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11498874 No.11498874 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11485143

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11498891

Still going through routes in Baldr Sky Zero, glad it's not a Gigamine(tm). Fun time but damn Kou, crazy priority on his drill attack, don't think it was anywhere near as useful in Dive series.

>> No.11498915

How do you motivate yourself into reading VNs? I only have one week left of my pseudo-NEET existence. I installed a liar-soft game i wanted to read two months ago but i'm too lazy reading it.

>> No.11498920


I don't have to be motivated. It's not a chore but something I take pleasure in. Maybe the stuff just isn't for you?

>> No.11499016

WA2 is a 'spiritual successor' of sorts, has a couple of references to WA but nothing else, basically their world is the same.
The ps3 version of WA2 has animated sprites and an extended epilogue for one of the routes of CC's last part.

I have my ass handed from time to time because enemy overload, I remember how easy everything was in the common route. It's a lot of fun, but makes maxing new weapons a bitch.

>> No.11499058
File: 101 KB, 212x273, fuukaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, what are the moege/charage titles worth reading this month ? I've already read Noblesse of Rouge (it's bad) and C04 too.

>> No.11499065

I am reading himegoto union, it's pretty meh.

Why I am still reading it? I don't know, I just like the heroines.

>> No.11499075

>I just like the heroines.
That's pretty much the point of moege.

>> No.11499079

Well, I was considering reading PriministrAr from last month, since it got good sales and was one of the few I've yet to read, but I don't know, their club gimmick about wind instruments isn't my favorite theme... Well, so it's this month as bad as it seems, there isn't any hidden jewel or whatsoever ?

>> No.11499126
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, Holy shit, he summoned Castlevania-styled music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their club gimmick about wind instruments
You might be confusing PriministAr with something else. It's not about wind instruments or music of any kind. The protagonist is a member of the school's Handicrafts Club together with Senri, though he does also help the other clubs many times.

He takes it very seriously.

>> No.11499134
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, CG227a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like China already extracted the CGs of this. Does anyone have any idea how they went about opening that *.dat file?
Any PS3 hackers around?

>> No.11499136
File: 210 KB, 1287x723, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-ok i'm out.

>> No.11499157

This month wasn't bad. BS0 is pretty good.

>> No.11499165

Since I didn't get a replay in the last thread I'll ask again
Is there anyone knows how to install Root Double Before Crime After Day?
I always get the key password or the screen gets all white error

>> No.11499196

Maybe I should try it after all, but I played some part of Strawberry Nauts and didn't liked it at all, it's from the same company, right ?

Fair enough, but I've yet to read dream world, so I'm not reading that right now. I'm thinking in reading Secret Game box they released, since it's a new version (remake ?) I think some anons already have read it, is it worth the time or backlog month ?

>> No.11499207

In the middle of the preparations for Mina-Fes right now. Kakei went over Kodachi revealing herself as the shepherd a bit too easily, it feels like.

>> No.11499219
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It was pretty obvious since she was the only one who didn't enter the club. Well, there's more revelations from her in the Sheppard (her) route.

>> No.11499222

Still, I’d think he’d mull over it a bit. Though I guess that’s not really how he works.

>> No.11499234

Thought that blackout was a bit suspicious... I feel your anxious pain, Tsugumi.

>> No.11499249 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, clever girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The True routes go in depth into how Kakei is, and after those it won't really seem too farfetched.

I grinned a bit when I started from the beginning again and actually noticed this little detail. Well played, August.

>> No.11499261

Well, looks like Tone Works is officially going to be a high budget moege brand and not just a one off label for VA's 20th Anniversary.
Or at least they plan to be one anyway.
13 different vocal songs certainly sounds ambitious as well.

>> No.11499266

link their debut tittle

>> No.11499268

I remember noticing a girl there, but I guess I forgot about her.
Shirasaki’s another view just now was pretty cute.

High budget moege’s always good.

Hatsukoi 1/1

>> No.11499275


>> No.11499294

Hey, that OP2’s pretty ok, I like it.
I’ve been screencapping and comparing the cell phones in this game for some reason. Kakei’s such a hipster for using WP.

>> No.11499698

I'm still kinda new to VN's. I've played a few. I'm finishing up Muv Luv Alternate right now... it's been really good. I still like Fate better though.

>> No.11499710

Did you read Extra and Unlimited first?
It don’t count otherwise!

>> No.11499741

of course! And having done so, I don't even understand how you could play Alternate if you haven't read those. I mean, the whole point is how the story in Alternate interacts with those games.

I just feel like the game is too wordy. There's all this great character development and stuff, but there's only so much profundity I can take before it starts to drag. That said, it may be my fault for playing VNs obsessively and getting no sleep. Maybe I'm just going to hard and burning myself out and it's meant to be taken in smaller doses? I have no resistance when it comes to these things.

>> No.11499801


There was character development in ML/A?

>> No.11499830

My problem with it is that its pacing is terrible and it handles infodumping really badly. Also, the writing not being particularly amazing made it sort of feel like a chore to get through and it doesn't help that the art looks like shit.

>> No.11499863

You're kidding, right? The whole game is about character development. Granted, you sometimes only realize that development has occurred because you remember how they acted in a previous game, but I strongly feel that, given the specifics of the plot, that should count.

I never really noticed about the info dumping, unless you mean those long conversations Takeru has with EVERYBODY about what a piece of shit he thinks he is. Those are what kill me. It's fine every now and then but after this many hours it starts to feel like a marathon of sage social wisdom.

I will say that the game has definitely caught me off guard a couple times. Some of the feels in this game are just stunningly well orchestrated. I remember that one death scene (which I am sure everyone remembers) was like a punch in the gut when I least expected it, and everything that happened immediately after that was just like being on the ropes and getting pummeled. It was great!

I have my suspicions about the ending, but I'm not there yet and I hope that even if I am right they are still going to find a way to twist the knife effectively.

>> No.11499892
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>I never really noticed about the info dumping
I'm not sure how you missed the shit like this.

>> No.11499896

>Those tiny words
I'm not even sure if I could read that if it were 5x larger.

>> No.11499899

>You're kidding, right?

Actually, no. All characters act in one way the whole game. Yeah, there is kind of a 'jump' from Extra to Unlimited, but would you really call that character development? I don't. They just act in accordance with their changed enviroment. They aren't even the same people, strictly speaking.

Then we have Takeru, arguably the best try at character development in the game. Too bad the autor destroyed any serious attempt when he started to explain it. It just doesn't work if you tell me "So that's how I was back then, but now I'm completly different!".

Don't get me wrong, Muv Luv certainly was a fun ride, but things like character development really isn't its strong point.

>> No.11499903

I'm pretty sure they are meant to be taken as gibberish.

>> No.11499916

Oh, and skimming through these parts again, I'm starting to remember how much I was annoyed with having stuff like 主縦坑 read as 'main shaft' without having furigana, but that's just a small thing that really bothers me in a lot of games like most of the ones liarsoft released. At least they didn't put it in parentheses right next to it because that pisses me off even more for some reason.

>> No.11499939

Let me rephrase. It's not that I didn't notice that infodumping was occurring, it's just that I didn't notice if it was handled poorly. I am sufficiently invested in the story that I am interested in stuff like the BETA hives. Did I need to know numbers for the size of each hive? Not really. But it didn't bother me.

I also feel that there has been a jump from Unlimited to Alternate. Certain events have also caused some of the characters to act differently and attempt to grow. Kei in particular has started to come out of her shell some. I could not STAND Kei in Extra and she bored me to death in Unlimited, but I actually kind of like her now that she's progressing towards complete sentences.

It's possible that I don't have much to compare it to. Like I said my list of completed VNs is still small. I think I'll do a short kinetic novel after this and then jump into Tsukihime.

>> No.11501003

Use Clubbox. Or just tell me what you want.

>> No.11501074
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Sounds good to me

>> No.11501101
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A Baldr game without sumicrum freefalling isn't much of a Baldr game, I guess.

>> No.11501218
File: 1.11 MB, 2442x3504, yande.re 144577 dress kara_no_shoujo kuchiki_touko mizuhara_touko sugina_miki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not directly related, but I started watching Mouryou no Hako and am amazed at how much Innocent Grey blatantly plagiarized from it. It goes so far from being a simple homage that it's infuriating. Everything down from characters and plot is fucking directly ripped from it except it's done much worse. It just amazes me that people actually like that garbage of a game and this makes it so much worse.

Innocent Grey should find a writer who isn't a complete hack.

>> No.11501261
File: 55 KB, 450x450, 1372595765460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched mouryou no hako right after kns and was amazed at how much author ripped off - could predict any event just because it's all the same as in kns. The most sad thing is that some scenes author copied just because they looked cool without even thinking why they were in a mnh and how they will be just a plotholes in kns. It's a real shame and now I wonder from what titles did inogrey ripped off other games. Have a feeling that both Cartagra and Kns2 are from kyogokudo series.

>> No.11501314

From what I recall, a lot of the chapter titles in Kara n Shoujo referenced mystery titles in the vein of Mouryou no Hako (like The Strange Tale of Panorama Island), so if you wanted to you could indeed say that Kara no Shoujo is a homage to the genre. But obviously being a homage and more or less taking all the key plot points from something is a totally different case altogether. It really dampened my enjoyment of the VN too, especially since it seemed right up my alley but the similarities were just too fucking much. It was jarring as hell.

>> No.11501351
File: 404 KB, 562x580, f002g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, now the heroine just went missing from her hospital bed

KnS II is mostly "original" from what I've heard. And yeah, KnS had a bunch of scenes that just went nowhere....

It doesn't help that everything that happens in KnS is a bunch of retarded coincidences and that the ending is completely retarded like the author suddenly decided he wanted to write an utsuge.

>> No.11501362

>like the author suddenly decided he wanted to write an utsuge.
You mean the parts with enjo kosai and where cheerful characters died in brutal ways weren't utsuge enough?

>> No.11501372

More like The protag going on a road trip while his love is missing is retarded. Also, he basically just gives up at the end and assumes she's dead.

>> No.11501380

He's still looking for her years later, the problem is the lack of leads. In fact, he doesn't want to believe she's dead, even though he knows.

>> No.11501396 [DELETED] 

Uh, KnS clearly wasn't made with the intent of having a sequel, so no.

[/spoiler]Doesn't help that in all the other endings you find her in that room[/spoiler] also the boy escaping with her body and not being sighted is complete bullshit since he drive

>> No.11501404

Uh, KnS clearly wasn't made with the intent of having a sequel, so no.

Doesn't help that in all the other endings you find her in that room also the boy escaping with her body and not being sighted is complete bullshit since he can't drive and then there's her moms corpse being magically stolen from the police that should have tight security

>> No.11501410

>KnS clearly wasn't made with the intent of having a sequel, so no
The true end is a literal sequel hook making place for a new entry in the series, same with the sequel, they both have a 'sequel goes here' thing going on.

>> No.11501417
File: 568 KB, 800x600, e005k4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read the ending again, please.

>> No.11501424

Should I read rewrite?

>> No.11501436

On Kei route for Baldr Sky Zero, I thought this scene was delicious, packed quite a punch unlike other baldr series scenes: Ed on the reduced body bits of his dear friend.. Ed is really that much of a better MC than Kou, quite a contrast between the have and have-not.

>> No.11501452

When I played it, I had to always have the file image mounted with I think either PowerISO or Alcohol 120. That being said, the game isn't that great and I wouldn't really recommend it.

>> No.11501464
File: 900 KB, 1296x759, QQ截图20131002111035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started MML. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long journey...

>> No.11501459

Of course you do, you're an esthete young man. It's PARFECTO!

>> No.11501469

her head is HUGE

>> No.11501475

You can’t say that to a girl!!

>> No.11501477

Do you have a vndb?

>> No.11501479

maybe she should stop having a head larger than her body then

>> No.11501482

Please stop chibi shaming.

>> No.11501517

Finished chapter 11 of Sakura's route in BS0, it's getting fucking great but I don't want to fight not-Leviathan ever again, I keep fearing a DoS attack and everyone dies end.
Playing force pays a lot at least.

>> No.11501533
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, BSZ_2013. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was really good, especially combined with the scene that came afterwards, where they did business.
It sure does.

>> No.11501548

By the way, there's already a simple flowchart for those interested, routes, ends and what not.

>> No.11501556

The title's in that image.

>> No.11501575
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, BSZ_2013. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we don't have a Marelle route, eh.
I'm on Ch 12 of Fran's route, and I find it hard to imagine that I'll get all of my questions answered by the end, so this might turn out to be a Dive 1/2 kinda thing or an unfinished story.
I hope it's the former, because not getting a Marelle route after being barraged by all those scenes with her and random lines like this would be quite a downer.

>> No.11501588

I wouldn't mind another game at all if it expanded the arsenal and gave a Shizel route before Marelle's.
Or maybe she just doesn't need a route and there's little more to her character than what the VN tells you.

>> No.11501607

I didn't do Zero yet but why do people want a Shizel route?
She belongs to Noi

>> No.11501611

Teasing her is fun as fuck and cyborg.

>> No.11501614
File: 165 KB, 1058x705, 1370317110942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading totono. MC is a faget, Aoi is too retarded to be likeable and Miyuki is total bitch. Why do I even read this? that scene in Shinichi's room when Miyuki came with a bat B-BUT MUH PROMISE ME>>>AOI almost drove me mad. Can't say I'm an expert in yandere, but are those "yandere twists" always that retarded? She wasn't a nice girl from the beginning and then she started to behave herself like a complete slut. Shit, I can't remember hating 2D chars ever, but that whore hit the bottom

>> No.11501616


>> No.11501686


seconding this. jesus.

>> No.11501689

I didn't like Totono because of the reasons you mentioned, but next time try not to post like a retard.

>> No.11501832
File: 131 KB, 464x176, e6381a1f160985276dddf7ac0e91197a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the unlikely event that we do get another game, Lina is much more likely than Shizel to get a route which would fill up the space between the first game and Marelle's route.
It might seem like she doesn't have the baggage necessary to qualify as a Baldr heroine, but then again, neither did Sakura before I did her route.

>> No.11501860

>Lina is much more likely than Shizel to get a route
Did she ever get another tachi-e? That's when I ruled her out from the heroine rooster.

>> No.11501938

While teasing Shizel about her formality/regiment style were quite fun, especially in retrospective from Dive series, I can't see quite how it works out. Marelle route is a miss, I agree.

>It might seem like she doesn't have the baggage necessary to qualify as a Baldr heroine. May be they are planning a fan disc/Gaiden arc.

Don't worry, this writer seems to hold team interactions better, and can invent some reasonably story without characters going pure bonkers.

>> No.11502029

I'm really torn on whether I should watch the WA2 anime or not. WA2 was already on my backlog, but the first episode drew me in pretty hard. I don't want to ruin the VN by watching the anime. I would ignore it without hesitation like the LB anime if it were a mediocre adaptation, but it looks to be a done quite well.

>> No.11502046

I realized that while posting and now I feel reasonably silly.
>this writer seems to hold team interactions better
That's because all the heroines in ZERO belong to Squall, while in Hiei's games, they're scattered all over.
I'm fine with either of them writing my Baldr, though. Shina proved himself worthy.

>> No.11502048

Don't do it, man. I haven't read it yet either but I'm resisting the temptation because every single anime adaptation of a VN I've watched has been a massive disappointment compared to the original.

>> No.11502059

But people on 2ch who've played the VN seem to say that it does justice to the VN. So I'm really really tempted.

This is going to be a difficult season for me. I might have to stop reading matome blogs that post anime spoilers this season if I really want to stay unspoiled.

Either that, or I really need to finish Baldr Sky at maximum speed so I can start WA2 and keep ahead.

>> No.11502060

S;G was adapted pretty well. Especially compared to C;H and R;N but that’s not much of a feat.

>> No.11502073
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, setsuna (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was quite well done, animation was decent, direction was particularly great and really felt like white album 2, loved how you couldn't even see Kazusa's face in the whole episode and part-time work Setsuna was blurred in the background.

>> No.11502079

S;G was probably the best of the ones I've seen, but even that left out some of my favorite scenes from the VN and glossed over some other parts too quickly.

>> No.11502083

Well yeah, an adaption’s always going to be an adaptation.
I’m having the same anxiety about watching the WA2 anime or not. I haven’t read either WA or WA2 so this is killing me as well.

>> No.11502102

If it helps, Maruto also wrote the scripts for the anime and one of the conditions for hiring staff was that they were all familiar with the VN.

There was some original content in the first episode, but it was all in-character and well placed so even as a fan of WA2 I had nothing to complain about either.

>> No.11502118

I think I'm just going to bump it to the top of my backlog and avoid /a/ and similar places for a while.

>> No.11502197

Don't, unless you're worried you'll get spoiled by animefags before you get a chance to read the VN.

I actually think the anime could be really good, and I enjoyed the first episode. But I think seeing the different perspectives from different routes is really important in WA2.

>> No.11502222

It feels like one of the reasons some adaptions fail miserably is when they don't do that.

>> No.11502408

Just finished white album 2. Figured this was a good timing considering the anime.

coda > opening > closing

>> No.11502422

There's an interview with some of Maruto's comments on the adaptation process here, if you're interested.


>> No.11502449
File: 34 KB, 373x252, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already reinstalled DirectX, but it didn't fix it The only other solution I found in the internet was to update my driver card, but how can I do that if I'm using a VM? Is there any other solution I'm missing? (also, I'm running it in a VM because it didn't work in Windows 7 and 8 no matter how many times I tried. I tried applying the nodvd patch and using compatibility mode, and it still didn't work)

>> No.11502453

The VA interviews are really interesting, you can tell they spent hours voicing them, great grasp on both their own characters and the other two.
Also Yonezawa's comments on Setsuna having many song scenes and that she's liking the recording a lot so far are really promising.

>> No.11502491

Want to go buy the PS3 version of Eiyu Senki but still waiting for price drop.

>> No.11502494


>> No.11502505

Why want? Want to buy it because the game is good but it's still like 5xxx¥ @ wondergoo. They have used versions for slightly cheaper I guess but not sure how much those are at the moment.

>> No.11502508

Hi ponpo-kun. I miss you... I wish you would post more often.

>> No.11502539

Is the language/writing in WA2 simple or more complicated?

>> No.11502540

Extremely simple.

>> No.11502553

more complicated

>> No.11502561

It doesn't exist

>> No.11502559

in between

>> No.11502564


>> No.11502563

Extremely difficult.

>> No.11502574

Oh Lord, that confession (acceptance?) of Shirasaki made my heart melt. This is too cute.
Addendum: if Tamamo were my big sister things would be different around here.

>> No.11502646

Whatever happened to the /jp/ bloglist, Ponpo? Did people get their money in the end or did blogspot/wordpress catch on to this most clever scheme and shut most of 'em down?

>> No.11502692

may i ask the source, the google doesnt really give any hint.

>> No.11502695

Itsuka, todoku, ano sora ni.

>> No.11502705

thank you.

>> No.11502714

am reading 隣りのぷ~さん
The girls are so cute

>> No.11502718

I just finished Umineko 1-4. I loved how goofy the last episode was, and I'm hoping to get some much wanted answers in 5-8.

>> No.11502724

Good that you enjoyed it I guess. While I loved Higurashi I had to drop Umineko at the second episode.

>> No.11502732
File: 397 KB, 1268x697, ss (2013-10-07 at 02.22.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game pretty suck,even as a moege but i guess i will just play it for the art.

>> No.11502734

I haven't touched Higurashi yet, I am considering it after I finish Umineko. I heard the mystery aspect is much better..

>> No.11502736

No offence but those sprites don’t look so well imo. They have the same problems most recent games have.

>> No.11502740
File: 390 KB, 2000x1103, GeneralLee_01_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any VNs where I get to read about the story of a cute little girl who travels around Japan in her Dodge Charger?

>> No.11502743

Faces are basically too flat and don't mesh with the rest of the body?

>> No.11502751

I find it hard to explain... the colouring as well.

>> No.11502757


Is it difficult to read? It looks cute and I want to give it a try, but I'm intimidated by reading.

>> No.11502760

I'd say the coloring is the best part about it. Most VN art is just polished turds anyway. You'd think they'd hire better artists for moege.

>> No.11502768
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, fa057f7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes you are right,sprites dont look that well but we can count cgs as good ones imo. still not "that" much good though.now im not sure why the hell im playing it,but still i will finish at least one route.

>> No.11502766

No it's actually really easy. The nice thing about loli games is the girls all talk at an elementary school level so it's good for beginners and the story is pretty light so far.

>> No.11502786

That CG’s much nicer, yeah.
A game I think is mostly good/enjoyable because of its graphics is 失われた未来を求めて.

>> No.11502794
File: 329 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0318lou_e04_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys that might be sound a little idiotic,but is there any good game which have a loli heroine? i dont really like nukiges, but i dont mind moeges as long as they are enjoyable. for example she was pretty good even though we cant count her as full loli.

in short please just recommend me some games which have loli and not nukige.

>> No.11503022

>is there any good game which have a loli heroine?
Yeah, they just about all do.

>> No.11503245

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2013年10月版)

>> No.11503296

monobeno happy end looks cute, but I never actually read the original game

>> No.11503354

Tasogare no Sinsemilla is a good one.

Usually not actual loli. Just flat-chested high school girls.

>> No.11503433

So I finished Subahibi and I can tell, after reading Tractatus just now, is that the writer really, really likes Tractatus. A lot. Though I don't fully understand Tractatus because I'm not some Philosophy buff, I can tell a lot of elements are being borrowed from it (not to mention the other works used ie Alice, Ginka, Cyrano, etc.).

My favorite was It's my own invention followed by Down the Rabbit Hole I+II, and lastly Jabberwocky. TnS2 really threw me for a spin and I'm still digesting that.

Definitely the best thing I've read this year.

>> No.11503471

October seems pretty shit. I guess it's backlog month for now.

>> No.11503514

Haha I forgot about that. No idea since I didn't check that actual site after making it, but a lot of them had quite a few readers, if only amongst each other. I don't know about money or if any of them are still doing something similar.

>> No.11503534
File: 590 KB, 1249x702, ざしきわらし.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy end has a rewrite of the original game along with the new stuff, so if you wanted to read it at all you could probably just grab that when it comes out.

>> No.11503551

IDK if they're any good, but 花色ヘプタグラム and スイートロビンガール could be something you might be interested in.

>> No.11503567
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, shakespearedearu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was entertaining enough.

>> No.11503654

The original bored me off my ass. It had a great atmosphere and was a good game in 20 minute bits but goddamn it was boring after that.

>> No.11503655

I enjoyed Shin's and Tatsuki's paths, but I can't play any more until Torahiko's is done. Too many feels were had during my Tatsuki playthrough.

>> No.11503659

Is softhouse-seal notorious for really bad games or someshit?

>> No.11503669

Basically yeah. I've never played any of them but they're apparently pretty bad.

>> No.11503671

I find softhouse-seal games in be very very average in the nukiage department, they have maybe 1 or 2 games that are worth playing.

>> No.11503680

I am going to play the Green Green remake. I never played the original but I saw the anime about 9 years ago and it introduced me to a fuckton of clichés before I knew they were clichés so I enjoyed it.

>> No.11503697

Isn't being done my overdrive, isn't that reason enough to look for the original? On top of that remakes are NEVER as good as the original.

>> No.11503702

It really seems bad, like really bad. I am only interested in one thing.

>> No.11503715

More&More and Maou no Kuse ni Namaiki da! 2, rest are meh

>> No.11503748

As a rule I don't play any game made before 2009

Kidding, I figured I couldn't play it because finding a download would be a pain in the ass and maybe some compatibility issues.

>> No.11504006

I'm super interested in the shota one.

>> No.11504314

So I never got around to playing the original Monobeno, but was it really so depressing as to warrant a happy version rewrite? It didn't really strike me as an utsuge, but I guess you never know.

>> No.11504327

It's more that one route ends up being more depressing than the others. I guess they felt it shafted the route in question's character a bit, which I suppose I could agree with. That seems to be the primary area the rewrite is going to focus on anyway.

>> No.11504478
File: 485 KB, 1280x720, capture_048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl's sprite looks absolutely terrible. Also, is there a way to change the font?

>> No.11504480
File: 72 KB, 374x465, kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11504488

IC sprites are pretty bad, Kazusa's are probably the worst ones, not to mention her only change in five years were the tits.

>> No.11504489

>Also, is there a way to change the font?
Are you kidding? That’s one of the more tasteful fonts I’ve seen.

>> No.11504493

For such a big budget title it's surprisingly that WA2 has the shoddy art it does. At least some of it was changed later on.

>> No.11504502

It's not a bad font, but for some reason, I associate it with a couple games I really hated. I'll probably get used to it at some point though.

>> No.11504651 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 1280x720, BSZ_2013. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the good ends in BS0.

It felt like most of the team slacked off because it's not a Hiei game. You can see it in the simplistic interface, the lack of customization, most of the soundtrack being reused (the new tracks are pretty good, though) and the worst offense - the lack of a difficulty setting.
It's a game that has the potential for both fun small fry harvesting and challenging boss fighting, which I experienced in my first final boss fight (Kei's route) and the fight against Kou in Fran's route (which I was supposed to lose), but not having the ability to set the harvest fields and boss toughness to levels suitable to you completely ruins it. I ate the final boss in Fran's route for breakfast.
The one that dragged the entire thing was the writer, and he dragged it well. He didn't break any rules set up by Hiei, and you can really feel his love for the series with how he references the other games and incorporates Sky characters into his story without breaking them, all while nicely fitting his story into the world and fleshing out his own roster of likable characters. Though a bit slow at times, it really did feel like a Baldr game.

It was like a reverse landmine.

>> No.11504693
File: 1.49 MB, 1293x755, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these horrible groupie antics appear in VN's?

>> No.11504800
File: 104 KB, 640x800, 59133635d15df49b35689a0b5b6ac6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the mood for teachers. Any recommendations /jp/?

>> No.11504856

VN general, I recently found a team that wants to translate a VN, but this is uncharted territory for us as our current experience is only with manga.

The VN we're looking at runs on the QLIE engine. If anyone knows any tools for it or how to modify the text, it would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.11504860


>> No.11504862

My suggestion is to give up now since translating eroge takes a lot more work than translating manga and yields far less in terms of reward, so it really wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.11504880

First ask if your translators have read the VN and if they liked it. Then ask do they want to work with it and know that translating VNs is much more work than manga. If you have even one No in those answers give-up as you wont finish your work, if you they are all Yes then check or go ask tlwiki they'll help unless you are jackasses. Generally if you have translator and can prove it you will find hacker by asking around the right places.

>> No.11504884
File: 11 KB, 130x149, 2177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokimeki Memorial 2


>> No.11504921

They know what they're getting into. Both have read VNs and know the one we're looking into.

I have some reverse engineering skills from my professional work so I can see the text and manipulate it in memory, problem is I'm ignorant about the formatting of the data packs.

I'll try asking tlwiki. Thanks.

>> No.11504934

Which game is it?

>> No.11504936
File: 431 KB, 640x480, misakiroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misaki's events in Kakyuusei 2 are pretty good.
You get to beat up a turbo nerd and everything.

>> No.11504948

Probably not a shock, but Walkure Romanze

>> No.11505117

there's an update that allows you to adjust difficulty.

>> No.11505147

>Walkure Romanze
It won't come to me as a shock when I see it either started and dropped after 10% or butchered. Popular after episode 1 of the adaptation, huh.

>> No.11505152

I expected something like this to come.

Should've made an effort to get it as soon as it was up.

>> No.11505176

It's pretty amazing how they sure didn't like the VN enough to work on it for the last 2 years it's been out but now that the anime is airing they can't fucking wait to present english VN readers the joys of seeing Noel squirt all over the place.

>> No.11505186

It's like the Princess Lover translation project.
It wouldn't surprise me if they're the same people.

>> No.11505220

>It's pretty amazing how they sure didn't like the VN enough to work on it for the last 2 years
It’s pretty normal that there’s a gap of years between the Japanese release and an English (fan) translation. Don’t think there’s any ongoing tl efforts of a 2013 game right now.
> the joys of seeing Noel squirt all over the place
Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.11505223

Where do you guys get your CG packs? After I finish a game I like saving the CG/BG pack.

>> No.11505226

Half of the time, they're uploaded on sukebei too.

>> No.11505229

I never thought of looking there. I normally google them.

>> No.11505232

I guess that's fine and all, but as a programmer myself I wouldn't want to be stuck with reverse engineering something for that.

Usually FTW also hosts CG packs for the games he has direct links for.

>> No.11505332

Wait, what? Why? It's one year old.
I thought happy end was a FD

>> No.11505569

We've never touched a VN before and up until now the translators haven't had someone who could even attempt the technical parts of translating a VN.

>> No.11505732

Does it erase your save files? I was kinda raped hard a couple of times.

>> No.11505759

You should ask the Koiken translators, its engine is QLIE too.

>> No.11505813

Okay, thanks.

>> No.11505849

It doesn't, great. I really was missing this mode.

>> No.11505996
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 12228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akatsuki no goei principal-tachi no kyuujitsu

>> No.11506046

The Getchu page says 『ものべの』 続編&本編リライト

>> No.11506256
File: 251 KB, 850x1202, sample-4eeca1d7c6ed44c8d1e3447e47d84aea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is いろとりどりのセカイ?

>> No.11506474

Can you give a rough estimate on how long are the character routes compared to the common route in Daitoshokan?

>> No.11506486

Standard length I guess, definitely shorter.
Except the true route, which has a pseudo common route again in it.
In length I'd say they go Kana>=Tamamo>Senri>Tsugumi

>> No.11506504

Thanks. I’d expected Tsugumi to have a longer route though, since she’s featured more prominently.

>> No.11506525

And on Daitoshokan’s subject: I like how... nice everyone is.

>> No.11506946

Finished Noble Works. It only took me a year and a half. I was rather surprised the teacher has a semi-route.

Starting Natsuyume Nagisa now.

>> No.11506948

>It only took me a year and a half.

>> No.11506954

What I meant is that I finished half of the game, forgetting about it for nearly a year and a half, and finished the rest for the past 3 days.

>> No.11506959

Not everybody is a japanese expert like you moogy

>> No.11507035

Apparently HHG 女神の終焉 is delayed because someone noticed the H-scenes were plagiarized. At least they caught it before it was released, I guess.

>> No.11507039

>because someone noticed the H-scenes were plagiarized.
Jesus fuck, how much of a turbo autist do you need to be to notice something like that?

>> No.11507048

It happened before with Lovesick Puppies, so it seems there are at least a few sufficiently autistic eroge nerds out there.

>> No.11507060

Really boring.

>> No.11507181

Though it's amazing for there to be people who notice it, it also amazes me that it even happens to begin with. Does writing hscenes drive some writers to a corner and then they decide to just plagiarize it?

>> No.11507192

Considering there are readers that do say that "Ero is holding back eroge, this medium could be so much more", I wouldn't be surprised that there were some writers that thought the same and are in it because they don't have enough skill to sell in any other medium.

>> No.11507204

I always thought that those were just westerners who were overly prudish about porn.

>> No.11507269

I somewhat jest about the former, but the latter isn't something I wouldn't scratch off.

>> No.11507299

what happened to erogamescape.......................

>> No.11507313

Works fine for me.
Also I was looking through the future releases when I noticed minori's 12の月のイヴ is being released in January. They should have made the release date in December to fit the with title and all.

>> No.11507321

I don't understand it either, but I guess deadlines and the like don't always align perfectly.

>> No.11507324

The tits weren't ready

>> No.11507725


Yeah, pretty much. Minori gives a good example what happens with a developer who goes suddenly all ages. Those who pay for these games want their ero in eroge, no matter how much hipster-girl#23412 on vndb cries.

>> No.11507759

That was a little different, the author stole from himself.

>> No.11508344

Is it ok if i just blast through the common parts of the routes in Baldr Sky? I've played through dive 1 and I'm a bit tired of having to play the entire game over again just to make one or two different branching choices and keep my progress in one save file. Is there any problem with just getting the good end and then using an older save point to see the other bad and normal ends? It wouldn't carry over to my main save data, but I wouldn't have to re-do the exact same story up to the branching point. As far as I can tell, there isn't a "skip to the branching decision" feature like other games.

>> No.11508350

Oh, and for some reason I get the "can't skip parts that you haven't read" message a lot, but as far as I can tell, I've already read it. There are a few flashbacks and conversations that I stop to read here and there, but most of them are largely the same.

>> No.11508358

Yes, it's fine, taking into account
Nanoha's starts diverging fully by chapter 6 from Rain's
Chinatsu by a choice at 4 and Aki from her at chapter 7-8
Makoto is all new.
Also no problem, just keep the good end file but make sure to see the other ends.

>> No.11508363

>"skip to the branching decision" feature
You should unlock the proper scene select/skip plug-in later, though I don't remember exactly when. And IIRC only the good ends are required for the very short final epilogue in Dive 2.

>> No.11508399

Any comparison shots of these?

>> No.11508420


>> No.11508429

Fuck that's hot.

I got a boner from those sluts begging to be impregnated.

>> No.11508455

I'm a little late to the party but I just decided to start BSZ.

What should I expect in terms of routes? Are there NTR bad ends like in some other parts of Baldr Sky and am I supposed to expect some sort of cliffhanger with some things left unresolved or some characters that lack route when they should really have one?

>> No.11508463

No NTR scenes and three routes, good writing in general for them, feel a lot more 'individual' so to put it instead of just building into each other which lowers the quality of things that can happen.

>> No.11508544

There are some unresolved things and Marelle doesn't have a route when she gives off strong main heroine vibes here and there.
Considering that she's the only potential heroine without a route, rather than a Dive 1/2-type split, I'm expecting an Acta Est Fabula-like Complete edition to come out within a year or so.

>> No.11508552

They can always go the mysterious unseen heroine route. It's happened before, Renn had a collective 5 minutes of screentime before her own route.

>> No.11508574

Well, a certain someone brought up in Kei's route was my second choice after Marelle.

>> No.11508650

Is it as bothering as finishing Dive1 before Dive2 was released? Or is it just something you can shrug off until a sequel comes out (if one does).

>> No.11508672

I played the Dives when both were out, so I can't compare, but finishing ZERO doesn't give much of a withdrawal.

>> No.11508690

It does tie most loose ends, conclusions are staisfying, just has this
>why didn't Marelle get a route
feel. It's not like BS1 ending with its promo video and all.

>> No.11508716

That's good to hear. I can comfortably go into BSZ without worrying about getting left on a cliffhanger then, thanks.

>> No.11508787

Any VN taking place in medieval Japan?
Something like Ran or Shogun would be appreciated.
I tried looking for one, but the closest I found was that Rance game, and it's historically unaccurate as fuck.

>> No.11508818

Chuusingura 46+1

>> No.11508833


>> No.11508838

>>11508787 here.
I looked around, and found a game that might be interesting : Samurai Taisen.
However, the reviews are quite bad. Anyone here tried it?

>> No.11508850

There's 二重影, though I don't know if it's what you're looking for.

>> No.11508857

I'm still mad that I was never able to actually get that working. I really should try playing it in a VM or something.

>> No.11508861

Thank you. I may have forgot something midly important : I don't speak Japanese, so if the VN could be translated, that would be great.
Thanks anyway.

>> No.11508916

Amatsukaze, kind of.

>> No.11508934

>Amatsukaze, kind of.
>strategy game
Sorry. No.
I was wrong to expect a historical VN. I'll just stick to books.

>> No.11508968

The matryoshka game came out, for the guy interested in it.

>> No.11509014

Oh, nice, thanks for the heads up.

Wow, it's only 1.4 GB. I've read some comments about it being rather short, and I guess they weren't kidding.

>> No.11509061 [DELETED] 

Was looking for that!

>> No.11509180

Hahahaha the Nips are mad over "NTR" in the bad ends of Bishop's latest rape game.


>> No.11509184

Oops didn't mean to quote.

>> No.11509193

baseson also gone suddenly all ages, well most likely it will also end like minori and they will return to +18 again.

>> No.11509190

I guess they didn't expect it since most Bishop games have you doing the netori.
But it's only in the bad end, whoever is flipping out is pretty pathetic even for nukige players standard.

>> No.11509194

Oh god, hilarious.

>> No.11509206

Damn they're really mad

>> No.11509524

I'm still playing Katawa Shoujo. Does anyone have a link to latest ks/vg/ thread?

>> No.11509533


>> No.11509551

>flipping out is pretty pathetic even for nukige players standard.
I guess the normal reaction is anything goes for nukige, well at least for me.

>> No.11509554

How are the ero-scenes in Little Busters Ecstasy? Is it worth getting that or Perfect Edition?

>> No.11509566

Is there a preferred route order in Natsuyume Nagisa? I have a feeling Hitsuji should be left for last.

>> No.11509573

I kind of agree. I don't play nukige, but if a game presents itself as a pure love game or having a pretty much vanilla setting or whatever, then yeah, I can understand people being pissed if it ends up having NTR content. But it sounds like the game in question is far from vanilla, and it's apparently only in bad ends anyway, so I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around why they're so upset.

>> No.11509576

Tsukasa (shit route)->Hitsuji->Maki->What's unocked from Ayumu->Maki 2->Ayumu's true end
Tsukasa and Hitsuji can be played in any order, so preferences.

>> No.11509582

Oops forgot Haruka. Her route gets really weird towards the end, so probably after Hitsuji in placement, but again, whenever you want, just leave Maki for last.

>> No.11509585

So bad it's almost hilarious, and some of them seem really shoehorned in. I'd rather have Perfect Edition for the extra voices and sprites, personally.

>> No.11509591

Thought so. I'll go with PE then.

>> No.11510204

I just realized what I think the biggest problem with the medium is: too many games are mostly "tell" and not enough are "show"

I realized that the best games illustrate points with the story instead of explicitly stating them

>> No.11510244

once you get into the story you will keep going

>> No.11510304

Well fuck
What's the fucking point

>> No.11510319

Sometimes people pretend to be stupid and overreact in order to entertain themselves and others.

>> No.11510348

I've started Chiru with ps3 tweaks. Without voices it wasn't so cool like with them.

>> No.11510518 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, ev_dh04i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this girl so much i fap at her everyday

>> No.11510542

In her general direction?

>> No.11510813

Just finished Grisaia no Kajitsu last night, going to move onto Meikyuu now.
Since I finished with Makina, I'll probably start with her after.
Do you need to read all the 'afters' to get the full proper story, or is it more for if you like the girl and want more? It feels a bit odd to go back and do their 'after' after doing other character's routes.
I'll at least read Makina After, the short short story and the grand route of it, then make just move onto Rakuen if that is enough.
Any of the girl's 'afters' that are particularly worth reading?

Also, Makina's route ending feels somewhat like a bad ending compared to the other girl's good ends. It even feels like Yumiko's normal ending is much happier.


>> No.11510840

I honestly thought Makina's ending was the best ending. After killing mayuko and her friend, she decided to kill herself. That was the best ending, in my opinion.

>> No.11510878

>Do you need to read all the 'afters' to get the full proper story, or is it more for if you like the girl and want more?
The latter. Everything in Meikyuu apart from the relatively short Grand Route is non-canon extra stuff. You can safely skip those and not miss a thing about the main plot.

>> No.11510933

Michiru after was kinda funny, Sachi after had interesting action a serial bomber plants explosives inside the building Yuuji and Sachi are holding their marriage ceremony in, cue threat neutralizing
but yeah, nothing you can't skip if you don't feel like reading more heroine-specific stories

>> No.11511230


>> No.11511237

Shit, I read the spoiler thinking it was about Kajitsu. Eroge ruined forever.

>> No.11511282

It's not supposed to be a tweest or anything, you can enjoy the after even knowing what the plot is about

>> No.11511313

Speaking of which, do we know who wrote each route? Its kinda amusing how a team of writers with an otherwise unnotable track record could produce something better than expected.

>> No.11511768
File: 169 KB, 816x639, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying Da Capo after what, 3-4 years? Haven't played an English VN in about a year and a half either.

I've now won with all the girls worth winning except the cat and the robot. It's impossible to unlock their routes without doing this bitch here is it? Every other route in the game is perfect because she loses. I never did Miharu's or Noriko's routes because of that.

Maybe I just need to grit my teeth and get through it for their sakes. Sigh..... goddamn it

>> No.11511781

i hope you are playing the "~Da Capo Plus Communication~" version of the game or a version above that

>> No.11511784
File: 148 KB, 1024x576, 17436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, just the original again after a long absence.

I'm technically also playing Nekonade Distortion right now but that VN is so damned long it's going to give me an aneurysm so I wanted something easy and refreshing.

>> No.11511793

so you are missing playing about 6 main heroine route then i guess? and you just get a complete save for DC if you really don't want to play through Nemu's route again,

>> No.11511798

Yeah but I'm too lazy to go download another version. I'll finish what I have first.

>> No.11511800

Why do you hate Nemu?

>> No.11511802

It goes back to 2003 or so when I was watching the fansub anime for the first time, Kotori was my favorite by far and, NOPE, he ends up with worst girl.

I think that has everything to do with it.

>> No.11511804

I keep thinking of trying a Da Capo game, but it's daunting because there are too many of them.

>> No.11511805

That's understandable.
That's why I've never liked harem anime or adaptations based on VNs; best girl never wins.

>> No.11511825


And this is why i don't want anime versions of VN's I've played, 9 times out of 10 they pick the worst girl, DC makes it even worse when the worst girl is Cannon to the universe

~Da Capo Plus Communication~ First Press Limited Edition (DVD Edition)
~Da Capo II~ Plus Communication - Regular Edition
D.C. III R~Da Capo III R~ X-rated

Pretty simple most of the side games for DC are terrible and arn't worth your time

>> No.11511831

I think the most complete versions are the Plus Communication editions of DC1 and DC2 and the R X-Rated edition of DC3, so I think one of those would be the ideal starting point. While there's an arching plot behind the entire series involving Sakura and a certain asshole tree, you won't feel confused even if you start with DC2 or DC3 since they are mostly self-contained. It might be good to at least do Sakura's route, though.

There's an impressive amount of DC fandiscs and spin-offs, but those won't really matter much unless you like the characters, barring maybe one or two extra stories that might be worth checking out (like μ's story in To You).

>> No.11512138

Where can I find walk throughs for Japanese games with no translation?

>> No.11512148

Search gamename 攻略

>> No.11512146


攻略 is the word for walkthrough.

>> No.11512159

yes perfect ty

>> No.11512208
File: 81 KB, 1366x768, WA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting WA2. I think I'm 2 years late.

I suppose I'll take my time reading it and transition into Winter. It's nice when the game's atmosphere reflects the outside season.

>> No.11512224

That thing is a christmas holyday killer.

>> No.11512265

>That thing is a christmas holyday killer.

>> No.11512268

Christmas holiday=happy, fun, just lazying around doing jack shit.
WA2=depressing, suffering overdrive

>> No.11512278

I hope you enjoy it more than I did. Because of the characters and the art, I couldn't get myself to continue past halfway through IC. The writing was very good though.

>> No.11512280

Oh, that should have been obvious, right.
Speaking of which, I should pick something nice for that time myself.
Got any Christmas-y titles?

>> No.11512289

AstralAir should be released by christmas, they'd be stupid not to, but Favorite and all...
Ef is pretty, winter atmosphere.
Kiss Bell maybe too.
I'd recommend amagami if you like galge and have psp/your computer can run the emulator.
If you don't mind trap MCs, kimi to boku to eden no ringo.

>> No.11512292

>If you don't mind trap MCs
I like trap MC’s and traps in general, already played Kimi to Boku to Eden no Ringo.
Kiss Bell looks good.

>> No.11512294

Also now that I remember, even if it isn't particualrly christmas-y, Five by ram, Maeda was a composer for it and always liked a lot his seasonal tracks.

>> No.11512338


Man I would prefer it 1000x more if this one and the last one bishop made had ntr/other guys element to it. So many delicious heroines, so much wasted potential.

>> No.11512336

Serious responses instead of the typical Da Crapo.

I'm proud of you, /jp/.

>> No.11512352

Why do people rail on it so much, anyway? It might not be the best thing if you're looking for plot, but it can be enjoyable if you like the girls, especially considering there's so much content.

>> No.11512357

Da crapo has such a nice ring to it.

>> No.11512361

Shirokuma Bell Stars, obviously

>> No.11512365

I remember playing that a while back, but I couldn't stand it for some reason. Was that just me having terrible taste or was it actually quite bad?

>> No.11512384

Hopefullly you having bad taste ’cause I put it on my wishlist.

>> No.11512398

By the way, it’s tagged with urination fetish.
Is it the heroine or the protagonist who does the urinating?

>> No.11512432

I like Tamamo, but her route hasn’t been too enjoyable, although now I’m at the scene where Takamine talks to Kakei about observing Tamamo for her family which got me interested again.
I like his character btw.

>> No.11512487

Pretty sure it's the sheer milking of the name

There probably wouldn't be as many complaints if they just had a different name for each game

>> No.11512496


I just don't understand its popularity. I played it and it was just a run-of-the-mill moege.

>> No.11512498

The majority of us were shut down, lost interest, or both. There's a couple of blogs that are still around, such as livingjapanese.

>> No.11512502
File: 34 KB, 500x330, 1259130353735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11512512

It's not just the name, some heroine is like descendants of the previous title heroine, don't know about the third though I didn't play that one. There is Suginami in every title too.

>> No.11512511

I think I'll play Teninai because I owe it to myself and finish Astraythem then.

>> No.11512517

Circus probably has more leeway for advertising than most companies, which means more exposure. And milking though it may be, they keep giving fans of their games (primarily Da Capo) a lot of extra content with all the fandiscs and spin-offs and whatever else, which keeps them happy.

I certainly wouldn't mind if the moege with my favorite heroines got a truckload of extra stories.

>> No.11512529
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Any descendants here

>> No.11512531
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Guys im sorry for bothering again, but can someone please give me spoiler of otori's ending from らぶおぶ恋愛皇帝ofLOVE? ( The blond girl) i read something like they get split in the end (or more like she is moving another country) and saw some cgs about it, and it became a turn off for me.if someone can explain this for me i'd be really glad,i dont really care spoilers so feel free please.

>> No.11512597
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I really wish more games had built in encyclopedias.

>> No.11512628

Do some games really not let you skip unread text or am I just not seeing the option?

>> No.11512630

Which game?

>> No.11512633

Tonari no puu-san by Tanuki Soft.
The story is mostly over and it's just H-scenes now and most of them are boring, but I can't find an option to allow skipping of unread text so i have to keep clicking or pressing enter.
This isn't the first game I've had this problem though so it's not unique to this game.

>> No.11512634
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You can't force ctrl through the scenes and there is no option in the config to skip?, don't normally run into a game that has both those issues

>> No.11512737

No, it's a happy end and they end up together.

It's a happy end for all the routes actually.

>> No.11512852

just finished the Alone route on WA2, and cg mode isn't showing up, is this supposed to happen?

>> No.11512912
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Is this true?

>> No.11512944

What's this from?

>> No.11512950

Look at the filename.

>> No.11512952


>> No.11512953

I dunno, did you buy that game?

>> No.11512970

I'd like to say no because nukiges don't create fanbases.

But this WAS written by an eroger maker...

>> No.11512977


>> No.11512979

Well, specifically, it was made by a nukige maker, so there might be a bit of confirmation bias going on here. That said, it wouldn't really surprise me if it were true.

>> No.11512982

it's almost Halloween! What VNs did you like to play around this time, /jp//

>> No.11513321
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Attack on Titans is getting popular enough that it is starting to get referenced in VN's?

>> No.11513379

Are there even any halloween themed eroge?

>> No.11513384

Supreme Candy... somewhat, I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.11513388


Do they even celebrate Halloween in japan?

>> No.11513391

As chance to put on costumes, better than my country which you just go to the graveyard to visit dead relatives and put some flowers.

>> No.11513397

Halloween isn't even celebrated over here in Australia, is it one of those American only things or something?

>> No.11513405

For americans and rich hip people in other countries who try to imitate them.

>> No.11513406
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Hey, I liked Supreme Candy. To be fair though, it really isn't a Halloween themed game.

>> No.11513409

Ah fair enough

>> No.11513412

It's funny because the author publicly admitted Alternative was a huge influence on his work

>> No.11513474
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Finally finished Baldr Sky Zero, very enjoyable. I do have a question about Fran's good ending: what was that gun shot near the end? . Here is me hoping for a gaiden disc with a marelle (and AP?) route.

>> No.11513490

I'm thinking of starting it again since they patched in the difficulty levels. Is there any preferred / forced route order?

>> No.11513496

Sakura->Kei->Fran I guess.

>> No.11513504


No forced route but my preferred: Kei -> Sakura - Fran. You could swap Kei with Sakura but I feel it tells more about why Ed is like that, despite the memory loss.

>> No.11513565

thank you very much, really.

>> No.11513587

My guess is that it was one of Fran's floating turrets shooting the perspective.
And I'm expecting a complete edition with fixed gameplay and a Marelle route rather than something separate.

>> No.11514258

Shingeki is huge in Japan and Asia in general. Wonder how long its popularity will last.

>> No.11514288

I think it has the staying power to be referenced for quite some time like Madoka's 'make a contract with me' line. Hell, even eroge being made this year/last year have still been referencing Haruhi.

>> No.11514359

Can you give some examples?

>> No.11514405

I just recently finished reading my first untranslated VN. Do you guys have any recommendations on a good, easy to read VN? I don't want to start clearing my backlog while I'm still bad at Japanese.

>> No.11514408

This question is asked every thread. Try spicing it up with specifics about what you like instead.

>> No.11514423

Lets see, one of my biggest fetishes is moving in/living together. I'd prefer something lighthearted, without too much drama. I also don't like femdom, and i'd rather the MC be the S.

>> No.11514459
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Try テレビの消えた日 or Despair Witch.

>> No.11514495

OwaSekai mentioned it a few times, and that only came out last summer. Then again, it also referenced BakaTest and OreImo.

>> No.11514530

Many have you living with your sister/cousin/whatever who happens to be one of the heroines, though that's just standard sibling co-habitation until they actually become lovers.

It's not exactly living together in the same situation, but Koiiro Marriage takes place in an inn and all the heroines also live and work there (along with the rest of the staff, of course). You can probably find games with a similar setting (people working together at inns, hotels, hot springs, I don't know), so that's another thing you could try looking up.

Nothing else in specific comes to mind besides Final Approach, but I haven't played the game and only remember it from a really shitty anime adaptation I watched several years ago. Try checking VNDB and see if there's co-habitation or similar tags in there.

>> No.11514605

That line isn't the only aspect of Madoka that made waves, though. Even Guilty Gear now has Madoka characters in the background.

>> No.11514683
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>> No.11514698

The Astelight games look a little too weird for me, but at least I probably won't get to them any time soon since I have other railsoft titles I'd like to finish first.

>> No.11514710

I'll check that out. I think i'll play はつゆきさくら next though, since it was on my radar since some time ago. Thanks.

>> No.11514944 [DELETED] 

i can recommend koikishi, all of heroines & mc lives together and its pretty good.also "Ichiban Janakya Dame Desu ka?" which came in last month goes the same category, but its not that much great.

>> No.11514957

i can recommend koikishi since all of heroines & mc lives together as a team and it was pretty good imo."Ichiban Janakya Dame Desu ka?" which came in last month also goes the same category but sadly its not that much great,or more like i cant even say it was good.Still you can check it out,maybe you'd play it just for art like me.

>> No.11514969

Ah i forgot "Lovesick puppies" ,its pretty good too and as you wanted it doesnt have too much drama, pretty enjoyable imo.

>> No.11515012

Koikishi looks really interesting, i'm downloading it now, thanks.

>> No.11515094

It has a NTR doujin if you're into that too.

>> No.11515677

New thread: >>11515676 >>11515676 >>11515676
