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11423646 No.11423646[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Information: http://pastebin.com/jvTQfLqb

Previous thread: >>11413122

>> No.11423664

I guess I'll stop playing until the maintenance ends tomorrow. That would give me enough time to replenish around 2k worth of resources.

Is there anyway to somehow increase the regen of resources (aside from questing)? Expeditions tend to look slow and tedious for me.
inb4: keep waiting

>> No.11423678

Start hating money
Unlock higher expeditions, most of them yield a lot in exchange for being away for hours.

>> No.11423682
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Who is the real one edition.

>> No.11423684


>> No.11423689

Eh, I limited my 3-4 tries to one per day and I'm stocking up at least 15k for each resource.

>> No.11423698
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It's really not bad. If you've beaten 4-2 then you should be fine completing everything else. Just go at your own pace though. If you feel like you can go through it safely go for it. If you can, try to avoid node H in 3-4 by taking the northern route. It'll be like doing 2-4 boss all over again if you do touch it.
I actually just beat 4-4 but lost Verniy in the process. It really should not have happened and I should have played more cautiously but I believed her evasion would get her through it but that was my downfall. Equips are at the end of the video and I only just got them before 4-3. Please, for the love of your daughters, take your time. Unless you really need anything from later maps don't feel pressured to do it. Learn from the mistakes of Admirals who have lost their daughters. Listen to their cries of anguish and rage. ;_;


>> No.11423713


>> No.11423718

Congrats and my condolences, fellow admiral.

>> No.11423743

I can actually see target ships and various other auxiliary ships in the game, since we already have the food supply ship Mamiya. It would be cool if these gave exceptionally good stats when fed to other girls (target ships), gave expedition boosts (escort ships, which is sort of already in the game since many expeditions require DDs and DDs were the go-to escort ships for many missions) or had radar/Saiun-like tricks to improve the battle performance of other ships (netlayers, cablelayers and the like). These should just drop though, since no one will level a battleship to 70 just to feed her to some other girl.

There was also a curious episode during WWII where the Japanese navy wanted to mask the departure of its potent carrier force, and decided to do it by having an old, remote-controlled target vessel (the Settsu, which was originally slated to be retained as a battleship but was passed over at the last minute for the newer work-in-progress Mutsu, making her perhaps the only ship unluckier than the latter) simulate the radio signals from all eight carriers, which I suppose equates to some sort of ship cosplay. But that's probably too gimmicky to field in an actual fleet, even though I really like the Settsu.

>> No.11423771

You could probably just do a random craft and she'll appear. Better yet, try not to think about her and she'll appear. I guarantee it.

What kind of CLs are you using? Kitakami and Oi are recommended for later use. Yura and Isuzu are great for ASW. Remodel your Isuzus for their radar.

>> No.11423786

I'm using nagara and kuma

>> No.11423812
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Nice I was going for planes but this works too.

>> No.11423813

These "common" turbines are really hard to get. I've burnt through thousands of resource trying to get some.

>> No.11423815

Guess we're in the same boat
Recently lost my Inazuma at 1-2 all because I believed her evasion will also help her get through.

>> No.11423816

They're fine. They can hold their own when remodeled. But if you want more firepower and less squishy ships then you're better off crafting a BB or getting a BB to drop.

>> No.11423822

I guess this also makes things difficult for the theory that ships couldn't sink/were really hard to sink in 1-1 and 1-2.

>> No.11423823
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I've got one! Not sure if this is sane team though Can use some input.

>> No.11423833

It took 2 criticals; first was from the CL from the 1st node. Second was from the torpedo of the other CL from the boss node. What's more infuriating is that of all the ships I brought (her sisters plus Tenryu and Tatsuta), she was the only one who got damaged like that. Only 2 others had been damaged for 4-5 points. To top it off, Inazuma was the highest level at level 17, the rest at 16, 15 and 14s. And I can't take it off my mind as to how measly level 1 CLs laid heavy toll on my Inazuma.

>> No.11423837

That much CV/CVLs will burn through your bauxite like wax paper. Replace either Chiyoda or Ryoujou with another CL/Torpedo sister.

Also try not to spend so much resources on building until you at least have the third fleet.

>> No.11423847

What map are you trying to get through exactly?
For now, it looks fine. I usually roll with 2 carriers max and never 3 but I've seen people do it with no problems. If you can just try to get a CA or another BB and implement them in the fleet as well. Watch your fuel and bauxite consumption.

>> No.11423848

His Chiyoda isn't even a CVL yet, though.

What map are you stuck in? Fleet composition is pretty varied depending on what stage of the game you're currently at.

>> No.11423854

I'm still wondering if I should CVL my chiyoda. What do you think?

>> No.11423858

Hold it off until level 35. The level 15 one wasn't quite useful.

>> No.11423873

Not him, but I have Chitose at level 20. So I should hold off remodelling her until she reaches 35?

>> No.11423881

Is there a lottery today?

>> No.11423879

Personally I remodeled my Chiyoda at 15 just to get Akagi earlier in the game, but after that she became dead weight pretty fast. Seeing as you already got your Akagi I suggest you keep her as a seaplane tender for a while longer. The preemptive torpedo can be quite useful early on

And if you're a patient admiral and level her up to 50 you will be rewarded with tits. So there's that.

>> No.11423880

I decided to do a few 10/251/250/10, got two 46cm in a row. Guess I won't be getting Haruna this week either.

>> No.11423885

I had my Chiyoda now at 57 but when I first got her, I quickly turned her to CVL. She only gets 3 slots with somewhat low plane capacity and other CVLs had higher capacity than that. Though it depends on you since if you don't have any CVLs, then you may wanna turn her into CVL already. Just prepare your resources though since you'll be getting Akagi pretty soon after that.

>> No.11423887

> The preemptive torpedo can be quite useful early on
except it misses most of the times (屮゜Д゜)屮

>> No.11423891

Also, is there benefit in using CV+CVL if I have two CV (I have Kaga in addition to Akagi)?

>> No.11423903

There is none.
Always use your heaviest arsenal unless the map requires you to do otherwise or you want to lvl something.
They eat up too much supplies? Big deal.

>> No.11423906

I've remodelled her, but she's still not CVL yet. So far she's quite good for my fleet since I haven't get torpedo cruisers yet. Which one is more beneficial, to keep her like that or convert her to CVL?

>> No.11423908

Depends on how many buckets you've got, since carriers get huge repair times. One fart in Chiyoda's general direction and she'll want the bucket.

>> No.11423911

I don't know about that but my Akagi and Chiyoda (60 and 57) were both performing admirably for now. And I don't have another high level fleet carrier because the only one I have, Soryuu is at level 13.
It's really up to you. If you don't have any CVLs and think you won't be getting anytime soon then go ahead and make her your first CVL. If you have other CVLs and/or can afford to craft one or you think you're lucky enough to get one from drops then hold it off for a while until she hits 35.

>> No.11423916
File: 203 KB, 804x450, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? The only heavier thing I have are heavy cruisers instead of CL/DD.

Other CLs I have are Natori, Sendai, Jintsu, Abukuma, and Yura.

>> No.11423918

If I remember correctly, she's got two remodels before she turns into a CVL.

If you've only done one, then you can do another at lv 12 or so and decide after that.

>> No.11423952

lvl 24 admiral here, unlocked up to expedition 20.

What is the most efficient area for expedition on fuel and steel? I have been sending them for expedition 5 (fuel) and 14 (steel).

>> No.11423956


5 for fuel, 3 for steel

>> No.11423962

Brought to you in eye-gouging orange.

>> No.11423963

cool enough.
imo replace chiyoda if you ever get another battleship though. i might be biased since i don't really like cvls

>> No.11423987
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I wonder if taking it easy and letting the girls get a lot of rest improves their performance. My girls have been doing really well against 2-2 boss. Even the compass keeps sending me east with no issues.

>> No.11423989


Now I'm starting to get why these guys were so unhappy that Wikia removed the old default skin.

>> No.11424002
File: 131 KB, 502x670, Caring Teitoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how when they get badly damaged in a fight, their performance drop as well as receiving higher fatigue total. For example, if a ship didn't get to land a hit in a practice match but the team won, all of the members would probably have the sparkle except for her.

>> No.11424018
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>> No.11424032

That image fits me very well. I have this certain tendency to return back from sortie at the slight chance of damage and place them in the dock. I don't care if it takes hours for that 7 hp to heal. Better safe than sorry.

I do notice the girls perform horribly when their hp is in the red. Didn't know about not getting the sparkles so that's something new for me.

>> No.11424066

Nagato have a more commanding voice than Mutsu. Mutsu is sexier though.

>> No.11424082

I agree on Nagato having more commanding voice though but at the same time she can be quite gentle; no wonder many artist depict her in an apron, she's surprisingly the motherly type.

>> No.11424084

Some unfortunate star placement there.

>> No.11424093
File: 298 KB, 900x1271, 37200776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Nagato for her gap moe. It's also pretty sexy for a proud member of the big seven to be reduced to a blushing schoolgirl. Of course I have no idea if this is reflected in her actual lines because no matter how hard I try I can't land her. I've got three of her sister and still no sign.

>> No.11424129

Hey that anon looking for Teitoku no Natsuyasumi, here's some good news:

It will be available at Melon Books Akihabara Store tomorrow.
I'm sure it will sold out very quickly, ask you friend to line up in the morning if you really want it.

>> No.11424142

Last Sister Syndrome. The probability of getting the final ship of a series dropped drastically once you collect all but one. We might as well call it the Sendai/Haruna/Kirishima syndrome.

>> No.11424197
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done ヽ( ゚ ヮ゚)ノ

>> No.11424204

You better be hoping your resource can take it.

>> No.11424208
File: 4 KB, 114x72, Clipboard05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely ever crafting seems to help quite a bit

>> No.11424232

>Remodel your Isuzus for their radar.
I'm doing that right now, via expeditions since she remodels at such low level, but I feel a little bad doing that, it kinda feels like they're cattle...

>> No.11424237

daily dose

>> No.11424244

I've leveled ships for equipment then never use them again. I've used ships as modernization materials for my ship daughters. I've used ships as tanks and make them soak up damage so my ship daughters don't have to. I've sank ships because I can't be bothered to repair them. I've become a monster, all in the name of love and progress.

>> No.11424247


>> No.11424287

You should. After all, they all entrusted their life to you, and this is how you repay them.

>> No.11424291

Hey, if her Yamamoto didn't screw up big time I wouldn't have to do this, cut me some crap!

>> No.11424301

Just leaving this here. How accurate is it?

>> No.11424322


>> No.11424324

Seems similiar with the atwiki one. Though hell, getting 3 of them from 100+ crafts is just terrifying.

>> No.11424343
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Anyone have issue with this quest? I am quite sure I got the right ships there to complete it..

>> No.11424346

Trying adding a destroyer.

>> No.11424347

You have to have 6 ship. The other ship could be anything, as long as her Speed is 高速.

>> No.11424349

You need to add one more fast ship, and dont forget the sortie quest after this

>> No.11424357

Are you referring to B16 quest? Im lacking in Kinugasa atm, is there a place to hunt for her?

>> No.11424374
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>> No.11424382

Probably because you can't into lottery?

>> No.11424381

Read the tutorial in wikia, see OP.

>> No.11424388

Does the gauge in 4-4 recover over time?
Please tell me it doesn't.

>> No.11424394

Today the compass in 2-4 is trolling me hard, I fear I won't even get a chance at beating the boss, I'm fearing I'll reach LV.50 (currently 39) before I clear that stage...

>> No.11424396

Try praying to RNG god.

>> No.11424405

My main fleet is nearing all 50s with Akagi already a level 50. They started at 27~30s~38(Akagi).

>> No.11424402


Nagato's midriff is more sexy in my opinion.

>> No.11424410

My Akagi is at 61 and Chiyoda at 57. The BBs that I'm taking with me at the 2-4 boss are 39 39 and 30 respectively. Kitakami is at 37 and I'm gonna bring her to 50 before we go try the compass to go to the boss

>> No.11424412

And... did you beat 2-4 already?
So I'm not alone in this messy endeavour...

>> No.11424413

Heading east isn't going to happen all the time. Better take the opportunity to challenge the boss whenever you can arrive there with everyone on green condition.

>> No.11424420


We're forever heading west.

>> No.11424422

Just to ensure that nobody won't get sunk, I'm not gonna give it a go until the BBs designated to do the slugging is at their 40s and until Kitakami gets remodeled again at 50 because I don't wanna lose a ship again; the loss of my Inazuma is too much for me already

>> No.11424433

Go in full sparkling and once you finished, give them a rest so that they could recover. Just relax and take it at your own pace. At least that's what I'm doing now.

>> No.11424440

the end justifies the means

>> No.11424447

Nothing beats ending up in area P, just south of the boss, like a pair of attempts ago.
This could be a good idea, right now I give up when my ships become yellow but I know that it's dangerous.
"A victory won through dishonest means is no victory at all".

>> No.11424448

Sometimes, there's this lucky RNG roll for the enemy since the day Inazuma was sunk and it was just her first sortie for that day.
But yeah I'm not going in unless they meet the level requirement I set and are sparkling.

>> No.11424477

>right now I give up when my ships become yellow but I know that it's dangerous.
personally i think that's not dangerous.
in fact, repairing while the ship only has small/minor damage is a waste of bucket.

>> No.11424492

Not him, but I don't use buckets for minor damages. It can take hours though on high level ships but I can afford to wait.

>> No.11424505
File: 410 KB, 800x480, Kan Colle unexpected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was unexpected.
400/30/600/30 build.

Okaeri Kunugasa-san.

What, you don't love your daughters enough to let them take the long rest that they deserve? Having 4 docks make that easy.

>> No.11424525

The conditions for getting girls sank are shady enough to make me cautious about pushing after I reach yellow damage.
>in fact, repairing while the ship only has small/minor damage is a waste of bucket.
I can wait one/two hours, usually I use buckets only for longer repairs, but I can also just call it a day and let them repair while I sleep.

>> No.11424542

if leveled, even soryu trumps chitose/chiyoda.
note that this is comparing top of the cvl and the lowest of cv.

cvl to cv is like ca to bb, there's simply no advantage in using the light version.

>> No.11424548

They can hit subs
Although this can be viewed as both an advantage and a disadvantage.

>> No.11424555

I might replace Chiyoda some time since Soryuu is still underleveled. And I don't think I can wait that long to get Soryuu to level 50. Even if she farms all the MVPs, by then my fleet would be by its mid 40s and Akagi might be at 70 already at that point and I think it's more than enough to defeat 2-4 boss since I'm still stuck there.

>> No.11424562

In my fleet my Junyou often steals MVP from CVs like Kaga or Akagi, even with similiar setup and level.

I don't think the difference between CV and CVL is that big.

>> No.11424576
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Isn't it mostly a difference in durability? They carry more aircrafts so they can afford to lose more (and eat more bauxite, obese gluttons).

>> No.11424596

Durability in terms of amount of planes and defense, yes. Though I think those issues are for lesser tier of CVL like RJ or Shouhou. For Chitose-class and Hiyou-class, their performance is comparable to CV.

>> No.11424625

it's all about rng. cvs bigger number's purpose is to skew the probability more to your side.
you can argue that junyo get 100 mvp out of 100 battle but it doesn't change the fact that kaga have bigger chance due to her firepower.
the same goes for every other stat. there's no stat where a cvl trumps a cv, yes, even evade. hiryuu is the carrier with the highest evade and she's a cv.

>> No.11424627

A low speed carrier that can only carry nineteen ships in two slots is ludicrous, even if it does get less awful after remodel.

Then again, she was the first commissioned aircraft carrier, ever, and one of the only carriers to survive the war (by seeing no notable combat action whatsoever, but that's not the point), so she does get a decent luck stat out of it.

>> No.11424631

>one of the only carriers to survive the war
I thought she was the first carrier to have been sunk during the war?

>> No.11424632
File: 557 KB, 677x984, 38510641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're confusing Shoho with Hosho, Shoho has 3 slots and she's fast. But Hosho is the best waifu ever which is more than enough to warrant her a place in my training fleet.

>> No.11424634

I got my Souryuu around the time I unlocked 2-4. 2-4 was so hard that Souryuu was 54 by the time I finished it. Akagi was 61 or so.

Just saying you do have have Souryuu as an option, you're not going anywhere soon.

>> No.11424640

She really pulls my heart strings whenever she says that cliched line of a wife welcoming her husband home.

>> No.11424652

Oh, fuck. I'd blame it on IJN right-to-left conventions but that would be a blatant cop-out.

>But Hosho is the best waifu ever which is more than enough to warrant her a place in my training fleet.
"You've worked hard. Would you like dinner? Or a bath? Or... fufufu, just kidding."

ah, it hurts ;_;

>> No.11424663
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Under the belt? Try loosening it a little. Seriously, I find her really arousing.

>> No.11424673

This game really needs to unlink the secretary role from the flagship spot and just let players assign ships to be their secretaries.

>> No.11424675

No, no, that's the wrong order. We have to get married first.

>> No.11424683

It doesn't really make sense for her to announce night combat if she's not at the battle.

Just get her up to level ninety and you can take her anywhere, even if she is a forty-plane carrier or capped at 50 armor..

>> No.11424689
File: 210 KB, 780x1200, 37091063_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done, now let's generate a new generation of carriers for the Empire.

>> No.11424696

So when do you usually remodel your ship? My BBs have 4 stars of affection under their name already but I think there's still one star left, right?

>> No.11424702

She pulls teitoku around on a wakeboard while he shouts commands and she relays them to the other girls.

>> No.11424704

When she reaches minimum level requirement, I keep sending them to sorties and when they get damaged to yellow I get free repair/supply for remodeling.

>> No.11424705

When their fuel/ammo/etc is low so that I get a free refill. Sparkles are erased but a 1-1 solo solves that.

>> No.11424710

Missing Nagato, Kaga, Hiryuu, Shoukaku, Kinugasa, Yukikaze. Does 400/100/600/300 once a day every Fay sound like a good idea for still being able to save up resources on the side? I'm sure you admirals are all better resource bankers than myself.

>> No.11424723
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I actually wanted to save up for stats so those stats that could not be boosted would be able to help in the long run but I guess it's about time.

I wasted most of my resources to craft Kongou until I man up and decided to farm for her. If your daily crafting is not working, don't bother. Train your fleet, buff your level, unlock new maps and farm. Craft once in a while if you're feeling lucky because I suspect there's an inbuilt cooldown period between the player's 'lucky crafts'.

>> No.11424724

Is it actually proven that modernization before remodel points are not lost after remodeling?

>> No.11424741

Pretty sure it's not. I think it's mentioned in the JP wiki.

And oh god, why do I remodel all of my ships at one go? My ammo was halved as it was before.

>> No.11424744

Admiral level 60, still no Haruna or KTKM. I'm missing a few others too but these ones are really starting to get to me, I could really use that 4th fleet.

>> No.11424759

Compass keeps sending me north in 3-2, is this normal?

>> No.11424762

You can only go to the boss with 6 destroyers, so yes that's normal.

>> No.11424782

You can go with any number of destroyer(s)

>> No.11424821
File: 346 KB, 799x478, 20130912T083239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go with only one destroyer

>> No.11424834

Oh god what

>> No.11424837

Dedication, teitoku, dedication.

>> No.11424854

I cleared 2-4 when I'm level 70, get over it. I like to play it slow.

>> No.11424863

I cleared it when I was 42 myself. Like people stated in previous threads, there is no rush. This is mostly a single player-ish experience. As long as you are leveling your ships properly you'll be prepared

>> No.11424871

You shouldn't worry too much about those extra stats from late remodelling. They'll eventually get to their stat caps anyway. Dodge and detection can be increased by levels.

>> No.11424888

What do you guys run on your BBs?

Nagato-class: 46cm, AP shell, 15.5cm, 32/14 radar (32 in Mutsu's case)
Kongou-class: 46cm, 41/46cm (AA shell for when I'm expecting lots of carriers), 15.5cm, 14 radar

This is what I'm aiming for.

>> No.11424892

Does late remodelling actually gimp the stats gained by lv99 or are there actually enough levels to max out everything before lv99?

>> No.11424899

>All those chinese translated doujin in exhentai
It's really popular in China, isn't it?

>> No.11424907

Chinese just gets all the doujins, a lot of stuff coming out of C84 they got their hands on it first

>> No.11424925

They have more people.

>> No.11424938

The only Chinese doujin I can think of is NEKO WORKs.

Do you /a/nons mean doujinshi?

>> No.11424950

What is doujinshi?
Do you mean 同人誌?

>> No.11424957

>They have more people.
Actually the translations are in traditional Chinese, i.e. Taiwanese folks, I just showed them to a Chinese friend.

>> No.11424970

Yes. But for whatever reason, doujinshi is shortened to doujin by some (non-Japanese).

>> No.11425072

sasuga Ikazuchi

>> No.11425217

I've heard quite a bit about how hard 3-4 is, is it really that bad? I haven't touched anywhere past 3-2 since I need to level destroyers still, but I'm almost done with 4-4 and only need one more kill of the boss to actually finish it and would like to know how 3-4 compares to it.

>> No.11425278

Probably the same.

>> No.11425291

4-4 is very easy (hardest part is beating the compass)
You can compare 3-4 to the frustration of 2-4 (long map and tough opponents)

>> No.11425318

do you have any good fleet composition (=route) to advise for 4-3/4 ? I'm a bit lost on the wikiwiki route condition, and even out route shortness and fleet power..

>> No.11425331

That feeling when the only ship remaining of the enemy fleet is a elite flagship and you think "I really want that S rank but going into night combat right now would be really stupid" but instead decide "maybe I'll crit it and it'll die" and then you miss and it sends your best carrier to the docks for ten hours.

>> No.11425343

>ah ha, only one CA left
>enter night battle
>combo crit my full health Kongo to red

>> No.11425384

What will happen if we keep going when the ammo supply is empty? How about fuel?

>> No.11425405

You can't. The game grays out the button and prevents you from going on sortie.

What, you thought the game would explode or something?

>> No.11425413
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Thanks Japan. Now I'm clicking cookies while waiting for my daughters to recover.

>> No.11425424
File: 209 KB, 800x480, 3-2 done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well after stalling for all this time I ended up beating 3-2 on my second try (the first I got whirlpool then steel and refreshed). Got 1 BB and two CA, the BB missed both shots but a CA critted Shimakaze, decided to keep going figuring the boss stuff is too weak to kill her. That could have been bad news since I forgot about only 1 round of artillery (due to no BBs) and the top two enemy ships were able to fire torpedoes (which critted Shiranui down to 2 hp instead of sinking Shimakaze). Well, I was due some luck anyway; Shouhou vs. Zuihou build count just went up to 14 to 0 today.

Just realized I goofed though by not knocking out the first couple sortie dailies first, could have gotten supply ship kills out of the way in that boss fight.

>> No.11425448
File: 753 KB, 1867x899, casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel empty

compass never bring me to 4-3 boss. and i cant pass 3-4 watchdog. sigh

>> No.11425458

No i mean if you kept getting into night battle and get those whirlwinds that eats up 3 supplies instead of 2.

>> No.11425468
File: 157 KB, 1000x629, 38586401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11425557

What formation should I be using if I have Ooi + Kitakami, and how do I get this 甲標的 甲 I keep hearing about?

I'm only T-level 9 and remodeled them without knowing, and now I don't know what to do with them.

>> No.11425578 [DELETED] 

Chitose/Chiyoda remodel at level 12. Or crafting from 46cm recipe byproduct.

>> No.11425585

big craft by-product (not advised at your level) or chitose class upgrade equip (12 iirc).
I Don't know much about formation effect on (pre-emptive) torpedo strikes, but don't hesitate to make them tag along whenever you can, they become monster after second remodel at lv50 - useful for the time you'll get to 2-4.

>> No.11425587

Chitose/Chiyoda remodel at level 12. Or crafting from 46cm recipe (10/300/250/10) byproduct.

>> No.11425592

These midget submarines are the stock equipment of Chiyoda A and Chitose A (remodel at level 12). You get two of them per remodel. That's the easiest way to get them, I believe.

>> No.11425594

Got it, thanks.

>> No.11425604

Is there some sort of context for this?

>> No.11425611


>> No.11425615

Well yeah, but how is it related to the point that Tenryu's doing it too?

>> No.11425612

Don't use formations like double column and horizontal for Ooi and Kitakami. These formations will most likely make your torpedos miss and deal low damage if it hits.

>> No.11425621

Screenshots/a parody of Cookie Clicker, one of these newfangled games that got strangely popular out of nowhere. Since Tenryu's main job is baking fuel and steel for her comrades day in and day out, she was the ideal choice for a parody.

That said, I'm still waiting for a K-COL: Terror from the Deep parody.

>> No.11425624

Are you saying you didn't played CookieClicker while playing Kancolle?

>> No.11425640

I actually thought about using those to help survive long enough to actually use the torpedos/get to the night battle.

>> No.11425689

I use double line for virtually any battle that doesn't involve subs (horizontal line) or a tough boss (vertical line). Kitakami misses the flagship CLs almost all the time (but so do my BBs), but reliably one-shots nearly everything else except flagship BBs or CVs. Horizontal line does make her miss destroyers constantly though.

I seriously hate flagship CLs now, you get them almost every battle on maps 3 and 4 it seems, and my ships love to target them first and miss repeatedly.

>> No.11425712

Well, there might be a point in where the debuff it gets from the formation gets totally outclassed by her torpedo stat. I haven't even used my Kitakami yet but I do know about her insane torpedo stat.

>> No.11425783

Oh, lovely. I wound up at 99 ships after a supply fleet run of 4-2, then forgot to clear out space. So of course my next 4-2 run I get boss, which drops nothing as I maxed out with a Hiei drop the battle before. I already have a zillion lvl 1 BBs sitting around and nothing to do with them, I keep scrapping CAs and CLs and DDs as I get them but I can barely keep space free as the BBs pile up.

Now all I can imagine is that the boss would have dropped Zuihou if I had a spare space, but since I screwed up now I'll never get her again ;_;

>> No.11425785

She's still missing almost every shot at level 84 with 175 torp stats in horizontal formation, so I don't think that point will ever be reached.
I'm also doubting torpedo stat helping with accuracy.

>> No.11425789

> scrapping
that hurts to hear, admiral.

>> No.11425794

I think it does, I still haven't reached the final remodelling but I followed the suggestion of increasing their torpedo stats and they've become definitely more accurate.
It could be time to hate some money.

>> No.11425869
File: 172 KB, 800x480, yukikaze get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least that empty run resulted in almost no damage so I immediately sortied again, get boss, and well, she's not Zuihou but she is one of the few I was still missing.

Not much else to do when I haven't remodeled a ship for ages and my main ships are all maxed out. And the only ships likely to remodel anytime soon are expedition ships (Naka and Nagatsuki at 19).

Not planning on spending any money ever on this, especially not with all the extra shit you have to go through. I'll just have to start scrapping BBs before long.

>> No.11425892

> especially not with all the extra shit you have to go through. I'll just have to start scrapping BBs before long.
it's as easy as simply using your gaijin credit card now.

> Not much else to do when I haven't remodeled a ship for ages and my main ships are all maxed out. And the only ships likely to remodel anytime soon are expedition ships (Naka and Nagatsuki at 19).
Ah. I prefer to level up a lot of secondary ships as well, so I always have someone to modernize.

>> No.11425905

>Not planning on spending any money ever on this, especially not with all the extra shit you have to go through.
The new system posted some days ago, which you can find in OP's pastebin, is quite straightforward.

>> No.11425917
File: 169 KB, 800x480, mai shipfu get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Mary mother of God, the 15th time's a charm. On a whim I decided to do just one more carrier build, get a 2:40, instant build, it's gonna be Shouhou #15, right? Holy shit am I seeing things, that's not Shouhou!

Instead, after nearly 2 months I finally get to meet my shipfu, she's now sitting here as a lvl 1 secretary surrounded by a lvl 50-60 fleet. Now for the fun of trying to level her fast, which won't be happening now with impending maintenance and a backlog of 8 important ships in need of repairs.

>> No.11425921

It's a dollar per dock space. That's actually sort of unreasonable.

Didn't stop me from buying an extra ten.

>> No.11425926

damage penalty or something.

oh, another member of no-haruna and no-KTKM club.
i thought i was the only one.

>> No.11425936

Grats admiral. You deserve her. I'm sure you'll treat her well without me mentioning it. (ノ´ー`)ノ☆

Meanwhile, still no Hiryuu for me after all those 2-3, area 4, 300/30/400/300 and 300/30/600/400 builds.

>> No.11425957

Hiryuu is the only full carrier I've ever picked up or crafted.

The RNG gods make fools of us all.

>> No.11425967

going to night battle is not worth the damage your ship will receive. the only exception are practice battle and boss battle.

using 3rd party kancolle program like logbook helps in tracking your collection of kanmusu, you might want that.

>> No.11425970
File: 168 KB, 800x960, kancolle-shoukaku-dekita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After countless days trying to complete my CV collections (Shoukaku sisters + Zuihou + Hiyuu missing), the RNG goddess smiled upon me with a 6hrs result on 300/30/400/300.
Got a crapload of CVL I don't care about, Souryuu, Kaga and even an extra Akagi before that.

God I love her, such a great wife-material.
*Goes back farming 4-2 to remodel Ooicchi and Kitakami-sama*

>> No.11425992

When will she smile on me ;_;

>> No.11425998

who did you have as secretary ?

>> No.11426067
File: 282 KB, 696x661, 38567908_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much yuri loving in this pack.
詰(百合 | けのか [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38567908

She's certainly a cruel mistress.

>> No.11426083

One thing's for sure, she is never going in any slot other than flagship (of course I need her there to level faster anyway)

Oh it's so nice listening to her begging me to go back to work.

I wonder how I would have felt about Shoukaku if I actually got her early enough in the game to use her. By the time I finally built her I only cared about getting Zuihou and for gameplay purposes, Zuikaku; with Kaga and Akagi already over level 50 I didn't have any use for another normal luck carrier. She's just been sitting there with Soryuu at lvl 2 or 3 ;_;

eh, I completely missed that when it happened, my eyes automatically skipped past every post discussing payment methods when I would catch up on a thread. Now it's slightly more tempting, but I still don't hate money enough.

At least I can finally say goodbye to 4-2 now, Yukikaze and Zuihou were all I needed from there. Well, after I finish the 12 boss kill weekly anyway; should be done soon since I beat it 5 times today. Now I can finally focus on clearing the remaining maps.

>> No.11426111 [DELETED] 

Maintenance will start in one hour, prepare you long expedition and don't forget, take your girl to bath !

>> No.11426109

Friendly reminder that maintenance starts in 1 hour and lasts for 6 hours.

>> No.11426121

Does sparkling a girl in 1-1 require only the first battle or does it need a full run?

>> No.11426165

Holy shit, that was my worst practice battle in a long time. I thought my opponent had no carriers and sent Zuihou and Chiyoda without any fighters, turned out I managed to overlook a 65 Akagi, goodbye bauxite.

Full run. With the increase in fatigue when you sortie, you need two MVPs to actually improve her condition, just one battle will result in a slight increase in fatigue. It doesn't matter if you lose the boss battle, just getting that second MVP is what counts.

>> No.11426182
File: 533 KB, 800x800, dcd150d9d54d1425f553f27b96091fd613634e41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incoming ramble.

You know, admirals, sometimes I wonder why I'm not just satisfied with what I have. I mean, I know getting Zuikaku was a good thing--she has significantly more longevity than Souryuu...and the former can hold as many planes stock as the latter can fully upgraded. I know Zuikaku's art style is more exciting to me. But man, that Sumire Uesaka voice...I miss it. I regret putting her on the bench.

This got me thinking about how much I value my shipfus for the enjoyment they bring versus how much they'll help me in higher-level stages. I look down the road and see myself busting my ass for Musashi or Shinano if the devs announce her, but in a game no real endpoint, will it be worth it for me? I suppose I'll just have to keep catching 'em all and find out.

That said, may I poll you admirals for how much you like Kaga? She seems like she'd be replacing Akagi. And what about Nagato? I have Mutsu and her endurance seems to vary wildly above and below the Kongou sisters in comparison--she routinely takes around 10 damage even with the slightest nick from enemy CLs and I'm starting to believe the luck stat has a factor in actual numbers in damage taken.

On the other hand, Mutsu's fire safety gimmick is starting to grow on me and I'm terrified my previous fandom of the Kongou sisters is going to be replaced by dem midriffs. Just not enough space in the A-team, you know?

Like mentioned in the previous thread, can't hold all the shipdaughters. Help. ;_;

>> No.11426188

Goddamnit, now I know how everyone gets full sparkles before long expeditions. Missed out on so much resources, going to have to steal this sekrit club method from you guys. Thanks.

>> No.11426205

>Like mentioned in the previous thread, can't hold all the shipdaughters. Help. ;_;
You can always take your time and level all the kanmusu you want. The next event isn't coming for a while, so once you get your A-team to 60s, you can start leveling other daughters.

She's excellent. I love her as well.

Not too much difference between her, Akagi and Shoukaku, to be honest. Go with whomever you find the most appealing.

>> No.11426216

She's incredibly terse and boring to have around, but holy shit look at all the planes she can carry, even when compared to Akagi.

>> No.11426218

For Kaga and Nagato, I can't say much. Kaga & Akagi are the only CVs I have, and I still don't have Nagato yet ;_;

But yeah, can't hold all the kanmusume. I'm still keeping every type of ships in my dock. With addition of Zuihou and Houshou few days ago, that leaves me with only 3 spaces left ;_;

>> No.11426225

When the heck are they going to make a TV anime of out this, anyway?

>> No.11426227

After Touhou anime.

>> No.11426230

I don't actually want one. Think of all the newfags who will stream in here and ask every stupid question without checking the wiki, all over again.

>> No.11426234
File: 882 KB, 1130x810, ziku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got her.

Now I need to work on 9-kita class to get 5x torpedos for cute subs

>> No.11426239

At least the wiki won't be orange by the end of tomorrow.

>> No.11426244
File: 971 KB, 1000x1200, 38541982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my mindset: Is she cute? Yes? She's going into the fleet. Is she cute but not as useful as another ship you could have put in? She's still going into the main fleet. I came here to play with my ship daughters and waifus. Stats don't matter that much to me. I'm still at the point where Yamashiro is still in my a branch of my main fleet despite the other BBs being better.

I like Kaga but I really like Zuikaku better. It's just a coincidence that both of them have pretty damn good stats. I just stick them both in the same fleet hoping that one day there will be a skit of two of them talking back to each other while in battle. It's kinda like how I stick Kitakami and Abukuma in the same sorties. I always stick the Akatsuki sisters together, though I'm sure everyone does this. In rare cases where I need to, Tenryuu will always be with Shiranui. My expedition ships are by no means resource efficient. I just stuff some cute ships I like together with what's necessary to succesfully complete the expedition and they're off. Nagato is beautiful. Mutsu just looks weird to me. Of the Kongou sisters, I only like Haruna and Kongou.

If you still feel that there's a problem, I think it's time for you to start hating money so you can keep all your ship daughters and waifus.

>> No.11426278
File: 147 KB, 472x472, 17d7e70e37cc6e049e08c09ce0c05b32276395cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good points. Your advice is appreciated.

Kinda of like Hyuuga vs. Ise in terms of attitude, huh.
And yeah, I noticed that 46-plane slot could probably turn encounters with carrier groups into no-fly zones if I filled it with my Reppus. There was a pretty good book of her recently on exhentai too, and it made me quite undecided about her rather than simply indifferent.

I think we've found Kadokawa Games' business model for this franchise. ;_;

>> No.11426287

You'll have to make do with this anime for now:

Seriously, I wonder if they decided to produce that anime because of KanColle's popularity or if it was just a coincidence.

>> No.11426301

It had a fanbase in /ak/.

>> No.11426302

I'd say coincicdence. The first announcement of Arpeggio anime was in May, while the game started around late April.

>> No.11426303

i guess its see you in a few hours my shipdaughters

>> No.11426305

What's the best way for training destroyers for 3-2

>> No.11426312

No problem at all, and sometimes I really feel like I'm missing out when I don't do some of that (I especially like the Kitakami-Abukuma minor mention and can't believe I still haven't sortied them together).

Yamashiro is the quirkiest imoutoship and I'm silently rooting for her for October's update if that's what it is, even though I really expect a late-war mod of one of the others, or heck, the introduction of 50.8cm (20-inch) guns could be what it is.

I honestly have plenty of space in my harbor for the kanmusu I like, but the issue I'm tackling more is why I can't have a larger A-team to show my love for them all equally. It's terrible, I know.

>> No.11426318

I haven't been able to hold them for ages. I have around twenty ships I'd like to get into the high levels together. There just isn't enough time in the day to level them all. At this point I can probably field four combat-ready fleets of girls I want to bring into high level together.

>> No.11426325

>I can't have a larger A-team to show my love for them all equally.
You could have the opposite problem, where your A-team is around thirty ships big and as a result they're all in their twenties (besides the MVP-thieving carriers and battleships) even though all admirals of comparable level have their fleets in the sixties.

Also you don't get to know the girls well enough like that.

>> No.11426333

>changed my mind about hating money and decided to hate just a little bit so I can repair more ships during maintenance
>error message about too much congestion on the site

Goddammit, I have so many damaged ships piled up

Early in the game I was choosing ships based on which ones I liked, or simply on what few ships I had available. Kaga was my first regular carrier, so using her was a no-brainer, Mutsu was my first BB so likewise there (and I've mentioned in previous threads how she slowly grew on me until she almost became my shipfu in Zuihou's absence). My daughter Inazuma was my flagship all the way until lvl 35 or so even though she was useless outside of night combat.

But eventually as I got into 2-4 and the event maps I wound up only caring about how useful they are. CAs and unlucky sisters get benched, only the torpedo cruisers and ASW specialists make the cut among CLs, new carriers get ignored except for lucky Hiryuu (who has now joined a rotation with Kaga and Akagi) and Zuikaku if I actually could get her. Even Mutsu is starting to see the bench a lot more despite being my highest level ship, as the Kongous are way more efficient (If I could actually get Nagato I'd want to use her because of her luck, but getting her caught up on levels would be a pain).

About the only choices I've made lately based on favoritism and not practicality are Zuihou (of course) and putting Hatsuharu among my 6 destroyers for 3-2 (with the others being my high level Inazuma, Shimakaze, and the 3 common Kagerous). Of course for that last it hardly mattered which destroyers I used anyway.

Speaking of which, I practically forgot about my new Yukikaze in my joy of acquiring Zuihou, sorry Yukikaze ;_; But goddamn she is already so much better a daughter than Shimakaze and her "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" and "gotta go fast".

>> No.11426358

Should I give the remodeled Fuso sisters any planes at all, or continue treating them like BBs?

>> No.11426386

They can only carry seaplanes, which IMO are worthless in higher levels. I have recon all done by a specialized plane on my main Carrier, so I just put a bunch of guns on them.

>> No.11426400
File: 337 KB, 546x321, seiran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat her as BB till M6A (top ranker rewards) will be available to craft.
It'll require 200 baux for each attempt though.

>> No.11426452

That plane is for AV and CV?

>> No.11426458

It is a seaplane, so battle-carrier (?) can carry them.

>> No.11426464
File: 863 KB, 1113x1558, 38529451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say, there's an angel in my office.

>> No.11426469

Goddamn, Seiran's way better than Suisei model 12. I wonder if there's gonna be an S holo bomber as well.

>> No.11426493
File: 347 KB, 850x1200, 38585464_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel, you say?

>> No.11426498

Threadly reminder that they were dead.


>> No.11426503 [DELETED] 


>> No.11426511


>> No.11426535

It's a seaplane, so it should be seaplane motherships and aviation battleships only. In code that's AVs and BBCVs.

>> No.11426543

Oh, and it also means upgraded Mogami-class and which ever submarine-chan has the seaplane launcher.

>> No.11426565

That's initially for submarines, right?

>> No.11426577

List of updates, need corrections

-I-168 and I-58 as normal drops (location?)
-5-1 and 5-2 needs completion of 3rd and 4th map
-Shoukaku, Zuikaku, 2 new destroyers drop from 5-1 & 5-2
-support fleet usable in 5th map
-improved night battle capability of heavy cruisers
-update for Natori-kai

>> No.11426607

800,000 registered teitokus now, jesus.

>> No.11426608

Add two additional pieces of furniture to the list, I think.

>> No.11426617

why? she's like the most unused CL ever.

>> No.11426618


i168, i58 obtainable as drops on normal maps.
Open new area 5-1 and 5-2. Finish 3-4 and 4-4 to enter.
Shoukaku, Zuikaku, two new DDs on map 5.
You can use support fleets on map 5.
Two free furniture include a tapestry to celebrate 800k accounts.

Improved night-battle stats of CAs and their varied ships.

Slight graphical changes on Natori-kai.
Fixed a glitch that you could scrap your flagship.

>> No.11426621

>Scraping your flagship


Glad I never attempted something like even as a joke

>> No.11426637
File: 196 KB, 500x700, 38565870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care about nerd games post boobs

>> No.11426643
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 【艦これMMD】金剛で「Girls」.mp4_snapshot_00.07_[2013.09.16_18.04.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongo is the best Kongo class

>> No.11426641
File: 324 KB, 450x959, 38572113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there a pixiv tag for this crossover yet?

>> No.11426648

That's not Hiei

>> No.11426650

maybe that's why?

>> No.11426659

When will the maintenance end?

>> No.11426661

It says 1700 JST, so in about 3 hrs.

>> No.11426684

What ship should be carrying radar? I have been putting them on CA or my AVBB as it increases view range.

>> No.11426730
File: 92 KB, 475x368, Sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix that sleep schedule of yours.

>> No.11426735

I already did. Now please join my fleet.

>> No.11426737
File: 183 KB, 626x640, 1376208596040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kancolle messed it up.

>> No.11426747

Isn't it $10?

>> No.11426757

$10 for 10 slots, so $1 per slot.

>> No.11426761

1000¥/$10 for a set of 10 dock spaces, so 100¥/$1 per dock space.

>> No.11426786

Wasn't the expansion limit set on 150 ships? Did they increase it?

>> No.11426788

Yes. You have to buy five of them, though.

I only spent five dollars on mine because of bonus points but now I feel bad because I could have bought an extra dock with that.

But my OCD won't let me scrap unique ships and having to modernize every other sortie was getting to be a pain.

>> No.11426790
File: 143 KB, 992x574, HUFO4cW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is one of the two moon wikis better than the other, and is the kancolle database actually useful?

Also where do I find this 'wallpaper'?

>> No.11426794

Actually I think I was misunderstanding something in those posts, I need some caffeine.
>I only spent five dollars on mine because of bonus points but now I feel bad because I could have bought an extra dock with that.
Well, I did the same but I don't really care about it, right now I have no issues with the docks, I just needed some more space to collect more duplicates and use them "more efficiently". When the time will come I'll expand my docks progressively.

>> No.11426796

what does weapon range affect? What's general recommendation on equipment?

>> No.11426806
File: 273 KB, 1280x1032, 遠征チャート.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use both? They both provide useful information. I only have the expedition chart on that wallpaper. Those development/building charts are probably just an image version of what you can find on the Japanese wikis.

Range affects turn order the highers its range that faster that unit gets to attack in battle. For equipment, check the Japanese wikis.

>> No.11426809

Do they accept debit cards? I don't have a credit card.

>> No.11426816

I prefer wikiwiki because of its look, and because it seems more thorough. There's enough conflicting information on some pages to have to pick a side, but usually they're consistent enough to use one over the other.

>> No.11426825
File: 58 KB, 843x450, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it worked.

>> No.11426835

I wish they would accept my debit card

>> No.11426844
File: 484 KB, 800x1066, 38583745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Akatsuki, Ueuunui, Kaminari and Hauauauau so cute?

>> No.11426854

I was able to register and buy points with my VISA debit.

>> No.11426905


Get ready

>> No.11426908

Looks like you can find the sub-chans before 2-4 and by crafting.

>> No.11426913

What's the recipes?

>> No.11426916

Like they'd ever give us official amounts.

>> No.11426919

>before 2-4 and by crafting.
Holy fuck, I thought they will come out at map 3rd and 4th. Specific location?

>> No.11426925

Updated voice patch when? I want Kaga to coo me to sleep with that monotonous voice of hers.

>> No.11426938

One of my favorite Pixiv artists fell head-over-hells in love with Hiei when I wasn't looking.

I think they're going to get married.

I wish I could draw.

>> No.11426946



>> No.11426947

Ah, bollocks. You have to clear both 3 and 4 to unlock the new maps.

3-4 just isn't cooperating with me.

>> No.11426956
File: 105 KB, 693x410, ss (2013-09-18 at 04.03.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look crazy at least

>> No.11426957

He has great tastes.

>> No.11426963

That's what it wants you to think. Just wait till the compass go crazy on you.

>> No.11426962
File: 344 KB, 500x1036, 38473185_big_p20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kannu (798193) has been sort of an idol of mine for a little while. People who follow Touhou at all might know him as the Tenco's Story guy, though he's really gone full IJN lately.

>> No.11426965

I seem to still be getting the maintenance image despite having completely cleared my cache.

>> No.11426967

I'm in but I don't see the new map.

>> No.11426969
File: 139 KB, 436x600, 1379491010242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new character from monster girl quest

>> No.11426970

Okay yes it went crazy on me
SE SE E then suddenly u-turn up N

>> No.11426971
File: 138 KB, 436x600, 1379491043229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11426972


Wait, so it's better NOT to remodel Fusou-class?

>> No.11426973

You need to clear stage 3 and 4. I wonder what are some of the crazy long expeditions it will have.

>> No.11426975

These are amazingly lewd. I mean, this is a fundamentally stupid objection in a game revolving around clothing damage, but these take it to another level.

>> No.11426976
File: 29 KB, 218x300, 1379491196853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11426982

Was she always that stacked?

>> No.11426985

Apparently not. If luck plays an important factor, it's good to at least make them luckier.

Isn't Senran Kagura the same? At least this isn't animated.

There's quite a number of ship daughters that are surprisingly stacked.

>> No.11426987

If you want more attack power, yeah. Aircraft battleships has lower attack power but gets better stats in other areas.

>> No.11426988

Yup. Just like Isuzu

Any threatening flagship enemies?

>> No.11426992

There's at least 1 flagship BB each node except the one before the boss. I'd say it's a little bit harder than 3-3

>> No.11426993

Anyone else in server seven? I think it's still in maintenance.

>> No.11426994

Welp, time to level some light cruisers.

>> No.11426998

Server 2 here, i am in

>> No.11427006

What's server 7 again? I got in when the newer server back in August was created.

>> No.11427008

Official twitter says, if you see a girl with helmet on the screen, the server is on high load.
Make some coffee and clear cache then just wait.

>> No.11427012

I got in mid-late August, so probably that one.

Although I guess it's just high load right now.

>> No.11427014

I'm in that server right now and it's working. I guess I got in early.

>> No.11427018

Is it リンガ? I got in fine.

>> No.11427022

There was a twitter update saying something about 20.3cm guns, google translate simply gives garbled text.

Posting full text despite knowing what the changes will be. Just in case:
01▼先行配信の【潜水艦娘】伊168・伊58が本実装されました。  ※通常海域の一部でドロップ可能に(#2-4以前の海域にも可能性が!)  ※あるレシピで【建造】も可能になります!

02▼第5海域【南方海域】の新実装されました。  ※【5-1】「南方海域進出作戦」へ出撃可能に!  ※【5-2】「珊瑚諸島沖海戦」へ出撃可能に!   ※第5海域への進出は、第3及び第4海域の制圧が条件となります。

03▼新海域では【支援艦隊】の活用が可能になりました。  ※「前衛支援艦隊」及び「決戦支援艦隊」を出すことが可能です。 04▼新海域【南方海域】では五航戦と新艦娘がゲット可能に。  ※「翔鶴」「瑞鶴」「新艦娘2隻」がドロップ可能!

05▼提督80万人突破記念の【記念掛け軸】を配信します!  ※同掛け軸含め「家具」を計2種更新します。  ※いずれも「特注家具職人」は不要です。

06▼艦隊「旗艦」解体可能不具合を【修正】しました。  ※特殊操作で「旗艦」を削除できる症状を修正しました。

07▼【夜戦】における【重巡洋艦】戦闘力向上!  ※重巡及び同派生艦)の戦闘補正値を若干上方修正しました。  ※同艦種の夜戦時の命中率及び回避率が向上しました。  ※特に20.3cm砲及び同派生火砲の運用がポイントです。


>> No.11427025

Yeah, that's the one, except it fixed itself sometime in the last fifteen minutes or so. The grind begins again.

>> No.11427027

And something about the new maps, I think it's talking about the conditions in the map.
新海域「南方海域」へ進出される提督の皆さんへ 【5-1】「南方海域進出作戦」及び【5-2】「珊瑚諸島沖海戦」共に、それぞれ【艦隊編成】によって、航路をある程度制御することが可能です。また【5-2】はプチ決戦仕様となっており、海域戦力ゲージが存在します(自然回復は無し)。

>> No.11427032

Boss gauge in 5-2 and seems like the route taken on both 5-1 and 5-2 can be controlled by fleet organizations to some degree like previous maps.

>> No.11427035
File: 351 KB, 1096x657, haruna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got 2 BBs , I think the patch fixed my luck

>> No.11427037

Heavy cruisers (and other ships of the class) have had their firepower, evasion, and accuracy improved in night combat. In particular, 20.3 (and other guns of the class) have been improved.

Do not trust this translation.

>> No.11427044
File: 228 KB, 700x891, 38096432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 minute timer

>> No.11427047

I'm more interested to her. I got her just recently, after I reach level 50.

>> No.11427059

inaccurate history time



>> No.11427060

I realized that the magician CVLs and RJ might see lewder damaged models post-Kai.

>> No.11427065

Her lewd factor is as flat as her chest.

>> No.11427067

The funny I thing I got her pretty early in 1-4 drop boss

>> No.11427070

>The funny I thing I got her pretty early in 1-4 drop boss
Tell me your secrets of pleasing the RNG goddess.

>> No.11427077

Anybody else using this thing? It looks pretty useful as far as timers/tools go.

>> No.11427075

Please tell the 3-4 battleships to stop critting me.


>> No.11427091

i am.
it is useful but the proxy provided is a bit shitty.

>> No.11427098
File: 730 KB, 1356x662, 2-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi a few days back, I was asked for advice and ppl suggest me to get Akagi (much appreciated).

However, I just picked up a Hyuuga. My goal now is to punch through 2-4 boss. Is it advisable to swap anyone out for Hyuuga?

>> No.11427104

Maybe Maya, if you have enough big guns to outfit Hyuuga. But then you'll have to spend some time training her up too.

>> No.11427105

If you're willing to level, sure. But with the recent patch of buffing heavy cruiser, I think the team is quite decent. Oh, and you should either swapped your CVL for a regular CV or max out her armour.

>> No.11427107

Honestly I'm not sure. You may want to swap out Maya, but her AA stat is quite awesome. If you recently got Hyuuga, I don't think you need to swap anyone.

The story may be different if you got Kongou-class, instead.

>> No.11427136

What you already have should be fine to get through 2-4. Maybe it might be a good idea to swap out your Maya for Hyuuga, though I don't think it's worth the time to level your new Hyuuga to swap it out with the Maya. Besides, heavy cruisers now get a bonus during the night battle in the new update that just came in today anyways.

The only boss you should be worrying about in 2-4 is the COMPASS

>> No.11427153

Today or tomorrow I'm going to blow 30 craft points on 100/300/250/10.

I really need those turbines.

>> No.11427160

Oh, it's the one where both sides gave up on that whole "coordinated assault" business and just went Rambo on each other. Clearly listening to orders is for lesser men and you should drop your rendezvous with other ships to run straight into enemy territory. Also, if your officer tells you to retreat from potential American cruisers, you should dive straight into them while screaming "TORPEDOES FOR THE TORPEDO GOD! SHIPWRECKS FOR THE SHIPWRECK THRONE!"

>> No.11427161

Is there any chart of Chitose and Chiyoda remodelling? I'm still getting confused of what should I do to them.

>> No.11427164
File: 62 KB, 795x478, Abukuma get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RNG Goddess is smiling upon me today.
Abukuma's in my list of Last Ship/Sister Syndrome.

>> No.11427173

Right now I pretty much only know her as the girl who gets rolled over in those cut-and-paste skits.

>> No.11427188

decide it for yourself.
skip the level 15 remodel until level 50

>> No.11427193

So I could reach Kai 2 only if I remodel her at level 50?

>> No.11427202

It seems Yukikaze recipe also gives you subs.

>> No.11427207

So 250/30/200/30 ? Time to blow up my steel farm.

>> No.11427225
File: 172 KB, 670x465, URMx4uE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11427229

Anybody else having trouble getting ingame with the API method? I can play from the browser just fine, but copying my API link to a standalone flash player just leaves me loading forever.

>> No.11427251

I'm doing perfectly fine. Just open the whole link, including those random numbers.

>> No.11427261

yes and no, depending on the context.

at lvl 15 remodel, it will transform them from AV to CVL which is a waste early in the game. so just remodel at 10,12, and 50.

also, see >>11423885
and >>11423879

>> No.11427286

Alright. Thanks, fellow teitoku.

>> No.11427346

Do we know the time for them?

>> No.11427356
File: 477 KB, 1000x1414, 38422808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the disliking for the earlier Chitose/Chiyoda remodelling, my Chitose Kai (LV 37) regularly takes MVP beating both my Akagi Kai (LV 43) and Soryu Kai (LV 34).
00:22:00 according to the Japanese wiki.

>> No.11427388
File: 239 KB, 515x600, 38592703_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11427391


Has anyone using a debit card received any free points? I successfully registered my debit card, but did not receive bonus points or any certificate in the process. I know that the campaign states credit card, but I got the impression that debit card is eligible for points as well. Should the free points be received instantaneously or is there a process?

>> No.11427404

And now we know what happens to all those scrapped Naka-chans

>> No.11427399

You have to redeem them in the screen where you buy points, I successfully did so with my debit card.
>not in glorious 1500x1747

>> No.11427426


Can you redeem it on the english site or just the japanese site?

>> No.11427429
File: 1.27 MB, 1500x1747, 38592703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not necessary for such horror, but okay.jpg

>> No.11427454

I did it! I did it before reaching lv50, I cleared 2-4! I only got A ranking against the boss but I don't care. Any advice for area 3?
I'm referring to the ポイント購入 button which you find in the game's page, it's only in Japanese afaik.
It's exactly necessary because of it.

>> No.11427460

Pretty much you could run through 3-1 with your 2-4 fleet. The problem is the 3-2, but well, nice farming spot.

How's your fleet for 2-4?

>> No.11427475


Got it, thanks fellow teitoku!

>> No.11427478

God damn, it feels so good to just go on a feeding frenzy when a ship reaches target remodel level. I've been struggling with 99/100 for so long trying to keep all the good stat gain ones.

>> No.11427485
File: 618 KB, 800x480, combined_fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty heavy on the bauxite... 2 CV, 1 CVL and 3 fast BBs, I'm going to remove one CV for the time being but I'm unsure about the substitute (it should be Haruna but she keeps hating me).
You're welcome.

>> No.11427529
File: 617 KB, 1574x945, ss (2013-09-18 at 04.18.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon who said I could probably clear up to 2-4 last thread, I just cleared 2-2 on first try, going to try 2-3 when I get my ships repaired

>> No.11427551

what's the correct order for aircrafts in equipments? Put the one with seemingly highest stats on slot with highest number?

>> No.11427562

Depends. I put fighters on the slot with the highest plane capacity if I wanted air superiority. If I just wanted maximum damage from bombing runs then I put torpedo bombers or dive bombers.

>> No.11427573

bombing run is the one done after recon, right?

>> No.11427579

Yes. But what I meant from the bombing runs here>>11427562 include the ones where your carriers attack in general. It was mentioned last time that it's more effective if you put more torpedo planes than dive bomber planes because they said that torpedo planes participate too in the phase where your carriers attack.

>> No.11427593

Blue planes kill ships dead. Green planes kill planes dead. Take one yellow plane to avoid red-text T message.

>> No.11427596

My setup is similar to yours when I cleared 2-2, except I'm using CVL. You'll probably need to upgrade your firepower for 2-4 but you should be able to get to 2-3 boss with that fleet.

>> No.11427598

but I only have greens, reds, and blues ?_? Should I try crafting some or what

>> No.11427607

>red-text T message
Failed detection? Those are reconnaissance planes, right? I putted one in Akagi's last slot.
Yep, you have to craft them, on the bright side you could end up getting better planes even if you don't get the yellow ones (I got only one and I crafted a LOT of planes, more than anything else).

>> No.11427606

Is there any benefits for air superiority other than allowing more bombers to attack the enemy ships?

Yellow is recon. The most sought after would be Saiun because it decreases the possibility of crossing the T with you being on the disadvantage.

>> No.11427615

Crossing the T, except you're the one getting the debuff.

>> No.11427616

Try crafting the yellow plane called the Saiun. It helps prevents the enemy from "crossing your T" though I don't know but when I had one, I noticed I kept crossing the T of the enemy so yeah it really helps if you have one. Put it on the slot with fewest planes. Recipe is if i remember correctly was 70/90/10/110
It just means fewer bombers will get through to bomb your ships.
Nope it just means your T has been crossed. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossing_the_T

>> No.11427635

In the wiki it listed as 30/60/10/ 120 for Saiun. Do you also need admiral lv 59 to actually even get the chance to craft one?

>> No.11427644

Nope. Lv20 should be enough for it. Just make sure you have an aircraft carrier as a secretary.

>> No.11427647

I followed the ones they said on the thread so it's up to you. And no you really don't need level 59, though it increases the chance of getting one. I got one when I was level 21 with a level 50-ish Akagi as my flagship.

>> No.11427651

There are few recipes for that. 20/60/10/110 or 70/90/60/110. Just put CV as your carrier and hope RNG benefits you.

>> No.11427663

as your *flagship

>> No.11427700
File: 215 KB, 1024x1233, 6a1154a5bcfaf830d206d8d0f07cc5c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I never used Kiso before and I found out she's also voiced by Sakura Ayane. This is same voice behind Shimakaze. mfw

>> No.11427719
File: 430 KB, 1573x943, ss (2013-09-18 at 05.15.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth it?

>> No.11427729

Yeah, she has higher everything except for atk.

>> No.11427743

any recommended farming area to prepare for 2-4?

>> No.11427748

The first spot in 2-4 should be doable enough for farming. Otherwise, 2-2.

>> No.11427753

Practice matches. Seriously, I'm slapping myself for not heeding the people here pertaining to practice matches. The first three on your match list should be able to give you quite substantial amount of exp provided they are using their main fleet or a high level ship. For the bottom two, use them to achieve sparkling status.

>> No.11427769

is it possible to do it more than 5 times a day?

>> No.11427773

2x5, since it's updated 3:00 and 15:00 JST

>> No.11427791

I want Sazanami so bad. I've been doing 30/30/30/30 crafts everyday for the quest, and farming 1-1 (despite being a level 70 admiral holy shit), but I just can't seem to get that one missing sister of Ushio, Oboro and Akebono. What the fuck Kancolle, just give me that common destroyer already.

>> No.11427794


>> No.11427800

Last sister syndrome. I've been looking for Ikazuchi ever since I've assembled her sisters since 1-3.

>> No.11427802 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 633x68, stuckgere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played for a while now but still couldn't get pass this one
"Deploy a torpedo squadron" - the wiki said

>> No.11427809

Put one light cruiser as your flagship and stuff the rest with destroyers. Then send them out to battle, not just sit there.

>> No.11427813

Same situation, but looking for Hibiki here.

>> No.11427817
File: 90 KB, 721x343, interior designan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any rich teitoku have pic related as their wallpaper? I'm thinking if I should buy it or not.

>> No.11427824

>Practice match
>Enemy's Ashigara surviving onslaught of BB fires in night battle.
And she has only 68 armour points. This is ridiculous.

>> No.11427835
File: 98 KB, 800x480, kancolle-random-1869821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, took down some decorations to give better overall view.

>> No.11427841

Ooi looks like she's holding a teapot or something.

>> No.11427845

Had a match where every ship of mine trumps the enemy in terms of firepower, level, and equipment. They get the most criticals, I only get to sink one ship. This has got to be the most bullshit RNG I've ever encountered, more so than the RNG in WoT can ever do.

>> No.11427876

I just got my first BB , Haruna, what is the best way and most economic to grind her level? solo in 1-1 or what?

>> No.11427883

Set her as flagship and play your highest unlocked maps as normal

>> No.11427896
File: 143 KB, 850x524, dat futon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll probably stick to my current wall for now. I wish I hated money enough to actually buy decor fairies. Or at least hope they give away some as prizes for the next event.

>> No.11427899

You can get one for free by registering credit card to DMM.

>> No.11427920

How the heck Fuso eat more steel than haruna?

>> No.11427925

Just look at her breasts

>> No.11427929

are you referring to the wikia?
since that article is not complete, it's better if you double-checked it against the jp wiki.

>> No.11427952

Anyone figure out the new expedition at world 5 yet?

>> No.11427976

space marine pauldrons needs more maintenance.

>> No.11427983

The japanese style wall sucks since it have those upper wooden beams, it collides with the window making it look weird.

>> No.11428015
File: 134 KB, 816x518, ss (2013-09-18 at 07.19.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn. Gave this a try with 250/30/200/30 and got Shimakaze and I-168 in my only two tries.

I can confirm that 22:00 minutes was indeed the build time for the sub.

Holy shit I must be lucky. I'm going to try it some more, see what else I can get.

>> No.11428021

I wonder what maps drop it, if any at all

>> No.11428034

Well, three more tries and nothing interesting. As expected, but still relatively disappointing.

Well, according to >>11426908, they should be drops too. We've just got to find them.

>> No.11428043

They drop at 2-3 boss and 3-3-1. Don't know which drops where.

>> No.11428054

Kantai Collection Light Novel announced


>> No.11428066

So far the reports are only I-168. Still unknown for I-58

>> No.11428068

Thanks for good news anon.

Now we just need to wait for KC to become animation in foreseeable future

>> No.11428071

According to Japanese wiki, I-58 drops at boss in 4-1/4-2.

In 4-3, it has report that drops at normal field - right bottom corner but this needs more reports tho.

>> No.11428076

who did you use as your secretary ?

>> No.11428083

Got I-58 with 250/30/250/30, commander lvl59 and secretary as lvl70 kitakami.

Guess 58 and 168 shares same recipe

>> No.11428085

tried it and got KTKM-sama and Ooi.
i'm happy since its the first time i got it.

>> No.11428087

What flaship should I use if I want a sub? Destroyer? Cruiser?

>> No.11428091

Flagship does NOT matter on crafting ships.

>> No.11428099
File: 379 KB, 1465x2073, 38556272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ひええ!( ^ω^)
>Hiei language class
Oh Hiei, you crazy girl.

>> No.11428103

I had Chiyoda. I'm pretty sure secretaries don't matter for ship crafting though.

>> No.11428129
File: 310 KB, 500x668, 38473185_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her "Hiiieeeeeee" when she takes a big hit.

I don't love the repair bill afterwards though.

>> No.11428130

Did they remove one of the nodes in 2-4? There's a junction in 2-4 along the NW route that I keep skipping.

>> No.11428133

That node has always been like that. You can get lucky and skip it sometimes.

>> No.11428134
File: 73 KB, 975x750, 38585278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The false alarm node? It's always been like that.

>> No.11428136

how does cannon work? Is it simply additive or there's more to it (orders, types, combinations, etc)?

>> No.11428137


>> No.11428142
File: 83 KB, 786x504, AboutFuckingTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, alright. Managed to break through 2-4 despite going through that route; I managed to sink every ship except the flagship and was very tempted to risk a night battle but I decided to go against it. I was lucky enough to get the team I had now, no good if I let them sink.

>> No.11428144
File: 2.26 MB, 2000x1250, 38331124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to do 3-2 without Shimakaze/Yukikaze? I've been trying all week and the RNG Goddess has not smiled upon me.

>> No.11428148

My A-team is almost identical to yours, except I'm still using Akagi from the quest reward. Kaga or Zuikaku, come to me!

>> No.11428150

Time to summon the legendary Fubukikaze.

>> No.11428149

As long as the fleet is composed with destroyers, it should take you to the boss.

>> No.11428159
File: 396 KB, 795x496, okay1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up going into night battle myself where mutsu proceeded to one shot the enemy flagship

It was risky

>> No.11428180

Really? When i tried crafting Battleships with a Heavy cruiser as flagship i never got one, only heavy cruisers. Then i switched to Ise and got Kongou classes, and Mutsu.

>> No.11428182
File: 724 KB, 1357x718, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so jealous. I don't know why but I have trouble passing with this team. RNG gods hates me.

>> No.11428191

You have some rare planes?

>> No.11428192

That should actually suffice, bad luck on crits? Then again, luck does matter, I crossed the T with 2-4 boss with me on the advantage and I still got some major casualty.

>> No.11428200

I have a whole bunch of Tenzan and Suisei on every carrier. They don't seem to do a lot of damage though. Only Kaga has Saiun.

To be fair, I only try 2-4 twice a day because of long repair times and huge materials consumption.

>> No.11428216

Go check jp wiki's reports.


Only amounts and ratios of those resources affect the result.

And luck.

>> No.11428243

>not going full senkan

>> No.11428255

And I got my 5th Kirishima from 3-1's boss, but still no Haruna. Sigh.

>> No.11428260
File: 333 KB, 432x1200, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, Kongou. I even built you. And you still won't come to me. 2 months now.

>> No.11428263

You need to build 1/350 in order to get Kongou-chan.

>> No.11428273

Just get her at 3-1 dude.

>> No.11428298

It's the support fleet expedition like how it was in the event. You send a fleet on that expedition and depending on the RNG goddess' mood, the support fleet may help you during battles.

>> No.11428307

So you can send your 2nd best fleet out on that expedition and there's a chance they might show up all REINFORCEMENTS HAVE ARRIVED when you're fighting a boss?

This is pretty awesome.

>> No.11428312

So I think I'm having a sudden streak of luck, getting a bunch of battleships. I farmed until all my ships are exhausted but all I got are repeats of what I already have ;_;

>> No.11428314

During the event, there were two expeditions. One for boss battle and one for other battles. There's only one expedition now, and it doesn't seem to specify boss battle or other battles, so I'm guessing yes, the fleet will help you in the boss battle as well.

The thing is, while you're still paying for the supply of the support fleet while not earning anything from the expedition itself. Also, the accuracy of the support fleet isn't that great. Give it a try (minimum 2 destroyers required on support fleet), and decide for yourself whether it's worth it.

>> No.11428316

What are the "suggested requirements" for 3-2? Is it fine if I use the same fleet of 2-4 (between lv 36-46)? I read that you need destroyers to reach the boss, just one is enough?

>> No.11428321

As far as I know Destroyers only will reach the boss whether its 1 or 6

>> No.11428323

Fleet has to be composed only with destroyers (1~6). Just 2 should do the job if you have lvl 50+ destroyers with a few tries. Average 30 with 5~6 destroyers, I'd say. It's mostly luck, as the node before the boss has battleship(s?) and they can bring destroyers to reds in one hit.

>> No.11428327

Thanks for the explanation, it's going to take quite some time to get a fleet of lv.30 destroyers, my level 22 Hibiki is the closest one... One more question: is the northern part of 3-2 better than 3-1 to farm?

>> No.11428332

Yes. You can do the grind in the first node and then use the next steel node (max 150 steel) to get resources as well. Just refresh/reconnect the game after the steel node.

>> No.11428339

are you sure the refresh thing actually works? I was with my friend the other day and told him about it. He tired it as couple times while i was there and he never got to keep the steel.

>> No.11428344

You know what? I never actually checked the numbers to see if steel really increased. Give me a moment.

>> No.11428346

I think closing browser doesn't add rewards from green spot in that way.
Would you show us your 50k steel?

>> No.11428357
File: 2.14 MB, 800x1440, It works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go. It works.

>> No.11428358

I've been doing it this entire morning.

>> No.11428376

huh. Thats odd because it definitely wasnt working when I was watching him do it. When I finally unlock 3-2 ill give it a try myself.

>> No.11428379

For some reason I can't ever remember if my sub attacks during day battle. Do midget subs prevent them from attacking or something? I've tried normal torpedo equips too but I can never remember somehow.

>> No.11428384

They only do torpedo attacks; initial, post-shelling and night battle.

>> No.11428392

If your sub is level 10 or higher they'll do initial attack regardless of whether they have midget sub equipped or not.

>> No.11428395

Oh, that would make sense. I've had my I-168 get MVP before in daytime only, but never seem to fire anything.

>> No.11428492

Has anyone discovered which map do 伊168 and 伊58 drop?
I know it's 3-ish, but official Twitter said it could also drop in a map before 2-4.

>> No.11428543
File: 93 KB, 1344x858, ss (2013-09-18 at 08.49.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screen just popped and i don't know what it means.

Someone can help ?

>> No.11428544

168 drops at 3-3-1, and other 3-x fields.

58 drops at boss in 4-1/4-2. For 4-3, some folks say it drop at field but this needs more report.

>> No.11428567
File: 698 KB, 1680x1050, 7th moe fleet Teikoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace paint and powder with steel and bauxite and its perfect

>> No.11428574

"Stop the daughteru's repair. Y/N?"
How did you even get that to come up?

>> No.11428585


>> No.11428587

Dunno, just switched tab to read this thread and when I came back the screen was here.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.11428593 [DELETED] 

I think that might be the same screen people have gotten from clicking buttons hidden in the left margin of the game when it's sized improperly.
Not sure how you could get it just by switching tabs though.

>> No.11428595

DMM finally let me hate my money, spent $5 to buy an extra dock when combined with the free points. Then it triggered a fraudulent charge warning on my CC and I had to go through some bullshit to prove I was me. Fucking foreign transactions.

Boy I had the best set of practice battles today; lone Mutsu, lone Ikazuchi, lone Arashio, 2 subs, only one fairly easy full fleet. Good thing since I blew it and missed the previous set while I was busy with the CC bullshit.

>> No.11428604

I think that might be the same screen people have gotten from clicking buttons hidden in the left margin of the repair screen when it's sized improperly.
Not sure how you could get it just by switching tabs though.

>> No.11428621

Just built Imuya from 250/30/250/30 After about 4 tries. Cool beans.

>> No.11428731

What is her build time?

>> No.11428733

22 minutes.

>> No.11428736



>> No.11428761
File: 148 KB, 670x502, 38486019_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the meantime, I have 2 spare Kongous waiting to be fed to worthy ships.

>> No.11428773

What is that?

>> No.11428777


>> No.11428799

I can't quite read the word, but I think it may be wasabi.

>> No.11428858

Personally I'm reading "ka", like Custard.
Salty custard in tea can explain this devilish face I think.

On a unrelated note, I just got my first Ooi. It's going to be a long way until she catch up on my lv88 KTKM.

>> No.11428866

Wouldn't that be considered as an abuse?
You might get banned...

>> No.11428872
File: 199 KB, 799x471, noyukikazeclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went 4 tries at the 250/30/200/30 today.

First 2 was 59 minutes, 2nd pair was this.

Life sucks.

>> No.11428903

Given that it can be legit actions like disconnecting from the server (which happens a LOT), I doubt the admin will be catching on unless it really becomes a serious problem.

>> No.11428915
File: 104 KB, 534x392, maybe_tomorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11428927

I'm sure they can see you disconnecting/reconnecting alot.
You're probably stressing their server.

>> No.11428971

I did 15 attempts at it today

I should have packed it up when I didn't get anything the first 3 times

I just kept believing that she is coming

>> No.11429277
File: 257 KB, 600x706, 38474793_big_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, according to http://www56.atwiki.jp/kancolle/pages/16.html,
the two new expeditions doesn't actually yield any rewards, but the fleet you send out would appear to provide assisting fire when you're doing the world 5 maps?

>> No.11429284


>> No.11429383
File: 374 KB, 800x480, I-168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at 250/130/200/30, secretary is Hiei, my teitoku level is 42.

>> No.11429407
File: 329 KB, 800x480, i168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How coincidence! Me too! Except it's my 6th tries. ;_;
Teitoku Level 23. Inazuma secretary.

>> No.11429419

Do i need to clear both 3rd and 4th map to get the 5th or just the 4th?

>> No.11429422
File: 9 KB, 125x182, like my soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe before admiral level 70.

>> No.11429549
File: 488 KB, 802x477, 250-30-200-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesssss. Based RNG Gods, thank you~ ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

>> No.11429580

Congratulations teitoku, treat her well.

>> No.11429658

I-168 off a 4-1 drop

>> No.11429742

Looks like it's time to bring the spare BBs out to play. Will aircraft carriers support as well?

>> No.11429744
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1248744961222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering a KC gaming session comprise of at least a hundred connect/disconnect, i doubt it.

thank god it's not mayonnaise.

>> No.11429771

Just got the armor piercing round after going for triply 46cm guns, but it seems the Kongo sisters are unable to equip this type? I haven't obtained any other battleships yet apart from a rather rubbish one who's in my 2nd fleet.

>> No.11429787

Kongou-class are the only BB that cannot equip the round.
i usually equip it on Nagato or Fuso.

>> No.11429796

First Goya in the thread! Grats.

2 destroyers (required) + 2 light carriers seemed to have a good value (and was recommended on atwiki) during the event, but I don't know if it's still the same.

>> No.11429808

About the money hating guide, i need to turn on my VPN for all steps except my.dmm.co.jp credit card info page (which will fail with VPN), rather confusing... I think all dmm page start with "www" will block non-Japanese IP no matter what it is

>> No.11429841 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1220x2740, mosaic749136d3555ebefc6e7410da6d4146a619738e5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Akagi takes my dock repair site.

>> No.11429846

Damn, guess I'll need to attempt to craft more BBs.

My will to play has dropped though, the grind is increasing and I'm not even past level 30 on my ships.

>> No.11429852

Is grinding like, the whole premise of MMOG?

>> No.11429871
File: 356 KB, 1581x953, ohyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky you. I spent about 10k steel, and I finally got my first submarine.

>> No.11429872

>Ayane Sakura ships

>> No.11429873
File: 142 KB, 550x504, 1374884567353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the grind is increasing
that's your problem.

>> No.11429883

Pretty much, but it's a habit I can't quite quit.

>> No.11429916
File: 766 KB, 804x479, 3-2H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3-2H is suffering. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where I'm willing to make sacrifices...

>> No.11429923

Whoops. I meant F, not H. Derp.

>> No.11429940

Note: the ship doesn't represent individual ship, but the whole class. So, yeah.

>> No.11429943
File: 114 KB, 742x446, ss (2013-09-18 at 09.23.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 4th sister has finally appeared!

>> No.11429966
File: 1.46 MB, 1220x2740, 1379552271114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just put Vividbutt Red there and call it a day? Child Yozora doesn't really count as a proper role. Also Kurousagi is fine but skipping over Zombie Haruna or Nymph is kind of unfortunate.

>> No.11429984

I really wonder who on earth thought 3-2F was a good idea, whoever it was couldn't possibly be a good person.
I'm considering pushing on like this since it's my only run so far that hasn't left me hearing the screams of half my fleet. I'd feel so horrible but a the same time, I could finally get 3-2 over and done with and never have to see the lower half of it again.

>> No.11429991
File: 51 KB, 307x268, 3-F hurts my heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.11429995
File: 483 KB, 1577x950, submarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now how do I abuse my submarine-chan? Stick her as flagship and make her sortie by herself over and over?

>> No.11429994

>Complaining about 3-2
Wait until 3-4 and the critting battleships of suffering.

>> No.11430023
File: 255 KB, 415x683, seriouslymanwhatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to get me some submarines.

>> No.11430056
File: 1.17 MB, 1225x2750, mosaic8848168e2b07a1bf5821ed6181a31962c1bf0e41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initially I want to put Marii, but when I saw her, I just put her without re-checking. My bad.

Wish there's no 36-pic limit for this mosaic. Damn.

>> No.11430076

Almost all of my crafts today have resulted in Tenryu. Incredibly disheartening.

>> No.11430106
File: 337 KB, 500x698, fccfe4a81a06a2cd057c7a37759d8600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do I start getting bombers and the ability to deal with enemy planes. Just hit 2-1 and by luck or something I haven't seen any and wondering if I missed something.

>> No.11430122

Get Chitose/Chiyoda to clear seaplane tender formation mission first. Then clear your way to Akagi mission.

Or just craft CV, at early level your luck might summon Shoukaku or Zuikaku.

>> No.11430128
File: 555 KB, 1466x880, ss (2013-09-19 at 04.03.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hit 2-1 too and the only attack planes I got are from my remodeled Chitose and from some random craft.

>> No.11430178

Try reading a wiki.

>> No.11430225

>how do i found recipes

>> No.11430256

i dont get it

>> No.11430260

Voice actors, dude.

>> No.11430265
File: 52 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Now need one more level for Ooicchi to complete my hyper torpedo cruisers.

>> No.11430338

Not him, but I don't get what Kirino's supposed to represent there amongst the kanmusus

>> No.11430340
File: 73 KB, 801x501, Screenshot_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And few sorties of 2-3 after that. Though I want my little subs, getting her is also an excellent gift.

>> No.11430351

Yamato is voiced by her.

>> No.11430363

Deductive reasoning is pretty difficult. It's okay, anon.

All of my jealousy. Grats, Admiral.

>> No.11430430

Oh, well fuck that formatting then. After 8 consecutive lines of anime character + 3 kanmusu I assumed it was supposed to be a joke that some tsundere kanmusu = Kirino but the same voice as Shoukaku and Yamato, and I was trying to guess which one it was.

>> No.11430454
File: 95 KB, 490x378, Clipboard07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so useless? Will she get better?

>> No.11430461

Seems they now open more slots per lottery. 10k slots for today, and maybe later openings.

>> No.11430464

Well, she's one of the best light cruisers. If you don't find her to be good, then light cruisers aren't for you, admiral.

>> No.11430466

Can't wait to hear how Ayana Taketatsu will try to voice Musashi. Wonder if she'd still be on the job for Shinano, too.

>> No.11430469
File: 37 KB, 519x271, Kita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11430472

am I doing it wrong?

>> No.11430482
File: 92 KB, 470x366, kuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll get much better. Same stats but kuma has 1 less hp.

>> No.11430481

Max her firepower and armour. 69 firepower is pretty decent against all but battleships.

>> No.11430503

Fuck, I meant to reply to >>11430454

>> No.11430508

no ships to feed her with ;_;

>> No.11430524


They're banning bots and macros?

>> No.11430527

If that anon who was stuck in loading hell is still here. I found myself there. I hope my VPN swapping to put in 10 bucks didn't get me banned as a bot.

>> No.11430589
File: 156 KB, 800x480, RNG plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RNG goddess please... ;_;
C rank on 4-3 boss from my battleships all throwing misses.

Nagara has more HP than Kuma.

>> No.11430621 [DELETED] 

> kuma has 1 less hp.
> less
welp, I read that wrong. 3-4 has exhausted me.

>> No.11430623

>>11430589 (You)
> 4-3 boss
3-4 boss*

> kuma has 1 less hp.
> less
welp, I read that wrong. 3-4 has exhausted me.

>> No.11430636
File: 232 KB, 881x524, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haruna decides to go and get critted
>Another unsuccessful 3-4 run
>Get ready to return to base
>See this
Girly scream.

But seriously, I hate 3-4.

>> No.11430651
File: 59 KB, 798x479, I-168 get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I wish I get a sub."
Oh hey it worked.

>> No.11430660

Is there something i'm missing or all you do here is click the cookie? If yes why is everyone obsessed with this?

>> No.11430663

I got one using the 250/30/200/30 on my first try today. Though I don't know if increasing resources will increase the chance

>> No.11430661

Subs for everyone!

I can go for a sub right now actually.

>> No.11430667

30 steel failed for me yesterday with 5 tries. I tried 130 today once and bam, Imuya get. RNG Goddess is tricky to please.

>> No.11430670

30 ammo*

>> No.11430677
File: 281 KB, 800x800, 38096658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11430678

I'm finally done with 3-2, I felt like a monster when I decided to continue after F with Fubuki in red health for the fifth run in a row, but in the final battle only one ship targeted her and that was a miss so she survived.
I think I should treat her better since she's been with me since I started playing, maybe I should level her up more as an apology for risking her like that.

>> No.11430682 [DELETED] 

It was like that for me actually too yesterday. 3 times failed using standard recipe so I decided maybe tomorrow and today I got her.

>> No.11430700

It was also like that yesterday too so I said "maybe tomorrow" and today, well I got her.
Please don't do that next time as I lost the very first ship I crafted, Inazuma in a similar way
Though I "got her back" now.

>> No.11430706
File: 250 KB, 799x502, East2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to do 2-4 today to level grind my unit. My fleet keeps performing well and one node left of reaching the boss. Decided to push forward to have a feel of boss battle but got sent East. At least they did really well on the map and got myself a Hyuuga. Good job girls.

>> No.11430714

>to have a feel of boss battle
With those levels, you may probably feel the feeling of losing a ship
Level them some more especially Hiei

>> No.11430730

I already know I will never do it again, I horrible that whole round and was incredibly happy when she survived to the torpedo phase since their fleet had been weakened enough that they couldn't use any, and I had already gotten enough of them down to ensure my B rank.

>> No.11430733

Can they die even at green? They were in top condition and keep doing crit against the enemies before the boss node. I figured out why not.

I have confident I won't lose any ship though I'm expecting some heavy damage. I won't really dare if one of them at yellow health.

>> No.11430740

> Can they die even at green?
though it's rare, yes.

>> No.11430746

I started to become very cautious when this >>11430700 happened as my ship was in the green condition, is 16 levels higher than the enemy in question, has a high evasion rate and is still fresh as it was her first sortie. So considering even a high level gap can still put your ship in danger, level up your ships as the 2-4 boss are battleship heavy and RNG has a tendency to go for ships that are easy to sink so your Hiei will be critted to hell if ever you got into the boss battle with that level.

>> No.11430751

This was cause by hidden fatigue right? I did this map with clean fatigue state.

>> No.11430759

I don't think so. IIRC, the admiral sho lost his Chiyoda (RIP) had no fatigue built up on her.

>> No.11430762
File: 157 KB, 436x375, rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The horror, the horror.

>> No.11430767

Kongo is fine, nothing valuable is lost

>> No.11430784

I understand the danger on Hiei but will she at least able to crit first before getting crit to hell? Is it possible to do it with my fleet or not with the exception of Hiei? This is the question I want to get answered.

I know that admiral. I learned from him to be careful too. Is the ship really fresh from the get go upon starting the mission or is it green but did at least one sortie before directly deploying her for the other one that sunk her?

I need to check that post again.

>> No.11430791

day 8 and still no Naka in sight ;_;

>> No.11430803
File: 81 KB, 301x314, naka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11430813
File: 155 KB, 852x515, misplaced luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to get Sub-chan from daily building quest
>Abukuma, Yukikaze, Takao, ANOTHER Abukuma

RNG is clearly just fucking with me now.

>> No.11430818

i hope you die in a horrible death.

>> No.11430816


>> No.11430819


>> No.11430820

The question is, do you want to risk Hiei or not? Sure she can get the 1st crit but even if it's a critical, will that be enough to sink the enemy battleship? Not all criticals are one shot kills since it's just a critical after all. As for the rest of your fleet, a lot of anons have said the average level required to at least clear 2-4 boss is 35. Akagi is just 36, expect her to get critted on some part of the battle. Yamashiro may do fine but I don't trust her very low luck. Haruna, Kongo and Takao are out of question; levels are too low. Like I said, level them up at least to their 30s and 40s to be on the safe side. Heck, my fleet consists of level 60, 57, 39, 39, 40, 33 and I haven't even dared to go for the boss yet.

>> No.11430838

At first I was saving my resources because I only had two reasons to do 250/30/200/30 but now I have four! Going to save up after tomorrow's dailies and consider crafting then.

>> No.11430867

same problem here, stuck at ship loading.

>> No.11430878
File: 1.35 MB, 750x3000, 38571184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty nice. Like someone mentioned way back when the event was going on, it'll take out a good portion of the enemy fleet, if not, heavily damage them. Very useful. They managed to take out a Flagship BB in the first node. Still, I'm pretty bitter since I came into the last battle with 100 ships. That's what I get for not checking beforehand. I probably wouldn't have gotten Yugumo without an S anyways.

>> No.11430889

Try chrome. Suddenly tonight firefox stopped working for me.

>> No.11430903

I'm aware of the risk on Hiei, that's why I decided to push on, I'm already expected horrible things for her the moment I'm going for the boss node. Even if its not the boss Hiei still have chances of getting crit looking at how far I have gone in that map which actually happened. Yes, 'm expecting crits from the boss, I'm expecting losses even. Thing is my fleet is doing too well I decided to just go for the boss meaning, none of the getting hit for high damage, Hiei is in full health and everyone is somehow firing crit on enemy even Yamashiro. There's this gut feeling telling me that its okay to push forward, there are chances of lost but it does;t mean zero chance winning. The risks are just higher.

And yes, I'm aware of the average level, getting armor really high or full and ship at remodel for higher chance of winning against the boss.

>> No.11430986
File: 1.34 MB, 2500x4000, 38548404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denying Akagi her snack

Damnit admirals, you're suppose to care for your daughters.

>> No.11431004

He's gonna need some bauxite for those planes now.

>> No.11431008
File: 157 KB, 797x479, 2-4breakthrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you guys bully the unlucky sisters so much. They were the only ones not in the red after I broke through 2-4. Plus, Yamashiro is very cute and I want to marry her

>> No.11431009
File: 538 KB, 1098x1500, 37043847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh new teitokus. I was like you once, not hating Naka-chan.

How you would learn.

>> No.11431015

My BBs just love to miss everything important in 3-4, I should probably get back to work when it comes to getting radars for everyone.
Good radars make my resources cry when I try to craft them.

>> No.11431027
File: 397 KB, 450x963, 38585283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad, she doesn't want to marry you.

Fuso and Yamashiro were part of my 2-4 breakthrough team, both of whom manage an astounding 0 hits in the final fight despite the best weapons I could give them and maxed out firepower. Their low firepower cap really hurt their performance.

>> No.11431031
File: 257 KB, 1012x716, 38573938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Siscons, unite.

>> No.11431039

Too many misses on my Fuso and Yamashiro even if they had 46cms, 15.5cms and an AP ammo made me consider to drop them for my 2-4 breakthrough fleet. And their low luck made me think they're gonna get critted to hell and I don't wanna risk losing a ship again.

>> No.11431041

Lv. 43 and I haven't gotten Naka in a while, actually. I'm getting tons of Yura though.

>> No.11431044

but now of course it's freezing when I go into battle.

>> No.11431046
File: 498 KB, 1152x720, 38193090_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would require a picture featuring the ENTIRE CAST of Kancolle.

>> No.11431049
File: 350 KB, 1150x1200, 38587814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't stuck, but it was taking at least 6 times longer than usual to load shit.
And when characters talk their voice sometimes breaks up mid-sentence.

>> No.11431063
File: 308 KB, 965x1441, Aria Company 2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, the compass decided to take us east when I decided to bench Akagi(52) after several sorties heading west. We were all green and criting everything that moved just before the boss node. Swapping Hiei proved to be risky as she got crited to red immediately by the enemy flagship. It was supposed to be only Hiei that was damaged but I stupidly misclicked night battle instead so they got revenge shots at the other three.

>> No.11431082

>>Kongo unhurt
>>Hiei heavily damaged

>> No.11431131
File: 139 KB, 929x398, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bloody close. Entered with Kirishima critted from the last battle and went to night with Ise critted in the day. Goddess of Torpedos saved the day taking out the heavy cruiser before it could night wreck me.

I'm so glad I don't have to do this map anymore.

>> No.11431145

seeing as most of my craft and drop are CA and BB, i don't really have a 2-4-11 problem.

>> No.11431167

For an expedition that requires only 4 ships, should I still send 6 ships in full sparkle to get 100% chance of better loots?

>> No.11431174

Also, what manner of sorcery is it that let those enemy carriers attack at night?

You'll get the same amount. Just send the minimum in sparkle.

>> No.11431240

Is there any reason why Hiryuu's & Zuikaku's luck is much higher than other CVs? Both of them didn't survive WW2, right?

>> No.11431264

Last to go down in Midway and last major Japanese CV to go down.

>> No.11431277

Huh, okay. That's a bit disappointing. Even Junyou's luck is only 30.

>> No.11431344

Cleared my cache, it fixed it.

>> No.11431357

Damn, I was too tired to think straight and forgot to not continue a map I was on. It was just basic training for my destroyers and sub in 1-3. but most everyone got damaged and I was supposed to quit. Lost track of what I was doing and continued to the next area absentmindedly. I only noticed once the battle was underway and pulled the plug, but I guess it was too late. I restarted and it turned out I had lost Imuya like I feared, and I just got her today too. I wasn't even there when she died, never got to see her last moments or anything. And now I'm wide awake and can't even feel sad because of an argument with my brother. I'm sorry Imuya, I must be one of the worst teitoku.

>> No.11431377


I lost Oborou and Hatsuharu due to same mistake. And due to the stupid idea 'these ships can't possibly sink!' Haven't gotten any of those since.

RNG goddess doesn't want to bless me with a sub either, just tamas, nakas, kakos and myoukous.

>> No.11431379

My condolences.
Equip the new girls with the emergency repair kit and stay at 1-1 or 1-2 when training them below level 5. Alternatively, make her hitch some short expeditions like #2, 3, 5 or 6 as long as she's not in the way of a successful run.

>> No.11431388

bringing her to practice isn't a bad idea too.
My lv1 kaga just got her tenth level with the 5 practice, as flagship.

>> No.11431389

Lost my Inazuma due to that too (I "got her back" though).
Even 1-2 isn't that safe since that's where for the first time I lost a ship due to a torpedo run.

>> No.11431404
File: 245 KB, 532x750, Ikazuchi surviving a sortie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the AFK'd guy has only has a level 1 flagship with nothing else. I hope they field a minimum of 20/30 levels.

I lost my starter Inazuma too but from a boss, I got her back immediately.

>> No.11431410

A few fleet related questions:
Should I remove Ooi (kai) until I get a 甲標的?
Is Isuzu really just good for the free radar at lvl 12?
Should I just go for lots of Battleships and Carriers? CLs/CAs and even my CVL feel week.

Last question kind of unrelated: what do the numbers next to planes mean on the equipment screen? (like (24) Type 0 Carrier Fighter Model 52, the 24)

>> No.11431417

What angers me is that my Inazuma was sunk by a torpedo from a grunt level 1 CL. Inazuma was level 17 too and had a good evasion rate and isn't even fatigued. But oh well I got her back and guess I'll just train her again from scratch once I clear 2-4.

>> No.11431427

It happens but in very low chances. Guess it was an unlucky day. This is the only indicator we have if someone has fatigue that can turn orange or even red during sortie when you see it blinking.

>> No.11431429
File: 2 KB, 267x25, tea time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.11431431

I levelled my Akatsukis and other destroyers by forcing them to do expeditions constantly until they're all level 20.

>> No.11431433

I never had that button appear on me though. Or maybe I just missed it. But I don't know I never encountered it.

>> No.11431436

Where's a good place to grind buckets?

>> No.11431439

You Should get the midget sub pretty easily with a chitose sister.
Without it, she can still help in the torpedo turn but won't make amazing damage prior to.

Isuzu is pretty helpful at the start of the game because she get high values from the start, even if her caps aren't as good as others.
Her radar is outdated the same way later on, but its a nice early equip.

>> No.11431441

Ctrl + f

>> No.11431442

If or when I "get her back" I feel like I'll end up training her hard to become a pure killing machine out of some kind of malice.

I was the one who got her and Shimakaze at the same time. It almost felt like they were twins or something, so it feels like I lost something doubly important. Nothing can replace that. She's also the first ship I've ever lost. It's just terrible.

Still don't believe that mid-sortie fatigue theory. It just feels like it's some other factor.

You need a special item for that button to appear. It's only obtainable from certain one-time quests and through the cash shop.

>> No.11431446

2nd expedition. 2 buckets / hour if you're lucky enough.

>> No.11431449

Ah, no wonder I still don't have it; I haven't cleared that formation quest yet.
Inazuma was the first ship I crafted. I'll just pretend that some other fleet picked her up on that island on 1-2 where she was sunk and was returned, and I have to craft a new weapon systems for her (since I "got her back" from crafting)

>> No.11431463
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what'll happen if I send this team to expedition as is?

>> No.11431471

Too many ship > wasted fuel and ammo
The red damaged Sendai sister might make it fail too

>> No.11431477
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>> No.11431490
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I'm still not sure about Isuzu. She has a really good anti-air stat but other than that I don't really see the point in keeping her.

I haven't found a Chitose sister yet, still looking hard.

I just beat 1-4 with this fleet. What ships should I be looking for to make it better?

>> No.11431492

A CV, a CVL or a couple of BBs for you to prepare on area 2

>> No.11431501

2-1 becomes a hurdle and would send most of your ships straight to the docks. Grind the first node until you get more levels. I remember clearing 2-2 and 2-3 immediately in one try each while 2-1 took me several attempts.

>> No.11431534
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Been meaning to ask: What does the number beside each plane mean?

>> No.11431546

my guess says number of planes

>> No.11431556

Somehow I blew through 1-4, 2-1, and 2-2 in succession before 2-3 dropped me cold. Then again, that's probably because 1-4 walled me and I spent time grinding before my run.

I really don't mind when my opponent brings a joke team. I'm about to sparkle a bunch of destroyers off a level one Naka.

I mean, a lone level forty carrier is cool and all, but my expedition team can't always sink something like that during the day and night rush fatigue kills the shine.

>> No.11431568

I lied, I do mind. Isuzu got the one hit sure kill, but nobody got any EXP out of it and nobody but her got the sparkles. Well, fuck.

>> No.11431584

I double lied, I don't actually mind. My mistake was sending the fleet to practice right after returning from expedition so that the +1 didn't counteract the -1 they get from expedition return or whatever the fuck it is, it didn't have anything to do with the +0 EXP.

>> No.11431601
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Finally, after around 20+ tries of 250/30/200/30.

Now I can stop screaming "Where's muh subs?" while playing this game.

>> No.11431602

Hi I am not sure of setting up my CV. I noticed that ppl recommend to put 1 green, 2 blue and last red.

While I get better initial torpedos, my shelling stage with red is a lot weaker. I feel that if my initial torpedos miss, i am in deepshit since my shelling isnt doing anything later on.

Is my understanding wrong?

Strongest blue is tianshen and ryuusei (blue) and the strongest red I have is comet.

>> No.11431634

I never had any problems with only putting 1 dive bomber plane. Heck, if there are no enemy CVs lurking around, I'd put 3 divisions of torpedo bombers then 1 dive bomber or 2 divisions of dive bombers and torpedo bombers. I'd usually crit the enemy using that setup during the shelling phase. Even during the initial bomb run, it's only the dive bombers who often miss but my torpedo bombers would usually find and hit their targets. Combine that with an upgraded Kitakami and I'd usually leave the most of the ships of the enemy heavily damaged or 3-5 of them sunk already

>> No.11431643

Can I know the logic behind putting red planes like saiun in the last slot where its usually the lowest plane number?

>> No.11431648

Saiun is yellow for recon, and it doesn't attack, only prevents you getting T-crossed.

>> No.11431659

This >>11431648
and also someone in the thread or in the past threads that torpedo bombers (blue planes) also participate in the shelling phase and does more damage than dive bombers (red planes) do. Plus dive bombers if I remember correctly only gives a fixed amount of damage done while torpedo bombers does generally more damage the more numerous they are. I've done some practice runs using it and did found that the damage done through shelling and torpedo bomb runs went significantly higher when I put more torpedo planes than when I put more dive bomber planes.

>> No.11431663

How about the yellow turret on some BBs?

>> No.11431666

Dual purpose guns. Generally can also act as a main gun and AA gun

>> No.11431675

ಠ_ಠ mfw I get excited when the server list shows up, only to realize that it did that because all 10,000 spots were taken and all the servers are full.

>> No.11431676
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The big difference comes down to bauxite usage. As some anon mentioned before, dive bombers are less damaging but harder to drop while torp bombers hit hard but more prone to getting killed.

>> No.11431701
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>>2nd ship

>> No.11431708

Is flagship still unsinkable?

>> No.11431712


>> No.11431714

Nice. I guess I can tease my sub a bit.

>> No.11431791

Is there a specific map where to farm enemy transport / supply ship for quest?

>> No.11431809

see http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/11363615/#11368433

>> No.11431851

Why is horizontal (reduced evasion) suitable for bosses compared to other formations?

I tried it earlier and the 2-4 boss just devastated my 2 CV, 1 CA and 2 BB.

>> No.11431856

Vertical (1st formation) increase firepower, horizontal increase evasion. You need firepower more when facing boss fleet, since you need to sink their ships to win against them.

>> No.11431866
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Ops sorry I was referring to vertical yes.

The problem for my CV, it seems that their torpedo planes are not really good (not much damage vs boss) without the air formation. Should I switch them to red planes to compensate? They seem like dead weights during boss battle.

>> No.11431887

I never had problems with the standard formation. My CVs and CVL barely gets hit using that formation though having a high level helps seeing as my CV and CVL were 62 and 59 respectively.
As for planes see >>11431659
Oh and level your CV some more so they won't get hit often

>> No.11431889

For 2-4 boss, either ring formation or single line, depending on your fleet. I used the former when I finished that map because my fleet was carrier-heavy (2 CVs + 1 CVL).

For planes, I loaded them with more greens and reds plus one Saiun. One anon mentioned that blue planes are weaker against AA compared to reds, and seems that's the case for me.

>> No.11431907
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Fellow admirals, good luck in practice match.

>> No.11431938

>Lv6 flagship
why would you do that?

>> No.11431950

Releasing my anger against RNG.

>> No.11432204

How do you beat 4-3?

>> No.11432292

Kill the boss.

>> No.11432324
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>> No.11432325

I can't reach the boss, I got demolished by the node before it.

>> No.11432364

4-3's before boss is piss easy compared to 3-4 before boss.

>> No.11432378

Do you make sure you have air superiority?

>> No.11432431

My fleet composition is Ise, Hinata, 2 CVLs. ktkm and ooi.
The 2 CVL along with ktkm and ooi keeps attacking the lone sub in vain.

>> No.11432457

Anon, that was a bad choice of materials you used for her skin. She looks really sickly.

>> No.11432478

Ise-class is weaker in terms of firepower, do you have any Kongou-class at least?
>The 2 CVL along with ktkm and ooi keeps attacking the lone sub in vain.
I think the current system is any ASW-capable ships will target subs first.

>> No.11432503
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Holy shit, this battle had me on the edge of the seat. Entered night battle with Yamashiro already dead, and 3 enemy battleships including flagship alive. No-one takes my ship's life and lives on to tell about it.
I don't really like the Fuso sisters anyway.

>> No.11432520

>sunk level 15 Yamashiro
Yep, no surprise there considering it looks like you just took on 2-4 boss. I don't know whether I should congratulate you for clearing it or offering my condolences for your loss.
I do feel really sorry for Yamashiro though

>> No.11432531

Did you finish the quests that require the unlucky sisters? Like the Nishimura Fleet sortie. Poor yamashiro.

>> No.11432533
File: 40 KB, 474x473, sunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel happy now that I won. I was prepared to lose one of the Fuso sisters or both of them, but if that's the price of victory over the goddamned stage of 2-4, I'm prepared to pay it. Besides, I heard you don't need battleships that much in the later stages, a lot of people seem to use destroyers.
-heard-. No idea yet. Any pointers for a newcomer to the third stage?

>> No.11432540

Damned teikoku, I do really like them myself, I feel sorry for her; still I have to say that they are really the most common BBs (I fed 4 pairs or so of Fuso sisters to Kongo), but this seems to change from player to player...

>> No.11432544


>> No.11432550

I still am to clear 2-4 boss. Heck, the average level of my fleet is nearly double than the average level of your fleet. That's how cautious I am since I don't want to lose a ship again so I'm leveling them up to the point I could just waltz in and wipe the floor.

>> No.11432558

Going against 2-4 without any carrier, not even Akagai and a CVL, and with lv. 15 BB looks more like a suicide than anything else. Why the rush?

>> No.11432561
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I have all Hiryuu, Soryuu, Kaga and Akagi, all on ~30, Kaga on 42.
I just didn't want to risk any of them.
Fuso sisters were intended to be meatshields from the very beggining

>> No.11432581
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>> No.11432582

You're a lucky monster I only have found Soryu, why can't I have Kaga and/or Haruna? I'm bored of finding/crafting only silly cruisers, damn it

>> No.11432584


>> No.11432587
File: 351 KB, 600x800, 54c749fd25190352aac7666cb3274f05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything I ever wanted or that is rare except for Kirishima, Kongou, Shokaku and Zuikaku.
Teitoku level 30
Well then, I guess I should start training a meatshield team of destroyers for the thirds stage now. Since I already have Yukikaze and Shimakaze leveled up

>> No.11432597

>Besides, I heard you don't need battleships that much in the later stages, a lot of people seem to use destroyers.
Only for 3-2, where you could go to boss only if your fleet is all destroyers. Some maps also needs DDs in fleet to go to the boss, but BB is your main damager.

>> No.11432609

I'm getting just more jelly, I'm lv. 44 and I have neither Shimakaze nor Yukikaze... I better close this discussion for now.

>> No.11432611

it's funny that i run into 2-4 boss for the first time while powerleveling lv7 KTKM without any air superiority.
the only reason i lost was that the BB only inflict minor damage.

can't wait for the delicious tear.
but seriously, rather than overleveling ship, it's more effective to craft high quality weapons and use the right tactic.

you are not alone.

>> No.11432617

well, someone got to supply the enemy with dead ships.

>> No.11432624
File: 167 KB, 695x379, ss (2013-09-19 at 10.15.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 46cms, AP ammo, 3 star planes, and capped ship stats and I'm still not going in for the boss without turning my BBs to 40s, Kitakami at 50 and Chiyoda and Akagi... well I'll just let them level up.

>> No.11432637

>you are not alone.
I made 3 more crafting attempts out of jelliness, after the previous 4 ones for the dailies, it was just another waste of resources... meh, you have to be a heartless monster to get the nice ships apparently.

>> No.11432642

What affects the ranking? Somehow my rank just bounced up to around 4900 from 5500-5600.

>> No.11432672

I took my time and beat 2-4 when all my ships were level 50 and above. I cane out of 2-4 with nary a scratch. I had pretty much every ship by then through craft. There's no sense in rushing through this game.

>> No.11432694
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Jelliness paid out, after "just" 6 attempts (both regular and bauxite heavy recipe), I finally got her. No more sorties for today though, I've become poor for this little girl.

>> No.11432762

Fleet sortie suspended because Teitoku went full retarded and remodelled Kongou, Haruna, Kirishima and Nagato at one go, plummeting his already low ammo pool to almost non-existent. Note to Teitoku: Never go full retarded. At least I cleared 2-4 with them.

>> No.11432772

30 tries of 100/300/250/10
all crap torpedoes/12.7 guns/AA guns
no 46cm, no turbines

Why does the RNG god hate me? ;_;

>> No.11432790

because the probability is less than 5%.

>> No.11432803

When you're on a 5~10 crafting failure with only crap coming out, just stop and do it again tomorrow.

>> No.11432832
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Strategic meeting, admirals:

1-4 drops Kinugasa and Hiryuu. 2-1 drops Kaga. Drop rates are horrible.

Craft rates are also horrible. I don't have the subs/Yukikaze/Kinugasa though, and they'd all fit into the 250/30/200/30 recipe.

Given pic related, craft yes/no?

>> No.11432838

how did you get that many resources?

>> No.11432837

additional note: T-level 68

>> No.11432840

Gather more resources first.

>> No.11432846

How many should I gather for a good sample size crafting session, fellow teitoku?

>> No.11432845

>"that many"

>> No.11432850
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>> No.11432852

Logically, if you gonna do oil-heavy recipe, do it when you have a lot of it. I suggest to gather more until at least 2k difference between oil and ammo.

Intuitively, fuck it, just burn them all.

>> No.11432855

I'd rather save those 13 craft materials

>> No.11432858

If you're going on a crafting spree, about 5000+ and more crafting materials? As what >>11432852 mentions, it depends on what you're crafting. Before, I was aiming for BBs so stockpiling steel is very important to me, now I'm gunning for 46cm and CV so bauxite and ammo is going to be important me

>> No.11432862

Looping 1-1-1 like mad but still no Naka in sight.

>> No.11432871

I got her around 1-2 or 1-3 area. Farm that instead and try to go all the way.

>> No.11432877

Do you mean difference between oil and steel? And yes, I'm set on the oil-heavy recipe, the baux is being saved for a potential carrier-building frenzy someday next week or next month.

I can have that ready by tonight, or tomorrow morning if I feel like playing today outside of dailies.

>> No.11432878

My very first 10/300/250/10 recipe turned out to be a 46cm.

I had my doubts about picking her above my other ships, but Fuso well and truly earned her flagship status now.

>> No.11432879

I'm not sure she even shows up at 1-1-1, i usually get her at 1-3 ~ 2-2 during the times I still needed Sendai.

>> No.11432883

I'm leveling some random ship while doing this. So, she doesn't appear in 1-1-1? :(

>> No.11432887

Not that I know of.

>> No.11432888
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x2500, naka-chan dayo !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some naka in 1-2/3
But I got most of them from the 250/30/200/30 crafts.
Too much ressources wasted because of Naka-chan smilu~☆

>> No.11432893

I had Naka-chan drop from 1-1 I don't remember which node exactly though

>> No.11432899

damn. But she does appear on 30/30/30/30 crafts, right?

>> No.11432903

No, oil and ammo. Sorties + expeditions usually cost roughly equal amount of oil and ammo, so it's better to keep them balanced.

Since you will spend much more oil than ammo for that recipe, I'd recommend to prepare surplus oil first.

But again, if you want to craft, just craft.

>> No.11432904

I had her drop on the very first node.

But really, the pool for light cruisers seems a lot better in 1-2 or 1-3.

>> No.11432908
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just finished 2-4 boss in a second try, got a B since Akagi got critted to medium damage and i was afraid she might be sunk if i went to night battle.
a bit anticlimactic since i was expecting more casualties.

meanwhile i was experimenting with plane composition, loading Akagi and Kaga full of torpedo bombers works wonder. preemptively reducing potential damage along the way and contributing significant damage in the 2-4 boss stage. i regret not using them sooner.

>> No.11432909



>> No.11432974

The good thing about 1-1 is you can do it without using any resources though (keep sending in ships you get from drops)

>> No.11432986

I haven't been getting any new, interesting ships lately. I still have a lot of ships I don't have, but every craft and drop just results in repeats, even if they're rare repeats. I just got another 2 Kagas.

>> No.11433021

What formation did you use?

>> No.11433054

vertical single line

>> No.11433118
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Having no fuel to feed your daughters is suffering.

>> No.11433141

Fuel shortages are easy to deal with at least. Just run expeditions 5, 9, and 13 non-stop for a day or 2.

>> No.11433142
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>> No.11433155

I bet the condition to go to the boss will be something dickish like having a full fleet Asashio-class DDs of level 40 and higher.

>> No.11433186
File: 837 KB, 1058x627, ace61e1c63d25627a8a0a02c51ce138f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I crarfted a Haruna at lvl 13, first try. It is a good thing ?

>> No.11433188

This would drive me insane

>> No.11433213

I'm missing my Haruna at lv 44, it could be an excellent thing... if you won't get a different cursed sister. Captcha contained the word "discourage", nice omen.

>> No.11433217

No, the obvious way to clear that map is to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, pay your respects, and spend 100,000 yen at the internet café next door.

>> No.11433225

Oh shit you will fail

>> No.11433314

After eleven copies of 110/110/250/250 (Kirishima), I've gotten a yellow 15.5cm and those armor piercing shells everyone's been talking about.

But all I really wanted for Christmas was a radar.

>> No.11433367
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Oh how I hate these numbers.

>> No.11433370

Radar? Just farm Isuzus.
I know that feeling, teitoku.

>> No.11433394
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Damnit, I wanted a rare DD.

Why are these a big deal again, aside from being previously an event-only character?

>> No.11433401
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Expect bad luck from crafting for the next two weeks.

>> No.11433408
File: 118 KB, 833x498, ss (2013-09-19 at 12.08.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. I had Kirishima for my secretary and it worked on the 2nd try.

>> No.11433433 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 834x502, ss (2013-09-19 at 12.15.03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like am on a nice streak with the RNG gods. Got Haruna (who I was missing) for the Kongo set and another spare Kirishima. Kongou, where are you my tea maiden! T-T

>> No.11433467

That's not the armor-piercing shell, that's the AA shell. Which is also useful. I actually crafted one back when my level ten Naka was leading destroyer parades through 1-2 and I didn't have any ships that could equip it.

I don't like farming ships, I only scrap or remodel ships which are level one. I do have the one radar Isuzu gave me but I'm looking for rarer ones now anyway.

>> No.11433477
File: 694 KB, 933x499, RNGgoddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like my luck with the RNG goddess is great today. Was able to pull off 2 kongo recipes and get my missing Haruna and another Kirishima as well as craft a Musu. Still part of the no-Kongou club still....I just want my tea maiden! T-T

>> No.11433487

Why can't my Kitakami perform a pre-emptive topiido attack? I have her after the first remodel.

>> No.11433507


>> No.11433505

equip midget sub.

>> No.11433536

Thank you, I'm gonna try it. Unfortunately, I have never crafted any worthwhile item despite many, many attempts and wasted resources. Everything I have on my ships is stock/after remodel gear. I see all these fancy radars and whatnot on people's videos all the time

>> No.11433544

Chitose and Chiyoda's level 12 remodels come with 2 midget subs.

>> No.11433564

Are you talking about the type of fabric or the color itself? It looks okay to me in RL. My camera doesn't capture it well, but it's a fluffy/soft to touch light peach fabric.

>> No.11433573

The colour. Maybe it's just the lighting.

>> No.11433604

The lighting/auto contrast on my phone sucked the color quite hard, especially when I put her up against my peachy wall. Here's a comparison to white printer paper/another white fabric I have for her outfit.
Image limit reached btw.

>> No.11433608

I had like 6 of each so far and I scrapped all of them without knowing. Shit.

>> No.11433618

Why would you not leave one of each ships? Or at least one of the sisters.

>> No.11433630

Because I don't need them when i have ships that can get the job done better, and the art looks shit on them. I only collect girls with nice art.

>> No.11433636

Right on, teitoku, though you done gone screwed up by not reading the thread where these midgets subs have been mentioned something like five times now.

>> No.11433638

Somebody post Chitose and Chiyoda's high level 大破 images. We need to change this teitoku's mind.

>> No.11433643

> get the job done better
As if they aren't the best light carriers.

>> No.11433645

No, don't. Their art is still ugly. Same with every other kanmusu by that artist, it took both Rina Hidaka and a good doujinshi to change my mind about Ryuujou.

>> No.11433659

If you're willing to put up with that art for 50 levels, sure, they can hold the most planes with High Speed.

Junyou still has the same art, but she can hold more planes right off the bat when you get her and she ends up with a good bit of luck.

Zuihou has good art and the highest CVL luck.

>Anonymous has the best and worse taste in shipdaughters

>> No.11433680

>implying they're not the best CVL
>implying Chitose isn't sexy as fuck
Teitoku get your shit together.

>> No.11433739

While we're on the subject, tips on leveling Chitose/Chiyoda? Also you can do all the remodels, right? So I can remodel her at lvl 10, and then again at lvl 12?

>> No.11433753

Put her as flagship on 2-4. And yes, she can go through all of her remodels.

>> No.11433760

I only at 2-1 and I can't go there without taking at least moderate damage. I guess I'm going to farm 1-3 again.

>> No.11433774

> If you're willing to put up with that art for 50 levels, sure, they can hold the most planes with High Speed.
Leveling Chiyoda was a breeze for me. From level 35, she did more than her part when it came to putting bombs on foreheads. During the leveling, her character design also grew on me, so I'm quite happy with my Chiyoda.

Then there's the reward for level 50 refit, that oddly awesome piece of modern art.

>> No.11433777

Same here but I prefer Chitose, I left Chiyoda at level 20 but I plan to level her up to 50 after I'm done with Chitose. She makes MVP quite often since the lv 35 remodelling.

>> No.11433788

I'll get around to leveling Chitose, eventually. I currently have a large backlog of kanmusu whom I want to bring to 50s, though.

>> No.11433822

I only have Junyou in the 50s and I'm not even trying to level her up.

All the other carriers get smashed back into the docks when I take them out to sortie.

>> No.11433825

>Blow some resources on 1-4 trying to get boss drops again
Welp, guess I'll just go back to steel grinding on 3-2.
>do the combat node, get my fourth Hiei

captcha: rage obiudgs

>> No.11433928

image limit is suffering

>> No.11433941

Well I just beat 3-3 today after 4-3 yesterday, this is going to be "fun" from this point on. Looking through the data, it seems you have to fight an absolute minimum of 2 yellow BBs + carriers or red BB before boss even if you get as lucky as possible on 3-4. Yeah, I can probably count on one hand (at most, both hands) the number of times the 4-2 boss didn't put a ship below 50% hp while I was farming it; pulling that off multiple times in one run?

As for 4-4, it looks like a joke in comparison, but I'm wondering, is it really worth it to take a CA + 2 DD for the trip straight to node before boss? Or just go for more offense and keep refreshing if I don't get sent SW then NW? I have no problem taking Maya (at least it's not 2 CA like 4-3 where I had to make lvl 30 Choukai my flagship since I had no other remodeled CAs), but my highest level destroyers are 44 Inazuma and 33 Shimakaze. I'm worried that the carriers before boss are just going to wreck my destroyers every time, on 3-3 and 4-3 I already had that happening to KTKM. At the very least, I'd probably need to take more firepower for the final boss fight just to be able to kill it, whereas its first form is weaker than an elite BB (just more HP).

I just remodeled my Nagatsuki yesterday and realized she's the only Mutsuki with 20 luck, had to go look her up.
>gets holed while ferrying troops
>captain runs her aground so the troops can be unloaded
>Satsuki can't get her refloated
>entire crew just walks back to base, with only a few dead from the initial attack
Well, that's certainly the safest way to lose a ship, especially considering all those cases where the ship that rescued survivors gets sunk, resulting in all hands lost.

>> No.11433970

Damn, I love these IJN stories.

>> No.11433975

Weekly reminder that Tenryuu's luck magically goes DOWN when you remodel her.

>> No.11433980

At least she's better off than the "disgruntled sailor rips entire battleship in two out of boredom", "American submarine attacks heavily damaged transport ship, sinks by its own torpedo" and "Russian mine planter decides to test own minefield, no survivors" incidents.

Poor Mutsu, things never went well for her.

>> No.11433981

Same with Fubuki, and it was the one thing she had going for her over the other starters

>> No.11434022

Don't remind me, was on pixiv today and read a fucking depressing/rage-inducing H-manga about Mutsu (premise was gameplay-based at least rather than history-based). What made it even worse was imagining the happy non-H Mutsu C84 doujinshi (newbie teitoku gets Mutsu as his first BB just like I did) turning into that.

>> No.11434029

if you're reading H rape manga you get whatever you deserve

>> No.11434087

Well, it was on pixiv, not sadpanda, so I didn't have tags to tell me what I was getting into. And it wasn't exactly rape, but it was still mindbreak.

>> No.11434089

Went through 4-2 about 7~8 times today:
- 4 Haruna
- 1 Kirishima
- 1 Kongou
- 1 Ise
- 1 Hyuuga
+ various CA/CL
All's right with the world.
I guess it's time to try to unlock 5th area.

>> No.11434097

With those drops it sounds like I should be farming 4-2 instead of 4-1

All I gotten from 4-1 today was
Haruna and a Submarine drop

>> No.11434106

Spent around 5k oil/steel building rare DD recipe today. Got 2 submarine (which I didn't want) and a dozen heavy cruisers I already have.
Also got like, 6 Natoris.


>> No.11434122

You've certainly dissuaded me from dropping my built-up resources tonight. Thanks, admiral!

>> No.11434137

My resources hit the auto-buildup cap, so I thought I'd spent some.
Was only going to spend 2000, but frustration kind of led things to escalate really quickly.

>> No.11434190

How could you don't want subs? I've spent roughly equal amount of oil/steel and numerous sorties in 2-3 to get one of them.

>> No.11434404

Because I already have them. Also, because I can't think of a practical usage for them other than that 1 expedition.

>> No.11434414

I keep getting Shimakaze. I just want a Yukikaze.

>> No.11434417

They can be used for 3-2 farming. Rotate a couple of them for repairs. They are also good for expeditions, because they are more efficient than destroyers.

>> No.11434469

Any Admirals here sink the 5-2 boss? Initial form is fine. I'd like to know how much firepower your guys are sporting. I can get the boss down to a sliver of health but I can't seem to get that crucial final hit. I'm considering sending in both Kitakami and Oi to supplement but that'd mean I'd only have one BB on the fleet which still makes me uneasy despite it being a safe trip. Makes me wish I had Yamato right now.

>> No.11434478

You can always consider the expedition

>> No.11434485

I'm curious, how does the support fleet work? It's mentioned somewhere along the update.

>> No.11434488

That's what I've been doing as well. However, it appears it doesn't work on bosses or so I've experienced so far. Maybe I've just been unlucky on it but full sparkles everytime and they don't appear during the boss battle. Other battles are fine though.

>> No.11434495

Read the thread

>> No.11434515

Is getting the 2 extra repair slots worth hating money?

>> No.11434523

Fusou unloads a night combo of 41, 35.6, 15.3 (AP shells) on a Mogami... for two damage, who promptly returns the favor for around forty.

A level gap of fifteen is no joke.

Only you can answer that yourself.

>> No.11434529
File: 132 KB, 350x430, 38380761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BGM was uploaded previous thread but without August event's one.
Does anyone have it(5-2 boss' is same)?

>> No.11434539

Count me in for another lucky submarine builder. First roll of 250/30/200/30 was I-58.

>> No.11434556

Beat it just now. I didn't even need to go into night battle (T advantage). The boss has no armor and got two shot by Chiyoda (Ryuusei in all slot).

>> No.11434557

Yea, 5-2 boss is the same BGM.

>> No.11434559

Based Chiyoda. What level is she?

>> No.11434561


>> No.11434585

Can I know what are the main bauxite eaters? Is it the CVs?

I didnt realise it until I am finally broke on it. At the same time, is expedition 6 the best for bauxite?

>> No.11434604

Yes. Your CVs sneak into your kitchen at night and snack on the bauxite while you are sleeping

It caught me by surprise too when i was down to 700

>> No.11434618


So, I'm starting on translating the JP wiki, and it's a lot of bloody text. Is anyone interested in the historical data at all or do they just want the lines translated? Trying to see what I should focus on.

>> No.11434621

Most (all?) of the historical data, you can find on Wikipedia already, so I'd stick to Kan Colle exclusives.

>> No.11434631

There are obscure references in atwiki, particularly about what they refer in their speech.

>> No.11434649 [DELETED] 

I'd say the best thing you could do is find their sections about game mechanics, especially combat, and put them on the English wiki. Atwiki's section comes to mind: http://www56.atwiki.jp/kancolle/pages/17.html

>> No.11434652

lottery when

>> No.11434657 [DELETED] 

Wikiwiki's beginners' guide: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%BF%B7%CA%C6%C4%F3%C6%C4%A4%CE%BC%EA%B0%FA%A4%AD

Wikiwiki's FAQ: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?FAQ

>> No.11434687

Acknowledged. I'll pray for a T advantage since it didn't trigger for any of my boss sorties.

>> No.11434692

Nineteen ships damaged in various ways, totaling thirty-three hours of repair time.

I think I'm going to open a third dock.

>> No.11434697

Best CVL is Zuiho. No clue what you're talking about.

>> No.11434701

So when does a unit stop sparkling? I sent 6 of them on a long expedition and they were still sparkling when they came back.

>> No.11434709

Sparkling has something to do with fatigue. Check the JP wikis regarding this. I am really bad at explaining shit.

>> No.11434710

Returning from expedition adds a small amount of fatigue. There's a list of precisely what adds fatigue (returning from sortie, returning from expedition, night combat) or reduces fatigue (being flagship, sinking flagship, S rank, MVP) as well as how much in a previous thread.

>> No.11434721

What's your total sortie count?

I've got 888 successes and 36 fails.

>> No.11434727

500 even.
16 fails.

>> No.11434741

1776, 29

>> No.11434758 [DELETED] 

I... I don't want to breed Isuzu-kais anymore. I... I just can't do it...

>> No.11434762

But they're so nutritious and full of anti-air stat!

>> No.11434763

I... I don't want to breed Isuzu-kais anymore... I-I just can't do it...

>> No.11434768

Just read that! >>11434763
Have a heart, Admiral! I just can't do it anymore! Let them roam free!

>> No.11434783

Whats really good of destroyers? My highest one is level 20ish.

I am equiping her with a gun and 2 torpedos.

Atm, they do pathetic dmg during the day, sure they dodge a lot but they dont do much until night.

Are they trained just for 3-2? or is it my setup is wrong?

>> No.11434790

oh gods ;_;

>> No.11434818

I don't get it. What kind of room did the admiral leave them in?

>> No.11434846

damn, I got two shimakaze out of 25 sub attempts.
I wish she was this easy to get when I hadn't her.

>> No.11434861



>> No.11434880


sage for old thread
