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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 488 KB, 1184x2200, 1382608275639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11558689 No.11558689 [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate?

>> No.11558693

No it isn't.

>> No.11558698

Not at all.

I've still seen worse.

>> No.11558700

ZUN = Hakurei Kannushi = Dragon God = Yukari (Wildly Fanon Estimate) > Shikieiki > KKHTA Koakuma = Yukari (Generous Estimate) = Yorihime = Toyohime = Yuuka (Wildly Fanon Estimate) = Hakurei Miko = Oni Miko Reimu = Cho Marisa > Yukari = Eirin = Yuyuko = KKHTA Reisen II = Alice (Grimoire) = Maribel (Aware) > Utsuho = Unnamed Giant Catfish (Taisui Xinjun) = EX Rumia = Sanae (Deranged) > Reimu = Remilia = Flandre = Sakuya = Yuuka = Komachi = Saigyou Ayakashi = Suika = Yuugi = Tenshi = Iku = Ran (Shikigami) = Koishi = Byakuren = Kanako = Suwako = Mamizou = Lord Tenma = Myouren = VIVIT = Advent Cirno > Aya = EX Keine = Reisen = Kaguya = Mokou = Youmu = Ran (Independent) = Sanae (Living God) = Satori = Rin = Ichirin + Unzan = Murasa = Shou = Nue = Seiga = Tojiko = Futo = Toyosatomimi = Kasen = Youki = Mishaguji = Killer Clown (Dolls in Pseudo Paradise) = Kishin Lord = Kosuzu (Necronomicon) = Hourai (Fully Possessed) > Marisa = Meiling = Patchouli = Letty = Alice = Prismriver Sisters = Keine = Nitori = Hina = Momiji = Medicine = Sanae (untrained) = Hatate = Ichirin Solo = Kogasa = Yoshika (Spirit-Fueled) = Lily (Black Outfit) = Giant Eagle = Tiger = Raijuu = Small Dragon > Tewi = Cirno = Kogasa = Mystia = Parsee = Chen (Shikigami) = Goliath Doll > Rumia = Daiyousei = Koakuma = Wriggle = Shizuha = Minoriko = Lily (White Outfit) = Chen (Independent) = Kisume = Yamame = Nazrin = Yoshika = Reisen II = Tanuki Marisa = Fox Marisa = Patrol Tengu = Lunar Defense Corps (Present Day) = Giant Toad > Okuri-inu = Man-Eating Wolf = Chimera = Common Kappa = Shanghai (Awakened) = Hourai (Awakened) > TD 1st Stage Midboss = Three Faeries = Tokiko = Rinnosuke = Maribel = Renko = Kosuzu = Earth Rabbit = Layla = Are = Unshou = Shirou Sendai = Common Human > Doll of Alice = Common Fairy = Kedama = Tsuchinoko = Zoku = Goku = Kimeemaru > Aichi = Ani = Ami = Ayo = Ago = Amu = Anana = Aya = Akyuu = Patchouli (Asthma Attack) > Prospective Sukima's Shikigami's Shikigami's Shikigami > Common Yukkuri

>> No.11558730

I would disagree with most of this.

>> No.11558738

Powerlevel wanking is the worst.

>> No.11558739
File: 120 KB, 500x476, 1380358883073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no, dude

>> No.11558748

Powerlevelfags please leave. You are the worst people alive.

>> No.11558771

Yeah a lot of this is wrong, especially kaguya and marisa.

>> No.11558773

Please sage.

>> No.11558774

Lunarians pls go

>> No.11558775 [DELETED] 

sage doesnt even work you fricken tinkle drinker.

>> No.11558776

I will never understand the thought process behind some of these.

Yuyuko on the same level of power as Aya

The person who can say "die" and you die, on the same level of power as... really fucking fast.

>> No.11558778

What? Please leave Crossie-kun.

>> No.11558781


>> No.11558785

Has anyone seriously checked over this one?

>> No.11558789

Does anyone seriously care about powerlevels?

>> No.11558790

Lots of people pretend to take them seriously.

>> No.11558792
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>> No.11558794

There are so many levels of irony that I can't even pick them up anymore

>> No.11558800

If you ever see someone powerlevel wank outside of 4chan, there is an almost 100% chance that there is no irony in their posts.

>> No.11558806
File: 819 KB, 900x1055, 1361959374484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At AWA, ZUN said that if Letty used her whole power, it would cause an incident.
How powerful does that make her now?

>> No.11558809
File: 67 KB, 550x312, 1354381829326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I checked over it and made a few changes. It's slightly outdated.

Ex Rumia = Adolf Hitler = Hirohito = Advent Cirno = Erwin Rommel = Otto Skorzeny (with Chen fusion. See picutre) = Death Star > Shikieki = Douglas MacArthur (Pipe and Sunglasses Mega Prime) = Mussolini = Winston Churchill = Roosevelt (Mecha Wheelchair version) = Montgomery = Himmler (Crystal glasses mode) = Reimu > Stalin (1944 upgade) = Tojo = Yamamoto > Yuuka > Yukari > Flandre > Yuugi > Watasuki Sisters > Vegeto (SS4) > Letty (Full power) > Suwako = Kanako > Mokou = Kaguya > Suika > Eisenhower > Marisa > Remilia > Mima > Yuyuko > Ran > a SS soldier > Gogeta (SS4) > Komachi = Tenshi > Sanae > Eirin > Koishi > Satori > Utosho > Iku > Elly > Nue > Wing Gundam > EX Keine > Goku = Vegeta > Alice > Sakuya > Patcholi > Orin > Youmu > Lyrica = Merlin = Lunasa > Reisen > Medicine > Keine > Nitori > The Bible > Hong Meiling > "The Scientific Companion" > ZUN > Parsee > Hina > Mystia > Wriggle > Yamame > Starsapphire = Lunachild = Sunnymilk > Black People > Dirt > Poland > Jews > Type Mercury ORT = VIVIT = Demonbane

>> No.11558833 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 600x356, 1349634975687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my le sides have escaped teh atmosphere xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.11558847

A lot of people consider the flash stronger than goku and superman. Perhaps the same logic applies to Aya

>> No.11558849

Otto Skorzeny is a very impressive guy. I like the pictures of Nazi officers just sitting around talking, and doing normal gentleman things.

>> No.11558863
File: 27 KB, 288x150, 1370109271799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best one I've seen so far, but that ain't saying much.

Eiki is definitely too low though.

>> No.11558868
File: 24 KB, 293x208, 1376659038686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since i beat all 2hus with Reimu and Marisa, they are the top strongest. Also the 2hu-tengu are more of a mid-tier, maybe slightly above or at the same level as the animal youkai.

>> No.11558871

You still forcing this? Fortunately, we now have the "keep /pol/ in /pol/" rule.

>> No.11558876

It has mecha wheelchair Roosevelt in it and Demonbane at the bottom. I think you're taking it too seriously.

>> No.11558880

>not the strongest
friggin heck man

>> No.11558891

Powerless and Weakest should be swapped

>> No.11558894

I'm going to need the one that has unlimited power so long as humans hold jealousy in their hearts to be bumped the fuck up.

>> No.11558938 [DELETED] 


Sure is neo-/jp/ in this thread........... Sigh..... Is this what all the touhou threads are like now? /a/c/v/ trash.........

>> No.11558954

I guess this is that famous shitposter irony I heard so much about.

>> No.11558959


There's nothing ironic about people getting literally mad over copypasta. This the /jp/ janny wants and it looks like he's going to get it

>> No.11558977

There are layers of irony in your posts that I can't even begin to dissect. You just don't realize it because you're apparently being serious, which just makes it more hilarious.

>> No.11558994


The irony meme is dead, dude. Post the ''''Heh.'''' one and you'll be back on track.

>> No.11559174

No Because Cirno Beat Marisa while at full power... So she should have no problem beating Alice.

>> No.11559181

Why is Mokou in 3rd strongest? Just 'cause she's immortal?

>> No.11560108

I don't see Cirno at the top of this list OP you fucked up.

>> No.11560120

>Judge of the afterlife
>Weaker than exiled Lunarians.
>Implying ZUN didn't say that if Letty went full ham, it would cause an incident.
I'm quoting the implications of OPs image.

>> No.11560121

Moonbitches should be in bullshit tier.
I don't think the immortals are that strong, just kill them once, ram a knife into their head whenever they wake up and throw them inside a volcano or something. Easy.

>> No.11560125
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power ranking

How did /sp/ get in here?

>> No.11560126

What would happen if you threw an immortal toe hoe into a black hole?

>> No.11560131

What would happen if you separated an immortal toe hoe into her constituent particles?

>> No.11560135

Hourai Elixer removes the user from infinite death loops.

>> No.11560138



>> No.11560144

strict moderation lead to this

>> No.11560149

She'll most likely stay at the center of this Lovecraftian horror forever.

The particles will rejoin and then she'll kill you.

Seconded. Now I'm curious about how that mechanic would work.

>> No.11560152


What if you locked an immortal toe hoe's constituent particles into separate black holes?

>> No.11560187
File: 158 KB, 1204x867, 34262d2d7f91f2aa0233017f07984e28b9a1c8cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is accuracy

>> No.11560193

Trick question. They'll have to rejoin SOMEWHERE. Maybe she'll come back together again in one of the black holes randomly? That's my guess, anyway.

>> No.11560196


>Maybe she'll come back together again in one of the black holes randomly?

How? Escaping a black hole is impossible.

>> No.11560198

Yuuka is 18 years old?

>> No.11560203

Not even light can escape and it's not like I suggested any of the particles ever will. It's more like one random set of Mokou or Kaguya particles in a black hole will somehow take precedence over the others and then she'll come back together from that one. To be honest, I'm only guessing at this point.

>> No.11560208

Does anybody have the picture the Eirin, Kaguya, Reisen and Tewi portraits are from? I like the style.

>> No.11560210
File: 1.43 MB, 2510x1957, powerlevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560222

Dumbest power level chart I have ever seen.

>> No.11560226


>then she'll come back together from that one.

Come back together how? Her other particles are in different black holes. Do you mean her body will reform from matter within the black hole? But that won't really be her, aside from that one particle.

>> No.11560245 [DELETED] 

If you're going to delete Touhou threads, start with powerlevel threads.

>> No.11560268

What if mima were a touhou?

>> No.11560284

Can Yukari stop Giorno's Requiem from turning all of her actions to 0?

>> No.11560296

>Her body will reform from matter within the black hole.

Yes. That's exactly where I was getting at but I don't have any clue how that's supposed to work. Magic? Having that single particle be dominate should be sufficient enough to get the rest around it to reconstruct the body. It'd honestly be easier to just give the alternative answer of she's finally dead and leave it at that. A cop-out, yes but I can just as easily say that if black holes can already mess with physics the way they do, then they might be able to cancel immortality magic as well.

She is. A touhou that Zun forgot.

>> No.11561130

That's different, flash has speed force bullshit, which lets him do whatever he wants.
He once outran his own death, and beat instantaneous travel in a race.

>> No.11561148

Watatsukis are secondary crap. They're hardly better than fanmade OC do not steal. Stick to the real Touhous.

>> No.11561442

Come now, you're just upset that your favourite Touhous lost to them.

>> No.11562307

Holy shit, this is stupid.

>> No.11562314
File: 1.64 MB, 2927x3146, powerlevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, this chart seems more accurate.

>> No.11562319

>Moon bitches

>> No.11562340

Of course not you tumbrl fag.
Yorihime won only because she cheated.The protags were playing danmaku while she didn't, by danmaku rules she lost after she touched Marisa's star, of course the star was weak shit, it wasn't supposed to hurt anyone. I give that Yorihime may be stronger than Marisa, but if Sakuya didn't play danmaku too she wouldn't avoid a fucking stab in her vag.

Also you'll never know true powerlevels, danmaku mitigates them, Letty for example is supposed to be an elite youkai (ZUN recently say that if we'll ever see her again we need an incident first). Shikieki is supposed to be stronger than Yukari, Yuyuko and Reimu together while Tewi actually made a contract with Kaguya and Eirin so she's on the same level with them.

>> No.11562352
File: 2.10 MB, 3875x1500, Powerlevels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this accurate?

>> No.11562358

This one is still the best >>11562314

>> No.11562376


>> No.11562383

Because of all the awesome maymays and headcanon, I assume.

>> No.11562381

this one the best imo

>> No.11562562


Can't be, Toyouhime is ranked too low. The only reason they had a 'draw' was because she was following danmaku rules instead of outright purifying everyone.

The lunitarians /could/ wipe away gensyoko/earth if they wanted, they just haven't had a reason to.

Also, clearly made by some weeb who doesn't understand Shintoism. '8-million' is not an actual count but was a number used to represent infinity.

>> No.11564033
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>> No.11564124

Please stop. We do not talk about the moonbitches in polite company.

>> No.11564135

No. This is an autistic way to display powerlevels.

>> No.11564204

The top two are accurate but I'm not sure why Yukari and Yuuka aren't on 2nd class.

>> No.11564207

Yukari is a bit high but everything else is legit with some room to argue about Featherine vs some other Divine Beings.

>> No.11564250

B-but... Cirno is the strongest.

>> No.11564404
File: 84 KB, 512x512, 31721772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Aya and Hatate so high ranked?

>> No.11564413

You tried, and I give you points because the majority of the characters are roughly at the good place.

Given that.

Yuki is ridiculously too high. Sakura is far too high too, even is you count only Manga!Best sorceress of the world!Sakura. Son Goku is too low. Yukari a bit too high. Sakuya is too high. Nanoha maybe slightly too low.

Come again with these errors patched and we'll discuss further.

>> No.11564419

>Son Goku is too low
Wat, much higher and he is taking on gods and universals.

>> No.11564429

Wasn't it the point of DragonBall that strength rose into ludicrous levels? Wasn't it about that the whole concept of powerlevels is stupid?

>> No.11564436

Uh... not really? I mean Dragon Ball was all about power levels, true... but their actual power levels didn't go much past planet busting. If Goku gets any higher on that list then he is in league with universe creating characters.

>> No.11564444

they stand their ground even against 2nd strongest tier

>> No.11564446

Well she would make it so cold in winter that Reimu and Marisa can't leave the Kotatsu, resulting in Reimu starving and Marisa dying of boredom or if they are together at Reimu's place at one time they will have sex, resulting in strange stuff.

On a serious note, extra cold and harsh winters would be catastrophic for the human village. A youkai deliberately doing something on a grand scale resulting in the death of many humans is definetely an incident.

>> No.11564454

Reimu is only as strong as the plot demands her to be

>> No.11564468
File: 142 KB, 595x842, 1376731709691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why we all just

you know

make an chart now? The chances of this being accurate are high

>> No.11564537

Thank you.

Dragon Ball practically invented power levels. The term 'power level' comes straight from Dragon Ball, where they had actual devices measuring characters' power level in numbers at the start (until power levels started exceeding the scannable range).

Planet busting happens at power levels as low as 18.000 (Vegeta blows up a planet on the way to earth), and power levels rise way, way, WAY above that level. Still, it's all just a matter of physical power and speed, and Son Goku doesn't have any way of bending reality or negating other people's powers, so in a fight involving anything other than pure combat abilities he would still lose.

Furthermore, Son Goku is shown to be entirely mortal and capable of dying to anything that would kill a normal human, as shown in Trunks's alternate timeline where he dies of a heart disease.

>> No.11564538

because it's hard enough to make 3 people agree on a list let alone how many are on /jp/. Everyone has an easier time with certain spell cards compared to others. I have a hell of a time with Orin but all EX-Bosses and most stage 6 bosses are much easier so I would be bias of Orin

>> No.11564543
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>> No.11564544

Go to tohosort and sort by powerlevels instead of who you like more.

>> No.11564562

powerlevel threads are fucking dumb

>> No.11564627

>bouhou daww it's hard so better not try it :(

It's interesting because it's hard. You people are running from hardships.

Clever people agree powerlevel threads are good because there is always a way to find a decent consensus through clever discussion, analytical thinking, and arguments. Searching the objective truth is its own reward.

You people just prefer nonsensical subjective threads like ``which touhou would you fuck'' and ``which character is the best''. There is no good answer to these questions. It's all boil down to personal preferences, so there is no truth to be found. And you like that. Because it's simple, it's easy. No truth means you don't have to think, to use your brain to find the good answer. With these questions, all answers are good!

Deep down, you hate powerlevel thread because of your own insecurities.

>> No.11564657
File: 218 KB, 1422x800, 697c25371589fcf9c9ae7f2b9cec933513bd28ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno canonically beat Marisa. Plus as a player character she's technically strong enough to beat EX level bosses.

I think any power ranking chart should have 2 categories

Player character tier
Non player character tier

We can do stupid power level charts after

>> No.11564660

Shouldn't Cirno be at the top?

>> No.11564694

So, which Touhou would YOU fuck?

>> No.11564872

So, should we add already the th14 youkais or wait until they appear in the manga or something?

>> No.11564876

Reimu is the most powerful Touhou because she has the ability to the extent of having any ability when ZUN is too lazy or drunk to write her better.

>> No.11564953

>Lily White

No way. She's another case of a character that's not even being serious.


>> No.11565577

I don't think you really fully grasp what the term "hardship" implies, but it's a really good choice in this context.

We're not talking about detailed dissection of canon here, after all. We're talking about tedious education of people who should really just know better and read the source material already. How many times does the exact scope and quality of information available to us need to be explained before we get to the "clever discussion" part? Even if we do, how many times the same exact detail must be brought up and processed in the exact same way? How much will not even be discussed because some people simply prefer their "headcanon" to official descriptions and don't intend to change their mind? And why is the quality of the discourse decreasing rather than increasing with time?

Do you wonder why most people who'd actually know what they're talking about simply gave up? Give us a real, novel topic and maybe we'll give some input. Be lazy and give as shitty charts you didn't even make, and you'll get disinterest. It's obvious.

But I'm talking to a greentexter, why do I even bother.

>> No.11565657
File: 298 KB, 768x500, 1379297414669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Letty as a 6th stage boss!

>> No.11565847
File: 78 KB, 500x546, 1379703133668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I prefer Lewd or Cute threads about one character. I don't give a shit about the power level threads because there's too many autistic people in /jp/ as is.

>> No.11566712

But she is being serious.

She's just being serious about something else than aiming at the PC.

>> No.11567148

She never fights, she just announces spring and disapear right after, making her presence in any chart non sequitur.
And any chart which include her are to be laughed at.

>> No.11568395

All they did was dodge and take photos of harmless danmaku. Nothing to prove they're anywhere near the same league as the strongest of Gensokyo.

>> No.11568457

Power ranking doesn't even matter beyond a certain point.

When you can just one-shot most things, it doesn't matter how strong you are.

>> No.11568463

Why is everyone surprised that Kaguya is so high up? She may as well be right ontop with how stupidly broken she is.

>> No.11568824

Did we play the same game?
Even if you win that fight, Cirno is the one who looks beat up. Marisa comes out of it without a scratch.
Besides, wasn't Marisa drunk during that fight?

>> No.11568850

>third ranked


And what the fuck makes you think Kaguya is so much stronger than Mokou?

>> No.11568853

When you're immortal, its hard not to be powerful.

I mean after a long enough time ANYBODY would get better at whatever it is they do.

>> No.11568854

She has the ability to manipulate eternity and the instantaneous.

This means she could instantly cast spells without any time frame between the spell being cast and the spell hitting the target.

She can react faster than anyone and if she cared to, she could make the person who happened to be dying to the spell die for eternity.

Kaguya could fuck up anyone without a care in the world.

>> No.11568861

>[Touhou Character] can [Action] faster than anyone and if they cared to

>[Touhou Character] could fuck up anyone without a care in the world.

Seriously, there is an upper limit.

>> No.11568862

Yoshika has the power to eat that upper limit.

>> No.11568864

Not when you manipulate eternity and the instantaneous.

She's the main ingredient in making the hourai do its thing, baby G.

>> No.11568875

Oh please. "Manipulation of the instantaneous and the eternal" is fucking vague and neither you or I know exactly what it means or whether or not she can do any of that.

>> No.11568879

She was able to halt Eientei's history and make everything within it eternal. Nothing broke, nothing would rot, and nothing would die. Stands to reason that she could make someone dying eternal as well.

The instantaneous isn't too vague. She can do things instantaneously.

>> No.11568890

>Manipulates Eternity and the Instantaneus
>Manipulates Fate
>Manipulates History
>Manipulates Time and Space
>Manipulation of Death
>Manipulation of Boundaries
>Manipulation of fire, water, wood, metal, earth, sun, and moon. AND MOON, TAKE -THAT- MOONBITCHES.
>Manipulate this, grabs dick.
>Eat Anything
>Destroy Anything
>Listen to Anything.. Okay 10 things. what

Ever heard of a phrase called "Rocket Tag"?

>> No.11568891 [DELETED] 


>She can do things instantaneously.

No, she can influence that which happens instantaneous.

>> No.11568897

>The instantaneous isn't too vague. She can do things instantaneously.

No, she can influence that which happens instantaneously.

>> No.11568919

And what would those be?

>> No.11568942

sub atomic shit I think

>> No.11568951

This, and did none of you fuckers played IN? Even under spell card rules, she could turn night into day in an instant. Who knows what she can do without limitations on her power. Oh wait, making your existence last for literally eternity is one.

If she's fighting seriously, she can just use her powers to enable her to move and react instantly. In other words, she always, ALWAYS gets to move first. Then it's easy enough to make it so it takes her opponent forever to move. It doesn't matter if you have the strongest ability in the world if it takes an eternity to use it, after all.

Kaguya is even more bullshit than even Yukari, really. But you have to remember that she's also a moonbitch, so that level of nonsense is to be expected.

>> No.11568965

All they want to do is have their rabbit house in the middle of a bamboo forest littered with rabbits.

There is no better existence.

>> No.11568967

>If she's fighting seriously, she can just use her powers to enable her to move and react instantly.

Pure speculation.

>> No.11568968

Yet Eirin is canonically stronger.

>> No.11568977

Eirin is the matriarch of the Lunar Society and probably invented most of the magic that's been watered down to Earthlings.

Eirin is on a completely different leven than everyone and invents crazy quantum things like it's no issue.

>> No.11569001

Which is what makes Eientei so great! You have these two powerful gods in the truest sense of the word, who'd like nothing more than to be left alone and cuddle with fuzzy bunnies (and the occasional parties).

No shit, you want a medal for that, Einstein?

It's as much speculation as ``Yukari can alter anything including and up to reality and more with gap hax :DDD''

Except at least with Kaguya you know from the game and books she can actually manipulate instance frames. I'm just taking that to its most extreme conclusion.

>> No.11569017

>I think
Is there a basis for your thoughts?

>> No.11569026
File: 169 KB, 341x495, Eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eirin is exceptionally intelligent. She is much smarter than humans, which makes her rarely understood.

Is Eirin on the spectrum?

>> No.11569032
File: 13 KB, 414x248, 1365040733584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eirin is adorable and smart, but I don't think she's autistic.

>> No.11569106

>No shit, you want a medal for that, Einstein?

Yeah, so specify that next time you want to spout how broken Kaguya's powers are.

>> No.11569116

>Is Eirin on the spectrum?

All 2hus are on the spectrum.

>> No.11569133

Then everyone's powers are pure speculations. The ones that matters anyway.

What the fuck are you even trying to prove here

>> No.11569136
File: 67 KB, 480x640, 41ab0ef49ad6b239d3c1e328669c7312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Mokou > Kaguya

deal w/it nerd.

She'll burn your shit to ash you don't need to speculate about that.

>> No.11569161

Too bad Mo-cow lives in a shack and eats ants.

Eientei superiority. Remove cow from premises

>> No.11569165

But but Kaguya has, like, a robe which, like, shoots fire and shit and impervious to flames and makes her really awesome.

Checkmate athiest

>> No.11569177
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Mokou is a saint. Although she used to be royalty she recognizes that her life of privilege ended a long time ago, that's why she has no problem with living humbly in the woods, where she spends her time selflessly rescuing humans.

Kaguya on the other hand wraps herself selfishly in her Eientei security blanket. She's not a princess anymore, she's an exile, she lost her status as royalty when he was banished from the moon, yet she sits around in her mansion all day, being of no use to anyone, bossing rabbits around so she can pretend that she's still someone important.

Also Mokou is better than Kaguya because she's taller, as this canonical illustration shows.

>> No.11569179

Mokou's security blanket is Kaguya.

When she heard that Kaguya was probably going back to the Moon she got scurred.

Checkmate moo-cow.

>> No.11569187
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>Mokou's security blanket is Kaguya.

Kaguya isn't her security blanket but Mokou does have a lot invested in their rivalry. Their relationship has evolved beyond simple hatred, they are companions now, after a fashion.

Kaguya still pisses Mokou off though because she's an awful bitch.

>> No.11569218


Wait a minute? How is Tenchi Masaki more powerful than the Lord of Nightmares?

>> No.11569228



>> No.11569229

Jurai lore is pretty fucked up, im not even sure why but its plausible.

>> No.11569255


Tenchi damn near accidentally destroyed the concept of what we perceive as reality. He's THAT powerful. If anything Tsunami, Tokimi and Washu are dead even with the LON.

Don't even get me started on the deeper aspects of this dude and the people around him. For a harem anime Tenchi Muyo's backstory is actually complex as fuck.

>> No.11569282

He's married to the multi-dimesional beings that created his universe and also more powerful than them, so yeah.

>> No.11569289


It's accurate by book canon

which is inferior to game canon according to ZUN. The powerlevels had to be rebalanced to make an actual conflict that isn't instantly solved possible in the books.

Also - moonbitches are hardcountered by a bucket of mud. Defile their bodies, and they lose all their god-related powers.

>> No.11569299

For example - in the games, Reimu is consistently stage 4 material (LLS and IN, she's the s4 boss in both) which makes sense, the last couple levels of a game should be uphill battles.

In the books? Reimu becomes more powerful than christian God and floats above reality.

>> No.11569303

Popeye w/ spinach > the Flash > Akira > *

>> No.11569316

Floating above reality is based on IN though.

Also stage doesn't mean anything about powerlevels. Yuyuko was stage 1 in TD, Lily was a stage 4(?) midboss in PCB where Cirno had been downgraded from stage 2 boss to stage 1 midboss, but Lily was also just a weak midboss for PoFV and FW, so going by that she's weaker than Cirno, who herself is stronger than those three fairies combined and equal to a easy mode Marisa.

>> No.11569422

what would happen if an immortal toe hoe got hit by Gold Experience Requiem?

>> No.11569428

transalte it weebs

>> No.11569458

Appears to be a power chart which includes age.
Notable ones (that I can read) include Yukarin age 18-29
Yamada 25 years old
Teruyo 18 years old
Ayarin 17 years old
Myon 14 years old
Beansprout 16 years old
Udon 17 years old
China 19 years old
Is that so? 12 years old
Penis 13 years old
Cockroach 12 years old

Basically the whole image is filled with so fahny memes.

>> No.11569460

I forgot to say, but Yukari's actually says
"Yukarin Age 18-29 (lol)"

>> No.11569488

>And what the fuck makes you think Kaguya is so much stronger than Mokou?

Is that a serious question? Mokou's flagship ability runs on Kaguya's power, you can't get any more blatant than that.

Floating above reality is from the games. She never did that in any of the books.

>> No.11569624

Nothing because GioGio a shit lel ownd weeb

>> No.11570373

but can she negate Made in Heaven?

>> No.11570391

Nothing can negate MiH. Except Pucci's idiocy, but that's a whole different thing.

>> No.11570397

Oh please, those fights in the photo games are akin to someone trying to swat an annoying fly. The fly being Aya

>> No.11570401
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I see it as a powerup out of passion.

Aya is so intent on getting a goddamn photo for her newspaper she breaks any sort of sense of power levels, considering her camera negates danmaku as well. Its also fairly harmless except for a bit of reputation damage.

If it was just like "hey lets fight" she's no better than 1st standard class.

>> No.11570404

>canonically stronger than Reimu and Marisa
>even goes easy on them to be fair
>agreed by ZUN
>no better than 1st standard class

>> No.11570410

who are you quoting?

>> No.11570409

If you have no willpower to fight, do you really have the strength to begin with?

>> No.11570427

Winston Churchill

>> No.11570477 [DELETED] 
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Pretty good until I saw that you put Cirno so far down the list.
