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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11501864 No.11501864 [Reply] [Original]

Why is netorare more prevalent than netori?

You'd think the wish fulfilment would be more popular than... the exact opposite.

>> No.11501882

Nightmare fulfilment exists because many otaku lead dreary lives without emotion, and they can willingly sample rage and jealousy in a controlled environment to mix up masturbation.

Basically, adding negative emotions for shading as they try to color their grey life.

>> No.11501878

>You'd think the wish fulfilment would be more popular than... the exact opposite.

Really? Among these masochists?

>> No.11501898

Happy things are shitty and boring. We need conflict and tension in our lives.

See also: Nozick's experience machines.

>> No.11501942

Netorare is just the hippest fetish on the block at the moment. Much like monstergirls.

Netori isn't edgy enough for fashionable masturbators.

>> No.11501972

I hope that means it goes out of style soon. Netorare is pretty much the worst fetish possible.

>> No.11502069

I hope scat will be the next hippest thing. I feel so alone fapping to them

>> No.11502105

Don't worry Hazberurst, I'm here with you.

>> No.11502115

I wish there was more NTR material out there. I feel like I've masturbated to it all.

>> No.11502119

NTRfags are the worst.

>> No.11502124

Next the hip thing will be not beating off to 2D or not masturbating at all. It really is a bother.

>> No.11502131

Japan has pent up sexual aggression and this is one of the few ways they can only release it.

>> No.11502140

Netorare is just as disgusting as those emo songs.

>> No.11502162

That comparison makes no sense, anony

>> No.11502269

The average japanese man lives a very repressed life, the few women he meets completely dominate him emotionally and socially.
Thus this is the natural development of that.
A caged animal fears the world outside the cage.

>> No.11502305

This is why gender swap needs to be the future of nukige

>> No.11502662

You guys are silly, happy impregnation is the best fetish!

>> No.11502674


So long as it's a shota or futanari doing the impregnating, I agree.

>> No.11502676

>happy impregnation
As long as the female is happy with it, yes, regarldess of the males attitude on it. The classic "leg grapple force him to impregnate me even though he doesn't want to" is my favorite

>> No.11502685
File: 535 KB, 733x869, oh my.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is fine too!

I like that one too!

>> No.11502750

Why would you want to be a dick who steals another man's women? That is a horrible thing to do. Do you have no morals?

>> No.11503833
File: 36 KB, 225x350, 25961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR is wish fulfillment

>> No.11503849

Mutual is nice too.

>> No.11503846

Anti-"NTR" people are the worst. Go back to any other board on 4chan, faggot normals.

>> No.11503862

shutup nerd

>> No.11503880
File: 765 KB, 1236x1800, NTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masochism I guess

>> No.11503882

Don't tell me what to do, you subhuman piece of shit. This isn't /a/. You're not going to shame people into stop liking the things they like with your fucking stupid logic which you like to state as if it's matter-of-fact.

>> No.11503905

NTR is so predictable and cliche. I don't understand why there's a whole subset of /jp/ that gets off on it.

You've basically turned a common plot element into a feitsh in itself.

>> No.11503934


>> No.11503941

Why do you know how /a/ acts and why do you think anyone here cares

Take your crossie shit back to where it belongs

>> No.11503948

Because every time anything happens that attracts people from other boards this kind of behavior escalates in a way that is extremely noticeable. If it's not obvious to you then maybe you're just fucking stupid.

>> No.11503956

>this kind of behavior escalates in a way that is extremely noticeable
Such as making threads dedicated to NTR, right?

>> No.11503962

Sounds like a load of shit to me, when "raids" happen, I don't think I've ever seen an anti-NTR discussion magically pop up

>> No.11503967

Isn't it gay to have boner when dominating or gets dominated by another dude? I bet these NTRfags have preference on which protag/antagonist dudes give the hardest boner too. Fucking gay faggots.

>> No.11503973

NTRfags are terrible. They're always so vocal about it, implying that anyone who isn't aroused by their shit-tier fetish are betas/normalfags/you name it.

They're a plight on /jp/ and deserved to be mocked endlessly.

>> No.11503989

Yeah, making threads bitching about "NTR" (typing netorare is so hard! Plus NTR is what all the epic memsters use ;)) always pop up around the time when something happens that attracts kids from /a/v/.

You're seeing it happen right now. Are you stupid? We have at least several hundred new posters.

Holy fuck, it couldn't be obvious that you're not even a regular here. Nobody is saying you have to share your fetish, it's you stupid fucks who get pissed whenever someone has a fetish you don't like. The funniest post in this thread was about how netorare is just a hip trend that people latch on to, even though the real hip thing to do among you people is to hate netorare to fit in because "bitches and whores XD". Then a lot of you go on to talk about how epic futanari is to fit in more.

>> No.11503996

>We have at least several hundred new posters.
You are delusional if you seriously think several hundred new posters are hanging around here from the event a week ago.

>> No.11504001

>Yeah, making threads bitching about "NTR" always pop up around the time when something happens that attracts kids from /a/v/.
OP didn't open his thread by bitching about NTR. He just asked a question.

>typing netorare is so hard! Plus NTR is what all the epic memsters use ;)
Don't worry, you don't have to use your epic memes to fit into /jp/ :)

>> No.11504005

I think you're delusional if you don't think that's the case.

No, he was pretty obviously bitching about it, using the newest epic reaction image.

>> No.11504021

>I think you're delusional if you don't think that's the case.
It's obviously not happening. By post rate /jp/ isn't any faster than it was. A few hundred newcomers would double it.

>> No.11504016

>We have at least several hundred new posters.
Yeah, that's why threads move lightning fast now and disappear within 10 minutes if I don't bump them every three seconds! And all these outrageous threads that we NEVER had on /jp/ before moot(tm) decided to bring in new friends! That truly must be the work of crossboarders!

>> No.11504026

>Nobody is saying you have to share your fetish
Except that it happens all the time. Take the VN general thread for example. Every time someone mentions not wanting to play a game because of NTR content, the NTR brigade call them a faggot, or beta, or any number of other things. And you have someone in this very thread calling anti-NTR people "normals" as if it's supposed to be an insult. You don't see scat lovers insulting people who don't share their fetish, so why do the NTRfags feel the need to?

Just fuck off already.

>> No.11504034

>Every time someone mentions not wanting to play a game because of NTR content, the NTR brigade call them a faggot, or beta, or any number of other things
That never happened. It's the anti-netorare who love calling people "beta" because of how epicly badass they are.
>And you have someone in this very thread calling anti-NTR people "normals" as if it's supposed to be an insult.
That was me, and anti-netorare doesn't amount to the same thing as simply disliking it. Normal is an insult, fuck off.
>You don't see scat lovers insulting people who don't share their fetish, so why do the NTRfags feel the need to?
They don't. The few that might do it because people like you are constantly harassing them at every single chance you get because you think it will make the people around you like you more. It's pathetic.

>> No.11504037

Except the majority of people in this thread are actually saying negative things about NTR, in fact the whole purpose of this thread is to bash NTR.

>> No.11504042

i get off women being slutty or corrupted. ntr does that. i don't have a cuckolding fetish and am turn off by western cuckolding fetish porn where the guy is shown watching. I don't care about the husband/boyfriend nor do I identify with him in the story. i'm about being misogynist than a masochist when reading ntr

>> No.11504043

>That never happened
Confirmed delusionalfag.

>> No.11504047

>That never happened. It's the anti-netorare who love calling people "beta" because of how epicly badass they are.
If you actually think that, you either haven't been here very long or you're simply delusional.

>> No.11504052

The purpose of this thread is to ask why netorare is popular and netori isn't.

It so happened that apparently none of the people commenting like netorare, but that's okay. You can add your contrary opinion to the thread, and then there won't be a conseus anymore.

>> No.11504060

>The purpose of this thread is to ask why netorare is popular and netori isn't.
Thinly veiled NTR bashing thread
>You can add your contrary opinion to the thread
and then get bashed like everyone else in this thread who said something positive about it

>> No.11504063

There has never been an instance where someone has done that without reason. They always do it in defense.

>It so happened that apparently none of the people commenting like netorare, but that's okay.
That would be okay if it were that simple, but as he said everyone is just needlessly bashing people who like things they don't like, in a way that really screams "I'm fitting in now!"

>> No.11504069

>and then get bashed like everyone else in this thread who said something positive about it
If you can't handle it when people criticize your opinions maybe you shouldn't have any.

Also, there was only one person in this thread who expressed an unqualified appreciation for NTR, and everybody ignored him.

>> No.11504072

>There has never been an instance where someone has done that without reason. They always do it in defense.
Yeah someone posted about not wanting to read NTR then suddenly NTRfag bashing them is so defensive.

>> No.11504078

>There has never been an instance where someone has done that without reason. They always do it in defense.
Sure, whatever you say. I'm not going to go digging through the archive to prove you wrong. But you're very wrong. It's pretty consistent, actually.

>> No.11504089

Go ahead. It will be pretty obvious that it started from someone saying something along the lines of "what the fuck is wrong with people who like this NTR shit? those freaks should all just die. I fucking hate this shit and fuck you if you like it."

>> No.11504091

>He then asks, if given the choice, would we prefer the machine to real life?

am I the only one not understanding his argument?

Do most people read that and think 'oh my god I would never consider using the machine'?

>> No.11504097

I was replying to a guy who was claiming that people who like NTR bash others. My point is that obviously isn't the case.

>> No.11504100

The point of the thought experiment is that some people may have an aversion to using the machine, and there must be a reason for it. Whether or not they actually do so is immaterial.

>> No.11504103

No, that was someone else. Two other people, actually, I was >>11504052 and the one who pointed out that nominally this thread is just for discussion.

>> No.11504104

Could you go away please? Thanks.

>> No.11504107

I thought I would never live to see the day when somebody unironically complained about using the world "normalfag" in /jp/.

>> No.11504108


alright that's more interesting.

>> No.11504112 [DELETED] 

>mfw epic meme lol

>> No.11504116 [DELETED] 

>>mfw epic meme lol

>> No.11504118 [DELETED] 

>who are you quoting lol

>> No.11504121 [DELETED] 

LOL :)

>le new memefag

>le opfag

>le oldfag

>> No.11504120 [DELETED] 

>>who are you quoting lol

>> No.11504129

ur on jp mister, bread is 'pan' ok

>> No.11504123 [DELETED] 

>toasting in epic bread

>> No.11504128

4chan culture is retarded.

>> No.11504130

What tin the guf is hapeging hre

>> No.11504131

/jp/ culture is also retarded, and calling people "normalfags" has been part of both as long as /jp/ has been around.

>> No.11504137

>toasting in sugoi パン

>> No.11504141

I think that there are more common wish fulfillment fetishes or requirements, I would imagine that finding the perfect woman and being her first would be a much more common route, rather then finding a woman already in a relationship and winning her over. But each to their own.

For what it's worth, I don't like either, and I dislike netorare enough that the presence of it in doujinshi/visual novels is enough for me to not touch it. It's disappointing to find a cover with nice art and find netorare in the tags, and i'm aware that it's misused a lot, but I won't take my chances.

>> No.11504146

NTR seems to be steeped on some primal level in self hatred so I don't like it because i'm sure it's probably making people depressed.

>> No.11504185

My post seems to have been ignored by everyone >>11504042

I've never read an ntr doujin where the male was the focus. It's always about the woman being/turning into a whore.

>> No.11504193

There's been a recent trend of dominant lesbian porn lately. Maybe this strikes your fancy?

I'm not really one to talk, but what happened to assertive men? Do 21st century men just love being bullied and being put into uncontrollable situations?

>> No.11504261

>かんぱい in すごい パン

>> No.11505138

whoa nerd don't get angry and start spouting some nonsense, I just told you to shutup

>> No.11505138,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11505138,2 [INTERNAL] 

the op post is so fucking wrong. why don't you dumb shits ever realize when you're fucking a hot housewife it's netori/cheating? every vn and manga from forever has every protagonist scoring with married women/moms all the time.

it used to all just be ntr or cheating. then we got these retard vn fans from hongfire trying to over classify everything due to their shitty medium.

>> No.11505138,3 [INTERNAL] 

>cuckolding fetish

>> No.11505138,4 [INTERNAL] 

netorare is f*cking host

>> No.11505138,5 [INTERNAL] 

Most females in eromanga aren't housewives, but schoolgirls.

>> No.11505138,6 [INTERNAL] 

Ia that guy Slowbeef?

>> No.11505138,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11505138,8 [INTERNAL] 

The op is a stupid idiot whose only exposure to hentai is through the gay furry site he's so desperately trying to promote.
