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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11430989 No.11430989 [Reply] [Original]

What does it truly mean to be Otaku? What seperates an Otaku from an anime watcher or a Japan lover?

Do you consider yourself a true Otaku?

>> No.11430993

Otaku has nothing to do with anime or an interest in Japanese culture.

>> No.11430994

No, but then again I don't take the time to think about such things so who knows.

>> No.11430997

I'd be careful about discussing otaku culture around here.

>> No.11431053

your thread sucks donkey dongs op

>> No.11431055 [DELETED] 

I would downvote this shit thread, but since I can't, I'll just say that this thread is utter shit.

>> No.11431067

one day i want to squeeze reimu's butt just once just to see how it feels

>> No.11431102


This here is the Japan board

>> No.11431107 [DELETED] 

moot is a true faggot

>> No.11431216 [DELETED] 

i wish i had an ass like reimu's

>> No.11431232 [DELETED] 

Post it.

>> No.11431384
File: 240 KB, 1034x775, 1362442334230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ask different people for a definition of the term otaku you get contradictory answers. In different phases of its dissemination it changed in meaning, and people look at it from different angles at any given time. What is the smallest common denominator? Otaku are teens or twens. Mostly boys. They usually wear jeans, T-shirt and sneakers, which might not sound very characteristic, but in fashion-crazy Japan it is. They despise physical contact and love media, technical communication, and the realm of reproduction and simulation in general. They are enthusiastic collectors and manipulators of useless artifacts and information. They are an underground, but they are not opposed to the system. They change, manipulate, and subvert ready-made products, but at the same time they are the apotheosis of consumerism and an ideal workforce for contemporary Japanese capitalism. They are the children of the media.

Otaku is not concerned with a certain subject matter, but is rather a mode of being.

>> No.11431426

This accurately describes me and I feel bad about it.

>> No.11431445

A life, and the lack of desire for one.

>> No.11431485

No, the otaku is an aberration and an insult to humanity. I'd round them all up and gas em, then put their miserable meat caskets to good use as fuel or something. Nice ass, by the way.

>> No.11431499

There are no otaku. It's a myth created by the Japanese media.

I bet you guys believe in zombies too, eh? LMAO

>> No.11431505
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>> No.11431561

wa! I want to be friends with that guy!!

also: by this definition, aren't all these brats with walking around the US with iPads otaku then?
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I'm interested in foreign (as in non-Japanese) application of the word. In america, weebs call themselves otaku but what would make a true otaku in the English-speaking world?

>> No.11431567

truotaku have 100% pure Japanese blood. No exceptions.

Whatever gaijin want to call themselves is up to them

>> No.11431579

holy shit

awesome desktop!
nice resolution!
simple and nice desktop
Just like mine!

>> No.11431626

I find that people who call/refer to themselves as otaku are just weaboos trying to be otaku.

>> No.11431629

it is known

>> No.11431635 [DELETED] 

Nice retro jacket. I bet he is a Drive Otaku.

>> No.11431642


>> No.11431691

braindead right-wing nationalists

>> No.11431700
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It sure as hell isn't this pretentious shit, that's for certain.

>> No.11431706

I've always assumed that anyone who calls themselves an otaku probably isn't one.

>> No.11431716

I guess I'm just normal. Oh well.

>> No.11431722


>They are enthusiastic collectors and manipulators of useless artifacts and information.

Isn't this the very definition of KoG?

>> No.11431728

>hanging your daiki on a wall

My sides have reached escape velocity.

>> No.11431749 [DELETED] 


KoG is post ID otaku.

>> No.11431752

That's pretty much it.

>> No.11431803


>> No.11431848
File: 6 KB, 250x250, mystman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an otaku is a true enigma of an enigma, otaku defy explanation and logical constructs such as definitions or anything that rmakes sense.

>> No.11431865

>Buying countless VHS, DVD and magazines
>No proper display
>Just stacks them
>Might just fall any second


>> No.11431910

When I get CDs and DVDs, I just take the discs out the box and stack them, then through the box away.

Why do people keep the boxes, anyway?

>> No.11431934

Becasue they look cool

>> No.11432023

The amount of touhou images you have, obviously.

>> No.11432092

nice meme

>> No.11432276

Have fun with your dusty, scratched and wholly unplayable discs in a few years.

>> No.11432307

I'm not scraping them around, I'm just leaving them still on my desk.

What makes you think my smooth wooden desk would scratch disks, but your rough, plastic case wouldn't? And in a lot of those, the disc actually spins in place, rubbing against the plastic.

>> No.11432590

what a waste of money, to poke holes in the daki cover and hang it on the wall. I hate Danny Choo.

>> No.11432596

space in Japan is very limited, and either he can't afford a shelf because he bought too many things, or he doesn't have room for a shelf and stacking them saves more space anyway.

>> No.11432600


>> No.11432688


>waste of money

Buying a daki is like buying a Snickers bar for Danny Choo.

>> No.11432865

stupid rich bastard, I wish he'd go die.

>> No.11432910

Otaku and weeaboo are so inextricably linked that the distinguishing line between them can be blurred into nothingness

>> No.11432924

I'm not so sure. Weeaboo is more like "retarded japanophile" whereas otaku, if we're going by actual definition in the native language here (not some made-up american bullshit) is completely different.

>> No.11432928


>> No.11432934


>> No.11432931

Otaku = Japanese equivalent of nerd
Wapanese = white person who wants to be Japanese
Weeaboo = more derogatory synonym for wapanese
Japanophile = someone who loves Japan
Otacool = someone who loves Danny Choo

>> No.11432936

it is right - you will see :)

>> No.11432967

I fail to see what is wrong with >>11432931's post. It sounds about right to me. What's the problem?

>> No.11433845

otaku is cause by atomic bobm

>> No.11433849
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>> No.11433910
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you need to possess the following items

>> No.11433974

but the real question is, how do you get free government money if you're a healthy white male? can't sustain a life of never leaving my room without a little bit of money.

>> No.11433990
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yes, this is perfectly accurate.

>> No.11434007

Get physically hurt or act crazy and go to a mental hospital. Or both I heard you get double the money that way

>> No.11434009

Just like you fauxtaku, thinking you can just buy your way to otakudom.

>> No.11434017

It's interesting to consider if such a thing can even exist? Not necessarily because of a foreign national, but perhaps because of foreign culture and mindset. In America, we take to calling people, as you said, weebs and have a label for some kind of casual tier interest, but what makes a person a weaboo rather than otaku? I've noticed behavior from native Japanese which, if they were American born, we would probably call weeb-behavior. Is it then their heritage which gives them a right to such traits? Or is it just that we cannot associate the term 'otaku' with anything other than a person of Japanese decent, thus we create a sub-tier label for foreign persons.
This, interestingly enough, then seems to create the assumption that the term 'otaku' needs to be separated from what one might consider to be a less pure form, but that implies that 'otaku' is supposed to have a sort of honorific connotation that does not appear with its true meaning.
This postulate that we have created some kind of alternate meaning for the term then begs the question of 'why?'. Is there any reason for this distinction? Is it because of the nature of this website and its culture? It is undeniable that 4chan seems to possess something of an elitist air (whether feigned or not) which inherently makes users feel better than others. Is it then that we have created a term which transcends the original meaning for no good reason? What qualities are there that can be measured to assure whether or not one if 'otaku'?
Perhaps in creating a term in order to classify, we have created a term which cannot be used on ourselves, for now none know even its own meaning.

>> No.11434021

How does one possess truNEET?

>> No.11434026

all those things are expensive and stupid

you'd be buying them to impress the other people who bought them. nothing truTAKU about that

>> No.11434031

Gal games.

>> No.11434055

Well, my understanding that weeaboo=wapanese, which is some kind of racial thing and not at all related to otaku. Weebs call themselves otaku because it is a word from their glorious worshiped culture, but I think US weebs would be known as chuunibyou in Japan, personally.

Some of what you're talking about with elitism especially is present in actual Japanese otaku culture. 2channers are a completely separate breed of otaku as compared to your run-of-the-mill teenage anime club guy or even young adult NEET. There are different tiers. Which is higher than the others is open to interpretation. I'd think of it more as a venn diagram and less of a pyramid.

>> No.11434058

It's amazing how just by misusing a few words you can craft an essay that induces suicide in its readers.

>> No.11434059

Real weeaboos are people like Danny Choo and the people of the island of the Philippines.

>> No.11434067

and also every American white kid who has seen Naruto.

>> No.11434072

But they don't want to be Japanese. Danny Choo married the first japanese woman he met and moved to the country.

>> No.11434074

I don't consider myself an otaku, but that doesn't stop me from visiting you guys everyday.
I love you guys, after all. We all have a lot of things in common and I like sharing time with you. Who needs to be an otaku, we can all be friends!

>> No.11434075

Hmm, that's interesting idea. I hadn't thought about it in quite that way.
Then, perhaps is it possible that, if I may speak in generalizations here, there is a coloration when it comes to 4chan/2channel and their opinions about 'casuals'?
I don't have that much experience with moonpeople, but I would think it's reasonable that, given what you've said, what I have observed IS in some ways comparable to how 4chan would view weebs. It just seems different because of the cultural differences, I suppose.

>> No.11434076

uh, yeah they do. they want to be anime characters, at least. maybe that choo bastard is just better at trying to attain his dream of being a Japanese than they are.

>> No.11434078

agreed, arguing over the definition of otaku gets annoying.

>> No.11434080

While Narutards are certainly more prone to that sort of thing, I don't think it's entirely fair to say that every person who has seen it acts like that.

>> No.11434082

That's not even close to the same thing. And you can't "achieve your goal of being Japanese." You're either born it or you're not.

>> No.11434083

This is the worst non-deliberately-shitty discussion I've seen in a while.

>> No.11434085

I'm not otaku. I don't have one thing I'm obsessive about, just a bunch of random niche things I really like.

>> No.11434100

Just to be sure. This is fan-made right? He didn't actually go full-casual.

>> No.11434103

Absolutely. Both cultures (speaking of board culture, here) despises those they consider inferior or not extreme enough (like they are). However, this is rarely explained, and it is assumed if you are enough of a nerd to post in VIP, then you are otaku, and the kind of elite otaku who is better than others.

Not everyone is holier-than-though and honestly I've never seen much infighting or drama on Japanese textboards/imageboards. Most of the scathing comments are directed either at what they consider normals (リア充 - riajuu - real life 'tards') or fans of rival idols or characters (and if it's other 2D fans, then it's usually in a joking manner).
Rule of thumb, moonchanners hate everything too.

>> No.11434110

>And you can't "achieve your goal of being Japanese." You're either born it or you're not.

This is true. No matter what you do, no matter how good you become at the language, how much you try to blend in, no matter how long you've lived there, even if you become a citizen, you will always be a foreigner and an outsider, and you will never be treated like a Japanese person.

>> No.11434113

>it is assumed if you are enough of a nerd to post in VIP, then you are otaku, and the kind of elite otaku who is better than others.
What kind of retarded assumption is this? There is literally no barrier to entry.

>> No.11434119

Thanks for the tip. I had always heard that 2ch was less volatile than 4ch, so I guess I kind of assumed that the overall feeling towards normals was less disdainful.
I'm not really too surprised, though. Like mother like daughter.
Or something like that.
Assuming a website could have offspring or gender.

>> No.11434120

It's like us. Acceptance is the barrier.

>> No.11434124

All you have to do to be accepted by /jp/ is not be completely retarded. And even if there is a little more to it than that, posting in /jp/ doesn't indicate that you're an "otaku" or anything even remotely close to that.

>> No.11434138

I think that's the point. So long as one doesn't act like an idiot, there's nothing that separates any person from the next. Thus, there is no sort of credential, no sort of requirement, and nothing at all that says that someone should or should not be accepted.

>> No.11434315

>assumed if you are enough of a nerd to post in VIP
But VIP is like the /b/ of 2ch.
Are /b/tards truotaku?

>> No.11434326

please die, tripfag scum
I seriously doubt you can even read vip.

Also, obviously, as others stated, if you don't act like a prick no one knows to treat you like shit. If you wanna be recognized use a regular forum instead of posting on an anonymous board. Don't be a retard.

>> No.11434343

please don't insult me
i didn't insult you

>> No.11434345

Why are you responding to tokiko?

>> No.11434351

oh is that who that is? whoops.

>> No.11434367
File: 183 KB, 900x414, 4270314681_abefb7bb14_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if liking danny choo is wrong, I don't want to be right.

>> No.11434379

same. I wish he and his fans would all choke on their jewgolds.

>> No.11434377

I don't think I've ever seen a person I've wanted to punch in the face more than Danny Jew.

>> No.11434390

I felt bad when I visited Danny Choo's website and realized despite being the king of subculture-plundering faggots he still knew more about most things "otaku" than me.

>> No.11434391

I hat danny choo

>> No.11434396

please sug my cog
*whips out dick*

>> No.11434403

You should stop trying to anonymously pimp yourself. It's embarrassing.

>> No.11434406

You should stop being a faggot. It's embarrassing.

>> No.11434405

How does he get all them duckets?

>> No.11434409

I guess he has some kinda company and sells merch from his shitty OC.

>> No.11434410

Season's greetings, newfriend-kun.

>> No.11434412

>I felt bad when I visited Danny Choo's website and realized despite being the king of subculture-plundering faggots he still knew more about most things "otaku" than me.
You shouldn't. Otaku is about depth, not breadth. D-Jew seems to be lacking in both, possessing familiarity with only the most recent and basic of trends. He's like the definition of niwaka.

>> No.11434415

Straight from /b/ are we?

>> No.11434416

Fuck you. You're dead to me now that your name is green.

It's true for most people in /jp/ anyway, seeing how like a quarter can muster more than basic Japanese.

>> No.11434421

But he stalked an idol once!

>> No.11434424

How does calling you a faggot make me new? Why don't you post with a cracked trip so you can feel less insecure about being new yourself? Oh wait...

>> No.11434430

Normies stalk idols and other famous celebrities too. Generally, they're called paparazzi, but a lot of regular people e-stalk.

Choo does nothing but distort the cultural language. In fact, he survives by doing so.

>> No.11434435 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x335, kkk9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but i've never done it before
c-can i just lick it a bit?

>> No.11434445

amiami, moekana, and his stupid Suenaga Mirai character goods. FUGGEN DANNY JEW I HAET YOU

>> No.11434449

thank you for posting this. it is what I have been trying to say but have been unable to find words for.

>> No.11434458

His character is so generic. It's like he just googled " anime girl " and decide some free share character belonged to him now.

>> No.11434457 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x335, kkk9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but i've never done it before
c-can i just lick it a bit?

>> No.11434461

it does seem that way.

o-oniichan, what's niwaka?

>> No.11434468
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>> No.11434470

I think I understand.

>> No.11434473

His dad is Jimmy Choo of Jimmy Choo Ltd., a British fashion company with a revenue of £85,300,000.

Of course, that's just a coincidence. He's actually an orphan who spent his childhood in foster homes, so sad ;_;

>> No.11434475

>His character is so generic.
Real talk. It's almost like the only reason anyone would settle for goods of a cheap two-bit generic moe girl is because they don't actually know any characters. It's easy to market because it doesn't require consumption of media to encourage a purchase; anyone can just buy a figure of her and feel like they're part of the group.

He's effectively removed the barrier of media and has thus removed "otaku" from otaku culture proper and turned it into a commodity. I can't say he isn't a smart businessman.

>> No.11434480

it's just like the people who decided "nerd" was something cool to be and made it easy to be a nerd in the US by buying these certain Tshirts and watching Big Bang Theory and shouting BAZINGA at the top of their lungs

In other words, it's disgusting.

>> No.11434484

I read a vaguely informative article where he wrote about the technology involved in mass-producing his Mirai doll. The only thing he actually said about the character is that she has nice tits, which he said around thirty times.

>> No.11434489

Bull shit. He could have worked at his dad's shoe company but is such a weeaboo he decided to work in a Japanese restaurant.

>> No.11434511

>it's just like the people who decided "nerd" was something cool to be and made it easy to be a nerd in the US by buying these certain Tshirts and watching Big Bang Theory and shouting BAZINGA at the top of their lungs
Yes, exactly. Even worse is that as more and more people try to co-opt the culture for themselves to give them "edge", it alienates actual nerds and dilutes the founding culture through its commoditization.

>The only thing he actually said about the character is that she has nice tits, which he said around thirty times.
He doesn't even try. His blog and his company are not about otaku culture as he likes to continually stress. It's all about him. It's incredibly masturbatory. Despite my incredibly limited exposure to his blog, all I have ever seen him write about with enthusiasm is himself.

He keeps repeating that he didn't ride on his dad's coattails to success. He (and his fans) don't seem to understand that by simply being a relative of one of the most popular shoe designers, he has a huge leg up. Japan generally doesn't care about Chinese kids.

>> No.11434525

You are right and I am in love with your opinions. Thank you thank you thank you. That faggot is so fucking irritating because all he ever talks about is himself. Even in this series of articles that I ACTUALLY ARSED MYSELF TO READ where he went to visit a school all the questions he asked were stupid. He asked stuff like "so are you in the keionbu because of anime?" and the girls in the light music club were like "no, we like to play guitar" and stuff like that. And like EVERY OTHER SENTENCE he would say something mundane followed by the phrase "JUST LIKE IN ANIME!" so it'd be like "And the doors to the classroom slide open...JUST LIKE IN ANIME!!" You could literally hear the emoticons being spoken after it as if he had some huge shit-eating grin on his dumb chink face after saying it.
I'll say it one last time, Danny Choo, and people like him, who try and turn other people's identities into some kind of shitty commodity to be bought and sold for annoying teenagers and clueless adults should just go and die already.

>> No.11434560

>You are right and I am in love with your opinions.
I'm just glad I'm not alone! I'm still amazed at his popularity. Everyone I have ever talked to hates his guts. I can only wonder who actually buys up his stuff (it's always top-selling on amiami). I have trouble believing that Japanese people actually give a shit.

Also, you might enjoy this rant:

>> No.11434562

I was always under the impression that being otaku was about being obsessive about a certain thing, a 'hardcore' interest in it so to speak. If that's true, what does that make the people with a broad range of interests to do with otaku culture? A sort of Jack of all/many trades otaku?

>> No.11434563

If you just have a bunch of surface level interests you are not otaku

>> No.11434564

Thanks for the link, checking it out now.
My circumstances are the exact opposite. If I start speaking ill of his chooness, all the people I know get HELLA mad because "HE BROUGHT OTAKU TO AMERICA"
How stupid can they possibly be?!?
Brought "otaku" to America. Commit suicide. Really. Kill yourself. You are wasting our resources if you believe that.

>> No.11434566

>what does that make the people with a broad range of interests to do with otaku culture
It makes them a tourist.

>> No.11434568

I want to email that author and tell him that gray on white is fucking awful.

>> No.11434577

Was reading this and I noticed that the Aum Shinrikyo attack is mentioned alongside Miyazaki and the Akiba stabbings. I'm aware of the influence of Miyazaki and such upon the negative perception of otaku but did the Aum Shinrikyo attack have some relevance here as well? Perhaps the author didn't intend something like that and was just referring to it as an incident of cultural importance, but I became curious as it was mentioned in between the other two which have clear relevance to otaku. Anyway if there's something I'm missing could someone please explain?

>> No.11434580


>> No.11434581

I may be wrong, but wasn't the attack in or near Akiba?

>> No.11434587

It was in Kasumigaseki and Nagatachou.

>> No.11434588

His life looks so misrible, lonely, and sad. Everyday I grow a little more sad. Realizing my friendships are drifting so far away. Everyone finding the love of their lives while to me my lovers are fleeting. Is this what my secret Otaku life has done to me? I haven't truly loved someone in my arms in 3 years.

>> No.11434589

thank you.

>> No.11434590

>did the Aum Shinrikyo attack have some relevance here as well?
Otaku were particularly sympathetic to the whole ordeal. I've also read that classic anime series were spliced into their "training" videos and they called their gas-masks "Cosmo Cleaner" in reference to Yamato.

Otaku have also been commonly associated with "cults" due to their cult-mentality and behavior (e.g. figure moe zoku). People are generally wary of them, especially following Miyazaki. It doesn't help that they're an easy scapegoat.

>> No.11434596

Ah, I see. Thanks.

>> No.11434602

This is true. Let's not forget Nevada-tan who was an avid fan of guro works as well. The media tends to paint any weird crime as the work of "some lonely otaku," or at least did for a long time there. In Japan, otaku are rapists, perverts, and murderers who live only for their lolicon stuff or seek to make their favorite anime real. They're deluded, as far as popular opinion is concerned.
Otaku is not "cool." It's not something anyone should want to be. Some people refer to themselves as such in a self-degrading joking manner, knowing that they are antisocial nerds despised by society because they like siscon manga or something equally silly.

I want to shout this article to every self-proclaimed otaku from my old school that keeps reaching out to me, thinking "oh it's so cool how you're NEET" not realizing that I am suffering, trying to get me to go to their dumb "otaku-only" anime club meeting so I can watch niwaka shit with them.
American self-proclaimed otaku, please die.

>> No.11434611

somewhat related: I was googling net-uyo earlier and look at what this idiot has to say on related http://vultureofcritique.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/what-is-the-true-nature-of-the/

>> No.11434615

If you want to meet the kinds of people who proclaim themselves otaku, it would in fact be optimal to also proclaim yourself an otaku (and not give a shit what a bunch of bitter on /jp/ happen to think of your crime against language).

None of us happen to be in that boat.

>> No.11434620

>Otaku is not "cool." It's not something anyone should want to be. Some people refer to themselves as such in a self-degrading joking manner, knowing that they are antisocial nerds despised by society because they like siscon manga or something equally silly.
Yep. It always reminds me of 4chan and anon's propensity to self-deprecate. We can be comfortable in being outcasts here. Outside most would regard the conversations here as disgusting, vile, and disturbed. Yet, in the past few years 4chan has been the source or at least the propagator of many memes and catchphrases that have now entered real life, often in distorted form.

In this way it's like everyone wants to get a slice of 4chan at every outlet but 4chan itself, much like otaku culture. Similarly, we can see how 4chan just keeps getting worse and worse as more people are exposed to a distorted culture and people come here expecting that. Eventually, they will shape the culture into its distorted image (one might say they already have).

>> No.11434632

But I don't want to meet those kinds of people. Those kinds of people disgust me.

YES. THIS EXACTLY. Everyone wants to be cool and seem like they're from 4chan but if you sense they might post there from their speech patterns and mention you post there too, they get all "WOAH DUDE NO 4CHAN IS SCARY I DON'T WANNA KILL MY COMPUTER GOSH" and then you're like...well, stop stealing our memes then? You don't even know what they mean, do you? Theoretical guy!

>> No.11434630

It's not something you should worry about regarding yourself. Am I a social reject? Yes. Do I have obsessive interests? Yes, primarily in Japanese media. Does that make me an otaku? I don't care. If being western means a term doesn't apply to me, that's fine. Why should it matter? My participation is through the digital realm.

>> No.11434666

>thinking "oh it's so cool how you're NEET" not realizing that I am suffering, trying to get me to go to their dumb "otaku-only" anime club meeting so I can watch niwaka shit with them.

"Anime club this is my friend anon he's a NEET!"
"Oh wow so cool."
"Me and my girlfriend want to be NEETs too."
"Can I touch you? You still bathe everyday right?"

>> No.11434672

That's a pretty stupid blog post.

This in particular is retarded:
>This means that they have nothing meaningful to lose by calling themselves “otaku.”
It confuses the language, the culture, and your own identity. A person is more than a label. It's the attachment to labels as a reflection of identity that allows people to conflate and commoditize. This happened to punks, gamers, nerds, etc.

This is the most disgusting part:
>2 – Call yourself an “otaku,” go to anime-related conventions, and try to hook up with one or more of the girls who also identify themselves as “otaku.”
This captures, in full, the problem I just mentioned.

>> No.11434679

I agree with you exactly, and thought the blog post was describing exactly the problem we're complaining about.

>> No.11434699

moot should change /b/'s title to Otaku Culture

>> No.11434704

/jp/ is pretty punk.

>> No.11434707
File: 5 KB, 392x171, 1330463344780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rule of thumb, moonchanners hate everything too.
'Tis true

>> No.11434720

yeah pretty much that.

>> No.11434723

>So if you are (e.g.) a Singaporean anime-viewing nerd, and you want a girlfriend, you have at least two strategies:
>1 – Distance yourself from the term “otaku” and try to present yourself as a non-otaku to any potential girlfriends;
>2 – Call yourself an “otaku,” go to anime-related conventions, and try to hook up with one or more of the girls who also identify themselves as “otaku.”

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.11434726

weeb logic

>> No.11434761

The Aum Shinrikyo leader had his own anime, that's something. I heard it was a rip-off of some other show.

>> No.11434766

it actually werks

nubile weeb girls struggling to find the identity that you can provide

>> No.11434775

"Otaku girls" are pretty physically disgusting. The ones that aren't are especially disgusting in personality. But yeah, "otaku girls" are whores.

>> No.11434779

Do you mean works or twerks?

>> No.11434814
File: 699 KB, 768x439, twerk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to my home girls here with the big butts
shaking it like we at a strip club
remember only god can judge us
forget the haters cause somebody loves ya

>> No.11435328


>> No.11435623

Otaku = japanese geeks who are socially ackward and spends too much money on anime figures. Knows way too much about anime then is healthy.

Weabo = american teenagers who only like Naruto, Bleach, or one piece. Wishes they were japanese but instead of studying the language they just insert the word "kawaii" into every other sentence. Will passionately, loudly, and annoyingly try to force you to watch their favorite anime. Weabos tend to stick around other weabos so they can further talk about the latest Naruto episode.

Japan lover = any decent human being who takes an strong interest in Japan. Unlike weebos, these people actually learn japanese and visit Japan. Their taste in media expand beyond just Naruto and Bleach, they watch JDramas, read novels and light novels, and has a respectable interest in anime (does not waste entire life watching it.)

Note: if you say anything positive about Japan on the internet whatsoever, you will be labelled as a "Weebo" and you will be executed shortly after. You have been warned.

>> No.11436313

>Otaku = japanese geeks who are socially ackward and spends too much money on anime figures.


>> No.11437220

get out of here, spergmaster. you clearly do not belong.

>> No.11437232

Neither do you. Nice /v/g/ sperg meme.

>> No.11437293

never even been there, nerd. please return to your home board, crossboarder.

>> No.11437984

>Otaku = Japanese equivalent of nerd

Incorrect. There is more to Otaku than just nerd. Otaku is a very extreme case nerd.

>> No.11438092

There are not many otaku left in Japan anymore. It's become mainstream and pushed the real ones away. Common otaku hobbies like games, anime, comics, figures have become accessible for the wannabe otaku, so there's not much left for them to enjoy.

2ch doesn't have many otaku left either

>> No.11438152


Otaku and hipster are two very different things, friend.

>> No.11438160

You have to wonder what's happening to the real ones. As their hobbies get destroyed and forums normalized, what do they do? I doubt they just become normal and give it all up, though some might. The same thing is going on in the west. As 4chan and other places become more and more normal, where do people go? Once the margin becomes marginalized, what is left for it? I'd like to think everyone is just moving further underground, but I don't know where.

>> No.11438167


>> No.11438169

>I'd like to think everyone is just moving further underground, but I don't know where.
Back into their lightless bedrooms to enjoy their solitary hobbies by themselves.

>> No.11438181

They continue to enjoy what they enjoy, and maybe they get mad about niwaka, and maybe they don't, but what it boils down to is that they enjoy what they enjoy unironically. You don't stop enjoying something just because it becomes popular. You don't stop being something you are just because it's the new cool thing to be. You are what you are.
Basically, what >>11438169 said.

But seriously? I find it weird you would even ask this. You don't become otaku to be cool and hip, you are an otaku because that's what you are. Don't be a hipster about it. That's not otaku.

>> No.11438192

It's not as if being an animu nerd means you're in some kind of sekrut speshul klub; most of them will just go on doing the same things they always do.

>> No.11438193

Not all hobbies are solitary. That doesn't mean you have to be a social butterfly or something, but some do improve by interacting in some way with others. Also it isn't like hobbies aren't becoming damaged in this process as well. Seeing the market widen, products are watered down for larger appeal. I did not mean that people are doing something to appear that they are doing it. I think you misunderstood me.

>> No.11438195


it's not about being hipster, please don't apply your western concepts to this.

>You have to wonder what's happening to the real ones. As their hobbies get destroyed and forums normalized, what do they do? I doubt they just become normal and give it all up, though some might

Akiba is no longer the go-to place. I know where many are going instead but I don't want to mention it. Akihabara was the first place I ever went as a kid back in the 90s and I revisted several times but it's been destroyed now. I don't want to see the same happen to somewhere else but I think the trend might be dying down.

Many of the anime otaku are just buying old VHS and DVDs.

>> No.11438210


I'll stop applying my western concepts to this when you start understanding what otaku actually is.

>> No.11438214

Well, you said you wondered what the "real" otaku are doing now that there are casuals, basically, and that has shit to do with having friends who are also otaku. So, you're saying you disagree with me by using an argument you didn't before. IDK if you know this, but there are a lot of otaku who really like moe, and most people in Japan feel like most anime is solely aimed at otaku nowadays, whether you agree with that statement or not.

Again, you said something to the effect of "oh no normals like this stuff now, what do the poor otaku do?" The answer is they keep on keeping on, because deep down, whether it's a trend or not amongst normals, they actually enjoy that stuff.

Is that a little more clear?

>> No.11438219

Almost all consumption activities are solitary besides online multiplayer games. It's not like you need to build garage kits or read VN alongside other people. The people who enjoy talking about their hobbies with other people usually find each other and form what /jp/ terms "circlejerks" but most normal people call "friends".

If you're actually a creator then that's another story, but then you're probably embedded in a community of creators and don't have to give a shit about how 4chan is being ruined.

>> No.11438222

uh...what about Akiba is not "the place to be" for otaku? Have you ever been there? I mean, yeah, the electronics stores have been on the way out for a while, but otaku-related stuff is still REALLY REALLY big there.

Methinks maybe you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.11438226

I'm just going to drop it because apparently I worded my question in a way that is causing people to take something else out of it than what I intended, and I'm not sure how else to word it.

>> No.11438230

this guy posted what I wanted to say. Consuming otaku goods is not a team sport. People who want friends will find them. Hikikomori-types will stay inside and order their shit online, etc.
What about it being otaku stuff makes it REQUIRE other otaku friends?

>> No.11438232


Most anime, VNs, manga etc. now are aimed at niwaka kids who want to be otaku, not otaku themselves. There isn't really a change in 'moe otaku', they were a small number in the 90s and they are a small number now.


See above, Akiba is not for otaku anymore it's for 'otaku' AKA niwaka kids.

>> No.11438238

I'm sorry, I'm calling bullshit. You have no idea what you're talking about. Most? I think not.

>> No.11438242

More, perhaps, but not most. It's a boom, it'll pass.

>> No.11438247


How many times have you been to Akiba and in which years? How long have you lived in Japan? How many Japanese otaku do you know?

I'd like to know your merits on this subject. For you to refute what I am saying means that you know nothing yourself.

You're calling bullshit because you don't like the idea of what I'm saying to be true. I've seen this before.

>> No.11438252

He's just trying to make you spill the beans on the secret otaku locale.

>> No.11438253

are you that guy who won't shut up about VIPPER

>> No.11438256

Woah guys, check this out, we got a real live been-to-Japan totally knows-what-he's-talking about dude right here. Ken-sama, shut up.

Seriously, you haven't said anything to support your outlandish claims, so don't make me prove you wrong when you haven't actually said anything yourself.

This is how science works. You make a preposterous claim, I say it's preposterous, now the burden of proof is on you, not me. Fuck off.

>> No.11438259

This describes me too...

>> No.11438257

Oh, so what makes an otaku is now
>how many times one has been to Akiba
>how long one has lived in Japan
>how many Japanese otaku one knows

I'm so glad we cleared this up. Everyone, it's time to go home, this place isn't for us anymore!

>> No.11438260

Do you consider yourself an otaku?

>> No.11438264

foreign look at the akiba an
think this is otaku place be
cuase gaijin is fuck stupid a
dn not know the otaku

>> No.11438265

do you? I obviously don't fit the descriptor now. I've never been to akiba or Japan but I know about six or seven Japanese otaku from college. WOE IS ME. I can't be in the ~*sekrit cloob*~

>> No.11438271

no, that's what makes a weeaboo.

>> No.11438274

I asked you a simple question; there's no need to pull out eleven layers of irony to shield yourself. Use your own definition if you want.

I'm not the person you were replying to previously.

>> No.11438282

No, I personally don't use that term to describe myself, but I've been posting here for a few years now, so I guess on some level I do consider myself as such.

>> No.11438293

Most people posting in /jp/ aren't otaku, just casual hobbyists.

>> No.11438300

oh ok, I see your trap now. Thanks for calling me casual, but I don't actually care what you think of my otaku status (even if it's non-status). If I wasted time trying to impress every tryhard that comes in /jp/ and tries to tell everyone here that they're all a bunch of fake nerds because we've never been to Japan like they have because they have all this OTACOOL money from their rich parents, then I'd be pretty frustrated, but unlike you, I just like what I like and I leave it at that.

6/10 made me respond.

>> No.11438309
File: 59 KB, 358x200, Yukkuri_Rev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11438314


What outlandish claims? That 'otaku' has become trendy? That Akihabara is no longer the place otaku go to? It's not outlandish at all if you've actually been to these places and seen things develop.

Why do you think in the late 2000s anime sales shot through the roof? Why do you think the number of anime produced each season shot through the roof? Why do you think figure companies and charagoods companies were able to expand in such a small time frame? Why do you think that Akihabara quickly became the 'place to be seen' and otaku dating advice started appearing in womens magazines and on reality TV shows? And all this happened at the same time.

You don't have to live in Japan to notice this stuff you know, even a westerner with a keen eye could spot it.

Being 'Otaku' is the cool thing now, it's trendy. There's lots of reasons for this, but it's too long for this post. Because of this expanse of demographic, companies are making big bucks and targetting their product to these kids.

Are these kids otaku? No. They're nothing like otaku, they just claim they are. They are 'sudden otaku' aka niwaka otaku. The anime and games target these kids now, they don't offer much the real otaku has already seen, so it's not of interest to them - thus otaku are pushed away and forced to get other interests.

'otaku' as a culture (not a descriptor) is effectively dead.

>> No.11438316

what do you consider a "casual hobbyist?"

>> No.11438320

This is correct. Akiba isn't an otaku place anymore. It's not surprising that people here wouldn't know that, but you should all stop getting upset because someone set you straight about it. Akiba became a niwaka place and otaku don't go there now.

>> No.11438322

>oh ok, I see your trap now. 6/10 made me respond.
You are so defensive and/or paranoid it's ludicrous.

>Thanks for calling me casual
It's a descriptor, not an insult. Similarly, otaku is not a status symbol.

>unlike you, I just like what I like and I leave it at that.
So do I. That doesn't mean that I'm not casual. I have too many interests and I'm not a fanatic about or expert in any given one, which makes me "casual." The fact that you "enjoy what you like" doesn't mean you're not casual either.

>> No.11438326

>Why do you think in the late 2000s anime sales shot through the roof? Why do you think the number of anime produced each season shot through the roof?
Why has the number of good anime declined each season and are being replaced by harem LN adaptations and bad K-On knockoffs.

It's starting to make me realize how good K-On and some earlier LN adaptations actually were.

>> No.11438327

Why are you guys so mad about a bunch of niwaka and chuunibyou kids claiming to be otaku? Who cares?

>> No.11438331


This is why I support the olympic movement to clean Akihabara. It needs to die to be reborn, let it die.

>> No.11438332

Because /jp/ is niwaka trying to be better than other niwaka by acting like they aren't niwaka.

>> No.11438333

What's your problem with traps?

>> No.11438340

Alright, I will be calm, this is not what my Japanese otaku friends believe, but clearly you're just going to tell me they're niwaka or something so let's just get that out of the way. Sorry. I just don't see what the big deal is that there are more dumb kids claiming to be shit they're not. Dumb kids have done that since the dawn of time. Look at all the teenage punks and goths and whatnot. Seriously, it's a boom and it'll pass. I fail to see how this is "the death of all things otaku" you're being a doomsayer.

>> No.11438341

>Why has the number of good anime declined each season and are being replaced by harem LN adaptations and bad K-On knockoffs.

Because wannabe kids don't know different so they will eat up any shit.

>It's starting to make me realize how good K-On and some earlier LN adaptations actually were.

Yes, I used to hate K-ON but in comparison to what we see now it's actually a lot more tolerable, what a sad state of affairs.

>> No.11438346

Ohhhh I get it you guys hate moe stuff. Get over it. You had like 30 years of giant robot shit. You'll get your chance to shine again, cheer up!

>> No.11438348


They probably are niwaka if they don't see it because it's very much an accepted idea now in the small otaku culture that remains.

It killed off everything otaku, yes it will pass but it is certainly dead for now. The real otaku culture died sometime in the early 2000s though.

>> No.11438355

things change. nothing stays the same forever.

>> No.11438360


the irony is that moe used to be aimed at otaku until the kids took over and it was aimed at them instead.


I am fully aware. Hopefully the olympics do it.

>> No.11438361

>It killed off everything otaku, yes it will pass but it is certainly dead for now.
So did all the former otaku just stop enjoying their hobbies, or what?

>> No.11438366

Who /wants/ to be an otaku? If anything, you should go out of your way to try and not be one, and if you're resigned to being one then you should at least acknowledge how disgusting you are to the rest of the world.

>> No.11438374

this is what I've been trying to say. Likely, they just continue to enjoy the things they already enjoy. Everyone shouting "death of otaku" sounds stupid.

>> No.11438381

says the guy on the otaku culture board.
I hope you see how ironic that is.

>> No.11438382

>they just continue to enjoy the things they already enjoy

You mean things that used to be aimed at otaku but now pander to stupid kids because it makes more money?

>> No.11438388

And I acknowledge how disgusting I am and am generally self-loathing. I don't enjoy being an otaku, regardless of my enjoyment of otaku hobbies.

>> No.11438389

yep. no series being made for otaku. none at all. they're all dead. nothing. everything's for kids.

>> No.11438396

"Otaku Culture" is something moot thought up because "Japan / General" wasn't cutting the mustard. Actually reading anything into it would be a mistake.

Gundam is still Gundam, the arcades are still full of machines, visual novels and garage kits are still being produced at an amazing rate, and idols are still putting on concerts.

>> No.11438398

you should really learn some self-acceptance. society is really intolerant, but that doesn't mean we have to be, brother.

>> No.11438404

Are you actually an otaku, though? Are you an expert, fanatic, or obsessive, or do you just enjoy a bunch of assorted Japanese shit?

>> No.11438405

>Gundam is still Gundam, the arcades are still full of machines, visual novels and garage kits are still being produced at an amazing rate, and idols are still putting on concerts.

>> No.11438407

Shame is a good thing.

>> No.11438413

I'm pretty fanatic and obsessive, though I wouldn't call myself an "expert" at anything, as that just sounds self-important and I'm not one for stroking my own metaphorical dick.

>> No.11438414

Arcades in Japan are closing down and slowly dying off.

>> No.11438424

There's a difference between self-acceptance and the lack of humility and/or shame.

>> No.11438425

If you think the media is the same you are clearly niwaka.

>> No.11438430

alright, you know what, fuck you. you just throw that word around so you can feel better about your own shitty life that probably isn't actually that bad at all. I don't fucking care if you think I'm niwaka because you're clearly a fucking asshole

>> No.11438437

what's so great about shame?

I bet you're one of those otacool danny choo faggots

>> No.11438436

>If you think the media is the same you are clearly niwaka.
The visual novels got better, the arcades updated their games, and idol groups exploded in popularity, but they're still pretty similar. Obviously they're not the same.

Then your "claim to fame" is the depth of your obsession, not your /jp/ posting or whatever.

>> No.11438442
File: 51 KB, 593x446, cubesat-fitsat-1-niwaka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't want to be a cube shaped satellite?

>> No.11438439

Newer = better/improved is mark of niwaka

>> No.11438448

Shame is the most profound of all human emotions.

>> No.11438445

ITT: otaku dick-measuring contest

>> No.11438451

Without shame, you end up being the opposite, shameless and you end up looking like an idiot.

>> No.11438449

>physical media

>> No.11438450

please kill yourself. you're seriously just whipping out some cool japanese to prove how much better you are than everyone else, you fucking weeaboo.

>> No.11438453

you know what else is a profound human emotion?
*whips out dick*

Implying I even care what other people think. Let them think I'm an idiot. I'm happy, and that's all that matters

>> No.11438452

The only thing listed there that I claimed actually got better in the last two decades or so were visual novels. For which it's just obviously true.

>> No.11438455

>I'm happy, and that's all that matters
It won't last.

>> No.11438460

Now you're just being a petty child.

>> No.11438458

that's just like your opinion, man

>> No.11438459


Nothing does. What's your point?

>> No.11438461

Everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.11438464

> thinking "oh it's so cool how you're NEET" not realizing that I am suffering

NEET is not a status symbol. Why are you suffering, though?

>> No.11438465


He wants to be a normalfag but can't.

>> No.11438476

not having money to pay bills, not having money to pay for healthcare, being too crazy and sick to work, everyone looking down on me because they are going to grad school now and I am a NEET, etc.
I don't really want to be a normalfag, but it would make my life easier. I'm a little happy, but getting government pension would make my life the easiest.

>> No.11438479

why would I care? you say that like I should feel threatened or something.

>> No.11438481

Telling good posters from the bad ones became about 60% harder with the removal of indication of sage.

I just saged, btw.

>> No.11438487

Why was that removed? I didn't notice until just now.

>> No.11438491

>Important news post that covers moderation, board culture, and shitposting, as well as a handful of notable changes.

>sage is now invisible. sage is not a downvote, and this misconception has persisted for far too long. sage replies will continue to function as they have in the past, but will no longer be displayed in the e-mail field.

>> No.11438497

I've been wondering how this will affect /jp/ too.

Will people stop saging so much just because nobody can see it?
I hope not

>> No.11438499

that is some bullshit, but thank you for telling me about it. I am mad now.

Why do the rest of us have to be punished for a bunch of newfriends not learning wtf sage means??

>> No.11438509

I wonder if somone can make a suggestion in the new 'suggestion box' (which replaced /q/)
to make sage visible on /jp/ only, since this was the only board that actually used it right already.

>> No.11438522


DEEP TIER: shame, pride, grief, awe, hope, agitation, acceptance
HIGH TIER: love, melancholy, hatred, compassion, longing
MID TIER: nostalgia, adoration, regret, homesickness, resignation
PEACEFUL TIER: contentment, amusement, happiness, sentimentality
PETTY TIER: guilt, pity, rage, contempt, jealousy
NUKIGE TIER: disgust, ecstasy, humiliation, terror, suffering
DEPE DARK TIER: depression, spite, resentment, envy, despair

>> No.11438524

>Alone? Are you an otaku too?

>> No.11438525

Where's apathy?

>> No.11438530

It's not an emotion, it's the opposite of empathy.

>> No.11438532

that barely qualifies as an emotion anyway

>> No.11438540

Well, I'd go and bitch and discuss it on /q/, but now that that's gone, and the stupid suggestion box doesn't even fucking work, I don't know what to do.

I'm more upset about the removal of /q/ because it allowed people to have meta-discussions about boards, without shitting up the board. The suggestion box, when it starts working, just seems like an opaque one-way feedback system which is fucking stupid. I hate this site more with each stupid change they make to /jp/.

>> No.11438545

>I don't know what to do.
step 1: try not to cry
step 2: cry a lot

>> No.11438543
File: 66 KB, 250x250, 1355161508998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose the Meryl route the first time.

Poor Hal.

>> No.11438560

I feel your pain. For a while, I got mad and tried to find a 4ch alternative, but the other anon imageboards out there are either just as bad or worse or just a circlejerk for some tripfriend. Getting pretty frustrated.

>> No.11438572

kill yourself

>> No.11438569

This is what niwaka do, get angry with others when they are called out. Their identity is vapor so they can't let it float away.

>> No.11438576

Calm down niwaka.

>> No.11438577

look at this fucking weeb

>> No.11438583

niwaka calling someone a weeb is funny

>> No.11438593
File: 59 KB, 400x400, killurself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11438595

Your niwaka is showing.

>> No.11438604
File: 27 KB, 252x239, 1368480245182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11438651

But, what if the great cleanup of 2020 really happens?
Where do the otakus go now? Where is the last bastion of weirdness?

>> No.11438654

The internet.

>> No.11438657

thailand with the rest of the sex offenders

>> No.11438740 [DELETED] 

why are japanese trains allowed but japanese coaches aren't?

>> No.11438747 [DELETED] 

because you posted it too many times

>> No.11438967

I like otaku culture from an anthropological perspective but I actually partake in elements of it only minimally so I do not think I am an otaku.

>> No.11439031 [DELETED] 

I'm a Drive otaku.

>> No.11439044 [DELETED] 

josh go to bed
or better yet go on a Drive

>> No.11439091 [DELETED] 

I'm a Drive otaku

>> No.11439130
File: 58 KB, 562x748, iam an otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you an otaku /jp/?

>> No.11439152

>implying that an otaku is only anime and vocaloid

>> No.11439158
File: 2.08 MB, 1921x1080, benny the hiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by sitting on your ass all day.

>> No.11439161

>You only feel what your favorite person feels, but we feel what everyone else is feeling?


>> No.11439162
File: 448 KB, 1167x879, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11439163
File: 30 KB, 568x334, we have rules now niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using the old rules
this crap is both hilarious and cringeworthy
ground up pocky is one hell of a drug

>> No.11439174
File: 667 KB, 1500x1500, tru-otaku_hashtagcute_hashtagcool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11439181
File: 86 KB, 800x533, otaku-meganerdXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11439191
File: 47 KB, 360x397, 4774035088_a551a7f11f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11439206

Thats looks like a very well-made doll.

>> No.11439226


>> No.11439252

Maybe "true Otaku" is something to be considered as a deep obsession with something from one's own native culture, kinda like baseball nerds here in the US.

>> No.11439256

Jesus christ

>> No.11439396


Guys, I want to bark back at him, what's the japanese word for nostalgiafaggotry?

>> No.11439488


>> No.11439496

Otaku means nothing to me. There are a few true otaku on /jp/, but I'm not one of them, and I'd never want to be one.

Otaku isn't something you tell all your friends about and visually display for everyone to see. It's a dysfunction

>> No.11439503

Otaku is a very native concept. It's a combination of a secluded, japanese upbringing, and a deep rooted neurosis and obsession with material goods and media.

None of you are otaku, but I suppose in your own eastern way, you have an equivalent degree of social and material neurosis. I still don't know why any of you take pride in yourselves for it.

>> No.11439929
File: 99 KB, 1200x800, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck am I cool yet fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

want me to post more?
I collect this shit.

>> No.11440201

Alot of people still prefer it, and as a collector, I'd rather have a beautiful mediabook with a nice cover art and booklet than a 3GB .iso file.

>> No.11440337
File: 16 KB, 341x212, kirk and picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirk or Picard, /jp/?

This question will determine whether you are a true otaku or a filthy casual.

>> No.11440345
File: 102 KB, 758x696, 1379606517534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why think about such complicated stuff? Just sleep and eat.

>> No.11440359

Post more please

>> No.11440370 [DELETED] 


>> No.11440379 [DELETED] 

post the "do you even lift" one

>> No.11440389
File: 348 KB, 448x400, kirk-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you think I'm stoopid

>> No.11440392
File: 57 KB, 603x464, the velour commet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirk did cool shit like shag alien babes.
On the other hand there's this.
I'd have to say tie.

>> No.11440393 [DELETED] 


Does anyone even remember this from 10 years ago or whatever?

>> No.11440397

oldfag as fuck dude ;)

>> No.11440543 [DELETED] 

Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one.

>> No.11440561 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 380x380, 1374690256720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11440812

It fills the void better

>> No.11440842

Probably petty
Maybe peacful

>> No.11440848 [DELETED] 

post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one

>> No.11440890

An Otaku is someone who obsessive about things that don't include normal people or healthy society.

>> No.11441100 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 377x379, 1379433261631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441115 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one

>> No.11441125

Excuse me for asking but wouldn't the correct way be alternating between " ' " and " " "?

>> No.11441137 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 377x379, 13794332616312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441192 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one

>> No.11441264 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441359 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one

>> No.11441505 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441518 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441624 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the do you even lift one one. one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441654 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441685 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441719 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441769 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441772 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441804 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441809 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441882 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one one (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441890 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441902 [DELETED] 

lol guys this is pretty random huh xD

>> No.11441921 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441932 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441941 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441945 [DELETED] 

post the "
post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441960 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441971 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441978 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 377x379, post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the post the Post the Post the Do you even lift one one. one one one one one one one one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11441983 [DELETED] 

post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11441984


>Visual Novels got better


>> No.11442002 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 377x379, post the 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442015 [DELETED] 

post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442038

According to niwaka if you don't think everything is better you are a nostalgia fag (>>11439396)

>> No.11442045 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 377x379, post the 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442056 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442080 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 377x379, post the 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442083 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442127 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 377x379, post the 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442129 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442139 [DELETED] 

Good job janny, deleting this but leaving all of the retarded "do you even lift" shitposting where it is.

>> No.11442141 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 377x379, post the 20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442144 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442152 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 377x379, post the 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11442158 [DELETED] 

post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the " post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "post the "Post the "Post the "Do you even lift" one" one." one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one" one

>> No.11442158,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you janny I spent a lot of time working on those.

>> No.11442158,2 [INTERNAL] 

The janishit is extra assblasted tonight cause he just got owned out of the universe.

>> No.11442158,3 [INTERNAL] 

All that time wasted, knowing full well that a janny can delete with a single click of the mouse.

So sad.

>> No.11442158,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is it time wasted if you were having fun doing it?

>> No.11442158,5 [INTERNAL] 

I suppose not.

>> No.11442158,6 [INTERNAL] 

Now I only wish I had fun doing that.

>> No.11442158,7 [INTERNAL] 

Forgot my name field.

>> No.11442158,8 [INTERNAL] 

Don't pretend to be me please.

>> No.11442158,9 [INTERNAL] 

Real funny.

Do you get off on stealing my memes or something?

I work hard on them, you know.

>> No.11442158,10 [INTERNAL] 

Don't pretend to be me, kid.

>> No.11442158,11 [INTERNAL] 

Real funny.

>> No.11442158,12 [INTERNAL] 

You're trying too hard dude.

>> No.11442158,13 [INTERNAL] 

We've got a busy night, T-Slayers.

>> No.11442158,14 [INTERNAL] 

Er..... who are you talking to?

>> No.11442158,15 [INTERNAL] 

Who do you think?

>> No.11442158,16 [INTERNAL] 

My fellow T-Slayers. It's an epic meme that we created earlier.

>> No.11442317 [DELETED] 
File: 994 KB, 2221x4955, 0v9H8PB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend sent me this.
Fuck you janny.
Also fucking resolution limit.

>> No.11442317,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why would anyone want to "slay" me?

>> No.11442317,2 [INTERNAL] 

Because you are a detriment to warosu.

>> No.11442317,3 [INTERNAL] 

#slaythegay #fearthequeer #putthekikeonapike #YOLO

>> No.11442343

i otaku

>> No.11442343,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11442349


>> No.11442349,1 [INTERNAL] 

I *am* warosu, kid.

>> No.11442349,2 [INTERNAL] 

Y-Y-ou t-t-too bud.

>> No.11442349,3 [INTERNAL] 

dis tred is shit.e

>> No.11442349,4 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell, that isn't the Official T-Slayer TripCode! We've been infiltrated!

>> No.11442372

According to nostalgiafags, if you ever enjoyed anything made in this century, you're a "niwaka" contributing to destruction of otaku culture.

>> No.11442372,1 [INTERNAL] 

>this century
>past 100 years
What anime were made before 1913 bro?

>> No.11442372,2 [INTERNAL] 

Congrats on being featured ons /bans/!

>> No.11442372,3 [INTERNAL] 

just kill me now ;__;

>> No.11442450

Before this thread hits bump limit, I want to ask you nice people a question.
How do I take it easy? I'm serious. I'm always negative about everything these days, and I let even the smallest things get to me. I'm also thinking about politics and browsing /pol/ even though that just makes me depressed and I hate politics anyways.

Suicide isn't going to be an option for a long time so I need other options for now.

>> No.11442452

ask an otaku who works the grill at mcdonalds anything

>> No.11442452,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you a grill :3

>> No.11442526

see a doctor or check into the nearest mental health facility. I'm serious. That's what it took for me to learn to take it easy.

Also, the niwaka/natsukashiiyarou thing is fucking stupid and you are chuunibyou as fuck if you participate in it. Otaku just is, stop trying to quantify it. It's not a label anyone would put on themselves, and it's a descriptor normals invented for you anyway, so just be and stop trying to fit a certain label you fucking idiots

>> No.11442564

>check into the nearest mental health facility. I'm serious. That's what it took for me to learn to take it easy.
Is that so? When I went, I felt very uncomfortable and they treated me like I was really stupid. And they talked about things that made me really angry. Gossip mainly.

I didn't get any drugs though. That's probably why it was so uncomfortable there.

I'm going to see a doctor for another problem in the upcoming days and I'm going to ask him how I would go about getting put on SSRIs because I don't know anybody that distributes things along the lines of cannabis. Even if it makes me addicted and destroys my body faster, at least I'll be happy during my shortened life. Or at least that's what I believe right now.

>> No.11442569

what? they didn't give you drugs? wtf kind of facility was that? I mean like a hospital.

>> No.11442584

Yes, it was a hospital.

>> No.11443003
File: 711 KB, 2048x1536, DSCN2501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kawaii girls are true Otakus living in harmony with their inner Japanese.

>> No.11443743

Yeah, actually, they kind of do look like it. What about their "truOtaku" nature can you even tell from a photo anyway, though?

I mean, they're fat, but they're cosplaying anyway, so they're obviously doing it because they enjoy it and probably not (?) to get attention, because no dude is gonna fuck a landwhale dressed as Miku.

I think that the fat cosplayers are probably at least more otaku than the skinny attention whore ones who are just normalfags trying to get some rich nerd boyfriend (you can tell they're rich by how much stupid otacool shit they own...if he buys a lot, then he obviously has enough money to spend on your high maintenance ass).

So, seriously, what are you even implying?

>> No.11444459

Westerners label themselves otaku for liking Naruto or Bleach and squeak in Wapanese while wearing horrible costumes, thinking they understand what actual otaku culture is in Japan or thinking otaku culture = Japanese culture. I'm pretty sure that actual otakus in Japan don't label themselves anything. It's obvious that the term has different meanings outside of Japan.

>> No.11444459,1 [INTERNAL] 


I responded to your post on the DPT:


>> No.11444459,2 [INTERNAL] 

Are you telling me this thread's been here for 3 days, reached this many replies AND janny is baby-sitting it?!

>> No.11444459,3 [INTERNAL] 

OP used the word otaku 3 times in 3 sentences. Janny doesn't want to get the mootboot by deleting a potentially on-topic thread

>> No.11444459,4 [INTERNAL] 

never say trevor

>> No.11444459,5 [INTERNAL] 

But you just did! LMAO!!!

Is this irony?

>> No.11445010

>You think we are crazy, but we think you are normal

>> No.11445681

If they were true otaku, they'd take care to get slimmer to better fit into the character they're portraying. If you feel good in Miku clothes and like to casually walk in them, that's fine, but you're still doing it casually.

>> No.11446665


Anti-nostalgia kids are worse than nostalgia fags themselves.

>> No.11446669

>It's not a label anyone would put on themselves, and it's a descriptor normals invented for you anyway, so just be and stop trying to fit a certain label you fucking idiots

No it isn't. The word 'Otaku' was not coined by 'normals', it has always come from within.

>> No.11449143

it was re-purposed by weeabo's.
Kinda like how white kids call each other nigga's for listening to rap music.

>> No.11449914


Weaboos have nothing to do with otaku or otaku culture. A few idiots using a foreign word incorrectly doesn't change the meaning.
