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11472507 No.11472507 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Saya no Uta?

>> No.11472522 [DELETED] 

This is the worst thread on /jp/

>> No.11472521

Typical Nitroplus.

>> No.11472547

It was a pretty good read, in general, but it felt like it forced that whole gore idea too much, as if it was trying to look as an obscure Visual Novel for the sake of the "edgy" atmosphere. The OST was awfully atmospheric, however, and Saya's personality as a heroine was quite enjoyable and heartwarming, creating a visible contrast between the apocalyptic world and a pure angel coming to save Fuminori. I might be overthinking things regarding this antithesis.

>> No.11472561 [DELETED] 

You're the worst thread on /a/.

>> No.11472579


>> No.11472647

I like how short it is
my attention span isnt very good so I cant enjoy long VNs because I never finished one

>> No.11472719

I don't think it was forced as that was what they were going for. The horrible atmosphere and Saya create a great contrast.

>> No.11472721

i want to hug the best gatcha

>> No.11473318

It's shit

>> No.11474180

short and enjoyable.

>> No.11474191
File: 470 KB, 500x281, ruirui thighs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I want to hug ruirui too

>> No.11474191,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11474275
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Babby's first VN.

>> No.11474918

It made me crave peaches for some strange reason...

>> No.11475199

It literally was my first VN, yes.

>> No.11475210

What happened to her or pretty much every character in the last episode? The finale was totally random.

>> No.11475211

haha i read that as short of enjoyable
no wonder moot said u guys were the new /b/
random lol

>> No.11479180

Are there any new CG scenes or anything else extra, or is it pretty much identical to the fan-translation that's been floating around for at least the last few years

>> No.11479189


I downloaded it to my HDD last year I still haven't played it yet

>> No.11479221

Nope. It's uncensored though.

>> No.11479225

It's nothing special, but its not time consuming, so... This anon already summed it up >>11474180

It's very short, if you want to play it, you should just play it!

>> No.11479231 [DELETED] 

Niggah, wat?

>> No.11479236

It's like silent hill 1/2/3/4 but with a loli basically

>> No.11479240

Play that shit, nigga. It's like 5 hours tops.

>> No.11479261

Finished Saya no Uta. And it was really, really average.

95% of the cast was completely unlike-able, the exceptions being Saya herself and Kouji. The plot wasn't all that good, though it did have it's moments. The resolution was either extremely stupid or doesn't resolve much at all, depending on which you take.

That said, I didn't hate it. It was interesting enough to keep me reading, but it never wowed me or made me experience any emotion at all, for that matter. The sad moments never effected me, and the 'intense' moments made me go ''meh''. Everything is pretty much forgettable.

Can somebody explain me why people hyped it so much? Because there's absolutely nothing special about it.

>> No.11479267

>liking Kouji

>> No.11479270

The visual novel was great but I hate the roleplayer known as "saya" and suspect you are him.

>> No.11479490

I regret nothing.

>> No.11481148

It got so hyped because it was a "beginner" VN. It was one of the VNs that popped up if you just googled visual novels. That being said, back then everyone who just started VNs would tell you to play Saya no Uta, Fate/Stay Night, and Ever 17. Neither of which are particularly special imo.

>> No.11481512

What VNs are special to you, anon?

>> No.11481596
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It was beautiful, Saya was at least. Kouji was also sort of cute. The others not so much.

>> No.11486825
File: 118 KB, 450x340, shoggoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it because it because it's about a guy that fucks a (small and wimpy) shoggoth. Imagine ramming your dick in this

>> No.11486839

Can't shoggoths turn their bodies into anything they want? Fucking one would be incredible. It'd be like fucking every onahole in succession.

>> No.11486848

Saya no Uta is a very cleverly disguised pedophile game. It is pretentious as fuck. Don't be fooled. It is nothing more than an adult student fucking a by all means underage little child. It tries to hide this fact by indroducing an even older man trying to rape Saya making it seem wrong and simultaniously right that the protagonist fucks her. The protagonist is trapped in his own world where is primary focus is the little girl Saya. Just like any other pedophile he is obsessed with her since apparently she is the only desireable thing in a world seemingly made of agony. However this condition only exists in his mind. While the normal outsiders are baffled by his behaviour he justifies it by them being the non-understanding ones. He never tries to explain his condition because he knows that he is fucked up. And him fucking a little girl is acceptable to him because of the pretense of love. This love is strictly superficial since he does not love her because of her character but only due to her childish looks. The only looks he can find attractive by the way.

After Saya was nearly fucked by an even older man she goes from crying to sucking the cock of the protagonist. This is the ultimate desire of the pedophile love from an underage child expressed as sucking cock.


>> No.11486844

Like all VNs it is complete shit.

>> No.11487000
File: 290 KB, 1200x1693, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a new saya no uta dojin is released!


so cute! there is even a page with saya and her loli daugthers! wow

>> No.11487032
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Thanks for the heads up, I really enjoyed it!

And they _were_ so cute!

>> No.11493307

So, the moral of the story is that pedophiles are worse than shoggoths?

>> No.11493314

The moral of the story is stop necrobumping these threads.

>> No.11493362
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>> No.11493371

It's so easy to sage now too, you don't have to worry about hurting any feelings.

>> No.11493439
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Lucky you!

>> No.11493511

I just finished reading this a few hours ago. My impressions:
The visuals were good. The strongest part of this game would probably be the atmosphere it creates. The CGs along with the music matched together really well and created an immersive setting.
The story on the otherhand is not too interesting. I've seen "it's a eldritch abomination, not your waifu" a million times by now so it was pretty obvious what they were going for from the very beginning (I went in unspoilered)
The thing that bothered me most was MC-kun and how much of a shallow hypocrite he was.
Overall I though the VN was okay. Not good, not bad. I'd say it was above average though.

>> No.11493510
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Seeing (and consequently buying) the doujin in the store finally motivated me to install and play it.

>> No.11493514

Oh, and one more footnote:
The ero-scenes were actually implemented appropriately and not just forced in for fan-service's sake. That was a plus for me and I'm not even a fan of sex scenes.

>> No.11493519

I think trevor should stop posting and than Saya can live in peace with /jp/.

This isn't /a/ trevor. Take your animu some where else.

>> No.11493574

I quite liked the story, it was nice and simple. I don't think extra complexity would have made it more entertaining, just less believable. I think it was meant to be obvious from the start that Saya is a monster.

I was kind of annoyed how Kouji (and the doctor, depending on route) took up a lot of the limelight towards the end, though. I was hoping there would be a longer focus on the Saya and Fuminori at the end.

>> No.11493587

All I meant about it was how obvious everything became. For a horror/suspense story there has to be some things left in the dark. Saya no uta was bare-bones from the start. I suppose you could count that as a strength that doubles as a weakness.
Also, I was only judging based on my own personal judgment, objectively it seemed to be pretty well-written and thought out.
I just wish we could have learned what exactly sensei-chan saw that traumatized her so badly. Learning more about the professor would have also been interesting.

>> No.11493638
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The music and the visuals together were simply amazing.
As for your comment of Fuminori, I really felt bad for Saya with having to deal with such a terrible person.

What do you think she was thinking throughout that? Do you think she understood that he was terrible, but simply loved him anyway? I've been wondering about this for a while.

>> No.11493647
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>> No.11493661

Terrible experiments. Things that exist that shouldn't exist.

>> No.11493681

That's the thing.
He was only nice to saya, and only for superficial reasons.
Saya's the type who's weak to kindness and affection since she's never had any before, so I'm sure she didn't mind him at all, especially since he always treated her so well.
I was sort of disappointed with saya's intellect though. She was supposed to be a lot smarter than she acted.

>> No.11493711
File: 251 KB, 600x638, 34651432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That _could_ just be due to what she learned and how she learned it. She was really good at mathy type stuff, but only really learned about the concept of love through romance novels, which probably gave her a skewed notion of it. I'd like to think that through enough absorption of different sources, she developed a more mature way of thinking. But maybe that simply didn't happen.

I think things like emotion are probably more complex than we give them credit for most of the time. If you think about it in the sense that we're hard-wired for emotion, but someone like Saya had to emulate all that hardwiring to come up with the same behaviors, wouldn't that be really tough?

>> No.11493719

Please read that as though I was typing as I'm about to fall asleep (i.e. excuse some of the poor word flow)

>> No.11493743

So, what you're saying is that Saya is autistic by nature of her being of an otherworldly species?

Nonhuman animals on earth (given samples of sufficient intelligence) understand and react to emotion in other species.
I can see how it doesn't follow that this is true of Saya, though.

>> No.11493835

Whatever we believe is arbitrary, there isn't a single objective understanding. Saya is beautiful and there isn't anyone who can argue because their perception makes it unarguable.

I <3 meat

>> No.11493884

I don't know yet since I haven't played it.

I had a friend that told me it was a really great love story. I'm still apprehensive about playing it since apparently some messed up things happen in it.

I prefer lighthearted romance. So I'm not sure it's for me.

>> No.11493977

It's a beautiful love story. You should play it.

>> No.11496206

Are there any other Lovecraftian VNs with a similar atmosphere to Saya no Uta?

>> No.11496333

That's just a possibility. I'd be hesitant to label it as autistic, but you get the idea.

As long as there's a way of modeling other creatures as independent agents with their own objectives and such, which I think Saya was more than capable of doing, that's all you need to react. Understanding and empathy might require a little bit more, the feeling of those emotions yourself, or in this hypothetical case, emulating what those feelings would entail in terms of behavior.

>> No.11496860

typical embarrassing tryhard gen urobachi bullshit

>> No.11496872

It was my almost first vn. Or first... Good. Just good. I even had refused to watch another endings except one where she's destroy planet.

>> No.11500269 [DELETED] 

my fav vn

>> No.11507768


>> No.11517734
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I had the insatiable urge to reread Saya no Uta since yesterday, and started rereading it this morning. It feels so good to get back into that setting after so long.

I'm fond of any stories, games or VNs that manages to get me immersed in its atmosphere, but this is one of the few that I positively revere.

>> No.11517830 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, saya no neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11517830,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11517839 [DELETED] 

What the HELL, mate?

>> No.11517878 [DELETED] 

holy FUCK you owned that disgusting queer

>> No.11520845

Why didn't he just pull his eyes out as soon as he regained his sight?

>> No.11520867

That's just a rip off of a previous OST

>> No.11520867,1 [INTERNAL] 

Another great day for /ghost/.


>> No.11520867,2 [INTERNAL] 

She looks beautiful!

>> No.11520867,3 [INTERNAL] 

More like she looks beautiful!

>> No.11531100

its shock value is overstated by people who would cower at what they would find in the young adult section in a library
