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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11515676 No.11515676 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11498874

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11515706

How does one take accurate dimension screenshots? I've tried programs like fraps, but that didn't work.

>> No.11515712

What do you mean by "accurate dimension"? I just use Alt+PrtSc and paste into Paint.

>> No.11515716

Using Fraps works fine for me.

>> No.11515715

IrfanView works.

>> No.11515721

Rance IX - Helman Revolution


>> No.11515722
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>> No.11515732

Well that seems interesting, I've always liked strategy RPGs.

>> No.11515740


I wish there were eroge with gameplay like Final Fantasy Tactics.

>> No.11515799

For the love of god, why 3D. Detailed 2D sprites would look much better.

>> No.11515818

I'm sure Alicesoft knows that sprites look better than 3D, but doing 2D-graphics and animating them too would be really expensive.
TADA is putting the funds on playability rather than graphics.

>> No.11515812
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At least their CGs look good.

>> No.11515927

Already looks better than Quest.

It looks like they reused the models from Quest.

>> No.11515939

Where do Japanese people talk about eroge? えろげ@ふたば is pretty much dead.

>> No.11515945

Pink BBS I think.

>> No.11515947


>> No.11515988

i doubt any more than 1% of jp posters are native nipponese

>> No.11516000


And I'd bet we don't have a single one.

>> No.11516360
File: 150 KB, 700x440, top20131011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's something like Mugen Renkan again.

>> No.11516417

anyone played baldr sky zero? the review from egs says it's quite bad

>> No.11516426

I had quite a lot of fun with it, good story, enjoyed the changes to the gameplay that offered.

>> No.11516441

hmm, okay then. I will give it a try.

>> No.11516442

Let's hope so, but with liquid you never know although it being Izumi so I would think they give him enough of room to do what he wants.

>> No.11516443

Is there any walkthrough for bsz?

>> No.11516445

While you don't really need one because it almost doesn't offer choices >>11501548

>> No.11516448

I get 404 on the blog?

>> No.11516452

Wait, doesn't work

Yeah, seems it was updated, here http://file.baldreclair.game-ss.com/bszero_cc_z.html

>> No.11516457

I and a few other people here seemed to enjoy it. I was quite surprised when I went to 2ch's Baldr thread and saw how their opinions contrasted.

Can't say I don't understand them. They dished out 10,000円 for a product that's unfinished on a few important fronts, but honestly it's nowhere near as bad as they say. In fact, besides the ones about the battle system and the use of Baldr Sky's assets, most of the complaints aimed at ZERO fully apply to other Baldr games.
The only one that's really exclusive to ZERO is the one about pacing. Everyday things often drag on while stuff in battle sequences go by so fast you have trouble understanding what just happened.

>> No.11516456


I had fun, the gameplay is markedly different to the Dive series (more haphazard, less CQC combo-ism).

On a sidenote I like Ed more than Kou, he is a lot more honest and wouldn't mind letting his mouth run a bit and more capable of actually talking to people he isn't familiar with. The fact almost everyone is new to Ed, compare to almost everyone is old/familiar with Kou, is quite a contrast that I liked. It's funny they call Ed a dumb gunner with no brain like Sakura when Kou is even dumber throughout Dive (and didn't get call for it).

>> No.11516470

how long is the game? same as dive1?

>> No.11516475

A bit longer, but just a bit.

>> No.11516489

The text in Sky/Force is simple but flows really well, it's much more skillfull than you can find in a LN and definitely better than Zero.

>> No.11516493

eroge isn't well written unless it consists of walls of pretentious kanji

>> No.11516495
File: 157 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this should go in /int/ or whatever, but I'm not really trying to start anything.
I just found this to be abnormally worldly for an eroge.

>> No.11516496

is there any recommended route order?

>> No.11516500

I consider flow to be a part of pacing rather than writing.

>> No.11516504

Isn't pacing under writing? Good writing should know how to pace well.

>> No.11516517

Both of the 2 routes open at the start have their ups and downs as the first routes.
Kei's route explains why Ed is like he is, but honestly, it has the atmosphere of a route that happens near the end.

I say go with whichever you like.
Of course, but I already stated that I believe that the pacing, and thus the flow, of ZERO is a bit problematic.

>> No.11516551

Sorry to bring this here, but what kind of Japanese word processors do you guys use? My copy of NJStar Japanese WP just died on me and I ran into a brick wall trying to find a workable crack.

If anyone has a recommendation for a free and easy to use JPW I would really appreciate it.

>> No.11516575

your standard word processor and google IME

>> No.11516577


Standard word process with ime, MS Office Words or LibreOffice equivalent.

>> No.11517160
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>> No.11517544

want to try out that benchmark, can someone reupload it for a westerner?

>> No.11517562


Haven't tested it, but it should be working.

>> No.11517665

started WA2 about half an hour ago, when does it pick up?

>> No.11517667


Kuroinu 2 pls

>> No.11517673

Wow, I saw some coments in EGS. The really dislike cool characters...Ed was an improvement. I wasn't too fond of Kou.

>> No.11517680

Umineko ep7 with tweaks. Amazing stuff, Ryu. Just amazing.

>> No.11517696

Episode 7 is boring retarded shit till the very last part

>> No.11517710

I very much prefer Ed to amnesiac/Seishuu Kou, but I wouldn't put him on the level of mercenary/savior Kou.

>> No.11517723

You're still several hours away from the flying superpower battle scenes.

>> No.11517765

Keep reading you ADD fuck.

>> No.11517848
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Which VNs have a protag that isn't a detestable faggot autistic misanthrope (or at least gives me the options to not be one).

>> No.11517855

School Days.

>> No.11517885
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I guess I will, I sure hope they are going somewhere meaningful. Nothing of interest has happened so far though.

>> No.11517898

Just stop playing it and watch the anime.

>> No.11517935

>Just stop playing it and watch the anime.
I don't like anime though. I guess I am not cool enough to play this game but I will wait until something happens before I decide to drop it.

>> No.11518005

A question about LovelyxCation 2, does the easy mode just get rid of stat needs or simply lowers the amounts you need?

>> No.11518030

Stats do nothing in easy mode, so no Vit/Dex bonus CGs.
There's basically no real reason to play it in easy mode as it's babby tier, and all of the stats aside from Vit and Dex seem to do fuck all.

>> No.11518051

It's mainly because some of the sex scene requirements look annoying as fuck.

>> No.11518092

H Scene requirements basically all come down to
>Did you grab the super shiny 12+ stat point item?
>Yes / No

>> No.11518109

There are those things? Hope they start appearing SOON.

>> No.11518113
File: 412 KB, 921x691, dosestats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example.

>> No.11518119

That's the famous 'let's analyze your sperm' Wakoto uses for a sex scene, right? I've heard of it.

>> No.11518130


>> No.11518202

Newfag at VNs, only played a few, and only really the popular ones, so I can't really form much of an opinion, and I'm not entirely sure of my tastes yet.

Where can I find good reviews of VNs? I'm not exactly looking for recommendations, because I want to go off of what sounds good to me, but I want to know where I can at least find them, because I'm at a loss. I've been to a couple VN general threads, but most discussed are recent VNs, and I'm really just looking for descriptions that catch my eye.

Sorry if this is a pretty new thing of me to ask, and it's completely fine if I don't get an answer, but I thought it'd be alright to try.

>> No.11518278
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This shit is great, thanks to whoever recommended it.

>> No.11518281

The only website I know is vndb, and sadly, the fact that it's relying on tags to identify the VN you want means that you can accidentally spoils yourself easily.

>> No.11518288

>Newfag at VNs,

Which probably means you can't read Japanese? Well, you are pretty much out of luck. There are some English blogs who do reviews for eroge, but they focus on untranslated stuff. You could also read Ixrec's reviews (http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/)), but his taste is usually really bad.

>> No.11518301

>The slice of life and comedy in the common route has some fairly silly heroines, a quirky yet nuanced writing style, plus a calm yet mystical atmosphere from both the town and the nice fluffy story to occupy time until the genre shift. Somehow it manages to be a highly immersive and relaxing experience that makes you eager to learn more about the town's secrets after the plot kicks in.
>Then, sadly and bizarrely, the actual routes are just plain badly written. More often than not twenty pages will say what could easily fit into five sentences. Some fairly lengthy scenes have no discernible purpose, and several that should have one somehow fail to add the slightest detail to what we already knew. Partly as a result, the story varies between being needlessly nebulous (for most or all of each route you have no idea what the conflict is even about), poorly explained (in one dramatic finale a bunch of named characters died and I still don't understand why), inconsistent (the most powerful person in one route is reduced to a red shirt with a totally different power in another), and weird in a bad way (a couple of the twists would've been appropriate for a Doctor Who episode).
said like a true eroge expert.

>> No.11518303

should be quoting >>11518288

>> No.11518305

Thanks, I've used it to find out more about the VNs that do catch my interest, but not really to find new ones, I'll give it a try.
Yeah, unfortunately the only experience in Japanese I have is a year long class I took a few years ago when I was in HighSchool so I could get a language credit (they stopped offering the class the year after I took it, so I had to switch into a different language)...
Considering learning Japanese though, for LNs, VNs, and because it might be a good language to learn being on the west coast of the US and all.

>> No.11518311

Well at least you have some experience in Japanese.
I don't. And I envy you.

>> No.11518313

Forgot to add : I actually like vndb because it also mentions if the VN has been translated.
Reviewers usually don't bother updating their data when a translation patch is out.

>> No.11518315


am i reading that correctly.

>> No.11518317


You should try the Ixrec Review Generator.


>> No.11518323

no problem, have fun.i also pretty enjoyed it.

>> No.11518325

The guy didn't even finish the bonus chapter, you know which one.

>> No.11518328


I've retained very little information from the class. I remember most Hiragana and Katakana symbols, and how to write them.

I also did a program back when I was in Highschool that sent me to Japan for a student ambassador thing, I got school credits for it, and spent two weeks going all over Nippon (Didn't go to Hokkaido, but mostly everywhere else) learning about the customs, people, government, and having a fun time.

Unfortunately, this was maybe 5 years ago about, and I only really got into Otaku culture and Japanese culture 2-3 years ago. I think back on my trip to Japan and think of all of the things I would do now if I was there. Then again, I don't know if it's better to have to desperately hide a power level, or to just not have a high power level to begin with.

>> No.11518695

What is fhc's favorite NTR game?

>> No.11518698

A Profile

>> No.11518702 [DELETED] 

>The NTR feeling in this game is STRONG, that I played the whole game almost all the time with my penis erect, just reading texts,without see any sex scene, since you play the game the whole time by the point of view of the protagonist, never from the point of view of the girl, this make the NTR feeling more stronger. NTR games need to be like this, because, If you see so many parts of the game by the point of view of the girl, this mess up the NTR feeling.

>I masturbated and my penis almost explode of so much excitation specially when the protagonist force the girl to admit that she is doing the prostitution and he request to her to explain WHY she is doing it. Just reading her explanation already make the whole game worthwhile.

>> No.11518704 [DELETED] 

>Today I get a day off and I played this game the whole day.
>Not ask to me how many NTR scenes have this game, since I am currently playing it now, I not completed the game yet. I think, I am in the mid of the game yet, translating carefully all texts. To say you the true, I not see yet any sex scene. This game is more plotline than sex.
>However, I did something that never happened before: I masturbated just reading texts, not seeing sex scenes. The NTR feeling in this game is STRONG, that I played the whole game almost all the time with my penis erect, just reading texts,without see any sex scene, since you play the game the whole time by the point of view of the protagonist, never from the point of view of the girl, this make the NTR feeling more stronger. NTR games need to be like this, because, If you see so many parts of the game by the point of view of the girl, this mess up the NTR feeling.

>I masturbated and my penis almost "explode" of so much excitation specially when the protagonist force the girl to admit that she is doing the prostitution and he request to her to explain WHY she is doing it. Just reading her explanation already make the whole game worthwhile.
>I am, anxious to return to the game to keep playing it more ( unfortunately, soon I will be forced to sleep, since tomorrow I have work to do ). I just hope that this game have a happy ending, I hate sad and tragic endings...

>> No.11518716

fhc was truly a hero

Thank fuck I learned japanese instead of using his dictionary years ago though

>> No.11518714

His eloquent and flowing descriptions alone make my penis almost explode of so much excitation.

>> No.11518895

Two words: "simple pleasures."

Artwork also matches the story perfectly, in that it shows exactly what it needs to show without beautifying a thing. The writing style is also a perfect fit. Rather than being artistic, it tells everything exactly like it is (exceptions for when a more emotional character is narrating, but of course that just adds more to the scene).

Although the first chapter was a slow start (for good reason), after that the plot moves pretty quickly, making it easy to focus on the positives mentioned above. The gameplay also does a nice job of not dragging out, except for a handful of deliberately hard boss fights which were quite satisfying to beat. Last but not least, it did feel like significant effort was put into fleshing out the fictional world, which (like in any other decent fantasy story) helped in a lot of ways.

The three routes work together beautifully, with the sole flaw that some parts of the final route repeat a little too much old content. And finally, there is a large cluster of potentially world-changing secrets entirely withheld from you until Josou Sanmyaku 2, but hopefully you saw that coming.

Score: 7.5

Polarization: (-19.2/+2.3)

One of the convenient consequences of "fundamental unoriginality" is heavy depolarization, so this subscore should come as no surprise.

Routes/Endings Played: All

PS: Some people find this game very buggy, so be sure to either download the patch, disable DirectX or save really really often.

>> No.11518991

Yeah, I take it back. The game becomes pretty good once the three most important characters are established. I guess a person should read more than an hour or two before trashing a game.

>> No.11518994

If an hour or two is your attention threshold I guess you'll struggle with a lot of eroge

>> No.11519033

>an hour or two
Your ADD is almost as strong as mine. I can never finish anything if it doesn't hook me right away. I'll just pick at it for a few months or drop it.

>> No.11519109
File: 680 KB, 1280x720, Sharon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she at least have an omake h-scene?

>> No.11519186

Maybe if it gets a fandisk...

>> No.11520050

Finished ノブレスオブルージュ -Noblesse of Rouge-: can't say I found dialogue interesting, the format is very disjointed even compare to identical theme VN on boy in all-girl school (like well-known otoboku or recently otomega and story-wise, otomega is superior in every way to this). A waste of time.

>> No.11520101


Any redeeming qualities in ノブレスオブルージュ at all?

>> No.11520115


Not even 桐谷華 imouto manage to salvage anything, so no.

>> No.11520138

Hapymaher fandisk announced, guess that certain someone will get a route now.

>> No.11520143


Looks like my backlog got a little bit lighter

>> No.11520232

Happymaher did a good job, put me to sleep every 10 minutes.

>> No.11520285

Could anyone recommend me some short VNs (similar length than Hanahira, Eden, Kikokugai) which aren't focused on sexual content? I want to read as much as possible different kinds of works, but most short VNs seem to be nukige.

>> No.11520294


>> No.11520304




>> No.11520373

I saw that one when browsing but seems it is too old and I can't find it anywhere.

Yes I have tried that.. Most of them are either fandiscs, too old and I can't find them or I have already read them. That's why I was looking for newer ones which aren't correctly tagged and/or don't have length in vndb (or line count on tlwiki).

>> No.11520482

For the length tag on vndb, is that the clear time for the main route or for 100% clear?

>> No.11520493

The whole game obviously.

>> No.11520498

You are gay right?

>> No.11520504

This is agonising, I’ve been trying to decide on what to play next for a day.
How do you pick from your backlog?

>> No.11520505


You don't. Always move forward and never look back. It's in the backlog for a reason.

>> No.11520506


I generally find most of the clear times on VNDB are horribly inaccurate except for 50+ hour


I play them in order of release date when i get into that situation

>> No.11520511

What I feel like reading I guess? Not that it's working as of late, should go back to manga for a while.

>> No.11520617

What should I expect from Hatsukoi 1/1 ?

>> No.11520623

Sex with girls!

>> No.11520626

>I generally find most of the clear times on VNDB are horribly inaccurate except for 50+ hour
I agree. That's why line count is much better for approximating the length.

>> No.11520631

High production values moege, feels really classic. Maya and Kyo best girls.

>> No.11520638

Indeed from what I prospected before playing the too looked like it.

Good enough for me.

>> No.11520639

Some drama (which I thought brought it down a bit), good art, nice songs, smartphones and >>11520623.

And apparently Toneworks wrote an apology about the protagonist being a complete failure, or so I've heard, so I guess there's that too.

>> No.11520649

How was Lovekami? Not very popular?

>> No.11520650


I was about to comment on the protagonist. He pissed me of to the extent I completely dropped the game. It looked nice and the heroines were interesting enough, but the whole way how he let himself take the fall for other people stealing stuff and his lackluster attitude about everything. Damnit that pissed me off to no end.

Is it worth pulling through or should I just go and play other moege with a more enjoyable protagonist?

>> No.11520653

>Is it worth pulling through or should I just go and play other moege with a more enjoyable protagonist?
Poll time: most enjoyable moege protagonist of 2013

>> No.11520654

Yeah the hetare tag on vndb made me put this on hold for a long time, but I guess I have to comp with him being a irredeemable wimp...

>> No.11520658

I fucking hate hetare god fucking dammit.

>> No.11520702

Where is this from?

>> No.11520700

I can't comment on all routes, but from what I've played he never gets much better. In my case, me liking the heroines was more important than me disliking the protagonist so I kept going anyway, but that's up to you.

My pick goes to Daitoshokan's Kakei. I enjoyed his somewhat anti-social antics and how it tied to the events in the True routes. It was also enjoyable to see his character slowly develop throughout the game.

>> No.11520710

It's from the best Pulltop game.

>> No.11520712

Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashi no.

>> No.11520753

I think I'll skip it then, my backlog is huge enough as it is.

Although lately I've lost all will to read any real deal serious story eroge. Time to go on another moege binge I guess.

>> No.11520754

>Poll time: most enjoyable moege protagonist of 2013
I'd say either the protagonist from Daitoshokan or Otome Riron.

>> No.11520778

Only played daitoshokan and amairo this year so obviously Kakei from daitoshokan

>> No.11520790
File: 586 KB, 1280x720, Someone kill me, plse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daitoshokan was good and all, but it was such a letdown after Eustia. Yes I know that August like to those type of novels and Eustia was the exception, but they just raised the bar too high to do another nothing special moege, I had my fair share of fun though.

>> No.11520792

There should have been a comedy homo end with Takamine + Kyouko in the fandisc.

>> No.11520799

Fucking kurukuru psp version and its shitty data install that just won't install. Not even in emulators.

>> No.11520801
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, Masaki 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tamamo and imouto from daitoshokan, masaki and shirley from amairo best girls.

>> No.11520816

I like Tamamo a lot but I didn’t like most of her END1 very much, Shirasaki’s was nicer.
I’m playing Senri’s END1 and she’s definitely the least enjoyable heroine.

>> No.11520822

I'd put Eustia and Daitoshokan both on the same level myself. Sameface jokes aside, they are two completely different games and not really comparable at all, but they both were very well done in their respective sub-genres.

I certainly wouldn't call it "another nothing special moege". If the average moege had that level of effort and production values put into it I'd be the happiest man alive.

>> No.11520829
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, Suzuki.Kana.full.1410075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly felt both Shirasaki and Senri endings to be a drag in general. Shirasaki's just wasn't interesting and Senri's crammed the whole relationship in like 30 minutes.
They'll never be Kana, so it can't be helped.

>> No.11520834

I’m really looking forward to playing Kanasuke’s routes. Especially after her heartbreak in Senri’s route.

>> No.11520837

Protip: the end2 routes are basically copypaste for the other heroines, so just do one of them after you do Kodachi's version if you don't want to skip the whole thing over and over for 15-20 minutes of actual content.

>> No.11520846

I suppose they will fix that in FD, in Senri route I found the sub-heroine more amusing and having a proper relationship escalating than the full route Senri.

I disagree, as far as novel goes Eustia is far superior, and if want to separate genres, I think Yuzusoft has better tittles than August.

Funny fact, Kodachi shares the same VA as Masaki (asairo) and childhood friend Lovesick Puppies, best girl in three novels, that I read, in a row

>> No.11520856

Yeah Miyu’s not so bad, though I didn’t do her sub-route yet.

>> No.11520864

I have a folder of about 40 games and when I need a new one to play I go to random number generator between 1 and however many games I have and play the number it picks.

>> No.11520891

Do you guys have any program that allow you to snap the screen of the vns, without the border or taking a prinscreen and editing on some random program?

>> No.11520899
File: 90 KB, 430x495, Hmmm (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've 25 installed and feels like a eternity to choose one to read when I finish/drop the current one I'm reading.

>> No.11520908

How can I find out the line count for vn's? Is there a website?

>> No.11520927

I don't install until I'm ready to play them.

>> No.11520938

I've 25 installed, actually 26 if you count the one I'm reading and much more uninstalled, such as Nitro, Eushully, Akatsuki Works and Light collections, etc, etc.

>> No.11521085

So i've been setting up ITH after starting to learn japanese, is there a way to make only the individuals words be translated? I'm only interested in the words i don't know yet, i don't need it to translate the whole sentence.

>> No.11521108

What is the order you guys use to download your eroge, when it's from your backlog? I usually download everything from a single company that I can find, then I go to another one.

>> No.11521111

use either jparser or mecab panel in TA it will work like rikaichan, you just have to hover the words to see the readings and meanings.

>> No.11521115

Alright, i was getting confused with which dictionaries to download. Thanks.

>> No.11521117

You can just minimize whatever program you're using with ITH and then when you get to a unknown word alt+tab, read it and minimize again...

>> No.11521126


I thought the MC was fine in Maya's route, and she's the best girl any way. Is he really bad in the other routes?

>> No.11521147

I just started, but I don't know, he doesn't see to have any ability at all to justify the harem of bishoujos that he has

>> No.11521205

He was decent enough in Kyou's too I thought.

OjouNana's I guess, for me.

>> No.11521406
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, SiglusEngine 2013-10-12 23-31-04-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's much Mc characters in high school setting out there who can answer honestly that they aren't.

>> No.11521465

What’s the question?

>> No.11521472


>> No.11521627


but what is the question

>> No.11521654

How do you take your cocktails?

>> No.11521864

So Virgin and Not a virgin.

>> No.11521883

Wow you're a nihongo master!

>> No.11522745


Options > Capture/Screenshot > Capture Area > 4) Foreground Window - Client Area

>> No.11522795

>Have the program
>Never know you could do this
>Always have to alt+prt scrn and crop it before pasting into 4chan message box
Well fuck, thanks for the easier method, Anon.

>> No.11522804

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11522886


>> No.11522949

Hanachirasu was a lot of fun.

>> No.11522998
File: 139 KB, 800x600, SS_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought drakoi was pretty good.

>> No.11523069
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished SubaHibi. I thought that the first half was great and the second half terrible. Maybe it just went over my head.

Now I think I'll play Himawari.

>> No.11523083

I started reading Yume Miru Kusuri yesterday. I stopped after about half an hour. While it isn't exactly dropped I can't bring myself to read anymore of it. Its too... I guess 'anime' would be the word for it. Does it get better or should I just stop now? I really liked symphonic rain so if yume miru kusuri ends up having a similar atmosphere to that I'd likely enjoy it.

>> No.11523085

YMK and Symphonic Rain are really completely different.

>> No.11523099

I had a similar experience when playing YMK. I tried picking it up again a few times but I'll probably never finish it. Which is somewhat strange, as I have finished far worse stuff over the years. Something about it just doesn't sit well with me.

What he said.
If you want something similar in terms of atmosphere then you're better off playing True Remembrance or Narcissu.

>> No.11523199

I have already read both of them. Maybe I should have mentioned, I have already read all that have been translated.

>> No.11523215

Try Tsui no Sora then. That's pretty short.

>> No.11523294

When I first started playing VNs, I went for ones that were commercially available in English. So I picked two that looked interesting. Ai Yori Aoshi, and Bible Black.
Quite a contrast.

>> No.11523361

Can someone recommend something that's easy to read and not completely boring? SoL is fine I guess.

>> No.11523369

Princess witches EXCELLENT.

>> No.11523393

Lovely Cation 2 was pretty easy, but man there's a LOT of sex in that one.

>> No.11523397


>> No.11523409

Thank you, I'll give them a try.

>> No.11523413

not him; are those actually pretty easy to read?
I'm learning Japanese, and I wanted to try to read a vn

>> No.11523416

LC and Hanahira are super easy to read moege.
PW is easy AND has somewhat interesting plot and setting later on if you want to read something that actually goes somewhere.

>> No.11523425
File: 114 KB, 800x600, 14771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks easy

>> No.11523435

Just off topic question but why Lovely Cation 2 instead of the first Lovely Cation?

>> No.11523451

It's not a sequel, and it's considered better.

>> No.11523447

Fuck I love loli moege.

>> No.11523459

I don't want sound picky but.. my eyes hurt when I watch this game. Also I need some games where I can use ITH.

>> No.11523615

it's your TRUNEET destiny to make one

>> No.11523638

Tsukihime Review

A masterpiece of post-modernism, intertextuality and metaphysics.

This game spams more tropes than I could ever link you to. So I won't keep trying. However, most of them are decently well executed, so this game actually rides a fine line between cliche storm and troperiffic, and how much you enjoy it will largely depend on how jaded you are and how much you like this particular genre. In fact, the game almost seems to be a direct rip-off of FSN at times, so how much you liked that is the only indicator you need.

Tsukihime uses (and sometimes lampshades) everything that's good about typical shonen action, and either averts or subverts (or even explicitly mocks) several of the common pitfalls. The former means that all the battles are cool, and some are downright epic. The latter means that, among other things: there is a lot of disagreement and infighting among the protagonists, there is often no identifiable villain to defeat or objective to complete, it is often unclear what if anything would be morally right, and the protagonists are powerless to stop most (but not all) of the tragic events.

Fundamentally, everything is character-driven, and the characters are excellent. They all have different opinions and motivations which can and do clash, none of them are useless, and none of them are idiots (in a bad way). Also, they're all capable of being funny, especially when grouped together, which is important given all the slice of life scenes.

There are no dull moments in Tsukihime; literally every scene is entertaining. But the game is not flawless. Most of the truly awesome events are in the final route, so a couple routes never get very far above "entertaining". There is also a mild degree of predictability throughout. And some of the choices are stupidly misleading. But that's it.

>> No.11523642

Score: 1000/10

Polarization: (-3.4/+7.4)

The predictability might be a non-issue for some of you. On the other hand, there are a handful of tropes which are played perfectly straight that some people might find annoying, and there are a few others which some may find underwhelming (though that last one ends up completely justified). Finally, some of the dialogue and narration can sound pretentious.

Routes/Endings Played: All five routes and all bad endings.

I have to say, nailed it.

>> No.11523656

>This game spams more tropes than I could ever link you to.

So he was going to provide TV Tropes links for all those in-jokes and jargon he used, right?

>> No.11523663

Is this review by some otacool guy or something? Any reason anyone should care?

>> No.11523681

Should you really be calling it a ripoff of FSN instead of saying that it's more like FSN beta: Now with worse effects and writing?

Also, saying no character is useless is misleading. Sure, Hisui helps with Kohaku stuff and Ciel is an important supporting character for Arcueid and Akiha, but their routes are bad and Hisui in particular has little reason for existing besides filling out the fetish quota.

>> No.11523684

>Ciel route
It was an improved version of Arc's, not boring in the least unlike hers.

>> No.11523690

By improved version, you mean that it focused on a less interesting character and got hijacked by the best heroine as a result, right? And also that the ending was both boring and ridiculous?

Wait, shit, that's not an improvement at all. My bad.

>> No.11523803

Is Loose Boy dead?

>> No.11523836

I'll just ask this here, is 2.2 the latest version of ITH?

>> No.11523856
File: 206 KB, 1439x1075, oohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11523863

Has anyone played 夢か現かマトリョーシカ yet? Any thoughts?

>> No.11523888

2.3 is the latest version.

>> No.11523963

Do you have a link I could get?

>> No.11523981


>> No.11523987

Every time.

>> No.11524587
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, SiglusEngine 2013-10-13 00-41-27-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist of this novel it's kinda of wimp, yes, but not to a extend to justify a 3.0 Hetare, he's like 0.5 or something. That said, I'm still in the common route, so I suppose I should expect more events with him again failing in being a man.

>> No.11524590

PW isn't particularly hard, but it's not exactly baby-tier, either. You might find the language in the second half tricky if all you've ever read is moege. It is great, though, so I would also recommend it.

>> No.11524647

Smug smile, rude tits and calling the protag virgin - is she the school slut?

And most importantly, what's the name of that game?

>> No.11524662

She's the coodere of the novel. Always with her smug and mocking the others, taking the tangent to get away from anything that she doesn't care, or so it seems.

The name of the novel is 初恋1/1, from toneworks.

>> No.11524663


>> No.11524730

Isn't it about time to make a paste with language difficulty level tiers? You can open archives of vn threads and see that every fucking thread somebody asks the same question.

>> No.11524738

You make it then.

>> No.11524756

No, because people will continue to ask the same questions regardless.

>> No.11524773

Maybe by babbies who couldn't into the ultra basic dating sim elements that were in the first.

>> No.11524777

The second one also has the same "gameplay".

>> No.11524778

how difficult would you say mashiro iro symphony is?

I'm thinking about trying it out.

>> No.11524789

It doesn't get much easier.

>> No.11524797

Yeah brah. You totally need to be a hardcore eroge expert to finish the first.

>> No.11524801

Except with even less of an effect.

>> No.11524828

I'm requesting ADD friendly games, games that hook you right from the start. Please.

>> No.11524834

They are both キャラゲー and very good, so I wouldn't consider one better over the other. Based on the heroines you prefer, either one could be better. My advice is to check the heroines and then decide for which one to go.

>> No.11524839


>> No.11524855

Yo what the fuck is this like your boku no pico?

>> No.11524857

No, it's a game that hooks you right from the start.

>> No.11524864

I doubt that man. Rape is not cool.

>> No.11524870

Wow way to be judgmental.

>> No.11524877

All rapists need to die. I'm sorry but that's just the truth.

>> No.11524883

Well i'm glad i'm on my path to wizardry.

>> No.11524884

If that's what you think, your loss man...

>> No.11524890

Rape is awesome. Everyone should try it at least once.

>> No.11524898

On which side?

>> No.11524893

Is the guy who started 帝国封印学舎-迷宮学園Ⅳ- because of me in the last thread still here?

Did you make it?

>> No.11524909

Both, if the opportunity arises, but at the very least the side doing the raping.

>> No.11524918

First the raping side. As time goes by, the raping side gets bored, but the raped side starts to enjoy it. After that only the raped side enjoys it.

>> No.11524931

I'm looking for Japanese Cyberpunk Visual Novels, recommend some descent ones because all of the ones that I have played thus far are well... pretty bad.

>> No.11524977

You guys are boring for still playing these games. Play something epic like Kancolle instead and not this old crap.

>> No.11524996

Do Baldr series and I/O count as cyberpunk?

>> No.11525013


>> No.11525025

Looks boring as fuck, no thanks.

>> No.11525021


>> No.11525040

>Kantai Collection (艦隊これくしょん Kantai Korekushon?, lit. "Combined Fleet Collection"), abbreviated as KanColle (艦これ KanKore?), is a Japanese free-to-play online social card game developed by Kadokawa Games.
>card game

Please excuse me while I go vomit.

>> No.11525041

EiyuSenki PS3 still normal price (._. )

>> No.11525057

He's reverse-trolling, anon. He wants to make the kancolle fanbase look bad so he can ruin the game threads.

>> No.11525058

He knows that. He's not a retard.

>> No.11525063

Be glad. I wish I never saw that crappy cliffhanger ending

>> No.11525064

Oh man I tried, but it's kinda weird for me because my grandfather served on the USS Enterprise during the war and now it just feels kind of awkward, you know? I mean how are you supposed to enjoy cute girls when your grandpa killed half of them.

>> No.11525070

I never even knew what it was until I looked it up just now. But social game fanbases are always bad, so if that is indeed his goal, it probably isn't going to take much effort to achieve it.

>> No.11525118



They sure are creative.

>> No.11525142

Oh god, why did I never think of reading the descriptions of their other games...
Thank you, sir.

>> No.11525150
File: 111 KB, 1058x705, mHDl6XJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My darling wife Chihiro was stricken with a sickness that had no treatment, except one: the creampie ejaculations up her beloved vagina by someone other than me, Shiro, her husband.
Watching her make love with strangers, it was a cure worse than the disease.

We were so happy when we married, and then one day she suddenly collapsed.
I wasn't a compatible donor. She needed the hot spunk of someone else, or she would die.
It was for her life. A pleasure prison, a violent fear. These were our hellish days...

>> No.11525190

>My Girlfriend Got Sniped by a Lesbian!? -Fuck Back Your Yuri Lover With Punishing Dick!!-

I think Elle-Murakami deserves some kind of award for their titles if nothing else.

>> No.11525256

Forcing you to play Gold.

>> No.11525509 [DELETED] 

Figured maybe someone from here would be able to help out. How do I fix Mecab and JParser?

>> No.11525519

Figured maybe someone from here would be able to help out. How do I fix Mecab and JParser?

>> No.11525535

>And you experiment body
>-- and you -- the experiment object
>And you the experiment body
looks accurage to me

>> No.11525539

Did you already download them?

>> No.11525550

Aren't Mecab and JParser better than those other ones?

They didn't come with it? Where do I download then?

>> No.11525557


Ditch TA and use Rikaichan.

>> No.11525558

Just because i spent a ton of time yesterday finding this: http://amaenboda.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/an-aero-gamers-guide-to-using-atlas/4/#Mecab%20and%20Jparser

>> No.11525575


They don't translate and are only good if you plan to learn the language.

Looking at the pictures and making up your own stories is more accurate than machine translation.

>> No.11525574

Playing プリズム◇リコレクション!, i presume 本田珠里緒 is 釘宮 理恵 right?, 初咲 雛乃 voice is pretty much the same as Nagi Sanzenin, evermore so when the Tsun comes out

>> No.11525578

Thanks, I really do appreciate that.

>> No.11525582

>plan to learn the language

Which is what I'm doing.

>> No.11525587

Then don't bother with TA at all. Just use Firefox with Furigana Inserter and Rikaichan.

>> No.11525614

Can you set it up to auto paste and stuff?

>> No.11525619



>> No.11525620

Yes. Just go to about:blank and turn on Furigana Inserter's clipboard monitoring.

>> No.11525624
File: 119 KB, 804x604, 42202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tachi-e in this are fucked up beyond pretty much anything I've ever seen in a VN before.

>> No.11525665

>初咲 雛乃
She is voiced by Shimizu Ai, dont bother looking up her pseudonyms, theres just too much of them. Even beautyplanets cant handle it.
Nagi is voiced by kugumin, both sounds very different imo.

>> No.11525675

Fair enough maybe it's just the same style of speech i guess, thanks

>> No.11525709

>I woke up earlier to take a shower and smells nice
>but I didn't have time to properly dry my hair
>Abunai, abunai, if you don't dry it correctly you will catch a cold

Holy jesus, I know japanese is practically the ebola and all, but common, do they have such weak defense system ?

>> No.11525738

Common cold death per country
# 1 Egypt: 291 deaths
# 2 Japan: 184 deaths
# 3 Mexico: 102 deaths
# 4 Korea, South: 62 deaths
# 5 Thailand: 29 deaths
# 6 Spain: 18 deaths
# 7 Venezuela: 6 deaths
# 8 Peru: 5 deaths
= 9 Israel: 4 deaths
= 9 Denmark: 4 deaths

Japan has it pretty bad

>> No.11525739

I bet from those 180ish deaths more then half was people over 90, so it was just the last drop before the bucket started spilling

>> No.11525771

Does anyone have an image for recommended VNs? In the past I've only ever stumbled upon them randomly.

>> No.11525783

Fuck, I forgot to mention "where you play as a girl". There are plenty of those recommendation images available on google search, I am not a total faggot.

>> No.11525785
File: 622 KB, 1293x1905, 1379303214897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11525786


This really isn't that hard you know

>> No.11525787

>where you play as a girl

>> No.11525793

>Water Closet - The forbidden chamber

Truely a masterpiece of its genre.

>> No.11525795

Whelp, I didn't even know vndb existed. Thanks for the link, anon!

>> No.11525801

I'm guessing the most of these are yuri? Not really what I am after, but thank for you posting the image, anon-chan.

>> No.11525808


Exactly how did you came you to this conclusion?

>> No.11525804

Absolute Obedience doesn't look like yuri.

>> No.11525810

>play as grill
>cover is sexy grills in lewd positions

Just a guess. Was I wrong?

>> No.11525819

True dat, looks very yaoi, which is an improvement I guess. Every time I try to get into VNs I always hit a rock wall when it comes to finding anything translated that appeals to my (not unreasonable) requirements.

>> No.11525820

>play as grill

Look at the time when Anon posted the chart.

>cover is sexy grills in lewd positions

That's like every eroge ever.

>> No.11525828

Whoops, I see.

>> No.11525837

I cannot for the life of me work out how to search with multiple tags

>> No.11525843


Visual Novels>Filter

Yeah, it's a bit cryptic.

>> No.11525850

Thanks, I finally got it.

I guess no-one has any advice for my quest, past pointing me towards this database. Maybe one day once I play all of these games I can make a recommendation image of my own. Otome doesn't appear to be that popular amongst the weeaboo.

>> No.11525879
File: 105 KB, 464x550, 20120208tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are after otome or yuri games too, I can give you a long list. Among standard VNs there's less to choose from, but here's a few of my favorites:

- Shikkoku no Sharnoth (Mary is my all-time favorite female protagonist)
- Shiei no Sona-Nyl (also way up there)
- Ourai no Gahkthun (sensing a theme?)
- Katahane (multiple protagonists, but several - including arguably the most important one - are female)
- Remember11 (no ero, since it's an Infinity series game. There are two protagonists, and you play the first half of the game as the woman.)
- Aoishiro and its console prequel Akaiito (no ero, but very good games with incredible production values)

>> No.11525890

The problem with the Female Protagonist tag is that a lot of VNs that carry it only have a very brief part of the story taking place from the viewpoint or a female character. Heck, the #1 rating entry on that list is Fate/stay night, which only has the brief prologue from Rin's POV. There is a Female Protagonist for a Short Time tag now, but it's not possible for ordinary users to remove preexisting tags.

>> No.11525893

On this note, has anyone read through Amagami/Kimikiss? Are either both easy to read and not completely boring?

>> No.11525897

I'm after Otome that aren't yuri based, because I'm not gay.

I've trawled through the database website now and come up with a few I'm gonna search down and try and play. A surprisingly small amount, but hey, this is better than how things were in the olden days.

>> No.11525904

You may not be gay, but you are a fag.

>> No.11525908

If I wasn't then why would I be here, anon?
Those steampunk games look good, I don't speak moon, however. Shikkoku no Sharnoth looks great, I did notice it in my search. I'm gonna have to try and find a download of that somewhere. Thank you so much for your help!

>> No.11525924

I'd love to hear about some good yuri games, if you're making recs. (I can speak Japanese, but I'm not familiar with the options outside the Sono Hanabira series.)

>> No.11525926

Color of White was pretty good considering it was a 100 yen doujin game.

>> No.11525999

Okujou no yurirei-san is good.
Also, Nagi route in Seisai no Resonance is pretty good too, the rest are meh though.

>> No.11526011

>Okujou no yurirei-san
I really liked the ost in that.

>Seisai no Resonance
I didn't actually enjoy that as much as I wanted to, but that was mainly because of the art and the gameplay.

>> No.11526109

Awesome, thanks. I'll look into them.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I played through a good chunk of シロガネオトメ back when it first came out, but my interest waned after a while because the protag was a little too perfect.

>> No.11526196

So, i'm guessing a lot of you here can read moon.
Any of you part of a translation group?
Currently looking for someone to help translate a VN for very very little pay, preferably for free.

>> No.11526216

Sure I'll do it, just send me an email.

>> No.11526219

Whats the VN?

>> No.11526222

I know at least a couple of translators post here.

Personally, I've got like a dozen aborted VN translations sitting on my hard drive. Mostly with fewer than 500 lines translated, started out of boredom and without the motivation necessary to actually follow through with them.

>> No.11526257
File: 41 KB, 400x300, 89434_201010281723559034_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's too bad, because at this point there are very very few otome games that have been translated. Otherwise I'd have been singing the praises of Tsubasa no Oka no Hime here.

>> No.11526258

Linked the wrong post; I meant it was too bad you can't read Japanese.

>> No.11526279 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 1366x768, WA2_haruki_kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheater and backstabber, what a pair of horrible human beings.

>> No.11526338

>Personally, I've got like a dozen aborted VN translations sitting on my hard drive. Mostly with fewer than 500 lines translated, started out of boredom and without the motivation necessary to actually follow through with them.
I'm kind of surprised I'm almost 8000 lines into what I started translating partially out of boredom. I'm not sure how I didn't just stop since I don't really have very much motivation to keep going aside from wanting to waste time that I should be spending on stuff for my classes or on eroge I haven't finished yet.

>> No.11526385

Game had a lot of potential, too bad the plot boiled down to a couple of scenes in the final part of the routes. Protagonist was awesome though and Kawashima Rino perfect VA choice, more otome need characters like her.

>> No.11526392

I have one that I got about 2000 lines into. The whole game is only like 25000 lines, too, so it's not an insignificant chunk. Maybe I should see if I can finish it.

>> No.11526534

I didn't get a response to >>11520649 but I'm downloading it anyway.

>> No.11526540

I started reading Dra+Koi
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11526563

A story. A traditional tale.

>> No.11526666

Is hanachirasu worth playing through the alternate routes?

>> No.11526676

They explain the whole thing better, so yes, also the normal end makes it look as if they weren't gay, which they were.

>> No.11526710

So, how is it?

>> No.11526720
File: 420 KB, 1728x1032, 現実は残酷だ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing 春季限定ポコ・ア・ポコ as a start of my moege binge. Finished imouto route in one day, it's going to turn out to be short but I like it a lot. The atmosphere between the characters is great, the characters themselves are interesting and about as fleshed out as you can expect in something of this length, and the humor is right up my alley.

Good stuff.

>> No.11526774

ugh i really dont like fags i hope youre fucking with me

>> No.11526804
File: 126 KB, 803x601, Nemu_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i really don't like fags
>i hope youre fucking with me

>> No.11526824

You didn't notice the blatant repressed sexual tension between them and how the fiancee was more of an obstacle than an actual 'object of affection'?

>> No.11526837

Fuckin homophobe

>> No.11526841
File: 344 KB, 800x600, Route When.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough games have homo routes. There are a lot of times where there's at least one male character who's cuter and better in general than the actual heroines.

>> No.11526848

I only liked it because it was beautiful how much he wanted to prove his worth after training for a lifetime
Meh, homosexuals are an unfortunate defect in humanity like ugly people. Why would I want them in my art/entertainment?

>> No.11526850

>Why would I want them in my art/entertainment?
shit's hot yo

>> No.11526851 [DELETED] 

Like this game?

Do you know homophobia is only a very recent thing in human history, being bisexual was very common for the majority of human history, but lets stay on topic

>> No.11526859

Like this game?

>> No.11526860

It really isn't, the bible has anti-homosexual writing and I'm sure there are way more where that came from. That sounds like something you'd read off of a cereal box milking the LGBT community for cash. On topic I will not be rereading hanachirasu because that homo twist shit seems almost as dumb as the g senjou no maou twist

>> No.11526864

>not liking homosexual stuff in chinese porn games
Are you gay or something?

>> No.11526865

>seems almost as dumb
It made sense, unlike the whole 'We both loved this girl but she was getting in the way of our GLORIOUS AND HONORABLE TOTALLY NOT GAY RELATIONSHIP'. It was beyond evident during the ending.

>> No.11526868

I only know about the greeks and romans who were big on sticking it up their buts. They were big players in history for a very long time.

>> No.11526870

>almost as dumb as the g senjou no maou twist

Which twist in particular?

>> No.11526876

I didnt think the protagonist loved her at all, I think he loved combat and lived for it. The antagonist was just consumed by rage after being betrayed for (to him) no reason.
The deus ex machina of magically having a brother after majorly hinting about the headache and split personality thing. It's like Japan can't ever have a villainous protagonist while being nice to the ones they love

>> No.11526888

oh good if you were going to give me a different twist i would refute it but if it's the horrible brother part then i must agree

>> No.11526894
File: 64 KB, 408x415, 1820928_20130728090642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I really liked the rest of the game and was really looking forward to how everyone would treat the protagonist after finding out his true identity... but that never happened ;_;

>> No.11526896

>It's like Japan can't ever have a villainous protagonist while being nice to the ones they love
I thought I could come up with something to refute this but I can't.

>> No.11526914

If anyone can refute it I would love to read their suggestion

>> No.11526935

Ixrec reviews Asairo

>> No.11526943

>And for chapter 1 that's all we ever get. The slice of life is consistently dull and cliche, the comedy falls flat most of the time, and all the things that seem potentially interesting at first (eg, actual plot threads) stubbornly refuse to go anywhere. Pretty much everyone seems to agree this chapter is a total dud.
Weird, I remember the first chapter actually being quite entertaining.

>> No.11526945

He is just talking out of his ass.
Well if there is a consolation about this, it's that we can be sure he will never translate it

>> No.11526948


Humor is as subjective as fetishes

>> No.11526952

I still stand by my theory that he's only given shumon games lower scores because he's said that he'd be willing to translate anything 8 and above and he doesn't want to admit that they're untranslatable/too hard for him to translate.

>> No.11526953

Asairo isn't about the humor, its first chapter isn't either

>> No.11526958

oh fair enough, i believe my statement still stands if it taken out of this topic thou

>> No.11526960

>Score: 7/10
>Polarization: Mild (-1.5)
I'm starting to think he's trying way too hard to forcibly have an opinion which is Moogy's opposite.
He didn't even consider the possibility people will find this amazing? No mention of the music or the atmosphere? Makes no sense considering he made such a big dea of the jokes, which are... few and sparse if I recall correctly.
I'm not saying this has to be considered a masterpiece, although I think it is, but this review is kinda bullshit.

>> No.11526971

Eh funny. It's a definite 9+ to me.
>Then there's chapter 2―the lion's share of the VN. Sadly, a huge chunk of it is just the same mediocre slice of life and comedy from chapter 1 all over again.
What kind of SoL did he read to call this mediocre? If you don't like it, fine. But the atmosphere/music raises the slice-of-life over a huge part of the competition already.

>> No.11526977
File: 476 KB, 1280x960, 33951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of the otouto in Hoshizora. He's cuter than most of the girls who had routes (especially Madoka).

>> No.11526978

The Ixrec is a robot theory just became a fact.
I can understand people who slammed the game due to not having enough ero scenes or endings for other heroines since that's what most eroge players want after all.

But getting into Asairo knowing what you'd get and ending it with that kind of review just blows my mind.
Asairo as a whole radiates with such a warmth I simply can't understand how anyone who can read it and has a brain/heart could feel indifferent toward it

And he gives it a -1.5 as polarization? Seriously fuck him

>> No.11526985

I'll probably come off like an idiot for asking this but what does polarization mean in this context?

>> No.11526995

Basically people who read it should give it a 5.5 to 7 at most

>> No.11526999

Ixrec gives a score to the eroge, than he adds a range which is supposed to cover for the individual taste of the reader (a +/- score), which he calls polarization.
So he thinks Asairo is a 7 and according to personal taste it's from 5.5 to 7.
Normally it should also have a + side, but apparently, he doesn't think anyone would find it better than a 7.
Must be
>Pretty much everyone
who agreed with him on saying chapter one was bad. I wonder who these guys might be?

>> No.11527002

Thanks for the spoilers, WA2 ruined for me.

>> No.11527012

Ok that makes sense, thank you.

>> No.11527017

He actually tried to brush it off as bad writing, but he actually admitted it's too difficult for him in his comments on Itsusora.
>I did try reading that, but it was about as badly written as the routes, so after the first maybe fifteen minutes of it the text started feeling like unintelligible gibberish and I couldn’t bear to read any longer. I skimmed a few bits later on too, but whatever connection it had to the rest of the game remains completely lost on me.
>unintelligible gibberish
>completely lost on me
Yeah... I don't think anything else need to be said about Ixrec Nihongo skills.

>> No.11527019

He probably can read the kanji but he strikes me as someone with absolutely no comprehension skills.

>> No.11527029

On the topic off Ixrec sucking at translating stuff, the new translation of CC will be finished soon. I'm curios to see how he'll take to that.

>> No.11527033

I guess it is time I try this, if Ixrec doesn't care for it and it is a loved game here it is likely good. Except kanji puns, even when I get them instantly they are never funny.

>> No.11527038
File: 112 KB, 800x597, SUUpido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't find them funny, except for when the writing knows they are crap and overplay how overly retarded they are.
Case in point from Asairo.

>> No.11527039


>> No.11527042

Her name is "blue elder sister"?

>> No.11527043

That's just how Sasamaru calls her

>> No.11527058


Very funy anon...

Which VN are you guys losely working on?

>> No.11527132
File: 23 KB, 1412x37, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be the judge of that, when I find a torrent that doesn't suck.

>> No.11527286

I agree. Sometimes I want to see comedy homo get some sort of end/H.

I can help out if you can have ~15 minutes patience.

>> No.11527301

Scratch that and make it 30. You'll find something sooner probably.

>> No.11527350


Not at my usual computer but if it is just instructions i'll wait as long as needed.

>> No.11527375

I was going to upload it to a vps and seed it.
Is this the torrent you're using?

>> No.11527386

Yeah, it is downloading at my house right now (at work for the moment)

>> No.11527406

That looks awesome...

>> No.11527437

I was going to help out seeding it put I didn't keep the parts. Putting .rar parts into a torrent should be a crime.

>> No.11527448

28 minutes left until mine are upped. I forgot my upload connection was shit.

>> No.11527452

I'm not sure if I should ask this question in the midst of playing WA2, but is there a True End in WA2, or is it just picked your favorite girl?
I remember someone here mentioned he only played Setsuna's end and never looked back.

>> No.11527577

That looks like it might be fun. Picked up.

>> No.11527589


Hope you enjoy it as much as i did

>> No.11527596

It has no true ending, but there's normal and true routes.

The walkthrough I read had Setsuna true as the last route to play, which I did, but wouldn't do so again.
I would recommend finishing with Kazusa's true route, as it was clearly intended to be played last.

>> No.11527597

I am going to love cis scum checking their privilege in an eroge.

>> No.11527771

I wish I knew moon... that sounds amazing.

>> No.11527780

It be nice if that were translated.
Even if it's a short nukige, the art was beautiful. I'd like to understand the storyline.

>> No.11527945

thanks, hopefully I can read it soon. I guess I'll clear my backlog.

>> No.11527965

Oh, I gave up because it turns out that my three split rars are not the same as those three split rars. Sorry.

>> No.11528008
File: 2.34 MB, 1612x938, artefacts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else encountered these artefacts? They appear from time to time and are then everywhere. Changing lines of text, sprites, portraits.

>> No.11528084

Oh well, I once spent months downloading Space Runaway Ideon before it gained minor popularity. If I can read and have be worth it is all that matters.

>> No.11528235
File: 2.06 MB, 1302x1176, Untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konoka is Bro-teir honestly

>> No.11528246

Yep, basically. You only need to look at the crop of hilarious errors in the Comyu patch to see that he hasn't learned a damn thing since Rewrite.

>> No.11528250


>> No.11528279

I have only heard cis scum and "check your privilege" ironically on 4chan, never in real life.

>> No.11528289

New thread:


>> No.11528521

>I would recommend finishing with Kazusa's true route, as it was clearly intended to be played last.
I don't know why you think this. Setsuna's is clearly closer to being a true end. There's a reason it has like 10 CGs for the wedding

>> No.11528903

Sent :)
