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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 605x223, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11404870 No.11404870 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11404878
File: 380 KB, 500x427, cry1350589257218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11404880

talked to the site owner. said he's given up on trying to open it up to everyone since when he does, the sites gets bombarded with posts from outside countries that are considered illegal in japan (mostly cp). so instead of having to clean house all time, he just locked out the troublesome ips.

>> No.11404884

futaba owner is a girl

>> No.11404887

wow! is she cute?

>> No.11404891

think moot but as a japanese girl

>> No.11404893

how can you not have a jap proxy by now?

>> No.11404894

Is she a virgin?

>> No.11404895
File: 110 KB, 636x636, sucking ducks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny to see how those japanese imageboards have 1 mod for every 100 users.

I wonder how is 4chan doing.

>> No.11404910

Has anyone managed to post on 2chan?

I've tried like every japan proxy I can find. but none of them work

>> No.11404916

My assumption is you need a Japanese VPN and probably need to know Japanese so they don't ban the IP issued by your VPN provider when you post in English like a dumb ass.

I could be wrong though.

>> No.11404917
File: 178 KB, 512x640, 1710cd28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


< not site owner. she had a photo blog but took it down leaving a message saying she's was tired of the constant "futaba owner" label. no one knows where she went after that.

>> No.11404922

>drawthreads on 2chan are AMAZING compared to the shit we have on 4chan
>you have to have a Japanese IP to post
>you have to use a board function that posts your IP address to have your request considered
>I can't figure out how to do it or find info on it anywhere
>I have enough of a basic grasp of Japanese to make a request and say please and thank you
This is suffering.

>> No.11404924

if you dont know japanese why do you want to post there???????

>> No.11404929

i get home sick

>> No.11404930

Can you fucking read? I just said I know enough Japanese to make a basic picture request and say please and thank you without sounding like a jackass.

Because the artists 2chan has hanging around are way better than the ones we have on 4chan? Because their drawing request threads have a LOT less shitposting and multiple requests?

>> No.11404933

kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.11404936

so you don't know japanese??????

>> No.11404939

I'm not anywhere near fluent. Can you stop acting like a retard?

>> No.11404940

And this is why weeaboos should leave.

>> No.11404944

You contribute nothing. Why would anyone want you?

>> No.11404946

then you shouldn't be posting on japanese boards!

hope that helps dipshit

>> No.11404951

>You contribute nothing.
You have just described 95% of imageboard culture.
Why, just because I can communicate but I'm not 100% fluent?

>> No.11404953

if you think saying "draw naruto and sasueke kissing" in japanese is communicating then lol

>> No.11404958

>You have just described 95% of imageboard culture.
Maybe here. But as you say, they have productive threads with many contributors. They have no need of people to make requests. You're a leech, and they have no motivation to open up their site to you.

Also this >>11404953. Making broken requests so you have whatever OC bullshit you want drawn isn't communication any more than google translate is.

>> No.11404959

Considering the existing thread on 2chan is a lot of the exact same thing, there's not a lot of difference between what I'm doing and what they're doing.

>> No.11404965

the difference is you are pig disgusting white pig
you are a FUCK
die pig

>> No.11404998

What about black pigs? Or brown pigs? I think you're discriminating pigs here, friend.

>> No.11405027

Did you mean 双葉?

>> No.11405042

shut up, weeb

>> No.11405125

This is wrong.

>> No.11405145

Except she actually is the real owner. She just wanted to stay Anonymous.

>> No.11405153

I tried that defense in a rape case once. Didn't work.

Who prisonotaku here?

>> No.11405161

1 mods for every 5 users in /jp/.

1 mods for every 1000 users everywhere else.

I like /jp/. I feel secure in it.

>> No.11405174

Do you remember the ten janitors saga? The sticky thing was hilarious.

>> No.11405197

Kill yourself out of /jp/
Filthy bakayaro gaijin!

>> No.11405207

It says you aren't part of /jp/
Why are you here, crossboarder?

>> No.11405227

who le fuck cares?

are you saying you wouldn't enjoy it if she's not?

>> No.11405269

I posted on 2chan a couple of weeks ago, just with a proxy I found on a list somewhere.
But I haven't been able to do it again since.
