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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11565520 No.11565520 [Reply] [Original]

Netoge & friends general thread #3

Please don't talk about western games, it'll get the thread deleted. Thanks

>> No.11565539 [DELETED] 
File: 479 KB, 840x1200, 1381686417842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any monster hunter otaku here?

>> No.11565548 [DELETED] 

any /jp/bros playing WoW these days?

>> No.11565572

Where are my fellow Elin?

>> No.11565582 [DELETED] 

Anybody signed up for the Hearthstone beta? Any EVE Online bros?

>> No.11565589

Fucking boring as game

>> No.11565595 [DELETED] 

I was playing one of the expansion a couple of weeks ago. It was all good till I realize you needed friends to do any of the dungeons.

>> No.11565599

Isn't it so with almost all MMO games? And especially MMORPGs? They all have raids, simple dungeons, and some even have the mission monsters that cannot be beaten alone. You also can't get a good loot unless you go to dungeons.

>> No.11565607 [DELETED] 
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Please respond!

>> No.11565630 [DELETED] 

any dotaku or cs:gotaku?

>> No.11565636

Yes most MMO's seem to be like that, but coming from RO. I though mobs or quest that could give me decent gear and not worry about trying to find a group to kill something.

>> No.11565644

just you anon

>> No.11565646

Anyone else playing NeoTokyo?

>> No.11565651 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11565668

I play Dota 2, but I haven't played that recently. I have been playing a bit more CSGO though.

>> No.11565669

I wish Japan would get into computer games

>> No.11565670

>Please don't talk about western games, it'll get the thread deleted. Thanks

>> No.11565676

That game is dead but people mention it on 4chan ever so often, why is that? Viral?

>> No.11565677 [DELETED] 

Steam ID?

>> No.11565685 [DELETED] 

here maybe

>> No.11565683 [DELETED] 

cs: source otaku here. I'm trying to figure out how to make the cute character models I've downloaded work.

>> No.11565687 [DELETED] 


We're not in /v/, fuccboi.

>> No.11565694 [DELETED] 


I play EVE.

>> No.11565690 [DELETED] 

there's also a /jp/ channel in dota 2

and a saber mod to replace juggernaut and misaka mikoto to replace storm

>> No.11565691

Because it's fun? And it's not entirely dead, there are a few servers with enough players to play a few matches from time to time.

>> No.11565693 [DELETED] 

>>11565668 here. I would not be able to play with you because I would be playing on 200+ ping.

>> No.11565716 [DELETED] 
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This is also the friends thread right? Who wants to be my friend?

>> No.11565718 [DELETED] 

Nobody, you fucking creep....

>> No.11565774 [DELETED] 


>> No.11565781 [DELETED] 


Every time I make friends with one of you faggots you're either crazy or a friend collector. No thank you!

>> No.11565783 [DELETED] 

We can talk about Dota, right? It's a russian game, so it's not exactly what you'd consider "western," right?

Who is your favorite dota?

>> No.11565785 [DELETED] 


Krob is my waifu. Would also consider a threesome with Luna.

>> No.11565786 [DELETED] 

Maybe it's just you who needs to move to a bigger board and leave people alone with your crazy arguments...

>> No.11565789 [DELETED] 

I don't have any friends and I'm definitely not crazy, I think we'd be a good match. Lets be friends.

>> No.11565791 [DELETED] 


ok :)

>> No.11565792 [DELETED] 

We can't be friends. Carries and semi-carries are just not compatible with my off-lane and support tendencies.

I'm sorry.

>> No.11565793 [DELETED] 

Please stop discussing dota IMMEDIATELY

>> No.11565794 [DELETED] 

>It's a russian game


>> No.11565797 [DELETED] 


stfu dweeb. the big dawgs are running this thread now

>> No.11565802 [DELETED] 

Serious question: How does it feel to have a /jp/ friend?

>> No.11565808 [DELETED] 

/jp/s don't have friends.

So that feeling doesn't exist in this plane of existence.

>> No.11565809

is ffxiv still a thing?

>> No.11565810 [DELETED] 


I wouldn't know, but if it's anything like the /v/tards in this thread then probably pretty shitty.

>> No.11565811 [DELETED] 


Do you mean a real TRU-/jp/sie OG or a crossie faggot that joins all the steam groups and has a twitter and just comes here to steal memes and repost 2hu images? Please specify.

>> No.11565813 [DELETED] 

Boring. They never talk, and if they do its about shit you'll never care about. Always a one way conversation.

>> No.11565814 [DELETED] 

You've asked for it now, the janitor should be on his way as we speak.

>> No.11565815 [DELETED] 

Maybe he's talking about the original mod.

>> No.11565816 [DELETED] 

The former.

>> No.11565821 [DELETED] 

it should be opposite shouldn't? you should want to support your /jp/ bf and then he carries you like a waifu in his arms to victory and then slaps your ass and tells you, "baby, i couldn't have done without your support"

>> No.11565822 [DELETED] 


me on the left

>> No.11565824 [DELETED] 

But it isn't...the origins of Dota were Korean map mods from Starcraft 1 to Warcraft 3.

>> No.11565825 [DELETED] 


iluvop, don'tbullymyfriends, sudo and zunbar are the only /jp/sies I wasn't scared to add

>> No.11565828 [DELETED] 

Carries are not kind or considerate. It's much more of an abused slave/master kind of thing, with the carry yelling at you for the slightest mistakes, then beating you if you make them again. If you achieve victory by some minor miracle, they do not acknowledge your part at all.

That sort of relationship doesn't float my boat.

>> No.11565829 [DELETED] 

The origins of DotA, yes, but not the first game to be called DotA.

>> No.11565832


It's pretty nice. You can discuss otaku culture topics and /jp/ and you don't have to worry about them not understanding / taking interest in what you're talking about. /jp/ covers quite a wide range of subjects so you will probably have a lot in common. It's like talking to a really nice /jp/ poster but in real time!

The downside is that it's hard to find such people amongst all the /a/v/ crossies and even when you do find someone nice they often have horrible mental health issues and are totally crazy.

>> No.11565834 [DELETED] 

Nah, if he abuses you just stop warding, let him die and save up for your dagon.

>> No.11565835 [DELETED] 


All my best online friends are from /a/ and they're really nice.

>> No.11565836 [DELETED] 

Yeah, as in AOS and all that, aside from just the Blizzard maps.

>> No.11565844 [DELETED] 

I have horrible mental health issues and I want a friend, what should I do?

>> No.11565848 [DELETED] 

Probably try killing yourself.

>> No.11565849 [DELETED] 

>Nah, if he abuses you just stop warding, let him die and save up for your dagon.
>stop warding

Kill yourself out of dota.

>> No.11565854 [DELETED] 

You have to earn your support.

>> No.11565855 [DELETED] 

Maybe he's playing Nyx.

>> No.11565856 [DELETED] 


Find someone on /jp/ to be your friend. Being crazy isn't great but as long as you're a good person I'm sure someone will take you in

>> No.11565858

Anyone playing Final Fantasy XIV?

I'm on the Balmung server.

Black Magic is so much fun.

>> No.11565861 [DELETED] 

>Maybe he's playing Nyx.

Kill yourself out of dota, as well.

>> No.11565862

I'm on Lamia but I'm struggling to get myself to play it lately. Can't even be arsed to get the last level to 50.

>> No.11565863 [DELETED] 

Only idiots play Pay2Win like dota tf2 and soon to be csgo

>> No.11565864 [DELETED] 

He's like, the only hero people ever buy Dagon on, ever, even in competitive.

And I'd rather hear what they build than what YOU build anyway.

>> No.11565865 [DELETED] 

that's tough love sweet cheeks. i hit you cause i love you, but you make me so angry! if i didn't love you then i wouldn't be getting so mad. next time just do it properly and don't set off my short temper.

now get over here baby and hug me then place those wards quick.

>> No.11565866 [DELETED] 

Yep, 50 mnk and too lazy to level any other classes. I'm on excalibur though.

>> No.11565869 [DELETED] 


>> No.11565878 [DELETED] 

I've tried, no one will give me a chance

>> No.11565879 [DELETED] 

Are you a subhuman degen or something?

>> No.11565880
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>> No.11565881 [DELETED] 


Post your steam or e-mail and somebody in this thread will.

>> No.11565882 [DELETED] 

Is it because you act like a complete subhuman?

>> No.11565893

Wow moe as hell dude

>> No.11565894 [DELETED] 

Nigga how do you even get refresher if you're support like 90% of comp ones...

Also not getting Dagon ONTOP of Refresher is just plain stupid man, you high or something.

>> No.11565898 [DELETED] 

It's probably because you're a lesser human being.

>> No.11565901
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>> No.11565903 [DELETED] 


? ? ?

>> No.11565907 [DELETED] 

Okay, this is my throwaway

>> No.11565913 [DELETED] 


You don't even trust your Jay-bros with your real e-mail? I'm not surprised that nobody wants to be your friend...................

>> No.11565910
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Cute mount

>> No.11565920 [DELETED] 

we /vg/ now.

>> No.11565917

Is this just some generic grindan chink game?

>> No.11565925 [DELETED] 


we've been /vg/ for a while now. ever since janny started protecting Kancolle General it's been a downward slope

>> No.11565922 [DELETED] 

Yes, I know I'm subhuman but I can't help it. Aren't friends supposed to accept you the way you are? What's the point of making up a personality and pretending to be someone else?

>> No.11565926 [DELETED] 

No one should ever treat a subhuman degen like yourself with respect. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.11565927 [DELETED] 

No, just kill yourself.

>> No.11565933 [DELETED] 

Degen as in degenerate?

>> No.11565936 [DELETED] 

Get real kid. It's been like that long before.

>> No.11565938 [DELETED] 



>> No.11565939 [DELETED] 

The janitor will protect almost any thread you shit on, provided you didn't make that thread just to shit in /jp/.

>> No.11565941 [DELETED] 

We were /vg/ before /vg/ existed.

>> No.11565944

There's a dual-class system that lets you freely switch between two classes, but other than that it's pretty generic.

Stats are also completely seperate from gear, so you can wear what looks the cutest and still have actual stats.

Plus there's a wide range of panties available.

>> No.11565952 [DELETED] 

>The janitor will protect almost any thread you shit on, provided you didn't make that thread just to shit in /jp/.

This is not actually the case. Shit on any thread, for any reason, and the janitor will eventually fold.

I've tested this exhaustively.

>> No.11565953 [DELETED] 

Can you demolish VN general for me?

>> No.11565955 [DELETED] 


Please shit on the kancolle threads until janny folds

>> No.11565960 [DELETED] 

With great power comes great responsibility.

I only shit on threads I do not like.

>> No.11565961 [DELETED] 

Did you test it only on threads you didn't like?

>> No.11566014 [DELETED] 

This new PES sucks but the fifa crack is so broken that I have nothing else

>> No.11566025 [DELETED] 

Just play the previous games with transfer update patch.

>> No.11566045 [DELETED] 

Please talk about western games, it'll get the thread deleted. Thanks

>> No.11566092 [DELETED] 
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This is true

>> No.11566108 [DELETED] 

Are there any cute boys living in the east of England who want a boyfriend?

(not for me, it's for a friend)

>> No.11566113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11566139 [DELETED] 

I actually got a gift from those threads. I'm still happy with it.

I love you /jp/.

>> No.11566142 [DELETED] 

It's a shame they're not around anymore, I had something I wanted to give away because I like gifting stuff.

>> No.11566142,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny is babysitting another /v/ thread

>> No.11566142,2 [INTERNAL] 

Mute-Everyone-Janny is has arrived

>> No.11566163


>> No.11566163,1 [INTERNAL] 

hahahaha holy fuck he literally deleted every single post but left the thread

>> No.11566169 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 704x396, 1328507987170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm... Can someone explain to me please why janny deleted my monster hunter post? I'm PRETTY SURE that game belongs in this thread, even if nobody plays it...

>> No.11566169,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think you know what the word "literally" means.

>> No.11566169,2 [INTERNAL] 

holy fuck you guys are mad as hell lmao

keep up the good work janny

>> No.11566169,3 [INTERNAL] 

I think you need to literally go back to reddit.

>> No.11566173 [DELETED] 

Video games.

>> No.11566173,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Being this mad

>> No.11566177

Is Maplestory still terrible?

>> No.11566177,1 [INTERNAL] 

Not as mad as you are.

>> No.11566177,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think you're literally a few centuries too late to be complaining about that use of literally

>> No.11566178

I want to make friends too

>> No.11566178,1 [INTERNAL] 

>being this mad

>> No.11566181

Of course why would it get any better

>Theres some fun private servers though

>> No.11566180

Official? Probably.
Theres some fun private servers though. The grind and 12 year old mommies-credit-card community is really what made the game super awful. Its not too bad otherwise.

>> No.11566183

What game is this?

>> No.11566183,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the /v/ Janny I this because the other netoge threads were deleted you can search and see

>> No.11566186

Star Ocean 4

>> No.11566186,1 [INTERNAL] 


What a cancerous community, all of them.

>> No.11566186,2 [INTERNAL] 

Dude the last thread was full of moba turds everywhere. Maybe this is a sign

>> No.11566186,3 [INTERNAL] 

only a subhuman from /v/ would insult moba games you lowlife.

you can find threads on /jp/ from before you found 4chan where we played shrine maiden on wc3 along with dota

>> No.11566186,4 [INTERNAL] 

Oh right sorry

which ashe wuld u fuk
nyx jungle jungle mid carry scrubs 20-4-19-530-10 jungling boots

>> No.11566201

Is ECO jp IP blocked?

>> No.11566210 [DELETED] 

I'm getting pretty sick of this shitter deleting entire swathes of conversation, even when they are related.

>> No.11566210,1 [INTERNAL] 

yes, i understand. you're some little kid with the maturity of a 9 year old. you got insulted when you played these games so everybody who plays it are the same as those people!

that's why you're a /v/ lowlife at heart.

>> No.11566213

What is the most played /jp/ game right now? Please don't be Tera i don't want to download 20 gb for censored lolis.

>> No.11566216

all have an equal population of 0 to 2/3 players

>> No.11566217

We should just play RO.

>> No.11566227

S-so what games are we allowed to talk about...?

>> No.11566244 [DELETED] 

Only janitor approve games.

>> No.11566244,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you kidding? Theres nothing difficult inherently about the game, its just abusing retards who can't into strategy.

You're playing an RTS game with a single overpowered unit against brazilian children, the only difficult part of the game is finding two people who aren't as awful as the guys on the other team because god forbid you try to do anything by yourself in an online game anymore. No they have to shoehorn in "teamwork" no matter how skilled you are alone.

This is why i'll stick to 1v1s in an actual genre like RTS. Hell you can even 1v2 if you don't suck.

>> No.11566285 [DELETED] 

I haven't played dota in a week or two, because of some mishaps with my ISP (Comcast is dicks, by the way,) and I'm fucking terrified of coming back to it now.

I've heard horror stories of 9999999999 ms Bloodcykas, and 48/2/20 Lich's.

Is it as bad as the trenchers say? Has Icefrog finally gone too far?

>> No.11566306 [DELETED] 

I guess just games the janitor plays.

>> No.11566311

Find a server, then we'll talk.

>> No.11566315


>> No.11566317

I'm in

>> No.11566316 [DELETED] 

I haven't played dota in a week or two, because of some mishaps with my ISP (Comcast is dicks, by the way,) and I'm fucking terrified of coming back to it now.

I've heard horror stories of 9999999999 ms Bloodcykas, and 48/2/20 Lich's.

Is it as bad as the trenchers say? Has Icefrog finally gone too far?

>> No.11566364

There isn't a Mabinogi /jp/ guild, is there?
I'm playing on Tarlach, but I can change if it means to play with some /jp/sies.

>> No.11566364,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was banned for this fucking incompetent staff

Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

Agreeing is against the rules

>> No.11566364,2 [INTERNAL] 

I got banned for >>11566306

>> No.11566364,3 [INTERNAL] 

Did you really expect anything less?

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.11566389

Download the Korean textures then. That is, unless they got a C&D which would suck dick. It should be like the first google link.

>> No.11566392

I'm playing path of exile right now. Nemesis is really fun except when I die.

>> No.11566392,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11566402

I don't see why they would. the American company that did the American tera said that people would be allowed to use files from other releases of tera, probably because they wanted the loli arguing to go away.

>> No.11566403
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I just logged into WoW for the free trial. None of my friends have been on in years.

I can't believe I used to have friends...

>> No.11566416

I'm always laggy as fuck with Mabinogi. And it feels too p2p.

>> No.11566421
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I wish that everything was how it used to be, /jp/. We had so much fun together.

I run a guild on Tarlach with a few /jp/sies. It's not bad but it keeps company, at least.

>> No.11566427

We could just go with CookieRO, i think it's a pretty dead server but we'll probably play just for some days for the sake of hanging out with other /jp/sies anyway.

>> No.11566430
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I'm still playing on Cactuar.

I've been having a hard time getting myself to play too, but only because I'm running out of stuff to do. I have 2 jobs at 50 and both of them are geared. I'm still going to keep playing, though. It's not like I have anything else to do.

>> No.11566437

Is it F2P yet?

>> No.11566440

Of course not. I doubt it will ever go f2p.

>> No.11566442

How's it called?
I'd like to join, if you let me, that is.

>> No.11566443

Club, my IGN is Fiiath

>> No.11566446
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>> No.11566455

Why is she crying like that? Wasn't she always level headed and stuff? It is interesting to see her express such intense emotions.

>> No.11566462


We'll that happeneed in the anime, after Arararagi denied her for crab. I think. Or maybe it was something else. But I'm pretty sure.

>> No.11566466

oldschoolRO is pretty fun.
It's a pre-trans server though, so no Lord Knights, Paladins, and such.

>> No.11566469

That is heart breaking and even more so when I look at the gif. She was such a nice girl from what I remembered. I can really empathize with that.

>> No.11566473

I like Ragnarok Online: Legend of the Second.

>> No.11566475
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I really liked her as well.

>> No.11566480

Too bad you play it 1 hour and you already did everything you can do in the game.

>> No.11566483

I have put about 571 hours in it and I am still playing it regularly

>> No.11566488

That's a lot, anon.

I installed it and played it, but when I added a friend to my list and stopped playing.

Do you think I should play again?

>> No.11566489


FFXI is not free to play yet.
FFXIV has many years before that happens, especially since the Realm Reborn launch was a massive success.

>> No.11566494

You can if you like

>> No.11566506

It felt to repetitive to me. It was always end a quest and do another one, and every one was the same.

>> No.11566511

FFXI will probably never go F2P. The fact that there are turbonerds who managed to stick through all of Abyssea and are still willing to give SE money mean those guys are in it for the long haul.

>> No.11566531
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>> No.11566585

Abyssea was basically a big "FUCK YOU" to every player. I quit the moment I read "increased level cap" They fucking said they would never raise the level cap after Rise of Zilart. God I am still butthurt.

>> No.11566602

>especially since the Realm Reborn launch was a massive success.
No it wasn't, it was rocky as FUCK.

I guess it's better than 1.0, yeah? But it doesn't even have that much content and the Classes are a bit too wacky for me, there's not even Red Mage, the most difficult to allocate in a MMO and the most broken in FFXI for a while but yeah.

>> No.11566604

You forgot this one by the way.

>> No.11566608

I think he meant that it was a success because of how well it sold. It was rocky because they didn't expect to have so many people playing and it overloaded the servers.

>> No.11566610

Don't worry Anon, I'm sure one day soon our Lord and Saviour Tanaka will return to save us from the casual shitters.

>> No.11566614

That's still subjective, many fans didn't feel like it was all THAT good either, some wanted free days before deciding what to do with it

I honestly would play if it were f2p but that's just daydreaming and I just miss FFXI.

>> No.11566622

I haven't felt like ANY recent mmo has been all THAT good either. ARR is okay for what it is. I honestly think it can only get better when they start adding expansions. And yes, I did play FFXI, I played it for 3 years.

I still find it weird that people wanted free days to try it when they could have just played for free during beta.

>> No.11566635

Because overloading servers and players who didn't give a shit about betas or any of that, expecting something that even loads to them.

Some of the better players of FFXI haven't even returned for FFXIV, it's just a new generation for whoever is born now.

If FFXI barely had any emulation progress for a while we can expect even worse for FFXIV.

>> No.11566648

FFXI private server's biggest issues is that there simply aren't enough people around to code content or whatever.
Like the base game works, zones work and have proper mob placement, jobs work aside from PUP and the new ones, but there's generally fuck all to do besides like Sky and Fafnir etc.

>> No.11566656

Nah, I meant BEFORE they started at it during the 1.0 flop, FFXI Project and all of those dead emulators were retired as a new game came, there wasn't even anything before.

I feel like FFXIV will take just as long to be emulated.

>> No.11566657

If you are still around, there's a steam group called Active NeoTokyo Players that you could join.

>> No.11566669


And then Anon does this all over again.

>> No.11566682

Also playing FFXIV. I'm on Malboro server. I'm a 50 White Mage, but I honestly think I'd like Scholar a lot more.

>> No.11566737

I wish I knew how to sell my FFXIV account safely

I got all battle classes to 50 during 1.0, not because I enjoyed it but because I was hoping 2.0 was gonna be good. When ARR came around I got Arcanist to 50 and after looking at end game for a bit I knew I had seen this before and did not want to do it again. Quit shortly after, not planning to play again. My account is even legacy and has a few exclusive codes from the original launch like the FFXIII armguards and FFXI speed shoes.

>> No.11566745

Give us your Steam ID if you have one, that's a good way to contact for this if you ask me.

>> No.11566765
File: 658 KB, 1414x1346, 5de535f3f3568d2141dc5a76ff3aff86c5fdb2ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever only turns into an mmo once it's time for vicious surprises and/or rape.

(Oh and it being Japanese and related to one of the board's other topics would work as well.)

>> No.11566769

Did you go summoner or scholar? How far did you get into end game?

>> No.11566793

I leveled as Summoner but at 50 I did all Scholar quest. I did AK and WP a million times, I got Ifrit and Garuda down and was working on Titan. I did all quest for all my jobs just so I could switch freely. I won't say the game is bad, but it's just not for me. I did not think it would be like this when I bought the game 3 years ago.

>> No.11566800

I see. Well you played 1.0 for more than a week so I already feel sorry for you.

>> No.11566838

1.0 was so terrible, I kept hoping after a certain level I would find all the content. I actually got a class to lvl50 during the first month because I somehow got a spot in a Japanese static party and we would grind every day endlessly. Everybody quit as soon as they hit 50, including me but only for a few months.

>> No.11567006
File: 213 KB, 431x457, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why arent you on the beach with your Mabinogi waifu, /jp/?

>> No.11567037 [DELETED] 

Because I can be here with you instead.

>> No.11567068

Gotta do the Halloween event, although I'm too lazy to.

>> No.11567108 [DELETED] 
File: 443 KB, 1280x720, 1340797102309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazrin is a mouse.

>> No.11567112 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 600x600, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11567137 [DELETED] 

ew nvm

>> No.11567143 [DELETED] 
File: 708 KB, 947x1228, 18510013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and everybody on /jp/.

>> No.11567150 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 635x480, Girls Bravo_Tearful Ebi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11567155
File: 407 KB, 1000x489, e72915f3c63ff18a03fae6e7c2dd5cbaa18eca56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any psp otaku here?

>> No.11567156

I'm on Moogle, but I don't know many people (only one, to be precise), so it gets kinda ronery.
It's so hard to find a nice FC with people who are "on the same wavelength";;

>> No.11567171

The group is really tight and we have really cool and active admins. I don't think that would happen now

>> No.11567177 [DELETED] 

I'll be here with you
and only you

>> No.11567782
File: 421 KB, 720x480, Why are you so mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, you guys don't really play netoge anymore do you? why?

>> No.11567956

I started playing TERA and it looked fun, but then all of my friends immediately stopped playing it and now I have no one to play with since /jp/ won't play it either.

>> No.11567975

I'd be willing to play RO with fellow /jp/sies, but finding a server would probably be the hardest part. Someone mentioned CookieRO earlier, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.11568259

I'll play cookieRO with you, friend! Even if it's just us...!

>> No.11568266

I will play RO with /jp/. I never got to experience RO when it was a thing.

>> No.11568269

>Please don't talk about western games

But Korean games are totally fine, just like all these Korean pop, Korean idol, and Korean eroge threads we have.

>> No.11568282


>> No.11568285

Don't what?

>> No.11568295

Otaku culture, not Japanese. Otaku play MMOs. Ragnarok, TERA, and Mabinogi get tons of Japanese fanart, which is fine to discuss. (In the same way that if /a/ were only for Japanese shows, you couldn't discuss anime because most anime has lots of koreans doing the actual animating.) Korean idols, not so much. (Honestly idols should be on /mu/, /s/, or some /celeb/ board.)

>> No.11568347
File: 33 KB, 140x158, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11568353

What if I'm a WoW otaku, that collects all the mounts and pets and card games and reads all the books and lore obsessively and ofcourse sylvania is mai waifu

>> No.11568388

It doesn't have an anime type style.

Also you should figuratively kill your self because WoW has always been and will always be shit.

>> No.11568401

Let's just enter cookie. OldSchoolRO is also good but it's not like we are playing too much, so an easier server to look cute would be enough.

>> No.11568412

Googled that..
>CookieRO - Renewal Ragnarok Online Private Server

>> No.11568429

We could just do OldSchoolRO too, it doesn't really matter to me. I never really messed with Renewal that much, but I always hear bad things about it. Someone should decide on something though.

>> No.11568435

>Giving a fuck about it
All i want to do in game is craft hats.

>> No.11568513

Was ragnarok just too good or are recent games all shit?
I really hate leveling by quests and the restrictions on builds that lead to everyone using the same builds and just grinding for the strongest armor.

>> No.11568579

Both. Ragnarok is probably one of the most "non-generic" MMO out there, the rest is like you said, only quest for everyone getting the same armor. And most recent games follow that logic.

>> No.11568596

There are plenty of Japanese otaku who love Korean pop music and Korean idols, yet thinking we should allow discussing Korean shit is ridiculous.

And notice how this is only for MMORPGs. Nobody thinks we should be able to discuss Korean first person shooters or Korean platform games.

This is just a bunch of people discussing off-topic games because "all my friends are here." It's actually worse than "light novel" (not anime, wink wink) threads or "NEET" (not blogging, nudge nudge) threads. At least those were kind of on-topic.

tl;dr: /jp/ is for Japanese media and Japanese pop culture, not corean garbage.

>> No.11568598

I downloaded the Traveller books, made a character and played through chargen by myself. It was pretty fun.

Tabletops should have more single player modules

>> No.11568608

Reminds me that Ragnarok was good at "the time" because it has leveling, job leveling (FF5 was still famous) and most importantly a lewd as hell community with lots of actual little girls.
It was surprising to see how much many of them, not even 14y yet, was into priestess/alchemists rape fantasy.

>> No.11568675

>all my friends are here

I keep seeing this used but it's a lie. I don't have any friends.

>> No.11568944
File: 6 KB, 729x99, ro1comingtosteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Ragnarok Online 1 official is coming to Steam in the near future.

When it does, I want to form a /jp/ guild.

>> No.11568950

>Korean first person shooters or Korean platform games.
Those exist? I thought it was just MMOs and Starcraft.

>> No.11568954

Koreans have the greatest entertainment output after the US and Japan. Of course they exist.

>> No.11568962

S4 league was fun until P2W

>> No.11568983

Why does it matter? You can show people on your friend's list that you are playing now?

>> No.11568988

Oh, right. I forgot about that one.
I get sad everytime I remember what it turned into.

>> No.11569013

So, from what I can tell of this 'Divinia' thing is it was announced 2 years ago then either never got localized in English or it did, sucked, failed, and died?

>> No.11569018

Chances are if we play on a low rate RO private server, people will just get bored and quit right away. I suggest a mid-high rate server. Doesn't have to be very populated because /jp/ is too anti-social

>> No.11569027

Mid would be ideal, high rate is really only good for PVP or testing builds.

Ugh, reminds me of this 9999x server with 999/999 level/stat caps

And people tried to defend the PVP there.

>> No.11569048

I wouldn't play anything higher than 10x.

>> No.11569055
File: 447 KB, 1280x720, screenolrun6421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently playing on jRO.

Cookie and oldschool is where the /vg/ people are and playing with them is just awful

>> No.11569069

10x is still pretty low, i've played some pretty comfortable 50x servers.

The difference is when the plateu hits, they all slow down to roughly the same pace, just at a different level.

>> No.11569084

Well, how about 20x servers?

>> No.11569088

Anywhere between 10 and 50 would be fine, since populated servers aren't really in abundance its hard to be too picky about it.

>> No.11569110

Can you guys decide on a server or something

>> No.11569113
File: 2.80 MB, 1440x900, Gilgamesh still unavailable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on Balmung

>> No.11569152

Let's go with CookieRO. I'll try to patch my old RO folder with it, hope it works.

>> No.11569185

Guess I'll try cookie too. I don't expect it to be good for anything other than dicking around, though; the full client download is 3.0, which is what I remember it being last year. Either they're too lazy to update the server or they're too lazy to update the client download, and neither bodes well.

>> No.11569201

Welp i'm downloading the full client because mine was way fucked up with too many servers.
Let's meet up on Gonryun when we get some jpsies on, though it make take a while for me.

>> No.11569215

Eh, any other alternatives? I don't like palying with /vg/

>> No.11569223


Start looking nerds.

>> No.11569233

Thankfully, it seems /vg/ doesn't want to play cookie. I'll try it out and hope for the best. Either way a renewal server might be the only thing left to search for; pre-renewal servers seem to be universally shit these days.

Speaking of shit servers, god damn this list hurts to look at. Long gone are the days where decent servers were...not aplenty, but still, it was better than this.

>> No.11569235

It doesn't even have a lite installer since it has a stand alone.

Let's just look for others. It doesn't have to be crowded though

>> No.11569278

Looking for others has convinced me that RO is ded. Still downloading cookie, but not exactly hopeful, now. Thinking we might as well just look for a different game at this rate.

>> No.11569290


>> No.11569292
File: 136 KB, 567x800, 赤城.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become addicted to Kantai Collection.

>> No.11569323

so cute video :)

>> No.11569331

Did get localized to English but the publisher's NA branch closed.

>> No.11569335


mimi i came here to tell you how much i love you and i'm sorry for all the /vg/ witch hunting

love betty

>> No.11569344

>tfw no qt314gf to play games with

>> No.11569364

/vg/ is playing OldSchool RO.

>> No.11569424
File: 795 KB, 1600x900, pangya_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're sick of me but damn if this isn't the sexiest outfit in Pangya so far and they're giving them away for FREE. You'll have to play a lot though, you have a chance every 36 or so holes you play and I have no idea the chance of each outfit dropping each time you try. There are also purple and black versions for each character and so far I've only gotten the 1 for Spika

>> No.11569430


I hate how much ドヤ顔 there is in this game. Everyone's characters look so smug and obnoxious when they post them.

>> No.11569444

Just installed CookieRO. How do I play as a girl in this game? It won't let me pick a gender.

>> No.11569447
File: 2.20 MB, 1440x900, Gilgamesh down still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the expressions

>> No.11569453

Create your account again, you need to put you are a female in your account.

Also is anyone is already in, come to Gonryun.

>> No.11569468
File: 299 KB, 500x395, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that she's still waiting for you.

>> No.11569469
File: 102 KB, 800x600, screenCookieRO003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two jpsies already in Cookie, and one other anon trying to get in >>11569444 !

>> No.11569471

GPot gave aika to another company. The game itself lives on, but our prans are dead, jim.

>> No.11569473

BitTorrent do their best now and are preparing. Please wait warmly until it is ready.

>> No.11569478

Also, I'll see you guys on cookie tomorrow. Download going slow.

>> No.11569479

What are the benefits of playing on the CookieRO?

Does it have that gayass "1000000000000000000000000000x experience" kind of shit that I've seen other private servers have?

>> No.11569481

It's x15, it has some donations item shits but it's pretty balanced, and we are in for doing cute things.

>> No.11569483

>It's x15, it has some donations item shits but it's pretty balanced, and we are in for doing cute things.

I'm all in for cute girls doing cute things, but not with 15x bullshit. Peace out.

>> No.11569531

Why don't you just play real RO?

>> No.11569534

For those planning on playing RO:
I have spare Emperium and gear for those willing to play on Cookie, depite the renewal balance, PvE is still fun.

I was planning on leaving it at all, but it might be fun just to play with you guys.

Mimi: I'm not forcing Cookie on anyone, if no one shows up i'm either playing something else or quit MMOs altogether, i have nothing to lose really.
Good luck on Oldschool.

>> No.11569537

Cannot init d3d OR grf file has problem

>> No.11569539

We are just two starters here, it doesn't really seems like someone else coming, but if you want to meet us we are in Gonryun. Though i'll go to sleep already.

>> No.11569549

I am having log in problems because I am not smart

>> No.11569555

What's the matter?

Do you have a guild already? I'm asking so i make one if no-one has made it yet.

Change your options at Config.exe, make sure to select your video card. It's either that or DirectX isn't installed, worst case scenario, make a reinstall.

Actually from lv 99 to 150 in gets pretty slow due to an altered level gain cap.

And as some have pointed out, /vg/ isn't playing on Cookie.

>> No.11569559

Where is Gonryun?

>> No.11569560

We have nothing, we started 1 hour ago or something and most of the time we sat in town. Feel free to make it. I'll search you tomorrow though.

>> No.11569566

I have figure it out, thanks.

Does CookieRO go up to 3rd tier classes?

Where is Gonryun?

>> No.11569569

Yes, it has 3rd tier classes. Talk to a Kafra and ask for teleport service.

>> No.11569570

See you tomorrow.

Select "warp to"->"Towns" With any Kafra npc.

Yes, 3rd classes and up to Ninja expanded classes.

>> No.11569573

Man I'm really confused.
Why can't I make my toolbar longer?
And how do I level up my skills?

>> No.11569575

>Yes, it has 3rd tier classes
Fucking gross. Renewal is the worst.

>> No.11569576

I believe the default key to bring up your skill window is ALT+S

>> No.11569580

F12 makes more hotbars appear. You use /battlemode to make your entire keyboard your keybinds.

You level up your skills in the skill tree/page. Alt+S (or you can go through the menu and find ``Skills'' that way).

>> No.11569586

I just want a melee expansion to the linker.

>> No.11569603

I don't get it.
If you people want /jp friends, why don't you just post some contact info?
Not that i'm against friends but, why doing all the MMO part?

>> No.11569608

someone posted their contact info earlier and it was deleted, along with any replies to him.

>> No.11569789

Currently on Cookie right now.
Should we just merge with the previous /vg/ guild or make a new one?
The guild belongs to a /jp/ player and no one from /vg/ actually showed up.

If you want a new one please suggest names.
Some suggested were:
Best Taste
Loli Teatime Party

>> No.11569799 [DELETED] 

How about "The Epic 4chan Memesters" you fucking loser

>> No.11569804

What about Autumnal Leaves?

>> No.11569807

Let's at least try for some creativity, here.

>> No.11569808

I like it

>> No.11569810

Let's go with this one.
It has a nice ring to it.

>> No.11569816

Dead Winter Trees

>> No.11569831

There was a guild on iRO classic, but everyone quit within a month.

>> No.11569909
File: 170 KB, 1440x810, 1380422650635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 2009-2010.
Remember ECO?
We had a lot of fun playing dozens of fotm non-stop.

>> No.11569915

I didn't join in the whole mmo thing until after ECO. My only experiences with it are aECO, which is a broken buggy piece of shit.

I do miss the fotm fever, but It can't be helped; there's been a distinct shortage of korean grindan games, lately. Used to feel like there was one coming out every day, but now nothing.

Also, when the fuck is lime odyssey going to leave beta?

>> No.11569918

Anyone play Dark Ages? Also known as... Uh Legends or something?

>> No.11569919

The only korean game I ever played with /jp/ was Mabinogi. I remember we were some of the first players in the new dimension thing. That was a while ago.

>> No.11569920

I wish Mabinogi's engine was a lot smoother and crafting was redone a tad to be more accessible... I'd play it all day.

>> No.11569934
File: 393 KB, 1280x1024, mabinogi_2008_04_05_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I still have my old screencaps.

>> No.11569950

The guild on iro classic was called "Please Reply"

>> No.11570011

Link with current RO BGM:
Sorry, took me some time since i uploaded it myself.

Some remixed:

And Basic Skins:

For some reason it wasn't included on the full client.

>> No.11570022

Did anyone ever play Legend of Mir? I remember playing that when I was 10 years old after having spent 21 hours downloading it on dial up and then again a few years later.

I wonder if there are any new games like that.

>> No.11570473

There still isnt any option to play lime? I would play even on jp servers, if it is possible.

>> No.11570489
File: 597 KB, 703x992, ee7b474d071aeaad50617748b8cba2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would host an RO server.

It can be devoid of activity and have no social aspect, just like /jp/.

>> No.11570490
File: 6 KB, 227x74, RagnarokOnline Prepareyouranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But it's "Please Respond" not "Please Reply"


Personally, I like "Pomf" as a guild name in MMORPGs. That or the above "Please Respond"

Also, please do not abuse the use Gonryun as /jp/ hometown feature, it is the same town the /v/ and /vg/ guilds use....

>> No.11570502
File: 214 KB, 640x720, 1381796800048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you know? Everybody suggesting RO is a damn /vg/a/ crossie.

>> No.11570504

Or, you know, Gonryun just happens to be a very centralized town where you don't have to walk very far to get to every important NPC.

If we wanted to be speshul snowflakes we'd make Nifelheim or Alberta our hometown or something.

>> No.11570578



>> No.11570594

Fuck Morroc and Payon, unless its Old Payon or undestroyed Morroc.

Prontera is usually packed full of shit, but if you like random crowds sure. I do love that theme.

>> No.11570708

Cookie's prontera is really empty.

>> No.11570870

Nif is my favorite area in the game, so I'd be perfectly okay with making that /jp/'s RO home.

>> No.11570936

Honestly, i don't feel like it would be the best for everyone if i became the guild master, so i'm just giving someone the Emp.
Just choose a Town and Name and i'll login later.

Funnily, those spewing "crossie" are either neo /jp/ trying too hard to fit and forcing their ideas onto everyone, or people seriously believing being from /jp/ makes you special and unique.

Let's face it, /jp/ isn't as it used to be at the split, hell, it's very differrent from, let's say, 3 years ago. It's not something you can feel proud anymore.

>> No.11570964

It was never something to be proud of though. Anyway, going back to the topic, let's just meet later at Gonryun and talk there about where to go and who would make the guild.

>> No.11571025

Last time I tried to play Pangya, my char died waiting for people to join my 18Holes room.
Pangya just became a place full of people talking about lewd stuff in the lounges, no one actually play the game anymore. That's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.11571080

What? Really?

>> No.11571139

Why the hell are you faggots playing a 10+ year old korean mmo?

>> No.11571170

u suck zeph

>> No.11571198

There are no good MMOs from any country made after 2005. None. They all just fester and die.

>> No.11571208

f2p and p2w killed good mmos

>> No.11571217


WoW did.

>> No.11571227

I don't see what's wrong with it being 10+ year old.

>> No.11571232

>I don't see what's wrong with it being 10+ year old.
Thats old hag in loliyears

>> No.11571236

Videogames as a whole declined in the last 10 years. I blame the popularity boom of of Internet and computers myself.

>> No.11571250
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1381080826229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11571257

What happened to mabichan?

>> No.11571268

no they haven't. you're just suffering from peter pan syndrome and autism. the developers from 10 years ago declined, but there's still plenty of games equally and more impressive games released.

>> No.11571284

This is quite literally what everyone says when you declare that the quality of the videogame industry declined in the recent years. Either this or shit like "nostalgia googles" or "you've just gotten too old".

Nevermind the fact that every fucking series that used to be good like Simcity is being run into the ground and new good games aren't being made because quite simply no one would buy them.

>> No.11571296

I bet you're very excited for thief 4. I know I am.

Also, are we using gonryun for the main town or what?

>> No.11571300

They keep saying it because it's true.

>> No.11571307

Nah it isn't.

>> No.11571316

i already said the DEVELOPERS declined, but the industry as a whole is actually better. yes, old series got run into the ground and every oldschool developer turned to shit. games as a whole, however, are even more impressive and better though.

>> No.11571324
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1200, 1335545360274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video gaems

>> No.11571327

Except the development teams were radically changed throughout the years.

You say games as a whole are more impressive. I'm willing to believe to you but please give me a few examples because I'm not seeing them.

>> No.11571390

Cookie seems dead, where is everyone?

>> No.11571397

Is this second life?

>> No.11571405

I'm in Gonryun

>> No.11571446

We moved to Amatsu now, if someone else is coming.

>> No.11571456

I do regularly ... what's your name?

>> No.11571504

That's the white mage armor, right?

I like how they used the traditional white mage colors from the old Final Fantasy games.

>> No.11571603

Zephris/Hotglue literally ruined my life and caused me to be a friendless NEET.

>> No.11571801
File: 2.76 MB, 1920x1080, ffxiv_10292013_175108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play, but I'm on Leviathan.

>> No.11571827


>> No.11571895

That's nothing to gratz about. I failed several classes and became completely socially despondent instead of anti-social because of traumatic experiences at the hands of Hotglue members in Mabi,

>> No.11571930
File: 34 KB, 460x276, Halo-4-008[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time to finish the fight

>> No.11571934
File: 69 KB, 640x359, halo-4-forward-unto-dawn-cadets-1020.0_cinema_640.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halo is literally universal
therefore not western

mina-san can't handle my halo

>> No.11571936
File: 26 KB, 488x312, snake-plissken-escape[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what games need
more guns and sweet sweet eyepatches

>> No.11571941
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, watch-call-duty-ghosts-reveal-trailer-xbox[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not to mention blue and/or brown excessively open landscapes in which to use my guns and eyepatches and vehicles

>> No.11571962

Level 120 ranger, level 103 RK, level 100 AB on cookie, and yet less than a million zeny between them and very little in the way of gear or cards except for ranger. Not sure if I should start a new character or not.

>> No.11571976

go back to /vg/

>> No.11571980

You should stay on-topic

>> No.11571981

and you should stay on /vg/

>> No.11571986

Make a new one

>> No.11572136

/vg/ is dead and only wants to make PVP shit

>> No.11572143

you should stay there nonetheless

>> No.11572153

I don't go to /vg/ but all I care about is PVP anymore.

>> No.11572167

It's been so long that I forgot, my bad.

>> No.11572217

A handful of my permanently banned Maplestory accounts were unbanned today. Nexon must be desperate!

>> No.11572228

Why do you have a handful of banned accounts? Have you reflected on your actions?

>> No.11572239

How do you even get banned from Maplestory? Were you soliciting minors?

>> No.11572284
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, screenCookieRO000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the best at names.

Also, do you guys have someone going hunter or dancer? I'm going with one or the other.

>> No.11572286

There is a future dancer, i think there was one guy going hunter too. We are at Amatsu by the way.

>> No.11572288
File: 792 KB, 1382x807, pedobera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11572309

Share your stories.

>> No.11572311

They're watching me I can't

>> No.11572331

the name and the emblem of the iRO classic guild was amazing

i recognize that cloth mail

>> No.11572347

There's a private server now with a cosmetic-only cash shop
We should play together, /jp/


Although right now it's a bit laggy for people outside of North America

>> No.11572352

What is this marriage function the NPCs in the church mentioned? How does it work?

>> No.11572357

I've been playing pso, and it's starting to get a little boring now, are there any fun action netgames out there in the same vein? Not tera

>> No.11572361

I guess vindickus is close but it got boring even faster than PSO2 for me.

>> No.11572403
File: 70 KB, 285x317, 1364673826424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw watching /jp/ers try to decide a guild name on cookie

>> No.11572408

i warai'd. i checked the guild list on the website by chance and noticed Pomf exists, so I imagine it was already decided by then

>> No.11572409
File: 547 KB, 1232x693, ZiTah1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a teenager I spent a huge proportion of my free time in FFXI. Back then I didn't understand Japanese so I only had random (typically) American normals to interact with and I was never at the forefront of the content (I only just finished RoZ and CoP early this year when I went back to finish them now they're soloable), but it was worth it just to escape to the game world, even if I was just hanging about areas I liked.

It wasn't my first MMO, though it was one of my first and I guess I'm only attached to it because of that. I always knew it wasn't a perfect game, but to this day I still can't bring myself to get into any other MMO long term. I go back to it to occasionally, but I can't help wish I could wind back the clock to 2004.

>> No.11572418

We just went with just Alice for the guildname
I think Pomf was taken by the previous wave of people from /a/ and /vg/

Miusel went to sleep but he forgot to give everyone invite rights (he also forgot to tax us so we can't expand the guild until he wakes up). Still 6 slots left if anyone wants an invite!

>> No.11572435

Downloading now. You guys in need of what class?

>> No.11572438

We want a dancer

>> No.11572446

I was making a dancer, but feel free to make any class you want since you're not limited to only one character

>> No.11572452

I think we already have dancers, Tanks on the other hands are none...

>> No.11572453

I've never played renewal before and I wanted to know if money is easy to make on 10x renewal. Which class I make will depend on this.

>> No.11572457

Those pixelated game worlds from 00~05 are so inviting. Now everything is cartoon stylized or superflat. I want to go back to those care free days.

>> No.11572460

It's my first time playing and I made 60k in a few hours if that counts for anything

>> No.11572464 [DELETED] 

making a sage. who do i talk to? name is on email field

>> No.11572468

You make it sound like the random Japanese players were any better than the other randoms you ran into. Plenty of Japanese in FFXI were just plain jerks.

>> No.11572475

It's just that I'm better at making friends in Japanese. In English I can only talk in this distant style of communication without feeling weird.

>> No.11572495

>not being a catgirl masterrace

>> No.11572520

Is warrior the only tank?

>> No.11572572

You can agi tank too, with assassin or rogue classes

>> No.11572575
File: 176 KB, 1366x768, screenCookieRO001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suika kougeki! eh why are all my screenshots like this?

>> No.11572582

what? no you can't

you may be able to pdodge tank but thats only for very few cases

best tanks are suras and rune knights

>> No.11572644

Ah, my bad. I mixed up tanks with mobbers. Been playing too much pre-trans

>> No.11572696
File: 1.10 MB, 1911x1020, 1030-023123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I get such a kick out of looking at panties of characters in this game. It's all very exciting for some reason. Matsumae Ohana wearing Minazuki Haruka's outfit. Both character's voices are probably able to be used for your character as well, at least Ohana's is.

>> No.11572710

MS used to be fun. Now I see solo-ing bosses like nothing.
Meso explosion pls.

>> No.11572714
File: 64 KB, 1280x1024, mab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Mabinogi anyone? I haven't touched it since 2008/9 when it was america-only and I needed to use a proxy. Laggy as hell but at the time I really liked how the graphics looked.

>> No.11572727

I started playing Mabi on Alexina two months ago, it's fun.

>> No.11572743
File: 384 KB, 628x544, 1382818480559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still play, daily in fact. there's a few /jp/ers i play with, but we're pretty close friends from earlier games

>> No.11572750

I miss mabi but I have some very bad memories and bad experiences with it and no friends anymore.

>> No.11573008

If I recall, that happens when your resolution isn't mod16.

>> No.11573403

spooki wwww

>> No.11573406

I decided to download CookieRO as well since the screenshots got me all nostalgic.

Seems I've already tried this server out at some point. Already have a 37/35 Swordsman, if you guys still need tanks. I'd be willing to go Rune Knight.

Though last time I've played was pre-renewal, so please excuse me if I'm horrible.

>> No.11573539

it's been going downhill since G16s2 when the guy who'd taken over decided that the game needed to blend more with the various clone-of-a-clone games you see everywhere, and scrapped the chess-like combat flow. the story's in shambles by now, the NA version lags like hell even for people nearer to the server hardware... mabi's sorta a zombie now.

>> No.11573646

Too bad. I have some good memories of mabi. I was too jew to pay money to re-loli my character though.

>> No.11573679

I made 1 million in 4 hours I think
Go to toy factory 2 and kill myst cases then sell the drops

>> No.11573820
File: 206 KB, 1680x1050, screenCookieRO000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy. Who should I contact for an invite to the guild by the way? I'm lonely and it's spooky here. ;_;

>> No.11573895

Go to Amatsu and wait by Miusel. He forget to give everyone invite before he went afk.

>> No.11573955

The last patch brought upon Improvements to server connectivity + apparently you can use VPNs to get closer to a standard delay.

It's what some friends have done and it works well for them.

>> No.11574084

... g...go on....

>> No.11574125

Little girls are very lewd. Then they get less lewd as they grow up.

>> No.11574139

I know a girl that understands a lot of French because of "late night TV" she watched as an elementary schooler. Still pretty lewd though.

>> No.11574141


>> No.11574157

I know a girl who fantasized about being raped and gangbanged when she was just a loli.

>> No.11574214

For the /jp/ group playing in CookieRO, is there any other class type you'd like to have but don't have yet? I used to be alright with long-range types when I was still playing, and I'd like to play with /jp/ over Halloween break.

>> No.11574242

I installed Path of Exile, but got bored of it within a few hours so I uninstalled it.
Back to eroge/JRPG's I guess.

>> No.11574528

It seems /vg/ is joining the /jp/ guild on cookie. I don't like palying with /vg/

>> No.11574634

Some idiot /vg/ player said something about it.

>> No.11574657

Welp, never mind then. I ain't playing with those assholes.

>> No.11574993

Just when we were having a good time...

>> No.11575108

what about this server? http://originsro.org

>> No.11575305

What does it matter which board you guys are from? We're all 4channers anyway, and what board you're from shouldn't affect gameplay at all.

>> No.11575311

Some people are under the impression that /jp/ is a secret club.

>> No.11575433

You have to understand where we come from. We've been playing many netoge together for years as a /jp/ community. You might not realize it, but it's actually different from the kinds of people you will find on /vg/. For most of us, playing netoge with /jp/ers leaves us with good memories of the good old times. Playing netoge with /vg/ers just leaves us with a bad taste of drama and irritating personalities. If you've played with /vg/ you know exactly what I'm talking about.

>> No.11575442

>We're all 4channers anyway
sasuga crossie

>> No.11575444
File: 39 KB, 467x433, 1318571217944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up Anumati

(only true /vg/ros would get this epic reference)

>> No.11575956

I have never played a game with /vg/, but I'm thinking /vg/ is more competitive (they want to win or something) and /jp/ is more cute things and having a good time.

>> No.11576292
File: 117 KB, 800x600, screenCookieRO020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said we are merging with a /vg/ guild or something like that. /vg/ isn't even playing Cookie anymore. I just came across a /vg/ie the first day i got in and didn't even find that guy anymore. Maybe you read something on /vg/ but actually in game no one came to us.
In any case, we are just having fun with jpsies in the server, and taking it easy.

>> No.11576862

>we are just having fun with jpsies in the server

You even make it sound like you're just a crossie.

Go away crossie.

>> No.11576868


I like this one so far.

Good, balanced rates, actual server work to make it playable with no lag, just started out and probably doesn't even have many guilds yet. And ontop of that, no /vg/.

We should play there.

>> No.11576994

Will try. Just a quick refresher, they claim to not include the 'renewal' system, but lists on their features that they have 'Transcended Classes'. In summary, up to what set of classes are we talking about? Does it include the Rebirth classes like High priests, Champions and Snipers, or are we talking basic 2nd jobs like Priests, Monks and Hunters?

>> No.11577030

Um...trans are just the advanced Rebirth classes, yes. Renewal isn't Rebirth, Rebirth was in Sakray(beta) during December 2004 during the Yuno expansion if I recall correctly and it offered the choice of playing trans classes + leveling all over again.

In other words, they're going to host the first EPs before trans THEN enable trans eventually, which sounds like a neat idea. Episode is around 2004, back when Bards and Comodo were added right now.

It gives us enough time to progress and then wait until trans + better EPs to profit and advance in WoE.

>> No.11577053

Though, in hindsight, I wish they added Ninjas + their expanded stuff but not the rest.

That'd be neat.

>> No.11577382

/jp/ is the same as /vg/ and is just as annoying

>> No.11577469

If you see this thread, /jp/ might be even worse.
>My secret base!
I'm quoting this thread btw.

>> No.11577952

How do I get qt hats in RO?

>> No.11578032

You make quests and kill MVPs.

>> No.11578313

iRO is officially on Steam now, lets play /jp/!

>> No.11578441



>> No.11578665

No, more like we play


>> No.11578678

>x1 rates
>High populated
We are find on cookie

>> No.11579722
File: 412 KB, 1200x849, 1378759530769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing with playing on official versus private servers:

Private server don't last forever, they wipe, they make major changes to items/gameplay/monsters that are not official, and on top of that they don't update as fast with new content as official anymore.

What this means you can play on pserver "A" but then you leave because it goes down or gets a wipe or the admins just decide to abandon it, not only do you lose all your progress on characters you made, but when you move to another private server you have to re-learn the whole game over again (even if you have played for years) because pserver "B" has its own unique special snowflake customizations.

So, if you consider this, then even though official is 1x rates, in the end you will still save time by sticking with official RO while enjoying the standardize and most update-to-date content.

tl;dr = official > pserver

>> No.11580128

Where are we even playing

>> No.11580225

/ota/ decided to play this.

We have enough people for a large Guild though I don't like how hipster and counterproductive to the max the lack of content is at all.

>> No.11580617

Anyone on in Cookie? I'm going to make a Sage, and for now I've got my mage. Damn, it all feels difficult after so many years not playing.

>> No.11580675

I'll make a bard in cookie so maybe we could party?

>> No.11580686

Yeah, let's. I'm getting right fucking here being alone and a mage. Should we meed up at prontera?

>> No.11580699

I'm in a phone right now, and I am not at home. I'll try to be there in 30 or 40 minutes.

>> No.11580833

Okay, what's your character's name? I'll make my character right now, so I haven't decided on the name yet.

>> No.11580866

I'm MirrorLyrica, and i guess I'll wait at the Prontera center now

>> No.11581804

Most are on cookie.
