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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.11526604 [DELETED] 

>implying janitor isn't going to delete this

>> No.11526608 [DELETED] 

What's so wrong about the thread?

>> No.11526611 [DELETED] 

More like janitors being fickle-minded assholes.

>> No.11526612

I missed those charts...
This is going to be a good thread, I feel it.

Related content : can't access twitter for some reason, is there any noteworthy news since yesterday ?

>> No.11526621 [DELETED] 

Why was the old thread deleted?

>> No.11526622

Missed the lotto today. Congrats to all the indonesians that got in.

>> No.11526623

So, aside from shimakaze what other ships are a sign of bad taste and potential secondary?

>> No.11526626


>> No.11526627 [DELETED] 

A thread started by a troll. This is going to be good for sure.

>> No.11526628


>> No.11526629


>> No.11526632


>> No.11526633 [DELETED] 

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.11526631 [DELETED] 

The Danny Choo? Oh boy, where do I sign up?

>> No.11526634 [DELETED] 

It was all late the moment someone was dedicated enough to pay attention to facebook and post reports from it constantly. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.11526636


>> No.11526637

All the Kongous. Except Hiei.

>> No.11526639 [DELETED] 

Yeah of course it's our Danny sama who's going to make this game boom in the west.

>> No.11526640 [DELETED] 

First time I've heard of this Danny guy, does he have a big dick?

>> No.11526643

Atago, definitely.

>> No.11526645

At whoever was asking for mp3 voice files before, Hidownload or any similar program is capable of intercepting them while they're getting played, they're actually stored separately from the game's sfw, so I'm not sure about what other anons were referring to before.
>This is going to be a good thread, I feel it.
With the reference to that FB guy in OP? That's quite unlikely, it's like an invitation to shitposting.
>Related content : can't access twitter for some reason, is there any noteworthy news since yesterday ?
Nothing of noteworthy, just the usual lottery stuff. I guess you already read the stuff about the update on 16/10 and the confirmation of Musashi being the main prize of the next event which will start on 11/11.

>> No.11526646

Server 1-3: japs and turboweebs
Server 4: cool people and the president of the united states
The rest: shit

>> No.11526647 [DELETED] 

Big enough to make the armor of his Stormtrooper armor bulge.

>> No.11526652

1/11, sorry for the typo.

>> No.11526653

Yeah, I'm the September dumbanon.

>> No.11526654

Fusou. Yamashiro is superior anyways.

>> No.11526656

everyone seems to be talking about this game now.
Thanks for the info op

>> No.11526660

I've learnt to appreciate Fusou after getting her 5 times without a single Yamashiro. But 2 Yamashiros dropped in a row.
Besides, you can't be a chronic lesbian if you're by your own.

>> No.11526659

>mega dyke

>> No.11526663

Just get her very own clone, then neither of them will be virgins.

>> No.11526664

I know she's not popular but I like Choukai.

>> No.11526667

You shut your whore mouth, both of them are perfect.

>> No.11526668

I like her myself, she's my favourite heavy cruiser.

>> No.11526669

I'm the one who was asking about the voice clips just now. I was indeed going to use "Hey Teitoku, you got mail" as a message alert tone for my phone, actually. Anyway, it seems a little simpler to save the audio from Youtube and then use audacity to snip it, since you can find the voice clip you want more easily. Just wondered if there was already an upload somewhere to make things more convenient.

>> No.11526670

Liking megane girl is a sign of shit taste. Grats.

>> No.11526672

I want to fuck Kongou with her British accent

>> No.11526673

Babby's first lolicon ship

>> No.11526674

Kongou's lines if anyone is interested. Skip to 22.mp3 if you like to hear her death line.

>> No.11526678

How hard it is to get Kitakami or Ooi?

>> No.11526679

Exactly what I wanted, please take as many potatoes as I can afford to give you.

>> No.11526682
File: 593 KB, 612x862, 38883540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitakami is easier. Never got Ooi so far.

Be a real man and like the entire Surigao team.

>> No.11526683

Not hard. Ooi is slightly rarer.

>> No.11526684

Some American and Australian anons said that it's actually an American-like accent.

>> No.11526686
File: 101 KB, 503x700, 39064211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Kongou has a cockney accent when she actually speaks in English.

Though I prefer the alternative where she knows as much English as Anna Coppola.

>> No.11526687

Tatsuta and Tenryuu.Lesbians are never a good thing.

>> No.11526688

surely you jest.

yeah, they even post the the comparison.

>> No.11526689


>> No.11526691
File: 493 KB, 747x432, screenshot.411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls devouring girls. Probably the most delicious thought ever.

>> No.11526692

How did you get Kitakami?Construction or map drops?

>> No.11526696
File: 123 KB, 1200x560, 7c6a1dc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a terrible thing to do.

>> No.11526700

How's it feel like knowing that you sunk these cute ships in WW2?

>> No.11526704

Common failure from yukikaze recipe

>> No.11526706 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit

>> No.11526705 [DELETED] 

I heard there was an English patch in this thread, where exactly is it?
I heard it in here >>>/a/95066427

>> No.11526709
File: 702 KB, 1163x653, screenshot.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha nice try

>> No.11526712

How exactly did we sunk them if they were the allies of the civilized world?

>> No.11526714
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 39022123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there will be a "swap uniform" feature.

>> No.11526715 [DELETED] 

Won't we ever get to see those meaningful discussions from the past threads ever again?

Now, it's just full of shitposters and waifuhogging.

>> No.11526716 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 675x2025, 1378443658635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nighttime in South-East Asia.

And Akagi, that's not fair. Will we ever be allowed to install modern-ish weaponry ala Warship Gunner?

>> No.11526717 [DELETED] 

It over. Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.11526719

Kongo is basically a pretend-foreigner. She wasn't in England long enough, and she just throws english words out and uses slightly broken Japanese to sound foreign.

>> No.11526723

inazuma is my waifu

>> No.11526721 [DELETED] 

Which 2hu fuk or which kankore fuk?
They are all the same shit.
/jp/ was and is always filled with shitposters.
It is more accurate to say that kancolle evolved from outsiders and attracted the native /jp/ shitposters.

>> No.11526726

Anyone's got Kancolle doujin raws? EH and nyaa barely have any.

>> No.11526730 [DELETED] 


>> No.11526731 [DELETED] 

wait for the event, for now i think we ran out of meaningful topic to be discussed about. everything else is probably on the wiki already.

>> No.11526732

>Playing without login and VPN:
Is there a link thats not dead?

>> No.11526738

yes, the wiki.

>> No.11526737


>> No.11526743 [DELETED] 


That's what happens when you make general threads

Nobody listens

>> No.11526746


>> No.11526747


I actually see alot more of "which kanmusume I dislike more and is therefore a slut" discussion.

>> No.11526752

>Be a real man and like the entire Surigao team.
That's fine by me, but did they forget Michisio in the game's quest?

>> No.11526762

Besides Shigure, there are other 3 DDs involved in Surigao Strait. I think they just take the most prominent one.

>> No.11526760 [DELETED] 

General threads is a sign of a population being too big for the board. There are so much people wanting to post about the same thing that they would completely flood the board if they won't condense in the thread.
Once everyone forces the condensing, its not possible to turn back and make short occasional threads about it. General thread demands regular replies and reincarnates from thread to thread until it completely degrades into shitposting and social.

>> No.11526780

How exactly do you ensure a full fleet will get glitter after PVP? Do all of them have to land a hit?

>> No.11526782 [DELETED] 

yes that is why there are no 2hu generals

>> No.11526791


Out of the four DDs, only Shigure and Michisio are in-game though.

>> No.11526812 [DELETED] 

>Danny Choo likes it

people care about his opinion now?

>> No.11526814 [DELETED] 

At this point, we might as well move to the thread on /vg/. All them morons trying to push the thread off the board would be happy at last, the userbase won't change much since /jp/'s core Kancolle-playing population is fairly stable now, and newly joining /vg/ folk are civil enough to mind their behavior when you make it clear their greentexting antics aren't welcome. I'll take them over our native crew of dedicated faggots, anyway. At least they have honest intentions.

>> No.11526820 [DELETED] 

Spend one day in /wtg/ and /wotg/ and think again.

>> No.11526823 [DELETED] 

>newly joining /vg/ folk are civil enough to mind their behavior when you make it clear their greentexting antics aren't welcome
Ever been to /wotg/?

>> No.11526825
File: 890 KB, 811x566, ibnryebBPfSiCZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong? I have jap vpn and I can load the game, but I'm brought to what I assume is a server select screen. Nothing happens when I click on any of the servers. The help info works at the bottom though.

>> No.11526827 [DELETED] 

If they want to go to /a/ and /vg/ to post kancolle go ahead. /jp/ can still have kancolle thread. I never understood why certain material can only stay on 1board.

>> No.11526829 [DELETED] 


>> No.11526831 [DELETED] 

Are you blind? Can't you see that the servers are at their max already?

>> No.11526832 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 300x300, spoonfeedingababy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11526839

Oh man, looking for a non-rare ship that everyone seems to have is tough. I've tried all ways and no Kitakami or Ooi for me.

>> No.11526843

Yeah, that was me a few weeks ago. There's no way she sounds even remotely British. Her vowel endings are too rhotic.

>> No.11526846

I, uh.


>> No.11526847

the OP's trying to have a bite at a few people from the last thread who were concerned about what Danny Choo's antics will potentially bring to the future of the game for those living outside of Japan.

>> No.11526849
File: 278 KB, 863x867, me on the left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is 100% British.
It is the same voice that was used to play this britbong. This is what jap think of britbong.

>> No.11526852 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 1138x756, 1381721910800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that /jp/ has a new queen.

Remember to ignore milk when/if she posts. She's yesterday's news now.

>> No.11526853
File: 318 KB, 948x597, ijn-destroyer-shigure-0051_zpsf743029b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again, even /wtg/ is worried about the /wotg/ flood after tanks are announced and the fact that the Germans required half-paper designs to stay competitive says a lot when the devs originally intended for the game to be free of paper designs.

Also, have the real lead ship of the Shiratsuyu class.

>> No.11526855

He also made the same threads in /a/ and /vg/ and linked them back here if they want an "English patch".

>> No.11526858

Any particular reason why they wrote her name in reverse? I thought ZKMS is only a joke.

>> No.11526861 [DELETED] 

Any tips to play this game?

>> No.11526863

Old way of reading Japanese. Also as it appears on one of her main guns wearing an innertube.

>> No.11526862

They actually expect me to refresh every single day at X time on twitter for the small chance to get invited? Ahahah no thank you. I thought I'd check it out since its spammed all over pixiv, but god damn thats worse than the dota2 beta,

>> No.11526866

Heh. Learned new things everyday.

>> No.11526886 [DELETED] 

Figure things out for yourself, don't ask /jp/. Read the wikis.

>> No.11526897

When you have both Ooi and KTKM in your main fleet, do they tend to attack the same target?

>> No.11526904

Yes, frequently. They also tend to prioritize destroyers, so you may want to rotate them if you don't particularly enjoy splitting I-classes into their individual atoms.

>> No.11526908

So how do you get enough dev materials?
I've been struggling with getting enough to craft ships. I keep doing expedition 8 but all I get is flamethrowers.

>> No.11526913
File: 538 KB, 798x484, 1381749376200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's terrible. Guess I'll tweak my fleet again.

>> No.11526917

The dailies give you a considerable amount, so unless you're crafting 5+ ships a day, they should be enough to keep you going. If you don't want to craft items, use the 10/10/10/10 recipe with a battleship so that you are likely to fail and get back your material. Failures do count for the item crafting dailies.

>> No.11526922

You get dev materials back if you fail an equip craft? That's useful to know, I've been holding back for fear of eating up all my dev mats on failed equipment crafts.

>> No.11526930

Some people are using scripts/bots to farm expeditions while they sleep/work/school. Others spam the same map with an initial resource node (2-2 or 2-3 etc) and close/re-open the game to skip combat. I don't think you can really call it cheating but it certainly isn't what the developers envisioned, although I doubt they care much at this point.

You can also do it the "normal" way, which is to run the most efficient expeditions you can with the minimum number of ships and choose ones that use the least resources per sortie (Destroyers). As long as you don't waste much on crafting, and don't just spam sorties non-stop for hours then you should come out on top at the end of the day if you do all the dailies/weeklies. If you can just manage to have a net +500 of each resource per day then you will gain 3500 per week - which doesn't sound like a lot but it adds up.

>> No.11526932

Could the next OP please not double up the URLs? This was mentioned at least 3 threads ago. Thanks.

>> No.11526951


>> No.11526963

She wants the admiral to take responsibility for taking her virginity. She's holding a marriage certificate.

>> No.11526964

Eww, why?
So many more attractive ships.

>> No.11526969

someone is going to visit the seabed

>> No.11527006

Because she sort of resembled Haruka Morishima.

>> No.11527023

do you still have/use your starter ship /jp/?

>> No.11527032

I still use my Inazuma for expeditions.

>> No.11527047

I always set Murakumo as flagship when I do dailies.

>> No.11527051 [DELETED] 

Murakumo is on expedition duty, but my first few ships for each class are seeing extensive use. The core team is composed of Fuso (first BB) and Yamashiro, while Kiso (first CL), Kitakami (second CL), Kako (first CA), Kongo (second BB), Kirishima (third BB), Kaga (first CV) and Shokaku (second CV) are on rotation.

My A-team is not so much one as it is a K-team.

>> No.11527053
File: 162 KB, 756x577, tanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure do. She tanks better than CAs.

>> No.11527056

Murakumo is on expedition duty, but my first few ships for each class are seeing extensive use. The core team is composed of Fuso (first BB) and Yamashiro, while Kiso (first CL), Kitakami (second CL), Kako (first CA), Kisaragi (first DD), Kongo (second BB), Kirishima (third BB), Kaga (first CV) and Shokaku (second CV) are on rotation.

My A-team is not so much one as it is a K-team.

>> No.11527057
File: 38 KB, 442x388, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.
I use her pretty often.

>> No.11527060

She's sleeping at the bottom of the ocean and I don't think I want to see her again.

>> No.11527061

Are you me?

>> No.11527066

Murakumo, she's still in training for 3-2.

let me guess, Samidare?

>> No.11527067
File: 339 KB, 634x484, best DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11527068
File: 30 KB, 387x354, Screenshot_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still have, still using all of them, though in rotation.

>> No.11527071

You are such an evil teitoku...

Can't wait to get through the lottery and start to play this stuff. Kongou is the cutest.

>> No.11527072
File: 484 KB, 500x1300, 1381734137724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japs have a soft spot for Ashigara. I think they imaged her to be a christmas cake.

>> No.11527075

anyone has the ashigara beer image?

>> No.11527079

If they like Kitakami or Ooi, it is likely they are NOT secondary

>> No.11527082


>> No.11527083

Didn't the dev say something along "F5 abuse is ban?"

>> No.11527084

Why i can't have my 6th ship on the fleet.

>> No.11527085
File: 279 KB, 460x370, murakumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm you from the future.

>> No.11527088

ogod. you stripped KTKM's quintuple torp tube.

>> No.11527093

I farm 3-2 by refreshing all the time, haven't got a ban in months.

>> No.11527101

Can someone translate the red one?

>> No.11527113
File: 18 KB, 502x97, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11527118

You ran out of development material (can't build more ships and research more weapons)

>> No.11527122

The devs don't do anything yet to fix it, so for now it's usable. Though of course they'll fix it, just like the flagship abuse.

>> No.11527141

Have you used her before? Her hot blooded attitude is adorable as hell.

>> No.11527142
File: 68 KB, 434x365, Naamloos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still doing her best.

>> No.11527148
File: 71 KB, 433x340, samidare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11527150

I thought that was botting. Then again, I think I remember them saying something about steel somewhere along the line.

>> No.11527170

Doing 3-2 now so yes.

Else, she is the head of the Expedition.

>> No.11527175

Does radar really boost the accuracy of your ships? Is the effect obvious at all in the first place? My Kongou is really missing her shots at the worst possible moments; I was wondering whether a radar will significantly boost her hit rate.

>> No.11527180

It's kinda difficult to test it when the RNG in this game is so fickle.

>> No.11527184

There was a chart in the previous thread with some data.

>> No.11527185

People do put radar on BB for that obvious reason, perhaps.

My Hiei is waiting for Isuzu's remodeling patiently.

>> No.11527191

You will not notice the difference with a 21号(at least I don't) but with 32号 it's pretty evident.

>> No.11527201

I put my radar on my Haruna and I don't see too much of a difference, then again because her fourth slot is filled with support, her night attack is pretty consistent unlike Kongou.

I have bad luck with crafting and with the event looming, I don't dare to go for a construction spree.

>> No.11527241

Is there any point to having seaplanes on more than one ship in your fleet? Does the recon stat on ships without planes matter at all? I've been trying it out different ways but it seems to fail most of the time anyway. Maybe I should just stack Tone with them?

>> No.11527245

Who here thinks that this game would be better off with an exponential levelling system

>> No.11527248

Tone sisters are able to scout the enemy's fleet without the seaplane apparently. But if you wish to pass the recon phase, bring a sea tender along or just use a aviation battleship/cruiser.

>> No.11527249

What do you mean by exponential leveling?

>> No.11527251 [DELETED] 

>Danny Choo likes it too


better stop liking it then

>> No.11527252

Just level up your kanmusu.

>> No.11527255 [DELETED] 


Retarded phone tier game that takes no skill to play, worse than Puzzle & Dragons in every way, waste of time...yes.

>> No.11527277

My nigga

How many Tamas did you guys get trying to get Shimakaze?

>> No.11527280
File: 477 KB, 800x668, f128f95b407ab3d115732f26d7a1df72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 350/30/730/430 the right recipe for Shokaku? I swear to FUCK I tried it at least 30 times now, I got Zuikaku once and the rest is shitty light carriers and cruisers. I'm fucking going mad here since I also tried other recipes for over a month daily
This game is making me go mad. Just give me my Shoukaku

>> No.11527283

I only got one Tama and she was a drop. Haguro and Jintzu on the other hand...

Higher Bauxite recipe generally lead to CVL/CV. If I were you, I would stop crafting for a while and just do sortie. She will come when you least expect it.

>> No.11527284

Stop whining like a little bitch and live with it.

>> No.11527287

I used 300/300/600/600
3 shokakus 1 zuikaku
Probably around 20+ tries though.

>> No.11527289

Instead of going up in increments of 100/200/300, the experience requirement for each level is the requirement for the previous level times some constant. So level 1 could be 100 experience, level 2 is 200, level 3 is 400, level 4 is 800 and so on.

Though I prefer the "return a high level ship to level 1 to gain a substantial and repeatable benefit" system.

>> No.11527293

This game is pretty grind-y enough already. Besides, this will render farm spot inherently useless as they get less effective unless they implement level scaling as well.

>> No.11527295

If you have 5-10 ships to level yes. But it this game wants to you level more than that

>> No.11527304

How to have another flagship

>> No.11527307

It really pains me that radar recipes are so bauxite-heavy, using bauxite for crafts feels like such a waste most of the time.

>> No.11527313

It's the only way to get rare planes though.

>> No.11527311
File: 105 KB, 800x480, starter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still alive and benched, enjoying an early retirement

>> No.11527316

Rare planes are only 110, every radar attempt is 250 at least.

>> No.11527325

Why is Haruna considered above average on the wiki but Mutsu isn't?

>> No.11527328

Because the wiki is ran by monkeys. Mutsu and Nagato are way beyond Haruna.

>> No.11527330
File: 90 KB, 475x407, muhfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadn't seen much action since 3-2.

Still, 87 levels in and still haven't lost a single girl. People seem to have a high chance of killing their Murakumo/Inazuma for some reason.

>> No.11527335

Because why are you still only using the English wiki as a reference

>> No.11527343 [DELETED] 

I'd rather stick to Runescape.

>> No.11527354

Does closing your flash because of troll compass count as F5 abuse?

>> No.11527360

I'd rather you stick to Runescape as well.

I thought it automatically calculated the next node's results if you F5 after it decides where you're going.

>> No.11527364

No, you only enter the battle when you choose your formation.

>> No.11527381

I closed my flash everytime i got sent to the western node in 2-4. Fleet came back in 1piece.

>> No.11527391
File: 146 KB, 799x480, ss (2013-10-14 at 12.13.27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn wiki is a pain in the ass to find shit on.
Can someone tell me where I can find how to understand this, or explain what would happen? I'm assuming these are upgrades but I have no idea what they'll take away if I use them.

>> No.11527393


>> No.11527394

Only after you choose the next formation

>> No.11527395 [DELETED] 

No, fuck you little bitch.

>> No.11527405

Oh, I see how it works now. Thank you.

Cry more.

>> No.11527408

She retired at level 4... though I've now brought her back into service to level up alongside Hatsuharu.

>> No.11527424 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Danny Choo.

>> No.11527425


I have Murakumo with me on 4-4 clears. Guess I'm one of the few whose starter still sees active duty late-game.

>> No.11527427

Ah, I see. That makes it sound much more useful/abusable now...

>> No.11527432

Refreshing/closing the browser before you enter the battle is considered as returning to the harbour, so the fatigue when they returned is still added in.

>> No.11527434

you know you can just go to http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Equipment and compare the kanji

>> No.11527440
File: 433 KB, 781x1431, 12343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to get a Hiei from 2-3 boss node even with B rank victory. Perhaps rare stuff still drops, but at a reduced rate.

>> No.11527445

How is everyone's preparation for event going? I need one more 46cm and AP shell for my dream team, something the desire sensor is well aware of. Would average level 75 suffice for event, or should I try to push it to 80?

>> No.11527451

Do buckets actually drop in 9th expedition? I've been going at it for a week without a single drop.

>> No.11527466

I don't think I'll be ready for it. The highest level ship in my fleet is around level 50 and I have very few rare BB equipments; only 200 hundred buckets and barely over 10K resources of which y CVs and BBs just chew them through easily. Lastly, my fleet lack diversity; only two high level CA that are at my disposable.

>> No.11527467

>ged to get a Hiei from 2-3 boss node even with B rank victory. Perhaps rare stuff still drops, but at a reduced rate.

I got Haruna with B rank finish earlier today as well. I don't think it really impacts the drop.

>> No.11527489

I got Shimakaze from a craft yesterday, and was wondering if she's good enough to be in a tryhard fleet for late-game sorties.

Also, Kitakami is the best daughter.

>> No.11527495

Check the wiki for their stats. Shimakaze has very good maxed stats relatively too others.

>> No.11527493

Very much so. You would high level DDs in world 3-2 for one.

>> No.11527494

If you're at 200 already you'll have enough by the time the event starts, those levels are a bit worrying though. I think you could manage to beat up to E3 with that, so at least you won't leave empty handed, E4 will be a bit of a stretch unless you have lady luck on your side.

>> No.11527500

Contrary to popular belief, I really did check the wiki first. I'm just not too sure if carrying a destroyer in 4-X worlds is advisable.

>> No.11527503
File: 301 KB, 733x512, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my first 20 ships, I think it should be fine enough, albeit not easy. I'm grinding yuudachi and a second mutsu to, hopefully, level 55 both.

I got seven 46cm turrets, so a team of 4BB/2CV can have most of it's BB equipped with dual 46cm.
Also have a sonar, and 4 type-3 depth charge in memory of the last event.
As for resource, I plan to enter the event with 20k/20k/30k/20k, with 550-600 buckets.

.. Is that likely enough ?

>> No.11527504

Plenty of late-game maps need a destroyer or two to beat the compass. No ship type ends up completely unwanted.

>> No.11527509

why not?
destroyers are cheaper to maintain and have fast repair time. put defensive formation and wait for them to rekt shit at night

>> No.11527510

If I remember correctly, destroyers will grant you easier passage to the node before the boss. After that, it's all luck. That said, bringing a destroyer is good if you find the submarines awfully annoying

My strategy thus far are the support fleet (if they have them, that is) as I have a few extra BBs that are of higher levels to spare and the my primary CVs; they carry the fleet most of the time.

>> No.11527511

That's an overkill.

>> No.11527517

Not him but if you absolutely want to walk out alive with Musashi in tow, it's better go all out.

>> No.11527520

I know they're cheaper, but I was under the impression that their limited health pools end up a severe handicap versus the fighter/bomber and elite spam that's starting to pick up where I'm at. Night battles are also really scary.

>> No.11527527

Flagship protection, formation and turbines help a lot and night battles can be mitigated if you know you can blow them away for the first few turn. Cut-ins for CA and DD are much more common than BBs.

>> No.11527534

Yeah well, I expected it, but I really want to be sure to get Musashi.
I failed to get Yamato during last event, and my frenzy to get I168 lead me to let my (then) favorite CL Yura, to sink. So I feel I have to get back at the next event.

Regarding resources and buckets, it's not really preparation for the event actually, I just don't use much buckets, and I like having a +- 0 resource income -except for steel-, or try to match my cap by under, so I get the natural regen and still spend around 3k of each resource per day.

>> No.11527536

Damn it. I can't possibly join this with only 2 weeks into the game. I maxed 3 CV, a DD and 2 BB, but they're all Lvl30ish. Current stockpile is about 13k resource all categories. You guys must have stockpiled for at least a whole month to commit to this...

>> No.11527542


Isn't that a bit... excessive? Or is it prep one needs to make to even have a shot at event prizes?

>> No.11527544

The event has 2 tiers, with the easier bit being something most players can do, and the harder bit dropping Musashi. I've been playing for more than a month already, and I don't think I can go for Musashi either. Chill, and just go for the first drop.

>> No.11527548

You'll be surprised how much you can get by really spamming expeditions so you don't really need to worry about resources. Then again, I have 3 fleets working overtime for it. About powerleveling, it can't be helped. Take it easy.

I did not participate the previous event but I remember anon remarking that level 40+ fleets are able to survive through E-4; it really depends on luck and probably your equipment and fleet composition.

>> No.11527549

What would the first drop be at any rate... any clue?

>> No.11527553

Some ultra new DD/CA/CL that aren't craftable, I guess.

>> No.11527566

I think I was around 15 days in, and I could get I168 without much trouble, save for Yura. You should be fine with the next E1, and possibly E2 as well if they don't make it harder that it was.

As I said, it felt more like natural playing to get there, although I like grinding quite a bit.
But yeah, I don't expect to be down to 12 buckets and 459 bauxite... or so I hope.

I expect I401 or this >>11527553.
The new coastal guard ship were mentioned but since it's a big update, I think they'll prefer to save it for later. though, the did introduce SS at previous E1, so...

A question for last event E4 achievers : was getting to the E4 boss relatively easy ? I have quite bad luck with compass, and this hourly regen scares me like hell.

>> No.11527573

So, what are the actual odds of building Nagato? I will be building battleships anyway to get Haruna anyway for 4th fleet, but I figured I'd ask if I even want to have hope I get her this way.

I just want a heavy slugger BB that I like the look of, since Fusou sisters upgrade to aviation battleships - still not sure if I want to upgrade them that way.

>> No.11527583
File: 556 KB, 1725x730, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your situation is actually very similar to mine, except I need to bring my BB levels up to speed, though that should be manageable with the time we have left. Another issue is a lack of high level CAs, Atago at 56 is my highest level, second highest being in her 30s.

>> No.11527586

I've been going for Nagato for the past 3 weeks, giving away ~5k resources daily. Got every single BB possible, ~4 Mutsus and I still didn't manage to craft Nagato.

>> No.11527590

Maybe 1-2% out of that craft. I'll spoonfeed you this one since the odds aren't on the wiki.

>> No.11527599

Neat combined fleet fellow teitoku.
Well, I loose a bit on luck about radar and planes, and I'll jellier than jelly about Nagato - that aside, I hope CA won't be mandatory... My strongest one is Maya at 20, followed by her sister Choukai at 17...
Guess it's time to give a shit about CA. I think I'll try to up Tone too, because tone a cute and I'm paranoid they might exclude CV/L of a certain map fleet composition, so her sakuteki might feel good.

>> No.11527602


If they were I wouldn't be asking for them... still, ouch. Oh well, I'll just have to live without her.

>> No.11527624

Highest odds I've seen is 2.7%, or about 1 in 12 out of the BB that gets made from the 400/30/600/30.

>> No.11527622 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11527629


Just how hard are those events that lvl~80 battleships are not "up to speed"?

>> No.11527637

He's just exaggerating, the last event was doable with level 50 bb's.

>> No.11527639

Look up some videos of E-4 stages, you'll see you would want to get your BBs as high as possible.

>> No.11527645

They've said this event is going to be harder. No one knows how much harder but you might as well prepare for the worst.

>> No.11527647


>> No.11527650

Anything is doable at any level though. Higher levels just means you'll be using less buckets after all. Likewise, hoarding a lot of buckets could make up for what you're lacking in levels.

>> No.11527668

How long does the event typically last? One day? It will be sad if I miss it due to being away for just one day.

>> No.11527694

One hour. That's why you need buckets.

>> No.11527704

Oh my. Wouldnt fatigue be a major issue even with buckets?

Or ppl just dont give a fuck and just go.

>> No.11527708 [DELETED] 


>> No.11527720

Oh u
Please don't be dumb.

>> No.11527877

Oh shit. I must be at my 50ish try of 3-4 and still can't pass it with a ~lv80 fleet, while a pal of mine just completed it with the same kind of fleet after 4 tries, and got a mutsu from it.

Since ranting only doesn't make for a constructive post, let's spoonfeed.

First limited map event was a bit under 20 days, the other one around 25 days.

>> No.11527883

I see a lot of people having the setup 2 red guns, then 15.5 and last slot radar. I really don't think that is the best arrangement.

Try red gun, 15.5cm and last 2 slots red gun as well.

I tested my 3 red 2nd slot 15.5cm setup, and not only does it hit harder, it has roughly the same accuracy as the 2 red, 15.5cm and last type 32. The tests were done on 3-4 and 4-4.

>> No.11527887
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Forgot pic

>> No.11527894
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Chapter 12: >>>/a/95084697

>> No.11527897

I remember seeing once a reference to the "Big 7" or somesuch battleships of the 30s and 40s. I think it had something to do with the naval treaties of the time, and either Nagato or Yamato was included.

Googling the terms didn't really bring up anything. I remember seeing one fan-made image referencing it, and it was either Nagato or Yamato. Can anyone help?

>> No.11527899

I personally use 46/46/46/AP round on mutsu, but I don't know how efficient it is.
At least, when the cut in trigger and hit, it's a sure kill.

>> No.11527905

are those compiled on one particular website or mediafire ?

>> No.11527913

Do you trigger something during night combat with that setup?

>> No.11527916


>> No.11527923

46 combos with 15.5cm at night, it also might trigger with another 46 by shooting twice but I'm not entirely sure how that works.

>> No.11527937
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>> No.11527951

stop cheating

>> No.11527957

Most likely it has been answered a thousand times but what is the typical time for lotteries to take place?

>> No.11527960

Stop giving false information based on your not so statistical observation.

>> No.11527962

>I know where to find the answer, but could you tell me anyway?

>> No.11527977

Huh, then why do the devs say that having a gun of "proper" range fire during the shelling phase increases accuracy? Meaning, the first shot is long range and needs a long range gun(46cm) and the second round is close and benefits from a second slot close/medium range gun(15.5cm)

>> No.11527975

I guess you're right. Never mind. Once I get into the game I'll be in a world of pain if I can't even pass the lottery. Thanks.

>> No.11527985

i was wondering why my cruiser always hits for ~3 and then ~70 with 2 of the same guns during night phase...

>> No.11528003

Did everyone buy those 2 extra docks?

>> No.11528007

From what I've noticed with my BBs that have 46, 41, 15.5 in that order, they fire the 15.5 in the second round, not the 41, so I don't think the placement matters at all. Perhaps any red but the first serves no purpose other than to increase the firepower of the first gun.

>> No.11528024

Just check the twitter and compare the times

>> No.11528038
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No such thing as overkill. Just keep on leveling. I'll have most if not all of them at 80 before the event and maybe even some from my page 3. Probably even 90 for some lucky supporters.

I only made it to E-3 because of playing time, some terrible luck, and bucket shortage. Hell, I passed E-3 just when I ran out of buckets AND fuel. Really, it all depends on the maps they give us. Resources and buckets vary per Admiral.

>> No.11528053

Forever being sent to 2-4-P. I am pretty sure I can clear the boss, I just can't get there.

>> No.11528123
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Am I the only one who wants monster girls on my fleet? ;_;

>> No.11528216 [DELETED] 

Yeah that's called a better game.


>> No.11528239


So full of self-loathing right now. But anything for the love of my daughters.

>> No.11528244 [DELETED] 

I've switched form puzzle&dragons to kancolle, it's pay2win shit, how is that better in any shape or form?

>> No.11528259 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 300x300, laughinggod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get good. At least it takes skill to play unlike your autistic game.

>> No.11528273 [DELETED] 

Both games are pretty autistic.

>> No.11528275 [DELETED] 

Wow, excuse me, I didn't realise memorising 9 patterns is considered skill now. It's still pay 2 win, deal with it nerd, you will never be as strong as those who throw money into that autistic phone game.

now back you go.

>> No.11528277 [DELETED] 

You dont need to pay over 4000yen unless you want to show move love to your shipdaughters

>> No.11528282 [DELETED] 

I haven't payed anything for kancolle at all, I was talking about p&d being p2win shit.

>> No.11528288 [DELETED] 

? ? ?

I can't believe someone is this frustrated at nonsensical bullshit, it doesn't even require money to get anything at all if you really play that much, just luck and effort.

You don't even memorize anything because if you're good you're going to turn the tables around nonstop.

Also, where is the challenge in your shitty Bitefight with ships?

>> No.11528294 [DELETED] 

let's cut the argument here.
A game isn't about skill, challenge, price or anything like this - it's about the fun value it gives you.
Let's stop judge others people taste and go back to our respective seats, kancolle enjoyers on the one hand, PandD on the other.

It was nice to have a chat lovely anons, have a nice day !

>> No.11528295 [DELETED] 

Using packet sniffers and apps to solve the puzzles for you, sure is challenge in it. Now it's enough to derailing, go back to /vg/ and stay there.

>> No.11528300 [DELETED] 

So where's the anime for your superior game? Or the vita game?

No need to be jealous of the popularity of another game anon

>> No.11528301 [DELETED] 

Get out.

>> No.11528305 [DELETED] 


Holy shit, are you going to do this frustration shit when you play the 3DS version too? Or you're just going to argue that "you need to hack to win anything"?

>> No.11528313 [DELETED] 

Here comes the retarded ship game defense force.

Nobody even cares about PSV right now, all the games are in 3DS. P&D has sold millions with the shitty free version alone, you can't just call someone jealous when in reality you don't even have any arguments, or good ones at all.

>> No.11528323 [DELETED] 

Arguments for what ?
The moment you try to demonstrate my taste > your taste, you've lost the argument.

>> No.11528323,1 [INTERNAL] 

Only normals think the 3DS has a better selection of games than the PSV.

>> No.11528335

Is the stuff about refreshing the window when you get to the steel node in 3-2 safe? Like not something you will get banned for?
I've heard a lot of people mention it but i dont want to do something that would end up fucking me over.

>> No.11528340

i highly doubt they have a way to detect who is using it. implementing something like that would be more trouble than simply fixing it.
you're fine.

>> No.11528351

How exactly do you get to these levels? Do you just spam 3-2 or is there a better place to grind on higher levels?

>> No.11528357 [DELETED] 

Why is this game shit.

>> No.11528358

3-2, pvp, 5-2.

>> No.11528368

I guess i'll have to hurry and see if i can unlock 5-2 before the event starts.
Thank you anon.

>> No.11528367

How can i get out to 1-1

>> No.11528371


Let's calligraphy.

>> No.11528417

Can your ships die in the event?

>> No.11528419

The event is just a special sortie map, so yes.

>> No.11528423 [DELETED] 


>> No.11528440
File: 120 KB, 802x482, cleared 2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like RNG likes me today, cleared 2-4 with an S rank and all my ships still in green. Got her from boss.

>> No.11528442

Admiral, you already do have her in your fleet.

>> No.11528448

Why i can't load Kancolle?

>> No.11528450

Fuck I'm totally out of ideas on what to stick into my main fleet for the event. I'm already set on 5 ships but the last slot remains a mystery for me. Sub for tanking? Destroyer to counter subs? Another CV? Another battleship..? I won't have enough time to prepare all of them for the event since they're all at level 1 I only used a total of 6 ships for my fleet, but one of them sank, never replaced her ;_;, which one should I go with?

>> No.11528462

Why are the Ise class battleships the only ugly ones?

>> No.11528466
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What is this i cant load it.

>> No.11528470
File: 75 KB, 503x700, 3dfef26459eec818fb92bc0809a112c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to convert all this shitty ammo into fuel/steel

>> No.11528474

Use it to craft turbines or 46cm guns and see how it starts going down and down

>> No.11528476

You spelled Fusou wrong.

>> No.11528486

That still requires steel.

>> No.11528526

I want to cross Kongou's T.

>> No.11528525

On the development wiki page, do the level/flagship columns indicate what you need for that recipe to work? The japanese wiki looks different, but has some level requirements too.

>> No.11528528
File: 364 KB, 600x1012, 39103976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For kanmusu with multiple forms, which ones do you prefer? For example, I like KTKM-sama and Ooicchi's starting uniform the best, though the Hyper forms' midriffs are delicious as well. The super form feels too bloated.
Then there's the Chitose sisters. Oh gods, even ignoring the lewd damaged sprite, I just love the new flight deck they get at 改二 form: beautiful pieces of modern art, those things.

>> No.11528569

During Night Phase, CL, DD and CA have a significant boost to their combat abilities.

>> No.11528572

Anyone? Please.

>> No.11528573

You mean I have to equip long->medium->short?
I really dont believe this.
A long range gun is equally accurate at pointblank range.

>> No.11528589

The seaplane tenders are the best but Isuzu should get a special mention because

I'm not experienced as the others but a more diverse fleet is probably better. And how the hell did you manage that kind of fleet? Players would swap ships from time to time, eventually forming a sort of B-team.

>> No.11528595

>The seaplane tenders are the best but Isuzu should get a special mention because
Sorry. Isuzu got a special mention because she looks mature than her previous form.

>> No.11528612

No, fuck you. Fusou and her younger sister are beautiful and elegant girls.

I prefer the super versions personally. IIRC both Zuikaku and Zuihou also carry similar disruptive camo in their upgraded forms.

>> No.11528628

Yudachi Kai Ni is scaring me, what is that voice supposed to be?

>> No.11528639

You need lv60+ all sort of ships to go through E1 to E4 efficiently.
The game doesn't allow one fleet can do everything.
E1 and E2 are rather easy. Even someone who start the game today can finish it.

I'm expecting following keywords for Musashi event.
Night combat, ASW, CA, CAv/SPT, CL, Sub and 2 DDs as always. Did I mention CA?

>> No.11528643

Actually it's bugged, they will fix it this week or later.

>> No.11528653

>E1 and E2 are rather easy. Even someone who start the game today can finish it.

What were the rewards for these in the last event?

>> No.11528657

Oh? Is that so? It sounded like a ghostly voice or something. Effectively it's weird that only her new lines had that sound effect while the others were left unchanged.
> Did I mention CA?
Twice and you sank my heart, I'm not that anon but CA is the single only class that I didn't even bring to level 30.

>> No.11528659

What about the BBs?

>> No.11528669

Do you need a whole fleet of those or can you just train a couple of them to a good level and be done with it?
Need to train my subs more and never bothered training any CLs/CAs

>> No.11528670

I am 1week into the game.
Do I have enough time to actually be ready for the last part of the new event? How tough are those event bosses?
My highest lvl ships are at mid 30s now.

>> No.11528675

Please read the thread and lurk more.

>> No.11528678

Not him but BBs and CVs are too common already. Devs would probably want players to bring a more diverse fleet into the events.

>> No.11528679

BBs and CVs are always essential.
You need other ships to fit in for compass.
You can ignore these setup but usually it will lead you resource shortage.

And I forget to mention about CVLs.
You better have decent level CVLs for support fleet in E3 and E4.
Two CVL per fleet, so two or four. lv50+ are preferred.

>> No.11528681

>Two CVL per fleet, so two or four. lv50+ are preferred.
Fuck, seriously? Is CVL a requirement for support fleet or do they actually bring more planes for during bombing phase?

>> No.11528682

What support fleet?

>> No.11528687

Okay, fuck it, I give up, there's no way I'll be able to level 4 cvl's to 50+ without wasting my bauxite in time for the event.

>> No.11528689

i168 and repair kit or such as reward.
Kumano and i58 as drop in E2.

>> No.11528690

There will be expeditions you can send ships on. They won't get you anything, but while you're doing the map, occasionally they will do an opening salvo.

Apparently you can fill them with regular carriers if you want, but it will cost a lot.


>> No.11528691

Stage 5 and event maps allow you to send a support fleet as an expedition. When you send your main fleet through said stages, the support fleet has a chance of getting a shot at your enemy.

>> No.11528694

You fuckers just wait and watch, I'll clear the event with 2 subs.

>> No.11528702


You can set up other combo for support fleet.
Like 2CV + 2DDs, 2BBs + 2DDs, 2BBs + 2CVs + 2DDs or what ever.
But in last event, 2CVL + 2DDs were most cost effective combo, so as today in area 5.

>> No.11528704

Try it with six sub carriers at least.

>> No.11528708

The question would be then, do they actually use up bauxite?

>> No.11528727

But why do you need 2 support fleets then instead of one? Aren't those two different expeditions for different maps?

>> No.11528738

When your main fleet retreat, your support fleet will also retreat and consume baux still.
Even more worse, they occasionally don't show up if you didn't sparkle them.
So It's not good idea to make support fleet with resource heavy ships.
I'm gonna make full fire power team for the very last moment tho.

>> No.11528734

He didn't imply that anon. He's merely recommending different setup for a support fleet.

>> No.11528736

One is for regular battles and the other for the boss.

>> No.11528749

I can't see how that would be a good idea then, running two CV's is going to be hard enough for my bauxite supplies.

>> No.11528756

If you have shining fleets running 6 and 11 all day every day (while you're awake, anyway) you'll have a few tens of thousands by the time the event starts.

>> No.11528758

No I won't since I have fleets running 5 and 9 all day every day. Fuel isn't making itself you know.

>> No.11528768

Isnt 17 more efficient for fuel?
It is 93/hour compare to Expedition9 88/hour.

>> No.11528770

You must sortie a whole fucking lot. I have 15k of everything but bauxite, which I have 2k of.

>> No.11528785

Aye. I'm still grinding 3-2-1 non stop for the event to have ships in atleast +70 levels.

>> No.11528786

It's probably because he doesn't bring 4 CVs to every sortie like you do.

>> No.11528792

If you substract the cost, 9 is way more efficient. Also 9 gives buckets, and is better setup for sparkling fleet.

>> No.11528796

Sometimes I bring CVs to practice.

>> No.11528806

Any reason to continue using 3-2-1 to grind after unlocking 3-3? First node seems to be about the same difficulty, but 20 more exp.

>> No.11528807

free steel?

>> No.11528809

I sure wonder why you don't have any bauxite.

>> No.11528814

3-2-A only has light cruisers and destroyers. Put in subs and they will only attack it. Saves dock time.

>> No.11528815

How does one get a sparkling fleet?

>> No.11528818

S-rank a practice match with zero existing fatigue, or just have all the ships individually run 1-1 until they have enough MVP to achieve sparkle.

>> No.11528835

But it's going to go away after one expedition right?

>> No.11528839

I think S-rank practice fades after expedition but 1-1 spam sparkle will stay for a while.

>> No.11528843

Do CVs still consume bauxite if they have literally no equipment on them?

Asking because I'm thinking if I can get my lvl 1 CVs a few level without using bauxite.

>> No.11528847

No. Also, the amount of baux required depends on how many of your planes were shot down

>> No.11528849


Oh I forgot one very important thing about why 2DDs and 2CVLs were good.

There are three setups for support fleet.
Air raid fleet : 3 or more CV and CVLs, consume baux as well.
Long range torpedo: 4 or more CL, DD, Hypers.
Gunfire support : All others not mentioned above.

You need 2 DDs to make it success like usual expedition requirement.
So if you make it as 2 CVL + 2 DDs, it performs as Gunfire Support and does NOT consume baux.
And you can stack planes like blue or red. and do enough damage.
Now I remember that's also why.

You can see it action here.

Or you can search other setup on youtube by searching "支援艦隊"

>> No.11528895

Well this snowballed fast.

From needing one random ship to fill in a slot I now need to level 2 CVL's 2 DD's 1? CA to level 50... Atleast torpedo cruisers count as CL right? I really don't feel like leveling two CL too.

>> No.11528897

Torpedo cruisers are Torpedo cruisers

>> No.11528911


That's scary. I guess even 30k resources aren't enough for next event?

>> No.11528924

As long as i can beat E3, i'll be happy.
I know that im not going to get a musashi or a yamato so i'll be happy as long as i can make great use of the other three maps.

>> No.11528938

I still have a feeling the event won't be as high in difficultly as the previous event

>> No.11528949
File: 554 KB, 800x480, goddamnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it when this happens.

>> No.11528960

Aside from it's genuine difficulties, two past important changes will make it harder than Yamato one.
One is red flagship retreat, another is coverup.
Most importantly, they won't extend the event this time if there are no server issues.

If they allow sub duo sortie in E4 again, I'd say 30k is enough for everything. But I doubt it will be.

>> No.11528973
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Should have brought the professionals.

>> No.11528994

You can actually just duo the boss in E4 with 2 subs?

>> No.11529005
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>> No.11529008

Pretty much, at least in Yamato event, no one can't harm subs in boss node.
But it required 15+ hours camp due to compass and crit and unlucky whiff at boss.
In the interview after the event, dev guy said it was intentional and they knew some people will use subs like that.

>> No.11529010

I hope they give subs some love this event too, i love mine and want to use her a lot in this event.

>> No.11529013
File: 113 KB, 800x482, e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

and someone's tube.

>> No.11529027

I hope they don't pull a full night battle map like 5-3 for the event where you're in the mercy of crits from the first node alone. I'm about to hit 50 sorties with only 11 making it to the boss and only sinking the transport twice. It's not a hard map per say, it's just really irritating. No amount of firepower will save you from the night battle criticals. Just luck.

Mind you, I still wouldn't mind it. It would be terribly annoying though.

>> No.11529058

You're probably doing something wrong. I make it to the boss 90%+ of the time. The hard part is sinking the ship, but that's around a third of the time.

>> No.11529082

Organization-wise I'm fine with the 2 DDs and 2 CAs. It's the criticals I eat regardless of formation or order in the first or second node. I'm fine with advancing with orange damage. I'm not fine with advancing when someone is in the red. If I hated money enough, I would probably just buy everyone emergency repair goddess' and all should be fine.

>> No.11529086

what is the easiest map to get 20 transport ship kills on?

>> No.11529102

For the first time ever, at T level 57 and 3-1, I feel trolled by the compass.

>> No.11529104

There's been some posts about it earlier, but to confirm:
Since 46cm shoots air, a BB with 46cm doesn't need green guns. So the best setup would be 46/46 for the first two slots, and then.. 15.5 for the 3rd and radar/ap ammo depending on preference?

>> No.11529117
File: 232 KB, 427x435, kongou stat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, /jp/.
I checked wikia and wikiwiki.jp for Kongou's max stat, and her firepower is stated at 77 for wikiwiki and 94 (max?) for wikia. However, my Kongou-kai at level 28 has now 119 firepower after I feed her some ships.

Does the maximum stat differ amongst individual ship, or is this just the wiki being not updated? Because >>11527503
this anon has it at 153.

Thanks guys.

>> No.11529116

My setup from top to bottom is BB DD DD CA CA BB. I find the DDs are more reliable at night combat and never miss their targets. It also seem that higher luck gives higher chance to proc cut-in combo so you should order them accordingly.

And I always go 1st formation. Usually criticals will deal half hp bar. (I assume that the game has a mechanic that changes a killing blow to half damage) I get more red hp when I use other formations.

>> No.11529120

...Did you take off her weapons?

>> No.11529124

Oh. Whoops, sorry, I missed that. She's at 90 now, so I guess that explains why. Thanks!

>> No.11529152

So what's a good minimum average level for your ships to be able to beat 2-4? I was planning on leveling my whole fleet to 40 first, but then I have like, 4 ships to prepare.

>> No.11529174
File: 76 KB, 812x351, my 2-4 team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luck is more important than level. You just need to pray that they dont crit any of your ship to red.

>> No.11529176

Ugh, my credit card won't go through DMM's registration for some reason. I really wanted to buy some extra docks and stuff for my ships. ;_;

>> No.11529183

I know guns don't have any effect in the 4th slot, but is this true for planes as well? i.e. last slot should be saiun/AA gun?

>> No.11529188

Are you only able to get those crafting items with time? I can't seem to get them by doing sorties.

>> No.11529189

Level 1 and without modernization. Check youtube.

>> No.11529194

lv.25/30 is already good enough, but you should take care of your fleet's composition, you need durable ships like BB and CV.

>> No.11529212
File: 167 KB, 695x379, ss (2013-09-21 at 01.57.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my fleet used in clearing 2-4. Just pray the compass sends you to the easiest route which is south because that route has no enemy carriers. If your levels are high enough like these you don't have to worry about crits, unless RNG decides to pull a couple on you of course

>> No.11529231

My planned fleet includes aviation BBs though, since my luck wouldn't give me Kongou and Hiei. Would they stand a good chance in 2-4?

>> No.11529232

Took the plunge and spent $5 to get an extra repair dock. I hope my daughters are grateful for it.

>> No.11529233
File: 339 KB, 620x800, im3407352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third Zuihou.

Three times the omelets.

>> No.11529236

Just put good cannons on them and don't bother putting seaplanes. Your carrier planes will be the one to do all the anti-air/aerial bombardment. Max their firepower and armor and you're good.

>> No.11529238

Anything's fine if the levels are high enough. Fusou and Yamashiro were my only battleships when I got through 2-4, with the whole fleet in the mid-40s except Junyou at 61 and Yamashiro at 11.

>> No.11529256

not that anon, but how would you get your ships to such high levels? my highest is Shimakaze at 13, am i supposed to just grind until the desired level?

>> No.11529258

>just grind until the desired level
I believe this is the answer.

>> No.11529261

I see. Thank you very much, teitokus.

I'm farming 2-2 to grind, since it's quick and half the fleets you fight are transport ships. Boss nodes also have a chance to drop a bunch of heavy ships like the Fusou-class and Ise-class.

>> No.11529260

Pretty much, yeah. And do practice, it gives you a good deal of EXP without needing any repair time. I've been playing for two months, but I've been grinding inefficiently.

>> No.11529263

To tell you the truth, the BBs that you bring is practically useless for the 2-4 boss node.
The carriers and torpedo will take care of the 3 small fry right at the start. The BBs are actually just there to tank it so that you can kill the BB flagship during night battle.
Bringing a mixture of CA/BB instead of all BBs would actually be better.

>> No.11529268

My KTKM and Shimakaze might be up for torpedo duties, and I'm currently leveling Akagi, Hiryuu and a bunch of light carriers at the moment, but I'm not sure if it's worth risking night battles at the boss node since the enemy is capable of cut-in attacks.

>> No.11529269
File: 1.49 MB, 800x1440, 2-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I brought to the 2-4 boss node was practically useless, but I got a B rank out of it and never looked back.

>> No.11529271

Did you try to make a fleet of the ugliest girls on purpose?

>> No.11529273

Unless you overlevel your ships, have 46cm guns and 3stars redplanes on all your ships, they do miniscule damage to the BBs.

>> No.11529274

Hold still for a sec while I beat you to death.

>> No.11529275

His fleet is fine aside from RJ.

>> No.11529276

>Calling Fusou and Yamashiro ugly.
Can you get your eyes checked?

>> No.11529277

Guaranteed replies

>> No.11529279

Honestly, they're the creepiest thing's I saw in this game.

>> No.11529280

That isnt Ise and Hyuga.

>> No.11529283

Statistically, they actually are quite ugly. Junyou and Akebono are the only ships there that don't get a "worst-in-class" award.

>> No.11529284
File: 172 KB, 600x600, source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck you came to that conclusion is beyond my belief.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a Yamashirofag, whatever.

>> No.11529285

Not that anon, but I feel uneasy when I looked at Fusou and Yamashiro. Probably because of their very pale skin in the art style.

>> No.11529289

Ise and Hyuga at least have nice voices despite not having cute clothes, Fuso sounds like she's choking on 50 dicks.

>> No.11529291

But ise and Hyuga are better than fusou and yamashiro, i hope they get the second remodel, that would be perfect.

>> No.11529292

They do have really breathy voices but I like that sort of thing. I know some people really can't stand it.

>> No.11529293

>she's choking on 50 dicks
What is sick moe?
Your comment make me sick.

>> No.11529294

Hyuga actually had a in-between remodel between her being a battleship and aviation battleship. Her 5th turret was removed and in it's place was lots of AAA.

>> No.11529299

So, apparently you dont have to defeat the last enemy of a node for that one sortie quest, just the flagship of the enemy fleet will do.

Have been grinding on 3-2A and it lets me turn in the quest after getting a S rank in there without defeating the last enemy of a node.

>> No.11529305

A lot of quests have fucked up descriptions in the wiki, get used to it.

>> No.11529307
File: 147 KB, 943x468, cvijniseneverbuiltconve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we're going to get this.
Yeah, you should double check them on the automatic translation of the Japanese wiki for now.

>> No.11529317

That's pushing into paper designs territory. After World of Tanks and War Thunder, I don't feel like seeing another game that I play head that way. Also still no A7M Reppu in WT.

>> No.11529335 [DELETED] 

>That's pushing into paper designs territory.
That's what Fuso and Yamashiro's second remodelling already are, they only got considered for conversion but it was never implemented.

>> No.11529338

>That's pushing into paper designs territory.
That's what Fuso and Yamashiro's remodelling already are, they only got considered for conversion but it was never implemented.

>> No.11529412
File: 109 KB, 796x496, KongouMissedToo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did 10 tries on it with your suggestion and the opposite happened for me. I ate a lot more criticals. Pic is on the first node where everyone missed and ate crits. Maybe it's just some terrible luck on my part. I only made it past the first node 1/10 and then Kongou decided to eat a critical. I kinda had to laugh and groan when that happened. It can't be the levels since Haguro was the lowest at 66. I guess I've just got a cloud of bad luck floating over my head for this map.

In any case, I'll probably begin event preparations tomorrow and push 5-3 aside for now. Thanks for the help though. I'll still keep it in mind.

>> No.11529422

I realized that, the fact that the N1K3 exists in-game says this too.

>> No.11529431

What does the screen, that rarely comes after sortie results when your ships are almost broken from battle, mean?(if I could be any more ambiguous) I started just few days ago and I thought it might be sinking, but I didn't lose the ship.

>> No.11529443


If your flagship took heavy damage, you're forced to turn back home.

>> No.11529450

Ah, thank you. I was doing 1-1 with one expedition ship every time it came up so it didn't really matter.

>> No.11529456

Fuck yes I just got my Inazuma from 2-2 drop back after I've lost her 2 months ago. The joy I felt the moment I saw her was much greater than when I got Nagato or Hiryuu.

Welcome back sweet princess. I promise I will never lose you again.

>> No.11529464

It just isn't the same.

>> No.11529467

I know that feel.
But we know she's not that same Inazuma ;_;

>> No.11529474

Take good care of her younger sister

>> No.11529482
File: 122 KB, 799x496, ss (2013-10-15 at 01.23.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an ass, guess I should wait it out for a few hours

>> No.11529486

Different anon. I do load my carriers up with three stars and max the carrier's stat to 39 or 49 pt dmg. I plan to go into 2-4 with CV and BB at 5 stars.

>> No.11529499
File: 363 KB, 800x480, partner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love submarines so much.

>> No.11529500

You know nothing of the all level 99 4 battleships (Yamato, Nagato, Mutsu, Kongou), anti-sub destroyer, and decoy sub I had to go through.

>> No.11529512

So I decided to be a cheapskate and tried to do PVP without my CV.
C two matches in a row, everybody keep missing. Well shit I never knew air superiority is so fucking important.

>> No.11529515
File: 193 KB, 1280x1007, 190da511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cheating.

>> No.11529519

Put 46cm in all your BB, you'll have no problem with enemy CVs.

>> No.11529524

No.6 and No.7 is Ryusei and its remodel, I think. No.10 is radar and that's all.

>> No.11529537

Tenzan for number 1. The 2* blue torpedo fighter.

Raiden kai2 for number 4

The 25mm AA gun for no.8

That's all I can remember at a glance.

>> No.11529539

No. 2 is 46cm, No. 10 is 15.5cm

>> No.11529543

Only number 2 that I know, 46cm. Maybe no. 8 is sonar girl?

>> No.11529553
File: 82 KB, 795x479, 4abacc7e3c2fb4e35d4a7e508f9d12e22e67d7951375359607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, RNG can be so cruel, yet at times merciful.

I spent 5000 oils and steels today to get a sub, but couldn't do it... only to get the I-168 at -2-3 boss node.

Suddenly, it all seems worthwhile. I don't know what to say, RNG.

>> No.11529569

For expedition 33 and 34, are those only for Map 5?

>> No.11529582
File: 98 KB, 740x445, kji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this from 999/999/999/999.

What should I do?

>> No.11529585

I'm stuck on the first tutorial. How screwed am I?

>> No.11529589

Read the wiki.

>> No.11529592

Congratulations, anon. RNG works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11529593

Sink it

>> No.11529598

Feed it to your ships for +99 everything

>> No.11529599

Is it strange that I was able to get in without participating in the lottery?

>> No.11529604

Set him as flagship and start throwing more 999x4 to get nuclear weapons; watch your girls starving because of this madness.

>> No.11529605

When did you get in? That seems a bit weird. Lottery starts in an hour.

>> No.11529607

I got in ~30 minutes ago, noticed the game just said GAME START and it worked without even selecting a server.

>> No.11529612

Sent him for an expedition.

>> No.11529659

Got my Goya to 50. Wish I had an I-168 so I could do the quest/expedition and remodel her.

>> No.11529699

So, what's left on your wish list, teitoku?

>Nagato class
>Carrier task force 5

>> No.11529706

Replace Nagato class with Mutsu and I-58 with Hiryuu and we are done. I'm not keen on getting the Beaver yet but god damn Hiryuu is elusive as hell.

>> No.11529719

Hiryuu. I'm missing Nagato, Shimakaze and Yukikaze on my page 1 too, but I'm not that interested in them.

>> No.11529724


Zuikaku. Also Takao so I can complete the Takao-class unit but seeing as I'm busy gearing up for 2-4, both of them can wait.

>> No.11529737

> Any subs at all
> Kitakami
> Kirishima so I can unlock the 4th fleet

I don't think it's too high a wish list, but I can't seem to get them in my hands. No Nagato-class yet because I can't afford their maintenance etc.

>> No.11529745

You can get all the Takaos doing 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 anyways. Plus crafting is bound to net you a CA or two...

>> No.11529747

Essentially Mikuma, I lack Nagato sisters and 5th Carrier Division but I don't really care about them. Also those nice destroyers you can only get from world 5 but I have to beat 3-4 first and I won't try doing it before the event.

>> No.11529759

kaga pls

>> No.11529771


>> No.11529773

Mutsu, Hiryu, Zuikaku and Shoukaku

>> No.11529789
File: 346 KB, 882x1000, 37028385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to training school, newbies.

>> No.11529800

The only things left on mine are I-58, nagato class and zuikaku. Already got everything else.

Currently aiming to get I-58 but i've done the recipe around 20 times already and nothing.
Is there a map where i can try to farm for her?

I know the wikis have this info but i'd like to ask the more experienced people for the best map to do this.

>> No.11529832

Nagato, Zuiho, and Suzuya.

After I get them I can rest easy and watch my resources form a big pile right before the event.

>> No.11529836


Shoukaku's cute I guess but I'm not wasting bauxite before the event. Also for some reason I still haven't seen Akatsuki, Yuubari or Nagara.

>> No.11529839

4-2 is the easiest map to farm her

>> No.11529841

I might have better luck with the drops, since crafting keeps netting me Myoko-class. Sometimes, even the drops.

I feel like they're my version of the Naka curse.

>> No.11529857
File: 323 KB, 515x1200, 1381418146225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully Kaga is best Kaga.

>> No.11529871 [DELETED] 

I just lost a ship daughter I just got. Someone kill me I'm a terrible Admiral. It's time to pick up drinking.


Would you want her to bully you anon?

>> No.11529885

Who was it?

>> No.11529911

Someone should beat you instead, old fashioned physical correction is best correction. I mean, besides a tragic misclicking, what can be a good reason to keep fighting after reaching orange HP?

>> No.11529919

While your opinion is valid, I believe dere Kaga is superior, admiral.

>> No.11529924



The fact that she died on her very first sortie mission is just upsetting.


Believing in the strength of my ship daughters.

>> No.11529933

You are playing a game where the RNG goddess treat you like a play toy and you believe Kuroshio will tough it out?

>> No.11529937

I would gladly be the Goddess's playtoy.

>> No.11529944

Believing in your strength shouldn't become overconfidence, that's the lesson we should learn from Nagumo's downfall at the Midway.

>> No.11529947

Kaga is fantastic no matter what.

>> No.11529953

All Kagas are equal. Some Kagas are more equal than others.

>> No.11529964
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>> No.11529966
File: 570 KB, 600x800, 37527933_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stand to that claim. It's funny how the ships I started playing for completely fell off my radar after getting her.

>> No.11529975
File: 328 KB, 850x850, 1381814777630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no side ponytail

>> No.11529995
File: 384 KB, 800x2388, 1380771085316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11530001

Well I just got in today and im looking for my API link to play without vpn and I cant find the "string" shown on the wiki. I did however find a similar string in the source.
img src="http://log-netgame.dmm.com/freegame_app_access.php?user_id=XXXXXX&app_id=XXXXX
Is this the more updated link or is this something else entirely?

>> No.11530007
File: 566 KB, 2007x2964, 6548351546845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to me. I started playing for Kongou and a few others, but I got Kaga early on and forgot all about everyone else.

>> No.11530018

And to think my dream fleet will include Shoukaku and Kaga. Now I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.11530031
File: 138 KB, 1023x907, BTk9K0ZCYAE_8N6.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically started playing for AkagixKaga, it took me forever to get the latter...

>> No.11530033
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x2118, im3500139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll manage. Kaga would probably have more of a problem with Zuikaku's personality.

>> No.11530037

Re open the game after you start playing and you should find the correct string. By the way, did you get to a server selection screen/go past the lottery?

>> No.11530041

Hatesex is best sex.

>> No.11530045

I-I'm the opposite. I started playing for Kaga but now I actually love Kongou more, and I didn't even like Kongou before the game. I still like Kaga and Akagi, though.

>> No.11530050

I was at server selection screen the previous day, learned about the lottery, and set up for right now. As soon as i did cache stuff and logged in it instantly told me to name my charcter and pick a starter ship. I'm attempting to do the tutorial atm, but i have to wait like 30 mins for 50mins for my ship to be built

>> No.11530058

>30 mins
gz on shimakaze

>> No.11530060

That's funny, because I thought that even if there weren't enough people for lottery it would still lead you to server selection. You can just use the instant build for your first ship, you'll have enough.

Staff twitter says that there's some problem with irregular access though.

>> No.11530078

So those no-lottery entry was caused by some server problems? That's quite a bless.

>> No.11530095
File: 122 KB, 804x503, 168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to make a piece of equipment after just starting?
I need to finish those quests but equipment craft fails me every time and the formulas on the wiki didn't work either.
pic unrelated

>> No.11530096

I'm not sure, my friend just got in in the same manner as you. Not going to question it though.

Welcome aboard fellow teitoku.

>> No.11530106

What recipe did you use for Shimakaze (30min build time)?

>> No.11530111

I heard lots of admirals can't finish the last event due to time constraint. Why?

>> No.11530112

Failures are OK for most of the quests

>> No.11530116
File: 571 KB, 804x480, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on to yer butts

>> No.11530118

Your chance of crafting good equipment will be extremely low until you have admiral level twenty, and even then it's not very good.

>> No.11530121

Regenerating boss healths.
Bucket management.
Resource drain hell.

Basically, if you mismanaged your resource unless you have a huge amount stockpiled, you're gonna be shaft if you get unlucky with RNGs.

>> No.11530122

>pic unrelated
I don't want to be rude but why do we need to reach image limit sooner for no reason at all?

>> No.11530133
File: 354 KB, 804x480, oh yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11530128

Just use a flamethrower

>> No.11530134
File: 523 KB, 811x523, iblewkxDtj0Dw4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't have any idea what Im actually doing I'm just pressing buttons and following the guide(I really should start doing reps). The first ship I got from the tutorial battle mission was a loli. I'm liking this game already

>> No.11530138

So when I could get tons of resources and buckets beforehand, I could clear the whole map event on 1st day?

>> No.11530140

Admiral rank at level 23?

>> No.11530148

Seems like it. Used the 400/100/600/30 recipe

>> No.11530149

Probably on a newer server.

>> No.11530156

Yeah, got in last week or so on my first try

>> No.11530164

Fuck you. In the ass.

Jokes aside, congratulations. It's always good to see someone get lucky, no matter their level.

>> No.11530166
File: 171 KB, 1280x960, 1276888_728136003882515_1316506765_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for pics from the recent All Japan Model & Hobby Show, and saw this.

>> No.11530169

You're deluding yourself, it feels bad as HELL.

I wish I had beginner's luck again.

>> No.11530176


>38 development materials

Either I'm crafting way to often or I'm just not farming the right spots.

>> No.11530178

Is that a Kongou car? What's next? Fuso themed Fuso trucks?

>> No.11530180

Seems like Kongou and Tenryuu on different side.

>> No.11530181

You're not doing the right expedition.

>> No.11530192


If that's any consolation, I'm perfectly aware that I lucked out. I'd been happy with a Mutsu to, though.

I'm stockpiling those from dailies, I don"t think expeditions 3 and 5 all day erry day yeild any dev mats

>> No.11530214

Fuel for early game how?

>> No.11530218

You're likely crafting too much, just do your dailies and take it easy. Your development materials will pile up eventually.

>> No.11530226

...And two 1:25s. Welp. Time to feed Yukikaze.

>> No.11530236

I just got myself another set of slots, I was on 100/110 which was a little annoying. Is there any news about the new DDs? I don't see anything about it on twitter, just stuff about the lottery and whatever they ended up messing up.

>> No.11530247

AFAIK, no. Just wait until tomorrow.

>> No.11530263

I see; I hope they won't be more world 5 exclusives...

>> No.11530335

So I'm level 2 and I wanted a Zuikaku, but I made Shoukaku instead,
Will I later have to replace my Shoukaku with a Zuikaku?

>> No.11530339

Crane sisters

I have 2 Kitakami Kai (the other one is 1 level from Kai II) to rotate around for grinding but can't I just get the Ooi?

>> No.11530344

Aside from luck and remodel level, they're pretty much the same stat-wise. It's just up to you if which of the sisters do you like more.

>> No.11530348

XP is free. Keep 'em all.

>> No.11530349
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, 1264666_728135903882525_652077502_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongou itasha was up on Amiami as pre-order. There's also a Yukikaze scale fig (1/7) though it uses the in-game pose and all.

>> No.11530352

Having extra carriers is handy because of long repair times later on.

>> No.11530359
File: 4 KB, 316x128, i2bAYBoPZUq1V[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is going on? I logged out and attempted to log back in and i keep getting this error. I even successfully reset my password and still when I try to log in i get this error. All i wanted was my API link so i didn't have to deal with this crap.

>> No.11530361

rare DDs

Myoukou, Hyuuga, Yamashiro to complete their respective class collection quests

>> No.11530362

Re-login using different VPN.

>> No.11530364

read the wiki.

>> No.11530370

Is there a fucking special fleet composition for 3-1?
I have been doing it for 2days now
Didnt even get sent once to the boss.
Yeah yeah Inb4 check wiki. Wiki only has comments for 3-2 though.

>> No.11530374

I want to see a Fusou figurine just to see how they'll try to get it to maintain balance with those huge guns of hers.

>> No.11530377

Login to DMM without VPN, connect to VPN before opening the game's page.
Check Japanese wiki; anyway it doesn't require any special composition.

>> No.11530381
File: 934 KB, 996x696, korean_shipgirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does this website even exist? Are there really that many Koreans that are interested in the game? I thought their entire country hated wartime Japan.

>> No.11530393

Lots of Chinks too but that does not stop them from playing.

>> No.11530395

Night battle gives fatigue to the fleet, right? If I wait for a while before continuing to the next node, will the fatigue recover?

>> No.11530399

There's a lot of Koreans that love jp stuff so that's not much of a surprise.
There still many others who hate japan though.
So it's a thing that depends from person to person, the krs that say "i hate japan" don't represent everyone in the country.

>> No.11530404

No. Fatigue changes only reflect upon returning to base.

But you'd know that if you bothered checking any of the wikis.

>> No.11530406

Remember Pearl Harbor?

>> No.11530408

No, your fatigue only accumulates the moment you go back to port.

>> No.11530409

I'm not an American though. If there's anything that I should remember, it's the sinking of a hospital ship, and the Kokoda trail.

>> No.11530411

America has no latter tradition of hating Japan, though.

>> No.11530412

So the fatigue level stays constant throughout the whole sortie session?

>> No.11530413
File: 331 KB, 1148x784, 39086415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, Imaya.
I love you.

>> No.11530416


>> No.11530420

You love her so much you couldn't even spell her nickname right?

>> No.11530417

She got Ooi for you?

>> No.11530421

Its Imuya turbonoob.
1 I
6 mu
8 ya

>> No.11530422

I like the radio they have playing.

>> No.11530431

Here, let me break it down for you since you can't seem to read in sentences that already told you what you're asking again.

Fatigue. Stays. Constant. During. Sorties.

>> No.11530434

It's ok anon, the shame you feel cannot overwhelm your love.

>> No.11530437

The sad thing is that Imuya actually reminds you of this. The teitoku clearly wasn't listening...

>> No.11530445


He's just not used to it yet.

>> No.11530451

Do I need to have daily/weekly quests accepted for my battles to count towards them?
Feels like that would leave me with no space for any other quest..

>> No.11530454


>> No.11530456

You need to activate them before you sortie but you can de-activate them after that, they don't reset.

>> No.11530457

Besides the reset time, they behave like other quests.

>> No.11530465

I like try to take only 1 weekly at a time. Usually they can be cleared in a couple of days, and the modernisation one can be done immediately if you have a bunch of ships saved up.

>> No.11530470

Forgot to mention, I'm talking about non-combat weeklies. Combat weeklies can be done pretty quickly if you're grinding rapidly. Take dailies that are related to the weekly you're grinding out, like the transport ship ones.

>> No.11530497

i've been trying to get her for days now and all i get is Kaga or Houshou.

>> No.11530500

Just checked all the red sortie quests when you are doing sorties. You can skip all the "Deployed X Fleet" sortie quest until you get the right composition.
Then when you do PVP just take the PVP quests.
There is no need to take all the quests at the same time.

>> No.11530513

Any tips on clearing supply ships? Whenever I take the quest, compass shoots me straight to boss node on 2-2 and never to south nodes for 2-3. But if I drop the quest, compass shoots me straight to the nodes.

>> No.11530523

I usually go for 2-3. It's a bit inefficient but it brings consistent results. Just arm yourself to the teeth, the compass will direct strong fleet to the supply nodes. But that's just me.

>> No.11530525

Just reset your flash player

>> No.11530531

Farming 1-1 node 1 with a single ship is surprisingly effective for the smaller classes.

>> No.11530535

Teasing solo Goya or Imuya in 2-3 is way more entertaining and useful.

>> No.11530537
File: 152 KB, 533x600, 1381835325259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Ready

>> No.11530539

Are the unlucky sisters even that popular?

>> No.11530548

Is it a TPS or just fancy camera angles?

>> No.11530551

They have the magical ability to make you fond of them.

If that's an actual development build, I hope to see those melee weapon in action.

>> No.11530552

But only if you have them in the first place.
All I have is a fleet that needs to train for 2-4 and destroyers which need to be leveled up for later and a Kitakami.
108 experience every two minutes is a pretty good rate for when the repair dock is full.

>> No.11530558

I'm guessing it's going to be similar to those old Virtua-On games, so it should be a TPS. Technically.

>> No.11530560

Yeah but they'll eat fuel and ammo faster than boss-clearing BBs.

>> No.11530571

Strange. Still no lottery closing tweet.

>> No.11530609

I've looked on the wiki but it doesnt really mention how to powerup early game well. Im on 1-3 and my ships are doing like 0~5 damage against these 60hp ships. Is there a map I should be grinding for exp?

>> No.11530617
File: 39 KB, 438x341, rng goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nice to have the rng goddess smiling at you.

Get better ships and stop using DD.
They are only good during torpedo phase and night battle.

>> No.11530618

Use first formation.

>> No.11530619

Go through practice matches and get better ships. Light cruisers are a dime of a dozen in stage 1.

>> No.11530624

a BB/rare DD attemps could give you a CA, they'll take you to world 2 without much trouble.

>> No.11530628
File: 92 KB, 567x964, wikia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more night battle. Ever

>> No.11530630

What should we look at?

>> No.11530631

What is this?
List of ships lost during night battle?

>> No.11530633

He added the Japanese lines to the ship pages.

>> No.11530639

And what is the relation with night battles?

>> No.11530642

I think he's sacrificing ships for lines for the wiki.

>> No.11530643

Fusou = Raiden.

I'm seeing it happening.

>> No.11530645

I always see low level players getting Nagato/Mutsu via craft, but all I see from higher level players is complaints about dumping 20k into crafting to get nothing again after stating that they got really lucky at early levels.

>> No.11530648

I did the work overnight ;_;

>> No.11530650

I thought the JP wiki has the lines?

>> No.11530651

Much appreciated anon.

>> No.11530653
File: 102 KB, 802x482, naka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is naka so rare, already have 6 jintsuu and 2 sendai but no naka

>> No.11530655

Yes, they come from atwiki, my Japanese is bad

>> No.11530658

Go craft some BB. Get Naka-chan

>> No.11530659

Because every admiral has their personal Nakas. Yours for examples would be Sendai and Jintzu, for now.

>> No.11530660

>Why is naka so rare
Be careful, there might be people that would hunt you down for saying that.

She'll come when you least want her, so just focus on other things.

>> No.11530657

I think it's normal. If you went on a crafting spree that didn't give you anything and you don't get upset, you probably wouldn't post about it.

>> No.11530664

Ah, is it you CDRW? Good work.
It's just a meme, she's not that common from my experience, at least not while using BB recipes.

>> No.11530667
File: 725 KB, 640x800, 39126587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naka-chan my first CL.

>> No.11530671

Chitose is the Naka of carrier recipe.

>> No.11530674

It's either Shouhou or Hiyou for me with the occasional RJ for me.

>> No.11530675

Same here. No matter how much I hate it when she shows up from my crafts, she'll always have a place in one of my fleets for taking care of my DDs in those early maps.

>> No.11530677

Why is RJ so popular?
Is it because of the silly hat?

>> No.11530678

I'm probably like one of the few people who genuinely like Naka, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good use for her.

And yet I fed my Shimakaze so much that she could one-shot CLs and DDs during the day. Am I weird?

>> No.11530679

No, because of her DFC.

>> No.11530681
File: 26 KB, 220x302, 1381840888761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japs like to make fun of her chest.

>> No.11530683

She has no breast. In fact, I question her gender at all.

>> No.11530684

>I can't think of a good use for her.
Set her as flagship her and leave her there for everything.

>> No.11530689

Something I never had to experience, bauxite with its lower regeneration rate is too precious to get wasted on crafting, I got all my carriers from drops.
You know it.

>> No.11530690

I like her voice. She has some nice lines.

>> No.11530694

Not that weird. For a while I was taking Isuzu everywhere just because she's my favourite. I was really, really happy when she got a second remodel.

>> No.11530697
File: 430 KB, 400x5000, a728ac033ff041a00fdfd74ba1c4e63d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kaga doesn't hate Zuikaku.

>> No.11530698

She can be as useful as any CL. I've got her on rotation for sub-killing quests.

>> No.11530699

Kaga wrestling both cranes is way funnier than this stuff.

>> No.11530700

This is so messed up

>> No.11530706
File: 154 KB, 1280x960, 965617_728135977215851_467698239_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like they are going to release one Kanmusume-themed model per month.

I don't care about that, the fact that Hasegawa started making Ace Combat-themed model kits pleased me.

>> No.11530714

Huh. 3400 yen for a generic ship puramodel with KanColle decals, when the ship (sans-decals) is worth around maybe 1000 yen.

...and these guys will definitely be rolling in money, because that's the current state of the fandom.

>> No.11530718

Regarding discussion on the KanColle book here:

Is anyone here buying the book with the intention of taking it apart and scanning it?

>> No.11530719

That goes without saying. This stuff isn't meant to be funny.

>> No.11530720 [DELETED] 

It almost happened again, against the same person and his two level ninety ships. Haruna 1HKO'd Verniy, then left two HP on KTKM.

Kirishima, Kongou, and the three destroyers missed everything both times. Two of the destroyers made it out with yellow health and managed to torpedo her for the last one point of damage, though.

Kirishima, having scored that MVP, promptly leveled up five times in a row.

>> No.11530722

It almost happened again, against the same person and his two level ninety ships. Haruna 1HKO'd Verniy, then left two HP on KTKM.

Kirishima, Kongou, and the three destroyers missed everything both times. Two of the destroyers made it out with yellow health and managed to torpedo her for the last one point of damage, though.

Haruna, having scored that MVP, promptly leveled up five times in a row.

>> No.11530723

The difference is between 1,000 yen, actually. Then again we're talking about Aoshima who made model kits of itasha cars popular.

>> No.11530752

What's the usual item set up for a level 50 KTKM?

>> No.11530757

Any gun, torpedo launcher, submarines.

>> No.11530761

Or rather, the torpedo launcher should be on top.

>> No.11530762

Red or green gun? Would the stock 12.7cm she comes with be fine?

>> No.11530766

>red or green gun
Read the wiki.

>> No.11530767

Personally I use 10cm Twin High-Angle Cannon, it has better AA performance than 12.7cm Twin High-Angle Cannon and it counts as main gun during night battle, thus enabling a combo with the torpedo.

>> No.11530768 [DELETED] 

Fuck off. Is the wiki going to tell me the definition of "any gun"?

>> No.11530769

I mean, you she shoot things with it, so yes, it'll work. Why you would keep it when there are so many better guns to use is beyond me, though.

>> No.11530773

Chill, anon.

>> No.11530774

It's going to tell you why "any gun" would work.

>> No.11530775

No, but if you're not a retard, you can probably figure out what constitutes a gun.

Technically "any gun" isn't the right advice, you want a main cannon because of what >>11530767 pointed out.

>> No.11530778

You don't necessarily need to combo with her high torpedo stat as long as the torpedo is in the first slot.

>> No.11530784
File: 323 KB, 1580x944, some bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first 400/200/500/700 roll. Did I do good?

>> No.11530786

You're a bad person. Sure, she looks like a Yugioh character, but she's really enjoyable to have around.

>> No.11530791

How does this combo business work?
The wikis don't seem to have any information on this either.

>> No.11530796

Nevermind, I think I found it.
Pretty small.

>> No.11530795

Still it doesn't hurt to pick the right gun and have a combo capability.
It does:
There's better but it's a good CVL

>> No.11530797

Night battle, if I remember correctly. Cut-in animation is dependent on your weapon configuration.

>> No.11530799

wikiwiki's 戦闘について article contains pretty much all the combat-related information you could ever want. The 夜戦(攻撃分類) has night combat information.

>> No.11530800

I'm sorry anon, I just didn't know her name at the time.

Besides, I like her Yugioh hair.

>> No.11530802

Couple questions:

Do the planes in CV 4th slot work, or are they only for stat purposes similar to weapons in other ships (i.e. put saiun/gun)?

What are the requirements for the whole fleet to get glitter after PVP battle?

>> No.11530805

read the wiki

>> No.11530806

Looks like I was looking for the wrong thing then, excuse my tardiness.

>> No.11530808

Some might prefer the aim bonus from a secondary 15.5cm cannon.

>> No.11530810

>Do the planes in CV 4th slot work, or are they only for stat purposes similar to weapons in other ships (i.e. put saiun/gun)?

They work.

>> No.11530820

>What are the requirements for the whole fleet to get glitter after PVP battle?
Answered earlier in this thread. Ctrl+f 'sparkle'.

>> No.11530824

But shhe screamed it after you crafted her, didn't you hear her?

>> No.11530827

Oh I didn't see that, thanks.

Thanks. I was wondering whether it'd be worth it to trade a torpedo bomber for a Saiun now, since we realised that T-crossing gives neither side any advantage.

I did check the wiki, it's not in the English one at least. Sorry if it's in the Japanese one.

>> No.11530830

About 2~3 weeks ago there was a day when the server 10+11 opened up the floodgates and allowed people to enter freely.

>> No.11530833

I read the article and I don't think it says anything about equipment order. So a 46/46/15.5/radar would have exactly the same inbattle effect as radar/15.5/46/46?

>> No.11530845

I can't find anything about it either, so... I'm not sure? Never really paid attention to what gun was being fired when I watch battles. I do know that at night, a ship will fire whatever's topmost and valid.

>> No.11530846

>since we realised that T-crossing gives neither side any advantage
Having your T crossed substantially reduces your firepower though.
In night battle equipment order matters.

>> No.11530852

The 4th slot doesn't work for weapons, so the 46cm should always go in the top slot and the support item in the 4th slot.

True, but I'm not sure whether since the enemy strength is also reduced the parity means it's the same. More damage on their side also means more chances for them to hit you to 50% hp.

>> No.11530854

>They're for more accurate fire on secondary targets, for this purposes of this game that would be on their second round of fire

So the yellow guns only affect the second salvo caused by BBs?

>> No.11530870
File: 175 KB, 955x778, unlimitedbauxiteeater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.11530873

Someone on Pixiv drew an unlimited bucket works just for her.

>> No.11530879

I'm experiencing Flash issues while running Kancolle on chrome.Anyone know how to solve this?

>> No.11530882

Don't use Chrome.
Because we're all geniuses that know what your problem is.

>> No.11530885

probably clear cache or update flash player
chrome is fine for me.

>> No.11530886

your favorite can called?

>> No.11530889

>update flash player
Chrome uses its own built-in flash player, it's updated together with Chrome automatically.

>> No.11530890


>> No.11530891

I wonder if it would be alright to remodel only the older sister, for the seaplane carriers and unlucky sisters? Thirty-nine armor on the seaplanes and twenty-six evasion on the Fusous is pretty fucking awful, though...

>> No.11530905

You can remodel them anytime you want. Fuso class remodeling has some trade-offs which are worth it.

On other news, Akagi ate a crit on my very first sortie of the day, on the first node of 4-3 during the first turn of enemy's BB. Fucking RNG.

>> No.11530913

I know I can change my mind and do it later, but then I'll feel stupid for having fed them thirty or so ships.

Yamashiro's 21 now and I would remodel her in a heartbeat if it weren't for the fact that Yamashiro was never actually an aviation battleship.

>> No.11530919

You wasted 700bauxite on a very common world2 drop.
That said you still need one CVL to get Akagi.

>> No.11530934
File: 53 KB, 461x360, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. From the combo chart, I dont see any combination that work with green gun.
Does this work? In theory, speedslut can use her green gun during the shelling phase and combo with cut in with torpedo during night phase. Right?

>> No.11530938
File: 156 KB, 639x348, screenshot-201310160006320164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11530939


She uses her AA gun during day phase and torpedoes during night phase, yes. Though her cut-in attack would be pure torpedoes.

>> No.11530941 [DELETED] 

That's going to activate the double-torpedo cut-in no matter what guns you have in the other slots. In any case, 10cm counts as a main gun (red).

>> No.11530942

It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of classification. The 10 cm gun is a main cannon. I feel like when I run that combination I usually get triple torpedo combos, but I can't say you won't get a mixed combo.

>> No.11530950
File: 35 KB, 390x506, 1381849686291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how Super KTKM-sama shoots in real life? A pity they didn't put the details in.

>> No.11530949

That's rather a cute combo

>> No.11530957
File: 511 KB, 926x872, 1381149425358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are right. But according to this chart 10cm green gun doesnt combo. By default the 10cm gun is on her first slot.
Kind of weird that they will do that if it stop the combo.

>> No.11530959

So I tried building some equipment using the recipes found in the wiki and the pastebin, and I've been getting nothing. In fact, when I tried to make a 46cm three twin gun(10/300/250/10 recipe with Fusou as the flagship, and my Admiral Level's 31), I got a 61cm quad torpedo. Am I doing something wrong here?

>> No.11530963

>But according to this chart 10cm green gun doesnt combo.
But the chart says it does.

>> No.11530968

I'm going to assume you can't read that. That says "counts as main gun".

>> No.11530970

Equipment crafting is much more suffering than ship crafting.

>> No.11530972

No. That recipe happens to include enough materials to make other things, mainly guns.

>> No.11530977

I have done the 46cm recipe (sometimes with extra fuel, sometimes with extra bauxite) over two hundred times and gotten one 46 cm out of it.

>> No.11530982

Chance of getting one is 5%

>> No.11530986


Well, fuck. And this is seriously how we get better equipment outside of remodeling our ships? Damn.

>> No.11530988

That means I should have ten of them, which makes me feel like a retard. Awesome.

>> No.11530992

You could always just start a Yamato farm when she becomes buildable since she gives out 2x 46cm for just a small price.

>> No.11530997

blah blah that's not how probability works blah blah

>> No.11530999

Thanks for the clarification.
I was confused about the bottom left and bottom right chart for cutin attack.
Does that mean if I put green gun as the main gun, my cut in attack would only have 1torpedo attack?

>> No.11531001

Please explain.

>> No.11531006


>> No.11531009

You will only see the probability manifesting itself by taking a huge sample. Unless you've been crafting by more than 1000 times or so, your sampling pool is too small to be considered.

>> No.11531010

The gambler's fallacy would be if I said, "that means I should have a 46 cm coming up." All I did is say that the expected number of 46 cm I should have, assuming that I did 200 crafts and the drop chance was 5%, would be 10. Which is true.

Rereading my craft log, it's more like 150, since I accidentally mixed some 110 110 250 250 recipes in with the actual 46 cms.

>> No.11531016

Checking the JP wiki, I noticed for 4-3 boss requirement has this statement: "空母あり編成では全ルート確認空母なしでもIに進める"; google translate is not helping much but it refers something about aircraft carriers. Does anybody know what it means?

>> No.11531018

Equipment order doesn't matter, your 10cm green gun is a main gun no matter where it's placed.

>> No.11531021

Never thought before that 2-3 sub run could be so much fun. All those CV planes fly like a missed joke, plus easy oil surplus.

>> No.11531025

That's my favorite thing to do when no-lifing.

>> No.11531029

It does fuck with the winrate, but I don't give a damn when the sub's more efficient than anything that goes on expedition.

Besides, the sub daughteru may have a chance to actually win and get ship drop (and not just fetch oil)

>> No.11531032

I got Kaga from 2-3's boss the day before yesterday doing it. My first despite being T-level 86 now.

>> No.11531036

I heard that Hiryuu can drop at the boss node. I've gotten a Fuso drop so far, and I got my sub loli from the 2-3 boss about 5hrs ago...

>> No.11531038

Wish I had a sub. I'm never running out of steel from 3-2 but the enemy destroyers and CLs keep dodging everything and doing more damage than they're supposed to with my CVs and BBs.

>> No.11531039

Yes, I got her at the same location during Imuya hunting.

>> No.11531040

The chance of hitting the 3-1 boss node after you go southeast once isn't anywhere near 50%, is it?

>> No.11531043

Talking about subs at 2-3? Started doing this 4 days ago, I think Imuya gained 60 levels, she's now 76 whereas my T-level is still 53.

I really appreciate the BBs she farmed for me, those are great food for my 3-2 DD fleet.

>> No.11531044

jesus christ i've been playing for two months and my highest level ship isn't even level sixty-five

>> No.11531045

I got my Imuya after burning through 5000 steels and 7000 oils on a made crafting binge. 20 crafts later and no sub, I went to 2-3 to blow off some steam, and there she came...

>> No.11531053

Question. Does Imuya's evasion get much better for you by lvl40? or only after Lvl50 refit?

>> No.11531056 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 786x482, 11234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can only work if you have no life though. Luckily I have quite a few Imuyas so I do this shit non-stop.

>> No.11531066

Level 54 and those fucking resources.
Holy shit, why so hardcore

>> No.11531072

Well, I am about 6 hours in, Imuya is now lvl 31, so I think he's not exaggerating at all.

>> No.11531075

I'm sure '4 days ago' means the time he started 2-3 run, not the time he joined the game.

>> No.11531077

How does it even work? Do you reset if you get the east node? The 2-3 sub grind I mean.

>> No.11531080

Nope. No reset. just let Imuya do her thing solo.

>> No.11531081

Nope, it's all about luck. And turbines. Sometimes Imuya gets OHKO but I'll just swap her out for another Imuya.

3-1 is pure compass trolling. You just need to get lucky.

>> No.11531084

Crafting turbine... I guess that means starting to develop the 46cm gun? I heard that you get turbines as byproduct of it.

>> No.11531086

>another Imuya.
I see you're no part of the Goya masterace, I just switch between them.

>> No.11531091

I'm also part of the no Nagato and no Crane sister groups. Well, I just try to make the best out of whatever I have.

>> No.11531092

Getting a Goya is harder than Imuya... I'd love to have both tbh.

>> No.11531097

Hey. I don't even have Hiryuu.

>> No.11531099

It is ok.
I am one of the few people here without yukikaze.
That is even worse.

>> No.11531101

I don't have them either and I don't give a shit, they're highly overrated.
That's right, I got my Imuya just when subs became craftable at first attempt, I had to try for a week or so before getting Goya.

>> No.11531104

Goyacchi is much more reliable for oil run. Higher health, and much higher luck. And I got her before Imuya.

>> No.11531110

Well, it's day 15 for me, so I started out just when the subs were craftable. The 250/130/200/30 netted me both 2x Shima and 1x Yukikaze, but no sub ever.

>> No.11531126

Is it recommended to put four 46cm guns on all your battleships?

>> No.11531131

>Is it recommended to put four 46cm guns on all your battleships?
Not really. You should put in AP shell for example, radar as well.

>> No.11531141

3 turbines on your BBs. That's how I roll.

>> No.11531152

150 times for a 5% drop is a huge amount of samples. The probability of getting only 1 out of 150 is 0.0036 assuming the 5% drop is true.

>> No.11531164

Why would anyone want a pussy ass radar?

>> No.11531167 [DELETED] 

Probably because if you can't shit your OP cannons are worthless?

>> No.11531183
File: 83 KB, 880x380, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crafting doesn't give you exps.
Just farm, you'll get enough subs.

>> No.11531184
File: 330 KB, 710x1000, 37286394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mutsu from 3-3-1.

>> No.11531196

which kancolle wud u fug

>> No.11531202

did you get all those 58 from boss nodes ? which one ? I can't seems to farm them efficiently..

>> No.11531208

I did over 100 kills of 5-2, and 36 kills of 4-1. I have yet to see a sub drop.

>> No.11531210

I haven't even gotten past 2-4 though...

>> No.11531218

2-4 is all about luck anyways.

>> No.11531237
File: 911 KB, 1108x676, abcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished 2-3 in 1st try with this fleet
Do I really need leveling all my ships to 20++ to clear 2-4?

>> No.11531246

All 30+ typically, fully refitted.

>> No.11531250
File: 700 KB, 833x496, advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty likely, yes.
Here is my fleet, I still can't go far in without being completely obliterated by carriers.
Fuck carriers.

>> No.11531253

It's like you didn't bother to read the thread at all. Why don't you try it before asking, 2-4 is all about luck.

>> No.11531258

inb4 that all Lv 1 BB video

>> No.11531272

All these talk about subs girls made me wish I have one. Farming, crafting, you name it. I've never gotten one. ;_;

>> No.11531278

Math major? Just a stab in the dark.

If you don't like fighting blind. And last I heard, +8 aim was pretty fucking good.

>> No.11531287

Don't think so, his math seems wrong.

>> No.11531289

What's your personal Kancolle achievement of the day?
I leveled up my Kitakami and Hibiki from 16-23 and 12-16 respectively on 1-1 A alone.

>> No.11531291

0.95^149 * 0.05 * 150 = 0.0036. He's good.

>> No.11531295

Getting Nagato, and clearing like 4 ship collection quests

>> No.11531297

Completing 3-2 in 5 tries.

>> No.11531300

I leveled Haruna from 1 to 16. She got the first five levels by one-shotting a pair of level ninety ships, wearing the circa-1910s equipment she dropped with.

>> No.11531306

Remodelling Akagi, Hiei, and Haruna. Although now I'm running out of steel.

>> No.11531304

>on 1-1 A alone
what the fuck? seemed like i was getting such worthless exp from trying that.

>> No.11531309

108 EXP x 100 sorties is still 10800 EXP.

>> No.11531311

Well, I'm trying to train my fleet up for 2-4 so my docks are basically always in use. So 1-1 was the first place that came to mind to easily and safely train ships without having to worry of them getting hit, altough Hibiki still gets hit pretty often, even with 1 turbine.
All in all it still pays off.

>> No.11531312

>What's your personal Kancolle achievement of the day?
2nd Yudachi remodelling, not using a single bucket (very important) and more farming stuff (subs in 2-3, expeditions, whatever quests I manage to do without sinking too many resources).

>> No.11531313

time to spam the third expedition

>> No.11531316

Doesn't it burn through fuel pretty fast, only doing 1 node and returning to harbor?

I upgraded my first ship. It was Yura, and now I feel bad giving someone else flagship so they can get more exp.

>> No.11531318

3 fuel x 100 sorties is 300 fuel. One destroyer really doesn't expend much.

>> No.11531323

Even with Kitakami who costs 5/10/0/0 per sortie it's still a decent deal, even if your ammunition does go a bit - in return you get a pretty good amount of steel since you drop destroyers basically every 2nd or 3rd time you sortie.

>> No.11531334

CS, but mostly machine learning so close enough.

>> No.11531342

Until now I just remodelled Kongo.

>> No.11531347

Remodelled Maya, and got Chitose to 12 to steal her minisubs for Kitakami.

>> No.11531350

Defeated the 3-1 compass and picked up Hyuuga.

My destroyers have average level 35 so I can probably clear 3-2 later today.

>> No.11531353

Yeah, I've been spamming it the whole day. Now it's just a little over one thousand.

>> No.11531384
File: 181 KB, 690x739, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Plain, assemble!

>> No.11531395

Remodeled 4 ships, obtained Kirishima and Haruna and finally unlocking that 3rd fleet after one whole week since I started.
Fucking hate Sendai.

>> No.11531397

S stop teasing me. Mikuma is the only Shibafu musu that I'm missing. I want her so badly.

>> No.11531398
File: 189 KB, 781x444, sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sendai you say?

>> No.11531404

Are you able to send out multiple fleets out for expedition (fleet 2 and 3 for example) at the same time or is it limited to only fleet 2?

>> No.11531409

You can, but not for the same expedition.

>> No.11531414

Yes, can you send multiple out.

What a useless question; you would have found it out on your own anyway.

>> No.11531416

How do levels actually affect combat? Higher level ships seem to hit more often and get hit less, but I still don't know how much they change your effectiveness since you don't really gradually improve stats.

>> No.11531419

Time for a no mikuma club?

>> No.11531423


Yeah, but the wait and curiosity was killing me. Second day of playing and I just finished getting my last Sendai-class ship. Just waiting for my heavy cruiser to finish building so I can send out two fleets out to get more fuel.

>> No.11531488

It took me far longer to get my sendai class complete... I think I was about a week in before I got Sendai as a drop.

>> No.11531558

Can I get some suggestion about good training spots where I can use a sub to help train ship daughteru? 2-4-1 is a bit restrictive in possible drops...

>> No.11531598

Too easy to be in.

>> No.11531641 [DELETED] 

Lurker (read:submarine) here, having never posted to 4chan. Ever. Surfacing now to thank whoever it was who mentioned 2-3 Imuya training.

I always wanted to use her, but my first Imuya sank in her first battle ever, so I've been too scared to send out my new one. I will train her here until she can swim safely with my fleets.

Keep talking, fellow teitokus, I grow stronger for it.

>> No.11531657

>I always wanted to use her, but my first Imuya sank in her first battle eve
You suck, i bet you didn't set her as your flagship

>> No.11531670

You're right, you know... I was new and didn't know how submarines worked. She was in the 6th slot and I was on 1-2. I... I thought she'd do okay.

But they kept shooting her. Then they kept shooting her. And then they kept shooting her.

Since then, my second Imuya has stayed docked forever.

>> No.11531673

this sounds scary, i haven't found a sub yet. thanks for the warning.

>> No.11531675

Any enemy destroyer or light cruiser is locked into attacking a submarine until it dies. World 1 is filled with destroyers and light cruisers, everywhere.

>> No.11531677 [DELETED] 

>Lurker (read:submarine) here, having never posted to 4chan. Ever.
If you'd lurked enough you'd realize that's something nobody ever wants to hear. In fact you fell right into the common newfag mistake of calling so much attention to your identity like we're going to care. Just put the sub in your flagship position where she can't sink and raise her to the point where she can survive on her own. Or don't be an idiot and put your ships into a position where they can sink, that really isn't hard at all.

>> No.11531680 [DELETED] 

I thought she would be like, submerged until the torpedo phase, when she'd get to show up and hit them. Of course, she becomes the first target on everyone's list. I was equal parts confused, shocked, and terrified when the depth charges started getting launched.

(Oh cool, I learned how to reply.)

>> No.11531683 [DELETED] 

>(Oh cool, I learned how to reply.)

Please stop doing this. It's unnecessary noise.

>> No.11531691 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the community! Once you get enough posts you can get a signature :)

El Psy Congroo!

>> No.11531696


>> No.11531699
File: 655 KB, 1001x545, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And after 10 tries!

>> No.11531704

Don't worry,he's here forever. There is no turning back now.

>> No.11531701

What do levels actually do for you after you've fully refitted/remodeled? It doesn't seem to change any stats and only seems to serve as a map check by the devs.

>> No.11531707
File: 373 KB, 850x1200, img000033[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I have the better sister. Not jelly at all.

>> No.11531714

So I upgraded Yura and got her third equip slot. I want her to keep doing double attacks during night phase because she ripped shit apart - so i'm not allowed to give her a yellow gun or another red gun in that third slot. Can I give her a green AA gun, or am I forced to give her something that's not a weapon in that slot in order to keep the high night phase damage?

I guess my question is, are all yellow/green guns = secondary guns unless specifically noted as main guns?

>> No.11531722

Read the wiki

>> No.11531726

Jelly as fuck, I still can't get to craft her.

>> No.11531746

I've been taking new ships on expeditions to expend their fuel and ammo before feeding them to my ships/submarine.

I like to imagine that they're excited to be on their first mission, coming home to realize I don't have a room prepared for them. Then they sort of cry and keep crying. I can't tell if it would be any nicer to them to consume them before ever using them.

>> No.11531764
File: 314 KB, 600x848, 9eac1efedb2b806f26f0561726c2f7da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11531771
File: 325 KB, 500x300, unf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a MAN admirals.

>> No.11531775

That picture would've worked better if it was on server 4.

>> No.11531776

I just want my Goya, dammit.
All I get are 22min timers with Imuya. ;_;

>> No.11531777 [DELETED] 


>> No.11531783

I've never thought about that, you're right.
What do you get from leveling your ships after they get their last remodel and you max their stuff with modernization? More damage? Reduced damage?

>> No.11531784

Her stats don't look that good compared to the other CVs.

>> No.11531786

Anti-sub, evasion, critical chance (both giving and getting), and enemy detection continue to be modified.

>> No.11531787

The fight mostly depend on luck anyway.

>> No.11531788

Where do you get those translated official 4koma?

>> No.11531789

She's the prettiest one.

>> No.11531792

When is the update/maintenance again? Tommorrow?

>> No.11531793

Zuikaku is cuter.

>> No.11531800

I am super tempted to remodel my Goya even though I don't have an Imuya yet for the quest/expedition. We are getting a 3rd submarine soon anyways, right?

>> No.11531802

Is it even worth it, if her repair time doubles?

>> No.11531805

I can't get her no matter how much i try ;_;

>> No.11531809

check batoto.net

>> No.11531811


>> No.11531827

Not that admiral, but I must say that while Zuikaku is really cute and I love the giving-her-best attitude, I find Shoukaku to be the oyome-tier of the sisters. I'd take it easy moon-viewing with her any night.

>> No.11531838
File: 575 KB, 850x1200, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11531840

WWII ships doing sea things while in the age of smartphones?

>> No.11531857

Well,they did spin compass instead of using GPS

>> No.11531870

Compass is more accurate than GPS retard.

>> No.11531880

> accurate
> spin (>>11531857)
okay edgemeister.

>> No.11531898

If the coastal defense ships are going to be anti-sub oriented, I hope they can at least cut-in attack subs at night. I'm tired of tickling them.

>> No.11531907

Too bad we're not going to see them this year with this slow as fuck update speed. I've seen mobile phone games with way less players get 10x the updates this game puts out.

>> No.11531918

There are going to be three patches in three weeks starting in four hours. Pls

>> No.11531920

Green texting is not allowed anon. You should know better.

>> No.11531921

Consider you got to expand those servers for swarm of admirals other than update something else. How's that now?

>> No.11531940
File: 552 KB, 1392x837, bless you rng goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, my luck today surely is weird. For the daily craft, I tried making an CV in hopes of getting Kaga/Shoukaku/Zuikaku and got a destroyer.

Then later, I cleared 3-1, getting Kaga as a reward from the boss.

RNG sure works in mysterious ways.

>> No.11531947

Please. Screencaps of ship building aren't necessary. 150 image limit. We've seen the same image multiple times.


>> No.11531954

Please. Stop posting in the thread if you're not playing the game.


>> No.11531955

Same here, Anon.

I received Ise, crafted Hiei, and just found Yukikaze within the same hour.

>> No.11531965 [DELETED] 

> Green texting
That wasn't an improper uses of greentext. Try harder.

It seems like today's Kaga day. I was using the most affordable carrier recipe in hope of getting Chitose or Chiyoda to get a midget sub for KTKM-sama, and I got Kaga instead.

>> No.11531999

I'm sure he'll kindly delete it when we hit the cap, don't worry.

>> No.11532027

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11532033

So I just PVP'd against a guy with kongou class BBs, are they supposed to have a really shitty HP pool or something?

>> No.11532048

They sacrifice HP for speed. Which, if superstition is to be believed, would mean better dodging as long as your whole fleet is fast.

>> No.11532073

What team do you need for 4-4?
I've heard that a lot of people have trouble with this map so i'd like to ask for advice about it before trying it out.

>> No.11532077

4-4's easy, 3-4's the hardest one out right now.

>> No.11532114 [DELETED] 

As hard as THIS?
*whips out dick*

>> No.11532115

I thought that was 5-3 ?

Anyway, 4-4 is hard in the sense a good fleet won't lead you to the boss most of the time, you need a less powerful fleet for getting there almost surely - but that means more risk on the route, and a harder time to kill the 270hp boss.

>> No.11532129

Shoukaku's voice does not match her.

>> No.11532130

I think 4-3 is harder than 4-4. With an even more bullshit compass.

>> No.11532134

Any specific sort of voice you were expecting?

>> No.11532145

No matter what I do I cant seem to find my API link. I've relogged several time and inspected the element and page source and all I'm getting is some huge link that starts with http://osapi.dmm.com/gadgets/ifr? .
The link will work when switch to normal proxy, but after a set amount of time of not playing if I open the link I'll get an invalid token something. Even if I didn't log out.

>> No.11532157

If you can't follow simple instructions, I don't know how we can help you.

>> No.11532158

I suck at computers. I couldn't find it on firefox, but it was the 5/6th hit for searching for api when inspecting element on Chrome. Try it?

>> No.11532160

Hit rate
I believe there is penalty to hit/miss because of level difference.

>> No.11532162
File: 1.47 MB, 1279x775, Ooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sortied 2-4 and this dropped after the first battle, I think the drop system loves me (it gave me a battleship a little while back too)

>> No.11532169

I'm trying to do quests right now but I spend way too much fuel/ammo on sorties to be able to do quests continuously. Any tips on what I should do here? Currently on 1-3.
I have a Shoukaku, I-168, Haruna, etc that I can use if that makes any difference.

>> No.11532175

Stop playing so much or scale down your team

>> No.11532193

A beautiful voice for a refined lady.

>> No.11532200

You're only on 1-3 and you have a battleship and a carrier?

>> No.11532209

That's how newbie crafting traps you.

>> No.11532215

Yeah, the compass despises me so I got stuck on 1-1, 1-2, and now 1-3 for many runs.
I also have a Kaga but these carriers really take a lot of fuel and ammo.

>> No.11532217

I thought I should keep crafting while my level is low because I heard it gets impossible to craft anything good later on.

>> No.11532220

>Currently on 1-3
Dude, use CL, CA and DD

>> No.11532221

This is actually not true.

>> No.11532229

That's just people bitching about beginners luck. What you did is pretty much the exact opposite of what you should be doing, in fact it's more commonly believed that drop rates are tied to your admiral level in some way. In any case you aren't at all capable of maintaining a fleet like that and they're eating you out of house and home. Time to bench them and try something different.

>> No.11532232 [DELETED] 

You made me miss my quads, you auto-sage thread poster fucker.

>> No.11532237

Well, it's not like that kind of playing style won't do harm in long future. Yes, you will be quite late in advancing to further maps, but it's entirely possible to complete 1st page + crane sisters while staying in map 1, as long as you're patient as a rock.

>> No.11532238

>In fact it's more commonly believed that drop rates are tied to your admiral level in some way.
Do they go down as your level goes up? Because after leveling to admiral level 40, i cant get anything good at all from crafting and it just seems like a huge waste of resources.

>> No.11532240

will* do harm in long future
Damn, my fucked up brain.

>> No.11532243

So I'm on a new computer and for some reason Flash projector isn't loading the game. Link works fine in browser and I loaded Relm of the mad god to see if it was just my flash, but that loads fine too. I'm not sure why its suddenly fucking up on me.

>> No.11532241

While wrong, it's pretty obvious why people feel so..
I was happy as fuck when I got my first mutsu, because she's rare and cool.
the next 4 ones were just "not nagato", so it felt like shit, eventhough the rng/game/luck is still as random as it was.

>> No.11532243,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit this janitor is a pathetic motherfucker.
He's obvious one of the two posters chatting in this hours dead thread.
I'm literally laughing my sides off.
This is why those shitty 'Netoge' threads are allowed.
Because janny fucking posts in them.
Remember kids!
It's not off-topic as long as janny likes it *wink wink*
I'm so fucking mad right now.
I hate this janny.
I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him. (I hate him so much I wrote this manually)

>> No.11532250

Is there a set amount of each I should use?
I have only 1 CA but a bunch of CLs and DDs.

Yeah, I'll see if I can find a team that can spend less resources but still manage to sink the enemy.

>> No.11532251

incorrect URL ? flash projector wont complete "http://" for you

>> No.11532251,1 [INTERNAL] 

And there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Janny wins.

>> No.11532254

Is it worth it to level both Ooi and Kitakami and put them on a fleet together or should i stick to one only?

>> No.11532261

Wow I feel like an idiot now.

>> No.11532261,1 [INTERNAL] 

Janny confirmed for Danny Choo.

>> No.11532271

Some people hate having both together because they believe they attack the same targets too often.

I don't.

>> No.11532281

What doesn't work is when you put KTKM and Ooi together with the subs. The AI wants to focus fire too much in that kind of situation.

Just Ooi and KTKM is perfectly ok.

>> No.11532287

Considering her VA's resume is made up of characters whose sole purpose is to shit up animes, I'm kind of surprised.

I'm looking at you, Nymph and Masou Shoujo Haruna.

>> No.11532288

While I heard compass will troll you a lot if you pack BB or CV, for other types, I don't think there's such set. Just mix & match yourself.
I level them both, so I could swap one of them for repair. But IMO putting two of them in one fleet is quite a bad idea, since it reduces your firepower a lot, especially for enemies that can't be wiped out by air raid alone.

>> No.11532292

I use a torpedo monster and a submarine (any of them in that combinaison) in my 3-2 farm fleet, among others.

I think they target the same ship around.. 60% of the time ? this statistic isn't worth much given sometimes there's only one ship left after air raid, but still.

>> No.11532301

So the server will be going down in 2 hours. (11AM, JST)
Be sure to make full sparkle long expedition teams.

We'll see two new DDs, one will be available in lower level areas.
Also they'll replace current free Yudachi tapestry. Grab it or lose it.

>> No.11532303

In a game where accuracy and evasion mechanics are some kind of voodoo bullshit, I really do love finishing a fight before day phase.

Dead alien ships are alien ships that aren't shooting at you.

>> No.11532306

When is the server coming back?

>> No.11532319

>Also they'll replace current free Yudachi tapestry
Could you rephrase that please, I can't figure out what's this supposed to mean.

>> No.11532321

What tapestry?

>> No.11532326

I just noticed Choukai has glasses. I thought she had a band-aid on her nose.

>> No.11532329
File: 73 KB, 678x403, asasas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one.
A scroll on furniture shop.
It was released to celebrate 800k accounts.
They'll replace this with 1 million accounts one later today.

>> No.11532331
File: 770 KB, 816x538, iwku0EVTXjFzK[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I think i got overzealous with my crafting and I cant support my fleet. I know I need to tone it down but im not sure what arrangement of ships I should be using. Im on 1-3 atm and pic is my current team.

>> No.11532332

Stop playing, let those resources generate over time.

>> No.11532333

Yeah I plan on taking a break, but I was saying for in the future since the refueling on all these ships is huge.

>> No.11532334

0-1 heavy cruisers
0-2 light cruisers
rest destroyers

that's what i did until 1-4 which made me realize i couldn't just use DDs forever

>> No.11532336

CA is just small time compared to BB and CV. Try unlocking the 3rd fleet, then spam expeditions.

>> No.11532337

Farm 1-1 with only one DD and unlock the 3rd fleet, go expedition 3 and 5 more

>> No.11532340
File: 314 KB, 719x971, 1381720095044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I take all the equip from my ship before remodel it?

>> No.11532341

Ive been doing expedition 1-3 with 3 random destroyers and keep failing, even though the wiki says thats what i should be running. Should i be running more or should a swap something higher with on of the DD.

>> No.11532344

This question is answered in the wiki

>> No.11532346

no. it is auto-removed

>> No.11532348

Okay im sure some weird stuff is going on in here, did i just get cursed or some shit?
I tried the aircraft carrier recipe and my timer shows 20 minutes, i dont know how but i think i got a destroyer.

Few minutes after that i tried the sub recipe and i seem to have landed myself another destroyer, is it even possible to get destroyers from those recipes in the first place?

>> No.11532359

welcome to the game

>> No.11532357

They are recipes for rare destroyers too

>> No.11532362

Composition, full supply, flagship level. Read the wiki.

>> No.11532368

Does every ship have to be the current level or just the flagship? My flagship is lvl 5 when the requirement is 3 and fully supplied and I've failed twice in a row.

>> No.11532373

I took level 1 Hatsuyuki to long time S-rank expedition once and it still succeed.

>> No.11532380

What happens when you hit the ship/item limit? Does it tell you to delete something, or is it just like fuck you and the new ship/item you would have gotten is gone forever?

>> No.11532384

You don't get new stuff if you are at the limit.

>> No.11532385

You just can't sortie

>> No.11532386

What happens when you read the wiki?

>> No.11532389

Gz on the subs

>> No.11532400
File: 690 KB, 857x1200, 38824586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now have ten Kongous.


I think they want that tea set.

>> No.11532403

I heard there's going to be an update within the hour. Do I have to update my API after the maintenance is over?

>> No.11532406

How do I get crafting comsumable things? I've scoured the wiki three times over.

>> No.11532407


>> No.11532408

I'm still using same API link after 2 maintenance works. Just clear cache after maintenance, some updates won't work with old cache.

>> No.11532411

You can't.

>> No.11532434

Attempted to craft 4 BBs, got 4 CAs. Now I'm out of steel and fuel. Pretty normal day.

>> No.11532438

If you spend your steel and fuel on sorties, you can level as you collect drops.

>> No.11532461

Finally got Zuikaku after almost 3 months, it figures I manage to get her after I've practically quit playing except construction dailies. Only had to build 2 Shoukakus before her, I thought it would end up being like my 15 Shouhous before one Zuihou. And at long last I have no fleet formation quests clogging up the quest list.

Only ones I'm missing now are Yamato, Nagato, Maikaze, Mikuma, Suzuya, and Akigumo.

>> No.11532466

Did 1-2 all day and still can't get Sendai. I just want my third fleet.

>> No.11532470

It feels good to know that you built a plane on your 2nd try that most people spend 3 months grinding for.

>> No.11532489

I've been doing a good bit of that as well, but 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 BB drops seem very rare to me. Oh well, I'll need to cut back on the crafting for the next few days.

>> No.11532493

The worst part is I had a sendai I crafted and lost due to not knowing what I was doing and i have 2 each of the other sisters.

>> No.11532498

You could try crafting her if you're desperate

>> No.11532501

I feel like that would yield even worse results.

>> No.11532505

Oh nice, Mutsu on a boss drop from 4-3 while clearing it for the first time.
Too bad she's already like the 5th Mutsu though.

>> No.11532506

Server is going down.

>> No.11532516

Why does Zuikaku talk so much. She almost always gets MVP then proceeds to never shut up and holds up loading whatever needs to be loaded.

>> No.11532523

Gonna leave a fleet of Kaga (96) Imuya (85) and Goya (58) for people to have fun with once the server comes back up.

>> No.11532533

Do you think they will prolong/postpone the event because of the typhoon?

>> No.11532546

Seems like they were happily tweeting along during it, so they're probably in an office that's decently protected from weather.

>> No.11532553

How are those event preparations coming along?

>> No.11532557

I don't even know how events work.

>> No.11532556

Dev twitter mentions there were large amounts of illegal accesses while yesterday's lottery on login servers.
They also say they may halt new lotteries until they address and solve the situation.

Anons, it begins.

>> No.11532564

Why is Yukikaze so rare?
It only drops at boss node so farming it without long repair is out of the question.
Been crafting it for 1 and a 1/2 week now and still nothing.

>> No.11532561

Read the wiki--oh wait this isn't that kind of post.

Your tinfoil hat is very shiny. May I rub it?

>> No.11532562

What do they mean by illegal? Non Japanese?

>> No.11532569

I got one when trying to craft a sub.

>> No.11532570

How long does downtime usually take between updates?

>> No.11532572

For myself? I'm hovering close to the 300-bucket-30k-resource milestone right now, but seeing as the event isn't starting until the 1st of November I could probably blow a little off depending on what's going to be new in several hours.

>> No.11532574


>> No.11532577

illegal/unfair. They are probably seeing several connections at once from proxy IPs and think it is one person trying to take multiple slots.

>> No.11532578

No-lottery access. I heard some cases here and in other places that they got in to the game before the lottery even started.

>> No.11532580

Official twitter

>> No.11532581



>> No.11532583

RIP indobros
You wont be missed.

>> No.11532584

It seems like it was more of an issue on their end and they are halting new entries till they find the cause.

>> No.11532588
File: 300 KB, 794x1200, 39123327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11532589

Those VPN are going to get banned.
Can you even imagine the whole of indonesia using a single VPN to login to the server?

>> No.11532592

Um, they used the word イレギュラー(irregular) yesterday.
Today they changed its adjective to 不正 (illegal/unfair).
Probably they found something interesting.

>> No.11532593

Yes. I can imagine that. It's not hard.

>> No.11532596

Well, it is unfair to get admitted to game without passing the lottery system. I'm still thinking that the problem is on their side.

>> No.11532601

i was using api and i got kicked out and cant get back in

welp it was fun

>> No.11532602 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 583x664, ss (2013-10-15 at 10.25.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone noticed the wiki is becoming increasingly cancerous? Something about the numerous amounts of "xD" along with the twitter posts from kancolle staff seem to indicate facebook animefags are trying to play this game now.

>> No.11532606 [DELETED] 

No, because I don't use the English wiki.

>> No.11532607 [DELETED] 

I've stopped visiting the wiki ever since I found out it got linked to facebook for that reason.

It's a shame since I still haven't finished color-coding the drop list from there.

>> No.11532613 [DELETED] 

It started to get bad after it was linked in facebook, a week later now its pure cancer and just plain horrible.

>> No.11532612

Read the quests comments. Also, is the game on maintenance right now?

>> No.11532614

yeah, it is

>> No.11532615 [DELETED] 

Make a new wiki then

>> No.11532617 [DELETED] 

Or just use the japanese ones/pastebin and forget about the cancerous english wiki

>> No.11532618

Still, I'm worried about them. Most probably there will be lots of connection problems.

>> No.11532636

What is everyone doing until 1700 JST?

>> No.11532638

This is why you don't read the comment section on any public site.

>> No.11532642


>> No.11532644

Assignments, sadly.

>> No.11532646

Mostly just masturbating to fanart of Murakumo.

>> No.11532647

Masturbating to my favourite kancolle.

>> No.11532648 [DELETED] 

I'm trying to log into the game through that vpn softether thingy but it'll cancel my connection after roughly one minute, and during that minute the site just wont load for me. I looked around elsewhere and tried things out but I cannot find out what I do wrong. I could only set up my account a few days ago and now I can't do anything else.

Help me, please.

>> No.11532651

Read https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

>> No.11532652

Working on CAD stuffs and KC skin mod for WOWP.

>> No.11532650


...and masturbating.

>> No.11532655
File: 306 KB, 1600x900, 1381860417488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11532653

Watching some August event movies.
Gonna watch this season's backlogs later.

>> No.11532658 [DELETED] 

I got that, but is that really connected to my problems with the vnp thing?

>> No.11532659

Those look pretty heavy.

>> No.11532663

>Not WarThunder

>> No.11532664

Incoming Indonesian Teitoku genocide by the game devs?

>> No.11532665

I always thought Hoshou was taller than everyone else. Kinda weird for the mother of all carriers to be a midget

>> No.11532666

Do quests. Do expeditions.

>> No.11532669

Is Chitose really that stack?

>> No.11532672
File: 22 KB, 98x110, Tea Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.11532676

Fapping to that doujin of Murakumo

>> No.11532679
File: 647 KB, 1020x620, 38186400_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favour by not playing WoWP and switch to War Thunder.

Wo* is too infested by faggots, ponyfags, ledditfags and shit like that.

Mein brutha.

>> No.11532684

If you'd scroll up a few posts, you'd know the answer to your question.

>> No.11532686
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x960, 621f46b11d75e024ba8bcd6cbd8def0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best daughteru.

>> No.11532689 [DELETED] 

Okay, it must be nice for you people who already have access to the game, but I need to ask this again because I'm really, really tired of these vpn error screens now.

I know about the flood of people on the kancolle site but that's a different matter.
All I want to know is why softether cancels my connection all the time no matter on what sites I go.

I just want to have an answer to that so there's one problem less that's bugging me.

>> No.11532691
File: 139 KB, 436x600, 1378971058038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11532694 [DELETED] 

I have this problem for a few days now. Was there already a typhoon, in case you mean that?

>> No.11532695

You just need to look a few posts above your original post. Is that so hard to do?

>> No.11532697

Play youself WT then, I gave up with Gaijn since they screwed up early patches of IL-2.

>> No.11532707 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 979x719, worry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scheduled maintenance, right? Will I need to relog via VPN afterwards, or will my API still work?

>> No.11532706

But she is Toushinou Kyouko.

>> No.11532711

Not the anon who posted the pic, but that makes her even better. Rum re-zu!

>> No.11532712

You could've just ctrl-f'ed "API" but that would've been too hard. >>11532403

>> No.11532719

I had her for as my flagship for the longest time and I didnt even know that she was voiced by TOSHINOU KYOUKO
Toshinou kyoko Voice cant be that elegant

>> No.11532723

holy dick
i know who im aiming for now

>> No.11532738

He even wasted a valuable picture.

>> No.11532739

After seeing it mentioned in these threads sporadically, I finally found the time this past weekend to try WT, and I already uninstalled it today. I thought it would be superior to WoWP because it was supposedly the more realistic flight sim unlike wargaming's arcade shit; I went into it planning on playing HB mode with joystick. Then I find out that like 80% of the WT players just play arcade and even HB is almost all mouse users, while joystick users get fucked over and told to play FRB. Aside from that HB is too slow and boring and apparently devs have said they won't be changing anything to make an arcade-paced mode with realistic FMs.

I really wanted to like it, spent a long time debating whether I wanted to persevere until I git gud, but I realized that skill won't fix the core flaws of the game that Gaijin shows no interest in fixing.

The funny thing is, I went ahead and looked into WoWP afterwards and it seems like joystick is actually more playable in that relative to mouse. I'm still not going to play it, although I might check back after it's out of beta. More likely I'll wait for WoWS whenever the hell that might be.

>> No.11532743

See my comments on Shoukaku being voiced by someone who did shit characters half of the time.

Ooi is Megumi Nakajima though. Don't have her myself so I can't tell.

>> No.11532751

> Ooi is Megumi Nakajima though
She's voiced by Ootsubo Yuka.

>> No.11532753
File: 333 KB, 800x800, 39113561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11532756


>> No.11532764

Yeah, Megumi Nakajima is only voicing more recent additions (starting with the subs)

>> No.11532772

Yeah, admittedly mouse-aiming kind of ruined HB, but I heard that using the keyboard to maneuver and the mouse to fine-tune your aim changes things a bit, since doing loops with the mouse is a bad idea.

As for git gud, I went with Germany and still find BnZ annoying especially with climbing. Want to really make people look stupid? Go Japanese. Sure their armour is paper but they out-turn everything.

Also, tanks in November. Unfortunately no WoT upgunning, but I think that saves stub gun Pz IVs from dealing with late-war tanks, not to mention light tanks will gain access to off-map artillery and the ability to highlight ground targets for strike aircraft.

>> No.11532774

Weird. I've been hearing different info then.

>> No.11532779


Don't know what to make of this then.

>> No.11532780

I use a joystick and play almost exclusive Historic Battles. Mouse has its own disadvantages, to the point where I refuse to play with a mouse. Using the mouse feels more like I'm telling somebody else how to fly the plane, instead of doing it myself.

As for the pacing, Historic Battle attempts to keep some level of realism. As such, it's just to be expected that like any other flight sim, there is going to be a period where you are taking off, flying to the combat zone, then returning and landing. Arcade is the instant action mode, whereas HB and FRB stay true to the flight sim part of the game. That's my take on it anyways.

>> No.11532792

Where's the comic in which the Admiral was considering scrapping Mogami because she is not cute, looks tomboy-ish and have zero sex appeal?

And then letting her hear all of that.

>> No.11532798

Please don't bully Mogami.
She is my favorite.

>> No.11532803

She and Maya should have traded voices.

>> No.11532805

There was actually an event this past weekend where people were allowed to fly Historical Mode flight models in an Arcade-sized map.

It was dumb. Really good profit, but dumb.

>> No.11532807


Here you go, Anon.

>> No.11532814

Unfortunately I have zero interest in WT tanks, I already played plenty of WoT and eventually got tired of it, don't feel like playing another tank game right now.

Yeah, I looked around on the forums after my initial disasters trying to use joystick, and got the impression that if I practiced enough and became able to actually hit shit, I could take advantage of mouse-aimers' lack of maneuverability, and that's why I stuck with it for a while. But the other problems I had with the game just made me see no point in investing that much time and effort into it, I'd just end up being good at something I don't enjoy.

>like any other flight sim
Except the single-player games I played 2 decades ago at least had autopilot/time acceleration to skip through the travel time. Even more so in an online PvP game, I'm interested in the combat, not the full simulation experience (leave that for FRB), I just want the combat to be as realistic as possible which makes arcade out of the question. I saw plenty of posts on the forums by people wishing there was something between AB and HB (also some wanting something between HB and FRB), but apparently Gaijin has said it's not happening. So in the end, the game just doesn't offer what I'm looking for (and likely never will), so I'm just going to suppress my desire to play a flight sim and go read some VNs instead.

>> No.11532827

So what can we foresee in today's maintenance/update?

I doubt it's any event maps. Maybe the addition of second remodel for one of the CA?

>> No.11532828

They must have had a lot of fun plundering their entire available registers for this project.

>> No.11532831

It was merely taken from the Japanese wiki. So the Japanese might had fun doing all the poking and prodding.

>> No.11532832

I heard they're adding in 2 new Destroyers.

>> No.11532835

How long is the maintenance?

>> No.11532838

See >>11532636

Although they do occasionally come back earlier.

>> No.11532846

So the stage and event bosses are supposed to be voiced? Is 4-4 voiced, because I killed her twice and haven't heard her speak yet.

>> No.11532898

What do I equip Kitakami with?

>> No.11532900 [DELETED] 

Literally asked and answered in this very thread. >>11530752

>> No.11532899


>> No.11532910

Depth charge

>> No.11532923


>> No.11532924

Might it be good if the FAQ was updated with questions like >>11532898 i.e. "what weapon should I put for [ship class]" for common ones such as KTKM and battleships? This gets asked often enough and the answer is usually simple (Main gun, other gun/torpedo, kohyouteki?) for a FAQ reply.

>> No.11532926
File: 85 KB, 728x907, BWWjs9oCUAMbdRx.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet people still answer...

>> No.11532957

"answer", yeah.

>> No.11532993

So Ive been ignoring my Destroyers for most of the game using them as filler and now am learning from my mistake. Is there certain class of destroyer that have better stats than the rest I should be focusing on leveling, or do they have mostly similar stat growth?

>> No.11532994

Read the wiki.

>> No.11532998

Take a look at this wiki page:
BTW, I think Yudachi's HP shouldn't be yellow, they're on par with other common DD.

>> No.11533007

She has 1 more than the others at remodel2, so she's above averagee.. Hence yellow.

>> No.11533019

But Asashio class has the same HP and Kagero class has 32 HP, isn't this average/outstanding classification in relation to all other units of this type?

>> No.11533024

I think it's just to differentiate between Yuudachi's 1st and 2nd remodel.

>> No.11533031

>現在のところ、全サーバ群ともにメンテナンス作業は、オンタイムで進行中です。このまま進捗しますと、予定通り【17:00】にはメンテナンスを完了できる見込みです。また、完了時刻前に続報をお知らせ致します。 #艦これ

>> No.11533038

Ok. On time I suppose. Servers should be live again by 1:00 PST/4:00 EST/17:00 JST

>> No.11533042

Man, I'll be out at that time. Did they mention anything about what new things will be added?

>> No.11533046
File: 92 KB, 475x368, 1378867528682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1:00 PST/4:00 EST
murricans please.

>> No.11533049
File: 70 KB, 697x401, 38678615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ships most likely won't be prepared in time for the next event. How am I supposed to cope with this?

>> No.11533053

>本日の全サーバ群共通メンテナンスに伴うアップデート内容をお知らせします。 01▼駆逐艦娘「夕立改二」ボイスの新録音/更新 →「夕立改二」のボイスを更新及び一部追加しました! 02▼駆逐艦娘「時雨」のボイス一部追加 →「時雨」の補給&放置ボイスを追加しました! (続く)
Oh, they're giving some ship girls like Yuudachi Kai-Ni new lines?

>> No.11533055

Play more
Sleep less
Use money to buy resources and buckets

>> No.11533058
File: 63 KB, 1023x307, BWrjJqXCQAE6m5V.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Yuudachi second revision lines and fixes to the others.

Shigure has a new supply/leave alone line.

>> No.11533061

Play like you normally would, I guess. Hell, after what I heard, I could probably barely beat E-1 at my current level.

>> No.11533063

More like they mainly fixed her glitched voice then added some new lines.
As fo Shigure, added some new lines and afk voice.
They share same VA.

>> No.11533064

Why is Shigure getting a new voice?
Is she getting a powerup too?

>> No.11533065

Everything will become craftable eventually.

I'm still spamming all my development materials on sub recipes everyday because I know I won't be in time to prepare for the event anyway.

>> No.11533073

>Everything will become craftable eventually.
This, but I guess doing some preparations to beat at least the first maps wouldn't be a idea.
Just like that anon mentioned yesterday when I asked about Yudachi Kai Ni's "ghostly" lines.

>> No.11533074

...And a 1 million users scroll...

>> No.11533078

> a idea
*a bad idea*
Clearly one coffee wasn't enough to wake me up today.
Anyway, they posted tweets about the new furnitures but still nothing about the DD.

>> No.11533081

Kotatsu (needs worker)
High-class window

>> No.11533082

They better not drop in 5-3.

>> No.11533083


Guess who the artist is.
200k was Kuma, 500k was Nagato, 800k was Yudachi.

>> No.11533084

It is Nakanami and Makigumo

>> No.11533087

>05▼重巡洋艦「熊野」本実装! →前回のイベントで先行配信された重巡洋艦「熊野」が本実装され、重巡洋艦「鈴谷」と同じく【建造】可能となりました! (続く)

Heavy Cruiser Kumano and 'Suzuya'

>> No.11533089

Would the rewards for the first maps even be that good? I only started playing two weeks ago, with an A-team in the 60s-40s, currently 3-2-A for steel and XP.

>> No.11533090

Kumano and Suzuya now craftable...

>> No.11533092

Ooppps Naganami


>> No.11533095

Why is someone on the offical Twitter staff making a mistake so incredibly funny?

>> No.11533096

Kumano kai looks incredibly cute. I hope she drops somewhere, i dont want to spend a lot trying to get her.

>> No.11533098

Oh, the tweet appeared only now, how did you find it out?
>Heavy Cruiser Kumano
To craft or not to craft...

>> No.11533105 [DELETED] 

New destroyers are obtained from every boss fight.

(Spam 1-1?)

>> No.11533100 [DELETED] 


ENJO KOUSAI キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!

>> No.11533102

God dammit, and I bet she's going to be exclusive to the shitty BB recipes too. Why can't they share recipes with DDs and subs like all other cruisers do?

>> No.11533103

In August event, finishing E1 gave you Imuya as a reward.
People could farm i58 in later E maps, but Imuya was one time only.

>> No.11533104

Suzuya wasnt craftable?
I already got her from a fail BB recipe. Sigh, now I am going to have a harder chance to get BB. I bet she is going to be the naka-chan of BB recipe.

>> No.11533108

"Kumano is now craftable like Suzuya."

>> No.11533112

I am a Kadokawa dev.
Please dont hit on me silly boys.

>> No.11533113

Makigumo: Boss fight from a particular 1, 2, 5 map
Naganami: 3, 4, 5.

Guess I'll just wait for the reports.

>> No.11533116
File: 98 KB, 800x500, flashplayer_11_sa 2013-10-16 15-46-39-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Cant sleep well, open the game and see this

>> No.11533122

Oh, it's Haruna then?

>> No.11533125

nah, it's Yamato.

>> No.11533130

Bah, 45k coins. Hope Nagato doesn't disappear on me too soon.

>> No.11533131

Can you get Kumano and suzuya from drops too or are they craft only?

>> No.11533136

Kotatsu looks nice...

>> No.11533140

should be one of the unlucky sisters, the younger one ?

>> No.11533153

Droppable and craftable now I believe.

>> No.11533156
File: 668 KB, 1101x541, My fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this fleet look for a low level tietoku?

>> No.11533157

Is that little icon an alt option to buy it with hate money or do you need that AND the coins?

>> No.11533159

So that "let's have a wonderful party" line is glitched afterall? I was wondering why the audio quality on that sounded off.

>> No.11533163

Good thing I haven't used my furniture fairy from the quest yet.
Need to give my shipdaughters some warm and fuzzy love!

>> No.11533165

Got a Kumano from the 400/30/600/30 BB recipe. 1:30 build time.

>> No.11533169

I don't hear anything new from Yudachi.

>> No.11533170

Too much. Replace Fusou/Ise (whichever you like less) with a CV/CVL.
Also wouldn't hurt to have at least 1 DD or light cruiser in your fleet, you'll thank yourself once you're done with the tutorial (2-4).

>> No.11533171
File: 142 KB, 1280x1076, 1381280507618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fast.

>> No.11533172

So, same as Suzuya then?

>> No.11533173

Did I miss something or you can get a S rank for lowering a sub's hp to 1 now. I thought subs = no S rank for everyone.

>> No.11533174

I flamethrower'd her because I needed build slots for the daily. Pleasant surprise when she popped out.

I still haven't gotten Suzuya yet.

>> No.11533177

I just got Nagato while trying to get Kumano, now the chances of lucky "unwanted" craftings decrease to Mutsu alone.
It's her sister, it would make sense.

>> No.11533183

Thanks, got one for the first try as well.

>> No.11533191

I just tried this recipe and got a 1:30 and 4:30 but no flamethrower from my earlier crafting spree, this sucks.

>> No.11533194

Kumano sounds like a stereotypical ojou-sama from a good school. I like.

>> No.11533198

Has anyone ever gotten Suzuya/Kumano from rare DD recipe?

>> No.11533200
File: 679 KB, 850x1200, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until she fights.

>> No.11533204

Oh what the fuck. Kumano only remodels at level 35. I'd been lulled into a sense of false security with Mogami's low level remodel. This is going to be one long slog to finally be able to clear that one fleet composition quest.

>> No.11533206

Any news about big construction feature?

>> No.11533208
File: 90 KB, 795x457, 5c8d707e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, you could always defeat subs with S.
All ships has another decimals of HP internally, that once showed up as a glitch.
It was just you didn't kill subs completely.

>> No.11533211
File: 292 KB, 800x792, 3497855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit guys stop tempting me, I'm trying to save my resources at least until they implement large ship crafting.

>> No.11533215

Is it just me or they increased firepower for some CA?
Aoba and Haguro definitely have more than before.

>> No.11533216

It won't be until sometime end of this year.

Also, someone on 2chan said Kumano dropped off 3-2 boss node.

>> No.11533218

There's 1 report in Japanese wiki that have gotten her with 250/30/200/30.

I'm gonna roll that 10 times or until I get either of them now. Be with me RNG.

>> No.11533219

CAs got some buff it seems.
Yay for me. Love my CAs.

>> No.11533221

For real? You mean I can bring by Naka around now?

>> No.11533223

Didn't the staff keep saying it'd be implemented before the November event?

>> No.11533224

That recipe was also mentioned for Suzuya, I used only BB recipes because I lacked Nagato and Mutsu though.
Pinpon: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF/status/390393308528144384

>> No.11533226

Naka is CL, not CA.

>> No.11533225

Naka isn't CA.

>> No.11533231

Furutaka-class, Aoba-class, Myoko-class, and Takao-class. Neat.

>> No.11533232

I've noticed as well, Haguro has been doing 80 crits on Elites at 3-2 now.

>> No.11533233

Fuck I misread. Oh well, that's also good.

>> No.11533235

Got Mutsu on my first BB craft today
Nice, but no Nagato ;_;.

>> No.11533241 [DELETED] 

>Craft a BB
>Aww yeah, one of the new Mogami sisters!
>It's Mogami herself

>> No.11533242

Oh, and also Tone-class. So, everyone except Mogami-class.

>> No.11533243
File: 85 KB, 697x382, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 100!

>> No.11533245

I feel for you, it was my greatest fear when I finally got 1:30 after one week spent attempting to get Suzuya.

>> No.11533247

Finally I have a reason to pull ol' Flirt McTitties outta retirement.

>> No.11533248

Just tried it, Myoko's max fire power gone up by 6.
Not a huge buff, but enough they're not consistently outclassed by light cruisers anymore.

>> No.11533249

Been trying 250/30/200/30, got Mogami and Chikuma. So much for my 1.30

>> No.11533250

Hows RNG goddess treating everyone after the maintenance?
I want a yukikaze but it seems like everyone is getting good BB from the BB recipe.
Should I go for nagato? Should I do it 400 600 600 30?

>> No.11533251

Wow, just wow.
It's sad Tone class missed this buff but still.

>> No.11533252

I like keeping a Chikuma around just so I can easily check what stats on a ship are not maxed out yet.

>> No.11533253

My light cruisers never do anything in day combat even when they have 20 levels on their heavy cruiser friends.

>> No.11533255

>It's sad Tone class missed this buff but still.
Tone class was buffed as well, they posted another tweet after the first one:

>> No.11533264

Which ones are you using? My Nagara/Yubari/Tenryu are all fairly competent at taking out CLs/DDs.
Hell, I seen Tenryu crit a BB to death on 2-2 once. Probably would be impossible if it's an elite/flagship class, but their performance is more or less on par with heavy cruisers most of the time.

>> No.11533266

Thanks, got one in 5 tries.

>> No.11533268

At some point all the small fry you run into become elite. My light cruisers will usually knock out a quarter of their health but sometimes that gets wasted when a CV or BB hits them for super overkill the next round. Heavy cruisers often do half or more, which can finish them off after bombing.

>> No.11533269

All I got were Myoko class cruisers. Goddamn and to think I got 3 failures from equipment craft before them. Only consolation I got was a Kinugasa just to complete that formation quest.

>> No.11533271

Same here.

>> No.11533272

Done rolling 250/30/200/30 10 times
T. Lv 65 S. Kitakami Kai II

1. Natori
2. Ooi
3. Sendai
4. Isuzu
5. Kako
6. Ashigara
7. Nakacha- 2/4/11
8. Tama
9. 1:30 timer fuck ye- BOKU MOGAMI SAA!
10. Jintsuu

Fuck this, should've rolled BB instead even though I already got them all (except Yamato)

>> No.11533273

So they make Kumano craftable and then buff every other CA class to the point where the whole Mogami class is pointless?

>> No.11533275

Most underrated girl. She instantly grew on me after turning her into my secretary for grinding. Her idle lines are too cute.

>> No.11533276

Nagato and Mutsu... I want those.

>> No.11533277

Myoukou and Tone class are ugly as fuck.
They need to buff them so teitokus actually use them.

>> No.11533278
File: 1.30 MB, 1600x900, 39104982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her battlecry is now "I'll show you the Nightmare of Solomon".

Oooh I got goosebumps.

>> No.11533279

Did they already buffed Mogami-class on previous maintenance?

>> No.11533280

I rolled the BB recipe three times
1 - Chikuma
2- 4:20
3- 4:30

Im just going to say fuck that and stockpile resources for the event, the RNG is going to drain me of everything i have at this rate.

>> No.11533282

Their niche from the start was "aviation cruiser" which was never going to be good, unless you happen to have Seirans.

>> No.11533284

Oops meant to quote>>11533165

>> No.11533285

They're still good, just even more jack-of-all-trades than the rest, who are better built for straight up slugging now.

Also a decent rack and nice underwear.

>> No.11533286

I rolled about 10 times and got two fucking Mogami.

>> No.11533289

Which is not craftable. I really would like the Seiran.

>> No.11533291

They look like ara ara's.

>> No.11533292

All you have to do is get your ships up to level ninety, dominate the scoreboards for like three months in a row, and they might give you one. Piece of cake.

>> No.11533293

Already taken by Atago dude.

>> No.11533294

They gave one a few months back to top 100? or was it 500?

>> No.11533295

Don't you think that they have too few aircrafts per slow? I would try out Seiran on Fuso or Ise but it looks like a wasted slot on Mogami class.

>> No.11533298

>per slow
*per slot*

>> No.11533299

Sure, it's clearly better on the aviation battleships, but on Fusou the Seiran is competing with a 46 cm, and on Mogami it's competing with a 15.5.

>> No.11533300 [DELETED] 

Easier than something you want.

>> No.11533302

Easier than building something you want.

>> No.11533303

CAs are pretty much mini-BBs in this game, so you're trading less planes per slot and firepower for cheaper deployments.

>> No.11533304

did this four times and got Nagato on third try...thank you RNG god...sorta.... ;_;
(1 Naka-chan 2 kinugasa 4 fuso)

>> No.11533305

They had more attack at the cost of some other stats before, which sure was still shitty but at least it was one advantage. Now they have nothing but vision over Atago.

>> No.11533306
File: 23 KB, 218x300, Naganami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DDs are out too (drop only)

Makigumo = 1-4, 2-3 & 5-2
Naganami = 2-3 & 3-3

>> No.11533307

Well at least they're much more accessible than the first two.

>> No.11533308
File: 23 KB, 218x300, Makigumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533309

Oh fuck, oh fuck... that's just too much, what am I supposed to do with you Yudachi? You're like my gender bender Gato now, marry me!
Thanks a lot for reporting this.

>> No.11533311

Boss only?

>> No.11533312

One step closer to completing a full fleet.

>> No.11533314

2-3, here i come

>> No.11533315

Didn't it say so in the tweet?

>> No.11533316

The 2 of them drops from 2-3? Time to let out Imuya.

>> No.11533322 [DELETED] 

Read it and find out.


>> No.11533323
File: 587 KB, 924x1362, Clipboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11533325

Whoa, them over sized sleeves. Never noticed that.

>> No.11533327
File: 802 KB, 1496x1291, azCly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm liking Glasses-girl.

>> No.11533329

Naganami, a challenger to Ushio's busty loli throne?

>> No.11533330

The boss fleet node.

>> No.11533326

It seemed to say something about ボス艦隊 but "reading it" is something I can't really do.

>> No.11533334

>two tone hair
Oh yes.

>> No.11533336

So they do drop only in the boss node after all, that other (deleted) post was starting to confuse me.

>> No.11533339

Will there be a reference on how two American naval aviators were captured, interrogated on her and thrown overboard with weights tied to them?

>> No.11533341

Make her a secret S?

That might be relevant to my interests.

>> No.11533342

Executing prisoners was standard practice for Japanese everywhere in the war. Even the Americans weren't above gunning down survivors in the water, which is also against the laws of war.

>> No.11533343

How do events work? Nothing on the wiki about them.

>> No.11533344

That meganekko's damage pause.

>> No.11533345

Event 1: Take a hike.
Event 1.2: Only appears if Event 1 is completed.

>> No.11533346

Damnit, Makigumo's introduction in glossary is so cute.

>> No.11533347
File: 73 KB, 468x357, 1381912282862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 luck?

>> No.11533348

Oh shit, I meant Naganami = 3-2
I'm so sorry for that everyone

>> No.11533353

Inazuma and Ikazuchi rescued a lot of survivors from the enemy destroyers they previously sunk in a battle. So many the two actually slowed down because of the additional weight of the survivors and risked themselves becoming sitting ducks for any enemy sub, ship, or aircraft nearby.

>> No.11533356

I guess there are all kinds of captains.

>> No.11533358

So Inazuma's lines are actually happened.

>> No.11533359


>> No.11533361

It's a known fact that the Pacific War is pretty much a battle to see who will end up being treating the other side in a way worse than an animal's and the Eastern Front is full of executions because turning back is a death sentence.

And how the African campaign is basically a grand strategy match.

>> No.11533365

Kumano's erotic as fuck. Screams sound like 喘ぎ声, and idle lines sound like sex afterglow lightheaded ramblings.

>> No.11533367

Question. Does cut-in during night battle work for subs?

>> No.11533368

War is kind of shitty like that, yeah.

>> No.11533371

Bitter irony though. Ikazuchi, the one who headed the rescue efforts would be later sunk by a submarine with no survivors. Though the captain who ordered the rescue was probably not on board at that time (he's probably commanding another ship).

>> No.11533372

That's little compared to what happened on Tone in 1944.
If you remodel them and give them 2 torpedoes...

>> No.11533376

Ikazuchi's story.


>> No.11533384

How many furniture fairies do you get in total from quests? Just one?

I'm tempted to throw money at the game just to buy all the furnitures. Just bought the Kotatsu on a whim, but realised I wanted the bath-set more.

>> No.11533387

Things like this is why we need to learn the horrors of war, like how the nips end up becoming cannibals due to lack of food.

I remember there was a fanart where that happened.

>> No.11533388

Right now there's only the single one from the subs' quest. I used mine to get that Akagi Kaga needed her.

>> No.11533390

Check the pastebin.

>> No.11533392 [DELETED] 

Can't really blame the ship and the guys on board since they rescued survivors which is against orders. Then some asshole aboard the Aoba told them to just get rid of them and that's what happened.

>> No.11533411
File: 487 KB, 664x1050, 39033278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400/100/600/30 6 times. All I got was 2 false alarms.
A 5:00:00 that turned out to be another Mutsu
And a 1:30:00 that turned out to be Chikuma.


I was so fucking excited with the 5 hour timer too.

>> No.11533417

Right now I want to clean up the list of KanColle voice actresses on Wikipedia, because it's really messy and a pain to read through. Optimally, I'd like to make a neat and tidy table; I've come up with three possible table formats. Which of these would be the better choice?


Also, if you notice that any of the voice actresses are wrong, just delete it. I copied the whole thing from a bunch of Japanese websites, and haven't triple-checked the whole thing yet.

>> No.11533418

Is there any other fan made music aside from that one compilation someone posted earlier?

>> No.11533425

Format 2

However the most pressing need is the need of "Voiced by XXX in the ship page"

>> No.11533423

There was an 8-bit music compilation that some anon uploaded onto mediafire. It was on a /jp/ thread a few days (weeks?) back, try looking through the archive.

>> No.11533429
File: 410 KB, 682x965, 39136235_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and now that awful feeling I get when I realized I just spent thousands on resources on jack shit is washing over me. This is why I stopped crafting ships for like a month.

>> No.11533436

It's either taking that chance or nothing when they make ships available only through crafting...

>> No.11533442

Alright, think I found it, thanks.


>> No.11533443


There's this too.

>> No.11533444

That's what I was referring to in my earlier post.

>> No.11533447
File: 356 KB, 1160x950, 3481886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just so happy earlier today because I broke 25k on all 4 resources.
Now, looking at those reduced numbers with nothing to show just makes me sad... So sad...

>> No.11533448

That's my feel after every daily equipment crafting. It's been one week or more since I last got something of decent.

>> No.11533453
File: 152 KB, 800x598, 3470029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part is when you get the "OK, maybe if I just go for another half dozen I'd at least get something good to justify my previous spendings" mindset, and it's just more nothing.

>> No.11533457

Usually this happens to me only when I'm really tired and/or frustrated, like when I threw 15 BB recipes to get Suzuya on the day they made her craftable...

>> No.11533464

My failed sprees always happen around this time (3~6AM) when my head is not clear enough to stop myself. Goddamnit I hate me.

>> No.11533466

The stat changes are enormous.

>> No.11533468

Ctrl-F 112 for a nicely formatted table.

>> No.11533469

Yukikaze is surprisingly a lot cuter than I expected, it makes not having a sub a lot more bearable.

>> No.11533471

Well, that one guy with the level seventy Furutaka will be happy that she and her sisters have to give up their "worst heavy cruiser" awards.

>> No.11533472

She's a great ship with a lot of fight in her too.

>> No.11533473

She has this bad habit of defying her own luck though.
Did anyone here get one of the new DD anyway? I saw a silver background just now but it was Fuso...

>> No.11533474

Crafted 3 Shiden-kai2 in a row, not sure whether to cry or be happy about it.

Wonder if they'll ever make more equipments craftable.

>> No.11533483

Nice to know I'm not the only person who has a Yukikaze with ironically bad luck.
Everytime I field her with a sparkling fleet there's a 80% chance we get turned back at the 1st node because she eats a stray crit. Never happens with any other DD.

>> No.11533490
File: 520 KB, 800x480, 3-2-Fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And by "clear 3-2" I meant get my ass handed to me and go home.

>> No.11533495

A few tips if you want them. Take a little time and sparkle your girls at 1-1 before going on a 3-2 attempt. Use the horizontal line formation for better dodging and don't go night battles until you reach the boss, where if your fleet is still in decent condition, go vertical line formation and blast the shit outta them.

>> No.11533501
File: 270 KB, 448x305, Screenshot 2013-10-16 11.56.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of failing 2-4 and it's boss guys... Is it really so bullshit RNG? Even getting a good route gets me raped by the boss.

What could I be doing so horribly wrong? Is lvl 40 not enough? I've tried both line formation and been crit to pieces with heavy damage on all BBs and 2x3 which results in endless tickling of the enemy BBs...

(I typically use another BB or CVL instead of Yukikaze when not fed up)

>> No.11533499
File: 69 KB, 800x459, 3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533504

I ought to try that sometime for a easy map 3 boss farm.

>> No.11533507

>Is lvl 40 not enough?
You're not even following this rule with Haruna and Ise, so why complain?

>it's boss

>> No.11533508

A single level 40 ship can only do as much. Try getting ALL to 40. Try crafting good equipment too like 46cms for your BBs and Ryuuseis for your CV. Oh and you may wanna replace Yukikaze for another BB.

>> No.11533510

I remember someone posted a screenshot of a lone 98 Ikazuchi clearing 3-2. I regret not saving it.

>> No.11533511


Yeah, I should sparkle them when I'm going for a boss run, but it's such a pain. It's a lot easier to just S rank some admiral's one ship and get the sparkles that way, so much that I've gotten really lazy about it.

I'll switch to line formation, though. I'd been doing 2x3 every time because for a long time one of the wikis said that the last formation didn't help evasion at all. I think. Maybe I was just misreading it.

>> No.11533513

Because fully modernized mutsu at 40 didn't do anything spectacular either: ate damage and didn't crit once. If my weak ships dragged me down I'd understand but at the moment it seems like nothing really matters.

>> No.11533518

A lv40 Mutsu would have higher stats than any of those joke BB I see on your list. Missing the target? Put some accuracy on her. Can't crit? Craft AP rounds. Do your own homework.

>> No.11533523

He has a stat-capped level forty Mutsu in his fifth slot, which will certainly out-class the other BBs in his list but it probably won't out-stat itself.

>> No.11533530

Yeah I know, but shitting on a Mutsu just because he didn't field a good enough team is a no in my book.

>> No.11533534

I guess I'll just keep working on equipment

>> No.11533542

What defines a 'good team' if I may say.
The levels are only inconsistent due to me trying different things and removing lv 30 chitose after endlessly eating crits and 34 I-168 due to lack of firepower on the boss

>> No.11533543

Because you are pussy that didnt go for the night battle.
Just do it and put Mutsu on top so that you can first blood during night.

>> No.11533545

I went for the night battle, I always do. I only moved Mutsu down I seemed to notice lower ships get targeted more (formerly my CVs) and Mutsu could tank it. I guess I didn't think about the impact it'd have on night.

>> No.11533548

Why the hell would you want your strongest ship with the most power at the moment "tank" stuff?

You aren't playing attrition war or anything, you want to get enough damage out there and retreat if needed, or proceed to night battle and annihilate them.

>> No.11533549

4 BB and 2 CV at around 30 average can get you through. Throw in KTKM or Ooi if you want. This might seem gimmicky but KTKM take out a DD before shelling phase helps, so your BB don't waste an attack on them.

If all else fails, field 6 strong enough BB, tank and spank the boss. You can also stick 3x41cm and a good radar on the 4th slot for your BB to compensate for the lack of firepower.

>> No.11533551

Who should I replace to make room for Atago? I like her more now that she got buffed but I have no idea where to put her.

I got KTKM,Akagi,Kongou,Haruna,Shimakaze and Yukikaze in my first fleet.

>> No.11533552

It is shocking that you can fail with 3BB.
Maybe you should bring someone that isnt a deadweight in Yukikaze. Bring another CV for the opening bombing. You should wiped out at least 3enemies before the battle even start.

>> No.11533557

>Why the hell would you want your strongest ship with the most power at the moment "tank" stuff?
CVs fail to launch planes at half health or below, so it's quite a bit better for Mutsu to take a huge opening hit than Akagi. Also, a 44 health Mutsu is much safer to take into night combat than a 2 health KTKM.

That said, I'd still stick Mutsu on top, because order matters in second round shelling and night combat.

>> No.11533560

The pre-boss nodes in 2-4 have kind of led me to a attrition mindset, not wanting to lose my CVs and have to retreat.

I'm already using KTKM with midget subs, just not getting much luck by scratching or missing things all the time (only in 2-4)
I might try out 6 BBs when all else fails...

I've also used chitose instead of yukikaze for an opening bombing (not as flagship), the yukikaze was only me resigning.

>> No.11533570

The north route can kick your ass going through it, but you should be able to get through the entire south route without taking more than cosmetic damage because by the time your battleships are done with shelling there should be barely any of them left.

>> No.11533574

Try this >>11529212

>> No.11533581

Your level is that high for clearing 2-4? Oh god. That means about 2 weeks of prep work.

>> No.11533583

With 2Bombers + Torpedo you should always at least kill off half of the fleet before the battle start.
Chitose can bring enough blue planes, bring a better CV. Junyou is a common drop, just use her if you dont have Kaga.

>> No.11533585

>2 weeks
You exaggerate, that's 1 day of no-lifing at best

>> No.11533586

Yes. I even went to night battle because I can't stand letting the boss get away at red hp so I sank her quickly and came out only with Nagato on yellow and the rest just with scracthes

>> No.11533588

Uh, no it actually did take me weeks to get to those levels since I only grind them until I complete the sortie 10 times quest.

>> No.11533589


>> No.11533599

1 day of no life without caring about resource consumption, anon. I know this xp climb is easily doable in a day cause I've done it in a sub.

>> No.11533611

Level one fleet with crap equipment featuring everyone's favorite flat-chested CVL clears 2-4 without breaking a sweat. Comedy gold.

Although you can actually learn quite a bit about the right way to go about clearing 2-4 from this video.

>> No.11533631

Man that lvl1 yamashit is a crit monster

>> No.11533636

Time for me go gear up all those Fusos and Ises I got from doing 2-4 and pray that the compass will be kind.

>> No.11533645

Why not call her Yamacrit?
Sounds better too.

>> No.11533647

The Suzuya that I just levelled to 35 to remodel is now obsolete and outclassed by almost every other CA in the game. Thanks, kancolle devs!

>> No.11533651

The sortie New Mikawa fleet quest has got to be the hardest quest to do... so much resources to train those CA to lvl 25 and remodel to even have a chance of beating 2-3, and the reward is crap.

>> No.11533653
File: 570 KB, 804x483, inb4 2nd nagato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533654
File: 694 KB, 1024x622, zps10df319a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to the boss node of 2-4 today and won using this fleet. I think the problem for you is with night battles. Don't go to night battle if you've already won, save it for the final boss.

>> No.11533657
File: 328 KB, 804x483, it's a mutsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's awwwright

>> No.11533659

Two major upgrades to heavy cruisers in the past month, first in night battle, now in stats--the developers really appear to be pushing them as low-cost frontliners.

Not as big of an update as I was hoping for. Two patches to go. Still waiting for that battleship upgrade/Taihou/large ship building. NOTHING ELSE IN LIFE MATTERS TO ME ;_;

>> No.11533660

Goddamn, that's some luck you've got there. Congratulations.

>> No.11533661

>Two patches to go.

What does this mean? Is the game updated weekly?

>> No.11533662

I was halfway leveling Suzuya and then this happened. Oh well, back to Maya and Chokai, then.

>> No.11533663

Supposedly. Though there was no maintenance last week.

>> No.11533664

And now I don't know which to prioritize to level: the DDs for 3-2, the BBs and torpedo cruisers for the event or my favorite CAs.

>> No.11533666

Devs are telling you that aviation ships are crap and you should feel bad for using them.

>> No.11533671

Upcoming event: You need 3 aviation cruisers to reach boss node.

>> No.11533673

Enjoy this because you will never get her.

>> No.11533682

Literally lucked out everywhere
Not eating mid-way BB crits and actually having your bombing phase not jus do jack shit.

>> No.11533693


>> No.11533694

I'm very happy. Also my Furutaka is level 68. You were close though. She has 93 firepower cap now if I give her x4 20.3cm and/or 15.5 cm yellows. Her 70 armor is a lot better, but still annoys me since it's one point lower than Mogami.

>> No.11533695

Mogami has ten years and two thousand tons on her, so what's actually amazing is that the gap is so small.

>> No.11533696

> still annoys me since it's one point lower than Mogami.
And? Do you need more firepower, more evasion and even more armour?
Nenohi please.

>> No.11533698

Who has the best line in Kancolle?

>> No.11533701

see >>11532588

>> No.11533702


>> No.11533700

Her >>11532588

>> No.11533703
File: 374 KB, 600x1200, 1381664274532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenohi. Or Haruna's crazy ramblings.

>> No.11533705


>> No.11533708
File: 799 KB, 950x1374, e40421b3c52c3ff915310263718206a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533710

Took a quick peek at Futaba's thread, looks like they really like Shiranui.

>> No.11533716

Probably a lot of secret ドM who also like Akebono and Yamashiro.

>> No.11533717

Failed 20-hour expedition due to remodeled Mogami-class type change. Sometimes I just hate this kind of type change.

>> No.11533721

Wait, not that 20-hour, but the 40-hour one.

>> No.11533726

Images of the new heavy cruisers where?

>> No.11533727

How in the hell did you manage to fight those thing with only 2 DD? I know they are rare but still....

>> No.11533732

There are no new heavy cruisers, what are you talking about?

>> No.11533737

Does Shigure sound like a robot to anyone else?

>> No.11533742

>05▼重巡洋艦「熊野」本実装! →前回のイベントで先行配信された重巡洋艦「熊野」が本実装され、重巡洋艦「鈴谷」と同じく【建造】可能となりました! (続く)
But... I... Nevermind, somehow figured these were new heavy cruisers.

>> No.11533746

Nope, but the Guncannon jokes are already everywhere.

>> No.11533750

Her voice is filled with PTSD. Just listen to her introduction in glossary.

>> No.11533758

She just sounds a bit reserved when compared to her sisters.

They don't, actually. Shigure's VA is only shared with Yura so far.

>> No.11533757

I figured it would be something like that because a lot of her lines felt almost-monotone. Actually her glossary introduction sounds more alive than all the rest.

>> No.11533761

i want to fuck Yura's voice

>> No.11533763

Please, I thought people wanted to fuck her hair first.

>> No.11533765

I thought shigure share VA with yudacchi

>> No.11533773


>> No.11533770
File: 525 KB, 1200x1720, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third book is out. I might translate it later.


>> No.11533771

Ask a guy who will go to sweets cafe Mamiya tomorrow anything

>> No.11533772

Nope, see >>11532807

>> No.11533774

Order an Imuya and tell me how it tastes.

>> No.11533776

Even in doujin, Mogami is unattractive.

>> No.11533778

For a while I thought Shigure's "I'm very disappointed in you all" line was directed at her own fleet, not the enemy.

It was a lot more fun when I thought that was how it worked.

>> No.11533780

Can you explain to me why Ryuujou's dish is takoyaki? The rest are sort of obvious.

>> No.11533781

Please bring along a slim, attractive big eater girl cosplaying Akagi along, and take pictures for our enjoyment.

I will fight you.

>> No.11533784
File: 552 KB, 862x1206, 35503315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because other characters are attractive in chibi form.
You have to be a Beaver to watch all your comrades fall behind you without giving a shit.

>> No.11533794
File: 312 KB, 857x550, 1381493677775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533799

That is... one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.

I'll take it, though.

>> No.11533801

IIRC last event has sortie support, right? Will it be separated from expedition 33 and 34?

>> No.11533802


Because RJ speaks Kansai-ben.
Kansai/Oosaka = Takoyaki
Not sure if Kansaijin eats it with rice though.

Can't do that, but I'll try taking pictures of 3.14 qt cosplayers if there'll be some.

>> No.11533806

I didn't even know takoyaki counted as a regional specialty, I just thought it was everywhere.

>> No.11533805

Fuck 4-3, that is all.

>> No.11533829
File: 65 KB, 799x489, nakachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking best day of my life all lifes

>> No.11533830

4-3 feels like free EXP to me. It's full of submarines which don't do anything.

>> No.11533840

I'll agree I like grinding it better than 3-2 but holy shit, trying to get to that boss. I feel like I've aged 10 years.

>> No.11533842

Am I the only one that has subs wrecking havoc during day engagement? More often than not, their torpedos will target one of my ship and bring her down below half, forcing me back to base.

>> No.11533848


>> No.11533857

Awesome man.
I dont have to do fucking 2-2 to complete my daily now.
Feels good to know that you can just running subs all day everyday to finish. No more shitty long repair time trying to complete 5boss.

>> No.11533861

>connection exploit
inb4 blame and b& of gaijins

>> No.11533866

I always use the anti-sub formation so I don't know what it's like if I don't, but all they ever do is whiff torpedoes all over the place. Once two flagship subs conspired to deal 15 damage to a Mutsuki-class destroyer (sending it home) but that's the worst they've done during the day.

At night they stomp my face in so I stopped doing that.

>> No.11533870

Not that anon, but I'm not sure how high a level you need/turbines in order to do it efficiently. I have both subs at level 30, wondering if that's enough for oil runs.

>> No.11533872

No, well, a couple of anons were able to enter the server 30 minutes before the lottery yesterday, and didn't have to participate in the lottery at all. I think that's what the tweet is referring to - some kind of problem with the servers that allowed this to happen.

>> No.11533877

Oh right, anti-sub formation. Kept forgetting about that formation since I just single-line my way through everything.

>> No.11533874

Goya can do it efficiently. Just get at least 2 of her and rotate.

>> No.11533875

My level 30 Goya has still more than some problem beating the boss of map 5 by herself, though.
Oil runs are fine, especially if you take the southern nodes where there's no ASW enemy.
Eh, I was thinking the same thing. It looks like they (dmm) are the one who messed up something and they're now trying to fix it.

>> No.11533882

They even give you a convenient "oh no! submarines!" warning so you won't forget. The first time I did 4-3 I didn't know it had submarines and I only had the one unequipped Mutsuki-class destroyer for cover, and they still barely touched the fleet. I didn't even turn around.

>> No.11533887

I have 1 Goya and 1 Imuya at 30+, so I just run them solo and rotate? Is it possible to kill the 2-3 boss though? Would be good for dailies.

>> No.11533894

You could get a B but you have to make sure that they never scratch you, give them a rare turbine if you have it (unfortunately I have to do with the common on).

>> No.11533895

She was one of my first drops.

I feel like I'll regret it now if I lose her to the abyss, well I regret all but now I feel like i'll be severely losing out if I lose her.

>> No.11533891

Boss node only has 1anti sub or so. As long as you take it out you can B it.

>> No.11533901

Got it. I haven't crafted any turbines yet (and since I passed 3-2 already I don't feel like trying) but I might do so soon then. I was doing the 46cm recipe without the additional materials for possible turbine so that took up most of my resources. Thanks!

>> No.11533911

Why is this game so poorly drawn?

>> No.11533913

What are you talking about?

>> No.11533914

Only one ship's art actually bothers me.

>> No.11533915 [DELETED] 

I wonder why no one does anything against all those crossboarders who are flooding /jp/.
Since this game is now so popular I'm fairly sure there is no god.

>> No.11533916 [DELETED] 

This isn't useful information so why do you have to post this?

>> No.11533918

Crossboarders have been flooding /jp/ since 2008.

Just pretend it's one of the idol threads and ignore it.

>> No.11533919

It's just the usual troll trying to stir up the usual nonsense.

>> No.11533923

This isn't useful information so why do you have to post this?

>> No.11533924

I was interested in Kankore, when I saw the threads here I just decided to follow through and play it. It also helps with learning moon a little bit.

>> No.11533927

See, it's almost mechanic, he always posts:
1. complaints about graphic and/or voices
2. every question is directed to the wiki
3. complaints about crossboarders
4. complaints about posts not adding anything
All of this always appear together because it's the work of some samefag troll, you shouldn't reply to him at all.

>> No.11533928

Where can I get a link to the English patch?
This isn't useful information, so why do you have to post this?
I hope they replace the shitty art and voices soon.
Please stop forcing links down our throats.
Shit design shit personality worst girl.
Can you stop using the word "daughter" I know that's the literal translation but it encourages roleplaying.
Danny Choo introduced this game to me and I think it's fantastic.

Have I missed anything?

>> No.11533931

Bravo, you have been better than me at remembering his routine!

>> No.11533932

read the wiki

>> No.11533935 [DELETED] 

Someone who hates the game and community please draw some Kancolle guro to spite the fans.

>> No.11533938
File: 402 KB, 880x677, 1377543174370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already plenty of Kancolle guro. Mostly drawn by Kancolle fans, who probably weren't trying to spite themselves.

>> No.11533939 [DELETED] 

Are there only 5 people including you spamming this thread all the time so that you are able to remember a few comments among all those other comments?

>> No.11533941

Yes, it's just me, you, and that guy that keeps posting Kaga

>> No.11533942

I would estimate that we have at least a dozen people posting semi-regularly. But it's not like your posts are hard to spot.

>> No.11533943

Post something less silly and more something where the girls truly suffer please.

>> No.11533946

this might be strange to you, but not everyone reading this thread posts 20 times per hour.

>> No.11533947

The girl on the left has had the back of her head and body hacked off, and the girl on the right has been ripped in half. It's plenty miserable.

I'm not going to post the uncensored version because I don't feel like being banned from 4chan to prove a point.

>> No.11533948

There are many people who can spot the virus that's polluting this place and not only one guy.

>> No.11533951

More than a few people think these threads are shit, but it's just one person who's posting all the crap listed in >>1533928.

>> No.11533959

That's terrible! Only Touhou guro is acceptable.

>> No.11533961

Zkms quadruple amputation is pretty darn hot.

>> No.11533977


>> No.11533983

Is there any requirements for the compass in 4-3 like there was for 3-2 to reach the boss node?

>> No.11533986
File: 62 KB, 640x317, 4-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pick, you'll still get fucked over by the compass no matter what you choose.

>> No.11533987 [DELETED] 

There is. Now go read the wiki

>> No.11533988 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 480x576, 1381935324617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The requirement is to read the wiki you dumb piece of shit who plays social games.

English Wiki

Must reads:
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis:


English Wiki

Must reads:
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis:


>> No.11533991

So you're the guy who keeps posting the messed-up OP. Glad to see you can't read either.

>> No.11533993

He keeps making shittier and shittier OPs to try and troll people away, but since he can't delete them himself it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11533994

Okay, I guess 2x carriers will do the trick.

>> No.11533998 [DELETED] 

People have to stand up and fight these bad game and characters in order to bring back the times when could sit in here in peace and drink tea with our Touhous and other nice 2D girls.

>> No.11534003

Typed too fast. Fuck me.
Anyway, I want my peaceful times back.

>> No.11534001

It says in the 4-3 area description that you should bring a CV while Japanese wiki said 2 CA is guaranteed pre-boss node.
I tried with 2 BB 2 CA 1 CV 1 KTKM but it always sending me to non-boss nodes. And after I subsituted my CV to another BB it immediately brought me to boss for the first try.

>> No.11534002
File: 151 KB, 795x471, ss (2013-10-16 at 04.51.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from earlier, finally beat 2-4. Took some time crafting more torpedo bombers for Akagi/Chitose and moved Mutsu to flagship.
Got lucky on enemy BBs repeatedly hitting heavy-damage Haruna though.

The RNG was probably the biggest factor in the end.

>> No.11534004

These are girls characterized by thirty lines of dialogue, a picture, and a vague historical inspiration. In that sense, they're not particularly deep. That doesn't make them "bad characters," though. The girls in AA had about that much personality and nobody ever had a problem with those threads.

Nothing is stopping you from ignoring these threads, anyway. They're only actually on the front page for three hours out of every three days.

>> No.11534007 [DELETED] 

This blog post is totally useless, you know? No one cares about that stuff. We aren't your friends.

>> No.11534008

Oh hey, it's the daily threadshitting, admirals. Ignore and continue.

>> No.11534011

Watch you don't cut yourself on that edginess.
I was merely following up after a number of people gave me some decent advice.

>> No.11534013

you should ignore people who make those responses. if no one else does, i appreciate anecdotes because i want to know what kind of compositions other people use at levels higher than me.

>> No.11534014 [DELETED] 


>> No.11534015

Midnight JST, time for shitposting until sunrise.

>> No.11534017
File: 124 KB, 777x587, evolved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're watching.

>> No.11534018

Wait, so then what are we supposed to be talking about? Better than shitposting anyday

>> No.11534019

Seafag pls.

>> No.11534020

You should ignore that person because he is a retarded shitposter. People do tell a lot of unnecessary stories in these threads but it's not like we're running out of space anytime soon.

>> No.11534022

You should just ignore social people so we can have fun here without worrying about the real world.

>> No.11534027

That's old news

>> No.11534028

That was 30 minutes ago.

>> No.11534031

I mean they were posting stuff from here to over there months ago. That's not the first time

There even used to be Japanese players who posted in these threads

>> No.11534033 [DELETED] 

Someone send screenshots with the translated text of Danny Choo's twitter shit or whatever that was and send it to the Kancolle staff. Maybe this is an opportunity to damage that asshole's reputation.

>> No.11534034

Sounds like we have a volunteer.

>> No.11534038

You have to admit, right now is the worst time in Kancolle thread. Tons of (Dead) posts exist in around same time range everyday.

>> No.11534039

I can't translate that weird language into Japanese, unfortunately.

>> No.11534043

So, do anyone know the new max stat for the CAs? Checked the JP wiki and I noticed that it's slightly buffed.

>> No.11534044

Certainly Akagi.
easiest carrier to get and basically everyone avaible for practice has one.

>> No.11534041

why translate when you can just link?

just tell them that this guy is publicly advocating for non-Japanese foreigners to use VPNs to circumvent the region protection to play the game. Choo specifically mentions the use of VPNs to bypass the region lock in both his English and Indonesian posts.

>> No.11534042

Don't worry there. Soon enough these troll threads will disappear and no one will remember this game at all. It will be like everything was just a bad dream.

>> No.11534045

Why would we want to do something that makes it more likely for DMM to ban VPNs? Most of us are in the unfortunate position of having to use them.

>> No.11534046

>publicly advocating
I mean "publicly encouraging". You know what I mean.

>> No.11534048

Maybe if you went back to your own shitty board with your own shitty userbase you'd feel more comfortable.

Go on then, leave.

>> No.11534049 [DELETED] 


>> No.11534050

It's kind of disheartening because that's exactly what's happening to Touhou right now.

>> No.11534051

Scroll up.

That would them primaries, as they are basing their opinions off what they encounter in the game.

>> No.11534053

How do you even use them right now at all?
Please tell me how to avoid to lose my connection after a minute.

>> No.11534055

Here's what Danny Choo has posted on his website so far:
>English KanColle guide
>Indonesian KanColle guide
>Spanish KanColle guide (presumably to promote the game in South America?)
>Chinese KanColle guide
>Japanese KanColle guide

He's also made a whole bunch of Facebook posts in a wide variety of languages including Malaysian.

>> No.11534058

Like me

>> No.11534060

How do you register for practice matches?

>> No.11534062

Extract the flash API link from the DMM page. You can connect to that without having to using a VPN. There's more information in the links.

You can tweet it to ‎KANCOLLE_STAFF, but I don't think they'll do anything about it.

>> No.11534071

Nice try 荒らし

>> No.11534072 [DELETED] 

I think it's kinda cheap how the game vomits out character after character during only one year. They're based on ships, okay, but it's sad that there is no love involved and they feel like mass produced garbage.

>> No.11534076

Danny Choo is an insufferable shit and reading his posts makes me want to throw up, but I don't see anything in his English guide that DMM would care about.

They provide the characters. It's your job to provide the love.

>> No.11534079

That guy hates this game and wants these threads to disappear, it wouldn't be an issue for him. Anyway DMM already stated that:
"DMM.com does not explicitly forbid connecting from outside Japan or using VPN, but they are not supported."
All this fuss about that facebook guy is just more shiposting.

>> No.11534080
File: 252 KB, 484x375, I_choo_choo_choose_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEA hour is worst hour. 仕方がない。。。

He doesn't say it explicitly and outright, but he mentions subtly how you can access the game using a VPN (something along the lines of "certain overseas players have discovered how to play the game using a VPN" at the very end).

>> No.11534082

It's midnight here though.

>> No.11534084

Exactly. Everyone is awake at this hour.

>> No.11534086

Unless you mean the NEETs and all, sure. You must note that it's afternoon in Europe as well.

>> No.11534087

Isn't he part of the group that merchandise Kancolle?
I bet Kadokawa actually encourages him to spread this.

>> No.11534088

Agree with not making a fuss. Goes triple for all us filthy gaijin playing on IP locked servers. What's so hard to understand that if the facebookers go, we go out with them.

>> No.11534092

I mean, yes, he does. But that's not illegal, and I can't imagine DMM doing shit or even really caring about it.

>> No.11534093 [DELETED] 

This game was made for horrible, horrible, social people.

>> No.11534094

I think so. He advertises Good Smile Company figurines on his pages quite frequently. He's essentially a viral marketer for many of these companies, specifically targeting the overseas market.

He also hypes upcoming PlayStation Vita games on his Facebook feed as well (I've never ever seen him mention a Nintendo DS game).

>> No.11534095 [DELETED] 

It is not actually possible to even have a conversation with any other player through the game client. It is quite possibly the least sociable social game out there.

>> No.11534096 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I don't really understand the social part - friends aren't even implemented in the first place.

>> No.11534097 [DELETED] 


>> No.11534103 [DELETED] 

There are no CVs in its description.
水母 is Seaplane Tender, 航巡 is CAv, 駆逐 is DD, 重巡 is CA.
It says,
If you have 2 DDs, you'll go to the point A first.
Having CAv or SPT will lead you from B to D.
That's how north route works.

South route.
You don't have 2 DDs? you'll go either point I or F.
If you are on I, having CAv or SPT will lead you to the point J next.
When you're on F, having 2 CAs will lead you to the pre-boss node G.

So if you have 2 CAs and remove DDs and CAv/SPT, the route will be either FG or IFG.
That's how 4-3 works.
I finished it with 2BB/CV/KTKM/2CA fleet as well.

>> No.11534102 [DELETED] 

Why are you guys still responding to some tertiary otaku who only likes 2hu?

>> No.11534107 [DELETED] 

The wrong fans got caught up. They are social people talking about this everywhere all day even though it was meant for friendless shut ins. Every good thing on this planet gets raped by bad people. I'm depressed like hell.

>> No.11534109 [DELETED] 

If he says something factually incorrect, I'll correct him, even if he is just trolling. If it's just shitspam (which most of it is) then there's nothing to respond to, and I won't. I doubt he even likes Touhou.

>> No.11534110

That was helpful. Too bad I have 0 leveled CAs.

>> No.11534112 [DELETED] 

Your comment doesn't provide useful information for the progression of this thread.

>> No.11534114 [DELETED] 

More like evening after working hours.

>> No.11534115 [DELETED] 

What are you doing in a discussion forum of the idea of discussing things with people makes you sick to your stomach?

>> No.11534117

I raised my Takao and Atago from level 20 to 40 within 3 weeks and I don't play as much as the people here in this thread.

>> No.11534119

They even buffed them, It's definitely time to start levelling some; personally I'm doing it just for the sake of getting Mikuma.

>> No.11534121

I meant the area description in-game at the map selection

>> No.11534123

Ah, I see.

>> No.11534124 [DELETED] 

I'm here in hope this abomination will transform into a peaceful little chat about the game filled with some kind comments only from nice, quiet people. And of course without people who are social in real life. A dream that will probably never come true.

>> No.11534128

I just can't waste time leveling CAs before the event since I still have to level two subs to level 60 and two light aircraft carriers to level 50.

>> No.11534126 [DELETED] 

You've been calling this game shit and the girls shit for days. I don't know where you get off insisting that you want these threads to be "nice." Not very much relevant to real life socialization has been mentioned in these threads.

>> No.11534129

Somebody earlier in the thread put sixty levels on Imuya in four days.

>> No.11534131 [DELETED] 

Let's die together to save what's left of the game. Let's try to avoid to taint it any more.

>> No.11534135

Unlike a MMO where hordes of BRs and SEA BRs can show up and ruin the game experience for people with "gibe money" spam, the Japanese Kancolle experience is entirely unaffected by what filthy unwashed foreigners get up to in their spare time.

>> No.11534139 [DELETED] 

I don't understand where you get that idea from.

>> No.11534141 [DELETED] 

I got that idea from reading the posts where you called the game shit, the girls shit, the art shit, and pretty much everything else you could think of.

You can try and claim that was some other person entirely, but nobody actually believes that.

>> No.11534148 [DELETED] 

Why don't we let the autistic boy just talk to himself, rather than letting this spiral into further shit?

>> No.11534149

Is there anywhere where you can see a list of the damaged sprites?

>> No.11534151

Raising submarines is much easier than other ships. Solo sub run in 2-3 could make 1k+ experiences per sortie, and there's no fatigue burden.

Recently I did solo sub run with my 2 level 40+ subs in rotation, and in about one hour all of them raised up by 4 levels.

>> No.11534154

Someone posted this useful website before:

>> No.11534155
File: 45 KB, 689x210, 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futaba guy got both his sub with this formula. Try it if you want a sub.

>> No.11534156

Shitty western artists will draw the girls horribly and spam it to every corner of the internet. I don't want to think about it. I don't want westerners to draw the things I like. They do it all the time already, though.

>> No.11534160

I can vouch for this. Send the sub solo and bucket repair if she gets red. lvl 70 imuya in about a week.

>> No.11534162

Well now I feel like a retard for ripping sprites and cleaning JPGs myself.

Western art very rarely appears in /jp/.

>> No.11534164
File: 174 KB, 451x438, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collect ship girls they said. There will be many types of cute ship girls they said.

>> No.11534168

You have good taste.

>> No.11534172
File: 307 KB, 1201x1097, 1381388222214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sign. You know what you must do.

>> No.11534175

Running some modernisations at last?

>> No.11534179 [DELETED] 


>> No.11534180

If only there were enough Yamashiro's to fulfill Fusou.
I hope that the guy that did this is okay.

>> No.11534181 [DELETED] 

Bring your waifu war to /a/.

>> No.11534185

I like to imagine he has a room papered top to bottom with pictures of Haruna.

>> No.11534191 [DELETED] 

Didn't you troll the thread enough for today?

>> No.11534193 [DELETED] 

Enough is never enough.

>> No.11534197

I try this formula everyday. I haven't gotten either subs. I'm also running out of development material. I started doing this last week. I haven't seen Yukikaze either.

>> No.11534213

Same here. I got Yukikaze, though. I wish to have my own subs and slut already.

>> No.11534229

I have the speedslut, need the beaver. Well, if there's one consolation, I'm taking it easy. The sub recipe ain't too expensive and 3-2 ensures I'm never running out of steel or am left wanting for XP.

>> No.11534266

Is there a cap to the number of players that can be challenged to match?

>> No.11534267


>> No.11534276

Damn, I love it when high level teitokus put only one high level ship for practice match and all our ships sparkled after that. Thank you, kind teitokus.

>> No.11534280

as long as it isn't high lvl sub...

>> No.11534281

Just wait for more subs to be released, I'll field up a team of 3 subs just to screw with people.

>> No.11534291

And then you have assholes like me who always take 2 subs with them on a regular basis. I can't help it, I love my subs too much.

>> No.11534300

I am waiting the selectable formation change in practice so I can sink those subs with my fleet of 90 lvl DD's depth charges

>> No.11534297

Just curious, did you craft or farm for gouya? I seem to have no luck with either.

>> No.11534315

I have speedslut and need beaver too, been trying 250/30/200/30 everyday but to no avail.

>> No.11534317

Farmed both of them. Well not exactly farmed, they just dropped.

>> No.11534326

Finally cleared 2-4. I love you Goya.


>> No.11534340

aha that's exactly what i did to clear 2-4 but with imuya

subs>the rest

>> No.11534359

Is there any good spot to train carriers past lvl 55 without losing 200 bauxite per run?

>> No.11534368

3-2-1. Although the lvling is not about carrier, I used 4 carriers + 2 lvling ships and cost about 20-50 per run.

>> No.11534376

This fucking turd burglar with his 99 goya and 99 imuya is in my opponent list every single time. They should make it so ASW actually affects anything in practice matches.

>> No.11534383

Wait until they bring selectable formation in practice, then you can blow those burglar.

>> No.11534385

Isn't it very inefficient to use that spot for carriers at high level seeing as they consume so much fuel/ammo still? Well I suppose there aren't any maps with better base xp and are as easy as there. thanks

>> No.11534414

Why is this game more popular than Touhou right now? It came out of fucking nowhere.

>> No.11534420

It's been pretty damn popular since early summer. I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11534421

It's kinda addictive

>> No.11534436

It's the most bucket efficient.

>> No.11534437

Somehow I think 4 battleships, an aircraft carrier and an Ooi is overkill for 2-3.

>> No.11534439

Where do the percentages come from in the Aircraft Carrier recipe section? Just wondering if they are based on player experience or they can be found somewhere official, since obviously they are a bit too exact to be guesses.

>> No.11534441

Probably copied from Japanese wiki, that got them from kancolle-db.tk

>> No.11534443

You only need one BB, a carrier or two, and the rest can be cruisers.

>> No.11534446

The Japanese took them from from a crapton of volunteer submissions. They may not be entirely accurate.

Still, if you're asking this question because you feel you're not rolling enough carriers, you are submitting to an informal logical fallacy (Argument from personal incredulity).

>> No.11534449

So I finally took the plunge and crafted a Kumano, can I be part of the cool kids club now?

>> No.11534450

54 craft of 250/130/200/30, and I only got I-58 so far.
I must be doing something horribly wrong.

>> No.11534453

No that's not why I asked. I was just thinking of possible ways to acquire a "crapton of volunteer submissions" with reasonable accuracy, and that led me to wonder if it would even be useful information.

I can't think of anything other than "only accept submissions from people you trust," though.

>> No.11534454

I'd say horribly right, i have done that and the 250/30/200/30 recipe tons of times and all i have is five imuyas. All i want is one goya but the RNG wont allow me to get one

>> No.11534451

Aren't they player data input from the 2 jp wikis?

>> No.11534455

I'm in the same boat as you. Got I-58 first day subs were craftable and still haven't seen one I-168.

>> No.11534459

There aren't a lot of people who will go out and submit bad data just to screw with you. If you collect enough, it simply gets filtered out as noise anyway.

>> No.11534460

Question. Do people tend to get boiler as byproduct of the 46cm craft? I haven't notice any discussion about crafting the boiler in particular...

>> No.11534461

Does Imuya drop anywhere? Maybe I'll have more luck in combat.

>> No.11534463

Imuya will drop at 2-3 boss.

>> No.11534464

3-3-1 gives a tons.

>> No.11534465

Time to grind 2-3 with Goya as my flagship for a bit then. Thanks.

>> No.11534466

I'll have to ask the same question with goya, is there a map that can be farmed for her without huge losses?

>> No.11534471

Not really from what I am seeing.

>> No.11534472

Goya is boss drop only.

>> No.11534473

Only by adding 100 fuel to the recipe. Engines need a decent amount of fuel and steel to actually craft. The wikiwiki has a page on some minimum values for development.

>> No.11534475

Nope, unlike I-58 she only drops from bosses.

>> No.11534477

Read those posts for why you shouldn't specifically craft turbines or engines.

>> No.11534495

Understood. Although I read that I can't mount the AP shell on Kongous (which are my main BB)...

thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.11534499

Looks like im fucked, any other things to do apart from pray to the RNG?

>> No.11534502

Btw, you guys should put torpedo tube into goya/imuya when she gets to level 50 refit. The minisub will not let you do cut-in.

>> No.11534507

I still think that's dumb advice because the 110 110 250 250 "turbine recipe" also drops rare radar and you're probably not swimming in a pile of those.

>> No.11534525

There really doesn't seem to be a happy medium when it comes to radar uses. I have 3 32号radar as well and when equipping just 1 of them, the (perceived) accuracy seem nonexistent.

>> No.11534523

You don't want to open the pool of possibilities too much.

>> No.11534530

If you can go through those bosses, you still have chance to get her from sortie, but praying to RNG would be the faster way to get her.

>> No.11534545

All of the recipes drop a lot of crap regardless of what you're going for. On carriers, I believe that recipe also has the potential to drop rare planes.

It looks like radar makes you better at catching the fast ships, and a huge pile of red guns makes you better at punching through armor.

>> No.11534546

I've became interested in this 2-3 sub grinding, how exactly does it go?

>> No.11534550

What exactly is suboptimal about about just stuffing 4x 46cm on a ship? wikiwiki's battle article doesn't seem to have anything on it.

>> No.11534551

Crap. The amount of steel needed for a daily 4x try to get turbine and 46cm is brutal. 1200/400/2400/120 is outright making a run on the bank

>> No.11534555

For one, guns in the 4th slot never fire

>> No.11534558

Take your time, gather the resources like for a week or more so you can get like over 15k-20k, then start running those recipe unless you want your shipdaugthers starving from lack of resources.

>> No.11534561

Send her to 2-3 solo and just let her do her thing and pray she doesn't get raped. Prepare for your win ratio to drop if you care about that.

>> No.11534562

... that's the battleship recipe. At least one of us is confused about something right now.

>> No.11534565

I think part of it is because you seem to crit more with higher attack power, so stacking guns help on that. Crit might be able to push misses out of the hit roll. I don't know. I wish the devs would be more transparent about the game mechanic.

>> No.11534566

That's not really a turbine-only recipe, though. The point would still stand.

>> No.11534567

You still get the bonus to your stats, don't you?

>> No.11534571

The scaling on accuracy seems really weird there.

Why is +24 such a dramatic increase compared to the increase from +8? It would seem like there's some ceiling where you just stop missing, but increases before then are almost worthless.

>> No.11534574

The despair that you feel as your kanmusu misses her shot and the enemy proceeds to crit your CV to 中波.

Doesn't matter though. The gun's still adding firepower and AA stats.

>> No.11534573

Yea, their event requires certain win ratio to enter.
Assuming 75%, just like August one.

>> No.11534576

This formula works as well supposedly for 46cm/turbine

100/251/250/10. x4 is 400/1004/1000/40.

>> No.11534577

I speculate that it has something to do with the interaction between firepower and accuracy.

For example, if hits are divided into "glancing", "direct", and "total miss," that would explain why high accuracy (ensure all direct hits) and high firepower (even glancing blows will demolish them) strategies don't mix well.

>> No.11534578

4 main guns are just overkill. I would rather choose radar or 15.5 for acc

>> No.11534579

What flagship with it? BB I'd assume?
I'll go and give it a try.

>> No.11534584

Also I think 100 counts per setup is too low to make any judgement. Notice how the fleet composition and encounter type differs between setup greatly.

>> No.11534585 [DELETED] 

Why did the good people stop coming to this site and why is the rest playing this horrible game? It must all just be a bad dream. That's right, I need to wake up, dammit.

>> No.11534589

Okay, sure you might want a radar in the last slot, but I always see 46s paired with 41 and 41s paired with 35.6s. What's the reason for that?

>> No.11534590 [DELETED] 

Bcuz you are just became one of them.

>> No.11534593

Bad luck with crafting I assume, there's no reason to use 41cm when you could be using another 46cm.

>> No.11534592 [DELETED] 

/jp/ was never a really social board. Why had it to become like this.

>> No.11534597

for comboing....

>> No.11534600

I feel like I see a lot of 41cm + 35.6cm setups as well, and I really doubt there's anyone out there without enough 41cm guns.

>> No.11534598

Something that looks like a blueprint, turbine symbol

T-level 33, Kongo 30

Looks like wasted money to me.

>> No.11534602

Too low level

>> No.11534604

What, are you expecting holo rares to just fall out of the sky because you did the recipe five times? I've done it well over a hundred times and only gotten two.

>> No.11534610 [DELETED] 

There weren't even enough people on this board to make this huge amount of comments in one thread. This game is so unappealing that the only reason one would play it to get some 'online friends' or shit like that. It's so silly.

>> No.11534614 [DELETED] 

This board and discussions between the few nice people that are still here will completely die if we don't get these threads off the board.

>> No.11534615

Then get out and play somewhere other then this thread. Why do you waste your "Fancy precious" time?

>> No.11534617

If you ever looked at easymodo's population charts, you'd see that the number of posters in /jp/ has actually gone down over the years.

>> No.11534620

If you're doing anything other than reporting and hiding his posts, you're doing something wrong. You even have buttons for it now, so there's no excuse.

>> No.11534622

Stop responding to him.

>> No.11534626

And this thread threatens this board how? Troll elsewhere please.

>> No.11534630

Expecting would be the wrong word, but I sure had my hopes up.
Worked for other crafting recipes for me as well - if I didn't get what I wanted in about 5 attempts I wasn't going to craft it any time soon.

>> No.11534633

I ignore him when he's just spamming, but when he's factually wrong I will correct him. I'm sorry the thread has to suffer for it, but he's been shitting up /jp/ for months at least and I want to drive home that he's a retarded newcomer to /jp/ whose garbage isn't wanted anywhere.

>> No.11534637 [DELETED] 

The main problem is that /jp/sies are usually shy people and try to avoid and ignore bad stuff like this. But it wont go away if they do nothing. They will quietly die out until this board is full of other people who do nothing but bring chaos in here. I know that you guys only want them to die out and make this a totally social place, that's why you say things like we should just ignore you. You just want the old community to disappear.

>> No.11534641

The old community has already disappeared because retards like you moved in en masse sometime in 2011-12.

>> No.11534645 [DELETED] 

I just want to help this place.

>> No.11534650

Replying won't get you anywhere, just ignore and report, look at how those posts are disappearing already.

>> No.11534652 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.11534657

I can't find anything about needing different kinds of guns in the night combo section.

>> No.11534664

Either he's misinformed or he misinterpreted your question as 'why would you have two other main guns?'

>> No.11534665

T-Level 29 and I have Goya, Shimakaze and just got Imuya.

I hope I don't need to be lucky for anything else in my life.

>> No.11534666

Yes. It's going to be a while until I get all my battlships equipped with 46 cm isn't it? Unless I can still make my sub do oil and steel runs. It's still profitable to do that right?

>> No.11534672

Needs Nagato, Zuihou and Zuikaku

>> No.11534673

I want the Goya... T-lvl 56 now. I got Imuya.
(I still haven't cleared 2-4...)

>> No.11534674 [DELETED] 

I absolutely love that Danny sama spreads the word about Kancolle. Thanks to him this game will gain much more popularity than Touhou. Do you guys think it would do something good to make him aware about our epic threads?

>> No.11534675

Don't listen to
Those boats are in fact scrap metal and he's trying to trick you.

>> No.11534677

Zuihou's actually rare? She seems to be relatively common compared to the other two.

>> No.11534681

Seems like I got the big turbine from this on my second try, thanks.

>> No.11534682

I do have a Zuihou too, I didn't know she was rare though.

>> No.11534683

I got Zuikaku and Shokaku before Zuihou

>> No.11534680

She's rare but crappy

>> No.11534687 [DELETED] 

The recipe doesn't work. Nice try troll

>> No.11534690

Is aviation cruiser only good for clearing that one quest? Just gotten Suzuya, so I am wondering if I should level her up beyond lvl35.

>> No.11534694

Zuiho has a gold background, the rest are all holo. The only other ship with holo background on drop that hasn't been mentioned is Yukikaze and, well, Yamato.

>> No.11534695

They're utterly useless now that they buffed CA's. You could keep her around for daily spam I guess, if you like her.

>> No.11534697 [DELETED] 

Buckets in this game are by the way needed to cover the girl's hideous faces while sexing them

>> No.11534703 [DELETED] 

I know for sure that the wiki can help you with that, /v/ bro.

>> No.11534705

Hey, it's 3 more seaplanes man. Just think of all the combat possibilities.

>> No.11534711

It'd make up for it if they could carry Saiun or a seaplane that acts like it.

>> No.11534716

Holy shit.

You wont guess what I got with 300/350/550/30

>> No.11534720


>> No.11534725

3 seaplanes

>> No.11534724

About 3

>> No.11534721

What exactly is the difference between 15 and 18 seaplanes anyway?

>> No.11534729

Is there a good place to level up I-58? The highest map I've unlocked is 2-1 and world 1 maps have shit ton of faggots shooting up my subdaughter.

>> No.11534734

Or actually, it's more like one or two seaplanes since no one is going to waste more than one equipment slot on seaplanes.

You know what I mean smartasses.

>> No.11534730

learn some math, duh

>> No.11534738 [DELETED] 

I heard the wiki is a good place to do that.

>> No.11534739


>> No.11534740 [DELETED] 

No u. Wiki doesn't have easy as pie spoonfeeding guide to raising a sub.

>> No.11534741

2-2 is perfect if you want it done the fastest.

>> No.11534749 [DELETED] 

Then you should try it out yourself instead if you are older than 4. Mommy can't help you forever by wiping off your ass.

>> No.11534750

All the aviation cruisers have decent art in my opinion, compared to a few other CAs. For that reason alone they're still good to keep around since you'll be looking at them all the time--It's seriously a difference of a few stat points, you munchkins.

>> No.11534754

Actually, it does!

http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/EliteSS (really unfortunate URL name by the way)

>> No.11534760

Well, we were all Axis to begin with anyway.

>> No.11534762


>> No.11534768 [DELETED] 

epic b8 m8 :^)

>> No.11534773 [DELETED] 

Which board did you crawl out from?

>> No.11534776 [DELETED] 


>> No.11534778 [DELETED] 

the one who doesn't try to destroy it's own board by shitting it up.

>> No.11534784

None then?

>> No.11534785 [DELETED] 

Kancolle is shitting it up the most right now. You can also just ignore me like you said earlier in the thread.

>> No.11534790 [DELETED] 

Don't you have a "youmu has a butt" thread to post into?

>> No.11534791

I'm going to assume that he's just talking to himself because there's no one retarded actually enough to try and actually talk a shitposter out of shitposting.

>> No.11534794

Let's have a change of pace

Right now there isn't much of a motivation to spend money outside of furniture fairies and docks

What kind of things would you like to see in the cash shop that isn't too overbearing?

Things like costumes? What would you like to see?

>> No.11534798

Want to buy more active quest space

>> No.11534800 [DELETED] 

Why are you talking about yourself talking to yourself?

>> No.11534802

There's already plenty of reason to spend money. If you're a collector, you'll want extra docks, and repair goddesses make running brutal maps significantly easier.

>> No.11534804

I want a bigger development kit bundle or something along that line.

>> No.11534805


>> No.11534807 [DELETED] 

I want the option to let the girls wear mahou shoujo costumes and let them lick my asshole right before I cut their cute 2D throats. So Kawaii.

>> No.11534809

If they wanted to go full fucking cash grab, they would sell in-game character decals where if people collectively bought enough of them, they'd get new outfits or new lines.

>> No.11534812 [DELETED] 

I want them to release the patch for better voices and graphics already. How much longer do I need to wait for that damn thing.

>> No.11534818

I want international access without DMM blocking foreign IPs.

>> No.11534822 [DELETED] 

fatal torture instruments
thank you for inspiring me with that question

>> No.11534827

I've tried to look into wikiwiki but I couldn't find anything on it, how exactly does firepower stat influence CVs

>> No.11534830

Their attack damage during shelling phase.

>> No.11534832 [DELETED] 

There's a wiki in the wikiwiki if you want to know the answer

>> No.11534849 [DELETED] 

I have a bad feeling about this thread...

>> No.11534930

Second the active quest space. Perhaps addon pose/seiyuu voice pack for your favorite musumes.

Thinking about it, this cash shop is pretty tame. Normally you'd see more p2p and blatant milking (stuff like p2p yamato or.46cm)

>> No.11534942

Autoresupply? Not more fleet slots, but the ability to switch a fleet between different compositions with a single click?

>> No.11534955

That's a good thing. Their cash shop does not really give you much in the way of an advantage. It's not a p2w

>> No.11534965

The limited cash shop probably helped to contribute to the popularity. No reason to really change that. I'm sure they make plenty off of people just buying docks, not to mention what they're set to make off of merchandising.

>> No.11535008

Is it worth remodeling Fusou if you already have Ise Kai in your fleet? The drop in firepower seems a bit large.

>> No.11535049

Yes. Both classes have the same maximum fire-power. If you don't want her to be a glass cannon that can't dodge as well, I recommend remodelling.

>> No.11535087

was the difficulty of 3-4 raised recently or what ?
I used to be critrolled to death at the node before the boss, but my previous ~20 attempts were all cut down by Ru-flagship crits at the first battle..

>> No.11535141

who is yamashiro's nee-sama and why wont she stop bitching about her?

>> No.11535145

She wants to fuck

>> No.11535172

Someone with a very breathy voice that turns people on.

>> No.11535181

I just crafted a Kongou.
One more battleship and I can have an entire fleet of battleships!

>> No.11535241

Is submarine that strong in PVP?
I hate those people with BBs & CVs more.

>> No.11535250

Even a single low level sub is annoying to deal with. BB and CV are easy to punch through, you just need more firepower. Subs get focused by anything that can target them, and you're lucky to do 1-3 damage per shot to them.

>> No.11535257

plus you continue focusing them even after they're dead (1 hp). best to just leave DDs and CLs at home when you fight anyone with subs.

>> No.11535258

I wish they were that strong in normal battles, i remodeled my sub but she still gets hit for like 10 damage a lot of the time and instantly drops to orange

>> No.11535276

Do it for her very lewd damaged sprite.

>> No.11535283

I have a fleet of 4 BBs and 2 CVs on 3-1 and I can't get to the boss node. Is it that I need a different fleet composition or is RNG screwing with me?

>> No.11535284

Do I autowin if I send in subs against people with BBs and CVs? I really dont like wasting my bauxite against those high lvl BBs only to end losing.

>> No.11535290


>> No.11535291

no idea, i don't have subs. i think you have to do a certain amount of damage to "win" though, so even if you don't take damage it might not be worth it.

>> No.11535297

God, I feel like an idiot. Alright, thanks

>> No.11535303

If you did some damage and took 0 damage, it's auto B rank.
If you take even 1 damage, it's a lose

>> No.11535324

Does remodeling remove any modernizations I've done?

Also how come a 14cm gives the same amount of upgrades as the 12.7? Shouldn't it at least be like 1.5 or something to firepower instead of 1? It's a bigger round after all.

>> No.11535328

No it doesn't. Remodel as much as you want and read the wiki.

>> No.11535336

Oh jesus, I scrolled down two lines and saw it on the FAQs page.
I'm sorry, I usually try and look first.

>> No.11535337

are you trolling him? i thought it specifically said not to modernize until you've upgraded.

>> No.11535339 [DELETED] 

>>Indonesian KanColle guide
>>Spanish KanColle guide (presumably to promote the game in South America?)
>>Chinese KanColle guide

The only thing missing here is a Filipino guide.

>> No.11535346

I'm hanging out on 2-4
I wish I could trade one of my zuikaku for a sub

>> No.11535351

Im pretty sure that a lot of people would take that offer, including myself

Too bad that there's no trading

>> No.11535356

I wish I could get a zuikaku. All I've been getting is her shitty sister.

>> No.11535364

RNG works in a mysterious way.
I was trying to get yukikaze but I ended up with 3subs.

>> No.11535379

I don't think I've gotten her sister at all. My list of rarer ships consists of like, one shimakaze, one akagi, one hiei, and two zuikaku.

>> No.11535456

I wish there was some way to get 5-tube torpedo launchers other than taking them from Kitakami-sama or Ooiichi. Raising extras to 50 just for them would be kind of insane, but they would be nice to have..

>> No.11535459

The problem is you're forced to use formation 1 in practice battles, which nerfs the fuck out of your ASW stat. If you get lucky and cross the T though, you can kill lvl 99 subs (with proper ASW ships) in no time flat though.

>> No.11535465

Alternative costumes, expeditions scheduling and dock queues. The first one who make them swim in money in no time.

>> No.11535482

Alternative poses would be great too, i dont want to see imuya's back all the time, i want to see her front

>> No.11535602

How close are you to getting the Nagato model, admirals? I'm still 20k short...

>> No.11535614

Your post is implicating that I am getting the Nagato model.

>> No.11535619


Some guy is saying he managed to get Makigumo out of 13 tries at 2-3's boss. Good luck to the others who are looking for her.

>> No.11535639

Yes, Kirishima just dropped, 4th fleet unlocked. Guess I'll be running buckets, fuel, and bauxite runs now. Thank you, RNG goddess.

>> No.11535652

I'm still trying to get a Sendai for the 3rd fleet.

>> No.11535659

You grinding on 2-2? I use to get them a lot there.

>> No.11535660

This. Another day of 1-2 gone by.

>> No.11535662

No, but I'll start. Thanks.

>> No.11535663

I got the 3 Cl for it in 1-1 runs with a single DD

>> No.11535672

Sendai only drops from the boss of 1-1. She drops from any node in 2-1

>> No.11535677

I like all the popular shipgirls and couldn't give less of a shit about the obscure ones.

If that makes me a secondary, I'd gladly fly that banner.

>> No.11535678

4 fuel 7 ammo per run work it, also 108 exp

>> No.11535690

Except if you read the ship drop sheet she doesn't drop on 1-1-1

>> No.11535693

I got two Chiyodas in a row with drops. Are they supposed to suck as bad as they do at anything other than plane throwing?

>> No.11535700

You just need to show Chitose sisters a little love, and they become the best CVLs.

>> No.11535701

Will a fleet of 4 battleships and 2 heavy cruisers enough to plow through 2-4?

>> No.11535705

Yes. CVs are recommended, though.

>> No.11535704


>> No.11535709

Hm, maybe replace my cruisers with CV's then. Problem is I only have CVL and can't make anymore at the moment.

>> No.11535711

Will a fleet of 6 battleships be enough to plow through 2-4

>> No.11535716

You need more firepower than that

>> No.11535718

How do you not have Akagi?

>> No.11535719

They all have 46cm guns though.

>> No.11535721

Is it really worth it to waste a yellow gun on them so that they get priority over DDs?
BBs and CA still hit you first.

>> No.11535722

Still trying to make sense clearing the quests.

>> No.11535726

I have plenty of 15.5 cm secondary guns to spare. If you meant that it's a waste of a slot, I'd rather get medium range over just a little less total damage output during the shelling phase (+ negligible reduction in damage during the opening attack). You realize that CA also have medium range, right?

Teitoku, please.
Add you CVL to your fleet and go beat some enemy CV(L)s in 1-4.

>> No.11535731

What's so special about Yuudachi that it gets two remodels?

>> No.11535734

She drifted while on fire for about half a day.

>> No.11535736

You could stick a green planes there and take even less damage doing the initial bombing phase.
Isnt it based on position/random when both of them have the same range.

>> No.11535743

During the initial air raid, it's all about the number of planes. If I were clearing a map, I'd have Reppuu in the top slot and Ryuusei (kai) in the other three. For grinding, 15.5 cm works beautifully,

In fact, in my 2-3 grind right now, Chitose somehow attacked before the 2 enemy BBs in the boss node (and not in the 2nd round of shelling, either). I don't even-

>> No.11535748

Do I get a super battleship if I set everything to 999/999/999/999

>> No.11535751

You get an ultra Naka.

>> No.11535752

Sure, go for that space battleship Yamato

>> No.11535759

Do it, and post result.

>> No.11535762

Is the 999all party starting?

>> No.11535763

Do people even use Yamato? She doesn't seem very practical.

>> No.11535766

Do green planes work like a dual-purpose gun or a machine gun?

>> No.11535817

waste close to 3x the fuel and ammo as regular BB, and not really equal to 3 BB by herself...

>> No.11535820

She takes up 1/3 of the space of 3 BBs.

>> No.11535830

This. Yamato only takes one slot and her extra firepower can make the difference between finishing that enemy ship in one hit or not.

>> No.11535832

Too bad you can't get her through regular means yet. Missed that August event.

>> No.11535842

Is KTKM worth using if you have a sub? I think I am just going to raise her to 10 for her oxygen torpedos.

>> No.11535848

Ask yourself if 139 torpedo stat before equipment is worth it.

>> No.11535851

Ooi or KTKM, which one is better?

>> No.11535858

So do stats and equipment correlate via causation? Or more understandable, if I have equipment on that associates with a specific stat, it will do something?
Ex: if I have a really high torpedo stat but no torpedo equipment, the stat is useless or extremely weak? If so does it also apply everything else such as guns?

>> No.11535864

Wiki. Go to it.

>> No.11535866

They should be pretty much the same statwise, I'm asking for personal preferences.

>> No.11535871

The FAQ has an explanation on stats.

>> No.11535869

Ooi is an ugly old hag
Ktkm is a beautiful oujo-sama
Easy choice there.

>> No.11535876

I like them both but I prefer KTKM.

>> No.11535878

KTKM has higher luck, actually.

Preferences-wise, still Kitakami. Partly because I don't have Ooi yet, and even then, I like KTKM's design better.

>> No.11535880

ktkm because she has 30 luck and doesn't bitch at you

>> No.11535892

>Chitose somehow attacked before the 2 enemy BBs in the boss node
I hadn't not used BBs in such a long time that I'd forgotten that the player always attack first regardless of range. How silly of me. Anywho, having a chance to attack before CAs or CLs (especially the pesky flagship CLs) is a nice bonus.

> which one is better? (>>11535851)
The way you phrased that is bothering me. Anywho, I prefer KTKM-sama just because of her best-line-in-the-game line, but I also like Ooi a lot. Ooi's bath entrance line makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

>> No.11535895

I need more pettanko carriers like Ryuujou. There's too many tittymonsters around her class.

>> No.11535924

Kitakami-sama is the best. Her ありがとね~ is amazing.

>> No.11535945

I've looked in the wiki and it doesnt say specifically. I know your ship can get sparkly for getting mvp twice in a row, but does it have the be twice on the same sortie? Can i do 1-1-1 go home and do it again and still get sparkly?

>> No.11535946

Returning to home port adds fatigue.

>> No.11536055

100/300/250/10 must be a very good recipe for 12.7cm high angle guns, I got 4 in a row today.

>> No.11536121

It's very bad to spend that much for 12.7cm high angle guns though.

>> No.11536124

Girls cursing at you under their breath makes you warm and fuzzy?

>> No.11536174

Sorry, wrong choice of words. Hot and flustered. I want her to dominate me and tell me that she'd sink me if I ever betrayed her.

>> No.11536201

I think that's more or less exactly what her leaked confession said, except she used the word "murder" instead of "sink".

>> No.11536209

Heh, I was referring to that line. I guess I heard it wrong.

>> No.11536217

Never mind. I just listened to it and she does say sink.

>> No.11536311


Someone here said they were going to Mamiya?

>> No.11536336

New Thread

