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11514934 No.11514934 [Reply] [Original]

English Wiki

Must reads: seriously, read these before asking questions that have been asked numerous times before.
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis:


English Wiki

Must reads: seriously, read these before asking questions that have been asked numerous times before.
FAQ: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ
Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Japanese Wikis:


ATTENTION to non-/jp/ regulars: /jp/ has a certain set of standards for posting. It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow them. These include, but are not limited to discouraging the use of most emoticons and proper use of the quoting function (don't use quotes as bullet points: greentexting).

Previous Thread: >>11513013

>> No.11514941

Previous thread was at page 3, died for some reason.

>> No.11514939

Please take it easy.

>> No.11514945

These need to stop for the moment. Just make one after a new update or event.

>> No.11514946

Replying to the anon in the previous thread, I'd panpakapa~n her panpakapa~n, if you know what I mean.

Probably killed by a janitor.

>> No.11514986
File: 419 KB, 692x328, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I should be trying for carriers/battleships, but some part of me just wants to take the girls I've picked up for as far as we can go, even if they're not ideal.

>> No.11514997

Once you hit 3-2 and on, you usually just end up leveling your favorite girls anyway. A lot of DDs, CAs start to have more use.

>> No.11515001

A solid core of BBs/CVs/KTKM allow you to keep 1 favourite (weaker) ship as your flagship and still be perfectly capable of clearing maps and wrecking shit in practice matches though.

>> No.11515006

So where did you guys farm up your Destroyers? Subs? I think I might be too anxious to level them up so I'm doing it wrong. Should I just farm World 1?

>> No.11515011

In 3-2.

>> No.11515026

I just tried crafting 4 (10/10/10/10) equipments for daily quest having a submarine as flagship and all were penguins.

Can anybody try this as well? I just want to confirm if this will be a great way for saving crafting material. Or is there already a verified tests of this?

>> No.11515029

Training exercises since my Mutsukis aren't ready for 3-2 yet.

>> No.11515043

Read the wiki.

>> No.11515050 [DELETED] 

Before they delete it.

>> No.11515061 [DELETED] 

I guess I'll just look for reports in wikiwiki.
Thanks for the cooperation though.

I'm that fag who live and play here in Japan.
Are they gonna delete the Japanese wiki too? lol

>> No.11515065

I'm tired of farming 5-2 for Mikuma. I've gotten everything that can drop there except her.

>> No.11515072

Keep going.
Took me 10 hours straight to drop Sendai.

>> No.11515081

Goddammit, stop copying the OP the other anon messed up with and fix it next time.

>> No.11515101 [DELETED] 

>Are they gonna delete the Japanese wiki too? lol
Good for you. Be careful about those "lol", I understand that the resident gestapo doesn't like them

>> No.11515103
File: 124 KB, 1000x880, KTKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That all seems like a long way away, but I'm already working on a KTKM-sama to support myself. Still, I've started running into enemy carriers that wreck my boats, and the AA I have isn't good enough to save them... I'd like at least 1 carrier with fighters on it.

On the topic of KTKM, I've read that anything other than torpedo equips is useless on her, but I try to do as much damage as I can in the normal firing stage of combat to keep enemies from being able to fire their torpedos. Is slapping regular cannons on her while leveling going to severely impact her if the rest of my fleet can still help in the torpedo stage?

>> No.11515128

KTKM can equip midget subs after her level 10 remodel. They give her an extra torpedo strike that comes before the regular combat phase. That's the reason why people usually want to have KTKM with all torpedoes; to kill things off before they can even shoot.

That said, it depends on where you're grinding. eg 3-2-A's enemies are usually pretty weak, so you can go ahead and stick 1 gun on her, since whatever she torpedoes will die anyways. If you're doing harder maps or practice matches though, all torps is a better idea.

>> No.11515186

I'm sorry, all I'm asking was a little bit of cooperation and 40 for each resources (plus x crafting materials) to see something if this will be helpful to other teitoku who are running out of resources, only to be replied with that. (And it's morning yet no sleep doesn't help)
Fag-mode was turned on and posted that with "lol" to piss him off. Childish I know.
Though I did follow his advice and looked at wikiwiki reports. One guy got 1 96 attacker and the rest were penguins.

tl;dr: Having a sub as flagship when doing 10/10/10/10 will mostly result to penguin.
But maybe that's just me

>> No.11515206

Is there a recipe for midget subs?

>> No.11515209


>> No.11515220

I guess in that subs don't up your chance for anything you have a lower chance at everything?

I just got a turbine with 100/300/250/10 with 58 as my flagship. Which was pure dumb luck, can't believe I didn't remember to switch flagship.

>> No.11515221

There is, but it'd be much cheaper and faster to just level a Chiyoda/Chitose to 12 and strip it off them.

>> No.11515226 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 134x134, 134px-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's even better, actually! I don't think I saw them on the wiki's recipe list. Is it safe to assume this is what I'm looking for?

>> No.11515239
File: 36 KB, 134x134, 134px-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's even better, actually! I don't think I saw them on the wiki's recipe list. Is it safe to assume this is what I'm looking for?

Or I could try this, though I haven't had much luck in building ships either.

>> No.11515261

I don't understand your initial query. Are you talking about 開発資材? Because I'm pretty sure everything, including development material, is consumed even when you get a penguin.

>> No.11515265

I asked because I didn't see it there.
Too bad I just used my extras for modernization on the Chitose A I use.

>> No.11515274
File: 513 KB, 1170x700, sub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't build them you'll just get them as drops, they're not entirely rare. I accidentally crafted a midget-sub just now, funny stuff. used 10/300/250/10 enjoy having no ammo or metal if you go that path.

>> No.11515276

You get penguin failures returned to you in the form of build allowances when you return to the home screen.

>> No.11515284

I forgot to add that my T-level is 69 while 168 is 32.

And congrats with your turbine. Though I think having BB as flagship would be smarter as it has better chance to get 46cm, which I doubt you don't know.
Take care next time

Yes, development materials/tools.
At first it will be consumed even if you get a penguin in factory, but once you're back to home screen it will be returned.

>> No.11515290

Ah yeah, that seems to be the case. But most people don't run out of development materials usually.

>> No.11515301

I'll try spamming 1-3 and 1-4 for them; I don't think I can take on more than one fight in in a row on 2-1 yet. Thanks, Admiral.

>> No.11515302

I'm not understanding what's going on with expeditions. No matter what composition or which expedition, only my second fleet is available to do it. The wiki doesn't say anything about the first fleet not being able to do them, so I'm not sure what's going on. I even switched the ships around and it's still only fleet 2. So is there anything special in this regard to fleet 1?

>> No.11515304

Fleet 1 can't do expeditions. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11515311

I almost did when I was spamming for aircrafts and all-30 ship to get Inazuma back because I lost her but to no avail ;_;

>> No.11515307

Fleet 1 is the sortie fleet. I'm pretty sure it was never mentioned on the wiki because it was never something that people really found to be annoying to begin with.

Hope you find your Sendai sisters soon.

>> No.11515309

Okay, I thought I was doing something wrong since the wiki didn't mention it. Thanks.

>> No.11515326

1-4 down, Hibiki get. Speaking of which, Верный or 北上改二? I don't really like Hibiki's design personally, but I might totally sellout for niche performance. Kitakami's cool, though. And good.

>> No.11515329

"the other anon" here. It's excruciating to have that copy pasted. I even have an edited copy saved, but the OP of the previous thread had to put up the thread before the one I made was even close to getting pruned.

>> No.11515339

Destroyers aren't even good at niche performance, though. Верный is now outpeformed by Isuzu's second upgrade.

>> No.11515377


Any speculation on what could we be getting tomorrow?

>> No.11515398
File: 139 KB, 424x470, 1309337269341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost beat 2-4, and then last torpedo crits my Akagi for 59 damage

>> No.11515401

Im sorry if this has been asked before but what should i do if i want to prepare myself for a event? And what ships/fleet composition are useful in events/later maps?

>> No.11515405

Collect buckets, grind BBs and CVs.

>> No.11515408

How do I stock up on bauxite to sustain CV's during the event?

>> No.11515409

It seems to adress people being able to go to Akiba tommorow, so that shouldn't be much of us really.

>> No.11515413

Will CVLs work or should i focus on getting more CVs?

Do expeditions and quests?
I sortie a lot with akagi and other two carriers but i never have bauxite problems, only steel problems.

>> No.11515418

Probably more announcements relating the new US aircraft carrier Taiho or one of the two new destroyers.

>> No.11515423
File: 695 KB, 1333x649, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your fleet? I'm still recovering from 1-4, and supplies are extremely low. It'll be a slow evening.

>> No.11515426


Not sure about which sorties are the best though, don't have CVs to worry about bauxite.

>> No.11515432

>Zuikaku is sparkling ever after getting crit from full to 1HP by a CVL

What a strong daughteru.

That end point directly above the starting section of 2-1 was worse than the boss node.

>> No.11515438

It's kinda self explanatory that I'm doing expeditions and quests. Once you'll start running with a CV or even a couple of them you'll understand how fast bauxite goes when using them. I've had 14k before I've gotten my first CV in 2-4, after clearing 2-4 I've had ~2k left. And it pretty much stays at 2k without piling up.

>> No.11515439

CVLs usually fall short in long maps unless you get lucky due to their low defense and less HP.
Run expedition 6 all day.

>> No.11515447
File: 717 KB, 3087x1740, shipsizesrevised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expeditions 6 and 11 will handle your bauxite issues for a long time. What you should be worrying about are buckets and other resources, since event bosses (except the E-1 boss, at least during the last event) can regenerate their bars over time and you will be required to do a great number of repairs in very short periods of time. Also, the next event will apparently be quite a bit tougher than the last, so you should not go at it expecting a complete clear. As for the required ships, a core BB/CV team is a necessity, and specific ship types (that are subject to change) usually make the event maps less of a hassle.

With that said, this poor breast chart is only getting more and more useless with each passing update. Second remodels gain impressive breast sizes with little to no change in displacement, and submarines are up to a whole different ball game (and it's not total tonnage sunk, otherwise I-168 would be bustier than I-19). I wish there were official three size records, at least that would eliminate the whole faulty breast size judgment problem. I hope this version has fewer errors in that department.

>> No.11515452

Really? Clearing 2-4 only took like 500~ bauxite from me.
My ammo and bauxite keep piling up while my fuel and steel are my most used things.

Thank you two a lot, i'll try to prepare and see if i can enter this event for "Intermediate" players.
So far my highest leveled ship is akagi at level 43.

>> No.11515453

How did you use up so much bauxite? Did you run your CVs through practice battles? Because I'm nearly finished levelling my A-team to level 40 grinding on 2-4-A every chance I get and my bauxite supply never changed much.

>> No.11515457

Well you're only grinding 2-4-1, you will probably see your bauxite drop when you'll start attempting running the boss. It took me ~50 tries to beat it, I was running with Zuikaku and Kaga.

>> No.11515456

>Atago has bigger guns than Yamato

I refuse to believe this.

If she doesn't boast the biggest rack of Kancolle, Yamato'd just be a woman with a massive appetite.

>> No.11515460

I'm pretty sure that's referencing the plans to open a Mamiya cafe/ Kancolle desert merchandises, nothing about the game itself.

>> No.11515477

Can you deploy less than 6 ships? Im eating all my resourses to fast, when only need to send half team for farm

>> No.11515479
File: 782 KB, 800x480, 1377794372299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato is using type 91 pads, tho.

>> No.11515483
File: 327 KB, 496x382, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a fine setup for Mutsu ? 3-4 / 4-4 in mind.

>> No.11515490
File: 60 KB, 750x367, 1-3_Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The compass is random, right?
For some reason I always get sent to F on 1-3

>> No.11515500

Yes. When switching ships, you can instead click the topmost section marked はずす in order to dismiss the ship from the fleet. You can deploy with less than six ships that way.

Good grief, I completely missed that. Time to modify the list yet again. Thank you, in any case.

>> No.11515519

on that matter,
I thought the chitose sister to be a bit higher (in their last remodel).
I also think Taiho will exceed our expectation if humikane take her armor stuff into account.

Last but not least, since you work in arbitrary unit, shouldn't ryujo be set as a 0 reference ?

>> No.11515526

It would be funny if she's very stacked with her armor, just to be shown that it's all padding when damaged

>> No.11515544

Guys, the SS are practically useless until lvl 10?
My I-168 does nothing more than recive damage.
I even equip her with a 61cm torpedo, but she does absolutely nothing.

>> No.11515562

Being damaged is sub's forte, actually.

You should be much happier with a 1/10 hp I-168, to rapair for free in 20min, rather than a 70/79 kaga for 50+fuel/metal, and 2h+.

at higher levels, with turbines and her luck, I-58 should make a nice dodge tank.

>> No.11515599

I admit that her repair time and cost is a advantage, but I'm concerned because she only takes damage and she doesn't attack or dodge the attacks (but that is probably because her lvl is low).

>> No.11515605

When equipped with a midget submarine, they get a preemptive torpedo strike even before level 10.

Ryujo is indeed set to 0, while Atago is now a 130 on the arbitrary breast unit scale. Chitose sisters are a fair point; they were a bit down the scale because both have poses that would overemphasize the size of their breasts, but I suppose they should be placed higher still.

Good point on Taiho too, though we'll have to wait and see for her.

>> No.11515611

What uses do Destroyers have? They seem awfully weak.

>> No.11515615

being adorable

>> No.11515621

Murakumo, Nenohi, and Kagero especially.

>> No.11515622

Expeditions, due to their minimal fuel cost, and the fact that many expeditions require destroyers (this is very fitting, since destroyers are ideal escorts and were often used to guard convoys of other ships). 3-2 requires a team of destroyers (and nothing else) to clear. In some maps, you can influence the compass in your favor by using certain ships, and destroyers are frequently included in the mix. They are decent at night battles, and can damage submarines. Finally, if your priorities include having a pretty girl in your flagship spot, then the great diversity of destroyers will ensure that there will be at least some shipdaughters that you like.

>> No.11515624

Be cute and be useful in expeditions, because they don't consume much resources.

>> No.11515626

Are Kitakami and Ooi useful in event maps? My Ooi is already past 50 and I'll probably be able to level up Kitakami beyond 50 until the event aswell. So far I'm planing on bringing Mutsu, Haruna, Akagi, Zuikaku and I've got two spots empty.

>> No.11515627

It's fun to level them all up to Remodel stage. For me.

>> No.11515645 [DELETED] 

Do you also have autism?

>> No.11515648


Baka Teitoku, go get midget sub

>> No.11515657

All the time in the world.

>> No.11515660

Anyone got links to all the BGM?

>> No.11515663

No, but they're probably on youtube or nicovideo if you don't mind using online music converters.

>> No.11515682

Is there another way besides BitCash to purchase points?I have paypal but I don't have credit card and I'm not a U.S resident so I can't register at sutocorp.

>> No.11515696

I'm not from the US either and it worked for me. I think you just need evidence that the name and address that you registered on paypal with are genuine regardless of country. A photo ID that also has your address on it is ideal.

>> No.11515697

Anyone got any input?

>> No.11515701

Thanks, I'll try it later then.

>> No.11515708

You don`t need bein from the U.S for sutocorp, I use it being from South America

>> No.11515713

Kitakami and Ooi are always useful. I imagine the event maps will try to force you to use all sorts of different ships anyway. Like the last event had easier paths that required a different composition or the submarine boss which required anti sub ships.

>> No.11515731

Is the wiki's Admin awake? Should we lock the wiki or just leave it there as is?

>> No.11515736 [DELETED] 

The proxy connection page is empty... I just wanted to try Touhou 2.0.

I guess it has to do with this >>11515050

>> No.11515742 [DELETED] 

Read the previous thread.

>> No.11515743

Yeah, it has to do with that... essentially people there went full retard and they're fearing a mass invasion of normals or whatever. We're waiting for the admin to appear in order to discuss this matter seriously, I'm tired myself of reverting the page and fighting against these 5 years children, for now you can access the infos from an old revision:

>> No.11515744

I don't think any of DMM's games are on mobile, but with how popular Kancolle is I wonder if there's a chance of seeing it on iOS and Android sometime soon. I'd love to manage my daughterus on the go. that or in the bathroom

>> No.11515750

Can you just get a flash projector and play it on your android?

>> No.11515751 [DELETED] 

So can you give us a valid reason why we should keep the page up?

>> No.11515754

Can't you just bring a laptop in if you're gonna attend to your kanmusu in the bathroom?

>> No.11515756

It makes no difference anyway, most of the new people are illiterate people that refuse to read the wiki.
The people that want to get in and have working brain cells will find a way to get in while the random idiots that dont know how to read will go like "Oh well, it cant be helped" and give up when they see the blank page or see that you need a japanese IP.

>> No.11515759 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I forgot most wikis have the previous revisions available.

I skimmed it. It looks like it was removed deliberately. So you're trying to reduce the number of new people registering? Is it because there's an increasingly long line with this lottery system, or just because someone linked it on FB or whatever and you don't like normals?

>> No.11515762 [DELETED] 

Why did someone make it in the first place? In order to make life easier to whoever would like to start playing this game, no? Why should we create a little quasi-secret club of those who started playing first and and exclude others? Anyway the number of western players compared to Japanese will always remain pretty low, between proxies, lotteries and language barrier.
You're welcome.

>> No.11515769 [DELETED] 

> So you're trying to reduce the number of new people registering?
No, just the new they-are-gonna-get-all-foreign-IPs-banned-tier FB people.

I have hated money for my kanmusu and it'd be terrifying to get my account banned.

>> No.11515774

>Why should we create a little quasi-secret club of those who started playing first and and exclude others?
Because we don't want to lose our accounts? Ever thought about that?

>> No.11515772

> In order to make life easier to whoever would like to start playing this game, no?
No, actually. It's to keep the lazy maggots incapable of using the JP wiki from flooding the thread with "how do I ___".

>> No.11515773

>Why did someone make it in the first place?
I'm asking that myself on why someone needs a tutorial on how to proxy. That has almost nothing to do with the game, it's so basic a quick run of google will figure it out. If that's the great step that's holding people back from playing maybe they didn't deserve to in the first place. Do we have to explain how to use flash and internet explorer next?

>> No.11515775

You know that they have lottery because spaces are limited, right? An influx of foreign IPs would cause problems and complaints. Japan has a long history of banning foreign players outright in their games.

Not that people actually read the wiki anyway.

>> No.11515778

Let's not start another stupid argument around buzzwords like 'secret club' and 'normals' that no one here even uses.

>> No.11515779

> buzzwords
talking of words that no one here even uses.

>> No.11515782

We started in the first place because people kept going

How do I lottery
How do I X
What do I X

Surprise surprise people still ask the same dumb shit.

>> No.11515783

Sorry for bringing it up. I should have just googled for a proxy instead. I was curious why the page was missing from the wiki after seeing these threads for a while and deciding to try it.

>> No.11515787

Yeah, sorry. Meaningless phrases, then.

>> No.11515784

why cant i hold all these crossboarders

>> No.11515785

>>11515239 here. I just put out the basic combination for a carrier and the time result told me I'd be getting one of the two seaplane tenders. Here's to KTKM-sama!

I was about to make a snappy post about Explorer but those kinds of people would really would just use the default browser, wouldn't they!? What a terrifying thought.

>> No.11515788

It's true that it's very basic but I don't see any big deal with that exactly because it's very basic. Also infos about the registration, lotteries and their announcements have been removed as well.
And where is it written that you're entitled to remove what someone else wrote on the internet because of your, almost surely unjustified, fears?
At least we have a place to address them without going around the same shit every time. Also it's quite possible that at least a small number of people playing this game doesn't know about /jp/ and only use that wiki as reference.

>> No.11515791

How do you make midget subs again?
I accidentally got a 168 while trying 270/30/330/130

>> No.11515792

>At least we have a place to address them without going around the same shit every time.

you mean here? cause that's all i see here all the time

>> No.11515797

Fuck off you little bitch. You can take your "muh tutorials" and shove them up your ass, spoon feeding faggot.

>> No.11515803

Grind a Chiyoda/Chitose, their theoretical value is 10/70/70/10 but you'd be wasting your resources.
I mean, you post the address of the wiki and you're done with it.
And when fags like you start posting this shit usually any attempts at having constructive and civil discussions end.

>> No.11515808

If its so basic, then they should just do a simple google search and help themselves with the wiki after registering and everyone ends up happy.

>> No.11515813

>And where is it written that you're entitled to remove what someone else wrote on the internet because of your, almost surely unjustified, fears?
Are you fucking serious? I mean no one in their right head would write such shit. Let me guess, you haven't been in the threads long enough to see people getting banned for proxies.

>> No.11515817

Finding a proxy/VPN is basic. Dealing with the lottery's BS isn't so basic, if you don't speak some Japanese and now tell me that all of you in this thread, except me evidently, speak it coherently.

>> No.11515819

I registered around one month ago and I saw only one person claiming that he got banned but it didn't even look like he was exactly understanding what happened, they sent him a mail to reset his account or something but he couldn't go past an error page.

>> No.11515821

The how to register page still has how to deal with the lottery, you just have to find the proxy and lottery times by yourself.
Or ask when the next lottery is and participate, simple as that.

>> No.11515825

And what makes you think that we're not going to end up like chinks with mass bans? Oh right, that's irrational fears right? I mean they're fine with foreigners playing their game, they simply want us to use a proxy to do so!

Fucking use your head for once you dumb shit.

>> No.11515828

Nah, some buddies of mine got banned for using proxies... but maybe they were just doing it wrong. No idea.

>> No.11515835 [DELETED] 

Aren't reading and listening skills enough? There's also the willingness to do your own research and learn but that's another thing.

>> No.11515840

Should I fill my expedition fleet with all 6 sparkling ships to guarantee great success or just the required amount of expedition?

>> No.11515841 [DELETED] 

This is not fucking kindergarten, janitor. You don't need to go full Nazi on the thread just because people were being _mean_ to each other in the thread. For fuck's sake.

>> No.11515842
File: 76 KB, 757x757, BWQeWTICAAAyp-c.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that I see in the corner? なのです!

>> No.11515844 [DELETED] 

Janny-kun pls

>> No.11515847 [DELETED] 

Right. I can't remember the English equivalent saying, but there's this little phrase in Korean about fixing the barn after the cow has been stolen.

>> No.11515845
File: 104 KB, 1024x682, BWQcy6cCEAAoD4-.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The merch is just bursting out.

>> No.11515848 [DELETED] 

Please let them just be doing it wrong somehow.

>> No.11515869

How do i turbines? I can't manage to get them with Shimakaze or Yukikaze as flag, should i change to a submarine? And which recipe?

>> No.11515872

Let's use it as long as it's there...

>> No.11515875

Check the craft pages. And midget subs are equipment anyway, so I have no idea what the fuck you're doing trying to craft ships.

Turbines are rare. Both Japanese wikis have extensive craft pages listing level, recipe, and flagship.

>> No.11515878

>Let's use it as long as it's there...
Stop being such a pent up faggot seriously.

>> No.11515888

I mean, I want to equip it with midget subs.
So, Midget Sub is torpedo bomber?

>> No.11515890

The Japanese pages are significantly more extensive and only need you to be able to figure out the Japanese words for "development" and "engine" anyway. And if you can't do that I don't even know why you're playing the game.

>> No.11515896

It's a small submarine that shoots pre-emptive torpedoes for the few ships that can equip it.

>> No.11515899

No, the 甲標的 甲 is a submarine, and torpedo bombers are airplanes.

>> No.11515907 [DELETED] 

This is just proof of how little people care to read. If you'd scroll up, you'll see the exact same question about midget sub. Actually I think I see a midget sub question almost every thread.

Time to put it in the FAQ that nobody reads?

>> No.11515903 [DELETED] 

Why is it being deleted?

>> No.11515904 [DELETED] 

Is this an invitation to join your club? I have to politely refuse, sorry.
Well, at least could make us the favour of saying which page? This one?
Or does it count as evil spoonfeeding?

>> No.11515911 [DELETED] 

I think he's just saying "it's there, so use it"

>> No.11515909

開発 - development
機関 - engine

Congratulations, that wasn't so fucking hard, was it?

>> No.11515913 [DELETED] 

Because of an insane mix of elitism (normals shouldn't touch my daughters) and paranoia (I'm sure my daughters will disappear if normals touch them).
There's no reason to be sarcastic, I know and use the Japanese wiki, it just doesn't seem to say anything of particularly important, except that some people use bauxite heavy recipes.

>> No.11515919 [DELETED] 

> I know and use the Japanese wiki, it just doesn't seem to say anything of particularly important, except that some people use bauxite heavy recipes.
It tells you what people have used to craft radars, and their flagships, and their levels. What are you looking for, exactly?

>> No.11515921 [DELETED] 

Are you that idiot from the few threads ago who kept on crying elitism. Actually, no, let's not start this shit again.

Oh, you are an idiot for crafting midget subs, though.

>> No.11515925

He wants engines, not midget subs. Please be sure you know who you're talking to before you start flaming.

>> No.11515926

>midget subs
Or engines and turbines. There's no reason to specifically go for them unless you have a page full of 46 cm already and don't have just as many engines and turbines yet.

>> No.11515928 [DELETED] 

Your passive aggressive nerd rage might have rendered you incapable of rational thought so I'm gonna spoonfeed you for a minute. That's not sarcasm, that's the answer. No one cares if people need to use the resource to understand the basics of the game, they care if they need a tool to get them A to Z into it. Removing those pages is just survival of the fittest at work. It's actually encouraged to provide helpful tips on the page you linked, but having to link them to every stupid faggot who can't get there himself is a one way trip to threads like the last one where every other post is like a support forum. People put a lot of work into the wiki and pastebins just to see it get disregarded. They wouldn't have done it if this were a secret club. You're the only one dumb enough to delude yourself into believing that's what's happening here. We just want to play the game.

>> No.11515942 [DELETED] 

And you're an idiot for not noticing that I'm not that neither the anon who wants to craft midget subs nor the one who asked about turbines...
>That's not sarcasm, that's the answer
That was a sarcastic question, the answer ended with "congratulations", which was a little sarcastic but it wasn't as gratuitous as "that wasn't so fucking hard, was it?"
>You're the only one dumb enough to delude yourself into believing that's what's happening here.
Read again the previous thread.

>> No.11515943 [DELETED] 

so shut up and play it instead of pretending you're DMM's userbase policing force. didn't the last thread getting blown up over this stupidity not tell you anything? jeez. survival of the fittest? who are you kidding.

>> No.11515948
File: 141 KB, 692x345, KC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11515954

Because you're going to clear 3-2 with 46 cm right? Fuck logic.

>> No.11515959

So you don't have a page full of 46 cm yet and you're specifically crafting a byproduct of the 46 cm recipe. Fuck logic all right,

>> No.11515962

Because you don't need turbines to clear 3-2.
Because any experienced player would recommend doing so to get turbines as a by product.

>> No.11515963

They also drop from some radar recipes. Turbines are more than just "46 cm byproduct." Some people want turbines more than they want 46 cms. Stop being such a douche.

>> No.11515965

Fuck those CAs requirements for node fix for 5-1

>> No.11515966

Why the fuck would I need a page full of 46 cm if I need turbines to pass 3-2? Which part of this sentence do you not understand? Should I write it in retard for you to understand?

>> No.11515969

Why is everyone so angry?
Why so many deleted posts?
It is not like you guys lost your girls to the sea.

>> No.11515971

You could clear 3-2 with nothing but 12.7 guns if and three-barreled torpedo launchers you really wanted, but most people don't feel like it.

This conversation could have been a lot fucking shorter if you'd just answered "use the 46 cm recipe" anyway.

>> No.11515973

I swear to got the general IQ in these threads drops not by days but by hours.

>> No.11515990

>Because you're going to clear 3-2 with 46 cm right?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zORv3pTZIsA (same video)

>> No.11515996

They came here for advice. We give them advice based on our experience (albeit not in the most polite form, but hey we're not their support team). I don't see why they won't feel like it.

>> No.11515998

If you use the right recipe, you can aim for both but will end up with surplus turbines anyway (they're only 2 stars rarity after all). You only need one turbine per ship whereas a BB would be typically need to be equipped with 2-4 of the much rarer 46 cm guns. Going for a turbine only recipe is waste unless you already have enough 46 cm to equip a fleet or two.

>> No.11516012
File: 85 KB, 486x371, ss (2013-10-10 at 09.20.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the buttons on the bottom do?

>> No.11516013

left is to feed her
right is to evolve her

You could probably have figured that out on your own.

>> No.11516014

You also dragged it out into an extended, retarded conversation when "use 46 cm" would have sufficed.

The same recipes that drop two-star turbines also sometimes drop three-star radar. If you want those more than you want 46 cms (maybe because just using Kongou-class battleships) then you can do that instead.

Yes, Kongou-class battleships become liabilities later on, but in the end so will everything that's not Nagato or Yamato so fuck that.

>> No.11516018

Don't wanna end up screwing something up due to language barrier. Thank you.

>> No.11516020

But he would need to be able to read a wiki and look up information himself, most people lack that special ability.

>> No.11516022

Thanks for expanding on my "page full of 46 cm". I was pretty upset with the very likely consequence of having a large number of people from that FB crowd joining, so I was taking my anger out on that anon.

I stand by my initial advice of using the 46 cm recipe. While you can clear 3-2 without using turbines, you're going to be in a world of hurt without 46 cm in the maps afterward, where you're gonna be buried under a mountain of turbines and engines from the 46 cm recipe when you finally decide to craft the guns.

>> No.11516023

A few threads ago someone accidentally scrapped the starter ship he had been leveling. It was so retarded I couldn't help but laugh.

>> No.11516024

Question. Does having more than one Saiun help the fleet? I've gotten a second one, so I am wondering if sticking that onto another CV would make any sense...

>> No.11516027

I crafted a nice ship on my first craft.
I then accidentally fed her to my starter.
This shit happens.

>> No.11516028

For its special ability, no. Still gives an accuracy bonus to the ship you put it on, though, just like it says on its stats.

>> No.11516038

I want to tell you that's all kinds of retarded, but I lost my starter by accidentally clicking advance while she was in the red, so I don't have room to talk either.

>> No.11516039

Now I see what the point of having the game discussion thread on /jp/ is.

It's about normals stealing our knowledge of moon from us. Quick, put on the tinfoil hats!

>> No.11516041

Looks more like minutes.

>> No.11516048

I did the same thing but i managed to get her back later.
Used the wiki to learn the ropes after that and had fun doing it even if i dont know a bit of japanese.

>> No.11516051

I meant to click "don't pursue, go home" but instead I clicked "don't pursue, advance" because both of those buttons are on the left. It's no excuse.

She would have been level sixty by now. I had been planning to keep her my flagship indefinitely. Right now she's just grinding expeditions for me.

>> No.11516054

In case you still haven't learned of this yet, you can quit the sortie any time before formation selection by restarting the game.

>> No.11516058

I think i have accidentally advanced instead of withdrawing on some maps but i just refreshed the page when i noticed my mistake.

Have never clicked night battle accidentally and i hope i never do

>> No.11516059

Because we might lose our girls forever in case DMM decides to pull a SEGA.

>> No.11516061
File: 161 KB, 850x1133, sample-a56ffc565131d5e0c0c2f1d8678da5d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even knew back then, people were talking about it. But I told myself that that would be cheating, and that I wasn't a cheater.

I valued my pride over the welfare of the fleet, and my arrogance proved fatal.

>> No.11516067

And this is why we click that little Heart Lock icon next to our beloved daughters to keep them safe from being fed.

>> No.11516069

But anon it was not cheating, my hand slipped!

>> No.11516073

Oh gods, Murasame, please stop stalking me with your seemingly innocent smile. I'm trying to invite Sendai to the fleet to complete the quest. I can't handle 5 of your doppelgangers.

>> No.11516081
File: 43 KB, 600x399, 1379729870636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The levels this pun is operating on are so far removed that I have to applaud you.

>> No.11516086

Which place is the best place to level fleet of DDs /jp/?

>> No.11516089 [DELETED] 


>> No.11516090

Answered in first few posts at the top.

>> No.11516091

If you really need to pet your girls https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cloudmosa.puffinFree&hl=en

>> No.11516093

Get out.

>> No.11516098 [DELETED] 

fuck off DIPSHIT read the fucking thread before asking your faggot questions

>> No.11516105


>> No.11516109

Please stop. You can put spoonfeed beggars in their place with a simple answer like read the thread/FAQ/wiki rather than slamming down on the Caps Lock key.

Don't start going with the flow now.

>> No.11516111

Server 1-3: japs and weebs
Server 4: cool people
the rest: newfags

Why aren't you on server 4 yet?

>> No.11516112

Get the Fucking manner before you talk to some random beginner moron.

>> No.11516113

I dont even know my server

>> No.11516115

Because 4 is death?

>> No.11516119

I'm not leaving my Kaga just to be cool.

>> No.11516121
File: 717 KB, 1920x1080, heroic shipdaughters of 3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally passed 3-2... I think I overlevelled for it though.

+10 evasion turbines on all Akatsuki, +6 evasion turbines on ykkz and smkz.

>> No.11516122
File: 103 KB, 680x672, fuckresolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these comments in VPN connection tutorial

>> No.11516124

I hope those are troll comments.

>> No.11516125

I get censoring your name but why censor the level?

>> No.11516129

Why even censor your name, unless it's a commonly used screen name or your actual name? The most we can ever interact with each other through the game is cpu-controlled PvP simulations.

Basically I'm asking if it's ok for me to keep being lazy when posting screenshots.

>> No.11516132

I'm a slow map clearer. My level's rather high but I only started seriously clearing maps recently. It's embarassing how I'm just a few levels short of being T-level 100 but have nothing to show for it.

>> No.11516135

Good job monster.
How does it feels to know that she is sleeping in the bottom of the sea now with alien tentacles?

>> No.11516137

>Almost level 100
Holy shit
What did you do for all those levels?

>> No.11516141
File: 510 KB, 800x480, neveragain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cleared 3-2 awhile ago too.
Have you treated them with Mamiya goodness yet? Because I know I will after they finish taking their baths.

Only 1 +10 evasion turbine on Hatsuharu, while Shimakaze, Hibiki and Ikazuchi have damage control each from the quest just in case. Good thing they worked hard enough to refrain activating them.

>> No.11516146

I wish I knew. When I became aware that I'm massively overlevelled it was already too late. I spent most of my time doing low-level map sorties for weekly quests. That resulted in a whole bunch of mediocre-level ships.

>> No.11516143

There is no need to be upset.
If there is a huge upsurge of gaijins wanting to play, who knows if they will make a gaijin version and put it on IOS/android.

>> No.11516148

Not that guy, but I need to save Mamiya for the event, man. Can't be going around spending it recklessly.

>> No.11516149
File: 1.29 MB, 600x4470, 1380777393992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that her spirit will return one day.

>> No.11516153

I don't see a point of making gaijin version for mobiles free (or bust) when they're going to make Vita version.

>> No.11516161

Trying to make turbines for 3-2 is murdering my steel supplies, and all I've gotten so far is one +6. Guess I'll just have to try grinding my DDs up some more and pray to RNG goddess.

>> No.11516164

On the bright side when your DD's are powerful enough you can farm 3-2 for even more levels and a direct boss route with supply ships (though those attack you).

That's completing 2 annoying quests in one, with a bonus chance of Nagato drop per sortie.

I'm doing it as often as I can with a team of level 60 destroyers who can evade everything you throw at them.

>> No.11516208
File: 718 KB, 1920x1080, heroic shipdaughters of 3-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy here
I beat 3-3 already. That was almost too easy.

Will try 3-4 after they repair. In the meantime, I have to get Kitakami and Ooi to level 50, they're almost there.

>> No.11516215

Unless you're rolling in holo/s holo/ ss holo equipment and buckets, I suggest you don't attempt the nodes beyond the first two battle nodes in 3-4.

>> No.11516222

You're better off trying to beat 4-4 first, 3-4 is brutal.

>> No.11516229

Uhmm does damaged ships affect the chances of a successful expedition?

>> No.11516235

Another wall, huh. I guess I'll try to farm for a lucky Nagato drop from 3-3 while levelling then.

What's the recommended average level for 3-4 and 4-4?

>> No.11516239


>> No.11516243

I beat 4-4 with my ships around 50 and 3-4 with them at 70 but even then you have to get very lucky with the enemy BBs/compass.

>> No.11516311
File: 30 KB, 668x474, BV-_IxGCUAEk_Nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did return. Just not quite in the same body

>> No.11516317

Im sorry if this a stupid question but is there a item i can craft to make a ship attack more than once?

>> No.11516320

>Akagi merchandise
Does it feature built in aluminium can compressor?

>> No.11516325

Artillery guns.

>> No.11516332

You don't need to be lucky with the compass at 4-4 if you have the right fleet composition.

>> No.11516334

And which ones are those?

>> No.11516338

Christ, why didn't I think of locking all unique my ships to spot the doubles easier. It's so easy to feed my other ships when there's only like 5 to choose from.

>> No.11516345

Looks like we're back

>> No.11516355

Great, I just blew 3000 bauxite and all I got was Comet 12, the rest was shit.

>> No.11516356
File: 46 KB, 800x560, BVZhA_mCUAAilBr.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps with that but it's especially useful to avoid incidents like the ones mentioned before.
Anyway, am I the only one who experienced slowdowns until one hour ago or so? Peak of connections or my internet/PC being a bitch?

>> No.11516358
File: 51 KB, 500x667, hku4B7LD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you buy a beaver statue?
I actually crafted her after trying to post this before the abrupt maintenance, weird.

I had to stop because it was so bad. I don't think I'll make a few of my dailies now.

>> No.11516364

What recipe?
I alternate between
250 130 200 30
250 30 200 30
Getting jack shit here. Where are all my cute ships?

>> No.11516367

I hope that in the future you have the opportunity to honorably release ships from service. With a "thank you for everything up to now" kind of line.

Although that would raise weird questions about the ones who do get used for modernization or kankankanned.

>> No.11516371

I was going trying for a sub and did 250/30/200/30.

>> No.11516377
File: 163 KB, 460x1149, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11516376

Bad as in your client being very slow too? Or are you referring to your bad crafting session?
Either way, has anyone seen this:
So, I understand they're adding a new poster, but what does it say about our "favourite" idol?

>> No.11516378

The semi-canon thing is that the girls just give up their weaponry to the other girl when you use them for modernisation, and the same for scrapping, except you're melting down their equipment instead. In either case, they go on to live peaceful lives outside.

>> No.11516381

Naka-chan dayo!~

>> No.11516383

Alternatively, Akagi eats them all up.

>> No.11516384

It was way too slow, it was taking minutes to do anything.

>> No.11516387

Why would a carrier even need torpedo & firepower?

>> No.11516390

"The song '恋の2-4-11" has been playing in my head so much that it's distracting... although the meaning of '2-4-11' is a bit..." I failed JLPT 5 so you shoudn't trust me, though.


Yeah, I figured it's something like that. It still feels weird to do that to to a ship with levels on it.

>> No.11516391

That's scary and deliciously sexy at the same time these weird fetishes of mine....
Pure and simple gluttony, also firepower should do "something" to CV apparently.
Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.11516393
File: 723 KB, 208x320, akagi omnom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gif contains all the reasons why I fell in love with Akagi. Aside from Akakaga.

>> No.11516394
File: 91 KB, 620x620, 38386992_big_p18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's terrible and you should feel terrible.

>> No.11516395
File: 59 KB, 450x586, 805235094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? Actually those were the reason I started playing Kancolle to begin with.
I do, sometimes.

>> No.11516400
File: 490 KB, 600x1259, akakaga1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps I'm you. And this is all an elaborate ruse to get more people to join the Akakaga ship.
Though, I'm really glad that Akagi is really easy obtain when I first started playing. Still haven't gotten a single standard carrier from the CV recipes though.

>> No.11516409

I heard something about secretary lines when you leave the game alone for a long time? Is that a thing?

>> No.11516411

Only the newer ships. All it does is she tells you the time whenever the hour strikes.

>> No.11516414

Oh, I see. I never got around to setting Zuikaku or Abukuma as flagship for more than a few minutes at a time so I was wondering where that came from.

I wonder if they'll go back and do the rest.

>> No.11516418
File: 480 KB, 500x694, 38748660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps I'm you. And this is all an elaborate ruse to get more people to join the Akakaga ship.
You were not supposed to tell them that.
>Though, I'm really glad that Akagi is really easy obtain when I first started playing. Still haven't gotten a single standard carrier from the CV recipes though.
I wouldn't waste bauxite trying to craft CVs, Akagi has to stuff her tummy after all; Soryu should be fairly easy to get, I got her many many times in several maps, while Kaga took me a lot of efforts but I got her in the end, I was touching sky with my fingers when it happened. Now if I could only find Hiryu... I hope 3-4 will help me there, I'm trying to grind the first node to get her.

>> No.11516421

The subs also do it, i've had I-168 as my flagship for a while now and she says stuff if i idle at the main screen for too long.
Also has a line for when the hour strikes like the other ships.

>> No.11516422

Do green planes defend my carrier from bombers or are they only used in the initial phase?

>> No.11516427

I got Soryu, Hiryu, and Kaga from drops. The only ones I crafted successfully were Shokaku and Zuikaku. 400/200/500/400 works pretty well for me as I got both sisters and even Zuiho within a week.

>> No.11516431

I've been trying to get Shokaku, Zuikaku and Hiryu from crafts while I got Kaga from 3-1 drop. The best I got is Soryu but after that it's usually CVLs. One time I got Naka and got so pissed I went all 999 on the resources and got Zuihou. I don't know if I should be happy at that time. Maybe I should try your recipe some other time once I finish hoarding resources again.

>> No.11516436

Started using that recipe a few days ago since it had the highest chance of CVs, as stated by the jp wiki anyway. Hopefully my CV dry spell will end soon.

>> No.11516439

What would be next features in this game? Eventually they will run out option of adding new map, since 5-4 will be the highest peak of difficulty in this game. I don't think they will add the 6th area unless somehow they increase the level limit from 99, but I really doubt it will affect a lot.

>> No.11516446

I've been reading the JP wiki, but I can't find where it say the right composition for influencing route on the map. Where do people get those information from?

>> No.11516451

Revamping leveling system and stats mechanics? Introducing more maps that require different compositions to challenge players? And of course, new ships and remodels.

>> No.11516454

They could do a map where you sortie two fleets (fighting separate battles). That's probably good for another map or two.

>> No.11516453

I think they probably weren't expecting this game to explode in popularity, because Flash is shitty platform to run a game of this much userbase and expansion potential. I hope they move onto other platforms like Unity or even as its own executable. That way is much more scalable.

>> No.11516460

What if you could actually take control/give orders to your ships on a map but the battles are harder to compensate?

>> No.11516461

There's a button next to the text "ルート分岐法則はこちら " on wikiwiki, on some maps, like 3-3, it's just a single note in the same space.
>And of course, new ships and remodels.
Those could take... years? Just today I was thinking about Chitose and Chiyoda's missing sisters... I would love to see them with the same drawing style and similar "upgrades".

>> No.11516465

Adding any system that causes people to ask "why aren't all the maps like this" is bothersome because players will ask "why aren't all the maps like this?" Warfare is chaotic anyway. In real battles, torpedoes undershoot, ships are misidentified, fleets walk into traps, and all sorts of other military errors happen. Although I suppose it would be nice if you could do a bit more than formation selection.

They could make a map with a resupply point in the middle.

>> No.11516469

They will, and it will be reserved for gigantic maps with dozens of nodes.

>> No.11516472

That's interesting. Could also be a checkpoint that will expire within 10-20 minutes, for example.

>> No.11516476

>>11516472, >>11516469
Yeah, there's really a lot of design space that they could use even without changing the fundamental "equip ships, watch them fight" model. I loved the cut-in attacks that your event support fleets could do.

>> No.11516508

Maintenance? I'm playing the game non-stop for 9 hours now.

>> No.11516513

4chan maintenance, probably.

>> No.11516518

Oh no wonder no one was posting for a while in this thread.

>> No.11516525

You noticed no issues at all? Maybe it didn't affect every server, the game was really slow for me and that anon before, it took even half minute or more to load one page; incidentally today we were supposed to have weekly maintenance but they skipped it, I wonder if it could be related to this issue.

>> No.11516530

I haven't noticed any. How long was the maintenance?

>> No.11516531

Mine only took some time to load after I logged in. Plus it took also a while to load all the images of my ships in their status screens but after that it's smooth sailing.

>> No.11516535

There wasn't any game maintenance, like they announced on twitter days ago; I had slow loading for one or two hours, coincidentally it ended just before 4chan's read-only status ended.
This sounds like something related to your cache getting flushed, but my issue persisted for quite some time... Oh well, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11516536

Their weekly maintenance is usually in Wednesday JST.
Scheduling wise, last Friday one was rather irregular.

>> No.11516540
File: 688 KB, 1180x820, 37873013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, yeah. Hiryuu. The collection is complete and that quest can stop mocking me.

>> No.11516541
File: 101 KB, 488x390, 4planes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just hit me - does the plane in fourth slot do anything? The animation only ever shows three planes - at least in battle turns.

>> No.11516544

Congratulations! Did you craft her or did she drop somewhere?
It seems to work during the pre-emptive attack (or however it's called) I see three torpedoes when I load two torpedo divers on one CV and 1 on the other one. But I'm not sure about shelling phase.

>> No.11516546

Any confirmed date for next event?

>> No.11516545
File: 92 KB, 475x368, Sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, whoops. Sent a fleet on the 80 hour expedition by mistake. I have gone max retard.

>> No.11516547

Got her some time ago too, but I'm keeping the quest completion for the event, it'll be my trump 500/500/500/500 !

Is there any info on their akiba event ?

>> No.11516548

I hope you at least picked a fleet that can do the expedition.

>> No.11516552

Ops... I sent the rare destroyers on the 40 hours thinking it was 4 hours but the 80 hours is even worse, I hope you can complete the expedition at least.
Isn't it one of those thematic dishes events which are weirdly popular in Japan? They seem to talk about stuff like that on their twitter today, but I really can't into moon...

>> No.11516565

It's not event, it's just GSC cafe in akiba gonna make merchandised Kancolle fares till December.

>> No.11516569

I ripped the sprite of my favorite ship girl and have her hanging out on my desktop, complete with a jury-rigged idle animation. Or well above the desktop since it's set to be always on top.

She doesn't have clock lines, though. Oh well.

>> No.11516574

So who's the lucky girl?

>> No.11516581

Trying 250 and 270 recipe.

Got Yukikaze and Shimakaze at the same time.

Now how do I mod my fleet, I wonder... Too bad I don't have the fourth fleet.

>> No.11516583

So, what's up with people having a Destroyer as the flagship in later levels? I'm currently at 3-3 with 5 BB and 1 CV. Im planning on adding another CV, once I actually get someone besides Akagi... but should I also throw in my favorite destroyer?

>> No.11516586

Boss compass only accessible if you bring destroyers? cmiiw

>> No.11516587
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1000, 38931000_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I also throw in my favorite destroyer?
You should grind the best destroyer.

>> No.11516591

She's probably more unlucky than anything else, seeing as how her secretary lines are "What do you want from me?" and "Can I leave?" even before you start poking her.

If it's Hibiki or Yudachi, they're being grinded to their second remodel.

>> No.11516596

Who is she? Hibiki? I remember she has a line about leaving, but I don't think she asks "what do you want from me" her other line is about orders.

>> No.11516601
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>> No.11516604

I thought that picture came from Japanese.

>> No.11516610
File: 197 KB, 864x910, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine they realized Ryuujou is the one posting.

>> No.11516609

The only destroyer who will call you shit to your face, of course.

Is that what Hibiki's line means? I thought her line was "It's fine to turn things [the tide of battle] around slowly, isn't it?"

>> No.11516617

I need Yukikaze for my 3-2 team, been trying 250/30/200/30 for a few days but to no avail sigh. Short of Haruna for unlocking 4th fleet too, though I found 3 each of the other sisters already too. RNG goddess sure hates me.

>> No.11516625
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>The only destroyer who will call you shit to your face, of course.
I'm still puzzled.
>Is that what Hibiki's line means?
I'm referring to her lines in the teitoku room, I can't exactly remember this line.
>implying Yukikaze won't get down to critical HP before the last node
That's how I cleared it yesterday, just place an emergency repair on everyone but flagship (give her a turbine if you have it) and you're good to go with the stupid strategy, I entered the last (extremely easy) battle with two girls already red. Kagero was laughing so hard that she couldn't help getting a MVP and sparkles after this.

>> No.11516629

I take it you haven't picked up an Akebono yet.

>I'm referring to her lines in the teitoku room.

Also, my Japanese is terrible.

>> No.11516633
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Just cleared 3-2 just now myself. Does 3-3 require any gimmicks or can I call in the full force of my fleet?

>> No.11516634

I don't have both Kongou and Haruna. And I get multiple Hieis.

>> No.11516635

Some guy above cleared 3-2 and then cleared 3-3 immediately.


>> No.11516639

I'd let Akebono call me "kuso teotoku" any time.

Also, I like the art of Oboro, Akebono, Sazanami and Ushio. It's nice and sharp. Wish that artist did more artwork for ships.

>> No.11516641

>I take it you haven't picked up an Akebono yet.
Ahhh, I don't really like the design... and especially the attitude.
My Japanese is laughable but this is pretty straightforward, even google's automatic translation should be good enough "I wonder if I can go back soon", I wonder if she's referring to the battlefield or what.
3-3 is a piece of cake, just remember that you need two CV to reach the boss, most people use them anyway but just in case. 3-4 is hell, don't push beyond the first node if you're not ready to sink a lot of buckets and resources on it.

>> No.11516643


Only my Akagi is leveled at all. Will a CVL suffice? Either way, I'm not in a rush or anything

>> No.11516644

I've gotten 5 Hiei, 3 Kirishima and 2 Kongou or something.

Yeah, but at least I can rely (slightly) less on luck in dodging shots. I don't have turbines and my lolis are only at lvl 30 or so though, Shimakaze 40. Only been playing 2 weeks.

>> No.11516649
File: 112 KB, 637x541, resetpass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea why I get this when try login, and I don't get the reset password mail

>> No.11516651

wut, rly? Those must be my least favourite...

>> No.11516653

She usually utters that line if you poke her too much. Presumably she would rather go back to her other duties if she's only going to be poked while she is called in as a secretary. There's no malice or anger, she's pretty stoic.

>> No.11516655

What a terrible day. Misses and crits and 4 hour repairs everywhere. Does anyone know if positive fatigue below the sad face threshold affect performance at all?

>> No.11516660
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>Will a CVL suffice?
Well, that's true in theory but my Yukikaze has this weird obsession of getting hit, she has more evasion than Shimakaze at this level and her luckiness is insane but she just seems to enjoy it...
But getting poked is an important part of her duties, or am I getting something wrong there?

>> No.11516663

>and especially the attitude.
I can see why. She calls you a shit admiral even in her self-introduction.

Dear diary, today I learned that "te mo ii" is a standard construction for asking permission.

Tsun characters are great and are ruined as soon as the dere starts to kick in.

>> No.11516668

I just got a submarine. I wonder if this can be a substitute for Kitakami since I can't get Kitakami whatever I do, I've been trying to craft her for a week now ;_;

>> No.11516681


>> No.11516682

just grind in 3-2 for ktkm

>> No.11516687

As much as I hate to bring this to you, but you got b&, may your ship daughters rest in peace.

>> No.11516689

Not him, but...what?

>> No.11516693

That's the ban for using proxies.

>> No.11516694

Submarines can't be substitue for KTKM just because they fire midget subs, KTKM is a monster because of her 139 torpedo stat, in comparison I-58 has 84 according to the wiki. But here comes the good news, you'll get tons of KTKM sooner or later while subs are extremely rare and some of us wasted tons of resources to get them.
Isn't it just a password reset procedure prompted by some "hacking" of his account?

>> No.11516695

There's a ban for using proxies now?

>> No.11516699

>Isn't it just a password reset procedure prompted by some "hacking" of his account?
Yeah that's what they make it look like. The emails with password reset never go out.

>> No.11516700

Yeah, I just read it and it's asking you to reset your password for security purpose.

Says that the reason is because your account was compromised.

>> No.11516702

Isn't it possible that the email won't go out because he's on the banned proxy right now, and they're not honoring requests from it?

>> No.11516704

Proxy = same ip = multiple people with the same ip logging into multiple acct

>> No.11516705
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Bullying with Tenryuu!

>> No.11516710
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>> No.11516713

>>11516700 here. Ah, that might be why they think it's compromised. I'm moved to Japan a couple of years ago so I didn't need to VPN my way in or anything (just that my moon still isn't very strong).

From what I understand, might be something to do with your browser that's not enabling the link? I had a couple similar issues, but not from DMM, whereby the reset link wasn't functional because I was using IE/Firefox, had to use Chrome before I managed to reset my passes.

>> No.11516712
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>> No.11516722

Great, now I'm terrified to log in since I was using VPNgate too. And the private VPN service I was looking at it upped their prices lately. What a pain.

>> No.11516725

Thanks guys, will continue to pray and try to get Kitakami.

Another problem is if I get Kitakami, who do I remove? Currently running a I58, Yuudachi, Mutsu Kai, Haruna Kai, Hiei Kai and Akagi.

>> No.11516727

Thousands use the same famous VPNs everyday at the same moment, it's hard to understand how it happens that only few fellows got their accounts locked; it could be related to some specific proxies which are blocked by DMM, perhaps because they were genuinely source of hackings.
3 BB is an overkill in most maps, rotate them.

>> No.11516728
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Anyone could explain this picture?

>> No.11516729

Alright, got it. Thanks!

>> No.11516731

So how do you think they will they make the destroyers more useful? Remodels for everyone? More compass trolling? DDGs?

>> No.11516733

With the upcoming coastal defense ships, it's gonna be submarine hijinks all over again.

>> No.11516734

Change in tags used for the kind of videos that are posted about kantai collection since its launch. Notice the steady growth of MMD, the decline of gameplay vids.

>> No.11516735
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For now... ASROC equipment.

>> No.11516739

Im here again, i just delete cache, change browser and vpn and got the mail later 1 hour, I think it was a VPN problem

>> No.11516741

DDG would make the destroyer suddenly CL/CA size though, although...

>Kongou upgrades into a DDG
>more engine power than 1944 config, with 1/4 the displacement.

>> No.11516743

Nice, did you get back in game already?

>> No.11516745

Do they have to get better? It wouldn't make sense from a gameplay or historical perspective for a destroyer to be more valuable than an aircraft carrier.

And I don't think Kankore is entering the Cold War era any time soon.

>> No.11516749

There weren't many fleet that consisted entirely of BB's and CV's though, right?

>> No.11516751

To be honest I find DDs useful enough as they are. It's really convenient when they cover the flagship and dodge, and even if they do get hit the repair time isn't that long. I have 2 +10 turbines on my DDs though, it would be nice if they got more base evasion.

>> No.11516762

Yea, normally BB and CV would be formed into a joint fast carrier squadron screened by DDs. I think there's also the battleship battle group at one time...

>> No.11516763

That had more to do with the fact that they only had so many aircraft carriers to go around (and so much fuel to feed them with) than because they thought destroyers were great to have around.

>> No.11516767

> more base evasion
Yeah that would be really nice, seeing as how 100 evasion isn't even 100% evasion in the game. Maybe 10 or 20 higher evasion for all destroyers would be nice.

>> No.11516772

It was more of a joke. Would be nice if DDs got some kind of utility role. Maybe they could screen short-range attacks or aircraft.

>> No.11516777

Yes, all normal now

>> No.11516783

The strong point of a destroyer is its economy, but eventually you get to the point where fleet resupply aren't what's stopping you from going on, I think. And unlike the IJN, we aren't starved for fuel. Just buckets.

Now if three destroyers could share a bucket, that would be cool.

>> No.11516784

Good, I hope this will help people calm down a bit about the possibility of getting banned out of the blue.

>> No.11516797

>three destroyers sharing a bucket
that's adorable as fuck.

>> No.11516836
File: 56 KB, 598x429, BWIJ0tGIcAAg7wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on twitter this morning, tried the third recipe 3 times, got my Zuikaku. Can I craft Shoukaku with that?

>> No.11516848

What's the one or two extra ones I see in some recipes? Like 301 fuel or 402 bauxite. Does it actually change anything or is it just voodoo?

>> No.11516862

It just means you have to use more than 300 fuel, using exactly 300 won't make the cut.

>> No.11516866

Tried the last formula there, got 2 Nakas.

>> No.11516871
File: 642 KB, 778x468, 2-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the fleet I've been leveling up for 2-4. My question is, what should I equip on each of the battleships and KTKM? Do I just stack 35.6mm guns and 甲標的 甲? I also have one radar from Isuzu-kai, who should I give it to? I figured out the plane mechanics already.

>> No.11516879

Is that a little bit too early to think about 2-4 with that fleet?

>> No.11516881

That team is a far way aways from even scratching 2-4.

Battleships: Just throw 2 red guns (36.5mm or 41mm) and put a green or yellow gun in the third slot, and whatever else you want into the 4th.

KTKM is basically a light cruiser with special torpedo stat therefore she cannot use a 36.5mm gun. Put one Kohyouteki in the second slot and a 20mm gun on the first.

Always put the radar on your best hitter (you want to make sure her attacks hit anything at all), which looks like Haruna in that case.

>> No.11516885

35.6cms and 15.5cms for BBs; 41cms if you can afford to craft them, or you can get one by remodelling Haruna. For KTKM, midget sub and x4 oxygen torpedoes is enough.
And level them up, you're gonna get slaughtered with those levels unless you're really damn lucky. Get them to 30+.

>> No.11516886

Only if you can't get 41/46, then yeah, your best bet is to stack 35.6. You would also need either type3 ammo or green guns to combat their carriers.

Possible to get a type91 for your Ise as well.

>> No.11516888

Why don't you try 2-4 first? Your ships aren't gonna magically sink in the first few nodes.

>> No.11516889

I'm pretty sure most of the nodes of 2-4 don't have carriers, even the boss node.

>> No.11516890

He said it was the fleet he was going to level up.

Though >>11516871, you will probably find some more good BBs and CVs in the long stretch preparing for 2-4.

>> No.11516892

There are.

>> No.11516895

There are carriers but they appear mostly in nodes which don't lead you to the boss, except for node H.

>> No.11516896

IIRC north route has carrier node, south route doesn't.

>> No.11516903

And those nodes are the ones you don't wanna bother going through. I never encountered them anyway, seeing as I got led on the south route and all the way to the boss.

>> No.11516922

How much does slot positioning matter? I know that it affects plane numbers on CVs but what about guns?

20mm gun or 4 oxygen torpedo?

Yeah, I'm spamming about 2BB and 2CV formulas a day while grinding 2-2 and 2-3. Will get every ship to 30+.

I tried it once, didn't go very far before getting mid-damaged. I can wait for it.

>> No.11516919

>delete cache, change browser
I don't think you understand how browsers work m8

>> No.11516920

Well, south route is more prone to compass trolling, while for north route, assuming you don't get carried to west, you will meet the boss 100%.

>> No.11516933

Are Seaplanes usefull? i got Chiyoda, but feel like she only eat my resourses, not sure if her will be good late remodel in lvl 12

>> No.11516934

Guess I was lucky then. First try to get to the boss led me south and immediately to the boss area.
Depends on you. If you expect you're going to meet carriers then AA gun. If not then the torps. Though personally, I'd let my fighters aboard my CVs to take care of enemy fighters and so I can just stick other guns on my ships instead of sticking AA on them.

>> No.11516937

And what about the boss? Try it and then revise your strategy and equipment.

>> No.11516938


>> No.11516940

At least he managed to get past that password reset which apparently stopped more than one anon out there in the past.

>> No.11516952

He tried it once and couldn't even reach the boss, yet you want him to try and reach the boss again?

>> No.11516956

Well of course, does he expect us to spoonfeed him everything and change his diaper as well?

>> No.11516958

A pair of questions: do I need to beat both 3-4 and 4-4 to unlock world 5?
Is every map in world 5 made of buckets and tears? Or is the first one doable?
I'm asking because I'm interested into Yugumo.

>> No.11516959

No, that's not really what I wanted to get across, my bad.

Er, what I meant was that he knows he's doing it wrong and he's gonna wait a little before trying again after leveling up his fleet somemore. So before that he's seeking advice from us on how he can modify his fleet.

But you just told him to go for the boss again with his current setup was what puzzled me. Surely even you know that he'll need immense amount of luck to get through 2-4 with that current fleet.

>> No.11516965

Speaking of 2-4, reminder that this exists.

>> No.11516963

And from there he'll gain exp and perhaps new ships for his fleet, while ironing out all the weaknesses in his current fleet. This practice would be good for him in the long run.

>> No.11516964

How was your luck when you guys were trying to clear 2-4? I've had 5+ attempts where my ships took very little damage but the compass girl just decides to shit on me.

>> No.11516974

Shitty. I whined and whined but never on /jp/, managed to clear it after my ships leveled from 20 to about 40, took me 3 days and about 50 buckets in total.

>> No.11516975

Ah, that's true. Mind straight away went towards: damaged fleet, repair time, burn resource, rinse and repeat, player rages and bids farewell to game.

Thanks for the enlightenment!

>> No.11516973

Whew. Just A-ranked the 2-4 boss easily with a fleet of 20-30s. Made my heart skip a beat though since I entered the fray with KTKM-sama at medium damage.

>> No.11516976

I cleared it second try, but perhaps I was overcautious because I didn't really make any attempts until my entire fleet was 40-60.

>> No.11516977

> entered the fray with KTKM-sama at medium damage
Ooicchi would like to have a word with you.

>> No.11516980

Cleared it on my first try though I grinded on the first three nodes first so my ships were 40s-60s. Also got sent to the easiest route to the boss so guess I was pretty lucky.
And all of it was used up since I've been mostly shitty ships and items from crafts.

>> No.11516979

And that would be the player's own problem. Most of us got by like that.

>> No.11516986

I had incredible luck just then, you would push forward too. I went southwards, my A-team steamrolled and got perfect S with every node other than the pre-boss one where everyone was unscratched other than KTKM-sama.

>> No.11516988

Yes you need both 3-4 and 4-4.
5-1 and 5-2 are very easy, 5-3 is very hard.

>> No.11516991

English wiki doesn't say why equipment placement matters on non-carriers but the JP wikis probably do. To give a vague clue, he should pay attention to what happens in all phases of combat with KTKM.

>> No.11516992

I have done that, at E-2, with a level 34 KTKM-sama. And I still regret the decision to this day.

>> No.11516995

I just want some simple information to better prepare me for the grind. If I didn't ask anyone about anything I would've sank every ship I had.

I read them already. Honestly, the English wiki equipment page and FAQ aren't very informative at all past world 1.

So you suggest repeating 2-4 and spending buckets / delaying constructions instead of grinding earlier maps where I could complete with little damage (and more chance for BBs)? The Japanese wiki does have every formation for 2-4 listed, which has helped a lot.

>> No.11516996

Consider yourself lucky, my Kitakami who was in yellow died there.

>> No.11516998

5-2 becomes your go-to drop farming map because of how easy it is, provided you aren't misfortune personified that gets ru-class BB in that one node every time.

>> No.11517000

Cleared 2-4 with only 1 BB, every daughter was in the 20ish range.

Granted, I never got S rank on the nodes, at best A ranks.

>> No.11517004

Yeah, I think I am pretty lucky. Even during the boss fight, I got crits and evades everywhere and I felt I was on a roll there so I entered night battle with KTKM at red damage.

>> No.11517005

How much resources should one haul for the event? 20k fuel 20k steel 10k bauxite should be enough?

>> No.11517007

Should be enough if you don't go carrier heavy, it doesn't hurt stockpiling a little more until then though. It's the bucket count that will be all over the place, I'd aim for 300 at least.

>> No.11517008
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> KTKM at red damage
you monster.

>> No.11517009

Thanks a lot. It's a relief to hear that both 5-1 and 5-2 aren't hellish maps. Well, first things first, I'll try to clear 4-4 for the last time later today or tomorrow, then I'll think about 3-4.
Talking about 3-4, I would like to see the trollish face of whoever thought it was a nice idea to make Hatsukaze drops only in 3-4's boss...

>> No.11517012

Is my Chiyoda worth anything or should I just rip her 12.7s off and scrap her?
I've got a Junyou already so I'm not strapped for an aircraft carrier.

>> No.11517015

I'm planning on 2x Shoukaku class standard carriers 2x Nagato class battleships and Ooi with KTKM.

>> No.11517016

Does anyone else roll with 15.5 mounted on CV(L) for grinding? It gives them a chance to attack before the enemy ships with medium attack range while increasing their damage output in the shelling phase. Much more useful than Saiun, IMO.

>> No.11517020

W-well, at least she survived, right? I'll treat her with much more respect from now on.

>> No.11517026

Look at her maximum stats on the wiki and decide if you love her enough to level her to 50 for her last remodel.

>> No.11517027

I ran into the boss and cleared it for the first time today. I posted results and composition near the top of the previous thread.

Previously I'd been turned left or southeast a few times on the south route, and every time the fleet went north it got its teeth kicked in.

>> No.11517032

Probably not. Should I at least level her to 12 for the mini-subs or is it not worthwhile if I'm a newbie?

>> No.11517034

If you don't have Kitakami or Ooi.

>> No.11517036

Just see how it goes in the first sortie and if you can cope with the amount of planes/bauxite lost per sortie with that fleet setup. I'll be going Kaga for saiun + 5 BBs most likely.

>> No.11517039

What did I do to get another Shimakaze instead of Hiryu in 4-1's boss? When I saw that holo background I was already starting to scream, instead...
Why would you even scrap a ship this early in the game? Chitose/Chiyoda are the best CVL by overall stats but they reach their boob's potential only after several remodelling at level 50.

>> No.11517040
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>> No.11517041

When will it happen, actually?

>> No.11517044

I melt every single time.
Best daughter by far.

>> No.11517045

"Within a month", apparently. I don't think it's been confirmed to be next week yet.

>> No.11517046

Sometimes I switch her equipment around just so I can hear that line. And by "sometimes" I mean whenever I'm waiting for a couple of minutes.

>> No.11517052
File: 130 KB, 500x500, 1380778902721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her "ちぇっ。" is endearing.

>> No.11517054

That's damn vague.

>> No.11517056

It is very likely to be the first of November.

>> No.11517057

While we're on the topic of voices/lines; I fell in love with Yuudachi's "お呼びっぽい?何ですか?" the moment I got her.

>> No.11517058

Yeah I think so too. It would be odd to start the event so soon after releasing the bucket consuming 5-3.

>> No.11517063

I just started playing two weeks ago, so can any anons with event experience enlighten me on what is going to be on the event? How was the past event? Was it very hard to clear, or was there a minimum level requirement?

>> No.11517064

Ah yes. Yuudachi's cute lines make the grind to her second refit not so tedious.

>> No.11517067

It was bucket hell.

>> No.11517068

Regenerating boss gauges.
Buckets. Buckets. More buckets.
Daughters of course has to be adequately geared/leveled.

>> No.11517069

Is removing all planes from a carrier a good way of training it in practice battles? I always lose too much boki.

>> No.11517071

You can put three antiaircraft guns and a Saiun on it.

>> No.11517077

Checked their tweets for last event, the date for the event was announced one week before it started. Since there's no word so far about the event, I think the update on 16th won't bring the map event.

>> No.11517079

Didn't they teased something about Shigure Kai-ni for the next update?

Or was I dreaming and hoped my dream became reality?

>> No.11517082

I never got the Akagi bauxite gluttony thing. I always send her to battles and I still have more bauxite than bullets. And I never got her being a "crit magnet" too. I've only seen my team get crit once and it was Atago who got shot.

>> No.11517083

I'm still wondering whether I should focus on getting resources and buckets and forget anout hard maps and crafting or just give up about clearing the event, my main fleet is over level 70 but I have nowhere enough high quality equipments.
Bauxite really depends on enemies' AA.

>> No.11517088

No but I want to believe.
Akagi is supposedly the first CV the player get. Since she's the first consumer of bauxite, she gets that infamy.

>> No.11517089

That's just Akagi covering for Kaga, the real glutton.

>> No.11517094

Take Akagi to practice and see the glory of fighting against enemies who actually have antiaircraft weapons.

Since I have a lot of high-level carriers but only one high-level battleship, I bring them to practice with planes on them, which I've taken to calling "the bauxite drain."

>> No.11517098

You started 2 weeks ago and you're level 70 already? Boy you must have hardcored the game.

But yeah, by "high quality equipments", I was merely talking about 46 on your BBs, 3* planes on your CV/Ls, Sauin, radars, turbines(if needed, I always have a few ready to be put into use on my BBs), type3/91 ammos.

>> No.11517101

One of the best voice acting in kancolle

>> No.11517103
File: 75 KB, 741x867, BUSzC4GCYAIX1xr.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a secret though, don't go around talking about it.
>I bring them to practice with planes on them, which I've taken to calling "the bauxite drain."
And you should try to find a way to avoid it, really.
I'm not that other anon, I started one month ago. And about equipment, I only have 2 46cm, one common turbine and no green ammo. I'm somewhat really unlucky with crafting. I do have decent enough aircrafts though.

>> No.11517104

So I've been trying to grind Shigure to 50 for more than 18 hours already. Currently, 4 out of 6 ships are on first degree damage. (小破). And Shigure is at 46 (from Level10).

Was hoping none of my ships would need repairs by the time I'm finished, guess I ain't that lucky.

>> No.11517111

Should I replace Ooi with Shimakaze?

I have Kitakami on my fleet anyway.

p.s. I have Yukikaze too, I'm wondering how the ideal fleet should be.

I am still in 2-4 by the way.

>> No.11517110

Was this in preparation of Guncannon Kai that someone around here is prophesying? But it never received any mid-season upgrade in Gundam!

>> No.11517112


>> No.11517113

If I see that 12.7 AA gun one more time...

No doubt the game will detect my frustration and hand me some 7.7mm AA guns instead.

>> No.11517116

wich kancoal wud u fuq

>> No.11517117

No, you want meat on your team for 2-4

>> No.11517118

The cute one with the guns.

>> No.11517121

>I'll be going Kaga for saiun + 5 BBs most likely.
What are your 5 BBs? I wanna prepare for the event but I only have Haruna and Mutsu at levels 60, all of the other BBs that I have aren't leveled. I have everything except for Yamato and Nagato.

>> No.11517123

Meat as in?

So Kitakami - Ooi is still the better combination for 2-4 I guess.

What is the average level to complete 2-4? Mine are all around 20 and one of them will reach orange/red even before I face the the boss.

>> No.11517124

"Ideal fleets" change with every map. Later on you'll need other ships to fill in different roles during sorties. Also, reading the thread/wiki/pastebin wouldn't hurt. You might pick up some useful tips that would help you with 2-4 and beyond.

>> No.11517125

Wow, grinding to SO MUCH EASIER after 2-4.

>> No.11517127

>Take my expedition fleet to 1-3
>Boss fight
>All my destroyers end up red
>Tatsuta is completely unscathed

>> No.11517128

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11517129


>> No.11517132

Myself from about 5 minutes earlier

>> No.11517137

Thanks for caring about my mental health.

>> No.11517135

I suggest seeing a shrink if you talk like that to yourself.

>> No.11517146

The thread's off the front page so nobody cares anymore.

>> No.11517144

Can't you guys just ignore and let dilute in the thread those posts that are against your precious etiquette?
At this rate we'll get again unwanted attentions./spoiler]

>> No.11517151

You sure are a retard.

>> No.11517148

I didn't know people still used the front page.

>> No.11517149

Can't you just go with the etiquette and use your brain? It's not hard.

>> No.11517152
File: 297 KB, 464x362, shipfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Ko-hyouteki for muh KTKM

>> No.11517158

Well, that's good to read but creating an antagonist atmosphere just for one single post that someone disliked works against everyone interested into having something resembling a decent discussion.

>> No.11517162

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11517163
File: 14 KB, 387x296, BWIcFRjCUAAGZ6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing so hard

>> No.11517165

Don't you get the same average 5 Chitose/Chiyoda per day that I get?

>> No.11517167

I see. 40+ is still some way to go I guess...

And I think once you've cleared 2-4 grinding become way easier, as I read.

>> No.11517168


But then again, I do like Shigure so there's no harm leveling her up first.

>> No.11517174

Welp, not even once.

>> No.11517175
File: 617 KB, 799x950, 1381505703197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such dedication.

>> No.11517177

Fucking Furutaka I want a battleship and instead I get the shittiest heavy cruiser.

>> No.11517178

not pictured: the other five destroyers he set sail with

>> No.11517179

One downed and 1 in critical and you can get B rank? Welp.

>> No.11517181

It also factors in the damage your own fleet suffered. It's two down to one down, so he wins.

>> No.11517182
File: 122 KB, 502x670, 36985875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there a logic basis behind that supposition? Or is it just a personal hope? I would like to have Murasame next, "MURASAME POWER UP!". But I wonder if they'll really pick another Shiratsuyu class.
That's really weird, I mean, look at their drop list...

>> No.11517183

Shigure was a miracle ship before she sank, so she's kind of famous.

>> No.11517185

Intuition. If anything, playing this has taught me to fuck logic and lean on intuition.

>> No.11517186

I hope you never get a BB. Better yet I hope all your kanmusu ditch you.

>> No.11517187
File: 98 KB, 1020x115, Deploy a battleship..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this? I was under the assumption that I was supposed to deploy a battleship, but I deployed Ise (all by herself) to 1-1 and got nothing. Do I have to complete a boss node with her?

>> No.11517188

I don't get it. I'm getting so many Chiyoda and Chitose I have a dozen Kohyouteki sitting around looking for a ship to be attached to, and I already have two fully loaded Ooi and Kitakami.

>> No.11517189

Killing flagship is instant B

>> No.11517190

Read the wiki.

>> No.11517191

I did read the wiki you fucking mongoloid, that's where I got the impression that it was deploying a battleship
>Man It'd kill me to be remotely helpful

>> No.11517193
File: 338 KB, 701x743, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might be in love.

>> No.11517195

It gets even better.

>> No.11517196

Read the other wiki.

>> No.11517199

Seeing as all three wikis say "one battleship required" I'm just going to assume you're full of shit.

>> No.11517201

Take this http://www.k12reader.com/reading-comprehension-guide/

>> No.11517203

what level is your ise, angry pal ?

>> No.11517205

So I completed 3-2 today, and officially ending serious training for the Akatsuki class ships except for Hibiki (because 2nd remodel).

I feel kind of sad that Hibiki will be leaving behind her sisters and be one of the only 4 destroyers who will receive extensive attention (The others being Shimakaze, Yukikaze and Yuudachi). Her sisters will become expedition mules (like they used to be), just without Hibiki.

I wonder if Akatsuki, Inazuma and Ikazuchi will miss Hibiki. Their expedition sorties will have a replacement to fill the gap that Hibiki has left. I hope they'll be nice to Kasumi.

I hope Hibiki doesn't miss the times with her sisters now that she's with the intensely competitive Yukikaze and Shimakaze. Maybe Yuudachi can keep her company, but Hibiki is more of the stoic kind.

Maybe another destroyer-only map will force me to break out good ol' Akatsukis and they'll be together again.

I should stop thinking about this.

>> No.11517206
File: 40 KB, 489x375, ちぇっ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11517207

I did that quest a long time ago.

>> No.11517208

I heard that it's best to craft equipment at lvl 20 is that a viable tip?

>> No.11517209

>Deploy one battleship
Please, define "Deploy"

>> No.11517210

No, don't tell people to read the other wiki, help fix the English one.

The description should be fixed now.

>> No.11517213

That's right but I guess we have also other candidates to remodelling, I think there was that article about a heavy cruiser getting a remodelling.
I see. Honestly I still have my doubts about the chance of seeing any DD from this class getting a remodelling in the near future but let's wait and see.

>> No.11517211


>> No.11517212

You're a fucking retard, you know that?

>> No.11517214

Not as retarded as you who can't even quote properly and want to be a smart-ass.

Angry man.

>> No.11517215

Holy shit assholes, don't jump down his throat. There was a piece of info missing off the English wiki.

>> No.11517216

I still don't know why Yudachi got that remodel. Apparently she sank a bunch of ships, is that all? Or have I got the story wrong.

It's fine to be elitist to people who ask dumb questions but you're just being an ass right now.

>> No.11517217

You only need to look at the class requirement and compare it to Ise's. Looking at a wiki helps, but so would a bit of common sense.

Look at a dictionary. Or better yet, look at the red button with the kanji and compare it to the red quest-type marker with the same kanji.

>> No.11517218

The one about an AA-based CA getting the next remodel? Think they were speculating about Maya and Aoba. Disregard this if I'm thinking the wrong line tho.

>> No.11517219

You have totally missed the fucking point and reason why the other anon couldn't finish the quest. You have to set the battleship as a flagship before you deploy. This was never stated in the English wiki. Now fuck. Off.

>> No.11517220

Is it a remodeled Ise he's working with?

>> No.11517221

Can she hold her own in the later stages? Rather, does she get nudged out due to her healthpool?

>> No.11517222

Yes. No.

>> No.11517223

His battleship is the flagship. It's the ONLY ship in the fleet. It's the flagship by default.

It's like nobody actually bothers to read anything.

>> No.11517225

>but I deployed Ise (all by herself)
Doesn't that automatically means Ise is the flagship? Or has the comprehension skills of people here dropped to an all-time low?

>> No.11517230

I'm guessing he sent her in the second fleet. Which is odd of him to do and weird of the quest to be that specific but I can't imagine why else he'd fail.

>> No.11517232

Yeah, that one. Particularly that 'AA-based' part.
Her damage could easily reaches hundreds. I remember one E-4 video when during night battle she took down the boss with 200+ damage.

>> No.11517234

Which DD do you prefer: the Nightmare or the BEP?

>> No.11517236

Probably remodeled her to an Aviation class Battleship and the quest is stupid and will only accept normal Battleships.

>> No.11517237


>> No.11517238

I'm guessing that either he remodeled his Ise or that there's a hidden requirement that the fleet actually have other ships in it.

I don't actually know why people are giving him shit because it's not like he didn't do his due diligence. And 改 ships work for some quests and not others anyway.

>> No.11517240

Where's the easiest place to sink and aircraft carrier?

>> No.11517242

Or you need to send a full fleet with a BB as the flagship.

>> No.11517243

Depends on your fleet, but 1-4 has some.

>> No.11517244

It's not missing anything. 'Deploy a battleship' implies only one battleship must be deployed especially compared to the other quests which specify more.

>> No.11517246

Thanks, my fleet can easily handle 1-4.

>> No.11517247


>> No.11517249


>> No.11517250

To be fair, the actual description of the quests mentions to have a Battleship as the flagship of your fleet and to be deployed.

In this case, it could mean that 1bb+5others.

>> No.11517255 [DELETED] 

This game is shit.

>> No.11517256

They only mentioned "Anti AA cruiser " remodel and "a certain BB class's kai 2 " for now.
As the interview was held before Isuzu's case, we are still not sure if "cruiser" meant Isuzu or not because she also got decent AA boost like her real remodel.
Anyways I've been leveling several ships that potentially may get kai2 treatment.
Shigure sure is one of them for her fame.
I hope they don't set one re-remodel per one artist rule.

>> No.11517257

>My life is shit.
Too bad for you.

>> No.11517258

So, was it an Ise改 in the end?

I'd been grinding up 響 even before the announcement, but I'm a slow player so even my highest level ship is only level sixty.

>> No.11517259

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11517260

Is this retard having trouble completing this one quest and is calling someone else a mongoloid? How offensive.

Aviation BBs are supposed to work for the quest IIRC. This is probably a problem with just deploying Ise alone. You need a full fleet, again, IIRC.

>> No.11517261

Are you >>11517214?

>> No.11517263 [DELETED] 

You're all horrible insecure children.

>> No.11517265

>>11517261 (You)
No I'm you.

>> No.11517267

Nope, Ise改 does not work for it. Just deployed a full fleet with Ise改 and the quest is not completed.

>> No.11517268

>They only mentioned "Anti AA cruiser " remodel and "a certain BB class's kai 2 " for now.
Oh, I missed the latter.
>As the interview was held before Isuzu's case, we are still not sure if "cruiser" meant Isuzu or not because she also got decent AA boost like her real remodel.
Yeah, I fear people is looking a little too much at that AA part.

>> No.11517269

It's not offensive at all, since the person he was calling a mongoloid was spouting shit and being an all-around retard. It's fine to be elitist but you should at least make sure you know what you're talking about.

>> No.11517270

Could anyone help me out with this?

>> No.11517271
File: 75 KB, 692x118, Guess what I just built.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, guess what I just built from a BB recipe?
I'm going to try to get an instant build soon so I can skip ahead and see what I get.

>> No.11517272

Hey is that fucking radar really working like it is intended to?
I put it on my kongou, she still fucking misses half of her shot.

>> No.11517273

Is Hibiki worth the grind? Level 70 sounds like it would take forever.

>> No.11517278

Congratulations on your ugly piece of shit.

>> No.11517279

Mutsu. Otherwise fuck you, I've spent 34k steel on crafting Nagato and still have nothing.

>> No.11517280

Mutsu. You got a Mutsu. Nagato is a myth.

>> No.11517277

The one you already have.

>> No.11517281

I'd imagine it's a fuck you I've been spent a month grinding for her to no avail and I bet you aren't even in the double digits. Otherwise here's a warm welcome to the No Nagato club.

>> No.11517283

There is no need to be bitter.
You should be happy for that anon.

>> No.11517285

I'm a level 13 tietoku.
I don't even care if I get Mutsu, I'm just glad I got another battleship.

>> No.11517287

Here come the torches and pitchforks.

>> No.11517289

Her ASW stat is great, if not the best among other DD and CL.

>> No.11517292

Assuming I can figure out a quest for an instant-build, otherwise that'll have to wait 4 hours

>> No.11517294

In the long run, Type 21 radar is shit-tier radar for accuracy bonuses. But it's easily farmable.

For BBs Type 32 is the correct choice, but good luck crafting one.

>> No.11517295

What's so good about Nagato anyways? She's not as cute as Kongou.

>> No.11517296

Why is it that the beginners always craft so many Nagatos?

>> No.11517297

I'm >>11517279 and I've had Mutsu around that level too. Don't you dare getting Nagato tho.

>> No.11517290

Empty 001 is a symbol of Kancolle elitist.

>> No.11517291

Prepare your anus.

>> No.11517300

I'm a beginner and I'm still trying to get my first battleship. 600 steel each try is terrible.

>> No.11517298

Kongou is a terrible slut in disguise.

They aren't as adorable as Ryujo.

>> No.11517299

The fuck, how can he not have instant torch and yet crafted a fucking nagato.
I swear this game gives freebies to noob while I powerlevel through this game in 1 week to lvl30 and yet has nothing.

>> No.11517301

Her stats that are inferior only to Yamato's god tier.

>> No.11517302 [DELETED] 

The world is cruel, and no matter how great you think Kongou is, Nagato's put her's to shame.

All destroyer fans already live in this club, so it's okay.

>> No.11517303

Strong beginner's luck. I've seen lots of Nagato-class as first BB and crane sisters as first CV.

>> No.11517304

Nagato was my 2nd BB and I only got Mutsu at HQ level seventy-something. RNG mistress works in a mysterious way.

>> No.11517305
File: 312 KB, 857x550, 1381493677775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RJ detected. Please leave.

>> No.11517307

I've been using all of my instant torches.

>> No.11517308

Fuck you. Kongou is love, Kongou is life.

>> No.11517309

Ryujo is a guy in disguise, enjoy your trap.

>> No.11517312

The world is cruel, and no matter how great you think Kongou is, Nagato's stats put hers to shame.

All destroyer fans already live in this club, so it's okay.

>> No.11517314

Is Yamato going to be buildable?

>> No.11517316

Doesn't matter if Ryujo is a trap, she's still god-tier.

Kongou on the other hand.. over-rated, over-loved, slut, over-used. I'd be okay if you guys mentioned Hiei or even Kirishima.

>> No.11517317

There is going to be a gigantic construction dock just for yamato apparently.

>> No.11517319

Alright teitoku-tachi. No need to fling mud at others' favourite kanmusu. Just dote yours with love!

>> No.11517320

The staffs said so, along with 'big ship construction' feature.

I guess they'll ramp up the limit from 999 to 9999.

>> No.11517321

Apparently so, by the end of this year.

>> No.11517322

Probly, but with huge amounts of resources.
They say HUGE.

>> No.11517323

What recipe did you use? 400/100/600/30?

>> No.11517324

>gigantic construction
Sounds paiful to my resources.

>> No.11517325
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 1381472601872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna is fine, right?

>> No.11517329


>> No.11517330

>over-rated, over-loved
I hate it to break it to you, but Ryuujou is also insanely popular, so if that's the problem you have to start hating her now.

I won't deny that she's not a very reserved girl, though.

>> No.11517331

Haruna is annoying. Haruna won't stop saying Haruna.

>> No.11517333


Fight me, faglord.

>> No.11517336
File: 46 KB, 1000x490, BTVUTORCAAEjPTJ.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently there has been a twit that seemed to say so.
>Doesn't matter if Ryujo is a trap, she's still god-tier.
And another heterosexual is gone, who's next? Don't look at me!
>Kongou on the other hand.. over-rated, over-loved, slut, over-used.
Yeah, yeah.
Haruna flagship of my heart... am I mixing up things? I really prefer some of Blue Steel girls honestly... Maya especially...

>> No.11517337

Really? I never knew she was immensely popular; havn't seen even much discussion about her positive points other than the ones that point at her being flat and used as a punchline.

>> No.11517338

Suitable enough for super-glutton like her.

>> No.11517339

Go back to sleep RJ.

>> No.11517341


>> No.11517342

Just because Kongou is overrated won't stop me from liking her. We can fight about this if we need to. Fisticuffs only.

>> No.11517344

Kongou is also mostly a punchline character.

>> No.11517347
File: 484 KB, 400x1624, 1381343954239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongo a cute.

>> No.11517348

They are just jealous their girls dont go SHIT when they get buttblasted.

>> No.11517351


>> No.11517355

Days of grinding 3-2-A and 4-1 to try and get Haruna to unlock fleet while leveling DD and CA for 3-2 and 4-3, and I get Hiei, Kirishima, Soryu, and even Hiryu but nope no Haruna. Ugh.

>> No.11517356
File: 420 KB, 575x800, 38591279_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when an artist claims that someone was just putting up a front all along.

Well, Tenryuu gets this in fucking spades, but other than that.

Isn't she?

>> No.11517362

> even Hiryu
At least you have the hardest-to-acquire CV already.

>> No.11517365

I thought that would be the crane sisters?

>> No.11517366

Would that be those crane sisters?

>> No.11517371

I picked up or crafted three Hiryuus and even a Zuikaku before I got my first Kaga. Which was around ten minutes ago.

RNG is weird.

>> No.11517375

Zuikaku and Hiryuu have the same shipbuilding possibility, IIRC. I guess Zuikaku's drop areas make her a bit harder. I stand corrected.

For me, though, I got 2 Zuikaku and 3 (4?) Shoukaku before Hiryuu.

>> No.11517382

And just now I got yet another Haruna while searching Hiryu, isn't RNG wonderful?

>> No.11517385

If there's eight ships in your "I want" list, you're eight times as likely to get the first one you wanted as the last one.

>> No.11517391

Loving the RNG goddess, I fed 4 Hiei and 3 Kirishima to my DDs in my rage over not getting Haruna.

>> No.11517393

Anyone knows if equipping an airship with a radar would improve the hit rate during the bombing phase?

>> No.11517394

Haruna a shit.

>> No.11517396
File: 2.33 MB, 1800x1200, 37635920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruna is love. You a shit.

>> No.11517400
File: 2.13 MB, 1723x2400, 38101643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.

Now I have a funny image in my head. At any rate, it likely does help. I suggest checking out the Japanese wiki.

>> No.11517405

Saved up my resources for five days while making my expedition fleets work overtime so I can blow it all in one construction spree. The most useful things were Ryusei-Kai, Reppu and a Nagato. I swear there's a cool down timer for crafting the probability of crafting rare items go down after a number of attempts. So how do you guys go about crafting items/ships? Daillies or a resource spree that would make the gods of the Olympus blush?

>> No.11517407

>The most useful things were Ryusei-Kai, Reppu and a Nagato. I swear there's a cool down timer for crafting the probability of crafting rare items go down after a number of attempts.
I've been suspecting this for a while. When I decide to fuck dailies and go on a spree it rarely ever turns out well.

>> No.11517415

I do my crafting for dailies and whenever a resource grows near my cap. No complaints with the results thus far.

>> No.11517416

Seems like I went full baka with it... Meant to say aircraft carriers.

>> No.11517425

It happens to other times as well. It was actually how I get my rare items; stop crafting for a while, go for a short construction spree and repeat. Result varies but rare items tend to drop more. Could be mere coincidence though.

>> No.11517429

It might be my bias talking. If I get nothing from my four dailies I won't complain, even if it's a few days in a row. If I do all sixteen at once and get garbage I'll get mad.

I still can't shake that feeling, though. Often I'll select a new flagship and they'll whip up a three star whatever in the first two crafts, and a huge pile of 12.7mm AA guns afterwards. And they're always in a row.

>> No.11517433

>Often I'll select a new flagship and they'll whip up a three star whatever in the first two crafts, and a huge pile of 12.7mm AA guns afterwards. And they're always in a row.
That was what happened to my Kongou. Her first few crafts were weird but a 46cm came in along with two turbines but now 4 failures and even a 12.7 turret. This happens to ships you have not been using as flagship for a while too; I decided to set Kaga as my flagship again and she gave me the planes I mentioned in >>11517405 , along with a Zaiun before giving me 2-stars and 1-star plane.

>> No.11517446
File: 646 KB, 724x1024, 39017286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had crafter's phobia for a while now. Unsuccessful attempts at both Nagato and 46cm cannons has defeated my spirits and I figured I'd save my resources up for when I start attempting 5-1.

>> No.11517451
File: 824 KB, 1093x663, Mutsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I completed the expedition for instant build.
Rest in peace, angry anons- no Nagato for me
I'm still happy with Mutsu

>> No.11517455

While I like Nagato's sprite better, Mutsu has cuter lines. Treat her well, Teitoku.

>> No.11517457

Well, now you have angered the NoMutsu club members. A thousands Naka upon you!

>> No.11517459

I think she's really cute/hot anyways (we all have different taste, right?)
Besides, she's a nice BB and I can appreciate her for what she is.

>> No.11517461

I've got ONE Naka, and that's enough for me.

>> No.11517462

Woahh it is me or i can stop the compass by double clicking it? i've gotten to the boss in 1-3 3 times in a row by forcing it to the way.

>> No.11517465

There is no such club.

>> No.11517467

congratulation, anon.

I was a bit disapointed when I got my first nagato class, mutsu, but she's really cute yeah.

The real disapointment came when I built 3 more mutsu and still no nagato.

>> No.11517468

I don't believe that. I can't be that unlucky admiral that is waiting for his Mutsu.

>> No.11517476

>>11517304 It's all a matter of RNG mistress' fickleness.

>> No.11517477

Just think, I was NoMutsu too until a couple of minutes ago

>> No.11517479

Well, I guess that counts too. At least you guys in noHiryu club are still there, right?

>> No.11517491

I am in the noHiryu club. Only one left, but I don't feel like rolling just to get her... way too resource intensive.

>> No.11517509

I want a second aviation cruiser to complete the quest. I've been running 5-2 at least 4 times a day since they added Mikuma, build 4 BBs recipes a day as well. So far I got
2 Oois
2 Beavers
1 Mutsu
1 Nagato
1 Zuikaku
2 Hiryuus
All of which I already have. This is starting to get expensive especially when Yamato is coming out soon.

>> No.11517511


I have 5 Mutsu but no Nagato yet.

>> No.11517513

I just gave my Mutsu a gun and she just gave me a boner.

>> No.11517530

BB recipes give standard carriers?

>> No.11517537

Only Nagato came from the BB builds.

>> No.11517541

I think he's referencing his 5-2 runs.

>> No.11517546

My best crafting record happened about 3 days ago, with several BBs in a row. Started the day with only Kirishima and Fuso, but got the rest of the Kongous and Yamashiro(with 2 Hiei, 1 Fuso) in one crazed crafting binge.

That was reckless, but I got 4th fleet unlocked in an instant...

>> No.11517571

This song is surprisingly good.

>> No.11517575

Does putting 3 41cm cannon on my Nagato a good idea? I feel like she could pretty much one-shot everything, but I don't know what else is good on her.

>> No.11517582
File: 400 KB, 669x730, 862ffb5cf516ca7adb46126d62204e62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent past two weeks doing 5+ rare destroyer builds (270,30,330,130) a day in preparation for 3-2. I added one additional resource to each stack, like someone said previously in thread, and got the beaver.
Thank you anon, now I'm on the hunt for Shimakaze and a 2nd CV, Teitoku level 40 and climbing with only Akagi.

>> No.11517583

I prefer 2 guns AP shell Radar.
Mostly because I think 2 hit combo is more reliable than cut-in combo.

>> No.11517589

Does adding ones into the recipe really improve chances of rares all that much?

>> No.11517590
File: 584 KB, 910x1200, 1b5f33a6e8e835b22b16da9596e88cc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best destroyer formation for avoiding as much damage as I can before 3-2 boss fight? I've been using the horizontal line so far. I always eat a crit to the face with a torpedo usually.

>> No.11517592

Dunno but with the rng I've gotten trying to get either of them I'm being superstitious as fuck. That being said though I did get one of each Kongou sister in their respective crafts, no duplicates although they were spaced out over a month.

>> No.11517618

I decided to add one to everything in the shimakaze recipe and got a shimakaze with that little experiment.

It was some pretty surprising stuff, too bad that i already had one of her or that would have been a great success

>> No.11517621

That's the best one in terms of armour and evasion. There's not much else to say besides hoping the rng goes your way.

>> No.11517629

Have you crafted the subs from this recipe? I've heard that the same recipe for rare destroyer applies for the subs as well...

>> No.11517632

I've only tried the 251/31/201/31 recipe once but i got my sub from the normal shimakaze recipe.

Now if only i could get another sub or her sister to make grinding even faster

>> No.11517722

Finally got Kumano to 35 so I can do the aviation cruiser/battleship missions. With that, I'm pretty much done playing KanColle outside of construction dailies and checking practice list for easy fights, I've wasted too damn much time on it lately.

Mutsu always gives me a boner. What I really want now though is a loli Mutsu, holy fuck.

>> No.11517726
File: 86 KB, 662x141, Maybe this one will be Nagato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy from before who got Mutsu- lets see if I can get lucky and get Nagato this time.
This is my second BB recipe today, no Naka-chans in between. Feels good.

>> No.11517740


>> No.11517752

Is there a safe/effective place to farm transport ships? I know they start appearing in world 2-2 but I'm having trouble getting to them consistently.

>> No.11517767

I managed to bring 4-4 boss to half bar. However, I am constantly being directed to the fuel node by the compass. Am I just being unlucky or I am forced to use the 2DD/1CA combo?

>> No.11517810
File: 645 KB, 1580x923, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know why I can't remodel Kongo?

>> No.11517812

Your penis is not big enough for her.

>> No.11517813

Maybe you're at your ship limit/Equipment limit?

>> No.11517821

I'm not at ship limit, what is the equipment limit?

>> No.11517828

I believe it's 500 unless you hate money.

>> No.11517835

It was my equipment.

>> No.11517879

I used Kongou/Haruna/Mutsu/Akagi/Kaga/Kitakami around lvl 70-80, except KTKM who was at 95.

Cost me a fair bit of fuel, ammo and steel, but I killed all phases without much problem.

I admit this was a bit overkill, but getting to the boss in an all green condition, albeit more rarely than a route-fleet, felt good.

I hate how I have to turn back on 3-4 because a single ship is a 48% hp or some shit.

>> No.11517897

And that's my second Mutsu in a row.

>> No.11517901

Nagato is a myth, there is only mutsu

>> No.11517907

At higher levels, does KTKM-sama still gets crit-ed in almost every sortie? Its my only concern as I am training her now at lvl 45 and she is going back to dock pretty regularly.

>> No.11517913

I guess
I'm half-tempted to craft another BB recipe and see if I get a third mutsu- it's not a very economical way to craft 41CM guns though.

>> No.11517916

Maybe the third time will be the charm?

>> No.11517923

There is a mysterious force that prevents admirals from getting that one ship they would kill to have, so now that you're wishing for a Nagato instead of any battleship, your chances of getting her are almost nil. But that isn't any reason for concern, because Mutsu will serve you well in whichever map you'd want to take her to.

After her second remodel, Kitakami gets a nice chunk of evasion to go with her massive torpedo attack, so she is in much less of a danger than before. She will still get hit at times and force you to cancel otherwise ideal runs, but her preemptive torpedo strike becomes more than strong enough to compensate for these mishaps.

And hey, seems the folks at this Kancolle blog noticed that breast size chart and pointed out some of its (many and egregious) flaws. Destroyers were particularly suspect, and rightfully so, since the destroyer rankings were made by counting the number of ships in each class that weren't completely flat and then using that as the average breast size for all girls in that class (a breast size equivalent to the small-angle approximation, as it were). They also caught how Yura somehow managed to sneak her way above Natori and the like, but I guess that's what you get when you try to base your judgment off of clothed images and then have the gall to post your half-assed chart without triple-checking every shipdaughter. Time to get back to work, I hope the next version won't have too many embarrassing mistakes.

Tokiwa got some attention too, though, so there's still some hope to see her as a flat-as-a-washboard onee-san who stuffs her bra with mines. I'll be rooting for her.

>> No.11517928

I'm really glad I have a Mutsu, but it's not like I can put two of them in my fleet. I'd rather have gotten a battleship that I didn't have already- I don't even care if I get a Nagato or not although that'd be nice

>> No.11517929

>There is a mysterious force that prevents admirals from getting that one ship they would kill to have
This is so true it hurts, im almost convinced this is a next generation game that reads your thoughts and makes sure that the ship/equipment you want/need will never show up in your crafts.

>> No.11517947

I know you problably don't think so at all, but I just feel the need to clarify this.

it's not,
>I want it so I won't get it
but rather :
>I never got it so I want it

Once you get a *****, you'll want something else you don't have, and will get it eventually, and so on.
That being said I've been doing between 1 and 5 CV recipe daily since I started the game about 4 months ago and still no zuikaku. fuck it.

>> No.11517963

I have the same problem. I crafted 2 Saiun in a row when I already had 2 (so now I have 4...)

I did get some BB luck from you though. I got Ise.

>> No.11518001
File: 396 KB, 578x818, Kagachan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone planning on translating all the leaked dere voices like what was done with the last words?


>> No.11518003

So, out of curiosity.
Where did you first hear about kancolle and when did you start playing?

>> No.11518008

The death lines are all translated?

>> No.11518043

Yes, should be in the archives.

>> No.11518064

So what am i supposed to equip on my DDs?
I remodeled 4 of them but they still miss a lot or just deal no damage at all.

>> No.11518093

If you're dead set on keeping destroyers in your main fleet forever, you want to put torpedoes and turbines on them. No guns. Then you take them and hope they survive without much damage going into night battle.

>> No.11518105

Just trying to train a fleet of destroyers for 3-2, i've heard that you need turbines for that mission but i currently have none and want to see if there's a way to make them useful instead of them being 3 slots of cute dead weight.

>> No.11518120

Oh, you're doing 3-2. In that case no amount of turbines will help you--you can start trying to beat the stage once your destroyers are around level 30 or so, but in general it's a big luck-based roadblock. And of course if you aren't already, use Formation 5 all the time until you get to the boss, then use 1.

Try putting on emergency repair crews instead of those turbines if you're feeling brave evil enough to push the girls beyond their limits.

I had to roll myself Yukikaze and Shimakaze to even try and beat it.

>> No.11518125

Try to get a few 46cms for your BBs, and you'll soon be swimming in turbines. I think I got five rares and some ten commons without any intention to craft one. Thanks, again, are due to Fuso.

If you add bauxite, you also get a chance for radars.

>> No.11518131

I agree, repair crews are much better than turbines.

>> No.11518133

Oh yeah, Fuso-anon, how many of those 46cm guns do you have right now, and your T-level for reference?

5 and level 84 here, for example.

>> No.11518140

Alright, i'll get them to level 30 first before attempting, hopefully i'll have enough turbines by then.
Would try the repair crew method but i only have one repair crew and honestly dont know how to get more. Do i have to start hating money to get more of those?

I tried the 46cm recipe earlier with Hiei and got one 46cm gun, one anti air gun, one yellow gun and one failure. No turbines sadly

>> No.11518148

There are a few one-time-only quests that give you more, enough to fill out most of a team of DDs (no need to put on one the flagship).

Treasure that 46cm gun, sir, it can shoot everything except for subs.

>> No.11518193
File: 184 KB, 856x406, mai furito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just started playing this, the wiki and guides have been super helpful thus far. The only thing that has been killing me lately is managing fuel, after looking I guess I have to make it out of the first area in order to actually start gaining resources from sorties, I almost had a heart attack when I was down to nothing until I realized they give you resources over time. Should I grind a bit more before trying to challenge the 1-4 boss? I keep trying to challenge the 1-3 boss but I keep having shit luck steering me away from it. I have to say though so far this game is super fun and super addicting.

>> No.11518199

Replace the DDs with light/heavy cruisers and go for it, you dont need a lot of planning to beat 1-4.
The real wall is at 2-4

>> No.11518200

In a follow up to this, what determines successful expeditions? is it affected by level at all? I've been getting stiffed on almost every expedition I send out.

>> No.11518204

Check the wiki/faq, there is a section just for expedition conditions

>> No.11518206

Is Haruna any good later in the game? I really like her and would like to keep her in my main fleet until the end.

>> No.11518203

>In a follow up to this, what determines successful expeditions?
Did you really read the wiki? I suggest reading the expeditions part again

>> No.11518207

It's 100% success (and 150% with sparkle) or 100% fail.

>> No.11518213

Try comparing her stats with other BBs, then think about it.

>> No.11518219

Just checked what quests give emergency repair crews.
Some of them look pretty hard, like having shokaku and zuikaku both in your fleet

>> No.11518229

Ah shit, I feel dumb. I complete forgot about the whole emotion system since it hasn't had much of an effect for me so far (so I say but I guess the expeditions have proven me wrong). Okay so I guess the wise thing to do is swap ships between the fleets to get them motivated then send them out on expeditions? I've been super focused on sorties and constructing my fleet that I completely forgot about that. Doesn't help I've been playing for hours straight with little to no sleep.

>> No.11518237

Read that and then read up on the compositions.

>> No.11518256

holy fuck. i can't get past 1-3, the rng compass keeps going south.

>> No.11518291

I'm trying to get Kaga to do her night combat 5th CarDiv line but it's not working.

Zuikaku is stealing all the MVPs right in front of her, maybe that's why.

>> No.11518306
File: 799 KB, 950x1374, e40421b3c52c3ff915310263718206a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that line come from prelim air raid? Can't remember other 5th CarDiv related lines from her.

>> No.11518321

Oh, you're right, I misread.

Well I've only had them together for eight or so sorties now.

>> No.11518341

She's flag, isn't she? You probably just missed it. Although I don't see how.

>> No.11518360 [DELETED] 

This game is for homosexuals.

>> No.11518367

Lesbians maybe but I don't see what attraction there would be for gays.

>> No.11518378

5 Kirishima 5 Hiei and 2 Kongou, can the game just give me Haruna already... So frustrated yet I don't really have the resources to just spam BB recipe (and get more not-Haruna)

>> No.11518383

Ask a guy who's in Kankore-only event at Yokosuka right now anything

>> No.11518386

>4:30 with a BB recipe
>Already have Ise
I guess I've got a 50/50 chance of getting something good.

>> No.11518389

Any Naka-chan meido?

>> No.11518397

Which characters are getting the most books?

Do you have an idea of the general genre distribution?

>> No.11518400

Anything about future/coming in game events or updates?

>> No.11518421

which kancolle would you fuq?

>> No.11518423

For VCs, does putting two of the same planes stack in terms of the attacks?

Like, more planes of the same time during the bombing/torpedo/shelling phase.

I'm confused of putting 2 Red, or 1 Red 1 Green.

>> No.11518436

I am in 2-4 btw.

>> No.11518468

I don't get it, I know that supply/transport (are they the same?) supposed to be at 2-2, but I'm not which one is that ship...

Help please? Someone told me to look for this kanji "輸" but since the kanji in the image are all crooked, it's so damn hard to see if that's the right ship or not...

>> No.11518480

This is in the wikis FAQ.

>> No.11518483
File: 1.56 MB, 916x1500, 3490242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to I unlock the fire support expedition for boss fights?

I looked through the Japanese wikis but they say nothing about how expedition 34 is unlocked.

>> No.11518484


They are at the end node of 2-2 (non boss).

>> No.11518486

You need to complete expedition 25 and 26

>> No.11518495

Sparkle only affects the chance of great success (see wiki). Also it was determined a few threads ago that it has no effect on the chance of gaining items like buckets.

>> No.11518500
File: 232 KB, 500x800, 3329388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you've gotta be kidding me...

>> No.11518502
File: 19 KB, 662x95, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the one? I can't really tell since the kanji looks like shit, or is it even on the list?

>> No.11518504

No, its the one enemy ship that without eyes... se comment "No Attack"

>> No.11518508

... those are light carriers. You should at least try and learn the kanji that show up in your ship designations.

>> No.11518519

26 as in the 80 hours one?

>> No.11518532
File: 140 KB, 789x476, 1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, had to complete it for the same reason myself recently.

>> No.11518533
File: 23 KB, 661x96, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHH so these ships eh

Pardon me for not being able to read crooked and cramped kanji and just being dumb in general

>> No.11518548
File: 243 KB, 916x1352, 3490810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

>> No.11518564

Which ship again that shows nipple when damaged?

I saw it on the wiki but forgot who was it

>> No.11518583

The kanji looks fine, though a bit small. No need to feel offended or make excuses when no one was trying to insult you.

>> No.11518584

Im torn, should i try to train a fleet for the upcoming event or should i focus on training a fleet of destroyers to beat 3-2 and see if i can get a mutsu from 3-3-1?

>> No.11518606

It's more like I'm being frustrated at myself for not knowing these kinds of stuff

>> No.11518630

Suzuya isn't all that rare, is she? I got her as consolation prize for my daily Nagato crafting.

>> No.11518644

Yubari, reportedly, but I'm not seeing it. That looks more like a bruise to me.

Eight 46cms to date, though lately my focus has been more on radars. Two Type-21s, two Type-33s and a Type-14 from radar attempts so far. My T-level is 48.

Fuso is level 82 now, and she deserves every single experience point. I hope she gets her second remodel soon, though current evidence suggests that a Fuso class second remodel would easily outdo Atago's fuel tanks as the most egregious violation of the Washington Treaty.

>> No.11518650
File: 23 KB, 500x188, BWSoLfFCYAAYw2Z.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short story in the upcoming Comptiq, huh.

And in current events, a fire on Shimakaze.

>> No.11518652

About as rare as Nagato.

>> No.11518659

Is there a safer place to hunt for transports than 2-2? The damn compass keeps sending my fleet to a bossfight there, with usually miserable results for my steel and fuel stores.

>> No.11518661

Really? She's not even gold though.

>> No.11518663


Oh no.

>> No.11518664

You can try 2-3 as well.

>> No.11518669

I guess the recipes on wiki aren't guaranteed? I keep getting torpedo tubes from supposed recipe for 20.3mm twin guns for my cruisers.

>> No.11518670

I got her while trying to craft a BB too.

>> No.11518672

Huh. I just noticed how big Kaga's feet are.

>> No.11518690

Which has the bigger odds in finding Shimakaze and KTKM? Crafting 250/30/200/30 or grinding 2-4?

>> No.11518694


>> No.11518697

So should we rename or remove it ? Give your idea in wiki suggestion page (with enough people we can justify a deletion...) reply in this thread is fine just hope it still around here after i back from work...

>> No.11518701

Sorry, should have said ZKMS as well

>> No.11518706

KTKM is common drop/craft.
She is a byproduct of crafting shimakaze. I think she drop in any of the world 2 map.
I have like 3ktkm and zero shimakaze after 1week of playing and crafting for shimakaze.

>> No.11518705

Normalfag facebook scum pls go and stay go. At least don't fucking speak until you learn some proper English.

>> No.11518708

Judging from how broken your English is and how broken it was in that wikia page I'm pretty sure you're the spoonfeeding faggot that wrote it.

>> No.11518709

Honestly speaking. I don't mind just having ONE "How to Register" guide. But shoving in stuff like how you get VPNs and things to work; I just can't seem to agree with it.

If it were up to me, I'd say to remove all Proxy/VPN related content while leaving in-tact a basic 'how2register' guide which is pretty straightforward.

But of course with this suggestion, people will feel that I'm being.. what was that commonly thrown term here again? "Elitist"?.

>> No.11518711

It seems to be the case for the standard recipe but not the 100-ammo variant. The latter gives worse rates for both, especially Nagato.

>> No.11518710
File: 734 KB, 1200x967, 1381569321984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crafting 250/30/200/30 is a better idea in my opinion. You get a chance at other rare ships as well.

That's what's supposed to happen anyway, but I got my KTKM from 1-1 and the rare ship formula gave me 3 ZKMS.

>> No.11518713

Pretty much this. Just say that you need Japanese IP, that's it. Let those guys who want to play figure out by themselves.

>> No.11518715

It seems to be the case but only for the standard recipe.

>> No.11518718

Don't forget to throw around phrases like "Buzzword" and "secrit club".

>> No.11518721

Different anon here, but I've been grinding world 1 and 2, and tried crafting too, but no Kitakami in sight. No Fubuki and Ooi too, for that matter.

>> No.11518720

Standard as in 400//600 or 400/600/600?

>> No.11518725

I agree. There's nothing elitist about having people learn some self-sufficiency and research these things by themselves.


>> No.11518726

There is nothing wrong with maintaining.
The problem is putting it out to fucking mainstream audience.
4chan doesnt have huge a presence but just imagine if 1mil weebs in facebook find out about it and swarm the server that have a lotto space for 8k/lottery.
Call me paranoid but I bet DMM would do something about it if their server get swarmed by proxies.

>> No.11518727

Woa. I expected to be called names and yelled out the moment I typed that chunk out. What a pleasant surprise. If only there were more people like you fellas.

(So we can remove the infomation about VPN peacefully..)

>> No.11518728

That Murakumo is ripped.

>> No.11518731

>But of course with this suggestion, people will feel that I'm being.. what was that commonly thrown term here again? "Elitist"?.
It's good that you know it. That last guide is redundant and written like shit but the VPN page should just stay there as it is,

>> No.11518732

I've never like the idea of spoonfeeding mouthbreathers when I had to rack my brains and figure most of everything out myself, including game mechanics. By trial and error.

Now you have idiots coming in complaining they don't have their Kongous and Shimakazes and whatnot, like they deserved it. And then idiot who immediately shoot dumb questions here without first experimenting with fleets and builds.

>> No.11518734

Not really? Those are ribs and whatever you call the V leading down to the groin.

>> No.11518736

I've never like the idea of spoonfeeding mouthbreathers when I had to rack my brains and figure most of everything out myself, including game mechanics. By trial and error.

Now you have idiots coming in complaining they don't have their Kongous and Shimakazes and whatnot, like they deserved it. And then idiot who immediately shoot dumb questions here without first experimenting with fleets and builds.

I mean, I don't mind sharing my expereinces, but demanding answers like an entitled faggot is over the line.

>> No.11518738

The best anti-air plane I have right now is a +6 one, I also have +6 anti-air guns. Wouldn't it be more beneficial for me to use the anti-air guns instead of planes on my aircraft carriers since the guns activate the anti-air stats of the ship itself?

>> No.11518740
File: 178 KB, 800x800, 1381561262844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to factor in the Bauxite usage too. Sometimes it's just not worth it to spend over a 100 just for a single practice match.

>> No.11518741

Sorry for the double post. Writing this from mobile. Can't delete.

>> No.11518742

That's just how a flat girl's body would look like anyway. I know because I've seen my little sister naked god knows how many times.

>> No.11518748
File: 1.15 MB, 800x796, 38361686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called vagina bones.

>> No.11518750

no literally ripped

>> No.11518752
File: 232 KB, 505x535, 1352182709525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11518758

The point is, people there don't control anything. Anyone that keeps perpetuating the drama and "we have to control da informations" is delusional as fuck or doing it for hilarity. Whatever is going to happen, its outside of your influence. You can only destroy yourself and what you do in panic attacks, as such: removing wikia, stopping posting images, links and any information in the thread or stopping posting the thread itself or filling it with shitposts to pretend that you don't actually play the game in hope that 1 million army will go away.

>> No.11518759

Is this your first time seeing the torso of a skinny person, anon?

>> No.11518761

As usual, lady RNG is mischievous. I've been doing daily BB recipes for Suzuya, but not a sign of her was seen yet.

Not him, but her clothes, admiral.

>> No.11518762

The joke
your head.

>> No.11518763

Agreeing with this guy. It's inevitable too since the anime is going to air next year. All we can do is hope that DMM doesn't decide to ban foreigners from KanColle.

>> No.11518770

While panicking won't get anything done, your passive approach shows just how much you love your kanmusu.

While it won't stop every single one of the FB crowd from (attempting at) joining, there are many things that can be done to prevent many of them, especially so considering the Wikia admin is an anon.

>> No.11518774

Well at least the vita game will be similar right with online? I prob would consider a 3g version.

>> No.11518773
File: 107 KB, 698x345, Gotta remodel dem New Mikawa fleet .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's everyone doing while waiting for the next event?

I realized after turning Hibiki into a russian that I've completely lost all incentive to proceed in sorties. And piling up resources after they've hit softcap is pretty boring.

>> No.11518776

Yeah but luckily he doesn't seem to be one of you overpanicked screaming boys, in fact he locked those pages that someone kept deleting and it doesn't look like he minds the current proxy page, it's just the new (terrible) one that bothered him.

>> No.11518778 [DELETED] 

Too bad for him, I'm not concerned about getting banned in kancolle but I'll make his life a misery for spoonfeeding normalfags.

>> No.11518785

I'm grinding stuff, like cute DD and BB/CV/CL/torpedo monsters.
Since I'm scared to be limited by buckets or fatigue, I want to have at least my first two pages over level 60-65.

And planes. I got 8 46cm so far so I'm good with them, but I lack some good planes, especially dive bombers.

>> No.11518790 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 776x573, Fuck_you[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11518797

Question. Has anyone gotten the subs to drop over 2-2 as well? I've heard about 2-3 boss end node dropping it, but I do 2-2 much more...

>> No.11518799

Read the Japanese wiki.

>> No.11518800

So you think that deleting those tutorial pages would stop the normies from taking over? Anyone could just make a guide for them to see how they could play this game.

>> No.11518804

We/I/they just don't want to be part of the perceived problem.

>> No.11518808 [DELETED] 

The next FUCK YOU wave ETA ~10 minutes, fix up your pages before that so that I'd have something to do.

>> No.11518809

Look. 2ch said yes, and wikiwiki as well (I-168), but not a word on @wiki. All three accounts are saying 2-3 boss endnode.

So... again, did anyone get a sub drop at 2-2?

>> No.11518812

No one that needs to be spoonfed will bother to look for or read anything and will ask in the thread instead, but I'll tell you what will happen.
People will keep posting questions here, whether they are honest or just trolling, and make a big deal out of it. Then someone will start actually helping, which will make the rest of the thread into supernova of rage, where everyone participating will completely abandon the topic of the thread and turn it to a shitfest by their own hands.
Even after the uproar there will be several dedicated people so toxic that they will reignite the shitposting daily even when there will be no spoonfeeding present, indiscriminately making everyone's life a misery. They will go with proven tactic "I'll just imitate retards and help normalfags to spread to show those faggots on /jp/ that its bad, so they will finally suffer too", so a thread on /vg/ will happen and stay alive, all thanks to the most devout anti-spoonfeed anti-normalfag members.
So maybe when threads on /jp/ will be finally considered offtopic and /vg/ thread will pop on page 0, you could finally blame "normies" for ruining everything once again.

One year since release, no one plays without english patch in PSO2, and any request for katakana captcha is getting 5-6 replies, even when poster makes 4 retries in a row due to timeout, but who ever on 4chan helped to make the translation? It was made by normies, and normies also prefer japanese wiki for english one. Even then, a major fraction of people doesn't even consider playing the game, merely because it doesn't have US servers.
/jp/ considers a suicide as viable form of self defense.

>> No.11518815

I am the exact opposite. T-Level 41, week 2 into the game, doesn't have any notable gun that I can put onto the Kongous.

>> No.11518818

Those Dantes aren't really gonna help stop Facebook from playing. You're just wasting your time.

>> No.11518819

Not much point in messing up regular data pages we old players are also making use of.

>> No.11518822

That's exactly the point really. I'm not doing it for the normalfags.

>> No.11518825

So you're doing this as a regular FUCK EVERYBODY thing? Eh, go away. Go pour hot water on ants or something.

>> No.11518831

Yes, fuck normalfag feeding nikawa scum.

>> No.11518832

He have passed the pain threshold already. To him, its already overtaken by normalfags, and since no one agreed with him, everyone here is an enemy as well. Game itself doesn't bring joy to him merely because he was playing it for status, which was taken away. Destructive behavior is the last thing that can keep him amused.

>> No.11518835
File: 775 KB, 880x1250, 39065328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They...they're on to us, /jp/...


>> No.11518836
File: 291 KB, 708x1003, 1381574818870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone, please take it easy.

>> No.11518839

They were on to us 2 months ago. It's pretty much common knowledge that not everyone playing the game are japs anymore.

>> No.11518840 [SPOILER] 
File: 138 KB, 700x700, 1381406406424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, go and try to build a ship to calm down.
I'm sure you'll get Nagato this time around.

>> No.11518843

Around RJ, never relax. See >>11516601

>> No.11518848

What exactly are the advantages of the aviation battleships(fuso/ise class) over the kongou class? from what ive been hearing, the BBV's get a huge overall stat boost when remodeled at the cost of a little damage but when i compared them to the remodeled kongous (wow such self research) the kongous were still superior along with the higher firepower of a BB and the fast speed for what it's worth. The only downside is <5 points less in AA capabilities.

All this and yet people say remodeled BBV's are better. Explanation?

>> No.11518849

Seems like they really like us.

>> No.11518851

Read the wiki.

>> No.11518857
File: 589 KB, 900x1440, 38988133_big_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, what are the chances Yudachi would get new voices to match her second remodel?

>> No.11518858


Yeah, a lot.

>> No.11518860

Of course they do, and this is why we have no worries of getting banned.

Yeah right ;_;

>> No.11518863

Kongou-class can't equip AP rounds. Also versatility, I guess, though I'd rather use CVs to do that kinda stuff and have my BBs do all the high damage shooting.

They're blaming the Taiwanese though. Like the Taiwanese wouldn't have their own Mandarin-language BBSes for discussion rather than hopping onto whitey-infested 4chan.

>> No.11518865

Speaking of Taiwan, will that Yukikaze's 2nd remodel really come next week?

>> No.11518866

Japan and Taiwan never really got along well.

>> No.11518867

Did you even read the post? After comparing the stats it is apparent from my own judgement that the kongou's are superior in every way whilst the "general" consensus is that the remodeled BBV's are better. I'm asking for answers based on information that could not possibly be on the wiki as the wiki proves contrary. Don't try to act so edgy and cool for telling off a person who has a genuine question and has also committed the time to research and deemed the necessity to ask in the thread.

>> No.11518871

Yeah, because companies act on the order of some anons on the internet.
Really? I thought it was the eastern Asia country they hated less.

>> No.11518873

Fusou-class and Ise-class could be equipped with Type 91 ammo, making them crit master.

>> No.11518877

There are no superior daughters in this game, get that bullshit out of your head. They're all on equal terms and shouldn't be compared against with.

The general consesus, the real one, is that BBV remodels are better because of overall stats increase (armor,evasion,luck,radar).

If these are too complicated for you to understand, maybe you can just lay off the stats comparison and just play whatever you want.

>> No.11518879

I gave Type-91 to Nagato, she deals out 200 damage regularly like it's the most normal thing to do.

>> No.11518880

Taiwanese here.
That's utter crap. We get along with the moon people better than anybody else in reality. We couldn't give a shit about the mainlanders and our relationship with the US of A was only made as both sides thought they could take advantage of each other.

Japan also modernised Taiwan by bringing over japanese infrastructure and civility. Through this Taiwan was able to establish a working society and climb the international ladder. That was until China came and took a shit on the land again.

>> No.11518881


It's not that they're better, it's that they're on par since they each have their advantages. The only BBs that the BBVs far surpass is their own pre-remodelled selves. No one in the threads has actually said that BBVs are far superior to Kongos. Same with the wikis.

>> No.11518885

Are you using triple 46? My triple 41 Mutsu with AP never did that much.

>> No.11518886

You do know that I'm mainly speaking from a political point right and not the consensus of youngsters that enjoy the media and culture brought in from Japan right?

I'm don't remember all the itty bitty infomation but wasn't there a big fuss over the Senkaku Islands(sp?) as well that caused quite alot of hate among your adults?

>> No.11518887

Bullshit. Why do you think Kadokawa, one of Japan's biggest publishers, has a regional HQ in Taiwan?

Taiwan is basically Mini Japan. Most of the elderly folks there speak a sliver of Japanese. My parents never had formal schooling, and they speak moon better than me, someone who watches anime all the time.

>> No.11518889

The only thing that truly hampers BBV is the utter lack of good floatplanes in this game to make them viable in providing some level of screening. As they are right now, you still need to have CV with them. Can't completely depend on BBV and the aviation cruisers yet.

(I would like 2x seaplane tenders, 2x aviation cruisers and 2x aviation battleships being powerful. Chitose can preempt torpedo with midget sub for one.)

>> No.11518892

Some of those anons are actually valuable customers. God forbid a company act in their interest by quelling the grumbling of their customers!

>They're all on equal terms and shouldn't be compared against with
You, me, that room right now.

>No one in the threads has actually said that BBVs are far superior to Kongos.
I was wondering where that anon got that idea as well.

>> No.11518893

The Taiwanese education system is more or less modeled after the japanese one since they were heavily influenced by it during the occupation.
Taiwan probably has more in common with Japan than any country on the planet. Hell, you goto any convenient store in Japan and there's a general 30% chance the person behind the counter is a Taiwanese student.

>> No.11518894

Historically speaking, did seaplanes ever take spotlight during WW2?

>> No.11518897

Hiryu! Fuck yeah! Farming 3-4's initial nodes was a good idea after all. I inadvertently entered night battle with Mogami moderately damaged though, luckily she dodged the BB's attack...
This fits better with what I knew about Japan/Taiwan relationship.
Do you realise that some of us are also their customers? Hell, they wouldn't accept gaijin credit/debit cards in the first place if they hated our money.

>> No.11518902

Different Taiwanese anon.
1. Taiwanese governmental relations with Japan is nonexistent to be exact. Abe doesn't like Ma KMT administration for good reasons, making it even more awkward politically.

2. Culturally and socially speaking, Taiwan's gotten creds for the Earthquake relief aid as well as being a staple tourist source, never mind that the market is very receptive to Japanese products.

3. Senkaku island. Taiwan actually signed a fishing treaty with Japan just to piss off China PR. To stir up more shit, Lee Tung-Hui, this former prez that China PR really hated (practically Japanese) flat out said that the isle belongs to Japan, and Japan noticed... both mainstream and 2ch.

>> No.11518903

I don't think it's just the Taiwanese youngsters that like Japan. The general opinion seems to be something along the lines of "You guys are assholes for occupying us, but you brought nice shit with you, so we'll let that slide. Also we like your media."

>> No.11518906

I live in 'round Shinjuku and I havn't seen any Taiwanese students around the stores/behind counters.

I'm just commenting why the Taiwanese was pointed out from one of the earlier posts. I mean, definitely it's a minority that has some hate - No reason to bring up all that historic background on how X influenced Y and how Japan has "regional HQ"s in countries.

In that case, might as well bring up the point many countries are using products from Japan. But there are still people that have anti-feelings amongst them for whatever reason. Taiwan-Japan relation seem more apparent to me recently because of some news I've read.

>> No.11518907

>Do you realise that some of us are also their customers? Hell, they wouldn't accept gaijin credit/debit cards in the first place if they hated our money.
I'm fully aware. I, for one, hated money for my kanmusu before they even accepted foreign CC. (Or maybe my card just wasn't working)
However, relatively speaking, we number in such small size compared to the Japanese customers that the consequences of them grumbling beyond the realm of archive comments and imageboards is what I'm afraid of.

>> No.11518908

Taiwan is also the only country where Japanese is in effect a second language spoken. Japanese tourists can actually survive without speaking Chinese even in Taipei...

>> No.11518905

But it would be suicide to rely and prefer the international userbase over the national.
Who do you think looks like a more promising customer, otaku who are willing to spend all their money on goods or nothing more than an international bank account that gives you money ever now and then?
They would be stupid to turn away their national customers which can be very stupid sometimes but regardless are willing to bring in the money.

>> No.11518909

>Taiwanese governmental relations with Japan is nonexistent to be exact.
This pretty much applies to almost every country, we all fear our commie masters.
We number few compared to their internal market but the number of those whining about foreigners messing up with their shipgirls can't be that big to justify any "punitive action" planned to please them.

>> No.11518910

You're forgetting that there are more paying customers that are Japanese, than there are paying customers that are foreigners.

The majority of players of free-to-play games will be leechers, but you're more likely to find paying customers that are actually Japanese.

>> No.11518911

>You, me, that room right now.
Which room? The one with the heart-filled Kanmusu posters?

>> No.11518912

>Like the Taiwanese wouldn't have their own Mandarin-language BBSes for discussion rather than hopping onto whitey-infested 4chan.
I remember a few threads back where around fifty of you guys admitted to being Singaporean Chineses or something.

>> No.11518915

What about that? Singapore's a pretty cool place last I visited, the casino and that lion-fish figure spewing water from its mouth.

>> No.11518918

>We number few compared to their internal market but the number of those whining about foreigners messing up with their shipgirls can't be that big to justify any "punitive action" planned to please them.
Once the FB crowd starts going at the lottery, DMM (they are responsible for the servers, right?) will be forced to cut the international access or spend more money to increase the capacity of the upcoming servers to accommodate a larger intake for the lotteries. One will cost them less.

>> No.11518921

Most of us are better with English than Mandarin Chinese. Still terrible, as you can see from the comments of the angry fellas on the talk pages of the English wiki. It took just one look to confirm that they were Singaporean.

I can't wait till the day the plumbing fucks up and the damn thing starts spewing sewage or something. It's just a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.11518922
File: 411 KB, 1024x2304, 1381512755249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they depict Shiranui as an angry, murderous ship?

>> No.11518923

Of course they do.
I would call you guys クズ as well if I found out the reason I didnt get in the lottery was because of some waito pigu.

>> No.11518927

Actual mainlander here. What the Chinese gubbermint officially says doesn't actually reflect what all of us think. I know some of you like to propagate that hivemind stereotype, but people in China aren't exactly human-wasp hybrids that escaped from a lab in Nevada.

Most Chinese are too oblivious to political relations with its eastern neighbors due to the biased manner the media portrays things, but it also means that few people care, apart from a loud minority who like to spout political slogans on the internet.

Most people in China don't care about Lee Tung-hui ("Lee Tung-who? Is he a famous actor?"), and the ones that do are uninformed, and don't actually understand that he was born as a a subject of the Japanese emperor, which would actually make Lee's ideas a bit more understandable.

In summary: Most Chinese don't give a shit. The ones that do are either government spokespeople, or loud fanatics.

>> No.11518930

No one on FB is going to lift a finger until there will be FB application. Most advanced of them will play puzzle and dragons, the reast will rather launch ugly chinese clone.

>> No.11518933
File: 630 KB, 779x439, 3-2 win yay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat 3-2 after about 20 buckets to make failed attempts go faster. No turbines, just 1 repair kit on everyone along with a gun and a torpedo. I think I did it at a comparatively low level, and I got my Haruna to unlock 4th fleet as well. Sometimes the RNG goddesses are kind.

>> No.11518934

1. That's all a very hypothetical, lottery itself, proxies and language barrier will still prevent a lot of people from registering or they'll give up quickly.
2. People playing online game will sooner or later start paying for some additional services, a larger userbase would mean more potential customers. But this is something they seem to ignore, Belorussians are better at business than them... so it could be a moot point.

>> No.11518935

>because of some waito pigu
but the people coming in droves are Filipinos, SEAs, Mexicans and BRs who follow Danny Choo on Twitter.

>> No.11518936

How did you even get enough repair kits for everyone?

>> No.11518939

Any non Yamato is the same shit.

>> No.11518940

My dick seized up upon seeing the first panel.

>> No.11518941

>Belorussians are better at business than them
I disagree. SerB is a goddamn faggot for not nerfing the KV-1S already.

>> No.11518943

Hated money? I know you can get at least 4 from quests..

>> No.11518945

This intrigued me. I admit, I'm Singaporean Chinese, but where on the talk pages do you see that?

I mean, are there blatant signs they're from Singapore, such as use of "Singlish" and stuff? Oh and, provide me the link so I can see a few examples myself if you don't mind; took a look at a few of the pages but I couldn't see any.

That figure is actually a Merlion!

>> No.11518946

Anyway it's stupid to place it on "everyone", flagship can't sink anyway, I gave it to the other 5 ships while I used my single turbine on flagship.
KV-1S whining is stupid middle tier idiocy but it looks like they're going to do it eventually.

>> No.11518947

The lottery seems to be a huge barrier for them. When I told them how the lottery was all about insane luck they seem to go "eh nevermind". They also seem content just admiring the various artwork though. I know one of them seems to be dumping a certain artist's works on danbo just because that person likes the artworks.
They do noticed though some of their favorite Touhou artists are shifting to Kancolle now.

>> No.11518951

is this /int/?

>a larger userbase would mean more potential customers.
stop, please just stop. there's a reason why they had region restriction in the first place.

>> No.11518948

I got 5 from completing quests, so I placed them on everyone but the flag. I didn't mention the omission since I thought it'd be obvious.

>> No.11518952

I don't mind the insane gun mounted on the KV1S. What I hate is the autobounce armor it has and how many bounces it can give until its gun reloads and finish you off. Oh well that belongs to another board and thread anyway.
I got some early in-game. I can't remember how I got them but I have four currently and still haven't use some of them.

>> No.11518956


The reply to the first comment; the usage of "got" in the first line. That's a dead giveaway. We're the only ones who do that.

>> No.11518957

What makes them think that 4chan is full of white屁股 anyway? It's a very diverse website with people from all sorts of nations.

>> No.11518959

Ah, can't believe I never checked the Quest section. Thanks for that revelation.

>> No.11518960

English-language anything on the Internet tends to be full of Americans.

>> No.11518963

My bad in this case.
>stop, please just stop. there's a reason why they had region restriction in the first place.
Probably it's because of language, they don't want to deal with people who, supposedly, can't even read their language. And in part it's because Japanese have never been particularly good at recognising the potential of oversea markets.

>> No.11518965

In Japan's mindset, foreigner = Americans/Brits

>> No.11518966

Yudachi already got some new voices for her second model. They sound scary as hell

>> No.11518970

Onee-sama-type Iguchi Yuka voice for Isuzu Kai 2 please, Japan.

>> No.11518971
File: 852 KB, 1000x2007, 38938692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't got mine, 4 levels to go, but I noticed some new phrases in wikiwiki's list. I'm looking forward to hearing them.

>> No.11518977

I'm too tired to develop this into a full argumentation, but the gist is that
1. You're underestimating what a vast network FB is
2. What some weeabs are capable of or are willing to do
3. There's likely enough of 2. willing to have a go at the lottery and decrease the entry chance enough to piss off the Japanese and have them complain to the admin on Twitter (more than they usually do) and through other channels (and all it would take is one person to point out the wiki or something else indicating that there's an international community putting in effort to allow people to bypass the region-lock; that is, if they don't know about us already).

Sure 3. is completely hypothetical, and perhaps the number won't be high enough to have a noticeable effect, but I'm suggesting that the wiki be locked and all information regarding entry removed, which will hopefully deter enough people that there won't be a noticeable amount of increase in negative feedback from the Japanese potential customers regarding the entry.

Actually, I'm going to check out if I can do anything about at least the VPN page which I created and wrote the first half of.

>> No.11518982

With all these potential 2nd remodel, its hard to think of which ship to scrap to make space.

What ships or class do you guys usually scrap/to be eaten for space purposes?

>> No.11518983

I am glad I have registered a week earlier before this mainstream shitstrom hit.

Still cant clear 2-4 with T-level 38

>> No.11518985

>Actually, I'm going to check out if I can do anything about at least the VPN page which I created and wrote the first half of.
Tell the Wiki admin that you'd like to relinquish the sharing rights to your contributions, for "unforseen personal reasons".

>> No.11518986

I've been thinking her new voices is bugged tho.
Today Yudachi's artist confirmed the fix is coming.

>> No.11518988

>Week erlier
>T-level 38
>clear 2-4

Well damn. I started playing nearly 3 weeks ago and I'm only 36 yet I cleared 2-4 a week and a half ago

>> No.11518987

>Actually, I'm going to check out if I can do anything about at least the VPN page which I created and wrote the first half of.

Some guy would just undo that anyway. We can't permanently change the wiki unless the admin agrees with us.

>> No.11518989

>Actually, I'm going to check out if I can do anything about at least the VPN page which I created and wrote the first half of.
Usually that's not how wikis work, once you submit something it's not yours any more. I would have to check wikia's policy but it's probably the same.
That page is locked because some Singaporean faggot kept deleting it.

>> No.11518992

perfect to complement Murakumo, et al.

scrap anyone you don't use. keep the one you love.

for me, i think it's for sensitivity.
i still remember the news where a mother was appalled at someone mentioning whether he should arming battleship (fuso-class?) with guns or not.

>> No.11518993

You should start scrapping your wallet for your ship daughterus

>> No.11518996

Seriously, as long as no one link the wiki to FB it is all good.

>> No.11518999

Don't scrap. The pittance in resources you get is not worth it. Feed them to any and all remodeled ships you have, or ships that take a long time to level up to their remodel, like the subs.

>> No.11518997

Decide to do daily crafting finally and.. 3 tries:

1. Type14 radar
2. 2* turbine, couldn't catch the name
3. Type14 radar

Am I lucky or what?

>> No.11518998

>i still remember the news where a mother was appalled at someone mentioning whether he should arming battleship (fuso-class?) with guns or not.

What? Do you remember the title of the article?

>> No.11519001


Some people have luck, My fleet even with a level 35~40 still managed to get crit by enemy on the last node

But at least world 2-4A give me speed slut drop.

>> No.11519003

Even then, no one will give a shit. People talk like a big experts on viral technologies and crowdsourcing, while they just voice their fears.

>> No.11519005

Luckier than me because my 4 radar crafts today resulted in 3 penguins and a seaplane.

>> No.11519014

I can't connect anymore with my api link, it gets stuck in the white jumping ship page and then I get the cat screen of death. Anyone else experienced this problem?

>> No.11519012

Shit I can't remember my login credentials for Wikia.

You lucky sod.

Yeah, about that...

>> No.11519013

Too late, some faggot in a previous thread already linked it on that Danny Choo guy or something page.

Because that faggot was mad about us discussing withholding information on the VPN (such as removing the Proxy/VPN section) and called us elitist scumbags.

>> No.11519019

No, I didn't access the website.

>> No.11519015

Your API link got reset, most likely because you accessed the game through the website. Get a new API link.

>> No.11519016

He even linked the previous thread in there. I had to sleep early because I got really worried at that time.

>> No.11519023


I hope his daughters fucking drown and the rng god curse him with unlimited naka works.

>> No.11519026

So, in the end, what's our stance?

>> No.11519029

We do nothing. Or convince the wiki's admin to edit the tutorials.

>> No.11519030

And what happened? Right, nothing.

>> No.11519034

Don't know about the rest, but my stance is always taking it easy.

>> No.11519036

Exactly. If, perhaps, this paranoid rush to cut information off had been done maybe three months ago, it would have made a difference.

Right now, all this is just floundering.

>> No.11519037

what recipe?

sorry, i don't remember the details. i read it 1-2 months ago.

the link just works fine for me a few minutes ago. probably you mistyped the link or the cache got screwed.

can't stop the trainwreck.

>> No.11519044

Just keep playing.
This game is going the 2hu route.
You have the people playing the game.
And then you have the people just going for the shimakaze porn and anime.

>> No.11519047

110/110/300/250 (Because I had double the steel of what I could hold; all from 3-2 grinding).

Flagship was Yuudachi Kai-ni.

The wiki is getting attention with the idiots now. That's what happened.

>> No.11519051

2hu isn't region locked though.

>> No.11519055

Lets be honest.
Kankore isnt some A+++ tier game.
We just have autism and want to collect cute ships. Normies wouldnt actually enjoy playing these kind of games.

>> No.11519061

It's been a less than 2 days. Too soon for the game's admins to take notice or action. In the meanwhile, you can wipe that smug off your face as "The wiki is getting attention with the idiots now. That's what happened." (>>11519047)

>> No.11519062

They wouldn't enjoy it, but that's our assumption. The thing is, if by some spark these normalfags decide to join the game AND then not play it afterwards...

I can tell you that Japanese who doesn't have a spot are gonna rage and then hell will ensue on us.

But if these normalfags just admire the game and not touch it at all, guess I might be cool with that.

>> No.11519063

But idiot weebs do.

>> No.11519083

Here is my take on this whole "the internet is out to get us" deal.

1. Morons prefer the company of other morons. Even if Kancolle becomes widely known in the West, the less desirable elements will keep to Facebook or Sankaku or whichever retard den it is that they breed in nowadays. They will not bother us, unless we make it a point to be bothered by them.
2. These are people who don't play Touhou games, despite roughly a hundred torrents existing for each and every title, because they are "too hard". Even with step-by-step guides for virtually everything, expecting them to muster the patience to wait through one lottery session, let alone several, is grossly overestimating their capabilities.
3. The Kadokawa Games staff have proven themselves time and time again not to be jerks. In fact, they are outright angelic by game developer standards. If they really didn't want our presence, they could have removed us weeks ago, so I don't think they have plans in that department. Besides, unless the Western fanbase can muster up and sustain some 1k new accounts a day, widespread bans probably won't be worth the trouble.
4. Arguing about the future of the Western players here generally detracts from thread quality. The thread space is much better used for critical concerns such as the taste of Yubari's navel, whether an Ushio second remodel could rival Atago in size, or if Shimakaze is just a pure but misunderstood young damsel who is too poor to afford any clothing but what she was resurrected with.

>> No.11519084

Hey guys, it probably doesn't make a difference whether facebook weeaboos join the game. The game already has hordes of foreign players from China.


These guys are doing the same thing as us: posting screenshots, discussing gameplay, and dick-measuring over what ship daughter they just pulled out of the RNG bucket.

>> No.11519093

Just had a closer look at that site:

Chinese players tutorial on how to use proxies/VPNs to register

Tutorial on game mechanics and how to play

Some nerd doing a lewd image dump

Some nerd bragging about something he just done in-game

...see? It's just like a carbon copy of KanColle threads here.

>> No.11519094

I think it was on a Japanese Yahoo answers or something.

>> No.11519095

>whether an Ushio second remodel could rival Atago in size
We need to talk. To the room on the right, now.

But in all seriousness, I guess the fuss over these stems from whether these fags will come to /jp/ with their stupidity.

I could care less about the English wiki since I never used it.

>> No.11519096 [DELETED] 

I disagree with your points, but
>Arguing about the future of the Western players here generally detracts from thread quality. The thread space is much better used for critical concerns such as the taste of Yubari's navel, whether an Ushio second remodel could rival Atago in size, or if Shimakaze is just a pure but misunderstood young damsel who is too poor to afford any clothing but what she was resurrected with.

Ok. Let's just drop this and go back to talking about shipgirls. I'd rather have people arguing about mechanics than this.

>> No.11519102

>the taste of Yubari's navel
You've got my attention.

>> No.11519101

I disagree with your points, but
>Arguing about the future of the Western players here generally detracts from thread quality. The thread space is much better used for critical concerns such as the taste of Yubari's navel, whether an Ushio second remodel could rival Atago in size, or if Shimakaze is just a pure but misunderstood young damsel who is too poor to afford any clothing but what she was resurrected with.

Ok. Let's just drop this and go back to talking about shipgirls.

>> No.11519105
File: 388 KB, 614x617, Hiei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the misconception that Hiei has small breast. she at least got Mutsu-sized tits.

and i still don't understand why Ushio got such relatively huge breast.

>> No.11519107

>Shimakaze is too poor to afford clothes

>> No.11519108

Why isnt there a counter for quest progression?
I just failed the PVP daily because I didnt get 5wins. Thing is I got 4/5 win for the 3PM reset. I was pretty sure I got at least another 1 from the morning PVP.

>> No.11519111

streamlined clothes for speed

>> No.11519113

No u. Shimakaze needs to go fast, which is why she is so lightly cladded.

>> No.11519117

you could still complete it though, as the quest and naval exercise roster has different reset times.

the admiral is still faster than she is.

>> No.11519119

>To the room on the right, now.
So that you can murder him in cold blood and feed his remains to your ships for extra stats?

Weren't the Isuzu ranches enough? Are you going after other admirals now?

>> No.11519120

She looks pretty average in her 大破 image. Mutsu's much larger.

Ushio being busty, well, gotta have a few ships here and there breaking the mold. Kid grew tits before she got tall.

>> No.11519121

I'd farm admirals and pluck their scrambled eggs if I could.

>> No.11519122

>slap cute girl on something completely mundane (game/music/whatever the fuck)
>watch it explode in popularity until it's a "social phenomenon" and tons of fat otaku doujin artists flock to it to invent everything the franchise lacks themselves

Why is Japan so fucking retarded? Why is slapping a cute girl on something all it take for it to explode. I used to think Touhou was unique but not only did Vocaloid do the exact same thing, now KanColle is repeating this shit.

It won't be long until this becomes a massproduced business, with everyone trying to get people to jump on their "hype train". The difference being that the hype never dies down but stays alive for a fucking decade.

>> No.11519124

Could Destroyers hit as hard as BBs or at least kill most enemies in one hit if trained enough and given proper equipment?

>> No.11519125

Here's my final plead before I drop the topic.

One day, I will undeniably be not playing the game any longer, but I don't want that day to come before I've doted on each and every kanmusu to my heart's content. Perhaps this FB fiasco won't bring enough players to cause more disgruntled Japanese users, but the possibility is there, and I wish we do something that may decrease the possibility even by a little bit rather than just sitting here and thinking that 'nothing's going to happen'.

Wiki admin, I'd like you to consider removing the tutorial for entry and VPN, and locking the wiki pages.

>Which room? The one with the heart-filled Kanmusu posters?
Sounds wonderful.

Are you new to Japanese (sub)culture or something?

>> No.11519130

Because otakus have money, and businesses love otaku money. You don't have a girlfriend, don't drink, don't smoke, don't have a car, don't have a social life, you will have lots of spare cash lying around for your hobbies.

I know I do.

>> No.11519131

>http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2622626087 Some nerd doing a lewd image dump
Interesting... They have some images that are nowhere to be found in the western boorus.

>> No.11519132


>> No.11519133

If you can equip cannons on your Destroyers, or wait for torpedo phase/night attack, then yeah.

>> No.11519134
File: 33 KB, 599x424, 679ce10f4bfbfbedadeb695d7af0f736afc31f10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11519135
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, japan u so silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D is the new hotness.
They dont even care about those race queen sluts anymore.

>> No.11519138

Most of the booru images come from pixiv anyways. Go there for a much bigger collection.

Alternatively, they have their own artists also.

>> No.11519139
File: 1.12 MB, 2400x1080, Chinese_KanColle_VPN_tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering... What's the general estimate on how many gaijins are actually playing this game?

>> No.11519145

No. They will become more evasive, and better at taking down submarines, however. Certain destroyers will also have respectable enough offenses to one-shot the lighter ship classes, but if you want your Mutsuki to rip that Wo-class a new one, then you're mostly out of luck.

>> No.11519146

only in torpedo salvo phase and night battle. they sucks artillery-wise.

>> No.11519143

I fucking hate how every single Chinese website uses forced image watermarks. This shit is memebase or memegenerator tier faggotry.

>> No.11519150

>Wiki admin, I'd like you to consider removing the tutorial for entry and VPN, and locking the wiki pages.
How do we know that he's from around here?

>> No.11519152

It's even funnier when you remember China regularly sidesteps the concept of copyright to rip the shit out of anything to feed its economy, see bootlegs.

>> No.11519153

The guy who started the wiki was an anon. Maybe because some of us have been here since the wiki started?

>> No.11519155

In night battles, DD's and CLs have the advantage because they get a massive buff to their firepower. The only way to avoid getting ganked is to evade, which larger ships don't have.

>> No.11519157

>Go there for a much bigger collection.

no, pixiv is shit if you're not premium. Swimming in the ocean of deviantart tier artwork is no fun at all.

>> No.11519158

I wonder how would their glorious commie government think about their current gens playing around with ships that bombed the shit out of them during WW2.
How the fuck did the great china firewall not blocked this out?

>> No.11519160

Just started playing, I noticed that Destroyers have small HP can they survive the later stages? Even 1-1 can potentially kill them.

>> No.11519161

He posted quite often when the wiki project started. Fuck orange background.

>> No.11519163

Worse than that is the fact that pixiv only carries a fraction of the total amount of fanart produced for any franchise...

It's really frustrating. You know they're out there but unless you actually know japanese and have the ability to stalk every single artist blog on the planet, you just won't find them.

>> No.11519165

It doesn't work if you can't connect to a cultural gestalt of some sort.

Japan has had a very deep connection with these ships. There were many that donated their pots and savings to fund the cruisers for the empire. The very modernization of Japan and the story of the Japanese Navy went hand in hand. The British had Trafalgar and the defeat of the Spanish Armada, when Japan had the victory of Togo at Tsushima.

In contrast, the US has few such ships in comparison. Enterprise, Constitution and Arizona are about the only ones that would elicit some feelings, but USA does not think of the navy as a defining part of its national character.

It is because of this kind of socio-historical factors that you see a bit more than just anthropomorphized ships. This is one of those things that could only be described as "lest we forget."

I suppose that The Alamo or the confederate battle flag are things that are closer to how Japan comes to think of their navy.

>> No.11519167

>I wonder how would their glorious commie government think about their current gens playing around with ships that bombed the shit out of them during WW2
1. Communist China only existed after 1949
2. The China that was bombed was Nationalist China, which has now fled to Taiwan
3. The IJN ships were more active during the Pacific War against countries that actually had a navy (i.e. USA), instead of the China theatre, which was mostly the job of the IJA.

>How the fuck did the great china firewall not blocked this out?
Because they don't give a shit? It's not subversive material, and it's not mainstream. They only bad things that are subversive (like websites promoting democracy), and mainstream things like Facebook and Twitter. KanColle is as niche as you can get.

>> No.11519168

the one who responsible of getting rid of the piss yellow color on the wikia pages. most of the editor are from here.

oh, allow me to retract that statement. Hiei probably has Haruna or Souryuu-sized breast.

>> No.11519169
File: 427 KB, 1412x999, 979b672bf680bec71295c548e5b6a4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing my attention to that made me download the booru one.

>> No.11519170

In contrast, we're here just for the cute girls.

Regarding the matter with fb... how about asking the the ones in charge of the game about their current stance?

>> No.11519171

**ban things that are subversive

>> No.11519173

That would be bad idea. No news is a good news.

>> No.11519177

Red stripped stockings go fasta. Shimakaze is obviously is closet W40K fan.

>> No.11519180

It's a good question.

I know that Taiwanese actually are fine with it to a point. The feeling about KMT is very divided there for one, and honestly, Taiwan as a part of the Japanese empire was wealthier than it were until the late 70s...

Cruiser Takao, mount Takao and the city of Kaohsiung all share a name cause of Japan. Yukikaze being the flagship of the ROCN as Tang Yang is remembered by the few that would care to know.

China simply isn't a maritime power. Their beef with Japan would mostly be with the Kwangtung army and so forth. I think that the ship girls will get some haet for sure, but honestly, I can't really see China able to relate with this kind of allegory in maritime past much.

>> No.11519181

Just a neutral "What is your opinion about the influx of gaijin players" or something like that, in moon preferably.

>> No.11519182
File: 104 KB, 778x852, chinese_reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit memes

sasuga China

>> No.11519183

They're Char Customs.

>> No.11519184

Back in WW2, China pretty much had no Navy. No battleships, destroyers or cruisers at all. Their war with Japan was exclusively a land and air battle.

>> No.11519187

It's Yao Ming's face though.

>> No.11519191

doesn't make it any less obnoxious.

>> No.11519193

>The thread space is much better used for critical concerns such as the taste of Yubari's navel
Definitely not as good as Nagato's.

>> No.11519195

Mutsuki: 38,500 shp.
Kagero: 52,000 shp
Shimakaze: 79,230 shp.

Damn, you scary.

>> No.11519201

You faggots weren't "discussing", you went and deleted two pages at your whim.
Actually it was a great day, I got Suzuya from crafting and Hiryu from drop, also I cleared 4-4 for the 4th time. And if you elitist and obsessed fags keep vandalising the wiki I'll post the link of any Kancolle thread everyday on FB until maybe something will really happen (I still doubt it but whatever).

>> No.11519202

The 2nd Formosa strait crisis had naval engagements feature Chinese corvettes and PT boats vs stuff that ROCN salvaged from Japan and got from USA (Fletchers).

>> No.11519206

Just got back from the event. Sorry I wasn't able to reply quickly due to shitty phone with shitty battery

No. There were only 2 cosplayer. One is tall Yukikaze and the other is trap Kongou

From what I've seen, the top 3 are Shimakaze, Tenryuu and surprisingly Akagi (H and non-H in general)
Not really sure as I take only a quick glance to minor circles.

Doujinshi-selling event so there wasn't any of that

>> No.11519207
File: 614 KB, 1002x885, thank_the_party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, is this really commie indoctrination, or is it supposed to be black humor?

>I'd like to thank the motherland, thank the people, thank the chairman, and the glorious Party, for I have now grinded my Hibiki up to Level 70.

>> No.11519208

After >>11519083, anons agreed to shut up about that argument already.

>> No.11519212

i like when Kasumi yells at me.

>> No.11519214

Goddamn it, Maya has the voice of a hooligan.

>> No.11519215

Because of retards like you, there can never be peace.

Why don't you just do that instead of sitting around calling us elitist, obsessed fags and whatnot.

You little bitch. No one cares whether your day was good or not since you probably don't even play the game.

>> No.11519217

It's humour. When Chinese people win competitions or graduate from something, this is the typical speech they make. Nobody is that retarded anymore even on the mainland.

>> No.11519222

Akagi is the first capital ship for many teitokus, and she's gonna eat her bauxite....

>> No.11519223

Is anyone trading a KTKM?

>> No.11519225

Did you buy any stuff? Couldn't get my lazy ass down there from Shinjuku.

>> No.11519228

well japan is literally just surrounded by water.

>> No.11519226

He's an attentionwhore all right, but let's drop the topic.

>> No.11519231

Plenty spare

>> No.11519233
File: 530 KB, 790x965, 1277509335876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like it when Shiranui stepped on me or Murakumo yelled at me for being failure of an admiral.

>> No.11519234

I'll trade you my spare Mutsu for a KTKM and a Tenryuu, sound good?

>> No.11519237

>There are no superior daughters in this game, get that bullshit out of your head. They're all on equal terms and shouldn't be compared against with.
I hate to break it to you, but in love and war, "everyone is a winner" doesn't apply. Some girls were commissioned in the 1920s (or earlier) and it shows. To be born with an armor cap of 39 or a luck of 3... such are the cards we are dealt.

"In my next life, I'd like to be a heavy cruiser."

>> No.11519248

I already have mutsu and many ktkm, only want tenryuu out of them

>> No.11519246

Ah, I totally forgot about that

Also we got this tissue box with shape and color as same as bauxite

>> No.11519247

Do you lose the equipment your daughters have when you remodel them?
Already read the wiki but its not mentioned.

>> No.11519249

Not that anon but I as (>>11518892), I have to agree with him. Sure some kanmusu don't perform as well in battles, but who cares about that if their presence brings one more joy than what the other kanmusu can?

>> No.11519252

so where do I grind for KTKM ?

>> No.11519254

no, but I remove them manually anyways.

>> No.11519256

>Card game
>No trading
Japan why

>> No.11519258

So is every piece of land.

>> No.11519253
File: 485 KB, 804x413, the_reason_i_started_playing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you just do that instead of sitting around calling us elitist, obsessed fags and whatnot.
Because so far the admin of the wiki showed to be more wise than you fags.
>No one cares whether your day was good or not since you probably don't even play the game.
Well, that other anon seemed to care, but you're welcome to think whatever you want I wonder if you're the idiot who said the same thing on the other thread...

>> No.11519261

But not every country.

>> No.11519265


I just remodeled my Ise and I had another 35.6cm in my inventory, so if that's anything to go by.

>> No.11519266

just wondering, is there a benefit to not having 6 ships in your party, besides forcing MVPs? seems like they get the same exp regardless.

>> No.11519271

Experiment by equipping some common crap like 7.7mm or tri-torpedoes. See what happens. Don't take our word for it.

>> No.11519274

I just remember uss monitor vs css virginia all of a sudden when the anon was thinking about famous ships.

sigh. there's just something lame about naming capital ships as former US presidents...

>> No.11519275

Overall effectiveness of the fleet is reduced. Would you really want to send that kind of fleet against a boss where they have more turns to shoot at you?

No, you don't.

>> No.11519276

>Because so far the admin of the wiki showed to be more wise than you fags.
How does this reply even answer what you quoted?

Also, any particular reason why you had to use spoilers for the last part of your sentence? And if this was said to you in another thread, it just probably shows two things; 1. You're a retard. 2. Most likely no one wants your presence here at all.

Now we can choose to drop this or derail the thread even further. Also, no need to post an image titled "the reason i started playing" when I can easily find the same picture on any image search engines. It's not like you need to prove to anyone you even play the game here.

>> No.11519279
File: 205 KB, 816x538, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please gib Ooi

>> No.11519281

Just report the attention whore and move along.

There's no benefit other than that you'r expending less resources at the time, but that's going to be spent later, anyways.

Please read the wiki. I'm not sure about the English one, but the JP wikis have the drop area of every single kanmusu listed.

>> No.11519288

I have a level sixty Ryuujou, you don't have to tell me that. The only one worse off than her is Houshou, and she was born with a capacity of nineteen.

But let's face it, a Zuikaku of comparable level will blow her out of the water completely. It's not even a contest.

>> No.11519289

Not him but what speaking about remodelling, I noticed that modernisation doesn't promise me the values the ships will have sometimes. Is that due to RNG? Or is it due to their level?

>> No.11519291

Actually I'm more inclined to include a full party so that more of my girls get exp.

>> No.11519292

I set my team to only those 4 because I was having issues getting the quest, I think the problem was the girls' order instead.
>How does this reply even answer what you quoted?
I meant to say that, unlike what he suggested me to do, I'm not going to do anything right now because there's no need to, thanks to CDRW.
>Also, any particular reason why you had to use spoilers for the last part of your sentence?
Because it wasn't important.
> And if this was said to you in another thread, it just probably shows two things; 1. You're a retard. 2. Most likely no one wants your presence here at all.
Nope, it just shows that there's one or more retards who seem to make a lot of wrong assumptions.
> when I can easily find the same picture on any image search engines
Yeah, especially with the same hour and date dating back to few minutes before my post in GMT+2 timezone.

>> No.11519294

the entire game is about rng

>> No.11519295

RNG, likelihood to be 50%, gotta refer to jp Wiki for the calculations/theories.

Say you have 5 daughters to use as feed, there's a possibility all 5 might pass, but also a possibility only 3 out of 5 passes.

>> No.11519297

Aside from books and >>11519246
I got BGM 8-bit arrangement CD, Error Girl T-shirt, FOLLOW ME! tote bag, pin badges, Wo-class keychain and so on.

Might upload the arrangement CD later.

>> No.11519298

This game may be blessed by the whims of the RNG goddess but there are still laws to abide.

Ah, great thanks. Looks like I will have to decipher JP wiki then.

>> No.11519301

I don't want to be sharing this game with people too dumb to figure out how to set up a VPN.

It's not my wiki, though, so I guess you can invite in whoever you like.

>> No.11519304
File: 57 KB, 539x960, muhmaterials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11519305

Would love it if you could upload that arrangement.

Any likelihood of posting your loots in.. pictorial form? Heh.

>> No.11519309

I was expanding on my interpretation of the post that all kanmusu can bring joy even if they don't perform as well in battles, and you seem to have missed that point.

>> No.11519308

What is RNG?

>> No.11519310

Obviously the next big thing is chocolate bauxite bars.

>> No.11519311

You want me to spam that on facebook? I've already had fun deleting every single page from the wiki before today.

>> No.11519312

What is Google?

>> No.11519313

Your god in Kancolle. Her full name is not whispered lest we are struck with nakas and penguin.

>> No.11519320

Stop stooping down to his level. You're helping out the fucker who's clearly trying ruin the game for us, and derail the thread.

>> No.11519321

> I've already had fun deleting every single page from the wiki before today.
Ah, you're that retard... You sure have a lot of free time, Singaporean Dante. Why don't you find another hobby?

>> No.11519322

And my point was that not all girls were created equal, and some are superior to others, so we shouldn't pretend they're not, even if any of them can win first place in your heart.

>> No.11519324

Nakachan better come in a package of 2 oil barrels, 12 rounds and 11 ingots.

>> No.11519325

What is google?

>> No.11519329

stop giving attention to the whore.

please don't bully naka-chan.

>> No.11519331

I don't see how it's possible to anyone to actually ruin the game for you unless they actually hack into your account.

>> No.11519336

They think I'll ruin the game because if we don't make it "secret" sooner or later the evil Japs will ban us all.

>> No.11519335

meant 4 rounds.

>> No.11519341

Why is it Japan-only in the first place, then?

>> No.11519343

No disagreement there.

I guess you filtered out even the properly argued posts, which is understandable considering how much garbage was posted as well.

>> No.11519344

Not so much the game devs, but DMM from how it looks to me.

Then again, these games are nto ESRB rated.

>> No.11519345

Can we start discussing about Yubari's navel taste?

>> No.11519346

Why did they accept my shitty debit card in the first place, then?

>> No.11519349

Because Japan hates foreigners.

>> No.11519352

Because they'll take your money anyway. Can you answer my question now?

>> No.11519356

He's Singaporean?

>> No.11519357

Kan Colle isn't the only service on DMM.

>> No.11519358

As I said before, Nagato's naval is superior. It tastes like victory.

>> No.11519359

what's vpn

>> No.11519362

Your pun was too awful for human consumption. I've called the military police on you.

>> No.11519364

Who's your favorite unpopular girl, /jp/?
I like Mogami, despite the fact many japs probably find her unattractive because she's a tomboy.

>> No.11519365

But some DMM content is available to everyone, and some is Japan-only. Kancolle is (for some reason) in the latter right now.

>> No.11519367

This is slightly different but I loved Maya's card art but then I heard her voice and I don't like her anymore.

>> No.11519369

Those faggots, I bet they don't like Miyuki as well.

>> No.11519368

Fubuki. I like her voice.

>> No.11519374


>> No.11519373

Favourite unpopular girl? Kuroshio, I guess. Her accent really grows on me, too bad my 3-2 roster is already full.

Considering that they are still running lottery and all, I think they are running on a shoe-string budget. Then again, the lottery could be a marketing tactic to further increase the popularity.

>> No.11519376

I find Ise and Hinata to be lovely

>> No.11519377

I used Miyuki in my main fleet for a long time before I had enough CLs and CAs to replace all my DDs. Her enthusiasm is infectious.

>> No.11519378

If you think DMM accepting debit card is in any way related to Kancolle's stance regarding foreign players, you are completely out of your mind. You cant even pay Kancolle without using VPN

I see people making valid points against your claims and you always disregard them and bring the same argument back later. I can only think of you just trolling people (and hence why you bring this shit to facebook in the first place).

>> No.11519379

Naka-chan, my favorite brown girl.
is there any brown girl beside Naka-chan?

>> No.11519382

This. How do you know this "Dante" or whatever is Singaporean?

>> No.11519383

Is Junyou considered unpopular?

>> No.11519385

Kuroshio is a DD that I am going to raise for sure.

>> No.11519386

I don't even know who the unpopular girls are. I feel like all the Fubukis, Ayanamis, and Asashios are in that bucket except maybe Murakumo.

>> No.11519387

I'd say Kuroshio is quite popular for a destroyer. There's quite a few admirals in these threads who are fond of her, including me.

Hyuuga, admiral. Fear not, it's a common mistake.

>> No.11519388

Pretty sure Jintzu or Sendai are pretty brown.

IP address, I guess.

>> No.11519392

When you edit a wiki you leave your IP behind somewhere.

>> No.11519393

read the thread.

Junyou is popular enough, especially with her 'hyahha' laugh.

beside the sisters?

>> No.11519394

I took a look at the wiki activity sheet, IP says "". It shows Korea and likely to be from a VPN service, no?

>> No.11519395

Stats-wise she's one of the better CVLs, but looks like a Yu-Gi-Oh character, which is a plus or minus depending on you.

I always listen to the her whole intro speech when she drops though, just for the HYAAHA

>> No.11519400

If they wanted to ban us they could have already done so, between us, Chinese, Taiwanese and Koreans there's probably already plenty of foreigners. They limit access because it's targeted to Japanese, but it's no reason to take extreme measures like banning accounts; the recent experience of another anon showed that at worst some VPN can cause them to reset your password.
It looks like he's using VPN after all, it shows a Korean IP address too.
It showed Singaporean IPs too, both today and when he simply "limited" himself to vandalise the HowToRegister and proxy pages.

>> No.11519401

Funny, you mentioned that. Considering that some ships spend some time around the tropics, you would at least get some tanned girls.

>> No.11519398

Does Ushio count? One of my first ships. She's cute as fuck.

If she doesn't that I like Chiyoda. My first seaplane, CVL, and now my highest level ship (besides Mutsu).

A lot of people are meh about Mutsu, they like Nagato better. But I like Mutsu. Also I got her as a lucky roll when I was less than level 10.

So basically I like all the ships I started with.

>> No.11519402

The Tone-class cruisers have the same artist.

Junyou is plenty popular. You know who's not popular? Her non-alcoholic sister.

>> No.11519410

yamashiro. everytime i greet her she expects her sister instead and is disappointed. It's so cute i just want to hug her.

>> No.11519414

Kirishima is my favorite Kongous, but I do love the class. Kongo is one of my favorites actually.

>> No.11519415

Well, in that case, I think I'll pick Hatsuyuki.

>> No.11519416


>> No.11519417

1000 goddamn posts. These threads earn more replies than moot's stickies.

>> No.11519421


Is Choukai unpopular?

>> No.11519422

To the contrary, she's fairly popular.

>> No.11519424

Choukai's less popular than Maya. Maya isn't actually unpopular at all.

>> No.11519426

Kirishima is only unpopular when compared to her sisters. She's got the biggest rack of her sisters and also spectacles, so she's definitely pretty popular.

>> No.11519427

for me, it's depressing. make me want to NTR her sister.

Hiyou is featured on the 4-koma.

>> No.11519428

>If they wanted to ban us they could have already done so
Yet there's no guarantee that they won't as long as the game stays Japan-only.
Bringing even more new players is not helping the security of the continued existent of the pre-existing foreign accounts.

>> No.11519429

If the confessions are to be believed, you have already NTR her.

>> No.11519430


Naka it is then.

>> No.11519434

Let's make a list of ships that nobody in these threads cares about.

Can I put Oboro and Wakaba on it yet?

>> No.11519435

Fubuki and Ayanami classes. They're all individually charming in their own way. Mogami and Wakaba are oddly cute. Then there's Natori because I like shy girls who do their best. Kikuzuki is hilariously serious all the time compared to most girls who are just bright and cheerful.

>> No.11519439

In before Mutsuki class a shit.

>> No.11519442

I like it when Akebono abuses me verbally. Put her on the list.

>> No.11519444

where have you been this entire time?
kancolle thread always had 1k post. this thread would probably push the boundary to 1.5k post.

the whole Asashio-class.

>> No.11519446

Was reading up the thread and just wanted to post a slight correction on the answers you got here--

When you merge, you have a 50% chance of getting the value listed to you, or a 50% chance of getting half. This is rounded down. Which also means projected merge results of +1 have a 50% chance to be 0 = fail.

>> No.11519447

The Tone sisters, except for the Tikuma meme, there's not much love for them.

>> No.11519445

Okay, scratch Wakaba.

Of the black-suit Mutsukis, three are warm and three are cold.

>> No.11519449

Naka's like one of the most popular kanmusu, though.

That one ぼろぼろ Oboro comic strip was really cute.

>> No.11519453

No one can resist her 2-4-11 love

>> No.11519452
File: 147 KB, 401x975, 1381589249278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would nano their desu.

>> No.11519457

Much appreciated. Was about to add it to the FAQ when I noticed the modernisation page looks pretty comprehensive. At least now I know it's the RNG goddess' doing.

Naka is pretty much a mascot for the favourite unpopular girl of Kancolle, though.

>> No.11519460

They're all moderately popular, since people like to use them for expeditions. Not much art of them though, other than Kisaragi because sexpot loli.

"Popular". She's good for being the butt of many jokes, but not many actually like her for her.

>> No.11519461

I like Michishio, and one guy in the thread likes Kasumi, so we'll have to take them off.

>> No.11519463


But technically she isn't popular because of her reputation as 2-4-11.

>> No.11519467

Popular doesn't mean she's beloved, and I didn't imply that.

>> No.11519468

>Bringing even more new players is not helping the security of the continued existent of the pre-existing foreign accounts.
The percentage of foreign accounts isn't likely to change a lot, the risk remains essentially the same.

>> No.11519470

She's infamous.
>because sexpot loli.
Oh you again. I believe we, too, need a talk about this usage of sexpot of yours on the angelic daughter Kisaragi.

>> No.11519476

Mutsuki (the girl, not the class)

Did I miss anyone?

>> No.11519477

hence, "these threads".

>> No.11519478

Yes me again. Like I said the last time, sexpot, and I love her for it.

>> No.11519482
File: 311 KB, 600x847, 1377429338136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy naka-chan's smile, may you guys be blessed by the RNG goddess.

>> No.11519483

Abukuma? Just add the whole Nagara class innit.

>> No.11519487

Is that some Matsuryuu art?

That's a dangerous combination to use in the same sentence.

>> No.11519489

Maguro is probably the least popular of any of cruiser class girl.

>> No.11519491

Do people even like Sendai and Jintsu? Or Myouko and her sisters?

>> No.11519494

Isuzu gets a lot of popularity due to her farm. And Abukuma gets relatively more art than her sisters due to being associated with KTKM half the time.

>> No.11519496

Abukuma is sort of popular but I guess three quarters of it is because of KTKM punching her around. And Isuzu with her radars.

>> No.11519505


Wanted to like Myoukou and Haguro, but they kept getting injured right after I dump a bucket on them.

>> No.11519507

I kinda like Sendai and Jintsu, even if they're not my favourites. I have them both leading expedition fleets.

Myoukou and her sisters, well, Taneda Risa, so, yes.

>> No.11519508

I like Ashigara and Nachi for their voices.

>> No.11519504

I like Haguro. Though everytime she gets half damage I die a little inside.

>> No.11519509

>Myouko and her sisters
I like them. Haguro has a special spot in my heart because she keeps appearing when I craft and sortie. Likewise with Jintzu.

>> No.11519518

I like Nachi but Ashigara sounds like she's dying all the time.

A whole bunch of the Asashio, Fubuki, and Ayanami class destroyers.

>> No.11519517

i think you mean kawauchi.

i hate Myouko's eyebrows.

Nachi is like a ripped-off character from negima.

>> No.11519520

Tried fielding Ashigara once. Got addicted to her danmaku line.

>> No.11519526

>Myouko's eyebrows
I don't think they're weird. In fact, I kind of like them.

>Nachi is like a ripped-off character from negima.

>> No.11519527

I can't imagine that you mean anyone other than Kaede, but if it's just because they both talk in archaic warrior speech that's dumb. Plenty of characters do that.

>> No.11519536

I like Sendai voice.

>> No.11519537


>> No.11519538


>> No.11519539

Setsuna, at a first glance.

>> No.11519542

I only ever read the scanlated manga so I'm not actually familiar with what everyone's speech tics are. My bad.

>> No.11519553

How many steel-background destroyers do you have? I've picked up two Yukikaze and two Shimakaze but none of the new destroyers.

>> No.11519562

I was more confused at why he thought Nachi was a rip-off and why it even matters at all. They're hardly similar except for the hair.

>> No.11519570
File: 130 KB, 666x664, my heroines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally did 2-4, i definitely won't miss that level

>> No.11519571

They're very formal and live for battle.

Then again that's not particularly special either. Any two franchises that have a hundred girls each are bound to have a few characters who look like each other.

>> No.11519566

Most steel-background destroyers can only be obtained as drops from Stage 3 onwards, so it isn't surprising that people don't get many.

It's a shame I can't hear Yugumo's lines, though. I hope they will be of the "Rip and tear! Rip and tear their torpedo tubes!" variety, given what she did at Vella Lavella.

>> No.11519584

Setsuna lives for Konoka, not fo battle. It's kinda apparent after you fond out why she acted cold initially around her.

Finally decided to grind the last 12 boss encounters in 1-1.

>> No.11519605

Zuikaku's level eighteen now and I've only just now seen how amazingly lewd her damaged art is. Note to self: night combat against subs never helps.

Well I guess you can't help it if your clothes have been blown off in combat.

>> No.11519621

I like Kawauchi and her stupid night battles. Though lately she's been a crit magnet so I'm putting her aside for a while.

>> No.11519643

Is there a map where you can farm buckets or are all of them from expeditions and quests?

>> No.11519650

Here you go
Just tell me if it doesn't work or have some errors.
If not, then no need to thank me because >>11519329 might lose his shit

>> No.11519674

I can't get Zuihou after 10 tries...
it's either Kaga or Houshou.

>> No.11519676

Thank you, based anon.

>> No.11519678

>If not, then no need to thank me because >>11519329 might lose his shit
I'm pretty sure he was talking about our facebook friend and not you.

>> No.11519679

10 tries is nothing

>> No.11519695

something to do with a shrine in the region her name's from that has a "big racks" festival or something...

>> No.11519696

>10 tries
I'm not surprised and you shouldn't either

>> No.11519713

Farming is much more productive.

>> No.11519714

>>11519305 here,
Thanks alot for the upload, appreciate it.

>> No.11519716

Tell me more. This topic interests me and may cause it to become a personal holiday destination in the near future.

>> No.11519741

The sound sliiightly agressive for an otherwise soothing main screen theme, but it's very well done. The other tracks are awesome as well.

Thank you for your efforts

>> No.11519743

It just shares same name, and ppl at 2ch joked it.

>> No.11519763

>Three twin gun 46cm
These are the guns I want to craft for my battleships right?

>> No.11519781

Yes. These are the 46cm batteries, overwhelmingly large guns that were as heavy as the average destroyer back in the day and required an entire ship (Kashino, later converted into a munitions ship) to be built for the sole purpose of their transport. They are crafted by the 100/300/250/10 recipe, which will also give you the slightly inferior but nonetheless extremely useful 41cm guns.

>> No.11519783

No you want them on your submarines.

>> No.11519817

Thanks. The wiki page doesn't say much about development but I'm guessing 19 commander level and Kongo means I need to be level 19 and have Kongo as my flag ship in order to get a chance at making it?

Does that mean the chance increases as my level goes up? I just got to 19 so I'm not sure if I should be using resources for these or saving them for when I'm higher level.

>> No.11519850

Only 19?

Don't worry about crafting equips for now

>> No.11519903

Save your resources. Kongo-class battleships net you a free 41cm when remodeled. Combine that with the 35.6cms that you should've gotten alongside your battleships, and you will be able to tear most everything into scraps.

46cms are really only vital where you really need the extra damage, and where air superiority becomes an issue. At level 19, I don't think you're subject to either concern.

>> No.11519912

How do you keep destroyers alive? they have pretty low HP.

>> No.11519915

You don't. Their purpose is to die at your service so your real ships don't get hurt.

>> No.11519924

I'm ashamed of you.

>> No.11519993

By giving them all your love. It's all in the wiki.

>> No.11520007

use them as tanks and meatshield. it seems like they are priorities target. better to lose some useless fubukis or mutsukis than to wait 4 hours repair time.

>> No.11520013

I think you need to take a chill pill and stop getting your jimmies rustled. Maybe pat Akatsuki's head or something. I hear that helps.

>> No.11520027

I'm not sure how I should feel /jp/. I visited the graves of those who have died when their ships, and one submarine, were sunk by the Japanese. As I read their names, ages(many were "18"), the positions they had on the ships and the epitaphs left for them. I was tearing. I felt their ship names engraved into stone, the ships who've since long sank, home to many brave seamen. I imagined their families delivering the epitaphs, of them standing by whatever remained of their son, or more likely, and empty coffin.

And then I went home and petted my ship daughters.

>> No.11520029

Did I say pet? Oh haha hoho, I meant pat, really.

>> No.11520033

Dammit Compass-musu... I was one step away from finally clearing 3-4. :_;

>> No.11520039

I like semen too.

>> No.11520045

Welcome to World War II.

Never again.

>> No.11520048

This game got boring surprisingly fast.

As expected from a game that mostly /v/ and some Japanese guys who are new to games play.
I think most people only find the art work that it spawns interesting.

Too over-hyped and too few content. I'm going to look for another way to spend my time.

>> No.11520052

bye bye.

>> No.11520057

So, considering resources spent, rewards and difficulty, what boss is the best for farming? Or what boss do you guys farm when you feel like it?

>> No.11520062

2-2's quick boss runs are good for Kongous, 2-4-A and 3-2-A can drop most ships, 3-2-A being a good leveling spot in addition.

>> No.11520068

Already have all kongos and i think i have all ships that drop on 2-4A and 3-2A so i was wondering where should i go next.

>> No.11520079

Grind up and start clearing all your maps?

>> No.11520086
File: 569 KB, 800x1920, 3-4 S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, the boss itself was super anticlimactic.
Thanks girls for not taking any crit hits on the way.
As a side note, I took the southern route. I was cussing at the RNG again, but then I got sent north twice in a row after that reaching the boss with just 2 battles.

>> No.11520089

This game isn't really /jp/ related... Is everyone already tired of their Touhous?

>> No.11520095

That's what im currently doing, i guess i'll keep at it, thank you.
Trying to do world 4 because i keep hearing that one is a lot easier than world 3.

>> No.11520098

Why isn't it /jp/ related? Both this and 2hu are Japanese games with giant or becoming giant fanbases. This is perhaps even moreso because it's only really popular in Japan.

>> No.11520106

It's also popular on /a/ and /v/, and among /jp/sies it's only liked because it boomed for some time in Japan, that's the only reason why they talk about it, really.

>> No.11520109

Yeah I'm doing the same thing, while also trying to clear some of "kill the boss with these ships" quests.

I got lucky and crafted Mutsu, so I started training her up with some of those quest ships and Isuzu farm. Then Shoukaku dropped, so I put level 44 Akagi on hold and started training her up instead with Mutsu, intending to get her up to about level 50 before I use her as my sole CV in my main map-clearing fleet. Then immediately after I remodel her, Kaga drops. Now I'm doing it all over again.

>> No.11520117

I want a kaga, she would make the perfect pair with akagi.

The fleet im training is Soryu, haruna, kongo, hiei and kitakami with sub as flagship to avoid me having to waste buckets and resources repairing them if they get hit.
Not in there but also part of the fleet is akagi but left her out because she's like ten levels over everyone at level 46.

Was also wondering about kitakami, what should i give her so she starts dealing some good damage during the battle? Or do i have to wait for her second remodel for that?

>> No.11520123 [DELETED] 

Don't bring the real world to this board. And don't leave your home. Soldiers/murderers don't deserve compassion. I guess that's too difficult to grasp for tiny U.S brains.

>> No.11520127

Give her a midget sub so she can do the precombat torpedo strike. She's already pretty good after her first remodel, the 2nd remodel just makes her murder shit.

I like using midget sub + oxygen torpedo for first remodel, then midget+5 tube torps+radar after 2nd remodel.

>> No.11520129

>It's also popular on /a/ and /v/, and among /jp/sies it's only liked because it boomed for some time in Japan, that's the only reason why they talk about it, really.
So it's kind of like Touhou.

>> No.11520133

>I guess that's too difficult to grasp for tiny U.S brains.
Don't bring /pol/ to this board, either.

>> No.11520145

Not >>11520027, not American, and I don't even like Americans, but I think you forgot our dear shipgirls are technically resurrected mass-murderers. You could say that that was only because they could only move under the orders of their commanders, but the same thing applies to soldiers too.

>> No.11520155

We don't need any more over and over recycled things here, Touhou is enough.

>> No.11520160

Well, yes, we obviously don't NEED these threads here.

>> No.11520164

Why don't you cry for dead common people then instead. Are they worth less than soldiers based on your moral standards or what.

>> No.11520169

Because unless you live in a communist country there are more military dead than civilian.

Also, in nations with the draft, soldiers are common people.

>> No.11520174

Are subs worth using/viable on event maps? Or will the other ships ignore them or just drop them to red on sight?

>> No.11520181

No, but are soldiers worth less than common people by your moral standards? You seem to have some sort of agenda against the military.

>> No.11520184

Dude, more dead in the military would mean there are more military people than civilians on the streets. Humans can die without getting murdered, you know. I don't mean the draft thing I mean the ones that actually went to war.

>> No.11520185

They used to be excellent. So excellent, in fact, that the developers introduced a counter specifically for them, which they use by the dozen whenever they deem a map too important to be cheesed with submarines.

Granted, but the point stands that Kancolle threads should be about shipdaughters rather than real world navy ethics. Besides, the developers already said that they wouldn't include morally questionable elements such as manned torpedoes, so it's not like you'll see moe moe hell-ships and such.

>> No.11520186

it's because of japan onry doctrine, not because of gaijin from specific countries idiot.

>> No.11520189

And whats this sub counter they use?

>> No.11520188

I'm not American. The people that died aren't even of my race. Colonization ho!
And frankly, I was quite surprised that I was even moved. Perhaps it was the nicely maintained grass and perfectly aligned gravestones.

>> No.11520192 [DELETED] 

Soldiers who killed without any real reason are worth less for me. Following orders isn't a reason to kill. I hate that they always get pampered by everyone.

>> No.11520202

Light Cruisers, flagship versions of which now equip sonar and depth charges. That, combined with the fact that sorties can no longer be continued when the flagship is critically damaged, prevents the use of submarines in maps they aren't intended to be effective in.

But you can, and are encouraged to, make good use of them anywhere else.

>> No.11520208

>Dude, more dead in the military would mean there are more military people than civilians on the streets. Humans can die without getting murdered, you know.
Yes, but they're not the ones with their gravestones neatly laid out in rows at a memorial because they died at eighteen.

>I don't mean the draft thing I mean the ones that actually went to war.
If you're drafted, you go to war, whether you like it or not.

>> No.11520211

Yeah I know, I was trying to make a point to >>11520123 that he's arguing the morals of soldiers in a thread about resurrected war machines given minds and emotions.

Sometimes people don't get to choose. Be a soldier or your government fucks you and your family. Kill the guy in front of you or he kills you.

>> No.11520215

Fairly sure most soldiers fought because they believed they were protecting their country, friends and family.

>> No.11520221

Oh, thank you.
Any maps where its recommended to bring a sub to make stuff easier?

>> No.11520230

The fellow who relayed the news on anti-submarine measures apparently uses them on 1-4 and 2-3 to grind dailies. They will be mighty fine in most normal maps too, since your carriers will probably mop the floor with the CLs from the get-go, and the submarines protect ships with much longer repair times by drawing enemy fire.

But in event maps you'll probably be blocked with flagship CLs and the anti-submarine formation.

>> No.11520240

Wow, 4-1 and 4-2 were amazingly easy compared to the shitfest that was 2-4.

4-3 has seven stars, though, so I guess it will kick my teeth in hardcore.

>> No.11520246
File: 291 KB, 800x480, gensui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranking update!
> 元帥
sweet. I guess this is because the server is new?

>> No.11520249

Is 400/30/600/30 my best bet to land a Nagato? I have been farming 4-4 boss node with no luck. That recipe did land me a Mutsu previously.

>> No.11520255

Actually, looking back, what hurt the most was the near 400 bauxite that the whole thing took. Well, it could have been worse, I guess.

Now I have triple digit bauxite. Time to put the carriers to rest for a while, I guess.

>> No.11520259

Isn't that the lowest ranking?

>> No.11520263

Only in the sense that 1st place is the lowest rank. It's the rank that Yamamoto had.

>> No.11520273


Yeah, historically Kitakami had Kaiten on board, the suicide manned torpedoes, and not midget subs. Though to be fair, the manned torpedoes were a military failure, and a very minor project.

>> No.11520297
File: 100 KB, 600x600, 1381550161439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this if you're feeling brave. Japan seems to think it's worth it but I don't feel like wasting resources this close to the event.

>> No.11520302 [DELETED] 

i'm not very far in, but is there a way to increase a ship's HP? leveling doesn't seem to affect it, and neither does remodeling (for any ships i've had so far).

i don't want Kisaragi to die and she still only has 13 health.

>> No.11520305 [DELETED] 

Sorry for the stupid question guys but is there lottery today? I checked the twitter but I didn't find nothing

>> No.11520309

You're mixing up remodel (refit) with modernization: read the wiki for clarification.

>> No.11520307

Read the wiki.

>> No.11520312

So what should i do if i want to turn my fleet into a mobile no flight zone? What do i need for this?

>> No.11520315

My battles aren't working when using Flash projector. When I pick the formation it just freezes. It works fine when i just use the API link in browser. Anyone else had this problem?

>> No.11520317

Only remodeling can change a ship's HP. But destroyer HP is largely irrelevant, since you're either at full/near-full HP (from which you cannot sink, unless fatigued) or at death's door. You can equip turbines to increase their evasion instead, and damage control to prevent them from sinking. It's not like extra guns will help much on a DD.

4-3 isn't that difficult, provided that you've been raising your CLs well and can take out a submarine or twelve. Otherwise, it's a matter of avoiding the enemy submarines' rather inaccurate torpedoes. The boss fleet is decently tough, but if you take a couple of BBs and arrive relatively unscathed, these Ta-class battleships won't pose that much of a problem.

>> No.11520318

cache problem

>> No.11520319

CVs with green planes, BBs with 46cm cannons, Maya with green guns.

>> No.11520328

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does RNG like me?

Made 8 ships today. Got Shimakaze on the 3rd using the submarine recipe and Yukikaze using 30x4 on the 5th. Also get Tenryuu after I accidentally sunk her by pressing the wrong button ;_; and is it just me or is she a high-damage-shot magnet?
I started 3 days ago.

>> No.11520334


>> No.11520337

Why is that? It's empirically tested?

>> No.11520343

I think I'll retire my saiun. I'm tired of flagship submarines critting things to red with T advantage.

>> No.11520347

I don't want to lose the ability to see my daughters. Is there a danger of mass foreign account squashing?

>> No.11520352

Is there a way to farm the steel node in 3-2?
Everything goes perfect in the first node but the ships in the node after that completely ignore my sub and attack everyone else, leaving me with more loss than gain.

>> No.11520354

Pick up steel, close window.

>> No.11520356

you're supposed to quit the game after you hit the steel node

>> No.11520365

Not sure what's wrong, tried clearing it and it didn't help

>> No.11520372
File: 472 KB, 960x1200, 39078417_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine all the memes.

We shall make the perfect idol.

>> No.11520374

Come back when you craft a sub 1st try

>> No.11520378

wich kancolle wud u fug

>> No.11520385

It could always come down to luck but people are calling it the Nagato recipe and saying they got either her or her sister in 10 tries. I'm lucky enough to see Mutsu every now and then and I've done 400/30/600/30 so many times that I've just about given up hope. I don't think you can test these things enough to definitively say it's worth it but I'm desperate enough to give it a shot. Though so far my two crafts are 4 hours and 1 hour so it's not like you're escaping Naka chan.

>> No.11520392
File: 32 KB, 296x387, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wondering... What is this stuff?

>> No.11520397

It's to burn an instant build right then, rather than have to select it later.

>> No.11520398

I think having both Nagato class will help a lot in the event though.

>> No.11520400

If you bothered to test it yourself, you'd see it's a switch for automatically using a quick build tool. It shows up on the confirmation page so you don't have to worry about accidentally using it.

>> No.11520403

It's in the 'How to Play" section of the wikia.

>> No.11520423 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 537 KB, 1173x761, YES YES YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11520427 [SPOILER] 
File: 427 KB, 1173x761, YES YES YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11520451

Congratulations anon

>> No.11520452

Pokemon is released, I finally get Kongou, and she crafts a 46cm for me.

Today is truly a great day.

>> No.11520456

aaaah I just need two CAs to unlock the third fleet. RNG please stop being so cruel.

>> No.11520461

Might be a good idea to use a BB recipe. More often than not, you'll get a CA as a byproduct, and even if you get a BB, that's still not a bad thing.

>> No.11520462

I was the person who asked earlier. Tried both times for dailies, gotten Ashigara and Nachi. I am getting really sick of seeing Ashigara lately. I dont see Naka-chan enough to make me hate her though.

>> No.11520466

Has anyone gotten any of the Kongou sisters from world 2?

>> No.11520471

I got all 4 from 2-2.

>> No.11520475

Just randomly from S-ranking, right?

>> No.11520481

At the boss node, yes.

>> No.11520483
File: 988 KB, 1279x774, worst fucking ship in the game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just plugged that in and got this, worse than Naka. Fuck the japs.

>> No.11520485

Gah, that's even more expensive. I'll give it a shot when I have 400 fuel again, thanks.

>> No.11520497

Might want to try running 1-4 instead

Using resources on battleship recipes when you're poor is a bad idea and ridiculously inefficient.

>> No.11520501

When is the right point to waste all your resources on the notion of ever obtaining Nagato?

>> No.11520507

Is 18.6% really the best for CV? I had trouble making battleships and that was suppose to be 45%. Do people usually grind nodes to find them instead?

>> No.11520508

I haven't been able to make much headway in 1-4. My ships are usually in pretty bad shape after one or two nodes. That's good advice though, I didn't know that 1-4 would drop CAs. Thanks.

>> No.11520510

There is a way to 100% get a CV.

>> No.11520517

Probably after next Tuesday night.

Oh you mean yourself. Well, whenever you feel like the less of 400/100/600/30 isn't a big deal to you anymore, really.

>> No.11520520


>> No.11520521

what's next tuesday night?

>> No.11520522 [DELETED] 

I wish everyone here would condense their blog shit so that these threads die out already. The game is overhyped and uninteresting. The characters are disgusting.

>> No.11520523
File: 654 KB, 807x527, mutsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Nagato with 400/600/600/30 on the first try.

>> No.11520524

2hu is shit

>> No.11520525

You already said this, no need to repeat yourself. Now go away, you've already dropped the game.

>> No.11520527

Wow did you specifically dig up the thread through the catalog just to say that? Here's an E for effort!

>> No.11520528

Why are you role playing? Stop calling them daughters. They aren't your daughters.

KC fans aren't much better than ponies by now, it's saddening.

>> No.11520529 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 472x472, b5c2d008bf1751796085ab647be3c3c2524d46cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still love you, disillusioned-anon!

>> No.11520531

Every Kantai fan is just one person that talks to himself all day long.

>> No.11520532

did 20 of them today. only a single ise. that's bullshit if anything

>> No.11520533

Yeah, i dont like calling them my daughters.
I'd rather get their affection to max and marry them instead.

>> No.11520537

Raise your hand if you are from /v/.

>> No.11520538

Is it just me or does the "Line ahead" formation increase evasion significantly? Haven't really tried the last two formations yet though.

>> No.11520542
File: 146 KB, 800x1113, 39064329_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11520543

got Kongou from 2-2. I crafted the others.

>> No.11520547

Just read the wiki already damn.

>> No.11520548
File: 147 KB, 790x464, kankure2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting beating 2-4 with this team.. all sparkled

>> No.11520549

Seems to me one either gets her as their first Battleship or one'll never get her.

>> No.11520554

You have terrible taste if you don't like her. You are not from /jp/.

>> No.11520555

Are all those high levels really necessary?

>> No.11520557


>> No.11520561

And no one cares...

>> No.11520559

I'm gonna wreck you.

>> No.11520560


>> No.11520565

Those are not high for 2-4.

>> No.11520568

is there a reason to train cas at the moment if I'm strapped for resources

I'm training my A-team plus substitutes as well as destroyers and cls for map requirements. seems like cas aren't really needed for any maps?

>> No.11520570

Looks like you overleveled a bit, i was able to beat that without problems around level 30~

Now go enjoy the neverending grind at 3-2

>> No.11520571

Read the wiki and stop asking stupid questions.

>> No.11520566

That's not high

>> No.11520572
File: 588 KB, 675x900, im3494957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ushio must smell nice.

>> No.11520573

You need at least a whole party around level 30 and a bit of luck.
Getting there needs at least 3 battles, and then you get to face elite and flagship BBs.

>> No.11520575 [DELETED] 

Hi, I'm one of the guys who edits the wiki. There's no level requirement info written for 2-4 yet. It's being worked on. Please stop repeating the same thing over and over again.

>> No.11520576
File: 305 KB, 724x1024, 39083891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. She's adorable.

>> No.11520577

I don't see anything on the wiki about level requirements.

>> No.11520585

/jp/ likes Fubuki now?

>> No.11520588

You need 1 CA for 4-4 and 2 for 4-3

>> No.11520589

Then you are doing quite a bad job if you are that slow, /v/-kun.

>> No.11520590

May your favorite get crit at every first node.

>> No.11520592

it's honestly more annoying than >>11520522

>> No.11520595 [DELETED] 

If you like her then you are from /a/.

>> No.11520597 [DELETED] 

Pay me. Then we'll talk about schedules.

in b4 an elitist comes back and tells me NOT to work on the wiki

>> No.11520598 [DELETED] 

Suck my cock dude

>> No.11520600

Reminder that "read the wiki" is a short form for "read the wiki, and if you don't find the info there, check the other two wikis and the pastebin".

>> No.11520601

>in b4 an elitist
Just go back to facebook man

>> No.11520604 [DELETED] 

I like how just one guy came to reverse troll and now the thread is more alive then ever. Thank you kind aspie.

>> No.11520605

Someone is trying really hard to stir shit up.

>> No.11520609

I wonder how many people in this thread are even regulars on this board.

>> No.11520616

I like how one guy makes thousands of posts about this game.

>> No.11520625

It's the regular weekly maintenance day. It seems like you're new to the thread and to /jp/. Don't "???" again.

>> No.11520629

oops i missed those, thanks.

>> No.11520633

Probably less than 10

We had people coming from where ever since we started these threads in July

It just got worse since there is apparently no where else on the web to discuss kankore

I just wish you guys would take it easy more and stop getting worked up

>> No.11520642 [DELETED] 

Don't tell other people what to do crossboarder. Stop shitting up my thread.

>> No.11520643


1st try, Mustu. Not bad, not bad at all

>> No.11520661

Even with all the non-regulars, the thread quality was acceptable for a game thread with the self moderation and culturing of non-regulars. However, we seem to have reached the point where some toxic people are actively trying to shit up the thread now. 不幸だわ. I've been patiently reporting such posts and ensuing mudslinging, and I suggest others who care for the thread to do it as well unless there's a better solution.

>> No.11520673

I'm more of a 2ch style of ignoring those types of posts but I guess some people aren't capable of that.

>> No.11520681

People that want to stir shit up will do everything they can to do so, some will even reply to themselves til someone bites, it cant be helped.
The only thing to do is to go do something else or hide the posts and try to discuss stuff related to the thread.

>> No.11520688

"kanmusu" literally translates to "ship daughter", disillusioned anon. that's why call them "daughters".

>> No.11520704 [DELETED] 

It still ends in role playing-like posts combined with other phrases than just daughters and it's just annoying as hell.

>> No.11520718

If it's annoying why don't you just leave the thread? You're not playing anyways.

>> No.11520736

to whom, exactly? I don't recall anyone complaining about it in the past few weeks. just chill, anon.

>> No.11520743 [DELETED] 

I was talking about the questionable quality of your posts and not the game itself. It looks to me like you are purposefully trying to annoy the real fans here with your behavior.

>> No.11520749

Definitely not that anon, but define "real fan".

>> No.11520765

Everyone who isn't interesting in shitposting, isn't a crossboarder and just wants to enjoy the game.

>> No.11520763

That's exactly what I said. If the quality of the posts are annoying you, leave the thread. You're not playing the game, you have nothing to stay in the thread for anyways.

>> No.11520770 [DELETED] 

Do you think that having bad English is part of the board culture crossboarder? I'd suggest you to leave.

>> No.11520784

I'm playing the game unlike you. I don't want to leave the thread because there is useful content here to gain. Role playing in the comments isn't what I call useful content, though

>> No.11520795

Wow, so much asspain.

>> No.11520810
File: 62 KB, 538x1000, b717fa309787748bba75bf01b9f57ceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be nice guys.

>> No.11520842

>Filled with countless people who throw resources in hopes of getting Nagato only to end up with Naka
Pick one,only sending the Naka on a near death sortie before feeding her to other ships will make my day better.

>> No.11520849

Could you please stop it with the greentexting?

>> No.11520851

Except that there's no role playing involved right? Or are you just too assblasted that people are calling ship daughters when that's the literal translation? Quit pretending to be playing, you're just trying to stir shit up for the last couple of hours.

>> No.11520855

Nobody gives a shit

>> No.11520863

It's in the OP, and most /jp/ regulars do care. You're free to leave if you don't like the way things are.

>> No.11520879
File: 718 KB, 1170x938, 39049134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Yuudachi got new voice lines, but are they in game yet?

Also, when does the 戦績表示時 secretary line play?

>> No.11520923

Hurr, I don't know, maybe it's the menu button with the same kanji?

>> No.11520941

When she gives you letters from high command HQ.

>> No.11520951


Wow, I'm retarded how did I fail to notice this, thanks.

Still curious about the new Yuudachi lines though

>> No.11520957

What exactly are the letters from high command HQ? First time I've heard about anything like that.

>> No.11520964

Your admiral stats page.

The letters thing is there for flavour.

>> No.11520966 [DELETED] 

It's just your stats page.

>> No.11520972


It's your player status card screen, the one with your admiral xp, resource/ship/equip limits, etc.

>> No.11520983

Hibiki has the best. I hope Verniy has them too.

>> No.11520993

Hibiki has... vagina bones? I need to go make her take some damage.

>> No.11521010

They're quite prominent. Please appreciate them from a purely aesthetic perspective.

>> No.11521030

Yeah, but the audio on them is messed up/unclear, and supposedly they will patch it soon.

Also one of her new attacking lines starts with "Saikou party" which sounds like "Psycho party" and is very fitting given her new appearance

>> No.11521068
File: 813 KB, 2500x1932, 37375834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just die.

>> No.11521074

That's just like, your opinion man.

Also fuck you.

>> No.11521080

Her sprite is fucking disgusting. Maybe she could be decent but she's not, I'm sorry.

>> No.11521082

Why are you replying to 3 hour-old bait?

>> No.11521088

What would be the best thing to fill in the 4th slot for Zuikaku when farming 3-2?

>> No.11521089


Autumn event on next month.

>> No.11521090

It is the eyes.
Damm eyes I tell you.

>> No.11521091

As a common cruiser drop from battleship recipes, people will complain about it, just like with Naka. It's not like you were discussing anything else anyway.

>> No.11521099

What should i do to prepare for this

>> No.11521107

Stock 10k of every resource and 200 buckets.

>> No.11521114

Level everything except BBs to 60+.

>> No.11521118

It must suck to be so shallow that you would write off a girl just for having battle scars.

>> No.11521122

>Except BBs
But why not? I thought teams needed a core of BBs/CVs?

>> No.11521123

>Myouko's eyebrows
I only noticed this just now after putting her and her four sisters together for the quest, but Myouko's eyebrows are painted.

Really, they're all so old-fashioned.

>> No.11521150
File: 923 KB, 850x1193, aku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite confused about Akubuma's voice

>> No.11521157

Kongou 2nd remodel? Or does that refer to the aviation carrier 2nd remodel

I might have to level Hiei up to be on par with her sisters.

>> No.11521166

I was half-joking. The notice mentions that a certain undisclosed class of BB sisters will be getting a high level remodel. I was serious about needing high levels to beat the event, though.

>> No.11521163
File: 114 KB, 565x360, 4d15a09f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to gobble up naka-chan

>> No.11521172
File: 267 KB, 1280x800, NKC48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sucks to be Naka-chan.

>> No.11521179
File: 473 KB, 1327x794, Usagi fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made in to 2-4, is a good idea farm 2-4-a for exp or when should be best before continue?

>> No.11521181

Right now, im training three battleships, two carriers and KTKM using a sub as a flagship.
Should i add something else or is that okay for the first three maps?

>> No.11521184 [DELETED] 

3-2-1 with a submarine flagship

>> No.11521185


I...I think I might actually look forward to this. I hope it isn't the original Chitose/Chiyoda artist who's doing this poster, I don't think his style would scale in size very well.

>> No.11521186

You will need a high level support fleet as well. Some people prefer light carriers.

>> No.11521191

Oh shit, I totally forgot about doing that.

>> No.11521194

Only have two light carriers at a good level and a few battleships im not using anymore around level 30, guess i'll have to use that if i dont get enough time to train a second fleet.

Why light carriers if i might ask? And how does this support fleet thing work?

>> No.11521195


>> No.11521201

You can use anything really, but everything else will drain your ammo to nothing. (while light carriers drain your boxtight)
5-x will give you a sense of what to expect for support fleets

>> No.11521208

An idol won't be discouraged by something of that level!


>> No.11521213

Wow, there's things that can drain your ammo? I've had massive amounts of ammo just sitting around doing nothing.

And im guessing i have to clear all expeditions to use the support fire ones? Or do we all get to use the support fire expeditions while the event is ongoing?

>> No.11521223

How does this contribute to the thread exactly? If you have something to say about the game then say it, youtube links are unnecessary.

>> No.11521228

The previous one doesn't need you to complete normal expeditions. But no guarantees, I'd try to complete everything. There's no point not to.

Just when I got that song off my head.

>> No.11521233 [DELETED] 

Suck my cock dude

>> No.11521239 [DELETED] 

don't encourage him, just ignore the bitching and whining.

>> No.11521243

Could you please give the trolling a rest already?

>> No.11521244

I think i can clear all of them except the sub one, i still need to get I-58 but i dont want to throw all my resources to the drain while trying to craft her with the event closing in and even though she drops on most bosses, i dont know what map would be best for trying to get her.

>> No.11521245

You aren't any better than him.

>> No.11521251 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your input.

>> No.11521261

I have a little question about the artworks in the game.

Will there be any patches to replace the poorly drawn art with something better or do we have to stick with the bad ones from now forever?

>> No.11521266

Different artstyle for different people

I doubt any art will be replaced. There's nothing wrong

>> No.11521278

I don't like it that we have to eat everything up that the lazy developers throw in front of our feet. Kinda kills the fun of the game.

>> No.11521288

Wow, it must be nice to have such discerning taste as yours.

>> No.11521296

There has been changes to some art so it's not unprecedented. I don't think you'll ever be impressed though, judging from your post.

>> No.11521322

Their priorities probably lie in new ships, new remodels, new maps, events, and server expansions. Occasionally they might be able to get the artists to redraw someone like with Nagara.

>> No.11521328

It's a song. I could have typed out the lyrics in the thread instead of posting the link, but why the fuck would I?

>> No.11521338 [DELETED] 

Woah, this is just like a Strike Witches game just with ships!! I'm hooked ^^

>> No.11521361

Post your fleets.

>> No.11521389 [DELETED] 

Fucking hell.
I couldnt even dent those BBs at 2-4. Ended up with a C and I didnt have the guts to push through with night battle.
How much more 火力 do I need? Even Kongou did a pitiful 10dmg to them.

>> No.11521397
File: 93 KB, 692x372, got raped by BBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell.
I couldnt even dent those BBs at 2-4. Ended up with a C and I didnt have the guts to push through with night battle.
How much more 火力 do I need? Even Kongou did a pitiful 10dmg to them.

>> No.11521402

Better guns, more levels, and vertical line will all up your damage.

>I didnt have the guts to push through with night battle.

>> No.11521408

>I didnt have the guts to push through with night battle.
There's your problem, its all or nothing anon.
That or just grind a lot more so you dont need the night battle

>> No.11521446

What happens if i level a ship to a high level and she gets a 2nd remodel after?
Can i remodel her immediately or do i have to get a new one?
I heard stuff about not being able to and just wanted to see if that was true.

>> No.11521459

What else you can do to earn more development materials aside from dailies and expeditions?

>> No.11521469 [DELETED] 

Literally nothing.

>> No.11521471

fuck why is this game so good

obligatory "read the wiki"
just wait, or run through maps with resource nodes if the benefit outweighs the cost. i haven't figured out yet if there's a way to reduce the amount of ammo you expend per fight.

>> No.11521474

If you're feeling brave, one of the nodes in 2-4 gives you a development material.

>> No.11521479

You can remodel the ship you already have any time.

>> No.11521480

The southwest path in 2-4 drops one.

Or you can convert special resources into development materials, and by special resources, I mean USD.

>> No.11521505


>> No.11521510

tbh given how 2-4 is, I'd have bet everything on night battle to clear boss battle it even if it meant losing Jun'you or one of the unlucky sisters BBs. Assuming you dealt a fair damage amount to the opposing side.
But well that's just me.

>> No.11521523

2-4? It's no great matter. You can always come back to fight another day.

Event maps on the other hand... the Southern Ocean is a graveyard of ships whose commanders could think only of Yamato.

>> No.11521554

>DMM.comは日本国外からの接続やVPN接続でのご利用に関して、 明確に禁止してはおりませんが、未対応となっております。 現在のところ、DMM.comを正常にご利用できない場合や ご利用いただけなくなる可能性がございますこと、ご了承ください。
>つきましては、オンラインゲームを該当環境からご利用いただいても 利用停止の対象とはなりませんが、状況に応じて 随時、変更となることがございます。

We can take it easy now right? As long as no one does anything stupid we won't get banned right?

>> No.11521572

They're not out to get us, but they also tell us not to complain if the door randomly closes on us.

>> No.11521596

Source? Did you emailed their account support or something?

>> No.11521600

Well, it's not like they can welcome us with open arms. It's all fine if we don't act like entitled jerks, and the language barrier will likely be sufficient to keep the dregs of the internet society out.

This is as close to official acceptance as it gets. Pleasant news indeed.

>> No.11521615
File: 595 KB, 1440x900, 38771327_big_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news...


Thank god, I thought I dreamt this or something. They brought this up a month ago and made no mentions of it since.

>> No.11521641

What are you referring to? A certain battleship sisters getting an upgrade, or the autumn event?

>> No.11521662

Sorry, It's gonna be for Ise/Hyuga sisters!
My Lv73 Ise is waiting.

>> No.11521671

They mentioned a pair of BBs would be getting 2nd remodel last month, before every otaku magazine wanted to cover Kancolle, amidst all the PSVita and Mamiya cafe stuff. 2nd remodels and like 4 new characters have been added since then without mentioning the 2nd remodel.

This is the first time they brought up the matter in a long while.

>> No.11521680

So is my level 83 Fuso.

But both classes deserve the upgrade, so I will be fine with it no matter who ends up getting it.

>> No.11521690

What if the ones getting the upgrade are Nagato and Mutsu?
That would be hilarious

>> No.11521696

All my battleships are level 75 and ready, I have nothing to fear but my resources.

>> No.11521697

Yeah, let's make the already overpowered ships more overpowered. Ise class BB needs more love.

>> No.11521702

>should probably do 2-3 soon
>too busy having fun grinding my new ships at 2-2


>> No.11521710
File: 145 KB, 480x672, 38708951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind that since I at least have Mutsu, but it'd simply be too unforunate for the sisters.

>> No.11521720

I wasn't aware it's possible to grind at 2-2 considering the puny amount of exp it gives you.

>> No.11521732

Different anon. I am not grinding it, but rather farming at the end nodes.

>> No.11521745

It is viable and indeed productive before you unlock 3-2, especially since you can easily complete a couple of dailies on it.

>> No.11521746

I feel Ise sisters will get the treatment.
Their first remodel is at very low level like other re-remodeled updated ships, like Isuzu, ChitoChiyo, Hypers.

>> No.11521748


Considering one tour can go by real quick and that most enemy fleets you face would only be able to attack twice in one phase, it's the best stage I got for EXP.

>> No.11521760


By attack twice, I mean get two hits in.

>> No.11521763
File: 1.90 MB, 3104x1746, DSC_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you gotten your Kancolle pictorial guide yet, anon?

>> No.11521765

I was stuck behind 2-4 from T level 20 to 55. 2-2 was one of the best places to grind.

>> No.11521769

It is going to be the fusou sisters.
They are definitely the weakest of the BB class.

>> No.11521777 [DELETED] 

I thought the weakest of the BB class was the Fusou class?

>> No.11521778
File: 620 KB, 629x869, 39069735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words on her sock post-remodel

I know Yamato already has too much going on to further complicate her design, but that still seems kind of half-assed.

>> No.11521784

Oh, I just noticed the sub-guns changes somewhat.

>> No.11521795

It's like a game of spot-the-difference.

>> No.11521802

I'd get it, but I'm sure there will be an updated one later down the road.

>> No.11521811

Zulu: I require a tug.
Ok, Yamato, ok...

>Hirihōkenten stocking. Wrong<Right<Law<Power<Heavens.
I seen some depictions of Yamato having this pennant for her final sortie to Okinawa.

>> No.11521819
File: 823 KB, 1600x1200, 662e7924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The words were from her flag.
And 46cm canon is so beautiful.

>> No.11521822

That's by her final refit config. Following the loss of Musashi, Yamato got a refit that gave her a bunch of these double 12.7mm turrets in hope that she could shoot a few planes out that way...

>> No.11521829
File: 1.03 MB, 805x839, 3490325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder just how much stronger the 2nd-remodeled BBs will be though.
2nd remodeled DDs in general are only roughly on par with the rare DDs, and I don't think they'd want the Kongou sisters to become completely obsolete.

>> No.11521843

Yamato and Takao's bridge superstructure are the most beautiful of the IJN designs to me. The pagoda mast just feels so half-assed in comparison.

>> No.11521844

I remember this

I can still only imagine it would be for Fusou sisters

They are the only BBs with a gold background

Such a shame, I still like using them

>> No.11521858
File: 1.33 MB, 3104x1746, DSC_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting it because there's new artwork every month
The upcoming issue previews of Comptiq didn't indicate the existence of updated picture guides, but it did mention they're giving away Akagi, Kaga, Shoukaku and Zuikaku handphone straps in the November and December issues.

>> No.11521860
File: 63 KB, 842x595, bee3464f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought pagoda masts were haphazardly built to begin with?

>> No.11521869

What a lewd magazine, you can see nipples in there

>> No.11521874
File: 244 KB, 500x667, img_138315_1376319_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pennant hails from buddhism. an alternate interpretation of it is that the "wrongs" are sins, "right" are what are understandable and logical actions, "laws" trump those, "power" can subvert all laws however, while the "heavens" has the last word on it all.

>> No.11521875
File: 177 KB, 600x800, im3494429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be tough carrying those things.

>> No.11521879

Just look at all that useless meat

>> No.11521880

So I heard! I'm horrible and can't afford all the art there is, but I am still interested in a pictorial guide, period.

>> No.11521890
File: 93 KB, 720x800, 38940105_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she carrying around torpedoes if she can't even use them?

>> No.11521915
File: 570 KB, 951x1200, 1381636396152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11521949

Clearly, those are no longer torpedoes, they're the leftover bays from when the IJN realized torpedoes on capital ships didn't work.

>> No.11521953
File: 647 KB, 1020x620, 38186400_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Yamashiro still treats you like a bitch even when you confessed to her.

>> No.11521963

She's surprisingly polite when she rejects you though. Not that I mind because her onee-sama loves the admiral. In fact all the canonical lesbians never win.

>> No.11521964

Unless you're HMS Nelson a shit.

>> No.11521970

I will never give up. The more she turns away the more I want her.

>> No.11521974

The admiral is clearly female

They are all lesbians

You cannot break my delusion

>> No.11521984

What's wrong with 3rd ship from the left? Too much firepower that it could turn the ship upside down from the recoil? Hard to maneuver?

>> No.11522020
File: 243 KB, 764x1024, 2f5ccdad3835c7232946d4b3ea2bf9ca4b7a3765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that entire engagement with the Bismarck one big comedy? Ranges reminiscent of the old Age of Sail days, the HMS Rodney firing a full broadside for the first time and shattering all the bridge windows and exploding all of its own porcelain toilets? The Bismarck getting hit by the above-mentioned torpedoes because it had a rudder hit and was otherwise already mostly disabled?

Fuck man, I can't wait for foreign ships.

>> No.11522026
File: 671 KB, 800x480, wellshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it

>> No.11522035

There's also the comedy of the Second Attack on Pearl Harbor. It was...basically hilarious beyond belief because everyone involved was making silly mistakes.

>> No.11522031

You lucky/unlucky bastard.

>> No.11522039

You're going to get your ass wrecked, not even nagato can save you now.

>> No.11522040

Imagine if someone would build a ship with guns powerful enough to push the ship a few metres back with it's recoil.

It would make for great evasion mechanism. Suppose you have to avoid an incoming torpedo. Just fire a gun.

I dunno, I'm no naval engineer.

>> No.11522053

Believe one star debuff.

>> No.11522056

That's the problem with some treaty battleship designs. Rodnol and Nelsol are just examples of this...

>> No.11522070

I've defeated a Yamato-Nagato-Mutsu team before. But I was very lucky, Nagato and Mutsu were heavily damaged by the opening torpedo volleys from Imuya, i58, Ooi and Kitakami. Kongo and Haruna then handily finished them off.

>> No.11522076

Wow, that's uh...one excellent adventure there. also it makes me want to play War Thunder again, fuck you

Basically it still looks extremely top-heavy. It wouldn't push itself back, it would literally capsize itself. It didn't stop the Germans from trying to put battleship guns on their cruisers, though.

>> No.11522082

I lost and got D-icked even they all go out sparkling. If only Nagato or Hiei cut-in attacked the Yamato at night battle could've lead me to B

I defeated a guy with Lv 80+ Yamato 2 days ago though.

>> No.11522095

Question. Just how much does Yamato cost to sortie in comparison to other BBs? It's not terribad if it's something like double the cost of a Kongous...

>> No.11522109
File: 281 KB, 967x650, 8ff9dbab4e5494ab7a5913a6a6c2ad1f-d6gq4fq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost triple, actually.

>> No.11522113

Sorry. nvm. Just saw it.

250 fuel vs 90, 278% increase from Kongo, 250% Nagato
325 shells vs 160, 271% increase from Kongo, 201% from Nagato.

>> No.11522116

That's disappointing to hear. A ship requiring that much resources to obtain & level should be neigh invincible.

>> No.11522123

Some anon posted it a screenshot the other day but I didn't save it. I think it costs around 2500~3000 steel & oil just to remodel Yamato, and around 1500 steel to dock her.

>> No.11522128

It's like the devs want to remind everyone that Yamato's too vain.

(although it really shouldn't be uber expensive like that tbh.)

>> No.11522129

One star debuff is pretty serious. There's also luck involved here.

Only if she's in the red.

>> No.11522140

She's called "Hotel Yamato" for a reason. I got a feeling Musashi is going to be just as bad.

>> No.11522133

Unfortunately, the laws of physics say the bigger something is, the more fragile it is, and the more of a pain in the ass it is to keep.

But hey, Ayana Taketatsu-boat.

>> No.11522135

Do it. The tank trees have been announced, unfortunately the Nazis get the Panther II and the Tiger II with the 10.5cm gun to balance out the fact that the Sovoks are getting IS-4s and 1950s version of the T-54.

>> No.11522145

The worst part is that there's no way that Yamato in-game is worth 3x BB by herself. I am not even sure if she can even get first shot if everyone's got the 46cm.

>> No.11522150

Well, guess I'm saving my resources in preparation for the august event and not necessarily for building Yamato. The general player impression seems to be that she's not THAT practical unless you're especially well-supplied (or really hate money).

>> No.11522163


Kongo: 90 fuel + 120 ammo
Yamato: 250 fuel + 325 ammo

Plus I heard Yamato repairs can take over 1200 steel and last 33hours...

>> No.11522157
File: 460 KB, 1000x860, 39065150_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*upcoming event

>> No.11522171

Hoping that kongous get a second refit to give them even more evasion. They are where it's at in the firepower, protection, mobility and economy for BBs.

>> No.11522184

At least some destroyers and light cruisers are getting a little more powerful in the form of upgrades. If you can makes viable teams of low-cost units like subs and small ships like that, the Yamato-classes might not suck all the resources AS quickly.

>> No.11522198

Only in the red. You have to really be very lucky to even dent that god damn armour rating.

>> No.11522199

The whole idea behind Yamato had that her supposed ability to shoot further and harder than any BB, and just shurg off anything that comes at her like a boss. If Yamato Kai doesn't give her something like the supposed 20" 51cm/45 that you'd see on the battleship design A-150, then her advantage is not all that large...

>> No.11522260

Why is Haruna above average on the wiki while Mutsu isn't? Haruna is not stronger than Mutsu.

>> No.11522275

In game, Yamato Kai gets a free 46cm and a 22 radar, that's it.

>> No.11522295

Is there a list of artists involved in the character designs?

>> No.11522374

Check this wiki in particular. http://www56.atwiki.jp/kancolle/pages/17.html#id_c53a1db0

>> No.11522375
File: 37 KB, 471x324, buckets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bug?
It only shows 99 but when I try to use it I can see my total # of buckets which is in the hundred.

>> No.11522395

> Kongou-class and Suzuya were designed by the same artist
Oh, I didn't know this. The coloring style was distinctively different on the both of them.

>> No.11522408

Yes, it's a bug. You still have those hundreds of buckets.

>> No.11522431
File: 157 KB, 1007x2614, kantai_trends_20131013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a third spike. I wonder which major news portal mentioned it this time.

Looks like it just keeps going up from here.

>> No.11522439
File: 635 KB, 801x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failing to get to the 2-4 boss isn't so bad when this is what I get on the next node I try.

>> No.11522449

I'm surprised there wasn't a bigger spike from the anime announcement.

>> No.11522452

Higher luck compared to almost every other BB. She was one of the battleships that made it into year 1945.

>> No.11522460

Luck isn't that great, it's pretty much saying that 15 luck is better than 5 attack, 20 AA, 15 health and 6 armor. If we go by this metric then Ise-class is far superior to Kongou-class and Yukikaze is stronger than BBs.

>> No.11522478

Yukikaze is stronger than CLs though. Fully elite beaver's got quite a fight in her.

>> No.11522526

Excellent, thanks.

>> No.11522689
File: 888 KB, 1067x641, hiryuudesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to do 2-3 just to take a break from grinding 2-2
>get to the boss node on 1st try
>risk a night battle despite one of my CAs taking moderate damage
>manage to win anyway because based Haruna
>get this

That was exhilarating.

>> No.11522693


>> No.11522702

Managed to barely go pass 2-4, glad the enemy attack my CA and BB instead of CL.

Is it better to grind at 2-4 or 3-1? And what's the deal with DD and world 3?

>> No.11522708

Every answer to your questions can be found in the ... W. I. K. I.

>> No.11522709

But Shimakaze has higher evasion.

>> No.11522715

It's best to grind 3-2.

You need a fleet of 6 DD to reach the boss node in 3-2. If you have anything else you will go north instead of south. People grind on the northern path.

Clear the first node, get the steel node, restart your game. That's how most people grind.

>> No.11522718

Do most people really grind like that? Restarting your game after the steel node feels like cheating or something they would punish people for.

>> No.11522720

You still get fatique

>> No.11522726

I go back after the first node.
The only time I did that "close the tab" thing is when you send out your DD fleet for 3-2 and the fucker sends you north against the carrier fleet.
That's pure bullshit.

>> No.11522729

Yeah but you're restarting your game to get free steel without fighting the battle after that

>> No.11522732

You lucky bastard.

>> No.11522741

Yukikaze and Shimakaze have same evasion, except Yukikaze also has 60 luck.

>> No.11522752

The English wiki never specify any of that. I am sorry, anon.

>> No.11522753

Wanna bet?

>What's the deal with DD and world 3?
http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Northern_waters , comments section.

>Which is better to grind
http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Experience_and_Rank , self-reference to how many EXP to you get per node at the map. Risk factor, do you want us to spoonfeed that as well?

>> No.11522759

wikiwiki says that having no carrier increases the chance of hitting the boss node for 4-3? This is after having 2x CA to bring you to the pre-boss node itself. Anyone noticed/confirmed this?

Also, would a fleet at about level 50 be able to finish it with no problems? Thinking of Maya + Atago (both at 25 though), and main fleet would be KTKM/Ooi/Kongou/Mutsu, or KTKM/Kongou/Akagi/Kaga if the carrier thing is speculation.

>> No.11522767

>This is after having 2x CA to bring you to the pre-boss node itself. Anyone noticed/confirmed this?
I have 2CA that bring me the pre-boss nodes pretty consistently. Not sure about the no-carrier part though.

>> No.11522768

And Yukikaze still have tendency of getting hit more, somehow. I wonder why.

>> No.11522775

>Comments section
Ah, you got me there.

It is obvious that experience from higher level tend to be higher on greater stages, but I still need to make sure that my fleet can go past 3-2, no? The term "better" doesn't necessarily just mean "higher experience"

I'd say 2-1 is better to grind than 2-3 for various reasons.

I am thankful for the help, I just want you to know that I visit this thread only for last resorts.

Sorry if I make you angry, I never meant any of it.

>> No.11522796

Please never post greentext stories ever again in this board.

>> No.11522799 [DELETED] 

No one gives a shit

>> No.11522802

Some of us do. It's like you people are unable to write a simple paragraph for your stories and had to result to using short phrases to convey your experiences.

>> No.11522815

So, Kitakami and Ooi Kai-Ni owners. What do you put on your torpedo goddess?

She comes with a 5-barrel oxygen torpedo, which is very nice but ultimately useless because it doesn't let her do the initial torpedo run before the main battle phase. Only the Ko-hyouteki let's her do this.

But putting two sets of torpedoes on one ship seems redundant. Or am I actually supposed to do this? She only has two slots, I'm not very willing to take her radar off her unless I absolutely must, and I feel that she needs some kind of main battery.

>> No.11522817

How do you even train 6 DDs at once?

>> No.11522821

>two slots
I mean three, sorry.

>> No.11522830

Ko-Hyoteki, obviously

and Turbine.

>> No.11522836

She hits her target almost all of the time so I can't see why I'd let her use radar.
Personally I put 20.3cm, midget sub and the torps on her. As for evasion, well it's already nice as it is so I put a main cannon on her. Plus the main cannon plus torps are useful for cut-in night battles.

>> No.11522838

If you're hoping your KTKM/Ooi to do heavy damage during shelling phase against BBs by putting main batteries on her, then you're kinda wrong about their usage.

They do pretty well just in initial torp and torp phase, during shelling phase, even with no guns on them, my KTKM can down a CL or even CA if I'm lucky.

This is with midget sub and 1 oxygen5 and t14 radar equipped.

>> No.11522842

Midget sub

Lets them get the opening attack, disable light ships (even crit 20 damage to battleships), and be able to cut-in torpedo rape at night.

>> No.11522846

You can perform torpedo attacks at the end of the day phase and in the night phase with only one torpedo weapon equipped. Not sure what having multiple torpedos will do other than more dmg and maybe higher hit/crit or something along those lines. If you think you can consistently land the preemptive torpedo from the mini-sub for respectable damage against whatever enemies you're facing then I'd say thats certainly the way to go with the torpedo cruisers. It won't matter what kind of main battery you put on them as their regular cannon damage is pathetic, so it seems like a waste. Maybe something like a turbine to avoid damage and get to the night phase clean, but a cannon seems like a waste outside of specific situations.

>> No.11522847

I like midget sub + 5 tube + radar, just so she definitely hits and kills any non-BB she torpedoes. You bring along KTKM/Ooi for the torpedoes; leave the main phase shooting to the BBs.

>> No.11522855

-10cm for air defense
-Torpedo to combo with 10cm for night battle
-midget sub for the extra attack

>> No.11522864

Personally I don't like relying on night phase to win any battles. Night phase is for getting the S-rank, but in the event it is dangerous to do so, I prefer to exit after daytime battle and get an A grade. Still gets the job done, just without the satisfaction of slaughtering every enemy ship for 1.2 times the exp.

>> No.11522868

You can't cut-in with a midget torpedo.

>> No.11522892

Just the regular torpedo attack in night phase with a high level Kitakami will hit for several hundred damage anyhow.

>> No.11522938

I'd post translations but 4chan is dead again.

>> No.11522947

And it's live again.

Chapter 11 translation: >>>/a/95004264

>> No.11522952

Is there a real difference between using the green planes and anti-air weapons on aircraft carriers when they have the same stats if you disregard the bauxite usage.

>> No.11522971

I lost my motivation to play right after clearing 2-4. I wonder why.

Anyone felt the same too?

>> No.11522972

No, actually I felt even more motivated since I finally broke out of the resource poverty cycle.

>> No.11522975

It's just burnout. Take it slow for a couple of days, come back for dailies, eventually the allure of trying to get all the girls will draw you back in.

Or not.

>> No.11522980

Uh, here's an arrangement album is anyone is interested.


>> No.11522981

Same here. I'm now casually clearing the rest of the stages barring 3-2.

>> No.11522982

You mush have crafted too much and spoiled future loot yourself.

>> No.11522988

I actually played more after clearing 2-4. That map really showed me the need to stock up resources.

>> No.11522989

Guess so. Or perhaps the fact that I have to change my fleet just to meet the 3-2 requirements disappoint me.

I don't even know who to bring for the 3-2 and how to grind them towards glory.

Nope, that's not it. My lowest resources are still on 1500+ level.

>> No.11522990

Just pick your favourite destroyers. At least that's what I did.

>> No.11522994

I actually cant wait to clear 2-4 so that I can finally use my cute DDs.

>> No.11522997

Maybe it i really burnout, I am tired of grinding too much when I am preparing myself for 2-4.

Perhaps.. I can split my main squad to two and grind the rest of the DDs ? Any recommendation for the stages? Assume they are at level 5-10.

>> No.11523000

Just train them one at a time with planned milestones. What I did was to put a DD as a flagship of my main fleet and go grind the shit out of it. Once she remodels, I swapped her with another DD and repeat the process.

>> No.11523001

I must say, I quite enjoy the RJ abuse.

>> No.11523004

I usually rotate two fleets with 3 DDs each though now one fleet has a sub so the other fleet gets to train 3 DDs at once. For each fleet, I put one carrier to clear most of the grunts, one BB for firepower and for another round of gun engagement should ever my ships fail to sink all the ships on their first salvos, one torpedo cruiser for preemptive torpedo strike and the rest are DDs. I put the weakest DDs or those DDs whom I think won't be able to dodge enemy fire on the fleet that has a sub as a flagship so all enemy fire will be focused on that sub only.

>> No.11523007

RJ is first on my "ships most likely to become serial killers" list, narrowly beating Yamashiro's "Yes, I did try gouging them out, but my eyes grew back the next day" expression.

>> No.11523008

Ah, got it. The bigger question should be, until what level should we grind them?

I really think some of them will reach second remodel this way.

>> No.11523014

~30 is fine, I think. If Yuudachi is in your party and you don't mind, level 55 then. Hibiki is excused though, grinding her to level 70 is absurd just for 3-2.

>> No.11523015


>> No.11523018

Doesn't matter though, the real danger is the enemy torpedo cruisers and elite flagship CLs. But I don't think there's a chance of sinking on their very first sortie provided they aren't fatigued or is in their full hp.
You may also want to craft turbines for evasion, or like I said, put a sub as your flagship and take your weakest DDs with it for training. Just experiment and see if your DDs can handle it with their low levels and adjust accordingly.

>> No.11523022

Out of all the Kanmasume, she's the most annoying.

>> No.11523024

Also, bring them along for your daily PVP fights. Use your main fleet, but stick 1 DD in the flagship spot, and watch her gain levels like crazy.

>> No.11523026

How much overkill is this for world 2:
Takao, Yamashiro, Haruna, Choukai, Myoukou and Hiyou.

Just completed 2-2 with them and the fights were extremely one sided.

>> No.11523023

Oh wait I read that as what level to start my bad.
30s is enough. Take turbines or emergency repair team.

>> No.11523029

If you read the thread you'd know it.

>> No.11523030

Yes, I agree 55 is still attainable. Perhaps that will be my benchmark to proceed.

I'll just grind them slowly. While perhaps at the same time hoping to get the Kongou sisters for the 4th fleet.

Also I have my turbines ready, perhaps auto-repair equipment will work too as mentioned by an anon earlier.

>> No.11523032

Clearly I must have missed something.

>> No.11523033

Reasonable if you're lucky and overlevelled. Don't expect a walk in the park, I cleared 2-2 with a fleet composition similar to yours as well and it was drastically changed for 2-4.

>> No.11523036

Even when anons said that 30s is enough, I was planning on sortieing once my DDs hit 40s though I know it's gonna be a very long ride seeing as it took me weeks to get a 47 KTKM to 50 just by grinding 3-2 along with the DDs I intend to take and that's without MVP, just the usual S rating 384 exp since my CVs kept hogging the MVPs for 1k exp each sortie.
I also got Haruna, the last of the Kongou sisters for my fleet from that map too so good luck finding yours.

>> No.11523039

I think I won't bring my Yudachi even when she can be remodeled 2x.

I just can;t stand leaving Ikazuchi alone when I'm bringing all her sisters ;_;

>> No.11523042

Same, I'm planning to bring the Akatsuki sisters too, along with Shimakaze and Yukikaze.

>> No.11523043

Why not bring Shiranui?

>> No.11523046

What the fuck with Nenohi's page on wikia?

>> No.11523048


>> No.11523049

I've already settled with the 4 Akatsuki sisters and Yukikaze and Shimakaze before I considered bringing her. Plus, the Akatsuki sisters were already leveled near their remodeling level so I decided to go with them so I can start early with the grinding. So I just stuck Shiranui along with her companions on a rag-tag group for expeditions.

>> No.11523051

Not them but Shirainui is in my DD fleet. The frontline is obviously her home and I cannot imagine leaving her out of 3-2. Sadly, her personality doesn't match her stats at all.

>> No.11523052

Only her page has quotes.

>> No.11523054

What's the purpose of submarine aircraft carriers? What sets them apart from all the others, in regards to play style and usefulness?

>> No.11523067

They are subs and yet they carry aircrafts. Doesn't that just blow your mind?

>> No.11523073

But their floatplanes suck...

>> No.11523077

You didn't get the new plane?

>> No.11523086

the French invented the concept before the first nip even considered making one.

>> No.11523089

Are you future me?

>> No.11523091

>Try better sub recipe twice for daily, get nothing
>Try 300/30/400/401

Good enough I guess.

>> No.11523104

Too many destroyers in this game. I can't get some of them to complete my sets.

Sazanami, Akatsuki, Nenohi, Asashio are still missing.

Anyone got any ideas on nodes where they could possibly drop from?

>> No.11523106

Grab a lv1 Isuzu and start grinding 1-1-1.

>> No.11523130

I think putting bauxite over 200 gives you a chance of getting a carrier. Tried 100/30/200/200 for fun and got Junyou. Also, please stop greentexting.

>> No.11523143

You can easily tell who are new here.

You can get cvls with at least 200, but for cvs, you need at least 400.

>> No.11523152

I did say carrier. I didn't specify if it was light or standard. And I only did it once so I don't know if you can get a regular one with that.

>> No.11523155

I really want to buy one of these:


It's really hard to find a seller that ships overseas. Rakuten's still taking preorders but NIPPON JINS ONRY. Amiami doesn't seem to be selling this either. Is there anywhere else that's selling this?

>> No.11523164

Tried proxy like Yokatta?

>> No.11523168

It was Japan that perfected the art of putting planes on everything, though. After aviation cruisers and aviation battleships, I was surprised they didn't try to make aviation destroyers next.

They do in fact have "aviation destroyers" now, but they're just CVLs that are called destroyers because of a technicality.

>> No.11523178

China often referred to those as "destroyer" *sic.

Japanese use of carrier does kind of mirror the kind of revolution that blitzkrieg bought forth on the battlefield. It's too bad that the Japanese combined fleet was poisoned by the Nelson tradition, and it's useless to go "haha" at them with the destruction of the carrier task force at Midway and the subsequent crushing blow at Leyte.

>> No.11523183

Not sure whether to be pissed about these medium repair times where i really don't want to bucket (2~4 hours) or happy that i just got 2 Ooi's in a row.

>> No.11523195

Is there somewhere where I can download audio files of ship's lines?

>> No.11523212

I just cleared 4-3 for the first time and I got Mikuma... I thought it's just eh another rare ship I'll probably have a dozen of down the road, but it turns out you can get Mikuma only from 4-3 boss and 5-2 boss.

I'm not sure if I'll ever have this kind of luck again.

>> No.11523220

What happens if all your ships die?

>> No.11523224

your flagship can't die

>> No.11523229

Oh right. I forgot flagships are invincible.

>> No.11523230

Everyone finally recognizes you as the monster you are.

>> No.11523234

You lucky motherfucker. I've been trying to get Mikuma for a week now. That boss hurts unless I bring my full force.

>> No.11523243

The thread is 1500 posts long and full of retards, ain't nobody got time for that shit.

>> No.11523276

What's the resource cap? Is it the number in my admiral page or is that the number to which resources regenerate naturally?

>> No.11523289

It's in the wiki.

>> No.11523291

The number in your admiral page.

>> No.11523296


>> No.11523320

My real issue there is reaching the boss in the first place, I cleared the scenario without any CA, most useless class in the game so I never bothered with them, but it takes a lot of luck with the compass and you have to waste resources with one more battle. Does aviation cruiser work as substitute of CA in that map?

>> No.11523335

Read the wiki before asking questions next time or go back to your home board, please.

>> No.11523338

I don't understand why you would do that considering the terrible voices of the game's characters.

>> No.11523341

Well that was pleasant. Completed 2-4 and got Shimakaze on the way, I did have some cold sweat when I entered night battle with Mutsu in red though. Thankfully Maya took the blunt of the blow for her.

>> No.11523345

Where? I've already looked through the wiki before asking and found no answers.

If it's really capped at the point where it naturaly restores then I guess I'm fucked because there's no way 10500 (T-level 39) will be enough for the event.

>> No.11523346

How does this contribute for the progression of the thread?

>> No.11523348

How does this contribute for the progression of the thread?

>> No.11523352

what progression?

It's not like this game actually has anything that needs to be discussed in the first place.

>> No.11523357

Are you 3 or what? Just read it it's in the wiki! I'm not going to spoonfeed a crossboarder.

>> No.11523363 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you cunt. If it was in the wiki I would have found it already.

>> No.11523364

It's the natural resource regeneration limit. You can still expedition over it.

>> No.11523367

It's not in the wiki, it's in the pastebin under other translations. Sometimes I get the feeling that our friend is still mad that his facebook thing didn't go off as well as he'd hoped.

>> No.11523368

The resource cap is for regenerating resources. You can exceed the cap by doing expeditions, quests or sortie but you cannot regenerate pass them.

>> No.11523370

Trying too hard to fit in there, buddy.

>> No.11523373

I read the wiki (wikiwiki's one), it refers to only CA but I wanted to ask just in case.
How did you get the impression that it's him? That was me actually and I'm not really bothered with that thing any more...

>> No.11523377

They could at least provide some useful information but all they do is blog about their tiny accomplishments that no one is interested about. They should just keep sitting silently alone in front of their computer and play their game instead of clogging the thread with any more useless comments.

>> No.11523384

So you can go past it by an indefinite amount? That's what I wanted to know, thanks.

>> No.11523387

If you wanted nothing but useful information you'd just be following the Kancolle twitter and the reading Japanese wiki pages since everything in these threads is re-reported information anyway.

>> No.11523391

What information do you consider useful?

The only thing that really is unknown is recipe chances, but I don't think we need people making posts every time they craft a ship.

>> No.11523400

Yeah you can, or the cap is just ridiculously high since I already exceeded my cap by 3 times for steel

>> No.11523401

So this place is just a hangout spot now for /a/ and /v/, huh? It's sad that normals always have to ruin everything from us.

>> No.11523404

Let's stop feeding the troll now.

>> No.11523405

>So this place is just a hangout spot now for /a/ and /v/, huh?
I don't see how that has anything to do with what I said.

>> No.11523406

Normalphobia can be and is twisted to extreme degrees in favor of more shitposting.

>> No.11523411 [DELETED] 


>> No.11523414 [DELETED] 

*Giggles* Look at what you are doing right now. It looks to me more like you are the troll here.

>> No.11523418

Alright guys, I'm going to refer people who can't find what they want on the wiki to the JP wiki, is that fine with you guys?

>> No.11523422

Danny Choo's recent post on Kancolle.

Now we've got the attention of normals as well! At least 90% of normalfags thinks that 4chan is infested with creeps so they probably won't come over. We'll just have to deal with crossboarders.

>> No.11523424

You seem to be interested more in thread regulation rather than in the the game. You aren't obliged to answer any questions at all.
If you see a stupid question, just don't reply, its not that hard.

>> No.11523426

Normals are most of the time the first ones who start trolling. I don't remember the game's community this bad when there were less people playing before this board got flooded by invaders.

>> No.11523430

I suggest you only do this for questions you actually know the answer to.

For example, there's an article on fleet support expeditions on wikwiki but even after reading it (or "reading" it with translation tools) it still might not be clear. So there isn't really a harm in someone asking about it.

>> No.11523431

Does anyone beside me use 15.5 secondary gun on the last slot of CV(L)s for grinding? It increases their range to medium and firepower allowing them to attack earlier and harder in the shelling phase

Just add an "s" to the end of the stock phrase, "Read the wiki".

>> No.11523438

People idealise the past.

>> No.11523439

I did that for a while but then I got tired of switching weapons all the time.

>> No.11523436

People have been writing about their game experiences since the threads first appeared in /jp/.

>> No.11523440

I am interested in the game but the fact that people just stop at the English wiki is weird but >>11523430 has a point though. Some of the articles, even with the aid of google translate, would be pretty hard to read.

>> No.11523442

You can't really tell who is who and why he is posting, so when you lead the thread which is not attracts attention of anyone even on /jp/, you think that only "true" posters are around, and everyone who starts later is some sort of alien invader that wants to ruin your life.

>> No.11523445

I miss the posts about the orange theme.

>> No.11523449

Me too, I was the only one who liked it...

>> No.11523450

I miss the orange theme.

>> No.11523453

Whoa, and here I thought that I was the only one who liked the theme!

>> No.11523455

I wanted a black theme.

>> No.11523463

Woah, woah, wait what? Don't joke like that. The theme was horrible and prolonged reading will cause an eyestrain.

>> No.11523468

Someone made a new thread.

>> No.11523471

Why? This thread is still on page 7.

>> No.11523474

Let's not. Wait till this thread dies out, that has always been the case.

>> No.11523475

Probably the first? 1542 replies and page7.

>> No.11523477

Presumably because it takes ten seconds to refresh the page.

>> No.11523480

It has a better OP, but I'm not in favour of this being the start of a trend of people making new threads for arbitrary reasons.

>> No.11523482

It looks like we were all under a wrong impression.
Not at all, I find white more eye-straining.
Could it be the work of the dude obsessed with referring to the wiki? The OP is different from the previous ones and there's no reference to the "oh so precious" etiquette

>> No.11523483

It takes that long? Never noticed it.

>> No.11523484

You can't be-
At least he fixe-
Oh wow board etiquette section is gone now.

The update button is there for a reason.

>> No.11523485

People have been making new threads for arbitrary reasons for years, whether Melty threads or VN General.

I made it. Ask me anything.

>> No.11523487

Browsing from your phone? Aren't there 4chan extension on mobile?

>> No.11523488

Wch kancolle wud u hug?

>> No.11523489

Why did you take out the part with the etiquette?

>> No.11523490 [DELETED] 

>Not at all, I find white more eye-straining.
People don't understand this. I was the anon who said that the orange was fine because it was low intensity orange.

>> No.11523491

Kancolle threads, though, usually just wait till they hit page 10 before a new thread is made.

>> No.11523492


>> No.11523495

I guess everyone is using the automatic updater extension these days? I feel like a dinosaur.

>> No.11523499

I'm pretty sure 4chan has native support for automatic refreshing already.

>> No.11523500

I just press it whenever I tab back to the page.

>> No.11523502

Excellent taste.

>> No.11523501

The best way to get people to do something is to warn them not to do it in the OP. I haven't seen an OP seriously advise people not to use greentext in years and I don't understand why we need to start now.

>> No.11523505

>Not at all, I find white more eye-straining.
It indeed is more strenuous on the eyes. The value contrast between the text and the background is greater now, then it was with the orange tint.

>> No.11523510

As far as I know, /jp/ doesn't take greentexting lightly. Got to admit, /jp/ has a different etiquette so I guess it is more natural to follow them since we are on their board after all.

>> No.11523511

Unlike other threads, this has many crossboarders posting in it.

>> No.11523518

Crossboarders have been posting in /jp/ for years. It's not like Touhou Project is particularly niche as far as the internet is concerned.

Unless someone goes on a spam party, it could be another two days and two thousand posts before that happens. If nobody has a problem with wading through 3k post thread, I suppose I can ask a moderator to delete it.

>> No.11523520

There is no need to be paranoid.
I hope you know 2hu is like 1000x more mainstream than kancolle. It might take years for kancolle to reach 2hu level of popularity.

>> No.11523537

Any none regulars here that joined the Kan Colle threads recently, and did you think twice about your posting style because of the etiquette section in the OP?

Seeing as how no one else has raised their voice about that bit, if it was helpful to non-regulars, I don't see a reason that it should be removed.

>> No.11523539

When will there be better artwork or voices already? I don't want to feel like playing some badly made low budget game anymore. Looking at the girls hurt my eyes.

>> No.11523540

If you can get a consesus about having the thread deleted, sure.

>> No.11523542

You're kinda repeating yourself at this stage. How is this contributing to the thread?

>> No.11523543

I hope 伊401 joins my fleet soon. I can't get enough of Shibafu girls.

>> No.11523545

I'll be honest, I really don't care about greentext unless its overrunning the board (or thread, in this case) and causing a problem, and it's not.

Incidentally, I thought the "who are you quoting" thing was retarded when we started that, too. It started a dumb obsession with style instead of content that plagues /jp/ to this day.

>> No.11523548

Maybe.. you can use your time better instead of whining to the Internet?

Make yourself a more productive person perhaps?

>> No.11523549

>I don't want to feel like playing some badly made low budget game anymore.

Then leave. No ones forcing you to play the game.

>> No.11523553 [DELETED] 

This isn't useful information so why do you had to post this?

>> No.11523556

This isn't useful information so why do you have to post this?

>> No.11523557

No fun allowed, huh? Is that all you do, policing every other post?

>> No.11523559

Okay, fuck the police.

New thread: >>11523382

If you want to continue your retarded arguments in this thread that would be ideal, though.

>> No.11523560

Is this the birth of a new KanColle meme?

>> No.11523563

I found the no greentext thing a bit weird, but if that's how it is then so be it.
And the emoticons part is not /jp/ only. They are not welcomed anywhere from what I've seen.

>> No.11523564


>> No.11523565

Is it written anywhere that we have to post only useful infos? This isn't an academic research board, we're just trying to have some fun, before you joined.
I don't understand why you started playing in the first place then...

>> No.11523567

So since this thread is on the decline anyway.

Where did you even come from?

>> No.11523569

I can't tell if some posters are genuinely falling for baits or if it's just a few shitposters doing their best to ruin Kan Colle threads.

> "who are you quoting" thing was retarded
You and me, both. The problem I have with just letting greentexters run wild is that once someone starts it, newcomers assume that it's fine to do so.
It also pisses me off that some people can't be bothered to form some sort of structured sentences and paragraphs so they just throw up on their keyboard and expect others to read and respond to it, but that's just a personal thing.

>> No.11523570

Didn't bother me at all. In fact, I like it. The threads look nicer without it.

>> No.11523572

Without greentexts? That's good to hear.

>> No.11523577

I stay on /tg/ most of the time, but I also check /a/ every once in a while and there I learned there's a lottery for the game and that you guys have regular threads about it.

>> No.11523581

Yes the greentexting. The thread feels slightly more intelligent when there's no one around posting greentext stories.

>> No.11523582

Oh, /tg/.
I like you guys, I used to hang out there often.

>> No.11523583

I wonder what the "friend" thing does. Can we form a party and take on a map in the future?

>> No.11523584

Friend thing? Where did you find that?

>> No.11523586

2nd button from the left on top.

>> No.11523587

It'll probably be something like an Alliance-thing I'd say. Since it does translate to Ally Fleet or Friendlies.

Special missions that you can challenge with allies!

>> No.11523589

What does the second line say? The one with the 2 on it.

>> No.11523591

What does this mean

>> No.11523592

Too blurrish for me to try and read it sadly.

>> No.11523595

Maybe instead of sending out an expedition team to do additional damage to a boss, you can take on that boss with your friends.

>> No.11523596

It would probably require us to play in the DMM site since we can't see names on the API.

>> No.11523601 [DELETED] 

>I can't tell if some posters are genuinely falling for baits or if it's just a few shitposters doing their best to ruin Kan Colle threads.
Probably the second. Also one of them must be a janitor seeing how their posts are immune to reports yet everyone who responds to them gets deleted, hence the thread flooded with "How does this contribute for the progression of the thread?"

>> No.11523606 [DELETED] 

Will the bad voices be replaced eventually?

>> No.11523612

This isn't useful information so why do you have to post this?

>> No.11523613


>> No.11523617

Confirmed for the 2nd something something something. I'm guessing they have a major features and mechanics expansion coming at some point that includes this thing.

>> No.11523619

Janitors are universal too? moot should really fix this to make them only have the power at a board they frequent.

>> No.11523623

Are you new to this site?

>> No.11523626 [DELETED] 

*shudders* I didn't think it was forbidden to ask simple questions on this board. Sorry for being a noob.

>> No.11523629

Only been here for 2 years. Sorry.

>> No.11523631

Everyone, please take it easy.

>> No.11523633

Don't worry about it, it's just someone shitposting.

>> No.11523632

He's a troll, ignore him. Notice how that phrase got posted multiple times already.

>> No.11523634

If you observe carefully, it's a select few trolls talking to themselves. The other thread has the exact same thing happening. The regulars are still having our regular conversations, just ignore the shitposting.

>> No.11523637

Wait a moment though... isn't that guy asking for replacing voices and artworks a troll too?

>> No.11523639

Quite obviously, yes.

>> No.11523640

Yes. We have a few trolls in here tonight/today.

>> No.11523641

In general, anyone responding to a troll is either a troll or retarded (even the "ignore him! he is a troll!" shit), so you should just leave that shit alone.

>> No.11523645

Not that guy, but every board has specific janitors. A janitor from say /a/ can't do shit on /jp/ and ther other way around. What the guy you're replying to is saying is that one of the /jp/ janitors is in on this.

>> No.11523647

I wouldn't be surprised if it's just one person.

>> No.11523649

Oh the irony. If this isn't troll feeding than I don't know what else it is.

>> No.11523652

Probably one guy and most likely lives in the EST timezone.

>> No.11523655

Now that I think about it, moot did say only mods are universal a while ago.

I still don't like how janitors are abusing their power to troll and delete posts on their whim.

>> No.11523658

That's how people are, 80% amongst those with powers will definitely abuse it and have fun with that.

>> No.11523659

Guess what just dropped on 2-4 for me?
Fusou- I'd post an image but we've hit our image limit.
It was the node just before the boss battle.

>> No.11523662

Since when is asking about patches trolling? Which board do you come from exactly?

>> No.11523668

Since when did anyone asked about patches for this game?

All I see is someone complaining about something he himself didn't like and wanted to post how he felt.

>> No.11523671

She's one of the more common BBs, actually.

>> No.11523674

Still, it's a BB.
I'll consider it a nice drop for a newbie.

>> No.11523680

I'm more impressed that you almost made it through 2-4 without battleships.

>> No.11523683

Not without battleships- I have Ise-Kai and Mutsu.

>> No.11523686

Getting through 2-4 just mostly requires luck anyway

>> No.11523691

It's all skill.

>> No.11523699

The compass does not give a fuck about your skill

>> No.11523705 [DELETED] 

This thread shows the true nature of Kantai fans. It's like it was made especially for normals.

>> No.11523754 [DELETED] 

True nature of crossboarders, Onii-chan.

>> No.11524145

Dont post it. It will make ppl mad as its 'blogging'.

>> No.11524200

Anyone wanna make a new thread?
It's not a kancolle thread without cute ship girl pictures.

>> No.11524225

Still got 2 pages to go. Use imgur if you have to. It's not like we need an active thread when faggots like >>11524145 are willing to bring up a four hour old discussion that went over fine in an attempt to bait out responses.

>> No.11524231

There's actually a new thread started by another itchy anon. He really should've waited longer though.

>> No.11527176

Is there an artbook that has all the ships?

>> No.11527403


>> No.11527693

Sold out? damn.

>> No.11528673

I'm pretty sure they'll print some more after the first wave passes. Kadokawa is a publisher after all and the whole idea of this game is to capitalize on the media and the merchandise...

>> No.11529481

I hope so, Amazon Japan can ship artbooks outside right?

>> No.11529597

They do, but be prepared to pay more than the price of the book. http://amzn.to/GOSUZC

>> No.11529613

Oh, looks like they have some in stock now.

>> No.11530194

Ouch now I remember why I didn't order any artbooks in Amazon Japan before.. time to save.

That's cool I wish the book is sold in AmiAmi or other places.

>> No.11530587

I notice that KanColle threads are usually quite civil and free of trolling when it has 800+ posts and is around page 5. Whenever it has sub-300 posts and constantly gets bumped to page 1, it seems to attract troublemakers.

Generally only people interested in the game would CTRL+F through the catalog. I like it when the thread is calm like this.

>> No.11530593

I managed to order a copy before they closed off pre-orders. I hope it doesn't get lost on the way to Australia.

I'd really like to scan it for all of you guys, but sadly I don't have any scanning equipment. Sorry.

>> No.11530781

What is people equipment line up for the CV? I tried various ways but I don't really see any different between heavy amount of green/red/blue planes, so I'm kinda curious.

>> No.11530818

HLJ has it for pre-order http://www.hlj.com/product/KDK31875/Boo

>> No.11531493

Is this setup strong enough to face 2-4?

>> No.11531867

Your level 6 Fusou won't even make it to the boss. You need level 30 ships.
