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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11456292 No.11456292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/. Last month I got a neat book from my local community college, listing all of the courses they had available. So, I decided to learn Japanese. My reasoning is that for years I've played Japanese video-games, watched Japanese movies, Japanese anime, and I even watch their commercials every week. I feel that I'll have a slightly easier time becoming acquainted with the language than most others.

I'll also be learning alongside my brother, and since we're both interested in the same things I listed above, I think it'll be a great advantage. What do you think? Have you learned Japanese, if so, do you have any tips?

>> No.11456297

Please try your best anon-kun

>> No.11456296

Eroge everyday

>> No.11456302

I will, thanks. I'm just worried about the reading/writing part.

>> No.11456301

fugg your bro

>> No.11456307
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>> No.11456325

You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.11456342

It's easy, you just need to be motivated.

>> No.11456350
File: 106 KB, 820x615, 1281833983889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't miss class ever

if you get language partners, try and get a guy close to your age. if you get a girl you will just spend your time thinking about lewd shit instead of what particle goes where.

also >>11456325

>> No.11456353

Kanji are a bitch, pick up a handbook to study them from.


>> No.11456382

that's that dantalian show isn't it
That's nice. Good luck with it (don't spend too much money, the credit's probably useless and you can get tons of software courses and tools for free)

>> No.11456390

Also they went and changed the /int/ learn-a-language sticky all around for no good reason, but it still links resources and shit.

>> No.11456493

So I went on and checked the Japanese section on their wiki...

...why is /int/ so shit?

>> No.11456672

I'm trying to learn German and I'm using Krautchan pretty heavily. I hope I don't become their version of meme spouting retard.

>> No.11456686


Krautchan is full of weird German and meme sputing retards. Not recommendable to learn anything.

>> No.11456705

What he said. You will probably want to go to a regular board that matches your interest (unless the board is about anime, which will, again, be populated with retards). Germans are grammar nazis and extremely value "correct" writing online, so you can be pretty certain that you will not pick up wrong phrases and such.

>> No.11456718

I know I'm probably going to end up with a deep vocabulary in those areas and a superficial one otherwise but I suppose I can always round myself out later.

>> No.11456754

Go to class, don't skip.
Write every Kanji 100 times everday.
Learn every Kanji individually with every reading possible.
Don't learn from games/Anime/Manga/anything else you enjoy.
And don't forget to take the JLPT when you're ready, which should be in ~8 years, for only 50 bucks!

がんばってくださいね!(Please do your best! ;))

>> No.11456767

We are all one!

>> No.11456775


You are a big meanie.

>> No.11457379
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>~8 years

why does anyone bother if it takes so long? at least the test is cheap

>> No.11457385
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He's fucking lying.

>> No.11457391

I write every 100 times a day and I also learn from anime/manga/anything else I enjoy, anon.

>> No.11457396

how are you getting alone?

>> No.11457400

along, rather

>> No.11457409

University Japanese courses are slow and easy. It's a good intro but don't really worry too much about it. I'd imagine a community college would be even slower and easier.

>> No.11457435

Classes are mostly a waste of time. If you study kanji and vocab on your own, as well as reading practice with manga or eroge or whatever, you'll learn a thousand times faster. Then just use the classes to practice speaking to people (which is really the only reason to bother with them at all).

>> No.11457442

depends on the community college and what people are actually driving at doing with the course. I've attended courses (a while ago, but hey, I assume the situation hasn't changed much) at a local post-secondary place, and they really weren't just goofing around. They were genuinely there to learn and teach (engineering not math, what the course was supposedly about, mind you, but they were dead serious.)

>> No.11457458
File: 15 KB, 508x278, the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone use their moonrunes to translate this for me.

(in during the pleasure of being cummed inside)

>> No.11457467

He's not

>> No.11457468


Because it's rewarding?

Most people hit full weeb around 12/13, start Japanese when you're 14, and you're good to go by 22. That's not that bad at all.

Considering most people take nothing from high school, and then graduate college/uni around 22/23, what would you rather have? Full fluency in the moons, or a piece of paper that says you're qualified but have zero job experience?

>> No.11457472


There's a big difference from being able to speak casually to nips/ordering food in a restaurant and being able to pick up roughly any book/video game in the moon runes and be able to read it easily.

>> No.11457473

>8 years for JLPT
You can get to to N2 level comfortably within a year and N1 within a half year to another year max.

>> No.11457478

I did the first two years of my engineering degree at a community college, and the classes weren't any easier than the ones at the university I transferred to. And frankly the teachers at the community college were better since they weren't preoccupied with research projects and getting tenure.

>> No.11457483

6 months to N1 if you do drugs

>> No.11457487

Math is math however you look at it. Arts are always easier at community colleges.

>> No.11457494

Have you had that kind of success?

I'm waiting on an order.

>> No.11457497

I can't afford drugs unfortunately, as much as I'd like to constantly be on speed.

>> No.11457501

Cartridge error
Please turn the power off

>> No.11457504

Are you a drug otaku?

>> No.11457524


Damn. Thanks.

Guess I got a bad cart.

>> No.11460878


I was obviously being sarcastic, but /jp/ seems to be in a bad shape currently.

>I write every 100 times a day
Are you serious?
I haven't written a single Kanji in my entire life and play tons of JRPGs in Japanese since maybe a year after I started studying seriously, which was ~3 years ago.
There is also not a single person on this planet who knows that I can understand Japanese, you'll be a lot more efficient learning alone and at your own pace.

Seriously, don't listen to the Japanese learners on Youtube, they're full of shit and just want you to go through the same pain they've gone through. Never ever memorize Kanji through repetitive writing, it kills your motivation very, very fast and if it doesn't, it will literally take you 8 years.

>> No.11461079

I am going to Japan for a year of study next year. I am in the same boat as OP. I am expecting to have hiragana nailed down by the end of next week depending on how much study I can do in my week in stockholm.

Tomorrow I will make osushi and read a Japanese childrensbook in Hiragana.

>> No.11461164

>Never ever memorize Kanji through repetitive writing

This. When it comes to memorizing Kanji, learn advanced memory techniques and use them for the Kanjis. Simply drilling Kanji is why it takes the Japanese so long to learn them all and why they still forget them after that.
