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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 152 KB, 357x480, Mion_Sifuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11428533 No.11428533 [Reply] [Original]

Higurashi actually/finally got greenlit on Steam.
What do you guys think of this? Do you think western audiences at large are finally going to be able to experience Satoko's pussy?

>> No.11428541

Bunch of normalfags.

>> No.11428539
File: 6 KB, 120x120, I_Ti_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11428542

Does it really need to be? There's barely any point but money as it's a google search away for anyone that wants it. I hope they release a native linux version, although it works perfectly in wine, always good to see that.

I remember that part in the beginning where they talked about Mion's pussy. Feel when no Mion pussy.

>> No.11428549

Stop being childish

>> No.11428550

This makes no sense, did this get an official translation now? And Higurashi was worse than Umineko. Also: Why do you post steam-links? Only /v/-bros using that retarded platform to buy things.

>> No.11428551

Isn’t it NScripter? Then you should be able to play it with ONscripter already, no?

>> No.11428553

Maybe it will encourage Mangagamer to translate more not nukige in some roundabout way.

>> No.11428555

Refresh my memory about Mion's pussy.

>> No.11428556

>did this get an official translation now?
Where have you been? Higurashi has had a Mangagamer translation for a long time.
> Also: Why do you post steam-links?
Because his thread is about Higurashi being greenlit on Steam.
> And Higurashi was worse than Umineko
Get out of here, Umineko was a trainwreck I dropped at the second installment while I loved the whole Higurashi series.

>> No.11428563

Shut up normalfag.
Go back to your social network.

>> No.11428559

steam is a shit
dont care

>> No.11428570

I remember when this was cool like 10 years ago.

>> No.11428578

I'm already on 4chan

>> No.11428573

I didn't even have internet at home until 3 years ago so I think this is pretty cool.

>> No.11428581

Do you live in the Congo or something?

>> No.11428586


>> No.11428582
File: 278 KB, 504x748, 3bb6b24f731558d63e5c3a85004c572c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to quote thinks that are pretty much questioned and answered in one sentence. Both games Umineko and Higurashi were shit, but Umineko has the better music. That's the only reason.
Your cool steam is pretty awesome OPsie, just took 5 minutes to open the link.

>> No.11428591

I didn't have high speed internet until 2 or 3 years ago. The wonderful Midwest.

>> No.11428674

It's slow because everyone is excited to see that Higurashi got greenlit!!

>> No.11429282
File: 605 KB, 636x477, 1330582777042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11431673

Oh no now every normies will know about my chinese picture books.

>> No.11432316

I hope they die.

>> No.11432330

The fact that Mion's got a hairy pussy is just mindblowing.

>> No.11432358

I can't believe it. The current translation is embarrassingly bad. Do they seriously expect anyone to pay for that shit?

>> No.11432526

This is some SomethingAwful-related thing, isn't it?

>> No.11432539


Oh wow, this must be good!

>> No.11432546


Not just any hit. It's a mega-hit That's, like, a *million* hits!

Thanks, Metric system!

>> No.11432567

No, but don’t let that stop you.

>> No.11432572

hmm...wait, what?

>> No.11432578

Don’t let that stop you complaining about goons and possibly Tumblr, I mean.

>> No.11432586


>> No.11432613

Valve shills fuck off. You already ruined one board.

>> No.11432627


/v/ was always shit.

>> No.11432805

Oh, I just recognized a posting pattern of some faggot/littlesissygirl.

>> No.11432821

Be careful, you could hurt his feelings and then the SJW will be on your ass.

>> No.11433266

I think they gave enough hints about that one that when the big reveal came up, it felt a bit expected

>> No.11433292

Shitty VN with an even shittier translation

whoop de fucking doo

I hope nobody is dumb enough to pay for this

>> No.11433304

Watch it be 40$ for all 8 chapters

>> No.11433316

>gaming on anything other than Vita

>> No.11433320

Quoting people who aren't there.

>> No.11433707

I'm currently reading the manga, and I'm feeling R07 needs to stop being so vague. I still after 2 archs don't even know what he wants me to think about. I guess when I'm done with all 4 and start on the answer archs, there will be some hints about what he actually wanted me to think about.

I liked Umineko a bit better, since it asked a real question "Could it be done without magic?".

>> No.11437889

You just have to figure out who is the culprit. Nobody expects you to solve it, though. This ain't no witches' game, just a dead end of fate.

>> No.11437918

I liked the random TIPS in Higurashi.

>> No.11437934

You have three options:

-Keep reading the mediocre manga.

-Read the novel with Mangagamer's soulless translation.

-Wait for the fan translation to be complete. It could take three years or more, though.

>> No.11437946

Some dev on their forums mentioned they might put off uploading it to Steam to re-edit the translation

>> No.11438005
File: 119 KB, 656x518, satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think western audiences at large are finally going to be able to experience Satoko's pussy?
That's a very good point, original artwork means -this- in all its glory.

I look forward to seeing the reaction.

>> No.11438065
File: 916 KB, 3151x1984, 0d671aa3f3f1645dab0bfb225daf70b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's R07, he's not gonna explain anything, just add more contradictions. Anyway, Takano isn't suspicious at all - Rika is the culprit.

>> No.11438083

Wasn't Mangagamer forced to make her have a towel on that scene because of some group bitching about child pornography?

>> No.11438093

Well unless the version I pirated had it edited back, it was still fully uncensored in the Mangagamer release I believe.

>> No.11438098

They will fix typos and shit like that. What this disaster needs is a complete retranslation.

There are fans doing it already. They are slow as fuck, though.

>> No.11438101

They considered it, but backed down and released it uncensored after pressure from fans.

That screencap is straight from their official release.

>> No.11438107

They released it uncensored. They still deserve to rot in Hell for even making a fuss about it. Fucking normals.

>> No.11438116

Can you edit that pic so we can see Mion's hairy pussy.

>> No.11438125

Please, stop spreading rori pornography. How would Satoko feel if she saw this thread?

>> No.11438134
File: 122 KB, 772x644, hig10048989a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one enjoy the original artwork.

>> No.11438147

God damn, I hate R07's art sometimes. Maria and Midori's breasts are considered non-canon, but since Satoko actually got naked we can't deny the fact that she's got preteen boobs.

I can accept that, but why the fuck is Ryukishi so bad at anatomy? Her breasts shouldn't be anywhere near that big. I don't even care about the hands anymore, it's the tits that bother me. Fuck.

>> No.11438153

What the hell, you can't even consider this meatball as a human being.

>> No.11438166

I'd like to see the reaction too, but I'm not imagining much of one. If only because I doubt most people are even going to get that far to see it.

>> No.11438187

I miss you guys. I've spent to much time hating on Deen's adaptation that I get mad everytime I hear a "fan" talk about Higurashi.

I used to love Rena, but now I get mad every time her name is brought up by KILLER RORI weeaboos.

How can I fix our relationship? I refuse to read Mangagamer's version again, but I don't want to wait until the new translation is finished...

>> No.11438197

They should be ashamed of themselves. How dare they present Higurashi to the normies with such a poor translation. Disgusting.

>> No.11438204

Satoko's ass isn't that great. Rika's butt cheeks, on the other hand, are two big, juicy meatballs.

>> No.11438205

I see. I wasn't aware of this fact. Thanks.
Finally found the blog entry about this. It's here:

>> No.11438216


>> No.11438227

You shoulda spoiler dat shit youngster

>> No.11438239

I wasn't talking about that one.

It was an awful idea anyway. This shit is poorly translated beyond repair. It's better to do it from scratch, which is what they are doing right now.

>> No.11438248

Hello /jp/.



Loli records her mom's moans while she is having sex. The second video is where it's at.


Cute roree plays with her toys. Aww.

>> No.11438250

Fuck I love Mion. I love them all! Fuuuuuck, I love them!

>> No.11438251

I wonder if Valve is going to ask them to censor it.
Maybe they'll release it uncensored, then Valve will catch wind of it and take it off the store, meaning copies left over will be worth a lot of money to people on steam. That'd be cool

>> No.11438262

Mion > Rena > Satoko > Rika >>>>> Shion

Shion is a fucking asshole and I hope she dies.

>> No.11438371

Rena's thighs are a miracle of the universe.

>> No.11439837

What the fuck is that loli thinking?

>> No.11439857

holy shit that art is ugly.

>> No.11439885

I've been thrown out any attempts of reading this. So maybe in this time.

>> No.11440129

I'll give it a try with imagining it being the same culprit in all archs then.

I dont't think the manga is bad, altohugh I have no idea how it compares to the VN. But it is nice with some proper art and more scenes.

>> No.11440133

ur ugly

>> No.11440178
File: 22 KB, 349x189, wut-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the first episode of Higurashi with the sprite hack, but I reverted back to the original art immediately. Believe me, it's not quite as "polished" as other generic VN art, but the unique-ness and homegrown charm makes it way better.

Also, the expressions are superior.

>> No.11440212

The manga does have more details than the anime (from the standpoint of the 1st anime season, which I've seen).

>> No.11440415
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 1359574549660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After being Greenlit as part of a batch of games, MangaGamer is now looking to update the original for its Steam release. “We’ve been aware that the original translation for Higurashi was not the best it could’ve been,” Kouryuu told the VNTLS in an interview. “The potential sales a Steam release means has given us an opportunity to consider updating the translation. We’re currently looking at our schedule to see if such a vast revision is feasible, but it is something we would strongly like to do before this new release.”
>The Steam release has prompted MangaGamer to consider giving its release to a new set of hands. “Assuming the revision does get the green light, there will be entirely new staff working on the revision project.”


It will get a complete retranslation, similar to what happened to Edelweiss.

For those who don't understand the significance of Higurashi getting greenlit, Steam is where obscure games can suddenly become immensely profitable; popular indie developers see their sales double on Steam, and developers and publishers that don't get that many sales on their own (such as MangaGamer) frequently see a tremendous rise in sales when they manage to get on Steam.

If Higurashi does become very profitable due to this, it may have significant effects on the VN localization business. Most Japanese developers have no interest in licensing their VNs to localizers because there's practically no market here; the meager sales in this market make it not worth the time, effort and money to negotiate licensing. Furthermore, non-ero VN releases have historically always had abysmal sales in the Western market, and nukige have almost always had a better cost:revenue ratio. Having an all-ages story title become a commercial success over here provides more incentive to localizers to try to tap into the story-focused and/or non-ero VN demographic over here.

>> No.11440423

>The Steam release has prompted MangaGamer to consider giving its release to a new set of hands

>> No.11440425
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot_2013-09-08_05-04-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furthermore, non-ero VN releases have historically always had abysmal sales in the Western market
Speaking of which, does anybody know how well/badly MoeNovel's Konosora sold?

>> No.11440442
File: 463 KB, 640x480, game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine VNs on Steam selling after the first one or two. I'm just picturing the #1 buyer of Higurashi being people getting it ironically or because they want a laugh, because it looks like a 5 year old drew it + it's a wacky anime game, then leaving disappointed because they didn't know what a VN was.

>> No.11440452

Analogue was a major success on Steam, and Katawa Shoujo is very popular among mainstream gamers.

>> No.11440487
File: 270 KB, 692x833, 1303825718592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to support wacky translations and shitty sites like mangagamer, i would rather donate my money to fan translations and wait 2 years for them.

>> No.11440505

I'm not installing that DRM social network bullshit, nor am I entrusting such a juicy target with my bank information.

I will instead continue importing hard copies of eroge I read with fan translations, in order to appease my sensibilities and pay off the creators in some way.

Steam can eat a dick, and you're delusional if you think once the normies start seeing real eroge they won't get their moms to call in and file a lawsuit over it.

>> No.11440552

I'm not really so sure about KS being popular among mainstream gamers. Also it seems like the average KS fan doesn't want to try new VNs anyway, from my experience

>> No.11440652

Good thing I'm 'playing' the Higurashi DS game in Japanese instead. Mangagamer's translations sucks, why wait for fan translation when I can read Japanese except for some kanji learning needed? Never read Higurashi back in the day because I read every spoiler imaginable when the shitty anime aired, but enough time has passed now for me to return to my waifu Mion.

Who is winning? Me.

>> No.11440710

You're playing an inferior version.

>Also it seems like the average KS fan doesn't want to try new VNs anyway, from my experience
Which is exactly why this is a big deal. The entry barrier is too high for mainstream gamers, and a VN being on Steam will greatly reduce that barrier. Also, I wasn't talking about KS fans like the people who endlessly discuss it on /vg/, but rather the demographic that plays the most popular indie games and has only really tried Katawa Shoujo and/or Analogue.

>> No.11440713
File: 168 KB, 500x707, 6ee1c78ce4ece809c7c22bc5ea8c3b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is alice eyes and tits?

>> No.11440715

I think the art will really turn them off.

>> No.11440716

Higurashi is the worst novel you could choose with that criteria. Almost everybody who doesn't already know what it is will quit after 20 minutes.

>> No.11440729

>but all you can see is feet
very awkward yes

>> No.11440759 [DELETED] 

I like the original art more too since it's endearing, but don't care enough to keep me from playing on a 3DSXL, not that the 3D part matters for this. Regardless, it's fun to read it like a legit "sound novel". Since you hold it like a book. And all that shit. I'm a R07 fag but when I tried to read it back in the day, admittedly yes the beginning was too boring for me to get past walking to school with Rena.

>> No.11440772
File: 1.61 MB, 1382x2039, 8a9902cace491d9fd69e8617582b186b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the original art more too since it's endearing, but don't care enough to keep me from playing on a 3DSXL, not that the 3D part matters for this. Regardless, it's fun to read it like a legit "sound novel". Since you hold it like a book. And all that shit. I'm a R07 fag but when I tried to read it back in the day, admittedly yes the beginning was too boring for me to get past walking to school with Rena.

>> No.11440802

I agree. It is unfortunates, but it's like giving War and Peace to a kid who just read Harry Potter because, obviously, he loves literature.

Higurashi is a masterpiece, but it is long, complicated, with many plot element not kicking in before 700 000 words into the story. You want to give it to what? The kind of people who think that Gone Home is a literary masterpiece of cleverness and deep characterization?

I couldn't be more nonplussed by all this bull with Higurashi's greenlit. It won't work. It wouldn't work. All we'll have is a bunch of negative review. "The art is horrible!" "The story makes no sense!" "It is so random but I like it because I'm a weeaboo!".

Who the fuck had thought this would be a good idea? I'm all about people recognizing the genius of Ryukishi, but I wouldn't bother trying to sell it with my normal fag friend who just quited military and thinks a manga has too many words.

Choose your battles wisely.

>> No.11440815

Get over yourself weeb. It's not that hard to understand Higurashi. It's not comparable to some literary masterpiece. You probably read it at the same age these steam faggots will. You aren't some special snowflake and you shouldn't look down on people like that.

>> No.11440856

Little anon is mad because his favorite series is worse than Higurashi. You know, there is no problem to me. It's okay to like inferior media when you are yourself inferior. Silly anon. I won't ask you to better yourself, I accept you like you are.

>> No.11440867

Can't wait to see faggot Rika cosplayers and fanart taking you kids down to KS levels.

>> No.11441079
File: 78 KB, 1024x640, basically the entire game looks like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analogue is even more boring and lacking in pretty graphics than Higurashi. It still managed to find an audience on Steam.

>> No.11441098

It's shocking just how little art Analogue had. The actual game is just about reading diary entries to find out the mystery, which is easily worked out about 2 minutes into the VN, and the rest is just the whore AI making excuses for loving dicks.

>> No.11441154

It's not shocking if you've played its prequel.

>> No.11441952

The anime isn't even a proper adaptation. It's just shit.

The manga is fairly good, even if the VN is way, way better.

>> No.11441958

>It will get a complete retranslation
Are you sure? It sounds to me like they'll just fix some typos and awkward lines. That's not enough.

>> No.11441963

I agree.

>> No.11441969 [DELETED] 

Higurashi? More like NIGGERASHI LMAO

>> No.11441973 [DELETED] 

top lel

>> No.11441979

Why do loli voices always sound like they are constipated?

>> No.11441988

>It's not comparable to some literary masterpiece
Your opinion.

>> No.11441995

One of the original janitors of /jp/ is working on the translation.

>> No.11442004

American lolis are always sick.

>> No.11442014

To be fair, the only good thing about the anime is the voice acting. It's simply perfect.

Except those over the top laughs.

>> No.11442018

Janitors can't be good people. I'd rather wait for the fan translation. They are doing it with LOVE, we don't need anything else.

>> No.11442021 [DELETED] 

The anime is only good at the beginning, which imo, was better than the VN in terms of atmosphere. Up until maybe Satoko's arc, the anime was pretty ''okay-ish'' and debatably better than the vn. Everything else in the VN is much better.

>> No.11442057

What Higurashi needs is a rework/remake.

Get Ryukishi to make better arc, add it a lot more music, rework some of the first few arcs with more visuals and he can easily make gold.

Or maybe even get another anime to be actually faithful to the whole thing this time around.

It's cool that it's on steam but it just means I'm able to download the digital version when I'd rather have a physical copy like I have for Umineko. I don't see why anyone would be praising Higurashi being accepted into Steam when there's no benefit.

>> No.11442306

i only played the demo of analogue, but it seemed to have a lot more interaction than higurashi, which is enough for the general audience.

>> No.11442344

Oh, you must be new.
They used to manually delete every single post and could not stop bots from posting. There were days where thousands of threads were hand sorted and dealt with.
Not good people? Dedicated to spending 10-15 hours a day on keeping the board clean?

>> No.11442463

I kinda hope VNs don't get big on Steam, but I can't imagine there being much more than Higurashi + Christine Love's games

>> No.11442468

Pretty sure only AoC went that far.

>> No.11442527

No, AoC wasn't on that much. Funny both you and Kami say the same thing.

>> No.11442535

Don't get confused. There was once a time when janitors actually enjoyed the board they moderated and weren't tyrannical maniacs.

>> No.11442602

1. That won't happen at all. Too many words for a "normal" person.
2. No appeal to such people either. Games are to be games. Things that require the person to do things they already do know. Usually. If a "regular" gamer checked the stuff out, they'd probably go:
"Why's that here?" or scoff and move on.

>> No.11442651

Those are his credentials as a translator? "I use to delete spam in 4chan some time ago"?

>> No.11442665

The time when the posters actually enjoyed the board and weren't just obnoxious assholes?

>> No.11442825 [DELETED] 

Analogue is the first story and first release. Hate Plus is the sequel.

>> No.11442836

Higurashi ending up on Steam is a pretty great leap for visual novels in the west as a whole, since as mentioned, it's going to mean a lot more sales and interest.

But really, the art needs to go. The big part of a Steam release is exposing the game to a wider audience. All of us know about the story and the reputation of the game beyond the horrible art. The thousands of people who use Steam and will see the game, take one look at the art and bolt do not. They need to negotiate replacing the art with better stuff, or it's not going to help the game's sales much, and in turn, if Higurashi fails after getting on Steam, that's going to hurt the VN market in the west instead.

Analogue and Hate+ might not have had much going for them but at the very least they looked presentable to the average user. Higurashi does not.

>> No.11442837

No, it isn't. Digital is the first game in the series, a free "VN" with zero character art.

>> No.11442847

Digital and Analogue are unrelated outside of being made by the same person. They're not a series, and Digital isn't a "prequel".

>> No.11443188

Nobody knows anything about MoeNovel's sales?

>> No.11443191

I would think they try to save face and hide it.

>> No.11443221

Waiting for Seacats

>> No.11443238

Not hard to understand but do you really think any steam gamers will sit through that art? let alone the fact that they would be pissed off they bought a picture book with music.
All putting Higurashi on steam will accomplish is visual novel hate until we can slip back into the ether.

>> No.11443248

I'm glad VNs haven't really hit the mainstream yet. Imagine how many shitty OLEVNs we'd get from "indie" writers who just stole some sprites/paid some guy on dA 2 bucks to draw them.

>> No.11443251

We already get those, its called fanfiction.net

Except without the deviantart sprites

>> No.11443254

Yeah, but the people there don't try and charge money for it.

>> No.11443261

It's only a matter of time. And this worries me.

>> No.11443266

How new are you guys? This has been happening for ages, it's called LSF (Lemma Soft Forums). Likely since before you guys started playing VNs.

>> No.11443272

The difference is that those are all terrible free things. When VNs get their own category on steam, and people are actually making decent money from them, then it's time to get scared.

>> No.11443371

Only the first arc was okay. The anime version of Watanagashi-hen was awful.

>> No.11443372

Its hard for them to enjoy it when one aspie gets a power up and uses it to terrorize the board.

>> No.11443381

The best part of Onikakushi-hen was that TIP about K1 in the 7thMart. The anime didn't have it.

>> No.11443385

I'm worken on eet~

>> No.11443390

Fuck you, I loved Maria's knockers.

>> No.11443529

Why is Reina such a big fuck'n whore?

>> No.11443530
File: 9 KB, 231x224, tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when Touhou will never be put on Steam and assimilated by normals because it features minors drinking alcohol.

>> No.11443533

It's too hard for normals anyway

>> No.11443603

What are you talking about? That isn't alcohol, that's lemonade!

The reason Touhou isn't on Steam is because ZUN doesn't want it commercialized too much.

>> No.11443608


I'd rather play this instead.

>> No.11443644
File: 308 KB, 1680x1050, reimu on point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got touhous on killing floor

>> No.11443689

How? I once tried using some MMD models in the game but the animations were all messed up.

>> No.11443775
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 2013-09-22_00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing on moonbase

These touhous are lewd, they don't wear any panties.

I just googled "touhou killing floor", clicked first link, hit subscribe, and the next time I started the game it worked.

>> No.11443853

This game is fucking impossible.

>> No.11443867

I think the idea is that it's actually a very short game, but it's filled with game overs to make it look longer.

>> No.11443891

>Buying the HSG-1

>> No.11443931

thats not moonbase its hospital horror

>> No.11443995

I got the touhous on kf too
here's the download link for it

>> No.11444026

its offices you autist

>> No.11444060

It was definitally moonbase. She was hoping up without gravity and that's the reason I saw they had no panties.

>> No.11444062

Why does Mion's sprite have a gun and why is it never brought up

>> No.11444069

I don't know. She carried it everywhere too. No one can even tell it's a gun anyway, just redraw it as a purse.

>> No.11444083

It is brought up, multiple times if I recall correctly. It's a replica or something, at least she admits to it not being a real gun.

>> No.11444087

Looked it up, it's an airsoft gun.

>> No.11444129

Oh, don't remember that
I know the PS2 sprite removes it, they must have rewrote that in that version

>> No.11444239

I'm pretty sure a lot of stuff (everything?) was rewritten in the ports. Probably not even by Ryukishi.

>> No.11444504

Is the mangagamer translation really that bad?

I mean, I assumed, but people in this thread actually seem offended by how bad it is.

They didn't 'localise' it or any of that shit, did they?

>> No.11444518

>They didn't 'localise' it or any of that shit, did they?
You’re retarded. But yes, it was bad, like all early Mangagamer. Mainly due to it being translated by Japanese people instead of native English speakers.

>> No.11444546

It's not like, unintelligible like some translations I've seen, but it's definitely bad by professional standards

>> No.11444568
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, unreadable translation - look at how it fails to convey both the message being said as well as the personality of the speaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is bad, but readable. Definitely not 'THEY TOTALLY RUINED EVERYTHING THAT WAS LIKEABLE ABOUT IT' bad.

These kinds of things grow exaggerated by people continuing to parrot each other. For the longest time, we all agreed that Higurashi's translation was kinda bad without making a big deal out of it. Then one or two years ago, someone started complaining about how terrible MG's translation of Higurashi was, and then more people joined in, each of them increasingly exaggerating how bad it was. I bet most of them haven't even read MangaGamer's Higurashi translation and are only basing their opinion on hearsay and screenshots. (Especially the latter is retarded for these kinds of things, as people insist certain lines are horrible translation when they're actually fitting because of the context not visible in the screenshot.)

For a more recent example of this happening, see the complaints about MoeNovel's 'unreadable' Konosora translation. It's kinda the same for Higurashi, except Higurashi's translation was actually bad (but not nearly to the level people say it is).

>> No.11444595

Quick off-topic question: is it preferable to install the English patch on the original Japanese version, or the decensor patch on the English version?

>> No.11444656

Why do you always do this? Why are you so desperate for the death of eroge? Go to kotaku or SA or something.

>> No.11444728

>Why do you always do this?
I'm rereading his post and I can't tell what "this" is supposed to be.

>> No.11444747

He's always supporting censorship because he hates sex and thinks it's creepy. He wants eroge to stop existing. He has said so himself several times.

>> No.11444934

Exaggeration helps when you are trying to get people to retranslate it. This crappy translation isn't what Higurashi deserves.

Same deal with the anime. It's a disgusting trainwreck of an adaptation, but we NEED to describe it as "fucking horrible piece of shit" to prevent certain people from watching it. They wouldn't listen otherwise.

>> No.11444939

Not that guy, but I hate eroge because it always features shaved girls.

In the rare cases when you can see a fine bush, it's always the MILF's. Teenagers are always shaved, what the fuck.

>> No.11444946

Nobody cares about your weird fetishes dude.

>> No.11444948

Not that guy, but I prefer armpit hair. Seriously, coarse armpit hair is sexy as hell. Whenever there's a mommy in eroge with it I just wish I could shove my face in it. The smell would be incredible too.

>> No.11445014


Speaking of Konosora are we getting a fan patch for the censored content or not?

>> No.11445017

It's not a fetish.

>> No.11445201

That's because pubic hair is disgusting.

>> No.11445716

I don't think the art or the pacing of the story are going to be as influential to the success of the game on Steam as the awful translation is. I know I'd be miffed if I paid 30 US DOLLARS for it.

>> No.11445766

Patch released long ago.
Patch for the localized version: http://forums.fuwanovel.org/index.php?/topic/1461-kono-oozora-h-scenes-porting-project/
Patch for original version: http://meruppi.blogspot.jp/2013/07/english-translation-patch-10.html

Read well these pages.
Also, it's supposed to be released a new version of the restoration patch. The thread on fuwanovel is the one that has the updates about it.

>> No.11447536

It's been a year and a half and you still haven't renamed that fucking pickles image.

>> No.11447571

>And Higurashi was worse than Umineko.
Nice one, I almost laughed.

>> No.11447608
File: 84 KB, 640x479, What the fuck?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Exaggeration helps when you are trying to get people to retranslate it. This crappy translation isn't what Higurashi deserves.
You mean the incompetent idiots who tried to edit it, and somehow ended up with this? (If you can't see the error, consider the fact that MySQL didn't exist at all in 1983). Trying to convince those people that no matter how shitty and half assed they make something, it's alright, because Mangagamer is automatically worse.

>Same deal with the anime. It's a disgusting trainwreck of an adaptation, but we NEED to describe it as "fucking horrible piece of shit" to prevent certain people from watching it. They wouldn't listen otherwise.
Now, now. It served a purpose. For instance, I bet you didn't realize that Kenta-kun was Colonel Sanders until you saw the anime. Now you realize that Rena sleeps with a fried chicken kingpin watching over her every night.

>> No.11447632

Not the Mangagamer version. They have some weird DRM layer so you can't just run it through ons last time I checked.

>> No.11447651

1 day ago....

>> No.11447660
File: 62 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mcvxnz6Gs11qd8izmo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck rena

Why arent there any good higurashi art/doujins

Because it's too much for normalfriends?

>> No.11447672

You're supposed to love the Higurashis, not treat them like they're mere Touhous or something, only good for a dicking.

>> No.11447679

I wish the talented people on tumblr would make more Higurashi stuff too.

>> No.11447682

Why does Tumblr love Umineko so much? Is it because all the gender and privelege bullshit in the story?

>> No.11447690
File: 13 KB, 300x350, 2030419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always eat reina's pickles,
now it's my turn to give her mine

>> No.11447697

Too bad, she only wants K1's fur seal.

>> No.11447731


>> No.11447802

That's true. nscripter.dat usually holds the script, but MG breaks it up into several pieces (presumably based on the chapters in the skip menu) in data01000.arc. (Images in 02000, Sounds in 03000 and 05000, in case you're just dying to know....).

I had started to investigate how one might repair the script to run in OnScripter, but then I was hit with a realization that I don't care in the slightest. Wow. I don't care about doing this at all.

>> No.11447822

So long as they (re)translate Rei completely.

>> No.11447835


I shall use it to convince the normals of the anti-fantasy interpretation, and it will become the dominate interpretation, and then no one on /jp/ can call me stupid or an asshole or loveless for it ever again.

>> No.11447869

You'll still be a stupid, loveless, asshole; you'll just have someone to agree with you for once.

>> No.11448061

It's not a 'weird DRM layer', it's a different engine. MangaGamer's Higurashi runs on Buriko General Interpreter (BGI) rather than the original ONScripter. They used to port all of their games to that engine, regardless of what engine it originally used.

>> No.11448138

They just love Yasu. The bumbling servant girl who fell madly in love with a boy after like two days, then blamed him when he didn't take the little fling seriously. Since no one understands her, she acts out the roles of different people and has her imaginary friends talk about how terrible others are for not seeing through her ruse. Too timid to pick up a fucking phone and actually talk, she opted for the much more subtle route of serial murder and setting off a thousand tonnes of explosive to win back Battler's heart -- or at least make it appear that everyone was happy, which was totally supported by the murder fanfiction she threw into the sea. Still totally someone else fault though. Probably Battler or Gohda's.

Lots of parallels to Takano: Takano wanted to become a god so she could be with Hifumi forever, used the military to close the catbox and preserve the illusion of Oyashiro-sama, forced to lick toilet after leaving orphanage....

One difference: Yasu's dick fell off. I guess that's why they like Umineko but not Higurashi.

>> No.11448246
File: 25 KB, 408x141, smelly rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they'll add back that part about Rika's horrible body odor that Mangagamer removed.

>> No.11448259
File: 125 KB, 438x550, 1330048922875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're back to that, are we?

There's a point at which every Higurashi thread becomes an imagedump and we've quite clearly passed it.

>> No.11448264
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>> No.11448273
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>> No.11448279
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>> No.11448284
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>> No.11448288

Wut? Where was that?

>> No.11448299
File: 46 KB, 240x200, kitty cat rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still discuss Higurashi while dumping images.

With more Rika if possible.

>> No.11448311
File: 350 KB, 546x972, 1214821579431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll concede on the discussion, but I'll have to change to Satoko. Deal?

>> No.11448316
File: 485 KB, 1024x768, a461ad890c8602b0e35bf685a9d81354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all, this is a thread about Satoko's vagina, even if I had forgotten for a moment.

>> No.11448327
File: 377 KB, 595x842, 1340838750629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448332
File: 366 KB, 686x800, 6272dc47763901817f110485bdbea20e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if we can switch back to Rika later since we all hate love sextoko.

>> No.11448338
File: 94 KB, 800x800, ef4aaa3b7a23100cdca22b0779fcfc59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of soulless monster could hate Satoko? That's like hating Christmas or something.

>> No.11448344
File: 253 KB, 405x600, 86f4963408116b84d94561b93545452c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448347
File: 17 KB, 240x230, 43fc8b8e9f5ffb7cb54d3e245c839989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, the whole village seemed to hate her and democracy is always right.

I sometimes wonder if Irie would have been able to just kidnap her by force when her uncle came back. I know he completely refused both times but I still don't understand why she wasn't able to be saved.

>> No.11448372
File: 917 KB, 2300x1700, 0726158e86c85e572d2be83a85ba0216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The villagers don't hate her, they just don't want to piss off Oreo. Oreo doesn't really hate, she just doesn't want to look weak in front of the villagers. The only one who hates her is Shion, and she's a cunt so her opinion doesn't count.

Irie didn't kidnap her because he already had a relationship with Satoshi. It's very easy to get drugged patients into a maid outfit and he's pretty girly already.

>> No.11448386
File: 1.11 MB, 1181x1748, 1216959318660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448396
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>> No.11448407
File: 255 KB, 512x512, 377d25c1a69409a4e7a5ed28921a0c85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well they hated her enough to try and sacrifice her, so I'll place that as hatred. Also, Shion had a decent reason to hate on Satoko; she was really being a whiny helpless person.

And I don't think you can't drug someone and have them dress up like a maid and serve you, they would be able to clean the house.

Her leggings are goddamn sexy.

>> No.11448408
File: 28 KB, 450x512, 1236365473250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you marry Satoko?

>> No.11448422
File: 146 KB, 714x1000, marry me - nipaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, I'd marry Rika.

>> No.11448427
File: 125 KB, 769x1000, 842ae17f61cdb71e9b236a1de5d990f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, they're stupid. And maybe Irie made a strain of Hinamizawa syndrome that made people paranoid about bacteria so they would just spend the entire day cleaning; you cannot deny the possibility.

Also, her bare legs are even cuter.

>> No.11448437
File: 229 KB, 550x834, happy satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bare legs

Yeah, you'd probably want to suck on them and wash them and tickle them.

>> No.11448440
File: 636 KB, 638x477, claw hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you realize what you're getting into. Also, you'd have to deal with whiny Hanyuu for the rest of your life. Are you sure you want to take such an inferior option?

>> No.11448444
File: 40 KB, 301x480, invisible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd have to deal with whiny Hanyuu for the rest of your life.

>> No.11448456

The girl who follows you around all the time and reports back to Rika that you were checking Rena out at the market, meaning no fuggling for a month as punishment.

>> No.11448459
File: 323 KB, 849x1200, 1340640456614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448474
File: 427 KB, 830x800, note the text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448476
File: 435 KB, 360x240, 0b769f1f9accbac87f4f6f3a98564f47dc3cb804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have to be insane enough to think someone is following me. It's not like that someone thinks I would be unfaithful to Rika or something.

Fucking stalkers

>> No.11448481
File: 50 KB, 300x400, 01f8b23ae18946a44ade8b86a8110941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too cute.

>> No.11448506
File: 52 KB, 422x600, bed time with rika and satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes wonder about the relationship between Rika and Satoko. Rika has grown old enough to possibly consider Satoko her daughter yet still thinks of her as a friend and cares about her, it's really weird.

>> No.11448519
File: 154 KB, 524x555, 1221191431560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too cute
That's like having too much money, or being too lucky, or having too many lolies around.

I hope it's lewd in at least a few kakera. Anyway, that's probably a large reason why Rika has to expel Frederica to maintain sanity.

>> No.11448536
File: 641 KB, 800x800, 586168c91a819a0036d31b56f1b41711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoko in a dystopia hell!

>> No.11448546
File: 197 KB, 500x700, 1264997360631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448549
File: 285 KB, 450x550, 1360195219011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean in the basement of Irie, forced to serve him in that outfit?

Who wouldn't want a Satoko serving you food and clean your house?

>> No.11448558
File: 53 KB, 758x900, 1360373983868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, how the heck did >>11448546 get in that folder?

Let's try this again.

>> No.11448563 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 600x851, 1252f4b5ac2b8421d821689cac6d78feb198a11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still unsure about Lambda. I really can't tell if she's Miyo or if she's actually Satoko, which makes more sense.

I personally think she's a combination of both Miyo and Satoko since they both share memories for some reason, possibly due to Tohya mixing the only two blondes in Higurashi.

>> No.11448578
File: 313 KB, 500x741, 1275595880673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that Irie dissects people's brains. Especially don't forget that he was just days away from dissecting Satoko's brain. Lucky for her that Rika came in to save the day.

I like that idea, as it explains the focus on determination and fate which Satoko lacked, and the love of traps, fun, airheadedness, and pie riddles that Miyo lacked.

/jp/ used to yell at me and call me a goat for saying that though.

>> No.11448591
File: 15 KB, 300x400, 1258685996087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, that is a terrible image. Simply terrible.

>> No.11448596
File: 258 KB, 553x550, 1335862512941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know Rika gets bored from time to time.
Who knows what she did in that endless journey.
She might have even shared cereals with her.

>> No.11448609

Why do you fuckers always have to ruin all Higurashi discussion? Why must you guys always have the same waifu wars/imagedumps? I generally don't complain since you guys tend to stick to your own threads. But we were finally having a good discussion, why do you have to shit up this thread as well?

>> No.11448610
File: 366 KB, 600x800, 1250851263579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Rika keeps track off all the indirect kissus that she shares with her.

>> No.11448624
File: 42 KB, 384x576, 1340640971915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ used to yell at me and call me a goat for saying that though.
Meh, people really don't want Higurashi and Umineko connecting in any way, possibly due to Umineko being considered a disgrace compared to Higurashi.

I still find it weird that Miyo could have Satoko's memories in certain events and have Miyo's in others.

Because we both know that there was nothing more to discuss.

>> No.11448626
File: 144 KB, 505x491, 1225129640142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suppose we could discuss Umineko instead though....

>> No.11448638
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1226967875508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them both. I'm pretty sure it's just a vocal minority that hates Umineko. Kinda like the asshole who ruined all the Higurashi threads for months on end, bitching about how shitty the translation was and how he wouldn't read it until it was retranslated, then telling everyone to go back to /a/ because the MG translation was anime level.

Then one thread he showed up and admitted that it wasn't too incredibly terrible and was never heard from again.

>> No.11448640
File: 49 KB, 379x500, 1338619084083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind so long as we don't get into a my theory > your theory crap. I find that Umineko is almost as good as Higurashi in a lot of aspects.

Rika is too pure to count something like that.

>> No.11448648

>Then one thread he showed up and admitted that it wasn't too incredibly terrible and was never heard from again.
Yet the opinion persists. His work is done.

>> No.11448661
File: 40 KB, 593x455, the moment my heart broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then one thread he showed up and admitted that it wasn't too incredibly terrible and was never heard from again.
Hahaha, I can't believe people bicker for stupid things like that.

I can't read moon but I have the french version and I wonder how close it is to the original and if it's better then the MG version. The english translation didn't seem THAT terrible and I did feel a prose mood change in some scenes so I feel that MG did a ''okay'' job with what they did.

>> No.11448663

You guys, this isn't a fucking chatbox. If the two of you are only going to respond to each other's posts all the time, you might as well take it to IRC or something.

>> No.11448666
File: 45 KB, 500x750, 372cfd4337a863ea2d1352ff95d43664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was lewd enough to wear her Angel Mort outfit to a sacred festival at the end of Matsuribayashi and try to get in Akasaka's pants.

>> No.11448676
File: 59 KB, 600x500, 860e96941e4fbcea8a9122e62d9e8f6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this was in the past year or so. He probably heard it from someone else and latched on and decided to spam.

If you want to see a REALLY shitty translation, check out the MangaGamer Android port. I'll post what I mean in a second.

>> No.11448683
File: 182 KB, 869x1200, 1366436069534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I thought this was a Higurashi thread.
Maybe if more people came and discussed it would seem like a chatbox.

>> No.11448693
File: 396 KB, 530x750, 1231253302422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good image series.

>> No.11448736
File: 156 KB, 600x600, f488445879a2ce99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was just pretending. Rika doesn't have hormones to feel sexy towards someone. She's still just a kid.

>> No.11448738
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the worst translation ever. How did they fuck this up this bad? They already had a mostly coherent script available.

>> No.11448742
File: 574 KB, 638x478, Rika eats Rena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not going to touch that argument with a twenty foot pole.

>> No.11448747
File: 43 KB, 185x185, drunk rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they just parodying themselves or what?
>I'm going to get some good games again

Gag me.

>> No.11448767
File: 605 KB, 641x481, Are City and Internet synonyms?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. It was played up on the Amazon app store thing.

>I'm going to get some good games again
That's what you found wrong with that?

>> No.11448775
File: 254 KB, 600x825, 0f35418fd5faa2fa3a54bad1da5f74f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11448785
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>> No.11448790
File: 59 KB, 510x760, umineko wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, Umineko is basically Phoenix Wright if everyone in the cast decided to read along and give their opinions of the book while someone was reading it.

Those legs are too fucked up.

>> No.11448806
File: 205 KB, 768x1107, 1269709459248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those legs are just the right amount of fucked up. Thighs just a little too chubby though.

>I swear, Umineko is basically Phoenix Wright if everyone in the cast decided to read along and give their opinions of the book while someone was reading it.
PW would never put forth something like small bombs.

>> No.11448828
File: 238 KB, 884x1200, 1333327722245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PW would never put forth something like small bombs
Well Battler could pull shit out of his ass because he could, a lawyer wouldn't be able to do it.

Those legs are bigger and longer than her whole body. Rika can't be chubby, that's why she's as flat as a board.

>> No.11448838
File: 90 KB, 600x500, 37ce0a32b9739eb81325df7d34ccd38f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps she's reclining.

>> No.11448859
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>> No.11448867
File: 851 KB, 592x960, painting miyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Miyo would be friends with Rika and Satoko if they met somehow.

>> No.11448875
File: 23 KB, 238x317, 1b667bbf321347f881c054b8e60b0b89d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally realised why Rika loves this straw hat.
She likes it because ''old grannies'' wear them to protect themselves from the sun. And considering her age, it makes sense.

>> No.11448885
File: 207 KB, 750x898, 1230694214926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's Miyoko Tanashi; she hasn't became Miyo Takano yet.

I'd like to think they would get a long. Maybe not so much after the orphanage, but she seemed like a sweet, friendly girl before that. She may have been a little too damaged to make friends afterward.

As an adult she gets along well and calls Satoko her friend even when shooting her in the head (to save her from being dissected by Tokyo).

>> No.11448902

An not a single post about the release of Outbreak subs was found...

>> No.11448909

Because it's an anime. Anime is discussed on >>>/a/.

>> No.11448913
File: 1.14 MB, 1115x1800, 0041_The_Little_Beggar-SummertownSun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11448921
File: 792 KB, 758x960, painting rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That artist really copied that Higurashi fanart. Shame on them.

Do you have the rest?

>> No.11448938

It was surprisingly decent and the ending was surprisingly heavy. It was just too short.

>> No.11448953

William-Adolphe Bouguereau made the beggar version skyape made the Higurashi version.

>> No.11448963

I disagree, it felt too rushed and disjointed overall.

The beginning was pretty good and tense until Mion just explains that people are going insane, that was pretty stupid overall.

Seeing Rena and Keiichi beat the shit out of people was fun though.

That tag team combo final move with the bat was probably the only reason to watch the whole movie. And I'm glad they finally put Dear You at the credits, that was a nice touch.

It also raises some questions about where the virus outbreak originated and if it was probably caused by Tokyo who were researching to weaponize Hinamizawa virus. Though it really doesn't make sense for it to spread that fast that quickly.

Something funny I noticed was that the Nipah virus, in the real world, originates from Africa and the virus reported was said to have originated in Africa too, which is weirdly coincidental.

>> No.11448996

It felt rushed and disjointed because it was too short. It felt like they tried to rush a movie-length of content into a small OVA.

There was everything you wanted in it. Action, intensity, feelings, even the ending was decent. Except that everything you wanted was compressed into 15 seconds scenes connected together by very fast transitions.

>> No.11449088


>> No.11449104

The Crazies didn't have moe in it.

>> No.11449202

Yeah, that's quite unfortunate.
I think I would have liked that Higurashi Outbreak a lot more if it really was just The Crazies with moe.

>> No.11449207

I would have liked it if it had more of everything to be honest.

>> No.11449296

>you have a friendlist

>> No.11449369

Has no one ever found out that Shion was not found / mentioned at all in the OVA?

>> No.11449479

Now that you're mentioning it, it feels more than weird. What the fuck is happening in that kakeira?

Takano is not found nor mentioned either. Most probably, they are living a lesbo dream together in Miami. I can't find of any other explanation right now.

>> No.11449506

What the fuck?

>> No.11449873

>You mean the incompetent idiots who tried to edit it, and somehow ended up with this?

I mean the group that is translating it from scratch right now.

>> No.11449945


>> No.11450068

No one will buy it because the art is dog shit.

>> No.11450155


They update twice a year, but that doesn't mean the project is dead. Read the comments. They are doing a great work.

>> No.11450158

Sure, Mangagamer's translation isn't unreadable, but it's still bad. Higurashi desperately needs a proper translation.

If people like you keep arguing that MG's translation is acceptable, most people will be fine with it and only a few nerds will support or even care about the fan translation.

>> No.11450251
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>> No.11450260
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>> No.11450293

There'll probably be a lot of ironic purchases

>> No.11450299

thought mg had the ps2 graphics patched in for their release

>> No.11450352

The original Mangagamer translation doesn’t, there’s patches for the PS2 graphics though.
Not using the PS2 graphics would be a bad move but idk if they can use them.

>> No.11450392
File: 76 KB, 848x480, [sage] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku ~Outbreak~ OVA [DVD][480p-AAC][EF25D72A].mkv_snapshot_33.06_[2013.09.24_14.20.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11450436

What a charming girl!

What was that nonsense about 1000 years? Does this mean that Matsuriyabashi isn't canon anymore and Rika has to wait 900 more years?

>> No.11450440

Are you implying that the PS2 graphics are even remotely charming or good looking? The original graphics are ugly as fuck, but the PS2 ones are even worse.

It's better to stick with the original graphics until Ryukishi himself redraws them Umineko-style.

>> No.11450442
File: 83 KB, 221x217, happy rika--.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion only came to the village after a certain amounts of loops. iirc, Rika mentions that it's weird for Shion to be in the village in Minagoroshi-hen.

This probably implies that this happened in an undetermined time within the original loop but before Tsumihoroboshi-hen. Shion was probably still in Okinomiya when shit hit the fan.
I'm more curious to the fact if this is a possible doomsday scenario world that has a very small probability of happening, much like Keiichi not moving into Hinamizawa.

Hanyuu was still invisible when she visits Rika.

This implies that Matsuribayashi is still canon.

The 1000 years is a metaphor for how time felt for Rika, same as in Umineko.
Though it could be taken literally since I don't Ryukishi denying the 1000 years as being uncanon.

>> No.11450443

You didn't read Higurashi, did you? Yes, I did read your post correctly.

>> No.11450447
File: 53 KB, 600x421, niipaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's better to stick with the original graphics until Ryukishi himself redraws them Umineko-style
Which is going to be never. Or maybe on the 25th anniversary. Higurashi desperately needs a makeover.

Higurashi has the worst possible luck, the manga art sucks, the original art has its charm but people hate it because it sort of sucks, the anime is full of Quality but is semi decent but still sucks and the sprites are soulless and suck.

I don't *remember Ryukishi...

Fuck my memory gap.

>> No.11450449

>It's better to stick with the original graphics until Ryukishi himself redraws them Umineko-style.
Please, no! I don't want paper cutouts of crayon drawings! I like the shiny eyes and the lack of noses!

Well, as long as he doesn't redo it Higanbana style....

Anon, now is not the time to ask stupid questions like that.

>> No.11450450

Outbreak is what would happen after Rika's death according to Takano's theories. It's NOT canon, it could never happen in the real world of Higurashi. It's impossible.

Wasn't Takano herself listed as the co-author of the story, along with Ryukishi?

>> No.11450453

>The 1000 years is a metaphor for how time felt for Rika, same as in Umineko.
>Though it could be taken literally since I don't Ryukishi denying the 1000 years as being uncanon.
This is correct. In fact, it's all a metaphor for how Rika felt while being bullied. Endless June is just a delusion of a silly girl.

>> No.11450454

The art in Higanbana was great.

>> No.11450469
File: 55 KB, 400x500, 351df3f5c444cc14a6a57a6b927b4a4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't Takano herself listed as the co-author of the story, along with Ryukishi

Whhhhaaaat? Are you sure?

The way I saw Outbreak was that there was an actual outbreak of the virus Tokyo were developing on the Hinamizawa.

Rika did not die yet everyone went insane, it completely contradicted Takano's theory.
Moreover, wasn't that Takano Hifumi in the midpoint? It sure as hell looked like him.

Oh, you going to say that Higurashi is a delusion much like Umineko? Suck it, magic is real and Rika crossed worlds. I hate that theory that everything was in the mind of Rika in Saikoroshi-hen

>> No.11450482

Do you have a source? I can't find that anywhere and the official site annoyingly uses images and flash for everything, and my Japanese reading skills are at a first year level.

Kill yourselves.

Takano's theory was already proven to be bullshit. When Rika is killed by Shion the village lives on into the 21st century just fine.

>Oh, you going to say that Higurashi is a delusion much like Umineko? Suck it, magic is real and Rika crossed worlds. I hate that theory that everything was in the mind of Rika in Saikoroshi-hen
Yeah, that one sucks. I like the one where it's all just circlejerking stories based on Takano's notebooks that were leaked onto the internet after Tsumihoroboshi-hen. It's way better.

>> No.11450495

This shit again? I can't believe it! There is NOTHING in Saikoroshi-hen that implies anything of the sort. The only reason this shitty theory even exists is because some animefag that didn't even understand how the "time loops" work tried to make sense of Rei with the little information they had.

Everyone in that world would believe that Rika was nuts. They don't know about kakera, so that's the most logical explanation.

But you have read the previous eight episodes, you know what's up with Rika, you have no reason to think on the same level as Dr. Yamamoto. The reader isn't meant to take it as a "possible explanation".

I don't even dislike the theory, it's just that there is no reason to believe in it. The theory is alluded to and proven wrong in the story itself.

>> No.11450498

>Do you have a source?
I can't search for it right now, but it was one of the first things they said about Outbreak before it was even released.

>> No.11450505

Also, it's even explained in Matsuribayashi-hen. Takano's theory was partially wrong. The queen carrier exists, but her death doesn't drive the villagers crazy. The events of Outbreak can't happen canonically.

>> No.11450516

The stories that prove it wrong are delusions of a damaged mind, and I hadn't seen the anime at all by the time I reached that conclusion (though most of Umineko was out by then).

There are lots of things that point to it being a delusion. The fact that everyone worships her, the fact that everyone hates Satoko except Rika, two lolies (one considered a living god) are allowed to live alone in a storage shed, the exchange of Mion and Shion, the fact that there is a child-abusing maid-fetishist as the doctor and no one, not even the uptight yockles of a backwater village (not exactly the most progressive place on earth) seems to care, the presence of a ridiculous virus parasite that couldn't get more unrealistic if it relied on tachyons to work,....

I'll see what I can do about getting the Rosatrice guy to make a ten hour long video about it describing all the evidence.

>> No.11450518

>Whhhhaaaat? Are you sure?
I'm completely sure. I can't be the only one that remembers it.

>The way I saw Outbreak was that there was an actual outbreak of the virus Tokyo were developing on the Hinamizawa.
They where developing a virus? Didn't they give up on that like three years before 1983 and abandoned the research? Nomura came after that and planned the GHD. What virus are you talking about?

>Rika did not die yet everyone went insane, it completely contradicted Takano's theory.
Takano's theory contradicts reality itself, though. Rika's death can't make anyone go insane.

>Moreover, wasn't that Takano Hifumi in the midpoint? It sure as hell looked like him.
Do you mean he was alive? That's impossible. Did DEEN reuse his model for a random character or something?

>> No.11450519

Fuck Umineko for making “it was all a delusion of Rika” a theory.
God I hate Umineko.

>> No.11450532

Hifumi committed suicide long before that. I don't want to sound rude, but did you even read Higurashi? You don't seem to remember that Takano's theory being a bunch of crap was a huge plot point.

>> No.11450547
File: 30 KB, 641x476, Time loops you say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"time loops"
Why the scare quotes? Even Frederica or proto-Bern or amalgamation-of-thousands-of-dead-children calls it a time loop.

>Do you mean he was alive? That's impossible. Did DEEN reuse his model for a random character or something?
They're talking about the guy during the briefing with the PM (presumably with Nomura).

What is with these recriminations? There are many kakeras in which he might have lived. Perhaps this is one where Takano doesn't get orphaned, thus he moves to Hinamizawa and starts the clinic (thus very much like Sai), but gets recruited by Tokyo to make a weapon.

It's already working disproven premises based on what was shown in the sound novels, Hifumi's life or death status should be the least of your issues.

>> No.11450558

I don't care about Takano, but it's weird that he didn't remember how Takano's theory was proven wrong. It's like he didn't actually read the story.

>> No.11450557

>Yeah, that one sucks. I like the one where it's all just circle jerking stories based on Takano's notebooks that were leaked onto the internet after Tsumihoroboshi-hen. It's way better.
Huh, that one makes more sense but it's unreliable.

I still like to believe that Featherine is the original author of Higurashi and Ryukishi self inserted with her.

I remember her theory being a bunch of shit but they were developing a virus/chemical bomb based on the Hinamizawa virus and it's plausible the virus mutated and spread in the population.
My theory is that Tokyo thought that Rika was one of origins of the virus outbreak, or something along those lines, or that they just wanted to examine her but no research was conducted since everything went to shit so fast.

And I know the guy is dead but I swear he looked the same. I'd post a ss of him but I have to leave.

I meant the chemical agent/bomb. iirc Tokyo were still developing it in secret even though they abandoned the research.
Weirdly enough, Takano wasn't seen at all and I wonder if she had something to do with anything.

>> No.11450567

>but they were developing a virus/chemical bomb based on the Hinamizawa virus
I'm not completely sure, but I remember it was something among the lines of >>11450518. They weren't developing a bomb anymore by the time the story takes place. There are many kakera, though. Perhaps Outbreak takes place in one where the government actually developed a virus.

I still think it's all Takano's fanfiction, rather than a real kakera.

>> No.11450576

I couldn't find the actual source, but I swear I read it many sites when they first announced the movie. I only found this:

>Rerailing the thread: don't you guys think it is strange that:

>The villagers are going mad after 72 hours? For me it seems like Rika died and things are going according to Hifumi's theory that the village would kill itself if the Queen Carrier died, despite that theory being proven wrong in the story (Rika dies early in Watanagashi/Meakashi and nothing happens).

>I have a theory that they are crazy not because Rika apparently died, but because of the stress and frustration of being cut off the outside world and that the government apparently wants to kill the village by starvation and lack of resources. Either that or the story is a semi-AU where Hifumi's theory was correct.

>Well, I think that's because: This is the scenario written by Takano Miyo, of something she thinks 'could' happen because of the Hinamizawa parasites. At the end of the part two notes the writers are listed as not just R07, but 'Takano and R07', so there's a bit of meta at work here.

It's from Animesuki. Apparently, Takano is listed as one of the authors in the credits, at the end of the trailer.

>> No.11450577
File: 24 KB, 848x480, [sage] Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kaku ~Outbreak~ OVA [DVD][480p-AAC][EF25D72A].mkv_snapshot_25.11_[2013.09.24_15.41.10].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screencap of him. I can't compare him to the original series, since the drive those episodes are stored on is like, all the way across the room, but he does look familiar.

>I still like to believe that Featherine is the original author of Higurashi and Ryukishi self inserted with her.
But she didn't publish anything until she started fucking Batora, and he mentioned Higurashi in Legend. Theory disproven.

After Koizumi died and couldn't protect it, they canceled the weapons project and told them to cure it once and for all and shut down.

If anything, in this Kakera, they made it a little faster and Takano set it off instead of going with the plan to murder Rika.

But that means that the Yamainu are even more evil (or far more stupid) than usual in this world, since that 100M yen is going to be pretty useless after the apocalypse.

>> No.11450592

He looks like a fusion of Takano and Koizumi.

Also, am I the only one that finds a strange resemblance between "Nomura" and Ikuko?

>> No.11450596
File: 27 KB, 637x356, outbreak trailer credits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for `三四', but it's not in the trailer credits or the OVA credits....

>> No.11450600

Alright, so Takano wrote a bunch of bullshit using the chemical weapon she thought Tokyo were still building and related the whole world being destroyed by the Hinamizawa syndrome relating to how people acted in L5 and then related it to real events.

That's seems plausible.

The only thing I find weird is that Takano wrote about Tokyo, she wouldn't dare mention something like it in any work because it could potentially compromise her in the long run.

>> No.11450603

Well there goes that theory.

>> No.11450605

Not when she mixes it in with her theories about sea monsters, aliens, demons, and the Jews being responsible. She did exactly that in Tsumihoroboshi after all.

>> No.11450609

Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it's disproven. This is a Devil's Proof.

>> No.11450608

I remember Takano as a fat guy for some reason. Ryukishi probably described him to the idiots at DEEN, but we don't really know.

He has no sprite in the novels, so I guess I can imagine him as a fat dude if I want.

>> No.11450612

I like to imagine him as a long haired guy with a puffy beard, wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves cut off, who spent most of his time in the sixties tripping on acid.

>> No.11450615
File: 10 KB, 603x452, Akasaka writes a book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ir needs to be founded upon something for it to be applicable.

You could say Akasaka wrote it and it would have the same effect.

You'd think that but he's the same in the manga, so that's how he probably looks like.

Tokyo wouldn't rely on someone looking like that.

>> No.11450617

Oh, I remember now. It was in the short story written by Ryukishi. Looks like the movie adaptation skipped it.

>> No.11450619

>Tokyo wouldn't rely on someone looking like that.
And indeed they didn't. They called his theory garbage and wiped their ass with his papers.

>> No.11450620

It's doesn't go anywhere. I swear I read it in a few news sites when Outbreak was announced.

>> No.11450623

It's more like Ryukishi summoned Takano and wrote that shit with her. Outbreak isn't supposed to exist as a story inside the world of Higurashi, it's all meta.

>> No.11450626

>It's more like Ryukishi summoned Takano and wrote that shit with her.
Great so Ryukishi can now summon witches.

Where's Battler when you need him?

>> No.11450630

Still dead.

>> No.11450631

Hell, the story ends with the names of the authors. R07 and Takano. Ryu doesn't exist in Higurashi. This just as meta as Requiem of the golden witch.

>> No.11450634

Well maybe Ryukishi can resurrect him too so we can have him solve this bullshit.

>> No.11450642

What happens to Takano after the GHD? Does she commit suicide? Does she change her name back to Tanashi Miyoko after faking her death? Does Tokyo kill her?

What about Watanagashi and Meakashi? She fucked up in those worlds. What happened to her?

>> No.11450644

>[...]a short story from series author Ryukishi07 that was included in the original soundtrack for the Higurashi Daybreak doujin third-person shooter on the PC.
God damn it, why must he hide this in the most obscure places? They put a story on the sound track to a fighting game based on the sound novels.

>> No.11450650

Let's get him to have Erika solve the mystery. She deserves to know her master's pitiful past.

Okonogi probably puts a bullet in her. She's not only a loose end, but a loose canon as well.

>What about Watanagashi and Meakashi? She fucked up in those worlds. What happened to her?
Okonogi definitely puts a bullet in her, as was the plan for failure in Matsuribayashi. I wonder what she was doing when Shion was stealing her show. Surely she didn't just sit in her van and scream "fuck! fuck! find them already!" to the Yamainu.

>> No.11450654

People tend to make fun of Higurashi's brain parasites because Tokyo ridiculed the theory, but they actually were impressed by it (and come on, it isn't that unbelievable).

They just couldn't allow him to continue his research. Marco Polo bridge incident, remember?

>> No.11450659

I want to adopt a loli when I'm in my sixties.

>> No.11450661
File: 464 KB, 637x476, Time to tear out the guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guts are already torn out. Erika has nothing to do here.

>> No.11450667

We have to investigate further. This seems plausible.

>> No.11450678

We need to get our hands on the original story and find someone who can read moon.

>> No.11450702

How do you write "Higurashi no naku koro ni kaku"? I can't find the Japanese title anywhere.

>> No.11450707

Try looking at the first result of https://www.google.com/search?q=higurashi+kaku you fucking moron.

>> No.11450714

Can you post the link? Google shows my country's results first... I'm not a moron.

>> No.11450725

Anyway, I cannot find it on the web, nor can I find a copy of the Daybreak OST that has anything other than music in it.

Maybe Share or Perfect Dark has a copy. If it doesn't turn up in a couple days, I may have to ... make a request somewhere ....

Fine. http://whentheycry.wikia.com/wiki/Higurashi_no_Naku_Koro_ni_Kaku
But before you get too far in, Kaku is the name of the name of the anime season, much like Kira, or Rei, or Kai, not the story itself, which seems to just be called `Higurashi Outbreak'. It's called simply `ひぐらしアウトブレイク' on the Jap wiki.

>> No.11450730

>I've been looking for 三四
That's Miyo, dumbass. Try looking for 鷹野.

>> No.11450734

I already thought of that, but there is no way that I'll be able to recognize that kanji, as tiny as it is in the videos. And just why do you think that only the family name would be mentioned as author?

>> No.11450744

I'm gonna wash your mouth with soap kiddo.

>> No.11450750

>forced to lick toilet after leaving orphanage
Does that kid think she's Sasha Grey?

>> No.11450781
File: 119 KB, 352x480, but_defa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is 鷹野. Can you read it?

Come on, it's just 鷹野.

>> No.11450876

Hey, I only made one of those post, so if I get punished, he had better get punished too.

Sure, that one's easy. It's `Sento'.

>> No.11450890

Well, the Daybreak OST torrent (forever stuck at 96%) doesn't have it, so I unless someone wants to buy the disc for the story, guess it's time for someone to go ask AnimeSuki and Tumblr for a copy of Outbreak.

>> No.11451118


>> No.11451767

>the fact that there is a child-abusing maid-fetishist as the doctor
What the FUCK did you just say about Irie? He loves little girls!

>> No.11451822

Sento-kun! How are you doing?

>> No.11451832

What if someone sends a private message to that guy on AnimeSuki? He doesn't seem to be making shit up, he actually read that Takano thing somewhere. He knows the truth.

>> No.11452035

Note that nothing that I wrote conflicts with that assertion. It is you who interpreted it to be a bad thing. I will say that the ignorant hicks of Hinamizawa would never understand his love or modern medicine and wouldn't have him.
