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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11467864 No.11467864 [Reply] [Original]

Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Previous Thread: >>11458013

>> No.11468018

Holy shit fuck off moot

Literally destroyed all the threads on this board

>> No.11468031
File: 515 KB, 599x732, 1378608515956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay alive please

>> No.11468149

Great time to start a new thread.

>> No.11468154
File: 139 KB, 670x502, 1380381428753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the best time to have the new thread right now, given how moot just unleashed everyone else to /jp/

>> No.11468159

Have faith on your ship daughters.

>> No.11468232 [DELETED] 

>gay weeb shit

fucking die

>> No.11468251 [DELETED] 

so what is this shit and why should i care?

>> No.11468281

/vg/ then? Or should we have a hiatus for now until this blows over?

>> No.11468343

>/vg/ then? Or should we have a hiatus for now un
why not go and raid the other boards?

>> No.11468352

Just wait until the retards are tired.

>> No.11468404

Says the virgin pedo lol

>> No.11468435

Just wait until it dies down.

>> No.11468451

where do i start with... uh.. whatever it is you guys do here because apparently it's not anime

>> No.11468462 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 320x294, weaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off new /b/ weebs.

>> No.11468467

Yeah this will blow over soon enough. Fuck you moot.

>> No.11468598

Wow, this thread is the final pulse of what's left of /jp/

>> No.11468600

Letting the thread die or letting OP delete it might be a good idea.

>> No.11468623

I'm sure /a/ is willing to take care of you guys until it blows over.

>> No.11468874

/a/ here, just come to our Kancolle thread.

>> No.11468817

OP is actually watching us.

>> No.11468964

We should just go on /vg/ or /a/.

I didn't even like /jp/. "which 2hu wuld yu fug", "Cirno baka sakuya's pads lol" and fart threads aren't that interesting.

>> No.11468989

moot just killed jp

>> No.11469090

Isn't that /tv/ or /co/

>> No.11469127

Then leave. If kancolle go to /a/, it would be image-dumped to death, if it's on /vg/, it will be filled with tripfags. /jp/ is pretty much a middle-ground.

>> No.11469217

I warned you all, but it was too late....my warning was blown away like shit in the wind.

>> No.11469399

The purge is happening.

>> No.11469427

do this

fuck off

>> No.11469428


temporary /a/ thread / shelter

>> No.11469448 [DELETED] 

/jp/ official hideout board http://robotmetal.net

>> No.11469491


>> No.11469931

Can we breath now?

>> No.11469953


>> No.11470095

Not quite yet.
Anyway just a bump to keep up with the pace.

>> No.11470144

why is uk relevant enough to get their own ship and be one of the most popular

were america

>> No.11470158

/a/ here we said come to the thread and not make a new one

>> No.11470166

Who /v/ here?

>> No.11470211

I wish /v/ to leave.

>> No.11470237

Well, there's always /bun/

OP, may as well delete the threads until the shitstorm is over.

>> No.11470304

OP here. I'll delete the /a/ threads after this shit is over

>> No.11470290

We should probably just clean up the pastebin and put all the links in the pastebin

I don't even know why the vita link is there

>> No.11470408

Well while we're at it, might as well start compiling the FAQ in this shitstorm to make the thread float.

>> No.11470422

You can't delete your own thread, dingus.

>> No.11470486

that's what janitors are for

>> No.11470492

new friend.

>> No.11470507

Fuckin' retard.

>> No.11470527

Fuck off

>> No.11470547 [DELETED] 
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Well, I was playing MH4 for the past hour, so I must have missed it all. Was wondering why the thread died when I came back.

>> No.11470600

/jp/ raid happens.

>> No.11470634

good idea.

>> No.11470665 [DELETED] 

who fucking cares blogfag

it's people like you that are prime examples of why this shit doesn't belong here in the first place

>> No.11470786 [DELETED] 

Cry me a river, bitch.

>> No.11470823 [DELETED] 

/co/ here, what anime is this from?

>> No.11470867
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Anon a mad!

Boku no Pico

>> No.11470847 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 447x620, 137157083914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sympathy bump

>> No.11470855

Boku no Picolle

>> No.11470857

>what browser game is this from?

>> No.11470898 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I'll check it out :^)

>> No.11471097 [DELETED] 

oooh i didn't know this was the official blog/shitpost thread

today i was playing my new video games and it was really fun~ ^_^
btw ur gay LOL

ooooh i can post porn too??? its censored so its fine hehehe

>> No.11471133

Now's a good a time as ever to work on those character line pages, I guess.

>> No.11471947

You have those on the other secret wiki no one visits, right?

>> No.11472280
File: 124 KB, 736x401, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how the hell do people level their ships so much? Pic related is my main fleet but when I fight against other people with the same level as me half of their ships are 20 levels above mine.

Is there some sort of trick to gaining exp for ships without gaining exp for your T-level?

>> No.11472293

Alright first draft. Apologies if I fail on being humourous.

Probably need an image where the buttons ingame are translated. Will work on
that later.

For interested parties and new admirals:

>Is it p2w?
No. There's no endgame (other than collecting all the ships which
means you have to pay to expand your dock) or competition unless you're easily
butthurt over other players who have put in more love* and time than you.
Resources can be hoarded and collected at your own pace and there's no rush at all. At most, you can say this is a 'pay to not wait' game.

*TL note: Hating money is love

>How do I get in?
In short, you would first need a DMM account and a VPN to register for the
game. The following wiki links should be enough:

>I notice all this terminlogies, CA, CVL, CV, etc:
We are following the hull classifications.
DD - Destroyers
CL - Light Crusiers
CA - Heavy Cruisers
CVL - Light Aircraft Carriers
CV - Aircraft carriers
AS - Submarine tender (Do any of us use this?)
BB - Battleship
AV - Seaplane Tender / Seaplane carriers

(Can't find classification for Aviation BB and Aviation cruisers.)

>And how about w/x/y/z?

>> No.11472326


>Alright, I built my ship, kick some ass and I notice the orange faces. What's
up with that?
Fatigue. It's accumulated when you sent your ships to sortie and its stacked
through subsequent sortie. How much fatigue accumulated depends on the
performance in battle. When you see the faces, let them rest for a while
(orange: 10-11 mins, red: 21-40mins). Docking would help as well. Note: The
higher the fatigue, the more probable it is to sink.

The inverse of fatigue is glitter which promises boost to stats (?) and last
indefinitely until the next sortie/practice/expedition

>Oh, and how about expedition?
You need a second fleet. Which can be activated in the 'Quest' section:
1) Complete 「水雷戦隊」を編成せよ!which requires a light cruiser as the flagship and
destroyers filling the rest.
2) Complete 6隻編成の艦隊を編成せよ! which is basically, filling all slots in the fleet
with ships.
3) Remember to check the quest to fulfil it.

>My ship sank.
Print her picture, frame it, burn an incense paper and ring a bicycle bell
because you're not getting her back unless you found another copy oh her but
you and I know, it will never be the same.

Or you could equip the emergency repair (応急修理要員) on her. You can get some by
completing quests or you could purchase some from the cash shop.

>> No.11472339


>How does it work?
Ships equipped with 応急修理要員 will be revived to 1HP once they sank and be
invulnerable throughout the battle. Note: Night battle and day battle are
considered seperate. However, it's a one-time use, so use it very, very

>I want ship X, Y, Z, etc.
(Need help on this, I only know the basics)
Follow this recipes:
Any BB: 400/30/600/30
Shimakaze/Yukikaze: 250/30/250/30
Aircraft carriers: 300/30/400/300

>I got Naka-chan.
Tough luck. Those recipies are 'safe' in the sense, they are most probable in
terms of crafting the ships you want. Other than that, everything else is fair

>Does level or ship count?
Currently, no. It does not. Crafting ships are independent to your stats and
only dependent on the amount of resources you pumped in, apparently.

>Is it really important to craft equipments?
Not really until you're level 20. You can try, but don't expect the really rare
ones that we are masturbating to. Even higher level admirals are pulling their
pubic hair in frustration.

>> No.11472357

Excessive practice matches and grinding. Ships generally grow faster than you can gain your T-levels. Also, there was a strategy back then which is basically sending a lone ship through 1-1 and grind the shit out of her. Being MVP+flagship+S-rank means that she is forever in glitter state and before the flagship update, you can forever grind them without getting sent back despite being in red.

>> No.11472361

250/30/200/30 is pretty popular for the rarer light crafts and subs.

>> No.11472366

Oh and FAQ anon here, what else do we need to add for newcomers?

>> No.11472398

About crafting item, expedition requirement (level, etc), and furniture.

>> No.11472406

Something about equipment order and anti-air, I remember that being asked quite a bit.

And maybe something about torpedoes and accuracy.

>> No.11472422

>how do i build turbines/sonars/radars/etc?
>why do I keep getting sent to the wrong place?
>Is this game translated/there an english patch?
>What level should I be for x?
>What do the numbers beside the equipment mean?
>Does placing your weapons in a specific order change anything?
>Do I lose my modernisation points when I remodel my ship?

>> No.11472478

Somebody do the equipment stuff, I am not very sure how that works as well. All I know are green on second slot = AA bonus, 4th slot doesn't see action, 46cm is always AA bonus.

>torpedoes and accuracy
I am not aware of that, sorry. Please elaborate.

>> No.11472496

>Is it p2w?
>I got Naka-chan.
I believe it's not neccessary to explain those.i'd rather have question about:
>basic stats explanation
>modernization and remodel stat confusion
>Color-coded guns
>Color-coded planes
>gun stacking and its effect on accuracy
>weapon placement (high angle gun on the first slot,etc)
>requirement to unlock fleet slot

Oh, and create the page first. preferably named as Tutorial:FAQ

>> No.11472640

>Can't find classification for Aviation BB and Aviation cruisers
BBV and CAV.

There's also CT for torpedo cruisers and SS for submarines.

They're in the expedition image guide linked in the pastebin.

>> No.11472736

It's not like space is limited. Better to be thorough than not.

>> No.11472783

i believe he's referring to real life classification and the wikipedia page.

>> No.11472859

Doesn't really matter as long as we can find a common ground to communicate.

>preferably named as Tutorial:FAQ
I'll try. It's gonna be very butt ugly though as this is my first time doing such a thing.

Most of the questions you posted are kinda out of my range, perhaps when the page is up, someone could go correct it or put it here so I could get modify it.

>> No.11472876

I've been playing for a day, so the following will probably count as 'typical' newbie questions. Didn't list those already covered. I did check the wiki/found out answers to some already though.

>Requirements for expedition: is it only fleet composition, or does the ship health/ammo/fuel count to success?
>When modernizing and equipping guns, stack one stat or spread them out (related to what happens to the upgrades when remodel)
>What ships are 'counters' e.g. destroyers against subs
>Effective leveling strategy: Better to go on a map which you basically 1shot everything and don't take much damage but get less xp, or tougher enemies/more xp/more time and fuel used
>Sample fleet compositions to help fuel economy early when fuel is hard to get

>> No.11472927

All I know about this is how desperately I want to have sex with Shimakaze.

>> No.11473038
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>> No.11473181

Oh and a couple more questions:

>How does the flagship 'protection' of other ships when being hit work?
>Effects of each formation

>> No.11473443
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Now that the raid is over, I can repost this. Three pages smashed together to save image spaces.

>> No.11473634

There was a raid earlier? Gawd.

>> No.11473704

I don't get your typesetting

>> No.11473746

Effects of each formation is summarised on the wiki though. Flagship protection is based on the various formation

Does yellow gun helped the general accuracy of your ship, or does it only affect when that weapon is activated.

>> No.11473796

It's a general stat so it affects the ship as a whole

>> No.11473885

What the fuck happened. I was asleep. What did moot do.

>> No.11473932

Moot proclaimed /jp/ as the new /b/. Shit hit the fans and splatter everywhere. Kancolle thread got pushed off instantly and mass purging everywhere.

>> No.11473951

Then you guys have my condolences. That fucking sucks.

>> No.11473997

At least it had calmed down now. It was really, really bad when it first happened.

Oh and I'm done: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Tutorial:_FAQ Be gentle

There's still a lot of things that are not clear, would help if people could clarify:
>AA phase.
I know we had been through this. Can we clarify it again? I stated that AA on second and third slot has a higher chance of activiating AA bonus. That's correct right? How about secondary guns?
>Bombing phase
Blue and red bombers participate in any runs (bombing phase, artillery phase, etc), right? The more you have, the higher your damage count, but how much? Blue>red = more damage in bombing phase and less damage in artillery phase?

I think there are more questions left in the FAQ. Will edit upon new information. But for now, I hope this will do.

>> No.11474003

>AA phase
There's no "higher chance" to activate on any slots, just that it won't activate on the 4th slot. Lots of discussion about this on jp wiki and that was what most agreed on.

>Bombing phase
Yeah, blue and red participates in the bombing phase, green shoots other planes down during that phase as well. Technically, the more blues/reds you have, the higher dmg and more target youre torps/bombing hit, but it's still a chance factor (prolly rng), Say you can have 4 blues but still only 1 torp shoot out for eg.

>> No.11474010

I heard that reds are more durable than blues but blues deal more damage, that;s correct, right?

>> No.11474037

There was one picture that compile damage comparison between reds and blues and confirm the damage difference. Not sure about the durability, though.

>> No.11474044

Regarding damage, probably need more data other than from me, but what I noticed was torpedo seem to crit for higher damage than bombing do, and bombing accuracy seems to be better than torpedos for me. This is purely from Kaga and Shokaku equipping 4 reds/blues respectively and looking at their damage tho.

>> No.11474095

Well technically, in real life, dive bombing does less damage than torpedo bombing does depending on the target as some ships have armored decks which can prevent the bomb dropped to penetrate the ship. They are more accurate though as the bomb is released at a steep angle and dive bombers are difficult to hit too since diving increases their speed. Torpedoes on the other hand does more damage since there is generally less armor below the waterline of the ship, therefore a single hit can flood the ship below-deck. But torpedo bombers are easier to shoot down since they do their runs at low speeds and at low altitudes lest their torpedoes will detonate prematurely when dropped at higher speeds and altitudes, which then makes these bombers sitting ducks for ships' AA. Now I'm not sure if Kancolle's battle mechanics incorporates these.

>> No.11474153

That's interesting, I never knew about these war tactics but it makes sense now.

>> No.11474175
File: 154 KB, 800x480, 1f4b133d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Mutsu owners, has her fantastic luck caused serious setbacks in her performance? Considering whether or not I should try farming 3-4-1 to get a drop.

>> No.11474182

Just ran with a quick experiment using level 45 Kaga; 20 Ryusei (blue) on first run and 20 Susei (red) on the second. Blues do more damage during opening and less damage during shelling, while the inverse happens with the reds (there's a slight bias here, it was 54 damage on a destroyer and a 86 damage on a CA but I think the point stands.). About durability, I usually run with two slots of blues and most often than not, one torpedo is usually launched.

>> No.11474198
File: 128 KB, 700x1000, 38778306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason to keep both radars on Isuzu X? Does it help nullify the whirlpool on higher leveled maps or something, since the couple times I hit the whirlpool node on 4-3 (with a single radar equipped) I always get the message "you've lost your ammo, the radar was useless!".

>> No.11474206

not really, akagi and fuso sisters keep getting the crit when mutsu around

>> No.11474211

If only her artist is actually this good.

>> No.11474243

Radars don't nullify the effects of whirlpools, it justs decreases them. There should be values on how much it decreases on wikiwiki's sortie section. I'm not so sure if they stack, though.

>> No.11474271

What's that, some sort of kancolle magazine?

>> No.11474273
File: 53 KB, 400x400, a5b75f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it doing an article on Kancolle basically equal to printing money or something? Looks like lately every otaku publication is trying to get a piece.

>> No.11474285

Everyone want to ride the hype wave.

>> No.11474292

Considering the amount of hype it amassed, pretty much.

>> No.11474300

It's just an image parody of Comic Kairakuten.

>> No.11474325

This one looks more like a dedicated Kancolle magazine than some magazine doing a special on Kancolle.

>> No.11474394

How long until the hype will collapse?

Or is it really a new 2hu?

>> No.11474412

Depends on the anime, I guess. It will probably end up the same as Strike Wtiches. If they keep updating the game and its mechanics, I guess they can maintain but not as long as Touhou.

>> No.11474610

Fuck you compass, I just lost my Tatsuta. RIP in piece. ;_;

>> No.11474638

she will haunt you now

>> No.11474644

The compass isn't the one you should be hating right now.

>> No.11474645

This is my copypaste on green guns during AA phase, feel free to add it to the FAQ:

So to summarize (again):

Only green guns shoot planes.

46cm guns also shoot planes.

Yellow guns do NOT shoot planes.

All guns with with +AA stat help green guns shoot planes but do not shoot planes unless they are green guns themselves.

Green ammo helps the entire team's green guns shoot planes.

It is not confirmed whether AA radar helps the entire team shoot planes or just the ship the radar is on.

>> No.11474661

It's not the compass fault and you know it, you monster.

>> No.11474675

No fuck you. You horrible monster. Now go frame her a picture, offer some incense and drown in despair.

>> No.11474679

When is the next lottery?

>> No.11474681

bitch please, i'm raising the second one as we speak

>> No.11474682

But it won't be the same one you've spent so much time with.

>> No.11474684

Because nicovideo version is much better than youtube one.

>> No.11474691

I wonder did anybody did Yamato's dying message?

>> No.11474696

I don't think there's any sane teitokus out there that did it, unless you can somehow get multiple Yamatos?

>> No.11474700

I don't know about recent ships, but IIRC there's one video that put nice fanarts for the first five ship from that video.
You could take her sinking message voice without actually sinking her.

>> No.11474822

>Go into PVP
>All my ships are higher level by at least 10
>Enemy keeps taking potshots that deal ~10 points of damage
>I keep missing for whatever the fuck reason
>Lose the PVP to a weaker team with a C grade
That's when I almost put an axe through my computer

>> No.11474831

I regularly dispatch my best team to PvP and D rank four out of five opponents. You win some, you lose some.

>> No.11474833

You don't choose your enemies? I don't battle every opponent, just the ones I'm confident I can win.

And then sometimes this happens, I get pretty annoyed when I could have won, if my shipdaughters didn't have such terrible aim.

>> No.11474835

sono kimochi when no lottery ;_;

>> No.11474841

I'm not that other teitoku but I fight any enemy, even a loss can give a considerable amount of experience and I only whore myself for experience, not stats.

>> No.11474842

Not him but, bu if you wish to nab the daillies regarding practice, then you don't really have much of a choice.

>> No.11474847

If I spot an opponent whose team is tough, usually I sit it out and check back every hour or so to see if he's switched to a weaker team (or in the middle of forming a new team and there's only 1 or 2 ships in the list)

That's when I pounce and beat them up. They don't always do that, but I like to maintain my 98% pvp success rate since it's in the records forever.

>> No.11474849

For the first mission, choose from the most difficut one, since you only need to participate, not win.

>> No.11474850

You sound like some sort of viking chief admiral who has a V in place of a head (also comes with a lustrous beard), insists to arm his girls with broadaxes instead of cannons, and sometimes goes on a berserk rage and rips the Ru-class who dared harm his girls into bloody shreds.

>> No.11474852

We really need to revive the tradition of leaving a weak team when you afk, because lately I'm seeig very few people do that.

PSA: When you're afk for the time, leave just one strong ship or a fleet of weaker ships so other admirals can do their quests and level their daughters.

>> No.11474856

Yeah, these past few days, I've only seen a player kind enough to leave 1 high leveled ship in their roster. I usually just leave verny in my fleet when I go to sleep.

>> No.11474857

>You don't choose your enemies? I don't battle every opponent, just the ones I'm confident I can win.
I would never fight anything but throwaway fleets if I only went for sure victories. My best fleet is about fifty levels and two hundred firepower short that of the best fleets of most admirals of comparable level.

>> No.11474858

What are the 水上機母艦 like Chitose good for?

>> No.11474864

One time I left 4 carriers (2 are high level) plus 2 low level ships so other players can get high experience if they defeat me.
Then I load all out fighters on my carriers and when I checked back, 3 players lost
Eh I'll just leave 4 of my carriers again with full bomber loadout.

>> No.11474865

It's still exist, though just rarer. At early morning during mission reset I could still find one-ship fleet.

>> No.11474867

Remodel her twice to get midget sub and preliminary torpedo strike, though it's still inferior than Ooi/KTKM. You also need one for high-level expedition and Akagi quest.
>3 players lost
How do you know that?

>> No.11474868

When I look at a PVP team, I go through a lot of deliberation to decide if I should fight. Are my levels comparable? What's the composition of his team? What counteroffensives can I put up?

I notice that in PVP balance is tilted in your favour because I have defeated teams where their levels are a tiny bit higher than mine, such as less than 5. But I have to prepare a team that can counter the combination effectively, too.

>> No.11474870

In the home screen, at the bottom on the screen, there is a tiny arrow. It's a log of recent events. Though stuff get's flushed out really fast, sometimes you can see the players who have challenged you and won / lost.

>> No.11474872

See that arrow which is pointing above button on the bottom center of the screen? It's the updates pop up. You can check there the players who challenged you and see who won or lost.

>> No.11474873

Navigate me closer, I want to hit them with my axe!

>> No.11474874

Oh, that one. I still don't know which message that means your enemy won or lost.

>> No.11474875

Who knows, when we get our foreign ships, we could finally get a ship that acts like a scott wielding a claymore.

>> No.11474877
File: 5 KB, 542x43, Screenshot_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this one. Does this mean Az-san won or lost?

>> No.11474881

I think that means your fleet won. As for me, I just leave the Kongou sisters to hold the fort. Very few people tackle me for some reason.

>> No.11474882

I don't really go into practice with the mindset that I have to win. As a general rule, getting your ass kicked can be a learning experience and I think it's fine for the girls to get that every now and then (although twice a day, every day, for weeks on end is probably overdoing it...)

>> No.11474884

That player lost to your fleet.

>> No.11474885

It means you won and Az lost.

>> No.11474886

Just after you post that, I ran into Livryl who afk'd with only 1 ship. God bless that person.

Thanks for the info.

>> No.11474889

Oh, alright. Thanks.

>> No.11474895

I give up on 10/300/250/10 for 46cms. Gonna just stick with my 41cms for now.

>> No.11474901

Does anyone else feel like their secretary sometimes gets "tired" of crafting? I've done the same recipe ten times in a row, and gotten reasonable drops in the first half, but nothing but failures and 7mm with the rest.

>> No.11474909

100/260/250/10 gave me one lately. It also gave me lots of improved turbines. I had 4 of those turbines now, just 2 more so I can equip the 6 DDs meant to clear 3-2.

>> No.11474910


Probability, the rarer craft are just that rare. All subsequent crafting will always yield the same probabilities.

>> No.11474912

Why is it that I can't build anything anymore? That number on the top right is zero but I don't know what it is nor how do I get it back up.

>> No.11474914

That just seems to be probability evening itself out.

>> No.11474917

Get it from quests.
By the way, this should be in FAQ.

>> No.11474920

Well, 10's not a very large sample size.

What I have noticed while playing online games for a while, though, is that RNG seems to work in series of ups and downs. In an MMORPG that I used to play a lot, when ehancing gears, I'd get a series of really good mods one day and a series of lousy mods for the same amount of enhancing items spent. If you aren't getting decent items or ships, it's probably a better idea to wait before trying more.

>> No.11474925

probability doesn't work that way.

>> No.11474938

Much appreciated. Will add this in once I get my lazy ass off. And post the translated screenshot. As for the AA thing, will add it as well. Soon. Hopefully.

Gambler's fallacy? All craft yield the same probability. However, I do suspect the some ships are just luckier than the others, even amongst those ships that are known to craft said rare items.

>> No.11474945

I'm very aware that statement can be misconstrued as gambler's fallacy, but what I mean is that when you start hitting bad crafts, it's time to stop while you're still ahead of the game.

>> No.11474958
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>> No.11474971

My bad. That's what I do too. 3 attempts, no more, no less regardless of outcome.

>> No.11475055

I'll give your recipe a try later on;

Been switching flagship around, Haruna, Kongo, Fuso, Mutsu, Nagato every 10 or so crafts.

>> No.11475087

>some ships are just luckier than others
Gah, I couldn't imagine trying to confirm this by testing each and every ship with a large crafting sample.

>> No.11475094

We could get a coordinated group doing it; 50 people, each doing 10 craft should work. But it's too much effort for a browser game such as this, just take it easy and dance with the RNG goddess.

>> No.11475140

the varying HQ level (and possibly the secretary level, though I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter) would make this coordination almost impossible.

>> No.11475154
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>> No.11475165

They see my dick

>> No.11475244

I kind of wanted Yugumo to act like that, since that's exactly what she did before she sank due to her recklessness. In fact, both sides did it during the Battle of Vella Lavella: The American side opted out of regrouping with another force in the area and dived straight into the heat of battle, while Yugumo, having decided that retreating is for cowards, ignored Rear Admiral Ijuin's commands to avoid the enemy destroyers and dived straight into the enemy destroyer line, disabling two ships before going down herself.

>> No.11475265

What will you expect to come from the next map event? Musashi and Shinano are too cliche.

>> No.11475281

I like how this game only got /jp/'s attention after an anime adaptation announcement.

>> No.11475288

seems you missed a few threads on /a/ about it

>> No.11475292

Besides Musashi and Shinano, eh? Perhaps the missing destroyers? There's still a ton of them missing. I wouldn't mind seeing Kamikaze-class added.

0/10 my dog could do better.

>> No.11475304
File: 869 KB, 1000x1364, musashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still a dozen Kagerou-class destroyers that are not in kancolle yet.

But I really want Musashi.

>> No.11475306

I guess you missed the threads we have been having since july/august?

>> No.11475316

Taiho? Unryu class?

>> No.11475319

Musashi's launch day is 1st Nov 1940. So we'll see next event around that time.
As for CVs we may see Shinano or Taihou earlier as devs hinted it this week.

>> No.11475343

Looks like I have a month left to train my girls up to level 70 from 10...

>> No.11475381

>Taihou and Unryu class
How good are they compared to other carriers?

>> No.11475398

They did? Oh, be still, my aching scurvied heart.

Unryuu, Amagi, and Katsuragi would he nice to have in addition to Taihou.

>> No.11475404

don't worry, you only need to grind 3-2-A 679 times to achieve that.

>> No.11475408

Taihou is like a Shoukaku-class with so much armor she barely floats.

Unryuu-classes are modified Hiryuus.

>> No.11475409

Taihou was the only Japanese carrier with an armoured deck but it had some design downfalls, Unryu was a class of carriers based on Hiryu's design for easier and quicker production.

>> No.11475424

Oh, that's pretty nice. I guess they could be great addition without being too OP.

>> No.11475442

Still hoping for that day where they buff DDs slightly.

>> No.11475480

All DDs need is some item that allows them to use torpedoes in the shelling phrase. Not even before it like Ooi/Kitakami/submarines can, just let them throw out Long Lances instead of using their pitiful guns during the day battle. Japanese destroyers frequently torpedoed down ships far beyond their gunning range anyway.

>> No.11475491

Yup, something like "To celebrate opening new Tawi-Tawi server, we're preparing to launch new 'best and the brightest' CV kanmusu coming fall to winter."

Then it should be Taihou from their 601st naval air group.


>> No.11475495

Better yet, expand it into a full innate skills system.

>> No.11475503

>Taihou is like a Shoukaku-class with so much armor she barely floats.
Big tits ahoy! Or incoming fat jokes.

>> No.11475499

How can you deduce that? From her name?

>> No.11475517

Or a really, really thick kimono with fur lining everywhere.

>> No.11475536

Actually, the only joke she'll have is about her gassiness problem after eating a torp. Search Wikipedia for details, I can't bear to tell them to you. ;_;

>> No.11475541


>> No.11475549
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Remember, Isuzu farm is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.11475557

Just picked up I-58 and I-68 after about 10 attempts of looking for yukikaze

I'm okay with this

>> No.11475573

I think deletion and hiatus would be best. However it's kind of obvious at this juncture we're going to have the thread anyway.

>> No.11475591

She better at least refer to that guy who dived to eat a torpedo for her.

>> No.11475592

From historical context.
Tawi-Tawi was her anchorage port as a flagship of 601st fleet.
She participated the battle of the Philippine sea later and sunk.

>> No.11475618

Too late, I just brutally massacred a whole fleet's worth of Isuzu for her parts. I have killed my emotions for this. For the sake of victory.

>> No.11475634

>tfw those of us flying as the Japanese in War Thunder still have to live with more A6M variations and no A7M in sight

Sometimes I hated crafting A7Ms for this.

>> No.11475649 [DELETED] 

/jp/'s starting to hate KanColle because apparently it's become "too mainstream" after the anime announce, but /a/ is still to normal for it as well. What will be the future of KanColle threads? Will it really come to having to create a daily general thread on /vg/?

>> No.11475651
File: 119 KB, 218x300, 68bd54430424125d888d7f5b48cdd039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You devil, how can you kill your emotions to do this!

>> No.11475652

I am suddenly reminded how similar Kancolle is to Jurassic Park. Both involve the revival of ancient engines of destruction that no red-blooded man could hate, revived creatures in both franchises are all female (but have the potential to grow a penis for the purposes of reproduction/futanari ero books), and both dinosaurs and shipdaughters have the potential to turn on their creators (by escaping/getting sunk and join the Armada of the Depths).

Clearly these Isuzus are testing the electric fence at different points in order to find a way to escape, and they can open doors. Breeding them has been the worst decision that Kancolle Park could have made.

>> No.11475657

Secondary reporting in.
Until they open the registration or do away with the lottery, there isnt really much chance for us secondaries to participate.

>> No.11475655

/jp/'s starting to hate KanColle because apparently it's become "too mainstream" after the anime announce, but /a/ is still to normal for it as well. What will be the future of KanColle threads? Will it really come to having to create a daily general thread on /vg/ in order to be able to discuss the game?

>> No.11475665

So far I don't see any opposition from /jp/. The thread seems calm and fine.

>> No.11475668

is there an original of this, that isn't a Chinese scanlation?

>> No.11475683

Instant boner.

>> No.11475700

Until the mod decreed that Kancolle is no longer /jp/, I guess Kancolle will stick around. Last time I check, we are not an obnoxious lot except when we need to create another thread (duplicates may pop up). The hype generated from the anime announcement should have helped cushioned the influx of newcomer (VPN is the biggest barrier so far and the fact that this is a browser game turns people off).

>> No.11475709

Is there any Houshou version?

>> No.11475704
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>> No.11475708

I like her death quote.

>> No.11475711

I just happened to notice that sometimes when we create a new thread, a bunch of people complain that we're "continuously making general threads". You might not have noticed since these posts are usually deleted, but it does happen from time to time.

>> No.11475723
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Er, lemme check whether I saved it or not. Remind me again, which one was Hosho?

>> No.11475725

The light aircraft carrier that is pretty much the motherly type.

>> No.11475737

I noticed it but I'm pretty sure that's because we are moving at much faster rate than other threads on /jp/ and they are not used to it. The fact that we are constantly on page 0 probably irk them as well. From my point of view, as long as we keep it to one thread and not spill over, we should be fine. As much as I like spilling over to /vg/ because of higher posting limit, /jp/ is a chill place to be going to /vg/ will invite people you guys will not like.

>> No.11475748
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>The fact that we are constantly on page 0 probably irk them as well.

Why will it irk them? Serious question.

Couldn't find a Hosho version sadly, the best I could offer is this.

>> No.11475760
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>> No.11475783

I have no idea, it felt oddly appropriate. Maybe I'm projecting, apologies.

>> No.11475850

It seems like many teitoku here get that vibe from her. I think she's more of the newlywed type, especially considering that (I wish I could italicize this) secretary line.

>> No.11475916

The food, bath or *ufufu* line?

>> No.11475932
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>> No.11475946

I just want them to finish some of the Destroyer classes that need completing, like the Mutsuki-class, before moving on.

>> No.11475952

>A, B or C?

>> No.11475962

>The line where she says "food, bath or *ufufu*"?
>Yes, it is that line

...is what he meant.

>> No.11475971

I don't know what you're trying to say, greentexter-kun.

The thing with destroyers is that there's so many of them that it's probably difficult to give them a sprite, new voice acting lines and bit of characterization to distinguish them from current flock of destroyers. At least with a new class of them, Kadokawa Games can contact a different VA and a different illustrator.

>> No.11475972

Is there any resource where I can access the "damaged" portraits of all ships? It is difficult, not to mention heartrending, to get every ship damaged in order to see these images.

Thank you in advance.

>> No.11475996
File: 4 KB, 290x270, 1338893503853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History time.

November 8, 1944

Japanese operations TA-3 and TA-4 were carried out to transport supplies from Borneo. Several Cargo ships were led by a convoy, 1 day apart so the destroyers from the first convoy could fall back and defend the second.

On November 9th, during operation TA-3, the U.S fifth air force had spotted the convoy. They preemptively attacked the convoy, weakening the escorts.

On November 10th, the 38th Bomb Group assaulted the convoy again. Though they fought valiantly, Naganami, Asashimo and Wakatsuki were lost in the battle.

The final assault on the convoy occured on November 11th, assaulted by over 350 planes from Task Force 38. The IJN Shimakaze, IJN Hamanami, IJN Taizan Maru, INJ Seiho Maru, and IJN Tensho Maru died proudly in the line of duty.

>> No.11475998
File: 193 KB, 500x1565, 1375468928564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly japs.

>> No.11476007


> over 350 planes

>> No.11476017


Not to burst your bubble but the Japanese had over 35,000 soldiers garrisoned at Leyte before the Americans even arrived.

>> No.11476031

> 35,000 soldiers
what does that have to do with the ridiculous number of carrier-borne aircraft that the USN had?

>> No.11476058

Japanese just as many if not more but they were stationed at Ormoc Bay, many of which were lost in kamikaze attacks, sinking the USS Ward and USS Mahan when Ormoc bay was actually assaulted.

>> No.11476068

I think >>11476007 was referring to the tendency for US to go nuts and throw hilarious amounts of military force at everything they consider a problem. Hence 'Murica!

>> No.11476088

>watching someone's recording of clearing e-2
>bossfight goes to night battle
>KTKM-sama goes full burst on the boss and hits for more damage than the boss had HP to begin with in a single attack

holy hell, you guys weren't kidding when you said KTKM is hax.

>> No.11476098

Yeah, I know, but Japan did the same thing when the U.S attacked. In fact, according to the U.S navy's page, it was the only battle in WWII that Japan used every single type of weaponry they had. The more you know.

Those weren't all carrier born by the way, most flew in from islands around the Philippines.

>> No.11476103

peace through superior firepower!

>> No.11476126

America's twisted logic at its best. Do we really have to go /pol/ again?

>> No.11476163

How do you feel about Kantai Collection being mainstream now, /jp/?

>> No.11476174

It's been 'mainstream' for a long time.

>> No.11476195

I know you're trying to troll, but all things considered, feeling pretty good about it? The longer it stays popular, the more money Kadokawa pumps into the thing, the more ship daughterus get added over time, the higher the chances of game mechanics changing for the better, the more artists they can hire, the more voice actresses they can hire, the more manga/anime/fanart we get, the more etc etc

It's an otaku-centric browser game; getting more "mainstream" just gives us more of the stuff we want with no drawbacks.

>> No.11476203

Great. Bring on the merchandise.

>> No.11476213


Mainstream meaning popular with the western anime fanbase.

>> No.11476221

Sure, why not? More people to update the English wiki with.

The worst thing that can happen is some white hambeast cosplaying Shimakaze.

>> No.11476223


Neat, the guy who did the orchestral arrangement of the various BGMs is releasing a CD.

>> No.11476226

Same thing that happens with every other fanbase

It will be popular for a while then it dies down because of the language barrier

>> No.11476230

Indifferent. They will just bother with anime and doujinshi. As long as I can play the game and get more merchandise from it, I could give a damn.

>> No.11476242

Rip when?

>> No.11476276

I don't think there is a risk they will pander to them.

>> No.11476287

actually it's generic triggerhappy logic. nevuh enuff dakka, no kill like overkill, etc.

>> No.11476288

But it's not

>> No.11476309

What is the best place to drop the two subs, I-58 and I-168?

>> No.11476310

Is there now a voicepack rip of the ships available?

>> No.11476317

There are compilations on niconico.

>> No.11476437


So anyways, why do ship girls even obey humans?

>> No.11476450

A tag for that?

>> No.11476462

They live for teitoku's head pats.

>> No.11476476

If by drop you mean deploy, and if by deploy by themselves you mean they're actually at >level 20, then by all means try 2-3 like I did. It's a barrel of laughs.

>> No.11476484

Oh, you meant drop from grinding for ship drops. I don't know, they seem to drop from various bosses from various stages according to wikiwiki.

>> No.11476488

3-2 how do I get to the boss ? It always sends me the wrong way at start.

>> No.11476495

So I'm at the point where the only craftable ships I need are Shoukaku and Zuikaku and the drop-only ships are all from 5-2 boss, which needs 2 CV and 1 CVL for guaranteed boss route. My bauxite can't drain any faster.

Do you guys run expedition 6 constantly and 11 when you go to sleep?

>> No.11476494

Destroyer only club

Everyone else not need apply

>> No.11476497


>> No.11476503


USA had way more planes and everything in general.

Japan had 250 planes at Midway. US used more to attack some convoy.

>> No.11476510


Just wait for anime.

We'll have second SnK.

>> No.11476518

Eventually it got to the point where the USN had more SHIPS than the Japanese had PLANES.

>> No.11476525

We are looking more at a GuP, Upotte or SW here.

>> No.11476530

And I'm pretty sure the most mainstream that Strike Witches ever got was when Funimation went with the World War II-themed commercial pitch in their other products.

>> No.11476532

GuP style would be great. Bits of slice of life, comedy, and ship daughterus being cute with the teitoku in between battle episodes with kickass animation.

>> No.11476539
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1-4 clear after 4 days, celebratory drawing

>> No.11476545

I can't wait for your 2-4 drawing

>> No.11476547 [DELETED] 

Yeah but NIGGERS

>> No.11476561 [DELETED] 

Can I get da fried chicken

>> No.11476569

any other maps that can be only done with destroyers ?

>> No.11476573 [DELETED] 

Maybe if we thro da fried chicken at it we can escape to da bank

>> No.11476574

Any, as long as you level up a lot. Like, level 90 a lot.

>> No.11476579

Not only destroyers, but there are some other maps where having a certain amount of destroyers opens up routes. Same with CA's, CL's and other otherwise useless ship classes. It's never a bad idea to get at least 2 of each class to high level.

>> No.11476585

I want lots of shit blowing up. Just lots of shit blowing up everywhere and then tea time.

>> No.11476586

How dare they try to get an advantage on their enemies.

I still don't understand what you're getting at. I wasn't talking about in general either...I was talking about Ormoc bay.

>> No.11476594 [DELETED] 


An honouraburr faito izu exxxitingu faito.

>> No.11476596 [DELETED] 

Go away nigger we don't need your kind here.
Don't you have some welfare to take advantage of?

>> No.11476603 [DELETED] 

What language is that?

>> No.11476605 [DELETED] 


>> No.11476612


Neither of them is even close to Kancolle in popularity though.

>> No.11476630 [DELETED] 

i jus wanted to try da chickin
plz let me have da chicken

>> No.11476636 [DELETED] 

ah yes here we see the bing bong ching art indigenous to the /jp/ page full of commonly known ching fong wong ling

>> No.11476640 [DELETED] 

is this gamestop

>> No.11476641 [DELETED] 

You sound like you don't realize that half the people on here have autism bucks or some other monetary support. Please go back to your home board.

>> No.11476647 [DELETED] 
File: 2.64 MB, 400x231, 777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf man we /vg/ now?

>> No.11476730

Who is voicing sub-chan (just got her) ? She sounds like Megumi.

>> No.11476799

Correct. Nakajima Megumi voices both subs.

>> No.11476846

It was suspicious when she sounded like Ranka. I hope they will be in the anime then.
Now I know who'll be my favorite "ship".

>> No.11476848

What's a good way to get furniture coins?

>> No.11476854


>> No.11476856

expeditions and daily quests, like for every other resources

>> No.11476871

Send fleets on expeditions that give furniture boxes.

>> No.11476892

In that weekly x30 expedition quest does it matter if you do the same expeditions over and over?

>> No.11476903

you can do the same one 30 times

>> No.11476961

3-3? I've been farming there lately trying to get Mutsu/Nagato, and occasionally I get directed to the large/medium furniture coin box.

>> No.11477022
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Is 3-4 really harder than 4-4? 4-3 seems to have one of those multi-phase bosses, but I keep hearing 3-4 is the most hellish map prior to 5.

>> No.11477051

3-4 is the hardest map because of 4 battleship crit trolling in that pre-boss node. Map 4 is easier in general because of sub nodes and 5 is easier than both. I beat the 5 HP gauge boss each time on my runs whereas on 4-4's I had to deal with unreliable ammo reserves and the boss not sinking.

Of course, I finished 5 before the difficulty was raised, so I wouldn't know what it's like now.

>> No.11477093
File: 127 KB, 565x800, 38792334_big_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wiki says something about how the boss has to be beaten 5 times before it unlocks the "final phase"? So the boss must actually be sunk for it to be considered success?

>> No.11477098

post more pictures of giant ship girls

>> No.11477105

They're not giants. The repair crews and weapon crews are chibis.

>> No.11477128
File: 692 KB, 1062x1503, 37635644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she was giant in that picture, just the fairies were tiny.

>> No.11477155

Yeah. Unlike the event boss that has you chipping away at the gauge as your damage the flagship, the gauges in 4 and 5 will drop ONLY when the flagship is sunk. However, the gauge will not recover, so you can take your time getting mad at your ships for not targeting it.

It was only a problem for me in 4, really. I slapped the life out of 5's entire fleet each time, often without night battle.

>> No.11477181

Iirc, during the Battle of Okinawa, which occurred some months before the bombs dropped and Japan surrendered, the Japanese sent and lost some 1,500 planes in a series of kamikaze attacks.

>> No.11477204

She's definitely meant to look giant in that picture.

>> No.11477217
File: 725 KB, 1920x1193, 37438337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably why they raised the difficulty on 5. Or maybe it's just because they hadn't released all of 5 yet. 5-4 may be 30 nodes of bullshit.

>> No.11477232

Considering how fuel/ammo rates work, they can't really do that unless they implement refueling stations or something.

>> No.11477286

Or munition/oiler ships like Kashino (who I guess would look up to Yamato and Musashi, since her sole original purpose was to transport their massive 46cm cannons) that are below DDs in usefulness but have to be taken along in order to reduce fuel/ammo consumption.

Come to think about it, if they actually saved resources instead of reloading them mid-sortie, they would easily be useful enough to earn permanent spots in grinding fleets.

>> No.11477302

Since it's DD ONLY .. maybe ?

>> No.11477298

For the 3-2 map if my fleet contains a submarine would still be able to reach the boss?

>> No.11477306

How many lolis are there?

>> No.11477317

I keep wondering what the strategy in this game is.

I try and run an all-round team of ships so I have a little of each type, and then the only efficient ones seem to be the BBs and carriers while all destroyers, subs and cruisers are just there to be cheap to repair after they take a beating.

Not to mention it seems near impossible to run carriers without them eating all your bauxite. But I guess the trick is to only use them against things that can't AA.

Maybe my problem is lack of levels since my team is only around 20ish and I want to kill 2-3. (I hear 2-4 is a nightmare though)

>> No.11477315

I tried everything, didn't work, only DDs.

>> No.11477322
File: 455 KB, 800x480, 38828080_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero, Kuma kept them all for himself.
If it's only possible to reach it with DD what makes you think that SS could be an exception?

>> No.11477326

He's lying, there's a decent amount I guess, not a ton.

>> No.11477334

Dunno I tore through 2-2 and 2-3 close to the same day with my fleet around 15-18ish and now I've been sitting like 2 weeks on 2-4. Can't get compass to work for me and scared to venture too deep. Got my fleet in mid-30's now and leveling up a KTKM I just picked up to replace my sub.

>> No.11477342
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Compass before boss in 4-3 is pure BS, but at least I'm getting near to my Hyper Kitakami-sama, just other 6 levels of sufferance.

>> No.11477370

At 2-4 I noticed carriers are useless and switched to all BBs. Then with BBs levels over 25 (remodeled) I did 2-4 with little problems, the enemy carriers were no problem for them either. Just don't try to reach boss unless the BBs have more than lv25.

>> No.11477381
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>> No.11477393

having a saiun and some fighters help reducing the damage risk and wrong T crossing, though.

I personally beat it with little to no harm with the four kongous, akagi and chiyoda, all around 30-35.

>> No.11477426

I'm going to shit my pants.

>> No.11477471
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>> No.11477504


Kongos always seem strong when I face other players with them. Sadly I've yet to get a single one of them from about 10-15 attempts. I guess they are all gold for a reason.

>> No.11477502

what did you do

>> No.11477736

The official answer about pre-battle damage and being sunk:



Should we add this to the wiki, under FAQ maybe?

>> No.11477816

Finally got a rare battleship from 2-2 and...it was a second Ise.

Kongou please show yourself ;_;

>> No.11477839

Feel free to add it

>> No.11477859

What does it say?

>> No.11477861
File: 193 KB, 1050x1400, 8001c018a5e9583a0915d732f2e3d054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted Kongou for a while and the first Kongou class I get is Haruna. But now I see why everyone loves her. She is so incredibly delightful.

>> No.11477898
File: 1.00 MB, 744x1392, 38733346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got 4th 6 hour shipbuilding timer. (300/30/600/400). I've got enough cranes. I'd like a dragon, please. A flying one, especially.

I see, I stand corrected.

Haruna is oyome-tier. (broken-recording, don't mind me)

>> No.11477916

I want a zuikaku so badly ;_;
I miss her and Nagato only now, out of craftable ships.

>> No.11477955

Tomorrow back to 4-2, according to wikiwiki 4-3 drops Kaga only from its (elusive) boss, I should have checked it before spending the whole day trying to clear that map, when will I learn to sort out my priorities?

>> No.11477966

Anyone can confirm whether Kaga drops at 3-2-1?

Haven't saw her while I am reaching Tetoku lv 69

>> No.11477987

at 3-2-1 ive found kaga, yamashiro, 5 kirishima, and 4 soryuu. I'm pretty sure theres other things of note i've picked up there, but i just cant remember off the top of my head.

however when i got the kaga im using now, i found her somewhere in 2-something.

>> No.11478161
File: 182 KB, 796x476, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent about a dozen rookie admiral's worth of resources farming 3-3 & 4-1 for Nagato class today.
I got 2 Hiryu, 2 Kongou, 3 Hiei, and 2 Kinu, but no Nagato or Mutsu.

All I want is to fill out my page 1, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.11478173

I filled page 1 at T level 97.

>> No.11478174


As far as I know of, Nagato drops only at boss after 3-3, or you need to hope your luck while you press construction button.

Mutsu drops at 3-3-1, I got 2 of them when I was looking I-168 in 3-3-1

>> No.11478184

Doesn't answer THAT much though. The great questions has been, can a MINORLY damaged ship be sunk?

>> No.11478187


>> No.11478221

According to the wiki, Nagato drops off bosses at 3-2~3-4 & 4-4.
Though generally when I'm tackling 3-3 I prefer to go all the way. If I can't get a Nagato/Mutsu to drop I'd at least get some coins towards purchasing that Nagato model ship.

>> No.11478228
File: 106 KB, 600x428, 38792937_big_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, missed that sentence.

Welp, myth busted.

>> No.11478606


What are they talking about here?

>> No.11478616

I think it's that trick to farm steel and other resources that's been talked about before here. Guess devs are gonna do something about it now.

>> No.11478622

Just what part of that trick uses special programs? The announcement is talking about people who bot or cheat using programs.

>> No.11478623

Wait, so intentional re-loading is now bannable offense?

>> No.11478629

Not to mention if they really cared about that trick they can easily fix it by changing it so that people don't get resources if they disconnect during sorties.

>> No.11478636

So API trick is still allowed?

>> No.11478670
File: 297 KB, 520x800, 37157123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since funposting won't work, here are some straight facts:

is a thread discussing the now announced kantai collection anime. Take note of how quickly it hit it's bump limit.

also points out that this series already has a web manga going for it, and also has an upcoming light novel, a second manga, and a ps vita game.

according to this:
>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual novels, and light novels without an animated adaptation
>and light novels without an animated adaptation

While none of these adaptations are currently out as of right now, it will only cause trouble as time goes on. More importantly though, other boards are already more than interested in discussing this.

>> No.11478693
File: 266 KB, 809x604, AmiAmi [Character & Hobby Shop] _ Nendoroid Kantai Collection -Kankore- Shimakaze(Preorder) - 2013-09-30_01.52.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sold out

>> No.11478701

Forgive my poor reading, but it essentially means:
As long as ships aren't fatigued, and they started the battle with more than half hp, they cannot be sunk?

Oh, does night battle count as a separate battle for this? e.g. Ship gets damaged to red during the day, if I pursue at night will she be at risk of sinking?

>> No.11478702
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My moon is a bit wonky, but I'm assuming they're saying something about how people who previously got banned are finding their way back into the game during server openings?

I'm still a bit worried if VPN are considered one of the "programs illegally used to access the game". I don't know what I'd do if my girls are taken away from me.

That, and I've already sunk $50 into this game

>> No.11478708

Is Mogami class the only aviation cruiser available?

>> No.11478711

If ships are unfatigued and undamaged (or not moderately damaged), they cannot be sunk.

They also cannot be sunk during night battles if they weren't fatigued when they were launched.

Didn't answer your question but I believe ships taken to red during the day CAN be sunk at night.

>> No.11478713
File: 180 KB, 218x300, 129suzuyakai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. There are only 4 of the type within the game and they are all Mogami class.

>> No.11478715
File: 121 KB, 600x800, IMG_0149[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A certain wild Kongou appear. Almost done making.

>> No.11478718

So we can't clear A-26 quest at the moment yet, right?

>> No.11478724

You can get Mikuma drop off from 5-2 boss.

>> No.11478729

That would take me another month, but okay ;_;

>> No.11478741
File: 54 KB, 600x324, 9znW2jv1qzdctco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's preorder, it'll change later.

Also Akagi's getting a nendo too.

>> No.11478755

Excellent, I might get her.

>> No.11478766

I want an Inazuma nendo, but I don't think she's very popular.

>> No.11478787
File: 393 KB, 754x1773, 38815105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I might wait on a Murakumo... or Haruna... or Kitakami, or Tenryu, or...

You know what, it's probably better if they only make the two, or else I don't know how my wallet is going to handle it.

>> No.11478792

thanks, i'l just retreat if anything ever gets hit to half hp during the day and be safe then.

>> No.11478798

When you're using API, you don't need VPN to play the game.

>> No.11478802
File: 1.37 MB, 1370x1835, 3397008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, being 4th place can hardly be considered popular.

>> No.11478804
File: 61 KB, 1118x1102, how do i lottery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there won't be enough spoonfeeding.

>> No.11478806

Time to get my wallet ready.

>> No.11478811

It's on GSM's youtube.

>> No.11478815


>> No.11478817
File: 539 KB, 719x1000, 38073870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, they should make a Kancolle Gatchapon machine.

With a high chance of getting you-know-who.

Think of the money they'd make.

>> No.11478820

I had no idea, I just started playing the game and haven't really looked at much of the other content.

>> No.11478821

Culture and board usage can't be reduced to engraved-in-stars rules.

I'm pretty sure other board userbase like /a/ for one mostly won't try to play the game.
I don't hate on the board at all, but /a/'s usage is a periodical, pulsing one - when a chapter or a episode is released there's a fast moving thread for a day or two, and depending on the hype it dies more or less fast.
Continuous discussion about the actual game aren't suited for /a/, especially when the anime ends.

I don't get the problem with different aspect of a franchise being discussed in different places.

>> No.11478824

Why do you want to kill this game? One great thing about Kancolle is there's no retarded gacha system.

>> No.11478832

I meant a real mini-figure gatcha, not in-game.

>> No.11478833

I think you've misunderstood his post

A Gatchapon machine not a gacha system.

>> No.11478836

Oh, I see. My bad.

>> No.11478848

Yeah, and they're doing the same shit that got them banned after registering again. They're currently tracking them down and will ban them again in due time.

This post (>>11478606) got me worried, too. I understood it as 'Players that use special programs and ways to connect to the game are now considered as a rule violation because it causes high load to our servers'. Let's just hope VPNs and APIs aren't part of it.

>> No.11478850
File: 111 KB, 800x489, ss (2013-09-30 at 01.41.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rare are the Tenryuu-class ships? I got Tatsuta like 2 hours ago via build, and I just got Tenyuu from 1-1's boss.

>> No.11478854

Not very rare

>> No.11478856

Decently common. You also get Tatsuta from a quest, if memory serves.

No ship is too rare in this game, except that single battleship/aircraft carrier that you'd kill to have, and the last sister needed to unlock a new fleet.

>> No.11478857

You can check how rare they are from the background, Tenryu is as common as dirt

>> No.11478866

>and the last sister needed to unlock a new fleet.
Fucking Sendai.

>> No.11478874
File: 224 KB, 500x800, 3447233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desire sensor working as intended.

Everyone has one of "THAT SHIP" they just can't seem to get.

>> No.11478910

To expand, card background and sortie drop background only. If you build a ship, they'll always have the lightest blue background.

There's a few other details like the shape of the star thing their classification symbol is on, on their cards, but background is really the best indicator.

>> No.11478924
File: 287 KB, 800x802, 37178640_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shout that you're about to head into a night battle and she'll pop around.

>> No.11478941
File: 170 KB, 655x1000, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Culture and board usage can't be reduced to engraved-in-stars rules
Why is that?

Too much shit keeps getting abided due to "board culture". Rules are rules, and kantai shit will eventually be against /jp/'s rules. The longer people wait before action is taken, the more people will become attached, and the harder it will be on people to get rid of it. The sooner you take action against this, the better.

In the thread I linked, you can see people discussing the game--because of course, aside from artwork, there's very little else to discuss right now. This thread was created before the shitstorm on /jp/ yesterday, and so was some of the discussion in that thread.

>> No.11478960

Shut up and post more atago.

>> No.11478961

your arguement falls apart in the face of touhou, which has has some anime type crap and would still be chased back to /jp/ by /a/. so please, just go back to /b/ or whereever you came from. hell. didn't m00t make /jp/ primrarily to get touhou out of /a/ so that /a/ would stop bitching about being flooded? prior to you, I've seen no complaints in the week since I've been watching /jp/ discussing kancolle. 'tis very telling.

>> No.11478972

I'm too lazy to check, are you harassing the umineko thread too? it's got an anime, after all.

>> No.11478973
File: 123 KB, 699x385, mustnotusebucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought that I used to only have two docks terrifies me.

Even 4 docks doesn't seem enough right now.

>> No.11478985

How many do you have right now?

>> No.11478989
File: 830 KB, 900x1200, 37055323_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If touhou really does have an anime, please show me it. As far as I know, there were a few attempts, but ZUN doesn't want it to become one.

moot did create /jp/ for touhou. He didn't create it for this, though. Never once did I say where this should be sent to, just that it will eventually be against /jp/'s rules, and should be gotten rid of ASAP.

It's a visual novel, and this isn't. Perhaps one day, but right now I have no desire to.

>> No.11479008

You can only have 4.

>> No.11479020

Sorry, I'm referring to buckets. Granted that I'm spamming expedition 3 like no tomorrow, but only having two docks is still fine with my T-level almost 70.

>> No.11479039

Well, character bio pages are done up to Akagi if anyone wants to proofread vandalize them. Wish there was a faster way to manage tables in the editor.

>> No.11479046

>if they weren't fatigued when they were launched.
That's still a bit vague though. At what point are we even considering fatigue because after a sortie, your ships would accumulate fatigue points to the point of seeing an orange face. Between that and normal level, would that still be considered as fatigue?

>> No.11479047

I only have 155 right now. I could've had more but I've been fielding my A team pretty hard lately and I was forced to use alot of them on repairs that'd take more than 3 hours.

>> No.11479053

There will be a nicovideo where the user just simply burn/crush/dispose all the Nakas he had collected with the sound effect playing in the background.

>> No.11479079

And visual novel belongs to /v/ because a mod there once said that VN is a game as well. Hell, there's even a VN general in /vg/, why not port VN discussion there?

The fact is, different people talk about the same thing in different lights. Trust me, when the anime comes out, it will be either strike-witches tier waifu circle-jerking or /ak/-GuP circle jerking and in /jp/, we will still be lamenting about the last sister syndrome, compass being a bitch and the general mechanics of the game.

Yes, there will be cross-board interaction, that's why an FAQ is setup and as long as the VPN wall still stands, it will deter a good number of them.

>> No.11479084

Welp, I'm thinking about going in and registering. Should I turn back before KanColle consumes me?

>> No.11479090

Yes. Leave while you can.

>> No.11479095

Unless you're waiting to hate money, you'll be playing the waiting game. This is not something that you can rush through at one sitting. The worst it can get is that you'll start browsing pixiv for Kancolle images while you wait.

>> No.11479104

I've been playing for a week.

I normally have trouble getting out of bed but now I get up instantly to reset my expeditions.

My mind is also consumed with thoughts of getting Kongou.

>> No.11479127
File: 194 KB, 1440x900, 37809496_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both types of VNs are allowed on /vg/, but western ones are exclusively meant for there. That was one of the main reasons /vg/ was made. However, this isn't about VNs, because kantai does not have one.

In the future, nothing about kantai will be allowed within the board rules. It will be a light novel with an animated adaptation, which isn't allowed. It's the same reason why stuff like railgun isn't allowed.

>> No.11479138

Lottery is running now, good luck.

>> No.11479139
File: 85 KB, 654x600, BVVOzUICEAAa6bL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this homo listing board rules like they mean anything.

>> No.11479147

I see. Despite that, I'm diving in

>> No.11479152

Oh well, good luck in getting those girls you want!

You'll need it.

>> No.11479155
File: 420 KB, 545x800, 38540480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great argument.

>> No.11479156
File: 110 KB, 800x478, ss (2013-09-30 at 03.36.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I got lucky trying for my first Battleship. I was just trying to get a Fusou-class ship to start at that one quest.

>> No.11479163

>first battleship
You just triggered my jelly sense. Anyway, grats.

>> No.11479165

So you're basically saying Kancolle should gtfo /jp right?

>> No.11479170
File: 127 KB, 743x560, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11479173

One of the main reasons why /vg/ was made because of endless general pushing threads other threads off at a very fast rate. You might be thinking that this is the case here but /jp/ moves way much slower than /v/ and we don't spurn 4 threads at once after a thread died down or hit image limit; typically, a kancolle thread can last for three days before it dies. All in all, we contain to ourselves and not spill anything over, aside from that one time when three threads were created at once but I don't think that wouldn't happen.

As for visual novels, I went and take a look at /vg/ VN generals and they are mostly talking about Japanese ones, albeit translated ones, do you want them to come over here?

To be fair, Kancolle is going to be everywhere soon so this is a state of concern to some but as far as I'm concerned, as long as we keep to ourselves and not bother anyone else, we are fine.

Damn, congrats.

>> No.11479201
File: 537 KB, 700x899, 38450224_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which are long-term, recurring threads about a specific topic
Nothing there says anything about a topic being so popular that it pushes other threads off of the board.

I am not talking about VNs at all, it was brought up by someone else. But translated VNs are allowed on both /vg/ and /jp/.

>> No.11479219

we'll just talk about the browser game. That way, it'll remain a topic in /jp/

>> No.11479230

>Get the VPN to work
>Didn't get in

O-okay then.

>> No.11479235

People use the board, not the other way around.
Think about what rules and board are for - communication for the later, enhancing it for the user for the former.

Don't be a rulefag like this, if none complain about the /jp/ kancolle general, there's no reason to put them out.
And as another anon said, the same topic makes different thread on different board - /jp/'s take it easy pace feels like home, and I don't want to scroll a hundred lewd shimakaze picture on /a/ to find a game relevant and pertinent comment.

>> No.11479243

Is there a CV list somewhere? Maybe on one of the Japanese wikis?

>> No.11479250
File: 569 KB, 619x872, 37424556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if none complain about the /jp/ kancolle general, there's no reason to put them out
Then it falls under being allowed due to "board culture", which moot pointed out was a problem with 4chan as a whole in a recent news post.

No. This won't be allowed in the future, get rid of it now to avoid grief later. The sooner you get to /vg/ or whatever board besides /jp/ to start discussing this, the more potential users you'll have to discuss with.

>> No.11479260

Fuck you too buddy ;_;

I've gotten Hiei and Haruna at least. Don't really care about Kirishima.

>> No.11479263

My bad, I wasn't clear. /vg/ was created because of endless general threads on /v/. Mind you, this was before the catalog got widely used thus, the front page will be filled with starcraft general, oblivion-waifu general, etc,etc general. /v/ was also moving at a fast pace and these general move even faster; once a thread ends, five takes its place and push 5 threads off; it was pretty hectic.

>But translated VNs are allowed on both /vg/ and /jp/.
And why don't you see it getting posted on /jp/ then? Same reason why you don't see an /ak/ thread on /k/ despite being suitable. The regulars of the thread had settled down on a board already and mind you, this series of threads was already here for quite some time.

That said, if you really don't like it. I suggest you take it to the mods and ask for their stance. We could debate until page 10 and we will still be here to create the next thread.


>> No.11479273

Oh. Whoops, I meant CV as in Character Voice. A list of the ships voice actresses.

>> No.11479282

Only way is to look through the Japanese wiki by clicking the respective ship's name for now; until someone fully compile everything from there.

>> No.11479295

There was a link posted in one of the japanese message board, I've forgotten where is it.

Aircraft Carrier Akagi - Fujita Saki
Aircraft Carrier Kaga - Iguchi Yuka
Aircraft Carrier Shoukaku - Nomizu Iori
Light Aircraft Carrier Zuihou - Komatsu Mana
Aerial Battleship Hyuuga - Ootsubo Yuka
Aerial Battleship Ise - Ootsubo Yuka
Battleship Yamato - Tatetatsu Ayana
Battlecruiser Haruna - Touyama Nao
Heavy Cruiser Mogami - Suzaki Aya
Heavy Cruiser Myoukou - Taneda Risa
Heavy Cruiser Mikuma - Nakajima Megumi
Light Cruiser Tenryuu - Iguchi Yuka
Light Cruiser Tatsuta - Iguchi Yuka
Light Cruiser Kitakami - Ootsubo Yuka
Light Cruiser Ooi - Ootsubo Yuka
Light Cruiser Yuubari - Bridcutt Sarah Emi
Destroyer Fubuki - Uesaka Sumire
Destroyer Mutsuki - Hidaka Rina
Destroyer Shimakaze - Sakura Ayane
Destroyer Maikaze - Bridcutt Sarah Emi
Destroyer Isonami - Uesaka Sumire
Destroyer Shikinami - Touyama Nao
Submarine I-58, I-168 - Nakajima Megumi

Soruce: MAL. Sorry.

>> No.11479300

Nice. If only you could trade ships. All I've gotten from the BB recipe were a bunch of Sendais.

>> No.11479302
File: 490 KB, 707x1000, 1281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vg/ was created because of endless general threads on /v/
moot also came here before it's creation and asked us if he should make a /vn/, or just have western VN discussion go there, because KS was an outstanding issue between more boards than just /v/.

/vg/ is NOT exclusively for /v/'s threads, but if you think that, then this is a browser-based video game, and it falls under /v/ requirements anyway.

I am still not talking about VNs, and this time I'm not going to go into your question.

>> No.11479356
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 38557173_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making reference to VN because the situation is quite similar. This game definitely fits in at different boards but every theme/content/media has a centralised board/thread where they hold discussion. It's just that /jp/ was chosen mainly because it all started here and we are here to go with the flow.

We are getting nowhere with this argument and I do not want to shitpost this thread any further, I suggest we end this argument here and you take it to the mods.

And have a squirrel.

>> No.11479373

>but every theme/content/media has a centralised board/thread where they hold discussion
Board culture. Not a valid reason for something to be somewhere, because the term is incredibly subjective.

>> No.11479374

it's OK for game to be /jp/ if it is accepted here or somewhat related. Mod once said this.

>> No.11479376
File: 92 KB, 475x368, Sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice, now stop talking to him.

>> No.11479381

[citation needed]

On the other hand, here's moot's take on board culture:

>> No.11479404


>> No.11479420

I heard flagship is related to equipment crafting. Currently ready to blow away my 4k ammo for 46cms. Any recommendation?

>> No.11479424

Anything that is a battleship.

>> No.11479425

God speed.

>> No.11479451

Alright. Crafted 20x times, got two 46cm, and it's consecutive get. Thanks a lot, Haruna.

>> No.11479485
File: 721 KB, 1200x1565, 1021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still around? I guess I never actually listened to you, but hey, why not. If you aren't, I probably won't, though.

>> No.11479504

Still here raising a atago to try the secret route in 4-4.

>> No.11479513

Any CA will do right?

>> No.11479520

Yes, I just picked atago because I like her, also some anon here said remodeled mogami works as well.

>> No.11479537

It's probably because of her ぱんぱかぱーん! that's why people preferred her over Takao. Takao needs some love as well.

>> No.11479538

my Kaga sunk during my attempt at 2-4
should have just f*cking treated damn

>> No.11479540

>should have just f*cking treated damn
You sent a damaged ship out to sortie?

>> No.11479561

I just tried it. Fucking destroyer and 7th Chiyoda. I haven't crafted anything worthwile in 1 month. Holy fucking fuck am I getting irritiated.

>> No.11479572

You just reminded me to check on my own 6 hr build I got on my first try using that recipe, and sure enough I finally got Zuikaku.

It definitely works, just got to keep on trying.

>> No.11479583

Nothing but light aircraft carrier and a Naka-chan for me though.

>> No.11479593

Do secretaries matter at all when crafting ships?

>> No.11479599


>> No.11479614
File: 91 KB, 600x755, FIGURE-002463_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need three hands for this

>> No.11479619
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>> No.11479625
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>> No.11479682
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>> No.11479692

not him, but i think it's the sad face that you'd want to avoid. fatigue less than that is ok for me.

i usually sortie with a couple of slightly damaged ship and a moderately damaged ship as flagship, haven't been sunk yet.

technically, using VPN are illegal.

although i'd be more concerned with using stand-alone flash players or mobile browser since it hammers the server.

>> No.11479695

>using stand-alone flash players or mobile browser since it hammers the server.
What's the difference between that and embed flash in DMM website?

>> No.11479699

Technically speaking, no difference. They are banning people because their servers are overloaded. Considering that this game is meant for Japan use only, we are the unwanted ones. If they wanted to ban the whole lot of us, they could argue that we are using 'special programs'. That said, I don't think they will go that far, they don't strike me as dickish developers.

>> No.11479712

have no data about stand-alone players, but mobile browser probably have limited cache size. considering that kancolle has 120MB in cache, it probably get flushed away pretty often and force the browser to re-download it again.
i'm not an expert on this though.

there's a reason why they advise us to have 1GB in disk cache size.

>> No.11479716

I doubt overseas players could make them worrying so much about server overload. Even if they're blaming for VPN, that could be bypassed by API trick.
Do you know where to check my cache? I'm using Flash projector to play.

>> No.11479729

I don't think API falls into what they deem as stress to their server tho.

Probably has something to do with people refreshing the hell out of their browser.

>> No.11479762
File: 824 KB, 1000x1200, 03908e2f7b808e44d15e840c1e0a31e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ships should I use for clearing 2-4? I currently have:

Kitakami, Yubari, Ooi, Shimakaze, Yukikaze, Mutsu, Kongo, Haruna, Kirishima, Fuso, Yamashiro, I-168.

I have no carriers except for Chitose at level 12 that I used to get mini subs.

Currently only Yubari, Kitakami and Haruna are leveled and I have no idea who else to level up for clearing 2-4

>> No.11479783

If you have seaplane carrier, you should be able to get Akagi.

By the way, this also should be in FAQ (about how to get Akagi).

>> No.11479785

Build a CVL or remodel Chitose at 15. Get Akagi,
bring them both along with your BBs and Kitakami if she's leveled high enough (protip: she isn't)

>> No.11479787

Level the heavy hitters. What you need for 2-4 is endurance and firepower. If you can get Kitakami up to her second remodel, it would be great. If you can't get any carriers, use Chitose or a aviation BB to pass the recon phase so at least you get a boon.

>> No.11479799

Good luck, you'll get her back in maybe about a month.

That's how long it took for the first rare ship I sunk to come back to me.

>> No.11479801
File: 165 KB, 688x379, ss (2013-09-22 at 08.14.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a carrier then try this lineup. The levels and stats might be overkill but it assured a safe voyage for me. Though level 30-ish ships are enough; just don't expect to waltz in and come out unscathed.

>> No.11479810

Possible to show what equipments are you using?

>> No.11479824

Can't screencap them all so I'll just put it in here:
Akagi: 2 three star torpedo bombers (Ryusei), 1 three star dive bomber (Suisei kai), 1 Saiun recon plane of which the torpedo bombers are in the highest plane capacity slot
Chiyoda: one of each three and two star torpedo planes, 2 two star dive bomber planes
Kongou and Kirishima: 46 cm, 15.5cm, and 41cm on the final 2 slots
Kitakami: midget sub and x4 oxygen torpedoes
Nagato: 46 cm, Armor piercing Ammunition, 41 cm, 15.5 cm
The 3 BBs have their firepower and armor values maxed by modenizing.

>> No.11479826

I want Shimakaze but wont be able to check sites until I get home in the afternoon. Is it really going to be okay? Might as well just end my life here.

>> No.11479832

I really really wish they'd make a 1/8 scale instead.

Preferably in some badass pose.

All of my money.

>> No.11479835

Ah, thanks for that man, just wondering, does the AP Ammo increases crit rate for just the one equipped with it or is it for the whole fleet like green ammo shell?

>> No.11479837


This. I agree with this post right here. I understand there can and probably will be grief caused when adaptations are released, but currently they are a -very- long ways off considering they were just announced. In the meantime, trying to hold a meta-discussion about whether a franchise will continue to be on- or off-topic to a board, inside the waifu-peropero thread that the meta-discussion is about, is just disrupting the music with noise.

tl;dr, you are still making the thread worse despite the rational discussion.

Or perhaps that was your intention despite the Atago pics? Also apparently we are Internet gypsies and need to be purged in pogroms, but that's just my hyperbole-driven imagination thinking.



On Kancolle banchat: We'll just have to wait and see; there's only been one guy who posted about being banned and it seemed like he had other issues with his VPN. And as for steel-node exploitation, like a previous anon said, there's been nothing done about it so far, plus it's a flash game where that's hard to track for almost a million players, and the statement quoted in this thread doesn't seem very specific (given, it's a tweet).

>> No.11479838

Just for the one equipped by it.

>> No.11479844

>What ships should I use for clearing 2-4? I currently have:
>Kitakami, Yubari, Ooi, Shimakaze, Yukikaze, Mutsu, Kongo, Haruna, Kirishima, Fuso, Yamashiro, I-168.
depends on the levels, over lv25

>> No.11479845

Ah that sucks, but thanks nonetheless. I'll just do something similar to you and stick them on nagato/mutsu while kongo/haruna gets radars and turbines.

Fair enough, some Chinese forums I've visited have people abusing VPN which is the number 1 cause of bans apparently.

>> No.11479848

Fucking Chinese, ruining everything.

>> No.11479850

For the VPN issue, are they banning it if it's used continuously or only on occasion, like for lottery?

>> No.11479851 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 789x473, ss (2013-09-21 at 02.26.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key to survival was to hope your on the opening phase torpedoes take out most of the enemy especially the grunts so your BBs can just focus their fire on the BBs left. If your lucky, using that setup, the planes can drop as many as four or even 5 torpedoes and that's where you hope it's enough to take out the grunts. Then next thing to hope is for Kitakami to hit the BBs then your BBs to hit the same targets. Pic by the way of the outcome of my 2-4 run.

>> No.11479860

Both, like, if they see multiple (and by multiple you probably know I mean ALOT) people using the same IP then those are pretty much struck down if they stay on the game for long under that same ip.

I feel hurt, but not all Chinese are like that though. It's like there are the bad muricans and the good muricans.

>> No.11479861
File: 165 KB, 789x473, ss (2013-09-21 at 02.26.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic on what happened when I ran 2-4 using that setup.
Just hope your torpedoes on the opening bomb run take out all the grunts of 2-4 boss so your BBs will target only the BBs remaining since they kept targetting the weakest ship (and it hurts if they miss). That way you can easily remove the normal BBs and just worry about the elite and flagship BBs though the only threat here is the flagship BB as the elite BBs are nothing if you have the proper stats, equipment and level.

>> No.11479866

I usually disconnect the VPN one I see the main menu of my fleet. Don't know if that'll get me in trouble though.

>> No.11479873

worse than BR fags.

>> No.11479876

> It's like there are the bad muricans and the good muricans.
Oh come on, that's just not true.

>> No.11479877

I'm Chinese, not the guy you replied to, but I must say that I hope the devs never implement trading items between players because it's only going to attract gold farmers (or ship farmers / resource farmers, whatever) who arguably will be from China.

Then the devs will be forced to mass ban IPs that are not from Japan and everyone here will suffer from the collateral damage.

>> No.11479882

I see a lot of people recommending Kitakami, is she a must-have due to the pre-battle torpedo? I actually wanted to keep Shimakaze around (at 2-2 right now) but it seems that Kitakami is better at torpedoes than her anyway so there's not much use for Shimakaze.

>> No.11479888

They wouldn't create trading mainly because this is, at its core, a collection game. Implementing trading would prevent people from farming away for their ships.

She and Ooi are called the torpedo monsters for a reason after all. Their torpedo stat is ridiculously high.

>> No.11479899

Because of their opening torpedo run. 2 carriers loaded mostly with torpedo bombers plus Kitakami and Ooi can easily wipe out 3 of the enemy, 4 if enemy AA is bad and 5 if you're really lucky.

>> No.11479934

I am (yet another) Chinese by ethnicity in this thread, and I have to ask you other guys: How does it feel to root for the ships that were symbols of the Japanese imperialism that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of us in genocide, just because they're cute shipdaughters?

>> No.11479958

I'm French and to be honest, while I'm fond of the historical references, I don't like it at all when some people add concrete relation to the real ships like pics and all - and that video that's in very kancolle thread, the dying line one - doesn't affect me much for that I don't want to feel bad for their sinking.

>> No.11479968
File: 120 KB, 355x473, 7a162c9575ecf85e233416aa2daa2cce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you expecting me to seethe in rage at the mention of the Japanese imperialism, Nanking rape and Taiwan? I don't feel anything, to be honest.

That's something I'll let my grandparents handle, and when they're gone, it will stay in history permanently.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki is my favourite shipdaughter, because she's cute as fuck.

>> No.11479967
File: 258 KB, 1024x768, 38403154_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Chinese too.[/spoiler ]Ask those in China who even bothered to play and even translate those kancolle doujin that currently dominate exhentai. There's nothing nationalistic about this game at all.

Have a Hiei.

>> No.11479971

I could care less bout chinamen, blood for the shipgirls!

>> No.11479988

Filipino here. They were just tools, therefore it's not the ships' fault if most, if not all, of their handlers were downright assholes. And it's not like all of these "Japs" were evil. Heck, the captain of Ikazuchi decided to rescue the survivors of the destroyers they sunk, Pope and Exeter, and together with Inazuma, they rescued 400+ survivors. Blame those at the top who thought all those imperialist bullshit which is why a lot of the men who served under them were brainwashed maniacs but at least not all of them.

>> No.11479999

SEAfag here, if i feel offended i wouldn't play this game in the first place. i think another SEAfag in here wouldn't mind it either.

also, the region restriction are placed to prevent such complaints. they just want to live in their own world.

i fear for the day kancolle got so mainstream it sparks another rapelay debate.

>> No.11480016

>That one enemy BB that always crit on its opening shot.
Oh god, the rage. I almost went into night battle just so that I could sink her.

>> No.11480023

They ought to release a Ru-class nendo so that I can beat the PVC out of her smug little face with a hammer.

>> No.11480028

SEAfag here.

>i fear for the day kancolle got so mainstream it sparks another rapelay debate.
Already happened with GuP. In the end it's just sensationalist bullshit.

>> No.11480032

Wasn't that on a Chinese news website?

>> No.11480040

Chinese by ethnicity SEAfag here, born and currently living in a country occupied by the Japanese during WW2.

Leave the history in history. We're seeing ship daughterus because Japan likes turning everything they can get their hands on into a moe personification. I doubt there's any dumb nationalism involved. Besides, the devs spoke of bringing in non-IJN ships into the roster, which should further push the background of the game towards "resurrect old war machines from any nation willing to contribute to fighting the alien threat".

>> No.11480067

>born and currently living in a country occupied by the Japanese during WW2.
Lemme take a shot, Singapore?

>>11479860 here. But yeah like the others have mentioned, if I was tortured by the Japanese and stuff back then, I might have born some grudge. But since I'm not physically involved, I can't really say much.

>> No.11480089
File: 93 KB, 800x480, 5-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, I finally got Zuikaku off from 5-2 boss.
I feel so accomplished. No crafting ship policy ftw!

>> No.11480093

Guys, I'm stuck on 1-4 now, I can survive the boss fight with CAs but can't seem to do enough damage to win the fight. Should I concentrate on huge damage or anti air?

>> No.11480104

attack formation |
level up your ships

>> No.11480110

K, will do. Is there a site where I can check recommended levels?

>> No.11480107

don't mind the buckets? huge damage then.

>> No.11480109

My 1-4 fleet composed of Chitose, a BB and 4 CL. Highly recommend playing on defense unless you have enough firepower to go on the offense. The greatest threat will be the aircraft carrier, so if you survive the initial bombing raid, you should be fine.

>> No.11480113

How rare is Shimakaze? I got her but still no Sendai.

>> No.11480118

Around 10-15 should be enough. I used Naka for 1-4 and she is now level 14. Grind to level 20 odd if you're not feeling confident.

>> No.11480120

Rare enough to be classified as a rare destroyer.

RNG senses your desire and will not grant you your wish. You can always sacrifice a ton of shipdaughters in black rituals to get Sendai.

>> No.11480122

1-2 / 1-3 . I got her that.

>> No.11480124

A lot easier to get than beaver, though she's just as good. If you got her this early I'd wager you're not at 3-2 yet, it'd be good if you took the time to level her up to mid 30s early on.

>> No.11480126
File: 486 KB, 801x479, kongo master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is on a roll today? Crafted Mutsu in the evening, Kongo in the morning, got Ise and Kirishima dropped shortly afterwards.

>> No.11480127

you can get her 30303030 recipe

>> No.11480129

I got like, 5 Sendai before getting a Jintsu. Then, after completing the quest, Naka wouldn't stop showing up.

>> No.11480132

Just wasted 2 aircraft carrier and a battleship recipe. Business as usual. Got Kuma in the process though, she's been missing ever since I collected her sister a few weeks back.

>> No.11480134

Thanks for all the help guys.

Haha, is Naka that strong? I obtained Jintsu and Sendai first, then never used Naka.

>> No.11480136

>You can always sacrifice a ton of shipdaughters in black rituals to get Sendai.
I guess that quest will be up for a long time then.

Will do, thank you.

>> No.11480138

Gotta spam those 999////s and challenge the gods.

>> No.11480139

Did 10 250/30/200/30 attempts today and 5 or 6 boss kills of 4-2, still no Yukikaze.
Also not a single decent piece of equipment out of 10 100/300/250/250 attempts.

I think I need to provide some sacrifices to the RNG god today.

>> No.11480140

Maybe you'll get a Yamato.

>> No.11480141

> I'm fond of the historical references
> I don't like it at all when some people add concrete relation to the real ships
I would say that you're contradicting yourself, but Schopenauer said it all on the French...

>> No.11480143

That's the reverse for me, Sendai and Naka first before Jintsu at 2-1 which was surprising. Naka maybe annoying but she served her part well and even gotten MVP a couple of times.

>> No.11480144
File: 569 KB, 1260x1170, DUpp1qz53a8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, isn't yamato unobtainable?

>> No.11480146

There was a challenge back then and the results are ugly except for the guy who got Shokaku, everyone else was Hiyo

>> No.11480148

Yeah pretty much, but the sample size is still relatively small and who knows, maybe the devs threw in a big bait so anyone who challenged the gods enough could obtain something mysterious.

Also noticed in the jp wiki they took down the collective drop list for ships? They added it one by one to the various map section instead. Not sure if I like that format.

>> No.11480151
File: 95 KB, 759x405, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten three of her sister during my routine 3-3 questing tonight, along with additional Isuzus for my farm/ RNG gods are in my favor tonight.

A shame though since the only Kongou-class ship I like is Kirishima.

>> No.11480149

I wish I got Hiyo from that, I was the unlucky person that ended with Tone.

>> No.11480166

To be honest her sisters were average so I didn't even consider Naka. For some reason my MVP is always Choukai.

>> No.11480169

Depends on your ships. I beat 1-4 to 2-3 with BBs with max 10 levels.

>> No.11480174

Well I'm only 3 days into this game and only tried the BB recipe probably less than 10 times. No BBs for me yet.

>> No.11480176

To be fair, it was back then when I still use DD as part of my main fleet, so she getting MVP is not a surprise.

And also, I have the urge to dispatch all six carriers as my main fleet. The fleet name shall be Bucket Rangers.

>> No.11480187

Did it before, the only unexpected is when enemy have carriers/good AA that shoot down your planes and you see your bauxite getting drained.

Otherwise, most of the time, enemy fleets get bombarded so much, they are either left with 1 or 2 ships.

>> No.11480191

What's the best setup for fucking them over early like that? All blue? All red?

>> No.11480197

What I had was
Kaga (All blue)
Shokaku (All blue)
Zuikaku (All blue)
Zuiho (All red + that 3* yellow recon plane)
Hiryuu (All red)
Akagi (depends what map I'm going into, can be 4 greens, or usually a mix 2red2blue)

>> No.11480220

>10 times
>no BBs
You are doing something wrong or they changed it.
Use 400 oil, 30 ammo, 600 steel, 30 bauxite.

>> No.11480232

Less than 10 times, 6-7 times I think. I kinda like grind so I waste a ton of fuel on other things.

>> No.11480252

Just tried that 999/999/999/999 challenge. Sendai.

But Fuso just crafted her third 46cm and a Type 3 ammo, so I am happy with today's haul.

>> No.11480265
File: 16 KB, 480x378, 261750-13571728719621577-George-Acs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using fuso
>while already on 46 turf

>> No.11480271

Not >>11480252, but Fuso and Akagi are good for equipment crafting, I hear.

>> No.11480275

Akagi has failed me in equipment craft, shoving me 3* recon planes nonstop. Had to change to Shokaku/Kaga to get the torps/bombers.

dat teasing whore.

>> No.11480278

Shit's worse than me. 3 streak 1 star planes out of my 72 Akagi. Bullshit RNG. Then practice match. Enemy got T-crossed. All of my ships got critted to hell, only 2 of the enemy ships are taken out. Got D class. Bull-fucking-shit RNG. Damn and I thought I could take a break from all the rage I bring down when playing WoT when this is probably more ridiculous.

>> No.11480279

Fuso-class is similar to Ise and Kongo-class in terms of performance.

>> No.11480283
File: 96 KB, 708x378, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some good things to put on my Kongou sisters/last slots of the carriers? for now I have 41cm/15.5cm/35/35 on all of the kongous (with Hiei having 46cm instead of 41 and radar instead of 15cm) and 15.5cms in last carrier slots

>> No.11480285

That fleet name.

>> No.11480290

Fuso saw me through so much that it would be an insult to put her off the flagship spot. My perfect 2-4 victory was largely due to her homing in on the flagship BB and taking it out in a one-two punch with Kongo before it could get a proper hit, I wouldn't have my pile of enhanced turbines, special ammo and 46cm/41cm batteries if she wasn't crafting (I tried Akagi too and she didn't give me anything special in 30ish attempts), and she still MVPs for ~1800 experience in every other round of practice battle.

You can have your Mutsus and Nagatos, I'll stick with Fuso and I won't regret it for a moment. She isn't coming off that flagship spot until she hits at least level 80.

>> No.11480291

Since the last slot is not activated except for stats, how about yellow guns to increase accuracy?

>> No.11480296

That some dedication, anon. I like it. I wish I could do the same to my Hyuga; first BB of my fleet but she's outclassed by the Kongou sisters and Nagato.

>> No.11480298

I just noticed, did I just defeat you from practice match?
>last slot is not activated
I dunno about that but mine activated during night shelling phase.

>> No.11480304

Oh? Must have remembered wrongly; perhaps it's AA that would not activate on last slot.

>> No.11480307

I've been hearing stuff about Fuso being good at crafting, I'll try it next time I manage to get a decent resource surplus.

Anyway, I just cleared 4-3, I got Kiso from the boss how luck I am, can I try 4-4 with the same fleet?

>> No.11480309

Close defence AA seems to activate from last slot, the little shot animations appears (tested on ship which wasn't flagship), high angle guns are said to not activate but I've not tested it myself yet.

>> No.11480314

Might be, what's the message/level/name you got on the supposed teitoku?
If you really defeated me, I'll have to have a serious talk with Kongou again

>> No.11480319 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1376x885, 38805499_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't. I. wish.

>> No.11480320

I was the one who challenged a certain admiral named nekohouse level 39 whose fleet are composed of the same ships as those >>11480283
Got only B though

>> No.11480321

>Repaired Shigure
>Goes to grind 3-2, Shigure immediately gets hit.
>Have to repair again for 20ish minutes.

fml, even Kisaragi didn't had such bad luck when I was grinding her to 20.

>> No.11480322

At first I disliked the designs for Akagi, Fubuki, etc (I don't know the artist's name, anyone knows?) But they've grown on me. It's not flashy and easy to look at.

>> No.11480332

I've been getting lots of 天山 recently, maybe I should try this.

>> No.11480335

>she's outclassed by the Kongou sisters and Nagato

Nagato outclasses everything except Yamato.

If you want to be black-and-white about it Kongos outclass BBVs, but not enough to matter beyond personal preferences. Attack speed only matters against enemies with longer ranged guns but by then you'll be facing ships that Kongos will have problems against.

>> No.11480337

2-3 Boss just gave me my missing Kongou. Huh. Fourth fleet here I come.

>> No.11480345

Just having a look at the list of "confirmed" voice actresses on Wikipedia, it mentions that a lot of the VAs aren't being officially confirmed. Is there a reason for that? What benefit is there from withholding such information?

>> No.11480352

Most of it is confirmed

The wikipedia page is just unsure/outdated

Check the jp wikis

>> No.11480354

I had a look at both the English and Japanese wikis, aren't they identical?

>> No.11480357

whoops, ignore that. realised that you meant the atwiki and wikiwiki.jp

>> No.11480361
File: 520 KB, 600x2500, 38822639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How I envy you. Most of my DDs get 90 minute timers from minor scrapes these days.

>> No.11480364
File: 68 KB, 679x405, Good admiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. I don't know if he's ignorant and just bragging or if he's actually doing it on purpose.

>> No.11480385

You get 1 XP for the whole fleet, 2 for the MVP and the flagship when you defeat her, so it's definitely on purpose, both for denying XP and helping people complete quests.

>> No.11480386

What I know is that I hate fleets which include subs, today I got an A because I just couldn't sink the damned sucker with KTKM Oi and Isuzu (the latter is low levelled though), it survived with 2 hp...

>> No.11480387

I don't think you understand the gaming etiquette here enough.

I would love it if a level 9x admiral did that.

Be grateful.

>> No.11480388

Free glittering expedition fleet, I don't know what you're complaining about.

Besides it's not like the submarines are especially rare, Imuya especially.

>> No.11480418

God you are stupid. That's not actual player vs player.

>> No.11480416

Sorry, I suppose that was mostly my doing. I don't think that the flagship affects the craft tables with any attribute but her type, so it is unlikely that Fuso will give you exceptional results over any other BB. Try with your favorite BB instead, so that you can adore her more when she crafts that elusive 46cm or armor-piercing shell.

Fuso has worked exceptionally well for me, though: A Type-3 shell, 2 enhanced turbines, a regular turbine, 3 46cms, a midget submarine exactly when I needed one for Kitakami, plus countless 41cms and 15.5 dual purpose guns. Not a bad haul at all for only 30 or so attempts.

>> No.11480422

You can get glitter by doing 1-1 solos. Even DDs can do that. I'm more interested in the exp. In this case a high level carrier with no weapons is better.

I obtained Imuya by event and Goya by crafting. I also have counters against sub only teams so that part doesn't really bother me. Some people have a hard time getting their subs, though.

>> No.11480428

The team you face will change when the other admiral edits their 1st fleet. This happens in real-time

What part about it is stupid?

>> No.11480454

>The team you face will change when the other admiral edits their 1st fleet. This happens in real-time
Is it confirmed anywhere ?
And if he has just one shit in it doesn't mean he fights like that, or he just wanted to level up on the easy maps.

>> No.11480462

How can I change my fleet name? It just goes back to the default name every time.

>> No.11480465

I once had a battle with a guy, got an error halfway through the fight, and when I reconnected, the same guy had a different fleet. The game allowed me to fight him again though.

>> No.11480474

I think you can only change the fleet name through the actual web page and not the API link.

>> No.11480478

It's confirmed everywhere.

>> No.11480488

I know he might just be offline or something because that Imuya hasn't gained any levels. I meant no insult and I did pretty much say I was unsure what the guy was doing besides just leaving his sub there. I don't really mind all that much.

>> No.11480493
File: 88 KB, 408x480, shibafu musu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same story for me as well. I only chose Fubuki by mistake, but she really grew on me, and now, Shibafu is probably my favourite illustrator in the game. His style really fits well with the game's cute, but sometimes sombre atmosphere.

How well do you know your Shibafu girls, admirals?

>> No.11480504

they're all sameface, aniki.

>> No.11480512

1) Hiryu
2) One of the Destroyer, same with Fubuki. Polite girl.
3) Same as 2, except energetic and enthusiastic.
4) Mogami
5) Soryu
6) Torpedo monster, KTKM-sama, yo.
7) Akagi thinking about her bauxite
8) Hyuga contemplating about the universe
9) Another destroyer. Brown uniform.
10) Houshou the Goddess.

>> No.11480515

I think you just lack the love to not able to tell them apart at first glance.

>> No.11480517


I've already scrapped those destroyers, and I might have switched some of the archery clubs' faces there.

>> No.11480520

Eh, guy's pretty lazy. Half-damage does not mean slightly scuffed and teary eyes. Other ships have full posture changes and whatnot.

>> No.11480523

2) Shirayuki
3) Miyuki-sama
9) Ayanami

>> No.11480528

10/10. I hope people at least recognise 6 and 7.

>> No.11480532

Actually that's one of thing I am uncomfortable about towards some of the damaged girls, specifically the artist behind Myoko's and Sendai's sisters. Their posture is too exaggerated. Haguro's perfectly acceptable though.

>> No.11480548

They're action poses. They look fine if you think of them as shots that were taken right when they take damage, though it looks weird when you're back in base, having tea in your office, and Sendai's still getting blown away, with cannon pieces and other bits still flying off her.

>> No.11480555

I guess that's what I'm uncomfortable about, especially Myoko's and Jintsu's pose.

>> No.11480557

around when does someone get their first BB?

>> No.11480562
File: 34 KB, 408x480, Hard mode motherfuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see how much you love your shipdaughters, admirals.

>> No.11480564

Crafting using the BB recipe will give you a better chance of getting it; level does not really matter, a good number of us here got our first BB below level 10. Or you could grind stage 2 for Fuso/Yamashiro/Ise/Hyuga and a bit of the Kongou sisters.

>> No.11480567

I only recognize Hibiki.

>> No.11480569

Aw, fuck. They are all by the same artist that drew the destroyers. Can't remember the names of all them.

3) Damaged Inazuma
4) Akatsuki
6) Ikazuchi

The rest belong to the destroyers that wear black uniform.

>> No.11480572

1. Wakaba
2. Hibiki
3. Inazuma
4. Akatsuki
5. Mochizuki? I know what she looks like but I can't put a finger on her name.
6. Ikazuchi
7~10 I'm a failure of teitoku.

>> No.11480586
File: 666 KB, 799x480, timeforsomeburninlove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, Kongou dropped from 2-2 on rank S.
Now I can finally say goodbye to daily poorfaggin building her and say hello to triple expeditions!

I got Hiei as my first BB when I crafted one for daily quest around T. level 10 or something

>> No.11480592

Only one I had trouble with was 10. Turns out it was one of two I didn't have. The rest sans Mochi are in my destroyer-centric fleets.

>> No.11480611

Around the time I stepped into the second area. I got Kirishima, Yamashiro, Fuso, and Kongo through crafting or boss drops. They've been my main BBs ever since.

>> No.11480660
File: 88 KB, 749x417, 4Ee4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first BB was a crafted ISE around the time i was running 2-2 area in my late -teen levels. She also helped me clear 2-4 with the final attack on enemy flagship.

>> No.11480679

I'm so extremely upset. I didn't even get a chance to pre-order her. I need to yell, or blow stuff up, but I can't without her.

>> No.11480680
File: 10 KB, 137x55, 23412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to spend these coins... for furniture? Are they needed for something else?

>> No.11480686

Yes. No.

>> No.11480693
File: 233 KB, 808x518, kongous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do, I want to keep them all but I'm so low on space ;_;

>> No.11480703

>>11480557 here,
The recipe gave me CLs all three times I tried, so I figured there was some prerequisite,
I'm still on 1-3, just got a Chitose by drop, wondering if I should find CAs for the green quest by now,

>> No.11480701

Time to start hating money, teitoku.

>> No.11480705

I think someone said its standard release and will be back up soon? Although Im not sure myself.

>> No.11480708

Have them live on inside the older Kongos.

>> No.11480712

Or you can be like me and persevere, I got served CL 7 times in a row and 8th time round a Mutsu spawned for me.

Don't give up.

>> No.11480732


Got mine early today from Big in Japan. I knew that those nendos would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.11480750

Do you think this will be the case with the scale release figures of her too? Lots of people are trying to get their hands on her. I'm slightly miffed because some of these folks don't even know who she is

>> No.11480753

Fuso's brought me all through zone 1 and 2, and some nodes in 3. She gives me nothing in crafting and so I just put her off for now while I level everyone else up. Oddly enough, she's still my highest level ship.

>> No.11480770

I was training in 3-2 and suddenly Haruna. Feels good to have three expeditions on.

>> No.11480775


If you want a quality, well painted and sculpted figure this will most likely be the case. Four or five different figure companies have planned to make a Shimakaze scale figure. So anyone can get one at least, if they aren't picky and hate money indiscriminantly.

Getting a preorder on SnK Levi was way worse than Shimakaze. Though, Amiami preorder for Shimakaze closed in ten minutes. So, yeah.

>> No.11480806
File: 162 KB, 925x552, dye the desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love it when you get free exp like this.

>> No.11480827
File: 523 KB, 2560x1600, 1377120071111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys explain something to me? Whenever I check the profiles of teitokus I'm matched up with (so same level, 36) I see their kanmusu log is like, 95/100, 98/100, sometimes even 99. What the fuck? I'm level 36, build, go for sorties (everything up to 4-4 clear now) every day and I have 42/100. Am I super unlucky or something (aside from the fact I NEVER get what recipes are supposed to give me). I know I should feel happy, but I just feel jealous and angry every time I see someone low-level with Shoukaku/Zuikaku, the subs, or some other holy grail of mine.

>> No.11480847

How would we consider the "birthdays" of our ship daughters? Would it be on the day that they were launched, laid down, or on the day of comissioned?

>> No.11480855

Are you talking about how many ships they have? I have 89/100 and I'm level 24.

It's not like most of them are anything rare though so I don't see why you're worried.

>> No.11480857

You're pretty unlucky but those number means little or nothing, I've around 90/110 from a long time (currently lv.58) but I lack Kaga, Hiryu, all cranes, Nagato sisters, I-58 and a bunch of other girls I can't remember right now.
Commissioning? It's not like conception's day counts as birthday for people.

>> No.11480858

What day do you consider people's birthdays, their day of birth, retirement or death?

>> No.11480863

...wait, so that /100 is the amount of ships they have currently in their possesion, or the ships they have discovered (so unique instances)?
If it's the first one, I feel stupid for complaining.

>> No.11480872

It's how many ships they currently have in possession. It happens to the best of us, for the longest time I thought bauxite was fairly useless and ripped through all of it. I'm still regretting that.

>> No.11480873

I'm pretty much sure that it's the number of ships currently in their possession, the counter reflects their dock limit as well (110, 120, and so on until 170).

>> No.11480875

There are more than 100 ships in the game, so yeah.

>> No.11480881
File: 242 KB, 600x600, 38760770_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.. you guys got me there I guess I'm just not so sharp today.

>> No.11480890

For those who are farming 5-2, do you set up the expedition for it? I don't feel it's necessary most of the time, except when you go SE after subs and get a flagship ru-class BB munching through your fleet. Also, how much difference do BBs make in the expediton? 200 fuel/400 ammo every time for the expedition alone is kind of costly.

>> No.11480900
File: 376 KB, 800x500, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi outplayed KTKM (once again), but now it's just a matter of a single sortie for both torpedo sisters' final remodelling. Thanks to those high level single units which I met in practice.

>> No.11480914 [DELETED] 

Retirement and death seems irrelevant here ..

The way I see it, it depends on what you consider. the Ship birthday would be the laid down date, but the kanmusu would be the commissioning date - that's coherent with the idea that the Ship is the equipment and that's what you scrap, while the former-kan musu gets holidays.

>> No.11480931

how's your verniy coming along, /jp/ ? my Hibiki just passed lv50. I hope the next modernisation update won't be too long to make, Lv70 is non-castrated bos taurus excrement..

>> No.11480977

If you have the resources and the enemy is that much of a bother for you go for the forward support fleet or, if you're farming the boss, the decisive battle support fleet. I usually keep myself above 10k on all resources so it's really no bother to me. I'm going to increase that to 15k on all in a few days when I feel like it. I usually go for the support fire type organization with two BBs and all the ships I usually send out are above lvl 60 so they're hitting and killing things during the support. If you're hurting on resources, you could just go for the air support organization with 2 CV/2CVL/2DD. Haven't tried it myself but it consumes half the amount of ammo compared to the fire support fleet and long distance torpedo support fleet.

After getting my first Verniy killed, I was able to finish leveling another Hibiki yesterday so she just became Verniy mk2.

>> No.11480980
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>> No.11480988

I'm at 53. I slowed down my pace after 50 to concentrate on raising other ships but I do occasionally put her in pvp or 3-2-1 sorties.

>> No.11481038

My first match in PvP is constantly swaping ships in his fleet, I need to check every five minutes in hope of a solo/easy fleet.

>> No.11481087

How did you level her so fast?

>> No.11481100


>> No.11481125
File: 240 KB, 1292x774, thank you based crafting daily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this was quite unexpected.

>> No.11481171
File: 113 KB, 749x449, ZKMS get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try again to beat 2-4
>ZKMS drops from first node

I had no idea she dropped in 2-4.

>> No.11481192

Did that guy who was translating the sinking lines video ever make more progress?

>> No.11481195

Someone was doing that? That must be a stressing job...

>> No.11481207

I got two from that node

>> No.11481210

Most lines are quite easy to understand, sadly.
It's mentioned on wikiwiki:
but still... why do I only get common ships on all maps?

>> No.11481288

I usually do my work in front of my computer so after they accumulate their fatigue from sorties, I leave Kancolle alone for 30 mins. When I get back, the fatigue is gone and I send them out again for a sortie or two at 3-2-A or wherever my whims take me and repeat. >>11481100 is mostly right I suppose. It helps that Hibiki got a few MVPs from maneuvers too.

>> No.11481307

I ended up getting Chitose when I was trying to build a CVL. I have no idea what I should upgrade her into. Should I keep her an AV or upgrade her to a CVL?

>> No.11481336

1) Wakaba
2) Hibiki
3) Inazuma
4) Akatsuki
5) Mochizuki
6) Ikazuchi
7) Kikuzuki
8) Mikazuki
9) Fumizuki
10) Hatsushimo

I actually couldn't tell which one was Kikuzuki and which was Hatsushimo without looking at them.

Unfortunately, once I found out the level requirement was 70, I decided not to even bother. I already had Inazuma at lvl 43 at the time but Hibiki was level 11. Hell, I only recently got Kaga and Mutsu past lvl 70.

All my focus now is getting Isuzu to 50 (at least she was already 35) and Kumano to 35, also trying to remodel the obsolete CAs before I run that 2-3 mission requiring them.

>> No.11481425
File: 344 KB, 500x800, 1e5a1dae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold hands with Furutaka. Why does she have those burn scars on her face? Historical reference?

Is she voiced by Yuka Ootsubo? Her voice reminds me of Toshino Kyoko.

>> No.11481489

Burn scars? Where? I only see blushing cheeks and some weird stuff near her left eye, what is that supposed to be?
Anyway, I did 4-3's boss again, still no Mikuma; I want to strangle those who say that doing sorties is better than crafting, I would spend less resources on crafting than doing the same mission until the boss over and over without getting anything...

>> No.11481502
File: 375 KB, 623x880, 38803534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got shot in her searchlight, apparently. There's another Teitoku here fascinated with her, so I'm sure he'll fill you in on all the info you could ever want.

>> No.11481672

I really like the damaged carrier pictures with all the planes that fell off strewn about the ground.

>> No.11481678

Craft timer: 5 hours

It's happening

>> No.11481745

Sorry to repeat myself, but do you folks know anywhere that I can view the damaged images of all ships, including elusive ones like Yamato? Thank you in advance.

>> No.11481761
File: 361 KB, 601x291, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a good lineup for 3-4 and 4-4 ?

Kongou : 46cm / 46cm / 15.5cm / Type21
Haruna : Same as above
Mutsu : 46cm / 46cm / 15.5cm / AP round
Akagi : Ryusei kai / Suisei armored / Reppu / Saiun
Kaga : Ryusei / Ryusei / Ryusei kai / Suisei
KTKM : 15.5cm / Midget sub / Type21

>> No.11481781

got her at 2-2 for some reason.

>> No.11481790

More than good enough for 4-4 if you don't want to use a compass beating lineup. 3-4 is all about lucking out with the ru-class BB's in the node before boss node. Some clear it mid-50s, some still haven't cleared 3-4 at in their 90s.

>> No.11481819

Anyone use Akagi's bath timer?


It takes screenshots and uses OCR to capture your repair and mission timers, and gives you an alert when they're up. Seems pretty handy.

>> No.11481864
File: 282 KB, 1200x1711, 25_026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bios are pretty barebones so I don't think there's anything to show but this one was a bitch. That's the first doujin done, I'm working on getting it to ex but if you want to get credited or something just let me know because otherwise I'm putting it up there as translated and typeset by anons from /jp/.

I hope it was Mutsu. And I hope your next one is a Mutsu, and the one after that, and you never get a Nagato no matter how much love you sacrifice to the RNG gods so that someone can share my pain.

>> No.11481873
File: 649 KB, 1200x1687, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I caught what you finished of the second one before that rude interruption, I'm ready to go whenever you are.

>> No.11481883

Not the same guy, but I share it - the suffering of a 4th nagato, a 9th shimakaze without subs, a 3rd shoukaku, ...

Regardless, I still do my 5 craft a day, and my boss run, since hope and perseverance is all we have left, Teitoku.

>> No.11481910
File: 828 KB, 1200x1709, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the same issue with the font size and it comes from how photoshop is arbitrarily opening this scan in Grayscale mode instead of RGB color. I don't know why it'd have that affect but it's an easy fix.

I take comfort in knowing she can feast on her sister when she gets here.

>> No.11481925

>I hope it was Mutsu. And I hope your next one is a Mutsu
Please curse me. I need a Mutsu.

>> No.11481964
File: 647 KB, 1200x1720, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went back and made the small change of centering nameplates but for some reason babysitter just doesn't sit right with me. I've always thought of it as someone less professional or formal so an actual nursery school teacher would be something like a caretaker. Plus it makes the connection of carrier = caretaker at the end of the last one look better. It's not like it's shown up much anyway.

>> No.11481968

I hope you get a Mutsu, Teitoku. I hope all your dreams come true.

>> No.11481992
File: 152 KB, 829x496, Today was a good day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just crafted Ooi and decided to go level her. Suddenly, a good drop.

Now the question is do I use both of them?

>> No.11481995

The RNG goddess despises those that called for aids. At least my destroyers will have a feast today.

>> No.11482002

I'm using both of them when putting carrier-heavy fleet.

>> No.11482007

They are godsends in practice, but you have to level them first. You can substitute them for carriers and they'll take out four ships per battle if they're able. And they can even crit lighter ships during.

>> No.11482020

I'd level both of them, but one at a time. It's quite annoying when both torpedo attacks hit the same target for 200+ damage instead of taking out 2 different targets.

>> No.11482029
File: 139 KB, 620x534, 1340381268301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Nachi just sank. It's the first ship I've ever had sink into the abyss. This is too cruel. Too cruel..

>> No.11482033

Our condolences, teitoku.

>> No.11482077

Hibiki refuses to drop for me. I'm tempted to just do another 30/30/30/30 craft to try and get her. Anyone know where she spawns?

>> No.11482115

I dunno. Check the Japanese wikis.

>> No.11482161

I got like two of her via 1-1.

>> No.11482204
File: 191 KB, 799x478, justonemore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just...just one more.

Oh Nagamon, why you taunt me so.

>> No.11482215


Sometimes I think these kinds of posts are subconsciously brag posts, but that's just my jelly talking.

>> No.11482217

Doesn't having 2 DDs and 1 heavy cruiser take you straight to the node before on 4-4?

>> No.11482222
File: 733 KB, 850x1200, furutaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold hands with Furutaka too. I'd princess carry her if she let me.

Her left side of the face is burnt, and her left eye is blind supposedly. Those "weird stuff" are electricity coming out (short circuit).

I'm not 100% sure about the entire story myself, but I know that she was covering Aoba's retreat, got shot in the searchlight, immobilized when she got hit by a torpedo in her engine room, and her torpedo tubes started a really huge fire which drew even more shells from the American ships. She ate about 90 shells and at least one torpedo before going down.

It's Shoukaku, not Shokaku. You need that U in there. I'll start the rest of the pages now.

>> No.11482226

I've gotten a Hiryu from every 4-x boss. Beaver is cheap to craft.

Only gotten Kaga once, but it was from 3-1 so it wasn't that hard.

>> No.11482247
File: 105 KB, 600x600, 3423522i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd gladly trade any of those 3 for Nagato.

>> No.11482252
File: 551 KB, 3192x927, idonteven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I don't even understand how air superiority works. I am doing practice and I am going up against four light carriers with no carriers or anti air guns equipped, and somehow I still got air superiority, proceed to rape the crap out of his fleet, and let Furutaka mvp. I love you Furutaka.

>> No.11482259
File: 147 KB, 472x472, 17d7e70e37cc6e049e08c09ce0c05b32276395cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably going to be solving the Kaga- and Hiryuu-missing (Shoukaku too!) issue this Wednesday. By then I'll have about 45-50 build allowances saved up for the (possibly Taihou) update with the resources to support most of the recipes, and flamethrowers are trickling in. All seaplane carriers I roll will go towards the "feed Kitakami and Ooi's AA stats" bank.

Beaver will be crafted as soon as I am satisfied with the number of CVs I end up with never ;_;

>> No.11482262

BBs and heavy cruisers have innately decent AA. They were probably also running all torpedo planes, which are easy to shoot down.

>> No.11482279


August event summarized.
50k admirals finished E3.
20k admirals beat E4 and got Yamato. 9k of them were from Yokosuka server( 1st server).

IIRC, the event had started with like 300k players and finished with over 500k accounts.
They extended event twice (2 weeks > 1 month) as they couldn't handle the demands and the servers got overloaded multiple times, especially Maihama server.

>> No.11482282
File: 562 KB, 1200x1725, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those were dive bombers. I admit I have maxed out Kongou and Furutaka's anti air, but I didn't think I'd be raping planes that hard without proper fighter support. Furutaka's anti air stats isn't even high compare to other heavy cruisers or Maya.

>> No.11482290

I admittedly got Nagato on my second try. Technically, it was only the second try because I hadn't rolled a battleship recipe in a few weeks...back when I got Mutsu.

>> No.11482329
File: 499 KB, 1200x1709, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild Haruna appears.

>> No.11482330
File: 84 KB, 346x119, yukik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready for tomorrow's patch.

If they don't add another remodeling on Yukikaze, I will be upset.

>> No.11482333


Kantai Clicker

>> No.11482335

Patch was delayed until the 4th I think. There's a huge server opening tomorrow.


>> No.11482348
File: 45 KB, 569x462, 1359545480033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11482351

So this is the cookie clicker (or a variant of it) people are talking about?

>> No.11482367
File: 541 KB, 1200x1718, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild Kongo appears, again.

>> No.11482369

Welp, guess I might get started rolling for Yukikaze early then.

>> No.11482378

>Next patch
>Ships can now go beyond level 100
>Yukikaze next remodelling: Level 115

>> No.11482395

It feels like a joke game that he made for fun.

>> No.11482396
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>> No.11482433
File: 433 KB, 1200x1722, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see Kongo say "I want to drink red tea~", I can't help but remember the picture that says "Ah I want to suck a dick."

>> No.11482448

wouldn't it be black tea? had people even heard of rooibos back then?

>> No.11482485

I was under the impression that was Teitoku-level, not ship level.

>> No.11482493

It should be black tea, yes. I guess translator got confused with it since it uses the kanji for crimson.

>> No.11482513

I bet you use Toho, too.

>> No.11482542
File: 517 KB, 1200x1749, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies. I wasn't thinking. I'm Chinese heritage, and in Asian culture we call black tea "red tea". Sometimes I forget "red tea" is called black tea for the rest of the world.

>> No.11482569
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>> No.11482574

Not not sure how to work this VPN stuff but I keep getting a "Requesting an IP address to the DHCP server in the VPN" then it disappears and My IP doesn't change.

>> No.11482588

> Asian culture we call black tea "red tea". Sometimes I forget "red tea" is called black tea for the rest of the world.

Holy- I've been living in Canada for over 10 years now, and I didn't realize this until now. Shows what kind of tea-drinker I am.

>> No.11482661

>remodel mutsuki-class destroyer
>firepower, torpedo, AA, and armor all go down
>12.7 cm cannon and triple torpedo launcher
Being laid down in the 1920s is such suffering.

I love them, though. They have such great personalities. Two down, four to go, of the black-uniformed ones anyway.

>> No.11482671
File: 549 KB, 1200x1737, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Give her the bucket

>> No.11482732

I want to level and care for all my ship daughters, but I only have two fleets. ;-;

>> No.11482756
File: 422 KB, 1200x1720, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it for today. Tune in next time for awesome Raiden actions and more fleet idol Naka-chan.

>> No.11482768

Stats going down is normal for most ships though (except some do gain armor, like the Kongous).

Also, Nagatsuki gets the oxygen torpedoes

>> No.11482863

Usually at least one of them goes up.

I actually have remodeled Nagatsuki, but that was weeks ago and I forgot what she came with. I brought Kikuzuki to 20 today.

>> No.11482877
File: 94 KB, 700x380, efe5635c50545f6abfcd0f910957161568dbea7d1380090430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When remodeling.
Stats the ship gained from feeding will be gone.
Stats the ship gained by leveling will reset and randomly redistributed after remodel.

Pic shows three lv99 Samidare.
Left one is the ship has immediately remodeled and leveled to 99.
Center is lv99 vanilla Samidare. Without remodel.
Right one is the vanilla Samidare got remodeled at lv99.
She lost one star worth stats compared to left one.
If you want to have better status, better remodel right after their remodel level.
One exception might be redundant SSs.
I keep four i58s un-remodeled to use as decoy.

Speaking about the star.
When you go practice, your rival fleet gets stats debuff same amount of "one star".
That's the one of reasons how you can still manage to win against much stronger fleet than yours.

>> No.11482897

No reason to blame the ships. Besides, Chinese people are horrible, though I'd say that about most Asians, regardless of where they live (I am Chinese American).

>> No.11482911

Thankfully however, the stats that Samidare lost after remodeling late, are the ones that can be regained through merging.

>> No.11482921

What does the star represent, anyway?

>> No.11482925

One important corollary seems to be that the exclusively level-associated stats (anti-sub, evasion and view range) are maxed in both the "immediate remodel" and "99-then-remodel" ships, so if you have enough feedstock to fix the stat gap, then you can remodel at whichever level you please.

>> No.11482949

that's some dedication. I'm glad I figured this out with a level 16 Chiyoda instead.

>When you go practice, your rival fleet gets stats debuff same amount of "one star".
Nice, that's news to me. Well I'd figured that the attacker has the advantage, but I never realized that how the handicap is decided.

>> No.11483100

Does 100/260/250/10 even work for 46cm/turbine? I remember someone using it and getting a couple of them.

Failed 7 times in a row with Fuso flagship/

>> No.11483117
File: 79 KB, 600x1250, ShipShirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That capacity increase item is looking quite nice...

It'll fail a lot, you just have to deal with it.

>> No.11483121

I use Haruna as flagship, no sign of turbine but got 2 46cm from it.

>> No.11483125

I can't even imagine the pain involved getting an unremodeled destroyer up to 99.

>> No.11483127

I do 100/300/250/10 for 46cms and 100/300/250/250 for turbines. Fuso got three of each for me.

It really is a boon for a low-level admiral.

>> No.11483134

I don't know, is t-lv78 that low? Have seen people as low as 30ish getting them.

Gah, guess I'll keep trying and pray for the best.

>> No.11483149

78 seems plenty enough, my level is only 41. Anything above 30 seems fine.

>> No.11483151

Is there a decent way to gain fuel in the early parts of the game?

>> No.11483154


>> No.11483174
File: 14 KB, 226x142, Capature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do get my planes back?

>> No.11483187


>> No.11483201

I believe at this point I've done around a hundred copies of 100/300/250/10 [sometimes 110 fuel, sometimes 250 bauxite] and have crafted no radars or 46 cm.

I have enough resources to do it thirty times in a row right now, but I don't really feel like it.

>> No.11483292

try a couple of 10/251/250/10, and if those fetch nothing, just try another day.

I think I've only done 46cm recipes about 100 times and I've gotten 5 46cm, 6 15.5cm and 3 good turbines so far.

>> No.11483418

Waifu GET.


>> No.11483449

Is there any recipe Shokaku and Zuikaku share? Whatever I try it's like "you can only get one of them from this"

>> No.11483530
File: 83 KB, 796x488, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into Atago's belly she goes.

Though I have to say, remodeling her to 50 for farming isn't worth it. The depth charge and radar could easily be crafted in the time you spent bringing her to 3-2. And an additional 1 to AA is laughable.

>> No.11483558

Her ridiculous ASW stats alone worth to level her to 50 IMO.
After remodeling, my Isuzu can 1HKO even elite subs.

>> No.11483591

+1 AA? She has more AA than Kongou also the best ASW in the game.

>> No.11483626

I meant a +1 AA in using her as modernisation food compared to a regular Isuzu Kai. I already have another lv45 Isuzu coming up anyway, so it's all good.

>> No.11483632

Just tried crafting turbines for my Shima/Yuki to solo 3-2 with but all I got from 6 tries of 100/10/200/10 was 5 failures and a triple torpedo launcher. Is the wiki recipe really working or is it just me

>> No.11483639

All the turbines I got were from 100/300/250/10 so if you want you could bump up your steel to 50 and make offerings to the RNG goddesses.

Also, wiki says to put a BB/CV as flagship so there might be that.

>> No.11483641

It works, but fails a lot. I already got two +10 eva and one +6 eva turbine from it.

>> No.11483646

Is there a easy spot to farm Akatsuki or does she just appear anywhere, I don't want to just try and craft her since there are so many options for all 30 crafts.

>> No.11483681

The best way to get the DD you want is not to look for her. The game senses your intent and goes out of its way to deny you your most coveted shipdaughter.

>> No.11483717

I couldn't register a DMM account.

What does this mean?



>> No.11483723

Change your proxy.

>> No.11483727

Register and login without your VPN active. Only switch it on when you are trying to enter the game.

>> No.11483730


https://www.dmm.com/en/my/-/register/ doesn't work. it redirects me to the japanese register.

>> No.11483766

I got a cat patting a girl's head.
What now?

>> No.11483772

see >>11478804

>> No.11483922

Can Sendai be created using a standard 30/30/30/30 recipe? She's the only one I need so I can have a third fleet.

>> No.11483929

She's a light cruiser, right? It should be possible with the standard 30/30/30/30 recipe

>> No.11483956
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Some stuff that'd be on the horizon according to the KanColle mag.


>a DD 2nd remodel on par with Solomon's nightmare
What's that suppose to mean?

>aircraft cruisers getting a second remodel
I still only have Mogami, no idea where you get the other 3.

>> No.11483974

>Coastal defense ships more loli than destroyers
Oh boy. And subs aren't really a problem, I'm not seeing the need for more anti-sub focus.

And that air defense cruiser second remodel is just making me think of Maya, what with her already high stat...

>> No.11483978

How does the ranking work? Suddenly I'm down to 8k.

>> No.11483983

Goddammit, I haven't even gotten Hibiki to 70. Guess I'd bring Mogami along with YKKZ during 3-2 runs.

I'd be all for it if coastal defense ships gave something like a fleet buff that allows all your other ships to target subs. But for now Abukuma and Yura are doing fine.

>> No.11484004

It's monthly and got reset today.
Japan is already in October.

>> No.11484010

Where does those points come from?

>> No.11484009
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I would like to see some Heavy Cruisers getting 2nd remodels though, their reliability drops by quite a bit after world 2.
They don't do very good damage against elite CV/BBs, and high leveled CLs/DDs can reliably take down enemy squishies while only using a third of a heavy cruiser's oil/ammo.
A level 60/70 remodel that takes their firepower up to 90~ 100 (after modernization & weapons) would be nice.

>> No.11484013

They could also prevent submarines from doing torpedo salvos, since it's kind of hard to use your torpedoes when you have 5x18 depth charges coming your way. Netlayers were fairly solid anti-submarine defense too.

>> No.11484014

I hope Musashi's event isn't too hard. Also, I don't think 防空巡 refers to any of the Mogami class remodels.

>> No.11484019

Third Battle of the Solomon Sea aka Naval Battle of Guadalcanal.
Then Yuudachi, Akatsuki, Ayanami comes to my mind. My bet goes to Ayanami.

Various points by defeating enemy, boss and such.

>> No.11484029

Any complete explanation? IIRC there's monthly reward, right?

>> No.11484027
File: 284 KB, 758x1110, Gundambrasil33676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

・Destroyer Akizuki and Light Cruiser Agano to be added
・We want to quickly release the coastal defense ships, but please endure a bit
・The merits of coastal defense ships are anti-sub and missions, and they're more loli than destroyers! (We'd like to make them appropriate for anti-sub tactics and transport convoy escorts. Since they're smaller than destroyers, we felt we had to make them more charming.)
A destroyer's second remodel akin to the Nightmare of Solomon (seen left)
・An anti-air cruiser's second remodel
・Musashi is likely in the event.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.11484032

>A destroyer's second remodel akin to the Nightmare of Solomon (seen left)
Is it Shirainui's time to shine?!

>> No.11484035


Holy shit, that's a lot. Probably we could reach 300 cards before considering adding foreign navies.

>> No.11484051
File: 24 KB, 264x242, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

