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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11494392 No.11494392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>title says "weaponized /a/"
>anime is against the rules


>> No.11494393

Because anime is for not-weaponized nerds

>> No.11494403

Dunno why but that .gif is disgusting

I hope it's shopped

>> No.11494404

Anime is against the rules in /a/ too. I always see people on the ban page being banned for posting screenshots of the anime they're taking about.

You guys should migrate to /e/ and let /a/ die like moot seems to want it to.

>> No.11494425

Because anime is shit.


>> No.11494434
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Seeing retarded Keions cry makes my cock stiff.

>> No.11494485
File: 668 KB, 480x270, 1365262417347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some retards want /jp/ to be 2D/random while others want it to be a touhou/VN board

>> No.11494494

Why would they want another 2D/random when there's already /a/?

>> No.11494502

because /jp/ is a stubborn piece of shit that hates 4chan but continues to come here

>> No.11494504

Because once upon a time, moot wanted his /a/ to be only for animu and mango.

>> No.11494522

Because /b/ devolved from Anime/Random into Random into stupidity encouraged and into what it is nowadays.

>> No.11494529

Because /a/ has become normalfag 2D/random. In the future when /jp/ falls to the same ground as /a/ and /v/ are on now, there will be a new 2D/Random board, thus the cycle will continue.

>> No.11494583

/a/ seems to be pure trolling and shitposting 24/7. Not even random, just spamming the same arguments over and over like /jp/'s loliskub threads.

>> No.11494607

Is Kill la Kill AOTS or AOTY?

>> No.11494612

Is this the /a/ thread?
So are you guys all excited for Space Dandy?
I know I am!

>> No.11494613

/a/ has always been normals, and it's never had anything resembling posting ethics or common courtesies, like /jp/.

As long as influential posters stay on /jp/, it will maintain some of its charm for the posters who truly call it home. I need to stop posting metashit. It just makes me angry and resentful.

>> No.11494622


>> No.11494645

go away /a/

>> No.11494649

Actually we just want Touhou away. Then this board would be fine. Most of us grew out from Touhou years ago.

While ago we got rid of Neetscum. Only touhou is left.

>> No.11494652

Why do you dislike NEETs?

>> No.11494656

Get rid of VNs too while we're at it.
I haven't played a VN since Umineko and all VNs are pretty much trash.

>> No.11494658

That's just the guy who spammed NEET threads two years ago and made them get banned

>> No.11494660


Touhou will and forever be /jp/. NEET threads were banned because it was nothing but blogshit and circlejerking.

>> No.11494663

Yes, only because /jp/ is a board for "stuff that people used to use /a/ for, but now /a/'s supposed to stay on topic so it goes here." So anime/manga discussion goes on its board and supposedly nothing else does ...though I still see more random "weeb" ad clutter and misc. unclassifiable garbage on /a/ than I do in here, just because we're a slower board and the people posting trash never cared anyway.

>> No.11494668

Better if we get rid of you.

>> No.11494672

I wish /ota/ were still alive. It was so much better than this place... /jp/ is just an ant under Moot's magnifying glass on sultry day...

>> No.11494675 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 428x288, 1380483049944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, he hurt your feelings really bad that you had to make threats

fuckin lol

>> No.11494676

put away the thesaurus, timmy

before you hurt yourself

>> No.11494688

It is turning into a bad place to be

>> No.11494690

>/a/'s supposed to stay on topic
Yeah, it's just everyone forgot what was the topic.
Including Moot.

>> No.11494704

Touhou is old and busted, KanColle is the new hotness.

>> No.11494732

google results say you need to register for it and that you win by collecting online items/powerups/whatever which you can no doubt trade IRL money for.
Sounds like a pretty typical web game. So who gives a flying fuck, kick it in the teeth and spit on it.

>> No.11494742

Speak for yourself.

>> No.11494749
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because moot is a joke

a big funny meme clown
