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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 700x525, Japanese-Dakimakura-love-pillows5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11389835 No.11389835 [Reply] [Original]

Dakimakura General

I just ordered a daki from moegallery.com. Anyone have any experience with them?

>> No.11389838

You goofed up.

>> No.11389853

Which one did you get?

>> No.11389855


>> No.11389873

You can still get the Misaki Nakahara one?
I've been looking for one for years

>> No.11389884


please don't tease me by posting a picture that is not even from the site with a daki ive been looking for. That is just too cruel.
My hunt goes on

>> No.11389890
File: 51 KB, 338x500, CGD2-60024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting on news from Amiami about my official Kobato daki

Should be sometime this week.

>> No.11389933

There's an official daki I want but it's slightly too lewd for my taste and I can't deal with it.

>> No.11390191

How woudl I attach a dildo to one?

>> No.11390197

I want to put my dick between her garter and thigh.

>> No.11390263
File: 130 KB, 538x800, vocaloid-hatsune-miku-body-pillow-case-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the UK where loli, etc is illegal. I really want to order this daki. Is this image particularly shota? I can't even tell, I just see 2D person, not the age. What do you guys think? Safe or not?

>> No.11390265 [DELETED] 

As long as it isn't a little girl you're fine.

>> No.11390270

It's shota as fuck but there's nothing illegal about it if he's not naked.

>> No.11390274

The image on the left might be considered sexually provocative though

>> No.11390279

Safe? The character isn't even nude.

>> No.11390280


>> No.11390281

I don't believe that's illegal.

>> No.11390284

Any image that depicts a "child" that has the intent to arouse or sexually stimulate is illegal

>> No.11390295

That's so cute :3

My boyfriend has bought much worse covers so you should be fine.

>> No.11390298

Oh, and we live in the UK if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.11390315
File: 627 KB, 1536x2048, P1010098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave every single day if you know what's good for you. You'll regret it otherwise.

>> No.11390317
File: 543 KB, 320x360, bc254a9b37b755e448d78a8879987e72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered a dicking from dickingsgallery.butts and I'm scared for when it's going to get here

also huge decal for my itasha

>> No.11390318

But have they featured lolis/shotas?

>> No.11390322

Yes, that one is incredibly tame in comparison.

>> No.11390332

No problem, enjoy it! :3

>> No.11390334

How do you have any room to sleep

>> No.11390327

Okay I think I'm going to order it, I don't really see the image as sexual (I really do just think its cute) so hopefully I should be fine! Thanks guys

>> No.11390356
File: 1.95 MB, 2048x1536, P1010014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely manage to keep them all on the bed every night.

>> No.11390379

I admire your dedication to Okuu. Please don't let her fall on the floor.

>> No.11390405
File: 222 KB, 768x679, P1010019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is my intention. She does not belong on the floor, or anywhere else other than her bed. I make sure to rotate every cover of her every night so that all of them gets an equal amount of loving.

>> No.11390422

I love the random bits of feathers she has all around her.

>> No.11390468

You should get one where she looks happy!

>> No.11390476
File: 1.74 MB, 2048x1536, P1010023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were up to me she'd be smiling on every side.

>> No.11390486

Oh Jesus, my heart

>> No.11390491
File: 1.53 MB, 2048x1536, SUC54261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dakimakura with A&J 2WAYトリコット fabric on last week.

>> No.11390507

If you have more to share please post them

>> No.11390536
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1536, P1010061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11390543

Oh God I want to hug that butt!

>> No.11390541

Oh come on, you can do better than chinese knockoffs.

>> No.11390559
File: 2.11 MB, 3664x2748, 1351740491262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How obscene...
Do you do lewd stuff to your dakis?

And I think I'm still not ready to take the next step and buy a daki.

>> No.11390594
File: 1.66 MB, 2048x1536, P1010064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rarely do lewd things with her. Most of the time I just like to cuddle with and hug her tightly because she is so soft and comfy and I love her so much.

>> No.11390613
File: 308 KB, 1000x741, 32393312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11390636

I was supposed to recieve my third one on friday. Apparently ``custom'' held it for two minutes so it had to be rescheduled to today. And today they decided that afterall monday was much better.

So much for EMS.

Eh, so you got your fourth one.

On shaving, my beard is soft enough so even after trimming it it never damaged the daki.

>> No.11390640

What inner pillow do you use?

>> No.11390696
File: 662 KB, 2048x1536, P1010084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of them are from D-stage, one is from Amiami and the fourth I don't even remember.

The fourth I've had for awhile now. I would have a fifth, if a preorder on Melonbooks hadn't suddenly mysteriously disappeared. I was not very happy about that at all.

>> No.11390718

I don't know if anyone else does something like this, but I always found it kinda difficult to sleep while holding a dakimakura, so what I started doing was propping it up sideways against the wall. I kinda snuggle up next to it and put my arm under it. Now when I wake up in the morning the first thing I see is her smiling face, it's great.

>> No.11390724

I sleep on my stomach with one arm around it, holding it against me.

>> No.11390752

I wish there were more dakimakura with arms. I'm used to my boyfriend hugging me so sleeping with a dakimakura just isn't the same. Still a great step up from sleeping all alone, though.

>> No.11390788

I don't often see dakis I want. The one exception was that Hemo Elis one. But I missed out because she ended up ruinously expensive.

I don't particularly understand why you'd get more than one. Don't they cease to be special?

>> No.11390927
File: 841 KB, 1324x2000, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my most recent one. It's material was listed as グラフィクロス. The tag says 80% polyester % polyamide. It feels very heavy and durable and the smoothness is not as great as A&J 2-way tricot but much better than Cospa's smooth-knit

>> No.11391221

What are some good sites for buying the inner stuffing? I was thinking janelee922 or HobbyHeart

>> No.11391881

>janlee922 or HobbyHeart
Try http://www.p80.co.jp/dp/goods/nakami_cushion/goods_nakami_c.htm

>> No.11392433

Were any of them stopped by customs though?

>> No.11392523

Where can I get a Yuno Gasai one other than moe gallery?

>> No.11394224

Here >>11390263 again.
I ordered it but now I'm shitting myself. I think I'm going to cancel the order.

>> No.11394236

Quit being such a pussy, nothing is going to happen.

>> No.11394251

UK is home to some of the most notorious pedophiles and pedophile rings
A lot of which either are or are backed by politicians.
The reason they banned loli was because it was ruining their business and cutting in to their profits since pedo's were content to jack to 2d. couldn't have that, no sir

>> No.11394265

But I am literally not a pedophile and I do not want to get charged as if I were one. I just think this cover is cute, but I don't want to risk life in prison for something cute.

>> No.11394269

Murca here. Dakis are safe to import here because as tangible art products with a use they can't easily be considered obscene materials. Not sure about the UK, of course, but I have never heard of a dakimakura being seized by customs... Anywhere.

There isn't even anything explicit on yours. You're fine. Don't pussy out.

>> No.11394270

How do you know?

>> No.11395679

little kids are cute.

>> No.11395685

I didn't know that Misaki dakimaku actually exists!

>> No.11395830

My favorite Touhou only has lewd ones and one deformed child version (not ZUN style)

>> No.11397198

I want to commission an image for a dakimakura. Anyone know any good artists?

>> No.11397409

How obscene are we talking.

I'm considering picking up a full nudity Oreimo one from hobby heart, but don't want to legally land in a world of shit.

>> No.11397492
File: 60 KB, 600x503, tnaxhh_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this one.

Link where?

>> No.11397535
File: 597 KB, 2592x1944, 6S7vBNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not ordering from hobbyheart
>not getting natural velvet
>not getting free shipping with low prices

>> No.11397707

Is natural velvet difficult to clean?

>> No.11397746
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1944, IMG-20130908-00078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it can be machine washed easily

it is also the softest fucking thing alive, in all the dakis i have ordered, official and non official, and the only thing i have yet to try is 2way tricot from hobbyheart. but trust me when i say, i used to not actually hug dakis while sleeping. now, i cannot go without natural velvet. people who buy non-natural velvet materials know nothing.

>> No.11397756

I've got a question for anyone who has a dakimakura, how long was it before you bought one? From when to started watching anime? And has anyone such as your family or friends found it and what was there reaction?

>> No.11397762
File: 107 KB, 1000x800, laughing touhous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice sheets, nerdlord.

>> No.11397765
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1944, IMG-20130908-00079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably 2-3 years, i didn't buy mine until i met someone else with one. then i saw the light of how much a daki can just be a utility, less-so than whats printed on it. shits nice to hug, yo.

my folks had been getting used to me buying all sorts of weeaboo shit for the last two years prior, like figs, magazines, mango, so to them this was no real shocker.

>> No.11397774
File: 47 KB, 337x500, CGD2-17184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a daki from amiami recently. dakimakuras are great!

>> No.11397787
File: 49 KB, 500x281, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11397815

I know how you feel. I just want a daki that isn't lewd.

>> No.11397857 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 900x675, dreamscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11397864 [DELETED] 

what a messy room!

>> No.11397865 [DELETED] 

Me on the right.

>> No.11397866 [DELETED] 

if I start a new ts server would you be onboard or would it just rot away like the old one

I was going to embed a thing on ap's "website" but negotiations failed

>> No.11397871 [DELETED] 

im in uni now living with my gf, i dont have time for you nerds anymore

>> No.11397941 [DELETED] 

I would let that guy destroy my pussy

>> No.11397958

Hobbyheart for bootlegs. Dakemakura has a few.

Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be very popular. In fact, it seems one or two of her covers are ONLY bootleg or Chinese doujin circle. I saw one of the artists on Pixiv and he hails from China, iirc.

>> No.11398003 [DELETED] 

Thats good, I was worried about you

>> No.11398089 [DELETED] 

Does ap really have a website

>> No.11399802 [DELETED] 

Should i buy one even when i have a gf?

>> No.11399808

Ask your girlfriend.

>> No.11399814 [DELETED] 

She said no. But i still want one. Do hobbyheart ship them to germany?

>> No.11399819


>> No.11399938

How can you sleep with that? If she were in my bed I wouldn't be able to resist dominating her tight slimy cunt all night long.

>> No.11400507

Except its a pillow that doesn't have a cunt fuckface.

>> No.11400513


>wanting cotton girls

LCDickgirl master race here

>> No.11400536

Is there someone here that has experience making them? I have an illustrator friend that would be willing to make the illustration, but can you reliably print on fabric yourself? (I should ask /diy/nosaurs, maybe)

>> No.11400551

this is what I imagine the typical /jp/ neet to look like

>> No.11400623

Tell her "Ich muss einen Daki kaufen weil ich ein massiv Faggot ist"

She'll know what it means

>> No.11400691

Still can't find a Dakimakura for Noriko Takaya or any of the other Gunbuster girls.

>> No.11401018

It's better just to pay someone to print it for you unless you can get your hands a printing machine. I know of no other way to get even, HQ printing.

>> No.11401190
File: 158 KB, 539x800, spice-and-wolf-holo-body-pillow-case-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am in the market for a dakimakura.

I have used hobby heart before to make a custom dakimakura but begging artist friends to vector designs for me was a headache so now I am leaning towards a premade design.

Any of you guys know of a good site for variety of pillows?

I want one of Holo from spice and wolf.

Also what makes a good filling? Last one I ordered on ebay went fucking flat after like 2 months of use in the center. (By use I mean just normal pillow use not anything lewd.)

I have heard bed bath and beyond pillow is nice but a bit on the small side.

>> No.11401205

>I have heard bed bath and beyond pillow is nice but a bit on the small side.

Mine is still going strong after 2-3 years. It's a good pillow, but it is small. There is a good chunk of missing space when you put your dakimakura on.

If you can overlook that, though, then it's all fine. Cheap, as well.

>> No.11401215

How does it feel compared to peasant peachskin class?

>> No.11401227

Hmmm they don't have the design I want but animedakimakurapillows has it... problem is the latter charges like 20 dollars more.

>> No.11401276

I've heard good things about Royalpillow too. Any idea how they are? How much they charge to ship?

I just really want a pillow that is nice and bulky as well as soft. I hate hugging a pillow that feels like an empty ghost.

>> No.11401509
File: 811 KB, 2860x1940, Koa daki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my third daki yesterday. It's the same as the first but this time it's an official. After sending ~10 emails to dakemakura in either english or japanese from several different emails I gave up and used a proxy.
Left is janlee, right is dakemakura. There's definitely more details but I didn't expect red hairs to look pinkish.

2waytricot isn't as fragile as people make it to be. In fact, out of peach skin, smooth knit and 2 way tricot peach skin was the most prone to tears.
And the difference in softness between them is noticeable.
Be it high quality pillow (p80)or high quality cover (2wt) they're worth it.

Japanese don't print themselves. They either pay a printing company or rent one for a couple of days every month.

Why is /jp/ buying from chinese thieves instead of buying dirrectly from the circles?

>> No.11401555

>I gave up and used a proxy.

How much did it cost, in total?

Also, that's Dragon, right? I'm pretty sure that's Dragon.

>> No.11401595

It's Dragon allright, best artist on dakemakura.

Used EMS. Used japan shopping serivce (proxy, not forward service because I'm lazy)
For the daki: total: 15368JPY (1st payment: 11500 yen Last payment:3868 yen)
for the pillow: total: 18127JPY (1st payment:9450 yen Last payment:8677 yen)
Grand total:33495JPY

>> No.11401597

>Grand total:33495JPY

Well, that crushes my hopes and dreams. I just can't justify spending that much.

Dragon is, indeed, the best.

>> No.11402212

>After sending ~10 emails to dakemakura in either english or japanese from several different emails I gave up and used a proxy.
What kind of problems did you have?

I've ordered from Dakemakura before, and they answer english email and ship directly to foreign addresses. It says so in the Q&A too.

>> No.11402214

They never responded to any mail I ever sent.

>> No.11402978

I kinda want that Nakahara misaki pillow.

Also velvet vs 2 way tricotta?

I hate peach skin it feels unatural as fuck to me when hugging.

>> No.11403530

If I get a custom daki made, can I just get a one sided one? Or does it have to be a picture on both sides? I don't really want a lewd side, and every Mio daki I find is far too lewd, or I just don't like the picture.

>> No.11403686


>> No.11403728

Tricotta is really, really smooth and more durable than velvet. I don't know how velvet feels exactly though.

>> No.11403750

Is it true that Dakis give you a great night sleep? I just might get one just for that.

>> No.11403789

its safe order on moegallery? accept paypal? i need a daki but i dont think moegallery or hobbyheart

>> No.11403980

Is there a reason these things are so incredibly expensive?

>> No.11403985

It's a niche market and people are willing to pay a lot for them.

>> No.11404042

>Want a daki
>Don't like any character that has a daki enough to buy a daki of them

>> No.11404058

"I want a daki, but I don't like any character that has a daki enough to buy a daki of them."

All you had to say.

Tomorrow we'll work on your obnoxious abbreviations, and I'll teach you how to use the copy and paste function if you struggle typing Japanese words.

>> No.11404059

Is there a purpose to this quotation?

>> No.11404062

They have normal pillows for faggots like you, you know?

>> No.11404064

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11404067


>> No.11404106

Jokes on you I wasn't on 4chan during 2010

>> No.11404256

Buy a regular body pillow then since it serves the same function.

Or did you mean you wanted a "daki" specifically because it's otacool, but don't actually consume otaku media to the point where you have fallen for a character? In such a case you don't deserve one, but at least you haven't bought one just for the sake of having one.

At any rate, please stop abusing the meme arrow function.

>> No.11404312

What even is the definition of "otaku media"

>> No.11404476

It's exactly what you think it would mean: media often consumed by otaku or characterized by a prominent otaku base. Generally anime, manga, and games, but also tokusatsu, idols, etc.

>> No.11404649

Okay, I know it's probably a cheap alternative compared to the genuine Japanese article, but does anyone know how good the custom dakis from Artscow are? I kinda want to make my own.

>> No.11404843

/r/inging some Saki Dakimakura

>> No.11404873


Fuck off Danny Chink.

>> No.11404874 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.87 MB, 1258x4000, 3312395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about getting one out of lust instead of love?

Otacool is usually meant as an insult on /jp/.

>> No.11405465 [DELETED] 

These threads always make me feel great about myself, thanks /jp/ may you stay around forever

>> No.11405742

Do you sleep on the floor or on a bed?

I sleep on the floor, and I find it more comfortable without a dakimakura. (but it's much more lonely)

>> No.11405881

I think mine is fucking up my back, to be honest, but it's very very comfortable and I almost always sleep with it`

>> No.11406015

It works wonders for me. The stuffing and covers matter a lot though. I have one cheap cover and one cheap pillow, but several high quality covers/pillows, and it really makes a difference in how fast I can fall asleep.

>> No.11406017

where's the bulge?

>> No.11406077


I love 4chan.

>> No.11406305
File: 116 KB, 600x873, 1374707274146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anywhere 'official'/reputable like HobbyHeart do a lewd Chiquita or Valmet, or am I going t have to design my own?

>> No.11406308

This is relevant to my interests.

>> No.11406567

>What about getting one out of lust instead of love?
Not my style (since I would end up getting too many). Besides, if I lusted after a character, I would read doujinshi of her or something. Love is better in the long run since it makes hugging her that much better.

It's a little embarrassing to admit, but I've had mine for years now and I still hug her and whisper sweet nothings to her every night. I wake up and kiss her good morning. It's a level of satisfaction (and possible autism) that's unmatched, I think.

Also, let's not forget, it's not as if love and lust are mutually exclusive.

>> No.11407047

What texture is natural velvet? Is it plush? Or like a T-shirt?

>> No.11407516

I have that one.
I got it since the game was one of my favorites.

>> No.11408286

So it seems like I can get the pillow and cover off Ali Express for ~$80.

The seller seems pretty legit and it's covered fully if anything goes wrong.

Anyone had a bad experience with them before I order this thing?

>> No.11408534

>I just can't justify spending that much.
Can't you buy that pillow locally, so that would save money?

>> No.11409033

Just ordered my first daki


Now suddenly terrified it's going to be ceased by customs, I'm going to end up on the sex offender register, and lose my career.

>> No.11409054 [DELETED] 

epic :)

>> No.11409057


Where do you live?

Hobbyheart actually does some nice things to help fool customs. They'll undervalue the price that they have to write on the label (you paid $40-$60, but it'll have $15 written in the value field), mark it as 'clothing', and mark it as a gift. There's nothing on the package to say it's from any business until you open up the lip, where it'll say something like 'Hobbyheart.com - Best Value Anime Store'.

>> No.11409061

Why the hell would customs care? This isn't even loli, and even if it was it probably wouldn't matter.

>> No.11409067

UK. But that's pretty cool to hear, shame it's shipping with the body pillow which I would imagine would raise suspicions (and yeah in retrospect was a dumb move).
Shitty oversensitive UK laws making it an offense for indecent/obscene/sexually suggestive pictures of characters who 'appear' under 18. Koko is ambiguous enough to toe the line.

>> No.11409072 [DELETED] 

So what did your mom say when she saw it?

>> No.11409076

I wanna order this one from hobbyheart


I like in GA, US. Is it gonna be a problem?

>> No.11409079


Nah, Oreimo is the south's favorite anime.

>> No.11409080


>> No.11409088

ha ha ha

>> No.11409096

Is there any reason why dakimakuras of older characters, let's say late '80s-'90s time frame, are generally impossible to come by?

When exactly did the "dakimakura boom" happen?

>> No.11409133

Why is HobbyHearts touhou section so garbage?

>> No.11409142

I'm guessing that it's mostly because of availability. As far as I know, the dakimakura business works mainly through Internet orders, but ordering things through the Internet was several times more complicated back then. As a result of the complications with availability, there was a lot less demand than there is nowadays which meant that less dakimakuras were made. I'd assume that it's a lot easier and cheaper to design and print dakimakuras nowadays too thanks to fancy technology.

Supposedly they started being popularized by a company called Cospa, which supposedly appeared in 1995.

This is all me assuming things, though. I could be wrong.

>> No.11409207

She has big boobs and a womanly figure. She definitely doesn't appear under 18.

>> No.11409735

That feel when no Oscar Francois no Jarjayes Dakimakura or The Major from GITS

>> No.11409790

*de Jarjayes

>> No.11409929
File: 90 KB, 765x1024, BAY8s2ECMAAPwHn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the illustration images and use arts-cow.
looks much better than the premade ones - here's mine

>> No.11410279

Requestng your images

>> No.11410291

le normie face

>> No.11410702

Reported for daring to show your disgusting face in my 2D wonderland.

>> No.11412207

That feel when cant decide between 2 way tricot and Natural velvet.

Also Hobby Heart just added a bunch of new designs.... FFFFFFFFFFF This one is too adorable.


>> No.11412213

is that you keith buckley
will you guys ever re-record gutter phenomenon

>> No.11412422

2000s, I think. Before that, they were extremely limited, much like figures.

>> No.11412426

That's cute! I want more dakimakura covers, but I feel I'm being unfaithful if I have more than one character.

>> No.11412495

because he doesn't look like shit?

>> No.11413382

Which one /jp/?

Yuno is more like my daughteru

Where as holo is holo

Still can't decide on material either.

>> No.11413411

she looks fuzzy

>> No.11413676

Get the one you love most. Try to get an official one or from a circle if you can.

>> No.11415720

It's going to be hard to choose.

Any input on material choice?

>> No.11415744

i like you hat, what is it called?

>> No.11415904

If you love Holo like a lover than go with Holo. Or just get both.

I would suggest 2-way Tricot. It's really soft and easy to put on the stuffing, though also a little delicate so do take care of it.

>> No.11415963

Last time I was at Mandarake, they had some extremely cheap dakimakura, too bad they were 2nd hand.

They had some brand new ones though. Bought a few.

>> No.11418301

Do you or anybody still have the images from this daki laying around? I can't find any high quality printable pictures of holo.

>> No.11418455

Oops found em

Is this big/high enough quality enough to print without looking like a mspaint drawing on arts-cow?



>> No.11419446

I bought 2 from hobbyheart and a bed sheet with tony taka print, the res on bed sheet was eh the 2 dakis were fine.

Only get peach skin or 2 way tricot, the other materials are not that great imo. If you want just ask through the support link to include some material samples, free of course.

Overall I prefer peach skin.

>> No.11419454

Would have been nice with the 7 stakes from Umineko as dakimakuras. Though I think I'd have to sleep on the sofa if I were to fit 7 in a bed.

>> No.11419771

I can't buy a daki because I live with my parents

Shit sucks

>> No.11419776

That never stopped me.

>> No.11419780

beat me to it, >>11419776

>> No.11419793

Do they see it? My room/house are puny.

>> No.11419804

I'm bashful

>> No.11419802

Yes. I make no effort to hide it.

>> No.11419815

You need to conquer your fears if you ever want to truly be happy.

But don't buy one if your parents will throw you out on the street over it.

>> No.11419858 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 640x480, 1379030857272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your when you only watch manly animes and keep that much a secret.
>tfw when you'll never feel a love so pure.
>tfw when when listening to IZ's "Somewhere over the rainbow"
;_; /jp/ hold me

>> No.11420039 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 765x536, 1357455868859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is it, /jp/?

>> No.11420074 [DELETED] 

I... uhhh.

>> No.11420274
File: 294 KB, 500x750, H2247 Bakemonogatari Shinobu Oshino Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this in 2-way tricot. I'm really excited. I put off buying the innards, though, because $60 seemed a bit high and I wasn't sure about the quality on hobbyheart.

Is there any chance of finding a suitable pillow in the US for a reasonable price, or is this something else that should be imported?

>> No.11420287

Heads up art-cow has 2 dakis for 25 promotion going on.

Free international shipping too

>> No.11420292 [DELETED] 

A tough one... I`m gonna go with the one on the right.

>> No.11420301 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 765x536, 1357445658019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11420342 [DELETED] 

Left one on this as well.

>> No.11420347 [DELETED] 

Where is the proof?

>> No.11420352 [DELETED] 

Inside me~

>> No.11420356 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 750x568, GehrazQuailmix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trick question
both confirmed4virg

>> No.11420379 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 750x582, 1379306887872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Drives, the other Rides. Which one is it?

>> No.11420389 [DELETED] 

Josh is so handsome.

>> No.11420408

Cute! I want it, but that would be cheating. For stuffing get a custom-made pillow and make sure to add a little extra so it fills nicely. You can usually choose the type of filling for maximum comfort. It was 55 bucks shipped for me if I recall correctly. A link can be found in the archives.

>> No.11420411 [DELETED] 

Thanks J.

>> No.11420420 [DELETED] 

no prob ;)
i run this show dont let those s-posters forget it

>> No.11420418

I dont want mothballs, weird insects, or lead paint on my products.

>> No.11420421

I wish I could find a character I liked enough to get a dakimakura of them
I just can't find that special someone

>> No.11420457
File: 1.51 MB, 2592x1944, IMG-20120216-00042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't even fucking compare
it may as well be GARBAGE

pic related, this is now useless to me

>> No.11420541

>that would be cheating
Why, because it's bootleg?

>> No.11420564

nice google translate nerd

>> No.11420566

More because it's a different character from the one I have, but yes, also because it's bootleg.

>> No.11420579
File: 32 KB, 500x362, 1378957156575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as it feels like the real thing, looks like the real thing, what does it matter?

>> No.11420587

It's about supporting the proper creators, anon. Buying bootlegs brings profit to people who are exploiting the work of others.

There are quality differences between official covers and bootlegged covers in print-quality and tenacity of fabric. There are also covers that go 160+x50. I don't think there are bootleggers who have that option, so it might look weird.

>> No.11420637

>It's about supporting the proper creators, anon. Buying bootlegs brings profit to people who are exploiting the work of others.

Laugh out loud.

>> No.11420663

Are you saying that doujin circles or official companies don't draw the art for their covers?

The point is that if you enjoy products from a particular subculture, it makes sense to bring money to the subculture that makes it, not to groups seeking to profit from their work. This is why I don't support J-List or Choo; they do not contribute to the culture in meaningful ways but instead steal from it.

>> No.11420664

So what do you propose? We just let all the pirates and forgers starve to death?

Great plan, anon. A+ humanitarian you are

>> No.11420667

Fuck off.

>> No.11420674

>The point is that if you enjoy products from a particular subculture, it makes sense to bring money to the subculture that makes it, not to groups seeking to profit from their work.

How pathetically naive and idealistic.

>> No.11420681

Wait, how does J-list steal from the industry exactly? If you want something from a given series, it's just another avenue to buy your shit. They pay licensing fees like anyone else.

>> No.11420682

Don't be mad because your plan lacks logic, compassion, sensibility or anything redeemable now that I think about it.

Enjoy your manufacturer mark ups! LMAO!!!

>> No.11420698

What does being an edgy cynic gain you? Are you willing to put up with inferior quality goods just to save money? A model like that is generally not sustainable in the long run.

It's pretty basic, actually. If you love something, support it. That's how cultures grow. The very existence of fan culture is evidence of that. It's how independent artists survive.

>Wait, how does J-list steal from the industry exactly?
Peddling goods to an ignorant base at stupid markups whilst capitalizing on the novelty of foreign culture and ultimately misrepresenting it. It's cheaper to just buy it from the makers or local distributors themselves. Also, the owner is an asshole.

>> No.11420706

Those are all valid reasons to not use J-list or to hate it, but they don't make it a non-contributing part of the industry. Many people who buy from J-list are not involved enough to figure out ordering stuff from Japan.

>> No.11420720

>Many people who buy from J-list are not involved enough to figure out ordering stuff from Japan.
Since when is ignorance a good justification for anything?

>they don't make it a non-contributing part of the industry.
They contribute to sales, so my words are due to my bias and they're wrong. However, I still think they perpetuate a system that encourages the ignorance mentioned above. I also don't like how they push for "novelty" over actual interest, but that's a business decision. I just don't agree with their business angle. I think it's harmful in the long-run by presenting something people genuinely care about as a mere cultural novelty.

It's encourages the kind of "I'm so perverted XD" or "wow japan so CRAZY" shit I'm so tired of. At least, from what I've seen of their ads to what's posted here from their FB page, this seems to be the case.

>> No.11420723

Also, I should note that by "stealing" I at least partially meant the misappropriation of cultural symbols. In this way, the Japanese government is just as guilty of trying to cash in on trends overseas, notably dealing with otaku culture. This is why I mentioned Choo. It's not a new idea. Takashi Murakami has stated something similar.

It's why Moegallery rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.11420735

I really hope you are young enough to grow out of your faggotry

>> No.11420739

The anime industry is a pretty superficial one to begin with. It's intensely profit-oriented and merchandising everything to the maximum is expected. J-list is no different from any anime company that plasters their characters on as many towels and train pass holders as they can. It's about as far from high culture as you can get. I don't really know what you expect here.

>> No.11420755

>What does being an edgy cynic gain you?

Cheap and affordable goods at near-quality.

>Are you willing to put up with inferior quality goods just to save money?

Yes, as I am not a retard.

>A model like that is generally not sustainable in the long run.

I don't give a fuck. I'm not the one running the business, and in the off chance that they do close down, someone else will be along shortly to fill in the vacuum. That's how businesses work.

Also, I am laughing at your pathetic justifications.

>> No.11420771

It's simple: one produces that culture I consume and one doesn't. It's a matter of principle more than anything. I don't particularly care about high/low culture dichotomies. I just like what I like and I want that to continue. I don't feel that J-List contributes positively to the culture at large beyond (what I would think is marginal) profits. I feel the same way toward services like Crunchyroll. Further, it obfuscates the fact that there are better alternatives.

>J-list is no different from any anime company that plasters their characters on as many towels and train pass holders as they can
There was a time when that wasn't so ubiquitous. Wouldn't you want to avoid that when you can?

>Cheap and affordable goods at near-quality.
Debatable. There's a point of diminishing returns in cutting quality for cost. This point is usually breached by bootleggers. Case in point, look at bootlegged figures. Further, most aren't even that much cheaper since they are trying to turn profits, after all.

>>Are you willing to put up with inferior quality goods just to save money?

>Yes, as I am not a retard.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you know.

>> No.11420789

>There was a time when that wasn't so ubiquitous. Wouldn't you want to avoid that when you can?
You mean pre-90s? Before I was born? I enjoy collecting goods and shit a lot. That isn't going to change.

>one produces that culture I consume and one doesn't.
The majority of the companies involved in the industry don't create media. Good smile company and cospa don't make new ideas, and companies like amiami or hobbysearch don't even create goods. Do they get a free pass just because they're Japanese? You say you don't like that they produce nothing, but it seems like your issue is mostly because they target foreigners. That's a stance I just can't understand.

>> No.11420804

>Debatable. There's a point of diminishing returns in cutting quality for cost.
Indeed. Since I have a dakimakura (or two) of bootleg quality, I can safely vouch for their quality. They are sublime, while being cost-effective. Thus, they are superior to originals, which are of equal or very near quality, while being extraordinarily expensive.

>Case in point, look at bootlegged figures.
Irrelevant. We are talking about dakimakura.

>Further, most aren't even that much cheaper since they are trying to turn profits, after all.
>Our Price: $40.00

These two were copied directly from this thread. It's obvious I could go elsewhere and find similar pricing.

The average original dakimakura cost around $150ish. 150 /=/ 40.

>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you know.

I wouldn't know. You might have to give me some lessons, on another date.

In conclusion; fuck off, retard.

>> No.11420838

Well this thread turned to shit in a hurry.

>> No.11420864

>The majority of the companies involved in the industry don't create media. Good smile company and cospa don't make new ideas, and companies like amiami or hobbysearch don't even create goods.
One, some of those companies make goods, and two distribution companies, especially ones close enough to effectively market together (i.e. promotions) makes them valuable to the industry overall by generating more money for it. There's also the issue of it being intimately part of the fan-culture.

>it seems like your issue is mostly because they target foreigners.
Not necessarily. It's *how* they target foreigners that bothers me. I don't mind media localizers, for example, because they (usually) don't push this "novel" image of subculture.

Besides, the companies that you mentioned have been targeting overseas very heavily in recent years. I don't have issue with that.

>Irrelevant. We are talking about dakimakura.
I have been talking about nothing but principles since the start of this argument evidenced by your own comment about my idealism, you fucking idiot.

>Our Price: $40.00
It's $60 for 2way.

>The average original dakimakura cost around $150ish
A trip to amiami yields prices that are from roughly 90-120. Doujin circles depend, but "average" is not 150. Assume you pay double; it's going to the creators (fan or otherwise).

> I can safely vouch for their quality
And if you look even a little bit you'll find people saying that official dakimakura are of better quality all around and come in sizes that bootleggers do not accommodate. They also have a greater selection.

But whatever, this argument will go nowhere anyway because once again, I am talking about principles. My entire fucking argument has been that it's better to support the culture even if it means paying more instead of settling for inferior goods at a discount.

>> No.11420878

J-list and Danny Choo both work fairly closely with Japanese companies. They have to, as distributors. Hell, Choo hosts (used to host?) that amiami web show even.

The average anime consumer isn't savvy enough to go look for Japanese websites and deal with them. That's not a simple matter of ignorance, it's a matter of motivation and comfort zone. They like dealing with American distribution centers and American prices. You can hardly blame companies for trying to seek out that market. Just because they aren't appealing to you doesn't mean they don't have a valid reason for existing or a demand for their services. There's a reason why, for example, many popular anime still get dubs, even though no "serious" anime fan would be caught dead watching anything other than subs.

>My entire fucking argument has been that it's better to support the culture even if it means paying more instead of settling for inferior goods at a discount.
And you fucked up by bringing in J-list or Choo, who are both fundamentally different than these Chinese bootlegging sites. That's the issue I have with your argument.

>> No.11420880

>I have been talking about nothing but principles since the start of this argument evidenced by your own comment about my idealism, you fucking idiot.

Which was, in turn, sparked from a discussion about dakimakura, in a dakimakura thread. Please do try to keep up, lackwit.

>It's $60 for 2way.

Which is still significantly cheaper than an original. Please prove my point more.

>A trip to amiami yields prices that are from roughly 90-120. Assume you pay double; it's going to the creators (fan or otherwise).

Are we teleporting these things directly to our residence, free of charge? As to your second "point;" I couldn't give less of a shit.

>My entire fucking argument has been that it's better to support the culture even if it means paying more instead of settling for inferior goods at a discount.

And mine has been laughing at you for your idiotic idealism. If you need to feel like you're "helping" to justify your idiotic ludicrously exorbitant purchases, then hell, go right ahead. Whatever floats your pathetic boat.

>settling for inferior goods

>> No.11420893

that feel when you piss away perfectly good money importing box sets on impulse

>> No.11421140

Why haven't you guys just moved to Japan yet

>> No.11421164

That's what happen when crossboarder somehow think their opinion isn't utter shit.

Hey retard, fuck off of /jp/.

>> No.11422736

>RDC !I2c10LTFlo
>That's what happen when crossboarder somehow think their opinion isn't utter shit.

Kill yourself, tripshit.

>> No.11425090

C-can we talk about dakis again?

>> No.11425107

I wish I could fine a really good artist to draw one of my waifu...

>> No.11425132

I don't see the big deal of buying bootlegs dakis. If I can't find the picture of character I want, why shouldn't I pay for a similar product, even if if it's bootleg? Also, don't tell me you've bought every single manga and anime you've read/watched. As long as I can get my chinese cartoons for a low price and it's of good quality, I don't give a fuck about contributing to the creators. If I lived in Japan and these goods were more widely available I wouldn't mind buying them directly from them.

>> No.11425145

Same. Western/tumblr artists are disgusting but I can't speak Japanese. Anyone have any advice for commissioning? Did you contact pixiv artists or dA/tumblr artists?

>> No.11425161

Find one whose style you like and then ask the artist. I remember someone on /jp/ doing a similar thing and it costed him ~600USD if I'm not mistaken(which I'm almost sure I am).

A lot of artists on pixiv will take comissions since it's a source of revenue.
Of course that would require comunicating in japanese, money and an artist you like.

>> No.11434498
File: 88 KB, 462x615, Sora (Junonia coenia).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me own, with a little friend.

>> No.11434597

>I don't give a fuck about contributing to the creators
Money incentivizes further creation. Also, if Japanese makers saw interest from overseas, they might try to accommodate them.

In some cases it can't be helped, but if you can get it from the circle, get it from them. These are fans making goods for other fans. If it was a huge company, I wouldn't really care, but doujin circles do this stuff on their own time and money so it's nice to support them if you like their art.

>> No.11434617

You talk about official dakimakuras and then doujin dakis in the same breath, but these aren't the same thing. The official dakis made for a given series are produced and distributed in a method that is anything other than amateur.

>> No.11434628

If I used "official" I shouldn't have. I meant something along the lines of "proper" or "non-bootleg." I mean, if you can get an official one, that's cool too because it goes into the larger industry, but the relative impact of that is much weaker than that for doujin work.

I'm only on here really late at night so my head isn't always so clear. My heads not that straight regardless.

>> No.11434636

I don't think most people here are interested in doujin dakis, which would have to be either copyright stuff (which is taking money from the official daki creators) or original stuff (which most people have no interest in).

>> No.11434643

There's a lot of people who buy doujin dakimakura, either because the official one doesn't exist (see also: every Touhou Project character ever) or they just prefer the art.

>> No.11434644

>I don't think most people here are interested in doujin dakis, which would have to be either copyright stuff (which is taking money from the official daki creators)
I would say most dakimakura covers purchased are doujin. That's how they started after all.

It's not the copyright that I care about, it's just the work of the people who make these things. Someone sat down and drew out the cover and printed it for other fans. If he didn't do that, that would be one less dakimakura cover. Giving him a little money is like saying "hey, keep up the good work."

>> No.11434648
File: 43 KB, 490x700, 688e9b7a88ff388db0baaba4836e50fecf0cd69d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what did your parents say?

>> No.11434653

That's true, I didn't think about Touhou. Still, I don't see how that's much better than the Chinese company doing the same thing. Unless there's something I'm missing here (do they steal art?)

>> No.11434664

She came, she came she came she came!!!! Oh god, she's so PRETTY.

I will send pictures perhaps when I get my phone in working order tomorrow or so I hope

>> No.11434670

Nothing. The second day I had it, my mom came in to tell me something when I was sleeping. She saw it and didn't say anything, just told me whatever it was she needed to tell me. I was a bit worried how she would react at first, but she's pretty cool with all my hobbies.

I don't know how typical this would be though. I know some people have some real asshole parents.

>> No.11434689

>(do they steal art?)
Yep. Sometimes, they need to touch it up because they're working with a low-res source, but practically all the covers on Chinese sites are lifted.

>> No.11434714

>I will send pictures (read: attention whore) perhaps when I get my phone

Normaltrash go.

>> No.11435350

What if there's no official Dakimakura of your waifu and the only doujin one is lewd AND shared with another character on the back?

I just commissioned someone on dA and printed the cover, I wish I could show it but I don't have a camera.

>> No.11435422

Fuck off

>> No.11435426
File: 613 KB, 1600x2400, 44320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11435431
File: 866 KB, 2400x1600, 44321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11437246

I placed an order with hobbyheart on Sunday night (5 days ago) and there's been no activity whatsoever since then. I wasn't given a specific time frame for my order, but their FAQ says custom designs take 5 business days to get printed. Mine wasn't a custom (unless all of their designs are "custom"), so how long should I expect this to take? Do I need to bug them about it?

>> No.11437324

Nice tits. Would grab in a crowded room.

>> No.11437347

Yeah, not to mention that pair the one on the left's got! haha!

>> No.11437357

I get it...haha.

>> No.11437364

Nigga looks retarded. Girl looks like a whore. Why do these people insist on leaving their house?

>> No.11437371

Doujinshi aren't official.

>> No.11437375

It's still draw by an artist who will not get money if you just print a bootleg.

>> No.11437381

This is true, but I don't see how it has anything to do with the post you replied to.

>> No.11437386

my down pillow keeps poking me im looking to buy a nice pillow in the us that fits any suggestions someone mentioned roayalpillow but im not sure about the quality

>> No.11437390

Woops. I'm in the wrong thread.

>> No.11437394

mine took like a week and a half dont worry about it

>> No.11437561

Ok, thanks. I don't mind waiting, but I was just concerned that there was some kind of issue.

>> No.11437607

no problem, what fabric did you get? i got the 2way and its super soft but my down pillow kinda killed it so i need to get a new pillow and another daki

>> No.11437669

I got the 2-way, but didn't buy a pillow yet. Do you know what would be the best option? My plan was just to go to target or something and get a body pillow.

>> No.11437718

i never noticed the 20x60 in size in target or even bed bath and beyond. www.royalpillow.com has them for a good price, but im not sure about the quality the feather/down one i got from amazon for $50 is poking holes in my cover

>> No.11437746

So you're saying their down/feather ones poke through the cover? How is the fit with a 20x60? Hobbyheart says they're 50x150 cm, so there's a slight discrepancy there.

>> No.11437778

yah if i get another one its going to be 100% down or whatever the other non feather fill stuff is polyester something. the pillow itself was the right size 20X60 inches is pretty close to 50X150 cm

>> No.11441124

It's even better if you get a cosplay outfit and put it on the pillow, then you can actually feel the outfit against yourself, it's amazing.

>> No.11441143

20x60 inches = 50.8x152.4 cm
It'll just make it imperceptibly pomfier.

>> No.11441151

