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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 297 KB, 1306x980, bancha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11543260 No.11543260 [Reply] [Original]

ran out of everything else so I'm drinking the bancha that had a bug in it. it doesn't taste bad and I would hate to waste it.

>> No.11543266

You don't have water?

>> No.11543269

Serves you right, dweeb.

>> No.11543274

Where can I get mugicha? It doesn't seem to be a big thing outside of Japan.

>> No.11543277

Fluoride is way more toxic than a bug.

>> No.11543278

Where can I get panko? I've been in three oriental supermarkets and all the shopkeepers treat me like a dumbass when I ask for it. Is it even real?

>> No.11543280

It's not expensive to import.

>> No.11543283

Whole Foods carries it. Also Asian grocers.

>> No.11543285

Is this the blog thread?

>> No.11543287

I don't live in the US. No large supermarkets I've been to have it, nor do any Asian supermarkets within bus distance.

Yes but for food and drink.

>> No.11543291
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corn flakes > bread crumbs

>> No.11543307

Cool I love blogs.

I'm 29 and only had a job for 4 months when I was 20. I've been going to college since then, and have had almost two years of being truNEET in between not counting summer breaks. Changed my major twice and spent a lot of time and money on taking classes I didn't need. The year I spent NEET after failing out of biochemistry was just as shitty as all my previous years. It wasn't as glorious as it could have been. I wound up drinking and smoking pot a lot, and browsing 4chan constantly. I stopped fapping every day, stopped video games and anime. I could have at least gotten more into Starcraft 2 and finished my backlog of anime, but I did neither of those. I guess it's because I'm just outgrowing those things. I'm starting to think about starting a family because I'm lonely and I enjoy the company of women (although I never go out except to school and never had a girlfriend). I guess you could say I'm in a state of post-depression. I'm no longer sad about my life not being near as close to normal as I thought it was going to be. I've just accepted that fact and I'm now just content with merely existing. I'm sorry for not being truNEET, but I think some of you NEETs can relate with me.

>> No.11543318

I know that feel.

You've posted before. What area do you live in?

>> No.11543321


How does this feel?

>> No.11543327

Everyone respects the cool old guy

>> No.11543338

I wish there were more opportunities to blog on /jp/.
I'm only 20 myself and outgrowing anime is my greatest fear, alongside being crushed by reality. No longer being entertained by the only thing that makes me happy would be devastating.

>> No.11543340

Do they?

I went to college at 18, there were a few middle-aged guys on my course. I thought they were cool and wanted to be friends, but they kept to themselves. It was a little intimidating because they felt like real grown-ups whereas the rest of us were just young people taking the next step in our education.

I dropped out, so maybe 10 years from now I can be one of those guys. Then people will leave me alone and I can get on with the work instead of fighting off panic attacks on a daily basis.

>> No.11543345

>I'm only 20 myself and outgrowing anime is my greatest fear, alongside being crushed by reality. No longer being entertained by the only thing that makes me happy would be devastating.

Are you a NEET?

Maybe it's just me, but things that used to be fun/escapism became a chore very quickly.

tl;dr: people just get used to indulging themselves, which is why rich people aren't all super happy, despite having everything a person could want.

>> No.11543358

I'm in education currently. I'd feel bad for leeching off my parents or taxpayers' money and getting some sort of job to have income to fun my hobbies seems like a better alternative. Having unlimited time for my hobbies would most likely make them lose their appeal like you said, so leaving them as escapism from a life I don't really enjoy rather than a full-time chore is probably better for me than I imagine.

>> No.11543365

I don't think you understand what a bug is, they eat garbage and are walking germs.

>> No.11543367

Maybe a lot of NEETs are depressed because they don't have anything to compare it to. If they had to do hard manual labor for a while just to live they would appreciate their easy going life more.

>> No.11543370

I suppose you're fairly safe, then.

I actually go out of my way to do things I don't enjoy (usually just wandering around outside) so that just watching anime, playing VNs, and reading /jp/ feels a little more "earned". Otherwise I can't really appreciate things and I act like someone with ADHD (getting tired of VNs quickly, pausing anime every five minutes, etc.)

>> No.11543374

The bug in this was processed alongside the tea. I doubt it's harmful. It was just so strange to find a reconstituted bug in my tea that it me of drinking any for around a month. It's a good thing to confront.

>> No.11543377

>Otherwise I can't really appreciate things and I act like someone with ADHD (getting tired of VNs quickly, pausing anime every five minutes, etc.)
That happens to me sometimes. Unless whatever it is I'm watching is very exciting, I find myself pausing and tabbing out sometimes.

>> No.11543380

I think that's part of it, but you end up taking it for granted really quickly. It blows my mind that I went to school for 7 hours every day for years, but that doesn't make me feel better about my situation. This is why I think it's good to do something less enjoyable, because it makes you appreciate the entertainment stuff more. It's like eating a healthy meal and then having a satisfying dessert, instead of just gobbling down cupcakes all day.

Though I'm sure there are people out there who have been NEETs for decades and their enjoyment hasn't faded any, and I am very jealous.

>> No.11543390

It doesn't help that a lot of anime and films are tailored towards this now.

Ironically, the things I'm more likely to be engaged in are series and movies that are a little more slow-paced. If something starts out action-packed, full of fanservice, whatever, then I'm disappointed whenever there's a lull in that stuff. But something that's slow-moving makes me think, "Okay, where's it going from here?" and keep watching.

>> No.11543399

That's the case with me as well, I quite enjoy slice of life and such, but as fun as it is I can't stop myself from having my mind drift and lose attention from time to time. Modern media doesn't help with the short attention spans more and more people have.

>> No.11543422

At least boil it before drinking

>> No.11543429

I don't want to hurt his NEET feelings but it's worse not knowing the bug was rotting in the bag and adding itself to his tea.

>> No.11543434

A lot of NEETs are depressed because they feel pressured by society into becoming normal.
If not actively by parents or other people, then indirectly through social norms which make them feel guilty or make them think they're missing out.

Many can't escape the influence of society even in complete isolation. Partly because everyone is conditioned to be part of society since the day they're born, and partly because a lot of reinforcement comes through media.
If they do not manage to detach themselves from this pressure, they get more and more anxious with age as they realize that they have less and less time to possibly turn their life around.

Losing interest in everything makes one feel apathetic and bored, not depressed.

>> No.11543437

It wasn't a rotting sort of bug. I should have taken a picture. It was pretty big an apparent that it had been hit with whatever they cut the tea and stems with then died along with them. I don't feel it's at all dangerous to drink.

>> No.11543442

Dangerous or not, it's just gross! Drinking bugs in old tea isn't cute unless you find the bug AFTER drinking the tea and freak out

>> No.11543460
File: 131 KB, 1000x750, Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're placing too much emphasis on societal pressure. Honestly, I think it's more to do with human nature and how people are brought up in the first world than it is NEETs worrying about how they're supposed to get a job and society looks down on them.

If someone was raised a hermit his entire life he'd probably be pretty cool with doing what he's always done, but if someone started out with school, friends, etc. then went to being a shut-in they're going to feel a little down, even if everyone said, "It's okay to stay at home and do whatever you like."

Of course, I can't speak for everyone. It would be interesting to see if there are any foreign cultures that exercise something similar to the NEET lifestyle, and how happy/sad they are, or if anyone has just lived this way their entire life because their parents didn't care.

>> No.11543463
File: 57 KB, 450x337, geji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the bug was removed after the first cup and that was only in early summer so the tea isn't that old. Its a suitable autumn tea and I'm feeling like the bug must have added to the smooth earthy flavour. A unique tea that only I will experience. Isn't that the heart of tea culture? I'll embrace this as a meditation on transience!

It looked like it may have been one of these.

>> No.11543470

I've lived like it since before I was a teenager and am one of those alone but not lonely types so your idea may merit. We all go through emotional changes in every direction no matter what though.

>> No.11543491

It was rotting, it was already dead, but it would have been worse if it was alive, because then it would have been eating from there.

>> No.11543493

True, I recently had someone with an "ideal" life (great job, friends, engaged) tell me he was depressed with it all and wishes he could be a NEET like me. And some people are definitely introverted, and they don't desire friends or relationships. There was that one TED Talk about how this isn't a bad thing, and can be a great advantage in many situations.

But I still think a lot of this stuff is just how human beings work. We need change or we get too used to the same routine, whether it's sitting in an office all day or playing games for 12 hours straight. I'd also say most people benefit from some sort of productivity, whether it's earning money, tidying up the bedroom, or exercising. Validation is nice too, though it doesn't have to come from society as a whole. Hearing someone praise my lifestyle felt good. Not because I'm now totally fine in the eyes of the masses, but in the same way a child does something right and his parents are proud of him.

>> No.11543514

Hey, I'm almost as much as a loser as you are. I never had a job, but I'm steadily dealing with my backlog.
I only changed my major once, but I'm still in first year, which I already failed twice (and maybe thrice because I didn't show up on some exams last week).

That's complete bullshit, the only thing pressuring me is that I know that if my mother stops pitching in, I won't have enough to afford both shelter and food. If I had a certain and safe future financially wise, I'd be the happiest person on earth.

I wanted a tea thread :(

>> No.11543537

Isn't that the same thing?
Pressure doesn't have to be direct. Social norms are pressure. People are raised to be normal and successful. Straying from that idea is "bad". Everyone learns this as a child, at an age before they could realistically get cut off from society. And things learned at an early age always make a much bigger emotional impact than things learned later.

It's a pretty evil system. Society intentionally spawns you, makes you emotionally dependent on it and tells you what to do in order to get its acceptance. The worst thing is that you don't need to get directly scolded or told to do anything later in life - the conditioning is designed to make you feel guilty, unfulfilled and depressed from within, without you being aware of the reasons.

It's true that someone raised to be a hermit wouldn't mind living that way. Because he wouldn't be raised by society.
And it's true that someone who spent a lot of time in society will have a harder time emotionally detaching from it. Many never do.

You don't sound depressed. I was talking about depressed NEETs.
If you're happy with your lifestyle - congrats, you managed to emotionally detach yourself from the system.
Not many manage to do that.

>> No.11543574

I had to stop being a NEET today. I got a job at a small clothing store. I'm just going to spend all the money I make on figures though.

>> No.11543622
File: 149 KB, 1032x894, bancha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second and third infusions with this bancha taste better than the first. Brings out little subtleties and sweetness. Maybe because the bug gets washed off.

>> No.11543635

Asian grocers, or you can order it directly from Maeda En

>> No.11543638

I need some sort of income otherwise I will be homeless. I don't know if I should seek help from the government or whether I should ask my childhood friend who is a manager at a local grocery store if he can get me a job.

>> No.11543646

>Isn't that the same thing?

There's overlap but I think it's more intrinsic than that. Like if someone lived their entire life in a room being provided with whatever they wanted, they'd still want to go out and accomplish something, even if they didn't know any different from how they've lived their entire life. Living half your life at school with other people, work to do, etc. then going into that situation must be even worse.

I'd be interested if there have ever been any studies on this, maybe rich people with crazy parents who smothered them and never took them to school or expected them to work, versus ordinary rich people as a control group.

But I definitely agree there's way too much pressure from society and that's a major influence too, to the point where I think it's harmful even for normal people. It might encourage people to do better, but at the same time it makes bad events way more serious. A few years ago I talked to a girl who failed her teaching exam three times, which meant she'd have to wait something like three more years before she could take it again. She was very distraught, but as a NEET with "nothing to lose" I didn't see it as such a big deal (I was sympathetic though, so in before autism).

>> No.11543645


[flavour intensifies]

>> No.11543653

House centipedes are venomous.

>> No.11543658

It's because the first infusion also extract the toxins in the leaves

>> No.11543681


Think about the times in your life when you were sick. Not just a cold or the sniffles, I mean really sick and miserable like having the flu or a bad stomach virus. For the duration of your sickness were you often wishing that you were better or did you take for granted the times you were well? If currently healthy are you ever thankful that you are?

Maybe the happy NEETs just never post about themselves for whatever reasons and all you ever hear are the ones complaining.

>> No.11543696

Truth here. As a happy NEET I never posted in ``daily NEET thread''s. Then they disappeared and I was sad for my brothers being pushed away. Squeaky wheels..

>> No.11543772

I was sick most of my life and went to hospital for either emergency or surgery on averange once a year during the past 10 years.
Well, nothing really terrible, it was mostly dislocated kneecap and other short-lasting stuff.
If anything pain doesn't hurt much anymore. Also my ulcers stopped bothering me a few months ago and I'm healthy again; or well, at the very least I've never been this healthy the past four years, maybe even in my entire life.
If anything being healthy was rare, and enjoyable. In harshest times, painkillers really felt like opium because on the rare ocasion I indulged, I felt no pain (also because they're opiates).
Now that I'm healthy I just get to enjoy every day instead of a handful; and I wouldn't complain about that.

Not that I didn't enjoy the days I was ill, but shitting blood certainly dampens the fun.

I've never owned japanese tea, but I'm pretty sure that you're supposed to "wash" them once and throw the first "infusion" away anyway. Though rather than an infusion it's just rincing the tea with water at brewing temperature.

>> No.11543774

Hey guys does this look like a good kyusu to buy?
I'm about to put in a big order at den's teas and this is tempting me. I've never owned a kyusu before.

>> No.11543811

I rinse with cold water for a few seconds. It's not so important with greens. A full infusion is overboard though perhaps warranted for mushicha.

It seems inexpensive for made in Japan so why not but it does also seem to have a full mesh basket vs the mesh neck that's easier to clean.

>> No.11543851

Happy NEETs are all alike; every unhappy NEET is unhappy in his own way. Stories about how today went perfectly fine are uninteresting.

>> No.11543887
File: 508 KB, 768x1024, 79Oyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean I have to pay sincerely for a while? It might be a nice change. Where is the idol thread?

>> No.11544069

It really is a shame that we're made to feel shameful for straying from the road.

I was happily living a lifestyle which wasn't fully NEET, but still extremely sedentary, unsocial and solitary. And I was quite happy with the way things were, as that's how I'd been living more or less my whole life. Then, about two years ago, for a variety of reasons, I essentially imploded psychologically, and found myself pinned down by fear of these expectations. Only now am I starting to fix that, by forcing myself into a shut in lifestyle until I can learn to be happy on my own again. Apologies for the blogshit.

>> No.11544083

I caved to "reality" a number of years ago. Abandoned all my "weird" interests in hopes of becoming successful and socially accepted. I did everything I was supposed to do, made lots of friends, got a girlfriend, went out almost every day. And at the end of it all, after a few years, I realized I was hollow inside and had made the greatest mistake of my life.

Learn from the fuckups of your fellow anons. Stick to your guns, stand by what you believe in and enjoy, and don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't good enough or aren't "grown up" enough.

>> No.11544090

>Maybe it's just me, but things that used to be fun/escapism became a chore very quickly.
>tl;dr: people just get used to indulging themselves, which is why rich people aren't all super happy, despite having everything a person could want.
This is probably why I tell myself I'm going to stop coming here every day, and then I end up wasting three or four hours on the fucking Jay.

Fuck. At least I shaved today.

Maybe I'll go out and buy some tea tomorrow. Maybe.

>> No.11544163

Woah, this thread is still here.

I started drinking tea as a replacement for my increasingly serious alcoholism, I went back to being an alcoholicNEET for a while but recently have been trying to quit again and stay off the wagon permanently.

Drinking just water has been helping the past few days but like some other anons alluded to Humans can't do the same thing everyday without either getting bored or addicted.

>> No.11544218


>> No.11544317

I get them in my bathroom constantly. Its gross

>> No.11544319

I drink water but add those water flavorings by MIO and kool aid. Theyre all sugar free and calorie free. I buy tons of flavors so I have something new all the time.

>> No.11544460

I drink my own piss.

>> No.11544642

Is bancha normally that brown? I've only drank sencha and shincha and both have ranged from yellow to green, but never brown.

>> No.11544842

I need a goal in life. I got through high school because my goal was to graduate and get out of high school, but ever since I got out I haven't had the will to do anything. Flunked out of college because I didn't want to put in the effort to work hard for something so uncertain.

What's a good goal? Something fun and something that will last most of my life.

>> No.11545485

Do something fucking absurd, but fun. Like learn Japanese and move to Akiba. Or walk the length of South America. Or go into the mountains of Nepal to seek spiritual enlightenment.

>> No.11545539
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1381462922757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beat all the touhou games on lunatic

Stalk an idol and discover whether they're really pure or not.

>> No.11546066
File: 245 KB, 1306x980, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was sincere coffe bro

#unirony #feminism

>> No.11546224

Sweet Maria's any good? I love the atmosphere of the place in the videos.

>> No.11546271

Did it taste any different?

>> No.11546364

I drank tea earlier, then found cooked rice in the bottom of the cup.

>> No.11546394

Congrats on the お茶漬け, enjoy the japanese culture.

Add in some dried meat/fruit and nuts and it becomes a cheap meal made from leftover rice.

>> No.11546498


Oh wow, it's a real thing.


>> No.11546509


>> No.11546509,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11552143


>> No.11553476
File: 103 KB, 500x540, 1359356081482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate those things, they bite me in my sleep.

>> No.11553490 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me and I love otaku!!!!
please sucking for my dick.
No I hafta suck you guys' dick.
this ain't joke.seriously.

>> No.11555826

I drank a ginseng tea made from a powder packet. It tasted like penis smell+sugar.

>> No.11555957
File: 143 KB, 220x200, 1362868834859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea has a decent amount of flouride in it you know?

>all the shopkeepers treat me like a dumbass


Go in there and ask for Sencha and Gyokuro too. I wonder why they do.

I know that feeling, I don't want to outgrow anime/manga but I it's just not as entertaining as it used to be.

Yes. You're drinking the garbage tea they were going to throw away.

>> No.11562503 [DELETED] 

