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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 456 KB, 640x480, 2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11427967 No.11427967 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to play touhou 12.3 // soku?

I can host if that's a problem for you

>> No.11427973

I do but I only have SWR and not Soku.

I keep meaning to get Soku and learn how to smush them together but it seems like 2muchwork4me.

>> No.11427977

everything set up and linked

updated netplay

>> No.11428042
File: 492 KB, 635x903, 989e2005b9b4c46afe8fb1f6e029adcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11428064

connection failed!

>> No.11428106

anyone hosting?

>> No.11428113
File: 92 KB, 641x481, 323232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting at West-North-Mexico

>> No.11428118

I play Meiling, am I allowed to join?

>> No.11428119

If you're hosting, make sure to mention whether you're using sokuroll or not.

>> No.11428120

Roll 1.3 on.

>> No.11428124

why would you ever NOT use sokuroll?

>> No.11428127

too much lag for my taste, sorry

>> No.11428139

I'm a scrub Marisa who hasn't played seriously since 2011.

And I use a 360 pad. I wonder if I'm allowed to join in.

>> No.11428143

I've never played before but I intend to in a few hours after I'm done lunch/showering/etc.

Without knowing anything at all, I am committing myself to Reisen.

>> No.11428174

Remember when we thought a new fighter game would be fun? Fuck you Tasofro.

>> No.11428188

I knew it would suck ever since the trial came out.

>> No.11428211

gg's profile1 guy, I need to eat something I am starving.

>> No.11428215


Sorry for the bad playing. I wanted to see if netplay worked. I guess I have to learn how to play this game now. If i can ask, are there any character suggestions?

>> No.11428220

depends on your play style. you can look up play styles at hisouten.koumakan.jp

>> No.11428219
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>> No.11428221

Depends of which one do you like or want.
Like, Youmu, Aya, Reisen, Meiling are speed melee characters, While Yuyuko and Patchy are bullet spamming.

Many players start playing this game with Youmu.
But if it were me, I'd start playing with Yukari.

>> No.11428224

if i loved MBAACC and thought HM sucked dick should i download this game?

>> No.11428230


Probably not. It has nothing in common with MBAACC at all, aside from being a doujin game.

>> No.11428232
File: 435 KB, 2117x3024, ea9e2108bf80a6729e301112b2627bb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HM is shit, if you liked MBAACC you'll love Hisoutensoku

>> No.11428238

This game is nothing like MBAACC or HM, so it's hard to say whether you'll like it or not.

Personally for me it's my favorite all time fighting game.

>> No.11428248

I like MB and Soku because I played with /jp/ a ton back in '10 and '11. I pretty much stopped playing completely after /jp/ stopped having the threads, kind of lost motivation to play after that. ;_;

You might like soku if you enjoyed MBAACC, they're completely different games though.

>> No.11429699

Please host

>> No.11429738

Eh why not
South 'merica
Rolling Roll 1.3

>> No.11429743

Hostin until I say otherwise by the way.

>> No.11429783

I miss SWR when I could float and spam bullets with Patchy.

>> No.11429797

You can still do that, unless you mean the part where everybody knows how to shut your ass down if you start doing it.

>> No.11429934

Thanks for the matches whoever that was

Sorry for the lag on the later matches I'd rather stop until I get that sorted out(which will take a while since it will only go away once the culprits go to sleep)

>> No.11429945

GGs. The lag wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, not counting that one match where it went nuts.

>> No.11430000

I wonder how everybody suddenly leveled up in 2011. It's like the entire Touhou community began playing on Lunatic and 1ccing every game when before that, people struggled with the most basic of things.

>> No.11430763

No you can't really it's like you can't double jump or something in HSTSK,

I mean really float like touch the ground only once every 10 seconds.

>> No.11432640
South 'merica using Roll 1.3

Hostin until I say otherwise.

>> No.11432710

with Roll 1.3

>> No.11432749

Well, it was laggy.

>> No.11432745

Connection failed.

>> No.11432759

Huh weird never had my connection fail with anyone before.

Give me a bit I will check this out and host again.

>> No.11432809
File: 739 KB, 799x999, d5c10bbc2a7ad6982cec0a00961468b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Hostan from Poland, roll1.3

>> No.11432811

Are you sure your ports are open and sokuroll is on?
Well unless you stopped hosting.

>> No.11432818

pretty sure. I hosted with these very same settings yesterday.

well gonna rehost again now but with the default port using Roll 1.3

>> No.11432829

I'm also getting connection failed from you.
I'm hosting so try connecting to me.

>> No.11432831

Failed as well.

Guess my computer probably decided to block any p2p connection from yesterday to now

Gonna reset the router/modem stuff that should work.

>> No.11432844
File: 725 KB, 850x1207, sample_c50e826f12ef0dbc13e01473341e85a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11432875

GGs Reimu anon. still hostan

>> No.11432895


I believe I fixed it now I seemed to be able to spectate others matches(before I was getting failed regardless)

Using Roll 1.3

>> No.11432963

GG random anon

>> No.11432973

GGs. Nice to see that I'm still bottom tier

>> No.11432992

Seems like I can't host games except via Hamachi. Is there a way confirm what my ip is when hosting normally?

>> No.11433055

GGs Marisa anon. That was some top tier play.

>> No.11433057


Don't forget to forward the 10800 port too. Most people seem to forget this part.

>> No.11433058

GGs, Critz. Thanks for the matches. I haven't played this game in months, was fun. I don't think we're suited for 3delay though, seemed to be a bit skippy but maybe that's just me. My Marisa is as ADHD and hoppy as ever.

Sanny is fun to fight, too bad there aren't more people playing her.

>> No.11433061

Still hosting
I *believe* I fixed it but no one joined since I did so

No one said anything about failed to connects since then too so if anyone could at least test it i'd be thankful.

>> No.11433063
File: 222 KB, 850x1226, sample-311e20e80cfcc1f04633cb87f26bcc44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about that. No one plays Sanae unless they're bored of other characters.

>> No.11433081

Just tried it - connection failed.

I tried to learn her when I was playing this game a few months ago, but then I just kinda stopped playing fighting games altogether. I found that Marisa suits my spazzy playing style much better, but I kind of feel bad about mashing spark as a reversal sometimes. I'm surprised at how much 66C->wait->3-card spark works on people, they always get smacked trying to punish it.

>> No.11433085

Go figure managed to fix it so I could connect to people but still didn't fix hosting myself.

Back to try everything until it fixes...

>> No.11433102

Nope. whatismyip.org gives the same ip i've been using and the port should be fowarded

Also nope. Still failing to connect.

>> No.11433144


Problem freaking solved

Want to know what it was?

When I got my IP from whatismyip.com it was showing my IP from YESTERDAY

I checked it on some other side and the IP was different and then I tried it with a friend using that IP and it worked

In short whatismyp was giving the wrong IP for the entire time i've been *trying* to host and I never really had to fix anything myself

Well with that out of the way. hosting using Roll 1.3

>> No.11433163

And what would that some other site be?
It seems i'm dealing with the same problem.

>> No.11433166
File: 213 KB, 688x618, 1363789889955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed to connect

Also, hosting :

>> No.11433179

I can't seem to connect to you over here. Running rollcaster 1.3?

>> No.11433181

Any one not at the top of google by searching "whatismyip"

>> No.11433228

crosslinking a post I made in another thread


>> No.11433248

I might play. But, What sokuroll do?

>> No.11433258

You guys might consider cleaning your browser's cache sometimes.

>> No.11433269

Okay, checking if I finally got it right.

using sokuroll 1.3

>> No.11433311

can't connect.

Hosting at FR roll 1.3

>> No.11433312

Connection failed.

>> No.11433324

I clear it every couple of weeks. did it again just now. didn't help

Fuck it. At this point i'm out of ideas. All I have left is to hope that restarting the computer helps. But that'll have to wait till tomorrow

>> No.11433345

GGs Ghost sorry for the sudden end but I had enough for the time being.

>> No.11433346

Good games to you too. It's no problem, it's about time I go eat lunch anyway.

>> No.11433351

Reduces delay

>> No.11433373
File: 583 KB, 1280x720, LAST WORD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy HELL 2013 already?! and your still playing this old relic?
you need to get good in 13.5 in order to have fun, pleebs

>> No.11433376
File: 13 KB, 67x112, TenshiHinanai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ggs to whoever i've played against.

I did not understand when you were picking and leaving tenshi at the selection screen, were you wanting for me to pick her?

>> No.11433381

Yes you fucking idiot, I always win against her.

>> No.11433387

Yes, I wanted you to choose her and see if there's anything I can do against that unstoppable barrage of attacks.

>> No.11433388

Not this time :)

>> No.11433391

Stop pretending you're me.

>> No.11433392

>trying to save face

>> No.11433395

Sometimes I just can't understand people intentions.

>> No.11433396

Eh, what? What the hell are you on about?

>> No.11433399

What's happening here...

>> No.11433400

That game isn't as fun.

>> No.11433406

tell me about it. I was really looking forward to it too.

>> No.11433434

I upgraded my PC way too late to play this. /jp/ doesn't play it anymore so I have no reason to pick it up and learn it.

Kokoro is cute though.

>> No.11433449


It's crazy to think how long /jp/ played SWR and soku and then compare it to 13.5. 13.5 was dropped so fast because the roster sucks (come at me), and it's just not as fun.

Honestly, I think it's because it feels less like a fighting game. I hate that everyone is in perma-fly mode.

>> No.11433455 [DELETED] 


>> No.11433456

I don't mind flying but I wish everything was faster. I don't get that go-fast feeling from HM.

The real solution would be to stop playing Koishi whose dash is actually just a stroll, but that would be too easy.

>> No.11433469

It's not about the roster but the game itself.

>> No.11433471

Someone host.

>> No.11433481

Maybe, but the roster being shit doesn't help its case any.

>> No.11433514

try this, with sokuroll

>> No.11433819

Time for more matches! using Roll 1.3

>> No.11433829

Oh right hosting until I say otherwise.

>> No.11433840

too much lag sorry

>> No.11433841

Can't be helped still hosting.

>> No.11433844

I'd love to play, but I'm a scrub ;_;

>> No.11433847


>> No.11433879

Shut up and host.

>> No.11433882

p-please somebody host, i wan't to play i'm bored ;_;

>> No.11433884

I'm still hosting I did say I wouldn't stop doing so unless I said it.

>> No.11433885


Yeah, you can go insanely fast in soku.

>> No.11433892


I keep getting connection fails.

>> No.11433902

Are you using Sokuroll?

Both players gotta use it else you can't connect with each other or something like that.

>> No.11433918


Yes the changetitle is put on 1.

Do I need to change something in the sokuroll.ini?

>> No.11433933


My bad, It's certainly because i'm trying to connect to people who posted hours ago.

>> No.11433934

Huh other than having sokuroll the requirements to play would just be the standard stuff.

Maybe its blocked on your firewall or something? I'm pretty sure its nothing on my side.

>> No.11433939

I also tried connecting to this and it didn't work

>> No.11433961 US EST roll1.3

>> No.11433963
Hosting Canadia

>> No.11433982


Can't connect any of those even with sokuroll.

>> No.11433987


Alright, good games. Sorry, but I gotta go.

>> No.11433988

well dang I got destroyed

Thanks for the matches though. hosting some more.
Shouldn't be a problem on my side I'm pretty sure I got everything sorted out.

>> No.11433989

#hisouten sucks

>> No.11433992

Oh I'm not actually hosting, i joined matcat's game

>> No.11433995

What the HELL did you just say, motherfucker?!

>> No.11433999

I know for a fact that nobody in #hisouten actually gives enough of a shit about /jp/ to defend it here.

>> No.11434049

ggs rabbit-box

>> No.11434057

Good games Madcats! Your Remi is superb defensively for sure.

>> No.11434061

Hosting for real this time

>> No.11434128

Good games 69!
>Fight your Okuu with Yuyuko
>After a close game, fire off a purple lazer in hope of catching you
>It connects, and I hear the 'player is defeated shriek'
>Soku roll rewinds
>Slammed in face Okuu and lose

>> No.11434134

Good games, and thank you for playing Mr. Socially Awkward.

>> No.11434135

Thanks for the matches. still gonna play more.

>> No.11434143

Whoops forgot to actually host.

well its up now.

>> No.11434144

cant' connect

>> No.11434155

well, one more. seems lag

>> No.11434159

I'm downloading this right now. Hopefully it's easy to set up; I'm a retard.

>> No.11434165

It's pretty simple, you just have to remember to configure your Soku to point to the SWR folder. As for actual games? You're going to be eaten alive as the only people left playing Soku are the tourneyfags.

>> No.11434163


>> No.11434164

Well thanks for the matches again still playing more.

>> No.11434167

Don't bully #hisouten. Even though I didn't like the community and it made me quit fighters for six months(the fighting game community is rude and obnoxious), I'm sure they're still decent people.

That said, I'm happy that /jp/ is playing MB and soku again. I'd love to play on IRC and find some delicious Marisa players to level up with, but I don't feel like dealing with that type of community right now.

>> No.11434172


I'm okay with that!

>> No.11434182

The fighting game community is what killed Soku for me. Win or lose, people just got way too salty when they played.

>> No.11434197

I played with you one game but there was a blackout, sorry.

>> No.11434200

Well seems everyone is finished

stoppin hostin thanks for the matches everyone.

>> No.11434240

Pretty much this. IRC has a few bad apples, mainly that mancunt remilia-scarlet who will not shut up about it's personal life and how bloohoo I have parkinsons thats why I lost, or ohh my blood sugar is low we'll rematch later thats why i lost.

If people played characters they liked instead of flowcharting the best, the community would be much better. But nope, gotta have dem tier lists, gotta play the best, gotta be the best, no scrubs, mango sentinel.

>> No.11434247
File: 15 KB, 171x135, sadface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm stuck in a difficult place with soku. I'm better than nearly everyone on /jp/, and worse than nearly everyone on #hisouten. So either I get completely destroyed, or I feel like I'm bullying new players. If I host, I get hopeful naive jpers who don't have a good time, until "that guy" shows up and reminds me why I hate this game when played at a decent level.

I wish I still sucked, or cared enough to get actually good.

>> No.11434264

The /jp/sies eventually have to get better if they keep playing, and will eventually reach or pass your skill level.

>> No.11434270


I won't get salty or feel bullied after I get this installed.

I've never played soku before, but I have survived the acidic wasteland that is the Guilty Gear FGC.

I am immune to salt at this stage of my life.

>> No.11434272

Yo FUCKING ONLINE TACTICS Hehehe that would have never worked offline what a scrub! See me in AE nerd hahaa you'll never beat me there. Wooooow, I was pressing buttons did you see that shit? Mad fuckin lucky, my hands are cold hahahaha what a scrub he'd never beat me in the summer time YO mad lucky, I'm just sweaty so my hands slipped off the buttons. Lose/lose no matter what.

I leveled up a lot by playing on #hisouten, but it made me hate fighting games for awhile because of the community. You'd probably beat me pretty easily though, I was one of the few shitters on IRC.

GG has one of the worst communities I have ever seen. I thought soku was pretty awful, but those people are insane.

>> No.11434276

I hear you man. I try to round robin characters if I can win the match, which helps when playing the average player. I've learned to avoid very new players unless they ask for games. In the end though, I only regularly play against one or two people.

>> No.11434288


You both sound like nice fellows who will hopefully play with me after I get it set up. No drama, salt or whinging, honest.

>> No.11434298

Girls do their best and are preparing. We'll wait warmly until it is ready.

>> No.11434304

Is there anything that I should change on the SokuRoll.ini?

>> No.11434325

what is the tier list? If my mains are high I'll feel like a try hard. Though I never win anyway

>> No.11434329


Can't promise it's tonight, so don't wait up.

>> No.11434332

I'm willing to host if anyone wants to play.

>> No.11434333

In my opinion, Sakuya, Okuu and Iku are the best. Still pretty good is Remilia, Suika and Youmu.

>> No.11434342

Damn, now I feel tryhard-y. Suika is my best, and I like to play Remilia once in a while. How about Patchouli and Suwako?

>> No.11434346

Suwako is amazing if you know what to do but she's pretty hard to play

>> No.11434353

Sakuya and Yuyuko are the IRC tourneyfag-tier.

High up there are Reisen, Tenshi, and I think Reimu.

The only "garbage, never play" characters are Suika, Suwako, and Aya, although people will argue the shit out of that because you can be good with anybody you practice with.

Pretty much just play whoever you want, and watch out for Sakuya players since they are eternal faggots.

>> No.11434358


>> No.11434368

Tiers don't matter unless you're very good, very bad, or playing a totally gimped character.

>> No.11434365

At least we're in agreement that Sakuya is top of the top tier. I havn't seen a dominating Reimu in a long time since Magister pre-soku days. Back then Aya was also godly before they nerfed her supers.

>> No.11434371

Suika used to be fucking top tier too before nerfs, then again she kind of needed them.

Aya got hit way too hard though.

>> No.11434369

>The only "garbage, never play" characters are Suika, Suwako, and Aya
Whoa, seriously? I thought Cirno was down there as well, and Suika was mid tier after some nerfs. Then again, I was never clear on who was good and who was bad in this game.

>> No.11434374

Aya's damage got dropped into nothing.
Cirno is more of a trolling character, she hovers around low-mid mainly because nobody really plays her seriously.

But like everybody has said before, everybody is viable if you like the character and are willing to learn, theres very few mash-to-win characters unless you're Patchouli spamming C fireballs against new players.

>> No.11434389

To add to this, an average Sakuya is a lot of fun to play against. When the player learns to abuse her wacky hitboxes then things become brutal.

>> No.11434399
File: 15 KB, 380x251, aya gloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11434398
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 133044474471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okuu top tier
>Aya garbage

>> No.11434413

She's my favorite 2hu, I feel the same way but I can't deny the truth.

>> No.11434419
File: 29 KB, 454x332, alice wut_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still don't buy Alice being higher tier than Yukari, Reimu, Suika, and Youmu. It also surprises me to see Komachi so low. I thought she was at least B tier

>> No.11434425

Well, those charts are a year out of date...

>> No.11434426

Komachi runs out of gimmicks really fast.

I don't know why Alice is so high either, I see FireballFlame in IRC pull of some really fucking cool shit with her, but its always like 20x more effort than the other guy has to do to achieve the same result.

>> No.11434428

You don't need to acknowledge a truth like that. Some of the West's most famous players are D-tier specialists.

>> No.11434481

Well you're not going to improve if you don't play harder players.

>> No.11434492

When was the last patch?

>> No.11434508

Tiers are based on average player aptitude, not numbers.

If a lot of really good people suddenly picked up Cirno and started blasting everybody's shit, she'd be considered top tier.

Thats why tier lists are garbage.

>> No.11434520

So, why do all those good people pick Sakuya and not Cirno?

>> No.11434527

Because Sakuya has a lot of easily abusable moves and hitboxes, therefore people pick her for easier wins.

>> No.11434532

And if she has easily abusable things, is she not better?

>> No.11434533

Because Sakuya has good corner loops, dense bullets, fast bullets, good oki, good spellcards, and good hitboxes.

Cirno has one fast bullet (which is more like a big melee than anything else), one dense bullet special (at max level), and a few good hitboxes.

>> No.11434542

Yeah, the thing is I don't really care to improve anymore. Soku isn't a big thing for me. But my experience still makes me better than most of /jp/. Hence, stuck in the middle.

>> No.11434543

Yes, I know what you're trying to get at.

But think of it this way, if nobody played Sakuya properly, or put time into figuring out all these broken moves, would she still be considered top tier?

The fact that you can play an unpopular character and hit them with moves they've never had to practice against is a merit in its own.

>> No.11434549

The thing about gimmicks is that they only work a few times on good players.

Sakuya is great because people figured out all her broken shit and dominated people with it. Cirno has nothing broken to figure out, so people can't.

>> No.11434552

Tiers are based on performance and player consensus. Really good people don't suddenly pick up low tier chars and blast everyone's shit because they're terrible chars, so they won't or can't do it. There is a reason they are low tier, and it isn't because good players just so happened to not feel like playing them.

>> No.11434575

Do you think people didn't put time into trying to figure out broken moves for other characters?

I bet there are at least a few goodies out there who tried really hard to find some way to get their favourite to the top of the tier list, but they failed for a reason.

>> No.11434594
Trying SokuRoll 1.3 for the first time, rustproof tier

>> No.11434601

I crashed! Sorry.

>> No.11434646
Hosting with sokuroll 1.3
Normal tier

>> No.11434650 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 170x127, cat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US west/central, continental divide. SokuRoll 1.3. Will host without upon request.

>> No.11434682

Well, I think what the poster was trying to say is that the tier list is built off of statistically generated values across all skill levels and does not account for meta game changes or character popularity. To fix this though, I'm not sure of a better approach other than having the option to possibly weight the picks based on some sort of elo system.

>> No.11434685

GGs, sorry, wrists started killing me.
Nice to play you though, maybe back later

>> No.11434855

GGs, though.

>> No.11434860
File: 29 KB, 170x127, cat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the games.

>> No.11435409

Tenshi and reimu aren't high tier.

Aya and suika are pretty high, and in the jp toplist they are even some suwakos, In the top 20.

the characters that have hard time dealing with other at very high level are, cirno, patchy, sananaes, okuu, and meiling too.

The rest of the caster is fine.

>> No.11435430

Good morning, soku. I just started playing this today and am getting my shit slapped around even in Story/Arcade mode.

Can someone explain the cards a bit to me? I think that's what I'm having a problem with. The big spell cards that seem to summon attacks or change the weather make sense, but there are too many spell cards that pop up that I use that seem to do nothing at all. Like she'll just hold up a card and flash, or flicker red or something.

>> No.11435434

You could try looking at the wiki: hisouten.koumakan.jp/
It's a great resource.

>> No.11435482
File: 21 KB, 354x264, Youmoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are system, skill and spellcards.
-system are available for everyone and have simple effect like heal or energy regain
-skill can change/upgrade skill attacks (QCFs and so on) every char has its own.
-spells usually use other cards in addition to itself and are hueg attacks.

>> No.11435484


Thanks. I'll try but my runes are limited.


Aha. I have a feeling that Skill are going to end up being the most important.

>> No.11435485

It's in english

>> No.11435486

At least check it - it's plain english.

>> No.11435499 US East

>> No.11435503


Wooo. Finally got it all set up, and connected to my SWR. Do I launch the Soku that comes with the torrent, or just ignore it entirely and grab the one from that link?

>> No.11435522

What is your name? Mine's profile1p

>> No.11435525

I recommend sokuroll 1.3 that's what most people use

>> No.11435532


But do I launch the SokuRoll that comes with the torrent and then update to 1.3 or what?

I'm normally a retarded console user; doing more beyond clicking an .exe is stressful.

>> No.11435534

I feel very reluctant to help you

>> No.11435537

You need soku 1.10a if you don't already have it, get sokuroll 1.3 if you don't have it.

Start up soku, click on SokurollLoader, check the bar at the top and see what it says. It should have Japanese text and acR+1.3 or something like that. ᑈ

>> No.11435550


Thanks. Already got soku 1.10a, so let me launch SokuRoll 1.3 and then give it a shot. I really appreciate it.

>> No.11435555


Okay, perfect. It's got the acR+1.3.

And the last step is figuring out how to connect to other people!

>> No.11435563


You'll have to wait for someone to host. If there's no one who posted their IP, you'll just get connection failed (from trying one that's not hosting at the moment)

>> No.11435634

No one else on?

>> No.11435744
File: 599 KB, 800x435, Tenshi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11435744 FR


>> No.11435746

Hosting IaMP (Rollcaster) I'd like some practice against a real person

>> No.11435754 [DELETED] 


>> No.11435751


Sorry, I hadn't set P2 controls so my controller wasn't working. One sec, I'll be right back in.

>> No.11435768


Also need to set up my spell deck again since I just made a generic p2 profile

>> No.11435771

No worries I got time.

>> No.11435772


>> No.11435780

I miss this game. Got bored with it and deleted it, then wanted to play it again much later and redownloaded it. Could never find anyone who wanted to play, so I deleted it again.

>> No.11435785
File: 816 KB, 647x906, b39c51db550f1ee543893359589c8709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11435789

Because the CPU is boring to play against, and general unused data clearing.

>> No.11435797

why do you need 1GB extra free space so badly

>> No.11435804

I may not have needed it at the time, but I try to keep my hard drive clear of unused clutter, lest it build up to the point where I would need more space. I get what you're trying to say, Anon, but I don't hold on to things that I don't use. Though this thread makes me regret the decision, if only for a passing moment.

>> No.11435809

you could've just used an undelete utility to get the game back instead of redownloading it

>> No.11435819

Thanks for the matches, Nene!

I think I did pretty good for my first time. I definitely need to put more than 35 minutes into it though.

>> No.11435821

Thanks to you!

Sorry for leaving but I had to go to the toilet.

>> No.11435823


Ah, no problem. I gotta cook dinner anyways.

When we had the Suwako mirror match, I saw you doing the water spit up in the air directly into rings; how do you do that? That seems like it's pretty impotant for playing Suwako.

>> No.11435835
File: 782 KB, 1000x706, 32675436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very important actually, it's very unsafe but you could win nearly all of your matches here by just spamming it.

Not posting it because I don't want anyone here to do bully not experimented opponent, but you can analyze it with SWRtoys (http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Misc_tools)) or try to find it yourself in practice, very easy to do.

>> No.11435850

if he deleted it more than a few days ago the data was probably overwritten by something new already.

if he defragments his hard drive, it was probably all lost.

>> No.11435868

If it's a large hard drive, the majority of the data is still intact. Windows writes to the oldest deleted data first.

If he, say, installed all of his Steam games all at once and filled the drive, then it's lost.

>> No.11435915 roll1.3
madcat decent player

>> No.11436012

ggs gen. roll1.3
madcat decent player

>> No.11436016

GG's man, gotta go. the lag was kind of a turn off even selectin a char was a bitch, but hey it was fun, remi was going lightning fast.

>> No.11436046

Anyone else hosting?

>> No.11436048

Hosting from germany. SokuRoll 1.3

>> No.11436118

That Remilia reminds me of somebody I used to play awhile back before he switched to Youmu ;_;. You've even got the 4a>cradle poke out, good shit. His Remilia playstyle still comes over into Youmu with the almighty f5a>soe pokes, but it isn't the same.

>> No.11436182


>> No.11436218

ggs kenetsu

lag make the game unfair. the char with more bullets takes advantage

>> No.11436228

remilia's unfair anyway, so that's balance the thing.

>> No.11436235

Good games, sorry for the lag.

>> No.11436239

Sorry, too much lag for me.
(How can you pull of these combos with so much lag? Almost all your combo's were max-damage...)

Anyway, if someone from germany/EU wants to join I'm rehosting.

>> No.11436245

Anyway, nice to see that you stopped getting hit by these 3A abuse after a few matchs, the first games were really retarded because of that.

>> No.11436247

pre-roll experience ;)

>> No.11436334

Why are this not played at EVO? i want this at EVO

>> No.11436353

don't even try to out-spam me

>> No.11436358

Well I need to play more often again...
Not that I ever was at your skill-level but getting trolled THAT hard?
Can't even block trickster-devil anymore...
Also getting hit by like 50% of every suika-roll? thats pretty embarrasing...

GG's anyway.

>> No.11436387


>> No.11436399

the game is too hard to actually be competitive.
streetfighter only.
final destination.

>> No.11436407

Note that I couldn't link it into 623B for some reason, you would have get hit 90% of the time that way.

But seriously, just DP, especially with Youmu when you see it coming.

>> No.11436444

Actually I don't even know why I didn't do it.
I did the C-Version several times even after realising that it doesn't work.

I really like your pressure-game btw, do you also play melty blood?
(not that I want to play you, I suck even more at mb than I do at soku...)

>> No.11436450

no, tried it but not enough time to spare.

C version doesn't have invulnerability frames.

>> No.11436458

623B is godly dude, use and abuse it when you know you can get away with it. Use the C-version when you need to smack them through bullets and you absolutely know it's going to hit them.

>> No.11436466

Also the first hit of it has much slower startup.
(At least it grazes)

>> No.11436534

>nerfed and casual'd version of a better fighting game

>> No.11436544


Keep it to IRC, pal. This is a take it easy environment.

>> No.11436545

>nerfed and casual

I loved IAMP, but it's the street fighter 1 to SWR's street figher 2.
which would make soku SF2 turbo remix the new challengers.

>> No.11436579

IaMP is Street fighter, Soku is Marvel vs Capcom 2

>> No.11436589

Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: The Online Warrior.

>> No.11436721

Randomized card and weather system. People would complain about weather patterns fucking them over or not getting the cards they need to win.

>> No.11436732 [DELETED]
Hosting with sokuroll 1.3
German normal tier player

>> No.11436734

yeah, touhou really needs unfunny commentary and more lame memes

>> No.11436741

Anyone else having problems with weather effects not displaying properly in the newest version of the game? The background changes color but things like hail, wind, snow and rain don't show up.

>> No.11436749

weather isn't random, it has a cycle

>> No.11436758
File: 1.10 MB, 3196x1511, sokuweather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cards charge so fast that they aren't much of a big deal.

And the fucking weather is 100% manipulable. just learn it and how to control it.

>> No.11436765

Cards aren't a "huge deal" but they can make or break games, and therefore people don't want to play it on a supercompetitive level.

>> No.11436769


T-that's pretty hardcore, Anon-kun!

>> No.11436786

No, the weather is only manipulable to a small extend, if you can manage a groundslam/wallslam or happen to have a weather card on you.
If you're focused on a blockstring (on offense or defense) and suddenly you find yourself being mashed on because Typhoon, which completely changes the game. You can also not defend Youmu's Rise from Delusion, Marisa's Blazing Star and Okuu's Uncontrollable Dive if they get Typhoon.
Same deal with a bad River Mist activation when you're pressuring and get moved away from the opponent, getting instantly guardbroken with 5 spirit because sudden Sunshower, get your best cards removed by Mountain Vapor / Snow or butt-raped because you got knocked down by a pressure-heavy character like Sakuya or Reisen.

>> No.11436790 [DELETED] 

GGs werty

>> No.11436794

In Diamond Dust, I meant, which blocks your ability to roll on the ground. Just watch this shit:

>> No.11436797

Any spellcard activation advance the weather for a cycle.

And you can adapt your combo to get as much slams as you want, or even get purposly hit by a long ranged bullet to avoid a typhoon.

Or the opposite, force it to piss off your opponent because he's not paying attention.

>> No.11436817 [DELETED] 


>> No.11436821

That's still very limited control, if you have to be comboing someone or waste spellcards / take hits, and only C bullets knock down. And virtually no combos contain multiple wallslams.
I'll still take weather over HM popularity system, especially with the utter crap that Last Words are.

>> No.11436834

getting hit in the air by a light bullet leads to a knock down.

"And virtually no combos contain multiple wallslams."

The fuck? almost every character can have at least 2 slams in a combo w/o SC usage.

Hell, with tenshi you can go as wish from 0 to 4, without losing too much damage for a combo.

>> No.11436862

Give me that Tenshi combo then, because four seems like a stretch. I concede on the wallslam point if you mean Dial-A > 6A, which does cause two wallslams indeed. Not really optimal in case of many characters, though, and you still need to connect corner combo in order to switch the weather.

>> No.11436879

And not all B bullets knock down from air either, see Sakuya or Reisen. Of course said opponent would propably want to get the fuck away from the opponent to preserve current weather to begin with.

>> No.11436891

Hosting on East Coast US.

Just so you know, I'm horribly rusty and have no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.11436912


5AAA j7 j.6A j.2C 44 j.6A

If you want more ask me

>> No.11436918

Shameless advertising


>> No.11436919

port? are you on roll?

>> No.11436922 using roll 1.3

Hostin until I say otherwise

>> No.11436927

Yeah, sorry, forgot to mention Roll 1.3

>> No.11436947

Well good games mysterious(?) normal player, quite a series to shake off the rust.

>> No.11436952 [DELETED] 

GGs 6A

>> No.11437066 [DELETED] 

Looking for a match, but I can't host. Anyone wanna go?

>> No.11437073

Does anybody want to play? I can't host, but I'll be chilling in-game until I find a match.

>> No.11437077
This probably won't work, but I might as well try.

>> No.11437081

>>11437073 with roll

kinda beyond rusty

>> No.11437086


typo port

>> No.11437102

I might just be stupid, but when I use roll, I can't connect to anyone who is hosting. I can't host myself. Any ideas?

>> No.11437118


Sorry about the random lag every so often but I couldn't do anything about that.

>> No.11437125

Also hosting no longer.

>> No.11437132

Eh, it's fine. For a moment, I thought that was my lag, honestly. It's all good though.

>> No.11437152

Good games, sorry if it was a bit laggy.

>> No.11437186

Hosting at EC US
Sokuroll 1.3

>> No.11437302

Mm, ggs. Watch the wakeup mash.
Rehosting at EC US roll 1.3

>> No.11437297

gg Mr Rabbit. Seems my rust was showing reallllll well today...

>> No.11437385

I call winner

>> No.11437419

If anyone wants a few games, I'll host. US Roll 1.3

>> No.11437427 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 199x203, I am flatchest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11437427 EU
Hosting with sokuroll 1.3
Normal tier

Where my Idler at?

>> No.11437440

whoops, sorry anon, didn't see EU. it was definately lagging.

>> No.11437459

are you guys lagging really, really badly, or is it doing that every time i join in to spec?

>> No.11437468

Whoever was just playing me, I really do apologize for the lag. I'm restarting my computer in the hopes that it will be better.

>> No.11437470

Stop playing on a fucking toaster.

Also one of the best matches i've ever had.

>> No.11437477


Those seem like conflicting statements! One is all like, "I'm frustrated, why can't this guy play on a decent computer so I can have a smooth gaming experience?" and then the other is all "Man that was a super cool really close match oh jeez was that fun!"

>> No.11437478


When I play games 1 on 1, it's fine.

When I spectate someone else's game, it ruins everything for them, bogs down and sometimes even crashes.

>> No.11437483


What's wrong with that?

It's like saying "I just had the best meal of my life in that restaurant, but the servers are assholes, the bar smells like piss and the place is a dive."

>> No.11437498

It was really fun overall

You have a real talent man, could I hire your services tomorow ? I need things to be done

>> No.11437495

i see. anyway i'm hosting.
roll 1.3 US east

>> No.11437511


But it's like, how can a match be very fun if the game is too choppy to enjoy it? I know I'd be real frustrated if I had to put up with something like that, one that would preclude me from saying it's fun or good!

>> No.11437516

Restarted the server US Roll 1.3
Should be faster now

>> No.11437528


Dat black screen.

Might be me?

>> No.11437535

try again.

>> No.11437537

hosting again

>> No.11437540

Sorry, it's getting really late here, ggs

>> No.11437570

GGs, I haven't played in a while. I kept forgetting about Reisen's illusions.

>> No.11437575

GGs, that's a decent Cirno haha.
Maybe back later, was fun though

>> No.11437576


Hahaha oh my god. That slow mo Stone Hands spellclap KO crashed my soku, I'm dying IRL.

How do you do that black poison mist ball with Suwako? This is my first day playing. (BTW, thanks for the matches R.)

>> No.11437588

Hahaha. Those were good matches. Sorry for all of the lag. The black mist is the 22 combo (down, down combo).

>> No.11437598

Please respond

>> No.11437599


It's probably on my end; I'm in Canada.

Wasn't even aware there was a down-down input combo. I need more Suwako practice.

>> No.11437613

Don't play Suwako, it can only end in tears

>> No.11437620

Suwako is fun to play and is pretty underrated.

>> No.11437634

Rehosting again. US Roll 1.3

>> No.11437631


Tears of laughter. I have hella fun playing Suwako. Especially since I just had some Suwako mirror matches. Shit is hilarious when you both dive under the ground and headbutt each other at the same time and go flying to opposite ends of the screen.

>> No.11437661

Let's see if I can still host tier

venite at me frater

>> No.11437666

sokuroll 1.3 btw

>> No.11437710

GGs. Thank you playing with me even though there was so much lag. My toaster can't handle anymore though.

>> No.11437714

GGs, besides the lag it was fun.

>> No.11437715
File: 535 KB, 268x215, pat pat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my router restarted.
Anyway, let's stop here. GGs sparky.

>> No.11437829


Thanks for the matches, Gen! Even though it's my first day, I think I'm getting better. I think I really need to redo my deck the most though; it's just full of Spells and no Skills or Items.

You didn't have to throw the last match though haha

>> No.11437828

GG's chen. twas fun.

>> No.11437834


This is how Suwako plays

>struggle your fucking ass off all match
>get close to killing your opponent
>opponent does all of that damage back to you in about ten seconds

>> No.11437857

I didn't feel it to be much fair so I wanted to take some free hits, but I ended up taking much more damage than I wanted. So I didn't throw the match, it was fair and square.
if you want a tip,You can use suwakos special moves underground, all of them.
Also don't fly when the suns up, you'll burn your life meter like on the one match.

>> No.11437860


Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks!

I also see you summoning the tree while you're in mid-air, how do you do that?

>> No.11437882
File: 10 KB, 78x95, suwako ATATATATATA UNL_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D00d suwanerd is actually pretty deadly in good hands. Her corner pressure is kurayzee and she can zone insanely well between her Tree of Fuck You and her Pool/Cloud of Curse You and her Water of Push You and her Kicks of Atatata You and her Underground I Crossup You and all kinds of stuff!

I bet she has all kinds of other shenanigans but I can't remember them

>> No.11437928

Yeah, Suwako can be competitive, it's just usually uninteresting when she's played properly. A lot of people turn into j8A j6B j6C repeat Suwakos which usually aren't too strong and aren't interesting to beat.
People who screw around with block strings are fun though.

>> No.11437935

Hold Up then hold attack when you are flying.
you have to time because youll keep moving and falling while doing it.

>> No.11437936
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, bakeoppai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here you can see what kind of people Suwako players are based on the content and the way they write.

This is not a compliment

>> No.11438019

GGs, sorry if it was boring.

>> No.11438029
File: 3 KB, 63x92, alice AHAHAHAHA UNL_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The joke is on you, I play Alice

>> No.11438038

dis me. ggs anon, that was pretty fun. i found it funny how we would go through our cycles of derp and asskickery. there were some fantastic moments there.

i'm actually a semi-experienced player but i haven't played in over a year, nonetheless the game knowledge was definately giving me a clear advantage at times i suppose

also, if any of you are interested, irc.7chan.org #touhou - touhou gaems. for the love of god, though, don't mention you're from 4chan. cable will ban your ass faster then you can say /j #appeals. also, it's a little dead atm, but if you asked people they would probably consider playing you. we've also played 13.5 a bit here and there

anyway... yah.

>> No.11438053

nah don't worry about it brah, i play casually

>> No.11438088

Hosting EC US roll 1.3 again
rust tier

>> No.11438136

Hosting at

US EC, sokuroll 1.3, I don't know how to play this game

>> No.11438268

Who host?

>> No.11438319 [DELETED] 

>rust tier
>rapes me
I've been playing soku for a couple months now and I still fucking suck. And losing this badly in these threads only demotivate me. Why do I bother playing?

>> No.11438329

>rust tier
>rapes me
I've been playing soku for a couple months now and I still fucking suck. And losing this badly in these threads only demotivate me. Why do I bother playing?

>> No.11438337

Well I started playing like 4 years ago (been a while since I played) so
Still the best I've played today, GGs, interesting Okuu


>> No.11438338

have you tried hosting your own games?
soku roll negates a lot of lag, but has some crazy lag advantage on the hosts side, it's like day 1 gears 2 netplay, you could try hosting to balance the field a bit if you're not all that great at the game.

>> No.11438359

Good games! Not bad if you are just starting this game, I can tell you have some fundamentals down. Have you played other fighters?

>> No.11438362

I started playing with Okuu so I'm more experienced with her. I don't normally run the rocket dive deck, but I was getting desperate. I'm also not good with switching between characters in a set.

I've been playing Cirno more lately and have been trying all sorts of different things with her. I suck at pressure with her despite her excelling at it.

And it really kept pissing me off how I kept stupidly falling for the same things over and over. I just can't learn.

>> No.11438364
Hosting from Eastern Canada with sokuroll 1.3

>> No.11438372

You need to link SWR for the other characters

>> No.11438378 [DELETED] US EC

>> No.11438387

Sorry, rehosted. I forgot to change the directory in the configex123 after moving it around.

>> No.11438408

I don't know, I've only seen one Cirno that was able to pin successfully in midrange. Icecar may have been involved. Her air strings are fairly effective though

>> No.11438510

GGs. Yeah, I've played Melty.

>> No.11438537


>> No.11438609


>> No.11438698

GGs. Nice 6A's. Pretty tricky to block.

>> No.11438712

Thanks for the games, sorry if I got dumb at the end. Was a lot of fun.

>> No.11439058
File: 46 KB, 200x150, bk_bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the games.

>> No.11439074

I hope it wasn't too boring! Sorry for being so bad.

>> No.11439088

Don't worry, you weren't. I can tell you have experience with other fighting games, so your spacing and movement kept me engaged.

>> No.11439227

I'm bad at everything in this game, /jp/. Please help. Practicing hasn't helped either because I can barely do anything against other people, they're too fast for me and I can never find any space to breathe. Fighting the CPU is useless as well because it can't keep any pressure at all.

Speaking of the CPU, holy hell how did they manage to make it even worse in HM?

>> No.11439258

Start to learn some combos, the rest goes smoothly if you practice.

>> No.11439355

for those interested in practicing against non-human opponents, i have a link for you


contained herein is a program for greatly enhancing the soku ai. it's good practice and will help you to learn what is and isn't safe to do. keep in mind that a fair deal of these ai's are pretty unforgiving(i usually lose to the reimu/remilia ai's).

to use, open aimanager.exe(running as administrator may or may not help, not sure; if you get problems, try it), and select the character AI you want to load(use aimanager.png for reference). 'twill then ask you for your soku executable's location(jp version only, unfortunately; hope you know your way around).

after it boots, go to vs player, and select your character, then the character whose ai script you loaded for player 2. sometimes, you may have to do a little trial and error to get it working properly. i once had problems involving profiles; and sometimes the AI simply doesn't work(you can tell because the console window will grab your attention and tell you something about PANIC);but most of the time it works fine.

hope this helps some of you out there. also remember that the wiki is a useful source of information.

enjoy, nerds

>> No.11439367

oh. thread hit it's post limit didn't it?

oh well. see you next time, space miko.

>> No.11439368
European Normal Tier

>> No.11440107

Should we make another thread? It's at the bump limit...

>> No.11440223

Sure, this thread seems like it got enough players. Somebody else made a thread for IaMP and PoFV, but I don't think soku players are allowed there since it's a mizuumi endorsed thread.

>> No.11440233

I'll make one
