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11531206 No.11531206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read Cross Channel few years ago before I even knew anything about the translation scene. Then I noticed everyone keeps bashing this Cross Channel's translation, what's exactly wrong with it?

>> No.11531214

I don't know but I'm pretty sure it's being re-translated.

>> No.11531240

Doesn't capture Romeo's writing style for shit.
>reading it translated
>being EOP trash

>> No.11531355

Extra Obtuse Penis?

>> No.11531360

I doubt that's going to much better.

>> No.11531364

Well the whole point is that people were upset with Amaterasu's translation, which is why some guy is doing a new one. The translation itself is finished and checked, we're just waiting for the patch now.

Progress blog is here if you're interested:

>> No.11531369

I don't question the sincerity of this guy's efforts. It's just that I don't see CC working in anything but Japanese.
Though I guess translating it accurately is already one step up from ixrec.

>> No.11531375

I still would like to hear what is wrong with the first translation...

>> No.11531387

Ask yourself what could be wrong with any translation.
That's your answer.

>> No.11531391

>I don't see CC working in anything but Japanese.

What makes you say that? I can't read much Japanese, so I'm curious.

Dangan Ronpa was heavy on the Japanese culture, but look at how popular the translated versions have become among English-speaking fans. Something has clearly worked there, even with all the explanatory notes or localizations.

I mean, people can translate The Tale of Genji and The Pillow Book. I don't think it's impossible to translate a visual novel.

>> No.11531400

There are many many things which could be wrong in translation...

>> No.11531403

Resorting to localisations is never a good thing.

>> No.11531428

Half of Cross Channel is in the writing style, which is impossible to translate. A (good) flat-out rewrite in english would come closer to the experience you get from playing the jap version.

>> No.11531432

What's the Japanese writing style like? (my language skills aren't up for something like a VN, but I enjoyed reading translated cross channel)

>> No.11531436


>> No.11531452

Is there any proof on that site that he's actually translating it?

>> No.11531468

>Resorting to localisations is never a good thing.

I have no problem with it. Say some language has an idiom we don't have, but we have one that's similar, then you're still getting the same point across. e.g. in Serbian people say "Не можеш да имаш и јаре и паре" ("You can't have both goatling and money.") which is the same as the English idiom "You can't have your cake and eat it."
And if a character talks in dated or archaic language, you can easily localize that too. Frog in Chrono Trigger is a good example.

But if you mean, "Golly gee Melissa, I sure could go for some hamburgers right now!" then I agree. Fortunately, very few translators do that outside of dubbing for children's shows.

>> No.11531481

It's all a ruse to troll people in the VNTS threads.

He has posted screenshots, but I am worried that it seems to be person (who I've never heard of) and he's not posting scripts on TLWiki or anywhere.

>> No.11531513

Romeo is one of the best writers in eroge and half of cross channel is simply in the beauty of his prose. People call CC's translator Ixwreck instead of Ixrec for a reason. Despite tons of experience translating, he doesn't even seem interested in actually understanding more about Japanese as a language, and just goes through translating his favorite eroge as fast as possible, without any respect or seemingly even realization of any of the intricacies of the writing style of the originals.

>> No.11531521

Fuck off, Moogy.

>> No.11531524

u mena 麦陛下殿様

>> No.11531527
File: 528 KB, 1280x1465, 1261588429980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to see that people still suspect moogy behind everything.

>> No.11531529

>I mean, people can translate The Tale of Genji and The Pillow Book
ha ha

>> No.11531547

Because you're a pleb that bitching all the time what a horrible translation it is.

>> No.11531552

Who am I now? Am I still Moogy?
You're confusing.

>> No.11531553

EOP pls

>> No.11531562

I still would like to hear what is wrong with the translation...

>> No.11531568

The people in this thread won't be able to give you an answer, because they don't actually know Japanese and are just repeating what they heard. They're not entirely incorrect in this case (Cross Channel's prose is apparently beautiful in Japanese), but they're not actually speaking from experience.

Don't just trust /jp/'s opinion on translation quality.

>> No.11531570

Girls ARE just holes for men to penetrate. That's what's wrong with that translation.

>> No.11531571 [DELETED] 


>> No.11531573

>And if a character talks in dated or archaic language, you can easily localize that too. Frog in Chrono Trigger is a good example.
Except Frog speaks like a normal person in the Japanese version of Chrono Trigger. The archaic language was added in localization.

>> No.11531579

Bait for discussion, perhaps. You know it's true, and quite frankly it annoys me a lot.

>> No.11531588

Keep believing what you want. If you're annoyed then that's all that matters.

>> No.11531589


No matter how hard you try, theres going to be a lot of missed innuendos, metaphors, wordplay, etc for even a high-level japanese speaker, let alone somehow who apparently translated it when he was in his teens.

When I was reading it I thought it was very fragmented but I figured that was just the style considering the MC and all the characters are all abnormal socially. Now I truly see there was more to what I was reading besides rape jokes and weird asides.

>> No.11531611

full discretion: I don't know japanese

>> No.11531631


whats so funny? half the book being tl-notes?

you just have to be well-versed in asian culture to get the more DEEP stuff, but otherwise its not like the language is itself a monolith.

>> No.11531649

Clearly CROSS†CHANNEL is just an insurmountable wall of the eroge medium.

>> No.11531667

I don't even understand why would anyone who has already read CC in Japanese read the English translation? To complain how ``shit" it is.?

>> No.11531676

If you want to hear what objectively makes even a translation far above the levels Ixrec is capable of so hopelessly inadequate for Cross Channel, you might ask the real moogy on #tlwiki

>> No.11531736


It's `` and ''. two opening quotation marks, two closing quotation marks.

>> No.11531744

Now this is /jp/-level autism.

>> No.11531751

Who the hell judges a story based on its prose? If word choice and order were so massively important and untranslatable, people would never translate novels of any kind.

I like the way The Hobbit was written but it's not as though that's why I liked the book. Ask me about The Hobbit and I'll say it's a great little children's story about a midget who goes on this cool adventure, fighting goblins and hiding in barrels and watching someone else kill a dragon. I won't say, "Oh, the syntax of the first sentence on page 67 is just GORGEOUS!"
Most writers don't even care about that shit. That's what copy-editors are for.

>> No.11531754

It's a style thing. Romeo is known for his quirky prose. Ixrec didn't manage to convey it in the slightes. I'm not blaming him, though. He was 16 and it was his second game.

I blame him for becoming not a bit better since then.

>> No.11531763


So style doesn't matter for you at all? That's sad.

>> No.11531768

Who the hell is 16 in 2009?

Also, is he really that young? Didn't he write a Japanese guide?
What the hell qualifies him to do that if he's like 20 and has no professional experience? I'm not saying you have to be born and bred in Japan, but at least Tae Kim took a proper course and works as a Japanese tutor.

>> No.11531772

He's not. His japanese advice is really bad and often actually wrong, but he completely ignores, makes excuses for, or even deletes criticism if people try to point his mistakes out.

>> No.11531774


You'll be hard-pressed to find a fan-translator with "professional experience".

>> No.11531782

Well, my problem isn't that he's a hobbyist (though "I'm translating this to get better at Japanese" always triggers alarm bells), but it's that he's trying to teach something he only has a few years' experience in. If he's 20 I doubt he has completed a full course in Japanese. Has he even taken the JLPT?

I'm on an anonymous board so I can understand how content takes precedence over its author, but there are hundreds of guides and books written by people with way more teaching and Japanese experience, so I think this is one of those cases where qualifications and experience actually matter.

>> No.11531794

Is this why I've noticed a huge amount of liberal translation when reading MLA? It might look like I'm cherrypicking, but I don't think I've ever seen people translate "頑張って" to "good luck", aside of ixrec.

>> No.11531795

This nerd is the one with no life who has taken upon himself to do poor translations of the best VNs with editing from his girlfriend, it's something like that.

>> No.11531801

I've heard that before, it works in some contexts. There are definitely more flawed translations that even people who don't know Japanese beyond a few choice words they learned from anime have noticed.

>> No.11531799 [DELETED] 

'Real literature' is judged almost entirely on prose. The story can be soul-numbingly boring, but if the prose is good enough literature elitists will keep wanking over it for decades. I myself agree with you that plot, characters, setting, etc are more important, but not everybody agrees.

That said, prose can be very important to the experience in some cases. Try reading a bit of Shikkoku no Sharnoth as an example (even the English translation conveys it enough to make my point); without the unique way it's written it would be far less interesting.

>Who the hell is 16 in 2009?
People born in 1992 or 1993.

>> No.11531804
File: 372 KB, 806x626, screenshot_2013-05-14_16-48-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Real literature' is judged almost entirely on prose. The story can be soul-numbingly boring, but if the prose is good enough literature elitists will keep wanking over it for decades. I myself agree with you that plot, characters, setting, etc are more important, but not everybody agrees.

That said, prose can be very important to the experience in some cases. Try reading a bit of Shikkoku no Sharnoth as an example (even the English translation conveys it enough to make my point); without the unique way it's written it would be far less interesting.

>Who the hell is 16 in 2009?
People born in 1992 or 1993.

>> No.11531807


Actually those idioms are polar opposites. It's "You can have your cake and eat it too," not "can't."

>> No.11531812

Nobody except for people using machine translators would misunderstand 頑張って. It's just literal translation unrelated to grasp of the language.

>> No.11531814


Whatever, I couldn't care less.

>> No.11531822


>> No.11531839

Does anyone know where I can find the OST? I've been looking for it for a long time.

>> No.11531847


But Anon, there is a torrent on Nyaa and it even has one seeder.

>> No.11531923

The JLPT is insignificant when it comes to Japanese. Say Kanken and we're talking something at least.

>> No.11532959

>porn games
>writing style

>> No.11532969

You gotta know what you are doing if you want to write good ero scenes

>> No.11532970

It lets people know if you actually know anything of the language.

>> No.11533030

I downloaded the vorbis one ^o^

>> No.11537376

>very few translators do that outside of dubbing for children's shows
I guess you never watch anime subbed by Commie, gg, Underwater or Vivid

>> No.11537381

>just goes through translating his favorite eroge as fast as possible
I don't know who that guy is but I like him, that's what all translators should do instead of spending 3 years translating ONE fucking VN

>> No.11537652
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Girls und Panzer - 01v2 [00B0DB16].mkv_snapshot_19.12_[2012.10.09_17.13.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11537663

>Resorting to localisations is never a good thing.
This is retarded.

>> No.11537679

so it must not have been tyrannical

>> No.11537742

No you are wrong, men are the ones that are just holes for strap-on dildos to penetrate and for cute loli to step on!

>> No.11537773

There were things lost in translation, of the top of my head:
Red Snake Come On reference lost, Souseki reference lost, confusing 現実 with 実現.

>> No.11539547

Well ok? I mean I guess the question is where is where is the hypothetical translation of a highly technical and cultural piece that loses nothing?

>> No.11539970

I just answered OP's question and I didn't imply that there are translations where nothing is lost. I think what people is trying to say is that CC translation could have been better and more accurate in some parts.

>> No.11540086

I guess if you don't care about quality.

>> No.11540089

I thought we agreed that nobody who reads translations cares about quality.

>> No.11540115

There are some pretty good ones out there, like Saya's retranslation.

>> No.11540208

fuck cross channel
they said they found a dead guy. who the fuck was the dead guy when they were the only ones there
what the fuck

>> No.11540217

>the translation scene

>> No.11540250

yeah for real still pisses me off

>> No.11540256


An older incarnation of Taichi. That's at least what people say.

>> No.11541125

>Who the hell judges a story based on its prose?
Many folks do. Even if one considers prose secondary (I do, too), a story still needs good prose to be readable. And being enjoyable simply for how good the syntax and diction are will go a long way towards serving the plot and whatnot.

>> No.11543674

Basing a work on the prose is almost as important as basing it on the narrative, depending on the writing style. The Hobbit has a very delightful writing style and tone; if you read it and then read LotR immediately after you will notice the sharp shift in prose style to represent what is going on in the story. There are many works like that.
That said, people getting all anal over an eroge being 'fantastic prose' is typical /jp/ nonsense of general elitism. While I won't bash Romeo in particular, let's remind ourselves that the Japanese also worship Nisio as a god of writing when he is anything but.
