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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 323 KB, 1202x1600, 9-1-07-pickle-cute-naruto-girl-799844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1154116 No.1154116 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are you guys so ronery?

Have you guys ever even MET a weeaboo girl?

Not only are they fascinated by every stupid-ass thing you know about Japan, but they are EASY, most open easier than a wet paper bag

Go to a convention and get laid already

>> No.1154129

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1154131

Konata already explained why it doesn't work this way

>> No.1154126

Sorry for not likeing pig disgusting 3d cosplay whores.

>> No.1154135

I Ai anime? what is he a fucking sailor?
i hate faggots that wear shirt that incorporate japanese improperly. im looking at you "i suki japan desu" shirt.

>> No.1154151

>how to catch AIDS for just the cost of a convention pass.

>> No.1154153

Con sluts might give me AIDS, fuck you.

>> No.1154154

Take your bullshit somewhere else, preferably where people would actually care. Kindly fuck off and leave.

>> No.1154149

>>weeaboo girl

>> No.1154158


>> No.1154159

Most guys stop thinking girls have cooties by the age of 7

>> No.1154165

Wrong place to ask. Denizens of /jp/ are so freaking hostile towards the very thought of real women that it's sort of uncomfortable sometimes.

>> No.1154166

god damn i nearly avoided becoming that faggot on the right. now im just a trendy closet weeaboo. nothing in my dorm room pegs me as a weeaboo outside of my japanese study book and even that through the trail off since its well past the basics.
shit is disgusting.

>> No.1154171

2D has given us all impossible standards and stripped us of the ability to attain them.

Also, why is he just holding a keyblade? Seriously, if you want cosplay, either put hours of effort in or just don't bother.

>> No.1154176

cooties and AIDS are two different things. if they are as easy as you say, chances are they have been around the block a few times. they just dont act like the open sluts that you see on tv because they have poor self esteem. they will still burn your dick off just as fast as any other loose whore.

>> No.1154178

Why is that guy wearing a dress?

And why is thaty girl dressed as the homosexual from Kingdom Hearts?

>> No.1154173

Female on the Right

Male on the Left

>> No.1154179
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1219107319940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1154189

Love =/= Sex

>> No.1154187

I would never even consider talking to a girl who liked either Naruto or Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.1154194

i was referring to the male seeing as there are no women on the internet. unless you count /c/ /cgl/ /ck/ and /y/ to be the internet.

>> No.1154197

You forgot /cm/.

>> No.1154201

Actually, /u/ is mostly women too.

I thought I'd enjoy the board at first, considering it's yuri and all... boy, was I wrong.

If only I could turn off text for that board and just look at the pictures.

>> No.1154216
File: 51 KB, 453x604, 1219107786610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawt waeebo girls.

>> No.1154218
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>> No.1154220
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>> No.1154223

I haven't been on /u/ recently since reading "See? I deleted my earlier post, that proves that I'm a 24 year old woman" made me decide that everyone there was absolutely fucking retarded, but I did get linked to a charming thread on /cgl/ the other day in which several women were discussing being "period buddies".

>> No.1154226

Past the age of 7, you start calling them STDs.

>> No.1154230

Oh god, was it that scary thread about the girls on /cgl/ discussing about how they hate getting their periods during cons?


>> No.1154231

oh god i just saw that this morning. fucking kitchens are there for a reason.

>> No.1154236

a real man

>> No.1154232

The one on the left looks like she literally has cancer, but the one on the right is around average.

>> No.1154233


>> No.1154242


>> No.1154243

wait a minute, /jp/ visits /cgl/?

what's next? /fa/?

goddamn, I fucking hate you moot

>> No.1154244

It's impossible, even at a convention. I start to feel awkward around that many people. I don't even have the confidence to approach and talk to anyone.

>> No.1154249

Cute girl is cute, even though it's Naruto.

>> No.1154252

3D PIG DISGUSTING is the reason

>> No.1154253

I considered molesting cosplaying little girls at a convention, but then I got nervous and didn't go through with it.

>> No.1154259

The real reason?

Because I'm alone and everyone else isn't

also because I'd never, ever, ever go to a convention

>> No.1154256

cute girl is a guy

>> No.1154266


>> No.1154267

Their personality turns me off.

They're fucking morons.

>> No.1154268

Those are both girls, aren't they? One is a bulldyke, but yeah.

>> No.1154270
File: 99.00 MB, 1920x3757, 1219108477486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's much truth in this image. IRL though, I've only met "Gaiafag," "Irritating White Japanophile," "Fat Yaoi Fangirl," (god damn was she fat) and "Narutard."

The most numerous seem to be a cross between "Irritating White Japanophile" and "Gaiafag." Usually, they're some sort of snobbish half-retarded fangirl.

I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend that is somewhat weaboo (adores Harlock, 80's Gundam, DBZ for the lulz, can 1cc PCB on normal with Marisa, plays Guilty Gear nonstop), but that doesn't change the fact that she's generally a bitch otherwise.

If you ask me, a cross between "Hikkikomori Internet Stalker" and "Hot Topic Goth Lolita" would be pretty awesome if she had a sense of ironic humor about it all.

>> No.1154275

>I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend
stopped reading here

>> No.1154278

My hatred of women has actually risen after reading several posts in that thread.

>> No.1154289

the worst thing about /cgl/ isn't the females

it's the males flirting with them

>> No.1154291

i have unfortunately met every last one of them. one was a mix of the quiet lurker and batshit loli. she was pretty cool although her broken english was a little annoying. the others can burn in hell.

>> No.1154292

I hate you and I want you to die.

>> No.1154299

Wow, I wish my hand could watch anime and play touhou too...

>> No.1154301

why are women so disgusting anonymous?

>> No.1154304


If you're not playing Touhou with your hands, then what are you playing it with?

>> No.1154305

because of puberty

it ruins everything

>> No.1154302

Im guilty.

>> No.1154320
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1219109151293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend

>> No.1154318

>can 1cc PCB on normal with Marisa

>> No.1154319

my dick

>> No.1154329
File: 83 KB, 480x352, 1219109250963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.1154334

>>I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend that is somewhat weaboo
What the fuck.

>> No.1154341

I've met my share of weeaboo girls. Most of the time, they are no different from the regulars.
Which bothers me, deeply.

Die alone, all that.

>> No.1154355
File: 65 KB, 448x530, 1219109600480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1154270 here.

Come on /jp/, the so-ronery-hikki-weaboo thing is sort of lulzy to play along with, but seriously, get some goddamned self-assuredness and the rest comes easily.

Even if you lack any real confidence, pretending you have some in social situations goes a long way.

Just don't fall for the first silly bitch who gives you the time of day solely because...well, she gave you the time of day.

>> No.1154357

i have accepted my fate, unlimited ronery works

>> No.1154363

Op's pic has two very kawaii guys ^_^

>> No.1154359

Where are you all coming from... I thought we avoid "weeaboo girls" at all costs here at /jp/? "Weeaboo girl" translates to a 250 lbs. white girl with botched hair, huge black pants with chains, black lipstick, and a love for sasukexnaruto yaoi that she found on deviantart.

>> No.1154369


Has no one ever gotten the idea to create a t-shirt design with the kanji for "gigantic faggot" or something similar on it? The kids would buy that right up.

>> No.1154364

10/10, would rage again. now get the fuck out

>> No.1154371

Why is fanfic writer so perfect?

>> No.1154372

Dude. You just insulted about 70% of this board. Nice going.
