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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 607 KB, 1026x679, Daifugō.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11474863 No.11474863 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ think of Daifugō? Has /jp/ even heard of it?


>> No.11474898

Guess /jp/ thinks of nothing right now.

>> No.11474900

Who Wants To Be a Daifugō is a very popular game show in America.

>> No.11475044

B...but that's not the same thing!

>> No.11475051

Is there an online client for this to play among /jp/?
I think the ruleset is pretty interesting. Seems like a better version of Big2.

>> No.11475057
File: 470 KB, 1024x768, 699405207_c4610ab61b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we extend this discussion to hanafuda as well?

>> No.11475064

Look at the image really closely.


>> No.11475071

But I want to play with /jp/

>> No.11475078

>dai fug-o

>> No.11475089

I guess so, however, never understood the rules of that one very well and I don't really know what /jp/ thinks of it either.

>> No.11475101

What, you can play with anyone.

It's the top Nico mobage right now as it's also being promoted in restaurants all over Japan.

>> No.11475160

I really wish there was a translated version of these games. I have to play these games with a wiki open.

>> No.11475191

It's not even hard honestly, it's pretty easy going considering the freaky TGC shit you could be playing in NicoNico like that one KEY based card game.

>> No.11475232

Its only while learning, but it breaks the flow a lot.

>> No.11475335

Is this like Tien Len?

>> No.11475382
File: 125 KB, 256x800, 036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tien Len

The wiki says it is, I don't know what that is and I don't think /jp/ was designed to discuss a cat eater country's ripoff.

>> No.11475493

Daifugō is easier than standard Poker anyway.

>> No.11475989

More like this game "rips off" the Vietnamese game, weeb nerd.

>> No.11476925


The rules and card plays are actually different in depth research, there's even a different american ripoff than President called American Killer or some shit.

Don't care anyway, you cat eater, we're here to discuss the superior versions.

>> No.11476985

is there an online client?
how does one play this sort of game?

>> No.11477049

Look at the image and read the previous posts.

As for that I bet the earlier anon can't read Japanese for shit so he stumbled all over the place and hit CPU thinking it was a single player game. You just camp/join rooms and depending on how much money you have you might or might not be allowed to stay in for the game.

Usually easy to find good rooms that aren't expensive.

>> No.11477072

Fuck off dweeb. There’s also a Chinese version described in the article, the Viet and Jap versions probably come from that one anyway.
Who the hell cares other than major weebfaces.

>> No.11477087

It’s a game that uses Western cards anyway so it’s all a rip-off of whitey.

>> No.11477095

>Whitefags trying to play Asian card games in their 20s

Seriously how weeaboo can you get? I've been playing this since middle school.

>> No.11477110
File: 1.36 MB, 1025x1324, 36044148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this guy is hella mad. Are you really a cat eater?

ALL of the others are based on anglo-american decks, even the Indian one, the Chinese ones are completely different stuff. Daifugō is a beast on it's own.

>> No.11477122

That's like saying Ferrari is a ripoff of sports oriented cars.

I swear you're the cat eater.

>> No.11477123

Don't make me weaponise my dick, nerd

>> No.11477148

Lol mad cumskin detected. I've actually played tien len and daifuugou and they have the same rules. What experience do you have besides reading Wikipedia and being a pasty cumskin?

>> No.11477157

Also you posted Asuka so you're probably that autistic loser Trevor. Now it all makes sense.

>> No.11477167

There are different variations and the instant wins are all fucked up in your cat eater game.

How much more fake and frustrated can you be cat eater?

>> No.11477174
File: 355 KB, 500x500, 37519647_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11477191

>DURR small variations make it a totally different game
Ever heard of house rules? Of course not, you had no friends growing up so you never played cards IRL. Stay mad weeaboo cumskin.

Wait a sec, am I arguing with someone who only knows the game from Wikipedia and hasn't actually played it? ROFLMAO

>> No.11477208

gtfo trevor

>> No.11477209

If I had posted an image do you think I wouldn't have played anything?

Oh wait, you're just retarded and haven't even figured out how to even read Japanese and enter any kind of room with different rules, you cat eater.

Even the order of card plays is different in Daifugō, you're just trying to defend muh favorite culture.

>> No.11477228

>Oh wait, you're just retarded and haven't even figured out how to even read Japanese

>> No.11477239

Have you even played your first instawin cards you cat eater.

I can't believe someone would go this far to be butthurt at someone not caring about a shitty country's card game, since the rules don't even cover it at all.

>> No.11477246

you cat eater

>> No.11477250

wow what a complex sentence you must speak fluent japanese

>> No.11477260
File: 60 KB, 1105x946, FireShot Screen Capture #016 - '大富豪(大貧民)の無料ゲーム - トランプスタジアム' - playingcards_jp_game_daifugo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad weeb cumskin. You can't even dance.

>> No.11477273


? ? ?


That was to mock you, you won't ever see instant win cards, it's do or not do game.

>You can't even dance.


>> No.11482065

Daifugou has always gone under my radar. I'm a mahjong type of guy, really. I once tried hanafuda but I just couldn't get into it.

>> No.11487259

I couldn't get into hanafuda either, it's weird.

This is very simple though.

>> No.11487468

I used to play daifugou in high school. It was my favourite card game.

>> No.11487895
File: 47 KB, 168x235, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool I guess.

Anyone wants to play?

>> No.11488144

Guess not.
