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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11508684 No.11508684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this accurate enough?

>> No.11508688

>no /pol/

>> No.11508691

don't know what /jp/ has to do with /vp/
make it share circles with /b/, /s4s/, /m/, /cgl/, /soc/, /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.11508693

/pol/ is right beside /b/ and /r9k/.

>> No.11508695

Perhaps Touhoumon? We have had a steady amount of topics about that recently, and every once in a while threads about it show up there too.

>> No.11508697

Knew I forgot something.
Will make anew.

Also; /jp/ has touhoumon and some people say they came here from /vp/. The rest would of course come from /v/.

>> No.11508698

/jp/ crossboarders:

/old b/

in this order

>> No.11508701

You sure about /mu/?

>> No.11508703

you forgot /cgl/ and /pol/

>> No.11508704

You forgot /prog/

>> No.11508706

I'm sorry for crossboarding but I still feel like talking about anime sometimes.

>> No.11508707

no, actually no.
I forgot that it has become a shithole like /v/ /r9k/ and /tv/

>> No.11508710

/a/ /v[g]/ and /prog/

that is all

>> No.11508711

all sorts of wrong

>> No.11508713

Fuck the BBS.

>> No.11508718

/cgl/ is the anti-/jp/ what the fuck are you idiots talking about. the disgustingness that is /cgl/ to a true /jp/er, it's fucking kryptonite

>> No.11508719

What does this chart even mean?

>> No.11508720

>true /jp/er
no such thing

>> No.11508721

/jp/ has nothing to do with /vp/

/trv/ should be part of /jp/

>> No.11508723

Yeah, /mu/ is pretty much unbrowsable now because of the constant tumblr posts and how sensitive people get over people saying nigger or faggot.

>> No.11508724

it's a retard test
if you can't interpret it, you're retarded

>> No.11508725
File: 33 KB, 800x400, 1372918027503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regards to what, exactly? Board topic or usership?

Anyway, this is "make up meta bullshit" crap and you already have an answer in mind which you're going to reply to yourself with over and over and over, eat a dick.

>> No.11508726
File: 53 KB, 768x614, 1381263282343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who boards otaku here?

>> No.11508738

i only lurk /u/

>> No.11508741

There is no reason for /b/ to not be attached to reddit and /a/.

>> No.11508750

Fuck you, buddy. VIP QUALITY is great

>> No.11508752

Where is /prog/?

>> No.11508757
File: 42 KB, 902x739, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New one.

>> No.11508760

/jp/ would actually be one of the more clever boards, having more of a crossover with places like /sci/ and /lit/ rather than /v/. /a/ is mostly made up of pseudo-intellectuals, but if you look deep within some super shitposty threads here you'll find some surprisingly DEEP discussion.

>> No.11508766

/a/ had crossings with /lit/, I'm pretty sure, may be not anymore, but I think a lot of /a/nons migrated here.

>> No.11508770

I have a feeling a lot of people here like Pokemon and visit /vp/ without saying anything. Say what you want but it's a fun series and a lot of people here enjoy fun things, you know?

>> No.11508773

/m/ should be a little closer to /jp/

>> No.11508771

That sounds ludicrously stupid.

>> No.11508772

OP are you a Pokemon furry by any chance? Literally no one would connect /jp/ and /vp/ unless they were a disgusting furry otherkin themselves.

>/jp/ not intersecting with /pol/

>> No.11508776

I like Pokemon but there's no way in hell I would regularly visit /vp/.

>> No.11508782

why would /o/ come here

>> No.11508784


the no tru jpsies fallacy!

>> No.11508792

Check this;

And yes, touhoumon, I have heard people say on /jp/ that they migrated from /vp/.
Rarely do people pounce directly on to a niche board like /jp/,
would need to start through /a/, /v/, /b/ or /mu/, really. /v/ through /vp/ through /jp/. Makes sense.

>> No.11508795

Eurobeat maybe?

>> No.11508800

I don't see the connection.
A lot of Keion references on /mu/ and I associated that with /a/.
There is of course /a/ /jp/ crossings, but at this point its rather diluted.

>> No.11508798

Yeah, it is pretty awful huh.

>> No.11508802

What does /x/ have to do with /a/?

>> No.11508804

I amn't a pokemon furry, but some years back I heavily frequented /vp/, having rekindled a love in it.

>> No.11508807

Through what?
/jp/ never mentions gundam, macross, eva, patlabor or any of that stuff.

>> No.11508813

Lain is discussed quite a bit.
There is a minority in /a/ that crosses with /lit/ and /x/, I'm pretty sure of it. The DEEP crowd.

>> No.11508826

I would assume because of Muv-Luv, Baldr, etc.

>> No.11508829

I don't know who you people are and where you come from but I don't like /jp/ this time of day.

>> No.11508834


>> No.11508849

It's 10 pm where I live. What is it where you live?

Care to explain?

>> No.11508855

There's no /jp/ /vg/ crossover?

I only post in one thread on /vg/ (demon souls) but /jp/ is all over the place in there.

>> No.11508862

I am

>> No.11508869

Beats me. I'm /o/ and /jp/ but for entirely unrelated reasons.

>> No.11508870

Check this;
Included /vg/ together with /v/.

>> No.11508876

Satori and Loveless are one

>> No.11508874

>No /sp/ in any of these

Its like the 4th most trafficked board guys

>> No.11508878

I stopped going to /sp/ after Mootdusky ruined the board.

>> No.11508883

Surely one person isn't enough to say the boards cross.
Obviously a lot of boards cross on small scales, but stuff like /a/ /jp/ and stuff is what is relevant.

Was weary of including /sp/ or /fit/ because us left boards seem to cross only ironically.

>> No.11508881

Are you the frs kid

>> No.11508887

No, I'm the RX-7 guy.

>> No.11508894

No but we can sense one another it's like 1%

>> No.11508890

Hey wait,
/o/ definitely has at least an /a/ junction.
Just remembered my cousin must definitely go on /o/ and /a/.

>> No.11508891

You forgot /tg/.

>> No.11508898

Who does /tg/ cross with?
Probably entered through /v/ and likes to larp.
Or /lit/ and likes to chess.

>> No.11508899

the fb turbo right

>> No.11508901

I really hate /tg/ now, DnD fucking sucks all that I want is a cardgame board.

>> No.11508902

How many people actually frequent /jp/?
My estimate would be 300 part time 30 full time or so.

>> No.11508910

Yeah. Except the turbo's rear oil seal blew out so now it's parked until I can afford to install the GT35 I've got sitting in a box. Driving my non-turbo FB for now.

>> No.11508914

And do you have remilia scarlet shaved on to the side of it or what?
Why are you on /jp/?

>> No.11508919

>Why are you on /jp/?
He's one of those special people with more than one interest.

>> No.11508920

Explain part time and full time
I'm on /jp/ more than anything and usually have at least one tab of it open but I crossboard.

>> No.11508921

Otaku culture.

>> No.11508922

Because I like Touhou and VNs. Like I said, they're not related interests.

>> No.11508925

>/b/ not linked to reddit
>/co/ not linked to tumblr
>/jp/ not isolated from all other boards

>> No.11508927

Quaaah, I can't fathom it.

>> No.11508928

I know of at least 5 people from /o/ that come here

>> No.11508929

>/jp/ isolated from all other boards
Even the people who want this to be true don't believe it anymore.

>> No.11508935

May be what I meant was, in a day there will be 300 who contribute a good amount of time to the board (3 hours), but there will always be around 30 for around 12 hours. This is an estimate. For /a/ I would say it would be 700 to 50 or so.

>> No.11508937

Stop abusing the quoting function and acting like you aren't a crossie, go back to /v/.

>> No.11508939

>/jp/ not isolated from all other boards
One can dream.

>> No.11508942

Bye, queerlord.

>> No.11508946

/sci/, actually.

>> No.11508948

By "contribute" do you mean just sitting around refreshing the board, or actively posting? I have /jp/ open pretty much all day, but I only ever post a handful of times in a day.

>> No.11508951
File: 51 KB, 339x298, SUICIDE CAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out. This isn't /img/ dammit, and 4chan boards aren't fucking "online communities" or whatever the hell. Dammit.
You're so damn miserable, why won't you die?

>> No.11508954

It's related to /v/ and /a/ at least, considering this is ultimately a Japanese/east Asian video game board (Touhou, visual novels, non-English MMOs, doujin games, etc) and that /jp/ was once part of /a/. /vg/ makes sense as some of the general threads that used to exist here moved there. /tg/, /g/, /o/, /cgl/, /sp/ and (to some extent) /mu/ would also make sense as they would fall under "otaku culture".

>> No.11508961

Josh the Driver is an /o/ meme apparently.

>> No.11508966

good one

>> No.11508975

We Drive

>> No.11508976

I have seen josh way more on /jp/ than /o/

>> No.11508980

That's because it was ironically forced here.

>> No.11508982

>>11508942-san, you just wont get it,huh?

>> No.11508986

/prog/ has visible sage!

>> No.11508994
File: 9 KB, 259x298, 1377933156763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We Drive

>> No.11508995

josh inspired me to buy a manual car
I want to be a driver someday
may even get a bmw like him

>> No.11509023

Considering how often stuff like Boris, Boredoms, Kashiwa Daisuke, Mass of the Fermenting Dregs, etc. are brought up in any thread about Japanese music, it's pretty safe to assume.

Also, why /vp/? Touhoumon isn't a good enough reason. If anything, it's more related to /vg/ because of H!P, VN translation status, and STG threads. Only /jp/ and /vg/ are autistic enough to keep count of their generals.

>> No.11509033

Dude. Everything must intersect with /b/ because 4chan's heart and soul is /b/.

>> No.11509051

All of 4chan is 50% reddit and tumblr. /jp/ isn't a part of 4chan, thankfully.

>> No.11509057

Is this the crossie thread?

>> No.11509060

For once, yes.

>> No.11509068

>/jp/ isn't a part of 4chan, thankfully.

Top LEL! Keep telling yourself that...

>> No.11509074

You are correct. /jp/ is a PART of 4chan. Everyone. Some of us just don't visit a lot because some of us aren't BIG fans of Japanese culture.

>> No.11509085

You'll never stop the true perfect /jp/ of the future. 10 years from now /jp/ will be its own site, free from the tyranny of Chris and his army of 14 year olds.

>> No.11509088

If you weren't a big fan of Japanese culture, you would be browsing reddit or a forum.

>> No.11509092

We're all waiting for you at you-know-where!

>> No.11509097

So, basically, /jp/ is the ultimate crossboarding board?

>> No.11509100

In that image /g/ and /v/ have no overlap. And /b/ overlaps with too little

>> No.11509103

I'm not interested in sites that are only made up of small parts of /jp/. For things to work out for the best, Chris needs to delete /jp/. Then we will all be free.

>> No.11509134

I think reddit and forums are pretty good discussing about japanese culture, like /jp/.

>> No.11509138

Exacty. /b/ overlap with all of the circles because /b/ is random and everything discussed in the other boards are also discussed on /b/.

>> No.11509139

/jp/ for the 4th Reich! Fuck Rob!

>> No.11509140


Yes please! I wish death upon /jp/...Freedom!

>> No.11509149

What? Whatever. No. You suck. I have no idea why you aren't permabanned given you spammed porn on blue boards.

>> No.11509152

Dude go to 2chan and some anime forums, and you will have /jp/ as its separate site. And for all of you /jp/ fans who don't want to be associated with the rest of 4chan, leave 4chan and go on your own anime forums instead of bitching about how badly the rest of 4chan sucks.

>> No.11509157

Forums are bad because they inevitably devolve into dick sucking and personality drama, especially when mods get involved. What attracted me to 4chan in the first place is that while it has a few tripfags, for the most part everyone is anonymous, which limits the egos substantially.

>> No.11509172

Get out of /jp/, filthy 4channer. How about instead of bitching about /jp/sies you go back to your home board?

>> No.11509174
File: 28 KB, 1526x756, boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's version 0.1 of the "/jp/ in relation to other boards" venn diagram.

Feedback welcome.

>> No.11509183
File: 95 KB, 715x506, WelcomeTo4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point. I hate them tripfaggots, too like the rest of 4chan. Good thing they are very rare nowadays.

Reddit is shit. It is nothing more than a place where a bunch of unwarranted self-importance infected tripfaggots congregate to try to get as much possible positive karma as possible. The lack of ego on 4chan, dude to everyone being anonymous, is what makes it so great for me!

This picture is a better diagram of what 4chan is all about. Where on this Venn diagram do YOU fall under?

>> No.11509182

>Feedback welcome
Who cares about your inane shit, weasel? Quit tryin' to stir shit that doesn't exist. Fuck you, charlie. Et cetera.

>> No.11509187

/jp/ inherits from 4chan. Deal with it or go back to whatever other non-4chan place you came from.

>> No.11509189

expand /mu/ to /g/, I remember a lot of people posting there

also /gd/ with /g/, and make /g/ bigger encompassing more /a/sses and /jp/sies :^)

>> No.11509191

>Reddit is shit

That doesn't stop half of /a/v/g's users from going on it, now does it?

>> No.11509199

The only other board I go to is /vr/.

>> No.11509195

/jp/ is shit but 100% of /jp/ users visit it anyway

>> No.11509196

From 2008 4chan. /jp/ should have no connection with today's 4chan. Sorry that every board won't turn out as epic as you want it to be.

>> No.11509203

Website for getting retards to lynch your neighbor by accusing him of being the bombing suspect online.

Has nothing to do with any discussion boards here, tyvm.

>> No.11509201

4chan is still dumb kids posting shit about whatever, same as it was.

>> No.11509210


Trayvon Martin?

>> No.11509209

Except it's now done in a way that is five times as forced, unoriginal, unfunny, and insincere. And it went from 30% normals to 90% normals.

>> No.11509214

/jp/ is weeaboos. I like anime (mostly hentai, ecchi, yuri, lolicon and other feminine anime pornography) but I'm not a huge weeaboo who cosplays 24/7. I'm not some white young adult who thinks Japan is so much better than the USA and wants to desperately go to the country

In short, I'm just some guy who likes to causal watch anime, fap to hentai and likes anime-style art. I also love to listen to Vocaloid and Nightcore AMVs with anime characters like Miku Hatsune BUT I'm not a huge weeaboo.

>> No.11509221

holy fuck you're a huge weeaboo

>> No.11509223

/jp/ is FOR weeaboos. Sorry for forgetting the word "FOR" between "is" and "weeaboo" in my above post

>> No.11509219

No, the creepy-ass cracka. What do you think it means? fyad.


>> No.11509225

You sound like a weeb to me. I'm surprised someone like you doesn't cosplay. Weebs like you love to pretend they're not weebs by calling anyone who is more knowledgeable about something than themselves weebs, even though most weeaboos are ignorant as fuck about what they consume, and that ignorance is usually what makes them capable of being the weebs they are.

>> No.11509224

By normal, do you mean that they are EET or have a few friends, or that they go to parties and fuck chicks and whatever?

>> No.11509230

I don't see how 90% of 4chan "doesn't accept the freedom of otaku culture" or even gives a shit about it in any way.

>> No.11509228

I don't care about any of those things. Do they accept the freedom of otaku culture, or don't they? That's all it comes down to.

>> No.11509233

I don't cosplay. I don't collect manga, anime DVDs, anime toys and other anime merchandise because I'm too poor. I mainly watch anime for the hot anime girls and that's about it.

>> No.11509236

Then you're either blind or have done a much better job at closing your eyes to the things you don't want to see than I have.

>> No.11509238

I don't cosplay. I don't collect manga, anime DVDs, anime toys and other anime merchandise because I'm too poor. I mainly watch anime for the hot anime girls and that's about it.

>> No.11509240

Or maybe you're delusional. At any rate, give me some examples of the freedom of otaku culture being disrespected by 90% of 4chan.

>> No.11509241

This thread is disgusting, just like all of you.

>> No.11509242

please respond. I spend about 10 minutes on it.

>> No.11509246

lol classify yourselves harder

>> No.11509244

Just take a look at any random board, I'm sure you'll fine tons of examples.

>> No.11509247
File: 30 KB, 805x726, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo more like this

>> No.11509248

So far all you talk about is anime and "hentai". What are you doing here?

>> No.11509254
File: 232 KB, 347x543, beet sugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11509251

what a fucking nerd

>> No.11509253

I visited /a/ and it's a bunch of people discussing anime and anime characters. /v/ is yelling at each other about video games and discussing a fighting game tournament. And some guy made a thread about how he wants a Kirino daki. /sp/ is posting about sports. And shitposting. Sort of.

I don't need actual links, just give me a description of the kind of freedom-disrepsecting behavior you're referring to.

>> No.11509258

This is what 4chan is all about. Now where are you on this Venn Diagram?

>> No.11509261

You're maybe not a weeb, but you certainly sound like you don't belong here.

>> No.11509265

/jp/ is the single stronghold for English societies against the freedom-hating masses. Everywhere else everywhere is all about getting angry and offended over freedom of fiction.

>> No.11509270

Can you give me some examples of the freedom of otaku culture being disrespected by 90% of 4chan?

>> No.11509273

I'm hear because /jp/ is a good place for /a/ fans to occasionally wander onto.


>> No.11509278

They get mad that things that they dislike exist. What else is there to say?

>> No.11509286

That's all there is? You get mad that people with the wrong opinions exist, too. That doesn't mean that you're disrespecting freedom of opinion. It just means you think they're stupid and wrong.

>> No.11509290

Is this thread some kind of chatbot replying to itself with a pass? Because this is pretty close to nonsense, and seems like every time I chime in I get completely ignored like I hadn't posted.

>> No.11509292

>every time I chime in I get completely ignored like I hadn't posted.
Maybe your posts are so dreadfully uninteresting that nobody feels like replying to them.

>> No.11509309

Name your posts, I'll respond to them.

>> No.11509310

It takes an incredible narcissist to conclude that people must be bots if they're ignoring his wonderful posts.

>> No.11509324

They don't just dislike it, they wish they could wipe it out of existence. There are a lot of things I dislike, but I wouldn't wish for them to not exist. As long as some people are enjoying it, that's great. Most people are just being self-righteous assholes who do these things to convince themselves that they're great people working for the betterment of society or whatever ridiculous bullshit they tell themselves every 5 minutes.

What's worse is the many people on 4chan (and everywhere) who will spend their time on the media that makes up the culture and then complain about every little aspect of it. It makes me wonder why they don't just find another hobby instead of bitching non-stop. How people can spend so much of their time on things they clearly hate is a complete mystery to me.

>> No.11509341

Nice, it's pretty accurate.

>> No.11509353

Why is a part of 4chan outside of shit?

>> No.11509359

>They don't just dislike it, they wish they could wipe it out of existence.
Just because they would prefer it if such things didn't exist doesn't mean that they would vote to legislate them out of existence if given the opportunity. There are a lot of people opinions I think are shit to the point where I wish that they didn't exist but it doesn't mean that I would use a mind control machine on them.

>What's worse is the many people on 4chan (and everywhere) who will spend their time on the media that makes up the culture and then complain about every little aspect of it. It makes me wonder why they don't just find another hobby instead of bitching non-stop.
What wrong with complaining? Just because you enjoy doing something doesn't mean you can't criticize this and that about it. That's just a normal attitude.

>> No.11509391

Like I said, people complain about every little aspect. It's like they spend their time on things solely so they can complain about it. They don't care about spending their time on things to make themselves happy, it's all for the sake of telling others how much they hate something, and they keep a mental list of everything they hate the whole way through, thinking the more they hate the more they'll fit in and be accepted. It's really disgusting. 4chan attitude is identical to goon attitude, really.

>> No.11509410


Are either bots, or faggots with their heads so deep up their asses, they might as well be bots.

>> No.11509442
File: 1.51 MB, 320x240, crying indian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/'s otaku culture face when crossies are claim this board as their own

>> No.11509444

>Like I said, people complain about every little aspect.
That's what people do with things they like. Of the people who love, say, Hisoutensoku, it's generally the people who are the most dedicated that have the largest list of complaints.

>They don't care about spending their time on things to make themselves happy, it's all for the sake of telling others how much they hate something.
That just seems retarded. Nobody spends a thousand hours doing something just so they can complain about it afterwards unless they're really fucked in the head.

>> No.11509453

>faggots with their heads so deep up their asses they might as well be bots.
welcome to /jp/

>> No.11509489
File: 292 KB, 800x506, mimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. Looks like /jp/ doesn't want to be our sister board anymore.

>> No.11509495

All joking aside, other boards seriously are appropriating our unique culture. /jp/ is literally being gentrified.

>> No.11509497

Don't lump /prog/ with /g/, ``ください''.

>> No.11509502

Please come back, lel-kun. We miss your ESAOVQIN TAMASIGN posts.

>> No.11509510



>> No.11509512
File: 216 KB, 749x578, smokedsalmon2get.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> le e/g/in /g/roskis
Now you've done it.

Pretty accurate, especially the       and /g/ overlap.

>> No.11509518

Read >>11509497. Or are you one of the copycats? You must be, the original lel-kun hated /jp/.

>> No.11509518,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11509518,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11509518,3 [INTERNAL] 

/b/ should be closer to reddit

>> No.11509518,4 [INTERNAL] 

The whole fucking site should be inside reddit and tumblr

>> No.11509518,5 [INTERNAL] 

underated post!!!

>> No.11509518,6 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks :3
