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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 974 KB, 1606x1586, Clowcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11486677 No.11486677[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

S.K.T. I have your interpretation ready. I hope you find this. I can't bear to have a fortune go unseen.

1: The beloved person's personality and true nature.
>The Arrow
☆ She's a powder keg of energy and assertive or even aggressive. She's a direct person.

2: The beloved person and the questioner's past.
>The Dream
☆ You two had some sort of psychic or deep mental connection right off the bat. You both brought out hidden aspects in each other.

3: The beloved person and the questioner's present situation.
>The Illusion
☆ Currently you two have almost a secret world together. A shared fantasy or reality unique to you and her.

4: The beloved person and the questioner's future.
>The Fly
☆ In the future your relationship will have a chance to soar, as long as you take a leap of faith. Prepare for when the launchpad presents itself.

5: The problem you must overcome in order to get along well with the beloved person.
>The Little
☆ Petty doubts and little problems will arise. It will damage your chemistry if you don't work to get over it.

6: The result of the beloved person and the questioner’s romance.
>The Earthy
☆ Your relationship will result in a solid foundation of mutual understanding and acceptance. From that point, fertile grounds promote opportunity.

7: Advice for a good relationship.
>The Power
☆ Allow your feelings for each other increase dynamically without restraint. Empowering each other creates success for both. Temper with modesty and kindness.

Not sure if this is for your Touhou or your 3D, I guess that depends on you.

>> No.11486681 [DELETED] 

Get this shitty /a/ crap out of here you faggot.
To begin with you can't fucking do tarot across the internet because the cards have to be touched.

Shitty secondary fortune teller.

>> No.11486684

Thanks man, you're a good person.

>> No.11486685

It's a shame that an actually interesting thread gets deleted like that. But can't let them have too much fun I suppose.

>> No.11486687

Can you do mine next? Or are you done now?

>> No.11486706

>☆ Currently you two have almost a secret world together. A shared fantasy or reality unique to you and her.

>☆ In the future your relationship will have a chance to soar, as long as you take a leap of faith. Prepare for when the launchpad presents itself.

Gensokyo, here I come!

>> No.11486708

Clow Cards are not Tarot. My instructions say nothing about the questioner touching them.

This isn't /a/ because they are real cards from Cardcaptor Sakura and the act of fortune-telling with them through the Japanese booklet put out by CLAMP is not anime/manga particularly.

Uranai in various forms, especially the ones made from various programs is pretty common and I thought counted as otaku. There was plenty of interest at least and I was trying to provide unique entertainment.

If a mod from /a/ or /jp/ gives me to the greenlight for the thread I will start them up again tomorrow. I don't want to risk getting deleted mid-fortune again.

>> No.11486726

As I was reading them I got this interpretation too. I really don't condone suicide and I hope S.K.T decides to take a chance with his 3D instead of jumping off a building because of an anon on 4chan.

>tfw I would still probably lul sadly about it

>> No.11486729

Did you buy the set at a good price?

Really wanted to buy it, but really worried about a fake Chinese rip off.

>> No.11486732

Clow cards are fake tarot cards.

>> No.11486736

I was hoping to get mine read but oh well. Hopefully you get the okay, these threads are fun every once in a while. Just don't get carried away like /x/

>> No.11486769
File: 4 KB, 220x220, Clow__s_Magic_Circle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was $40 about 10 years ago. These days I think they are around $200 for this same version. The Pink SAKURA marked ones are about $500 I think and some day I hope to get it for a good price. Lots of cheap versions around though, even some put out officially.

They are someone inspired by them. But they are all equally nonsensical. All that matters is belief, intuition, and deduction in fortune telling. My cards would be no better or worst than tarot cards in a blind study, but they certainly are cuter.
Despair not, I am sure between /a/ and /jp/ it will work out. I am too tired to do more tonight anyhow. No I wont get carried away, I know its all to be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.11486819 [DELETED] 

>the cards have to be touched.
uh, no. it's up to the reader if they would allow their cards to be touched or not.

>> No.11486998

You're fine, start the thread anyway. It was probably a mistake considering he's deleted a couple of posts from this thread while still leaving it up.

>> No.11488615
File: 729 KB, 1422x1352, clowuranai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty, I am starting up readings again. If you are interested post with all of the following;

>First name or initials.
>One sentence describing an issue, person, yourself, or event you want reflected in the reading.
>Type of reading.

Types of readings are as follows, ordered by number of axioms;

Speed Reading (4): For quick cause-and-solution to simple issues. Example: "Why is my friend upset with me."

Romance Reading (7): For understanding the fortune between you and a romantic interest. Example: "What are my relationship prospects like with this person?"

Moon Reading (7): For personal issues involving people that aren't romantic interests. Example: "Why is my relationship with an old friend so strained, and how can I fix it?."

Sun Reading (9): For very detailed understanding of a specific issue from many angles. Example: "How do I change my personality to be more like what I want to be?"

General Reading (10): For general insight into your life's issues and solutions. Example: "I am generally depressed and not sure why."

I will start choosing people I feel an inclination for, especially if it was more recent. I don't want to do readings for people that aren't around.

>> No.11488623

Did anyone else always think "tarot" rhymed with "parrot" and not "sparrow"?

>> No.11489005

How do I motivate myself to get work done, or even partake in my hobbies
Sun or General, doesn't matter

>> No.11489063
File: 751 KB, 1486x1220, SpencerGeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured a General spread would work best. Some interesting cards here. Interpretation coming soon.

>> No.11489090

It's short for tarocchi, so that's why it's pronounced that way.

>> No.11489148

1: The issue.
>The Float
☆ A sign of burdens and pressure in your life as the main cause of your issue with motivation. Lack of freedom.

2: Cause of the issue.
>The Return
☆ Regrets are clearly the issue here. Something that you wish you could have done differently before this point is sapping your motivation.

3: Past problems relating to the current issue.
>The Jump
☆ In the past you missed out on an important opportunities you feel you can't revover from. Great prospects that failed to develop.

4: Surrounding circumstances of the issue.
>The Little
☆ Petty doubts and the slightest of setbacks overwhelm you, and cause you to feel like giving up or change you mind.

5: Solution to the issue.
>The Snow
☆ A clear sign that a fresh start is in order. Coming to peace with past mistakes or broken dreams and adopting a new outlook on your life.

>> No.11489161

6: The solution's keyword.
>The Silent
☆ Occasional solitary relaxation to recharge your energy will keep you from becoming overwhelmed and unmotivated.

7: Obstacle to solving the issue.
>The Sand
☆ Your feelings will undoubtedly change over time, tempting you to fall back into bad habits. Altering your goals mid-way will cause you to lose focus.

8: Future of the issue.
>The Earthy
☆ Your strong efforts will create stability, and your motivation in general will be steady and consistant.

9: End result.
>The Dash
☆ You will occasionally have internal struggles, but your newfound peace and stability will guarantee victory.

10: How others may see the problem.
>The Shadow
☆ People will fail to truly understand your issues with motivation. They won't completely understand your struggle, so don't expect too much credit for overcoming it.

This fortune came in pretty clearly, sorry about The Shadow because he is rarely a positive thing. I hope you can manage to settle some peace with your past. GL!

>> No.11489274

Mine gut buried with the last thread but I feel like posting something more interesting.

Initials: MD
Sentence: Will I still like Parsee as much as I do or will I lose interest in Touhou in general years from now?
Reading: Moon, if possible.

>> No.11489305

How do I make friends?

>> No.11489345
File: 883 KB, 1224x1632, MDSpeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to do a Speed because of timing, but I also think its better for your simple question. Interpretation coming.

I have to stop for a bit, but maybe check back later.

>> No.11489410

1: The issue
>The Sleep
☆ Touhou/Parsee gives you a sense of calm and relaxation. The feelings you have are more of ease and comfort rather than passion.

2: The past situation
>The Fly
☆ Originally Touhou/Parsee was a wonderful opportunity and experience. You either excelled at the games and/or made valuable memories that were a great boon to you when you needed it.

3: The current situation
>The Change
☆ Clearly this shows your interest are starting to drift away, and you desire change. You are wondering whether you will end up refreshed with something new, or if it will be a disruptive mistake.

4: The end result
>The Cloud
☆ This puts the end result entirely in your hands. The future is muddled and only your own heart can clear a path. Calmly judging the best decision will show you the true path.

Sorry it was an ambiguous answer, it doesn't get much more unclear than The Cloud in a future position.

>> No.11489510

I feel like I've come to a dead end and see no way out
Sun or General, whichever you feel is best.

>> No.11489538

D. R.
I have trouble getting along with people. Normally this isn't a problem, but there's someone I've become really attached to.
Sun Reading

>> No.11489637

Initials: J.V
Sentence: If i keep going am I just going to end up disappointed?
Reading: General

>> No.11489873

Sentence: There is something that holds me back from doing things I want to do or accomplish. I was given possible answers to it, but I never follow through them for more than a short time.
Reading: Sun or whichever you prefer.

>> No.11489911

Initials : KT
Sentence : I want to get closer to her, but she distances herself from everybody. How can I closen the gap?
Reading : Moon

>> No.11489948

Initials: C.A.
Sentence: Recently I've gotten into a few competitive hobbies, but it seems as if everyone is just flat-out better than me (even those just starting out) no matter how much I practice.
Reading: General

>> No.11489967

Where did you get these cards OP?

>> No.11490049
File: 379 KB, 800x738, Mizuhashi Parsee 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much for the reading!

I think the cards came up dead on. The Sleep in particular was exactly right. The Change is worrisome as it implies some other thing important to be disrupted. Don't worry about The Cloud, it gives me some joy that I have the freedom to decide it for myself. It's actually a relieving situation.

Thanks again!

>> No.11491012

Met a girl at work in the military, she flirted with me but I was beta and didnt really show a response, I bragged about it to friends and they started a childish rumor, she was teased about it and it ruined our friendship. After some recovery time we were friends again but due to the drama from our peers before she wouldnt be anything more than a friend. I was trying to gradually build her interest in me when she had gone away to school for a month and met a guy there that she wants to get pregnant with after only 10 days of them meeting. I told her it was a bad idea when she spoke to me about it and she flipped out on me and had all kinds of restrictions short of a restraining order put on me and ruined my career. Despite all this I still have feelings and I know that shes doing this because she thinks getting pregnant as quickly as possible is the only escape from our peers who have ridiculed her. She hasn't seen this other guy in 3 months as they work on opposite sides of the country and they only communicate online. Their total time together physically was 10 days and shes not pregnant.
I need some deep guidance on this complex situation so Sun Reading is probably best.

>> No.11492755

where can i get the fortune book in english

>> No.11494008

where can I get some legit clow cards

>> No.11494020
File: 68 KB, 627x459, ss (2013-02-17 at 07.32.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dame yo

>> No.11494063
File: 775 KB, 1024x768, 00146929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11494069

OP, were you in a thread about nine months ago about Clow Cards? I seem to remember someone asking around for a set, and there was someone who had multiple sets of originals that I was impressed by.

>> No.11494526


I want a reading to reflect who I am. It's not that I don't know, but I want to see what your deck will pick to describe me.
General, but a Speed is fine too.

>> No.11494545

This is anime of my childhood! All hail Sakura! All hail the cards!

>> No.11494549

I love my online /jp/ buddy and I wanna know if he loves me too!
Let's get gay and do a Romance Reading!

>> No.11494568

>I feel like I'm losing people I care about, friends that are more or less my family, and don't know what to do.

>> No.11494596


I'm lazy and poor as shit and I probably have asperger's and depression.

Sun Reading.
