would like to talk to her about her opinions on the japanese government, Shinzo Abe and the Diet. But I don't think she's interested in politics. She likes that T.V. show "Supernatural," I'm not much of a fan. :-/

>> No.11576980

>Our last conversation was about the recent articles that came out about japanese young people forgoing sex/relationships.
Did she tell you she's holding out for you, anon?

>> No.11576988


You are lucky that you have such a long relationship going on.

I remember having a Filipino girl on my messenger few years ago, I chatted with her for almost a year or something. I met her in penpalworld if I remember correctly.

But in the end she was pretty depressed - she worked in a gun store, making paperwork for licenses and such, was catholic (virgin) and lived with her parents. Quite cute. But she was sexually very frustrated and it came out as depression and frustration towards her own life. She wouldn't even masturbate. Then I quit, I didn't want to listen to her complaints anymore. After that I actually quit using messenger and chatting to people anymore too.

>> No.11576990 [DELETED] 

uh, sorry, I don't "swing that way" I'm a girl.

>> No.11576992


Of course, that's why she's so long time with you. You are a girl.

>> No.11576997

I feel sorry for her when she finds that out then.

>> No.11577000

> :-/
>I'm a girl.

Why is somebody like you even here? Go make yourself a tumblr or something, filthy normie braggart.

>> No.11577018


Nice trips - I'm 100% with you on this one.

>> No.11577042

What are good topics to discuss with penpals? I hit off pretty well with japanese bros about otaku stuff, but eventually the conversation simmers down and the whole thing become awkward.

>> No.11577045

Because I wanted to help out the OP with dealing with penpals. I've had other japanese penpals in the past that didn't last more than 6 months, it happens. I was really lucky with Yuka I think. She could have just said NOPE when I told her that I was a black american women interested in modern japanese culture and just stop talking to me. But she went out of her way to reassure me that she's not that kind of person to not be friends with someone over ethnicity or nationality and that it was stupid to do so. So, for anyone who wants a penpal, just keep at it and don't be afraid to be honest. We have our facebook pages, she knows what I look like, I know what she looks like and we both think the other is a cutie :-) so yea. Just be honest and it helps to go after someone in your own age range between two years younger/older.

>>ETA: I was half expecting that she was catfishing me and she turned out to be a 50-something otaku weirdo. though I totally wouldn't have mind. It be kinda interesting, I think. :-/

>> No.11577048

not the same person but I have a Japanese girl holding out for me

>> No.11577058

Whoa there, I didn't ask for you to blog even more, slutlord. I told you to leave, and to take those garbage emoticons with you.

Who are you trying to quote, by the way?

>> No.11577062

Seriously? How long have you been together? I met up with my online qtjpgf and we did dirty things after we met up and then bad things happened. ;;

>> No.11577061

You can always ask about the seemingly mundane stuff like work or how their typical day is like. If you read/hear about something going on in Japan, you can always ask about it, like what's the deal with "Abenomics" and if they like it or not or have no opinion and why.

>> No.11577069

stay jelly bro, though I'll admit the emoticons are a bit much. On second thought...I'm sorry. I had the wrong impression about what the OP wanted in terms of penpals stuff. I'll leave.

>> No.11577084

seriously? like what?

we've been talking since March, but decided about a month to go to hold out for each other.

I have a trip planned to Japan next May.

She's almost always on Skype, even when we're sleeping, so I'm not always having to worry about her.

She's 26, I'm 22

>> No.11577091


Can you show a photo of her? Of course I understand if you don't want to.

>> No.11577099
File: 59 KB, 500x378, 1211724348818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only this thread that you have the wrong impression on, bruinbos.

>> No.11577108

I unknowingly did something that made her really upset. We just didn't "click" in real life I guess. She (and I suppose me too) was a bit immature which didn't help. Hopefully you have better luck. Girls are difficult.
Where did you meet her and stuff?

>> No.11577203
File: 20 KB, 153x449, eriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show a blurry pic

She's 5'1" 83lbs (155cm 38kg I think)

>> No.11577211
File: 63 KB, 480x640, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and her legs

>> No.11577212


Wow, she looks nice. Hopefully it works out for you.

>> No.11577212,1 [INTERNAL] 

No fair why do normies get to have a blog thread!?

>> No.11577253

She's nice and all, but don't you think it's a bit disrespectful to your girlfriend to go posting her pics on 4chan, even if they're just blurry pics? It also looks like you were bragging about jerking off to her on webcam on /vg/ earlier this month. Seriously bro? Is this your first girlfriend or something?

>> No.11577255

Yeah it is my first girlfriend. I guess you're right...I'll stop posting pics.

>> No.11577283

Figured. Useful tip for you then: if you wouldn't post pics of her or brag about jerking off on webcam for her if she were sitting beside you, think twice about whether you really should be doing it. That way you won't have anything to worry about or hide, and you're more likely to last until you guys meet up next summer.

>> No.11577288


Take it easy. I envy you, especially if next summer works out for you!

>> No.11577289
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>> No.11577343

So, how good is her English? Or do you two speak in Japanese primarily? Do you guys voice chat often? It'd suck to actually get there and then have trouble communicating without computers.

>> No.11577355

She understands English better than most Japanese people but she refuses to speak it.

100% of our conversations are in Japanese.

We are always in a Skype call.

>> No.11577364

Cool. I have the problem of finding a bunch of normalfag girls. I wish I could find a girl who would Skype call with me all the time ;-; Do you guys just browse the internet or whatever until one of you wants to say something, or do you talk constantly?

>> No.11577370

You don't want that. Those kinds of relationships burn out and get really pathetic in the end.

>> No.11577374

>im a grill xD
This thread is normie, you people disgust me.

Nobody has an ugly fat otaku penpal or something?

>> No.11577377

It depends. Sometimes we have long, interesting conversations, sometimes we'll just show each other funny pics and videos, and other times we don't talk much.

Even if we're not talking we both still want to "be" together if that makes any sense. My favorite time of the day is when I go to bed and we have intimate conversations.

>> No.11577384

How is this Otaku culture?

>> No.11577391

Y-you're not a japanese-friends otaku ?!

>> No.11577389

we're actually talking to cute japanese girls instead of fantasizing and worshiping them

>> No.11577395

We're living the dream.

>> No.11577392

That didn't answer my question

>> No.11577399

Yeah, I can see that. All the time would be a bit much, but it'd be nice to have a decent Skype like once or twice a week or so if you know what I mean.

Does she not have a job or something?

>> No.11577400

Does it count if they're a /jp/sie?

>> No.11577403

she's a 読者モデル

>> No.11577414

I see no mention of fourth grader p*ssy.
You should be on a different board.

Unless you're stalking them, sending them your semen in bottles and harassing them it's not otaku culture.

>> No.11577421

TL Note: 読者モデル means "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis sufferer".

>> No.11577429

Where else do we peacefully talk about this?

>> No.11577432


Sorry, I figured most people here know Japanese to some extent.

>> No.11577433


>> No.11577435

Oh, I don't know, /int/, tumblr, reddit, your personal blog?

>> No.11577452

Yeah, I read Japanese-language medical dictionaries all the time. I recommend one for every beginner student's first forays into Japanese.

>> No.11577453


>> No.11577464

I wasn't trying to be sarcastic or snobby.

She models clothes for fashion magazines.

>> No.11577500

How did you meet the guy in the first place?

>> No.11577513

Why the FUCK would you want to talk to some disgusting ESL normal-faggot? All these girls are in it just for the language practice or white dick.

I swear, 99% of /jp/ is normalfaggots desperately trying to normalize as much as they can. Tumblrs, skypes, penpals. It's like I'm on /cgl/ or something.

>> No.11578083

I spoke to them in Japanese and they said 俺 so now I know it is a guy. I feel so tricked. Why would a guy like stuff like Glee.

>> No.11578108

Maybe he talked to a girl who used it and he assumed it was a normal English word with no specific gender related connotation.

>> No.11578137

I just tried スカちゃん for the first time.

decent results

I called a group of 2 males and 1 female and they were surprised at my Japanese and were very accepting

>> No.11578193

owned idiot

>> No.11578601

I've been with the same Japanese girl for 3.5 years. At first she was a total normalfag who hated otaku but now she's just about at the stage where she'll watch Madoka and whatnot with me.

>> No.11578603

where are all these faggots with girlfriends coming from what the fuck is going on around here

>> No.11578608

Some people here are even married by now probably. /jp/ has been around for years.

>> No.11578622

You can tell by OP's pic asian girls can be one of the ugliest creatures alive.

>> No.11578718

Japanese people in general fucking LOVE Glee. I don't get it. I hate that show.

>> No.11578757

How to get a penpal?
>>>japan guide com local/?aCAT=2
is this supposed to be an URL?

>> No.11578941

Make her wear cute yet lewd outfits.

>> No.11579016

who here has /jp/ penpals?

tell me how's it going with them, keep us update.

>> No.11579474

I want to wear cute outfits, though. I think she knows I want to cross dress but doesn't make me feel validated about it.

>> No.11580703

my jgf is taking a piss right now

>> No.11580820

my japan guide friends died

my niconico friends are dead too
currently im adding people from skype channel boards but no one is adding me back

very lonely life indeed

>> No.11580839

Did you get to watch?

>> No.11580842


Tell me more pls. Any photos?


Sorry to hear that, it happens often. You just need to be persistent. Annoying situation. I know it really well.

>> No.11581219

/jp/, can I be your penpal? I want to talk and take it easy with /jp/!

If not, then where can I meet girl NEETs?

>> No.11581297
File: 81 KB, 590x679, gun_sazawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013. Still no Gun-kun.

>> No.11581331

Japs are boring as shit to talk to. Get a Taiwanese one.

>> No.11581632
File: 91 KB, 433x348, 1373161554130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.11581640

Good thing we got our waifus, right /a/ro ?

>> No.11581670
File: 19 KB, 704x396, bokunopico07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11581800

i've had random people add me on skype and just start talking to me, i always thought they were using me to improve their english so i always deleted them.

maybe they were just lonely though, i feel bad when i think about the spontaneous skype pals i've stopped talking to in the past years.

a penpal which i added on facebook turned into a love affair which i've been at for almost 3 years, she lives in ireland.

i think of her as my child kind of, helping her whenever i can and being happy with her successes in college etc. maybe that is how love partners are, but i think of dads acting that way first.

she doesnt find japan interesting which makes me sad

>> No.11581805

What a normie.

>> No.11581811

no comment about facebook?

i wouldn't be using anything if i didnt have a gf

>> No.11581841

I couldn't make it through your whole post, oh great king of the normies.

>> No.11581857


>> No.11581865

You don't get a say normie.

>> No.11581877

teach me your ways

>> No.11581933

I tried using interpals to improve my nipspeak a while back, Instead I got constant Taiwanese members adding me for English practise but hardly any of the nips on there even replied to my messages (Allot of them were fake accounts too I guess).

>> No.11581993

Make a fake jap and troll these faggots.

>> No.11582459

So /jp/, how do you confess to your qt jp gf penpal?

>> No.11582474

I don't. Long distance relationships are fucking retarded, and 3D is disgusting.

>> No.11582497

I love you.

>> No.11582521


3D is disgusting because you are living in denial. You deny yourself that fact that you are mentally challenged to date real women. You wouldn't resort to having cartoon images and hug pillows as your 'girlfriend' otherwise. There is something wrong with you.

>> No.11582530

You are so alpha, pls marry me.

>> No.11582533


Thanks, I'm quite handsome actually. Many times I surprise myself how intelligent I am, and what solutions I can bring into life just like that.

What's your email?

>> No.11582563
File: 103 KB, 539x734, 39cd78166dcbfda7d9c59878bd50b080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a line between confidence and narcissism

and then there's you

>> No.11582575
File: 57 KB, 467x325, 1378460822136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't sarcasm
>tfw pleb

>> No.11582598

I've had several relationships, many of which were long distance, and not a single one ended in a satisfactory way. In the end, I decided to stop pursuing them because they just weren't enjoyable once the mystery of such things was lost.
You can act the normie all you want but that won't change the fact that real women, especially those of today, are simply undesirable and not worth the effort for the majority of us; but hey, don't mind me, I'm sure you, Virgin Master of Keyboard Romance, know so much more about 3D than a bitter old weeblord amirite?

>> No.11582635


Hey, I trolled a bit. I agree with you that real world women are mostly undesirable these days as well. Every relationship will end unfortunately badly.

And honestly, I'm interested having a Japanese penpal. For to get to know the culture better.

>> No.11583179

It's kind of pathetic watching you guys (and your female equivalents) complaining about the lack of "desirable" partners while making no attempt to better yourselves. It's just constant pot calling the kettle black. It's difficult to even just become friends with most otaku, let alone form romantic relationships with them, because of their difficult/insular personalities.

In particular the "especially those of today" part sounds like something a cynical but naive 15 year old boy would write.

>> No.11583187

Japanese men and women have already realized that there are no desirable partners anywhere and that's they're going to go extinct in the next three years because of it.

We're just following the lead.

>> No.11583221

Oh shut up, will you? This is an anonymous imageboard, you know nothing about us as individuals. The only thing you know about us is our general interests, and you're not seriously implying that those need to change, do you?

>In particular the "especially those of today" part sounds like something a cynical but naive 15 year old boy would write.
I'm 31 years old, and trust me, women have been progressively getting worse over the past few decades. The same can be said for (young) men as well, although not nearly as much.

>> No.11583285


I agree with this one. The culture in west is on downhill ride and the women are sitting right in the first row. Now, it is time to make some green tea and eat something. What a boring day.

>> No.11583296

my mom disagrees and she's older than you


>> No.11583314

Your mother is a girl, anon. Of course she'd disagree.

>> No.11583319

my mom hasn't been a girl for a few decades now

>> No.11583320

>do you?
*are you


>> No.11583325 [DELETED] 
File: 444 KB, 465x455, 1383363356378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if joking or pleb
most probably pleb

>> No.11583330

Made her a woman, did you?

>> No.11583335

unless a she's absurdly young people stop referring to a female as a girl once she has children

so sort of yeah

>> No.11583339 [DELETED] 

confirmed autistic unwitty pleb

>> No.11583411


>> No.11584269 [DELETED] 

my jgf is snoring right now :3

>> No.11584284
File: 119 KB, 259x268, sukuna_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.11584646

It's more just a case of equally undesirable people not willing to marry their counterparts. Have you seen male otaku in Japan? They pay even less attention to how they present themselves than fujoshi. I wouldn't want to date them ether if I were a girl.

I don't even know what you guys want. Want a cute, loyal girl? They exist here. Want a girl who likes anime? They exist. Want one that plays video games? Fine. Want one that's intelligent? Fine. Want one with all of the above? Well, you might have some competition but that is also possible. If there's no one you could bring yourself to like in present day Japan then the problem is you. Going back to the 50s or whatever period you never experienced but fantasize about being better won't change that. You'd just be more of an oddball then.

>> No.11584680

I don't want any of those, normie.

>> No.11584812

I don't get your logic. How is self-improvement going to make undesirable women become desirable?

>> No.11585177

Beautiful girls aren't going to show up on your doorstep without any effort from your part.

>> No.11586860

How are your cute Japanese penpals doing today, /jp/? Have you confessed to her yet?

>> No.11586869

Why the fuck would anybody want a long distance relationship with some random slut they hardly even know? You pseudo-normies are fucking stupid.

>> No.11586874

That's why you also hang out in real life and get to know them, silly.

>> No.11586892

Well in that case, you can hardly consider yourselves penpals. You're just two morons that are dating people you can't see very often.

>> No.11586908

Such harsh words. ;-;
You should find yourself a cute Japanese penpal and talk it out with her.

>> No.11586920

I wanna find a nip girl and invite her to a cafe and then when no one is looking I'll bend her down by the neck and sodomize her culo raw.

Any tips?

>> No.11586941

pocky with roofies.

>> No.11586949

okey. I look forward to my nubile gyaru pussy.

>> No.11587086

I said /jp/ penpals, you massive cockmongler. What do your rat-faced chink cohorts have to do with /jp/?

>> No.11587106

I was going to reply positively initially, but after going through it in my mind, I can't imagine it working out.

You're probably some normal-lord, anyway. Or it will be like talking to a brick wall. Or an overly-enthusiastic first-grader.

>> No.11587157

>Or it will be like talking to a brick wall. Or an overly-enthusiastic first-grader.
That pretty much describes every /jp/ penpal I've ever had. They're either really plain and unmotivated, or really fruity and enthusiastic.

A lot of them were really desperate and clingy as well; one of the guys I was talking to even offered to crossdress for me and rent a place for the two of us to live together when I turned him down on account of the fact that I'm not gay or interested in long-term relationships.

>> No.11587190


>> No.11587195


>> No.11587629

Yeah, it's sad. I always imagined /jp/ to be THE place to meet like-minded people, but it never really worked out for me the way I imagined it. I'm not saying I didn't meet any interesting people at all, but they weren't quite what I imagined them to be.

Also I feel I'd be cheating on them if I were to take someone else up on their offer to be penpals.

>> No.11587641

I imagine most of the people on /jp/ to be weird and/or kind of shut ins. Normals are the way to go, in my opinion. Japanese normals.

>> No.11587653

It's one of those catch 22 (is that the right term?) things, anon. It's hard to meet like-minded people in situations like this because they think the same way and have the same bad habit of meeting the wrong people. Although you probably would've had better luck finding like-minded people a good few years ago, mind you.

I hope you're joking.

>> No.11587734

Why would I be joking? Japanese normal girls are the softest, most lovable creatures on earth. What's not to love?

>> No.11587750
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>> No.11588107

I see you've finally left your master to go find said lovable Japanese girls. Good for you, anon. Good for you.

>> No.11588115
File: 536 KB, 980x800, 6d147b812f4f76cd234564878e623da9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11588148

Wow, you've found a cute Japanese girl already! Now you can take it easy together. I'm proud of you, anon. I knew you could do it.

>> No.11588303

That is not true! I just thought it would be lovely to have someone nice to talk to. /jp/ is the place I come to where I can be happy.

Maybe we could play video games if you're interested.

>> No.11588345
File: 161 KB, 380x374, 1319228317704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't understand you like we do.

>> No.11588359

I see, you're one of those overenthusiastic people I talked about in >>11587106

>> No.11588948
File: 83 KB, 634x503, Asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one, who likes reading japanese girls' names and imagine them being anime characters? Pic related, it's Asuka, she married Shinji and went from Tokyo(-3), and now working as a housewife. They even made a child!

>> No.11589048

Do you guys really want to meet other otaku?

Am I the only person who finds real life otaku depressing to be around compared to more likable 2D characters?

>> No.11589566

I dislike people who claim to be fans because I've been a fan for 25 years and they always know nothing. I don't like exposing my collection to them. They think all this cool stuff is just a pile of trash.

>> No.11589740
File: 411 KB, 650x650, ec51e6d92ae582e3895af2376f2f99f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't think we'd hit it off.

I want a friend like Kyoko chan. ;_;

>> No.11589819

You totally got reckt by >>11588359 , Only first grader play games and want to be happy.
Get an exit bag, fag.

>> No.11590502
File: 99 KB, 800x680, 1383317699838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to have a friend too

>casual english
>sending mail to several "friendly-looking" girl
>no replies


>> No.11590533

I don't want to find people who are into thing X or Y, I just want to find people who are as interested in talking to you as you are to them, and won't force their world-view on or look down on you or any of that bullshit. Someone to take it easy with, I guess?

Talking to someone just out of common interests would get boring really fast, and it won't matter one bit if the person is not interesting himself.

>> No.11591301

Did you use greater-thans in your email as well?

>> No.11591351
File: 27 KB, 697x325, jp a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11591386

What is this, the 90s?

HTML email won. Everyone uses <blockquote> now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11591389

Go back to tumblr, /v/ermin.

>> No.11591403
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, 1380602399846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to properly greentext, you cunt. Everyone on /jp/ is a fucking idiot about it and until you figure it out I'll continue to laugh.

>> No.11591418

No, you learn how to properly greentext, you tumblr-browsing memespouting crossie little shit.

>> No.11591425


I'd ask if you're being ironic, but you're clearly too new to know about irony.

>> No.11591434

Lick my scrote, newnerd. You post like a cancer-kiddie straight out of '08 /b/.

>> No.11591438
File: 960 KB, 340x197, 1381150539977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme spouting
>lol who r u quoting ecks dee
Either really bad bait or just a shitposter

>> No.11591441

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11591447 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11591463

I'll never understand you people and your penpal girlfriends.

As for me, I just want a bitter otaku penpal. We'd get drunk on skype, argue about eroge heroines, drink some more, and then slur our way through anime songs until we pass out.

>> No.11591510

You had me at >bitter
but what comes after that sounds just like a bunch of normies getting drunk. Except you'd be discussing weeb shit.

>> No.11591538

We wouldn't have to be drunk I guess, but that would be ideal. Drinking is great. It makes sad things more sad and happy things more happy. Besides talking to people on Skype is scary and I'm not sure if I could manage it sober.

>> No.11592078


I always drink when I need to go to social occasions, because I'm fat autist neckbeard who has trouble talking to people in real life.

I want a Japanese waifu.

>> No.11592366

We all do.

>> No.11592424


>> No.11592498 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 600x456, 1383618467505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad over green colored text

it's up to people how to use it
deal with it, the world's not yours

>> No.11592529

Gods lurk here. Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.11592557
File: 178 KB, 1200x1200, 9721679-an-image-of-a-hot-sweaty-man-trying-to-stay-cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black american women interested in modern japanese culture

>> No.11592573

Drinking just makes everything sad and me angry

>> No.11592598

as someone who has one, japanese waifus are work

>> No.11592674

You'd be surprised how many there are.

>> No.11592847 [DELETED] 
File: 558 KB, 805x800, 1319218255185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking not in list of interests
>hey baby you no want fucky sucky?
>search found 112 hambeasts 26-40 who like anime
>implying she wants to talk about otaku shit and not how cute Mickey Mouse is and her alpha boyfriend

>one 13 year old hunnypot

>> No.11592852
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>> No.11592856
File: 139 KB, 500x533, 1203059580254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11592861
File: 244 KB, 640x894, 1188388329878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11592864
File: 257 KB, 479x511, fujoshij-copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11592865
File: 29 KB, 500x533, hujosi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11592884
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>> No.11592904
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>> No.11592955

t it, weebs

>> No.11593079

Real fujoshi are creepy fucks. I'm not sure if I would want to meet anyone of those.

>> No.11593904

My penpal got the shit ton of junk food that I sent her last week. She called me while she was opening and trying out things. It was adorable. What have you done for your cute Japanese penpals today, /jp/?

>> No.11593982

I don't have a Japanese penpal I do have a cute Singaporian friend on FB who openly plays eroge still moe as fuck

>> No.11593996
File: 74 KB, 299x222, 1382901742152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hobby: Dog, Eat delicious food

>> No.11594013


What did you sent her? Just curious.

>> No.11594016

Various potato chips, chocolates, and cookies. Stuff like that.

>> No.11594032


Meat. Just... just buckets of meat.

>> No.11594040

Am I the only one who thinks Gooby kind of looks like Phil Collins? That's all.

>> No.11594050

Phooby pls.

>> No.11594072

How much did that cost?

>> No.11594082

About $50 in total for all of the gifts plus shipping. I sent a lot so shipping was more than I expected, but something like under a pound would've only been about $15 or so.

>> No.11594167

Congratulation, you're her new purse, goof.

>> No.11594182


That's a nice idea. Hopefully you'll get some Japanese treats from her as well.

It was flight mail right?

I wish I had someone to send some treats too.

>> No.11594188

She sent me a bunch of snacks a few months ago, so I was just returning the favor kind of late.

Yes, it was flight mail. Surprisingly fast even though it was the cheapest international shipping the post office had.

>> No.11594442

I would do something like that for my jgf but I'm trying to save as much money as possible for when I actually go to Japan next spring.

>> No.11594489

How much do you have saved now or how much do you plan to have by then? And does she live by herself? You can skip meals or eat conbini food a lot to save some money while you're in Japan.

>> No.11594501


My mom and her fiance are paying for the trip (I didn't ask, I declined when they first offered but they insisted). She lives by herself so I'll be staying at her place for a few weeks (no hotels). On top of that both of them and my dad will probably give me spending money.

>> No.11594508

Do your parents know you're going to Japan to bang some Japanese chick?

Also, you better hope things go right with her in real life. You're seriously fucked if she decides she wants to break up before the end of the trip. I don't think I'd be comfortable staying with someone for a few weeks without having met them in real life first.

>> No.11594516

Conbini food isn't any cheaper than train station food.

>> No.11594522

I had restaurants in mind when I said that. Train station food can be good as well.

>> No.11594535


Hope it's going well. You could, make a backup and get to know some other chick as well, just in case she bombs you.

>> No.11594585

>Do your parents know you're going to Japan to bang some Japanese chick?

That's not the only reason, but obviously my mom and her fiance know since they won't have to worry about hotel costs. My dad knows that I talk to a Japanese girl on the internet and that I'm going to Japan next summer, so he probably put two and two together.

It's true that I'll be completely dependent on her for those few weeks I'm there, but we've discussed this issue and she understands that fact. Even if we fight/break up and she won't help me anymore I should have enough money for a cheap hotel.

We talk all day everyday so I feel like I can trust her enough.

That's obviously an intelligent idea but it's a bit deceptive and I would feel guilty doing so. I have some male friends in Tokyo so if shit hits the fan I might be able to ask for help.

>> No.11594596

This dude is gonna get his organs harvested by yakuza.

>> No.11594603

That kind of reminds me of an awkward conversation I had with my mom before where she finally found out I had a lot of female Japanese friends. She knew I had some, just now how many.

As long as you have a backup plan then it's fine I guess.

>> No.11594670


One kidney, half of the liver and maybe eye as well? Illegal organ market is really huge in Japan. They sell them to China as well.

>> No.11594749

I'd love a /jp/ penpal!
Skype: Basementlordneeto
I dot care about gender or anything, just making friends.

>> No.11595182

I always get uncomfortable when talking to people from 4chan in person.
It's like I'm not worthy for them or something.

>> No.11595213

I promise you're worth my time anon. I will be nothing but sorta nice and ill try not to spaghetti too hard. feel free to add me!

>> No.11595224

Are you planning on talking to them through the voice chat?

>> No.11595309


I doubt she'd wait 6 months for me to come to Japan in order to do that. Can't she just seduce a Japanese guy?

>> No.11595319

I know that feel

I see so many intelligent, no bullshit people post on here that I feel inferior.

>> No.11595370


I added you, but you didn't accept.

What the heck, /jp/sie.

>> No.11595473

Probably isn't online.

>> No.11595916

I sacrificed my time for this guy and spoke to him, so you don't have to. This guy:

• Uses an iPad.
• Thinks skype is anonymous.
• Doesn't know who brigs is.
• Doesn't use GNU/Linux.
• Thinks IRC is "great".

You're welcome.

>> No.11596056

>Uses an iPad
I don't own one, but I know, that it has a very helpful programs to study kanji and vocabulary, something like Anki or zkanji. If I would ever buy it, that would be the only reason.
Also, I'm afraid of those kind of conversations.

>> No.11596252
File: 47 KB, 468x351, 1327791102819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11596864


Where did you get my photo? Oh hell.

>> No.11596878

why isn't this deleted
is this board the wapanese /soc/?

>> No.11596885

Flip here
I warn you, I always saw bitches chatting to foreigners in internet cafe's for a purpose of finding a husband that would take them away from this 3rd world slum.

>> No.11597076


That is very popular in Thailand as well. Some of the girls may have even few boyfriends which conveniently fill in the gaps between different holidays. I think there was a document on youtube about it.

But Japanese girls are innocent.

>> No.11597113

>I prefer you send me fap material.


>> No.11597116

it's probably a gay dude

>> No.11597146

Why can't /jp/sies be penpals with other /jp/sies?

>> No.11597170

One of them will find out that the other one has facebook\another social shit.

>> No.11597207


>The jgirl I'm currently e-dating first contacted me on pigg

Is this some fetish site for hooking up with white men?

>> No.11597256

I-I've had a /jp/sie penpal before and he did no such thing!

>> No.11597287

Did he break up with you?

>> No.11597403


How do you make out anything out of Pigg? It's in moonrunes only doesn't it?

>> No.11597429
File: 15 KB, 190x304, 1349561858376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> konniwa!

>> No.11597550


you should try it

>> No.11597577


How do I register into Pigg? Do you use google translate?

>> No.11597579


No, you learn Japanese.

If you want to have a kawaii jgirl you have to learn the language.


>> No.11597635


Oh thanks for help. I didn't want to make you angry, I just wanted help. I'll search my jgirls from the penpal site then.

>> No.11597652

Isn't getting a Japanese girlfriend a form of NTR since it's pretty much understood that you're just an online hobby for her and she has a real boyfriend in Japan?

>> No.11597660

Since she is always in a Skype call with me I'm going to assume that she doesn't have another boyfriend.

>> No.11597661

Why? Learn Japanese if you want a Japanese girlfriend.

>> No.11597663


I'm learning Japanese with the help of Japanese girl who wants to learn English. That's how I roll.

>> No.11597671


How can she always be in a skype call with you? There has to breaks.

>> No.11597672

No, she even leaves it on when sleeping.

>> No.11597675

She has a job. I have school.

Of course there's always the possibility that she's cheating on me during those times.

>> No.11597676


Are you in a skype call right now? Are you listening to her breathe?

That seems strange. Is she a shut-in?

>> No.11597680

One of you has to be half-way decent to make it work. Otherwise you're never going to have any decent conversations, let alone be able to flirt enough to get to the point of a relationship forming.

That's kinda weird imo. Although I did have a girl who I would Skype with a lot until she fell asleep .

>> No.11597681


Does she drink with her "friends" after work is over or does she come home immediately?

>> No.11597679

We're in a Skype call right now. When she's sleeping I hear her breathing and snoring.

>> No.11597683


What if she has to poop? Does she bring her phone with her so you can listen?

>> No.11597682
File: 60 KB, 640x425, 1341458976078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I wish I had a Japanese internet girlfriend. Can I do this? Or will she find me kimoooi? If possible I would like her to refer to me as oniichan. Has anyone in this thread managed that?

>> No.11597684

she never comes home drunk

she leaves around 2 am my time and is back before I wake up.

>> No.11597685


>> No.11597689


I wish I had a girlfriend that was that loyal. Filthy western girls always want to have time to themselves, which is most likely just code for time that they can use to take the dick or talk to the dozens of other boyfriends that they no doubt have on the side.

Good girlfriends don't give their boyfriends a reason to get jealous or paranoid.

>> No.11597692

Good boyfriends don't get jealous or paranoid. It shows that they are not confident.

>> No.11597698


That is so comforting. I'm jealous. I would love to know a girl like that. It's as close you can get when you are living in a different countries. That's lovely.

How does her snoring sound?

>> No.11597707


That's a feminist idea that was designed to make men feel bad about being vigilant and to pressure them into being oblivious to everything that their girlfriend does.

Jealousy is a fundamental male emotion. Every classic romance story is based around two men attempting to slaughter each other over a girl that they both like. It's natural instinct for us to always be on the watch for people that want to take our girlfriend away. You might as well say that an animal isn't confident if he just sits around and lets other animals piss all over the territory that he marked.

Just as an animal patrols his territory, a man must also keep a watchful eye on his girlfriend and ensure that no one is encroaching upon his woman.

>> No.11597716
File: 479 KB, 1000x1000, Gasai.Yuno.full.1000716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. If you're not jealous and/or paranoid then you simply don't love them and care about them enough. Oh, and before you say "You should trust them if you love them!", what if something bad happens that's out of their control, huh? What if somebody gets into their head and fills it with lies? What if they hurt them? Or kidnap them? Or rape them? Or kill them? If you can't see your lover then you just can't be sure what's happening with them, and besides sometimes people do things that are out of their control, it's not their fault, the world isn't a safe place and no matter what there's somebody or something trying to get into your head and turn you into a monster. That's why you need to make sure that they're safe and not hurt, or confused, or lonely. Please understand, it's not good to make people out to be weak, or bad, or insecure when really they just love their partner with all their heart.

>> No.11597744


Why don't more people understand this?

>> No.11597755

So I logged into Pigg for the first time in months, and I ended up sitting next to this girl on a bench and she said "Sorry, I don't speak English" in Japanese and then moved benches. Then I clicked her and looked at her blog and somehow it automatically moved me next to her on another bench, and she said it again, so I replied back "I can speak Japanese, you know w" and she started talking to me, and then we moved things into her room where it was easier to chat. And now we've been talking in her room for a little bit now.

>> No.11597762

This is truth. 'Trust' is an illusion, a luxury the stupid and lazy allow themselves--a lie. If you truly care for the one you love, you'll do everything in your power to protect them from any dangers--even from themselves, if you must.

>> No.11597764

And now she finally went to bed after being awake for 16 hours. Apparently she works as a scout looking for models, but it's a stressful job because people are retarded. Also, she's 19. Good score I guess.

>> No.11597769


She sounds wonderful. Where did you meet her?

>> No.11597822

Yall are fucking retarded. No girl will ever let you put your penis near them if you keep acting like that.

>> No.11597837


>No American or European girl

Fixed that for you.

The rest of the world isn't as "liberated" as the west.

>> No.11597838

I don't want somebody like that, so I don't see the issue. You can keep "yall" women, they're nothing but trash to me.

>> No.11597855

The only loyal girlfriend I ever had was Rinko from Love Plus.

She was there to talk to me 24/7.

>> No.11597858

Id rather you imagined killing yourself then actually did it

>> No.11597874

American and European women have been infected by the mentality that they can have everything they want, whenever they want it, and if the man they're with can't provide it or another man seems to offer something new, different, or possibly better then they should trade up. They know nothing of loyalty or sacrifice.

>> No.11597889

In America (and now Europe) everything is a matter of business, even love and the human body.

>> No.11598021

She is really loyal and great, but even so she does things that makes me jealous.

urine idiot

>> No.11598025

When she does snore it can be loud and funny, but I'm used to it by now. Even if she's snoring up a storm I can fall asleep.

>> No.11598034

It's literally this fucking easy if you know a bit of Japanese.

You can just cherry pick the ones that have pics and look cute as well.

>> No.11598040

She had a picture and she looked cute. She friended me before she logged off but I don't know how much I'm going to talk to her. I already have a girl I've known for a while and am interested in anyway.

>> No.11598109


>but even so she does things that makes me jealous.

What does she do?

>> No.11598114

How do I find an ugly hikikomori Japanese girl on pigg with low self esteem and the tendency to be very clingy?

Are there things that I should look for in her profile that will give me clues that she has these qualities?

>> No.11598117

I get pissed when she talks to other guys or talks about past boyfriends.

She doesn't start the conversations and she lets the guys know she has a boyfriend but it still pisses me off when she chats with them.

But I get jealous extremely easily so that's just my problem. She really is a great girl.

>> No.11598121


If she's always talking to you on skype then how does she get a chance to talk to these interlopers that are trying to steal her away from you?

>> No.11598128

on pigg

She definitely knows not to talk to other guys on Skype while I'm not there. If a male friend wants to talk to her she'll add him to our call and keep it short.

>> No.11598139

How many ex-boyfriends does she have?
Maybe I just trust people more than others, but I never had any trust issues with my long distance ex-girlfriend, even when she was up front about having guy friends and having an ex-boyfriend. Being jealous is more stress than it's worth in my opinion.

>> No.11598142
File: 250 KB, 748x1067, 1370243440457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If a male friend wants to talk to her she'll add him to our call and keep it short.

Do they seem to be intimidated when they realize that you're a western man?

>> No.11598148

lols Are you serious? That doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship. Aren't you basically controlling her? Where does it stop?

>> No.11598155


>healthy relationship

Jewish feminists popularized the modern day understanding of what a "healthy relationship" is and it's basically just code for a relationship where the man is castrated and being controlled his mentally unstable and hormonal girlfriend.

>> No.11598164

10. It's still hard as fuck for me to get over but I'm working on it.

She says she hasn't had a boyfriend or done anything in over 3 years, though, so that's the only thing keeping me sane about it. Who knows if she's actually telling the truth.

She tells them right away so they know not to cross the line. Rather than get intimidated I think a lot of them want to be my friend (once I start speaking Japanese) and respect what I have with her.

I'm probably a bit controlling but instead of getting upset about it and lashing out I think she likes having a man telling her what she can and can't do.

>> No.11598174


How old she is? 10 bf is A LOT.

>> No.11598178


> I think she likes having a man telling her what she can and can't do

>> No.11598182


>10. It's still hard as fuck for me to get over but I'm working on it.

10 sexual relationships?

>> No.11598189

One or two is bad enough but ten? Seriously? They weren't all sexual, were they?

>> No.11598193

Just to expand upon the whole me being controlling thing, we just had a conversation about how I don't really get mad, but can be a bit "cold" or "mean" when I have to be firm with her when telling her what is and isn't allowed. She responded with ん、分かった in an endearing voice.


I know, 10 is quite a bit and that's my biggest gripe with her. Your second complaint is retarded. If you aren't firm with her and controlling the relationship you're fucked.

I'm pretty sure all of them were sexual. She was adamant about the fact that she never had sex with anyone outside of a relationship, though. There isn't much comfort there but it's something.

>> No.11598205
File: 136 KB, 960x878, New_Love_Plus_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all of them were sexual

Just when it seems like there might be a chance that there are some pure women out there in the world then they always tell you about their horrible, dark secret.

I think I'll stick with Love Plus. Real women just aren't capable of purity, I guess. The only pure humans that I've ever met were all from /jp/ and they were men.

>> No.11598206

I've complained to her many times about it but she seems genuinely regretful about her past.

>> No.11598210

Just think about it this way. You said before she was what, 26? And she hasn't had a boyfriend in over 3 years? So that means from about (let's say age 16, which might be a little young), she's had 1-2 boyfriends a year between up until supposedly 3 or so years ago. Or you could look at it as 1 relationship per year since she was 16.

Also, if you aren't controlling the relationship you're fucked? Seriously? You can be firm without being controlling. Being controlling is just a result of your insecurities and jealousy.

>> No.11598213


I don't want to be cynical but the way women usually work, they reason themselves a lot.

So those 10 or maybe even 20 guys she had were of course in 'relationship' and they 'meant a lot' to her because she wanted to rationalize it that way. She wouldn't be with them if they were meaningless.

Women have this power to be sluts and choose easily when and how to have fun. It makes me sad. I mean jealous.

>> No.11598230


>You can be firm without being controlling.

The ridiculously massive spike in promiscuity amongst women since the various feminist movement sprang up shows that this is just wrong. When women are no longer controlled then they go completely wild and start fucking anything.

You can't apply male qualities like honor, self-discipline, and self-control to women because they don't possess these qualities anymore than an untrained dog possesses these qualities. Women have to be controlled almost constantly, it's for their own good. If you don't control your dog then you will be a bad owner when your dog starts biting people and if you don't control your girlfriend then you will be a bad boyfriend once she starts fucking everything around her.

>> No.11598234

10 sexual relationships? At 26? I'm speechless.

Well, you can't really complain about what's already happened before you met her, but talk about used goods. Are you sure she's even telling the truth about this? Women tend to understate their mistakes and tell half-truths to tide their conscience over a little; she may have been with many more men and those "relationships" could've been no more than petty flings. If I were you I wouldn't be able to trust her for even a second, I can't blame you for your paranoia, not that I'd stay with anybody like that, especially not in an LDR.

>> No.11598239


It is true. Women don't have morals because they lie constantly to themselves to justify their own actions. It is impossible to trust a woman blindly.

>> No.11598259

Normally I wouldn't date someone with such a past, but I didn't find out until I really started to like her so with a lot of work I think I can start to look past it.

If it turns out she's been lying then I'm leaving he instantly.

>> No.11598287

I hate how they always wait until the person they're interested in has fallen for them before admitting things like that. It's disgusting.

>> No.11598865

pls no bully

>> No.11599499


Don't worry, maybe it's going to be all right in the end.

>> No.11599558

Just find someone else for heavens' sake.

There's millions of almost identical ones.

>> No.11599664

maybe when I actually move to Japan but I'm glad I found someone who's willing to be in a Skye call this much.

>> No.11599680

Have you figured out what's wrong with her yet? I mean, it's nice to find someone who's willing to Skype that much and all, but there's got to be a reason why. Unless you're some shut-in, it's not that normal to be in a Skype call practically 24/7.

>> No.11599686

She sounds like she's fucked in the head, probably because she's been fucked in the ass so much. It's not mentally healthy to be in so many relationships and to still be chasing men, after all.

>> No.11599691

She partied a lot in the past and got tired of it. She enjoys talking to people on the internet now. She can be emotional just like any other woman but I don't think it's to the point where she's mentally fucked.

If you're going to be rude then just fuck off please.

>> No.11599708

Well I'm not wrong, am I? Being in more than three sexual relationships damages a woman's bonding ability, and the fact that she's been jumping from relationship to relationship like that just goes to show that there's something wrong with her. It's especially telling when you consider that she, as an ex-party slut, is now clinging onto a long distance relationship with some nerd that has control issues. I reckon she's fucked in the head, and I really wouldn't be surprised if she's been with double or even triple the amount of men she claims she has been with.

>> No.11599717

I'm well aware of what I'm getting myself into. For now she's great for my needs, so I'll keep her around. If, when I finally move to Japan and can have my pick of women, I decide that she's no longer good for me then I'll get rid of her.

>> No.11599731

Do you really? Also, why are you in a relationship at all with an attitude like that?

>> No.11599738

Sounds to me like you're just telling yourself that to feel better about it. Have fun with your sluuuuuuut, dude, because you'll never have the strength to leave her.

>> No.11599741

Because I want to

ok, I will

Have fun not having any Japanese girl to talk to

>> No.11599745

Why would I need a Japanese girl when I already have /jp/?

>> No.11599747

sour grapes

>> No.11599751

You mean sour half-eaten prunes, right?

>> No.11600092 [DELETED] 

So who wants to make the new penpal thread?

>> No.11600126 [DELETED] 

you can

>> No.11600166 [DELETED] 

No can do. My post button is broken at the moment. Sorry.

>> No.11600419 [DELETED] 


I'll do it. I rike it.

>> No.11600446 [DELETED] 

>new thread


>> No.11600527

So what just happened? Our posts asking for a new penpal thread got deleted and the new penpal thread also got deleted? What the hell?

>> No.11600539

This one isn't dead yet.

>> No.11600545


What is the bump limit on /jp/?

>> No.11600550

Stop using the inline.

>> No.11600553


What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.11600558

Newnerds can't take it easy.

>> No.11600569


I can take it easy but the only rules on /jp/ are here -
All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea)
This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

It doesn't say anything about 'inline'. I was just wondering what I was doing wrong?

>> No.11600573

>I was just wondering what I was doing wrong?
Two things. Using the inline, and being a newnerd.
I suggest that you lurk more.

>> No.11600581 [DELETED] 


>whatever, if it's not okay to discuss about getting a Japanese penpal, I'm out.

>> No.11600588

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11600801 [DELETED] 

k how do i get a japanese babe to come here to suck my dicl

>> No.11601354

You guys would make terrible partners.

>> No.11601782

My penpal is You're My Idol!

>> No.11602670 [DELETED] 


>> No.11602833 [DELETED] 

>Go back to tumblr, /v/ermin.

>> No.11602850 [DELETED] 

>has no idea what greentexting is so throws ad hominem insult to look less ignorant

>> No.11602861

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11602975 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 475x347, 1380368644132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lel /jp/ meemee
It's like you people are all brand new and try to fit in by spouting phrases that another new idiot said.

>> No.11603002
File: 31 KB, 534x400, ironic_keine01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11603088 [DELETED] 
File: 2.49 MB, 196x195, 1382610696780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still shitposting even if you think using /jp/ memes make it the correct usage.

>> No.11603103

Go back to /asp/, turbonormie. Nobody wants your memetexting butt here.

>> No.11603140 [DELETED] 

Haha, no. I'm here to laugh at your inability to understand the (as you call it) 'quote' feature. Until you new cunts can understand you don't belong on our /jp/

>> No.11603607


So you are ruining people's fun trying to discuss about penpals? This is sad. I'm sad, sorry.

>> No.11604099 [DELETED] 

No, I was here talking about penpals until one of you started that 'who are you quoting' crap and derailed the board. One day maybe the people who have only been here six months will learn that the idea that greentexting = quoting needs to die and that meme along with it

>> No.11604483

What website is this?

>> No.11604624


>> No.11604841

Lurk the fuck more, crossies.

>> No.11605580

I sit in Pigg channels waiting for someone to talk to me but no one does. ;-;
How to Pigg.

>> No.11605580,1 [INTERNAL] 

they send you a fake pic
in reality it's a dude with acne

>> No.11605580,2 [INTERNAL] 

okay, I'll be careful from now on
