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11442904 No.11442904 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou discussion

Was Hopeless Masquerade shit or not?
What would you change to make it better?

>> No.11442911

chip damage or easier guard break

>> No.11442919
File: 50 KB, 595x360, delay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add Kanako and Suwako/Sanae. To this day, their absence makes no sense. That half assed explanation in WAHH just makes it even worse. It's like damage control.

Finish the game properly instead of rushing it for Reitaisai. By the time Kokoro was really playable it was almost Comiket.

Less insane system requirements. I have an easier time running Fallout 3 than HM.

Those are my main complaints.

>> No.11442935

ZUN needs to stop making touhou games with Game maker.

>> No.11442937

Except he uses C++

>> No.11442948

Dude, what's wrong with you? Are you proud of your legitimate mental disability?

>> No.11442950

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.11442954
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It's pretty shit, but the soundtrack is still great.

As a fighting game it is fundamentally flawed, it would almost need to be remade again to be decent.

>> No.11442955
File: 423 KB, 643x481, it can't be helped..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism is quite strong in this one, this is why I hate touhou fags.

>> No.11442961

Seconded that, it made zero sense to skip Moriyas and felt like a slap considering the game did initially seem like the conclusion to the religious arc before Kokoro took over.

All of these are vaild complaints, but I would also:
-Completely remove or change the Last Word system to something akin to Astral Heats from BB. Right now, characters with shit LW like Miko or Nitori get massively screwed out of popularity if they ever reach max.
-Remove some of the unique mechanics of characters. Like, half of them are unnecessary restrictions to the character, added just because they wanted to make it more like Arcsys fighters. Why give Mamizou Persona cards or Nitori ammo limit like Aigis if they're balanced enough. And don't get me started on how they implemented Koishi
-More spellcards. Two per character is a joke.

>> No.11442962 [DELETED] 

I thought you hated me because I fucked your mom on a regular basis?

>> No.11442967

I'm hoping the next fighter use the same engine but add more good features and fixes.
Honestly the gameplay has potential.

And there's still isn't enough new 2hus.

>> No.11442968

Its shit.
Everywhere I go people still play Hisou and not even look at HM.

What to change? Its too late for that. But for the next game.
Dont let tasofro near it.

Its a shame. I personally wanted a awesome new fighter wit lots of girls. maybe even all of them. Instead I got a crapily coded and bug ridden game that has plot pulled out of ass and few characters.

>> No.11442969

Back to topic.
What's wrong with C++?

>> No.11442971

Is this supposed to be funny? Talk about touhou instead of shitting the board.

>> No.11443048
File: 532 KB, 701x992, d5721b1f140451a3023be6d57d71fd03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The popularity system was meh. Not as bad as the weather system but not good either.

-No Seiga-Yoshika combo

-No Shou

-No Moriyas, specially Kanako(A faith war without the faith whore, wtf?)

-Last Words are unbalanced, some of them are completely useless, like Futo's fire thing, but even the powerfull ones doesnt make up for the popularity you lose

-Character mechanics are only cool if they are good implemented not making some characters much better than anothers, which is not the case for this game.

-The deck system is ok but need more cards

- The ending makes the religion war set up pointless

-The guard system is meh again

I like the music, the backgrounds, the sprites, and the air combat thing. The game has potential but it needed more time to balance things and add more characters, it was pretty much unfinished.

>> No.11443053

The next fighting game needs Kanako. How the hell do you have a faith war without her? wtf

>> No.11443070

>maybe even all of them

Now i don't even like the game much but how is that realistically possible? Every new fighting game series pretty much ever has started with 10-14 characters and built up over revisions.

>> No.11443081

Yes I know that is unrealistic.
But some 20 or so would have been good.

And I wish I could ask ZUN/Tasofro why did they use that Kokoro story.

>> No.11443108

Will people ever shut tup about the "religious war" and "no Moriya"?
>The ending makes the religion war set up pointless
SoPM makes the whole game pointless. There was a big article about the future of Gensokyo with new religions, it was basically the conclusion of the whole 10-12-13 arc. There was nothing else to add. Or did you seriously expect one of the religions to destroy others?

>What would you change to make it better?
The whole UFO and TD casts die in all the endings. When you pick Miko or Byakuren game deletes everything from your HDD and overclocks your GPU until it burns.

>> No.11443112

edgy changes, brah

>> No.11443111

What's wrong with the weather system?

>> No.11443115

Not a religion/Moriyas person.
But the story itself seems sloppily smashed together.

>> No.11443123
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It's a generic fighting game, so it's shit per definition! Why aren't they putting a little bit effort in their fighting games, for example real levels in the story mode like in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games.

>> No.11443128
File: 338 KB, 860x1216, 4354d713ff29b4f2cf6a2ce405c9ab18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you change to make it better?
1. stick with the original mechnics, no floaty shit
2. add more okuu, everybody loves okuu

>> No.11443130

Cant argue with that.
Okuu makes everything good.
And. I would have liked to see Patchouli again.

>> No.11443134

Because ZUN's stories never made any sense.
Just like in previous fighting games the story exists only to gather playable characters and introduce a new touhou.

>> No.11443139

It's characters first, story later. That's why someone like Nitori feels so disconnected from the whole thing.

>> No.11443156

Maybe Im forgetting something, but does something explain what happened to Koishi after all this?

>> No.11443160


>> No.11443182

But. That does not say much.
So I presume there will be something a printwork or new game that will clarify what happens to Koishi after that.

>> No.11443189

It's the last thing she did so far, but don't worry. She'll be in the next fighting game again since they will most likely re-use the sprites.

>> No.11443196

Damn. Why did I laugh about the sprite reusing.

Well. Lets just hope that ZUN will release a new printwork soon!

>> No.11443198

>Like a pebble on the road.
Yeah, I remember how I raged when I first read the ending translation. I expected at some character development, opening of her 3rd eye, getting friends, anything.

But there is nothing fandom can't fix. Koishi is the most popular pair for Kokoro on pixiv and there are already few doujins with them together (for example http://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/7063).). And I'm happy if they become the best friends in fanon.

>> No.11443359
File: 604 KB, 800x800, 178e6c9ce481b1a2acb619109ac58cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character development is for losers, resetting everything to the status quo after every game is where it's at.

But seriously, Koishi's story and development were basically reset as if the Extra stage of Touhou 11 and HM never even happened. What was the fucking point?

>> No.11443369
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The satori are destined to live in misery.

>> No.11443374
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Sure as heck seems that way sometimes.

>> No.11449920

RNG shit

HM is flawed, lacks in characters and spellcards, but Soku's fighting system is even more flawed but has more stuff. Honestly I don't know why people play soku when there are better fighters.

They can improve HM by just adding more of everything and kicking the popularity system. Better balancing would be good but they sucked at that usully, so I have no hope for that.
