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1148082 No.1148082 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, I just began playing my first Touhou yesterday, Perfect Cherry Blossom. Shit's hard, but I feel manlier and manlier as I progress. Was this a good choice for a 1st Touhou, or am I getting a bad representation of the series?

>> No.1148087

No, PCB is a good first.

>> No.1148089

Good first.

Imperishable Night would've made you into a pussy.

>> No.1148090

It's good one to start out with since the shots are slow.

>> No.1148093

Good first choice. It'll teach you some good habits, and the only games harder than it are EoSD and SA.

>> No.1148096

Actually, Imperishable Night on Normal is pretty difficult. It's just Easy Mode that's cake.

>> No.1148105

EoSD is another good starter as it teaches you to know where you hit box is at all times. It will also impart the most basic things to you with out anything else getting in the way (such as the time counters and other shit that the other games have). MoF and SA have different play styles and will drive you nuts, but the shit you learn in EoSD will help you with them more than the other games will.

>> No.1148106

op here, also my roommate called the music "fuckawesome, holy shit"

>> No.1148103


Uh, it also teaches you some of the worst habits such as 1 second deathbomb timing. That dynamic basically doubles or even triples your lives in the game >_>

>> No.1148110

Imperishable Night is pretty much cake all the way up to lunatic. The last words aren't even that bad.

>> No.1148114


go back to gaia

>> No.1148113

Except if you deadbomb in Imperishable Night, it costs twice as much as bombing normally. It's much better just to bomb ahead of time in IN.

>> No.1148120

IN is a game you play over the weekend when you are bored. It is a horrid intro game. The basic mechanics might be there, and it might be the easiest. However, it also has so much shit that the other games don't have and has some things about it that make it fuck-all easy that it is not a good introduction game.

>> No.1148133

If you play EoSD DON'T use Marisa B you'll regret it all your life....I'm still regreting it

>> No.1148137

Were you doing stage 4 at the time?

>> No.1148146

how would i be able to get a hold of this game? ive heard about it throughout my times here (hell, i even have the soundtrack), but i've never really gotten around to researching it deeply.

what console is this game on? or is it on computer?
and how would i be able to get ahold of it? thanks.

>> No.1148143

What? Why? I've 1cc Marisa B, but not Reimu B. Weird, I know, but true.

>> No.1148155

If you need a really easy starting game that covers the basics (minus bombs i think), you should check out something called Moedan.

You can read about it here: http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Moedan

>> No.1148159

Computer/mail order.

>> No.1148164
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Well, that was expected.

>> No.1148170


>> No.1148173


Compared to other normal modes of other games? WAT.

I think higher up the chain on Hard/Lunatic IN starts playing at around the same level as the others, but it's Easy Mode is a joke and it's Normal Mode isn't as hard as say, PCB, EoSD, MoF (enjoy being raped at Kanako) or SA. Normal on PoFV is a bit odd, some characters it's much easier then others. Annoyingly, Aya is pretty easy to complete it with.

So yeah, I wouldn't trust IN as a good start to the series, it's easier then most the others and it's gimmicks teach bad habits. EoSD is a good start but is pretty rape tastic if you aren't playing on Easy (and Easy is pointless), PCB is my favourite choice. Great music like EoSD and IN, nice selection of characters with a gimmick that helps a bit but can't be relied on, I mostly use the border of life thing to try new ways of dodging shit. PCB is awesome, though I love IN and EoSD, PCB was my start and the way the music is timed with the levels and the difficulty... probably my favourite game to this day with very stiff competition.

>> No.1148171


You have to send an e-mail to zun@asahi.jp and ask for a confirmation code for the games, though.

I hope your Japanese is ok, he hates foreigners.

>> No.1148180

Whats wrong with Marissa B? She was kinda fun to 1cc it on lunatic with.

>> No.1148178
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>> No.1148177

Windows and piracy.

>> No.1148187

i started with shoot the bullet and won't play any of the others till i beat it
while i know it's not the same style, how is it on the difficulty ladder anyway?

>> No.1148191

It's a game where the difficulty varies signifigantly from person to person.

I'm good at most of the touhou games, but I suck balls at StB.

>> No.1148193
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>> No.1148196

Nonetheless, if you're starting out you might rely on it too much. The deathbomb window in it is massive, and if you move on to other games it might cause problems starting out.

>> No.1148203


Enjoy your rape. StB is set to lunatic as standard, early bosses are pretty fun though and not so difficult you can't beat them, but later bosses are probably the most difficult in the series. Seriously, if you defeat this game and unlock everything you'll probably be able to play any Touhou game competently.

For others, StB is good for learning not to focus all the time. It teaches some good stuff even if it's not the exact same mechanics of the shooting games. Ignore Aya if she bugs you, but I like imagining I'm playing Aya collecting panty shots for her collection.

>> No.1148199

I found PCB to be easier than IN. The shots are slower and you don't have to worry about switching between modes at the right time to avoid/hit the familiars.

>> No.1148216

last time i tried to play i gave up during stage 7
i think the only stage i've completely cleared was stage 1

i'll try to get it done in my life time, but shit's hard

>> No.1148229

In my opinion harder, but its probably better for you from what Ive heard. So far Ive beaten PCB on norm with cont.(Riemu B)Imperishable night no cont.(riemu/yukari)(easy)(it being easier is true) and Mof (Idont remeber how I did it but I mightve continued on easy)(riemu) But I still play PCB b/c I so madly want to beat its phantasm one day. Do not use riemu b after some practice. Makes the ending fucking harder than it should be.

>> No.1148234


PCB starts easy, but when you hit stage 4 even on easy for the first time it's pretty harsh. IN's easy is exactly that though out.

That said, starting out with PCB, PCB kicked my ass more before I learned how the game works. So when I started playing IN maybe it's just a whole load easier because I learned to do PCB properly.

>> No.1148239

So congrats OP, we validated your choice.

Play a few times and report back with the results

>> No.1148241

>correction riemu a is only good for practice

>> No.1148275

ReimuA is fine, people have done perfect runs of Phantasm with her. Anyone who disagrees is a newfag.

>> No.1148281


I think my crappy record goes PCB 1cc easy (all characters) PCB Normal ReimuA w/ a continue. IN 1cc Easy (all characters) IN normal 1cc Reimu (with continues for other characters). EoSD 1cc Easy (all characters) shame it doesn't count for shit and no stage 6, Normal only with continues. Sakuya and Remilia are sheer RAPE. PoFV easy 1cc (all characters) 1cc Normal with Aya. MoF 1cc Easy (all characters), haven't passed Kanako on Normal yet, sure he last card is said to get a bit easier but the others become much more bitchy. SA 1cc Easy (all characters) stuck on Normal due to bitchy stage 5, though I've not tried it since I switched to and completed all Easy modes for endings.

Should really practice and watch more replays for Touhou, but usually I just play when I fancy it and enjoy learning how to do spellcards my own way. Found a few cheap tricks for SA already, though they probably wouldn't pass over to Normal as well.

>> No.1148282

People have done Extra runs without firing a single shot. That doesn't mean anything.

>> No.1148288

Nothing wrong with Reimu A. If you don't care about scoring and just want to 1cc though, Sakuya A would be a better choice since she also has homing, better damage, and more bombs.

>> No.1148292


ReimuA is all about the dodgan. I like to play her, means less worrying about positioning. She's not as cheap as fucking SakuyaA.

>> No.1148330

When you do fantastic at normal mode and well at hard mode, then you should try shoot the bullet. not before that. its difficulty curve gets pretty steep, but I don't think it tops EoSD on lunatic for hardness.

shoot the bullet will be easy if you are great at dodging, but if you aren't it will be absolute hell and go down hill from there. There are stages in StB that people who have 1cced every touhou game on lunatic have made about a thousand attempts at.

>> No.1148324

True. PAD A is a fuckin joke, she's like "HURR i fill the screen with bullets and when i hold shift down i go homing mode". Also she h

>> No.1148453

I really recommend you start with SA, even though its new. In SA you're given a very small amount of bombs, continues force you to start at the beginning of the level again, and the game is a sufficient difficulty. PCB definitely has its good points, but providing the player with 5 continues and a shitload of bombs makes it bad for beginners wanting to learn how to play.

>> No.1148462

Starting with SA will make repetitive and boring for new players who can't figure out patterns and get killed every time

>> No.1148475

2 bombs per life in PCB is a lot? Anyway, everyone knows continues = bad in Touhou.
PCB is the best to start with, it's the simplest to pick up and the most standard.

>> No.1148518
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>I really recommend you start with SA
>continues force you to start at the beginning of the level

>> No.1148891

LLS: Lunatic. Beaten Mugetu and Gengetu.
MS: Lunatic. Beaten Extra. 1cc.
EoSD: Lunatic. Beaten Extra. 1cc. Always die at least once on Remi.
PCB: Lunatic. Beaten Extra. 1cc.
IaMP: Lunatic with everyone.
IN: Lunatic. Beaten Extra. 1cc.
PofV: All clear. 1cc.
StB: All scenes captured.
MoF: Lunatic. Beaten Extra. 1cc.
SWR: Lunatic with everyone.
SA: Hard. Beaten Extra. 1cc.

I am the player of my Touhou.
Hitbox is my body, and danmaku is my blood.
I have created over a billion bullets.

>> No.1148913

I started on MoF, then proceeded to EoSD and onwards in order. It made me appreciate how much subsequent games improve. Lunatic only, don't bother playing anything below Hard unless you just want to beat the game without really playing it. Faggots coming on here posting shit like "1CC Easy mode clear" is fucking stupid.

>> No.1148916

>SA: Hard. Beaten Extra. 1cc.
>So as I pray, "Unlimited Lunatic Works."

>> No.1148919

I don't see Highly Responsive to Prayers you n00b

>> No.1148917

now you need to work on the No Focus, No Bombs, No Deaths for them.

>> No.1148921

No vertical pacifist run.

>> No.1148926

Real pros play only with sounds and memories

>> No.1148939

dear god that game is a pain in the ass.
