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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 1019x713, 98171873198313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11548003 No.11548003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Boy, nothing like going through the Bans list to see why this site is going to die.

Legitimately criticize a game that jannie likes? Enjoy your ban, faggot.


>> No.11548010

4chan has already died like 4 or 5 times and it got worse every time it came back.

The day when it finally is abandoned by the shitty masses is the only thing left to look forward to.

>> No.11548013

The masses won't abandon it. It's about damn time the people who made this site for what it used to be started going away.

>> No.11548014

That's an obvious troll reply...

>> No.11548015
File: 106 KB, 700x700, 1356611227038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shi- Shinjirarenai wa (`・ω・´)

>> No.11548018
File: 32 KB, 640x480, Monster - 74.avi_snapshot_22.15_[2013.10.08_23.16.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I forgot if someone says something you don't agree with they're 'trolling' you.

>> No.11548022

Why do you keep fighting against the tide? /jp/ and 4chan aren't remotely close to the board and site that charmed you years ago. Let go and move on. It's your fault if you're no longer this site's target audience. You're as bad as the mythical "crossboarders" who try so hard to shape /jp/ into what they want it to be.

>> No.11548025

He's presenting an opinion in a really offensive way. In case you're not aware, you should keep your flames in /b/.

>> No.11548027

Agreed. Social games are cancer.

>> No.11548028

No one cares about your opinion, dude.

>> No.11548029

I got banned in that thread too, but I'm not on there.

That ban is retarded. People shit talk visual novels all the time and nobody ever gets banned except maybe that one guy who only posts "sage for kusoge."

>> No.11548030

There is no rule that you have to be respectful of other people's opinions. He called the game shit, that's it. He may have implied the players are retards, but implying that people are stupid is not against the rules and never have been.

>> No.11548031

Be glad you don't have to deal these guys as well as mobamas faggots instead.

>> No.11548032

It's because he insulted Touhou!

I don't see how Touhou has anything to do with his point about "social" games. Touhou is a solitary game that people talk about on imageboards with great passion, but it's still so niche that I can't imagine lumping it together with his other examples.

>> No.11548034

That's what you get for playing video games.

>> No.11548035

Kancolle is listed as a social game, but there is actually no socialization involved in-game.

All the socializing happens in the threads which mostly consist of people tweeting their game experiences to each other.

>> No.11548037

His opinion OFFENDS you?

Oh gee, we can't have people offending others on a Christian imageboard. Good manners is what 4chan was based on.

>> No.11548040

>Touhou is a solitary game that people talk about on imageboards with great passion, but it's still so niche that I can't imagine lumping it together with his other examples.

Are you fucking stupid, new, both or just a troll?

>> No.11548047

for real though, according to my scraper this board is rapidly dying (or, if not, the current residents are ceasing to post nearly as often)

>> No.11548046

>User name: Suika-Tan
>Tripcode: !Npq.Isx2OE
>Posts: 391
>Date joined: Wed Sep 04 14:25:17 2013

I hope that answers your question.

>> No.11548049
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, passively interested maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Social games don't necessarily have to have ingame socialization, just have a huge community/huge popularity as their main selling point. All those things that are posted outside the game like fan-art, imageboard posts, Twitter shit, and etc. are all part of the 'social game experience.'

>> No.11548050

Why are you going in a thread made for players to talk about their experiences to talk trash about the game if not for troll purposes?

>> No.11548052

It's not a thread for you to talk about your experiences, you fucking faggot. It's a game discussion thread. You're allowed to call Umineko shit in a Umineko thread.

I think "social game" already has a definition other than the one you're trying to use.

>> No.11548054

I... Don't see the problem?

>> No.11548053
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, happy maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, this trend is the reason Steam implemented the whole 'social hub' stuff. Makes it easy for developers to have a social sphere for their game (thus free advertisement and a feeling of participation for those who view the content therein) without any effort, so it makes Steam look like an attractive delivery platform.


I thought threads were for discussing the subject, both good and bad. Pretty sure even places like SomethingAwful don't ban people for going into general threads and talking about how the subject of the thread is bad.

>> No.11548056

Then you need to fuck off to a forum where negativity is banned.

>> No.11548055


>I... love janitor cock?
>Can I please lick your boots, Sir Janny?

>> No.11548058


>> No.11548062

According to the current ban list:
A person is banned from 4chan approximately every 8 minutes.
A person is banned from /jp/ approximately every hour and 5 minutes.

>> No.11548063


You can actually see it on this list near the bototm right now if you're fast.

'quality of posts', lol. This was definitely a lower-quality post than the 400 "id cum inside shimakazes sweet girlie butt!" "hah yeh me too man" crossboarder posts in that thread.

>> No.11548064


Calling anyone you don't agree with a troll won't work. It just makes you look desperate.

>> No.11548065

He expressed a negative opinion of the game. People do this in every thread about every visual novel that has ever been released. But apparently if you do it in a Kancolle thread, you're "trolling."

>> No.11548067

I can MAYBE understand deleting that post, but banning the person is just fucking stupid nazi shit.

>> No.11548070


All concerns should be directed to moot's email where they'll be filtered and ignored!

>> No.11548071

>Basing stats on a small, non-random sample

>> No.11548076

Couldn't find an archive of the statistics so...

>> No.11548073

As if this whole thread isn't being shilled all over by disgruntled shitposters who have finally been put in line. How much do you wager this whole thing wasn't staged just to get a rise out of people? Storms in glasses of water is what those people used to be good at doing.

>> No.11548074

moot actually has a setup where the emails he receives are printed directly into a shredder

>> No.11548077


The 3rd time it was posted is still there. I don't know why you think your opinion is so revolutionary and important that you have to post it 3 times though.

>> No.11548078


How in the world would you stage this? Banning yourself?

I know moot potentially used to babysit /jp/ shitposts sometimes, but I don't think he'd go that far.

>> No.11548079

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.11548080

> shilled all over
Does the word "shill" mean fucking nothing at all anymore?

>How much do you wager this whole thing wasn't staged just to get a rise out of people?
I wager he genuinely thinks the game is not very good and is willing to discuss the quality of the game, in a thread where such a discussion would be on-topic.

>> No.11548081


probably because it got deleted twice and caving into censorship encourages it

just a guess

>> No.11548084

Because it was deleted twice. Duh. If the janitor started deleting your posts you'd make them again too, unless you enjoy being shit on arbitrarily.

>> No.11548086

Shitposting all over the board, knowing your posts are getting reported, make one apparently ok post, report that post yourself, overload the janitor with reports about yourself, have him blindly mute you for all of them, overload the mod with ban requests that have him blindly ban you for each request.

>> No.11548088

/jp/ is like America right now

Freedoms disappearing, people upset, nothing happens. Heil lord Kanny, lord unterreich of the Great Dictator Moot, supplicate of Emporer Obama.

>> No.11548089

Criticizing a game for being allegedly bad is not "shitposting."

>report that post yourself
I got banned in that thread, too. I have never reported any of my own posts.

>> No.11548090

9/11 was an inside job.

>> No.11548091

Janitors can't ban people.

>> No.11548092


If he was getting reported on other posts, they'd have banned him for the highest offense (probably a 3-day ban for off-topic/shitposting), rather than just that 1-day ban for that particular post. Stop pulling at straws.

>> No.11548093

Ban by proxy. Same thing.

>> No.11548095

No, because I'm not autistic, nor would I be checking the thread of something I don't like. You should leave this thread and go make 100 different copies of the same image so you can flood the board with them and really get under "jannie"'s panties the next time your inane retarded opinion is deleted.

>> No.11548100

>nor would I be checking the thread of something I don't like.
Have you never expressed a negative opinion about anything? Are all the people who give bad reviews of games they played "autistic" and "trolling," too?

>You should leave this thread and go make 100 different copies of the same image so you can flood the board with them and really get under "jannie"'s panties the next time your inane retarded opinion is deleted.
I helped introduce Kancolle to /jp/. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person. Fuck off.

>> No.11548099

Should have been Global Rule 3 ("Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames (...)"). It seems like Rule 6 is just a default ban reason when mods are lazy, the guy trying to call /v/ to the thread got hit with the same despite primarily breaking Rule 4.

Otherwise, I don't see a problem. If you see there's a mini-raid going on, you can figure out your inflammatory post will get caught in the next wave of moderation. Fully deserved.

>> No.11548096

They might as well, mods just rubberstamp the ban requests.

>> No.11548097

Can't wait for this to be deleted with zero concern from any of the staff.

"I love 4chan just as much as you, guys!" - moot

>> No.11548100,1 [INTERNAL] 

he made

>> No.11548100,2 [INTERNAL] 

He's not mad, he just thinks you're a retard.

I sort of think you're a retard too but in this case you're not wrong.

>> No.11548100,3 [INTERNAL] 

I was about to say that the only odd thing about this is that it made it to the ban list in the first place.

>> No.11548100,4 [INTERNAL] 


I am so upset that all of this is deleted.

>> No.11548100,5 [INTERNAL] 

I wish there was an alternative to /jp/ that everyone used and not just a stupid clique of shitposters. This janitor honestly is a fucking nazi.

>> No.11548100,6 [INTERNAL] 

I wish Warosu wasn't shitposters central so I could go back to actually discussing things with people instead of choking on T shit all the time.

>> No.11548100,7 [INTERNAL] 

we're waiting for you at bunbunmaru

>> No.11548100,8 [INTERNAL] 

That's nice, but I care more about on-topic things not getting deleted.

>> No.11548100,9 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't it normal for on-topic things not to be deleted?

>> No.11548100,10 [INTERNAL] 

He hasn't even posted here since his tumblr suicide. It's people like you bringing up his name that cause discussions about him.

>> No.11548100,11 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't been keeping up. If /ghost/ is finally rid of that retarded shit, then I'm sorry for bringing it up again.

>> No.11548100,12 [INTERNAL] 

this is just a nice lull before he comes back shitposting and getting owned in every thread

that or dare we hope he actually did it

>> No.11548100,13 [INTERNAL] 

NEW http://boards.4chan.org/jp/res/11548114



>> No.11548100,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are the people bitching and crying about how the post should be banned because it hurt their feelings being ironic or serious?

>> No.11548100,15 [INTERNAL] 


Holy fuck, like 90% of those bans make no fucking sense. It's just these pathetic nazi mods abusing their power. I wonder if it makes them feel like they don't have a microscopic penis.

>> No.11548100,16 [INTERNAL] 

Giving contact info is a bannable offense on /soc/ now
Isn't that pretty much the point of /soc/ outside of rate me threads

Nothing makes sense anymore

>> No.11548100,17 [INTERNAL] 

Boy lets ignore the /v/ raid and focus on ONE post.
