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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11398534 No.11398534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is causing Hikikimori? I am a little unaware on the whole thing from the serious japanese side of things


what is the general consensus in japan for it's cause?

>> No.11398541 [DELETED] 


>> No.11398546

bad economy
over population

>> No.11398559
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How did the jews do it? what have they ever done to cause it? It's because japan doesn't take in many immigrants and isn't a diverse multicultural country

>> No.11398607

By having big noses that makes them uncute. So people prefer to be inside to look at cute anime girls all day instead of having to look at uncute jews.

>> No.11398634
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>> No.11398675

is that you in the video OP? I like that guys outfit

>> No.11398720

>>According to government figures released in 2010, there are 700,000 individuals living as hikikomori with an average age of 31.[7] Still, the numbers vary widely from expert to expert. Among these are the hikikomori that are now in their 40s and have spent 20 years in isolation, this group is generally referred to as the "first-generation hikikomori," and there is concern about their reintegration into society in what is known as "the 2030 problem," when they are in their 60s and their parents begin to die off. Additionally the government estimates 1.55 million people to be on the verge of becoming hikikomori.
>>Originally psychologist Tamaki Saitō, who first coined the phrase, estimated that there may be over one million hikikomori in Japan, or approximately 1% of the total Japanese population, but considering that hikikomori adolescents are hidden away and their parents are often reluctant to talk about the problem, it is extremely difficult to gauge the number accurately.

>> No.11398761
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A number of things;

1) The middle-class parents make a lot of money from industry, which allows them to house and feed their children indefinitely. There is no pressure applied on the young adults. Lower income doesn't really have this as young adults really don't have a choice; starve or work. Turns out going hungry is pretty good motivation for changing your lifestyle.

2) Mom and/or Dad can't recognize a problem arising and the young adult slides into withdrawal slowly. They also don't have the heart to pull the rug under his feet so they may learn to fend for themselves.

3) Kind of like the baby-boomers in America, Japan has a flattening economy that makes it hard for younger adults to get decent jobs where as older adults continue to work in the jobs they landed when the market was still fresh. Younger adults begin to think the system put in place by their fathers/grandfathers no longer work out, and the lack of clear life-goals makes them slip into social withdrawal.

long story short, they simply gave up and don't have much foresight.

>> No.11398770

>Turns out going hungry is pretty good motivation for changing your lifestyle.
Such a cruel, yet true statement.

>> No.11398771

The same happens here in Europe though. I'm well over my 30s and it's impossible for me to get a job.

>> No.11398801
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Same thing here in America, and most every other industrialized nation.

Old people are living too long, and the automation wave is beginning. This means there are few decent-paying, easily-accessible entry-level jobs. Any sort of entertainment can be had for free online (either legal or not, there are tons of options). The advantages of dating, having a family, and producing children are mostly antiquated.

In short, there isn't much to be gained by actually leaving your parent's house and entering the working world. In fact, given how much free time and leisure you give up, even high-paying jobs can be seen as seriously detrimental.

This is only going to get worse. See: The hamburger machine, 3D printing, (specific to the US:) upcoming boomer retirement waves, student debt levels, ridiculous medical costs, etc.

Why the fuck would anyone want to leave the warm confines of home in light of this? Living with my parents is nice, and I'll likely never be able to afford a home this nice anytime soon, not to mention how much more expensive it'll be to live alone.

>> No.11398806

Whats up dad?

>> No.11398809

I refuse to work because I don't want to pay taxes like social security. I'm not paying for these old fucks to live forever. It's going to be dried up by the time I'm of retirement age, so why bother?

>> No.11398810

Fear. If you are completely dependent on another person, what happens when they decide to cut you loose?

>> No.11398812

Mormons don't pay social security.

>> No.11398816

No, not Mormons, I mean Amish.

>> No.11398818

my parents are recovering meth addicts and still live off their parents. So I have to actually do stuff.

>> No.11398819

>it's cause
it is cause
its cause

>> No.11398824
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What happens when you get fired? What happens when your pension is seized by the government to refinance it's debt? What happens when you get slammed with medical bills that put you so deeply in debt you'll never escape? What happens when your field of specialty suddenly becomes rapidly outsourced or done by machines?

Everybody is dependent on something else, and there are high chances of something like cancer being the end of you. Why worry about that? 2 years of not working probably gives you the same amount of actual leisure and pleasure that 10 years of working would anyway.

Also, keep in mind how horribly unpleasant many jobs are. I work part-time in retail while I go to uni, unfortunately, and if I had to work there at any level full-time, I'd seriously consider suicide. Same with fast food. And those two sectors are the only ones that are growing in the US, while thousands graduate and enter the workforce every year.

Hell, if your parents make enough, they can probably give you an allowance that would net you more money than working for minimum wage.

>> No.11398826

Well, I was mostly thinking a bit ahead of it, like >>11398810 mentioned.
When getting old you just don't really want anymore to depend on your parents for several reasons, but here's where the joke begins.

I've been looking for a job for a long time now, it's impressive how employers are not willing to hire anyone that does not have X certificates, Y degrees and Z years of experience.
Most of my NEET bucks are usually fucking wasted on stuff like courses, transports, social things and stuff. That's ridiculous.

>> No.11398827

>Why the fuck would anyone want to leave the warm confines of home in light of this?

So when the time comes, you need to actually survive on your own. Your parents ARE eventually going to die, and even if they leave you money, the IRS will descend on it all like vultures.

The worst part is you have no idea when they are going to die. Both my parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 23 and at the time I was still NEET. Obviously, I no longer am because it simply isn't doable.

In some fucked up sense, I'm lucky to have it kicked into my head at an early(ish) age as if I was 30, 40 or even 50 and my source of income suddenly died off, I'd be fucked; No previous experience, no job history, no anything. You'd be unhirable and you wouldn't even know how to interact with other human beings at a work setting.

>> No.11398839

>What do you think is causing Hikikimori?

Okay, so you have two options:
1. A life of back-breaking labor
2. Stay inside and play videogames all day

Now which would you choose?

>> No.11398841

>if I was 30, 40 or even 50 and my source of income suddenly died off, I'd be fucked; No previous experience, no job history, no anything. You'd be unhirable and you wouldn't even know how to interact with other human beings at a work setting.
That would be me. Once my parents die I guess I'll just die too in the process.

>> No.11398845

Are you planning to kill yourself when that happens?

>> No.11398849

If you gained enough independence to live on your own, you'll be independent enough to figure something out when the shit hits the fan.

>> No.11398847

Because you need at least 2 god damn years of experience to work at a god damn best buy and they want a god damn degree on top of that.

>> No.11398848

>A life of back-breaking labor
I don't know where you live, but in most developed countries the majority of the workforce doesn't do much physical work at all. It might be soul-crushing but it's probably not back-breaking.

Also, working really isn't that bad. I like having things I've earned.

That's really sad. You don't have to be like that.

>> No.11398851

You have to start with a shit job like washing dishes or whatever McDonalds is looking for, and move up from there.

>> No.11398854

I'd rather wash dicks in the alley.

>> No.11398855

They look for two years of relevant experience, not two years of would you like fries with that experience.

>> No.11398857

Not really, I do enjoy living ironically. I think I'll keep at it until I'm really out of resources and then will die of starvation or something.

>You have to start with a shit job like washing dishes
Doesn't work anymore actually. I tried, but for obvious reasons they just hire younger people or emigres for that kind of job because they cost less. Not to mention the "you have too much qualifications for this job", that one always gets me.

>> No.11398859

They'll advertise for an ideal candidate but take people with less. If somebody's worked at the McDonalds for a year, you at least know that he at least satisfies the basic requirements of employability (shows up on time, won't randomly fuck off on you, not crazy).

>> No.11398860

That's not experience. You need experience of the job you're applying.

>> No.11398869

My blog:
I went to McDonalds the other day and a kid I graduated with that went to Cornell was working there. It made me feel better about myself.

>> No.11398874

>If you gained enough independence to live on your own, you'll be independent enough to figure something out when the shit hits the fan.

Like what? Guess what, if "The Happening" actually occurs, you'll be fucked whether you live with your parents or not, unless you live off the land indepedent entirely of any sort of functioning, advanced economy.

Also, the probability of your parents suddenely dying are relatively low. Not much higher than yours, unless they happen to work in a dangerous industry.

>> No.11398878

I became a 24 year old with no job ever because job interviews scare me. I had 2 job interviews when I was 19 and never got hired and I fear doing it again after all these years.

>> No.11398880
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this thread would be better with some anzuchang

>> No.11398882

In twenty years, McDonald's will just be a giant, automated vending machine with a handful of pothead technicians sitting around waiting for a hamburger to get stuck somewhere (which will happen about once a week). Everything will also run better without humans slowing things down. The price of hamburgers and food will become so goddamned low, that they'll feed entire cities per day.

Then in thirty, they'll just get rid of the technicians, as they have a higher failure rate than repairbots, cost less, and don't get high before work.

>> No.11398883

Are you me?

>> No.11398890

Because my mom doesn't count as a reference.

>> No.11398896
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In the 1960's everyone thought the the 1990's were the distant future (it IS 30 years later) and that we would have super humans, world war 3 and much advanced technology than we actually do.

Take that into perspective.

>> No.11398907

That's cause everyone was high on acid.

>> No.11398913

By then McDonalds will be doing delivery. If they haven't replaced the drivers with software by then, anyway.

>> No.11398915

Was he working alongside Mexicans and niggers too?

>> No.11398930
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Futurists are always off, but if you don't think there will be a point where the hamburger machine is a superior option to some greasy teenager, you are mistaken.

I can't wait for post-apocalyptic McDonald's future, though. Us peasants will merely scavenge for precious metals and old bottles and such to trade in at the automated Jewtronic Currency Converter in exchange for Shekelbux. No one knows how to farm anymore, or possess any useful skills so they all live around the McDonald's, the only reliable source of food. The wealthiest among us live in cities in outer space, and have left us with nothing but the McDonald's. They watch us, and laugh at us for amusement from time to time, and the Metals-for-McDee's is considered the humanitarian option, as they have much easier ways of harvesting the useful metals, but they all include getting rid of the poor, earth-stranded people.

>> No.11398932

Wait, is this the blog thread? Today was pretty nice. I went to help my cousin put in his car stereo and while I was stopped at a red light a little girl was staring at me and when I stared back at her she stuck her tongue out at me.

Then a few hours later the second youngest cousin sat across from me at dinner and made fun of how I ate and how much I ate. After that we went to the store and held hands while we walked to the back of the store for a drink. When we got back we sat on the couch and drank it together, taking turns drinking from the can. Once it was gone she put the can between her legs (under her sundress actually, pressing it right against her crotch) and said the cool can felt good. She then asked if I wanted it, and I said yes, so she gave it back to me. After that she snuggled up to me while we watched TV and then licked my face during a commercial break. I responded by licking her face like she did mine. She didn't seem to mind. Her skin tasted salty.

It seems like she's stopped rubbing her feet on my face and has instead shifted to licking me lately, specifically on my hands and on my face.

>> No.11398935
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Not exactly.

With the launch of the space shuttle to the moon, everybody in that time believed their way of life and technology was in the ``fast lane'' (just as much as we think ours is) and that the next biggest thing such as superhuman genetic modification, complex androids, flying cars and world war three was just around the corner. The truth is these things really take a lot of time mostly because of ethical, moral and financial issues, and our ideas of what the future will look like change a lot. For example if somebody invented robotic humanoid catgirls, they wouldn't be implemented tomorrow. They would go through several phases of acceptance which include but wouldn't be limited to public acceptance, laws and regulations, profitability and so on.

If you think robots will completely replace humans in the unskilled workplace it will be long after you are dead from starving in the streets because you are a 70 year old NEET.

>> No.11398937
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Cute kuroko pic, saved.

>> No.11398938
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I bet you wish zombies were real, huh?

>> No.11398939

Is it possible for you not to blog every single fucking day?

>> No.11398942
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Nuh. My ultimate dream is to live off of a huge inheritance, with things roughly as they are now.

I would die very early in a zombie apocalypse, and even if I survived, I wouldn't want to live for very long in such a terrible world.

>> No.11398943

That is not possible.

>> No.11398946

Why not? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.11398947


He's a NEET that's trying to molest his cousin, likely in his late 20's or early 30's.

I'm guessing he has autism.

>> No.11398948

I hope he hurries up and fucks them both so we don't ever have to hear from him again.

>> No.11398949
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, [Elysium]To.Aru.Kagaku.no.Railgun.EP23(BD.720p.Hi10P.AAC)[34371BA2].mkv_snapshot_20.03_[2013.07.24_19.34.36].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So zombies were a part of it huh? I knew I guessed right. People like you are more transparent than glass.

>> No.11398953
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this is probably the best book on the topic. the e-reader preview is rather paltry. they could have given it a better preview.

if it's requested, i'll scan the preface and translator's introduction. i don't have the time to scan the entire book.

>> No.11398954

Why would you wish that? It's not the girls' fault.

>> No.11398955

I'm not sure. There are lots of things wrong with me. For instance, I have bad asthma. My cousin asked the other day to squeeze my inhaler into my mouth for me. Her hands were almost too small for it and was barely even able to make the stuff come out. It did come out though, it just took a little longer than normal.

>> No.11398956

What the fuck is wrong with you that compels you to use /jp/ to blog about shit that is entirely irrelevant to whatever thread you're in?

>> No.11398958
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Part of what?

Stop being cryptic, my life is very difficult, saving copper wire for the McDonald's of the future.

>> No.11398964 [DELETED] 

Like I said, I'm not sure. I've been blogging on /jp/ for a very long while now, just not everyday.

>> No.11398965
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Is she really having anal sex in this scene?

>> No.11398967
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But if I answered you, the mystery would be lost, and it would be less arousing.

>> No.11398968

Can you get an actual fucking blog? Or keep one long-running thread in /ghost/ instead of dumping it into threads where it's entirely fucking irrelevant? Or at least self-reflect just a tiny bit and figure out why the fuck you even do what you do, even if it's "I'm an incorrigible attention whore"?

>> No.11398970


I'm interested in his story.

Creepy Cousin-loving anon, could you tell me the story, from the beginning?

>> No.11398975

I'd prefer if my posts weren't collected anywhere permanent, like on a blog or in a ghost thread. I guess I do what I do because I'm an attention whore. Like I said, this isn't the first case of blogging on /jp/, nor is it my first case of attention-whoring on /jp/.

Secondly I guess I do what I do because I really like my cousins.

>> No.11398973

Then you're enabling this insufferable blogging shit. Fuck off to Tumblr or something, where you and people like you can hear about his exciting daily exploits in one place.

>> No.11398974
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i need to know


>> No.11398977

>I'd prefer if my posts weren't collected anywhere permanent, like on a blog or in a ghost thread.
A personal blog is LESS fucking permanent than /jp/, because it's not archived by a pair of websites for as long as the archive will be around. You can close it wherever the fuck you like.

And why the fuck wouldn't you want people to read your fucking stories? You're fine with posting them all over the fucking place.

>Like I said, this isn't the first case of blogging on /jp/.
Each shitpost in /jp/ has been preceded by a thousand others just like it, but that doesn't make them any better.

>nor is it my first case of attention-whoring on /jp/.
So fuck OFF.

>Secondly I guess I do what I do because I really like my cousins.
You post irrelevant personal stories all over the /jp/ because you like your cousins. Flawless fucking logic.

>> No.11398978

If you don't like his posts then don't read them.

>> No.11398980

Fuck off and die, you insufferable attention-whore enabling shitstain. You and your fucking idiotic "no bully" friends reduced /jp/ to a complete fucking shithole for years.

>> No.11398981
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You think with a butt like that she DOESN'T take it in the rump?

>> No.11398982

>You post irrelevant personal stories all over the /jp/ because you like your cousins. Flawless fucking logic.

Actually, isn't this how things normally work? It's like someone posting about how much they like denpa in the denpa threads, or how much they like tea in the tea threads, or dolls in the doll threads. Unfortunately on /jp/ there is no cousin thread for people to post about how much they like their cousins, and loli threads are deleted quickly.

>> No.11398983


Please stop bullying him, this is probably the only place he feels safe telling these stories, and he trusts /jp/ enough with his heart to do so.

>> No.11398985

>Actually, isn't this how things normally work?
Posting off-topic shit in off-topic threads (when the topics aren't even the fucking same) is actually not the same as posting on-topic shit in on-topic threads, you immensely stupid fuck.

>Unfortunately on /jp/ there is no cousin thread for people to post about how much they like their cousins, and loli threads are deleted quickly.
I've heard it's possible through the use of the arcane arts to post in deleted threads.

>> No.11398987

pls no bullying

>> No.11398990

Why do you have a problem with shitposting in shitpost threads?

>> No.11398991

Maybe if he wants to blog he should get a fucking blog.

>> No.11398993

1. This wasn't really a "shitpost thread" to begin with.
2. Continual shitposting, even in "shitpost threads" breeds "shitpost culture" and stupid /b/-tier fucks who only come for random threads and shitposting.
3. Consistent, long-term attention whoring is much worse than the occasional off-topic discussion or shit . Nobody would give a shit about Sparky if all he ever did was make a shitty pot every week.

>> No.11398994
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Maybe you need a time-out. Why don't you go have a snack (some cake or cookies maybe) and make some tea, and try to relax? There's no need to get so upset about a thread on /jp/.

>> No.11398995

What's wrong with blogging in the blog threads?

>> No.11398997

Because blogging is fucking terrible and encourages other people to blog. Attention whoring is even worse than blogging, and they're not quite the same thing until you see the same person blogging about the same shit every single fucking day.

Maybe you need to kill yourself and take your blogging friends with you.

>> No.11399001
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, mybuttsore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like hearing about the daily lives of /jp/ers.

If your posts are a new, avante-garde version of shitposting, embodied in typing like an angry 16 year old, then bravo.

>> No.11399005

>1. This wasn't really a "shitpost thread" to begin with.
2. Continual shitposting, even in "shitpost threads" breeds "shitpost culture" and stupid /b/-tier fucks who only come for random threads and shitposting.
3. Consistent, long-term attention whoring is much worse than the occasional off-topic discussion or shit . Nobody would give a shit about Sparky if all he ever did was make a shitty pot every week.

1. This is a pretty shitty thread, and the replies are pretty shitty as well. It's a shitposting thread.
2. It's too late to worry about people coming to /jp/ to shitpost. Things have been this way for years now.
3. If people can tolerate one shitpost a week then I think people should also be able to tolerate one blogpost/shitpost from one guy everyday, especially when he's not even making threads for himself.

Why aren't you complaining about the constant anime spam?

>> No.11399007

>I like hearing about the daily lives of /jp/ers.
Then maybe you and your /jp/er friends should get fucking blogs and follow each other. Tokiko loved to use /jp/ to shitpost with his friends and organize his drug meetups, too. It didn't make those threads remotely on-topic, or not shitty.

>If your posts are a new, avante-garde version of shitposting, embodied in typing like an angry 16 year old, then bravo.
Not liking shitty off-topic blogging is "shitposting" now. In-fucking-credible. /jp/ never ceases to reach new lows.

>> No.11399011

I think you swear too much. Your posts don't make you seem very cute.

>> No.11399013


NEET life blogs are /jp/ related.

>> No.11399014
File: 35 KB, 333x500, 1368020021884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

parents who baby their kids too much causes this good life
i lived with my grandparents since i was very little and now i just stay in my room and watch history channel and play VN's. They yell down the stairs when dinner is ready, i go eat and get back to my stories or whatever it is that i do on a daily basis.
Life is good :)
I didn't choose the NEET life, the NEET life chose me

>> No.11399016

>1. This is a pretty shitty thread, and the replies are pretty shitty as well. It's a shitposting thread.
Lots of threads are shitty with shitty replies. The idol threads are frequently shitty with shitty replies. The Kancolle threads are frequently shitty with shitty replies. Touhou threads are frequently shitty with shitty replies. It doesn't make them "shitposting threads."

>Why aren't you complaining about the constant anime spam?
Nobody ever derails threads with anime spam. And at least random repost spam don't generally degenerate into circlejerking and attention whoring. Unless you stupid fucks pull the whole "I'm going to blog in this thread now since I don't like it" shit.

>3. If people can tolerate one shitpost a week then I think people should also be able to tolerate one blogpost/shitpost from one guy everyday, especially when he's not even making threads for himself.
I "tolerate" hundreds of shitposts a week. /jp/ abounds in them. It doesn't mean they're any good or that the posters making them aren't awful.

>> No.11399017

i'm genuinely interested in the hikikomori phenomena. there is not many resources for this type of information. i've also offered to share the book i've bought which is near impossible to find in ebook form just to broaden the discussion.

yet that's not going to happen since what we are witnessing is undeniable proof that this board is terrible, isn't capable of tame discussion on any topic, and doesn't even need to exist.

OP can you move the thread to /b/ so we can have a more mature discussion?

>> No.11399018

It sounds like you don't like /jp/ very much. Why do you even bother coming here if it makes you so angry?

>> No.11399020

Are you cute? If you aren't, why would you try to sound cute? If you are - well, you're pretty obviously not.

NEET blogging is arguably - but not very well - /jp/-related when it's about being NEET, but that doesn't mean that the shit you took this morning is on-topic just because you don't have a job.

>> No.11399023

No, I am cute.

>> No.11399021

Most of /jp/ is fine. What I don't like is fucking retards like you who swarmed /jp/ in 2011, drowned it in stupid blogging threads, and insisted that your stupid status updates were on-topic and everyone else should fuck off.

>> No.11399022 [DELETED] 

Their commercials: http://youtu.be/G8CeP15EAS8

>> No.11399026

Yeah, and I'm the President of the United States.

>> No.11399030

I've been blogging on /jp/ pretty much ever since it was created. I'm sorry you failed to notice.

>> No.11399032

About your daily pedophile adventures, or what?

>> No.11399034

>this board is terrible, isn't capable of tame discussion on any topic

You just need to look at on-topic threads. Tons of tame, on-topic discussion going on.

>> No.11399035


What if the poop was shaped like Cirno?

Now it's related to /jp/. I also wore my Marisa hate while pooping today, and after peeing, tucked my penis so I could feel like a girl as I wiped my butt.

>> No.11399041

Don't forget the NEET adventures.

>> No.11399042

if you think social withdrawal isn't related to /jp/ i'd say you're new here.

>> No.11399043

Wouldn't tucking and wiping your butt be very difficult? Also, doesn't tucking require something to hold it all in place - be it tape, panties, or glue? You can't just decide to tuck your penis like you can decide to close your eyes. There's preperation and execution involved.

>> No.11399044

Actual NEET "adventures" are rare events. I doubt you were making everyday updates to the same story like it was being serialized.

And even if you were you probably weren't dumping it threads where it had fucking nothing to do with the OP or anything in the entire thread.

>> No.11399045

This was a very poor-quality thread. Try again without the wacky YouTube personalities and random picture. You only get back what you put out.

>> No.11399046


My penis is about 2 inches when hard, so no. It's so small that I can put on a special pair of flesh-colored panties I invented with a picture of a vagina on it, and the bulge of my peepee just looks like a clit.

>> No.11399049

There's no reason to shit all over a thread because the OP didn't meet your quality standards.

>> No.11399051

NEET adventures may be rare to you but I go on adventures fairly often. I just went on a small adventure earlier tonight, and I went on one last night.

>> No.11399054

Did anything particularly extraordinary happen to you?

>> No.11399056

Sure there is, and that's it. Why do you think higher quality on-topic threads are so high quality? It's because OP spends the time to make at least a quality post that will spur discussion. They don't try to attract attention with an unrelated picture nor do they just post a YouTube link for apparently no reason.

>> No.11399056,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Sure there is, and that's it. Why do you think higher quality on-topic threads are so high quality?
Because the people in them aren't acting like retards.

>It's because OP spends the time to make at least a quality post that will spur discussion.
It's because people don't go out of their way to shit them up. Sometimes the very first post in the thread wasn't very interesting, but the fifth post is "high quality and spurs discussion" and suddenly the thread ceases to be fucking awful, or it would, if people didn't insist on continuing to shit it up.

>> No.11399056,2 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, actually. I discovered a brand of potato chip that tastes exactly like a brand of potato chip I used to eat as a child. I haven't had them in over ten years due to the manufacturer not shipping them nation-wide, so to discover these unassuming chips that taste the same as my favorite childhood chip is very exciting to me.

>> No.11399056,3 [INTERNAL] 

How exciting. Although almost all potato chips taste near the same to me.

There was a food blog thread earlier today, but you missed it.

>> No.11399056,4 [INTERNAL] 

There's actually a "loli thread" of sorts sitting around on page six with like five hundred replies on it.

>> No.11399056,5 [INTERNAL] 

Also I discovered that the Pleiades become visible in the sky at this time of year. It was like being reuinted with an old friend. They disappear over the west during the summer (you can see them if you go out early, but from where I am to the west is just light pollution) and reappear again during the fall. I was so excited to gaze up at the night sky and see those bright blue balls. It almost brought a tear to my eye. If you go out about an hour after nightfall you should see a small bunch of dusty blue stars that resemble the Subaru logo hanging low in the east-north-east sky.
