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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 621 KB, 578x766, 涼花.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11548998 No.11548998 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>11535318

AKB sub groups and related *48 groups welcome.

Happy Birthday Ryoka-chan.

Nogizaka46 photobook "Nogizakaha" is out.

NMB's Team N's new stage is going to start on the 26th.

Tentoumu Chu! is going to star in drama "Joshikou Keisatsu" it t will star airing on the 28th.

The 33rd single "ハート・エレキ" (Heart Electric) is going to be out on the 30th.

Team 4 is going to start performing "Te wo Tsuginagara" starting on 11/03.

SKE's Team S' new stage shonichi is on 11/30.

Nogizaka's 7th single release in November
HKT48 will start to perform the "Pajama Drive" stage Himawari-gumi Style from 11/02.
Wasamin's request cover album will be on sale on 11/06.
Yukirin's 3rd solo concert for 11/07 at Yokohama Arena
HKT48 kenkyuusei will start performing the "Nounai Paradise" stage starting from 11/17.
SKE is going to release a new single on 11/20.
Acchan's new movie "Tamako in Moratorium" will be released on 11/23.
Yuuko is going to appear in the movie "SPEC: Close" premiering on the 11/1 (Progress Ver.) and 11/29 (Crisscross Ver.)
Takamina has a new single coming out this fall.
Nogizaka will be having a live at Nippon Budokan on 12/20.

If you are new, please refer to this FAQ before asking something. http://pastebin.com/y0xcf3Pt

>> No.11549008
File: 40 KB, 354x472, りょちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uploaded the wrong picture. LOL.

>> No.11549011

That's a lot of news. Maybe we need to cut down on it, just have stuff that's happened within the past week or so in the opening posts.
>Yuuko is going to appear in the movie "SPEC: Close" premiering on the 11/1 (Progress Ver.) and 11/29 (Crisscross Ver.)
What does this even mean? There's two different versions?

>> No.11549018

That's fine too.

>> No.11549022
File: 83 KB, 642x856, 21 - 1 (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11549043

I've liked Ryoka since I first saw her self introduction


I don't know why but that shit killed me every time.

>> No.11549104

I think they're trying to milk more money from the fans. I'm not really sure what is going to be the difference between the two.

>Past week

>> No.11549126

So, who preordered the Nogizaka PB?

>> No.11549159

When she gave Yuko and Sayaka nicknames.

>> No.11549188
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 131007 Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku ep165.mp4_snapshot_08.44_[2013.10.21_23.10.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What episode/date is this?

I want to get into Kyowakoku but I can't watch all the episodes, no time and not that I really want to.

I've seen the AKB vs SKE episodes and really liked them.

I'd appreciate if anyone could tell me the numbers of other good episodes.

>> No.11549191

I wish the HKT48 card game thing was playable without needing a Japanese cellphone.

>> No.11549212

Team N's new stage first day performance got delayed for the 99th time. The day change is set for the 9th of next month.

>> No.11549216

Sayaka Akimoto has a new PB coming out
Jurina Matsui is AKB's newest center

>> No.11549254

ariyoshi radio episodes:

2012年 7月10日 指原莉乃、大家志津香、横山由依
2012年 8月14日 峯岸みなみ、渡辺麻友、北原里英、松井玲奈、光宗薫
2012年11月26日 島崎遥香、大場美奈、市川美織
2012年12月10日 北原里英、倉持明日香、永尾まりや
2013年 1月14日 山本彩、渡辺美優紀、山田菜々
2013年 2月 4日 川栄李奈、小嶋菜月
2013年 2月18日 野呂佳代、島田晴香、横山由依、山本彩、金子栞
2013年 3月 4日 宮澤佐江、鈴木まりや、島崎遥香
2013年 3月25日 指原莉乃、兒玉遥、宮脇咲良、村重杏奈、森保まどか、田島芽瑠、朝長美桜
2013年 4月 8日 秋元才加、倉持明日香、阿部マリア
2013年 4月22日 島崎遥香、永尾まりや、武藤十夢
2013年 5月 6日 大場美奈、山内鈴蘭、加藤玲奈
2013年 5月27日 入山杏奈、川栄李奈、高橋朱里
2013年 7月 1日 板野友美、横山由依、入山杏奈、川栄李奈
2013年 7月15日 梅田彩佳、菊地あやか、横山由依
2013年 7月22日 篠田麻里子、野呂佳代、佐藤由加理
2013年 7月29日 岡田奈々、小嶋真子、西野未姫
2013年 8月19日 梅田彩佳、藤江れいな、山内鈴蘭
2013年 9月 9日 田野優花、武藤十夢
2013年 9月30日 SKE48(松井玲奈・木本花音・柴田阿弥・菅なな子・古畑奈和)、AKB48(川栄李奈・小嶋菜月・高橋朱里・小嶋真子

>> No.11549288

Thanks. Do you have the dates for the versus episodes too?

>> No.11549321

Was that really Maeda Ami who did a flic flac during the janken tournament? I saw it on AKB48 Show, but the angle was pretty bad.

>> No.11549332

Never mind. It was some Kenkyuusei who's name is Ami too.

>> No.11549334

>flic flac
A what? Also is the show good? I've only seen the first episode because of subs.

>> No.11549352

I guess it's usually called "handspring".

I like the show because I get to see the older girls again who don't really get on AKBingo anymore. Also backstage stuff is always nice and performances too. But my Japanese is still pretty bad, so I don't get the skits.

>> No.11549373

Murashige looks like she has downs.

>> No.11549408
File: 93 KB, 692x928, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like a possibility

>> No.11549528 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 490x2560, thisishowcenterjankens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thread toward the end was getting real good why did it get ruined again?

>> No.11549651
File: 73 KB, 512x768, jurina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how horrifying

>> No.11549669

Like an Osmond.

>> No.11549673


Jurina is cashing checks and taking names!
Center getting paid son !!!!!!!!!!
You earned that money spend it on some melon pan
>melon pan

>> No.11549743
File: 71 KB, 642x856, 21 - 1 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11549838

Jurina isn't as cute as she used to be. :/

I'm worried.

>> No.11549894
File: 641 KB, 1170x1534, pbjuri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way you need to get your glasses on anon

>> No.11549895

Oh wow
You are right
Now that is how an oshi is suppose to look like!

>> No.11549902

When was this pic taken? I'm a newfag so how do I know this isn't from three years ago?

>> No.11549909

just as soon as you get this from being posted

>> No.11550020

Yui's in a lot of these, or is just me...

>> No.11550033

how is alot of yokoyama a bad thing?

>> No.11550088

on the contrary, she needs to be in more shows

>> No.11550109

In Nippon here. Saw some drama or other last night with Mariko acting. She pulled a sharp stick out of a little boys foot in a forest accident. Very arousing.

Her acting isn't that bad.

>> No.11550124

I didn't preorder but I'll buy one in December.

>> No.11550151

I just thought that maybe someone could scan it, I'm gonna get mine with Heart Ereki.

>> No.11550316

How is it that the girls aren't constantly stalked, harassed, and attacked by insane wotas? I can think of the guy following Paruru and Tomochin (and taking pictures) off the top of my head, which lead to her quitting her G+, but you'd think itd be super common.

>> No.11550335

Wotas are being gentlemens by not harassing their oshis

>> No.11550338

It's Japan, not the morally bankrupt west.

>> No.11550377

Wait, Paruru quit G+? Explain.

>> No.11550386

Someone took pictures of her in public without her permission, so in a salt induced fit she decided to not post on G+ any more.

>> No.11550392

There's an informal rule not to with all idols groups, wota seem to take it pretty seriously. I guess with some of the idols being so young, if it wasn't frowned upon things could get really bad quite quickly.

>> No.11550396

Is it one of those creepy people that keep deleting their comment on her posts and comment again another one after? Because I keep getting notifications of them repeatedly doing that over and over.

I just checked her G+, and you're right, she hasn't posted a thing since March 19. I thought I just keep missing her posts when she actually does write something (like Yuko and Yukirin's posts) but I guess I was wrong.

Feel sorta bad for her female fans, as they relied on Paruru for advice on fashion. But hey, I guess there's handshake events still.

>> No.11550422
File: 2.95 MB, 400x307, 1373075602127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paruru's such a bitch. I guess that's why she's popular with girls.

>> No.11550431

Exactly. Look at Tomochin

>> No.11550446

To be fair, I think it's more that she's not faking it as much. Like how Sayaka has alot of female fans.

>> No.11550463

She's not a bitch, she's just honest. Unlike people like Takamina

>> No.11550511

Post more of this slut, please.

>> No.11550514


Why in the world would anyone stalk or obsess over Tomochin? Is this a joke post?

>> No.11550532

Paruru was out shopping with Tomochin and some one followed them around and took pictures.

>> No.11550537

Wait, so the whole Paruru being close with Tomochin was real?

>> No.11550542

Not everything is a giant conspiracy anon.

>> No.11550815
File: 26 KB, 480x270, 92b99a8f-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11550964


Can anyone tell me the song playing in the background?

>> No.11550977

Renai Sousenkyo

>> No.11550993

Who is the manager in the 2 ja nai vids? Apparently, he told somebody to tear down Kaotan's poster at the CD signing.

>> No.11550996

Sounds like a dead man to me.

>> No.11550999

Since TGSK got involved, I think his name is irrelevant now.

>> No.11551037

What happen?

>> No.11551060

A little error. It wasn't the CD event but the handshaking event from the day before. Some manager told one of his workers to tear down Kaotan's cardboard poster. Kaotan being Kaotan, had to find out why. Of course when it was found out that it was the manager, not only did he ferociously deny it but Deguchi Aki, who was in the same lane, also got yelled at by him for some reason. Perhaps she tried to stand up for Kaotan.

>> No.11551061

What music should I download from them? I never listened to any AKB music at all, it always seemed like substanceless vapid garbage to me.

>> No.11551063

Just the singles. Have you tried reading the faq?

>> No.11551071

Nah, too long.

>> No.11551075

Is that the one Kaotan posted ob her G+?

>> No.11551077

That's why there is a menu. Look for the thing that looks like has your answer. Go and read it. Answer not there? Mention answer was not in section so we can improve the faq. Ask question here.

More simple than it looks.

>> No.11551080
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, 20cb9e38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551079

Beats me. Her G+ post about this:


>> No.11551082

No reason to be rude :/

>> No.11551083

I wonder if that guy is just trolling you.

>> No.11551085

That was rude?
It happens.

>> No.11551097

That wasn't even rude. Now if he called you a dumb shit that couldn't even do anything by himself and badgers other people to do shit for him because he's too mentally undeveloped to figure it out himself, then that's what I'd call rude.

As for actual song recommendations, I recommend Oogoe Diamond, RIVER and UZA.

>> No.11551123

I'm not even joking when i say this but I had a dream Kitahara Rie was my GF on some sort of cultural bus trip.

and let me tell you, she....was....amazing i might have to chance my oshi if everything i dreamt is real and can confirm as fact

>> No.11551124

Well, derp. Thanks.

>> No.11551130

She's so beautiful O_O

>> No.11551133

OH I am not denying her hotness ! But when you play wrestle with her and you start tickling her and she moves in for a kiss, and you grab her by the waist and you realize how thin it is

...yeah it was a great dream to say the least

>> No.11551136

that sounds amazing, I wish I could experience it

in real life

>> No.11551138

When Rie is in her zone, I find her funnier and more beautiful than Sasshi.

>> No.11551148

rie is sexier than sasshi every day of the week
the rate she could move her hips were insane and her kisses were unworldly!

it was crazy it was like a giant dating bus trip and all the girls were competing for me i cant remember who else was in the running, did not see Matsui Jurina tho :(

>> No.11551154

That's a good one.

>> No.11551160

Yui and Milky are honestly the most beautiful idols, you know it's true.

>> No.11551162
File: 131 KB, 800x1066, rie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys! dream is confirmed! photo evidence (to prove dream was real, i like Rie but i do not pay much attention to her I enjoy her comedy and think she is beautiful but i do not oshi her she is just a girl i dont hate so i do not know her details as well as other girls except for her face, skin, lips)

with that said what i dreamt of about her is confirmed by photo

>> No.11551164

Rie considers herself ugly and they used to get compared to each other due to their similar looks.

>> No.11551169

calm down anon. Having a dream about an idol is just another tick on the list.

>> No.11551172

I think in an episode of Bimyo they had her and i think erena ono get interupted at dinner by yokoyama, mayu and minegishi wanting autographs and they call rie sasshi and she just goes along with it

>> No.11551177 [DELETED] 

How much would I have to pay an idol to have sex with me and thus help me lose my virginity? I'm 21 and white by the way, I look average.

Which idol is the one most likely to accept?

>> No.11551180

For Sasshi, it's free.

>> No.11551181

i agree with
anon is totally legit

>> No.11551187

That was on the first episode. Good skit.

>> No.11551188

My beautiful Sasshi is still a virgin~

>> No.11551193

Just stop.

>> No.11551197

I dunno, man. Hating Sasshi is a time honored tradition.

>> No.11551196

Fuck off.

You don't belong here.

>> No.11551201

Post your last.fm, please.

>> No.11551205

why would you oshi sasshi shes 100% yankee and looks like dog turds
sasshi is nothing idol-like
this anon knows what hes talking about!

anyone want to post Rie photos so i can have a folder?!

>> No.11551209
File: 426 KB, 1128x1600, Kitarie (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have like four.

>> No.11551210
File: 663 KB, 1135x1600, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill share what i got
she only gets better and better

>> No.11551211
File: 634 KB, 800x1200, Kitarie (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551213
File: 569 KB, 768x1024, Kitarie (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551214
File: 527 KB, 1138x1600, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting to be thankful for last nights dream!

>> No.11551217
File: 145 KB, 1110x650, Kitarie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551218

Is Sasshi the one that had a sex scandal and talks dirty in bed?

>> No.11551219
File: 975 KB, 2014x1600, 18-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i have that set of photos already

>> No.11551221

And has a bad personality.

>> No.11551222

she is a bad attitude and sounds like a man and always has to voice her opinion she is un-idol-like

getting caught and being sent back to hkt was not harsh enough

>> No.11551223

Sup, ban evader.

>> No.11551231
File: 212 KB, 640x360, kaotarrrn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to Kaotan?

>> No.11551233

>a girl has a healthy sex life
>suddenly she's a slut, fuck her, let's hate her, everyone!
I guess you only have to be a virgin to have that attitude.

>> No.11551236

If you want to be a slut, do something else instead of being an idol. Nobody is stopping you from changing your career.

>> No.11551238

Welcome to 4chan where being called a virgin is a compliment.

>> No.11551241

No, you are fucking stupid and don't GET it.

That fucking whore deserves it.

This whole 'they're human beings too so they're allowed to date/fuck/have a life' is total bullshit. Why would idols be allowed to have a life if they're taking money from singing/dancing and marketing themselves as pure maidens? The music is honestly shit so at least give us what we paid for or get the fuck out of the idol scene.

Their job is being IDOLS. Not singers. Not dancers. Not actresses. Not TV personalities, nor radio presenters, nor comedians. But idols.

Their job is to be the muse that keeps company to those who are without companion. To give courage to the discouraged by showing courage. To be the girlfriends of those who don't have girlfriends, the little sisters of those who don't have little sisters, to be the female friend to those who have never been near a woman. To be idolized by those who have lost religion.

To not be tainted. That is their job. And if they can't fulfill it, they should fuck off.


There should be no idols that are in a public relationship. It's usually a part of the job description. And if Sasshi fucked that guy, and she is then got mad because she's a human being and has the right to do that, then she should've stayed away and pursued a career as normal singers or actresses or whatever, not an IDOL that markets herself as a pure maiden. She decided to be an idol, and as long as she wishes to remain an idol, she'll have to go without the dick, or face the consequences of being found out and losing her status.

How fucking hard is to understand the meaning of a word?

>> No.11551243

Rie talks like Yankumi in bed.

>> No.11551244

no morals
"healthy sex life, is a wannabe "idol", wonders why everyone hates her
this anon speaks the truth

if only i could post these Rie's they are awesome the more and more i see her the prouder my choice was

>> No.11551249

The usual. Management hates her. I have to say, I respect her tenacity the most. Management hates you and won't put you on shows? Just make your own show on G+!

>> No.11551252

eye irritation from a contact lens

>> No.11551254


one rule of AKB " NO BOYS "
clearly sasshi has problems FOLLOWING THE RULES

being deported to HKT was not harsh enough

she can talk anyway she wants in my bed!

>> No.11551256

I forgot which episode, but I remember that. It was actually Moeno eating with Rie, Rie's case, they only didn't know her actual last name and called her Sashihara Rie or something, or that was Moeno...

>> No.11551258

Yeah, I'm sure if one of you were fucking Sasshi, it would be alright, but when it's someone else, oh no, she isn't a real idol! Decapitate her!


>> No.11551261

We already gave Sasshi to that White boy above. Are you even following the thread?

>> No.11551269
File: 915 KB, 245x178, juri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i couldnt remember who the 2nd person she went to dinner with it was a cute skit making them autograph chopstick wrappers haha

i stand behind this anon til the end of time they clearly are rational and speak the truth you have my loyality! UNITED !

please dont make me throwup i just ate i would never touch that why would i want sasshi when i can have wayyyyy hotter rino will grow up and become a waitress as best or work in soapland stop acting like she is mighty because last time i checked MATSUI JURINA dethroned her corrupt empire

>> No.11551273

aren't we all white?

>> No.11551274

Yes, from lack of sun.

>> No.11551275

Just like how English speakers can't speak a different language of a script properly but get mad when their language is not spoken properly. You don't know shit about hippos.

>> No.11551279

I want to fuck Jurina so bad.

>> No.11551280

I'm in the library and you made me laugh.

>> No.11551283

homo niggas gettin aids in the ass -lil wayne

>> No.11551284
File: 166 KB, 626x346, BBcpcaiCMAAtHgc.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does matsui jurina always pull this face now

>> No.11551285

>mfw tumblr is here

>> No.11551286

Did you go to the HS?

>> No.11551289
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, vljs05010_QGQNEDgH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Center is mine and i wont give her up !

she makes the best faces, yukirin's are too fake
that face that smile that mouth that center'ness that fills me with warm fuzzy feelings jurina forever

>> No.11551319
File: 3.00 MB, 207x344, AokiShiori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551358

The fact that some troll actually thoght this was a clever copypasta to repost is pretty saddening in itself.
But this part, oh god...

>Their job is being IDOLS. Not singers. Not dancers. Not actresses. Not TV personalities, nor radio presenters, nor comedians. But idols.

It seems to me you know shit all about AKB or modern idols in general. Do you even follow the Japanese news, man? Peoples like Yuko for example are always addressed as movie actors first and group members second.
Please refer back to what I told you back in December and don't bother us again.

>> No.11551360
File: 2.26 MB, 323x270, wSnapPd.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551361

Isn't that because she was an actress before she joined AKB?

>> No.11551364

Jurina does a better toy poodle dog impression

other anon spoke the truth it is now a law and amended as fact it is no longer debateable

>> No.11551367

Great strawman, bro.
I guess you have to be a monolingual crossboarder dumbfuck to give birth to posts like yours.

>> No.11551380

It's because the point of AKB has always been to go above and beyond simply being idols, Mister "I've been following the group for only 4 days".
If it were otherwise agencies like Ohta Pro wouldn't spend so much time and resources building an indipendent career for their members, for example.

Oh yeah, and here's the same copypasta 9 months ago. Pathetic.

>> No.11551382

If she wasn't in AKB, her career would go to shit like all graduated members. She is an idol first, and every thing else second.

>> No.11551392
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a KitaRie fan, i think the only reason Sasshi is center is because Rie's new fans voted for the wrong girl.

>> No.11551396

well yeah of course their idol careers went to shit. They dont want to be idols anymore.

>> No.11551401


Your opinion about what a member should be like seem to clash pretty hard with how media sees her.
What's more hilarious is that your shitpost comes a few days after her documentary on Jounetsu Tairiku. If only you bothere watching it...

>> No.11551398

I think only Acchan, Mariko, and that other fashion girl with the Peruvian husband is doing well. There is barely a peep out of the other people. The two Tomomis have really low CD sales. Sayaka is doing stage work. I suppose that is also success but of course she won't be as well-known.

>> No.11551410

Mariko hasn't even been graduated for a year, I think it's pretty soon to say she is doing well. Graduated popular members will always ride on their former popularity for a couple years. Even Acchan who has only be graduated for a year is having her popularity starting to slip quite a bit, and she was the #1 member in AKB. These girls are nothing without the group and realise that, which is why so many do not want to quit.

>> No.11551428
File: 805 KB, 1200x1056, parurucenter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone of you who are helping the ban evader to keep shitting up the thread should die. We don't need the same retarded shit every thread, we know there is some people here who likes sasshi or minegishi, and at the end of the day, they aren't the ones making this thread worse.

You guys need to remember the basics: "You're oshi is a slut, My oshi is pure"

Please keep up the good work.

This is my favorite copypasta:

Hey Faggots, My name is Paruru, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass variety shows. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any leading roles in shows that air on TV Tokyo? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to Shojiki Shogi. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I could've been captain of Team 4 if I wanted, and I'm center on most recent singles. What center position does you oshimen have, other than “Heavy Rotation” or "Ue Kara Mariko"? I also get nothing but leading roles in dramas, and have a banging hot senbatsu position guaranteed (Aki-P just promised it to me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.11551434

the copypasta isn't funny without the image

>> No.11551441

How is how the media sees them relevant at all? The girls' job is still first and foremost being an idol, the girls know that. Why do you think they continue to be in the group instead of quitting and using all the extra time to further other careers?

If Yuuko is an actress first, then why doesn't she quit AKB, which is relatively low paying, quite time consuming, and restrictive in what you are allowed to do, and perform in more TV shows/movies/etc? The answer is because she is an idol first (whether she likes it or not) and knows that when she quits, her fanbase will start to dissipate, and she will get less work over time.

>> No.11551444

I didn't know about this. Is is available on youtube?

>> No.11551453

you need to stop anon. No one here wants to play along with your "I could be an AKb manager with my internet knowledge" fantasy. Just keep it to yourself bro

>> No.11551464

He's right though. If they could do it by themselves, they would've tried to go solo like Erepyon. Even the most popular of members don't seem to be able to keep up their popularity after leaving the group.

>> No.11551484

I thought it was the threads decision that Erepyon was the girl who had a relationship with a guy and wouldn't break up with him so she got sacked.

>> No.11551490

>why doesn't she quit AKB?

>> No.11551493

Almost. It was more like she had a boyfriend and decided to quit to have said boyfriend. She didn't care since she was one of the most popular members and thought she could make it.

>> No.11551500

>How is how the media sees them relevant at all?
By arguing about how they're marketed as, you also have to consider how they're presented as on mainstream press and television, which is indeed an image of a multi-talent woman, not a stereotypical idol as you'd like to think.

>Why do you think they continue to be in the group instead of quitting and using all the extra time to further other careers?
Because this is not Tsunku's bootcamp where you get the 'honor' of having a solo career only after you graduated and gave up your spot in the group. Here you can have both things at the same time without any intrinsic drawback, which means much less incentives to leave the group.
Besides, just in case you don't get it, it's not AKS who handles their individual activities but their own agencies.

>> No.11551504

Ahh. Man, she's such a waste. If she didn't left, she'll be definitely in the top 5 now.

>> No.11551506

You honestly think they can't quit if they really wanted to? Since she's not Center anymore, you could say the next phase of AKB has already started. Though, there's no denying that she wanted Mayuyu to be the one to take her place.

>> No.11551515
File: 3.00 MB, 255x300, NoguchiYume.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551516

I know. I guess it's time to watch Higurashi now. I heard she's actually a decent actress. But now she's doing fan hugs. Such a pity.

>> No.11551525

Yasusu doesn't have any power to keep them there. They can quit whenever they want. The most he can do is try to make them stay. And all he really said is that they can't graduate until they find a new goal. In Yuuko's case furthering her acting career would be a new goal. I have no idea what Takamina would do as a career if she quit though.

>By arguing about how they're marketed as, you also have to consider how they're presented as on mainstream press and television, which is indeed an image of a multi-talent woman, not a stereotypical idol as you'd like to think.
Being presented as a multi-talented woman, to people who aren't fans to begin with, isn't going to do anything and the people won't care about that image. It's not like there is a significant number of people who are big fans of Yuuko's acting, but don't have any interest/knowledge in her idol activities. The reason the girls get TV ratings, solo single sales, job offers, etc is because of their large idol fanbase. The girls know that, their agencies know that.

>Here you can have both things at the same time without any intrinsic drawback
The problem is that you have to be an idol to have the other. Sure, she can be both an actress and an idol just fine. And that is what she is doing. She could also be just an idol, and not really an actress. But she could not be just an actress and not an idol. This is why they are an idol first and foremost, because they cannot succeed unless they are successful as idols.

>> No.11551526

She can if she is retiring from the industry, if not, she probably needs permission from her agency.

>> No.11551528

From the start, Takamina's goal has always been as a singer.

>> No.11551538

Well for sure, but I don't really think she could make a successful career out of it if she were to quit AKB. Acchan's single went from like 160k while in AKB to 60k when graduated from AKB. I don't think Takamina would have much success.

>> No.11551542

The hugs made me drop her. I just stopped caring when I saw it.

>> No.11551554

I think for a soloist something like 30k is still considered okay. She won't be the top of course but she can still squeeze out a small career out of it.

>> No.11551588

Shut the fuck up, you dumb cunt.

>> No.11551591

>Sakura Gakuin single, “Ganbare!!” sells 10,233 copies on the first week
>Dempagumi.inc single, “W.W.D II” sells 18,227 copies on the first week
>Yokoyama Rurika single, “Your Voice, My Life” sells 8,439 copies on the first week
>Tokyo Girls’ Style single, “Get The Star/Last Forever” sells 14,212 copies on the first week
>Berryz Koubou single, “Motto Zutto Isshoni Itakatta/ROCKErotic” sells 36,950 copies on the first week

60K is still really good by idol standards.

>> No.11551597

Crossboarder here.

Damn, you guys are taking taking this idol business way too seriously. Like wow, walls of text about young Japanese girls acting cute. It's not that complex!

>> No.11551600

I wasn't trying to say 60k was bad. I was more referring to the drop only 1 year after quitting the group. For Takamina, who is not near as popular as Acchan, I fear her singles post graduation would be like 20~k.

>> No.11551605

Holy shit. How are they surviving on such low numbers?

>> No.11551611

sup 4 day fan, welcome to idol world

>> No.11551617

sup 5 day fan

>> No.11551618

How do you not know Takamina's dream is to sing.

>> No.11551632

If you point the obvious, the joke is not fun anymore.

>> No.11551646
File: 2.98 MB, 259x300, TomonagaMio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11551701
File: 40 KB, 560x373, 1379540406039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11551708
File: 40 KB, 560x373, 1379540406039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11551745

As much as I want to like her, I kinda hate that milky kinda looks like this annoying guy i used to go to school with
It keeps throwing me off whenever I see her

but its such a fun thing to tick off the list

>> No.11551791

What a kind looking man

>> No.11551801

Someone post some new pics of Paruru please.

>> No.11551803 [DELETED] 

Have the idol stuff always been as pandering as AKB is? AKBingo and stuff like that can be so very creepy at times, but I really don't remember it being this bad when I followed morning musume waay back in the day. Maybe I just was young and naïve...

>> No.11551806
File: 1.88 MB, 366x247, Konno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the idol stuff always been as pandering as AKB is? AKBingo and stuff like that can be so very creepy at times, but I really don't remember it being this bad when I followed morning musume waay back in the day. Maybe I just was young and naïve...

>> No.11551827

Where is this from?

>> No.11551847

That's just Akimoto being the perv that he is. Tsunku never wanted to compete with him in that.

>> No.11551878

Obscure Akiba idol acts have always been that pandering, and and that's what AKB was. MM spawned from a popular TV show and attempted to be a somewhat serious pop group at first so their fanbase was initially more the teenage girl demo, then they figured out how reliable and profitable pandering to wota can be later on.

>> No.11551894

Mah niggah. These two girls are the only ones I seriously like out of all the girls in the 48 group.

>> No.11551903

Yui's head is too big, that's her flaw.

>> No.11551913

>What a kind looking man
You mean the first person to congradulate Jurina Matsui on her victory at this years Janken tournmanet to become the new Center? He sure is.

>> No.11551918
File: 65 KB, 608x395, 1280915998835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you mean wide and that's nowhere close to a flaw.

>> No.11551941

Yui gives a great head.

>> No.11551945

If you want to talk about big heads, you should take a look at Mayuyu and Takamina.

Now THOSE are big heads.

Yui's head is fine compared to them, but she needs to go on a diet so she can get back to the days when her cheeks weren't as chunky.

>> No.11551955

Why would she you when she can have me?

>> No.11551953

Mayuyu is my future wife, leave her alone.

>> No.11551968

I have a six pack.

>> No.11551984

of what? bieru? mayu doesnt drink alcohol
i got the abs money and car you dont have what it takes

>> No.11551998

I don't have the money and car but I'm white and have an interesting enough personality! She's not a materialistic person anyway, she doesn't care about the money. If that's what you thought then she truly doesn't deserve you.

>> No.11552005

ha, money talks
she wont care when she has stacks of yen

>> No.11552020

Anyone want to fight over Takamina with me like those guys are doing?

>> No.11552021

No, because Takamina would be the husband instead. The guy would be the wife. Now that I think about it, very fitting for /jp/.

>> No.11552038

Anyone want to fight over Sayaka with me like those guys are doing?

>> No.11552039 [DELETED] 

depends how you feel about being the wife?

>> No.11552044 [DELETED] 

Do you just make a habit of repeating what other people have already said?

>> No.11552056 [DELETED] 

Fuck you.

>> No.11552115 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 214x599, lyinfaget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She do not want any of you fat virgins. I am French and I have blonde hair

Here is a pic of me.

>> No.11552121 [DELETED] 


i am far from virgin 4 day browser, i am italian her favorite hetalia character you have nothing on this

>> No.11552128 [DELETED] 

pic or full of shit

>> No.11552124 [DELETED] 

>i am italian

Is that why your English is so bad?

>> No.11552141 [DELETED] 

>i am far from virgin 4 day browser

>> No.11552155



Is it the sort of pathetic crap Harokasu wota tell themselves after his whole Akihabara Pass crap crashed and burned, along with all the money Tsunku spent on it?

As an aside, it's always funny to note how AKB ended up being the most popular idol group in the last 20 years (also beating MM at its peak in terms of popular favor and staying power), while Morning Musume is the group nobody cares about except for decrepit 2ch netuyos (no, this is not an exaggeration).

I don't think Harowotas have anything else to do now, except killing themselve in silence.

>> No.11552166 [DELETED] 

>not being a virgin
Leave please, you don't belong here :/

>> No.11552163
File: 952 KB, 500x275, jews6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acchan's doing CMs for sanitary napkins now here in Japan. She's really hit rock bottom.

>> No.11552167 [DELETED] 

>pic or full of shit
implying i would ever

>Is that why your English is so bad?

>> No.11552177 [DELETED] 

Not those guys but I'm pretty sure that Mayu likes France.

>> No.11552187 [DELETED] 

Ban evader here (>>11551708), jannie.

>> No.11552193 [DELETED] 

You are implying that all the trolls here are fans of H!P, so that's means the ban evader is one of them. Thanks for this revelation.

>> No.11552196

He already admitted that he was.

>> No.11552202

You are implying that all the trolls here are fans of H!P, so that means the ban evader is one of them. Thanks for this revelation.

Oh really? I should have missed that.

>> No.11552200


>> No.11552208

Why are Hello fans such faggots? They shit up every single forum and every single thread, every single year.

>> No.11552210

The ban evader, sadly, isn't a troll. He's just a really autistic southeast asian from some shithole like Singapore or Indonesia. At least he's obsessed with Jurina now, because I've always been a Jurina anti.

>> No.11552214

He's pretending to be Italian now.

>> No.11552229

based paranoidbro

>> No.11552238

Whenever I read posts with wrongly used green text in them my mind's voice changes how it sounds automatically when I read the green text. It bothers me.

>> No.11552239

Oh, so the ban evader is the one that keeps saying this.

>> No.11552249 [DELETED] 

*tips tinfoil hat*

>> No.11552259

Yup, he's also the one that keep saying "Jurina center".

At least he's making himself easy to filter.

>> No.11552264

But if you filter him, how are you going to reeeeeport him?

>> No.11552267

based paranoidbro

>> No.11552321
File: 50 KB, 480x640, parupopcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many Paruru haters in this thread. I guess I need to revive the No Paru Bullying project.

Remember, no bullying Paruru!

>> No.11552333

I like Paruru! Thanks to all who helped with Rie today!

>> No.11552351

What do when the ban evader also likes Parru?

>> No.11552352

Don't start this again, we don't need to Parushit spammer back.

>> No.11552358 [DELETED] 

It's okay. He's too focused on Jurina now. And no one likes Jurina wwwwwww.

>> No.11552364

He's moving on to Rie too. My sweet Rie. You don't deserve a fan like that.

>> No.11552383

Since the paruru spammer stopped his shit I'm able to put again my poster of her and not get annoyed by it.

>> No.11552403
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 637546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose it's time to start posting Paruru again.

>> No.11552535
File: 58 KB, 540x774, v3l8fjRUj1qg0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11552552

Was Sayaka the strongest idol ever? Both mentally and physically.

>> No.11552559

God dammit.
After seven years of hearing about them almost nonstop.
Four years since admitting River was "sort of okay."

I would finally say I am a fan. I am listening to their songs almost constantly.
I have finally let go of the petty dislike I had for these girls, the rivalry I built up between them and my precious H!P girls. It turns out you can probably be a fan of both.
I have Takahashi Minami to thank for pushing this gradual change. The video of her stomping the new Morning Musume girls at their own history was magical.
Where do I go from here? I feel defeated. One thing I've always loved about H!P was the individual attention each girl got. The few videos I've grown to really love from AKB are the solos, particularly Acchan's graduation. Can anyone point me in the direction of more solo lives? I feel they must be pretty rare.

Satou Sumire, Rino Sashihara, and Minami Takahashi would probably be my favorites right now. I loved Sumire's Momusu audition and she's really blossomed into a gorgeous girl, Sashihara seems to have that broken moe ever since the incident, and I love Takahashi's everything.

>> No.11552564

>Both mentally and physically
No mentally she sucked some old dudes dick just to get a lead part.

>> No.11552574

Sup newshit? They've only watched a movie together.

>> No.11552595

It was her father's friend idiot.

>> No.11552591

This is pretty cool. If you like Takamina you watch Mujack and Shin Domoto Kyodai.

>> No.11552593

Anybody ever hear her speak English? She has very passable English.

>> No.11552594

>The video of her stomping the new Morning Musume girls at their own history was magical.
I don't know anything about Morning Musume but can you post it?
Yukirin has two solo concerts. The first one ends with her unit members of French Kiss joining her but the second concert is full Yukirin solo. Takamina has a single, I think Sasshi has two singles.

>> No.11552622

I'm watching a Mujack right now. She's very entertaining.

I actually just went to look for it, but it seems to have been removed from youtube. It was posted in an H!P thread, so I'm not entirely sure of the source. I'll try to look for it some more. I'll have to listen to this single though.

>> No.11552677

Gah. It's impossible.
All I know is that it's relatively recent, at least in the past year (It had the newest Morning Musume member in it), and it was some contest where I think they gave a number and they had to correctly guess which single it was, and then sing it.
I got to hear miss Takamina sing Love Machine and it was beautiful. She's clearly a fan of them to win as many rounds as she did.

>> No.11552712 [DELETED] 

Dat Denial. Must be hard knowing your oshi sucked some wrinkly cock

>> No.11552723

All of our oshis sucked some wrinkly cocks.

That's alright though.

>> No.11552726

Not Sasshi. She just got her pictures sold

>> No.11552728 [DELETED] 

Sayaka fucked him. Don't live in denial.

She's an ugly halfbreed bitch anyway. Shitty gorilla.

>> No.11552734

Are posts like this one against the rules or not?

Just wanna know what to report.

>> No.11552743

Shitpost is reportable, yes

>> No.11552747

How is having an AKB related opinion shitposting?

>> No.11552749

Got it. It was Mujack 2013 05 03.

>> No.11552754

mentally she had some down times but physically definately i just watched her yesterday lift 78k dumbbell with 2 hands with ease while men struggled to lift it with 2 hands

>> No.11552756

The regular jannie seems to be asleep. The new one doesn't know why we're reporting.

>> No.11552757

Janitor is actually an AKBshitter.

>> No.11552758

So that's the reason why everybody else's posts seem to be deleted but not the relevant ones.

>> No.11552764

Thoughts on Kobayashi Kana and why she's not popular.

>> No.11552768

It has to do with her personality. It doesn't stand out much. What most people can say about her is that she's an airhead but that only works for attention when you're super cute.

>> No.11552772

Who is the one with a Peruvian husband?

>> No.11552778

Nozomi something. First gen. Nozofisu was her nickname. I could be totally wrong though.

>> No.11552780

Kawasaki Nozomi. Her husband is a halfie model and he cheats on her every month. She still married him for some reason.

>> No.11552803

Old Team K was just stacked so she didn't stand out enough to get much of a fanbase. Also she's really dumb, but not in an immediately obvious and funny way like Kaneko.

>> No.11552810

>he cheats on her every month

Except that's not what he said on that Ariyoshi show, so I don't get why faggots like you keep repeating the same wrong mistranslation every time.

>> No.11552821

When was he on Ariyoshi?

>> No.11552823

Ariyoshi Hanseikai, not the AKB program.

>> No.11552855
File: 59 KB, 488x488, 21 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihiro, this outfit is pretty lewd.

>> No.11552906
File: 179 KB, 383x640, o0383064012724779510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Meetan is still working after marriage.

>> No.11552908
File: 196 KB, 639x480, o0639048012724779881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11552911
File: 24 KB, 408x608, 2yamamoto_sayaka06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11552917

ahaha this was a promotional event for the release of American Pie 4

>> No.11552920

She did something like wedding songs before the election.

>> No.11552929
File: 117 KB, 580x870, 39df68d058de84d7b1167770f64cde83_img_3609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11552934

I know it's shallow, but I do have trouble liking such an unattractive girl.

>> No.11552936

That's fine. I don't find her attractive either. She just has some qualities that I find worthwhile.

>> No.11552973
File: 218 KB, 828x1200, v2bmcVYFs1qdij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Short interview with Mayuyu, largely about the Percy Jackson movie. Leaving it here for reference's sake, but if someone else can read it well... have fun reading.

>> No.11552987

Why is Sayaka so lewd?

>> No.11553021

You are the lewd one anon.

>> No.11553026
File: 246 KB, 640x960, 0tosp1ru0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I think its her

>> No.11553045

That was supposed to be Milky's signature song though

>> No.11553068

It's her figure that's overflowing from that costume. In Milky's case, it actually looks cute. In Sayanee's case, even with the refitting, it looks too lewd.

>> No.11553091 [SPOILER] 
File: 475 KB, 1200x1600, 21 - 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, Reinyan!

>> No.11553124

I hate you. I almost vomited when I saw this on G+. Now you reminded me of it.

>> No.11553145

I don't usually peek in these threads, but all these girls look corean.

>> No.11553232

Is this available on H!O? I wanna see Sayanee's Waruki!

>> No.11553253

nmb 3rd anniversary concert

>> No.11553259

Did that performance get uploaded somewhere? It wasn't during the streamed concert.

>> No.11553278

It's uploaded in jpopsuki if you want it

>> No.11553305

None of the first or 2nd day noon performances were ever uploaded. So don't listen to >>11553278

It's only the Sky Perfect TV 2nd day night concert that was ever broadcasted, which is the only thing available on the web. The good thing about that special was that there were some digest clips on what happened on the first day and 2nd day noon concerts. But that's about it.

The full 3 concerts will probably be set for release on DVD/Bluray around early next year, so you'll have to wait until then.

>> No.11553545

I figured as much, hopefully we do get BDs for them.

>> No.11553762
File: 2.98 MB, 300x258, 7e6rterynt3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11553873

She's got regular spots on at least one or two programs and appears in quite a few others. I don't see why she'd give up a good thing just because she got married.

>> No.11553875

Wow you guys are pathetic.
I hope you never see any pictures of ballet dancers' feet. You might pass out.

>> No.11553910
File: 471 KB, 640x480, 18 - 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll look at Akarin's feet.

>> No.11553922
File: 103 KB, 630x706, 6575664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11553934
File: 68 KB, 616x821, 23 - 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the inferior Akarin

>> No.11553938

Are either of those ballerinas?

>> No.11553947
File: 62 KB, 480x640, 23 - 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11553950

Then they have nothing to do with the conversation. Akarin is a classical ballet dancer.

>> No.11553951

Yoshida Akari is so pretty

>> No.11553954 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 475x332, footbinding4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that one's bad but I don't think anything can top Chinese foot binding. Click at your own risk! This old lady's foot is so highly mutilated that you won't even be able to tell what it is unless you see the leg it's attached to.

>> No.11553958

Dear god, her toes became the soles of her feet.

>> No.11553960

Yeah, I'm watching Space Bros too.

>> No.11553978
File: 814 KB, 1030x842, snip-00126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the serious fuck? .___.
I knew they did this, but never seen the results, least not this bad

>> No.11553991
File: 44 KB, 633x914, sadaSDSAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11553994
File: 95 KB, 683x911, SZWXk70Pr1uIXQH8HHXciq-wWvAc1vbqCQVJKUKJDuMB=w683-h911-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11553996

that's my fetish, but they are doing it wrong so i cant fap to this

>> No.11554006

Retarded translator.

The word "kusomajime" means "too serious", "serious as all hell", or "too serious for her own good". I think the translator just wanted to get people to rage or become Yuko antis.

>> No.11554030

Actually, that made Yuko sound like playful person.

>> No.11554450
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, AKB48 スーパーフェスティバル ~日産スタジアム~ 720p.mkv_snapshot_01.28.05_[2013.10.23_03.38.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've just seen the greatest 2 and half minutes in the history of humankind.

This should be the default party.

>> No.11554469

Who's on the left because I just can't believe it. Heart Gata Virus best song!

>> No.11554481

I want to fuck her so bad.

>> No.11554535
File: 374 KB, 1536x2048, 23 - 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From nuns to hookers?

>> No.11554627

They should be doing this in a hotel room set

>> No.11554734
File: 1.50 MB, 245x139, renamilkyakarin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like milky

>> No.11554740

Needs two more persons though.

>> No.11554784 [DELETED] 

which thread is better, this one or h1p?

>> No.11554790

Do they talk about AKB in the H!P thread?

>> No.11554793

no clue, I was just looking for a weeaboo thread to hang out

>> No.11554795

Try /a/.

>> No.11554799

I don't like anime or the posters there

>> No.11554806

Why would you ask here?

>> No.11554999

Next week's Odekake looks good.

>> No.11555015

My ratio is .41. I need to wait for 6 hours.

>> No.11555019

Looks like they will be having the girls sing. I like it when I get to see the girls actually sing on their own.

>> No.11555150

So they're going to a karaoke?

>> No.11555199
File: 370 KB, 1280x1707, 3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11555233

Who is this?

>> No.11555238

Yoshida Akari. She used to look so nerdy, but she sure has grown.

>> No.11555331

Black Million or NMB to Manabukun?

>> No.11555347

Someone teach these idols about trigger discipline.

>> No.11555353
File: 1.13 MB, 250x208, GIF Kojiharu (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11555356
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>> No.11555366
File: 115 KB, 764x1024, e898eb13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Million is not just a bad variety show but it also doesn't really have anything to do with NMB. They just have 2 or 3 girls in each episode standing in the background saying nothing in the whole episode.

Manabukun is essentailly the same as Docking48 but with less funnier comedians. The girls get to talk a lot more and most episodes have some redeeming parts which makes it worth watching if you're fan of the girls.

>> No.11555376
File: 592 KB, 2552x3493, 1359698763088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11555383


>> No.11555389

You know, for an academic dumbass like Kizaki, she sure knows her trigger discipline.

>> No.11555395 [DELETED] 

Damn, why does that have so many views (and dislikes)?

>> No.11555435

Manabu kun for the semi-educational content and Airi being a regular.

>> No.11555461
File: 622 KB, 768x1024, 23 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11555553
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>> No.11555578
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>> No.11555641
File: 199 KB, 1440x810, 1378065582932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horrible trigger discipline.

>> No.11555863


Does anyone have any idea as to what song this is? I know it's not AKB's but it's been driving me crazy since the episode first aired.

>> No.11555930

This. Someone please help? The song is pretty much stuck in my head, and I've been wanting to know what is it.

>> No.11556010
File: 28 KB, 450x337, kuumin-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#/jp/idols on irc.rizon.net is open! Join now!

If you are lazy you can just use http://www.rizon.net/chat

>> No.11556026


There you go. They use a few old french songs for this corner if i remember correctly

>> No.11556250

Thank you so much.

The song in bingo sounds like a cover, doesn't it?

>> No.11556262
File: 87 KB, 513x709, conversation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is Mariko going?
Sayaka looking great

>> No.11556678

Sayaka always looks good!

She can bully me.

>> No.11557356

They cut Chiyori's bit from the introduction on yesterday's stage performance. Guess she said something she wasn't supposed to.

>> No.11557471
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, image201310240002_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this in the mail today

>> No.11557545

Sweet. Are you going to marry Yuko?

>> No.11557553 [DELETED] 

>this one gorillashitter
Leave pls, nobody likes Sayaka.

>> No.11557560

This Nobody guy sure has good taste in liking Sayaka.

>> No.11557588

I enjoy Sayaka quite alot actually. You don't run this thread

>> No.11557590

I want to fuck Sayaka.

>> No.11557597

Not a lot of girls can be both masculine and feminine but Sayaka can pull off both! She can attract both men and women.

She can wear girly clothes and look pretty, she can also wear manly clothes and look so handsome!

She can be a princess for many and a prince for some~

>> No.11557602
File: 63 KB, 599x843, BXWKScEIgAATbcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture itself.

>> No.11557605

Sayaka's danso sucks. She should stick to being a girl.

>> No.11557609
File: 82 KB, 599x900, BXK8gC3CQAAy6o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another random twitter picture

>> No.11557729

i want to put it in

>> No.11557783 [DELETED] 

I want to watch an HKT subbed show. Are there any out there?

>> No.11557791

I want to watch an HKT subbed show. Are there any out there?
I didn't mean to quote it's just that quick reply thing.

>> No.11557808

There are subs for Hyakkaten (they're pretty shitty though) and I think some for Tonkotsu Mahou Shoujo Gakuin

>> No.11557856
File: 406 KB, 683x1024, 10105174293_330e6d07ca_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKB sub groups and related *48 groups welcome.
but you just put local 48 sister groups, what's going on here?

>> No.11557863 [DELETED] 

wow she is disgusting

>> No.11557927 [DELETED] 

Keep your shitty spam here you fucking morons.

Don't fuck up our threads with your underage sluts with busted teeth anymore.


>> No.11557931
File: 332 KB, 720x480, pdvd018d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this accidentally somewhere on Google. Does this happen often or was this only for that one performance? Any links or anyhting?

>> No.11557944

>tfw lonely

>implying anyone here ever says AKIBAHARA 48

>> No.11557947

Stone Cold=Acchan
The Rock=Yuko
John Cena=Sasshi

>> No.11557948
File: 253 KB, 1440x810, 4e408bc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're mental like all people on that board, start seeking help

>> No.11557957

It was a one-off thing. Don't remember on which concert happened, just try looking up all possible Blue Rose performances on Youku or something.

>> No.11557962

Every girl with a navel piercing is a whore.

>> No.11558119

Amazing theory!

>> No.11558187
File: 127 KB, 960x1280, 19 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11558222

This tends to be more true than not.

>> No.11558227

mayu danso

>> No.11558298
File: 49 KB, 540x540, 54e089a7-364f-4f05-8dbe-6849070a0cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11558384
File: 357 KB, 2048x1536, CIMG0618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11558566

Cute Honmayan but it looks like a dude.

>> No.11559077

It's /jp/, so naturally the focus is on the Japanese groups.

>> No.11559081
File: 49 KB, 472x629, 23 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11559327
File: 225 KB, 1000x963, みなるんとハウスメン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11559679

Who draws these, is it Airin? Or does Kaotan do them herself?

>> No.11559682

check his g+ for more stuff

>> No.11559684

Please vote guys

>> No.11559725

I wanna watch Sasshi's but its locked.

>> No.11559726

It has always been a dream of mine to start an NYC48. I've recently been in contact with a wealthy benefactor who is interested in the idea. Is it conceivable that Aki-P would be receptive to this or should I just start a clone? I'd love to reach out to him to make it official and get some sweet transfer students.

>> No.11559742

I can't even see why would anyone do anything *48 related outside Asia. Our cultures are SO different, specially about girl purity, which is a key factor on idol business.

>> No.11559745

SLT69 and we get Miichan and Sasshi. Bring back girls that were forced to leave for breaking the no love ban rule and we got a deal.

>> No.11559770
File: 348 KB, 1440x810, 131026-0334250056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11559791

Disney/Nickelodeon idol farms love purity. The difference is that the public fascination with the breaking of that purity is just as important

>> No.11559796

cant tell who they are? yuko and kuramochi?

>> No.11559803

Probably Yukapi and Kinchan

>> No.11559804

that literally meant nothing to me, now try again with full names

>> No.11559809


>> No.11559810

lmgtfy. com/?q=google
ok now try it again

>> No.11560123


>> No.11560154

Thank you very much. That was extremely cute.

>> No.11560212
File: 698 KB, 1366x1946, Magazine, Miyawaki Sakura-415615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11560229
File: 541 KB, 1129x1600, Kawaei Rina, Magazine-415365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560239

Oh fuck I accidentally clicked on a Koi Suru Fortune Cookie music video, what do I do /jp/??

>> No.11560242


>> No.11560272

watch heavy rotation on repeat

>> No.11560302

What's the name of this Mag?

>> No.11560336
File: 73 KB, 580x773, aa94885494eef01f7a5f1fe2e2fe9925bc317d6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute.

>> No.11560401

Close the tab and hope that they won't make yet another Fortune Cookie (something) ver anymore.

>> No.11560433

cmon cmon cmon cmon babyyyyyyyy

>> No.11560467
File: 193 KB, 968x1280, MxnknAJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560621

evens fap to sasshi
odds fap to milky

>> No.11560676

if you ever have the urge to fap to sasshi just to go to your moms room and do it in her panties

>> No.11560693

I'd fap to Sasshi over Chucky though. Especially with the short hair now.

>> No.11560706

Why not fap to glorious Sayanee?

>> No.11560729
File: 188 KB, 640x480, 130911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug Wakasama

>> No.11560790
File: 1.87 MB, 330x185, 65UKtog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11560800


>> No.11560804

I guess it's time to spread some cream on Sasshi's legs.

>> No.11560825
File: 923 KB, 300x170, jurirena.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no never do that

>> No.11560888

M11. Usotsuki na Dachou (Takayanagi Akane, Niidoi Sayaka, Matsumoto Rina)

I wanna DVDs now

>> No.11560905

You can if you're a 30 year old dude.

>> No.11561010

i really like this gif

>> No.11561223
File: 154 KB, 640x640, 027b41e43d7611e3914022000a9e0653_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heart Electric release soon.
Which types are you ordering? What are you most excited for? What are you not looking forward to?

>> No.11561282

I guess I'm ordering all versions. as usual

>> No.11561324

Same here. Although it would have been better if there was a making included in the DVD. I always want to see them playing around each other.

>> No.11561329

Just type K for Sayaka's content
I'm more excited about SKE's new single, the covers look neat. But the dance formation is horrifying:
~ Position ~
1: Matsui Rena, Matsui Jurina
2: Kitagawa Ryouha, Kizaki Yuria, Suda Akari, Kimoto Kanon
3: Furukawa Airi, Oba Mina, Oya Masana, Furuhata Nao, Mukaida Manatsu
4: Nishishi Yuka, Takayanagi Akane, Shibata Aya, Suga Nanako, Ishida Anna
No Yukko, and Churi is now at the back row ;_;

>> No.11561335

I guess they're making Shibata part of the senbatsu now.

>> No.11561337

Churi in back ought to be some kind of crime. At least the Akarifag in me will continue to be satisfied for now.

>> No.11561339

I think they had to, it'd be really strange for her to achieve such a great result and for management to keep her out of it.

>> No.11561360

I find it weird tho. She's been part of the group since the 3rd election and all of a sudden she's the Undergirls center.

>> No.11561368
File: 226 KB, 279x419, 213aa23amina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it would be really weird to ignore a high-ranking girl like that. ;_;

>> No.11561401
File: 423 KB, 1279x1863, v6R1Sr1sf0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the new Tumblr search interface is impossible to navigate through.

>> No.11561474

Anyone in here actually listen to their music? Anyone know how to get KFC unstuck from the head? I seriously can't stop listening to it, it's messing with my concentration

>> No.11561476

>Churi is now at the back

No sir, I don't like it.

>> No.11561481

Replace it with another song. I find Watarirouka songs the most catchy (Valentine Kiss especially).
It's not technically an AKB song, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PIKW2YAk7w will probably stop you listening to KFC.

>> No.11561484

Holy shit, is that Acchan I see?

That old man voice is pissing me off
>ora ra

>> No.11561489

It's from ages ago, so yes it is Acchan.
I wish AKB would cover more old idol songs. I'd totally buy a concert full of them.

>> No.11561493

God dammit, why is Acchan forever the best AKB

>> No.11561538

Almost on page 10

>> No.11561585
File: 1.14 MB, 256x168, W81VniP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yamada Mizuho promoted to Team KII
At least the best KKS was promoted today

>> No.11561618
File: 192 KB, 461x521, tumblr_mh6xusv8Lh1qia9t1o9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause she's a goddess

>> No.11561765

Sup, ban evader.

>> No.11561966
File: 247 KB, 1152x1552, Nogizaka46 Seifuku wo Nuidara on Friday Magazine 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will releasing this photobook really make them more popular?

>> No.11561971

Definitely. People need to know more about Maiyan and Sayuringo's sexiness

>> No.11561987

Another form of appeal is usually always better than none. I personally see nothing wrong gravure type of photoshoot. I'm more surprised that it took them this long to release something like this specially since their group has a lot of pretty girls.

>> No.11562019

When will it be uploaded to the web, or will it be uploaded at all?

>> No.11562068
File: 125 KB, 711x1007, mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maiyan has such a heavenly feel to her
she's the best thing since Assan

>> No.11562077

I'm surprised yukko isn't on it too

was that thing about her falling recently and knocking out one of her front teeth true?

>> No.11562108
File: 72 KB, 480x386, 19 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muh Churi. WHYYYYYYYYYY? It's going to be so hard to see her now. Management is really trying hard to slowly push her out.
