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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11580871 No.11580871 [Reply] [Original]

EVENT DURATION: 20 DAYS Starting Nov.1

Previous Thread: >>11573824

English Wiki

Must reads
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Tutorial: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_How_to_Play
Guides: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis

Detailed Battle Mechanics (wikiwiki): http://goo dot gl/FUMcz
Kancolle Vita: http://www.kancolle-vita.com/
Voice Clips, Room Deco Pv, Game Sprites: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev/

Also, please be considerate with those screencaps. At least delete them when they're not relevant anymore.

To non-/jp/-regulars: /jp/ has its own standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use it for bullet points: greentexting).

>> No.11580880 [DELETED] 
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first for Nakachang

>> No.11580893

Please leave.

>> No.11580896
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Rabaul getting raped by errorcat forever.

What should I do?

>> No.11580897

Just realized, they make the boss fight in E-5 start with day battle?

>> No.11580900


I bet you just dropped her in E-2.

>> No.11580901

People really do take no fun allowed to heart when they enter /jp/.

>> No.11580910
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I could've lost a lot of emergency repairs here, I can't believe I didn't.

I fucking hope so.

>> No.11580916

How do you actually clear E-2. I'm not even taking damage, just failing to accomplish anything. My destroyers like killing everything except the boss (or missing the boss with regular attack), and then it ends, never got to day battle...

I even tried dragging Shoukaku and Zuikaku along - all three destroyers survived along with the boss, but still no day battle. What the hell am I supposed to do?

>> No.11580917

We've got a hundred and fifty images to a thousand and a half posts. We don't need to waste them on /vg/ shit. Even /a/ would tell you to fuck off.

>> No.11580923

What would you say is a good point to do E-1?

>> No.11580921

Remember, E-5 is a thing. So don't go using up resources you're not yet prepared to lose

>> No.11580928

When you finished 2-3.

>> No.11580930

At this rate, I really don't expect to be able to clear E-5. Though if E-5 boss starts out during the day, it might not be as bad.

>> No.11580935

Don't count on the day battle, cruisers will just waste resources. Instead you pray that all six of your ships never miss and you chip away at the boss slowly. From my experience that's going to happen 1/5 times you even make it to her, and that's not including all the errorcats, stray crits, and wayward compasses. I'm finding this more of a chore than 3-2.

>> No.11580936

So make a new thread, you fucker. Everyone else in /jp/ does it. You're not special.

>> No.11580939

From what I am seeing, you need to sink all other five escort ships before they would target the boss. So ideally, bring a battleship or something heavy hitting at the last slot of your fleet (since they attack in order) and pray you get a crit or cut in.

>> No.11580944

Does anyone have a suggested team combination for E-3? I keep getting sent to irrelevant nodes by the compass.

>> No.11580946
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Run expeditions. Wait.

>> No.11580953

Well... my Yukikaze did finish off the boss, but that's only when about 4 ships were taken out.

>> No.11580964

Someone in the previous thread suggested CAv but it doesn't seem to work always, at least on southern route (initial north/south seems to be random).
I just cleaned E-3 btw, that's enough for me today, I'm satisfied.

>> No.11580968
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Daily reminder that Akatsuki, Ayanami, Fubuki, Furutaka, Hiei, Kirishima, Makigumo, Takanami, Teruzuki, and Yudachi all lie at the bottom of Ironbottom Sound.

It's too bad they don't have the budget to implement custom trauma lines for the event, because that would have been pure gold.

Also, someone got around to subbing this half-assedly, if you can suppress your Japanese spirit and switch to English language for a bit: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21238139

>> No.11580975

So what team did *you* use? I've sortied 4 times for E-3 so far and each time I get sent to that alternate route at the very end, instead of the boss.

>> No.11580984

CAv, fast BB, CLTx2, CVx2. It's a heavy resource team but it works very well and compass started bitching only when I lacked the last battle against the boss and I kinda suspect it did it on purpose, but probably I'm just being paranoid.

>> No.11580994
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Go away Naka

>> No.11580998

I tried that and only went to boss 2/5 times

I then looked at some nip post and saw 2 CA/CAv requirement.
1/1 so far.

>> No.11581007

So /jp/, how's your stockpile holding up?

>> No.11581003

It's funny because that Haguro gets rolled over in that (horrible) comic for being fuel-inefficient, but a few weeks later they gave CAs a buff across the board, and they shine in the current event.

>> No.11581006

Huh, so non-aviating Heavy Cruisers work too? Because I didn't manage to level Mogamin far enough, and currently my leading CA's are Tone and Maya.

>> No.11581013
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Still can't clear E-2 because of random crits, fuck.

Anyway, even bookstores are cashing in on Kancolle's popularity it seems.

>> No.11581014

I wouldn't call required by compass, 'shine.'

Their night combat is also subpar

>> No.11581019

Update 2CA/CAv

>> No.11581021

same here, Teitoku. I've been eating radom crits and it's depleteing my resources. Not to mention I wait till my girls have zero fatigue just to go back (and eat another crit).


Sasuga Japan.

>> No.11581024

Pretty sure it's 1CA1DD1BB2CV + 1??

>> No.11581030

Oil 51297
Ammo 51987
Steel 40808
Bauxite 30260
Buckets 576

11:22PM (E1/E2 cleared)
Oil 50294
Ammo 48618
Steel 39569
Bauxite 31485
Buckets 546

Not too bad I guess. Gonna spent the rest of the night running expeditions to restock. Go all out on E3 tomorrow.

>> No.11581031

>Not to mention I wait till my girls have zero fatigue

That's checkable?

>> No.11581035

The Mamiya button will flash if one of your girls has nonzero fatigue.

>> No.11581036

Look at the Mamiya icon on top of the fleet list if it's stop blinking.

>> No.11581043

Not that anon, but there are add-ons where you can visually see the fatigue amount as well. With 49 being at no fatigue, and above 49 as Sparkling.

http://puu sh/56efY png

>> No.11581044


During start of event:
After clearing E1:

>> No.11581040

Blinking ice cream

>> No.11581042

2, 4, and 5 all day now. Needs to cover my ammo deficit until at least equal with my oil.

>> No.11581058

Where the heck did that 2000 bauxite came from

>> No.11581068

I've been happy with how mine have been holding up.

>> No.11581072
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Poor Iku. First day on the job and I'm already working her like a slave driver.

>> No.11581073

Not using CV. nonstop expedition 6. do quest. I have only cleared 20% of E-2 so far...

>> No.11581079

I love her. That's why I am pushing her. She's going to hit 50 by end of today I hope...

>> No.11581075

what version are you using?
i didn't notice it before.

>> No.11581077
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Isn't it sad?

>> No.11581083
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Right now my fleet is 5/5 at goint to boss node and they kill her even before day battle ends. E-2 was retarded.

>> No.11581084

So now that we have more subs girls, who's your favorite, /jp/?

>> No.11581090

The latest one I just downloaded, 0.4.1. You can check it by clicking the optino that lets you view which girls do you have in your whole arsenal atm. It's the third column for fatigue display.

>> No.11581088

Imuya. First sub girl, best, sub girl.

>> No.11581095

Started at 52k fuel, cleared E-1,2 and 3 with 49k fuel remaining. Just over halfway with the E4 gauge and 26k fuel remaining.

>> No.11581098
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>2400 ammo
>2400 steel


>> No.11581103

I-19's voice actually really doesn't mesh well with me. Reminds me a bit of Ryuujou and Isuzu's slightly grating voices, except I don't think I'm going to warm up to it like I did with those two.

>> No.11581100


>> No.11581105

Kongou still loses out to Nagato btw...

>> No.11581107

Nagato doesn't have idle lines. What now, Nagato-fags?

>> No.11581111


That's because she doesn't give a shit

>> No.11581113

But mah max damage, mah armor...
Kongou kan2 can't use the AP shell and she only comes with 2 rather common radars. The freebee 41cm is also weak sauce.

>> No.11581115

But you can scrap that 41 for free ammos.

>> No.11581117

Are you ready to become the first I-8 owner outside of Japan?

>> No.11581119

I thought she'd at least come with a 46cm cannon and the ability to use type 91 rounds.

Boosted armor/health/evasion helps quite a bit though. Kongou classes has been feeling a bit squishy lately.

>> No.11581127

This is why I'm just attempting it with flagship sub; unless someone gets critted by the elite CA (which can't even happen if I don't get past first node) I don't have to worry much about repairs.

It's so luck though. My one time beating the boss was with 23 Gouya, 50 Inazuma, 41 Shimakaze, 42 Choukai, 61 Maya, and 66 KTKM. Somehow Gouya only took 1 damage hits in the first battle then nothing in the second battle, while Shimakaze took just 4+4 from the elite CA, then I managed to get day battle and killed boss with torpedoes. Only managed to reach boss one other time and got screwed when my only attack that wasn't a cut-in was the one on the boss, and my other ships only left a non-elite DD alive.

>> No.11581124
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Maybe, I won't sleep until that jammy cunt is dead.

>> No.11581130

I see nipples

>> No.11581139

She honestly just looks ridiculous to me. 3/10 would not Wo.

Also, are those meant to look like American carrier decks, or what?

>> No.11581138

I've managed to deplete the Boss' HP bar to around 3/4 of its original. Now the RNG fucks me up with random crits and Random sendoffs to NORTH.

>> No.11581143
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From E-3

>> No.11581148

dat smile

>> No.11581145

I believe she is an air field.

>> No.11581149
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Feels good... running 2-3 with 3 subs and S ranking the boss node.
This completely solved the expense issue I've been having with the 5 boss kill daily.

>> No.11581150


>> No.11581151
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How's your kindergarten? Mine's up to 40 from expeditions alone.

>> No.11581155

Ah, I see. Still... well, I guess she wasn't meant to look beautiful, so I really can't complain.

>> No.11581163
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Last week, finally assembled a 3rd fully remodeled expedition fleet for triple sparkling long expeditions. Fleet 2 (Sendai & YAGGY) almost breaking 40. Thinking of moving them up to combat duties and assembling another expedition fleet.

>> No.11581167

I would land my plane on her airstrips.

>> No.11581178

I wish we'd have gotten more exp points from the events. I usually grind first node of 3-2 with similar opponents with some of the E2 nodes, but the meager exp from E2 is barely half of 3-2.

>> No.11581181

Between her and Noshiro, Yubari finally has some non blood-related sisters (design-wise).

やった夕張ちゃん! 家族がふえるよ!

>> No.11581188

3 out 3 times boss reached

>> No.11581193

Don't suppose there's a sure fire fleet composition to reach the boss in E2?

Looking at some of the posts in the previous thread, I've tried 1SS/1CA/1CL/1CLT/2DD but my sub gets crit to hell at the second last node.

Swapping the sub out for a BB I get past that easily but get sent north instead.

>> No.11581195

There's no navel though

>> No.11581197

>>11581024 here,
Glad it helped you since that's what I used to clear E-3.

>> No.11581208
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A wee bit.

>> No.11581209

Is this the required fleet composition for E3? What should I use for the ?? slot?

>> No.11581216
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Who else?

>> No.11581211

i got sent north once, and it was when i tried sub + 5DD. otherwise i have gone to the boss every time with:
sub / CL / 4DD
sub / 2CL / 3DD
sub / CA / CL / 3DD
sub / CA / BB / CL / 2DD

>> No.11581212

That's the bare minimum you need. I used KTKM for the ?? slot. Another friend of my sortied with both Suzuya and Kumano and made it too.

>> No.11581221

The next server opening will be held on 6th. Seems they're focused to maintain the load for the event. Can't be helped, I guess.

>> No.11581222

Might use KTKM then, can you use a sub for that map?

>> No.11581224

I didn't wanted to drag the battles, so I didn't use it to test. If you wanna, you can try it and report back?

>> No.11581223

I rotate mine a lot so I don't have any dedicated expedition fleet.

>> No.11581225

For those trying E-2, have you thought of using throwaway ships? I was lucky that everyone went for Haruna and Kirishima but still downed the boss even though those 2 entered the boss fight in red.

>> No.11581227

I wouldn't recommend it. Red and yellow DDs/CLs are scary.

>> No.11581228

Her armpit looks delicious though.

>> No.11581230

Where's the Noshiro page on the wiki?

>> No.11581240

E-2 you mean.

>> No.11581235

Probably waiting for the Jap to do it first. If they have done it, probably when they feel like it.

>> No.11581238

I suspect everybody's too busy crying at E-4 at the moment. If you want you could make it and we'll just add on things you might miss.

>> No.11581242

Might try it with imuya, Im taking a break right now so I'll give it a shot later and report back.

The BB/CV repair costs are scarier for me, going to see if I can get to E3 with a sub flagship

>> No.11581243


Thanks, I'll keep trying. Too bad even my level 65 Goya cannot withstand the onslaught of enemy fire before the second last node

>> No.11581249

I wonder if they're prepared for the load tomorrow. I'm bracing myself from heavy rain of cats.

>> No.11581244

So who's using Sendai for the event? I would if I could but she's only level 22.

>> No.11581245

E-2's the 2-4 of the event. E-4's where all the good admirals are stuck at right now

>> No.11581246

Nobody with a Noshiro is crying about E-2 for a reason that should be immediately obvious to you.

>> No.11581247

E-2 is easy shit.

>> No.11581248

Sorry just wanted to check, I've been using what you guys mentioned but 1 more battle away till killing the boss, I'm being sent up north all the way from the preboss node. Is this normal?

>> No.11581252

Will 190+ buckets be enough for the E-1 up to E-3? Also, what are the chances of a fleet with an average level of 40+ in E-2 to E-3?

>> No.11581253

>E1 ザコ
>E2 今夜が山田!!
>E3 ザコ
>E4 今夜が山田!!
>E5 タイキック
Hahaha, people on Futaba thinks that E5 > E4 > E2 > E3 > E1.

>> No.11581257

The buckets should be enough, but not sure about the fleet.

>> No.11581254

Isn't it closer to the 3-2? Given that carriers are useless and all.

>> No.11581255

It's the weekend in Japan. So you're better off taking it easy and playing it on the wee hours of Monday morning.

>> No.11581259

E-2 is all luck. After getting sent north 5 times in a row, I just wanted to go cry in a corner.

>> No.11581258

Fairly accurate since CVs have a use again.

>> No.11581264

This. Average fleet level 70 and I still spent around 5k fuel on E-2 alone.

>> No.11581266

my main fleet is mostly 35-40 and half of it is benched for E-2. it's more about having enough luck > DDs > subs to throw at it without wasting millions of resources/buckets.

>> No.11581272

Is your fleet composition Ooi, Nagato, Takao, Kumao, Kirishima, Haruna?

>> No.11581270


I used that combination, in that order, from the get-go in E-2 and I cleared it in 2 hours.

>> No.11581271

It's a mix of both 2-4 compass shenanigans and 3-2 fleet specialization, with the added bonus of starting with night battle. Reasonably doable unless the RNG decides to fuck you over.

E-4 is E-2 on crack.

>> No.11581274

>3-2 fleet specialization
Other than having 2CAs what else do you need?

>> No.11581275

You are a monster. I run a strict no sink policy.

>> No.11581283

Does anyone here have the Isuzu-kai2?

Can you give me her remodel values?

>> No.11581289

E2 has fleet specialization stuff? I guess I was lucky because I beat it easily using the same fleet I used for E1 and only got sent north instead of the boss when I changed a CL for a DD

>> No.11581290


>> No.11581292

What's a CT?

>> No.11581294

Worst spoonfeed ever. The guy didn't even try.

>> No.11581309

Fuck, I meant modernization.

Since we are linking to wiki here is the page

No info about 2nd remodel's modernization values.

>> No.11581306

Your lovely torpedo goddesses.

>> No.11581307

So you would need a CL for E-2? Dear goodness, I've been neglecting them.

>> No.11581310

So how do these regenerating gauges work? Do they regenerate hourly or daily?

>> No.11581315

Every second.

>> No.11581318

E-5's will regenerate every minute you're not watching the bar.

>> No.11581320

Hourly from whenever you start depleting it's first gauge? Or hourly from whenever you end sortie in that map?

>> No.11581319


>> No.11581321

E-5's regenerates every time your ships fire and don't hit the boss.

>> No.11581325

Isnt KTKM & Ooi classified as a subset of CL?

>> No.11581338

Wait, I need DDs for E-2? How many, to be specific, since I only have one DD that could do.

If it means anything, I have Shimakaze, Kitakami and Chitose at 50+.

>> No.11581340

Thank you, guess I'll leave E3 for tomorrow so I don't have to deal with the gauge regenerating after I go to bed.

I used 1SS, 1 CA, 1 CL, 1 BB, 1 CLT, 1 DD in E2 and went to the boss every time without fail.

The boss was some really easy stuff, the real problem was the pre-boss node where one of the heavy cruisers would do a cut in and force me to retreat.

>> No.11581341

KTKM Ooi Kuma Isuzu and 2 throwaway BB. The 4 of them dodge pretty well.

>> No.11581343

Alright, just send 2CA, 2BB and 2DD in. Reached the boss nodes through the whirpool but wasn't able to sink her during the night battle. So I guess I lucked out. Also, starting night battle directly with that BGM is just too nerve wrecking.

>> No.11581353

no you don't need DDs for E-2. they are just good because they have low costs and do approximately the same damage as anything else in night battle (E-2 is only night battle).

>> No.11581357

They haven't sunk and they will become food soon but that's besides the point.

>> No.11581358
File: 13 KB, 636x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

Where does the modernization values of Isuzu 2nd Kai is written on the that link?

Since you are a disabled entity, here is a screencap about the info that I'm failing to find.

>> No.11581362

Why are you using throwaway ships for easy maps? Just take it easy and level your ships because your fleets probably suck and wont be able to do E3

>> No.11581365

Oh, that's fine then. One more thing, I heard the enemy can force a fight with you starting with E-2. How often does that happen and how afraid should I be?

>> No.11581369

that doesn't happen.

>> No.11581373
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E-3 cleared. Accidentally went into night battle with Verniy at 3 HP, heart almost sank when enemy flagship fired at her but only dealt one damage, thankfully. Need to spend time to save up resources, and see how others will be tackling E-4.

>> No.11581377

Apparently, if you leave elite DD and/or elite CL in boss fleet unharmed, you'll go to day battle. In fact, at some point you want to get that because that means you'll have more chance to land a hit to the boss.
Wait, you want to feed Isuzu-Kai2 to other ship?

>> No.11581380


>> No.11581389

I don't know, why not just select any random ships that are not maxed out, select Isuzu as a modernisation fodder and see what values increased? Try and repeat for various ships in different class to ensure that it's the same.

>> No.11581388

On the 'verge' of clearing E-4, got under 20% of the gauge left. My resources though, good lord, my resources.

>> No.11581398

Kancolle pls.

>> No.11581392

I see. One of my practice partners has the exact comp that I listed, with the first four in their fifties and the last two at level three, so I thought it might be you.

>> No.11581393

I love Yuubari. Noshiro is nice too though. She seems as gay as Chiyoda is. Still need Agano.

>> No.11581396

That's pretty much where I am. How are you intending to sink the damn bitch when she hits 0? I still haven't sunk her once.

>> No.11581399

Hang in there anon. You still have 18-19 days left. Good enough to build up your resources for the final push.

>> No.11581400

Oh. Also heard it's one fight, so there isn't much to be afraid of. Thank you for the information.

>> No.11581401

Not being able to beat E-2 has pretty much nothing to do with one's ability to beat E-3. I already know I can clear E-3 easily since aside from the compass it's easier than 5-2. E-2 can fuck you over no matter your levels.

>> No.11581403

> Noshiro is nice too though. She seems as gay as Chiyoda is.
Thanks. No need for me to attempt E-2 then.

>> No.11581406

Probably going to need a sortie to help bombard. I might try a few tricks though that I thought up.

>> No.11581407

Firepower +1
Torp +2
AA +5
Armor +2

It's on jp wiki, which link is also mentioned on the bottom of modernization wikia page.
If only you put more effort into it...

>> No.11581410

whoa there buddy, the word is "loving."

>> No.11581412

I've lost resources twice your amount of steel trying to finish E-4 already.

>> No.11581418

>implying you can't get that much in 2-3 days.

>> No.11581428

I think I know the most cost effective way to beat E2
Sub as flagship and go with submarine formation
You will either barely B or scrapped a win before the boss node but you can make it to the boss without any damage.

>> No.11581440

With that much elite CL and DD, you better hope your submarines has really good evasion.

>> No.11581437

>E-2 can fuck you over no matter your levels.
But E2 is super easy, you go in a straight line to the boss and the worst thing that can happen is that you eat a crit on the node before the boss.

You're doing something horribly wrong here

>> No.11581439

Their CA combo says hi. In fact, that's one of the biggest hurdle for everyone, the other being compass-chan trolling.

>> No.11581434

>jp wiki

I checked it just a couple days ago.
There wasn't anything, other anons in the thread confirmed too.

Well, thank you.

>> No.11581441

I'm not yet halfway done though. My biggest fear right now is not having enough before depleting the gauge and watch helplessly as she regenerates back to full.

>> No.11581442 [DELETED] 

Forgot picture. You can even go with line formation for maximum damage at boss.

>> No.11581450
File: 149 KB, 814x538, ez ez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go try the sub formation. Non torpedo damage is like ant bite. Forgot my pic. No bucket wasted and no resources wasted.

>> No.11581474

I just had Kongo do 2 damage to a regular destroyer on E2 boss, which lead to no one attacking the boss at all.

There are a lot of chances for things to go wrong - up to 12 chances to get crit randomly and sent back, chance to go north, and chance to just do 0 damage to boss.

>> No.11581494

I missed a lot of times on the boss battle but my other ships managed to score some kills and it sent me to day battle where my ships just blasted away the boss with ease.

>> No.11581504 [DELETED] 
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This shit is so fucking stupid.

>> No.11581506

this is what i've been doing. boss is going down slowly but im not losing resources. seems like diagonal has better evasion than line abreast, at least for my sub.

>> No.11581523

In my opinion, the only thing that matters now is to reach the boss node without retreating. Soon enough, luck will dictate that you will managed to sink the boss at least once given enough sortie. Just hope that when it happens, it would be an empty guage.

>> No.11581546

Where's your resources at now? Would suck pretty bad if you ran out and she regened

>> No.11581557

I have enough left, 24k fuel and more than enough of everything else, I just need to sink her 500hp ass once and it's done. Sinking her is proving to be the most tedious shit ever.

>> No.11581593
File: 300 KB, 1078x582, e2 team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the godly advice. Imuya and my Iku really benefited greatly from the sub formation. I was getting A rank finish in the first 2 nodes. The enemies were hitting me for peanuts worth of damage.

>> No.11581603

I will add that I went into day battle. Now 2/5 done. cost of 1 run: 90 fuel 205 ammo.

>> No.11581605

If sub formation works wonders for torpedos, can you bring a fleet focused on torpedo attack to E-4?

>> No.11581599

You getting lucky when you did it doesn't make it easy.

Hmmm, I might have to try that. The diagonal formation is obviously supposed to be a sub formation based on enemy fleets using it, I wasn't thinking about using it just to benefit a single sub. I've been using double line until now.

Missing is the best thing that can happen on the boss battle since you'll probably have one of the elites survive and get day battle. If everyone hits then you have to hope you get a cut-in on the boss hit.

I don't know what to think about the compass now, I just got sent north for the first time ever after finally breaking a streak of failing to get past the 2nd battle without a red flagship sub.

>> No.11581613

I believe that it is possible. The sub formation didn't impact the accuracy of my torp users (Beaver and my subs,) so it may do just fine for E-4...

will definitely try this out when I do get there.

>> No.11581624

Wikiwiki says E-4 has night only and boss node goes from night to day, if torpedo combo attacks are boosted by sub formation, you can do some serious damage. Surviving until you get to the boss might be a problem though.

Anyway for reference, my KTKM torp combo with sub formation on E-2 was about 720 on a DD.

>> No.11581627

I think it is kind of wrong to call it sub formation.
It is more like night formation. Red gun is rendered useless and torpedo is king.
Just switch to first formation for boss node since the sub cant be sunk as flagship.

>> No.11581633


If you don't mind me asking, which of the 3 formations are sub formations? I see 3 that might benefit submarines

>> No.11581636

Yeah I'm assuming sub formation is the 5th one / line abreast at any rate and am going to try it out.

>> No.11581639

But everyone else agrees that E2 is easy too and it happened every time I fought the boss

Only went north when I replaced a CL in my team for a second DD and never landed on the sub node, didn't even know there was a sub node in E2

The fleet I used is here >>11581340

>> No.11581644

Diamond formation. It works since the flagship sub is the most important unit here, as it absorbs all incoming fire from DDs and CLs.

What I didn't realize is that the torps still connect even in this formation at night. That makes a massive difference.

>> No.11581643

No not that one.
The formation the enemy use in their sub node.
Bottom left. Line abreast is anti sub formation.

>> No.11581651
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The mysterious formation.

>> No.11581652

Not that guy, but should I be using that formation one 3-2 farming then? Sounds useful.

>> No.11581649

Diagonal formation, the one that was always apparently useless for anything, but enemy sub fleets frequently use it, which gave a clue to its use. It never seemed to do them any good in day combat though so it still seemed useless (enemy subs are way more lethal with their opening attack in vertical line)

>> No.11581664
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If Agano is as lovely, I think I'm going to die.

>> No.11581661

That formation is useless during the day time.
You didnt notice that enemy subs become fucking strong during the night while they die like potato in the day in 4-1?

>> No.11581669

that's the thing. Nighttime gives enormous boost to the subs and the DDs. I don't like diamond since torps doesn't work at daytime with it... and it reduces your dmg output...

>> No.11581668

As fan of healthy girls, this pleases me. Deeply.

>> No.11581672

>You didnt notice that enemy subs become fucking strong during the night while they die like potato in the day in 4-1?
Well no, I haven't beaten 3-2 yet. I'm just hanging out there and raising my chitochiyo

>> No.11581676

Well, just tried that formation and suddenly my subs aren't getting knocked into orange by the first attack. Unfortunately I got shitty luck and wound up with KTKM getting critted by a CA anyway, but this should make things a hell of a lot easier in the long run.

>> No.11581681

Serious, what the fuck is with the RNG? I've hit the boss node on E-3 without fail until one more battle needed and I can't seem to ever hit it again to clear it.

Fucking hell.

>> No.11581684

I like Yubari's damaged sprite more, Wish Agano and nushiro's boobs were smaller. They're still lovely though, aiming to get both before the event ends

>> No.11581698

By the way, have anyone tested E2 with 3subs?
I might just run a sub team and take out my DD since they are more efficient.

>> No.11581708

Hmm... you can try that, although I honestly feel that it makes not much difference. DD's cost is 3/4 per node typically, so you won't get enormous savings from this.

>> No.11581709

Could potentially work if you did the sub / mystery formation. I might put repair kits on the two subs that aren't flagship just in case though. Though on the boss node you might get screwed with not enough damage.

>> No.11581703

Doorblog has reported E-5 clear already. That's fast.

>> No.11581718

Bugger probably spent 18 +hours without resting.

>> No.11581722

I would switch to first formation over the boss node. The goal of using different formations is to reduce damage done to the fleet as we go through the nodes... by the boss node, maximizing damage is the name of the game.

>> No.11581719

Well, scratch that. I just tried it again and this time Gouya gets knocked to 1 HP from the very first attack. Using double line I had never had a sub get put straight in the red.

>> No.11581726

I can only imagine how much resources he burned through to make it happen. It would've been insane...

>> No.11581723

Even a low lvl Iku can easily 1shot CL and DD.
The problem is compass rigging, I am worried about getting sent to north. Guess I will try it and report back once my subs finish their bath.

>> No.11581731

This is one poster's report on total costs of clearing e-4 for him. Expect 10k investment.

>> No.11581738
File: 21 KB, 143x84, e-4 count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look and see for yourself.

>> No.11581736

10k alone for E-4?

>> No.11581746

That's surprisingly low. I blew almost 6k of ammo for E-2 only, and I predict about triple of that for E-4. How's your fleet level? 90?

>> No.11581776

Awesome, with the formation change my sub stays out of the red a little more often, but to make up for it my ships just keep missing the CAs and I eat cut-in attacks and have to retreat anyway.

Fuck this, I'm going to bed like I should have done 2 hours ago. E-2 is hardly eating any resources but the time expenditure is just horrible.

>> No.11581784

Either I am hallucinating...or the Map health bar for E-4 has stopped regenerating. I guess if you get it all the way down but get no flagship kill, it stops regenerating.

>> No.11581797

A bar per hour, I think.

>> No.11581840

Think someone else said that it will stop regenerating when you only need to kill the boss one last time.

>> No.11581848

Was probably me on the wiki (TheLenrir)
But yeah it looks like it is no longer regenerating, thank god.

>> No.11581887

I've been meaning to ask, what's everyone's loadout when tackling E4?

Doorblog says type 3 AA ammo would help a lot in hurting the boss, did anyone else try?

>> No.11581891

2 CAs are mandatory for E-4, right? What's the best setup for that map?

>> No.11581892

I generally use DD flagship, 2CA, 3BB (2 kongo sisters) now. I had too many accidents on the way with more destroyers or lights.

>> No.11581898

Did you bring an Aviation cruiser as one of the CAs? I'm on the fence on whether or not I should use them since superstition keeps saying they do wonders on the night centric maps.

And I guess it's not torpedo sister's time to shine then.

>> No.11581904

What path are you supposed to take to reach the boss node in E3? Currently trying 1xCLt 2xBB 2xCV 1xDD and got sent to the top route.

>> No.11581905

Normal CAs, but you could easily use CAv too. The problem with torpedo sisters is that even during boss day time, they cannot target the boss with their torpedos so it kind of defeats the point. You need 2 Kongo sisters to skip a -ammo node (which will hurt you a lot in the damage department on boss), you can't have more than 2 or it will go east.

>> No.11581910

Well, seemingly that composition doesn't work. Didn't reach the boss node in 2 tries.

>> No.11581916

Only 10k? I'm relieved, then. I can probably pull this off after grinding my cruisers and destroyers to 50s. My best CA before the event was level 29, the strongest DD was 34.

Also, it seems that the point of E-3 is giving you that additional repair crew and goddess so that you can bash your head repeatedly against E-4 with a much lower chance of sinking.

>> No.11581918

Try 2BB (preferrably Kongou class), 2CV, KTKM/Ooi.

8/8 times I went to boss node.

>> No.11581923

How much fuel/ammo do you spend in one sortie? And did you use the support expeditions?

>> No.11581924

Hah, that was my standard composition that I was preparing for the event all at levels 85+, if it actually works at least in E3 I'll be a happy happy admiral.

>> No.11581931

150/300 per run I think. Not as taxing as E2 since I didn't need to port home every other sortie due to enemies critting my Atago to death.

I didn't need the support expeditions since Kaga, Akagi and the torpedo goddesses work wonders in finishing the battle before it even started.

>> No.11581936

How much baux does your Kaga and Akagi consume every run?

>> No.11581948

quick question: How much HP does E3 boss regen?

>> No.11581954

Which expedition is required for E-3 support fire? The first one or the second one?

>> No.11581960

Just got my free furniture fairy from beating 2-3 with my wolf pack of subs. I find myself in need of some spoonfeeding.

Kotatsu or tea set?

>> No.11581961

Finish E-3 and buy both.

>> No.11581962

Anything but the tea set is unforgivable unless you're not a fan of Kongou.

>> No.11581965

are CVL counted for the 1CA1DD1BB2CV + 1?? formation for E3?

>> No.11581968

3 out of 5 people in my pvp list now have 3x subs equipped, what event map could that composition be used for?

>> No.11581972

Nothing, they're just testing their new found power on 2-3.

>> No.11581976

Is wikiwiki giving 403 error for anyone else?

>> No.11581978

Working just fine

>> No.11581980

Works fine for me.

>> No.11581983
File: 199 KB, 800x1146, cbcce9ddeb49edb532380c5597a24326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago is so perfect it hurts

>> No.11581986

I tried this composition and the compass sent me to the SE end of the map.

>> No.11581990

Gah I have no idea why I can't access it, anyone would be kind enough to screenshot the enemy formations and compass gimmick info (if any) for E-3?

>> No.11581991


>> No.11581996

Oh thanks works as well, thank you!

>> No.11582001

E-4 node does not stop recharging. I can see a tiny pixel of red coming out again.

>> No.11582002

Uhhh fuck. E4 requires 2 Kongo sisters? No other BB's will do?

>> No.11582004

So now Yokosuka server becomes troubled. I wonder if any non-Japanese player in that place.

>> No.11582006

Nope, tried with Nagato + Mutsu + Haruna, saw the incoming onslaught of ammo, quickly F5'd out, (No idea if it even worked)

>> No.11582007

Cant seem to finish off the E 2 boss with Bep as my last ship. Do you guys switch the last slot to CA/BB?

>> No.11582008

You can have more BBs but you can't really replace the 2 kongo sisters unless you want to eat that minus ammo node.

>> No.11582009

You can try going in with low damage formation or low lvl ships to trigger day battle.
One time all my ships missed all their shots during night attack but then proceeded to rape them the next day.

>> No.11582011

low damage formation, you mean line abreast?

>> No.11582012

either that or diamond

>> No.11582013

When I logged in I got a notice on something about "password recovery", what do? Did they see through the VPN?

>> No.11582014

So apparently the E4 gauge really does keep regenerating even if you completely empty it. It's time to get desperate.

>> No.11582016

I can't actually log in, keep getting sent to the recovery page

>> No.11582019

Banned because you gaijin.

>> No.11582020

Fucking DMM... just after I bought points to expand docks they start password resetting bullshit... and I forgot if I even put anything in for the phone number they so desperately require.

Anyone had anything even remotely similar happen to him?

>> No.11582021

Yeah, too many connections from that vpn, just reset the password. Some people had problems doing it, try different browsers.

>> No.11582022

I don't think there's any compass gimmick for E-3. 2BB 2CT 2CV, 2BB 1CT 1CA 2CV both led to deviation from boss route

>> No.11582023

remove 1 BB.

>> No.11582024

Well fuck. I only have Haruna leveled. Guess it's time to go back to grinding.

What else is useful for clearing E4? I've never done night battle maps before so I wasn't prepared for E2/E4.
My night battle team for E2 consisted of Nagato, Haruna, Kitakami, Ooi at levels 70+ and Yuudachi/Shimakaze at levels 50.

>> No.11582025

I try to but I get an error when i click the link in the email they send me

>> No.11582027

search through the archives. Someone else had that exact same problem.

>> No.11582028

Did you try opening it in different browsers like I said?

>> No.11582031

Disable https.

>> No.11582030

Will try when I get home

>> No.11582038

Changed 1 BB to CA, still got diverted.

>> No.11582042
File: 81 KB, 925x435, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map is a fucking joke. There's literally no other way than to have some kind of stupid fucking luck of randomly shooting at the boss
Is something fucking wrong with my formation?order? jesus christ on a fuckstick

>> No.11582043

You need a DD.

>> No.11582046

You either choose to fuck up on night battle so you can advance to day battle, or you make sure none of your girls misses so you can achieve "ONE SHOT, ONE KILL".

I did it with setting a BB on the bottom most node to destroy the flagship.

>> No.11582048

You either dont miss, or have half of your fleet miss to proceed to daytime battle.
Dont go 5/6.

>> No.11582053

finally did a successful run on e2 bringing lvl 1 destroyer to suicide, but she didnt die and is now lvl3...... i feel lost, should i use her again-
bottom most node? the bottom slot?

>> No.11582054

Well, I tried it twice, didn't make it to the boss node.

>> No.11582056

accidentally pasted link, pls ignore

>> No.11582062

I want a Yuudachi, but she doesn't seem to be dropping. Should I just keep hitting 1-1 until she drops, or is there a better map?

>> No.11582066

DD BB CT CT CV CV, still got diverted.

Wow I haven't reached the boss in like 5 tries, this is dumb.

>> No.11582065

Try BB CA CV CV CLT DD. 2/2 boss node for me so far.

(E-3 formation; for future reference)

>> No.11582067

Oops, no idea why I typed node. Yeah, I meant slot.

Now I have to develop some type3 ammo somehow before attempting E-4..

>> No.11582068

Did you go top route or bottom route?

>> No.11582069


Sorry, but I went back more than dozen threads and I couldn't find anything relating to this problem (even searched via typos of keywords that might be remotely related to the issue). Any hint for when you saw it (two weeks ago, yesterday?)

>> No.11582071

I don't know, maybe you can stop trying to keep both CLT/CV and remove one of them so you will have something that seems like a

BB CA CL(T) DD CV + 1??

>> No.11582075

Just finished E3

CAV (Kumano) + 2 slow BB + 1 DD + 2 CV, no more dead end node after Kumano joined the fleet

>> No.11582074

Were they all fast? I think it might be a problem because I'm using Mutsu since she's my strongest BB

>> No.11582078

Bottom twice (in the first attempt, took an unlucky crit, had to fall back) and top once.

Sorry, the best estimate I have is "about a month ago". I hope someone else remembers when it was.

I'm using Kongou-class, but the admiral below you did it with slow BBs.

(ugh I can't think straight anymore. Spent too much time struggling at E-2)

>> No.11582079

So it was the CAv. Okay, time to grind.

>> No.11582080

It seems like CAV is giving a lot of people results, but I don't have Kumano, Suzuya or Mikuma. Didn't bother with Mogami either, looks like a lot of praying is in store for me.

>> No.11582084

There's a reason why they suddenly decide to make Kumano and Suzuya craftable all of a sudden.

>> No.11582085

Well, some says CA works too

>> No.11582087

Not him, but I'm using a sparkling level 16 Mogami as flagship and she's doing fine. Everyone else is in their 70s and 90s, though.

>> No.11582088

Yep, and I failed all my crafts at them, sucks to be me.

I got diverted with CA, unless it's 2CA that was required

>> No.11582092

Ok 2CA doesn't work also I just went with that. Sigh

>> No.11582094
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And this time I got a perfect victory. All my ship targeted the boss from the very start for some reason. I can't explain it really

>> No.11582096
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E-4 finally over after much suffering, now time to prepare for last boss.

>> No.11582101
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Thanks moot.

>> No.11582100

It's nice that you shared that. Back pussy sure is nice.

>> No.11582102

How did you "sink" the boss?

>> No.11582118

Could you share your weapon loadouts for CA CAv and Kongou type?

>> No.11582122

Requiring a phone number for password reset is the dickiest of dick moves they could've made.

I guess, once you hit the trigger for reset there's no way around it?

>> No.11582126
File: 201 KB, 924x727, e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanshikis on your bbs is a must. They really hurt the boss.

>> No.11582127

Hmmm. Guess I'll have to try and craft them.

>> No.11582129

What's a popular recipe for Type3 anyway, 100/all?

>> No.11582130

So it is true, dang. Do you happen to have some recommended recipe to use for sanshiki? I've been trying to build them in the past by using recipes on the wiki's but had no luck so I kind of gave up on that. Irony of needing them in the event now...

>> No.11582131

Looks like I'll need 10 more levels to Mogami and Haguro before trying as well.

Ever tried bringing seaplanes with Suzuya? It feels a waste for a CAv to not carry planes.

>> No.11582136

Just because the boss is a living airfield means that flak rounds could hurt her?

>> No.11582138


>> No.11582137

I got 2 from fail 46cm craft
100 300 250 10

>> No.11582140

I built both of mine following the one in the wiki. 10/90/60/30, around 8 tries with Kongo kai2

>> No.11582141

Hey guys I've still been having trouble with the construction and bath not working properly is there a fix? Thanks

>> No.11582139

Heh, appreciate that but I'd rather not waste too much ammos if there's a cheaper alternative.

>> No.11582146


Did you mess with the time zones?

>> No.11582150

Can i get Hatsukaze from E-1 boss drop?

>> No.11582151

read the posts in the previous thread, around the last 200, it was answered there.

>> No.11582156

When the Kongo/Haruna/Kirishima/Hiei went to shell Henderson Field in real life, they used Sanshiki rounds. They basically set everything on fire. Also one of the reasons why certain American ships didn't sink at Guadalcanal... they weren't ready to shoot AP rounds so they shot sanshikidan at them instead.

>> No.11582153

Initially to play last night

>> No.11582163

Oh, that's very interesting. Thanks for that trivia. According to wiki, it was Hiei and Kirishima that were loaded with the frag rounds. Gonna field them for E-4.

>> No.11582168

any specific flagship you used?

>> No.11582173

Non- aviation battleships (e.g. Nagato, Kongou class)

>> No.11582174

I fucking hate E-2 so much, I haven't even been able to reach the boss today because of random crits or it going north instead.

>> No.11582178

Did anyone clear E-3 without using support expeditions or is it a must?

>> No.11582185

oh, thanks- though my T level is only 29 maybe i should stop burning my resources trying to make one..

>> No.11582187

Just did a run fine without one.

>> No.11582188

You are T29 and you already finished up to E3?
Good job.

>> No.11582190

I take it Heavy Cruisers are more or less mandatory for E-4? I have everything except for even a single one of them. If I had to train some, like 2, which ones would be the most meta for night battles>

>> No.11582191

Finally completed E2, must have used up 5-6k of fuel/ammo. Literally shouted and fist pumped as I took a long time to finish off the boss last life.

Thanks to the anon for the diamond formation!

>> No.11582192

I did and I reset to my original timezone and got into the game but cons time and repair still busted

>> No.11582195

What setup did you use?

>> No.11582196

I see, would you suggest doing all your E-3 runs without the expedition fleets?

>> No.11582201

nope still at E2, getting critted so many times at first node so i decided to do some item building instead ;_;

>> No.11582204

Honestly I wanted to save on buckets but I gave in. I just used 2 BB, 2 CLT, 1 CA, 1 DD. A lot of luck involved in E2, so patience is required. I wasted a lot of time trying out other compositions as well.

>> No.11582207

It begins.

>> No.11582206

Takao and Atago / Tone and Chikuma. Stats wise, they are pretty good.

>> No.11582213
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So there's another sub expedition after 28.

>> No.11582214

who's the monkey in the 2nd entry?

>> No.11582215

Konkey of course.

>> No.11582219
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>> No.11582220
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>The JAAF acquired, in April 1945, the license, schemes and technical drawings for manufacturing the Ta 152 in Japan.
Anyone managed to actually get the Stuka?

>> No.11582221

I have been using radar in the last slot for BB and CA but I see that you are using the emergency repair. You have no problem with accuracy?

>> No.11582223

E5 sure is easy if there are people that can clear in after 24hours.

>> No.11582225

Those resources look brutally ravaged.

>> No.11582226

I hope they fix that SSV don't count as SS for expeditions.

>> No.11582228

It's worth it.

>> No.11582230


So, what drops where? If the second sub is reward from E-4, what about Musashi?

>> No.11582231

Thanks anon it worked fine :D

>> No.11582236

F5 retreat = bad, right?

On E3 I've been sent to the north node with the 4-4 boss 6 times in a row, and it seems like such a waste of resources to fight her for 160 exp.

>> No.11582244

It's shopped, Musashi isn't dropped in this event at all. Source is in the wiki.

>> No.11582247


>> No.11582251
File: 114 KB, 1024x878, BX-w9tYCYAIz2Yw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.

>> No.11582255

fuck the screaming cats div.

>> No.11582258

Thanks for that, teitoku. I tried with Ooi, KTKM, and 4 DDs after I saw your image, and manage to beat E-2 much easily than my previous set up (with Goya, Maya, and Suzuya).

>> No.11582261
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>> No.11582264
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Why are my ships betraying me?
DDs are my favourites and I've spend the most time on them so far, but they manage to consistently get shat all over themselves by a normal light cruisers.
Out of the 15 times I've tried so far I've gotten to the boss two times. Sparkling didn't change a thing.

>> No.11582265

What a day. Good thing I wasn't on the server that was flooded by cats.

>> No.11582269
File: 21 KB, 297x252, ktk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equipment for E-2 night battle KTKM? Stacking torps, or should I chuck a 20.3cm into one of these slots? Same question for unremodeled lv 45 Ooi

>> No.11582273

I don't use KTKM or Ooi but putting a red gun would trigger cut-ins which while powerful isn't very consistent. Try sticking with torps.

>> No.11582274

Is there any other server that had problem besides Truk?
I'm on Shortlands and haven't experience it yet.

>> No.11582278

Already 3k ammo spent on E2, and I'm not even halfway through.
Turning back on orange is my choice and if it slows the clear down I don't mind, but damn it's annoying to do a "perfect A" on the boss..

This morning's 30 attempts :
6 times to the boss (orange girls)
0 progress to the bar

>> No.11582277

No news from the twitter feed, so I guess no news mean good news.

>> No.11582281

I'm on Truk server and I haven't encountered any problems except yesterday night where the server connection error was crazy.

>> No.11582280

So far they mentioned about completing the server fixing in Rabaul and heavy load in Yokosuka. I expect all servers will be on fire tomorrow.

>> No.11582286

Which support fleet is preferred? 109/33 or 110/34 or there is no need for it at all for E3 onwards?

>> No.11582321

On E4 it's useless unless you proc daytime phase on boss fight. On E5 it's equally useless except that boss fight starts at day.

Don't really need it for E3 either. Though using it to lower incoming damage en route to boss does help a bit.

>> No.11582346

I want to throttle the life out of the person who designed DMM password recovery form.

Why the fuck are you asking for phone number if providing one wasn't a required step during registration of neither profile NOR the account itself (and I checked it again on fresh account just to be sure)? Apart from trying to use my mangled Japanese to write them an inquiry (because who knows when they'll answer one written in English) do I have any other options available?

>> No.11582348

Fucking hell. Trying to farm E-3 for Agano but suddenly my ships eat hits from everything, I keep going north or even diverting to the edge and my combos don't activate anymore. What the fuck.

>> No.11582351

>Beating E2 for the last time
>cat everywhere

the suffering of being in truk.

>> No.11582352

Yes because you're fucking entitled to use a VPN to play a game that they've already prohibited regions other than Japan from playing.

Because you decided to use a free VPN that many other uses MIGHT be using concurrently to get on DMM, they it as a security threat. To which you say "Fuck this shit, what the hell is DMM thinking!"

>> No.11582354

Do 応急修理要員 get used up when they activate?

>> No.11582357


Except that's not the damn point here. Even if I was living in Japan I couldn't reset the password due to how the process is set up - it requires a phone number that was not requested at any stage of registering an account... hell, not even during purchase of DMM points.

>> No.11582361
File: 131 KB, 987x541, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I thought E-2 was going to die finally but it just had to survive with 3hp

>> No.11582362

Do me a favour. Scuttle yourself.

>> No.11582363

Try resetting password with English DMM?

>> No.11582367

Unlimited Cat Works

>> No.11582372


Did that already. Doesn't help a dime because it still requests phone number that's not provided by default - because the registration form does not ask you for it at any stage. To enter it into the system you have to do it manually from the account page after your account is created... the same page cannot be accessed without logging in which is impossible without resetting the password. It's a vicious circle.

>> No.11582376

Next time, write your login details on paper or notepad so you won't lose it.

>> No.11582377

Because they prohibit teens from purchasing DMM money as DMM hosts tons of porns.
They ask your phone number in case they have to confirm your age.
DMM even don't allow to use general pre-paid e-money which you can buy anywhere in Japan. People have to buy its adult version.

>> No.11582380

that will help when they reset your password, sure

>> No.11582384 [DELETED] 

did you use your credit card on DMM?
since resetting through english DMM only require email address.

>> No.11582386

Why don't you have your browser remember your password anyway? I mean, this is just a porn site, not a bank site. Unless you have the same password for everything, which is even less of a problem because, it's your password for everything, how do you forget that?

>> No.11582387

The password recovery form sends a message to your email you signed up with. There's only a place to input your email address, nothing else. Are you clicking on the incorrect link?

>> No.11582389

The only time I ever logged into the DMM website was the time I registered, did the lottery and named my admiral. I was too afraid to do it afterwards since since I got my APK link. I wonder if I have that reset query as well.

>> No.11582390

Another anon had this problem, the trigger was multiple wrong log-ins that the system forced to lock the account. If I remember right, you can reset the account from the email you used to register.

>> No.11582392

doesn't the api-link expire after some time?

>> No.11582393
File: 114 KB, 765x687, reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what I do, except the link provided during password reset requires entering my phone number, not email adress.

Same goes when resetting from English version of the page.

>> No.11582394

Doesn't seem like it. I've been using the same one since I started playing (around late August). I just renewed it yesterday because I needed to hate money.

>> No.11582399

What's stopping you?

>> No.11582398

>APK link
for a second i thought kancolle finally has an android client front-end.

indefinitely until you logged next time or something like that.

>> No.11582402

He doesn't have one registered on the site, hence he can't enter anything.

>> No.11582405

So the chronology is:
1)one anon login using VPN for purchasing cash
2)because of the VPN, the admin locked the account, and ask for reset password
3)and for reset password, one needs phone number, which isn't provided nor required from the beginning

IIRC there's similiar case, but it only uses link sent to email. I forgot in which thread, but apparently around 1 month ago.

>> No.11582404


To repeat again - when I registered I was not asked for phone number. They did not ask for it. I created a new account a moment ago to verify it - creation of DMM account does not require you to provide the phone no., same goes for creating a profile for their online games section (thay ask for blood type and DOB instead).

I did enter variations of the only phone number I could've given there (all other info provided me was true), including typos, about 30 times before I checked the above.

>> No.11582408


Exactly. I think I'll fiddle with the Wiki and put in the warning for future teitokus to enter their phone numer so they avoid my fate. Anyone with Japanese at level high enough to check if my inquiry to DMM about the issue isn't too horribly mangled? I need to get that cleared up.

>> No.11582409

That's strange, when the other anon entered his number, the message included the e-mail in question and a code to reset the account.

>does not require
you mean the option exists but you passed by it?

>> No.11582413

I don't understand how you're not getting the page that only asks you to enter your email for password recovery.

I've used this before when I forgot my password and it sent a confirmation message to my email normally.

>> No.11582414

And found it >>11516649 . I don't know why, but there's no mention about phone number at all.

>> No.11582415


No, I looked carefully. At no point during registration there's even an optional space to enter your phone number.

It's hard to match registered phone number when there's none in the system and the form does not accept empty entries.

For the time being I clunked together something like that:
登録時にDMMは私の電話番号を要求しなかった。 パスワードの再設定をするとき電話番後を入力しなければなりません。 何をするんですか?

>> No.11582416

What does password reminder have to do with password reset?

>> No.11582419

Tried using random number that match JP phone number? 080-random 7 number

>> No.11582417


The password prompt is from when they detect multiple account logins from the same VPN. However, whether you used that VPN to purchase cash or not should not affect you (aka locking any phone number to that account)

There's two possibilities why they asked for your phone number. First being you purchased DMM points previously, and they definitely would ask you to register a Japanese phone number when you did. Second being you just can't read Japanese and being a retard about it.

>> No.11582420

>they definitely would ask you to register a Japanese phone number
I don't actually remember this.

>> No.11582421

The password reminder option is the password reset option. They're one and the same.

>> No.11582422

I registered my CC for the free points, and no, they didn't ask me one.

>> No.11582425

Did you BUY the points?

>> No.11582426


Ok, this gave me the promt to actually decode what in the seven hells happened.

So I actually bought DMM points already. Used sutocorp for this. Entered their phone number. It had to get locked in as MY phone number...

And yeah, my password is reset now. I wouldn't have even thought what the fuck is up with this shit without brainstorm here.

>> No.11582427

I hated money twice to expand my slots and they didn't ask for any phone number.

>> No.11582430

Literally just cleared E-2 just now. Looking at posts above, seems like the best setup's

1CA1DD1BB2CV + 1?

Will CVLs suffice?

>> No.11582431


On another note, does logging in via DMM (to use the cash shop) automatically generates new API link?

>> No.11582432

I hated money enough to jew about currency exchange rate and exchanged between using my credit card and buy bitcoins to unlock docks and max out slots.

You're telling me I have no idea what I'm saying huh.

Glad you fixed it with what I've been trying to inform you fellas all along.

>> No.11582437

Yes. Your old one will no longer work, you need to use the new one it generated.

>> No.11582438

if they don't get hit, sure

>> No.11582439

So I cleared my cache and I can't get KanColle to load, either on the browser or on the Flash Player. What do I do to stop this?

>> No.11582442

Changed your API link?

>> No.11582445

don't clear your cache while the server is under heavy load, please.

>> No.11582446

Btw, for people who might be working on E-3:

I'm pretty sure CAV brings you to the boss always, and there was an earlier report from an anon using Kumano as well. You can get any combination of the middle nodes (usually zigzags around) but will always end up at boss. About 8-10 tries total and all boss, so it shouldn't be RNG.

>> No.11582448


Thanks. I do have two CVs, but was thinking that I might have to rotate to compensate for fatigue and whatnot

>> No.11582449

>You're telling me I have no idea what I'm saying huh.
Nope, actually I have no idea what you're saying. You asked to that other anon if he bought the points and I just answered to that, buying the points (with a credit card) doesn't prompt any phone registration.

>> No.11582451


Thanks - I wouldn't have even begun to think the sutocorp number was the culprit here.

>> No.11582452

Nope. The problem's been happening since 7 hours ago. A few hours after experiencing the problem, I went to a net cafe, punched in the API link and it worked just fine.

Well da,m. Guess I have to wait until later before I can try to load in?

>> No.11582458


>> No.11582457

Does she drop on all nodes or just the boss node?

>> No.11582460

Just boss.

>> No.11582465

Just how many ships do I need to feed to Kitakami and Ooi to max out their stats... and I was so happy when they finally hit 50.

>> No.11582470

would you prefer to already be at the stage where you scrap good ship-food because everyone is already maxed out?

>> No.11582473

It's really annoying. I-8 and I-19 are both SSV after level 50...

>> No.11582484


I'd like to be at the stage where their armor is maxed out so I can take them to E2...

>> No.11582485

My fleet was doing so well on E-2 and suddenly, they were eating crits back and forth, consecutively. What have I done wrong?

>> No.11582491

Your existence.

>> No.11582503

I knew it, brb scuttling myself. That aside, RNG is a horrible mistress.

>> No.11582514

You gut unlucky.

>> No.11582572

I just got Ero-ko just before the boss node. Maybe my existence is unlucky after all.

>> No.11582586

Here's a way for you to cleanse yourself and attain better karma.

First, 'accidentally' post your API link here.
Second, delete the post after 9 seconds.
Third, wait for 11 minutes.
Fourth, ??????

Afterwards, you should be clearing things in a breeze.

>> No.11582601

Did you curse me? I've been eating crits 3 times in a row on the first node since I read this.

>> No.11582602

And you get a free Kongou too don't forget that.

>> No.11582607

Now you'll be eating crits until you pass it on to someone else.

>> No.11582612

Is 2 CV, 3 BB, and 1 KTKM good for 2-4?
or should I go with 4 BB no KTKM?

>> No.11582616

Thanks man. ?api_token=eG19ZxIXVx2JbRiUiCm1KsI9ho0NOPEiE4K1WpaFd

I hope not. That would mean someone out there reading this thread is getting a disconnection error before the boss node.

Good enough.

>> No.11582617

4BB will probably be more durable I think.

>> No.11582620

depends on her level.

I got through with 2CV, 3BB, 1CA

>> No.11582623

Anyone doing E-4? I just cleared E-3 so I'm letting my girls rest and replenishing resources, but taking a look at the formations it seems like E-2 on crack, which is a very bad thing. Go for CA? DD? How hard is it to survive all 3 nodes with no damage? I'm thinking it might be time to start using repair goddesses.

>> No.11582631

So... what the Moonfolks have figured about E-4 so far is...
>Two Kongou class required to reach boss
>ships equipped with type 3 ammo can bypass boss armor
>gauge recovers at rate of 1 grid per hour

Anything else?

>> No.11582644

Boss armour? Can you elaborate on that, or send me a link? I can read some moon.

>> No.11582646

The airfield you have to destroy is weak to type 3 because of a historical fact I think.

>> No.11582649

Two Kongous only guarantee the pre boss node.
For last compass, we still have to pray.

>> No.11582650

I just finished E-3 too, and testing the waters (literally) for E-4. It's rather difficult, you have to beat the cumulative probability of avoiding critical damage for 6 enemies x 3 nodes, which is nigh impossible.

I'm trying to think of a way to avoid getting crit'd out. I might have to use all the emergency repair crews I've been saving up, but that consumes one equipment slot and is still suboptimal.

>> No.11582657

Haruna and Kongo were mostly loaded with fragmentation rounds, which proved effective as the Cactus Air Force stationed in Henderson Field lost more than 40 men, rendered most of the planes inoperable and destroyed fuel caches.

>> No.11582658

Well, it IS an airfield... thus anti-air ammo would have an effect... but that could be placebo. I have a bunch of Type-3 AA ammo but they'll consume one slot and slots are precious when you have to fill them with other stuff like side cannons, Ko-hyouteki, emergency repairs and perhaps radars and turbines, regardless of how useless people say they are.

>> No.11582666


Supposedly, it reduces the boss's armor to 0. For that ship though, not the whole fleet. The couple niconico videos I watched of people beating E-4 has their Kongou classes equipped with type 3 (though whether Kongou will choose to shoot the boss is a different matter).

I never saw the twitter comment myself, but supposedly the official twitter at one point mentioned a specific item being particularly potent against a certain boss. People figured type 3 may be the one they were talking about.

>> No.11582668

Airport - chan
HP - 500
Armor - 140
Evasion - 1
Firepower - 70
Torpedo - 6
AA - 130
ASW - 6
LOS - 94
Luck - 10
Range - Medium

>> No.11582672
File: 50 KB, 480x439, cc82d121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11582675

Any good recipes for type 3, btw? 10/90/90/30?

>> No.11582703

git gud

>> No.11582743

Here are some E-3 compass observation by Futaba. Hope this helps.

>> No.11582756

Oh hey, that's the exact combination I used to clear E-3. It works rather well. You might get diverted a few times, but as long as it's not a dead end node it's fine.

>> No.11582766

The second combination on the middle post says that this fleet would let you head straight towards the boss. Is it true?

>> No.11582767

It's stupid, my ships want to attack the enemy formation from bottom-up when they should be attacking from top-down to prevent the enemy from attacking.

I know formations don't mean a thing in night battles but I'm going to try anyway.

>> No.11582772


So either CA or CAVs work eh? Guess I don't have to concentrate leveling my Mogami so much

>> No.11582777

Almost always. Out of 8 sorties I reached the boss 6 times. That's pretty good imo. If you go to some dead end just reload the game to save yourself the trouble.

>> No.11582782

Put ktkm on the bottom.
1crit 1kill

>> No.11582790
File: 84 KB, 800x480, e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea. I used same fleet..
Some random moves, but always end with boss node. Finished without going to the dead node.

I used Maya.

>> No.11582793

It's a night battle, man. The attack order is always from top to bottom regardless of formation, ship speed or whatever else.

The target, though, seems completely random, but I'm trying to see if there is a pattern I can exploit.

>> No.11582799

I'm this guy. I forgot to ask. Does anyone have that chart that demonstrates how ship formations translates in the game?

The one with the cats, if I recall, but anything involving formations is great.

>> No.11582802

Boss is always targeted last 90% of the time.
Put your best torpedo attacker on your last spot.

>> No.11582809


>> No.11582812

I'm not even at the boss yet. I'm trying to survive my way there.

>> No.11582825

I personally use :
Ooi 94
Kitakami 98
Monkey-lady 88
Kirishima 80
Shimakaze 50
Yukikaze 49

BB are standardly equiped, torpedo monsters and Shimakaze are double attack + radar/turbine, and yukikaze is builded toward cut-in / double attack.

>> No.11582887

I can't seem to get out of the crit-of-doom for E-4. Does anyone have any ideas?

>> No.11582888
File: 119 KB, 800x480, Iwanttogiveup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to say... I've fought the E-2 boss close to 10 times now with a fleet of level 36 Sendai, 61 Isuzu, 54 Nachi, 54 Tone, 59 Ooi and 72 Kitakami AFTER getting the bar to 0 and that's not counting in the random crits that make me go back before the boss.
And as a cherry on top, a friend of mine asked me what I was running since he was having a bit of a trouble with this and cleared it in half the amount of my attempts with a fleet that was around 20 levels below mine.

>> No.11582892


Holy shit I hope I'll have better luck when I finally brave the waters.

I need to feed by Torpedo Waifus first.

>> No.11582896

Why arent you using torpedo monster?
With your kind of fleet you are better off triggering day combat.

>> No.11582902
File: 9 KB, 745x338, 86473c23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparkle your fleet. Takes like 5-6 minutes. You can spare the time, even with regenerating gauge.

>> No.11582907

I fucking forced my way out of E2 with 4 BBs, aa DD and a CLT.

>> No.11582911

not him, and i can't read your image, but how the fug does that only take 5-6 minutes (without pvp)? i spent 5 minutes trying to sparkle my sub on 1-1-A and she apparently ended up with fatigue because the ice cream light started blinking, despite all perfect-S. i assume i'm not doing it correctly.

>> No.11582910

Sparkle your fleet.
Use evasive formation.
Pray to the RNG gods

Usually in that order. Also recommended level from wikiwiki says at least 90, but I've been reaching the boss safely at 75~.

>> No.11582920

>torpedo monster
Unless I'm missing something they don't do preemptive attack during the night.

>> No.11582923

It's mostly a matter of luck. I've been trying to clear it too many times but it's either I got sent north or my ships decides to ignore the boss. I only have to sink the boss since I've already depleted its gauge, problem is one of my ships will miss in night combat and my Kitakami, instead doing a cut-in on the boss, decides to do it on the missed enemy. But then again even if my 5 ships manage to sink the grunts, the last ship will almost always not do a cut in at the boss which will fail to kill her.

>> No.11582924

do you mean 1-1 or 1-1-A?
if it's the latter then you are retarded.

>> No.11582921

you have to do 2 nodes or the fatigue gains are more than the fatigue loss for MVP.

>> No.11582922

Torpedo cut-in is more common, I think. Even without it, it's pretty powerful.

>> No.11582926
File: 701 KB, 793x471, musashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E5 is sooo much easier than E4, now I just got to start leveling her.....

>> No.11582927

Do you make sure to finish the whole map, or do you just go home after one node like a retard?

>> No.11582931 [DELETED] 

They do if you include a main gun + torps on her or if you stack torpedoes.

>> No.11582932

Congratulations, anon!

>> No.11582933

Try bring a CV, 2 battleships, KTKM, something else, and leave a slot open?

>> No.11582935

Care to post your E-4 fleet with levels and equipment?

>> No.11582937

But with a cut-in setup they still outdamage just about everything. You never heard the stories of KTKM one-shotting the august event boss from full health to 0 during night phase?

>> No.11582930

Congrats teitoku. E-4 tips (if there are some that haven't been mentioned already) and E-5 tips would be highly appreciated.

>> No.11582939

Torpedo attack > red gun during night time.
You want to 1shot the boss. If you prolong the fight till daytime, ie leaving units alive, you risk damaging your ships and wasting resources.

>> No.11582940

Congratulations! Did you chip away at E5 with 4 subs or just all out all the time?

>> No.11582942

Too much of a resource drain. Besides, DDs, CAs, and CLs are much better at night combat. At first I tried bringing a couple of BBs only for them to miss and eat a crit from the enemy so I'm not gonna bother putting a resource-heavy ship for it only to be critted.

>> No.11582943
File: 126 KB, 661x524, I-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TheLenrir here.

Woke up after a long sleep and was nice to see the bar only regenerate enough for a 'final kill'. So took it upon myself to finally put E-4 down and FINALLY everything fell into place.

My set up was 4x BB and 2xCA. Confirming that AA ammo is a MUST to get good hits.

>> No.11582946

Congratulations teitoku. Take care of her well.

>> No.11582948 [DELETED] 

>TheLenrir here.
Nobody cares about your namefaggotry.

>> No.11582949 [DELETED] 

TheLenrir? Who the fuck cares what your name is. You some famous chap or something?

>> No.11582945

Every single one in my fleet is stacked with atleast 2 torpedos so they all have a chance of getting a cut in.

>> No.11582952

He's been pretty helpful on the wiki, you can go bitch somewhere else.

>> No.11582954

He's probably too used to posting on the wiki.

>> No.11582957

Then go and stay in the wiki, nobody cares about your namefaggot facebook friends blogging here.

>> No.11582958

Normalies, normalies. Get the fuck out, please. The Wikia is over there, where you fucks should dwell.

Implying that he got all the information himself and should be respected?

>> No.11582959

Then let him stay at the wiki. Announcing your namefaggotry in an anonymous imageboard is pointless and just invites needless shit

>> No.11582960

Congrats, and thanks for the info on your setup.
Couple more questions: Did you use dual attack or cutin setup, and how did you deal with crits and etc along the way? I guess you could post it on the wiki actually.

>> No.11582965

Why bother posting your.. whatever the heck that name is when you're posting anonymously. Get a trip

>> No.11582966

A guy tryes to help and everybody screams at him just because he wrote his nickname. Congrats for still being a bunch of 12 years olds.

>> No.11582967

Who the fuck cares? If he's helpful on the wiki, that's fucking great, but am I going to have to remind you where you are? I'm not even the two anons you're replying to.

>> No.11582968

The wiki is being bitchy though it was worth calling my name due to the reactions.

The setup for the CA's was 21.cm with 15.5cm (general setup) with AA ammo while the BB's had either 41cm or 46cm with 15.5cm with AA ammo. The entire setup was utterly dependent on 'not getting blown up' by the three nodes, but you can generally count on BB's being able to take it compared to, say, your DD's. Going to be writing it up on the wiki but for now I just want to give e-5 a go.

>> No.11582973 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Lenrir. God how easy it is to tell where you're posting by your shit English.

>> No.11582974

Where do you think you are?

>> No.11582975

>just because he wrote his nickname
On a board known for anonymity.

>> No.11582972

Thanks! E5? Use all fast ships will take you via A-B-D-H, which avoids the harder E & I points. Just gotta be careful at D as if you don't manage to sink all the FBBs you will be forced into day battle.

Sure, when chipping away the health bar:
lvl 89 Kongo, lvl 83 Haruna (both with 2X460); lvl 55 Suzuya (flag) and lvl 56 Mikuma (both with 203, 155X2); lvl 60 Yukikaze & Shigure (both with 2X torp for cut-ins)
Boss final fight :
I switched out the DDs for Nagato and Mutsu for extra punch. All BB and CAs also carried type-3 as it does extra damage to airfield-hime.

I just went all in, but 4SS is just as easy if not easier.

>> No.11582977


I'm not him, try harder next time

>> No.11582981

Which equipment is the midget sub? Google translate ain't exactly great for names.

>> No.11582982

Go back to E-4 instead of venting your frustration against someone who typed his wiki nickname.

>> No.11582983

No, you try harder and fuck off.

>> No.11582980

So E-5 it is purely a boss rush then? I need to make sure before I throw more resources at it compared to E-4.

>> No.11582986

Thanks and enjoy your Musashi!

>> No.11582988



>> No.11582989

How do you survive the criticals from night battles? I have a similar fleet few levels lower than yours but I take a bad damage all the time.

>> No.11582990 [DELETED] 

TheLenrir here again.

Thanks for defending me, these anons sure are angsty. Bet they're just jealous of me clearing E-4.

>> No.11582993

Thanks for the info; did you have all the type 3 before starting? If not, what recipe did you use for them?

>> No.11582995 [DELETED] 

TheLenrir here.

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.11582998

Not that admiral, but try sparkling as it was mentioned in the thread.

No need to start shitting up the thread more than he's already done, anon.

>> No.11583002

You are going to find this crazy but I used line ahead. I tend to find that using the more defensive formations in night battle just gets you anally raped. General rule of thumb for night combat is you want to gut them quicker than they gut you.

Also It is sad the whole thread has been utterly derailed. Not exactly worth it though since I want to hear advice on E-5.

>> No.11583003

Considering that it's an PITA night battle map, it can be considered straightforward. FYR I spent approx. 4hrs to chip down the health bar, then 2 hrs to get the kill. Total resource spent was about 15K oil, 10K steel 10K ammo and about 100 buckets. I think you can save a lot more if you use 4 subs to chip away the health bar instead of going in with your main fleet as I did.

>> No.11583005

Did you put repair crews at everyone's final slot? I have practically the same set up as you but Haruna still gets critted to red at the preboss node.

What formations did you use? Your post made me want to try and finish E4 tonight

>> No.11583006 [DELETED] 

You're all just jealous, admit it. Free-loading bitches here at /jp/, I contribute so much to the wiki, you guys should be worshipping me, TheLenrir.

>> No.11583007

10/90/90/30 seems to be the go-to recipe for type 3 right now. I went at it 10 times with Kongo K2 and got 1 type 3 alongside another type 91.

>> No.11583009

>General rule of thumb for night combat is you want to gut them quicker than they gut you.
Provided they hit the right targets which is completely independent to the formation you choose.

>> No.11583010

no bait pls

>> No.11583012

As they say, E-4 is a RNG bitch. There is not a lot you can do to weather the blows should the enemy CA's decide to crit you in the face. I just ensured that everyone had the best equipment or stats possible.

>> No.11583014

I luckily had 6 of them from previous crafts so I was covered, but I think you can get them from 10 90 90 30 with a BB secretary or if you are going for aircraft as well, try 20 90 60 100 with a CV secretary.

>> No.11583015

if you can one-shot anything in night battle with a defensive formation, why boost damage even more? Most of those advices were for E-2 were hp of the enemies aren't that big.
Besides, just use what works for you.

>> No.11583011

I don't know but using the double vertical gets me safely all the way to the boss, and that's on E-2. There were only a few times someone eats a crit from some random grunt on the few nodes so I usually take it as a lucky hit. It does frustrate me though from time to time.

>> No.11583017 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 799x663, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it so hard?

>> No.11583018

E-2 is pretty easy though, none of those flagship types running around trying to ruin your day.

>> No.11583020

RNG ruined my day for me there though. I just need to sink that goddamn boss. My ships kept ignoring her.

>> No.11583022

Mainly because of the RNG. Admittedly I wasn't even expecting to bring in BB's into E-4, though I realised you had no choice to when I did some quick research from the blogs. So maybe I could of gone for a defensive formation, but I was simply too stubborn.

>> No.11583025

I thought formations are irrelevant in night battles.

Even the Japanese wiki seems to say so.

>> No.11583026

That can be a problem yeah. I hope the devs learnt something about bringing in such a stupid condition which basically screams 'stop winning quickly.'

>> No.11583028

They are right, it doesn't matter. But you know how there are those users from the Engrish Wikia here right? They just keep spreading their misconception here because a certain someone contributes alot there.

>> No.11583030

they arent, to test try echelon or horizontal line and note your guns doing shit all for damage.

>> No.11583031

Was trying to actually craft them hence Google wasn't that useful, guess we can't.

>> No.11583032

I used them on the final assault, otherwise I didn't bother with them. I always use line astern (1st formation), and FYI it took me 5 hrs to get that last kill at E4, and I would consider E4 as the hardest map I ever did. I almost cried when I finally got that kill on Airfield-Hime....

>> No.11583033

Wouldn't be too surprised personally if that was the case.

>> No.11583036

They aren't not irrelevant. Try bringing spare ships and giving 1st vs 4th formations a try.

>> No.11583037

I've basically rage-quit tonight even when I only have to sink her to clear the map after the nth time, one of my ships missed the grunts and Kitakami/Ooi, my last hope decides to cut in a random grunt, or they just do a normal attack on the boss. So fucking frustrating I lost 3k worth of ammo and 60 buckets.

>> No.11583040

Fucking E-2 man.
I am going to bring in 5ships instead of 6 to trigger day battle. This RNG bullshit is getting ridiculous.

>> No.11583042

From my experience in 5-3, the last formation is a huge no-no. I also say no to the diagonal one, but I was using an artillery based group.

Ever since I've been only using the first formation

>> No.11583046

Well the bright side is E-2 doesn't regenerate so you got plenty of time to down it, I was worried since I crashed last night with E-4 only on a little sliver of hp, but it was not an issue.

Anyway that's the last post for the day, I want my Musashi.

>> No.11583047

Bring a CVL you don't mind losing, beats only bringing 5 ships.

>> No.11583048

Well, if it took you 5 hours finishing that I guess I have no right to complain not making progress after 20 sorties. I'll probably just build up my resources and levels for a couple of days before trying again.

Congrats on your Musashi, fellow teitoku

>> No.11583049
File: 879 KB, 800x788, 38140385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using buckets on a tutorial for E-4 map
Ha haha hahahahahaha!

>> No.11583050

the japanese wiki also has just speculations from the users, unless someone does some serious testing or gets the source-code we don't know for sure if formations matter at night or not.

>> No.11583052

E-2 guys, relax. At least you're not this person.

Taking your time clearing E-2 might be a good thing. This happened to me as well.

>> No.11583053

Then watch as all 5 of your ships get cut-ins and overkill all the enemy DDs, thus denying you a day battle.

>> No.11583055

As long as the elites are left standing, the day battle will be triggered.

>> No.11583063

Friendly reminder that there are people in this thread stupid enough to use CV's as damage sinks in E2.

>> No.11583064

I want to clear it quickly and I have no plans on doing E-3 much less E-4 when my fleet has bad level distribution: CVs having 60-70s, BBs at 40s and DDs 35s-40s.

>> No.11583067

E-3 is very doable. I'd say it's easier than 2-4

>> No.11583068

If I go with the 2nd formation, I just need 1 of 5 my ship to miss. It is going to be an easy clear.
Thanks for the tip.

>> No.11583069

E-3 is relatively doable for me, but only if my fleet takes the south east route. Going north means they're fucked by the second node.

What's the regen rate of the boss here? I managed to get to her three times in a row and everything has gone wrong one way or another since

>> No.11583076
File: 68 KB, 800x480, did you expect a boss fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fifth time in a row, game. Fifth time in a row. I'd have cleared this if the boss was on this node.

The silver lining I guess is that since the compass will send me to that node no matter what I put in my fleet, I can use my A-team and plow through everything without wasting too many buckets. I'll fill the ocean floor with the broken teeth of Abyss destroyers and there's nothing they can do against my 4BB2CV team.

These little shits better start leaking fuel the moment they see my girls.

>> No.11583077

How doable would it be when I had CVs for levels 72, 55, and 56, BBs for 49, 49, 46, 29, 29, and CAs for 30s? I'm worried about that regenerating health since I've used quite a lot of buckets in my rush to clear E-2. Plus I have fatigue to worry about since I wouldn't be able to form 2 fleets for rotation to take on E-3 whereas in E-2, I just split my 3-2 DD team and stuck Ooi/KTKM each plus 2 CAs.

>> No.11583083

Buckets or you can even wait, it takes at least 5-6 hours to regen a kill worth.

>> No.11583089

Well, guess I'll just have to make do with buckets remaining. If they're in yellow then normal repair but if not then bucket. I still have the damn compass to worry about though since if it can pull its bullshit on E-2, what more on E-3. I really never expected to take a shot at E-3 since I assumed it'll take an average level of 55+ to safely clear it so I just settled with clearing E-2 and be done with the event.

>> No.11583090

From personal experience, if you have more than 1 BB you will never get to boss node.

This is only based on around 12 runs though. First 7 runs with 2 BB always gets me diverted. Remove 1 and it was always boss node except for this 1 time.

>> No.11583093

Did you run 2xmain gun with one vicegun or were you using the last slot for emergency repair? In other words, cut-in setup or double attack? Also, were you using CA just because they can equip AA ammo? My CA are utterly underlevelled, I was thinking about using CAv.

>> No.11583098

Fatigue is a non-issue, your sorties will be long enough for the girls to recover from what little they might have had. You will be safe with about 50 buckets and 10k resources, and that's only if you want to use an elite support fleet to soften up the initial impact (But I did that just to be on the safe side and was rewarded with several non-boss nodes in a row, so it's your call). CVs and torpedo monsters are sufficient to mop up most everything in the pre-boss nodes, though you might want to add a BB or two if you want to nail the boss hard whenever you get to her. Sticking your two initial emergency repairs on two of your most targeted ships will make most runs a breeze.

>> No.11583100

While the '4 sub' strategy is working stupidly well on E-5.

I ran 2x main gun with one vicegun. I used CA strictly for the AA ammo, though they are generally very good in night battle.

>> No.11583103

You have 3 weeks. Farm buckets and go

>> No.11583107

Would expedition 2 be the most effective for farming buckets? i only have around 20 left with e2 in my face

>> No.11583109

Thanks for the clarification; I hope I'll craft soon those 4 missing AA ammo.

>> No.11583110

...it's basic math.

>> No.11583111

I farmed 360 buckets in 14 days in my preparation for the event period with expedition 2.

>> No.11583114

Did you use scripts?

>> No.11583118

Okay, now I'm thinking that speculation on echelon formation with sub flagship getting you through the night battles was just bullshit or too small sample size. The very first time I tried it my sub indeed took less damage than it had been with double line, but every time since then I take the same or more damage as with double line. On top of which my other ships miss more and get raped harder by the CAs, just had my worst run yet as I had to bucket Maya out of 8 hours of repair and repair KTKM's chip damage.

I don't know if I should just give up on the sub method, it saves me from repairs on the first battle but the chances of making it through seem to be way worse, those flagship CLs are just bullshit.

>> No.11583120

Did you just spam the first expeditions all day?

>> No.11583115


>> No.11583121

Try the diagonal line formation.

>> No.11583124

It almost feels more reliable to hope your ships attack the enemy ship that's next in line to attack than relying on dodge.

>> No.11583126

I don't think that's really needed. I ran expeditions 4, 5, and 6 all day (manually) for 2 weeks leading up to the event and went from 130+ to 350+ buckets. I didn't even know I had accumulated that many until I had to bucket a few ships after a bad E-1 run.

>> No.11583128

Hm. Should be a non-issue for me then. I made a huge misstep not training my CAs and CLs; hopefully I can close the gap running my usual scripts and spamming 2-3 sub runs.

>> No.11583133

Also I'd like to suggest that anon who was babbling on about how easy E-2 is go buy a lottery ticket, because I've been plagued by nothing but node 1 crits, and single misses on the boss node which leave me without a forced day.

>> No.11583140

I haven't heard anything about the German planes, anyone got anything?

>> No.11583144

Oh fucking hell. That's 3 E-2 runs cut short because the yellow CA in the first node got a cut-in and critted Ooi down to red right off the bat.

>> No.11583150

I believe it has to do with new sub expeditions related quests.

>> No.11583153

It's a game of luck, after all. Get your ships sparkling and run horizontal formation. Set your most powerful ships at the bottom. I just need a final push so I can get my fucking sleep already.

>> No.11583154

I just started E-2 and oh my god it's so great watching the damage rack up, my destroyers and cruisers are destroying everything left and right. This NEVER happens. I wish all the maps were like this.

No, I haven't been raped by 5-3 yet.

>> No.11583155

That IS what I mean by echelon formation, and it's not working at all.

Just tried it again with Imuya (who's seemed to have better success with it than Gouya who just eats double digit damage right off the bat); after the CL put her in orange, my ships failed to sink a normal DD and it hit her for 3 damage and she's in the red. Fuck that, I NEVER had normal DDs do more than 1 damage with double line.

>> No.11583159

Just remember, they can do the same to you as well.

>> No.11583166

Ah, my bad. I wasn't fully awake. What level are your subs? It worked well enough (I did take crits here and there, but it was cheaper than repairing the rest of the team) for me and my Imuya's just lvl 76.

>> No.11583167

Of the four combos I received so far only one did more than scratch the paint. Maybe I'm just lucky.

It still beats day combat maps where BBs and CVs bomb my ships with impunity while cruiser shots bounce off their armor.

>> No.11583177

RNG is finally being kind to me again, got through to the boss again on E-2 and got an S-Rank. At this rate I might actually finish it by tomorrow.

>> No.11583201

>just lvl 76

Well, maybe diagonal formation only works for high level subs, my Imuya is only level 34 because I almost never used subs.

Every time I start thinking of grinding subs and DDs before trying E-2 more I just go NOPE. I think it might just be time to say goodbye to my shipdaughters for good, I've barely touched the game for the past month and only came back for the event.

>> No.11583212
File: 141 KB, 816x538, kancolle01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know about you guys.
But the CA on the pre boss node does nothing to any of my ships. Mine problem now is getting a cutin attack on the boss.
Subs are great in saving buckets.

>> No.11583220

I never used her too actively, the levels slowly accumulated since the last event. Yeah, if your Imuya hasn't even hit her refit, I wouldn't recommend trying to tank with her.

You've been lucky, then.

>> No.11583222

What regular map is E-2 comparable to in terms of difficulty?

>> No.11583224


>> No.11583226

And by saying 3-2 I mean that it's easy as fuck, the difficulty is artificial.

>> No.11583228

You just need to have the flagship cruiser to miss your sub or just hit your sub till yellow to proceed.

>> No.11583235
File: 468 KB, 800x1130, 39503576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm supposed to be idling with my level 95 KTKM to help people level... but I can't stop staring at Iku's tits.

>> No.11583245

Kako, please step it up. You have full battle gear on including radar, so it's completely unreasonable for you to miss the 1-1 destroyers twice in a row.

The only explanation I can think of is that she fell asleep in the middle of the sortie because of how dreadfully boring collecting sparkles is.

>> No.11583246
File: 378 KB, 700x949, 39510745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.11583261

Decided to test out grinding subs on 2-4 for a bit. Fucking T-crossing, I was waltzing through with 1 damage hits until that happens, even a single surviving DD is enough to wreck your shit then.

Yeah, subs save buckets, and I've barely spent resources on E-2, but I wasted god knows how many hours on it yesterday. I guess since I don't need to worry about watching my ships' status I could try doing more multitasking so it's not such a horrible waste.

I have managed to make it to the boss twice with a 23 Gouya and 34 Imuya, one time I killed her and one time I only got a weak crit to chip the gauge. The bucket savings are too hard to pass up though, I think I'll just go back to double line to protect from the CAs.

I'd definitely agree with that. No matter how you level your DDs for 3-2 you can still easily get critted by those BBs, while a fleet of throwaway ships can get lucky and make it past. E-2 seems to be the same way, only issue is killing the boss, which is a lot harder than simply B-ranking 3-2 boss fight.

>> No.11583286

Is it true that you'll get banned if you reload during a sortie?

>> No.11583291

Why don't you look through the archives

>> No.11583297

Thanks to everyone's help, I've just managed to clear E-3. Will probably take a break and farm up my resources before moving on.

Anyone else tried >>11581918 ? Will probably run with this formation

>> No.11583304

Yeah I've tried it. It doesn't work at all.

p.s. you're not making much sense unless that E-3 is a typo.

>> No.11583305

I feel like I've begun playing a week too late. If I had just a few days more my Torpedo Sisters and Imuya would've been maxed out and I'd have mid-40 CA/CL team to fall back on, as well as mid-60 BBs and CVs.

In other words, a shot at clearing E-4 at the very end of the event. As it is now I don't think I'll make it.

>> No.11583309

Event lasts for another 17 days or so. You said you felt like you played the game a week too late. Assuming 7 days, you still have 10 days left to clear the event.

Try harder.

>> No.11583310


I meant to say that I've just cleared E-3, and will probably use that suggested lineup for E4, sorry.

>> No.11583315

You're gonna get fucked badly if you bring any CV into E-4.

>> No.11583316

Yeah, that's a suggested lineup for E-3, which you already cleared, you're not making much sense because E-4 is a night battle map, bringing CVs is fucking retarded.

>> No.11583324


I am - I am confident I'll get at least E-3 done. I worry that E-4, which holds about the only thing of interest to me in the event (I-8) will be just out of my reach... by those exact few days.

>> No.11583327


My bad, I recall reading something along the lines of needing the Kongou sisters to reach the boss, and somehow ended up to that post when I tried looking for it.

>> No.11583331

I keep getting directed to the dead ends of the south route half of the time, shit.

>> No.11583336

RIP 50k fuel, level 90 Nagato, level 85 Haruna and level 65 Maya.

I guess it's time to stop playing.

>> No.11583337

Just got to E-4 boss for the first time and I killed her with 3 trash mobs standing.
So it's either
1. I've used all my luck and I won't be able to kill her again.
2. The trash mobs in E-4 don't protect the main ship as much as E-2.

>> No.11583338

What the fuck are (were) you doing Teitoku? Where's the love?

>> No.11583341
File: 314 KB, 719x971, 1381883985788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one manage to fuck up like that is beyond me.

>> No.11583342

You lost three ships? What the fuck?

Did you go full retard in frustration?

>> No.11583344

Well you better finish the event and get Musashi now. Or else all your ships died for nothing.

>> No.11583345


May I know your fleet lineup?

>> No.11583346


You know, the moment you decided to push through - in second day of the event, no less! - with damaged ships was the exact moment you deserved to lose those ships.

Be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.11583347

How can you even lose a fucking Nagato. She has fucking 90hp

>> No.11583348

It's unlikely that he will be able to, with those losses.

When people gamble, sometimes they lose.

>> No.11583351

How the hell did you level Nagato up to 90 just to lose her?

>> No.11583350

Pretty much. Lost 50k fuel in E-4 alone, let Maya die around 10k because I didn't care much about her and I was desperate, and then the very last run they decided to go SW instead of W so I let them die there like they deserved.

>> No.11583352

Pics or didn't happen

>> No.11583354 [DELETED] 


TheLenrir demands your picture evidences.

>> No.11583357


Yep, this is not a game for you. Shitty roleplaying and affection for pixels aside, if you can't treat your assets carefully you deserve to lose them, horribly.

>> No.11583358

> the very last run they decided to go SW instead of W so I let them die there like they deserved.
You scum. You didn't deserve them. I hope they enjoy their time off in Valhalla.

>> No.11583359

Post your API link, I'm in a mood to build a Kongo

>> No.11583360

So I manage to make it back to the E-2 boss, where I get cut-ins on every attack until it's just Shimakaze and the boss. She just does a normal attack for 47 damage. Fucking useless slut.

>> No.11583362

Should have waited instead of rushing, there's 20 days for the event.

That gives you enough time to gather info and prepare accordingly instead of just rushing in and losing everything like a retard

>> No.11583361

In the Imperial Japanese Navy, you win or you die.

>> No.11583365
File: 135 KB, 639x344, ss (2013-11-02 at 02.29.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All use double attack setup except the lucky DDs. All have damage control. All have type 3 if applicable.

>> No.11583366

What's the point tell the guy this now?

>> No.11583364

Blame your own idiocy for using a low luck kanmusu in the last slot.

>> No.11583370

The stress of war has driven better men to madness.

>> No.11583371


Admirals like this are the reason the enemy fleet exists.

>> No.11583372


I see, so it's kind of like E-2 on steroids then? Thanks

>> No.11583378


I like kicking people who are down. Also, beating dead horses until my stick breaks.

Don't you?

But honestly, maybe some impatient twat will see this and think twice before trying to brute force his way through the event in it's second day.

>> No.11583375

If you've lost 50k fuel with a fleet like that and haven't made significant progress then you're doing something horribly wrong.

Either way, sucks to be you I guess.

>> No.11583377

This might come as a surprise to you, but some people can learn from their mistakes.

Though given the way he uses his ships like so much expendable chaff I doubt he'll change his CHARGE CHARGE CHARGE style.

>> No.11583382

Yeah I don't get it. Is the joy of posting pictures of your E-5 reward that intense?

>> No.11583383
File: 594 KB, 2112x1472, 1383411656739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some comment and setup from a guy on Futaba who cleared E-4.

>> No.11583385

He lost them because he stopped caring, not because he has a berserker playstyle.

I infer that he had almost cleared it.

>> No.11583387


Lucky DDs use double torps then? What in the third slot?

Double attack is just two main (red) guns in first two slots? What about rest, radars? The terminology is kind of iffy so I'm making sure.

>> No.11583388

That's what drove me to do it, I wasn't doing anything wrong. The health gauge had been depleted for what must've been 5 or 6 hours, equipped green ammo on all my battleships, everyone just refused to target the boss at all.

>> No.11583390

Isn't that Atago setup stupid?

>> No.11583391

double attack + sanshiki for the boss.

>> No.11583392

huur duur read the wiki etc yellow guns don't attack on their own?

That's pretty much what I've been hearing from these threads.

>> No.11583395

I don't know where you heard that, but that's retarded and you're retarded for believing it.

>> No.11583396

Low luck sure didn't stop all my other ships from getting cut-ins.

>> No.11583397

Do levels matter a lot for E4? Want to try clearing it even if i have to wait til the last day of the event but im not sure if my resources and fleet are up to the task.

>> No.11583399

You could have just tried it on your own, but that would've been too hard, I suppose.

>> No.11583400

Does E-4 gauge regenerate when empty?

>> No.11583402

Yes. I just checked, this all happened yesterday before I went to sleep, and the bar has regenerated now.

>> No.11583403

It's your choice to believe whether luck plays a roll in night battle cut-in attacks or not, even though numerous admirals have reported their findings regarding the matter in these threads already.

>> No.11583404

>All have damage control
That should be make it clear for what I use as the 3rd/4th slot. I'd like to proceed at oranage in this BS RNG map.

>> No.11583407

Well, at least you didn't commit fleet suicide when you still had a hope of victory left, because that would have been even sadder than it already is.

>> No.11583410

Well shit, did you start every sortie with everyone sparkling and full health? It's really disappointing to see someone so close to finishing fuck up this bad just because RNG decided to be a bitch.

>> No.11583415


Oh shit. 3-2 grind fried my brain. Did you burn through a lot of DCs then?

>> No.11583418

People have spread all sorts of misinformation in threads in the past. If someone gets told the wrong thing then misses the correct information in later threads then of course they're going to believe the misinformation.

I don't recall seeing any "findings", just anecdotal evidence. But then the threads have been such utter shit for the past month that I've probably overlooked something.

>> No.11583422

I never had a ship died or trigger damage control on orange. This has been the case for so long that I'm starting to believe that it's impossible to die while orange. I'm just not taking chances during the event.

>> No.11583423

It's still sufficiently stupid that nobody should believe it anyway, not to mention that KTKM with 15.5 yellow alone has been mentioned like a dozen times.

>> No.11583432

Has anyone reached the boss node in E4 without CA?

>> No.11583434

Yukikaze from Kure and Shigure from Sasebo absorbed all the luck from your other ships. A fatal combination.

>> No.11583450

Sorry if this is a stupid question but when power leveling with a fleet that can pretty much wipe the enemy immediately, do people ignore fatigue or is the lowered firepower actually significant? I've never actually sortied a fatigued fleet and I don't want to take any unnecessary risks by being greedy. And yes, I've read the wiki.

>> No.11583454

There's no good reason to sortie with fatigued ships in any case. It takes like less than 15 minutes for them to recover naturally.

>> No.11583455

Man, event music makes me so hype

It as if I'm actually there leading them, struggling for the sake of humanity. The last hope

>> No.11583460

I fucking love the OST for this event as well. Hopefully some anons do a remix for C85

>> No.11583467

I love the OST as well but when I'm hearing it for the 25th time due to RNG is screwing me over, I'm kind of sick of it already.

>> No.11583468

The night battle normal node OST is really quite something. Is it also used in 5-3?

>> No.11583471

So, what is the general consensus on the material requirements of E-4? I've heard anything from 10k to 50k fuel and ammo, and about half that in steel (bauxite is obviously irrelevant).

I've just come out of E-3 with no resources at all, so I've been wondering whether the remaining 18 days will be enough to mount a half-decent offense against E-4.

>> No.11583476

You can always turn the BGM off if you get sick of it.

>> No.11583481

That was what I did. Now I'm listening to Bach.

>> No.11583486

So I go ahead and put Yukikaze in the last slot for E-2 just in case, make it back to the boss again. So of course this time most of my other ships miss; and with the boss, one elite, and one non-elite left, the beaver does a cut-in on the elite, no day battle, 0 boss damage.

I'll admit it does feel like Yukikaze does have a way higher chance of getting cut-ins. Too bad it doesn't really matter since putting ships in the last slot means nothing unless you get no misses.

>> No.11583489

The good point about this "NO CV ALLOWED" Event is that all the bauxite stocked up can be used for radars and cranes sister attemps.

At least it sooth my heart, my 40k bauxite, and my Lv90 CVs.

>> No.11583492

What about E3? I thought that map required you to use 2 CVs to get to the boss

>> No.11583498

Well, I doubt (hope) this won't use up those 40k at least.
And my E3 team is supposedly good enough not to be much worried by that - I'm just waiting a lucky hit on that empty-bar E2 boss.

>> No.11583499

Not that admiral, but even E-3 only takes like 2~3k bauxite.

>> No.11583501

Where the hell did you hear tha-

Nevermind. Yeah, sure.

>> No.11583503

I wanted to post our dead admiral's story to Futaba to see what they would say about it but they blocked all the VPNs I tried.

Oh well.

>> No.11583508

Hi I am about to start E3. I would like to confirm will 2CV, 1 BB, 2CLT and 1DD bring me to the boss?

I have been reading mixed things. Some say bring CA/CAV and some say need DD.

>> No.11583511

Fuck off and try it you stupid faggot.

>> No.11583513

I spent the last 2 weeks grinding up my A-team of 4 BBs, KTKM, and Kaga up to the 70s only to have CVs be a bad idea in this event, and BBs to be used sparingly unless you want to go the wrong way.

At least KTKM is still wrecking shit regularly. When she isn't getting critted to red in one hit, that is. ARGH

>> No.11583514

In this thread, scroll up
A lot of compositions were posted but most include 2 CV(L)s.

>> No.11583518

They probably have worse stories, some of them already cleared E5

>> No.11583519

I-19 sounds like she has a dick in her ass.

>> No.11583523

Its not in her ass, its in yours

>> No.11583541

Mine just sunk from trying to level her up. Everything keeps targetting her and she doesn't know how to dodge for her life.

>> No.11583544

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11583548

I love sink reports, they're the best part of this thread.

>> No.11583551

Clearly she is since she can't dodge a single hit.

>> No.11583554
File: 66 KB, 625x626, 1366609392809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just baiting replies. No screenshot = fake.

>> No.11583557

my level 15 iku dodges more often and gets hit for less than my 35 and 45 imuyas.

>> No.11583558

At this rate we are going, we might as well start a record of /jp/'s losses.

>> No.11583571

This is completely unverified and anecdotal but twice in a row Kuma has ignored all other targets and hit the boss.

>> No.11583574


>> No.11583575

Which boss? E-2?

>> No.11583588

Yeah that other post was my attempt to correct myself.

>> No.11583610

same for mine

my level 20 Iku is stealing MVP from my level 64 Imuya nearly every run, she even made it through E-2 more reliably.

she is a far better sub than Imuya, its too bad her upgrade turns her into an aircraft carrying sub instead of a normal one.

>> No.11583632

How is that a surprise? Unupgraded Goya surpasses Imuya as well.

>> No.11583636

Why the fuck does E-1s single sub node do so much damage? I always have to pull back because that asshole devastates one or two of my girls and makes me pull out to repair.

>> No.11583639

Are you using the horizontal formation?

>> No.11583657
File: 139 KB, 796x413, ss (2013-11-02 at 03.12.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always do dual column defensive formation, and that run I just nearly lost akagi on a single node with all sparkling. I should probably diamond but I need to break my habit of always doing the dual columns.

This is the fleet I'm trying to run after bucketing akagi, and I have a smidge of boss health left, this is my last chance to run through until my fuel supplies go back up. to repair/refuel.

>> No.11583663

Actually holy shit its completely my fault this is happening to them, I didn't know that dual line was weak against subs.

I'm sorry girls, I'm a bad Teitoku.

>> No.11583677
File: 110 KB, 687x311, E3 third try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting my findings of E3, tried it three times and managed to score a kill on my third run.

The first time was with a sub and went top, had to go back because they sent imuya to red.
Tried it without a second time, went top and had to turn back because one of my ships went orange.
The third time it sent me on the bottom route, was a lot easier than the top route and managed to score myself a kill at the boss node.
Is there a way to lock myself on the bottom route with fleet composition stuff or is it all up to luck?

>> No.11583722

How the fuck do you even pronounce it?

>> No.11583720

I like how googling おぅっ gives expected results.

>> No.11583726


>> No.11583728

How else would you pronounce it?

>> No.11583732

Do your best seal impression.

>> No.11583737


I should rephrase, why the hell is there a っ at the end if there's no consonant to repeat after it?

>> No.11583740

Don't you pronounce that tsu?

>> No.11583746

learn proper japanese please before trying to discuss about it

>> No.11583748

My Anonymous can not be this stupid.

>> No.11583750

At the end it indicates that the sound is cut short.

>> No.11583753


>> No.11583758

Calm the fuck down. Not everyone is a hyper nerd like you.

>> No.11583763


It denotes the difference between Shimakaze and Hina from RKB.

>> No.11583766

What, did you expect us to be hyper idiots like you?

>> No.11583779

My learning material didn't cover it, there's no need to be a condescending prick over a small mistake that took a single post to correct for the rest of my life.

>> No.11583783

the worst thing is that you have a sound file pronouncing it for you and you just would have had to listen to it.

>> No.11583784

Anyone experiencing severe lag? This is driving me mad, because I'm in the middle of E-4.

>> No.11583789

Sasebo reporting in. We're doing awwwright.

>> No.11583792

yes, it's very slow for me too

>> No.11583820

Because it's a single sub (or 2 or 3) they can't use horizontal/diagonal formation like the sub fleets you see on map 4 and thus don't gimp the fuck out of their torpedo accuracy. When I first did 5-1 I got a nasty surprise from the single sub at the first node (part of a vertical line formation) which critted Haruna, first time I had ever had a BB get critted by a sub.

>> No.11583824

>93 tries on E-2 with avg level above 90.
>1 complete win.
>3 daylight win.
>78 tries, critical damage to shipdaughter in first room.
>11 tires, boss smiles at me and says "YOU ARE AN IDIOT YOU FAGGOT."

Screw the event, I am out of this.

>> No.11583837

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

>> No.11583840

stay strong, anon.
My average level is exaclty 86 on E2 and the bar is empty since try 50ish, now at 80ish tries.
let's be in this together !

>> No.11583843

Seriously around the 30th first round crit didn't you try a sub with a turbine?

>> No.11583845

Does API no longer work? I'm tired of using VPN.

>> No.11583860

Ignore, I decided to use Adblock to find.

>> No.11583863

You using the first formation for night battle focus? Went through that the entire way and my team wrecked everything up to the boss while dodging everything. Had some perfect runs, and some minor damage even from cut-ins (it's the torpedo carriers you have to worry about).

Put a battleship for your sixth ship so she can double hit the boss after your other five ships take out the others.

>> No.11583873

Put more destroyers, they really help a lot. I'm only at level 63, my destroyers are average level 40s, and I cleared E2 in under 15 tries.

>> No.11583875

I was about to follow up for him, but you succinctly said what I was going to ramble to achieve.

It seems like for E-2 line ahead is much better than line abreast. Especially if you're running a sub daughter. Whatever chance to evade line abreast gives you it probably isn't better chances than the ships you'll destroy before they can even attack with line ahead.

>> No.11583876
File: 162 KB, 664x351, super yubari chan dayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is killing me. It really is.

>> No.11583882

First formation, put BB at 6, didnt worked for me.

I guess she likes to wreck DD more rather than smash the boss.

Already tried, 6 lvl95 DD, no luck for me.

>> No.11583885

Most of my damage on E2 boss came from ships inexplicably managing to hit her out of order. It probably took me around 60 runs total.

>> No.11583886

Not that guy, but it doesn't always work out that well. I have a level 71 Imuya with 2 of the +10 turbines, and she still gets hit in the first node half the time. It's that one yellow CA.

>> No.11583897

or use the sub focused echelon formation for the first node, seems to get my subdaughters through far more often then any other formation.

just done forget to double line on the pre-boss, as echelon nerfs the crap out of anything that is not torpedoes.

>> No.11583898

i've had the E2 boss at empty for a while. my fast BBs don't do enough damage with double shell in order to sink her, so i'm waiting for a hibiki cut-in or extra luck in the day phase to kill her. getting there is no longer a problem between sparkling sub and diagonal formation.

>> No.11583900

Wasn't sub supposed to fire a torpedo before shelling phase like KTKM with midget sub?

I never had goya nor imuya, so tried iku, and she just doesn't do any preemptive torpedo. She only attacks during torpedo phase in PVP... what did I do wrong, anon?

>> No.11583906

she isn't level 10.

>> No.11583908

She does attack with a midget sub equipped. Dunno what's happening on your side.

>> No.11583910


You didn't read the wiki is what you didn't do.

>> No.11583913

Well, at least now I feel better about having reached the boss only 5 times with one kill and two partial damage, with a much lower level fleet. Still, I've wasted 6 hours yesterday and 3 hours today trying 3-2 and I was about to just quit the game completely. I think I might try it some more though without the sub flagship, I have over 500 buckets saved up and already know I have no chance at E-4, might as well burn some on E-2 instead.

This pretty much confirms though just how 3-2-artificial-dificulty this map is, and all those RNG-blessed faggots with their "how can you have trouble with E-2, you must have a shit fleet, go level more" are just full of it.

>> No.11583922

>trying 3-2
whoops, I meant E-2 obviously

>> No.11583928

I use a level 52 upgraded Goya and she'll always get hit by the CA but she's fine after that. It only takes her to yellow so it's not so bad and I've completed the whole world this way a few times.

I have a single +10 on my goya, but there's something about that Yellow CA but Goya can manage the damage, I guess he makes Imuya go red?

>> No.11583933

since when could CA attack subs?

>> No.11583940

>This pretty much confirms though just how 3-2-artificial-dificulty this map is, and all those RNG-blessed faggots with their "how can you have trouble with E-2, you must have a shit fleet, go level more" are just full of it.
I want to say I'm really not trying to downplay E-2 but 78 first node crits seems to suggest some kind of rethinking of strategy.
Whoops CL I mean, I just wrote what he wrote without thinking. Whatever the first node flagship is in E-2.

>> No.11583946

Yeah I just tried E-2 with an unremodeled level 62 Goya, 4 DDs, and Nagato in the last spot, and vertical line formation all the way and made it all the way to the boss with Goya taking only 1 hit from the first node.

This really is effective with the DDs dodging everything thrown at them and last slot BB blasting the crap outta the boss. Thanks anons. Gonna keep using this method until I clear E-2.

>> No.11583950

Just clicked to the night battle button, in my to-be-final E1 run.

On the sub node.

They raped me.

>> No.11583954

that seems like such a waste of Yubari's talents.

>> No.11583958


I'd put all oxygen torpedoes on on all of my ships if I could. You can never go wrong with more torpedoes.

>> No.11583967

Well, I was referring more to people who posted much earlier in this thread or in the last one, basically saying "I beat it in less than 10 tries, so obviously anyone who has trouble with it must be awful"

I seem to get little difference in the long run with Imuya vs. Gouya. Imuya just got knocked to the red once again in the very first node, but it seems like if she gets knocked to 1 hp away from red she ends up dodging everything after that and I barely reach boss. Meanwhile Gouya sometimes reaches boss with only 2 or 3 damage, but other times both CLs hit her and she's red.

>> No.11584000

Wonderful, had a perfect E-2 run ruined by the compass sending me north at the end. Now I check wikiwiki again and there's still no definite answer on compass. I had sub, CA, CLT, and 3 DD, which had always gotten me to the boss before (of the limited times I could actually get past the second fight). If I have to use 4 DDs this will really suck as Inazuma, Shimakaze, and Yukikaze are my only destroyers worth a damn.

>> No.11584001

Are DDs and CLs still useful in E4, or are CAs required for the fleet to pull its weight around? Or rather, is a 2BB/3CL/1CA or 2BB/2CL/1CA/1SS setup (with an average level of 70) doomed from the start?

Sorry for asking instead of testing myself, but after a debacle of an E3 run, I really can't afford to experiment anymore.

>> No.11584002

4 or 3 DDs doesn't make a difference in my experience. Or at least I can guarantee you that it won't guarantee you to get to the bossnode.

>> No.11584011

So my resources are all unbalanced with 500/20k/500/3k, and I'm only at about half damage on E-2. I guess I'll go and do 2-3 farming farming for a week or two to get my resources up since I have a sub now, then finish off E-2 and try my luck at E-3.

>> No.11584012

My very wild guess is that the flag of the node preceding the boss must be sunk.

>> No.11584013

I used 1SS (Imuya, no Goya here), 2DD (Shigure, Yuudachi and Yukikaze on rotation), 1CLT (KTKM, just got Ooi a couple of days back so she's basically not in the shape to enter this event), 1CA (Atago and Maya on rotation) and 1BB (Kongou sisters on rotation, but Kongou herself was the preferred choice since I'm levelling her to her Kai 2). Got me to the boss node every time.

>> No.11584018

it's probably completely random with a small chance. at the very least it doesn't seem to rely on group comp, because i've used pretty much the same thing every time and gotten sent north maybe 15-20% of the time.

>> No.11584041

Can anyone confirm that you can get to E4 boss node without any CA/CL in your fleet?

>> No.11584044

The wiki says the only requirement to get to the node before the boss is 2 Kongou class.

>> No.11584046

Saw a comment saying having only 1 BB makes it easier to hit boss node on E-3, does that sound right? I got sent away to I when I tried with 2 BB 1 CV 1 CVL 1 CAV 1 CLT.

From what I have leveled up, my options to replace are another CVL, a DD, or an SS. Any suggestions?

>> No.11584047

Yeah, I'm starting to think it might just be one of those pre-boss nodes like other maps have had where it just randomly sends you the wrong way a small amount of the time. The only solid info the wikis have is that too many BBs send you to that north side path, but who the hell would want to waste all those resources anyway when BBs aren't needed.

>> No.11584049

Yeah, but I haven't seen a single person posting a fleet composition which he used to beat E4 without a CA used.

>> No.11584053

Yes I'm attempting E-3 right now. AFter being sent away 6 times with 2 BB, I took a BB out and now I'm hitting the boss node 5/5. boss 1/2 hp, wish me luck Ts

>> No.11584056
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I can't beat the error cat at its own game, so I'll have to leave my girls behind for a day or two while things calm down. I'm sorry I'm such a shitty teitoku... Not like I'd make it past E-3 anyway. ;-;

How's the lag been to everyone else connecting through VPN, as opposed to using API links? I would like to at least get some expeditions going, if I can manage it.

>> No.11584059

Because CAs with type 3 ammo are powerful on E-4.

>> No.11584064

So I've been going to E2 for a few times now. It's kinda slow since I don't have reserves and I'm a cheapskate faggot and don't wanna waste buckets on few hour dockings. The submarine plan seems the best way to go since she works as a shield 'till the boss and saves in repairs. Kinda RNG dependable since if she gets assfucked I'm forced me to go back. I guess I only need one good run with my sub staying in one piece 'till the last node and rest of my ships not getting crit by fags on the last node.

>> No.11584066

Holy fuck, got sent north before the boss on E-2 yet again. I'm almost hoping to get banned for F5 abuse at this point so I can stop wasting my time. Suddenly Gouya is surviving the CLs about 10 times better than before despite nothing changing aside from a few levels gained, but it doesn't matter since it's now compass trolling time.

What bugs me is that >>11583824 made no mention of compass fails in his results. Either he just made up those stats or he had the magic formation.

>> No.11584088

So Yellow guns actually fire? I can bring a 3x 15.5 Cm Zuikaku into E4 with me for the boss?

>> No.11584107

I'm >>11583365
After 4 hours, I changed my lineup to 3 CA/CAv 2 kongous 1 ktkm. This lineup is much more effective in terms of getting to the boss and damaging the boss.

My CAs are in the 60 range.

>> No.11584114

Phew. Finally beat E2.
E3 is pretty easy given you can use your "usual" (non 5-3) fleet. Getting to the boss is a bit random but much less frustrating.

thanks for that input, it sooth my heart a bit. I take it you're using 5 AA shells ?

>> No.11584118

I was asking because I don't have any leveled CA/CAv. I'll just bring 4/5 BB and hope that my resources can survive it.

>> No.11584120

Yes, they're too good. A red ship can hit the boss for 40-50 damage with it equipped.

>> No.11584124

That will probably work. I will probably be very expensive to run

>> No.11584127

Shit. Only got 2 of them.
Time to craft, I guess.

I'll probably use something like Kongou 89, Haruna 85, Ktkm 99, Ooi 95, Takao 55, Maya 53 - Hope this will be less trouble than E2. Who I am kidding. at least not 100 times much harder would be good.

>> No.11584140

Japanese wiki says that you can jump from C to F if you have two Kongou class, but does it stop working if you have more than two Kongous? I have all 4 in my team and I always end up in D.

>> No.11584143

*Obviously I'm referring to E-4.

>> No.11584148

That's what's pissing me off so much about E-2. I've looked at the wiki for the enemy ships in E-3 and they're a joke, not even a single yellow BB, I know I could easily beat it with my usual 5-2 fleet. But I have to get past the E-2 bullshit first.

Just replaced Shimakaze with Choukai since I think I had two CAs my previous trips to the boss, actually reached the boss, killed the 5 escorts, Yukikaze gets cut-in... and doesn't do enough damage to kill the boss. Oh well, I'm still working on depleting the gauge so it was good enough. I think I might steal Ooi's 5-tube launcher and give it to Yukikaze though since I haven't even been using her anyway.

>> No.11584150
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>> No.11584157

well done - a bit easy but well done.

we lack a good formation for reaching E-3 boss, though.

>> No.11584176

What's nice about Noshino?
Actually, what's nice about light cruisers anyway? I think the only good light cruisers are Ooi and Kitakami.

>> No.11584179

E-2 is suffering.
Spent this whole day. Basically found out that can't have more than 2BBs or get effed in the sub node(NOW it is in the wiki) and that DD only fleet gets sent down. Boss now has ~1/4HP.
I can only pray that none of my ships get hammered before reaching the boss node.
I fear E-4.

>> No.11584180

So I'm pretty sure the turbines make boats crit magnets. I say this because after crafting a +10 and slapping it on Goya she just gets crit at first node for 6/6 attempts with the turbine.

>> No.11584187

I meant Noshiro

>> No.11584188

I forced my 4BBs and 2 DDs out of that SS cesspit. By the time I got to the boss, All my ships were still in green (hell, all the SS missed and I missed as well , therefore rank C). Boss ate all my torps and a crit from BB.

>> No.11584194

I just found the answer.
One of my CA is fatique so I slap in 3 kongous.
Got sent to the whirlpool and dead end right after

>> No.11584195

someone said that 3+ BBs will force C->D on E-4

>> No.11584199

Hatsukaze E-3 get ! on first kill.

4 battles + night battle is suffering on ammo - half a thousand for a run.

>> No.11584207

Just as I was about to reply to your post that I don't use a turbine on Gouya, only Imuya, I looked back at the game just in time to see Gouya being knocked to 1 HP by the first attack. FUCK.

The good thing about failing at the first node when using a sub is at least none of your other ships get damaged. Previous try Imuya made it through fine but KTKM got critted by elite CA double attack while Inazuma ate a cut-in from normal CA, back to base.

>> No.11584212

I see, thanks. Now I'm really pretty much fucked up, my CAv are just level 40 and CA are level 30... I even spent some 5000k ammo/bauxite crafting those 6 type 3 anti-air ammunition.

>> No.11584218

From about 15 runs with 4 DDs 1 Kongou and Kitakami I've consistently gotten to the pre-boss node in E2 so you could try that.

>> No.11584219

I saw vids with more BBs.
I think you can only have exactly 2 kongous

>> No.11584229

Thanks again, but it doesn't really change my issue at hand unfortunately, my only other "high" level BB is Nagato, but she's still relatively underlevelled (my Kongous are lv.70+ while Nagato is lv.56).

>> No.11584235

Doesn't it send you to the top from preboss node? I was sent there a few times when i was trying DD runs.
Now I have 2BBs, 1CA and 3CLs = 100% get to boss node.
At least now I feel some progress, when none of my ships gets a torpedoed by elites.

>> No.11584241

My cost per run at E-2 is about 100 ammo 200 fuel, team composition is 2x SS 1xDD 1xCL 2xCA. I've done 11 so far. So want to kill the boss...

>> No.11584242

Almost the same here. Ooi Kitakami 3DD Haruna. Still haven't deviated from the middle.

>> No.11584238

start grinding those CAs then, you have 3 weeks to get them to 70+

from what ive heard most go with torp sisters, 2 CA and 2 Kongou class for E-4

>> No.11584246

sorry. 100 fuel 200 ammo.

>> No.11584255

I got send there a few times but I'm pretty sure that happened because my fleet was completely unharmed after defeating the preboss node.
Might just be RNG at work though.

>> No.11584262

2BB, 1CA, 1CL, 1SS, 1DD here. My consumption is 300, 400. Gonna be broke before I'm done...

>> No.11584274

stop bringing 2 BBs, swap in a CA, they hit nearly as hard and get a huge boost for night battle.

>> No.11584294

Odd as it is, I noticed that even DD has enough killing power running all guns during night battle. I had nothing but 10cm on my Beaver, and i wasn't even expecting the cut-in,.

>> No.11584299

Only if the enemy has low enough armour.

>> No.11584303

Might as well since I have a few in standby and the BB survivability is questionable because a night crit fucks you up regardless of your class. I'll check it out tomorrow.

>> No.11584305
File: 12 KB, 367x61, ss 2013-11-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find that quest in either of the three wikis, is it event related?

>> No.11584310

new quest. That's for sending your subs to their first expedition.

>> No.11584323

According to wikiwiki, the 1 sub and 2 sub expeditions don't work for it though. Might need the 3 sub expedition, which is out of the question until I beat E-2 since it ties up the subs for 25 hours.

>> No.11584324

What I really worry about is SSavi not being treated as a SS. I wonder if that has been fixed by now. I want to remodel Iku and get her the 2nd torp slot...

>> No.11584335

Anyone experiencing severe lag? Looks like reloading was a bad idea.

>> No.11584364

No lag here in tauitaui server, everything is running perfectly

>> No.11584369

What are the rewards for that quest? Sending your subs away for 25 hours sounds like a horrible idea while the event is going on

>> No.11584377

I'm on that server as well, but just now I had some lag so I reloaded and it's taking forever to load now.

>> No.11584378

probably about to scrap Arashio. finally get to E2 boss again after a string of bad RNG attempts for my sub, and she chooses to smack the boss twice for 1 damage so that there's still an enemy DD up for Hibiki to use her 400 damage cut-in on.

anyone else having fun?

>> No.11584380

Oh shit, I just remembered that I live in a place with Daylight savings which means my time goes back an hour on Sunday. I hope that doesn't mess anything up.

>> No.11584381

Maybe the lag is on your side? Connection problems and all that

>> No.11584393

Fucking hell, 3 of the last 4 times I safely cleared the pre-boss node on E-2 I got sent north.

Apparently no one's actually cleared it yet to know the reward, or at least it's not on the wikis yet; the only information is the expeditions that don't work.

>> No.11584397
File: 90 KB, 328x144, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 4/21 runs that didn't get misdirected and sent north after the preboss node. I've got about 18 days left to clear E-2, should be enough.

>> No.11584403

I actually had a lot of fun with E2, the night battles were some great stuff, the music was really good and seeing my ships doing cut ins all the time was really satisfying.

Going to wait for the japanese wikis to have some drop tables up before I start farming maps for drops

>> No.11584406

I wasn't sure since the servers are kind of unstable now, although it's 9am in Japan so they should have stabilized. I normally don't have any lag when playing. Just going to wait a bit I guess.

>> No.11584408

I had no issues here in Europe last week when DST ended; the only "issue" was in my head, I kept forgetting to adjust the dailies and PvP's reset time.

>> No.11584410

Yeah I perfected the node twice in a row and got sent north both times.

I hope >>11584255 isn't true because I'm having a really easy time of this as long as the compass isn't a fucking stupid bitch.

>> No.11584414

>TL Note: Yes! Cum-! Cumming!

you need to fix your group comp or something.

>> No.11584415

You guys are going to love E3, the compass is ten times worse over there and the dead end nodes have some pretty strong ships

>> No.11584430

any kind anon who can extract that awesome music from E2?

>> No.11584432

At what point should I tackle E-2? I already know I'm not making it past that, but a clear reference point would be nice.

>> No.11584433

Is there any use for the event expeditions?
Do they actually make a difference?

>> No.11584437

Well shit, just got Shimakaze from 2-4, I've been waiting for this for so long.

>> No.11584445

>dead end nodes
But that's where I just reload anyway.

In any case the vital difference between E-2 and E-3 is that the compass bullshit on E-2 comes after repeatedly failing to make it that far due to crits. On E-3 those will be few and far between, it's just the compass to fight.

After failing another run where my sub was still orange but Maya got critted and I was tempted to continue anyway, it finally hit me that I should just go ahead and use repair crews instead of turbines. I didn't want to waste any on E-2 but the chances of actually needing it are so slim; the boss herself is the only thing that can hit the non-subs. Any chance of losing a ship is too much, a tiny chance of wasting a repair is acceptable.

>> No.11584447

I'm doing fine at chipping down the gauge and I know for certain that I have what it takes to knock out the boss on the fina run since I already smacked her in a day battle. I'm running an all 30+lvl fleet apart from my sub. I guess the most important thing is that you have everything remodelled, a sub flag and everything topped up to four or more stars.

>> No.11584460

The compass here is worse than anything in E2, it sends you to two battle nodes and then a dead end node. Even if you reload, you'll end up wasting a lot of resources when resupplying/repairing.

And of course, there's always the chance of getting banned for F5 abuse

>> No.11584464

So anyways, are ships without fatigue that took yellow damage in risk of sinking or do they need to be in orange?

>> No.11584474

yellow is fine

although some say sparkles and orange is safe, i have my doubts about that.

>> No.11584480

Well.. that's a pretty good question. Perhaps we should try to investigate it. Leave your e-mail address and API link, and we will keep you informed !

>> No.11584494

Get in the mood to grind your face against that rng.

>> No.11584495

I'm actually surprised that I haven't seen more of "Paste your API link and we'll help you out."

>> No.11584497

Free Kongou guaranteed.

>> No.11584498

Not nearly as nice as the E2 music. At least that is enjoyable while I smash my face into the wall.

>> No.11584499
File: 670 KB, 876x2599, E3 CLEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to clear E3, took me all day but I finally did it.

Was a lot harder than E2, compass kept sending me to dead ends or eating crits in the north route and having to turn back.

Bottom route was pretty much all trash enemies that you can easily wipe the floor with but you can still hit dead ends in there which was really frustrating.

>> No.11584504

How much resources did you spent?

>> No.11584507

Around 6k bauxite and 5k for everything else

>> No.11584511

3/3 going north after taking no damage before the boss on E-2.

>> No.11584516

That is nice.

I'm level 34 teitoku and that seems possible..

Have you used sparkling?

>> No.11584522

Didn't use it, sparkling the ships would have been a huge waste of time because getting to the boss is really hard and you just end up wasting the sparkles on dead end nodes

>> No.11584527

What did you use for E-2? I'm lvl 67, but can't seem to finish off the boss.

>> No.11584532

I put Akagi in my fleet sortie to E-2. What the fuck was I thinking?

>> No.11584533

1SS, 1 CA, 1 CL, 1 BB, 1 CLT, 1 DD

Was sent to the boss node 100% of the time and always went in a straight line to the boss, the only thing that forced me to go back a few times was the enemy CAs getting cut ins and sending some of my ships to orange/red

>> No.11584536

Some people have all the luck.

>> No.11584541

So what is the most efficient method of getting more building materials?

>> No.11584544

I see.
Do you have any tips that you figured out by yourself?

Made me chuckle.

In that specific order or did you just type them randomly?

>> No.11584545

Stop crafting while the event is going on

>> No.11584549

Hating money.

>> No.11584553

i ran SS, CA, SS, CLT, BB, DD so yea, pretty much that order.

diagonal on first node, double line pre-boss

>> No.11584558

They were in that order but I think the order does not matter, you're free to try if you want though.

Used horizontal line for all nodes before the boss and vertical on boss node.

For E3, just pray to the compass and kindly ask her to send you to the boss node.
The stuff about the routes is in my clear post, bottom route is easy modo while you'll be eating crits and fighting carriers/battleships on the top route.

>> No.11584562

If you're doing the event, try not to craft much unless it's for type 3 AA round.
Even if E2 seems very hard, E3 is very doable by pretty much anyone who can do 2-4.

>> No.11584565
File: 103 KB, 666x418, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare anon.
Time to throw all these subs at E-2 to get the last kill. So guys for the last BB, should I go with 1 146cm 2 15.5cm and hope for combo?
2 46cm 1 15.5 isnt doing well from my experience or should I stick yukikaze there and pray for rng?

>> No.11584575

Would put it the other way around, E3 is definitely not newbie friendly like E2 with regenerating boss bars and the compass hating your guts

>> No.11584581

E-3 is easy mode as long as you have a lvl 50+ fleet with good equipments (ie. Reppuu, so you don't spend 6k baux like the anon in this thread)

>> No.11584582

Does anyone remember what level your ships were when you cleared 1-4? I just sent a bunch of mid-tens with a level 55 destroyer while collecting sparkles and they got their asses kicked by the first node.

>> No.11584596

Around level 8-9, because I cleared it just today.

>> No.11584603

Every single BB and CV (and CLT and CA for that matter) I would eventually be sending to E-3 is higher level than those, in fact I could make two rotating fleets. But I'm still horribly stuck on E-2, I just love it.

>> No.11584606

I guess my ships just hate me.

>> No.11584614
File: 597 KB, 717x435, iku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

Fuck yes the node before E1 boss gave me Furutaka.

And E1 clear.

Taking it easy is nice.

>> No.11584609

I guess I should make it my target to pass E3 by the time the event is over. What kind of fleet composition does it support? I have Kitakami, Mutsu, Kongou, Kirishima, Hiryuu, Akagi and Nachi on sufficiently high levels. Will I be able to run it with a normal clearing party?

>> No.11584611

So was there a conclusion to which formation was better to run for E2 with sub lead, the echelon or horizontal line?

>> No.11584616

Finally got to the E-2 boss node again, didn't even get to touch the boss. Complete bullshit.

>> No.11584626

I'm surprised you were even able to clear E-1 if you're still at the point here you're excited to see a Furutaka. What's your ship average level?

>> No.11584631
File: 117 KB, 707x387, ss (2013-11-02 at 09.06.02).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-4 clear
70 buckets
9k/5k/7k (I was doing dailies as well so maybe a bit more than that)
Vertical line all the way.
Took 7 hours.

Nagata is brought in for the finisher only.

It seems around 50% chance to get to boss node from the node before it.

>> No.11584632

yes, Echelon for first node is far superior to horizontal line, and for pre-boss use double line or your other ships will get raped by their CA's cut-ins

>> No.11584634

So /jp/, what's your favorite composition for E4 ?

>> No.11584641

which ones had type 3 ammo? all of them?

>> No.11584644
File: 159 KB, 700x800, source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-don't forget about the aviation battleships!

>> No.11584647

You mentioned at the start of your grind that E-4 boss seems to be easier to hit than the E-2 boss; was that just a fluke or was E-4 boss consistently easier to hit? Also, did you sparkle your fleet each time?

>> No.11584648

All of them. It's very important. I think I killed the boss about half of the time. Compared to the anon before me that couldn't kill her until he switched to type 3.

>> No.11584659

He was probably stuck on trying to get her to clear the fleet composition mission. Took me forever to get Aoba, certainly beyond what would have been needed to clear E-1.

I'm still not a believer in echelon, maybe if you have high level subs with capped evasion it's great. With my low level subs they take more damage with it than with double line, Gouya eats a double damage hit at the first node every time when I tried it. With Imuya I hardly notice any difference between the 3 options as far as the CL attack is concerned, but fuck the inaccuracy of horizontal line; just tried it out and the destroyers that I couldn't hit knocked her into the red.

>> No.11584660

Confirmed, definitely less annoying than E-2. She has a lot of health though. At least 6-7 full kills I'd say.

I tried to sparkled at the start but it took too much time. And it did not seem to help much because everything depends on whether the enemy gets a cut-in (I have never evaded it even once).

>> No.11584661

They made you use two Kongo-class battleships for E-4 and actively discourage using too many more, so unfortunately there's not too much for them to do.

>> No.11584664

alright, thanks. GL with E-5!

>> No.11584669

Let me spare you from my blogging.

This >>11584659

More than 3 was causing a detour right?

>> No.11584670

So sparkling doesn't really work? That's what I thought. I sparkled my ships but ate a whole lot of damage anyway for E-4.

Do you have any tips for tanking the damage? I'm always forced to retreat at around the 3rd node, which is very close, and I'm kind of annoyed now. The battleships never fails to land a critical hit on someone.

>> No.11584674

Yeah, as far as I know cut-ins can't be evaded. It's possible for them to be non-crits though (I had Inazuma do 6 damage to a CA once) or a weak crit (managed to eat a cut-in without being knocked below 50% a couple times 5-3 and E-2)

>> No.11584678

Never retreat after the 3rd node! Put in damage controls. My rule was if anyone gets red before 3rd node, I retreat.

>> No.11584704

Well that was an interesting failure. For the first time ever my sub actually targeted the flagship CL at second node, and it was my lvl 12 Iku (who of course missed then got red damage). Then KTKM broke 700 damage against a CA, fuck yeah torpedoes.

I was trying to sparkle my subs for E-2 but I couldn't even notice any difference and stopped wasting my time, I couldn't imagine trying to do it for a full fleet every run.

>> No.11584710


Maybe next event...

>> No.11584711

So I went into the boss node with everything perfect but kongou choke. Double attack only did like 150damage against the boss.
Time to stick yukikaze in there and pray for cutin.

>> No.11584712

On the contrary, I find sparkling subs help a lot in my E-2 runs.

>> No.11584714

i started sparkling my subs for E-2 and it does seem to help. i've been sparkling them and my last slot boss-killer since i emptied the boss gauge (although it hasn't done any good for boss killing yet).

>> No.11584717

I really wish E-2 award was actually useful.

She's cute and all, but she seems useless.

>> No.11584727


That's weird. In my case, the sparkling really helped, I was able to go to the boss node with my ships untouched (Normally I had to go back because Imuya was in red every time)

Now I want my fleet to fet sparkle again, but running 1-1 has no effect at all.

>> No.11584730

Nigga, no CL class is useless (except for Naka) and from the looks of her stats, she's buffed up compared to the rest of them.

>> No.11584734

You guys are all hating on Naka too much, srsly

>> No.11584738

It looks like the real reward for E-2 is being able to take a nice walk through the park that is E-3. Just got Agano from my first E-3 boss win, too.

>> No.11584744

Okay,I need to say this to someone.

After Furutaka, I completed 5 comp. quest in chain reaction.

>> No.11584747

Give her a Kai2 makeover and buff then everyone will like her.

>> No.11584751

I wrote this before,>>11583824

I managed to crack boss bitch with 4CV and 2 DD, only 1CV got half damaged

OMG OMG I love you CVs, I won't forget what you did for me.

>> No.11584754

Perhaps if you got some type of bonus for using a aviation battleship even like damage up or something, right now there is just no reason

>> No.11584757

I've been thinking about running 2-4 as a method of sparkling my subs while grinding them too; problem is if I get ASW formation (one in three chance) at the first node then I'm fucked.

1-1 runs are so damn tedious, aside from the time spent on the actual run I have to clean out all the DD drops so I have space for the event, plus constantly removing and re-adding the ships I'm using (or leaving an expedition fleet empty so I can use that)

>> No.11584763

I've finally gotten my Iku. Would you say she's the best SS out so far?

>> No.11584772

I wish they would add a way to mass scrap ships

>> No.11584779

I feel like someone will be dumb enough to scrap his useful ships along with his scrap because he forgot to lock them.

>> No.11584782

yeah but what if you could just check them like you can with items and scrap a whole page

>> No.11584787

If he doesn't lock his ships, I have no sympathy.

>> No.11584789

This. it's incredibly long wait between two scrap.
Now I just fuse and scrap the result ship.

By the way, I'm a bit disappointed at the new 15.2 cm red main gun from the new CL class. The hit bonus is good, but the attack is a bit low.
I guess it can at least make up for a main gun for combo / cut-in and still give the hit bonus from the 15.5 secondary gun.

>> No.11584791


What she needs is a low level remodel with good equipment.

>> No.11584794

Either that or be able to refuse drops.

For the time being the DDs are useful though, running E-2 has made me realize how many ships that I thought were nearly capped on torpedo still had a long way to go. My subs were actually about 10 away and Yukikaze was about 13 away when the event started.

>> No.11584800

Why would you ever refuse drops when you can use them as modernization fodder to quickly max stats for your good ships?

>> No.11584809

if there's equipment on a ship that you feed to another ship, the equipment just disappears, right? i think that's lame since you get the extra mats if you scrap the ship instead. going through and removing equipment before modernization is a pain.

>> No.11584819

There have been so many times since I started playing when I had maxed all of my main ships on everything. Then I wind up feeding battleships to Mutsukis because it's faster than scrapping them and I have no space. When I was farming 4-2 for Zuihou there was a point when I had to scrap/feed after almost every run because I was hoarding so many level 1 BBs.

>> No.11584826

From wikiwiki comment on E-4.

金剛型2雷巡2重1駆1で100%ボス 試行回数も30↑なので確実かと -- 2013-11-03 (日) 11:04:59 New!
He thinks Kongou class x2, CLT x2, CA + DD is 100% boss route.

>> No.11584827

Okay, so I'll be doing E-4 soon and my setup now looks like this
Kongou/Haruna: 46cm, 15.5cm, Sanshikidan, Type 32/21 radar
Atago/Maya: 20.3cm, 20.3cm, Sanshikidan, Type 21 Radar
Kitakami/Ooi: 3x torpedo/kohyouteki

I also have a Mutsu that I can swap in, don't have anymore Sanshikidan but I can craft another if needed. Any input on this setup?

>> No.11584830 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 798x891, kancolle03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever that said putting in BB in the last shot, maybe you guys should switch it to CA.
I dont fucking believe this shit.
A lvl27 Maya with 20.3cm 15.5cm 1shot the boss while a lvl75 kongou cant do it with 46cm 15.5cm.
Time to E3,I dont fucking believe this shit.
A lvl27 Maya with 20.3cm 15.5cm 1shot the boss while a lvl75 kongou cant do it with 46cm 15.5cm.

>> No.11584839

4 escorts sunk, only boss and elite DD left: Choukai attacks boss for 52 damage, then Yukikaze does cut-in on the DD.

Fuck you E-2 for making me hate my shipdaughters. I already benched Shimakaze earlier in order to bring Choukai back in. Inazuma is about the only one who hasn't horribly failed me yet, although one time she came close by missing a CA that promptly did a cut-in, but it came up 1 hp short of putting KTKM in the orange.

>> No.11584840

you know, Maya isn't in your screenshot. but yeah I believe it. the RNG is fucking annoying.

>> No.11584842

but that's not Maya.

>> No.11584843

I don't have enough resources yet to try it myself, but could you try this (>>11584826) composition and let us know how it works out?

Also, check this out (>>11583383)

Since you can't torpedo attack the boss, you might want to try using 15.5cm instead on CLTs.

>> No.11584847

Seems good based on previous post and eleven's comment.

What recipe did you use for your AA round, by the way ?

>> No.11584848
File: 249 KB, 798x891, kancolle03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever that said putting in BB for the last shot, maybe you guys should switch it to CA.
I dont fucking believe this shit.
A lvl27Choukai with 20.3cm 15.5cm 1shot the boss while a lvl75 kongou cant do it with 46cm 15.5cm.

Just saw the typo....... how embarssing.
I dont think it is RNG, I think CA really does outdamage BB at night.

>> No.11584853

guess i'll try Atago in last place since my torpedo ladies never cut-in when i need it.

>> No.11584857

Yeah, I don't know why people have ever said to use BB, other than that they just wanted to use a high level BB and didn't have the CAs. I tried out my lvl 71 Haruna for a few fights and all she did was waste more fuel and ammo, a cut-in on some crappy ship did less than 200 damage, took her out as soon as she received some chip damage.

>> No.11584858
File: 77 KB, 461x379, subway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teitoku onegai

>> No.11584859

I want them sluts too.

>> No.11584860

Everyone's going to troll the PVP with submarines now.

Devs really need to nerf submarines.

I have 3 myself (haven't beaten E4 yet) but I can see how easy it would be to cheese all future events when there's eventually 6 submarines.

>> No.11584861

I don't think I'll be trying it today, have stuff to do and letting resources accumulate. Probably tomorrow, but I'll try with both 2CA and the DD one if I can.
I intended the CLT setup to try and cutin combo the boss, unless you mean that doesn't work as well? (and I don't have spare 15.5 sadly)

I used 10/90/90/30, seems to be about 10% chance or so. Got 3 in about 20 tries I think?

>> No.11584864
File: 308 KB, 701x360, 1383396950760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would prefer it if they didn't nerf the subs and just simply allow you to pick a formation in pvp.

>> No.11584865

a comment on the comment.
So it's not 100%. Still seems like a pretty good ratio.

>> No.11584869

I'm not sure about combined attack cut-in, but torpedo cut-in or attacks, from what I've read, don't work on the boss.

>> No.11584870

not really, they will just make a node and compass path that fucks over subs, like the sub node in E-2 if you bring a bunch of BBs.

>> No.11584871

But reaching the boss isn't a problem, surviving your way there is.

>> No.11584876
File: 168 KB, 926x554, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very E-3 lynching. The destroyers aren't even part of my main team, I'm just leveling them for remodels.

>> No.11584878

Considering how one of our anons observed about 50% chance from pre-boss to boss node, I'd say it is a problem.

>> No.11584879

they're not really nerfed - rather, ASW has been pumped up like crazy.
a 99 kitakami wihtout any ASW equip can still crit an elite submarine for 20ish damage.

>> No.11584881

Having 1 DD gimped the damage on the boss by a lot. The reason why I replaced all DDs with CA is because my beaver hit the boss for 30 damage. They are also more prone to retreats. CAs can take also chip damage, while anything will hit the DD to half health. My retreat rate reduced by a lot after I removed the DDs.

>> No.11584885

Well, it's just one run worth of data, but I sparkled my subs and tried diagonal formation again with Imuya using a turbine, and she took 0 damage in both fights for the first time ever (first time even making it through one undamaged). Maybe if I combine all 3 of those things that never seemed to help me individually she can actually evade worth a damn. Up till now most of my times reaching boss involved a lower level, non-sparkling Gouya using double line for both fights before boss.

>> No.11584888

That does make sense give the whole airfield thing, but I don't have 15.5s so what can I do? 2x 20.3cm and a Kohyouteki anyway? (if it goes to day I can at least take out the trash)

>> No.11584890

How do you expect to even want to deal with the boss if 2 ships are in the red? First, you're immediately short of 2 hands when you face the boss, second, you run a very real risk of your girls sinking.

>> No.11584893

I find it as a blessing because you're more likely to enter the day battle.

>> No.11584898

My bad. I'm saving up resources at the moment so I'm just basing things on what I've read. Perhaps you should've said getting to the pre-boss node is the real problem, then.

I see, thanks for the input.

That should trigger double attack, I think. Are you sure about the midget sub though? I'm planning to equip damage control in that slot.

>> No.11584913

Aaaaaand Shimakaze misses her attack on a DD, resulting in 0 damage to the boss. Thought I had a chance with both elites alive at the time but no one else missed and no one targeted the boss. Thanks so much for ruining a flawless trip to the boss, back to the bench for you.

>> No.11584917

I get to pre-boss node all the time, and then from that to the boss node. 4 out of 5 times I do. But I exit the game at formation select without fighting the boss because at least one of my ships will be heavily damaged, usually two.

>> No.11584915

I'm not sure about the night phase because I only have a couple of tries with DDs, and my hyper use double guns. But it seems you can't torpedo the boss in day time.

>> No.11584920

I'll just try it and see, if I consistently keep getting critted I'll remove it for a damage control.
Thanks for the input, I'll be switching to double guns them. I presume your last slot is damage control?

>> No.11584923

My ktkm is flagship. So I double gun + midget sub. If you ever go into day battle, you can still midget sub the enemy BB.

>> No.11584933

I also find going 2 46s better on BBs so that they can hit the boss hard. It's pretty rare for them to miss in a double attack anyway.

>> No.11584943

2x 46, Sanshikidan, damage control? I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.11584947

OK, I'm feeling mighty desperate here. Is there a way to make it so that KanColle loads faster? Every time I play, I get as far as the results screen of the first node and then it stops loading completely. Clearing caches do nothing, having nothing else open does nothing, and using the Flash Player makes it worse.

>> No.11584956

Get better internet

>> No.11584959

Speaking about loading speed.

For how long does your game load when you have it cached, and uncached ?
I sometimes play on my phone to relaunch expedition when I'm away from a computer and it's going about as fast as my cached-game on computers, so I was wondering if it was such a big strain on servers.

>> No.11584984

You're using Android I presume. Just so you know, Flash is "officially" abandoned on that platform for a lot of reasons. It all boils down to Flash not playing so nice resulting in choppy and laggy gameplay and resource hogging. This happens when I try to play kancolle on my Nexus.

>> No.11585000

Puffin browser on i5. There's awful framedrop and sound cuts the the "gobal speed" like loading time or battle duration is roughly the same as the PC version.

>> No.11585003
File: 59 KB, 604x359, damnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, but still. How the hell did he even get those resources?!

>> No.11585004

By being a buyfag.

>> No.11585048

if you started playing when the game opened and played seriously ever since you'd be at that level, too.

>> No.11585055


>> No.11585064

Snap, son. My support fleet went in and killed a battleship and destroyer. Credit to team.

>> No.11585066

>brown girl
I'll just wait until I can get Yamato.

>> No.11585071

what bugs me is she isn't using 91 pads at all.
She's going to score high on that breast size / log(displacement) chart of us...

>> No.11585090

Ok guys.
What is the typical loadout for E4?
Going to spend the next week preparing for it and then try for it on the last week.
Gotta farm them 15.5cm and sanshiki and train up my CA.
2BB 2CA 1CLT 1DD is the go to formation?
That mean
46cm/15.5cm/sanshiki for the BB
20.3/2x15.5cm/sanshiki for the CA

>> No.11585095

In night combat, your attack is based on combined both firepower and torpedo status, that's why BBs are kinda weak as they don't have torpedo stat.
DDs CLs and CT are also great, but since they buffed CA's night combat, they're clearly the queens of the night.

>> No.11585109

Been getting sent to the lower dead node for E3 with 2CV, 1CLT, 1CAV (Suzuya), 1BB (Haruna) and 1DD. wikiwiki seems to suggest fast ships but I guess there is so far no set composition to found?

>> No.11585110

Fuck the fucking gooks who created this game.

Lets give you a fucking boss health bar that when zero you get a sub!

But wait, we won't tell you that you need to also KILL the boss to get the sub.

So I throw my girls into a blender like 30 goddamn times and finally when I think the moment of truth comes I get the finger another fucking time, and this time it wasn't something like RNG, it was an actual FEATURE.

>> No.11585113

So you take 6 CA's?

>> No.11585115

composition found*

>> No.11585117

fucking unbelievable. this exact same thing just happened again. every time my second-to-last ship decides to take a poke at the boss instead of killing the last escort, and my heavy hitter obliterates some shitty worthless opponent.

i guess the game is telling me to put 2 CAs in my last 2 slots.

>> No.11585119

Provided you dont need CL or DD to bring you to the boss. sub + 5ca or 6ca if you dont care about damaged ships.
I think I know why they said E2 is for beginner, you just need CAs to wipe out the boss. Dont even need high lvl one in this case.

>> No.11585127

I wonder which of the girls hates the US the most.

>> No.11585130

Going to check for Iku's resource burning rate.

I hope she is cheap like other SS.

>> No.11585137

I always thought it would be Yuudachi.

>> No.11585144
File: 157 KB, 804x481, ss (2013-11-02 at 10.51.11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it, I finally did it on the run through right after it.

I told my girls that if I didn't get i19 this time, they'd all get scrapped and I would never return. They stayed alive with almost full health through all nodes and in the end, Kirishima crits the boss and instakills with a 15.2 in night battle.

Don't tell them that I wouldn't be able to scrap them though, they'll get soft again.

>> No.11585145

Maikaze without doubt.

>> No.11585150

Tell me her story anon. I do so love stories.

>> No.11585153

Have you tried leveling up your ships? They're pretty low level. A few runs through 2-4 should whip them into shape.

>> No.11585157

How do I stop missing every single shot in E-2?

>> No.11585159

Go in with sparkles.

>> No.11585163

Always use first formation

>> No.11585181

I thought formation does not matter during night battles.

>> No.11585194

Go fight the sub at 4-1 and see the difference between day and night for the elite sub.
Do tell me if there is no difference between day and night.

>> No.11585191

u thot rong

>> No.11585222
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>> No.11585225

Re-equip your girls to get double attacks instead of cut-ins.

>> No.11585227

Sparkling team + horizontal line formation is doing wonders in getting me past the pre-boss node in E-4 without reds, but damn, the final compass is really something.

sink yourself.

>> No.11585231
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Is it completely normal to go A->C->D->dead node in E3 all the time? My ships seems to ignore going to E.

>> No.11585235

But why

>> No.11585246

How do you get your ships to attack twice in E4?
The only one able to attack twice in my team is Noshiro and she's only like level 5 equipped with 3 20.3 guns

>> No.11585247

CAV or BBV as flagship

>> No.11585256

How the hell did you get to E-4 without knowing this shit already? Read the wiki.

>> No.11585259

is that a test of her sinking line with a repair item ?

BB have a average cut in chance but are rarely double-attacking.

>> No.11585273
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A few hours after dodging aircraft from several carriers, she charged two battleships (including Iowa!), two heavy cruisers, and two destroyers alone and fought to the last man, even while she was a burning wreck. ;_;7 Looks like Nowaki escaped but Katori didn't.

There was also pic related.

>> No.11585278

But I have yellow 15.5cm guns equipped on my ships and they don't do a second attack while Noshiro that only has 3 20.3cm guns is able to do a double attack every time

Never really needed that stuff so I never bothered asking or looking it up.

>> No.11585290

>BB have a average cut in chance but are rarely double-attacking.
My Haruna's double attacks are rather consistent during night battle. One could attribute it to her high luck but I think it's really a matter of equipment. Only red and yellow.

>> No.11585298

Well, you're in a night battle map now. If you're using CA/CL/DD, you may consider torpedo cut-ins. They are not as consistent as double attacks but they come out often enough to fuck ships up.

>> No.11585312 [SPOILER] 
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Hello dear Error-Musume!

>> No.11585323

Yeah, I can do cut ins and they come out quite often, its just the double attacks that refuse to trigger for me

>> No.11585364

So what can I find in E3? Currently all I've gotten are Yura's and Ryujo's.

>> No.11585585

Do you use use diamond formation for the 3CV/CVL node or do you just brute force it with vertical?

>> No.11585592

Wait till you get the gauge to zero and your ships decide to ignore the boss. I've already depleted the gauge yesterday and so far, my ships haven't targeted the boss ever since.

>> No.11585372

Cleared E-3

Here's my resources bill:
> 3000 fuel
> 3400 ammo
> 1200 steel
> 2500 bauxite (ran a CV-heavy formation)
> 27 buckets
Played it very safe, retreating before boss once because Ooi getting crit'd + using support expedition fleet (2DD+2CVL).

Conclusion: it cost about half as much as I thought it would, which is a pretty good thing.

So ice creams for all my dear daughters. Getting some sleep before jumping into E-4 madness... and hopefully E-5.

>> No.11585597

This game taught me about having a diverse and all-rounded fleet rather than focusing too much on raw firepower.

I'd still advise not focusing on Yuubari, she may have 4 slots and can equip bigger guns, her stats are a bit lacking imho.
Isuzu + the 2 torpedo goddesses should be more than enough for the time being.

>> No.11585378

What's your fleet composition? I know about having 2CV but how about CAV?

>> No.11585382

Yeah, what composition?
I did my first run with 2CLT 2BB 2CV, got sent to NE instead of boss.

>> No.11585392

finally, thanks for suggesting CAs. i put my 2 strongest in the last 2 spots and Atago butchered the boss when the others eventually decided to attack the right targets.

>> No.11585612

Yeah, I'm pretty much expecting that. I actually killed the boss the very first time I reached her (got day combat and killed her with a torpedo barrage that included KTKM), never killed her again since. Only once did I kill all 5 escorts and have Yukikaze get a cut-in (which didn't do enough damage to kill her, hopefully I've remedied that now), every other time someone targets her it's just for a normal crit

>> No.11585615

So what's the cheapest fleet composition to complete E3? I want to grind it for an Agano, but I've pretty much run out of fuel.

>> No.11585617

I usually use that formation when facing 3 CV(L)s but this time I went all the time with double column all the way to the boss then vertical there. Never got anyone into yellow damage until boss battle during all sorties.

3 elites CV don't seem much like a threat for me since I'm confident in my daughters AA potential, plus diamond formation doesn't work well with the torpedo girls~

Should there have been a flagship CV in the node, I'd have definitely used the diamond formation though...

On this note, really off-to bed, Kongou just told me it was past-7am here... orz

>> No.11585618

Have you tried running a carrier in the sixth slot?

Forcing day battle is working for me.

>> No.11585619


>> No.11585621

Though now, someone kept getting critted on the first node alone, fucking torpedo ships doing cut-ins. This is worse than 2-4 compass bullshit.
Not yet because all I thought you need would still need one elite grunt alive to trigger it.

>> No.11585623

On my third Gouya from crafting but no Shimakaze.

>> No.11585414

Goddammit, while the combination of sparkles + diagonal formation + turbine has been letting my subs make it through the first two nodes of E-2 way way way more often than before, now the compass just keeps sending me north, it's happening about 75% of the time.

Oh well, if I get banned for excessive reloading then at least I won't be wasting any more time on this.

>> No.11585415
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Anyone got this error? I just killed the boss once and none of my ships are under repair. Are we supposed to wait a while after a kill?

>> No.11585417

Come on man...

>> No.11585419

Too many ships, you need at least 6 free spaces

>> No.11585424

Thanks and sorry.

>> No.11585629
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Haruna... I...

>> No.11585632

don't count on cut-ins. make sure all of your ships (except sub if you have a sub) are using double-attack because it is much more reliable. keep a CA in your last slot to drop the boss, assuming the rest of your fleet is capable of handling an escort each.

i recommend SS/DD/DD/CL/CL/CA in that order, although you can mix around DDs, CLs, and CLTs in slots 2-5. two red guns on everything (or just 15.5cm yellows on the CA).

good luck.

>> No.11585431

what fleet composition? i almost never got sent north with:
1 sub
2-4 DD
1-2 CL
0-1 CA
0-1 fast BB

>> No.11585635

Someone needs to compile a casualty list by the end of the event.

It's only day 3 and people are losing their minds.

>> No.11585646

It's really bothering, so much time left but so many people are going so hard.

>> No.11585647

2 46s, Type 3 and radar setup is still considered capable for double attack, right?

>> No.11585445

- Haruna 88 (46 / 46 / 15.5 / 21radar)
- Ooi 66 (10cm / 61 5x torp / midget sub)
- Kitakami 77 (10cm / 61 5x torp / midget sub)
- Atago 55 (15.5 / 15.5 / 61 4x torp / 21radar)
- Kaga 78 (reppu / ryuusei-kai / ryuusei-kai / suisei model-12)
- Akagi 76 (reppu / ryuusei / ryuusei-kai / saiun)

Used to substitute Atago for a Zuikaku 55 (reppu / ryuusei / suisei model-12 / ryuusei) but after getting sent on dead-end nodes I switched her out for Atago which consistently sent me to the boss.

Never got sent in the NE dead end
Sometimes I went from empty south pre-boss node -> north pre-boss node -> boss but all my dead ends were in the southern half.

Also support expedition fleet:
* Yukikaze 61 (10cm / 61 4x torp / 61 4x torp)
* Shimakaze 60 (10cm / 61 4x torp / 61 4x torp)
* Zuihou 43 (ryuusei / ryuusei / tenzan / tenzan)
* Hiyou 40 (ryuusei / ryuusei / tenzan / tenzan)

>> No.11585648

Already did that. Double attack success rate was nearly the same as cut-in rate so I assumed it didn't matter anymore. I also kept swapping CAs and CLTs on the last slot, still no luck on them targeting (if one of my ships missed a grunt) or doing a double attack or a cut-in on the boss. Guess all the luck I had when I kept crafting rares have already been used up.

>> No.11585651
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>2 46s
Nope. Always go with 46/20.3 + 15.5cm
I dont know about you guys but during night time, combo attack always procs.
Also drop your BB, CA outperform BB badly in E2.

>> No.11585652

why wouldn't it be?
ammos and radars are not guns, teitoku.

>> No.11585457

So basically 1CA/1BB+2CLT+2CV is needed for boss node and not 2BB.

>> No.11585458

Are CVs a must for E-3? My only CV(L) over level 25 is Chiyoda. Wondering if I could get by with 2BB/2CA/CLT/CVL carrying AA guns, or if I should just get to leveling my CVs.

(Obviously I wasn't planning on going past E-2, but I already cleared it so might as well try E-3 within the next week)

>> No.11585655


>> No.11585659

>not equipping your goddess with a repair goddess

You didn't deserve her anyway.

>> No.11585661

Radar / repair team/goddess

typical E4 setup, and double attack is better than cut in for BB

>> No.11585663

Add on more reports from this thread?
Lv90 Nagato, Lv85 Haruna, Lv? Haruna, Lv65 Maya, Lv ? I-19

>> No.11585667

I'm trying to take it easy while expeditions bulk up my resources for E-4. Still feel an itch telling me to jump in since I'm mostly prepared.

>> No.11585665

you monster

>> No.11585666

Sure 2x46 also proc double attack. but 1x46 + 1x15.5 almost always proc double attack.
It seems like there is a less chance for 2x46cm to combo. Or maybe it is just RNG screwing with me.

>> No.11585671

So 46 + 15.5 is more reliable than 2x46? Noted, thanks.

>> No.11585668

>46/20.3 + 15.5cm
I noticed this as well the couple times I tried it. It's like the combo chance is greatly increased when you have 3 different guns. Same thing happened with 20.3 + torpedo + 15.5 on my CL last time I tried it for whatever reason.

Although it does take up 3 slots so not worth it in many cases (E-4 probably).

>> No.11585669

Is there a page on combat mechanics somewhere on one of the Japanese wikis? The info on the English wiki is incomplete and terribly written, but after a cursory search of the Japanese wikis, I can't find anything about combat mechanics. I'm especially looking for info about how cut-ins and double attacks work, but I want to know more about combat in general.

>> No.11585670

I sank 2 Fuso and 2 Yamashiro but they were throwaways used for scouting.

>> No.11585477

Not sure this is a perfect/consistent composition, I saw some people doing it with 1BB+2CLT+2CV+1CVL.
I just switched out my 3rd CV with a CA for testing purposes and since it sent me 6 times to the boss (with 1 dead end half-way on 4th sortie) I kept it
But that could very well be probabilities being... well RNG... and placebo...

I avoided 2 BB because of the general consensus about it sending you away from the boss. I haven't tested it myself though.
(But you don't really need a 2nd BB firepower anyway imho)

>> No.11585478

Anyone running 2-3 sub runs with 3/4 subs? Seems rather inefficient to me to be honest.

>> No.11585480

Is there a way to replace the torpedoes monster? My Ooi and KTKM are terribly underlevelled.

>> No.11585674

>Lv90 Nagato, Lv85 Haruna, Lv? Haruna, Lv65 Maya, Lv? I-19, 2x Lv? Fuso, 2x Lv? Yamashiro
Keeping track

>> No.11585675
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Something like this?

>> No.11585676

Ah I mean I think a big thing beside people wanting to do it faster than everyone else is the health regen stuff. I'm not touching E-3 until I know I can sit and run multiple attempts. I don't want to get sketchy and make a dumb move since I'm in a rush to kill the boss before I have to go do something else.

>> No.11585677

Forgot to add, they were all lv3 after clearing 1 or 2 nodes in E-3.

>> No.11585490

1 SS, 2 CA, 1 CLT, 2 DD at the moment

I was still getting sent north with 1 CA and 3 DD earlier although my subs were getting hurt too often to get much of a sample size. Shimakaze fucked me over one time too many in the boss fight and I replaced her with Aoba.

>> No.11585491

Anyone else getting stuck at ship loading screen (before download bar)? I've been stuck for 10 minute after my game started lagging horribly.

>> No.11585492

CVs make your life easier by helping with killing more enemy aircrafts during planes phase and sinking/damaging ships before shelling phase.
And since you don't get to use much of your CVs during this event outside E-1 and E-3, it's a good excuse to have them do some exercises.

I don't know if not having CVs will stray you away from the boss since everyone ran the map with some of them from what I read around.

That being said, good luck!

>> No.11585489

It was my first run so I just did a test run with 2bb/2clt/2cv vertical formation and went all the way to the last node before boss node with only chip damage from air raid. I guess having a good anti air CA like maya instead of a BB isnt really a downgrade. But do you really need an expedition fleet? Do they show up on the boss node 100% of the time?

>> No.11585679

It'd be better with a collage of the sunk ship / post accompanying it. The template is great.

>> No.11585681

Without images for proof it isn't worth as much. The guy who marched half his fleet to death out of spite would have definitely taken a shot of that post-battle screen.

>> No.11585495

I have never heard of torpedo cruisers actually being required for anything compass-wise. The question is whether they count as a CL or a CA or just filler.

>> No.11585682

How does CLt's fare in E2?

>> No.11585497

Thanks, I'll go ahead and level 2 of them since I don't want to start throwing attempts at it quite yet anyway.

>> No.11585684

Any report about that Ju-87C?

>> No.11585685

They either overkill an enemy DD and if you're lucky, a boss or they eat a crit easily just like any other CA/CL/DD.

>> No.11585500

I haven't seen people going through E-3 without the torpedo goddesses so I wouldn't know.
But I haven't read anything about CL or CLT requirements so, maybe you could give it a try.

Also what do you mean by underleveled? Even having them as super around lv30 with armour+torpedo max'd should be enough for E-3 imho.

>> No.11585499

Considering >>11585445 's fleet, I would say it's probably considered as CA. But I could be wrong.

>> No.11585686

As well as they do elsewhere. Though from my own experiences and others testimony, KTKM is a crit magnet on the pre-boss node.

>> No.11585688

There's a link to the combat mechanics page on wikiwiki in the OP.

>> No.11585503
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The nips tried that.

>> No.11585690

Speculation is that a surprise prize for everyone who has cleared all the Event map. (Probably given at a a later time?)

>> No.11585691

Same here. I am busy running 2-3 with my subs while repairing my ships from E2 cleared. Dont want to waste any buckets.

>> No.11585692

It isn't so much about actually sinking the ships but posting about it imo. Who's going to stop people from faking/copypasting screens anyway.

>> No.11585693

Done E3 within 1-2 hours. Definitely easier than E2. Going to rest for enough resources for E4.

>> No.11585694

Whoops. Missed that one because the URL wasn't formatted normally. Thanks.

>> No.11585506

>Also what do you mean by underleveled?
They are around level 5. My CV and BB combination work rather well for me throughout my admiralty.

>> No.11585511

So it is basically a CV map and bringing 2BB make you go elsewhere besides boss node.

>> No.11585512

sounds like just terrible luck to me. try throwing in a CL if you have one to see if that helps with the compass (even a low level one in one of the upper slots will get the job done as long as you aren't counting on it to blow up the boss). Maybe instead of the second CA.

>> No.11585513

Sure they work, but I'm surprised you didn't try to move away from that resource intense fleet.

>> No.11585697

I lost Level99 Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato, Haruna, Kongou, Hiei, Kirishima, Yamashiro, Fusou, Ise, Hyuuga, Kitakami, Ooi, Verny, Shigure, Yuudachi, and many more within the past few days.

>> No.11585701

Hmm, so I interpret those as; if I sparkle them up, they will be better than CA.Correct?

I'm taking one BB,Atago,Iku,KTKM,Ooi to E2.
For the last spot what do you suggest?
Another CA?

>> No.11585700

No detail about stats?

>> No.11585702

None at all so far.

>> No.11585527

I don't play as intensively as the better players here, so I guess I could afford it.

>> No.11585528
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hopefully you don't face that much aerial power (or none if you stick to south half) but I mostly used them for pre-emptive strikes.

You do *not* need the expedition fleet but running 2DD/2CVL don't cost much to deploy and usually kill 1-2 ships before the torpedo goddesses turn.
Every extra bit helps and reduce the overall cost of the operation.
They did show up with a 100% rate (6 times) but I sparkled the CVLs by running them solo through 1-1 every 2 sorties, which costed pretty much nothing by itself.

Tbh it was more a luxury than a real necessity but given the game nature, I'd rather spend an extra bit and ensure a total victory (cf attached screenshot).

>> No.11585703

Those CA just hose anyone. The best luck I had was running a ton of CA myself so they had a better chance of not going orange. Though it's a crap shoot, I found myself hoping my sub flagship targeted the first CA and the others would be eliminated before they could attack.

This is promising to hear.

>> No.11585705

They dont even need to be high lvl.

>> No.11585706

My E2 finisher was Yukikaze, Hibiki, Kongou, Haruna, I-58 and KTKM. I tried a CA but when I got to pre-boss node I got sent north every time so I kept my two BB's. Worked out better because the one time I went to boss with CA nobody touched her and no day battle because my girls killed everything else. Truly frustrating.

>> No.11585708

It's quest reward which newly added.
Devs already hinted it on their twitter.


>> No.11585710

Just finished E-2. If I were you, I'd kick the BB since CAs, DDs, CL/CLTs are better than it in night combats. If you want a resource friendly team, you can go 3DD, 2CA and 1CLT or you can replace one of them with an SS. For the last spot, I took Ooi which she finished off the boss with a cut-in.

>> No.11585714

2x46 always proc double attack for me.
There's no reason to gimp yourself

>> No.11585716

That means, from those new submarine quests?

>> No.11585543

I see, I guess you don't really need them and could use other CLs if they are compass-requirements but I'd still advise you to level-up since they are very versatile.

Your combination does work for most of the game but you will still face some battles that will require you to deploy lighter ships and it's still an expensive formation to use in the long run.

>> No.11585719

Probably. After all, I-8 did a technology exchange with Nazi Germany so who knows.

>> No.11585722

Been doing E-2 all day, on this last run, I found out my girls were as sick of it as I was. They ignored the destroyers completely and shot the boss until she was dead before targeting anything else.

Good girls. Ice cream soon. We're almost there.

>> No.11585551

Oh wow.
5dead before the fight even start. E3 is easy as fuck. So basically you only got 2CVL out of 4 ships sparkled and they show up 100% of the time?

>> No.11585723

I'm not letting any ship of mine sink.
Is your opinion still same?

So combining these, no BB while chipping.
For the final clear, bring 1-2BB.

Imuya,Atago,Iku,KTKM,Murakumo and Takao then.
KTKM last spot.

For last clear,2BB instead of Murakumo and Takao.

>> No.11585556

Hence my DD and CA. I really neglect my CL because of 3-2 but you're right, I should have a CL talent pool and now that I have Noshirou, maybe I could pair her up Isuzu. Too bad I don't have Yubari.

>> No.11585730
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>> No.11585732

A fully modernized lvl25 CA is better than a fully modernized lvl75 kongo.
Why would they sink if you bring in a sub? The boss hit for a miniscule damage and all the cruisers and DDs will target your sub. It is 100% safe to go in with orange if you have sub.

>> No.11585575

I can't say it's 100% for sure but they showed up 6 times out of 6 battles with only half the fleet sparkling (CVLs which were awfully easy to sparkle in 1-1).
I barely used the support expedition until now so I can't provide 100% sure data.

And yeah E3 felt quite like a pushover but I gathered intel about it beforehand -like avoiding including 2BB and having info about enemy formation on every node- which really came handy and saved me from headaches.

>> No.11585577

Dammit, KTKM and Inazuma are fucking crit magnets at the pre-boss node of E-2. Aside from failed runs with both red, last two boss fights were with KTKM in the orange (once with Inazuma in the red as well), both times I get day combat, both times I can't finish off the boss without KTKM's torpedo damage. Still chipping away at the gauge so it's fine for now, but something needs to give soon.

Meanwhile Yukikaze sure is doing her best to live up to her reputation, she almost NEVER gets targeted (and dodges on the rare occasions she does) and lets Inazuma, KTKM, and Maya eat all the attacks instead.

I used Isuzu for a couple runs way earlier and got boss once and north once, not that that's much of a sample size.

Just managed to get boss again with same composition though, hopefully I was just getting screwed by the RNG.

>> No.11585739

My current setup for E-2 is AV LC DD CA DD CVL.

Chitose blows up things in the non-boss nodes but she usually misses on the last node, so I can get the day battle and put my carrier to work. And having a carrier in the last slot doesn't matter that much because their sixth ship is usually sunk by the time I get there anyway.

I've knocked two points off the gauge so far.

>> No.11585742

> a sub
2 actually,I checked the temperature at E2 just a bit and my flagship SS got red.

So, I'm hoping they will split the damage.
Should I put emergency repair subs?


I'm not sure about this.Can they send planes at night?
If so, I always take the option of using my RJ.

>> No.11585744

No, they can't. Chitose whiffs, the four ships in the middle sink all but two ships, and I get day combat afterwards.

>> No.11585745

>2 subs
Kick out the other sub if you don't want the non-flagship sub be put in danger. One is enough.

>> No.11585749

If you are after day combat, bring a BB.
If you plan to finish everything by night time, bring more DD/CL/CA.

>> No.11585753

I feel like if I replace my carrier with a battleship I won't get as much day combat.

>> No.11585754

>No, they can't.

I don't get it.
Opening torpedo maybe?

But when flagship gets to red, you know I cannot proceed any further.
I don't have a emergency goddess.

>> No.11585757

Bringing a CV is much more effective in forcing day combat since they don't even fire at night.

>> No.11585762

I know. But what if the enemies decide to concentrate their fire on your non-flagship sub? Just 1 sub as flagship is enough. Though at the pre-boss node, you have to worry about those CAs since they won't target your sub. One possible formation on that node has 3 CAs.

>> No.11585763

She gets a regular cannon shot at night. I have a 15.5cm yellow on her.

>> No.11585769

>15.5cm yellow
They are nice.

So a combat proc.
I have only have lvl12 of sisters. Which level are your Chitose?

That was my reasoning for 2 subs.

Okay.I'll start with SS as a flagship, if she gets to the red too fast, I'll try double subs.

>> No.11585772

Chitose is level 37, but I didn't remodel her into an aircraft carrier.

>> No.11585774

So whats the recommended E4 fleet? Only know about the two kongo BBs and thats it.

Can I fill the other slot with stuff that would be good at night battles or do I need to add other ships to be able to get to the boss node?

>> No.11585775

is it normal to have your flagship sub get medium damaged at the first node and then heavy dmg on pre boss node, therefore forcing you to return to base? i mainly use formations 4/5...

>> No.11585779

Very informative. Thanks, dude.

>> No.11585780

I've been using KTKM, Ooi, Yuudachi k2, Tone, Kongou and Haruna. 3.5 hours in, just need one last kill.

>> No.11585781

Do you get to the boss every single time with that fleet? And how much did you spend so far in resources/buckets?

>> No.11585783


>> No.11585785

Do you sortie with everyone full sparkling? Or do you just dump buckets on everyone and hope for the best?

>> No.11585786

You bring both.
The BB is for you to proc 2shelling phase during day combat.

>> No.11585787

I want to beat E4 already so I can just farm E5 with 4 subs, running 4 subs is going to be so much fun

>> No.11585791

Went to boss 6 times, non-boss SW node 3 times.
About 40 buckets so far, and 6.5k fuel.

96, 90, 60, 48, 68, 68 in order posted.

Full sparkle every time. It's not too bad, since usually three kanmusu are sparkling at the end of the sortie.

>> No.11585792

Also, horizontal line formation (line abreast?) for non-boss nodes, and vertical line for boss node.

>> No.11585793

What do you use to sparkle them? I never bother with it because it takes so much time and it always wears off after a single sortie

>> No.11585795

The enemy boss counts as a battleship so you get two rounds anyway.

>> No.11585796

1-1 with sub-lvl10 Imuya and 2 destroyers. I hate seeing kanmusu sink, and having Imuya prevents that.

>> No.11585798

Oh shit. I didnt know about that, thanks.

>> No.11585804

Im going to try it with a fleet around level 50 when I get at least 15k ammo and fuel, hope I can clear it.

Did you use the support expeditions or emergency repair items?

>> No.11585810

>fleet around level 50

I'm going to be extremely envious if someone manages to do this. I'm currently leaving the event alone for a long while to grind 3-3 like 50-60 times a day.

>> No.11585815

They're fully modernized and I had no issues at all sinking the bosses in E1, E2 and E3.

Should be able to sink E4 boss too if I get day battle but the amount of resources spent worry me, I don't want to run out of resources when im about to clear it

>> No.11585816

Doesnt seem like many ppl are bringing the torpedo sisters to E4. Is there a specific reason? Most of the compositions I have read are pretty much BB(kongous)/CA/DD.

>> No.11585818

should i just stop using a sub for flag because they keep to seem getting too damaged just before the boss, and use like a lvl 20 tenryuu for flag instead

>> No.11585824

Me again.

Tried SS flagship with full sparkling team.
SS got red and I got back.

>> No.11585828

Just go with what works for you, a lot people are just doing what works for them.

>> No.11585831

Torpedoes don't damage the final boss I think? Could be wrong.

>> No.11585834

Type 3 rounds.

>> No.11585839

What level was your sub? When I did a sub run, my Imuya is 37 and she only got orange all the way to the boss. Though I still preferred 3DD 2CA 1CLT since I find them more effective. I formed 2 fleets for rotation: Akatsuki, Hibiki, Furutaka, Takao and Ooi on 2nd fleet and Inazuma, Ikazuchi, Atago, Maya and Kitakami for 1st fleet. Their levels range from 30-40.

>> No.11585858

Hopefully that's true. I was planning to get my DDs, CAs and torpedo monsters to around 70 before trying to tackle E-4, which I should be able to do within 14-15 days if I can keep up the pace.

>> No.11585867


Well maybe I get tricked by the anons who were claiming Iku is far more stronger than Imuya.

I will try with Imuya this time.With 2 SS.

I can have only one rotation like that. The 2nd one would 10-20 level.

Annd, you were right.
Low level Iku got hurt to orange in one shot.
Imuya avoided many attempts.

Well, I at least I learnt something.
Level your subs.

>> No.11585875

They need to fix the bloody meter so the sliver that's left isn't covered by the graphic.

I'll finish the bugger off in the morning.

>> No.11585882

Oh wait I forgot to mention Shimakaze and Yukikaze for the 2 fleets I made.
Iku is indeed stronger than Imuya since at low levels, equipped with a midget-sub, she's already critting enemies with her opening torpedoes while Imuya and Goya who were at similar levels back then are only started critting when they were already 20+

>> No.11585890

Cleared E-3 with weird luck. Depleted the boss health bar but the boss is still in red, so I had a chance to enter the night battle. In one shot, my Kongou killed the boss and cleared the map.

I thought I need to beat the boss one more time, but no. Good job, my fleet. Free Mamiya ice cream for all.

>> No.11585907

I've gotten to the boss with a lvl 15 Imuya with and without a +10 turbine. It's just luck and it's a little more reliable and sustainable than no SS flagship, since a crit without that SS is going to at least need a bucket but also could turn you around sooner since it might make a non-flagship orange. I will say that most of my good attempts were with my turbined 52 Gouya.

I got to the boss node without the sub as well, It just seemed like the sub overall let me make more attempts with less blown resources. For the record I've got a 52 upgraded Gouya, 22 Gouya, 15 Imuya with a turbine and 15 Imuya without a turbine.

Also I felt like Line Ahead was more reliable since you can get lucky and have your fleet destroy most of the threats to the sub before they even attempt an attack. The real trick are the CA in the preboss node.

>> No.11585908

Iku is stronger than Imuya but she needs to be around 20ish to do well in e2.

>> No.11585909

I guess torpedo sisters can be put in 1st so that they will take out the other ships and let the BBs target the boss later?

>> No.11585913

So far, if my ships hit orange on the pre-boss node, I always advanced and nobody sunk at the boss considering her accuracy is piss poor. As for other nodes, I always go double vertical and only suffered a few criticals which always came from cut-ins from those torpedo cruisers then I switch to vertical once I reach the boss. I've already finished E-2 though so I'll just grind at 3-3 first to prepare for E-3

>> No.11585922

I wonder how one can unlock those submarine quests...

>> No.11585924

Thank you

I'm confident about E2.
And people says E3 is even easier.

After I cleared these, hopefully there will be enough tips for E4,maybe even E5

>> No.11585928

Hahahah them japs.

>> No.11585930

I keep getting an error upon clicking the link in my confirmation email. It says it's an illegal action. Help?

>> No.11585931

If thats the case wouldnt having DDs redundant in E4?

>> No.11585934

To be honest, luck will be the decisive factor in clearing E-2. Sure, you may have depleted the gauge but good luck sinking the boss when your ships kept targeting the grunts instead of her and the compass sending you to the north dead end. It took me 12 tries to sink the boss after I've emptied its gauge and lost 4k resources and that's when running 3DD2CA1CLT.

>> No.11585938

Dont right click the link.
Or try a differnt vpn.

>> No.11585942

E3 is easy because everyone has a high lvl BB and CVs.

>> No.11585943

By completing the other quests. It's expedition 29 apparently.

>> No.11585945

So I heard.

I'm an abstract autism level patient man.I think I will be okay.

>> No.11585948
File: 34 KB, 1595x636, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been right clicking, and I've tried three different VPNs, image still happening

>> No.11585949

You don't need VPN for making DMM account, actually

>> No.11585950

That's what I thought too until my Atago ate a crit again, 3am in the morning, after my 27th tries. I felt like I'm being played with.

>> No.11585951
File: 266 KB, 548x750, 39467136_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what happens when Hanabiras become ships?

>> No.11585952

I cleared E-3 and all I got was this wonderful Hatsukaze. It's so easy I'd consider farming it if I didn't have to go into a resource deprived hibernation to prepare for E-4.

Much thanks for the advice by the way, the support fleet would have been total overkill but I breezed through 6/7 times as soon as I was using a similar setup to what you had. I never even touched the side nodes. Every other composition I had tried up till now had me hitting dead ends for about fifteen tries in a row with no boss in sight. Even though only about 2/3s of the attempts were with them I'd call that confirmation that 2 BBs is a no go.

>> No.11585953

so this is going to be permanent?

>> No.11585956

Apparently. JP wiki has listed it down as 3 submarines with question marks so I assume it's the new one. Just wait a bit, the fleet composition should be out within a week.

>> No.11585954

What am I doing wrong then? I followed the wiki's tutorial.

>> No.11585957

Tried making account without VPN?

>> No.11585959


Who is this tripfag and why sould I care?

>> No.11585960

Sounds horrible.
You have endured well Teitoku.

>> No.11585963

Cut in for the new 53cm torp.

>> No.11585965

If you don't care then filter it, that is what I did not even a big deal

>> No.11585966

My bad, I forgot to turn it off. I'm not from here, I 'd just not been getting help elsewhere.

I have.

>This page is not available in your area.
>For those who use the service from overseas, please refer to our HELP page.

>> No.11585970

I actually feel guilty hating my ships. Coincidentally, they apparently had enough too as the next morning they decided to kill everything in the boss node. It was glorious.

That looks hilarious. I'm imagining Goya summoning a ship just to ram the enemy.

>> No.11585977


are you even trying?
registering english DMM account without VPN works fine.
and regarding the email, you should copy-paste the confirmation link to your browser address bar, clicking the link itself wouldn't work.

>> No.11585978

I want Kitakami to cut-in with a 53cm torpedo and target Abukuma

>> No.11585979

my bangs went into orbit

>> No.11585980

He's an outsider normie, what did you expect

>> No.11585982

>That looks hilarious. I'm imagining Goya summoning a ship just to ram the enemy.

Is she a stand user?

>> No.11585987

We now have a submarine that summons torpedoes out of books. I'm not going to be surprised when we have ship daughters that have stands to carry their cannons.

>> No.11585990


I await the day when one ship daughter yells ORA ORA ORA as she fires her cannons.

>> No.11585997

I do believe there's already one like that. Tenryuu? I know I've heard something like that before.

>> No.11586000

I think it's Maya.

>> No.11586002


>> No.11586006
File: 60 KB, 677x357, muh exp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why I am no longer getting matchup with people at my level?
All these low lvl ships....

>> No.11586007

No Tenryuu, they are too busy stifling their laughter at tryhards like you.

>> No.11586008

Nenohi says Mudamudamuda when entering YASEN

>> No.11586010

What's your level? Could it be due to the rank reset?

>> No.11586011

Testing out E-4 water, surprisingly my fleet did well until those BB bastards did cut-in attack. I could see this gonna be much worse than E-2.

>> No.11586013

I really like Nenohi's design, loli with spats and braids. Her voice, on the other hand, is terrible.

>> No.11586014

3 subs is a fantastic way to complete 2-3 for the daily boss kills/supply ship quests.

>> No.11586015
File: 73 KB, 749x448, TheTimeHasCome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's challenging me, isn't he?

>> No.11586017

I used to get match up with 4guys from my level and 1high level dude.
What changed?

>> No.11586018

>why should I care?
You shouldn't care, but you do, seeing as how you went out of your way to remark on it. Please work on both of those things.

>> No.11586019

yeah but I'm doing this for fuel and the extra fuel consumption is rather wasteful

>> No.11586032
File: 66 KB, 942x494, 013ee5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586034

Classy motherfucker.

>> No.11586035


It's not bad when you factor in completing the quests.

>> No.11586039

I have a feeling I'm going to see Musashi on my practice matches from now

>> No.11586041

Finally cleared E-2 thanks to KTKM-sama, guess I'll take a break for a bit and do some research for E-3.

>> No.11586048

I've resorted to slowly chipping away at the HP of boss E-4.

I've never sunk her once. After about 20 sorties I finally got her health down to near zero.

And then I realized that I need to sink her for the final round. Which I can't.

Anyone got any ideas?

>> No.11586051

At least you can make it past the first node.. Suffering big losses because they somehow crit one of my ships down to red on the first node. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.11586052

Same thing just happened to me.
Felt a bit easier than yesterday, I wonder if it's because fatigue could come down over night completely.

>> No.11586055

20 sorties as in, 20 times reaches the boss node or only 20 times for overall E-4?

>> No.11586060

20 times inclusive of all my retreats due to devastating damage. I reached the boss about 12 times.

>> No.11586059

Expedition support?

>> No.11586061

Do you have green ammo? Put those with green ammo at last slot and let the your support and the first few ships clear the rest so that the last few slots would concentrate on the boss.

>> No.11586065

Holy shit, that's surprisingly low. That means, roughly 10k resources or even lower?

>> No.11586066

I've already loaded green ammo on every capable ship.
From my experience, the expedition support doesn't deal significant enough damage to make a difference, but I'll try.

>> No.11586068

Two is reliable enough imo. 3 may be better for quest completion, but 2 is optimal.

>> No.11586071

yeah that's what I thought too. plus if you're doing lots of sub runs completing the quests shouldn't be an issue at all

>> No.11586073

I wonder, for night map like E-2 and E-4, does the support fleet return after every sortie or after they give support attack in day battle?

>> No.11586074

I have come this far from E-1 to E-4 on 20k resources each in total. This is not inclusive of the regen and expeditions I have running, I merely took the starting and current.

I have 5k fuel and ammo, and 10k steel and 15k bauxite (because I didn't use aircraft carriers much)

>> No.11586076

Alright, that's good to hear. Currently I'm waiting for having free time to clear E-4 and E-5. Standing by with around 30k resources each type, I thought I would be bankrupt after E-4. Seems that's not the case, I hope.

>> No.11586078

I think that I spent about 600 odd for E-1. My current investments into E-2 has been about 1200 fuel 2400 ammo or so. Only 3/5 clear.

Bucket wise, 12 since start of event.

My current reserve is 56k/54k/65k/59k. I am a bit worried about the later events.

>> No.11586082

Oh god /jp/ I'm crying.
I just lost Haruna on E4... but she was saved by the repair crew.
Even with that it's still fucking scary.
I want to go home ;_;

>> No.11586084

Just how bad was it at E-4?

>> No.11586086

Make sure to get a screenshot when she sunk next time.

>> No.11586092

So now that the event is on, should I leave a low level ship for them to get easy sparkle or just leave a high level one?

>> No.11586095

High level ships with lower armor (i.e. not BBs) if possible. Event-clearing fleets should be able to beat one or two with no problem and they get a load more XP.

>> No.11586097

I will sacrifice my top 2 DD then. Both of them level 47 though.

>> No.11586099


Do it. I've had other Admirals do the same for me and yourself possibly, so do the same for them.

>> No.11586100

All 4 subs, of course.

>> No.11586101

I'm this guy >>11586048

Does anyone know how many battleships I can get away with for E-4 before compass stops sending me to the boss?

I know there is a strict two-kongou policy, I'm going to put in Mutsuand someone else. I really need a way to sink airport-chan.

>> No.11586102

Yeah, that's why I'm doing it as well. I'm returning the favour to those admirals who graciously leave a low level DD for practices.

Let's not be a dick here.

>> No.11586108

Personally I tried 4 and got to Boss without problems. Good Luck!

>> No.11586109

Thanks. Who were the other two ships?

>> No.11586115

Is it confirmed that 2nd or 3rd enemy ship must survive to advance into day battle?

>> No.11586118 [DELETED] 

sick /v/-level quantity of posts

over a thousand in less than a day, fuck off to /vg/

>> No.11586128


So Kancolle is already getting it's own events? That seems nice.

>> No.11586137 [SPOILER] 
File: 685 KB, 708x1000, BYHvCHiCUAACzTD.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you remodel?

>> No.11586140

No. Aircraft carrier Kaga is best Kaga and the best aircraft carrier.

>> No.11586141
File: 773 KB, 808x572, areyoukiddingme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it.

>> No.11586143

I'm kind of put off by the designs. They're trying the moe crowd too hard.

>> No.11586147

as shitty as Kongou Kai 2

>> No.11586152

Once more unto the breach, dear ships, once more!

>> No.11586154
File: 707 KB, 794x473, BYETfqJCMAEDNiS.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it easy.

>> No.11586156

Kaga was originally gonna be the next and bestest after Nagato.

>> No.11586157

Is type 3 absolutely needed for E4? I have only gotten 1 type 3 after 30+ tries and am kind off low on ammo now.

>> No.11586158
File: 92 KB, 475x368, kancollesleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got 20 days, fellow teitokus. Take it easy.

>> No.11586159

not like it's the first one. There were another one few weeks ago and there'll be another one tomorrow http://takama.ne.jp/kancolle/

>> No.11586162

But we lost 3 days already. Panic mode is setting in.

>> No.11586163

My goodness. She's so lewd.

>> No.11586165

this. I've finished E-3 and called it a day. My attempt at E-4 will be next weekend. E-5 the following week.

>> No.11586166


All destroyer flotilla manages to do about half of Henderson's health in. Doesn't look possible to to actually kill the boss with just destroyers, so it looks like I have to grind all those battleships and cruisers I neglected.

>> No.11586167

Conveniently, I just got an hour back due to DST, so I'll stay up just a bit longer...

>> No.11586172

This orchestra remix is really good.

>> No.11586168

Only 3 weekends for people who are busy on the weekdays.

>> No.11586169

Well, you have to save some days for finding boss drops.

>> No.11586170

Just cleared E-3 , where the fuck is Agano?

>> No.11586174

She's just a random drop there.

>> No.11586175

She's a random boss drop. You'll have to save time to grind that too.

>> No.11586176

Random boss drop from E3 onwards.

>> No.11586177

Random boss drop buddy

>> No.11586181
File: 86 KB, 861x515, ktiaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone struggling with E-2, this is the perfect formation. After 2 days of hell I decided to try this, using ----- formation on the way to the boss and | in boss stage. Guaranteed kill every time.
Also, stack turbines on Goya

>> No.11586182

No..never again ;_;
S-she will be craftable later, right?

>> No.11586184

Anyone else playing this at work? I usually run expeditions all day while my boss makes fun at my under-levelled fleets.

>> No.11586186

Horizontal formation maximise evasion but wouldn't protect you from getting an accidental crit from the CA. There's also the problem of not killing the boss at during the night battle. There's so much a player can optimise when E-2 is all about being lucky.

>> No.11586188 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1000x1333, 38795260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On /vg/. Fuck off.

>> No.11586192

I'm in school. Would usually run expeditions during the day and play a few hours before sleeping. Fighting E-3 is not ideal during the weekdays.

>> No.11586194

Fuck you. /vg/ doesn't know shit about this. It's on wikiwiki.

>> No.11586197
File: 552 KB, 900x1200, sinking prevention poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't typesetted any of these in awhile due to the event stuff.

>> No.11586198

So you're the type that would just spam battle for a few hours and expedition mostly?

>> No.11586199

>my boss makes fun at my under-levelled fleets
Clearly you should get Musashi before him to show him what you're made of.

>> No.11586202


>> No.11586206
File: 1.30 MB, 1900x2533, 38714369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's implying that 90% of the posters in these threads don't already frequent there in the first place. This is not /jp/ related, and as time goes on it'll be even less related.

1k posts in less than 24 hours is faster than pretty much every general on /vg/ that isn't about league or dota. You're more than qualified to your own general there, fuck off.

>> No.11586208
File: 688 KB, 900x1140, 39517373_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Change "a few hours" to "a couple of hours" and that is describes my playing schedule.

An alternative image if you wish.

>> No.11586214

Oh you're that autist, shouldn't have bothered.

>> No.11586220

So you just want us to spill kancolle into 15 different threads like you do with 2hu? Sounds okay to me.

>> No.11586221 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 500x666, 38161292_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're one of those people that visit /vg/ regularly, too.

You know it belongs there as much as I do. The longer you wait before migrating, the saltier you'll end up being when "muh board culture" is no longer an excuse.

>> No.11586223

Jesus fuck, is it that hard to ignore that poster?

>> No.11586226

You overestimate the intelligence of some people.

>> No.11586242
File: 373 KB, 667x400, E-2 repair works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with E-2?
creeps spamming combo attacks...

>> No.11586249

Only two docks?

You can't expect to pass E-2 with that.

>> No.11586247
File: 104 KB, 800x480, 1383456671522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11586250



>> No.11586251

He just need to get gud. I cleared with 2 docks and ~40 lv average party.

>> No.11586255

You mean get lucky.

>> No.11586259
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1774, 3522481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing! So how far can you get with only beefing up, and caring for one character, if at all?

>> No.11586260
File: 493 KB, 800x600, 1383477372646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate her.

>> No.11586261


>> No.11586265
File: 56 KB, 400x503, 133643065910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my iku got lost by accident
is there a way to get her back ? or re-drop ?

>> No.11586271

solo or dual for 2-3 sub runs?

>> No.11586273

Why are you throwing away resources?
There is a reason why this is a newbie map and they give you a sub for E1. Use it.

>> No.11586278
File: 618 KB, 824x496, fucking finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 6 hours, 10k fuel / ammo / steel, 67 buckets. To the ones who suggested sparkling everyone before sortieing, I fucking love you guys.

>> No.11586279

day battle works great with me, problem?

>> No.11586303


How often did you get to the boss using this lineup?

>> No.11586304

Does it matter what BB you use for E-3?

>> No.11586317


I used Mutsu myself, with a double attack setup

>> No.11586325

Alright, I'll bring out my Nagato then, thanks.

>> No.11586329

I've went the dead end around 5 times, though there were a couple of times I went to the boss node and do nothing to her.

Just need a lot of patience, and personally I continue even when my ships are orange and sometimes red when the ship in question has a repair crew.

>> No.11586331


So there's no recommended setup fleet per se for E-4 unlike E-3, or did you just happen to like that lineup?

What about the levels of your girls, by the way?

>> No.11586339

On multiple occasions 1-1 run does not give me sparkle.

Yes, I go through 2 nodes.
Even to night battles.
How important winning there?

>> No.11586342

You went to Night Battle, that's why; retard.

>> No.11586343

Don't go to night battles. Just fight the two battles and return to base. 100% sparkle.

>> No.11586344
File: 96 KB, 714x349, AboutTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on the kill. It is definitely a great feeling when you finally down it. Right now I am trying to think of the ideal set up for E-5. Of course I could just 'grind' the bar down via sub daughters but I need to think of what would be needed for the kill. Any ideas people?

>> No.11586346


So I don't go to night battles.
Thank you.

>> No.11586349

I just followed the same 2CA / 2 kongous line up in wikiwiki. I just picked Yukikaze and KTKM since they had the highest evasion.

Haguro's the lowest at 63. Everyone else is at mid70s. Sanshiki + single jujin is more than enough to kill the boss. You just need really high evasion and armor to survive getting there.

>> No.11586350

4 Kongou class + 2 CA.

>> No.11586351

So I discovered something really strange. I was doing my usual 2-3 sub runs when both Goya and Imuya got hit to medium damage. After an awkward moment of nothing happening in the post-battle torpedo phase, I got a B-rank win despite not even killing a single ship and their damage bar being more than mine. Some kind of glitch with the torpedo phase perhaps?

>> No.11586354

Sorry what's a jiujin?

>> No.11586356

/jp/, question. Are SSV still not treated at SS by the game? I can finally remodel Iku, but I remember the problem with remodeling Goya when it comes to sub quests...

>> No.11586358

I think he meant 単縦陣

>> No.11586360


She seems cost-efficient ,even among other SS.

>> No.11586362

Nope, now that you lost her, you can't get her back until they decide to make her a build.

Saying that though, how the fuck did you lose your I-19?

>> No.11586364

Oh right, oops. Thanks.

>> No.11586366

I don't think this has been changed. SSV will be treated as a CV for expedition even now. Better not modify the Iku from the looks of it until you've done the expedition.

>> No.11586368

Yes, SSV are not SS. And no I doubt it will be fixed soon. In the same vein, Torpedo Cruisers are not Light Cruisers, and Seaplane Carriers are not Light Aircraft Carriers; Aviation Cruisers are not Heavy Cruisers, and Aviation Battleships are not Battleships.

When a quest says it wants something, give it that exact thing. Some quests accept different ships (like the ones that say "any kind of carrier") but that does not mean CVL == CV.

>> No.11586375

What levels are your ships? I can run this comp but my destroyers are only lvl 40, rest are 50-60. I could do some 3-2 powerlevel I suppose.

>> No.11586376

My destroyers are 40+ when they start E-2. Don't worry, all armour are paper-thin in night battle.

>> No.11586379

glad I could have helped!

>> No.11586386
File: 338 KB, 1456x1066, henderson field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait until you get to the next event, featuring a minefield boss with an effect that grants a 50% chance for your ships to strike a mine and take damage whenever they try to attack.

But don't worry, minesweepers are introduced to make the mine mechanic easier! You can get your very first by defeating her.

>> No.11586390

continued the journey by accident and closed the flashplayer when ive realized that she's at 1hp in the next battle.
ive got some shit luck

>> No.11586396

So the general consensus is that its better to not remodel to SSV? Is it worth it to forgo the extra equip slot?

>> No.11586403

You have 1 Iku.
Do you want her to remain eligible for quests and expeditions?

>> No.11586414

That reminds me the dev finally jumped over the line and decided to personify Henderson Field. So what are the chances of Pearl Harbour chan?

>> No.11586419

For an airstrip, she really is bustier than RJ.

>> No.11586422

60k bauxite minimum. Full CV fleets else you get redirected to minefield nodes.

>> No.11586423

Why couldn't we just have a happy "the whole world's sunken ships come back as cute girls to fight deep sea monster ships" game

>> No.11586424

Compulsory Akagi, Kaga, Soryuu and Hiryuu.

>> No.11586425

Boss has battleships for grunts a.k.a Battleship's Row.

>> No.11586426

Oh yeah. So it's all but explicitly said that the abyss is basically the Allied forces. A pity, I'd like to have some americlap girls play around with the rest of my fleet.

>> No.11586428

We need Midway event. You have to have CarDiv1 and CarDiv2 to do it, and you have to survive against 3x flagship level golden Wo-class.

>> No.11586430

That's her fuel tank. Else how would those air creatures get their nutrients?

>> No.11586431

It should also be mandatory to set up 5th Carrier Division as your support fleet.

>> No.11586433

I realized something. The RNG is basically analogous to the Japanese high command and their stupidity, while the endless number of ships of Abyssal fleet is akin to the industrial might of America.

Being a Teitoku of the IJN is truly suffering.

>> No.11586434

Or we could have The Great Marianas Turkey Shoot.

>> No.11586438

And then we're going on the "what-ifs" wherein Japan will win the war and the next event will be like we have to shell "San Francisco".

>> No.11586443

I really, really want Enterprise-chan brag about taking vengeance over all of IJN for killing her sisters, Yorktown and Hornet

>> No.11586448

And they tease her as to how she was instead scrapped instead of being preserved like the younger carriers who didn't even see the start of the war.

>> No.11586450

What are these plane critters, anyway? Abyss equivalent to the fairies?

American ships aren't unlikely, after all your own ships come back as monsters after they get sunk too. Maybe America didn't get in on this ship necromancy business soon enough and most of its navy got converted to Abyss ships before they could be revived as cute girls.

I really wouldn't mind a CV-focused event, though, what with them being completely unnecessary this event. Plus it'd set a good stage for Shinano as the big prize. But what I really want is a minefield event because there's a non-zero chance that some IJN minelayer could be a prize.

>> No.11586453

I wouldn't be surprised if Enterprise ends up being an event boss.

>> No.11586455

I'm really unsettled by how easy E-3 seems after E-2.

>> No.11586457

It's been brutal for me. I am now at the18th attempt, with 1800 fuel and 3500 ammo gone already. 4/5 done.

>> No.11586461

That would be a mulit-tier fight. After finishing killing her, she will come back as something bigger and meaner. At the last stage, there will be only one enemy, her and the other five slots will be different parts of her body. She will be the very personification of a state.

>> No.11586463

Don't forget about an Alaskan campaign. The final destination is Anchorage.

>> No.11586466

Or we could have an Operation Hailstone event. There's no compass bullshit, we just sit on Truk and defend ourselves from wave upon wave of bombers and fighters until the enemy surface fleet arrives and the surface battle begins.

>> No.11586467

The Germans are more or less went into being likely the first foreign navy to be implemented.

Naval Fw 190 and Ta 152 then? Delicious clap, bong and sovok tears will be had.

>> No.11586470

A pure defensive event would be pretty great. Even better if they made it as a community effort where joint fleets could help defend the different sector. The reward would scale on how well the whole community defend with players that contribute the most getting higher tier rewards, etc.

>> No.11586475

Really? I've gotten to the boss 3/5 times so far and the first time I accidentally put a CAV instead of a CA.

>> No.11586477

Seeing other players' fleets cut-in during your battles would be fantastic.

>> No.11586478

I wish they extend include several different bosses with different rewards on the same map so you can happily do those over and over again with different ships. This high speed low speed thing just isn't interesting enough.

>> No.11586480
File: 504 KB, 836x1218, 38266366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they finally got a German campaign going, it'd be hilarious.

Bismarck-chan and Prinz Eugen chan start off at Denmark Strait, fighting 1 BC 1 BB 2 CA. The fight must end with the sinking of the flagship (HMS Hood).

After that, the fleet has to fight against 1 CV 3BB 3CA and 6 DD,

Recommended setup: 46cm, 10.5cm FlaK 38, turbine, Freya Radar on Bismarck.

>> No.11586482

I've seen a lot of back and forth about E-2 fleet comps in this thread - is there even a specific composition that guarantees the boss node, or even alters the chances?

I plan to head in with SS, KTKM/Ooi, BB and two DDs, but I'm still unsure what order I should put them in. Since it's all night-battle minisubs on CLTs are useless, right?

>> No.11586483

Wait, CAv doesn't work for E3? I've leveled one 1-42 already when I started yesterday just for E3...

>> No.11586484

It would be nice to have a ship that only drops at a non-boss end node, so that being directed off-route isn't so bad anymore.

This event has previously boss-only ships on non-boss nodes anyway, so it is still a significant challenge.

>> No.11586485

No. I meant to say 18th attempt at E-2.

>> No.11586487

There are a few requirements you need to meet if you want a successful run and frankly anything works.

I use disposable lv1 ships since they are disposable, they sink before the boss so I don't deal enough damage to her and thus enabling me to go into the day battle, plus I save on resources and repair time.

Different strokes for different folks, but generally bring a decently leveled fleet so you don't eat random crits left and right.

>> No.11586488

I use 2BB, 2CA and 2DD. Goes straight to the boss node and through the whirlpool. Slight chance of going north. The only common theme is having CAs and CLs.

>> No.11586490

Depends on the formation you pick I think. I've been using 1BB, 1CLT, 2CV, 2CA and it seems to be sending me to the boss node most of the time.

>> No.11586491

4 DDs Kitakami and a BB will always bring you to the pre-boss node and a majority of the time to the boss too.

>> No.11586493

Yeah, this is what I used after some trial and error.

>> No.11586495

>1 - 42 in 1 day

That's 82K XP a day. Please teach me your ways.

>> No.11586499

You can pull that off rather easily if you don't give a damn about your resource. I've gotten subs from 1-50 in a day before after all...

>> No.11586501

3 subs on repair rotation in 3-2-1. With the only cooldown time being fatigue. Also pvp.

>> No.11586503


I wanted to whine a bit about no sub here but this setup is pretty damn resource-efficient...

Did you use any specific lineup order? I've seen it mentioned a few times. Line abreast for trash, ahead for boss?

>> No.11586505

Allied aircraft can be a possibility. After all, Japan captured a few F4U Corsairs and P-51 Mustangs during the war and tested them against their own planes. If they introduced the Stuka because Japan received its designs, then it's also plausible for them to introduce captured planes.

>> No.11586507

I have no problem levelling subs at insane speeds but that's only because fatigue is usually not a factor due to the constant MVPs.

I am running 5 subs on rotation on 3-3-1 and am struggling to pull off even 40K XP daily due to fatigue. 82K XP a day for a non-sub, and especially a non-carrier or torpedo monster seems frankly impossible for me.

>> No.11586511

It's not a single day. It's well over evening here.

>> No.11586518

So what's the general set up for E5?
I tried Ooi KTKM 4 Kongous but it just went straight to E instead of north. And would the type 3 ammo still be useful against the boss or am I free to return to using 46cms?

>> No.11586519

Sigh. 19th attempt, A ranking at boss node. My ships didn't even target boss for E-2. I am 4/5 done for that matter... 1900 fuel 3800 ammo or so.

3rd day into dealing this boss, 4/20 days gone already. This is making me very worried.

>> No.11586520

>Lv90 Nagato, Lv85 Haruna, Lv? Haruna, Lv65 Maya, 2 Lv? I-19, 2x Lv? Fuso, 2x Lv? Yamashiro

And apparently a lot of lv99 holos by some anon.

>> No.11586521
File: 296 KB, 600x500, 1383486264867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More E-5 info from Futaba.

>> No.11586524

God, I'm blind, it's E-4.

>> No.11586529

E3 boss keeps on giving me common drops. This makes me sad.

>> No.11586530

What's your setup? I used the 2 gun combo on all my ships except Kitakami who was last. I got multiple S-rank Clears with that.

>> No.11586532
File: 382 KB, 634x380, E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, fuck E2.
And fuck every single one of you who cleared it.
That's a day battle with Isuzu, KTKM and Ooi last torpedoing the boss.

>> No.11586533

i do the disposable lvl 1 ships as well, i feel lesser of a shitty teitoku now

not really

>> No.11586540

Obviously it's because Ooi and KTKM aren't pleased that Isuzu is there to ruin their alone time.

>> No.11586542

1SS 1CL 2DD 2CA. Everybody is running guns. CL and CA have 20.3 and 15.5 triple mount secondary.

>> No.11586544

I guess the nips conclude that 10/90/60/30 has a better chance to craft Type3 than 10/90/90/30 huh. I cant read moon, did they mention about any flagship needed for crafting?

>> No.11586545

So, what does it say?

>> No.11586552

Hmm, I did 4DD, 1BB(don't think it was necessary), and 1 CLT. Had much better luck with this than when I was using the subs, no one ever missed when I reached the boss and took out every fodder allowing a clean shot in night battle.

>> No.11586554
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>> No.11586557
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These are by no means 100% accurate and foolproof, it's just things good for you to know when you're attempting those maps.

>> No.11586564

What is the regeneration rate of bosses E-3, E-4 and E-5?

>> No.11586575

Are red planes really that undesirable? My Kaga with Ryusei and Ryusei Kai still seems to deal next to no damage most of the time anyway.

>> No.11586581

Damn, and to think I only have the Shiden Kai 2 as my top tier fighter. What do I do, stack Type 52 Zeroes on 1 Carrier and a shitload of Tenzans and Ryuuseis on the other?

>> No.11586596

Craft 'em till you get 'em. If you ain't going to use those stored up resources now, then when?

>> No.11586597

You're better off killing the mooks before the main shelling phase using blue planes to save you turns.

>> No.11586602

Just tried that 10/90/60/30. Second time gave me a Type 3 ammo though I wanted to craft some more but I'm saving my resources for E-3. Flagship is Kongou by the way
Everything I crafted turned to be more Tenzans and Zero 52 fighters. I'm not splurging any more resources after that.

>> No.11586605

Holy shit, that one single sub in E-3 has forced me back more often than anything else, crits my Kongou for 50 damage, even with anti-sub formation.

>> No.11586608

What recipe do you use? I used an old one I picked up from http://kancolle.doorblog.jp/archives/32511694.html (20/60/10/210), and like they say there's a roughly 30% of getting holo/S holos.

>> No.11586616

You lucky bastard. Was it Kongou Kai2?

>> No.11586617

Let me guess, you got T-advantage?

>> No.11586618

Similar to yours except mine is 100 bauxite less. As much as possible, I don't wanna try high resource recipes given as to how I have shitty luck when it comes to crafting. Maybe I'll try that 210 once I gather my resources back. I have plenty of bauxite, it's just the ammo I'm conserving since it getting below 10k already.
Nope, just her first remodel.

>> No.11586619

If true, that means I've been doing it wrong the whole time. Always used 20/60/10/110 and got very little holos, if at all.

>> No.11586622

Some nip did some research and conclude every 10 baux gives ~1% increase chance of horo

>> No.11586624

Well then, time to try it out I guess.

>> No.11586625

Just did 11 of those, got two Type 3s.

>> No.11586626

So 300 bauxite gives a 30% increase in holo?

>> No.11586628

I got 2 with the 10/90/90/30 recipe yesterday.
I was either lucky or the 60 doesn't increase the chance

>> No.11586629

Kaga used the 210 recipe 4 times yesterday and got a 知らない子 from it.
I put it on Akagi and she's still playing dumb with me.

My personal experience with that recipe has always been "it will give you a S holo... eventually". Some it's it's 3 times, sometimes it's 12. At the end of the day I always get a new one though.

>> No.11586630

I think the point of the 60 is just to excludes the AP ammo

>> No.11586634

I did that formula yesterday as well and got 10 too so ultimately this one just seems to be a cheaper version.

Then again trying out a formula 10 times isn't exactly a good judgement for it's chances.

>> No.11586637

Wish I knew that yesterday. Went at it a dozen times and I got 1 type 3 and like... 4 type 91s.

>> No.11586639

The only thing I notice from the high baux recipe is that I never get any rare dive bombers from it. I'm swimming in Reppus and has a nice supply of Ryusei-kai.

>> No.11586640

Crafted twice using Akagi and Kaga. One failed, one a one star bomber.
This is bull-fucking-shit.

>> No.11586645

2 crafts is a practically meaningless sample size.

>> No.11586651

So which of you have gotten Musashi already?
The sub tactic is pretty cheap but I have no idea how to completely finish off the boss. Should I bring CVs along once her gauge is empty?

>> No.11586652

I tried some more and it shat out more one star planes and penguins. I don't wanna splurge some more bauxite.
Goddamn I'm sticking to the standard 20/60/10/110.

>> No.11586655

Yeah. The recipe is now knows as wasting bauxite recipe.
It doesn't give you 2x normal recipe worth results.
And you can always set 100 baux to remove the chance of getting unwanted Saiun which we already have enough numbers.

Here's a guy compared 100 samples of both recipes with his friend.

>> No.11586657

It's not like you'd need a shitton of bauxite for this event so why not spend some of your probably overkill bauxite stockpile.

>> No.11586661

I found the 20/60/10/110 more economical since it gave me more 3 star planes than other high bauxite recipes I formerly used. I'll give it some more tries but once I'm done with it then I'm done.

>> No.11586662

The two recipes have roughly the same chances for rare planes anyway.

>> No.11586663
File: 35 KB, 396x169, FUCK THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeling rather pissed off... 21st attempt led to this, because the boss at E2 had 7hp left.

>> No.11586665

Looks like she won't die with the 7 hp anyway.

>> No.11586666

10/90/60/30 seems to have higher chance of fail craft and I have not seen one type3 in 20 tries. My poor ammo.

>> No.11586668

2DD CL CA BB Kitakami setup works pretty well in E2. Everyone is set up for double attacks, apart from cut-in Kitakami who blapped the boss twice already.

Makes me optimistic about my chances to actually get both subs in the long run, I've got two weekends left and my work is slow enough I can afford to send a few 3-2 training fleets every hour.

>> No.11586672

I don't know if your quads confirm it but my later tries netted me 15.5cms.

>> No.11586673

Did anyone use the wheel formation against the E-3 boss?

>> No.11586675

Yeah, those double attacks work wonders. I'm also feeling cautiously optimistic about being able to complete E-4.

>> No.11586686

Anon that's now going to do this for the 22nd time here. I have my lineup set to do double attack. I think I can get through E2 today...

I don't know if E-3 and E-4 are manageable in the course of two weeks. Totally forgetting about E-5 as things are.

Think that we'll get an extension for this event?

>> No.11586691

I've made so many runs in 3-2, yet not a single Kongou nor a Kirishima dropped. Why is the RNG so cruel? ;_;

>> No.11586696

Pray harder.

>> No.11586697

E-3 is really fucking easy, I literally just finished it right now after going at it for about 2 hours. I killed the boss almost every time.

>> No.11586700

They fixed the drop rate or so I heard which made the rare ones somewhat more difficult to get.

>> No.11586702


Musashi is lewd but I can live without her.

The second sub though... damn. People ramble about Iku but I-8 looks much better.

>> No.11586706

Run stage 4. I find Kongou types drop better there.

>> No.11586707

I've been playing for an entire month and still haven't been able to get Naka to open up third fleet. Should I continue taking it easy and waiting for her to naturally show up or begin considering spamming some sort of recipe to find her?

>> No.11586708

I'm praying mighty hard already.

>> No.11586711

I've heard better stories.

>> No.11586712

Kongou sisters still drop in 3-2 though. If he does enough runs he should still get them.

>> No.11586713

Just take it easy and wish for other ships. She feeds on the tears of frustrated admirals.

>> No.11586715

I'm still running through 3-2 to level my DDs enough to actually complete the stage.

>> No.11586733

Fucking hell.
I have no high lvl CA and there are only like 18days left for me to train up my CA for E4.
And goddamm I am running low on ammo, only have 16k and I still need to grind at least 40lvl on my suzuya and maya. I hope they extend the event because of the server problem.

>> No.11586736

I don't know if this is 100% correct but.

Some anon recommended sub formation for E-2 for night battles, since it apparently makes torpedoes king and everything else beestings.

I just tried E-2 once with lvl 42 KTKM, 20s Shimakaze, Hibiki, Kagerou, Yuudatsu and 25 Atago.

Smooth sailing, misses everywhere. The only problem I had was when I couldn't hit the boss, and got wrecked in the following day battle.

Maybe I was super lucky, but I'll test it more when I can. Sub formation seems to be very good for this.

>> No.11586737

I just cleared E-4 using a lvl 34 Tone, so don't worry too much about the levels.

>> No.11586744

May I know your fleet composition and their gears? Or was it posted somewhere here already?

>> No.11586751
File: 129 KB, 437x713, current_fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you run?
4kongou +2ca?
As you can see I totally neglected my CA.

>> No.11586754

Did you do it with or without type3? I have spent up to 3k or so on ammo but I only manage to get 1 type3. its going to cost me more than getting through event maps.

>> No.11586760

Kitakami as the flagship, Yuudachi Kai2, Hiei, Tone, Kirishima and Ooi (Mutsu instead of Ooi after getting the hp bar empty) in that order.

Sanshiki equipped on Hiei, Kirishima and Tone.

Damage control on everyone but the flagship.

Levels: 97,64,74,34,71,80 (48 Mutsu).

>> No.11586768

You have to put 2 Kongous to make a shortcut in E4, no more, no less, just two.

>> No.11586769

How much damage were you doing on the boss from the different type of ships you ran?

>> No.11586775

I always got to the boss with my BBs on red damage, so most of the chip damage came from the lighter ships, doing 20 to 70 damage per shot.

Most times I left the boss at 150~250 hp, and it took me between 10 to 12 runs to empty the boss gauge.

On my last run I managed to get Hiei to the boss with full HP and she just melted the boss with a 427 damage double attack crit.

>> No.11586776

So my 32/79/75/79/35/77 Kako/Kitakami/Kiso/Kongo/Kinugasa/Kirishima fleet stands a chance after some training and two more Type-3 ammo?

That's nice to hear, thank you.

>> No.11586780

Is having the two torpedo cruisers necessary for E-4? I guess I'll just stockpile resources for a week and I should be able to do it then. Hopefully they don't change that E-5 sub tactic.

>> No.11586784

I just hope I can still stockpile ammo while I train up my CA. I burn through like 50-70ammo per sortie at 3-2.

>> No.11586788

Should only take a few days to get your CA to an acceptable level. I don't think it's a problem.

>> No.11586790
File: 60 KB, 1022x526, BYH-wtFCcAAdl11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you, /jp/?

>> No.11586791

I find it almost amazing that the enemies seem to selectively target certain ships in your fleet, whereas your ship girls will randomly select a target. It's outright infuriating really.

>> No.11586792

If you have 5 or more damage controls try to keep going if you have a decent RNG on the first two nodes, even if you get your shit slapped on the BB node.

I kept going to the boss with 2-3 ships on the red, and only consumed a single Damage Control in 5 hours, so just spam first formation and pray.

>> No.11586799

Her face seems a bit off.

>> No.11586802

I burn tons of ammo running 3-3-1 almost 100 times a day. You get 8k ammo a day just from running expeditions 2 and 5.

>> No.11586806

I'd lick those legs all night, but the face and bust aren't just right.

>> No.11586807

Boobs are sticking out too much. She's really busty, I know, but they're sticking out way more than how they look ingame. Also, DAT ASS.

Her chin is too sharp.

>> No.11586809
File: 826 KB, 802x447, fb2ace89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you spend? I'm sitting at barely 50k oil/ammo right now, but I'm thinking of waiting another 2 days to avoid something like in pictured (guy had 30k all when he started).

>> No.11586813

I see, thanks. You never got sunk even with so many attempts in the red? (as in sunk and saved by damage control)

>> No.11586814

Any good map for farm 5 DD with a sub?, I run 3-2-a, but the torpedo fase rape my DDs.

>> No.11586819

I'm back from the hospital. I hit my head on my table so hard I passed out when I failed at E-2 once again from a bullshit fucking crit 20th time in a row.
Apparently I'm gonna be okay, but I think I'm done with this game.

>> No.11586818
File: 221 KB, 1060x624, E-2 CLEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 tries. Finally did it. I got a Yubari as a drop from the boss. It was S grade finish. I was really worried that I will not get day battle since every hit connected and the boss was left for Maya to kill...

Resource before E2:
55007/52503/63476/56941 (3 days ago)
Resource after E2:
56155/53741/65752/60163 (now).

Avg consumption per battle: 100 fuel 190-195 ammo.

Estimated total cost: 2500 fuel 4800 ammo.

>> No.11586820

It's not random. They selectively choose the worst targets.

>> No.11586821

Just do 3-2 with sub bb clt +3dd for safety

>> No.11586824

Fuck, almost died of a heart attack from a 2-3 sub run. I didn't know that node H can spawn a CL and continued on with Iku at red health. Rolled the one pattern with the CL and it targeted
her too but missed, thank god. I think it was the sparkle which saved her too.

>> No.11586825
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OK. Bye.

>> No.11586826

Welcome to the no CA club dude

>> No.11586827

What a weakling.

>> No.11586829

Do not ever risk your sub daughters. They will be fine with moderate damage, but once it goes to red, you are very likely to die. Swallow a loss and live to fight another day is always the way.

>> No.11586833

Congrats on clearing E-2.
>I got a Yubari as a drop from the boss. It was S grade finish.
I'm envious. I clear it with S grade too and all I got was the night battle idiot.

>> No.11586834

I started with only 15,5k oil, 20k steel and 23k ammo, and after the 3 Sanshiki crafts and the full 5 hour clear I'm sitting at 4,5k oil, 7,7k steel and 11,4k ammo.

After spending 8 hours yesterday trying to clear the map with random compositions and not being able to hit the boss even once, I tried my current 2xKongo/2xCLt/DD/CA with Damage Control and cleared it with ease.

Ooi sank right at the end, but she still had the Damage Control, so I just used Mutsu instead of her for the finish.

>> No.11586836

Post api link?

>> No.11586837

I know, man. Those two are the only CAs that I had that were remodeled, and Mogami's not a CA at all! I just shove whatever triple mount secondary that I can to boost the accuracy on'em...

>> No.11586838

That's how I lost a damage control.

>> No.11586840

Dude, I got either Isonami or Kagerou. I have no luck with the event drop so far.

>> No.11586842


Yep. Don't jew on those few ammo and fuel points. Two shelling phases usually mean no topedo phase at all.

>> No.11586843

This is my only good event drop so far. E-2 and E-1 are feeder DD ahoy every node, every time.

>> No.11586844

So 2kongou+1bb still bring you to the boss node?
Safe to say that 2kongou is the only constant for to bring you to pre boss node?
Did the compass ever bring you to node H?

>> No.11586852

Thing is, I thought the only nodes on the map with ASW ships were the first and last nodes. That damn node H had to spawn the CL too. Now I know not to advance if I get a red sub on node C.

>> No.11586855

Anyone have links to that add-on which lets you see your fatigue? I remember someone mentioning it earlier.

>> No.11586862

Well thanks, that work a lot, got 0 dmg on 2 runs, now only need to deal with fatigue what is nothing vs repair time

>> No.11586863

As long as the third BB is not a kongou you'll be fine.
Compass-chan sent me to H 4 times, so just refresh if she sends you SW.

>> No.11586864

E-3 is pretty nice farm once you've either cleared E-5 or gave up on E-4.

Out of 6 kills, I got something like :
Hatsukaze, Sendai, Kongou, Yura, Zuikaku, crapDD.

I'll probably be back at it last week-end for the other exclusive CL, if I get lucky with E-5.

By the way, how do you go with subs on E-5 without getting fucked up early on ? two goddesses on each sub, or what ?

>> No.11586866
File: 92 KB, 595x841, 39471029_big_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 15,5k oil, 20k steel and 23k ammo

I don't know if I'm supposed to feel reassured by my own stock or be envious of your luck.

>> No.11586870

I think this is the method.

>> No.11586876

And E-2 clear. Less than 15 attempts. Last run, Maya decided to just screw it all and blapped the boss out of the field.

For those interested, I went with 2DDs, CL, CA, BB, Kitakami, double guns + turbines on DDs/radars on heavier ships, torpedoes on Kitakami. Line abreast pre-boss, ahead at boss.

Now I've got a week to level up Noshiro so she can take part in E-3.

>> No.11586877

Just cleared E-3 with subpar common planes but rare and holo rare fighters. It's doable with a strong BB and lucky crits.

>>11586554 is a solid build for E-3 completion.

>> No.11586879

I usually test these things on my own, but I'm down to last 2k fuel, so I don't have that luxury at the moment.

Did Mutsu also have Sanshiki or did you have AP or something on her for day battle? Your finisher team was also in that order with Mutsu instead of Ooi, right?

Ugh, E-4 is driving me up the walls. I killed the boss a few times while knocking her HP off, but now that the gauge is empty, I can't seem to do it anymore.

>> No.11586880

How the fuck did he lvl his subs to 50 on his2nd day?

>> No.11586886

I did it with 2-star planes, do they matter that much?

>> No.11586888

No idea, but I noticed my common torpedo fighters do terrible damage to elites and flagships. Have to count on shelling phase to clear them up and there maybe a need to go into night battle at the boss node.

>> No.11586889

Wow, JUST subs? I thought the main damage in that method would be coming from the support fleet.

Or is it just because that guy couldn't afford it?

>> No.11586891

>That end part
Everybody hates Naka-chan

>> No.11586896

2x46cm, 15,5cm, and Damage Control on Mutsu.
I just used her for the last 2 runs, trying to get some extra damage on the boss.
She got double attacked to red in both runs, but at least that kept Hiei safe.

>> No.11586894

Why bother with a support fleet if it does that much damage? Wouldn't it be way cheaper to just use the subs?

>> No.11586895

Grinding and mvp everytime

After 5ish hours I was already 35

>> No.11586897

Did you miss the "試運転" part? He's just testing the effectiveness of subs. And yes chipping away the boss' hp gauge is a cheap but still viable strategy.

>> No.11586898

I hope this still works with 3 subs.

Goddamn Goya.

>> No.11586899

Day 3 of attempting E-2 sure got off to a glorious start. Get boss first run but Inazuma misses and everyone else hits; 5 dead escorts and undamaged boss. Next two runs have sub red at first node (well, better than red at second node at least). Now I'm saying fuck it and tossing Zuikaku in for day battle, seeing as I fail to sink one ship more often than not (only once have I ever had all 5 escorts sink in 5 attacks for Yukikaze to try to finish the boss)

>less than 15 attempts
Fuck your shit

>> No.11586902
File: 141 KB, 916x549, boss run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my Lvl98 imuya through E-3 right now. The lineup here makes using SS quite easy actually. I am starting to think that using an SS here might be an easier task than comparing to the hell that was E-2.

>> No.11586903

Alright, thanks.

>> No.11586904

Lucky you man. How much did it cost you?

>> No.11586906

Because your subs likely WON'T target the boss like the in the video everytime?

>> No.11586911

It is only like 600/node at 2-3
And if she get hit, will be out of commissioned for at least 10mins.
Also she only get mvp if you put her with low/non modernized lvl imuya/goya.

>> No.11586912

5 attemps with subs is still cheaper than one run of support fleet.

Though, it can maybe be used to finish the boss if you get lucky with night battle torpedo cut-ins on a already damaged by support boss.

>> No.11586913

I took my Imuya to 50 in 1 day before (got it 19th of Oct, now Lvl98). My Iku got to 50 in two days.

>> No.11586922

Try putting 3subs and see if it bring you to the boss

>> No.11586923


I ran high-yield expeditions at the same time so including them I went down from ~11k fuel and ~12k ammo to 9500 and 10k repsectively. And about 20 buckets because of no sub.

Hella cheap, considering the costs other teitokus posted here.

>> No.11586927

They're still dirt cheap to field with nearly zero repercussions.

The support fleet could probably be used to deal the killing blow, but not necessarily the only way to whittle down the gauge..

>> No.11586928

Well, very first try with a CV in place of Maya I get to boss with 0 damage, get day battle, and sink the boss for the 2nd time ever. Unfortunately the gauge still has a sliver left on it, FUCK.

I'm sure it's just confirmation bias, but it feels like the more lucky ships I put in my fleet the better I do. I'm tempted to replace Inazuma with Nagatsuki when she gets back from expedition but she needs to be fed too many DDs to cap her torpedo stat.

And speaking of lucky ships, just had Yukikaze get damaged for the first time ever on E-2 by the boss airstrike of all things, what the fuck.

>> No.11586930

I should add 1 thing.

Even with line abreast and with my Imuya having 58 evasion, the golden CL or DD can still nail Imuya. Having said that, a hit from golden DD/CL is not very frequent.

The turbine does work. Make sure that you sparkle the sub before sending her out btw. It helps.

>> No.11586931

Does Ooi drop fro 2-4-1 in anyone's experience? What's the easiest way to get her?

>> No.11586934

On paper, it just seems like if it's just subs you'd have several hundred runs with 0 damage dealt, while the occasional dents just gets regenerated over time, and you'd be stuck in this limbo forever.

Then again, what do I know.

>> No.11586939

Half of my cost. 100 fuel 200 ammo per trip essentially.

>> No.11586942

I got Ooi on 2-3/2-4. Not sure about the node though.

>> No.11586944

Just keep farming it, I got around 3 of Ooi. Don't be afraid to venture out to other nodes if you can

>> No.11586945


My pre-remodel Imuya still regularly earned MVP even when running 2-3 with comparable level Goya and ~25 Iku.

Maybe because she feels my love. That, or she actually has hidden accuracy stat boost because I rarely see her miss compared to other SS.

I'll be reserving the E-3 torpedoes especially for her. A present for all her hard work.

>> No.11586946

I got Ooi from 3-2 and 2-3.

>> No.11586948

yes she does drop there

>> No.11586953

Alright thanks, I just want to avoid having to use buckets so the first node is pretty easy for that.

>> No.11586955

My Imuya has the quintuple torp since hyper KTKMsama doesn't need it.. I am really struggling with giving the new torp to Imuya or Iku, since Iku is actually a better sub stat wise.

>> No.11586957

Farm 3-3-1. Common drop there.

I have better luck with diagonal though. Even if she get nail at the first node, it is only like 8damage and she can still proceed. I actually clear E2 with no bucket and no resource loss at all.

>> No.11586959

I'm still trying to beat it, but the only thing that's going down for me is ammo, despite spamming expedition 2. Steel and bauxite are going way up while I run it.

Makes sense since it's similar to 2-4, I haven't examined all the formations on E-3, but 2-4 contains almost nothing but vertical line and double line enemy formations; there's like a 1/3 chance of getting horizontal line at the first node and one other.

Problem is if you get unlucky and cross the T your subs get trashed no matter the formation.

>> No.11586963


Do you use exclusively torps on everyone?

>> No.11586971

Not him, but people keep saying it's good to farm 3-3-1, but all I get there are worse than 3-2-1. At least I still occasionally got Kongo or Ise-class at 3-2, while I only have RJ as my best 3-3 drop so far and I've gone in around 60 rounds.

I wish the goddess will be kinder with my drop stat.

>> No.11586984

You farm 3-3-1 for unlimited Imuya works. So many Imuyas, you'd create something like an Isuzu farm, only none of them will die but instead be sent to the 2-3 meatgrinder to fetch you fuel.

>> No.11586992

But I didn't even have a single Imuya from 3-3-1 so far. The only Imuya I've got was from 2-3 boss node, and that's it.

I was actually hoping for a Mutsu in 3-3, since I heard she pops up there sometimes, but seems like it's too far-fetched for me.

>> No.11586994

I haven't seen a Mutsu from 3-3-1 yet. It's probably an extremely low chance since I've been farming 3-3-1 non-stop for a few days now. Got 5 Imuyas from perhaps ~400 sorties.

>> No.11586995

Just encountered a really strange bug:
I sent out solo Iku against solo Haruna in PVP. After the initial torpedo, nothing happened in the main phase and both ships just sat there staring at each other. A little while later Haruna seemed to "fire" a shot but it was obviously bugged because instead of a gun type it had UNDEFINED. That was followed by more doing nothing and then I just restarted the game. What gives?

>> No.11586997

Yup SS+4torpedo dd/clt+1bb
I ended up having to add CA into the mix since most of my high DD was put out of commisioned. If only I knew that CA even a low lvl one is so good in this map I would have cleared it in half the time. My clear team >>11584848

>> No.11587001
File: 32 KB, 560x181, 72ff47278bc9df9136ce521d819a00fa89e309411383455542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The illustrator who designed Tonne sank Tonne.

>> No.11587002


>> No.11587004

I signed in just before the end of the last event, so I'd like to know, are the maintenance during the events only technical server support or can we hope to get some new content while the current event is going on ?

>> No.11587006

I, I don't know what to say.

>> No.11587011

That must hurt

It's like killing your own child or something

>> No.11587013

Well maybe next time he could draw them a little better then.

>> No.11587014

I wasn't expecting the bug shot, went by too fast for me to take a screenshot.

>> No.11587019

At least he didn't sink a cute girl.

>> No.11587020

dat wagahai...

>> No.11587023

Yeah, I went to the other nodes sometimes too, but it doesn't work for me yet. Well, I'll try more since I'm leveling my Ooi and DDs too. Thanks!

>> No.11587024

pls go away
show some respect to the dead

>> No.11587025

I got a funny bug where I B-ranked a sub run despite the enemy clearly winning the battle. Think it had something to do with subs too since my subs and the enemy just stared at each other for a bit since my subs couldn't torpedo at medium damage.

There's also something funky going on with the PvP boards, like the admiral levels are all over the place.

>> No.11587029


Read the whole discussion. He lost the tone 18 hours ago.

>> No.11587033

They're not real anon. It's just a game.

>> No.11587032

Yeah, I noticed the admiral levels as well.

>> No.11587034
File: 108 KB, 740x464, 39486081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all Wo-chan who slaughtered by cruel shipdaughters.

>> No.11587036

I can confirmed that Mutsu can be found in 3-3-1 since I got 1there. Her drop rate is kinda like 2-4-1 shimakaze for me. Drop rate is like 5imuya 3ooi 1mutsu

>> No.11587039

Guy here completed the new SS expedition, no upgraded subs.

>> No.11587043

we must return them to their graves, lest they never know peace.

>> No.11587044
File: 2.40 MB, 1000x2200, 39474044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vittorio Veneto and the Regia Marina when?

>> No.11587046

I see. Thanks, teitoku. I got one Shimakaze during my times grinding in 2-4, so I hope I can get Mutsu too.

>> No.11587061
File: 342 KB, 1000x695, 39531596_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Japan, confederate navy? Really?

>> No.11587068
File: 344 KB, 796x477, e3e56bfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, the Idol of the Fleet...

>> No.11587077
File: 246 KB, 1024x1024, d81442c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11587080

Best pose.

>> No.11587081

Kinu needs to change her stupid pose.

>> No.11587084

Stupid sexy center Onioko

>> No.11587092

I hate E-2 so much.

Spent 6 hours on it, and reached boss twice, 1 of them even hitting it.

I guess I should just go farm worthless level 1 ships and send them to their doom because the event is clearly designed to sink at least 1 ship on your trip to the boss.

>> No.11587098

You need to go fuck yourself. You're stupid.

>> No.11587095
File: 25 KB, 360x240, columbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the Japanese pose for absolute victory.

>> No.11587100

You are so smart. I hope you are always this smart.

>> No.11587104

Considering I spent a whole day clearing E-2, I think E-3 was much easier than E-2.
Had ~17k or fuel and ammo, 15k steel and 11k bauxite before E-1 and now have 10,6k fuel, 13,6k ammo, 13,4k steel and 8,4k bauxite. Spent about 80 instant repairs.

Now I'll farm resources for next weekend because full time job and regenerative bosses don't mix. Also, start leveling up subs for E-5.
Cleared E-3!

>> No.11587112

E-4 boss fleet confirmed to be fans of Naka-chan.

>> No.11587113

Is Shigure worth leveling to 60? How useful is AA on destroyers?

>> No.11587114
File: 32 KB, 309x379, 1383106662820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11587122
File: 571 KB, 1016x1300, 3545359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Shigure? If yes, then yes.
If not then no.

>> No.11587123

If you want a lucky DD for night combat yes

>> No.11587125

I hope there's Shugure mind-break doujinshi coming soon.

>> No.11587130

You can't break the broken.

>> No.11587133
File: 1.17 MB, 1502x958, 1383500985309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-5 clearing tips from Futaba.

>> No.11587139

Btw. why do I sometimes see a vertical line if I choose the horizontal line during battles? Just a visual display bug? Or are some of the formations not valid with certain ship combinations?

>> No.11587144

It's the enemy formation

>> No.11587145

did you cross a T?

>> No.11587149

use your brains for approximately 5 minutes and the answer may dawn on you

>> No.11587159

"How she got there" of sort was what I was thinking.

>> No.11587168

I'm more interested in seeing Chinese soldiers & Yukikaze/ American soldiers & Nagato books though.

>> No.11587179

is KTKM worth using before the second remodel? mine is only level 20 atm, so i guess i have to choose between cut-in/double shell and minisub since she only has 2 slots.

>> No.11587187

41 cm and 35.6cm + sanshiki on his Fusou. Tenmu please.

>> No.11587189


Shes invaluable for grinding 3-2/3-3 even before 3rd slot, not to mention normal battles.

I did not go into night battle often when clearing stuff, really.

>> No.11587194


Maybe. It is the darn E-2 night battles so it never says. But I wouldn't be surprised if they toss Ts on you and crit you to death.

>> No.11587199

Okay, I'll keep her in the group when I start attempts on E-3 and see how I fare.

>> No.11587217
File: 195 KB, 804x487, fucking bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



KTKM and Yukikaze can't take off 60 hp, seriously?

So yeah, I put myself way too low on damage this time, I had both elites alive going into day combat and my ships took forever to finish off the one that Zuikaku didn't sink. Thought I was still going to win though, Nagatsuki was even able to chip double-digits off the boss.

Yeah, I saw that earlier and was all what the fuck.

Then I looked at the rest of that artist's stuff and it's almost all American Civil War related.

>> No.11587219


Ah, for E-3? She might be a bit weak for that.

You can powerlevel her to 50 pretty fast in 3-2.

>> No.11587220

Nice Zuikaku mate.

>> No.11587222

That was the other option. I'll go ahead and powerlevel her along with my Akagi.

>> No.11587231

Just finished E3, I used >>11586554
It's way easier than E2. I always S Ranked all the nodes including the boss everytime.
I don't even have Ryuusei Kai or Reppu, I just stuck a bunch of Ryuusei and Shinden Kai.

Time to craft a couple of Type 3 ammo and level up a bunch of CAs.

>> No.11587233
File: 518 KB, 795x475, it's time to du du du duel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the end,
I shot his KTKM, he shot my KTKM, two Kongous both missed each other. Rank A victory.

>> No.11587234


I just finished a run, also on E-2, with similar results. 3 DDs, KTKM, Ooi, Kaga, and 4 of the 5 torpedo-capable ships decided to aim for the remaining elite in the final day battle torpedo salvo, leaving the boss with 20+ HP.

>> No.11587238

But the price is to convert the subs to SSV hmm

>> No.11587240

It's just a bucket or two or several dozen. Well worth the 2nd slot.

>> No.11587242

What's wrong with converting them?

>> No.11587244

quintupled repair time

also makes her ineligible for sub expeditions

>> No.11587248


Welcome to the party. Here's my post.

>> No.11587251

Yeah, I'm pretty much banking on day combat since I've only managed to get a 100% kill rate in night combat once, that's why I finally tossed in Zuikaku. Since levels don't really mean shit on E-2 I decided to try throwing together a fleet of lucky ships only (well, not Imuya). Unfortunately my Shigure is level 13 which leaves Nagatsuki as my only other lucky DD.

>> No.11587261
File: 619 KB, 800x480, E-4 S rank - I'm crying right now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(>>11585780) (>>11586879) Reporting in.

After that "One last kill", I tried for about 2 hours without success. Decided to take a nap, and after resuming, it took me 5 more hours.

Fuel went from 16k at start to 499 after resupply and repair of the final run.

I can't thank my kanmusu enough for that last run. I forgot to remove midget sub from Ooi after her sparkle run, so she wasn't able to do double attack, but she still took out enemies in one hit nonetheless.

In the boss node, I had Tone, Kongou and Kirishima all gun for the boss despite there being a BB and DD still standing. Kirishima had to deal over 219 damage in her turn and that's exactly what she did. I'm so happy right now, and thankful.

>> No.11587267

Kitakami got fed up of E-2's shit and just outright killed the boss. The gauge wasn't even empty.

Time to prepare my anus for E-3 I guess.

>> No.11587268 [DELETED] 

to add to this, I was at a point where I couldn't refuel or resupply my Nagato and Haruna and that's why I had to use Mutsu and Kirishima.

>> No.11587272

Looks like Tone is a pretty popular choice for E-4, I wonder why?

>> No.11587273

How do you guys get level 90's? Is 3-2 really the best place to grind? It feels sort of slow.

>> No.11587275

to add to this, I was at a point where I couldn't refuel or repair my Nagato and Haruna, and that's why I had to use Mutsu and Kirishima.

>> No.11587277

I hope you're not clenching your anus too tight because E-3 is cakewalk compared to E-2.

>> No.11587281

You know, looking at that screencap I see a sliver of red at the end of the boss gauge, it's possible you might not have cleared it with a kill anyway. Unless you've already had the gauge empty for some time and that's just an artifact or something.

I still have a screencap from last event's E-2 of killing the boss while the gauge appears empty but it's not blowing up, had to do it one more time.

>> No.11587286

Boss gauge doesn't need to be empty before the kill run, FYI.

I've been playing for longer than most of the admirals in these threads (Sasebo server), but I don't play as intensely either. Either KTKM-sama or Ooicchi just happens to be in my fleet 24/7 so that's how they gain levels.

>> No.11587288
File: 134 KB, 502x670, 39520513_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't like Tone?

>> No.11587295

The artist who drew her didn't like her enough to prevent her from sinking.

>> No.11587299

Dunno about others, but I had her because she's cute. Really.

Seemingly many people, but I can give her that much more love. I actually sank Tone twice during E-4 as she was the lowest level of the bunch. Thank you repair crews.

It must've been horrifying. I hope he's cleared E-4 now.

>> No.11587306
File: 134 KB, 748x428, ss (2013-11-03 at 01.54.40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-5 cleared
80 buckets
2 damage control
Vertical line all the way
Took 6 hours
Air support every run. (2CVL 2CV 2 DD)

Everyone has green gun (very important).
Everyone has double attack & damage control. (Ktkm has no midget sub until last run)
Last run ktkm midget sub, 10cm, the german torp

Sparkle every fight. (very important)
Diverged to north dead end node 3 times (maybe less than 20% of the time)
I killed the boss 3 times out of maybe 10ish times I met her.

>> No.11587315

Congratulations, you can take it easy now and dote on Musashi and other newfound kanmusu!

>> No.11587319

Congrats I guess, you didn't try the 4 subs thing?

>> No.11587320

Musashi a brown piece of shit. I regret missing Yamato.

>> No.11587321

No, I suspect it would take too long. A straight up run took me 6 hours so I wouldn't dare think about subs.
Also, I'd like to see how I fare with the boss.

>> No.11587323
File: 425 KB, 744x965, 39479657_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tone and Myouko are among the ships I wish I would've gotten earlier in my career so I could've leveled them back when I fielded CAs heavily (until I got Fusou).
I had Maya instead, and I leveled a Haguro to level 55 because of fetishes.

Still, leveling her is one of the pet projects on my list after the war (the event) is over. Along with leveling Noshiro. Christ, has anyone taken a good look at her base stats in comparison to other CLs?

>> No.11587326
File: 85 KB, 860x507, kita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this fleet setup, cleared the gauge to zero. Now I've reached and battled the boss 7 times after depleting it, and the situation is always that he runs away after my ships kill all of his escorts. I always used the | formation. Is there anything I can do other than praying I can get a lucky hit in like pic related ever again? I'd really love to get started on E-3.

>> No.11587334

Wow, surprisingly tame.

>Sparkle every fight. (very important)
Nice to hear. I sometimes wonder if I'm being inefficient for doing it on a regenerating boss.

>> No.11587341

If your ships are always sinking all 5 escorts then just stop using a carrier and hope for a cut-in OHKO from the last ship. Otherwise you have to somehow avoid getting 5 kills for a chance at day combat, maybe by using lower level ships.

In my case my sub frequently fails to sink anything so I have to aim for day combat rather than 6th ship cut-in. Of course the RNG can still fuck you over, last run I had the boss, both elites and one normal DD left with only 2 attacks to go, beaver and KTKM both target the elites, no day combat and 0 boss damage.

>> No.11587345

Tone's lines are more than worth the grind of leveling alone.

> Noshiro
Her final stat is nowhere as amazing as her starting stats, though. I'll level her for her delicious legs anyways.

>> No.11587361

>In my case my sub frequently fails to sink anything so I have to aim for day combat rather than 6th ship cut-in
with vertical formation? modernize your sub(s) with some leftover DDs to max the torpedo stat and she should be able to.

i never tried forcing day battle, so it could be just as easy, but try this if you're having trouble:

>> No.11587363

Remodeled Noshiro has same firepower, higher armor and evasion than remodeled Furutaka!

>> No.11587368

If you use other types of support fleet it might be more expensive. This air support is kind of crap. I only kill an enemy once. Most of the time it just deal some damage. Maybe I just don't know how to properly outfit them.

>> No.11587382

Is there any substitute for that last CA? I have everything but that since I never bothered leveling one.

>> No.11587381

Unless the wiki info is wrong or this screen shot has been faked, I don't think that's true.

Noshiro max http://gyazo.com/1bb6e956e818da85ccd7c4b62a60ab1b

>> No.11587424

a heavy-hitting CL could likely do just as well if you have a remodeled one with maxed firepower (see http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/EliteCL for highest firepower).

i think they get the same night bonus as CAs (the reason why CAs are better than BBs), but not sure.

>> No.11587426

Always vertical on the boss and my subs are maxed but they're low level. If she targets an elite it's a definite non-kill even if she hits, and she'll miss the normal ones sometimes too. Thus I go with cut-in setup on everyone in case I get a lucky boss target, otherwise I hopefully get day combat.

But then I continue to get fucked over there, just got day battle again with the boss already low on HP thanks to Aoba targeting it during night. End up with all my ships pinging the boss or missing the surviving elite, then KTKM targets the elite with her torpedoes, yet another failure.

>> No.11587432

That's the fully modernized stat without equipment.

>> No.11587440

So is Furutaka's stats, unless I'm missing something. Grinding away at the event has left my brain a bit sore.

>> No.11587459

Furutaka's evasion is at 75 when she's level 99. You need to look at the base stats

>> No.11587461

Wait is this actually viable? Anyone tested it? I assume that with just 4 ships, chances of hitting the boss is quite low.

>> No.11587493

It's viable. You just need to go at it for about 12~15 hours.

>> No.11587498
File: 457 KB, 565x800, 39512182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*well, 12~15 hours back in August.

Probably slightly faster now that the number of subs have doubled.

>> No.11587505

why is her torpedo wet but not her

>> No.11587514

She's wet inside.

>> No.11587522

Don't be silly. Submarines don't get wet

>> No.11587523

Note that August event has no cock block known as flagship light cruiser. No forced retreat when flagship is red. The vid also sparkled all his subs. It probably is not as trivial as it seems.

>> No.11587524

Is sanshikidan needed for CAs? I assume that its only needed for the BBs as they will the one you will pinning to attack the boss.

>> No.11587532

Wouldnt the boss be regenerating a good share of hp by then. Must be quite the ordeal for 12+ hours.

>> No.11587540

It depends on your luck. You can see in (>>11587187) that a lucky hit could lend a full or nearly 100% killing blow, but I personally had to have 2 BBs and 1 CA equipped with sanshiki to shoot at the boss to finish her.

>> No.11587552

It's how poor admirals do it though.

If you can afford going all out everytime then that's obviously the most (time) efficient method.

>> No.11587558

I see. I notice that a lot of ppl are putting in 15.5 yellow guns in each BB and CAs for E-4.

Does the enemies there have insane evasion that its more important than extra 46mm/20.3cm? Assuming the last slot is radar or emergency repair.

>> No.11587569

I barely noticed any misses or glancing blows in E-4. E-5 on the other hand was more common with the same setup I used (all 46s).

Most of E-4 aren't flagship tier so I think you can get away with it.

>> No.11587575

15.5cm yellows have the same stats as 20.3cm reds, and +1 accuracy to boot.

>> No.11587578
File: 326 KB, 491x384, 32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean I can't use my dream setup on E5?

>> No.11587582

double attacks are more reliable than cut-ins

>> No.11587584
File: 129 KB, 421x596, fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for E-4, are people mostly sticking to 2 Kongo types, and filling out with heavy cruisers? I neglected my cruisers a bit, so I guess I have some work ahead of me first.

>> No.11587586

Well your dream setup isn't even a double attack.

>> No.11587595

crafting type 3 ammo is damn near as frusterating as trying to clear E-2, 30x crafts of 10/90/60/30 with Kongou Kai(61) and admiral level 70 and not a single one.

>> No.11587604

use the other recipe

>> No.11587605

Aim higher. I shoot for 46cms with 100/251/250/10 and get plenty of Type 3s and Type 91s. And enough 41cm guns to give every BB in the game 4 of them and I'll still have spares.

>> No.11587627

My 4 subs flotilla seems to be heading NE more often in 2-3 compared to when I was using just 1~3. Has anyone else noticed this?

>> No.11587628

Are people using damage control item using the emergency repair crew from quest, or buying 4 godesses ?

>> No.11587639

I've been using the damage controls from the quests, though I'm going to have to buy more of them for E-5, or just use some repair goddesses as well.

>> No.11587640

But... but muh 176 firepower...

>> No.11587649
File: 12 KB, 499x467, nightbattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what these numbers and what primary/secondary mean? I'm retarded and need a kind adult to hold my hand.

>> No.11587654

Primary = main guns
Secondary = sub weapons

>> No.11587656

the 10/90/90/30 one?

>> No.11587657

red = primary
yellow = secondary
green = AA except in a few cases where they can also be primary

i assume you can figure out what the rest of that means.

>> No.11587665


>> No.11587670

read the equipment page to see which green guns count as primary or secondary guns.

>> No.11587688

Is BB aviation's performance at night battle as good as CA?

>> No.11587691

I haven't tried them.

>> No.11587724

They're pretty much the same (slightly less attack but you won't notice it during night battle)

>> No.11587747

i started leveling KTKM on 3-2 and every fucking time a CL survives to the torpedo phase, she gets crit to red health. every fucking time.
i thought you guys were just joking when you kept calling her a crit magnet.

>> No.11587751
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>> No.11587757
File: 262 KB, 370x410, 8c515a6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's hard to take it easy for some teitokus, but everyone please remember we still have at least 2 full weekends for event completion (for people having uni or jobs, that means something)

Even if you read posts about people completing E5 more and more, and face Musashi in drills, don't get hasty and rush the next maps - you'll only let them regenerate and waste your resources.
Better finish a week into the event than loosing your girls from pushing them too hard.

I'll personally spend the week to bring my CA from 55 to 70+, and craft at least 5 sanshiki. E4-5 can wait a week until I feel ready to tackle them.

Then I'll have RJ teach me more about the superiority of flat chests.

>> No.11587759 [DELETED] 


>> No.11587762
File: 207 KB, 804x491, take that bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god, it's finally over. Thankfully carriers can still launch their opening strike even at red and Hiryuu took out the elite so everyone could focus-fire the boss. Still barely did enough torpedo damage to kill her.

(Fucking moot, tried to delete my last image before uploading another but it won't let me)

That's why I always make sure to have a BB or a sub when 3-2 grinding. Before I got subs, every time I'd forget to use a BB my carriers would miss everything and I'd suddenly find myself in the torpedo phase getting raped by the CL and CLTs.

>> No.11587763

Some people just can't take it easy.

>> No.11587767


I just hope E5 is doable with mid-50 fleet... if I manage to get both E3 and E4 done next weekend.

>> No.11587775

If you have the hyper combo it's very do-able.

>> No.11587787

You mean the submarines?
You still have to sink the damn boss somehow.

>> No.11587788

Going to spam 3-2 to train?

I just tried a few runs of E4 to see if my fleet was up to it and I could not get past the third node.

My fleet is a bit underleveled but they can deal some nice damage, the problem is that someone would always end up eating a crit on the first or third node and force me to turn back. Thinking of using repair crews but I only have 5 crews and wont have enough to cover the whole team if I end up using one.

I really hope more info about E4 is discovered and that I can clear that map, crafting for goya was horrible and I don't want to experience that ever again with I-8

>> No.11587792

Ooi + Kitakami level 50 remodel

>> No.11587793

You only need 5 since your flagship can't sink.

>> No.11587795

Actually I was still too pumped from clearing E-2 and wound up typing nonsense there; obviously having a sub won't protect against torpedoes. Either you need to have good carriers to ensure crushing everything, or a BB to get a second fire round, otherwise misses in one round of combat will usually leave at least the flagship CL alive.

>> No.11587801

> loosing
you were so convincing up to this point!

>> No.11587805

>loosing your girls from pushing them too hard.
This is so lewd

>> No.11587807

But the crew is consumed when used right? Or is it like a normal item that you can use over and over?

>> No.11587813

I want to loose my girls from pushing them too hard, too bad that will never happen

>> No.11587817

So are 2-3 sub runs more efficient with 3 subs now or are they less profitable because of more resources used.

>> No.11587822

At first it was a stupid Frenchman mistake I was about to correct, but when I read it that way I left it and wondered who would notice.

sasuga /jp/, umu.

>> No.11587823


I had the sad experience of learning that you don't get day fight if you kill the bigger support ships. Really threw me for a loop when I saw the fight was over and I had only sunk 2-3 enemy ships.

>> No.11587859

Doing god's work here anon

>> No.11587902


Oh, yes, remodeled and fully modernized. Well, apart from AA. Not many carriers dropping from 3-2 lately.

My main worry, apart from levels, are resources. I'll be doing training through the week and that means no stockpiling aboce resource limit. That could bite me in the ass but it's the only way if I want a shot at E5.

Then again I think I read that E5 boss can be chipped away using subs?

>> No.11587935
File: 273 KB, 1393x836, imuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so I managed to beat E-3 quite effortlessly. KTKM as my flagship just cuts-in and massacres the boss at night. Every time I landed at the boss, I killed it completely. Only got detoured once. Didn't even give the boss a chance to regenerate.

I finally got an Imuya the 2nd time I killed the boss too. Today was a great day.

>> No.11587945

E3 is a nice recreation after E2 and before E4.
Congratulation on your new sub daughter, anon. Did you get the event CL ?

>> No.11587952


Not yet, I do plan to do E-3 a couple more times till I get Agano. From then on, I probably need to grind up my fleet levels and save up resources for the next week before tackling E-4.

>> No.11587964

Fuck E4, the constant crits over there are so frustrating, I just want to get to the boss

>> No.11587965

Did they change something in an update regarding enemy carriers or is it special for this event because of the whole airfield boss deal? Even if I knock enemy carriers into orange or red on E-3 they still get to attack me (and not just when my attacks were immediately before their turn).

I haven't even had a chance to notice anything about that while spending almost 3 days in night combat.

>> No.11587974

it's been like that since I first encountered carriers

>> No.11588018
File: 219 KB, 917x451, E2 fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 runs on E2 and always get a crit in pre-boss node, I had made into the boss every time but I F5 for fear to lose a ship daughter

>> No.11588020

Why don't you go for formation 4 or 5? I've hardly gotten crits this way.

>> No.11588037

You are incredibly lucky.
I used ONLY last formation for preboss nodes and I got smashed quite a few times.
Thank god I'm past it now.

>> No.11588046

I'm so close to beating E-2, but I can't finish off the boss.

>> No.11588047

I spoke too soon. My Fuso and KTKM got crits. RNG goddess knocked me down a few pegs.

>> No.11588066 [DELETED] 


I remember reading earlier in the thread that either double line or formation 5 works well for pre-boss node, though that doesn't control your fate of going North.

>> No.11588077

It's only been like that if you fire right before it attacks (I guess the idea is the planes are already launched), if I damaged a carrier early it wouldn't attack for the rest of the fight just as happens to your own carriers. (With all the 4-2 farming runs I did I got really used to observing carrier behavior at the pre-boss node).

I put repair crews on everyone but the flagship and continued even if one ship was red (one time continued with one red and one orange). Since I was aiming for day battle it actually helped if I had a ship unable to attack.

If you have a flagship sub then the boss herself is the only one that will actually have a chance to attack your damaged ship, so the odds of wasting a repair are really low.

>> No.11588085

I'll have to pay closer attention to when they got damaged, but I've even seen a carrier launch planes in night-battle.

>> No.11588091

Flagship carriers can. They almost always miss though.

>> No.11588092

The boss was down to 2 hp. The torpedo took off 1 hp. Why.

>> No.11588097

Man, RNG hates me when I'm trying to sparkle on 1-1. The enemy just ignores my level 1 destroyers and goes for my flagship and crits me into yellow/orange. Looks like I'm not bothering to sparkle for expeditions.

>> No.11588098

Well, it's time to go to sleep.
It has been a long 3 day battle for me, but I've cleared E-3 and my resources are 75% back to the amount I started with.

For any teitoku that is still going - may the RNG goddess be with you.
And if you don't particularly despise dubstep/trance-like songs then here's something to keep you going:

I really don't think your formation affects the route you'll be sent. I kept doing Line Abrest(5th one) with 1DD, 2CLT, 1CL and 2CA at the end and that killed the remaining 1/4HP quite fast compared to how slow I was going from the start.

>> No.11588109

Why are you using other destroyers? Just run with a single ship so your ship gets to attack first.

>> No.11588111

So which bosses in the event have voice-over/cutscenes? I'm halfway to killing off E-3, haven't seen/heard any of them talk yet.

>> No.11588116

Damage doesn't matter for expeditions, only fatigue and not being resupplied. Or at least that applies to resource-gathering ones, I don't know about the support expeditions.

>> No.11588118

When I run one ship, I'll get attacked on the second node and get damaged, I was using the Lv1 Destroyers as a shield, but that didn't work out either.

>> No.11588120

Use a sub.

>> No.11588122

>I really don't think your formation affects the route you'll be sent.

What I meant was that even if you managed to survive a crit or have the most perfect run ever using either formation, compass chan can be a fucking faggot and send you north.

>> No.11588124

Use 1 ship.
If it gets in the orange go back, if not, it's gonna sparkle.

>> No.11588126

That's the point, you win the first node easy, the second node you probably get damaged. But you're guaranteed a sparkle because you get MVP regardless of being damaged.

>> No.11588129

Compass can always screw things up, but I can tell you one thing.
With the setup I wrote it's gonna be 100% straight to boss node.
I was forced to do quite a lot of testing because of my terrible luck.

>> No.11588130

I seriously hope CV will be the star of next event for, hopefully, shinano.
And it'd be nice to have the Type 91 AP as a mandatory item, I got 7 of them trying for sanshikis.

>> No.11588137

E-4 and E-5

>> No.11588169

How fast is the regeneration on E-3? Can I wait 25 minutes so I don't have to burn an extra bucket or will that equate an extra attempt on the boss?

>> No.11588170
File: 31 KB, 1280x1004, kc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, some help?

I'm trying to register. I registered to dmm in english, then I used a japanese proxy to login, then I followed the steps to start the game listed here:

I then followed the instructions here to get the api token and start the game without relying on the proxy:

And I get pic related. It's stuck there, even though it downloaded data at 150~250k for a number of minutes.

Now, if I load it from dmm and not from the direct server ip, I get some message that says something about it being in maintenance. Is that the reason why I'm stuck in pic related? Or am I doing something wrong?

>> No.11588181
File: 444 KB, 889x622, kc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the message I get from the website.

>> No.11588184

Sounds like you need to do that thing where you set your time to JST

That might help

>> No.11588186

You have to register your admiral name in Kan Colle via DMM's website, but before you do that, you gotta get rid of (>>11588181) screen first which might be solved if you adjust your PC's time as the anon above me has mentioned.

>> No.11588189

You've gone through the lottery, right?

>> No.11588211

It's slow. I went to bed, and it only regend about 1 clear's worth of hp by the time I woke up.

>> No.11588213

Alright. So I changed my PC date/time to november 4th at 9AM, and reloaded the dmm page with the proxy on.

I'm still waiting for it to show data though, but I went through that already, so I think I know what to expect. I hope.

Nope. I'm trying to register right now.

Let me see if I get it straight then. I have to wait for it to be 6PM JST (the time from the latest tweet in the dev twitter) and then go back to the DMM page that gives me this >>11588181, to see if I can get some sort of invite to the game?

>> No.11588220

Ah well good to have some info. I just did another attempt and took her to zero but didn't get my sink so I think I'll maybe let some of my repairs finish naturally to save on some buckets.

>> No.11588223

have you choosed a starter and actually played yet ?
A friend of mine had trouble because he took out an API link too fast and that wasn't the game link, but the starter page link or something.

>> No.11588232

Nope. I haven't been able to even log in.

I did what I listed here >>11588170

I've now changed my time to match Tokyo's, but I haven't been lucky getting dmm to give me anything but a blank page. Now it's giving me a connection reset error in the game inline. Though it was doing something similar before too, so I guess I'll just F5 it again every couple of minutes until I get either something I can use or a something I can't use but can show you.

>> No.11588237

I swear, I have more AP ammo than I do of the Type 3 ammo. Does using Mutsu or Nagato just increase the chance to get those types of ammo?

>> No.11588238

>I have to wait for it to be 6PM JST (the time from the latest tweet in the dev twitter) and then go back to the DMM page that gives me this >>11588181, to see if I can get some sort of invite to the game?


You can't log in unless you clear the lottery first. Good luck.

>> No.11588245

Well, E-3 cleared without much trouble, only got sent the wrong way twice (middle dead-end). Used up way more buckets and resources than I hoped (mainly fuel and ammo) thanks to the boss fight being crits everywhere while my ships kept missing destroyers. Final kill I risked losing Zuikaku (only lvl 36) in night battle when I remembered I had just built a second one before the event started, but boss just whiffed on Mutsu instead. I probably gimped myself too much by bringing Kumano just in case a CAv helped with compass, a third CV or CVL probably would have made things easier.

Only took 3 hours from the time I cleared E-2 and that included all the prep time and getting distracted mid-run, after E-2 took me the entire fucking weekend.

>> No.11588246

If you have not participated in the lottery you cannot play, and the API link will only work AFTER you have completed and been accepted through the lottery. you must do this normally with a VPN first.

next lottery is not until November 6th.

>> No.11588253


Well, I guess I'll stop wasting my time this way.

See you november the 6th or later then, I guess.

>> No.11588281

Is a turbine required for clearing 2-4 with a sub?

I have a lvl 23 (5star) Iku, but she gets down to red in the first or second node. If she doesn't get red by the second node she just gets sent the wrong way.

Maybe I should go back to brute force.

>> No.11588298

no, my imuya cleared it fine around level 35 or so with oxy torps

>> No.11588306

Just one sub? You're going to want a fleet of subs to actually kill enough to win the boss fight, plus you need to spread around the chip damage.

The first node should only be a problem if you get the 2 elite torpedo cruisers in ASW formation, then there's one battleship node that can have that formation (but only has 2 DDs to attack you). Most of the enemy fleets should only be able to ping you for 1 damage at a time.

>> No.11588300

Cheesing 2-4 with a sub is retarded.

You're going to need those high level BBs and CVs in a bunch of situations later on so just suck it up and grind.

>> No.11588317

The power of repair goddess

>> No.11588334

So I went night battle on E-3 with just the boss alive and all I need to do is sink her to be done she had about 108 HP left. First thing Kongo does is proc and I'm thinking "awesome it's over!", this is mind you after 2 or 3 non-sinks.

So she procs and does 10 damage. Lukcily Kitakami was there to clean up the mess.

>> No.11588340
File: 84 KB, 1024x691, 19026714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not real

>> No.11588338

Holy repair goddess spam. Goddamn.

>> No.11588342


I wish I had be video capturing it was hilariously underwhelming. Does going Line Ahead too many times in a row deplete ammo faster or something like that? At the end of E-3 everyone was hitting like wet noodles.

>> No.11588351

damn, I seriously hope I'll have cheaper runs. This give the impression E-5 is something you can only beat with 40ish holy damecon.

E-5 cleared anons, tell us this isn't as hard as this guy make it look like ;-;

>> No.11588358


Did you ever buy cash/points? That is the one time you had to provide a phone number and I used the phone number provided in the sutocorp cash guide.

>> No.11588355

He picked the hard route.

The easy route can be done by 2 Kongous and a high speed fleet.

>> No.11588356

I'm saving up resources for E-5 at the moment, but really, the repair goddesses are just a time saver, and it will be just like E-4 for the rest of us plebs.

>> No.11588368

I'd say it's much easier than E4 troll.
Quite manageable if you have finished E4.
Go north route. Center route is a trap.

>> No.11588378
File: 474 KB, 691x342, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my brute force fleet is enough, but I get scared of losing my ships.

>> No.11588388

Just retreat when gone red.
You never lose your ship.

>> No.11588396

But, isn't it possible for them to sink if they go into battle with yellow damage?

>> No.11588397

That's close to what I had when I cleared 2-4 except I had Ooi instead of a fourth battleship.

Keep going at it.

>> No.11588398

Way overleved for 2-4.

>> No.11588399

Some anons keep saying that, but it's never happened to me, so I'm inclined to disbelieve it. Just don't sortie when your fleet has fatigue. Some also quit when ships get red damage before night, but once again, I've never had any ships sink because of that.

>> No.11588400

Not enough to seriously worry about. I usually continue on with orange, it's when it's red that their attacks become pretty useless.

>> No.11588409

> Some also quit when ships get red damage before night, but once again, I've never had any ships sink because of that.
This is official, not a rumour.

>> No.11588416

see >>11588317

>> No.11588423

there's very very little report of yellow sinking, and it might be trolling, bug, or red face sortie for what we know.
Orange is confirmed unsafe, but some people choose to go.
Red is definitely risky.
Day > Night is considered as a second phase, hence pursuing is dangerous for your orange+ ship.

I lost my then-favorite ship on August E1 because I pushed her in orange on the boss, and since then I never done it again. Sorry, Yura.

About 2-4, you'd better do it the traditional way to level your BB/CV, they are always handy to have around - not too mention you'll get a deeper sense of accomplishment this way. And you'll be able to bitch about all those newfag cheesing through 2-4 with subs and that it meant something to beat that map in the old days, like becoming a man, man. Elitism ho~!

>> No.11588433
File: 293 KB, 800x421, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it! Finlay!

No one got even yellow before the boss, Hiei and Kirishima got orange before the second shelling phase and Haruna got red just before I killed the last one.

Thank you anons for the confidence boost.

>> No.11588435

You're way overleveled. I beat 2-4 with only 1 BB and no CVs, and the average level of my ships was at least 5 levels lower than yours. Just keep trying and retreating when your ships get orange, you'll beat it pretty fast.

>> No.11588441

Sayonara, E-4

Possibly my fastest event map clear that isn't E-1

A whole 3 hours

>> No.11588445

Some people have all the luck.

Congrats on finishing the tutorial.

>> No.11588451

E-3 took you more than 3 hours but E-4 less?

>> No.11588452

Grats, anon.
How far are you in the event ? You should try your luck at E2, E3 is roughly the same as 2-4.

>> No.11588453
File: 433 KB, 800x480, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck's sake.

>> No.11588455

Nagato was red when he entered day battle.

>> No.11588465

I cleared E-1 on the first day with the same fleet. From what I understand I'm going to need some leveled DDs and torp sisters, which I lack. So time for 3-2 grinding.

>> No.11588487

RNG works both ways, night battle gives lucky boss crits and quick finishes. Just remember that his luck means that you and the next hundred admirals will take 12+ hours of attempts and 10 times his resources.

>> No.11588513

For those of you who cleared E-4, how many ships of each class did you need in total, including those on rotation if any? What about their levels?

>> No.11588520

This, I breezed through E-3 for ~3-4k of each resource, then hit a brick wall trying to get the Sanshiki shells before I attempt E-4

>> No.11588526

That's why I'm stockpiling this week again while crafting enough Type 3 ammo for next weekend attempts on E3 / E4. Sitting on 1 Type 3 so far after doing them for the daily so hoping to continue to be lucky.

>> No.11588530

Does anyone know if e5 requires exactly 2 kongo sisters like e4? Is it possible to bring all 4 kongos and still go B>D?

>> No.11588535

I almost always went into daytime battle for E-4.

If a ship is red(Provided you have e-repair on them) they won't attack and you are pretty much granted a free day time battle.

>> No.11588537

so far my rate has been a horrifying 1 per 25 crafts of either 10/90/60/30 or 10/90/90/30...

>> No.11588541

How many repair crews did you use?
Im planning on doing E4 but I cant get to the boss node at all, always end up eating a crit in the third node.

>> No.11588544

I did the one recommended earlier in the thread with Kongo-Kai as flagship and worked out well. Tomorrow will tell if it was a fluke or not as I burned a lot today trying for bombers for E3 with only one Ryuusei-kai out of 10 crafts.

>> No.11588546

For those teitoku that have cleared E4, is two sanshiki for my kongous good enough to beat the boss?

>> No.11588547

5, one on every ship that wasn't the flag

>> No.11588548

You still need two.

>> No.11588550

Do they get consumed if a ship sinks?
Want to know if I have to get ready to hate money or just use the ones I have laying around

>> No.11588556

They do. I ended up losing one

>> No.11588558

And the next 4/5 runs get sent north after the pre-boss node. 102 painful attempts already... This is too frustrating.

>> No.11588562

take some time off and try another time.

>> No.11588565

Oh, thank you.
I hope they make I-8 craftable soon after the event ends, I really want to run 4 subs but clearing E4 just feels like a impossible feat when I cant even get near the boss.

>> No.11588583

I suspect I just have terrible crafting luck, I still dont have a Ryuusei or Kai variant, and only 1 Reppuu in 3 weeks of daily crafting rare planes.

>> No.11588589

You still have 2weeks anon.
I barely use any buckets so far and the only thing stopping me from clearing E4 is 1high lvl CA.

>> No.11588598

Keep in mind that they added three new sub related expeditions No.28, 29, 30.
#28 25 hours, requires 3 subs.
#29 24 hours, requires 3 subs.
#30 48 hours, requires 4 subs.

You have to finish #30 for newly added quests which gives you Ju-87C.

>> No.11588602

Not that anon, but speaking about buckets, I started off with 790 and I'm at 750 after E3.

And damn, I've been using them like crazy, even for 1h timers on E2 clear. though I'm running Exp2 all day or so, too.

>> No.11588607

Do we know anything about it's stat, by the way ?

I didn't knew about the 4 sub one so I remodeled goya after getting hachi. Guess I'll either farm E-5-1 or try to craft her, again.

Stupid dev.

>> No.11588611

I had no problems at all killing the previous bosses and I can kill the E4 enemies just fine, the problem is that the enemies in the third node always end up sending someone to orange/red and force me to retreat, its incredibly frustrating.

>> No.11588612

Anon do you know if these quests are permanent or do we have to do them before the event end?

>> No.11588615

E-5-1 drop goya?

>> No.11588620

according to wikiwiki, yeah.

>> No.11588634

Rumors say 9 torpedo, 2 asw, 1 aim. Three star.
Not impressive, but still.

I believe it's permanent.
But crafting a certain ship later will be painful as you know.
So if you have a chance you better get I-8 for free.

>> No.11588640

Anon, no risk no gain
Also is it true that her health gauge doesnt recover once it is empty?
You can just slowly chip away her health away and then prepare a final fleet to tackle her in 2weeks time.

>> No.11588646

repair teams will save you a considerable amount of resources and frusteration,

no it still recovers, once you start chipping you better have what you need to sink her ready, and a large enough resource pile to do it.

>> No.11588650

I could probably just kill her with my current fleet, the problem is actually getting to her without the nodes before sending me back and resources.

Yeah but its going to be even more frustrating and sad if I end up wasting repair teams on the preboss node before even getting to the boss.

>> No.11588670

so, /jp/. Want to gamble ?
We're pretty sure I401 is going to be added sooner or later, and that'll make 5 submarine.

So, I ask you : which one will be the 6th one allowing maximum trolling ?

I'd like a I-201 with a high-speed stat -even if it would be inconsistent with other ship stat- some sort of swimming shimakaze.

>> No.11588676

I hope she's a event reward or drops somewhere, crafting for her is going to be a pain in the ass

>> No.11588678

If you can into Chinese here's some E-4 clearing tips and team buildup.

>> No.11588683
File: 507 KB, 838x512, Screen Shot 2013-11-04 at 11.56.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. I realized that most people mainly take at least 1 BB for E3. But I've managed to get past E3 without even a single BB.

If anyone here who hasn't gone through E3 yet. 2DD, 2 CLT, and 2CV works. This is also helpful for other Teitokus who doesn't have much resources left but still want to try E3 (it's a lot more resource-lite than any). However you'll sometimes get sent to SW after the first south node (happened 3 times), and SE of the second South node as well.

Now to rest up, pile up resources and buckets, and go E4 once I'm ready

>> No.11588692

Does midget sub counts as torpedo for double attack proc?

I don't think it is, but I got curious.

>> No.11588707

Should I rely on day battle support fleet for E4 ? or is it a waste of ammo/fuel ? And, which type of support fleet would be optimal for it, aerial or shelling ?
battle team would be BB/BB/CLT/CLT/CA/CA above 55, average 70.

those are not torpedoes, they won't.

>> No.11588720


>> No.11588726

Any transcript of the E-4, E-5 lines anywhere?

>> No.11588736 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 193x256, dc895e2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you faggots wanted me.
But, do you have the balls to keep me running ?
Or will you leave me at level 1, you bucket-less piece of shit ?

>> No.11588738

Thanks for the advice. I think I will try that for sure.

>> No.11588742

Don't worry about it Musashi, 3-2 requires 0 buckets.

>> No.11588744

Where I'm training you, you won't ever see a bullet head in your direction

>> No.11588747

Why would you do that?
What formation do you use?
Having 1BB means 1enemy less that will shoot you and less bucket usage.

>> No.11588782

Verniy 72
Shimakaze Kai 64
Kitakami Kai 2 64
Ooi Kai 35
Akagi Kai 67
Kaga Kai 52

Because I was already running low of both resources and buckets to begin with, and I do not want to risk any BBs getting damaged. Hence I tried something different, and surprisingly it works.

Formation wise, Always the 5th one, and then 1st one for the boss. Might want to use 1st formation for the second if you start from the North route though (because subs)

>> No.11588812
File: 112 KB, 698x338, 3a3b6d381f30e924d7f280204e086e061d95f704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing baidu for more event info, someone managed to clear E-4 with this team.

Don't give up hope.

>> No.11588815

10 tries in E-4 now. Reached boss node only once (though succeed in killing boss even before day battle), sidetracked once, stopped in very first node 3 times.

This is getting annoying. How do you guys survived untill boss node?

>> No.11588825

Only 10? If you're down on your luck it can even take you up to 100 tries or more. You need to take it easy.

>> No.11588849

I already know this stage is worse than E-2, but at least I managed to make progress quite fast in E-2 (I used SS bait strategy, though)

By the way, 11th try just now, and again stopped in 1st node. If I see that CA bastard again...

>> No.11588867

Please remind me, does slot location affect performance?

>> No.11588879

E-3 is pissing me off. I'm just here to farm ships for food, maybe get a Hatsukaze or Agano or some rare ship. Instead, I get endless Mochizuki, Mutsuki, Naka, and Tamas. My ships keep eating crits too, which is odd because I cleared it in six sorties on the first day.

Shigure why would you eat an aerial torpedo when you have the highest AA stat, luck, dodge and are surrounded by a million AA guns, sanshikidan, and reppus.

>> No.11588928

I'm in the same situation too. Cleared the map in a breeze but the moment I try farming for Agano everything just gets hard. Ships getting crit at pre boss node and compass screwing with you. even an S on boss give you really lame drops. I wasted like 4k worth of fuel and ammo just trying to get Agano.

>> No.11588984

Oh man, I just cleared E3 and all I got from the boss drop is Tone at best. I'm considering farming it, but after reading this, probably not now, huh.

>> No.11589025

It might just be terrible luck, but E3 seems to be pretty stingy with rare drops. I got Zuiho from clearing it, but the only other decent drops I've gotten so far are Kirishima and Hiei. Going to keep trying for Agano anyway.

>> No.11589037

So, teitoku, who here's gotten their Nagato model? It's gone after the event is over.

>> No.11589045

We're on page 10, Admirals.

New Thread.

>> No.11589061

I thought it was gone with the last maintenance and got her in the nick of time. Now I've got a nice decoration that goes well with anything except for my nonexistent Nagato. Maybe someday.

>> No.11589304

Finally got my Nagato.

