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11449872 No.11449872 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11427944

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11449878 [DELETED] 

Why do you play visual novels? is it because you can't get a girlfriend?

>> No.11449885

i play them with my girlfriend, retard

>> No.11449886

Your shame will forever live on.


>> No.11449890

Because I'm not tentacle monster in real life.

>> No.11449892 [DELETED] 

This is a thread for the forgotten Touhous that never get a thread. Let's give them a chance to show how cute they are even though most people don't care about them.

>> No.11449899

I'm playing Geardrops, Katawa Shoujo, Grisaia no Kajitsu and Narcissu.
I enjoy them all and I don't care if somebody doesn't recognize how good they are.

>> No.11449901 [DELETED] 


>> No.11449904 [DELETED] 

I'm watching Fags;Gayte, SnK, Bleach and Naruto.
I enjoy them all and I don't care if somebody doesn't recognize how good they are.

>> No.11449907
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>> No.11449909 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 490x750, 1380003566130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; I finish Hanako's arc, fuck you guys, I never have a waifu, and now I can't stop thinking in that cute girl.

>> No.11450317

Does the trial for the Walkure Romanze spin-off contain ero?

>> No.11450328

I did 2/5 routes of Grisaia (michiru, and yumiko) but I'm putting it on hold until the rest of the trilogy is translated. I don't know if I could handle living after finishing the rest and not being able to read the rest for who knows how long.

So I'm going back and hitting up a few older VN that I never got around to reading. I just started Yume Miru Kusuri, because I like emotionally damaged girls. Planning to play My Girlfriend is the President for some light-heartedness after this.

>> No.11450337

I really need to get around to reading that.

>> No.11450341

I was also really looking forward to dracu-riot, but it doesn't seem like the translation will ever see the light of day now.

I guess I should stop being a faggot and learn to moonrune.

>> No.11450343

>I don't know if I could handle living after finishing the rest and not being able to read the rest for who knows how long
Kajitsu is rather long, like 60 hours, and it was translated in a year. Both sequels combined are shorter than it, and they’re already translating Meikyuu, so it won’t be too long.
You’ll get it quicker than those who read them as they came out.

>> No.11450344
File: 469 KB, 1018x761, rancequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Kichikuou Rance and am now playing Rance Quest, and jesus is it grindy.
I'm in World 2 and Babel Tower is just impossible for me right now.

>> No.11450351

why dont you learn japanese? If you start doing your reps now you'll have it learned by the time the other 2 games are translated!

>> No.11450358

That’s pretty doubtful actually. Maybe if the others were the size of Kajitsu, but they aren’t.
It’s not Alternative three times is what I’m saying.

>> No.11450363

Have they officially stated they've begun translation on Meikyuu? I hadn't seen anything yet.

>> No.11450365

You assume real life won't get in the way of said translations.

thats funny actually

>> No.11450379

``Translators have real lives to interfere and still know enough Japanese to pass shit off''
And yet people who don't are too lazy to learn. How does this make you feel?

>> No.11450384

It barely did for Kajitsu.

There’s some other screenshots too somewhere. Found this by looking through his timeline.

>> No.11450394

Is the thread for discussing translation stuff down or what

>> No.11450399

I uninstalled the game after doing most of the quest in Magnum. I couldn't mustard up the resolve to go into the next World.

>> No.11450400

calm y our weeb ass lol

>> No.11450452

Huh, I stopped halfway through Sachi's route because of Yumina the Ethereal which is a damned good game, in any case.

I also have Sharin no Kuni, Kira(star)Kira and Kirara's/Yumina's routes in Yumina the Ethereal to finish. I'm having doubts if I will even finish Sachi's route by the end of this year. I just want to know if it's worth saving for vacation at the end of the year, or if I should just get it out of the way now.

Not that I dislike the game, but I fell in love with Arute in Yumina, so that game is preoccupying my time.

>> No.11450457


You know, no one is going to read those spoilers because spoiler tags here indicate actual spoilers.

Did we get another /vg/ immigration wave?

>> No.11450466

Kajitsu works just as well as a standalone. Meikyuu starts a new harem canon anyways and none of the Kajitsu's heroine endings are cliffhangers, though some of them do foreshadow later developments.

But Meikyuu itself has a huge cliffhanger for Rakuen. It's more of a fan disc with a sequel hook and the actual canon story part in it is really, really short.

>> No.11450468

The spoilers are unimportant, anyways. I did spoil Ai's true name, though. I felt dickish after ruining Eikou's name for some dude back when everyone discussed Kamidori, so I just got into the habit of wanton spoilering.

>> No.11450487

Replaying Tsujidou so I can properly set myself up for the fandisk.

God I love Yankee girls.

>> No.11450502

Hey me too!

>> No.11450506

>God I love Yankee girls.

So do I but I felt the execution was rather silly. All the girls are nice and kind but are delinquents anway because fuck you. It feels more like a parody.

The only genuine interesting girl was Azusa for me.

>> No.11450526

Have there been any eroge with 風紀委員 characters with routes? for some reason I have an itch to scratch but none come to mind.

>> No.11450534


Sister Scheme 1 is the only which I know.

Isn't there a tag on VNDB for that?

>> No.11450550

Well it is a comedy.
As for me, I actually like the whole contrast between the tough exterior and the pure maiden center. A delinquent girl getting all flustered about holding hands or something is just about the cutest thing ever and the game did a pretty good job of scratching that itch for me.


>> No.11450552

Kamikaze Explorer.

>> No.11450573

>A delinquent girl getting all flustered about holding hands
Goddamit, anon, stop it, I can't into moon.

>> No.11450578

How hard of a read was it? Around the level of Baldr Sky/Aiyoku no Eustia?

>> No.11450579

That's your own problem. Deal with it or go to /vg/.

>> No.11450586

Baldr Sky and Eustia are both pretty simple, but looking at random screenshots, it doesn't look that bad.

>> No.11450589

Just played the intro of the Baldr Sky Zero trial. Not sure what to thin of the action. It's kind of super chaotic and I couldn't see shit with all the effects. And did I need to deactivate the Jump-plugin to be able to perform a normal dash or what?

>> No.11450606


No, there is one button combines both dash and jump depends on usage, and another button only for dash. At least that was the case when I used the gamepad.

It is definitely more chaotic as the main weapons will be guns, rather than being combo-centric like the Dive series.

>> No.11450625

Huh, alright. I could only map the face buttons on the Dualshock I used. Weird.

>> No.11450639

Leyline 1, though it's much of a side route.

>> No.11450641

1st part of Ley Line.

>> No.11450826

Anyone tried XBLAZE on Vita/PS3?
I have money left on my psn from Sen and I'm wondering if I should get it

>> No.11450940

SpoilerAL is the way.

>> No.11451246
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Is there going to be a longer trial for this game or is this it until it gets released?

>> No.11451340

Playing Hoshi no Ne Sanctuary. I've finished the common route and started Hisui's. Looks like individual routes have quite a loot of drama and are moderatly long.

Initially I liked the tags on vndb (Magic/ESP combat, blood-related brother/sister incest, proactive protagonist, fighting protagonist, tactician protagonist, pregnancy ending) and it actually turned out to be a nice novel overall with likeable characters and compelling writing.

It seems weirdly similar to Koi Kishi: Purely Kiss. Both games have a protagonist and his harem learning in sort of a police academy, training in fighting, passing combat exams and arresting criminal elements occasionally. Both have a cast of 4 main heroines with comparable personalities (brocon imouto, old-type tsundere, ojou-sama, kouhai), 2 sub-heroines, one of which is a combat capable mentor figure, and a cool veteran director. Although Hoshi no Ne is considerably shorter, and remarkably selecting the route is done in a single choice.

>> No.11451384

>Compelling writing
Compelled me to drop it after 3 routes, sure.

>> No.11451394

my roommate said that the routes are so short that if you press control they end within ten minutes...LOL

>> No.11451598

how would you guys rate girls be ambitious? recommendable?

>> No.11451693

I'd recommend it, yeah.

>> No.11451722
File: 69 KB, 480x272, 20090409000147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kk downloading it now

>> No.11451779
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It has really entertaining male sides and the common route is quite good. Really gives a good "fooling around with friends" vibe.
The girls' routes still have some of the same humor, but otherwise are pretty run-of-the-mill pure love stuff plus some ehhh level "Romeo and Juliet" setting drama in the three ojousan ones.

As I wrote in last thread they recycle the same exact same developments in those; they're found out and discriminated, emo around for quite bit until being encouraged by their close friends, decide to just be themselves and solve the dilemma. In my opinion it would have been much better if the game just focused more on the comedy and ichaicha. I mean, the whole setting is already so ridiculous so it feels just dissonant when it shifts to drama mode.
Luckily Sena didn't have any of that but on the other hand her route didn't really stand out that much either, at least for me. I liked her much more as a character in the group of friends rather than a heroine. Finally a non-clingy childhood friend. And she's voiced by Tamiyasu Tomoe (Makina in Grisaia).

It depends on whether you find the characters and heroines to your liking I guess. I myself don't regret reading it, but don't go expecting a masterpiece.
If you're planning on going through all of them save Fuuka for last. Her ending is the most grandiose with title drops, insert song with vocals and other stuff.

>> No.11451926

It's basically poorfags fucking with rich people.

>> No.11451972
File: 233 KB, 1280x712, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're not satisfied with Hotaru's genkiness? Well, have some twintail genki then! The cast is incredible, like literally.

>> No.11452049

waiting warmly.

>> No.11452052 [DELETED] 

Can I ask where you got this?

All I'm finding in my own search for it are dead links.

>> No.11452090
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Oh god Magical Charming is adorable. Oh god my chest hurts. It's going in my top 10 favorite cute VNs I think.

Though I will never experience going on a date with my sister to a movie titled "Emotional Incest" about a brother and sister's forbidden romance.

Life is so unfair.

>> No.11452095

I really want to get around to that, but I think I should finish some of what I'm currently in the middle of first.

>> No.11452165

I can't into nihong

>> No.11452309

I just cleared all three endings of Kusarihime, and I have a few questions about the correlation between Akane, Juri, and Pre/Post true ending Kurame

Alternatively, if someone could point me to something like the Forest wiki entry that pin points every detail, I'd appreciate it.

So, I'm wondering, with the ending where awakened Itsuki and Kurame choose to start from the beginning in mind, is Akane post-true Kurame, and Takeaki(? Itsuki's father) post-true Itsuki? I was leaning strongly towards yes, but I'd like some confirmation. Mostly, I think this is feasible because the head of the, presumably Hinokawa, family found them at the shore. Then in that case, that ending happened before awakened Itsuki's trip, since when Natsuki's dad was beating up Takeaki, he blamed Akane, that is Takeaki's younger sister, for the head of family's death. Given how reluctant Kurame was with the whole true ending plan, if post-true she = Akane, it would make sense that she would be obsessed with guiding awakened Itsuki back to Kurame for a different outcome, also that she would know that awakened Itsuki existed to begin with. Then Takeaki's obsession with Akane is consistent with the whole Brother <-> Sister thing. I see a lot of overlapping between Kurame and Akane, but I'm not confident enough to declare it as a fact. Hoping for some confirmation.
Then some straight questions
1. In the scene where where Juri is being pinned down, and you can only see the shadow of the person raping(?) her, was that Itsuki? Or, in the event that Akane = Post-true Kurame, then was it whatshisname Natsuki's father, or Itsuki's dad?
2. Who is Jun's father?
3. Under Juri's CGs, there's one where a sleeping Itsuki is laying on her lap. Where is she?

>> No.11452316

Questions cont.

4. Under Juri's CGs, the first one shows her in a broken down building looking backwards at Itsuki. What was the context of this image?
5. Did Itsuki always have Kurame's power, or did he acquire it?
6. Since awakened Itsuki prevented Yoshino from killing Juri, why did pictures of her strangling Juri show up? Shouldn't that have never happened?

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read all this ahead of time.

>> No.11452313

I picked it up, but don't have enough time to read it right now. So far, it feels very anime-ish: most of the text is dialogues (so it's all voiced), tachi-e and CGs are used for some pretty dynamic effects, and the characters are moderately amusing. My only gripe is that the Vita version seems to be a bit inferior to the PS3 one (some artifacts here and there, the CGs are zoomed in for no reason). I'd say it's a good choice for those who want to start reading VNs in moon.

>> No.11452831

Needs more Orietta.

But Fuuka is adorable too, sure.

>> No.11453178

Engine only supports the first 5 face buttons in Direct Input I believe.

>> No.11453384

I love Himeyuri. Actually everyone is likeable.

>> No.11454296
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guys is this worth of playing? some short thoughts would be great.

>> No.11454298

How is Madou Koukaku, in terms of gameplay? I remember the trial being horrible, with the AI attacking enviroments and shit. After 6 months they must've killed all bugs and balance issues right?

>> No.11454311

One of the few good things Giga's released besides the Baldr series, I'd recommend it.

>> No.11454315

Good, fun, youth-feeling.
My main grip with it is that it tries to push Rinna an awful lot, literally the whole thing is built around her half of the time.
That said, Umi was a great heroine, liked her route a lot. Other routes I liked were Naoko, who was pretty interesting once you get to know her background with Wataru, and Saeri, who has one pretty funny route.

>> No.11454330

thank you guys,im starting right now.

>> No.11454377

Well the worst issues were worked out, but for some people it can be quite monotonous. Personaly I enjoyed it greatly during first playthrough after it got slightly stale.

>> No.11454461 [DELETED] 

>What are you playing?
Chaos;Head. Struggling with corrupted saves is suffering.
>What are you looking forward to?
Fate/Stay Night. I've never played it before.
>What have you finished?
Steins;Gate most recently.

>> No.11454729

It's also a bit silly how easy it is to just get Neneka quickly to level 50 and then just own the rest of the game.

>> No.11454861

Pick any one

>> No.11454875

I liked supreme candy a lot, so I'll go with that one.

>> No.11454884

Not sure why I had set it to low. Sure is a whacky premise, though!

>> No.11454919

Daitoshokan is at the top of your list, so why not do that? It's pretty good as moege go.

>Twisted Destiny
At first I was weirded out by it being Chinese, but the art at least actually looks decent.

>> No.11454926

I've wanted to do Daitoshokan since it came out but something’s strangely holding me back. I’m downloading it now though.
>Twisted Destiny
Thatt's a low budget doujin title, short and no voices .

>> No.11454927


>> No.11454931

It's decided then. August face here I come.

>> No.11454934
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have fun

>> No.11454940

Man I can’t help but see Eustia in every August face nowadays. Maybe this is gonna change now though.

>> No.11455029

The common route is entertaining, but all the character routes drop the ball hard. You know exactly how each route is going to go pretty much the moment you meet each girl. Then it manages to be even more cringe worthy than you were expecting. The outfits are a nice touch at least.
If you want to read it, go for it. I wouldn't be recommending it as anything but a way to waste a few hours if you absolutely don't have anything else. If someone were to ask if it was good, it would be a flat out no, but it certainly is readable.

>> No.11455036

The title ’girls be ambitious’ reminds me of some anime but I can’t quite say which.

>> No.11455040

It's the title of ending song of Sora no Woto.

>> No.11455045

Oh damn, yes that’s the one. I remember now.
I liked that one.

>> No.11455053

Holy shit, it is. I was wondering why the title sounded so familiar. I figured someone must have previously mentioned it on /jp/ and I had just forgotten about it.

>> No.11455062

What's the best tittle that will be released tomorrow ? BS Zero ?

>> No.11455070


I had always thought the song was way too mismatched with the rest of the anime's music which is why I even remember it. Great anime though. I wished there was a VN with the same kind of setting or at least feel.

>> No.11455091


Sangoku Hime 3 or Monsters Reido if you just want to read

>> No.11455238

Looking forward to that and Senshinkan trial.

Hopefully they changed some gameplay stuff and added more difficulty levels. The trial was way too easy due to eternal boost spam.

>> No.11455245
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Here are titles I've been thinking about starting, are you guys familiar with any of them, any imput on them is appreciated.

Animamundi ~Owarinaki Yami no Butou~
Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO
Cartagra ~Tsuki kurui no Yamai~
PP -Pianissimo- Ayatsuri Ningyou no Rinbu
Kikokugai - The Cyber Slayer
Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~
The Noose
Boku to Iu Mono
Caucasus ~Nanatsuki no Nie~
Swan Song

>> No.11455272

CC, Subahibi and Yuno are the only good ones out of those. That's sort of an odd selection though.

>> No.11455289

I dunno, Kikokugai was pretty fun to read.
That's got to count for something especially when you're an EOP like that person probably is.

>> No.11455290

I liked Swan Song as well. And I've heard Kikokugai is pretty decent, though I haven't played it myself yet.

>> No.11455294


I just went to vndb and browsed around categories I like.


I hate sounding ignorant, but what is EOP.

>> No.11455297

Divi-Dead is a classic. It's far superior in jap too.

>> No.11455302

I actually didn't like the wuxia stuff in a lot of the stuff Urobuchi wrote, so I didn't really enjoy that one at all. Actually, to be honest, the only two nitroplus writers I particularly like are Narahara and Haganeya. I never really was able to get into anything I've read by Urobuchi, and Shimokura is fucking terrible.

>> No.11455303


Meant to put a question mark in that second reply.

>> No.11455311

Can someone post the serial for installation of 装甲悪鬼村正? Thanks;

>> No.11455308

>I hate sounding ignorant, but what is EOP.
English-only peasant. Just means you can't read Japanese.

And by the way, if you can't read Japanese, avoid Cross Channel and Swan Song because their translations are terrible.

>> No.11455319


>> No.11455325

I like Narahara and Urobuchi, personally. Haven't really cared for the Haganeya stuff I've read. Agreed about Shimokura, though.

>> No.11455343

Thank you anon.

>> No.11455356
File: 1.01 MB, 1366x768, runes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah thank you, and you're correct, I can't into runes. Pic related, it's what I get when trying to play the only available Corpse Party I could find.

>> No.11455400

Entertaining mystery title, though the culprit is way too easy to guess and there's some stupid suspension of disbelief stretching stuff towards the latter parts but the ending itself is pretty great.

Good production values and atmosphere marred by retarded amount of flags and the pacing feels odd due to how it's designed to be replayed again and again instead of being one long story. Very repetitive and frustrating without a walkthrough. Those are the only IG titles I've played and personally found Cartagra much better.

Great denpa and mindscrew stuff with the writer masturbating over Wittgenstein's Tractatus. First half of the game is really awesome and It's My Own Invention has my favorite eroge protagonist to date, though the latter parts serve more as sort of answer chapters and I personally didn't find them as engrossing.

Cross Channel:
Been years since I read it but it also has some of the more memorable eroge protags, though I felt the game got a bit repetitive in the long run. I'm not a huge Romeo fan but Saihate no IMA's incomprehensible plot was a lot more to my liking, though it also had it's own problems such as absolutely fucking humongous amount of infodumping in form of many unvoiced walls of text.

>> No.11455401

Anyone played Dunamis 15 and/or Disorder 6? Worth my time? Picking up a modded PS3 soon and looking for stuff to fill it with.

>> No.11455441
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Ah, thank you. I care very much about a good story line, do I'm glad you took the time to state your thoughts about them.

Since you like Cartagra, maybe you'll enjoy Kara no Shoujo, I don't know if they're similar, but it's my understanding that they share some characters. That's pretty much the reason Cartagra and Pianissimo are on the list.

>> No.11455456

It's actually a take on one of the more famous quotes of Japanese history, same with the Sora no Woto song being an allusion to that.


>> No.11455552

Didn't this game have an impossible to read font?

>> No.11455556
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Patched version.

>> No.11455564

Thank God this exists, maybe I'll actually read it now.

>> No.11455568
File: 125 KB, 800x621, 20071104114517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious as to what the original looks like. Googled screenshots seem to show pretty normal text to me.

>> No.11455571

I tried reading it the other day. It was possibly the most infuriatingly boring thing I've ever attempted to read. But that's just me

>> No.11455575
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>> No.11455577

Oh god, that -is- annoying. It's not illegible, though.

>> No.11455592

No, but with as long as that game is trying to read it like that would be torture.

That said, when I played it the text was normal, but that may be because I'm missing some Japanese fonts. Or maybe I downloaded the patched version without realizing it.

>> No.11455633
File: 235 KB, 800x600, capture_031_25092013_061519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's been a pretty good read so far, but if I remember hearing correct the latter half of the routes are supposedly done by a different (and better?) writer. The seiyuu are also really rubbing me the right way. Regretfully no route for ojousama Aoyama Yukari.

>> No.11455674

Do you really know Japanese or are all of you just lying?

>> No.11455679

It's all a massive troll, designed to get you!

>> No.11455680

Why would we lie?
There are probably varing levels of skill though. My level is still very poor but since I love moege so much it's not that much of a big problem in the first place, but many people here have very good understanding of the language.

>> No.11455682

The latter. We look at the pictures and make up our own stories. Then we meet in a secret IRC room to make sure all our made up stories are consistent and then we come back here to discuss said stories.

>> No.11455684

Would probably beat the plot of most actual VNs.

>> No.11455685


Everyone just uses machine translations and then guesses.

It's the polyglot way~

>> No.11455689
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All this denial.

>> No.11455691


Say that to my face faggot not online and see what happens

>> No.11455714

Nobody knows Japanese, not even the Japanese themselves. The entire existence of the language is nothing more than a running joke.

>> No.11455729

I wish I could kill one of you and eat your brain so that I could attain your knowledge of Japanese, but I'm a peaceful man and I can't do that.

Are any of you willing to sacrifice yourselves to me?

>> No.11455734

Learning Japanese isn't that hard. Get a beginning guide to grammar and start working through some reading material.

>> No.11455737

Yeah, meet me behind your house in fifteen minutes.

>> No.11455745

It isn't that hard, you don't need to be a master at the language either. There are also tools for helping you, like Jparser and Mecab that show you the readings and definitions of words you don't know. Just learn the basics and start from there.

>> No.11455753

This. Whenever you see Japanese text, don't be fooled. It's just Chinese with some random bullshit made up characters thrown in. It's gibberish.

>> No.11455772

It was especially fun to watch it and then go on /a/ to speculate about everything like the giant bird carcass and shit.

The Spanish town they used as background was lovely as well.

>> No.11455784 [DELETED] 

Boys be ambitious (and subsequently girls be ambitious) is a phrase that's been well established in Japanese for years, though. Sora no woto didn't start it by any means.


>> No.11455787

And just to be clear, they didn't invent the "girl" part, either. That's been done to death.


>> No.11455792

I just started playing Prima Stella, I've yet to find out if that was a mistake.

>> No.11455808

The heroine routes are pure shit but I enjoyed the common route alot.

>> No.11455811

Good to know. MC speaking with っす is making my autism flare up though.

>> No.11455890

I'm thinking of starting the Venus Blood series from the beginning. Will the first few titles be suffering, or are they good?

>> No.11455917

Baldr Sky Zero is coming out tomorrow, and I'm currently in Tokyo. Does anyone know where I could buy a copy? I've been to some shops that sold eroge but the newest ones they had were about half a year old. Also, do such games sell out quick, or will I be able to buy it in the evening?

>> No.11455958

They ain't gonna let yo gaijin ass buy eroge, enjoy getting kicked out of the stores

>> No.11456001

That's racist!

>> No.11456008

That's the display for gaijin.

>> No.11456009

It's the truth though around here there are thousands of Japanese only signs, you better prepare your anus.

>> No.11456023

I am yet to be kicked out from somewhere. The worst I got were some disgusted glares and people going out of my way on the street.

Well I guess I'll just go in every shop and ask them if they have the game.

>> No.11456164

check anime shop. last time I went to Animate and they do sell 18+ stuffs such as doujin books and eroge, both new and old.

>> No.11456195

why would you pay for pornography?

why would you move somewhere to get a specific kind of pornography?

>> No.11456203


No one is playing BS for the porn.

>> No.11456205

There's this concept called "acquiring and supporting things you like".

>> No.11456221

Picked up.

>> No.11456252

Depends for what reasons you play the series, if for tentacles then the few first will be good too, but if you are in for a gameplay the original and Chimera were training games while the gameplay that it nowdays has started in Desire but Empire after it was the first good one. Also the stories aren't connected or anything so you don't necessary need to play them in order, although from what I hear Gaia might try to connect stuff loosely somehow. Need that fucking Gaia gameplay trial already.
But don't try to have exceptations and then you should atleast enjoy everything from Empire onwards. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as it's nice series

>> No.11456346

I'm not terribly picky, so I think I'll enjoy it overall. Thanks for the info.

>> No.11456397

Have you tried Sofmap? Or go to akihabara you sould find stores there if you just look around, it was like that for me when I was there

>> No.11456435

Oooh, I liked The Noose a lot, and it's short. Play it late at night with the lights off.

>> No.11456438

I recognize that font, they use it for the soundtrack menu in Air.

I like it; it looks like stereotypical women's handwriting.

>> No.11456441


>> No.11456442

Rance 1 is out but I don't even feel like downloading it? I just don't see the appeal in ~the beginning~ of Rance where characters are either nothing like they are not or never appear ever again. Is anyone even picking it up?

>> No.11456445

There's also an old-school anime called Boys Be too.

Japanese creators love that phrase, it's in games and animu and such all over the place.

>> No.11456450
File: 830 KB, 800x600, rance2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiot, the illustrator for the Rance remakes is one of the best in the biz. And the game is fun. You'd better play that shit, unless you're retarded, which seems to be a distinct possibility.

>> No.11456451

Be quiet before we decide two wasn't enough.

>> No.11456452


>> No.11456477

I like っす. I feel that it's a nice break from the overly formal Japanese mindset. It makes me think of an employee talking to a boss he's also on friendly terms with.

>> No.11456509

>It makes me think of an employee talking to a boss he's also on friendly terms with.

For me it sounds more like some youth delinquent/yakuza talking with his boss.

>> No.11456510


>> No.11456515

That's how it often appears in media, but I was thinking based on my own experiences.


>> No.11456548

How about bokukko heroine using it? That makes my penis flare up.

>> No.11456565

>That makes my penis flare up.
Does it make your bird go, if you know what I mean?

>> No.11456656

Is gameplay any fun in first Rance games or should I just deal with digest versions?

>> No.11456730

Don't die Masada

>> No.11456739

Is it やばい as in a Japanese cold or やばい as in cancer or something.

>> No.11456741

Is there a difference?

>> No.11456744


I tried it for an hour before lunch and yup, it's a fucking pc98 adventurer game. I would say skip it unless you long for the old days of examining and clicking every single useless option.

>> No.11456757
File: 316 KB, 1297x781, q4Nqr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop teasing us Masada.

>> No.11456765

>no voice
They remake the first and no voice..

>> No.11456768


I think the Rance series is too long around to give the characters voices. People formed certain ideas about how the characters sound over the years.

>相州戦神館學園 八命陣

Oh boy, if that doesn't look like so ancient kanji spam.

>> No.11456770

I use っす when talking with friends. Do you have a problem with me fagget?

>> No.11456777

Talking about Masada, the trial should have been released today right?
Well I'm playing Load no Kiseki so I'm plenty busy, I just hope Masada will get better soon.

>> No.11456782

A cold vs cancer?

>> No.11456785

Japanese cold vs cancer.

>> No.11456792

You die faster from cold.

>> No.11456809
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x699, She sees MY penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11456889

How do you use machine aid with a visual novel?

>> No.11456893

play it on a computer

>> No.11456919

No Rance game will ever have voice, ever. No mortal seiyuu could approximate the glory of Rance-sama.

>> No.11456921

Google; ITH3, Mecab, JParser.

>> No.11457080 [SPOILER] 
File: 358 KB, 800x600, itsusora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly sure how I didn't expect this scene to turn out this way.

>> No.11457097

Sauce? google failed me.

>> No.11457100

look at the file name next time

>> No.11457110

She has really hot like that.

>> No.11457123


I can read all but two of these.

Am I eroge master now?

>> No.11457136



>> No.11457143

not as lewd as 親 in my opinion

>> No.11457146

It should mean MFM threesome, but it doesn't.

>> No.11457154

1) frolic, play with
2) flirt with
3) (Cantonese) angry
Silly Cantos.

>> No.11457158

So 嫐 has the same meaning?
Man, these definitely meant threesomes at some point.

>> No.11457159

It's a women being a cunt trying to distance two men, of course it means angry

>> No.11457163


>> No.11457170
File: 4 KB, 300x101, 無題3137b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11457183

Can anyone recommend me some basic VNs to read? I want to practice my Japanese. I have completed core2k for reference

>> No.11457192

Twinkle Crusaders

>> No.11457194

Pick a moege, any moege.

>> No.11457195

I'd recommend itsusora.

>> No.11457374

Seconded, this is a good start, since most of the lines are voiced and the dialogue is pretty easy overall.

MC is only voiced in certain parts of the fandisk though (and the PSP port with the guest characters, but you probably aren't playing that). And in the battles, of course, but that's a given.

>> No.11457569

Thanks everyone

>> No.11457865

陰嚢 and 流転?

>> No.11457968


>There's this concept called "acquiring and supporting things you like".

Japan doesn't want your filthy foreign pig money.

We haven't forgotten the bombs.

>> No.11457973

I don't even know what that is in English.

>> No.11457981

Le feelio when Getchu accepted my American debit card.

>> No.11458085

i just finished playing danganronpa and i really liked it. does anyone know any similar games?

>> No.11458097

this isnt /vg/ please go back to your homeboard crossie

>> No.11458137

Just finished Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night recently.
Was about 3 chapters my first playthrough of Steins;Gate, but I can't run the file anymore due to some runtime error I keep getting whenever I try to run it(Goggle has been little if any help at all).It's a shame, because I was really starting to get into it.

Now, I'm about 4 or 5 hours(maybe more) into Grisaia. I'm mildly enjoying it thus far, but so far there's been very little plot development, which is making me get slightly impatient waiting for that to happen. I haven't even reached my first choice though, so I'm guessing that the game doesn't have that many choices to it. I'm currently at the part where Michuru is staring at the ocean.
Also reading Higurashi on my phone.
I might start Yume Miru Kusuri on my PSP.

>> No.11458161

hahahahh im saving this for the next thread

that is like a pure crossie /vg/ esque post

thank you for the laugh

>> No.11458164
File: 28 KB, 236x248, melt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you replying such a obvious bait ?

>> No.11458173 [DELETED] 

Epic pwnage, brah. Really, truly epic.

>> No.11458179

After a long painful down- acquiring I started Daitoshokan. I’m liking Ikkei, the bro character (I also liked Sieg in Eustia).
August sure put quite some effort into the game system, feels pretty polished.

>> No.11458185

Melt ;_;

>> No.11458190

thank you bro.

i wasnt insulting the 2nd time though. whoever wrote that did a great job. he got the essence of a crossie down pat

like I said its already saved

be ready for it next thread

>> No.11458204
File: 346 KB, 1280x723, kana-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, that L-size smile
This is going to be one moe ride.

>> No.11458215
File: 300 KB, 1294x758, kanasuke couldn`t hold that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going for a ride...

>> No.11458227

Wow, great job with the spoilers man.

>> No.11458228

Good thing I didn’t open the image then.

>> No.11458237

Quick question: is Kana’s VA the same as Eustia’s?

>> No.11458255



>> No.11458260

Yeah it was only in the beginning that she reminded me of Eustia.
Nevermind then.

>> No.11458265

Fair enough, I had that same impression until her signature laugh. Look forward for more of her with Kokoro@Connect next month (if pulltop don't screw this).

>> No.11458385
File: 424 KB, 1280x720, are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11458658
File: 233 KB, 392x468, gunununu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a angel.

>> No.11458735

August boobs.

>> No.11458747

Too much same-boob?

>> No.11458746

what about them

>> No.11458759

Sameface is tolerable but sameboob is a terrible thing.

>> No.11458962


>> No.11459037

The main problem with Clochette.

>> No.11459263

カルマルカ*サークル is on the internet for those of us who want to play it.

>> No.11459299

Can anyone remind me of this month's big titles again?

>> No.11459300

Electro Arms -Realize Digital Dimension-
2013年10月25日 → 2013年11月29日

相州戦神館學園 八命陣
2013年12月20日 → 2014年02月28日

>> No.11459312

Anyone not see that coming?

>> No.11459333


>> No.11459338
File: 251 KB, 851x479, Shin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, downloading at lightspeed. Going for:
Shin > Natsuki > Koyomi. Nicole is shit.

>> No.11459343

rip in piece masada

>> No.11459361

What release is the most fappable this month?

>> No.11459371

So is this going to be a nakige like Hatsuyuki Sakura and Natsuyume Nagisa?

>> No.11459397

I don't know, I am going to bed and I can't play it until Saturday.

This is a very early upload when you consider how games have been appearing weeks after release dates. I don't think anyone but viral marketers will have a score/review up on EGS until the weekend passes.

>> No.11459418

Speaking of reviews, do eroge ever get pre-release reviews?

>> No.11459550

I knew it!!
Come on Akatsuki Works, we know that BV is not in this year either....

>> No.11459555

Not even close, yeah.

>> No.11459557
File: 25 KB, 302x171, p_trial01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trial is out.

>> No.11459558

There's even a holyseal mirror that doesn't crap itself, great.
Now waiting for electroarms second trial next month and this one's in december/january.

>> No.11459563

>Now waiting for electroarms second trial
That's out too.


>> No.11459565

Oh great, missed it. Figured they would release it next month, thanks for the info, the last one stopped right when things were starting to get interesting.

>> No.11459577

I don't suppose anyone here has played the 夢か現かマトリョーシカ trial? The opening gives off a rather soothing atmosphere, which caught my attention.


>> No.11459587

I like the art, but with that title I'm expecting some serious/sad shit.

>> No.11459592

You need to Natsuki out of the way first I think to get into the other four routes. Then clear them all and you get the true end for Natsuki.
I'd play it if I wasn't sure most of these routes are going to be boring as fuck.

>> No.11459640
File: 133 KB, 320x460, 001_c771490package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, okay. I keep that in mind. My friend said that there were people who didn't like it. Guess I just have to find it out myself.

Also, fuck.. tempting to view the CGs since I downloaded it.

>> No.11459660

I played Dunamis15 just recently. It's nothing special. The music and art (for the most part) are good, but the story is really boring at certain parts. Overall, It's not the best game ever, but if you're interested in it, go for it.
As for Disorder6, I wanted to play it, but according to japan it was shallow, so I've been hesitating.

>> No.11459676
File: 939 KB, 1280x720, ev_zx03_0103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great,i can add one more name at my "Great characters without route" list now.

>> No.11459703
File: 156 KB, 278x251, 1356702457537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11459720

meaningless loop, boring/long nichijou, no real climax
music is good though, personally I won't recommend people playing this cauz there are better games

>> No.11459733

Desu yo ne

>> No.11459808

Well, time to end my year-long VN hiatus. Might as well finally download Dies Irae while I'm at it.

>> No.11459845

Apparently the trial has a bug that makes most sound effects not play and they just released a patch for it.

>> No.11459942

So... what am I supposed to expect from カルマルカ*サークル? A nakige?

>> No.11459945

A dickige

>> No.11460064

Minoru trying Totono for 15 mins.

>> No.11460075
File: 10 KB, 429x114, angel-beats-pc-key-2014-vol-1-seventhstyle-details-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it will be all-ages after all.

>> No.11460088


>> No.11460090

well after air all of their important games came as all-ages,i cant say im surprised.Lets just hope that they would make an +18 version like lb ex.

>> No.11460091

It uses a more or less high profile VA set, hanakana and all, so it was expected.

>> No.11460094
File: 112 KB, 320x460, sweetjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Release date changed to Januari 2014

>> No.11460102

BTW he chose Aoi in the end. You can listen to his explanation of this choice at last minute of the vid.

>> No.11460107

looks like a generic gangrape nukige. what's so special about this one

>> No.11460104

machi gurumi no wana was any good?

>> No.11460111

it's a newly released generic gangrape nukige

>> No.11460113


Like deja vu with these guys all over again

>> No.11460118

For a fan of fallen heroine/mahou senshi themed nukige, this looks gorgeous. The CG samples are awesome.

>> No.11460197
File: 203 KB, 1366x768, ave maria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started the senshikan trial, lost it with the Dies Irae videogame segment, good job.
Effects seem particularly awesome this time, so does the music, hope the prologue wasn't part of the true route or something, anyway it'll get super interesting.
Also this guy seems to be gold from his little screentime.

>> No.11460215


How verbose is it? Comparable to Dies Irae?

>> No.11460218

I feel you man. But the delay can only mean they are making the game even better. At least we can hope it doesn't mean it was so shit and had so many script errors that they had to delay it to fix it.

>> No.11460221

I'd say quite, yeah, but it was a 10 minute not fight for the prologue from the PoV of someone on the floor.

>> No.11460385

Are visual novels games?

>> No.11460404
File: 170 KB, 1364x768, malie 2013-09-27 20-25-46-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're going all out with the fanservice.

>> No.11460420

We only have three unknown ones, right? Hot girl, old guy and mysterious guy.

>> No.11460427

No, they’re novels. But eroge are games!

>> No.11460448

Subjectives with loads of overlap. Generally, yes.
Some would even consider games with no choices or interaction whatsoever (optional autoreading and whatnot) to still be games. I'd say it simply doesn't matter.

>> No.11460455

yes this world is gay, but in sense it was good delay as october was full of nukige goodness for me, so less crowded is good I think.

>> No.11460457
File: 55 KB, 500x800, 4758-651827566[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysterious guy is from Paradise Lost.

>> No.11460462
File: 237 KB, 1200x703, 061_i_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I know him, I mean hooded guy. I don't think he's Hajun.

>> No.11460470

He looks like a faggot.

>> No.11460487
File: 464 KB, 1024x600, capture_076_23072013_205330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this line and he's covering his eyes, though I'm not 100% sure either.
Could be some of that "Observer" stuff mentioned in Habaki&Rindou's epilogue? Reisen thought that Erii was the Observer but IIRC the epitaph in Daiichiten's figure read something like "we released something unthinkable, tell him/her that their death is near" to which Habaki says that they shouldn't push their own responsibilities on other people.

Been a while since I read that part so please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.11460493
File: 464 KB, 1024x600, capture_076_23072013_205330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell? That wasn't the picture I uploaded.

>> No.11460495

Wait, do I need Dies Irae to properly understand this?

>> No.11460505

Don't worry about it dude. I liked the first picture too.

>> No.11460517
File: 115 KB, 1364x768, 刹那.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the question. Paradise Lost, DI and KKK are essentially part of the same series and people are still speculating whether this also relates to those games. Masada himself said that it isn't, but on the other hand he could just be pulling our leg and storing a big twist.

At least there seems to be a lot of references and jokes.

>> No.11460538

>That is the question. Paradise Lost, DI and KKK are essentially part of the same series
Games with complicated relations like that just turn me off from playing them.

>> No.11460571

what other series are like this?

>> No.11460575

Oh shit, it's alive!
I thought it was canned.

>> No.11460576

Kiminozo / Muv-Luv?

>> No.11460630


>> No.11460640
File: 110 KB, 480x280, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does /jp/ think about danganronpa? which danganronpa would fuck?

>> No.11460643

I just downloaded amentes, will I lost too much of the history since I didn't read PL ? Or just some jokes or something ?

Eushully world ? what a series ?

>> No.11460675
File: 10 KB, 175x137, tumblr_inline_mmc4ewauUy1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck yamada hifumi

>> No.11460693

Thanks for replying. I guess I'll download them since why not, but I won't put a high priority on playing them.

>> No.11460712

Paradise lost is not particularly good, nice looking or relevant beyond its throne, who is only referenced.

>> No.11460718

I would have been extremely surprised if it hadn't been all-ages, especially if they wanted to keep the VAs from the anime. Key H-scenes are awful anyway so who cares.

>> No.11460726 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 1024x1800, Clipboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens right after Hajun tramples Marie. It's most likely Naraka, the observer is his avatar. See the Masada wiki for more details http://www10.atwiki.jp/god14/pages/384.html

>> No.11460733

even if it gets a lot of flak most of the rance games are set in a pretty developed universe, there's also the baldr series that is shaping up to be like that (at least Force+Sky+Zero are in the same universe), and there were some guys raving about the machina chronicle series a while back (ninetail games), ayakashibito and bullet butler are two separate games but propeller made a crossover fandisk so maybe that counts as a series too

>> No.11460749
File: 102 KB, 1303x732, 1380252362591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to put it in kirigiri's ass

>> No.11460759

That explains a lot of things, especially a couple from Dies Irae, thanks.
Now I want to see a final battle to the series with last boss Renaissance Yamada to destroy the system.
Also this part was particularly hilarious
すなわち、 ただのルネ山なら問題ないが、インポのルネ山が出たらヤバいということ。

Poor Shirou I guess it doesn't affect him in the DI/KKK last timelines, but shit's depressingly funny.

>> No.11460861

Finished the trial of Senshinkan, the last part was pretty hardcore, nice to see Masada being Masada again.
Considering the prologue I have a few theories about the game but I'm sure it won't be so easy.
Anyways good show, can't wait for more

>> No.11460880

I like seeing him improving in generic fun SoL scenes, they were pretty bad in DI overall till the plot kicks in for real.

>> No.11460895

How many hours is it?

>> No.11460909

Yeah it was pretty nice, I wouldn't mind seeing more of them (though seeing the end of the trial fun days are over).

And some may have found them overbearing but I loved all the Dies Irae/KKK references, the cast doing a chuuni game reciting the best lines of these games was amazing

>> No.11461084

Wow Karumaruka Circle has pretty good H-scenes.
MML is fine too.

>> No.11461086
File: 258 KB, 1366x768, acta est fabula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go for literal translation? Chuuni translation?

>> No.11461104

If you did Dies Irae you should know what the answer is

>> No.11461113

So the 2nd then, I'd normally go for the 4th, but, you know.

>> No.11461302

I see you guys talking about all these VN's and its kinda overwhelming. I just finished Tsukihime or rather got the Arcueid true ending and want to move on to something else that has more h scenes in it with a more polished look.

Would you guys suggest anything other than searching tags on vndb?

>> No.11461357
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, giza-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsumugi sure is a persistent one, I thought she’d be a shy character. So far Tamamo is probably my favourite.

>> No.11461368

She's kind of shy when she's in public.
Tamamo is a great girl, not Kana, but good enough.

>> No.11461375

Kana has only had one appearance thus far, haven’t met all the heroines yet either.

>> No.11461388

For the love of God, August, please give us a new Eustia type game.

>> No.11461394

Next up is another Daitoshokan FD (also an anime)
I think Daitoshokan sold better than Eustia

>> No.11461398

Screw that, I want my Daitoshokan fandisc.

>> No.11461406

I'll do everything related to Kana and be done with it.

>> No.11461456

>うおおおおおおおおおお!!!!! エスカレイヤーのリメイクキ───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

My penis is ready.

>> No.11461479


Arghh. Instead of a remake I would rather have new heroines for an Escalayer/Beats Blade type game. The heroines in escalayer are pretty generic/boring by now. Alicesoft has really turned shitty in last five years except for oyako.

>> No.11461497
File: 114 KB, 735x980, rimeiku_alice0789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking at the image, I don't think we can confirm it's a remake.

>> No.11461595


What a flat looking ass

>> No.11461600

Has there been any news on the new Tsuma game or did it just fall into development hell?

>> No.11461638

>Would you guys suggest anything other than searching tags on vndb?
You should do just that because when you're new top rated games are always going to at least be readable.

/vg/ has some very good resources if you can't read japanese.

>> No.11461746
File: 137 KB, 1364x768, malie 2013-09-28 01-23-43-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Senshinkan trial. Sadly nothing resembling arias apart from Shinno's singing and I don't really know what to think about the other antagonists yet. Hopefully they all don't just end up being completely unlikeable always chaotic evil assholes.
Also hoping that the they fought and died against the bad guys years ago twist doesn't get dragged out too long or that it'll end up being more complicated than that.

>> No.11461808

Finished it too, there's a lot of potential in what they can do with it.
I get the feeling the twist will be something a lot weirder than that at least one or two of them died by the hand and black mark next to it and they seem to be perfectly fine now
Russian girl looks really interesting, in an Eleonore-way also the Atemiya princess that was mentioned a couple of times and her relationship with Karma looks promising. Chernobog is hilarious at least for the antagonists.
Anyway, it's five months to go but I'm dying to play Rinko's route, her faces ranging from glass mask to Kira are hilarious.

>> No.11461810

Ok cool thank you.

Besides Rance, Fate/Stay, Tsukihime, School Days, Monmuso Quest, is there any seminal VN's that are a must play for a beginner?

>> No.11461811
File: 238 KB, 1680x1050, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished アザナエル, all the routes, guess it was a fun read. It has an awesome style, characters, soundtrack, good story and a lot of twists. Basically, if I try to summarize everything that's happened - it was a non-stop ride of HAPPNIN, troubles rain down on characters all the time and they had little to none time to solve them. The whole new years akiba setting and events are a good choice too, somehow now I want to visit all those place real life. While it sounds all nce and clean, vn definitely has one serious issue, and that' shimokura himself. While I do appreciate ideas and the whole story, it's like he was on high shit creating it, the way how the story is told is horrible. Dialogues are autistic and retarded - something comparable to a shittiest harem anime you can see, where every possible cliche is used just for the sake of being used. 80% of text is garbage and pure fillers, that space could have been used more wise or just cut out, it would make Axanael a much, much better read. The best possible thing that can be done to Axanael at this point is to make an anime out of it, but nor 24 episodes neither 12, just a plain old 90-110 minutes run. That way director is going to be made to keep all the twists and events rolling, cutting all the crap that shimokura wrote. implying director is not some retard who will sacrifice plot in favor of fanservice
In the end I still feel myslef frustrated thinking how much potential it had and how it was wasted, but still I did enjoy it, Axanael is a fun ride if you are prepared to one of the worst writings I've ever seen. The story is good, the setting and new years atmosphere are comfy, characters are fun to watch.
guess, totono is next, since my jap skills are low and shimokura's writing exactly what I can handle
tfw you are never going to spend your new year in a handa myojin with gachimuchi and goro

>> No.11461899

There is nothing that is must reads in the world of VNs actually, just find something you like.

>> No.11461926

Albatross and Itsusora are must plays for beginners.

>> No.11461932

The characters were fun I agree but I had to drop it after two routes, there was no tension left in the game now that I knew there were no permanent consequences. The story was a good ride through most of it and the dialogue and writing didn't bother me, I sorta liked how in the character's head you were as it went well with all those voiced lines. Tropes didn't bother me either, it was played for fun. Ensemble casts are hard to do in VNs but I like that this game tried and would love to see more of that in the future.

A lot of the hate the game gets is because A) it was a disappointment (people still thought nitroplus was king) and B) people feel that it meandered too much.

>> No.11461936

Is it even good?

>> No.11461939
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>> No.11461978

Ships dude.

>> No.11462076
File: 151 KB, 1364x768, authentic Killzone 4 gameplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian girl looks really interesting
I got some kind of slightly less theatrical female Heydrich vibe out of her. She even commands the Helghast in place of skeleton Nazi legions.

>> No.11462130


>> No.11462578

So how long was the trial?

>> No.11462580

Damn, that is all one sentence.

One day I will play that game. But today is not that day.

>> No.11462586

I finally finished the grisaia trilogy after 5 months and now I don't want to play anything else.

>> No.11462637


kill me

>> No.11462663

Then show me a must play one for an advanced eroge player

>> No.11462671


>> No.11462672
File: 305 KB, 820x581, jTdmQ3TlieRki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out!
My dick and pad are ready.

>> No.11462694
File: 292 KB, 800x600, 052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itsusora actually requires you to know Japanese.

>> No.11462705

Why this kid looks so edgy ?

>> No.11462713 [SPOILER] 
File: 312 KB, 800x600, 062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's Gandalf.

>> No.11462964
File: 960 KB, 1269x720, Mirai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to inseminate her.

>> No.11462971

Still no torrent for 一番じゃなきゃダメですかっ?

>> No.11462992

I'll wait for girlcelly, 2DGF deliberately slows down their torrents so you'd get it via their DDL instead.

>> No.11462999

Well, at least 2DGF doesn't pack extra useless shit that one one wants into the torrents. I'd say it's a tossup.

>> No.11463063 [DELETED] 


You can deselect most of those extra's when you download it you know

>> No.11463074


You can deselect most of those extra's when you download it you know, i guess you are talking about when they are built into the 7zip file thou

>> No.11463116

Playing himegoto union right now. It has tropes glare and is a bit of a hodgepodge of many different half baked ideas. The fact that I like it only proves to me that eroge is a very subjective entertainment medium..

This game is fun to an extant and it holds a special distinction of being a game in which I like all heroines equally.

>> No.11463143

waiting patiently for that new atelier sakura game

>> No.11463319

So I found in the archives that I have the wrong version of acta est fabula, which gave me all kind of errors. Now I'm downloading the regular version. Should I then install the Acta esta Fabula Scharlachrot Grun on top of the regular one? Should I skip it altogether?
I also have the amantes amentes version but I heard that I should play that one after the acta est fabula... is that one also a patch that wouldn't work without the others?
Why is it so fucking difficult to play this damn game? It occupies something like 12gb for what is likely to be 4 gb of content too.

>> No.11463334

Just read amantes amentes, it censors the gore/lots of blood from a couple of CGs and a couple of insults, otherwise it's the definitive version as it includes all the side stories.

>> No.11463346

B-but my ero...

>> No.11463353

The ero sucks, but I still recommend acta est fabula. The all ages version censors more than hscenes.

>> No.11463362

Little else to make it worth playing over amantes.

>> No.11463394

Ignore this, same guy suggesting it every thread. Play the one with ero and gore, the way it was intended to be read.

>> No.11463405

>Spinne defeating Heydrich
this isn't like my german opera singing contests

>> No.11463418

well yeah, it did really meander. In order to get all your answers you have to play through every route, but all they do are end up being a few minutes of information and hour of fillers. In the end you spend most of your time reading dull dialogues to get that information.

>> No.11463716

There are so many imouto releases this month. When every character becomes a little sister, it loses its impact. This shit sucks.

>> No.11463757

I love nee-chans.

>> No.11463759

It's only some CGs where they toned down extravagant blood showers / stains a bit (though for what reason I can't fathom, since the original wasn't THAT gory either) and ero wasn't the main reason to play it to begin with.
Like the other anon said the Amantes Amentes has a shitload more content, including lots of side stories, new CGs, music, new ending etc.

Though if one wanted the most complete experience they could play all of Acta est Fabula then download a complete save game to play the extra stuff and new final ending from Amantes amentes.

>> No.11463770

The other stuff felt tacked on anyway I preffered Acta est Fabula.

>> No.11463796

The original Acta est Fabula ending would have been perfect for me if that version also used αEwigkeit as the BGM for the final battle.

>> No.11463801

I love them too...

>> No.11463847

This is insane. Even the Acta est fabula I downloaded was yet another patch instead of the full version. And the full version, or at least the only other torrent I see, apparently has no seeds.
Fuck this game.

>> No.11463856

So just download/install amantes, don't blame the game for your own retardation.

>> No.11463906

I was thinking "who the fuck writes this obtuse" and then laughed at this part. I had to make sure he really said とかなんとか since it was so out of place at first.

>> No.11463976

New thread

>> No.11464161

Just shut up already, every thread.
