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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11410154 No.11410154 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite deathsmile?

>> No.11410175

any that aren't sluts with microscopic tits?

>> No.11410179

white girl or the bat girl

I don't like that whore in red and the nerdy girl is boring and the witch is boring too

>> No.11410182

>implying sluts
>implying microscopic tits

I think you're blind.

Deathsmiles girls are magical girls who almost died, and it gave them powers. And they fight Tyrannosatan.

>> No.11410185

Eeeeh? You don't even know their names?

From left to right they're Sakura, Rosa, Follett, Windia, and Casper.

>> No.11410191

is this new touhou?

>> No.11410192

I own and have played both the games I just didn't think the characters were that memorable

>> No.11410194

I like playing with Casper because of her lightening attacks but Rosa is also good because of her homing attacks.

Sakura is a bitch who killed her father

>> No.11410212

It's better than Touhou. It's Cave!

>> No.11410220

Unless they come out with a PC version, no. Also wrong direction.

>> No.11410231

Kill yourself.

>> No.11410259

I don't see a problem with that statement

>> No.11410261

They're not similar at all, actually.

Touhou games are popular because they have a huge cast of characters with no personalities, so fanartists can project their own ideas onto them (read: Fanon).

Cave games are popular because they're actually good games.

>> No.11410272

He's the problem

>> No.11410281

The funny thing is, the one who dresses like a whore is probably actually a virgin, because Cave have to appeal to fucked up otaku ideals about sexuality.

>> No.11410283

I want to know why they hate the PS3 so much.

>> No.11410359

The funny thing is, the development team are otaku.

>> No.11410405

No, they're professional game developers with jobs and families. Learn what "otaku" actually means.

>> No.11410418

one on the left

>> No.11410420

You are literally stupid.

>> No.11410432
File: 141 KB, 918x1264, deathsmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few images I never get bored of fapping to - so I guess the white girl and bat girl are my favorite. Windia and Casper, apparently.

>> No.11410476

>he doesn't realize "otaku" has a different meaning in Japan than it does in the states

Be honest, how long have you been into Japanese stuff?

>> No.11410478


>with jobs and families

lel all of CAVE's programmers are single

>> No.11410482


No shit.

Americans who major in computer science because they love video games are often disappointed to learn that programming is actually juts a small part of a huge industry.

>> No.11410485

Damn, the things I'd do to that angel...

>> No.11410491

NOPE! *grabs you by the collar and drags you away*

>> No.11410492


I had a photoshooped bukkake version of this pic, wonder if I still have it.

>> No.11410493

Good programmers are well paid. People being well paid find woman easily.

If you look at the data, you'll find that programmers after their thirties have statistically better chance to have a family than, say, unemployed people or factory workers.

Why do you think there is this whole "Nerd love movement" recently? Because women discovered than nerds make money. Simple as that.

Yes, the world is a shitstain.

>> No.11410496
File: 21 KB, 505x582, mentally unsound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hacked into your computer and deleted it.

>> No.11410499

>Good programmers are well paid.
In other countries, maybe. In America, land of outsourcing, programmers are lucky if they make more than $50k.

>> No.11410503

Geez, you don't have to be so defensive. I can start to sexualize you if that's your main concern, my "Gensokyo Lovely Maiden". With such a name, you're probably full of desires.

>> No.11410504

I'm pretty sure the point was that they enjoy the same things that otaku enjoy, which is true for most small developers that make things aimed at otaku. That none of the people making the products otaku consume like what they're making is a lie commonly used by normals.

>> No.11410521

Everyone's beloved IKD was the one who came up with the idea of SDOJ being like a futuristic mahou shoujo anime with Hibachi being a girl.

>> No.11410534
File: 194 KB, 850x868, 1378624451942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me.

>mfw dubstep

>> No.11410652

>they're professional game developers with jobs and families. Learn what "otaku" actually means.
I think you should learn what "otaku" actually means. The third gen otaku are soon approaching middle age right now which means a job and likely a family. The previous two generations are already workers and family men who enjoy otaku things on the side. Businesses actually have a problem involving waves of workers refusing promotions because they do not want to sacrifice their free time for work. That's otaku. Ironically, the first two generations, (you know, the guys you started this shit?) have difficulty finding a place in your conception it seems.

A number of animation studios were founded by otaku and are currently run by otaku. They are "professional" animators and industry workers. It doesn't make them less otaku, especially when they had a crucial hand in shaping the subculture.

>> No.11410817

Didn't you have a daughter or something? Or was that someone else?

>> No.11411983

>Businesses actually have a problem involving waves of workers refusing promotions because they do not want to sacrifice their free time
There's nothing inherently otaku or even Japanese about that. Every first world country is full of unambitious people who turn down lucrative promotions because they don't want to lose time with their families, or leisure time to go hunting or whatever.

>family men who enjoy otaku things on the side
Once again you're proving you don't know what the word actually means. There's no such thing as "otaku things." In America "otaku" is usually understood to mean an anime fan, but in Japan, it means someone who has an all-consuming obsession with something. So there are anime otaku, plane otaku, idol otaku, superhero otaku etc. And you can't be otaku "on the side." Obsession is part of the definition. This really ought to be common knowledge by now. Be honest, how long have you been posting on /jp/?

In Japan, "otaku" means a socially oblivious basement-dweller. The kind who sends death threats to writers because he doesn't like the fact that his favorite female character used to have a boyfriend (this actually happened). It carries a huge social stigma. For fucks sake, DON'T CALL A JAPANESE PERSON AN OTAKU!!! And stop trying to apply your watered-down, college anime club definition of "otaku" to the culture that actually coined the term!

>> No.11412010

I don't mean to offend, but it's like you're coming straight out of wikipedia.

Otaku has a very negative connotation, but also can be used in a lighter way, as it happened in Otaku no Video. That was before that otaku psychopath killed a lot of children though, so your point still stands.

>> No.11412019

>I don't mean to offend, but it's like you're coming straight out of wikipedia.
Sorry, I forgot the only acceptable source in an internet argument is our own rectums.

>> No.11412021

Ahahahaha! I did say I was pregnant, but that was an April Fools gag.

>> No.11412023

Giant scissors are a retarded weapon, even more unwieldy than a scythe.

>> No.11412025

Why is this attention hire back?
