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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11484734 No.11484734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we ever discuss light novels?

I'm surprised there isn't an LN general like we have a VN general

>> No.11484737

There used to be one, discussion just dies.

>> No.11484744

because most of /jp/ can't read moon

the only light novels that get translated are ones that have anime which goes in /a/

>> No.11484757

Will the Kizu movie ever come out?

>> No.11484774

Because people can't read moon and LN discussions always turn into anime discussions and anime discussions go on /a/.

>> No.11484789

I think there's a fair amount of users who can read moon on /jp/
Problem is light novels aren't as easily obtainable since no one scans or puts it in pdf unlike VNs which get ripped after a day of release

>> No.11484800

Because there aren't enough Japanese-reading people willing to discuss LNs AND basically we're not allowed to discuss translated ones because 99% of them have anime and
>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation.

>> No.11484815

Because reading is for nerds

>> No.11484834

LNs and VNs are both awful.
The difference is VNs have cute pictures and voices to go along with the shit writing. I wonder why one is more popular than the other.

>> No.11484931

Aren't LNs written for teenagers?

>> No.11484970

Not in principle, though in practice that's the main demographic. Some are even written by teenagers.

>> No.11485132
File: 1.30 MB, 1130x1600, どうやらな等等.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't people read both VN and LN? If you're able to read Japanese stuff already, why limit yourself?

Actually, I find myself reading more LN than VN lately, so why the fuck not, let's discuss LN. Currently reading kizu and an ero LN with a typically silly, long name.

>> No.11485187

I'm not there yet with my Japanese. I guess I could read some basic LN, but I don't want that.

>> No.11485197

LNs are fucking awful. And don't even try to play the 'hurr it's poorly translated' card. It's not the translator's fault dialog makes up 70-80% of every page. It's like reading a play or a shitty fanfic. At least VNs have nice character sprites, music, sound effects, etc.

>> No.11485488 [DELETED] 

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.11485640
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Anyone else reading 六花の勇者? I'm almost done with volume 4.

After that I'm going to read volume 4下 of Horizon.

>> No.11485667

>99% of them have anime
It's the other way around, really. Only a very small amount of LNs get anime adaptations. Just because 90% of new shows these days are from LNs doesn't mean that they all have adaptations.

>> No.11485678

Didn't see that you said "translated ones" whoops.

>> No.11485678,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ doesn't discuss LNs because all the tripfags got banned

>> No.11485678,2 [INTERNAL] 

LNs bridge the gap between kid's pictures books, "young adult" novels and tsk tsk naughty naughty teen shit.

Good shit has come from them and there are some that are worth something especially if you are into the characters but overall it's a waste of money for something you can finish in 20 minutes or less. Muh supersized manga, dood!

At least that's the way it was when I was banging, damn it.

>> No.11487465

>I think there's a fair amount of users who can read moon on /jp/
With varying degree of fluency. VNs are normally voiced. it helps a lot. CGs and character faces also helps you grasp the situation without reading too much.

LNs on the other hand requires you to read text and only text in order to understand.

> Problem is light novels aren't as easily obtainable since no one scans or puts it in pdf unlike VNs which get ripped after a day of release
Many LN titles have digital versions, but I think not many people want to pay 450-600 JPY per volume.

>> No.11487481

There's still a decent amount of us who can read VNs without assistance (or at least, I link to think as much).

So I really think it is more likely that we just choose not to.

Personally the reason I like VNs is because I like voices/CGs/pictures. It's hard to feel moe towards text.

If I wanted to read a story, I'd rather just read a novel. There's plenty of fantasy and stuff in English and probably Japanese as well that is a lot better written than most LNs.

>> No.11488026

>VNs are normally voiced. it helps a lot.
It doesn't really help at all.Dialogs are the easy part.

MC narration is the hard one.
Because the MC "thoughts" is usually the part where the writer try to be deep and edgy as fuck. What better way to be deep and edgy than to whip out a thesaurus to write bullshit?

And I'm not even talking about VN, fucking nukige writer pull that shit. Stuff that end within five hours.

Also some VN come with furigana, and it's really the next step in learning japanese after reading SOL/comedy manga.

>> No.11488264


Read the first 2 volumes, and thought it was pretty good. Volume 3 didn't look as interesting though, so I haven't gotten it yet. How does it compare?

>> No.11488290

Literally the worse medium ever in otaku culture. Just look at these gem of a title.
>Little Sisters, Don’t Hit On Me!
>My Little Sister Can Read Kanji
>My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute
>My Little Sister Who Is Popular With Girls and Me Who Suffers
>My Little Sister is a Light Novel Goddess
>My Little Sister is Mad Because My Girlfriend Came Onto Me?
>I Know You’re My Brother but as Long There’s Love it Doesn’t Matter, Right?
>Little Sister Complex
>My Childhood Friend and Little Sister Have Delusional Daydreams in My Fantasies
>There’s No Way I Can Be Empress of a Parallel Dimension!
>One of These Girls is My Little Sister!
>I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King

Please read real japanese books instead.

>> No.11488300
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>> No.11488311

Hey racists it's called Japanese, not "moon"

>> No.11488323

Volume 3 is also great, but it doesn't top volume 2. You should just read it though, the whole series is awesome. Who's your favorite character so far?

>> No.11488327

I agree. Go back to the /a/, dear.

>> No.11488346

Maybe once I finish my current batch.

I'm a fan of ハンス at the moment, I really liked how he and アドレット hit it off in v1. What about you?

>> No.11488371
File: 458 KB, 1797x1505, 源氏物語.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We read REAL literature here, not your /a/ shit.

>> No.11488373

>I Tried Controlling My Rebellious Little Sister With the Power of the Devil King
Hah, such a thing really exist?
And whenever i try to read one i can't find it anywhere, that's why i don't even bother anymore.

>> No.11488451


holy fuck what awful handwriting.

>> No.11490045

Mora is my favorite. Volume 4 is the best overall I think, but volume 2 left a huge impression on me.

What's in your batch?

>> No.11490063

I read both and I don't find major differences in difficulty. There's a lot more fluctuation between authors and genres than there is between the two mediums, honestly.

>> No.11490067

it's ART faglord

>> No.11490198

Even if one reads moon light novels aren't worth reading.

>> No.11490229


Oh, volume 4, is it? That's not too far off, guess I'll be getting the next two after all. I get that Mora's really strong, but my impression from the first two volumes isn't too favorable, just because she seems to fall into the enemy's plans too easily (first in v1, and then almost again in v2...)

Current batch is:
アリソンIII<上> ルトニを車窓から
アリソンIII<下> 陰謀という名の列車

>> No.11491483

I like serious, older female characters, and I found it easy to sympathize with her plight, so that's why I like Mora. It seems the characters are taking turns each volume falling into Tgneu's traps (Adlett in volume 3, Rolonia in volume 4).

And I've never read any of those, unfortunately. I almost bought キーリ at one point, but decided against it in favor of other books.

>> No.11493440

That reveal just made me a lot more interested in the next volume. He's been pretty on-top of things so far, so it'll be nice to see that change.

I've been branching out and mostly getting random v1's that have good reviews, and then deciding if I like the series well enough to continue. I've been really liking Allison actually, it's by the same author of Kino no Tabi, and worth trying if you like his writing style.

>> No.11493542

What about normal Japanese novels?

Has anyone read any good ones?

>> No.11493577

The Ebiten LN is pretty fun, but it doesn't feel like that many people actually read it. I don't actually have any interest in other LN's aide from maybe Anemoi.

>> No.11493623

There is an overwhelming selection of light novels in your average japanese book store. I can't see how an english speaking imageboard community would have enough native speakers to actually compile and translate enough of what people want to read.

I remember seeing LN threads in the past, but there just isn't an audience for it on /jp/.

>> No.11493641

>native speakers
You don't need to be a native speaker to read Japanese. Unless you're talking about English, in which case I'm not sure what you're talking about, because a large percentage of the people on /jp/ are native speakers of English (or are indistinguishable from a native speaker)

>> No.11493652

To be more specific, people who speak Japanese, and live in Japan, who have the ability to buy, scan and translate Light Novels, whether they're native or not.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but translating Manga is pretty easy compared to translating a novel, so I can't imagine there are lots of people willing to spend time on them, for such a small audience, unless they're popular enough.

>> No.11493656

You don't have to live in Japan to buy LN's.

>> No.11493662

What >>11493656 said, there's no need to go through all that. It's easy enough to get them imported. I've done that for 40+ volumes in total.

>> No.11493665

Sorry, forgive my ignorance then. I've always thought that people did that, but I just imagined it would be difficult to find what you want. LNs don't have huge production runs sometimes.

>> No.11493678

You have to pay fairly large premiums no matter what you do, but it should never run you more than 10-15 a volume (maybe a bit more for bakemono and other ones that are in different formats).

I agree that there isn't much of an English audience. Most of the people who read the English (baka-tsuki) ones only read it because the anime is coming out. Those "translations" are horrible machine-generated bullshit, and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Still, there's a decent community of people who are at least capable of understanding Japanese on /jp/, as evidenced by the thriving vn thread. I don't know how many people use that to read LNs, but I know I do, at least, and probably a handful of others do as well.

>> No.11493706

Considering most LNs are like 380 Yen, that's not insignificant, but I'm sure it's worth it to the true fans.

I've always liked how a collection of LNs look on a shelf. They're just about the perfect size for anything. This is unrelated, but I've always found it funny how when they translate Manga for audiences outside of Japan, they change the proportions of the books,

>> No.11493714

>380 yen
If you can get them used, but that's nearly impossible internationally unless you have someone who can buy them for you (and if you have to pay them it wouldn't be worth it).

I used to think it was a lot and balk at paying 2-3x what they would be in Japan, but really it's such a small expense compared to basically anything else in my life (food, rent, utilities) that I don't mind spending an extra 10-20 a month on average compared to what the prices would be in Japan (I usually go through about 2 volumes a month).

>> No.11493832

Because they're like reading an anime script.

>> No.11493903

There are plenty of Horizon/Owari/Wheel of Time threads on /a/. Other lns aren't worth talking about anyway.

>> No.11493975


Until now I was the only person who pointed out these things and felt like a pariah for it.

>> No.11494461

I've read all of Kino no Tabi and I do like Sigsawa's style. I do plan on getting to all the other stuff he's written one day.

I enjoyed ぼくのメジャースプーン and 流星ワゴン.

90% (more like 100%, lol) of the people in those threads don't even know Japanese and haven't read any of Kawakami's books. If you can actually read LNs, it's better to just skip the bullshit and go straight to 2ch's LN board, which is probably what most non-EOP 4chan users who read LNs (including myself) do.

>> No.11495916

>wheel of time
What am I missing here?

>> No.11496051

It's le epic meme. Some fag from /a/ stacked his Horizon volumes (that he can't even read, fucking lmao) next to his Wheel of Time collection and posted a picture of it.

>> No.11496066

People have been pointing out that LNs have shitty writing for years and I doubt every one of them was you.

>> No.11497561

And those who read them will not care. Neither do I.

>> No.11498220
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>> No.11498322

While there are a lot of shit light novels, especially those who get anime adaptations(With few exceptions, like Hyouka), there are great LN series so long as you don't go for those with KAWAII UGUU covers and pictures inside. I personally recommend 殺戮ゲームの館, ビブリア古書堂の事件手帳 and anything by Yonebu Honezawa.

>> No.11498348

I'm not seeing any kawaii illustrations, bub. Are you sure this is a light novel?

>> No.11498364

I can't say anything about what is and isn't a light novel, but I found out about it on a light novel recommendation site.

>> No.11498416

LN is more of a demographic and marketing label. LNs that have insert moe illustrations are plenty, specially recently, but that has not always been the case.

>> No.11498467

I still don't know why you would choose to read stuff like that. It's basically choosing to read young adult literature over adult literature right? So does japan not have any good fantasy/sci fi literature outside of LNs or something? Because I like "trashy" genres as much as anybody else, but I still prefer that it's not written for 13 year olds.

>> No.11498594

It's easier to read for people who aren't completely fluent, and it's bite sized literature. Also, they're cheap. I usually read during my commute to and from college, so LNs are more convenient for carrying around and buying in large quantities than more involved literature.

>> No.11498644

>It's basically choosing to read young adult literature over adult literature right?
What's the difference?

>> No.11498652

My Rock Band's Singer Is A Shitposter, But At Least My Personal Maid Was Kicked In The Nuts!

My Waifu Is A CIA Agent, And Now My Opposite Sex Clone Browses 2chan!

This Idol I Like Has A Penis, And Now She Is Not Toilet Trained!

>> No.11498743

you could check the various SF awards they have or something and choose something from that.

how about the 星界シリーズ?

>> No.11498761

>outside of LNs

>> No.11502433

How big are most LNs?
I've only got one series and each book is about 14cm tall and 10cm wide.

>> No.11502460

they're fun and they can be generally be read in like 2-3 hours. If you like anime or vns then there is really no reason not to read light novels. although reading them exclusively would probably be bad.

>This Idol I Like Has A Penis, And Now She Is Not Toilet Trained!
i would read that.

>> No.11502464

Sorry is that bad? that's pretty much the only reason I read them.

>> No.11502465

Bunko size, or pretty much the same dimensions that you just mentioned.

>> No.11502472

>2-3 hours
Jesus. I can only do 50 pages per hour, so your average 300 page LN takes me 6 hours.

>> No.11502521

that's about what i can do for English books but for LNs i can do closer to 100 for whatever reason, assuming i don't have to look up anything of course.

>> No.11502611
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tfw chuunibyou anime isn't like the novel

>> No.11502669

What's the best place to buy LNs? Amazon.jp charges me out the ass for shipping kinokuniya doesn't have what I want in stock or forgets what I ordered.

All I want is a decent price with decent shipping.

>> No.11502672

Do light novels have pictures?

>> No.11502759


>> No.11502781

do they even ship outside Japan?

>> No.11502790


>> No.11502799

Interesting, I might give them a shot then.

>> No.11503894

Illustrations are like the main selling point of most LNs.

>> No.11503959

That's not true. Some (like Nisio Isin's stuff) don't have hardly any pictures at all.

>> No.11505067

I don't think he meant it like that. He was just explaining that it was pretty much the only thing setting LNs apart from regular novels.

>> No.11505398
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I wish we had a larger community for LN & VN translators. I still cannot find a whole translation of Bakamonogatari, and that just pisses me off. My only real option is to learn Japanese & around 2000 characters min. =|

>> No.11505647

Once you learn Japanese, you realize that translating isn't fun at all and you'd rather be reading new stuff instead of translating stuff you've already read. Fan translators are either in it for attention, in it for the love of translating, or are just confused. The only group you can do anything about are the ones in it for attention, which fortunately comprises about 90% of "fan" translators. Just suck their e-peens until they cum translations all over you.

>> No.11505784

Another Anon. Been buying my books and LN from honto for more than a year. I got all I wanted without a hitch. Plus I always marvel how their packers manage to do such neat, trim packages out of whatever size and amount of books I order.

>> No.11505796

Just bite the bullet already. The freedom to choose whatever you want out from the massive pool of native stuff is worth it. Remember that it's not just LN; you get access to VN, games, manga, books, magazines, newspapers, websites, tv shows, movies 等等

>> No.11506170
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Well, I will most likely do it for a school project so I can get something out of it beyond just trying to look cool. But, after I end up being able to fully read it, I might just say fuck it. lol. Really is a shame the Monogatari series is not fully translated by anyone, even US sellers.

I completely agree and full plan on after learning most of the Japanese I can (and getting my master in Eng.) to move to Japan. But, it will take a few years to full finish my MS/BA. =0

>> No.11506595

It will be likely be difficult to find a traditional engineering job in Japan having graduated abroad. I can only recommend that in these few years become a master in programming and pick up as many high level IT skills as you can. If you are serious about moving to Japan you need a career plan.

>> No.11506599 [DELETED] 

I can only do 25 pages an hour. ;_; I'm not getting any faster.

>> No.11506674

>It's easier to read for people who aren't completely fluent

This is a misconception. LNs are no easier to read than normal novels.

>> No.11506681

This is what worries me. But, my masters will be in computer eng. and I already have high & low level programming skills, along side IT skills. I'm trying to get as much education as I can before the move.. But, what horries me the most is simply learning Japanese and having the time to obtain my masters & get all the Japanese I require. I wish I was rich so I could just hire a private tutor.

>> No.11506711

I made the move after 3 years of combining Japanese study with university work, not sure how long you have, but that should be enough if you autism mode it.

>> No.11507407

It may be debatable if you're reading older stuff. I tried me some Souseki and I realized I need some more time until I can fully enjoy it.

I fully agree with you about modern literature though. It's not about the medium, It's about the author and genre.

>> No.11507413

Yeah I doubt any VNs are as hard as stuff by the famous classic authors. But if you're reading the japanese equivalent of the Da Vinci Code then it probably won't be that different.

And Kokoro is pretty easy. It's a completely different level from shit like I am a Cat

>> No.11507447
File: 40 KB, 200x286, 978-4-04-891960-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowly reading this.
I feel like I would be getting more out of this series if I'd read other 入間人間 books.

>> No.11509753

I can only read vns with text hooker. I read nisio novels sometimes when I get my hands on a txt version, but those are a bit hard to find and yeah light novels are generally discussed on /a/.

>> No.11509766

It's not an LN.

>> No.11509768

What is the story?

>> No.11509819

It's written like an LN though.

There's plenty of Japanese fantasy/SF literature if you go to a bookshop/amazon, but I think they're kind of niche even here in Japan and I have no idea what of it (if any) is any good or not. From my impressions serious Japanese fantasy/SF fans would tend to prefer to read internationally popular western works.

>> No.11509826

Like Asimov.

>> No.11509840

I'm sorry, have you actually read it?

The series started before the current style of LNs became mainstream. The writing style itself is a homage to translated western scifi.

I don't understand how you can come up with "written like an LN." It's not an LN just because it got an anime. Just like how Les Misérables, Natasume Souseki, and Shinsekai Yori are not LNs just because they got animated.

>> No.11510183

Yes I have read it. Its emphasis on character interaction and general structure make it more like a LN than a traditional SF novel. Traditional literature doesn't get dragged out over 10+ volumes in an episodic fashion.

>> No.11510728 [DELETED] 

Is Harry Potter a light novel?

>> No.11510856

How did you improve your reading speed? I'm at maybe 25 pages per hour.

>> No.11510874

"Japanese" is not a race.

>> No.11510920

How many books have you read?

Reading speed will vary a lot depending on text anyway. Toradora will be a lot quicker (maybe 2x) faster than Crest of the Stars for example (especially since the text size is difference)

>> No.11510946


>> No.11511352

Maybe 15-20 books? I couldn't tell you precisely

>> No.11511446

That Harry Potter question was a genuine question, don’t know why it was deleted.
Does HP count as a light novel?

>> No.11511450

It's YA fiction.

>> No.11511460

But is there actually anything that sets young adult fiction apart from light novels? Is light novel just a term for young adult fiction from Japan?

If someone in Taiwan writes such a novel and slaps a moe girl on the cover, is it ‘YA fiction’ or ‘LN’?

>> No.11511468

YA novels are written for teenagers. LN are just Japanese pulp novels and can be written for any demographic.

>> No.11512121

It also can vary a lot between people even in your native language. Some people can read at ridiculous speeds and they must be almost skipping entire paragraphs of narration.

If you "read aloud" in your head, it tends to restrict your reading speed though. But for me I find that it's the only way to ensure actual comprehension, in both english and japanese.

>> No.11512132

I miss when we just called that "children's fiction".

See also: "graphic novel" (what the fuck does this even mean?)

>> No.11512745

I can probably read about 40 pages an hour if I really concentrate but I just can't concentrate on a book for that long. My eyes start hurting and my brain gets tired... I always end up stopping after 10-20 pages. I wish everything were available in ebook form.

>> No.11512827

you're weird

>> No.11512842

> I wish everything were available in ebook form.
I don't see how that would reduce eyestrain.

>> No.11512926

I find it hard to concentrate on things that aren't on a screen and to get away from the computer in general. Doing anything feels like a chore compared to just refreshing /jp/.

>> No.11512942

>Doing anything feels like a chore compared to just refreshing /jp/.

I feel the same way. I can't tell if it's a sickness anymore.

>> No.11512975
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Cute girls skipping school and lazing about together with some yuri angst thrown in. There's no real story so far, it's just slice-of-life and figuring out gay feelings. I like the feel of it though.

>> No.11513000

Today I spent 2 hours just looking for my 電子辞書. There went my reading time.

>> No.11513010

Light novels end up with some great ideas that usually end up riddled wwith derivative drek... it's like watching seedlings get trampled sometimes. very few writers have it dialed in.

>> No.11516730

You could have just opened your browser and typed in jisho.org.

>> No.11516785 [DELETED] 

I know that feeling.

I just read milk's Twitter and she's doing all these otaku things (reading comics, watching cartoons, etc.). I haven't done anything besides browse /jp/ for years now.

>> No.11518221 [DELETED] 

I wonder if people would pay attention to me if I had a cute Twitter account.

>> No.11521009

>"graphic novel"

A very long comic.

>> No.11530864

I haven't read at all in the past five days. How do you guys make yourselves get off of /jp/ and read?

>> No.11532741

get a kindle dood

>> No.11537205

Wait, there's a difference?

>> No.11537257
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On a note, does anyone here read Hakomari? When the fuck will next vol come out?
Or the author can't even solve his mysteries built up on the previous ones and give up on it?

>> No.11537330

I hope it doesn't come out until I've caught up with the series.

>> No.11537387

I find it entertaining, but keep finding myself not caring because I hate mysteries. the overarching plot is neat, though.

>> No.11544104


>> No.11544109

>Some are even written by teenagers.
Explains how shitty some of them are.

>> No.11544121

Literally the only LN series worth reading

>> No.11544182

Yeah, if you're an EOP.

>> No.11544200


Whatever man.

It's really no different than lengthy comics we have in the west, and I like those too. In fact, it's easy to enjoy lots of things without a cynical attitude. In the west, we like intrigue, mystery and violence. In the east it's highly varied, and in a way more interesting.

It sure as hell beats reading a twilight novel.

>> No.11545737
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>> No.11550402

I'm reading Moonlight Sculptor.
I like it and I don't know why.

>> No.11550442

Yeah because VNs are so much better, when you're cherrypicking
>Imouto Ninshin
>Imouto Ninshin 2 ~In-Tai-Mon-Zetsu~
>Imouto no Sausage
>Suki Suki Onii-chan ~The Pretty Little Sister~
>Tsundere Imouto wa Haramase Kibou no Hatsujouki!? ~Sekinin Totte Naka ni Dashite yo ne!
>Imouto to Osananajimi no Seido Shidou ~Kore Ijou Naka ni Dasu no wa Yamete!~
>Osananajimi ga Hishojo no Inran Bitch Datta Ken ni Tsuite
>Osananajimi na Kanojo
>Osananajimi wa Bed Yakuza!
>Sex & Friend ~Osananajimi no Amai Nioi~
>Tere Tere Succubus ~Makai no Hime mo Osananajimi mo, Ore no Kawaii Haramasezuma!~

>> No.11558971


>> No.11559025

What do you have against sisters? Brother-sister is the only form of romance that makes any sense to me. Very rarely does any other form of romance manage to warm my heart so much.

>> No.11561145

No need to cherry pick anon,


>> No.11561166

>only 15-20 books
That's your problem, retard.

You sound like one of those faggots on /lit/ who posts whining about how to write better and then reveals that he has read <1000 novels.

Read some more books.

>> No.11561168

Are the Spice and Wolf LNs any good?

Horo is my waifu.

>> No.11561172

Having waifus is an /a/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you have a waifu and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

/jp/ is for translators, artists and scholars of Japanese culture only. It is a place to create original content and engage in meaningful discussions. Not a place for man-children to salivate over imaginary cartoon girlfriends.

Now that this is settled, please continue.

>> No.11561174

OK, but what about the Spice and Wolf LNs? Are they any good?

>> No.11561176
File: 129 KB, 450x600, c7a26d386ed5fb37bbbb31192dd53e62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ is for shut-in weebs who don't even speak Japanese

>> No.11561178

They are better than anything listed here >>11488290

>> No.11561181

and touhou imagedumps

>> No.11564511

When was the last time /jp/ translated anything? The only board that actually does translations is /a/, and /k/ if you count /ak/ scans.

>> No.11564515

I wouldn't count /ak/ scans as translating at all.

Holy shit those are some of the worst, second only to duwang, except duwang does it as a joke.

>> No.11564517

I don't read their stuff I just know that they're scanning a lot so I can't comment on the quality of their translations.

>> No.11564518

/u/ does translations as well.

>> No.11564520

Like Saki, and Strike Witches I think. Yeah.

>> No.11564523

Typos, Typos, horrible typesetting, mediocre scan quality (If they even scan it themselves), questionable translations (looks like some attempt at "localization"), and a big fuckoff disclaimer at the end of chapters stating "YOU DON'T LIKE OUR TRANSLATIONS? TOO BAD FAGGOT WE'RE NOT FIXING THEM. YOU'RE GONNA READ IT ANYWAY. HAHAHAHA"

>> No.11564530

Have fun living in your EOP dream world, nerd.

>> No.11564532
File: 562 KB, 1108x1600, img000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, the scans seem alright, they could clear the shaded parts not to be dotty like that but it's not the end of the world. And really they only scan manga that are about girls in underwear with guns pretty much so it's like, who cares really.

>> No.11564539

Well, I've recently read mahoyo and every time I tried to spark a discussion about it I got zero answers. While it's only stuff like these on the front page
So it feels fair enough of a judgement to me.

>> No.11564546

Where do I get the Spice & Wolf novels

Demonoid had them before it shut down

>> No.11564549

These seem like them

>> No.11564554



>> No.11564577

If you post in the VN thread and get zero replies, that just means no one cares about your gay shit VN. And what do those threads (and some random guy posting "lewd") have to do with anything? Can you tell whether or not someone is an EOP just from their shitposts?

>> No.11564581

Yeah I'm sure noone cares about TM VNs in TM threads, you newfag. Nah it's just that noone read it because I'd wager that less than 3% of /jp/ can actually read japanese.
Meant to post this >>11564049
Which is still on the front page, so it pretty clearly shows what kind of people make the majority of this board.

>> No.11564594

LMAO, you're getting so mad you're forgetting your English. Calm down nerdo.

So this shitpost >>11550433 is yours? Just give it up, no one is going to provide meaningful discussion about anything on 4chan because even if they've read/watched/played something, the best they can do is say "yeah I really liked/hated it!" and not actually analyze it beyond the surface. That goes for you too, btw. It's much easier to just dump images you like and hope someone replies with a meme or something. It sucks but that's the reality of life, no one ever cares as much as you.

>> No.11564598

For the most part the only people who still give a shit about TM either already discussed Mahoutsukai to death (maybe you should have actually been here when it came out, "newfag") or don't know Japanese, but I don't see how that's /jp/'s fault. And you're mad at people who spend their time on eroge and doujinsoft for lusting after and loving characters on the otaku culture board? Not the guy you're replying to by the way.

>> No.11564607

You're trying too hard now friend. Still I don't see your argument, the point was that /jp/ is just imagedumps and weebs talking about stuff like dakimakura and stuff not the nest of high flying discussion about japanese culture. And now you're saying that noone on 4chan makes actual discussions about anything, so aren't you just proving the original point now?

>> No.11564612

I thought your point was that no one on /jp/ knew Japanese, which is pretty obviously wrong. You can't measure EOP levels by simply posting something Japanese and seeing how many people reply.

>> No.11564618

People still discuss tsukihime and f/sn nowadays so I highly doubt that it's due to lack of interest. Yeah probably should've been but I haven't used to visit /jp/ too much before /a/ has became an absolute shithole. I'm not mad about it, read porn all you want, I'm just saying that /jp/ isn't a site full of experts on japanese language and culture like the other guy said(he was probably just joking and the reply was in a joking manner as well, this guys just went autistic for some reason) just a site with weebs who masturbate to 2hous and porn games.

>> No.11564626

Well yeah if you post something popular then it indicates how many people read it, therefore how many people can read moon.

>> No.11564632

Not really. You could just be posting at the wrong time, or in the wrong thread. If I were a TM fan, I'd probably avoid that thread you posted in like the plague. This is all assuming that TM is really as popular as you think it is. Most people who read Tsukihime when it got popular on 4chan have probably lost interest by now.

>> No.11564650

Other than that there's only the MBAACC netplay thread, and this is a slow site time isn't too much of a factor. Not really, type moon has always been pretty comical and lewd, no tm fan would be pissed off by talking about girls. When it comes to otaku culture then yeah TM is still popular, the F/Z and Prisma Illya anime aired not too long ago and they were still good selling. Mahoyo was released less than a year ago, it's hardly something old. Really what other franchise can you name that is as popular as type moon amongst otaku, other than touhou maybe?

>> No.11564654

Just watch the VN general threads >>11553610 if you want to get an idea of how many people on /jp/ know Japanese. Even then that would assume everyone on /jp/ who knows Japanese posts in those threads though. It's probably something like 10-20% of the board if you don't count people who are just here to shitpost. And nobody seriously claimed that /jp/ is full of experts, >>11561172 is copy pasta.

>> No.11564656


>> No.11564659

>singular online cardgame
>otaku franchise
Really? And the only reason so many people play it is that it's free.

>> No.11564663

Just wait until C85.

>> No.11564665

Yeah I know that it was just an exaggerated joke and the reply was as well. It's not like noone on /jp/ can read japanese but it's most certainly not over 10% so "/jp/ is for moonreaders" is still pretty stupid.

>> No.11564668

After it aired Akiba was covered in Madoka for ages, still I wouldn't say that it's anywhere near TM level popular. I guess EVA is at that level though.

>> No.11564671

It's pretty obvious that you've been here for like a week. What makes you think you know so much?

>> No.11564682

Not sure what that has to do with it. In my mind, comiket stalls = popularity.

>> No.11564685

Good thing you have a counter on everyone's head to tell. I just visit /jp/ every now and again, usually when something happens. Still that's quite besides the point. Are you saying then that the majority of /jp/ reads moon and they aren't just weebs drooling over their dakimakura? Not to mention that your knight of /jp/ here were using "LMAO" for insulting, which is lower than /v/ level so yeah you haven't convinced me here.

>> No.11564689

That's pretty stupid though, comiket is all about fleeting fads. Not too long ago it was SAO, before it was Madoka, now it's SnK, it indicates nothing in overall popularity.

>> No.11564691

The people who know japanese are among the people drooling over their dakimakura. I don't know what makes you think the two have to be separate.

>> No.11564693

Only fanatics and obsessives talk about the same thing long after it's over (see: Umineko, Touhou). Everyone else just reads it, chats about it for a bit, and moves on with their lives.

90% of /jp/ pretends to know Japanese but only 10% could actually sit down and read a novel if they wanted.

>> No.11564696

Popularity is a very transient thing.

>> No.11564698

Not really I can talk about anything I've read/watched in my life, that's what this site is about. If someone posts something I've seen 5 years ago I'll still be able to talk about it, since I'm not braindead.

Well yeah that's what I've said as well, though I doubt that it hits 10%.

>> No.11564700

LMAO is just trevorspeak. You wouldn't bat an eye at that if you were a hardcore /jp/ browser.

>> No.11564702

For fleeting fads yeah, franchises like TM and stuff like EVA have endured through more than a decade and are still popular.

>> No.11564705

But would you want to repeat the exact same discussion multiple times? Probably not.

>> No.11564707

Well I'm not a hardcore /jp/ browser, I never said I was but I thought that /jp/ as elitist as it makes itself to be has higher standards than /v/.

>> No.11564710

There's a difference between being able to talk about something and being interested in talking about something. I usually lose interest in talking about something after 5 days have passed since I've completed it.

>Are you saying then that the majority of /jp/ reads moon
No. What I'm saying is that I don't like how you act like you know everything about the board when you're not even a regular browser and never have been. Also >>11564691

>> No.11564709

They both just have a diehard group of lunatics that actually still care. The reason Eva is still used in shaving ads and stuff is because everyone remembers it, not because everyone still likes it and wants to discuss it.

>> No.11564711

I'm pretty sure Mahoyo hasn't actually been "discussed to death" around here. There are only a few things that have.

>> No.11564712

I've never mind repeating information if someone else cares for it. Fairly sure I've explained monogatari details for others plenty of times.

>> No.11564713

There are levels of irony here that you just don't understand, man.

>> No.11564716

What percent of /jp/ would you say is actually fluent in Japanese, then? Say, able to sit down and read a short story without a dictionary.

>> No.11564718

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.11564722

One man's shitpost is another man's culture.

>> No.11564723

10-20% if you don't count people who are just here to shitpost, just like I said earlier. That's not even something I care much about though. What bothers me is your attitude about all of this on a board you clearly have spent minutes on. Try lurking for once in your life.

>> No.11564724

I don't visit /a/ that often neither nowadays but people still talked a lot about EVA a year ago, especially since new movies are coming out and TM has new products coming out as well.

Well it's not my problem that you have ADD you know.

Well tough shit mate, whether you like it or not that's just the simple truth about tha board.

I'm not even talking about being fluent, just being able to sit down and read a novel.

>> No.11564730

LMAO that explains a lot.

>> No.11564732

That wasn't me. I still think it's less than 10%, though. The only people who know Japanese in any significant number are the people in the VN thread and the idol threads and I don't think that's a full tenth of /jp/.

Although, part of that estimate depends on how many people you think are here just for the shitposting.

>> No.11564733

That guy wasn't me, just saying. But basically you're just being asspained then because someone said that /jp/ is nowhere as high flying as they try to make themselves look like.

>> No.11564737

He's unhappy at you because he thinks your attitude is shit, which basically consists of visiting a board and declaring that you know everything about it after a day or two.

>> No.11564736

Like what? Mate is just a commonly used expression amongst males.

>> No.11564738

What? /jp/ isn't trying to make themselves look like anything. Did you get that >>11561172 is copypasta? The only one trying to make /jp/ look like some ironic elitist paradise is moot.

>> No.11564740

I just don't want you posting here.

>> No.11564746

I've been visiting /jp/ for years now as well. I just don't spend all day here all week. I come here like every 8 months or so. Still fairly sure that's besides the point and what I've said wasn't incorrect so there's no reason to be upset. Just have some self awareness, it's not a big deal that the majority of the board consists of people who can't even read moon, that's just how it is.

>> No.11564748

The two of you are arguing about whether it's 95% (you) or 85% (that guy) of /jp/ that doesn't know Japanese. Nobody is pretending it's less than half.

The one who should have more awareness of his own obnoxious behavior is you.

>> No.11564750

Yeah I got that was a joke which got a joke reply accordingly at which point some guy started shitposting how NONO U NERD JP BEST BOARD EVAH which got the repy of nah and it lead to this.

>> No.11564762

That shitposting guy was probably also joking. That's what it means to say that you're not well versed in /jp/'s ironic shitposting culture.

Which is, of course, shit but that's not the point.

>> No.11564766

I dont think that was the point here, whether its 95 or 85 doesnt matter, just that its the majority.
It was that I pointed it out and he got angry because of it.
By the way my keyboard just shat itself so no apostrophes anymore.

>> No.11564768

It doesn't seem like a joke. It just seems like you were upset your weak attempt at starting discussion four days prior was met with disinterest.

>> No.11564771

Yeah sorry then Im used to the fact that ironic shitposting is a bannable offense in every other board so I assumed that it is on jp as well.

>> No.11564779

Then why didn't you just report the post rather than replying seriously?

>> No.11564784

Im not really upset Im just sticking around knowing that its a slow board talked some in this thread. If people dont want to talk about something then fine whaevs but people seem to care since theyre still asking about the translation statuses all the time I assumed people want to talk about it as well. The fact that there was zero response thus is more down to the fact that people cant read moon here rather than disinterest.

>> No.11564790

I just meant a lighthearted response as well, I didnt think people love to shitpost and get mad this much.

>> No.11564794

I don't know dude. I know Japanese but I don't respond to stuff I'm not familiar with, which includes Mahoyo (I lost interest in Type-Moon ages ago). The window of relevance for new games is very, very small. Maybe you can try again when it gets translated or something, or just go to 2ch where you're guaranteed at least some slow discussion from people who know Japanese.

>> No.11564803

You're over-thinking things. People had no interest in replying because they had no interest in replying. Expect many on-topic questions to go unanswered on /jp/. It's to be expected of a slow board full of lazy shits who are constantly overloading with new things to spend their time on.

>> No.11564804

Sure but thats the issue of rations, if as the majority of jp could really read moon then there bound to be people who are interested in a certain novel, especially if its from a popular franchise. I just assumed that its higher but obviously it isnt. Well itll probably take years before its done but you know its whatevs. I thought more people on jp are into moon, I was mistaken, not too much more to say about that.

>> No.11564808

In the same thread a generic question about Tsukihime got enough decent response which is just as related. So I dont think thats the issue. Considering that this board is still filled with touhuo imagedumps somehow I doubt that people are overloaded with new stuff.

>> No.11564815

Like another anon already said, keep an eye on the VN thread and try posting there. People there are in the mood for discussion. Failing that, just make a new thread. The worst that can happen is janny deletes it.

>> No.11564822

Its not that much of an issue, I just thought that people in a TM would be interested or something and I only have one or two things that Im somewhat curious about. Maybe Ill see when the second novel comes out, nasu said that the real story starts with the second one anyways.

>> No.11565337

Anyone who read Owarimonogatari here?
What's the general consensus about it?
I have no time right now.

>> No.11565464

Scans where?

>> No.11565598

I don't think that's completely true.

In English I can read over 1000 wpm, but it's not enjoyable. This is with a high comprehension of the text too.

The problem is, it's nothing like normal reading. When you do is you process the words without acknowledging them allowing you to read pages almost instantly. Then once you are finished reading think about it or get asked a question and you just know it.

It's really pointless to read anything you want to enjoy this way, but it's useful.

>> No.11565621
File: 43 KB, 393x600, Zaregoto_Volume01_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know whats up with the Zaregoto official translation? I just read the first two volumes and I really liked it. Del Ray hasn't done shit with it for a while.
I know there is an unofficial translation, but I read some of it and while it's not bad, its not as good as the official.
Kinda makes me want to hire a professional to do it. I've got some excess cash kicking around, how much do you think that would cost?

>> No.11565633

Del Ray went down the gutter.

As far as sales went Zaregoto needed 5000 sales or so to be breaking even. Only like 2000 for the first novel, and unknown for the second.

>> No.11565674
File: 113 KB, 556x800, UtsuroNoHako_vol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya should have won.

Maria is a bitch.

>> No.11565675

God dammit. I read a lot, and that series had a unique/interesting style and feel to it that I haven't seen in any other book. Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.11565681


>> No.11565798

I'll do it for 30000 USD.

>> No.11572085


>> No.11576554

>No horo thread anywhere
>I guess this will have to do

Anyone got the latest LN? I got got mine.

>> No.11583099

Just finished S&W volume 9 (in Japanese), having read volume 1 3 years ago. This series is taking me forever to get through..

>> No.11583635

I think a lot of people have the same problem. LNs don't take that long to read, but it's hard for me to focus on reading when I have distractions like /jp/ or the latest hit video game.

>> No.11583944

Stop playing shitty remakes of remakes of video games like call of grand theft fantasy XVII and enjoy having a lot more time.

Also, avoid anything competitive like Dota/starcraft at all costs.

>> No.11584672
File: 99 KB, 682x1000, 4344415264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I've read about 9-10 books this year, compared to the 4-5 or so before that. Getting faster.

Is it okay if I play SC2 in moderation?

Next up, 有頂天家族.

>> No.11591564 [DELETED] 


>> No.11591740


>> No.11598168


>> No.11598462

Anyone reading heavy object?

>> No.11598513
File: 403 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2013-11-06-22-56-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of amazing that there's a thread over a month old on the board. I've been reading the bakemonogatari series. I read Kizu a year or so back and this time I started on 花物語 (having seen the other stuff in the anime).

It's pretty good. I find if I put a decent effort in, I can finish one in about a week. It really depends on how much downtime I have, though. One week I had a 4 hour bus ride and I finished more than half the book there. It's really a focus issue.

>> No.11598524
File: 1.15 MB, 2688x1520, 2013-11-06 23.03.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the series and I don't regret it. It's a bit of a dense read and really all over the place plot-wise, but it's got a pretty consistent tone (at least for the last 5-6 volumes) and some interesting ideas that didn't get as fleshed out as I would have liked. The ending sucked.

>> No.11598578

How is Faust? I hear Drill Hole in my Head is supposed to be weird as fuck to the point not many people people like it.

>> No.11598852

The thing is when I really like a book I won't want to put it down, but LNs feel like a chore no matter what.

I think there's a message there.

>> No.11598858

There have been some light novels that I couldn't put down. When the plot gets heavy and the story is good, I definitely want to know what happens next. A lot of people want to say the whole medium is crap and make sweeping generalizations, but I don't really see how that's fair.

>> No.11600670

Nice pic. I wish more people posted their shelves. I like looking at collections.

>> No.11600711
File: 1.16 MB, 1520x2688, 2013-11-07 16.50.01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the whole thing.

>> No.11600739
File: 1.21 MB, 3592x2699, physicalstuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice pic. I wish more people posted their shelves
Here's mine, then. It's not much yet, though.  I'm poor right now.

It's a little old though. Add hakomari 5 and schwarzesmarken 4 and 5.

>> No.11600751

All of your LN stuff seems to cut off early. Do you not read through all of them?

Also, is that a knockoff hachikuji up there? It looks really... deformed.

>> No.11600757

I'm reading them all at once. I guess I'm going the wide and shallow route so I can talk about a variety of stuff.

And Hachikuji isn't a knockoff, just a really cheap (400 yen) gashapon I got in akihabara.

>> No.11600770
File: 997 KB, 1520x2688, 2013-11-07 17.04.43-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I just assumed it was trying to be this figure since it was the same pose, but that makes sense.

>> No.11600909

Do good or at least decent, translated LNs that aren't continuations or tie-ins with popular series exist?

>> No.11600952

Zaregoto isn't a continuation or tie-in. It died after volume 2, though.

>> No.11600965

I think they're doing Yuyushiki as well now.

>> No.11600966
File: 116 KB, 1000x1011, 1364118827259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At first I was wary of your taste now I can confirm it's shit.

>> No.11600967

Reading LNs is a good way to fall asleep.

>> No.11600997

Thanks guys. Interesting stuff.

>> No.11601049

I've never read a LN before because I'm suspicious of the translation quality that you find on bakatsuki and my nihongo is too heta for me to read anything meaty without the help of ITH + JParser.

>> No.11601111

>I'm suspicious of the translation quality that you find on bakatsuki
You should be. It's 90% machine translated garbage.

>> No.11601119

Just out of interest, how were the S&W translations? I'm surprised anyone went to all the bother.

>> No.11601128

The SW novels have actually been a pretty good success. It's hardly a bother if they're making money producing them.

The quality seems fine, I haven't gone over it with a fine tooth comb but there's no glaring shit other than the cover art issue.

>> No.11601143

Sorry, I meant the fan translations of the last 9 or so volumes.

>> No.11601191

What if you include the two?

>> No.11601200

I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Only the first two volumes are translated.

>> No.11601207

Sorry, it's late. I meant what if you disregard the two restrictions.

>> No.11601318

bullshitting. your precious vn is more likely a machine translation. the biggest complaint you can have is some of them are jp>cn>en translations. if it's machine then you'll know cause they say so.

>> No.11601362

Man, just kill me. I haven't read anything at all since making this post. I can't even muster the effort to put time into things I know I enjoy.

>> No.11601855

I don't read translations, or VNs either (well, one or two). It's true that a lot of VNs are machine translated these days, which is a travesty. My point is that all of the shit that I've looked at (which, to be fair, isn't all of it, at most 4-5 works) is completely incorrect and fucked up in its translation of the original. This was particularly bad when Sword Art Online and Accel World were coming out.

>> No.11601857

No, there aren't any LNs that have been translated on their own merits with no reason to expect them to be successful. Spice and Wolf is being translated, and that's the longest series that I'm aware of.

>> No.11601877

haha that happened on my birthday

>> No.11601889

happy birthday

>> No.11608788


>> No.11608788,1 [INTERNAL] 

No... I let it die... I'm a become shame *commits seppuku*

>> No.11608788,2 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry, it has a trashcan so we can pretend the janitor deleted it, just like every legitimate thread "the janitor deleted".
