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11524091 No.11524091 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11524176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11524258

Sexy pic, dude. Post moar.

>> No.11524298

funky radio

>> No.11524304
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>> No.11524324
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>> No.11524331
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le fuck u

>> No.11524333
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>> No.11524336
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sumicunt is the worst mabu rabu

>> No.11524342


>> No.11524381

>kvin thread

>> No.11524394


>> No.11524396


>> No.11524404

0/10 you failed the test

>> No.11524472
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Which muv would you luv, and why is it Meiya?

>> No.11524474

Because she's the best

>> No.11524530
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>> No.11524549

That reminds me of those awful old Muv Luv figures that looked like shitty cheap dolls.

>> No.11524555

Time to kill yourself, if you actually like that slut you're a giant faggot.

>> No.11524628
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Meiya would never love you because you're not Japanese.

>> No.11524640

Your picture is the worst you shitsucker.

>> No.11524643

And sumislut would only love you if you had tentacles and raped her daily

>> No.11524644
File: 126 KB, 1252x768, 8654D3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's 人類を無礼るな!」, not 「日本を無礼るな!」, anon. Meiya became a humanist in the end. She fought for us.

>> No.11524651

Your face is the worst

>> No.11524654

Your mother seems to like it.

>> No.11524655

i fucked ur mum, u mad?

>> No.11524657

She agreed with Shitgiri however.

>> No.11524666

Not nearly as mad as you when Sumika won. Butthurt to this day.

>> No.11524674

Sumika never won, he loved a robot, the real sumika was dead, Meiya never died like that weak bitch and when he returned to an alternate universe that resembled his first one it was a harem.

>> No.11524681

>Meiya never died
I have bad news for you.

>> No.11524682

You better douse your ass its in flames.

>> No.11524686

She didn't die a worthless death after getting addicted to aline cock bro, she died to save the world and to become a shit robot that can only suck dicks.
lol u mad bro

>> No.11524690


>> No.11524688
File: 347 KB, 660x586, sumika_leaf_me_alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you say that?

I mean, I think I prefer Meiya but I can't figure anything about Sumika that's hate-inducing.

>> No.11524695
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He's just butthurt that Takeru kept shoving in Meiya's face how much he loved Sumika.

>> No.11524697

u mad dude butthurt so mad have aid band for ass lol mad

>> No.11524698

But if it wasn't for Sumika, Takeru wouldn't have been brought over to the alternativeverse and the world would have ended, Meiya didn't save jack shit in comparison

>> No.11524699

Not nearly as mad as you when Sumika won and Meiya died a lonely friend zoned death.

>> No.11524703

If it wasn't for Meiya, Takeru would have never snapped out of it, and blasted the KING BETA or whatever that alien was.

>> No.11524704

Except for the fucking fact that if it wasn't for whoreika then takeru would never need to go to that shit alternate universe and have his life ruined, he could have lived a peaceful life in his universe with meiya after killing sumika for being a slut.
Do you enjoy being cuckolded?

>> No.11524712

Almost as much as your mother enjoys my dick in her ass.

>> No.11524714 [DELETED] 

lol i fucked ur mum XDDD

>> No.11524717

Questionable, seeing as he would have kept looping Meiya wasn't a necessary element to saving everything compared to Sumika.

If it wasn't for Sumika an entire universe would have been killed, also Alternative characters are pretty different from Extra characters it's only Alternative Sumika that got raped and I'm pretty sure anyone would be the same in her situation.

Meiya is great but she has the worst fanbase because they're so assdevestated she got friendzoned.

>> No.11524720

that upset me, please take it back

>> No.11524727

Who cares if entire universe would have been dominated by aliens? She could have taken a takeru from another universe, there's an infinite amount of them.
>The worst fanbase because they're so assdevestated she got friendzoned
And you wouldn't if sumika would be friendzoned? Stop being such a faggot, the assburn is there for a reason, also stop saying "umad" it's annoying.

>> No.11524732

Laughing out loud, you have done sexual things to my mother and for that reason I am angered and my bottom is red from the "epic" amounts of "ownage" that I have been served.

>> No.11524739

You're literally admitting to being mad here, stop taking it out on the characters and blame Kouki instead, he's the one who wrote it that way.

>> No.11524737

>Laughing out loud
Go back to /a/ shitsucker

>> No.11524743

Dude I'm arguing about which mabu rabu is better why are you so gay, arguing is fun and makes me wet.

>> No.11524751 [DELETED] 

Why is you're mom so gay??? Homofartmaster.

>> No.11524754 [DELETED] 

*Sad emoticon*
Your comment has greatly insulted me and my family, I have been humiliated and you have proven your superiority, I will now proceed to go to the Anime and Manga board of 4chan and return once I am fully skilled in the art of Fecalcomments.

>> No.11524759 [DELETED] 

Thank you

>> No.11524760 [DELETED] 

You made me sad, apologize now.

>> No.11524766 [DELETED] 

Do not thank me superior one for you have proven to be much more skilled than I am, I would like to learn from you.

>> No.11524780
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If Meiya wasn't friendzoned the whole world would be destroyed. Every fucking member of the 207th squad got the same treatment. I believe Meiya is as necessary for humanity's victory, but it was pretty obvious she would dide, be by Takeru's hand or not. Only Kasumi and Takeru had slightly higher chances of living than the others.

>> No.11525281

Meiya is YAMATO DAMASHII apparently and even throwing herself at Takeru like the "I'll let you rape me if it makes you feel better" I guess gets at people.

I think it has more to do with the 00 Unit then the actual Sumika getting hated on. Then again on /a/ most of them accuse of her of being a "BETA loving" whore so there is that *logic* to it.

Honestly Sumika is sweet, and Meiya is great too. Waifufags really ruin everything.

>> No.11525337
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You know how /a/ works, anon. Consider they have a general and they barely know japanese. They know fucking shit about the franchise in general, since more than half of the VNs are untranslated, and thus, they engage in deep discussions about how their waifus are the best ones.

>> No.11525352

I just didn't like it when Kouki decided to kill all the Nozomus and Itas. I don't think that was a very inspired twist and it was very obvious he planned to kill mentor type Isumi first.

And yeah I dislike their indifference/apathy toward the earlier games, considering how essential they are for Muv-Luv.

>> No.11525380

>There's only one KimiIta character in MLA

>> No.11525387

Akira was there too

>> No.11525393
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In general, killing everyone was just to make Takeru grow up faster. And maybe intensify the tragic atmosphere of the game? I'd prefer if Tsukuyomi died protecting Meiya in a battle against the beta. In fact, I think quite some concepts of this game could be better utilized. For example, the kashgar arc could have been much much better, if they actually showed the whole trajectory of the hive, and the characters got all wounded when they got to those two alien walls. I don't care if Takeru would freak out with their deaths, he probably would be mature enough to go through them.

>> No.11525402
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, mattoi in bed with hoodlums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In general, killing everyone was just to make Takeru grow up faster.

No, just make you hate the BETA. The audience won't hate something for destroying things they have no personal connection to.

>> No.11525405

I don't think people started hating the BETA because Kashiwagi or Hayase got killed. If anything, it was because of Marimo, and the whole deal with Sumika.

>> No.11525410
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Depending on the person, it was one of those, yeah. And for some people it probably didn't happen till Kashgar, and for some still, not at all. Everyone is different in things like that, and it's good to kill off everyone's ideal love interests since that's the surest way to make them hate the killer.

>> No.11525414

Gosh, you EOPs are still talking about that game?

>> No.11525421
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x720, mattoi and larva-addled food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a monumental game even outside the EOP community. Are you gonna start calling people EOPs for discussing Evangelion, too?

The fact is that extremely good pieces of media tend to get popular, and popular pieces of media tend to get translated, and translated pieces of media tend to get called EOP trash by people not secure in their choice to learn Japanese, and it's really pathetic.

>> No.11525431

>good pieces of media tend to get popular, and popular pieces of media tend to get translated

Spoken like a true EOP.

>> No.11525432
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Anyway, as long as we're talking about the BETA, they needed more CGs. The smaller ones especially had terrific designs but you only ever see the shitty little sprites. I wanna see a CG of the scene where that girl is trying to activate the hive core and there's two of those BETA behind her.

>> No.11525433

I don't anyone really cared all that much for Kashiwagi. Now Mitsuki, she had a fine impact on me...maybe even more so then the predictable chomp for Marimo.

>> No.11525437
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Wouldn't it be better to actually make some of the deaths more meaningful? I know, Hayase and the captain's death were awfully important, but they all followed the pattern of "ALL VALKYRIES THAT ARE NOT FROM THE SQUAD MUST DIE/GET INJURIED UNTIL KASHGAR INVASION". Sure, the surprise BETA attack against the HQ was unexpected, and the whole development worked quite well, since it truly highlighted how powerless humans are against the aliens, even with powerful weapons such as the Susano'o, and the 00 unit. But I somehow felt like some deaths were kinda rushed, or too systematic (again, Kashgar). They felt just like "we're such a badass team, we finally learned what it means to be in a squad", and then they died. Meiya's death was the only truly meaningful one, since it was actually Takeru who pulled that one out, by her own wish. Well, in fact, I still believe that Kouki should have actually put Takeru outside of the Susano'o (I know of the plot justifications, but he's the writer, he would find a way to explain this) and make him fight together with his comrades, protecting them until the last second. Just putting him in the Susano'o and making him fire a bunch of random guns everywhere felt more like a justification to give the main squad more action scenes. It'd be much more intense to see Takeru fighting against the BETAs together with his comrades, and make him participate in the action scenes where they die in the battlefield. That would be a much better way to pull off a worthy end for the last arc.

>> No.11525441

Didn't Kouki say in the past that the Kashgar Hive and Yokohama Base arcs were kind of incomplete and rushed in his eyes?

I mean Haruka's death was kinda silly...

>> No.11525442
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>Sure, the surprise BETA attack against the HQ was unexpected

Definitely not unexpected. Writers always destroy the protagonist's 'home' right before the finale. If you look for this in stories you will be amazed at how many do it.

I guess it's to make the upcoming conflict extra-personal, or to give the protagonist only the option to act, rather than sit at home strategizing and etc. Also gives it a bit of a 'the world is ending' vibe. Having your home destroyed shellshocks you slightly even when it's in a story.

>> No.11525445

Considering the whole style of the other arcs in MLA, I can totally understand that. It was really completely different from the other ones, since everything happened too fast.

>> No.11525446


I thought the Miki arc was also pretty pathetic

>> No.11525447

Good point, I guess I was just expecting another BETA hive invasion suddenly, or was sucked up in the hype they built up after the sadogashima hive destruction.

>> No.11525451

Kouki probably realized how useless Miki was for the whole plot since her personality is just plain generic in that Miki sniping arc, so he decided to give her a bit of the spotlight. The timing was kinda bad, though. Pretty much no one aside of Meiya and her had their importance so visible in MLU.

>> No.11525459

I think my main problem was how quickly the Valkyries were killed off. Especially given how ironic it comes off when given their reputation and role as Yuuko's "elites".

Michiru is killed off predictably at the end of Operation 21st/Sadogashima Hive arc because I think she paralleled another Marimo/mentor type to make Takeru grow up. Kashiwagi's death was obvious but its impact really felt minimalistic in the long run.

Then a few days later you lose both Mitsuki and Haruka, the former which again is understandable in developing Takeru but still felt rushed and at-odds with the setting. I still don't even understand how the soldier escorts couldn't take down the Warrior classes in narrow confined environments.

Lastly you have the injuries and damage sustained by Touko, Akane, and Munakata leading to their exclusion from Operation Ouka felt really forced for the Takemikazuchis being used by Takeru's squad.

>> No.11525764

But Mitsuki is a boyfriend stealing whore!!

>> No.11525767

Pretty much, they ran out of money and Kouki had already mortgaged his house.

>> No.11525883

How did Alternative sell compared to Kimi ga Nozomu Eien or the one that came before it?

>> No.11525894

I like Kei.

>> No.11525911
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I like Miki

>> No.11525955

who else thought that the whole beta thing was the most interesting part about this series? i want to see more beta hives and the betas' silicon gods

>> No.11526033

Between the original and DVD releases, KimiNozo sold about 7k more.
KimiIta and Kaseki no Uta? Well there's a reason why age was basically just another brand in the crowd before KimiNozo.
KimiIta is garbage, be it '99 or '11, and Kaseki no Uta is sort of nonsensical.

>> No.11532576
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I just wish we had some kind of information regarding the BETA's origin. That whole thing about the "creator" and "silicon species felt too vague. Also, there was no explanation whatsoever for bigger hives in Mars. This reminds me that a spin-off in the actual MLA timeline regarding the takeover of the Moon would work well an anime. For example, I know it's pretty much impossible, but imagine if Tsukuyomi and her squad was sent to the Moon and had to deal with the takeover of the beta hives there? The amount of action such a spin-off would generate would be pretty interesting, in my opinion, and it'd work better than that awful anime adaptation of MLA: Total Apocalypse.

>> No.11532610
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best mub rub

>> No.11532623 [DELETED] 
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>Also, there was no explanation whatsoever for bigger hives in Mars.

1) Different sediment properties from Earth

2) Less gravity

3) Lower temperature

4) Have been there a lot longer and no one has been fighting them like on Earth

5) Has the first hive ever established in the solar system

6) Different materials to gather (remember, the BETA's mission is to gather stuff)

>> No.11532629 [DELETED] 

sage for kusoge

>> No.11532631

Yeah, that kind of information I remember vaguely, but what happens when a hive gets as big as phase 6? Even in the memorial art-book there was no information whatsoever regarding them.

>> No.11532657

Gross, spammer-kun has read a VN that I like.

I thought that was the point where it started sending out hives to other planets on its own.

>> No.11532661

more g-elements, probably develops a Superior for itself, aside from Kashgar and presumably the NA Hive that got nuked, all the other Phase 5's didn't have a superior and bigger Hive monuments

>> No.11532808 [DELETED] 


What the fuck is the reason for deleting this? Are you not allowed to state that you hate a VN now?

This board is really a joke. The janitor(s) do not give a shit about anything but molding it into their ideal playground.

>> No.11532822 [DELETED] 

I don't even know why I bother going to /jp/ anymore, the janitor is piece of shit that just deletes anything he wants.

>> No.11532822,1 [INTERNAL] 

I was so fucking sick of you doing this in every thread

now I finally have power

this is revenge

burn in hell fucker

>> No.11532870 [DELETED] 

Global 7:
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or saged it, or another post, is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports or sages. Friendly reminder: sage is not a downvote.

Also, to you, Global 8:
>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment.

Stay steamed, shitposters ;)

>> No.11532875 [DELETED] 


He can 'banish' me all he likes. It does nothing. I am immune to his bullshit.
