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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 361 KB, 1200x900, alice (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11494650 No.11494650 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/
/k/ here

does your waifu even operate?

>> No.11494654


>> No.11494659

Waifu shit goes to >>>/a/

>> No.11494667

I could take a picture like that but the guns would be airsoft guns because I don't live in a country where real guns are legal.

If anyone still wants to see the picture I will take it though.

>> No.11494670

i would examine it and probably not respond
you dont have to feel obligated though

>> No.11494671
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 1380039339206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I don't mind.

>> No.11494679
File: 33 KB, 512x512, 0c671a4473aba7f6ea00d817ffa91e99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the HELL out of /jp/ to the disgusting place where the kids actually laugh at ,,epic´´ pictures of dakimakuras with guns.

>> No.11494683
File: 503 KB, 1200x1600, 1367044497900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi flandre(if that is you, I notice filename does not have the resaved unix timestamp name).

its polite of you to post on /jp/ without your trip, but starting a thread by announcing you're from a different board, regardless of it not being a/b/v is still offputting to many /jp/ers.

Also, as stated, many neo-/jp/ers here look down on ``waifuism'' as an /a/ habit and use it as an excuse to shitpost.

Anyways, yes a few people here have dakis and guns that I have seen.

>> No.11494684
File: 201 KB, 1200x900, 1326323193796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets post more epic pics like the OP's

>> No.11494686

Will janny del this shite?

>> No.11494689
File: 200 KB, 1536x1152, 1339298558738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you prefer “glorious”* pictures of fumos with guns?

I have a large folder of those saved.

Nice ``alternative'' autism quotes btw.

*TL note: glorious is the new ``epic''

>> No.11494692 [DELETED] 


top LeL!!!! bro! hahahhahaha waifus ftw

>> No.11494693

Is this a REAL weapon?

>> No.11494696


>> No.11494698
File: 839 KB, 2592x1936, 1364613526414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please excuse the crossboarder behavior of the OP and stop bullying ;_;

I know a lot of you are indifferent/don't care for guns as they are commonly associated with normalfaggotry but consider that they are an effective means of defense for frail NEETs who lack the drive to learn aikido.

>> No.11494702


nice redirect /a/ro XDDD i got one for u >>>/out/

btw check my dubs.

>> No.11494703

NEETs don't buy guns you dumb bitch

>> No.11494705
File: 820 KB, 3264x2448, KIMG0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I took a picture, I hope it doesn't offend anyone.

>> No.11494709 [DELETED] 


>> No.11494711

Why not?

>> No.11494717
File: 62 KB, 500x600, dofus cat still better than that faggot maid marida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not NEETs but truHIKIKOMORI do.

>> No.11494720
File: 7 KB, 161x110, yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it!

What country do you live in if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.11494722

Very cute!

>> No.11494725

pls don't bully homura

>> No.11494726


>> No.11494738

hi yes it's me flandre,
I do often JP but i decided to push a it a little haha,
I have the habit of rustling jimmies

Just creating a 2hus with guns thread!

>> No.11494755

I know Marisa got married, but what happened to BOOF?

>> No.11494758
File: 1.61 MB, 2048x1536, 236744 - fumo touhou {channel|#touhouradio} {nick|acw}.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many here would be very jealous of where you live!

Guns are legal in Japan but they are extremely restrictive about it; If I recall only hunting shotguns are allowed, no handguns, no rifles anymore, and everything is extremely expensive and requires licensing and inspections.

Basically owning a simple shotgun would be require more effort than legally obtaining a pre '86 NFA weapon in the US. Basically they are de facto banned for the common man.

I believe only the bolt action in this pic is real among the airsoft but I still kept it in my fumo gun collection because of how cute reimu is.

>> No.11494759

I don't have any guns but I buy all my clothes from military surplus stores.

>> No.11494762
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't live in japan, i love my real guns to much

>> No.11494766
File: 63 KB, 900x675, 1326323226024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11494774

I miss BOOF...
Oh god I really really miss BOOF...

>> No.11494777

>assault rifle with that perpendicular grip under the barrel
i dont know a lot about guns, but isn't that a pain in the ass to aim? i feel like you would get a lot better accuracy from gripping the barrel itself (like >>11494758), regardless of what position you're firing from. i always think about that when i see those guns.

>> No.11494778

Source on marisa getting married?

I know he was a normalfag with cars and stuff but never thought he was that far gone...

As for boof he is still rich as fuck and still posts once in a while on /k/, not so much on /jp/, (note, there have always been a few imposters using with the first part of his insecure name/trip combo making troll threads).

>> No.11494779

jesus christ you should use those guns to fucking kill yourself holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.11494781

Check the archive.

Also, the awesome tripcode has been public since ever.

>> No.11494785

Would highly advise to not post anything pony related and delete that pic even. /jp/ has much more ``,,“ active ”´´'' moderation and you will likely be banned.

>> No.11494786

>Also, as stated, many neo-/jp/ers here look down on ``waifuism'' as an /a/ habit and use it as an excuse to shitpost.
Waifu has and will never be welcome in /jp/, along with your /k/ threads glossed over with pictures of 2hus.

You have created this thread many times before and we have always responded by shitposting it to death. Why do you think this time will be different?

Your kind is not welcome here. No matter what you say guns are for normie SCUM.

>> No.11494795

I forgot i had pone in that picture haha

but trust me i know

>> No.11494796

Those ponies make me want to fedex dog shit to his house and place of work for a week straight.

>> No.11494799

I get that frequently, but honestly I find it easier to aim quickly and maneuver in small spaces with the vertical grip. I have a normal barrel without the vertical grip too but I prefer the grip for actually playing. Might also be because it's airsoft so there's no kick, you can see where your bullets are flying, and you're not shooting at enemies who are very far away, so being able to aim quickly is much more important than being able to aim accurately.

>> No.11494800

LOOK at this FUCKing newfag.

back in the good old days /jp/ and /k/ shared hood.

/k/ shooting and /jp/ 2hus dodging bullets..

>> No.11494802
File: 122 KB, 500x518, rustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11494811

I remember that! holy shit i wish /k/ and /jp/ could get along like we did in the past

I don't know what happened

>> No.11494812


>> No.11494813

>Waifu has and will never be welcome in /jp/,
Oh how new can you be. Having "waifu" is core of being an otaku.

>> No.11494814

This thread is embarrassing. Please just delete it already.

>> No.11494818

The concept is /jp/ related but the term "waifu" itself has largely been tainted by the large number of people who use it ironically on /a/.

>> No.11494821

ok i can understand that. if you're jerking it around a lot due to close range combat, it would be easier to bring to bear quickly / hang on to with the grip there.

>> No.11494822

get the HELL out crossie scum.

>> No.11494823

NEETfort must be protected at all costs.

>> No.11494827

I know this is a troll but seriously, how is a weak little /jp/sie going defend himself against moralfag normals breaking into his basement when he is publicly revealed to be a lolicon by some NSA compiled leaked list in the future?

>> No.11494829

Can only buy pistols and shotguns here.

>> No.11494833
File: 502 KB, 1600x1200, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm wat

>> No.11494834

Paulo Macedo is the Portuguese Health Minister.[1] Paulo Macedo was born on 14 July 1963. He graduated in Business Organisation and Management from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), Technical University of Lisbon (1986), and completed the Advanced Business Management Programme at AESE Business School, Lisbon (2001).
He was Vice-Chairman of the Banco Comercial Português (BCP) Executive Board of Directors (2008–2011), and non executive Vice-Chairman of several companies in the BCP Group (April–June 2011). He was also a Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium (Poland) (2008–2011) and a Member of the Supervisory Board of Euronext (2010–2011).After serving as Director-General of Taxation and Chairman of the Tax Administration Board (2004–2007), he returned to the Banco Comercial Português. He is also a former Member of the Executive Board of Seguros e Pensões (2003–2004), of the Board of Directors of Médis, Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Saúde, SA (2001–2004), of the Board of Directors of Interbanco (2000–2001) and of the Board of Directors of Comercial Leasing (1998–2000).

>> No.11494838

Granulomatous inflammatory lesions of the breast can be a rare secondary complication of a great variety of other conditions such as tuberculosis and other infections, sarcoidosis and Wegener's granulomatosis. Special forms of granulomatous mastitis occur as complication of diabetes. Primary presentation of any of these conditions as mastitis on the other hand is very rare and in most cases probably predisposed by other breast or systemic conditions.
Although granulomatous mastitis is easily confused with cancer it is a completely benign (non-cancerous) condition.

>> No.11494839

Having a waifu has always been an /a/ habit for pathetic teenagers who cannot take it easy.

The people who do this are the very worst of the crossboarder menace since they try and hide themselves with anime and 2hus. However this is dangerous, if these people are not shitposted to death and exposed they will poison the minds of potential /jp/sues with the thought that it is okay to take 2D super serious.

>> No.11494842

Patients mostly present with a hard lump in one breast without any sign of a systemic disease. Other possible symptoms include nipple retraction, pain, inflammation of the overlying skin, nipple discharge, fistula, enlarged lymph nodes, in rare case peau d'orange-like changes.
Presentation is mostly unilateral although a significant share of cases is bilateral, also in many cases contralateral or bilateral recurrences were documented.
Several cases occurring together with fever, polyarthralgia and erythema nodosum were documented.
Characteristic for idiopathic granulomatous mastitis are multinucleated giant cells and epithelioid histiocytes forming non-caseating granulomas around lobules. Often minor ductal and periductal inflammation is present. The lesion is in some cases very difficult to distinguish from breast cancer and other causes such as infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, corynebacterial infection, mycotic infection), autoimmune diseases (sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis), foreign body reaction and granulomatous reaction in a carcinoma must be excluded.[1] [5]
The condition is diagnosed very rarely. As the diagnosis is a lengthy differential diagnosis of exclusion there is considerable uncertainty about incidence. It has been suspected that some cases diagnosed as IGM in developing countries may have other explanations. On the other hand IGM is usually diagnosed only after complications and referral to a secondary breast care center so light cases may resolve spontaneously or after symptomatic treatment and thus never be diagnosed as IGM. As a completely pathogen free breast will be exceedingly rare even in completely healthy population there is also uncertainty when to consider pathogens as causative or as mere coincidental finding.

>> No.11494852

The cause is currently unknown. The histology is suggestive of an autoimmune reaction. The high rate of relapses as well as relatively high proportion of bilateral cases is highly suggestive of a systemic predisposition.
Presently most evidence points towards an important role of elevated prolactin levels or overt hyperprolactinemia with additional triggers such as local trauma or irritation. Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency was documented in one case, interferon-alpha therapy in another case. Similar cases of granulomatous mastitis were reported in hyper-IgG4 disease though the exact relationship to IGM remains to be elucidated. Other contributing factors of IGM were investigated such as oral contraceptives usage. Many cases were reported after use of prolactin elevating medications such as antipsychotics.[1] [2][6][7][8]
Elevated prolactin levels have the direct effects of increasing secretory activity of breast lobules, maintaining tight junctions of the ductal epithelium, preventing involution of the breast gland after weaning and are known to stimulate the immune system, contributing to both physiological and pathological granulomatous lesions and non-caseating granulomas.[1]PRL is also secreted locally in the breast and local secretion by lymphocytes may be enhanced during inflammatory reactions.[9] Autoimmune reaction to extravasated fat and protein rich luminal fluid (denaturized milk) resulting from the secretory activity is assumed to be one of the triggers of IGM.[10] [11] Several other hormones can contribute to PRL signaling in the breast gland, high levels of insulin caused for example by peripheral insulin resistance (resulting from pregnancy, gestational diabetes or developing diabetes mellitus type 2) will enhance the galactogenic and antiapoptotic effects of PRL and growth hormone by acting synergistically with IGF-1.

>> No.11494847

/k/, what is ``trigger discipline''?

>> No.11494851

why do you guys all gotta hate my thread because i like mlp and guns? god jp is the worst i fucking hate it here im leaving back to /k/ where people arent autist like you guys

>> No.11494856

this thread is the only good thread on jp and you cant even understand that wow i didnt know you guys were so autistic holy shit

>> No.11494862


>> No.11494863

i have a gun and you dont who would win in a fight do you think? thats what i thought you loser jp faggots
i also have a big dick

>> No.11494859

Treatment protocol is not well established. Some sources report that approximately half of the patients will fully recover after lengthy (mean time 14.5 months, range 2-24 months) expectant management. [12]
Treatment with steroids is lengthy and usually requires about 6 months. While some source report very good success with steroids[13] most report a considerable risk of recurrence after a treatment with steroids alone. Steroids are known to cause elevation of prolactin levels and increase risk of several conditions such as diabetes, and other endocrinopathies which in turn increase the risk of IGM. Treatment with topical steroids to limit side effects was also reported in one case.[14] For surgical treatment recurrence rates of 5-50% have been reported.[1]
Treatment with a combination of glucocorticoids and prolactin lowering medications such as bromocriptine or cabergoline was used with good success in Germany.[15] Prolactin lowering medication has also been reported to reduce the risk of recurrence.[16] In cases of drug-induced hyperprolactinemia (such as antipsychotics) prolacting-sparing medication can be tried.[1]
Methotrexate alone or in combination with steroids has been used with good success. Its principal mechanism of action is immunomodulating activity, with a side effect profile that is more favorable for treating IGM.[17]
Colchinin, azathioprine and NSAIDs have also been used.[18][19]

>> No.11494860

Skype AND Steam! He is truly guilty of being a normie of the worst order.

No army can defeat my bushido (this means warrior) determination and spirit and break my thousand folded katana.

>> No.11494865

damn /jp/ is throwing a temper tantrum again >:(

please stop.

>> No.11494867


>> No.11494868

my dick is so big almost as big as my gun and i will protect my pony waifu for ever

>> No.11494874

tyrone pls

>> No.11494871
File: 219 KB, 1287x1716, alice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're op

>> No.11494873

Anticipating the liberalization of the telecommunications industry in the Philippines in 1992, Smart (then named Smart Information Technology, Inc.) was organized in January 24, 1991 by a group of Filipino investors led by Orlando B. Vea and David T. Fernando.
The Company obtained its congressional franchise in April 1992 and was granted a provisional authority to operate a mobile cellular service in May 1993. In December 1993, Smart commenced commercial operations of its cellular service.
By then, Smart had drawn in partners. These were: First Pacific, a Hong Kong-based conglomerate through its Philippine flagship Metro Pacific Investments Corporation and Nippon Telegraph and Telephone of Japan (NTT).
In compliance with the government’s telecommunications program, Smart established a local exchange service in the cities and provinces assigned to it under the “service area scheme.” The Company also obtained licenses to provide international gateway, paging and inter-carrier transmission services. [4]
On March 24, 2000, PLDT completed its share-swap acquisition of Smart, making Smart a 100%-owned PLDT subsidiary.
In December 5, 2006 Smart Communications became a member of Conexus Mobile Alliance for international roaming.[5]

>> No.11494875
File: 81 KB, 650x650, Free-Shiping-Anime-Dakimakura-Angle-beats-hugging-pillow-case-with-a-gun-dressed--650x650[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe you guys dont even like mlp holy shit herse another pic of my waifu with a gun she is kawaii

>> No.11494879

Language contact occurs when two or more languages or varieties interact. The study of language contact is called contact linguistics.
Multilingualism has likely been common throughout much of human history, and today most people in the world are multilingual.[1] In tribal hunter-gatherer societies, multilingualism was common, as tribes must communicate with neighboring peoples and there is often intermarriage[citation needed]. In present-day areas such as Sub-Saharan Africa, where there is much variation in language over short distances, it is usual for anyone who has dealings outside their own town or village to know two or more languages.
When speakers of different languages interact closely, it is typical for their languages to influence each other. Languages normally develop by gradually accumulating dialectal differences until two dialects cease to be mutually intelligible[citation needed], somewhat analogous to the species barrier in biology. Language contact can occur at language borders,[2] between adstratum languages, or as the result of migration, with an intrusive language acting as either a superstratum or a substratum.
Language contact occurs in a variety of phenomena, including language convergence, borrowing, and relexification. The most common products are pidgins, creoles, code-switching, and mixed languages. Other hybrid languages, such as English, do not strictly fit into any of these categories.

>> No.11494883

who are you...

>> No.11494893

Hey J-Dawg if you're gonna babbysit this thread at least do your job and delete all that spam pasta.
Or are you using a script?

>> No.11494885

The Eastern Bloc of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, from September 2010 known as Bloque Comandante Jorge Briceño, in honour of the slain guerrilla leader,[1] is considered by many to be the strongest military faction of the guerrilla group. It is divided into groups of 50-400 combatants in each group which patrol and control different areas of Colombia's Eastern and Central-Eastern territory, as well as helping to carry out the killing, taxation, and arrests necessary to advance the organization's financial and political goals. The specific divisions of the group are arguable. Some of the believed divisions or 'fronts', as they are commonly called, are shown below. Many of these fronts sometimes work together towards a certain mission, while others are further divided into 'columns' and 'companies' with a smaller number of members. For more general information see FARC Chain of Command.

>> No.11494886
File: 517 KB, 1200x800, 0829_guns[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of my gun collection one for each waifu i have AMERICA FUCK YEAH

>> No.11494888

please do not bully.

>> No.11494894

Tychsen was born on June 27, 1893 in Hoboken, New Jersey.[2] During World War I, Tychsen enlisted as a Private in the Minnesota National Guard in April 1914 and was assigned to Company A of the 1st Infantry. In this capacity, Tychsen served on Mexican Border during Pancho Villa Expedition. He rose to the rank of First sergeant and was posted to the First Reserve Officers Training Camp at Fort Snelling on March 25, 1917.[3]
Since August 1917, Tychsen was deployed in France with 88th Infantry Division and participated in the combats near Belfort and Epinal. Tychsen was promoted to the rank of Captain and Commanding Officer of Company C, 339th Machine Gun Battalion.
After his return to the States in 1919, Tychsen was commissioned as a Captain in the Regular army and attended the United States Army Infantry School at Fort Benning in 1921. During 1921–1925, he served as an Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tactics at University of Minnesota.
Subsequently he served as an Professor of Military Science and Tactics at St. Thomas Military Academy until 1932, when he was transferred to Hawaii, where he served at Schofield Barracks with 27th Infantry Regiment.
On August 1, 1935 Tychsen was promoted to the rank of Major and was detached to the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas. He graduated there a year later and then was transferred to Jefferson Barracks in Missouri, where he served with 6th Infantry Regiment until 1938.

>> No.11494896

Those are some pretty SHITTY gunz...lol...

>> No.11494897
File: 205 KB, 1095x729, girls_and_guns_007_style_by_bodyphoto-d30kqsv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of my gf i let her hold my gun while i took a pic of her how does it feel virgins autism

>> No.11494902

Semonides of Amorgos was an ancient Greek iambic and elegiac poet who is believed to have lived during the seventh century BC. Fragments of his poetry survive as quotations in other ancient authors, the most extensive and well known of which is a satiric account of different types of women which is often cited in discussions of misogyny in Archaic Greece. The poem takes the form of a catalogue, with each type of woman represented by an animal whose characteristics—in the poet's scheme—are also characteristic of a large body of the female population. Other fragments belong to the registers of gnomic poetry and wisdom literature in which the Hesiodic Works and Days and the Theognidea are classed, and reflect a similarly pessimistic view of the human experience. There is also evidence that Semonides composed the sort of personal invective found in the work of his near contemporary iambographer Archilochus and the later Hipponax, but no surviving fragment can be securely attributed to such a poem.

>> No.11494912
File: 679 KB, 621x820, 35340301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't really need a gun, she's already the strongest.

>> No.11494911
File: 638 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lack of trigger discipline

my gf rapes that

>> No.11494916
File: 79 KB, 310x204, 3rlfo3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with some funny pics

>> No.11494923

Psychometrer Eiji (サイコメトラーEIJI Saikometorā Eiji?) is a mystery manga and live-action series created by Masashi Asaki and Yuma Ando, that started in 1996. The manga series is composed of 25 tankōbon and was serialized by Kodansha. So far, it is yet to be released worldwide, although it was published by Chuangyi in Simplified Chinese, Tong-Li in Traditional Chinese in Taiwan, and by Manga Kana in French. An action-adventure video game based on the manga was released for the Sony PlayStation on 18 February 1999. A sequel written by Ando and illustrated by Asaki is currently being serialized on Young Magazine.

>> No.11494925
File: 142 KB, 1326x1079, Troll_Face[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i didnt know you were gay posting a pic of a guy as your "girlfriend"

>> No.11494927

The Common Grass-veneer or Silver-striped Webworm (Crambus praefectellus) is a moth of the Crambidae family. It is found in the United States and southern Canada east of the Rocky Mountains.[2]
The wingspan is 18-25 mm. Adults are on wing from May to September in the north, from April to October in the mid latitudes and probably year round in southern Florida and Texas.
The larvae feed on various grasses and cereal grains.

>> No.11494930
File: 315 KB, 800x500, guns%20military%20humor%20funny%20meme%20lulz%20trolling%20trollface%20band%20forever%20alone%20trolls%20me%20gusta%20efg%20ragefa_www.wall321.com_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people spamming my thread holy shit what did i ever do to you

>> No.11494931
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1536, 237881 - fumo touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a battle going on between janny and the spammers!

Quick, hide in your NEET fortress and arm up!

>> No.11494934
File: 92 KB, 720x480, 6596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i know about guns is from the Phantom of Inferno VN, the first 2 hours are litteraly just guntalk.

>> No.11494935 [DELETED] 

The 1988 PGA Championship was the 70th PGA Championship, held August 11–14 at Oak Tree Golf Club in Edmond, Oklahoma, a suburb north of Oklahoma City. Jeff Sluman shot a final round 65 (–6) to win his only major title, three strokes ahead of runner-up Paul Azinger, the 36-hole and 54-hole leader[2] and former college teammate.[3][4] Azinger was the reigning Player of the Year on the PGA Tour.
In the penultimate pairing on Sunday, Sluman was three strokes back at the start of the round. After a birdie at the second, he holed out for an eagle on the par-5 fifth, and when Azinger followed with a bogey, the two were tied at nine-under. Sluman had five birdies and an eagle with just one bogey in the final round while Azinger posted a second straight even-par 71. It was also the first of Sluman's six victories on the PGA Tour.[5][6] In the final pair with Azinger, Dave Rummells shot 75 (+4) and fell to a tie for sixth.
Azinger won the title five years later, defeating Greg Norman in a playoff in 1993.

>> No.11494939

I wouldn't mind if she was a guy

>> No.11494941
File: 31 KB, 480x360, 3107[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of me with my gun and everyone else in this thread

>> No.11494942 [DELETED] 

Zhang Ni hailed from Ba commandery, and became a county clerk during his youth. During Liu Bei's takeover of Yi Province, bandits took the opportunity to ransack the county Zhang worked in. Overran by the rebels, Zhang Ni engaged close combat and protected the wife of his supervisor from the mob. This incident made him famous, and the commandery summoned his service.[1]
Later, the Sou tribes (叟) of Yuesui (越巂) rose up and retaliated Zhuge Liang's Southern Campaign by killing two officials who Shu-Han regime assigned as superintendents. Due the local resistance, future designated Administers of Yuesou dared not enter their appointed jurisdiction. As a result, Shu-Han could only claim its rule over the area, while the state was actually impuissant to control the commandary under collar.[2]
At this juncture, Zhang Ni was chosen as the new Administer. During his tenure, Zhang Ni successfully persuaded some tribes to recognize Shu-Han's rule, and he was rewarded with a marquis title in return. Zhang Ni stayed in Yuesui for three years until he was repatriated to his native commandery of Ba.

>> No.11494949 [DELETED] 

When Zhang Ni learned local tribes of Dingji (定莋), Taideng (台登), and Beishui (卑水) counties discovered iron and lacquer, he led his troops to pillage the counties and assigned officials to watch over the minorities.[3] Zhang Ni himself moved to Dingji county, where he expected tribal leaders to personally greet him.
However, an uncle of a tribal king, Lang Cen (狼岑), who was trusted by the tribesmen, sent only representatives to the administrator's abode and refused to meet the rapacious Zhang Ni in person, because Lang Cen was indignant upon Zhang's previous plunder.[4] In response, Zhang Ni led tens of his strongest guards to the reputable Lang Cen and flogged him to death. Zhang Ni then brought back the corpse to the tribal forum for public demonstration. Zhang Ni warned the public, "don't move (don't try to take revenge); otherwise, you will be killed."[5] Zhang Ni bribed the tribesmen and told them Lang Cen was evil, so the tribes surrendered.
When Zhuge Liang was assembling Shu Han troops in Hanzhong, local bandits pillaged the villages, where the majority of male had been drawn to the frontier. Thus, Zhang Ni acted on the authority of a colonel and led the defensive forces to quash the rebels. However, the bandits dissembled and hid in different lairs when they got wind of Zhang's coming. Zhang Ni had difficulty engaging the bandits in battle, so he feigned "heqin" with the rebel leaders and coaxed them to join a banquet to celebrate the peace. After the leaders were intoxicated, Zhang Ni and his soldiers killed all 50 of them; he then sent out troops to search and kill each of the mob. The massacre lasted ten days and the area was purged.[6] For his effort, Zhang was promoted to "General of the Standard" (牙門將軍), and worked under Ma Zhong's command. They subsequently quelled many uprisings and were feared by the different tribes around Shu-Han.

>> No.11494953 [DELETED] 

In 222, the Shu Han emperor Liu Bei was defeated in the Battle of Xiaoting against the state of Eastern Wu. He died in Baidicheng the following year. When Yong Kai of southern Yi Province (covering the Sichuan Basin) received news of Liu Bei's death in the summer of 223, he planned to revolt. Although Li Yan tried to dissuade him from it, Yong Kai only sent an arrogant reply, "I heard that the sky does not have two suns, and the land does not have two rulers. Now the lands are split into three with each claiming to be the absolute, the distant [Yong Kai] rests uneasy, not knowing who to follow."
Soon, Yong Kai killed Zheng Ang (正昂), the Administrator of Jianning (建寧), and kidnapped Zhang Yi to Eastern Wu. Yong Kai was given the post of Administrator of Yongchang (永昌) by Eastern Wu, but Yongchang belonged to Shu Han. Lü Kai and Wang Kang defended Yongchang from Yong Kai, who sought his position. Although Yong Kai spread many rumours outside the city walls, Lü Kai refused to open the gates to let Yong Kai in.
Gao Ding (高定), a leader of the local Sou people (叟族), also revolted in coordination with Yong Kai, killing general Jiao Huang (焦璜) and declaring himself king. He marched his army north to attack Xindao (新道), but he was repelled by reinforcements led by Li Yan from Jianwei (犍為).
Shu Han's chancellor Zhuge Liang decided not to launch an offensive so soon because Shu had just recently lost their leader, and instead only sent Qi Xing (頎行) to investigate the problems in the south while he busied himself with domestic affairs. However, as soon as Qi Xing arrived in Zangke (牂柯), he was killed by the Administrator Zhu Bao, who had also rebelled.
Yong Kai then called upon Meng Huo, a local aristocrat, to lure the southern tribes into revolting because the tribes did not trust Yong Kai. Meng Huo made up stories about Shu Han giving the tribes impossible demands, thus the tribes became angry at Shu and joined the rebellion as well.

>> No.11494962

thanks for the bump ^.^

>> No.11494963

In the spring of 225, after reaffirming Shu Han's alliance with Eastern Wu, Zhuge Liang personally led the Shu generals south from Chengdu to suppress the rebellion with full preparations. Wang Lian (王連) advised Zhuge Liang against personally participating in the campaign, but Zhuge was worried that his generals were not competent enough to deal with the rebels by themselves. Ma Su suggested to Zhuge Liang that the campaign should focus on psychological warfare rather than conventional warfare in order to ensure that the defeated rebels would not rebel again, a suggestion which Zhuge readily accepted.
Zhuge Liang's army entered Nanzhong via Yuesui (越巂). Along the way, Yong Kai was murdered by one of Gao Ding's subordinates, and Gao Ding himself was killed in battle against Zhuge Liang's main army. Meanwhile, Ma Zhong was sent to attack Zangke by marching southeast from Bodao (僰道), and Li Hui to attack Jianning from Pingyi (平夷) by marching southwest. Li Hui's army, however, became surrounded in Kunming by rebel forces twice his numbers, and he did not know of Zhuge Liang's whereabouts to ask for reinforcements. Hence, Li Hui pretended to join the rebels, saying his supplies had run out and could not return north, and therefore had no choice but to rebel. The Nanman believed him and lowered their guard, whereupon Li Hui struck and defeated the encirclement. He then led his men south to Panjiang (槃江) and joined Ma Zhong to the east, who had defeated Zhu Bao in Qielan (且蘭). Finally, the two divergent forces rejoined Zhuge Liang's main army.

>> No.11494968

Once Nanzhong had settled, Zhuge Liang split the four existing commanderies (Yi Province, Yongchang, Zangke, Yuesui) into six commanderies, adding Yunnan and Xinggu (興古) to better administer the region. He left the commanderies to be governed by the locals instead of Han Chinese officials, citing three difficulties if Han Chinese officials were installed:
If Han officials were installed, then soldiers must be stationed and food must be provided to them. (The Nanzhong terrain is difficult for transporting goods.)
The locals were recently defeated with their fathers and brothers killed, if foreigners were installed and no soldiers are stationed with them, chaos would follow. (The locals would seek revenge.)
The locals were guilty of their recent crimes and would not trust the Han Chinese to forgive them so easily. (There would be misunderstandings.)
Zhuge Liang then returned north, not stationing any soldiers, only requiring the locals to pay tribute. Wang Kang, Lü Kai and Li Hui were among those appointed as the administrators of the new governing regions. However, these new administrators were considerably different that other governors at the time in that they only act representatives of Shu Han, and the local populace were generally reigned by their chieftains who pay tribute to Shu Han. The tributes from Nanzhong included, but not limited to, gold, silver, oxen, and warhorses, which helped Shu Han prosper, preparing it for Zhuge Liang's upcoming Northern Expeditions.
Although rebellions in the south still broke out after the Southern Campaign, they were comparatively minor, and Ma Zhong and Li Hui were quick to suppress them again and again. The Nanzhong region enjoyed relative stability under the reign of Shu Han afterwards, in contrast to during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

>> No.11494982
File: 136 KB, 800x1053, 0b842cd6bc03d58ba9492f6c3f9f67d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.11494995

le epik 2hu gunshitposting :^>

heyy look I have this normie hobby but I also like nerdy things! ''''bazinga!''''''

>> No.11494995,1 [INTERNAL] 

Having quite a laff at this thread

May I have a link to the wikispam script so I can use it against crossboarding normals like this?

>> No.11495045
File: 671 KB, 1200x900, mission failed pt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*no response on radio*

We've lost them ;_;

>> No.11495045,1 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like janny got tired of babysitting the thread and called in Danger Close LoL!

(epic Call of Duty reference in case you didn't get it)

Seems he also used his Jew Magic again, the thread is in limbo like this one http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/S11422708#p11422742_1

>> No.11495045,2 [INTERNAL] 

Might be cloudflare acting up. I saw this happen with lots of posts during may. Lately, images have been swapped among posts, too.

>> No.11495045,3 [INTERNAL] 

This is weird... The thread opens, I can see the replies but whenever I try open images it gives me file not found error.

>> No.11495045,4 [INTERNAL] 

part II ~ spoils of war


>> No.11495045,5 [INTERNAL] 

If war ever breaks up in civilized countries, a look like that won't be so rare. Glories of war, my friends.

It's already happening in 3rd world countries where US invades. Rape is a very common thing there. Unless you're constantly in your bunker with kalashnikovs all over your head, it's guaranteed you'll get raped.

>> No.11495045,6 [INTERNAL] 

I imagine it would be easy to get a girlfriend if you had an arsenal at your disposal during a time like this.

>> No.11495045,7 [INTERNAL] 


Kinda curious now, if for whatever reason you were a soldier fighting against a school girl in a skirmish, would you stick your dick in her dead body after there were no more threats in the area?

That is if you killed her fair and square and had little chance of getting in trouble, say your leader and teammates do the same sort things and won't report it, would you do it?

>> No.11495045,8 [INTERNAL] 

Even if you wouldn't get reported, people like that get fragged according to my research.

>> No.11495045,9 [INTERNAL] 

Being gangraped by rage filled paramilitary thugs is my fetish.
