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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 200 KB, 850x1133, fgssgsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11391073 No.11391073 [Reply] [Original]

Time to move your fingers jay-pee.

>> No.11391322

Cute Futo, dude.

>> No.11391336
File: 49 KB, 300x300, futo cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11395578
File: 444 KB, 640x466, edb8c3e7d82fe36f2c215ced8d57087b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone stopped playing Melty Blood?

I miss the good old days...

>> No.11395666

Because you either suck at the game or rock everyones socks off. I was the former and I could never play with people on a competitive level even though I wanted to because you reach a point where you can only get so good at a fighting game like Melty Blood.

Although I do miss seeing Sion being a bitch.

>> No.11395864
File: 26 KB, 86x150, 1192143444790.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Australian, so nobody ever wanted to play with me because of the delay, even though MB handles it really well. There were also only two other Aussies I would play against and one of them would wipe the floor with me and I'd wipe the floor with the other one.

>> No.11401644


>> No.11401705

we actually play it down here from time to time.

but we get too lazy to set up the PC on the tv and play GGXXAC instead

>> No.11401770

FFF- That was way too captivating, I'm supposed to be asleep already!
Good to play you again in such a long time. Dat F-Akiha.

>> No.11405489

Where do you usually go to get the game?

>> No.11406071

GGs. There was something I wanted to say, but I can't remember what it was.



>> No.11406089

3 button fighting games are for losers

>> No.11406111

Good thing we have Divekick!

>> No.11406118

It's a good thing Melty isn't one of those, then!

>> No.11408207

salty as fuck

>> No.11410098


>> No.11410203

Le salty meme.

>> No.11410232

I like your taste in combo videos, OP.
EC, trying the caster.

>> No.11410450

Groovy Games, gotta go.
I tried to be weird, didn't work so well.

>> No.11410462

GGs. My reaction time is so terrible.

>> No.11416684


>> No.11416685

Why does everyone sage on this board

Do people just leave it on

>> No.11416688

Its polite to use on a slow board.

Crossboarders just don't understand.

>> No.11416705

It's polite!

>> No.11416715

but if everyone sages then how do bumps happen?

>> No.11416719

By the power of love~

>> No.11416720

Melty Blood was never my thing. I wish we'd play Arcana Heart 3 instead.

>> No.11416737

Because people like you bump them.

Meanwhile we're being polite and letting other threads have their turn at the top of the board to attract new posters. Once threads start slowing down, or hit a couple pages back someone ends up bumping them either intentionally or accidently (like you).

I just wish the rest of 4chan used it, I can see why it'd just kill threads on boards like /a/ and /v/ that move so fast, but threads on /jp/ will last a good 3 days or more without any bumps.

>> No.11416742

Aw, but doesn't it boring when no one responds for days?

>> No.11416804

Did anyone ever make a netplay client for the arcade rip? I would play it, but I can't play fighting games on anything but keyboard.

>> No.11416812

That has more to do with the topic, not the sage.

Sure you'd probably get a couple more posts by having it stuck to the top constantly, but /jp/ is kinda slow anyway.

>> No.11417195

GGs, I should be getting to sleep. Your NAC is so hard to catch!

>> No.11417207

GGs. I wish I was legit good at using him, so bloody difficult.

>> No.11419149


>> No.11419465

I used to only play on Keyboard. Then I bought a Hit Box (http://www.hitboxarcade.com/))
Highly suggest for keyboard players.

>> No.11419526

Thanks for the epic plug : D

I just bought 25 of them ::::D

>> No.11419583

But I only started playing on keyboard in the first place because I had no money to buy peripherals with!

>> No.11420159 [DELETED]
Midwest Canada

Going to host for 3 hours.

>> No.11420166

why doesnt that stick have a stick

>> No.11420211

Why the heck are these peripherals so damn expensive anyway? I swear it is like a freaking 500% markup.

>> No.11420229
File: 19 KB, 512x323, 1378001548592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is one of the slower 4chan boards, each time you bump a thread you bring it all the way back to page 0

since threads here are much slower theres no need to bump them constantly except when they are about to die, saging also lets threads die organic deaths instead of keeping them on life support

enjoy your stay on /jp/ and remember to be polite, just bump threads when its really necessary and try to use sage at all times

>> No.11420283

This image makes me so sad. Why do you hurt me like this anon?

>> No.11420289

/jp/ why can't I ever get the online on Melty to work? I've been grinding training mode in this fucking game for like three years already. I just want to play against real people :_;

>> No.11420294

Are you trying to host or connect to someone?

>> No.11420336

I've been trying to connect but it doesn't work for whatever reason. I get to the "connection" screen at which point the game freezes.

>> No.11420360

Are you using the caster? Melty at Rev 1.4.0?

>> No.11421460

I am. Do you thing I should try reinstalling the game?

>> No.11421981
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>> No.11423492


>> No.11423671

Thank you for always hosting for /jp/ ;_;

>> No.11423796
File: 59 KB, 350x350, 7cd82cd2b2e9cc046cf27a046e3ba7f953426faf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

east coast hosting

I had started learning c-Roa a few months ago but ended up quitting fighting games altogether for a few months, so I am extremely rusty but I'll give it a shot.

>> No.11424385

anyone playing?

>> No.11424450

Don't know if this will work.

>> No.11424452
File: 8 KB, 187x250, 1377336699525s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me if it doesn't connect?

>> No.11425908


is your IP supposed to be typed like that? and does the last 5 go in the next form? i can't seem to connect.

>> No.11425915

That was 10 hours ago, I doubt he would still be hosting.
But anyway, we all use caster for netplay here.
Please see:

>> No.11426000

IPv4 format is still usually typed as [IP] : [Port], so the IP would be everything behind the : , and the port everything after the : .

>> No.11426016

no one plays actress again?

>> No.11426027

what's a caster, in layman's terms? i only played with another person like, person to person on melty blood before, netplay is new to me.

>> No.11426046

People play Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code.

The caster is just improved netplay, you still need the game, you just put the caster in the same folder and host/launch the game through the caster.

>> No.11426055

My luck... just downloaded the game before mb threads started appearing in /jeyp/.
Anyway we are going to play with cccaster or just ingame IP copy-paste?

>> No.11426063


Are you east coast? If so, let me know and I'll host here

>> No.11426072

South America? someone?

>> No.11426073

what is caster though?

>> No.11426088

Caster is just what people started calling the programs that let you netplay people in various games.

No particular meaning, just a call back to the original tool. I forgot what game it was for.

>> No.11426092

oh wow, haven't seen one of these in a while.

that reminds me:
> http://www.mediafire.com/download/06pa5orudkulq88/mbaaccpctrainer1.07r1.4_L1.zip

new trainer for anyone that uses that thing.

>> No.11426097

is Hamachi the same thing as caster? and would it work if so?

>> No.11426115

Maybe when I get home in a few hours. I'm from Central America.

Don't do it.

>> No.11426125

something tells me my college IP won't let me game at all. i think i gotta go to McDonals to do mbaacc. it's literally gona be a McMelty with a side of White Len.

>> No.11426137



>> No.11426146

I just suck ass in fighters...
do you have some tips to chain combos in mb?

>> No.11426149

before i try mcdonalds, i will see if this IP works.

>> No.11426162


eat, sleep and watch combo movies. a true man needs nothing else.

joking aside, mb is one of the easier fighters to combo in due to the reverse beat mechanic. there are also sites like melty bread and mizuumi that have wikis and stuff dedicated to bnb [bread and butter] combos. try looking up the combos for a character you like and practice them in training mode. that's all i can really advise you to do.

>> No.11426173

I can easily chain a combo in arcade or training, but I just couldn't get near you to hit you or something

>> No.11426181


oh, well, that could be anything from me spamming ribbons to netplay delay throwing you off. maybe try the delay training in caster to see if it helps you get accustomed to it?

>> No.11426186

ok, let's do this

>> No.11426192

there is something wrong??

>> No.11426195

I think you need to enable player 2 in the menu before it works, haha.

there's a separate mode for delay training though, option 4

>> No.11426196

I find stepmania much better for finger movement

>> No.11426197


what does this mean?

>> No.11426200


it means plug in a lan cable and/or don't move around so much

>> No.11426213


you have to press start and set the CPU action to manual, haha.

>> No.11426217

ahhhh ok, anyway I cant play right now, thanks.

>> No.11426342
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>> No.11426482


>> No.11426533
File: 87 KB, 600x401, 1286488368258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets try this again...

>> No.11426604

Archetype is broken and if you play her you literally couldn't be a worse person

>> No.11426723

A servant botnet

>> No.11426728

anyone hosting?

>> No.11426731

Honestly, I can't thank you enough for playing along. My stomach.

Heh, I haven't a clue why you said you had slow reactions before. Damnit, wish I could play you in 0d.

>> No.11426800

GGs, it was fun.

I can never block overheads that everyone else seems to be able to, that's why! I even get hit by all of Ryougi's super slow unblockables because I can't ever react in time.

>> No.11427998
File: 37 KB, 401x440, ss (2013-07-11 at 05.35.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing

does anyone want to play a brand new beginner fool

I can host or you can

I live in midwest US for ping-related purposes

>> No.11428014
File: 372 KB, 495x480, vanprigif001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh what the hell

anyone is free to join, I'll keep it up until someone joins or I lose my patience so maybe 20 minutes at MOST

>> No.11428031

rehosting, lets see if it works.

>> No.11429870

I already gave up Stepmania because the community is dead nowadays.

>> No.11431094 [DELETED] 


>> No.11432755 [DELETED] 


>> No.11433222
File: 555 KB, 800x800, moefang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't browse /jp/ as often as I used to, but if anyone wants a regular melty friend you can add me on steam and we can set up matches (I can host)


Same goes for touhou fightan or other NEET-friendly fightan, but I also have King of Fighters I wish to get better at so if you have that you should totally add me too.

And Tokiko if you still browse /jp/ please don't try to add me on one of your alt accounts -- I know you have them. Don't be a jerk. Really. That goes for everyone, no being a trollface.

>> No.11433319

I'm glad to see you're still here. I thought the trolls had scared you away. Please be careful and don't let them get to you.

>> No.11433644

I still have a 1.5gb Stepmania folder I drag around from hard drive to hard drive because there is no place to download simfiles anymore.

>> No.11435352
File: 193 KB, 500x650, f1279ed0656063364d0835d39c19d4eccdfbd41e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys have IRC or a steamchat or something?

using this board for matches is pretty unrealistic

>> No.11435518

Well I posted my Steam ID


You could probably get away with posting yours too

>> No.11435578
File: 215 KB, 1247x836, ss (2013-09-20 at 09.34.53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11435580


>> No.11435596
File: 95 KB, 457x431, ss (2013-09-13 at 11.52.19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why not just say you had it?

>> No.11435601

#mbaa on irc.mizuumi.net

Probably your best bets.

>> No.11435604

because I wanted to see if he had the wherewithal to even try or if he'd just give up at the first sign of trouble

I don't deal with people who give up

>> No.11435613

you're such a dork

>> No.11435615
File: 630 KB, 700x979, 38053518_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm already in that IRC

wat? you're weird

>> No.11435620

Literally samefag. He's probably better off having nothing to do with you.

>> No.11435642 [DELETED] 

>ill be back i dropped my glasses

LMAO it took u 5 minutes to get your glasses? how much of a fatass are you? anyway you sound like a typical fat slob and gamer, hurr i play gaem now, i cranky without play gaem i remove u!!!!

>> No.11435707

I think you're talking to the wrong person, d00d.

>> No.11436324 [DELETED] 

Any EU players around for some matches?

>> No.11436448 [DELETED] 


>> No.11439467

Any EU players around for some matches?

>> No.11439558

Are you still here?

>> No.11439560

Yes I am.
I can play for a while.

>> No.11439667

It crashed, wanna play more or are you done?

>> No.11439669

ggs. I need to take a break. We can play again later if you want.
Seems like you got rid of that little rust when we played last time, I'm having a lot of trouble, haha.

>> No.11440399

I'm trying to do matching mode as a guest, and every time it tries to connect me with someone I get this kind of error.


>> No.11440403

what does the code mean?

>> No.11440434

You're still not using caster?

>> No.11440559

No, I'm still not using caster, because I do not know where to get it. Where do I get it?

>> No.11440576

You must have some serious attention issues. It's in reply to your own post in this very thread.

>> No.11440601

Sorry I didn't catch it then...

>> No.11440657

How do you use caster anyways?

>> No.11443653
Central US
I'm okay

>> No.11443869


What does this mean? I tried connecting but this message popped up.

>> No.11443960

I'm sure you are doing this on purpose, but I have no idea what you could be doing it for.

>> No.11444009

I'm just trying to play. I don't understand why it's happening , so I'm asking here.

>> No.11444074
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1350702427399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should follow advice and finally try out the caster. Majority of people should use that by now instead of the ingame netplay.
It's not hard to do, you start the caster instead of the game.
First time around you have to set your controls, player1 is usually enough.
Then you have Netplay and Spectate. If you want to play someone copy their IP and port and paste it into the caster under netplay. If you want to host make sure that your port is forwarded - you don't need a forwarded port if you want to join someone.

>> No.11444956

So uh, when I put caster into the folders for mbaacc, does it go somewhere in particular?

>> No.11445092

I'm curious how new you are to computers.
You don't seem very willing to experiment thoroughly before asking. Are you afraid of breaking something?

I'm under the impression you won't get very far playing Melty because of this trait of yours. Can't speak for anyone else but, it's detrimental to my willingness to help.

Anyway, caster should be in the same folder as MBAA.exe. Please run it, go crazy. You won't destroy anything!

>> No.11445097

Look dude he just wants to be reeaaally sure he's doing the right thing. That's not a bad trait.

>> No.11445124

Yes, I'm scared. The downloads I've gotten have all had Artemis Trojans. I don't know what else can happen. also '5097 anon is also correct.

>> No.11445133

Haha, look at that goon translation. They're too afraid to even say visual novels.

>> No.11445158

Sorry, I don't mean to be insensitive, but that gave me a good chuckle.

I like it where Ecole Software became French Bread, because fuck Ecole Software.

>> No.11445190

Oh yeah, saw that, laughed a tad bit. French Bread. Japan loves France too much. Maybe they're in denial mode for having accepted Hirobumi's government concept (Prussian), and look where it got them.

>> No.11445641


>> No.11445683 [DELETED] 

The funniest thing is that some people actually think those GCX subtitles was good. I guess ignorance can take someone a long way. Goons are too self-righteous to actually do translation work well.

>> No.11445687

The funniest thing is that some people actually think those GCX subtitles were good. I guess ignorance can take someone a long way. Goons are too self-righteous to actually do translation work well. Then they get all angry and jealous whenever people do a better job at translating something than them.

>> No.11445787

GGs, I should have gone to sleep a while ago. The delay felt really brutal today.

>> No.11445795

Nyanyanyanya nyaa~
Sleep well, fellow neko.

>> No.11454143


>> No.11454745

GGs, the spikes are getting rough now. You're still getting better with fWLen, that's pretty good, considering how few of these threads I've seen recently.

>> No.11454795

GGs. I had a torrent running when we started, but I don't know why it was still bad after that.

>> No.11458512

EC hosting

Very rusty

>> No.11461024


>> No.11461095

Are you EC? 10 delay is just too much...

>> No.11461105

This thread is nearing a month
EC as well

>> No.11461119

Connection error.

>> No.11461160

rechecked my ports, try again

>> No.11461209


>> No.11461221

Woops, already had a different game window open so it didn't work that time

>> No.11461237

jesus christ

>> No.11461261

What's with that return to main menu thing?

Never seen a problem like that before, do you maybe have your FN1/2 keys bound to something and thats doing it?

>> No.11461286

No clue, after a second game starts, it crashes and I just restart caster

>> No.11461333

I did not think I was this much a scrub

>> No.11461382

You mainly need to work on your blocking, this is a game where you WILL need to block on wake up almost every time against someone who knows their setups or has a general understanding of meaty timings even

Well GG anyways, I just started learning f-warc and I dont really understand that character yet

>> No.11461397

thanks, and ggs
Your Michael will be my final boss in online melty

>> No.11462256
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>> No.11462418

One sec, I'm going to try something and it might take a minute or two, ill tell you when i rehost

>> No.11462438

okay rehosting

>> No.11462452

whos still hosting?

>> No.11462458

I tried everything but im still seeing FPS lag and I wasnt earlier

Any idea if this is on your end or what

>> No.11462464

Can we try 3 delay? That might fix the spikes, since the variance seems awfully high for 2 to work well.

>> No.11462497

Well we tried but its not gonna work

GG I guess, I need to eat dinner anyway

>> No.11462506

My ping is usually all over the place, but today for once it looks stable. GGs.

>> No.11463094


>> No.11463242


oh god that warc vs kouma set was some of the most disgusting melty blood play ive seen in my entire career

>> No.11463260

Hahah, I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous it turned out. Netplayyyy

Thanks for them games.

>> No.11463889

Someone around for EU melty?

>> No.11463965

sure, I guess I could do some fights if you're still here. can you host?

>> No.11463985

Oh nice.

>> No.11464198

fun fights, man. I didn't even expect to win a single match, though.

>> No.11464216

ggs. Finally a Wlen, haha.
You are doing fine. I'm not really familiar with F-Wlen, but maybe there is something else than the overhead somersault after a blocked 2C. That is probably quite risky if anticipated and blocked.
And the ice flowers are really good, there are some mean setups in the corner with the A one, I think.

>> No.11464242

Yeah, some other guy I sometimes fight manages to shield the somersault after the 2C pretty consistently.

And she has a fair amount of tricks, but I'm just not familiar enough with most of them to use them properly.

>> No.11464375

Does anyone want to play? EC would be best

>> No.11465197

I would if I knew how routers worked

>> No.11465275

Only the person who is hosting needs to mess with their router.

Do you have the latest caster?

>> No.11465482

I'm sure I do, just... do I just type 43618 in the netplay box and wait?

>> No.11465528

Nope, you copy my IP and then after selecting the netplay option, just paste it there

Here is my stuff
Ill start hosting now

>> No.11465578

Does open or closed ports have any effect on connecting? cuz it said mine timed out trying to reach yours.

>> No.11465591

Oh god I quoted the wrong post

This is my info, sorry

>> No.11465882


I've really gotta learn f-warc faster so 4 delay is playable

The other characters I like do not work so well in that....

>> No.11465948

GGs, what other characters do you play?

You know, our connection is pretty stable, we should try delay 3.

>> No.11466249

My main is C-Arc but I almost never play her because C-arc online is... well....

>> No.11466259

Anyone want to host?

>> No.11466458

I want to host, but no one really wants to play me.

>> No.11466740

so host
